Textured plaster how to apply. How to make textured plaster: step by step instructions. Patterns, embossing, roller textures

Textured plaster is widely used as a finishing coating for the facades of houses and walls in enclosed spaces. It provides the surfaces not only with high aesthetic qualities, but also protects them from external influences. The level of this protection directly depends on the technical characteristics of each specific composition.

In this article, you will learn how to make and apply different mixtures yourself. You can also get acquainted with mixtures of different types and watch a video about textured plaster.

Making mixtures with your own hands

Almost any textured plaster can be made independently. The only exception is mosaic mixtures.

Production of textured compositions such as bark beetle and lamb

In principle, the finished composition can be taken as a basis, dry or in the form of a mixture. It can be cement, cement-lime, silicate, acrylic, gypsum or gypsum-lime plaster. The choice is based on your needs: for facade or interior work, for dry or wet rooms, etc.

There is no specific recipe here. Just take a package of the finished mixture and dilute it according to the instructions. Next, we introduce a filler - stone chips. The amount of the latter will have to be determined empirically. We start with 1 kg per 10 kg bucket. We try to apply it on some flat surface, if we see that the texture is inexpressive, we add more. If the textured decorative plaster in the end turned out to be too thick, dilute it a little.

Textured plaster for walls: the photo shows an example of a finish with the optimal amount of filler

And now as for the nature of the filler. The type of stone is not important here, the fraction of grain is more important. A crumb with a diameter of 1.5 to 3.5 mm goes into the bark beetle. For interior decoration, it is better to take a grain of up to 2 mm, a larger one is suitable for facades. A mixture of stones of different fractions, from 1.5 to 3 mm, goes into the lamb. How to apply textured plaster - you can watch the video in the next section.

Note:mosaic textured plaster at home can not be created. This is due to the characteristics of acrylic resins used in such compositions as a binder. In a wide sale, you can only find acrylic for creating artificial stone, but it won’t work for us.

Relief wall plastering: photo of the “lamb” coating

Textured mixtures based on putties

Textured plaster from ordinary putty successfully imitates expensive Venetian mixtures and "marbled". The basis of the composition can be any, at your discretion. We choose it according to the same principle as described above for bark beetle and lamb. As a filler, we use sifted white sand in the proportion of 1 kg of sand per 10 kg of putty. Tinting is done "by eye", you just need to check with the seller whether it brightens or darkens when it dries.

Textured plaster in the kitchen: finishing based on putty

The type of texture that can be obtained using such a composition depends on the application technique - we will talk about it below. Textured plaster from ordinary putty requires a top coat - it provides the missing visual effect. The recipe for this is:

  • Wax for decorative plaster - 1 part.
  • Water or other suitable liquid, depending on the type of wax - 10% by weight of the latter.
  • Metallized or pearl color - 30% by weight of wax.

Roughly speaking, if we take 1 kilogram of wax, then we need 100 g of water, and 300 g of color.

How to make textured plaster: video of making and applying the finish coat.

Types of textured plasters for facade and interior work. Application technology

For internal and external work, almost the same set of compositions is used. The exception is Venetian textured plasters, which are used only indoors.

Textured plasters for outdoor use

For finishing facades, mixtures of the "bark beetle" type are very often used. They are so named for the resemblance of the finished coating to the wood spent by the carpenter beetle. The filler contained in the mixture, when applied, forms many short grooves on the surface, similar to traces of the activity of a beetle. The width of the tracks depends on the fraction of stone grain (from 1.5 to 3 mm). The nature of the pattern is determined by the nature of the movements of the trowel during finishing. It can be crosshairs, circles or rain.

Textured plasters for exterior work such as bark beetle are made on the basis of cement, cement with lime, liquid glass and acrylic. The first two options are suitable for any type of foundation, have a long service life and are cheaper than others. The disadvantage is the tendency to cracking if applied incorrectly, a lot of weight, a small selection of colors. Liquid glass and acrylic are more plastic, hydrophobic, have a wide color palette. Minus - high price.

Textured decorative plaster: photo of facade decoration with pebble composition

Note:textured lamb and pebble plasters are made on the basis of the same materials as bark beetles. There are differences only in the nature of the filler - the stone grain in the lamb is of various sizes, and in pebble mixtures it is more in quantity.

Another type of textured plaster for outdoor use is mosaic. The surface is slightly rough, looks like an agglomerate of stone chips, monophonic or multi-colored. The filler here is marble, granite or other stone grain, natural color or painted. As a binder - acrylic resins. The finished coating is resistant to atmospheric manifestations and operational loads. Most often, mosaic mixtures are used to finish the plinths of houses, less often - for walls.

Mosaic decoration of the facade

Textured plasters for interior work

The above-described mixtures such as bark beetle, lamb and pebble are also used for interior decoration. In private houses and apartments - for corridors, kitchens and utility rooms. In offices - in corridors and other places with high operational load. Mosaic compositions are used only in offices. The fraction of stone grain of all mixtures here is finer, within 2 mm.

More often, marble and Venetian textured plasters are used for interior decoration. These are thin-layer coatings with high decorative qualities, suitable for both walls and ceilings. They are resistant to moisture, cracking, have a wide color palette, allow you to create interesting patterns on surfaces. Here you can use textured rollers for decorative plaster.

Decorative plaster: types of textures of "Venetians" will allow you to decorate the interior in historical styles

Bark beetle application technology

We put small portions of the working solution on the trowel with a spatula and apply it to the walls with a quick long movement. The pressing force on the trowel should be small, only so that the movement of pebbles is felt at hand. We work without delay, in one step we cover an area of ​​​​1-1.5 m 2.

Note:after each wire of the trowel along the wall, a small amount of the so-called "milk" will remain on the tool, a mixture with a filler missing in it. This residue is immediately thrown back into the container with textured plaster and interferes with the total mass. It is impossible to apply this milk immediately from the trowel to the wall, since this area will not receive the desired texture in the future.

Applying mortar to the wall

Next, smooth the solution. Here, again, milk will remain on the trowel. We already throw it into a separate bucket - this is waste unsuitable for further work. The photo below shows the area of ​​​​the smoothed solution and the amount of milk collected on the instrument.

Leveling the wet pavement

We leave the smoothed surface to dry for about 10 minutes, and then proceed to create the texture using the same trowel:

  • Rain - movement of the tool strictly vertically.
  • Crosswise - first vertically, then horizontally.
  • Curves - in a semicircle, in different directions.

Applying an invoice

There is another way to grout embossed plaster with your own hands: the video below talks about the mechanized method of applying texture.

Application of lamb and pebble textured plaster

Here the technology will be the same, so we combined both finishes into one subsection.

  • On the trowel we throw 3-4 spatulas of the working composition.
  • We apply the plaster on the wall with long movements, slightly pressing the tool. At one time we cover an area of ​​​​1m2.
  • Smooth out the applied material. We return the milk accumulating on the trowel to the wall or throw it into a bucket. This should be done until the plaster no longer remains on the tool.
  • We immediately apply the texture - with short movements in an arc.

How to apply textured plaster: lamb finishing video.

Wall decoration with Venetian plaster or its imitation

Under thin types of textured finishes, preliminary puttying is required. The walls should be perfectly smooth, without scratches, cracks and shells. It is also necessary to apply a deep penetration primer. It should be colored in the same color as the future plaster.

  • Apply the second layer, in short rounded strokes. It must be very thin, so it is necessary to constantly remove excess mortar from the trowel.
  • We take a foam roller and roll out the applied material with it.
  • We wait about 5 minutes and rub the surface of the wall with a clean trowel or a wide spatula - we do ironing.
  • We process the dried finish with colored wax.

Do-it-yourself application of textured plaster: video of wall decoration under sandstone stone. The working composition is ordinary putty.

Note:on the dried surface, before further waxing, apply a deep penetration primer. So you improve the adhesion of the compounds to each other.

Tools used when applying textured plaster

The default set will be:

  • Trowel 35-40 cm long - she is doing the bulk of the work.
  • Spatula-assistant - serves to throw the solution on the trowel or on the wall, depending on the situation.
  • Wide spatula (40-50 cm) - used for ironing Venetian plasters.
  • Drill with mixer nozzle.

There are many options for decorating houses and apartments. Currently, the market for building and finishing materials offers the widest range of solutions for pasting and wall cladding. These include all kinds of tiles, panels and stripes, wallpaper, etc. However, you can create a truly original and interesting interior at no extra cost only with the help of textured plaster. Understanding how to make textured plaster is easy. There are many different ways to apply it and further decorate it, so you can create the interior that you want. Do-it-yourself textured plastering of walls is carried out without any special difficulties and problems.

Small irregularities in the wall are hidden by textured plaster.

Features of working with textured plaster

Textured plaster, which is also structural and Venetian, is a heterogeneous viscous composition of white color. It contains an astringent and granules of different fractions. Textured wall plastering allows you to create coatings with different degrees of graininess, rough texture, rich color palette. You can make textured plaster that will mimic the texture of stone, wood, and other materials.

Textured plaster allows you to create coatings on the walls that have a different degree of graininess, a rough texture, and a rich color palette.

Textured wall plaster does not limit your imagination. For example, you can add a special fine-grained material (the so-called "bark beetle") to the mixture and decorate the surface to look like wood eaten by the beetle of the same name.

Textured wall plastering can be done inside and outside the room. For do-it-yourself exterior wall decoration, it is best to use a mixture that contains calibrated granules. Interior decoration is traditionally performed using plaster containing small unsorted granules or granules of various fractions.

Coating with coarse calibrated filler is applied using a special float or trowel. The plaster layer, however, should not exceed the dimensions of the contained granules. Textured plastering of walls using a material with a mixed filler is carried out using a trowel and a roller. The spray technique is also used. In this case, the order of application depends on how thick the mixture used is.

Fine-grained compositions are liquid solutions prepared on the basis of lime. They are easier to work with. You can apply such plaster with a vacuum cleaner or roller.

When working with textured plaster, you need to imagine the desired result and implement it correctly.

Having decided on how the finished wall plaster will look like, you can start preparing tools and materials for work.

Textured wall plaster is exposed to moisture and dust, so it is not recommended to use it in the kitchen.

If such compounds are used to finish the bathroom, then the finished coating must be protected by polymers or varnishes.

Textured wall plastering is performed on a properly prepared surface.

First of all, the wall must be leveled and primed: it is recommended to use a deep penetration primer.

After applying the primer, the wall must be allowed to dry.

There is such a textured plaster that can be applied to walls with slight irregularities. However, if there are significant irregularities and level differences, they must be eliminated.

Textured wall plastering is performed using the following tools:

  • plumb and rules;
  • trowels;
  • building level;
  • a set of spatulas of different sizes;
  • angle spatula;
  • graters.

Base coat application

First, a uniform layer of plaster of the required thickness is applied over the entire wall or a separate section of it. At this stage, a trowel is used. Small errors are allowed. It is very easy to find out the required layer thickness. Determine the approximate thickness of the future drawing and add to this value at least 1.5 mm of the thickness of the solution that should be under it.

Practice on a small area before filling the entire required surface. So you can choose the optimal thickness of the plaster layer and the order of drawing.

Textured wall plaster dries long enough so that you can safely apply the desired pattern. If an ordinary cement-gypsum or cement-sand mortar is used, it is necessary to clearly consider your actions before starting its application and divide the wall surface into several sections, which will be finished gradually.

Step-by-step instructions for adding an invoice

The drawing technology differs depending on which tool will be used and what result you want to get.

You can add texture with a roller. An ordinary tool with a pile will do. With it, you will apply a unique pattern to the surface. If desired, you can additionally draw a spatula on top to smooth the finish a little. You can use rollers specially designed for working with textured plaster. Such instruments already have an ornament and pattern. It is enough to pass the roller once along the height or length of the surface. You can apply multidirectional strokes to create a fragmented ornament. The use of a roller can significantly reduce material consumption.

Textured wall plaster is often done using stamps. On the working surface of such a tool there is an ornament or pattern. It must be attached to the wall and pressed so that the pattern is transferred to the plaster. During work, you will need to clean the tool from adhering plaster and moisten it with water quite often. As a rule, such stamps come with soft rubber options that allow you to finish the ornament in narrow areas of the surface.

Textured wall plastering can be done with a trowel, as well as various brushes and spatulas. An ordinary spatula allows you to turn the surface of the wall into a real work of art. The easiest way is to decorate the surface under a natural stone. To do this, you need to move the spatula in arbitrary directions, giving the surface a free shape. You can slightly deepen the spatula into the plaster, creating smooth stripes of varying depths. Work with brushes and trowel is carried out in a similar way.

Textured plaster itself has a white color, and if necessary, it is painted with colored pigments, paints or varnished.

If desired, various fillers can be added to the plaster solution. They will help you create the desired pattern. For example, in order to decorate walls under wood affected by a bark beetle, granite chips or polymer granules are added to the composition. Such textured plaster is first applied to the entire surface with a trowel. You need to wait until it grabs a little, and then draw a grater over the surface. So the crumb and granules will be stretched through the solution, due to which specific grooves will be created. Furrows can have different directions or be horizontal or vertical, parallel to each other.

Special soft granules with paint can be added to the mixture. Such textured wall plaster is applied in exactly the same way as the previous one. The granules will be crushed, as a result of which the surface will be painted in different colors. When using liquid solutions, you can achieve the effect of smudges. If you work with a thicker solution, you can form a tall pattern. Consider the fact that the deeper the drawing is, the faster dust will collect on it.

Initially, textured plaster has a white color, in the future, if necessary, it is painted with colored pigments, paints or varnished. To choose the right shade, it is best to contact the representative office of the manufacturer of the finishing material or specialized companies. For finishing ordinary solutions, as a rule, paint is used, because. finding the right pigments is quite difficult.


After you give the desired texture, the plaster will need to be protected and prepared for finishing. First of all, a primer is performed. After it, 1 or more layers of paint are applied.

Allow the plaster to dry before applying paint. Depending on how thick the applied layer is, the type of plaster used and the humidity in the room, this may take from several hours to several days. It is not necessary to artificially accelerate the drying of the surface with the help of heaters or fans, because. because of this, the plaster can crack and even peel off completely.

To apply the paint, you can use a roller, a wide brush or a rubber sponge. If you added a coloring pigment to the plaster before applying it, you can use a more intense tone of the same shade. The result is a very interesting effect. If desired, you can apply gold or silver paint to the porous sponge and walk along the wall with light touches. This will create the illusion of a shimmery finish.

If there is no need for staining, or if a color composition with coloring pigments is used initially, the surface still needs to be additionally protected. Colorless varnish is perfect for this. Successful work!

November 19, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Most developers believe that textured wall putty is a job that can only be done by professionals. But in fact, this is not so, below I will tell you about some options for applying the composition, and you will be surprised how simple everything is. . Anyone can create a unique finish without using expensive materials and without special skills.

Stage 1 - preparation

As part of this part, it will be described what materials and tools will be needed for the work, and it will also be considered how to prepare the bases for applying a decorative putty coating. The preparatory stage is the same for all options for applying the composition, which is why we consider it first.

Necessary materials

The list of everything required is quite simple, all data is presented in the form of a table.

Compositions "Vetonit" - the best option for those who carry out the work themselves

Material Description
putty With its help, the surface is leveled before starting work, it will also be used for textured finishes. I recommend using Vetonit, since this option is distinguished by ease of application, ease of processing and a long setting period (the composition retains plasticity for a day, and in a closed container for two days). The price for a bag weighing 25 kg is 420-450 rubles, which is not much for a mixture of this class.
Primer It is necessary for us both in preparing the surface and in strengthening the finish coat. Most often, I use acrylic-based options that penetrate deep into the surface and strengthen it; for wet rooms, it is better to take compositions with antiseptic additives. As for the cost, it ranges from 50 to 100 rubles per liter, depending on the manufacturer.
Dye The finished finish must be painted without fail to give the surface a more attractive look. Moreover, coloring can be both monophonic and more complex, below I will talk about this option. It is important to choose the optimal shade for a particular interior, so that the putty looks the most advantageous.
varnish To protect the surface from dust and moisture, it must be treated with acrylic varnish. It allows you to exclude contamination of surfaces, because if necessary, you can simply wipe them with a damp cloth or sponge.

If the scope of work is small, then instead of the Vetonit dry mix, you can purchase the ready-made Shitrok composition. It has excellent properties, and its only drawback is its high cost, a bucket weighing 17 kg costs 1100-1200 rubles.

"Shitrok" - very high quality, but very expensive putty

Work tool

To perform the work, you must have the following set of tools at hand:

  • The preparation of the putty solution is carried out in any container of a suitable size. It is best to stir all the ingredients with a drill or puncher with a special mixer nozzle. This will ensure the best quality of work and the minimum time and effort spent on this process;

  • The composition is applied to the surface with a spatula or a metal trowel, the width of the tool should be approximately 30 cm. You will also need a narrow spatula with a width of about 100 mm, with which the putty is applied to the working tool, and also applied to hard-to-reach areas;

  • As for the decorative application of putty, a variety of devices can be useful for work. I will talk about them in more detail below, when considering different decoration options, since you don’t need to have everything on hand;
  • The priming of the surface is carried out either with a brush, the same tool is also used when painting finished surfaces. Moreover, such a tool can also be used for decorative puttying, this is one of the tool options;

  • The leveling of the surface is done using a grinding block, and the control of the plane during preparation is carried out using a rule or a long level.

Surface preparation

The work instructions look like this:

  • First of all, you need to check the surface with a level or rule to find out what irregularities are on the base. If the differences are a couple of millimeters, then you don’t have to level the walls, but most often you have to carry out additional preparation;

  • The walls are cleaned of dust and dirt, for this you can use a vacuum cleaner or a regular brush. The main thing is to remove dust, which negatively affects the adhesion of the primer and putty;
  • A primer is applied to a clean surface, the composition must be thoroughly mixed before use (if you have a concentrate, then it must be diluted in the proportions indicated on the package). The soil is distributed over the surface with a roller, hard-to-reach places are easier to handle with a brush. After application, it is worth waiting for the walls to dry completely, it takes from a couple of hours to a day;

  • Putty is prepared in a volume that you can use in one go. When preparing the mixture, it is poured into water, and not vice versa, all the proportions of the components are indicated on the package. After mixing, the consistency of thick sour cream should be obtained so that it is convenient to work with the composition and it keeps well on the wall;

  • The application starts from the corner or joint of the wall, it must be distributed in an even layer with a thickness of about 2 mm. The spatula is held at an angle of 30 degrees to the surface and gently guided along the plane with moderate pressure. You should not pay attention to the influxes and stains, the main thing is to level the plane, and you can easily remove minor flaws later;

  • The drying of the wall lasts about a day, after which it is necessary to level the plane using a sanding block with P120 sandpaper. The work is simple, the main thing is to process the walls section by section and check the result with a light bulb or flashlight. Do not pay attention to minor flaws and irregularities - they will be covered with a decorative layer, the ideal result is not needed here;

  • Lastly, you need to clean the base from the dust that occurs during grouting, after which you can apply a primer. The primer strengthens the walls and improves the adhesion of the decorative coating.

Stage 2 - applying the composition in 7 ways

Do-it-yourself textured plaster from ordinary putty can be prepared in different ways, I will tell you about seven options, each of which gives the surface a unique effect.

Method 1

In this case, textured rollers are used, which are made of rubber and can leave a certain pattern on the surface. The putty is applied in a thin layer of 2-3 mm, and after it sets, an impression is made with a roller, which can be a variety of patterns and ornaments.

The second option is to use a roller with pimples, it is carried out on a fresh composition and leaves a very unusual texture on the surface.

Method 2

For work, ordinary rollers with a long pile are used, they are carried out over freshly applied putty and leave a structure called a “fur coat”.

Foam rollers are used for the same purposes, the larger the structure of the material, the rougher the texture on the wall will turn out, there are polka dot options to leave clearer stains on the surface.

Method 3

A metal or plastic trowel is used, with its help a structure is created on the surface.

Do-it-yourself textured putty plaster in this case is done very simply:

  • you can create artificial irregularities on the surface with small strokes;
  • or you can just put the tool on the surface and tear it off to get a relief.

You yourself can experiment with movements to find the option that will achieve the best result.

Method 4

Decorative finishing with a brush is an interesting solution that is not difficult. For work, both a round soft brush and a wide hard version can be used (the same brush will do).

You can drive the tool along the surface, leaving stripes, you can draw or work in circular motions, Vetonit dries for a long time, so you will have time to experiment.

Method 5

Using a comb or trowel for tile adhesive allows you to leave stripes on the surface, which can be arranged horizontally, vertically or in a chaotic manner. The work is simple: the composition is applied, after which the texture you need is applied to the walls, the work can always be corrected, since the composition sets for a long time.

The direction of the stripes can be chaotic, but it looks better if they are oriented either vertically or horizontally.

Method 6

You can use a sea sponge, it is sold in hardware stores and is specially designed for such purposes. For walls, two application options are used:

  • the first involves the distribution of putty with a thin layer, after which a texture is made with a sponge;
  • the second involves leveling the surface, after which a light texture is applied to it with a sponge, as both solutions look like, you can see in the photo below.

Method 7

In this case, stencils are used, they are sold ready-made or made independently.. With the help of these simple elements, you can make a pattern or ornament of any configuration on the wall, the application is simple: the stencil is attached to the surface, after which the composition is applied.

You need to remove the pattern after the putty dries slightly, but does not harden to the end, after removing the template, be sure to correct the pattern, as it is inevitably damaged, and if you leave everything as it is, then you will have to beat off the hardened composition and correct all the flaws.

This is not a complete list of options, the tools can be any, even polyethylene will do, and someone even makes the structure with their hands. Turn on your imagination - and you will get an excellent result.

Stage 3 - painting

The work is not limited to applying the composition to the wall, it is also necessary to paint the surface so that it looks attractive and expressive. As for this process, it consists of several important components:

  • After the putty has dried, which takes about a day, you can begin to prepare the surface for painting. To do this, various flaws that have arisen during application are removed, individual sections can be sanded, or you can generally smooth out the texture by treating the entire surface. After finishing work, you need to sweep the surface or walk with a vacuum cleaner so that it is as clean as possible;

  • The primer is applied with a brush or a long-haired roller, it is important that the composition gets into all the irregularities on the surface. Pay special attention to difficult areas - corners, bends, space near switches, etc. After application, you need to wait until the surface is completely dry;
  • You can make a single coloring, or you can use two colors to make the texture more expressive. In this case, the darker tone is applied first, and the lighter tone second. The first layer is spread with a long pile roller, it is important that you cover the entire surface, pay special attention to unevenness, make sure that the paint hits everywhere and there is not a single unpainted area left;

  • If you have a plain wall, then the second layer is applied with the same roller. If you chose a two-color option, then you need to use a short-haired velor roller for work. It will paint only the surface, leaving the dark areas in the bumps untouched, this will allow us to achieve the effect we want. Work is carried out after the previous layer has completely dried, do not forget this important rule;

  • Acrylic varnish is applied last, many do not do this, but I strongly recommend that you still protect the surface. The varnish fills all the pores and eliminates ingrained dust, makes the surface resistant to grease and moisture. The varnish is applied with a roller or brush so that it fills all the irregularities.

Some specialists use wax-based compounds for surface treatment. I do not recommend this option - if you need to remove the coating from the wall, you will have to knock down all the plaster, otherwise the wax cannot be removed.


Now you know that any person can make an original finish, because this does not require expensive equipment and the skills of a professional builder. The video in this article will help you understand some of the work options even better, and if you have questions on this topic, then write them in the comments below.

When the construction of the house comes to an end, it is the turn of finishing work. This is one of the most important and, at the same time, interesting stages, on which the final result of the entire construction depends.

Today, there are hundreds of ways to finish walls, and one of the most beautiful options, by right, can be called decorative plaster, which is distinguished by a wide range of colors, affordable price and practicality. Decorative plaster allows you to create an original unique style and embody any design ideas.

If you properly prepare decorative plaster and adapt it correctly, you can create a magnificent decor on the walls, which is no different in appearance from a fresco.

But many reject this building material as a decorative finish, considering it very complex and time-consuming. In fact, this is not at all the case. In this article, we will tell you about the advantages, features of this material and dwell in detail on the process of preparing decorative plaster from ordinary putty with our own hands.

Due to the fact that the composition of the material includes modern plasticizers, the plaster is plastic, which allows even a beginner to work with it. It is universal, it can be applied to almost any surface (foam concrete, drywall, brick).

Thanks to the correct application, textured plaster allows you to give the building an expensive and presentable look. Therefore, it is a pleasure to work and create design masterpieces on the wall using ordinary putty.

What is the difference between plaster and putty?

Before we move on to the process of creating decorative plaster from ordinary putty, let's understand these two concepts. In general, plaster is called a building mixture, which is intended for leveling walls. Putty is also commonly called a building mixture for leveling walls, but, unlike ordinary plaster, we are talking about small errors.

What is the difference?

  1. Grinding. If we carefully study the composition of both building materials, we will see that substances of much smaller fractions are used in the putty, this allows you to create a thin coating.
  2. Price. The difference will be in the price of these two materials, which is due to the lower consumption of putty compared to plaster. Manufacturers are much cheaper than large filler.
  3. Strength. Plaster will be much stronger than putty. That is why it is often used for finishing external walls. If we recall the composition of concrete, then we know that crushed stone is added to the composition to give strength. So here. The larger the fraction of the substances included in the mixture, the stronger and more durable the material itself will be.
  4. Compound. Plaster is mainly made from a cement-sand mixture with various additives. It can be clay-lime, clay-cement, gypsum, and less often clay-cement composition. For the production of putty, manufacturers use cement with sand, to which various plasticizers are added.

In order to understand the scope and performance properties of various types of plaster and putty, let's take a closer look at the composition and types of these two materials.

Types of plaster for facade work

Today, there are several types of plaster on the market, which differ in composition and link.


The composition includes a mixture of quartz chips, marble, lime hydrant, light mineral aggregates, plasticizers and Portland cement. The advantage of this material is high strength, resistance to moisture, long service life and low price. To decorate the material, pigments or marble chips are often added to the mixture, which allows you to play with the design of the walls.

In addition to sand and coarse cement, acrylic resin is added to the composition, which gives elasticity and high strength. It is quite easy to work with such plaster, it can be leveled, it has good water-repellent properties. But there is also a serious drawback. Plaster has a high degree of flammability, so it is not recommended to use it near mineral wool insulation.

The main link here is natural silicone, which gives extraordinary plasticity to the material. Despite the rather high price, silicone plaster has a number of unique qualities (insensitivity to UV rays, plasticity, strength, high adhesion, resistance to mechanical damage and a wide variety of colors). Another plus is the speed of work. The composition contains antiseptic substances, therefore, preliminary priming of the walls before application is not required. The only drawback of this mixture, perhaps, can be called the complexity of the finish. That is, the walls must already be well prepared before application, since silicone plaster is applied in one layer.

The main link here is liquid glass, which gives excellent astringent properties. Silicate plaster has a high fire resistance, so it can be used on almost any surface. This is one of the most durable finishing materials, the service life of which reaches more than 50 years.

One of the most common types, which differs from plaster only in grain size.

It can be attributed to very exotic options for building material, which is not often found on sale. The manufacturer here uses drying oil as the basis for the thickener. It is highly resistant to moisture and is great for treating walls before painting.

Epoxy resin serves as the base here, which makes this building material very versatile in use. It can be applied to concrete, metal, plastic, drywall, wood. Differs in very high degree of durability and resistance to external factors.

Latex is great for both exterior wall processing and interiors. The basis is ordinary latex, which gives the material high elasticity. With this composition it is easy to close up all cracks, potholes on the plane. The plaster sets quickly, dries and does not form cracks.

Prices for popular types of plaster


Advantages of textured plaster

If you decide to choose ordinary putty as a facade finish to create an intricate decor, then you will have to work hard and practice applying the finish to get a really high-quality finish. But the result is worth it.

Decorative plaster is, first of all, a game of textures. And already the second batch is played by the color scheme. It is important to understand, when starting work, that it is precisely due to the texture, relief, that you will achieve a complex texture on the wall.

Textured plaster has the following qualities:

  • easy to apply;
  • highly resistant to moisture and UV rays;
  • can be applied to any surface (foam concrete, brick, etc.);
  • allows you to give the wall an original style;
  • does not require perfect alignment before application;
  • it is possible to choose any color solution;
  • goes well with other finishing materials;
  • has a long service life;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • increases the heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties of the room;
  • you can create complex textures.

The possibilities of decorative plaster are not limited only to the creation of an original texture. Decorative plaster can create intricate patterns and paintings.

As a base, it is best to use silicone putty mixtures. They are more elastic, allow you to achieve the perfect texture and the necessary relief, and also have a high resistance to mechanical damage. Despite the intricacy of the texture, such material is quite easy to care for. Dust and dirt can be easily removed with ordinary detergents.

Varieties of plaster textures for facade decoration

There are two types of decorative plaster for facade work:

According to the invoice, the following options are classified:

Tools for the preparation of decorative plaster

Before you start cooking, stock up on handy tools. This will simplify the work and allow you to quickly prepare the desired consistency.

Prices for building levels

Building levels

You will need:

Technology of the process of working with decorative plaster

  1. Preparatory work to level the walls.
  2. Preparation of decorative plaster from putty.
  3. Creation of the base layer of plaster.
  4. Work on creating a textured coating.
  5. Finish coating.

Stage 1. Preparatory work before applying decorative plaster

Step 1. Carry out surface preparation. We clean off all paint, varnish and other debris. Thoroughly wash the wall.

Step 2 We prime the surface. This will close all the cracks, level the walls as much as possible and stop the absorption of putty by the wall surface, since the primer has excellent waterproofing properties.

Step 3 We apply an antiseptic and anti-corrosion protective layer. If decorative plaster is applied to a surface where there are metal nails, screws, pipes, then it is necessary to first apply a protective layer to all these parts. Otherwise, in the future, a rusty stain may appear through the plaster. Antiseptic will protect the surface from the formation of fungus, mold and other microorganisms.

Step 4 Let the primer and protective layer dry well for at least 12-14 hours. It is very important to wait this period of time, otherwise, after a short period of time, the plaster will lag behind the surface. If, after the first primer, a layer lag is visible or there is a suspicion of surface flowability, it is recommended to prime in several layers, each time waiting for complete drying. The average time for polymerization and drying of the mixture is 15 hours, but before starting work, be sure to read the instructions on the package, as depending on the chemical components, the period can be significantly extended.

Video - Application of primer Ceresit CT 16

Facade primer prices

Facade primer

Video - The process of applying a primer to the walls

Important! All finishing work must be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5°C. Otherwise, the quality of the result and the operational properties of the facade finish will be low.

Step 5 We determine the degree of alignment by the building level. Keep in mind that the control of the evenness of the walls must be carried out in several positions: horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

Now that the walls can be finished, we are preparing decorative plaster.

Stage 2. Preparing decorative plaster: step by step instructions

Almost any ordinary putty can be used to prepare textured plaster.

In order to decorate the walls with textured putty, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • putty (usual from any manufacturer);
  • white acrylic primer;
  • water (cold);
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • paint of the required color;
  • glaze for the final coating.

Step 1. We take a deep bowl (bucket) and mix in it in equal proportions the usual putty, water and mortar for sealing the seams. You can first mix only loose ingredients, and then slowly add cold water. Then you will speed up the mixing process and eliminate the formation of lumps.

Step 2 Thoroughly mix the mixture with a construction mixer or an electric drill with a whisk attachment.

Step 3 If the final version involves a certain color, then after thorough mixing, add the pigment to the finished consistency.

Step 4 Checking the texture of the finished material. If you feel that the consistency is too thick and does not allow you to work and create the necessary patterns on the surface, then you can add a little water, but do not overdo it, otherwise the material will roll or run down the surface for a long time.

Advice! Prepare exactly as much mixture as you need in the near future. The solution will thicken quickly enough and it will be difficult to work with it.

Stage 3. Create a base layer

We take a small amount of the prepared mixture with a spatula and apply a thin layer on the surface of the wall. The layer thickness should not exceed 2-3 mm. Use a special spatula for facade work to work and start stretching from the lower right corner.

Wait for a technological pause (10-30 minutes) before proceeding with the relief. The drying time of the base depends on the technical features of the working mixture.

Stage 4. Work on creating a textured coating

Step 1. Marking the wall. This is an important point if, say, you are planning to turn a design masterpiece into an idea and do not want to limit yourself to the usual application of textured putty. We mark the work area with masking tape, and the solution can go onto the paper. After the work is completed, this tape will need to be carefully removed.

Step 2 We take a spatula, we collect again a small amount of putty and put the mixture on the wall. It can be applied in several movements, depending on the design intent: scarring, circular movements, horizontal or vertical strokes. If you want to create chaotic strokes on the wall, without a specific pattern or relief, then you can alternate the technique. If your idea implies a certain pattern, then choose movements in one direction.

After each application of the mixture on the wall, carefully clean the spatula or grater before collecting a new portion of the solution. The remains of the mixture should never be lowered back into the bucket with plaster.

Important! Practice first applying relief to a sheet of drywall. This will give you the opportunity to “feel” the material and create exactly the pattern that you have in mind.

With a spatula with a serrated edge, you can create a specific pattern, and with a special roller with a ready-made pattern, you can transfer beautiful patterns to the wall. The structure and relief of the wall can be adjusted in the process. If the strokes are too sharp and thick, take a trowel and, lightly touching the wall, walk over the surface.

Bark beetle style performed by progressive continuous movements performed in a horizontal or vertical position. The drawing will depend on the movement of your hand and it is better to apply it with a grater, it will already appear during the application of the mixture to the wall. But individual strokes can be created with a grater, applying to the wall and pressing lightly.

The consistency of the solution should resemble thick sour cream, otherwise the mixture may drain from the wall, breaking the pattern. After applying one layer with a trowel, “milk” is removed from the trowel with a spatula, which no longer contains pebbles. If this is not done, then the relief of the "bark beetle" will not be pronounced. We hold the tool when applying the solution at an angle of 60 degrees.

The thickness of the layer will depend on the grain size in the finished mixture. The average drying time is 24-72 hours.

Video - Technology for applying bark beetle plaster

Advice! If you need to take a break from work, then seal the border of the completed finished drawing with masking tape, on top of which apply a wet solution. Upon returning to work, carefully remove the tape and continue the process. This will avoid visible furrows and transitions in the terrain.

"Pebble" texture achieved by sharp movements in a clockwise direction. It is very important not to interrupt the finishing work, as the hardening of the plaster can give a sharp transition on the wall.

The technology of applying pebble plaster - photo

Video - Lesson on applying pebble plaster

Step 3 For complete drying of the picture, it is necessary to protect the facade from the direct action of sunlight and wind. To do this, it is necessary to install a protective construction screen made of mesh or film.

Creation of a complex relief using a special roller

With the help of a special roller covered with steel mesh, rubberized or with pores, you can create a unique pattern of any complexity on the surface. You can purchase such a tool in a store or be creative and make such a roller yourself by wrapping it with twine or cord. Keep in mind that the more often the rope is wound, the denser the relief structure will be.

All work is carried out with a roller, which is carefully dipped into the putty and then the mixture is applied in a thin layer to the wall. Here you can turn on your imagination and work with a roller in various directions.

Prices for textured rollers

Stage 5 Finish coat

Now that the desired drawing on the wall has been created, we proceed to the final stage. You can paint decorative plaster in any color or varnish. This process is not complicated, but in order for the result to really please you for many years, several nuances should be taken into account.

Textured putty is best painted in 2 colors. This will give the surface more relief and add volume.

If you want to focus on the convex parts of the picture, then it is better to paint these places using the dry brush method. But all the depressions and recesses, on the contrary, will be emphasized by the wet brush method, which will slightly blur the color.

If you decide to paint textured putty in dark colors, then it is better to choose the wet brush method, which will slightly blur the pigment. When painting the surface in a light range, apply the paint with a dry brush.

After the staining process has come to the finish, let the paint dry well and open it with varnish. Firstly, it will give a beautiful shade to the paint, fix it and protect it from fading and fading. Use a water-based varnish and apply 2-3 layers, each time waiting for the previous one to dry completely.

Despite the fact that the process of creating decorative plaster from putty is not difficult and does not require serious skills, watch the video with step-by-step instructions to do everything right.

Video - Painting decorative plaster

Video - How to make decorative plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty is gaining more and more popularity as an affordable type of finish, since almost everyone is looking for a middle ground when making repairs in their home, and the best price-quality ratio.

Advantages of homemade plaster

Modern repairs are expensive in terms of both purchased materials and hired labor. The work of a plasterer-finisher costs a lot of money. The desire of everyone to save money is understandable and reasonable: no one wants the repair to drag on for many months, if not years, because of the high cost of the material and the work being done. So that he does not become a family curse, you need to look for the most rational way out of this situation. However, the solution is obvious: to make the material yourself. It is this option that will suit the vast majority of people who want to make an inexpensive and beautiful repair of their apartment.

There are plenty of tools for this, and it’s not difficult to purchase them - there would be a desire to complete the pattern.

The use of textured and structural rollers

An easy way to make textured plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands is to use a special roller. Getting the desired quality of finish in this way is quite simple.

Depending on the working surface, this tool produces the desired result - a coveted pattern on the wall.

Rollers differ in the material of their manufacture:

In addition to the listed rollers, there are also tools made of foam rubber, fabric, polyethylene, with a spirally fixed cord. With their help, you can achieve a rough surface with a pattern.

Important! Do not press too hard on the tool while working - a clear drawing is obtained only with minimal effort. The tool must be driven from top to bottom without stopping, firmly pressing against the already finished strip.

These tools fall into two categories:

Homemade finishing tool

It is not necessary to use only those tools that are sold in stores. With junk materials on hand, you can make a roller that will create an unusual, unique pattern.

You can use, for example, a finished roller, but make your own adjustments to its design. Examples:

There are as many options for such home creativity as you like: polyethylene, twine, rope, threads are used. The foam roller can be cut into abstract shapes, slits, etc.

Important! When working with structural and textured rollers, you need to work smoothly, without making sudden movements.

Other Required Tools

You can apply the pattern using other devices:

In addition to the listed tool, you can use a lot more, from a brush-brush to a Venetian trowel (trowel). Even a simple broom can give a wall a unique pattern.

Decorative plaster from ordinary putty

Of course, you should not discount simple types of finishes, which are quite attractive in appearance, using the most common putty, both starting and finishing. How to make textured plaster with your own hands? Very simple, and this option is widely used in recent times. “Branded”, ready-to-use putty costs about three times more than regular putty, and making it yourself will not be difficult.

Now let's talk about how it can be done and how to work with a homemade mixture.

Materials for decorative putty plaster:

  • PVA glue - 200 g
  • Gypsum-based mixture - 6 kg.
  • Water - 2l.

First, we apply a layer, which is called the main one - this is done with a wide spatula. When this layer dries, we proceed to decorating. There are many ways to create a textured surface. You can apply the composition with spatulas of various sizes and textures - from smooth to jagged. They can be combined.

You can do this with one spatula, applying strokes in different directions. Even the most ordinary broom, as already mentioned, is used to create a pattern, and the result is achieved when impressions are made on plaster with a broom - from chaotic to strictly directed strokes.

There are many ways to apply, you need to either choose the one that you like.

Applying decorative putty

Each of us would like to get a beautiful appearance of our own home at minimal cost. One of the easiest methods to get what you want is to buy finishing putty. It is the finishing one, if the purpose of the finish is a soft texture.

There are many ways to get a beautiful surface when using decorative wall putty. Here is one of them, quite popular.


  • Brush-brush.
  • A napkin rolled into a cone or a trowel (trowel).

Still, it’s better to work together, because you need to do everything quickly, preventing the mixture from drying out prematurely so that transitions are not visible. After all, one of the main advantages of this finish is the absence of joints on the surface.

Of course, this option is far from the only one. It's all about your personal preference and taste. Your imagination must work for you!

Various application methods

How to do:

  • The plaster is dried before painting.
  • If there is such a need, it must be processed with fine-grain sandpaper.
  • The paint is applied in two layers. The base layer - a dark shade - is applied with a long pile roller.
  • After complete drying - a lighter color. The roller is short-haired.

Painting methods:

Everything will depend on the drawing. In any case, the background paint is applied in two layers. After finishing work, two layers of varnish are applied.

Of course, the home-made composition is simple to manufacture, and gypsum-based mixtures are inexpensive, but they will not replace 100% branded decorative wall putty, which includes marble and granite chips. In no case should it be compared, for example, with Venetian plaster, which is applied only by masters, and even then not by everyone. Nevertheless, the option described above is available to anyone who wants to add variety to the interior of their home. It will give odds to both wallpaper and painting both in appearance and durability of the coating.