Facade panels for stone: price and photo. Finishing with plastic panels under a stone of the facade of a house Cladding panels for a facade of a house under a stone

Facade decoration is one of the most important activities. It determines not only the appearance, but also the operational characteristics of the building. One of the ways to quickly and efficiently cope with the task is to use facade panels for exterior decoration of the house. They are different, from different materials with different characteristics and appearance.

Types of facade panels

Facade panels for exterior decoration of the house are a solid group of materials with different technical characteristics, made from different materials. To choose, one must at least roughly represent their appearance, features and properties.

For finishing the facades of private houses

Not all facade panels are used for cladding private houses. The point is not that "it is impossible", but that they do not fit, and, moreover, almost all in appearance. Another reason is the complexity of installation and high cost. Today you can find the following facade panels for the exterior of the house of different types. We list all of them below.

Facade siding

A well-known finishing material in the form of long strips mounted on a frame. There are traditional options painted in one of the colors, there is imitation of timber, logs, brickwork.

This is the most affordable material for decorating the facade of a house, but it is too thin, has a low resistance to mechanical damage. Another nuance - the sunny side fades, and not everyone likes the appearance.

Basement siding

Basement siding is also made of polymers - PVC (vinyl), polypropylene. It is produced in the form of rectangular panels, some with locks along the edges. Basically, they imitate brickwork of different colors and textures, wild or faceted stone.

Basement siding is made from polymers. The cheapest - made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polypropylene

The mass from which the basement facade panels are formed is colored in mass, therefore scratches and other damage do not differ from the front surface. They differ from facade siding not only in shape and price (more expensive), but also in greater thickness (20-30 mm, versus 15 mm) and a more believable imitation of stone or brick.

Fiber cement facade panels for exterior home decoration

Fiber cement is an environmentally friendly material that is obtained from a mixture of fibers (small synthetic fibers) and cement. Planks or slabs are formed from the mass, after which they are painted. They were invented in Japan, therefore they are also called "Japanese facade slabs".

Fiber cement boards - a serious finishing material

Disadvantages - a large mass and color of the surface layer (a cement base is visible on deep chips). Advantage - the material does not burn and does not support combustion. If we talk about the price, then Japanese slabs are expensive, but there are analogues of Chinese and domestic production with more loyal prices. Chinese, A-Vent groups, by the way, are of good quality. The company has been on the market for a long time, reviews are mostly good.

WPC (wood-polymer composite)

The wood, ground to fibers, is mixed with a liquid polymer, and a dye is added. From the resulting mass, plates or boards (lining, planken) are formed. This material is used not only for finishing facades, it is used for flooring near the pool, in the gazebo, on the open veranda.

In appearance, and even in tactile sensations, the wood-polymer composite is very similar to wood. The difference is that these "boards" do not need to be painted or varnished. They retain their original appearance for a long time. The disadvantage is the considerable weight and high price. But they are durable, as they are colored in the mass, chips and damage (if any) are not visible.

Porcelain stoneware

The appearance of this material is known to everyone, since a thinner variety is used for flooring. Facade porcelain stoneware is characterized by greater thickness and dimensions.

Facade cladding with porcelain stoneware has serious disadvantages: heavy weight, complexity of cutting and installation, which entails a high cost of installation work. And this is a plus to the fact that the material itself is far from cheap. The disadvantages can also be attributed to an overly pompous appearance, so the architecture must be appropriate. And so, the decoration of the house with ceramic granite facade slabs is beautiful, durable, resistant to the effects of climatic factors.

Clinker facade panels

It is a multi-layer material. A layer of insulation (expanded polystyrene) is glued to the OSB layer (there is not always), and a thin clinker tile is glued to it. There is an option only from expanded polystyrene and clinker. It is produced in the form of rectangular blocks with jagged edges.

Clinker facade panels - finishing and insulation in one "bottle"

The material is not cheap, but at the same time durable and attractive in appearance. In addition, thermal insulation characteristics are improved at the same time as finishing. This is the only material that goes along with the insulation, which is why it is also called facade thermal panels.

So which is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the listed materials is better. In appearance, many of them are similar, although there are exceptions. For example, porcelain stoneware or facade siding can hardly be confused with anything. But all the rest have a similar flourishing. So in this matter you have to focus on your own preferences.

As for the operational properties, there are no obvious favorites either. All have features and disadvantages. So according to these parameters, you have to select facade panels for the exterior of the house, depending on the properties of the material from which the house is built and the need for heat / wind / sound insulation.

For example, it is better to finish vapor-permeable walls without foam. It does not conduct moisture. Absolutely. In this regard, the use of clinker thermal panels is undesirable. No, you can add vapor barrier material from the inside. The vapor barrier will block the access of moisture inside the wall, everything will be fine with finishing. But moisture will remain indoors. Removing it requires a powerful ventilation system, and installing it is expensive. And it must be designed at the stage of designing a house. So, thermal panels can be used on houses made of wood or aerated concrete only if they are installed on the crate. No direct wall mounting.

If we talk about the cost. Of all the listed, the cheapest finishing method is facade siding. Next in price are basement siding, fiber cement boards and WPC. And the most expensive ones are porcelain stoneware and clinker facade panels.

For the decoration of industrial buildings and offices

In this section, we list the facade panels that are most often used to decorate offices, industrial, retail or warehouse buildings. This does not mean that they cannot be used for a private house or summer cottage. It's just that their look is not very suitable for "home" in the broadest sense. But houses with non-standard architecture - in the style of techno, minimalism and other similar ones - can be finished very well. They will look even more unusual.

  • Metal panels. Available in rectangular or square blocks of various sizes. They are made from steel or aluminum. Steel is cheaper, but corrosive. Aluminum does not corrode, but is expensive. This type of facade panels for private houses is also sharply used due to their "noise", which makes them the least attractive of the group.

    Metal facade panels - for non-standard architecture houses

  • Translucent panels. This type of facade panels is used to decorate office high-rise buildings. They are made of transparent sheet plicarbonate or glass units - several glasses installed in one profile. In private housing construction, they can be used for arranging a winter garden, covered, glazing a large terrace, balcony, loggia. They can be made of a transparent material, dyed in the mass or with spraying (mainly mirror, on one side). It is possible, probably, to decorate the whole house with translucent facade panels, but for this it is necessary to involve an architect - material that is too demanding for aesthetics, and even with difficult technical installation conditions.

    Translucent panels - for decorating winter gardens, covered verandas, gazebos

  • ... Available in large format blocks. These are two metal plates (the front one is very similar to corrugated board), between which a heat-insulating material is laid. Purpose - finishing of industrial and warehouse buildings. It is not suitable for private houses for aesthetic reasons, although it can be used for summer cottages if there are no too high requirements for appearance. It is possible to build technical premises from them -, gatehouses,.

    Sandwich panels - for fast construction

  • Aluminum composite plates. One of the varieties of sandwich panels. Between two flat sheets of aluminum there is a layer of composite material. Again, not very often seen in the private sector. There are two reasons - the high price and the same "office" look, although it may be suitable for finishing the basement, since the aluminum composite finish is not as "noisy" as just "metal".

    Aluminum composite plates - two sheets of metal with a composite interlayer

As you can see, any of the materials in this group can also be used to decorate a private house. The view will be non-standard. If this is what you need, choose the one that suits you.

Installation method

Facade panels for exterior decoration of a house are made of different materials, have different shapes, but their installation method is very similar. During the installation process, special fastening elements can be used, but the device is the same - according to the principle of ventilated facades. In short, the installation looks like this: a lattice is assembled from profiles, and the front paneling panels are attached to it.

Front panels for exterior decoration of the house are attached to a special frame. It is exposed horizontally and vertically, after which the facade panels are screwed onto it for the exterior decoration of the house.

The frame is assembled from metal and plastic profiles, sometimes wooden blocks are used. Wooden beams are an economy option, since in most parts of the country it is much cheaper than metal products. But it is only suitable for materials with low weight and not particularly demanding on the installation system.

On the bars, you can fix the facade and basement siding, fiber cement slabs, WPC, clinker panels. Only before installation, the wood must be treated with antibacterial and flame retardant compounds. The bars can be replaced with galvanized plasterboard profiles. They also do their job well. But it must be remembered that most of the facade panels have their own system of profiles with special fastening elements. Standard mount provides, as a rule, secret mounting - without damaging the front surface. Replacing the profiles with a bar, you have to drill holes in the finishing for the installation of fasteners and this is not very good, as it breaks the tightness.

The system of ventilated facades is good in that at the same time as finishing it is possible to insulate the building, improve sound insulation (lay appropriate materials between the profiles). Another important advantage is that the problem of removing condensate is easily solved. Disadvantage: significant material costs for the fastening system itself (plus the cost of front panels).

Let's take a look at how to decorate a facade with basement siding, fiber cement and clinker slabs as an example. Why these materials? Because it’s about, and the materials presented are the closest competitors, gradually pushing it out of the market.

Installation of basement siding

The installation of basement siding differs from the traditional lathing for linear finishing materials (siding, for example) in that the lathing must be "in a cage" - the profiles / bars must pass at the junction of the panels. Since the basement siding looks like a rectangle, the sheathing should also look like. Another feature is the installation of the start and J-profile. They cover the material cuts, give support, give a finished look. They are not so expensive, so it's not worth it to be smart trying to do without them.

And we must also remember that there are special corner panels for decorating the corners of the building. They are purchased separately, and often have a different color or even a different texture. So even a rectangular or square house looks more interesting.

The procedure for installing basement siding is as follows:

That's the whole installation of basement siding. After the crate is assembled, the process goes quickly (if the sizes of the panels are the same and there are no problems with shades).

How to install fiber cement boards

Fiber cement facade panels for exterior decoration of the house can also be mounted on a batten of wooden bars, but they will have to be fastened through and through, having previously drilled a hole. The standard frame for the installation of fiber cement plates consists of horizontal and vertical profiles. In this case, the plates can be installed on clamps - special plates for concealed installation.

Assembling the frame

The procedure is as follows:

When fastened with self-tapping screws, they are screwed in so that they fall into the profile. Thus it is necessary to try to get into the technological groove (the seam between the "bricks"). In this case, the fastening is less noticeable.

Fastening fiber cement boards to the frame

Fastening with clamps - secret. In this case, the surface of the slab is not damaged. Clamps are attached to the profiles and hold the slabs with special tongues. The procedure is as follows:

  • The lower ebb is placed.
  • The starting plate is attached.
  • Angles are set.
  • The first row of slabs is placed in the starting bar and fixed on top with clamps. They are placed trying to get into the established profiles.
  • The next sheet rests on the tabs on the clamps. There is a special seal on the back of the fiber cement board, which guarantees a tight connection.

This method of installation is invisible - the clamps are positioned so that they are behind the panel, and the protruding tongues are closed with the next fiber cement board.

According to this principle, most of the ventilated facades are installed, which include all or almost all facade panels for the exterior of the house. The shape of the profiles and clamps differs, the installation step, everything else is very, very similar.

Installation of clinker facade panels

As already mentioned, any front panels for exterior decoration of a house are mounted according to the same principle, therefore, we will only talk about the differences that are characteristic of clinker thermoblocks.

Selection features

Their main difference is that they come immediately with insulation - expanded polystyrene. When choosing them, it is necessary to choose not only the quality of the clinker (when struck by a metal object, the sound should be sonorous). It is important to choose the right thickness of the insulation. The dew point should be located in the thickness of the insulation. This is very important for normal operation (the walls will not get wet and freeze through, the house will be warm and dry).

The second important point: on flat walls (height difference no more than 3 mm), they can be mounted without crate, directly to the wall. In this case, you must use long dowels or self-tapping screws (when installing on wooden walls). Otherwise, a frame is assembled from a wooden bar, which compensates for all irregularities.

What makes installation different

Another significant installation differences:

Clinker facade panels for exterior decoration of the house after installation look exactly the same as a house built of clinker bricks. You will not find any differences either at first or second glance. Is that the masonry is too perfect.

The problem of improving the appearance of the facade of a building is easily solved by using facade panels for a stone. We will talk about the device, types and features of the installation of this finishing material further.

Features and structure of facade panels for stone

Facade panels for stone make up a facade system that protects the surface of the building from external influences.

Facade panels are installed both in new buildings and during the reconstruction of old ones.

For the installation of the facade system, an aluminum or metal frame is used. Therefore, such panels are easy to assemble.

Stone facade panels consist of:

  • polyurethane layer,
  • resin,
  • foam layer,
  • stone powder.

Modern polymers are used for the manufacture of stone-like facade panels. Using the injection method, these panels are produced on injection molding machines, this process allows the panels to remain in their original form for a long time.

Scope of use of facade panels for stone:

  • facade finishing,
  • finishing of individual building elements,
  • facing of individual floors,
  • finishing of the tower, lantern,
  • facing of fences.

Facade panels under a stone photo:

The cost of facade panels for stone depends on the following factors:

  • material quality,
  • layer thickness,
  • kind of panel,
  • product texture,
  • panel appearance.

Advantages of installing facade panels under a stone

Studying reviews about facade panels for stone, we will highlight the following advantages:

  • additional surface leveling is not required;
  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • the possibility of installation at any time of the year;
  • have low noise conductivity;
  • the service life of some panels exceeds 50 years;

  • the ability to adjust the structure using an aluminum or steel profile;
  • resistance to exposure to ultraviolet rays, precipitation, humidity, temperature changes;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • high level of heat resistance;
  • facade panels for stone are lightweight compared to natural stone;
  • easy care and washing;
  • health safety and environmental friendliness;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • ease of installation;
  • facade panels do not load the building with additional weight, due to their lightness;
  • facade panels for stone, almost do not differ from the original masonry, but their cost is much less than the cost of real stone;
  • a variety of colors and designs.

Varieties of facade panels for stone

Facade panels differ in a variety of colors, sizes and installation methods. Among the front panels are:

  • polymer coated metal panels;
  • vinyl-type front panels;
  • thermal facade panels;
  • sandwich panels of cassette or three-layer type;
  • facade panels of fiber cement type;
  • facade panels for brick or masonry.

Fiber cement panels contain cement, minerals and cellulose fibers. Such panels produce imitation of various materials, including masonry.

The structure of the fiber cement facade panel includes:

  • fiber cement panel,
  • sealing gasket,
  • ventilation protective film,
  • additional panel,
  • gypsum fiber sheet,
  • vapor barrier film,
  • gypsum fiber sheet.

Advantages of fiber cement facade panels:

  • high level of frost resistance,
  • long term of use,
  • no corrosion and mold formation,
  • fire safety,
  • the ability to withstand large temperature changes,
  • thermal insulation,
  • soundproofing.

Disadvantages of fiber cement panels:

  • require staining after installation,
  • high level of water absorption,
  • low level of resistance to mechanical stress.

The panels with the presence of a polymer coating are distinguished by high durability, frost resistance, resistance to moisture absorption, absence of corrosion, and ease of installation. The disadvantage of such panels is the low level of thermal insulation.

Facade panels for a stone are used for finishing the basement parts of the building. Such panels are made from resin, which has a polypropylene base. After installing the facade panels under the stone, the building has an attractive appearance and hardly differs from the real stone cladding.

Advantages of facade panels for stone:

  • durability,
  • resistance to exposure to ultraviolet radiation,
  • easy installation,
  • heat resistance.

Depending on the structure, stone facade panels are divided into:

  • homogeneous,
  • combined.

Homogeneous facade panels are characterized by a homogeneous structure and are made of PVC.

Combined facade panels have an outer plastic coating and an inner one - polystyrene foam or foam. The inner layer acts as a heater.

PVC stone facade panels

PVC facade panels consist of a vinyl layer and a polymer mixture, such panels are called siding. In relation to siding design, there are:

  • mass coloring siding - differs in a variety of colors and colors;
  • siding with highlighted seams has a non-uniform coating in which the seams are painted in a different color;
  • exclusive siding - has a non-uniform texture and highlighted seams, like an imitation of natural stone.

Siding under a stone is imitation of granite malachite, marble and other stones.

PVC panels are made from a single sheet, which is given the desired shape. After the production of PVC panels, rectangular panels are obtained that are easy to assemble.

The panels are attached to each other with special locks. The first, last and corner panels have a special lock. To ensure ventilation of the facade space, a perforated edge is installed.

Fastening of PVC siding to the wall is carried out with nails or screws. To ensure that the siding locks snap into place and there are no cracks, it is necessary to install the siding in such a way that the panels overlap each other.

Advantages of PVC facade panels:

  • the duration of operation exceeds 25 years;
  • resistance to large temperature drops;
  • resistance to exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • antiseptic - the absence of mold formations;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • the siding is covered with a special paint that has a water-repellent, anti-pollution effect;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • facade panels for a stone price - more affordable than that of a piece or natural stone
  • ease of installation.

Facade panels for stone - installation

Before installing the front PVC panels, you should make calculations and purchase this material.

To calculate the required number of facade panels, you first need to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe facade on which the panels will be installed.

Divide the facade into several rectangular or square shapes. Determine their area, and then summarize the results.

Divide the total area by the area of \u200b\u200bone panel. It is better to buy a few squares more material to compensate for all kinds of cuts.

To carry out the work, use:

  • a knife for cutting plastic products,
  • grinder,
  • jigsaw,
  • hammer,
  • scissors,
  • perforator,
  • measuring tape,
  • building level,
  • chalk,
  • screwdriver.

Preparatory work includes preliminary leveling, insulation and waterproofing of the facade.

At the time of purchase, consider the presence of screws and fasteners for the panels. To cut the siding, make a small cut and then break the material.

First, determine the place from which the siding installation will start. If the facade was previously finished with other materials, then start from the same place. If siding is being installed on a new façade, start by overlapping the foundation. Before installing basic type panels, it is advisable to install primary and corner panels.

After installing additional parts, install the starter strip. Determine the bounding space of the first row and then mark the width of the first panel. Leave a small gap between the panels.

Make window and door insulation using platbands, sills, special strips and finishing panels.

After installing all the parts, proceed with the installation of the siding. The panels are installed from bottom to top, snapping into one another. The panels are fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws.

The final stage includes the installation of edges on the roof.

Features of installing facade panels under a stone

Some types of panels are installed on pre-assembled aluminum or steel profiles. This system is called ventilated.

The profile is attached to the wall using brackets. The walls do not require additional leveling and preliminary finishing.

There are several technologies for installing a facade system:

  • post-transom type,
  • modular type,
  • spider type.

An additional layer of insulation is installed in the space between the profile and the panels. Varieties of insulation:

  • mineral wool,
  • fiberglass,
  • foam.

During the installation of facade panels, a number of requirements must be met:

  • the minimum installation temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees;
  • anti-corrosion of self-tapping screws, anchors, brackets and other fasteners;
  • the profile structure should be placed in one plane to avoid the appearance of gaps in the ventilated space.

The disadvantage of such an installation is the appearance of an unpleasant acoustic effect, which does not allow the installation of such facades in residential premises. During strong winds, the ventilation space emits loud noises and whistles.

Facade panels for a stone video:

Real stone houses have become a rarity today, since their construction is quite laborious and costly. But modern innovations in the construction industry offer many options for the exterior of buildings using innovative materials. The use of facade panels "stone" will be an excellent alternative to the usual methods of cladding buildings.

Plastic panels can be single or double-layer, in the second case, an environmentally friendly filler is used. Both smooth and rough surfaces are possible. A variety of textures, available shades makes the material universal. The lightness of the slab, its resistance to weather conditions, resistance to corrosion and decay are undoubted advantages.

The possibility of replacing individual blocks, democratic cost provide a growing demand for this type of building material. But the fragility of the plastic, the weak insulating characteristics of the single-layer version can be significant arguments against the purchase. The best choice will be combined or two-layer panels: expanded polystyrene or polystyrene are considered effective insulation. And the decorative possibilities of modern PVC are practically unlimited.

Panels with a base made of aluminum or galvanized iron are indispensable in extreme conditions. They are durable, non-flammable. The weight of such sheets is more than PVC. After a special technological processing, the surface of such panels acquires a texture close to the appearance of a stone or brick.

Protective polymer coating provides color stability. Such plates are resistant to mechanical stress. But the metal does not contribute to the creation of an optimal microclimate: it heats up quickly and cools down instantly. Therefore, additional insulation will be required.

Today, fiber cement modifications stylized for different types of stone are in trend. The panels belong to the segment of medium strength materials. They are heavier than PVC, but much lighter than metal. Special care is required when mounting and cutting such slabs. There are special variations on sale with natural stone chips dusting. This retains heat well and protects against noise penetration.

The consumer can choose facade panels for stone according to the expected load and operating conditions. The pricing policy is also important, but in any case, the cladding of the building "under the stone" will be quite economical and presentable. These materials have become an excellent alternative to expensive natural mineral finishes.

Advantages of panels, common texture and formation of material cost

Panels imitating stone remain one of the most worthy facade design options. Experts note their durability, environmental friendliness and resistance to corrosion. The fire resistance and light weight of most boards is also attractive. This will be done promptly, installation without "wet" works is carried out at any time of the year, and the foundations do not require special preparation.

The corresponding design is suitable for both private cottages and high-rise buildings or office buildings of different storeys.

The design of the panels will delight many stylists - on special occasions, you can even order special pieces. The most demanded modification in the construction market remains a neat imitation of rectangular stones laid in rows.

For non-standard shapes, the "rock" type with many elements of irregular shape is often used, the basement parts of the house are created from imitating the granite surface. Depending on the architectural features, you can choose a stylization for medieval castles, alpine houses, or copy the design of antique buildings.

Manufacturers of status brands offer variations of panels that repeat slate, limestone, sandstone, marble, shell rock. Less common are variations in the reconstruction of the structure of malachite, onyx or topaz.

This type of finish is characterized by a wide range of colors. All shades of beige, brown and futuristic combinations of white, black, rich burgundy are especially loved by landscape designers and architects.

The cost of a facing material that imitates a wild stone directly depends on the initial components and additives, including polymeric ones, that provide sheet strength and color fastness - therefore, it is advisable to study the certificate before purchasing, take into account the manufacturer's warranty obligations.

The presence of insulation and the thickness of the main layer are also important. But with other data being the same, the products of well-known brands will be much more expensive. In this case, the choice is only for the buyer: to trust a little-known brand that indicates acceptable characteristics, or to purchase a "famous" product.

Features of installation work

Facade panels for stone imply simple installation, which is quickly performed by a team of specialists, or available to enthusiastic craftsmen. If you decide to do the cladding of the house yourself, then you should carefully study all the instructions so as not to lose the guarantee for the material by accidentally violating the technology. When calculating the required number of panels, it is worth adding about 10%, and if you plan to use elements with a complex configuration, then 15%.

It is imperative to carefully mark the original surface with a level, square, pencil or chalk. The lathing is cut with a fine-toothed saw or a hacksaw for metal; you can use a grinder with a suitable disc. The frame is created mainly from a metal profile, but sometimes it is possible to use a wooden beam.

It is better to fix the panels with self-tapping screws, screwed in a screwdriver. The first sheet is installed in the lower left corner, then work is carried out from bottom to top and from left to right. Each next plate is mounted on the previous one. The rulers from different manufacturers are equipped with fastening locks or grooves to form a tight joint.

Sometimes, with ideal walls of the house, the panels are fixed without lathing with special mastic. Camouflage and decorative elements are overlays on the corners, as well as additional visors, shutters.

Modeling different types of stone surfaces using high-quality panels is very convenient: all types of this building material are undemanding, economical throughout their entire service life, and retain their original appearance for decades. Facade panels under a stone will create a special image, give an aesthetic look and respectability to any building.

Manufacturers offer a large number of materials so that each builder can clad the facade of the house to his liking. Of course, stone finishing is one of the most ideal options, but also one of the most expensive. An alternative is panels with an imitation of a stone texture, while the material retains all its qualities and practicality, and in some ways even surpasses the natural material.

Material features

Facade panels imitating stone are divided into two types:

  1. With a homogeneous structure, made of PVC and modifications.
  2. Combined elements with a multi-layer structure, equipped with an insulation layer.

Due to the presence of expanded polystyrene, the profiles of the combined type have increased thermal insulation qualities, and also well protect the house from the penetration of noise from the street. Sometimes there are foam sheets used as insulation, however, like expanded polystyrene, the foam is mounted without the use of glue by heating.

Feature of products in resistance to temperature phenomena, non-susceptibility to water flows. Moreover, even sharp drops in the thermometer readings per day do not affect the strength of the profile, there is no deformation, fragility and other unpleasant qualities. Having a low rate of linear expansion, the panels exclude the appearance of such factors as: delamination, change in stable shape. Well, a wide color and model range of products allows you to choose profiles of the desired shade and texture.

Material advantages

The main advantage of the material is the price. It is much lower than natural or artificial stone. Installation work is easy to do with your own hands, and at the same time sheathing the house with panels does not take much time. The all-season nature of the processes is also a plus: the profiles are fixed even in the snow, even in the rain, of course, if it is a glueless technology, otherwise dry and warm weather will be required. Also:

  1. There is no big dust when working with panels;
  2. The profiles are lightweight, unlike natural or artificial stone, which means that the mass of finishing does not have to be taken into account in the project and a powerful foundation must be laid;
  3. During the installation process, there is practically no need to use adhesive solutions;
  4. The presence of corner fasteners reduces the time for drawing corners;
  5. The large area of \u200b\u200bthe panels allows you to quickly cope with facade cladding of any size;
  6. The durability of the panels, resistance to water and snow will serve any facade well;
  7. It does not matter the material from which the building is built - installation is carried out on buildings of any type and number of storeys.

According to their types, profiles are divided into two types:

  1. Decorative. They are used for cladding both the walls of the house and the basement. The variety of palettes and textures will help you choose the perfect solution for cladding work.

Important! If you choose panels that are fastened to each other, you do not need to install the frame.

  1. Insulated ones allow you to fulfill two conditions at once: to decorate the facade and to lay additional insulation. At the same time, significant savings on materials are achieved, heat loss is reduced and the risk of mold and mildew formation is minimized.

Thus, stone panels are a good substitute for natural or artificial material. Service life from 25 years, high strength indicators, no need for professional laying, efficiency of work, minimum load on the foundation and a huge selection of color solutions - in many respects the facing material is superior to natural and artificial stone. Considering that the price of profiles is several times lower, it becomes clear that facing a house with stone panels is a profitable and practical solution to the problem of aesthetics of any structure.

Step-by-step instructions for installing profiles

It should be noted right away that the plinth and facade cladding have the same technology, so there is no particular difference in the process.

It should be noted right away that the cladding of the basement and the facade has the same technology, so there is no particular difference in the process. The main thing to remember is that for finishing the basement of the house with plastic panels, products are selected that are made specifically for the basements! Such profiles are slightly thicker, and therefore stronger. At the same time, panels for the ground floor resist mechanical stress better, and if desired, the developer can completely decorate the facade of the building with just such a material. However, wall profiles are larger than ground floor products.

What to do:

  1. Determine the amount of material for finishing outside. To do this, you need to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe profile and the area of \u200b\u200bthe facade of the house minus windows and doors. You will have to take into account overlaps, cuts and add another 10% in the amount received, if the panel has a complex texture and configuration, then add all 15% to the amount received. The number of the starting plank is also calculated, for this, the sum of the building perimeter is divided by 3 meters - the standard length of the plank.
  2. You will need outer corners for the height of the cladding, the number of which is also calculated by the sum of all the corners and dividing the result by 0.45 m (the height of the standard element) plus 5%.
  3. An internal J-profile, the length of which is 3 meters, will come in handy. The quantity is calculated as needed, for example, if you plan to use profiles for finishing the doorway, then there will be more.
  4. Fasteners, tools will also be useful to check before starting work.
  5. The installation process begins from the corner, at a distance of 10 cm at the very bottom of the wall, a starting plate is attached, the horizontal, vertical level is measured, the step of fixing the bar is 30 cm.
  6. Facing the foundation involves first fastening the first outer corner, then checking the lower level for the evenness of the starting bar, securing it.
  7. The panel is inserted into the strip, slides into the groove so that the gap from the outer corner is no more than 3 mm, the strip lock snaps into place, and the edge of the panel entering the groove is cut at right angles.

Important! You should not veneer two corners at once, all work is carried out in stages. Panels can and should be cut, but the first and last profile must be at least 30 cm wide, but the remaining trims are inserted just as the first or last panel.

  1. The last profile is attached to the left on one fastener, the right side is bent, the last element is mounted in the groove, both panels are bent and joined, secured.
  2. After the first row has been completed, each subsequent one is performed by mounting the upper profile into the lower one. And to connect with the previous one, it moves slightly to the left.

Important! In the place where the basement floor ends, a curb is mounted on the profile, only then is it attached to the wall panel. And the front outer profile is inserted into the mounted curb.

Do not forget about additional cladding decor. These can be visors, shutters, and other elements. Installation is carried out over the panels to the crate. The required number of holes is drilled, the diameter of which is larger than the diameter of the fasteners, the finish is mounted. After that, the work process can be considered complete.

As you can see, cladding a house with stone panels is much easier than laying out a wall made of natural or artificial material. Among other things, you do not have to resort to the help of professionals, lift weights and spend a lot of money. Well, the result will surpass any of your expectations - you get a very beautiful stone house of a stable shape, even if it is an old wooden mansion that has stood for more than a dozen years.

There is a wide variety of materials for facing and decorating the facades of houses. The naturalness of natural stone is popular. Facing the facade of the house with plastic panels under the stone look expensive and beautiful. Such a design, as shown in the photo below, will fit into any natural and urban environment.

Types of materials

Stone decoration will only be appropriate for new houses, since the stone is very heavy and the structures of old houses may not withstand such installation.

Stone structures are made of various materials. It can be wood, plastic, cement structures, as well as products from combined structures.
At the moment, plastic panels are very popular, as they have good performance properties and an affordable price category.

Structures serve not only to decorate the facade, but also to protect it from negative natural influences. They also significantly extend the service life of the structure and protect the supporting structures from moisture and cold. The panels prevent the penetration of noise from the external environment.

For cladding the facade of the house, panels are used that are twice as thick as wall panels. This thickness helps to resist natural influences. Also, the front panels have a pattern of large, natural, natural stone, which has a rich color.

Cladding materials are of the following types:

  • Siding.
  • Metal constructions.

The properties of houses, operating parameters, as well as its durability and practicality depend on the type of finishing.

Two types of products with imitation stone for facing the house:

  • Single layer panels made of PVC.
  • Combined, functional, two-layer panels.

The second type of panel is very practical and serves two functions:

  1. facade protection;
  2. insulation of walls.

It is more reasonable to install the second type of panels, since this significantly saves the time that will be required for separate insulation and, of course, money is saved.

The following types of imitations are used for materials:

  • under rubble stone;
  • imitating textiles;
  • under a hewn stone;
  • mosaic;
  • under a natural stone;
  • under concrete.

Features of plastic panels

Installation of structures has a number of significant advantages:

  • Lightness - does not create stress on the facade.
  • Racks under mechanical stress.
  • After the cladding is completed, the building takes on an improved appearance.
  • A wide selection of panels of different design ideas.
  • The structures do not require additional maintenance.
  • The panels can be installed independently, subject to the required technology.
  • No specialized equipment is required during installation, since the panels are lightweight.
  • Quality-to-price ratio.
  • A facade clad with panels will serve for a long time.
  • It is very easy to repair if damaged.
  • Availability - similar items can be found in all stores.

In addition to the advantages, there are also negative countries:

  • difficulties may arise when choosing a color, since there is a huge amount of tint range;
  • panels in the presence of fire begin to melt;
  • sunburn is also a negative factor.

How to make cladding

When carrying out self-assembly of panels, it is necessary to have appropriate devices: tape measure, level, drill, hammer and others.
Surface preparation is carried out before installation. It should not be dusty and even. In cases where the base is wooden, it must be treated with specialized insect repellents.

Installation is carried out in three steps:

  • Preparatory stage.
  • Securing the frame.
  • Basic installation.

Products are fixed to start and finish profiles. Consider the installation process common to all types:

  1. At the first stage, the first structure is fixed to the starting base in the lower corner.
  2. Each subsequent product is attached from left to right, we form a row from bottom to top.
  3. The first base is fixed with a screw, the rest are snapped into place with a vertical clamp.
  4. Fastened with screws.
  5. The materials have the same pattern. To give a natural look, you need to displace them.
  6. Repairs can be made at any temperature, but it is not recommended to do this below -5 degrees.
  7. It is recommended to purchase structures of the same brand, since each company uses different standard sizes of sheets.

The design of the building with natural stone goes well with metal products, trees.

The price of panels depends on the type and functional features of the material. The cladding of the facade of the house shown in the photo with plastic panels under the stone goes well with the landscape design of the site.

Detached houses with stonework panels will certainly attract attention on the streets. By using several colors, the individuality of the building is emphasized. So finishing in gray-green tones will create a Scandinavian style. The traditional colors are pastel colors. Cottages with dark cladding will perfectly fit into the woody landscape.

Stone panels will be an excellent addition to the overall design of the home area, and are also one of the economical options for home decoration. The panels give the house a natural and natural look.