Feudal fragmentation in Russia: causes, essence, consequences. Education of new state centers. Essay: work Subject: Prerequisites, Causes, Consequences of feudal fragmentation in Russia

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rus feudal fragmentation


2. Problems and consequences of feudal fragmentation in Kievan Rus


List of used sources and literature


Relevance of work:

Each era needs to be understood by the history of the Fatherland in close connection with the global history. And this happens because the world changes, we ourselves? Generation by generation, and the change of ideological stereotypes is ultimately only a reflection of the historical development of the entire world civilization and our fatherland. The history of Kievan Rus, undoubtedly a large segment of world history. Analysis of yesterday makes it possible to avoid mistakes now. This is all the more necessary today, for we live in a dynamic time, abundant ideals fighting with each other and sometimes deeply hostile. Defining the tasks and directions of their activities, each should be a certain extent to the historian to become consciously existing citizen.

Feudal fragmentation in Russia was a natural outcome of the economic and political development of the early refortional society. Under feudal fragmentation, the political and economic decentralization of the state is most often understood, creating on the territory of one state almost independent of each other, independent state formations, formally had a common supreme ruler. Folding in the ancient Russian state of large land tenure? Votchin? In the conditions of domination of the natural economy, inevitably made them quite independent production complexes, the economic ties of which were limited to the nearest county. The process of occurrence of feudal fragmentation was objectively inevitable. He gave the opportunity to a stronger statement in Russia of the developing system of feudal relations. From this point of view, we can talk about the historical progressiveness of this stage of Russian history, as part of the development of economics and culture.

The purpose of the work: It is to study the problems of feudal fragmentation in Kievan Rus.

Achieving the objective of the work implies a solution of a number of tasks:

1) to characterize the problem of the occurrence of feudal fragmentation in Russia;

2) consider the problems and consequences of feudal fragmentation in Kievan Rus.

The object of study in the work is the history of Kievan Rus.

The subject of the study is the period of feudal fragmentation of Kievan Rus.

Analysis of literature. The most important sources on the history of medieval Russia are still the chronicle. From the end of the XII century. Their circle expands significantly. With the development of individual lands and principalities, regional christmasography is distributed. The theoretical analysis of the material of historians, whose contribution to the study of the deep antiquity of our country is significant: N.M. Karamzina, V.O. Klyuchevsky, N.I. Kostomarova, B.A. Rybakova, A.N. Sakharov, E.M. Zhukova, B.D. Grekova and others.

The main methods of our work were the principle of historicism, causal relationship, the principle of additionalness. General scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison.

1. The problem of the occurrence of feudal fragmentation in Russia

The reasons for the occurrence of feudal fragmentation were subject to disputes both among pre-revolutionary and among Soviet scientists. The noble and bourgeois authors were inclined to see the main reason for the crushing of Russia in changing the order of inheritance of the principalities. Indeed, the hereditary crushing of feudal possessions was a certain meaning. However, the main reason was deeper. It followed from the natural process of the development of feudal relations. By the XII century. Local princes and their boyars felt so strong that they could do without the help of the Grand Duke Kiev in the fight against neighbors, and especially in the suppression of the resistance of the peasants operated, which is already in the XI century. It is sometimes poured into major uprisings. At the same time, the country's expanses expanded so extended that the Grand Duke and, if desired, could not always help with their collapsed Vassalam. It was difficult for them and to act if they did not want to obey Kiev. Of course, the objective possibility of separation was created by the natural character of the early refortel production, the ability to ensure itself with everything necessary even within the framework of the small principality.

The process of discharge of the specific principalities began during the heyday of the ancient Russian state. With the sons of Vladimir Monomakh, the crushing turned out with a special force, as a result of which there was already a relatively single ancient Russia for a half dozen independent principalities, the boundaries of which were mainly coincided with the boundaries of the ancient tribal unions. In the future, this crushing went further and further.

Starting from the 30s of the XII century. Rulev irreversibly entered into a strip of feudal fragmentation, which became a regular stage in the development of all major European countries during the early Middle Ages. If her early manifestations were still quenched by the power of inertia, the will of such outstanding statesmen, like Vladimir Monomakh and Mstislav, then after their care with the historical Arena, new economic, political, social trends have grown themselves. By the middle of the XII century. "Rus split into 15 principalities, which were only in the formal dependence on Kiev. At the beginning of the XIII century. They have already become about 50. "

Of course, one of the reasons for such a state of statehood in Russia was the constant princess sections of land between Rurikovichi, their endless interne-free wars and new pollunions of lands. Within the framework of a single state for the three centuries, independent economic areas have developed, new cities have grown, large patrimonial farms, monasteries and churches developed and developed. In each of these centers behind the top of the local princes, the growing and flattened feudal clans stood? Boyars with their vassals, a rich top of the cities, church hierarchs.

The formation of independent principalities in Russia took place against the background of the rapid development of the Company's productive forces, the progress of agriculture, crafts, internal and foreign trade, which has increased the exchange of goods between individual Russian lands.

The social structure of Russian society has become more and more defined by its layers in separate lands and cities: large boyars, clergy, merchants, artisans, cities, including holsters. The dependence of rural residents from landowners has developed. All this new Russia no longer needed formerly conducted centralization. Earth, distinguished from other natural, economic data, in the new conditions were increasingly isolated. For the new structure of the economy, they were needed other than before, the scale of the state. Huge Kievan Russia with its very superficial political clutch, necessary, primarily for defense from an external enemy, to organize long-range gains, now no longer matched the needs of large cities with their branched feudal hierarchy, developed trade and craft layers, the needs of rapids seeking to have Power close to their interests,? And not in Kiev, and not even in the face of the Kiev governor, but his close, here in place, which could fully and resolutely defend their interests.

The nobility was born, the basis of the life of which the Susuren service was laid in exchange for land award during this service. This system has further strengthened the position of local princes. They were also often relied in the fight against the battleship of the booze for the increased political activity of citizens. Urban layers began to turn into a certain counterweight in relations between princes and boyars. All this determined the displacement of historical accents from the center to the periphery, from Kiev to the centers of individual principalities.

The loss of Kiev's loss of its historical role was to a certain extent associated with the movement of the main trade routes in Europe and the foreground. In connection with the "stormy increase in Italian cities and the activation of Italian merchants in southern Europe and the Mediterranean, the links between Western and Central Europe, between Byzantium and Malaya Asia, are closely behind. Crusades have brought the Middle East to Europe. These relationships developed, bypassing Kiev side. In Northern Europe, the power of German cities gained strength, which Novgorod and other cities of the Russian North-West became navigated. Merk was the once glorious "path from Varyag in Greeks."

Intense struggle with nomads? Pechenegs, Top, Polovtsy? Folk forces pulled out, slowed down the overall progress of the region, focused him in new economic, social and political conditions in the backlog. The advantage was obtained by those areas of the country, which, although were in less favorable natural conditions (Novgorod Land, Rostov-Suzdal Rus), did not experience such a constant and exhausting pressure from nomads as the middle subway.

All this together taken and determined the weakening of Kiev, the authorities of the Great Princes and led to the beginning of Russia's political collapse.

In the consciousness of subsequent generations, the political breakdown of Russia for individual parts was understood as a big misfortune, like a rollback of the Company back. Moreover, such a decay led to the revitalization of opponents of Russia? Polovtsy. In the future, the fragmented Rus could not resist the hordes of Mongol-Tatars. However, in terms of generalistic development, the political crushing of Russia? "Only a lawsuit on the way to the future centralization of the country and the future economic and political takeoff is already on a new civilizational basis." This is also talking about the rapid growth of cities and a womb in individual principalities, and the exit of these practically independent states on the foreign policy arena: its own treaties with the Baltic lands, and the German cities concluded later Novgorod and Smolensk; Galich actively led diplomatic intercourse with Poland, Hungary and even with Papal Rome. In each of these principalities, the state continued to develop culture, wonderful architectural structures were built, chronicle arches were created, literature bloomed, journalism. The famous "Word about the regiment of Igor" was born just at the time of this political decay of the once unified Rus.

As part of the principalities, the Russian Church gained strength. From the circles of the clergy, there were many remarkable literary, philosophical-theological creations during these years. And most importantly? In the face of the formation of new economic areas and registration of new political entities, there was a steady development of peasant farm, new arable land was mastered, the expansion and quantitative multiplication of the victims, which for their time became the most progressive form of maintaining a large complex farm, although this was due to subane labor The dependent peasant population is either a given to the domestic recorded together with the lands, or in poverty in Kabalu to a rich landowner.

At the same time, the centripetal forces were preserved, which constantly opposed the forces of centrifugal. First of all, it was the power of the great Kiev princes. Let's sometimes ghostly, but even Yuri Dolgoruky, remaining in the Far North-East, called himself the Grand Prince Kiev. And later: among other Russian principalities, the Kiev principality existed, which even formally, but cemented all Russia. No wonder for the author "Word about the regiment of Igor", the power and authority of the Kiev prince stood on a high political and moral pedestal.

The community church retained its influence. Kiev Metropolitans were the leaders of the entire church organization. The church, as a rule, advocated the unity of Russia, condemned the cross-laws of the princes, played a great peacekeeping role. The oath on the cross in the presence of church leaders was one of the forms of peaceful arrangements of the warring parties.

All these contradictory forces of Russian society still had to be tested by time. Only a few decades, a new formidable danger has come from the east? Mongol-Tatars.

Agriculture and the position of the peasants.

During the period of feudal fragmentation, significant shifts occurred in the country's productive forces, the technique of agriculture was improved. For example, on the territory located in the course of the Dniester, as shown by the excavation materials, the population was used to be reserved (by a plug-in knife installed in front of the lemhery) when plowing with a plow of virgin lands, a lemene for processing old-headed lands and small lemshoes for pre-sowing soil processing. Water mill was used for grinding grain. In the central regions of Russia, along with the subference and the flog, the three-field agriculture system was distributed, the Russian people were mastered by the extensive spaces of new lands, especially in the northeast of the country (in the Volga region, in the Northern Dvina basin, etc.). New field, garden and garden crops appeared. Grew livestock livestock.

In the position of the peasants during the period of feudal fragmentation there were changes. The number of peasant-observers dependent on the feudals has increased. In the Novgorod and Suzdal Lands, for example, there were bars and bowlors. Salnisters were called deaths, obliged to give feudal as a lifestyle share of the harvest; Borrowers - peasants who left the former landowner and entered into dependence (in the "mortgage") from the other. In the Smolensk Earth, traversaries were known - peasants dependent on church feudal feudalists who took part with them (honey and "kunami" - money) and had the right to judge them.

The peasant, obliged to make the owner of the feudal rent of products, received greater economic independence and has great opportunities for the manifestation of his own work initiative than the reservoir. Therefore, with the development (along with the barbecue) rent products increased the productivity of the peasant. He got the opportunity to produce some surplus products that could be transformed into the goods market. The desires of the property bundle of the peasantry appeared.

The expansion of the ties of the peasant economy with the market contributed to the growth of cities, the development of crafts and trade in them, the development of commodity production. In turn, the feudalists, selling products received in the account of natural occasions, were acquired in cities expensive weapons, fabrics, overseas wines and other luxury items. The desire to increase its wealth pushing the feudalists to increase the occlect, to strengthen the operation of the peasantry.

The peasants were the estate of the incomplete category of the population. In the chronicles, when describing the "exploits" of the feudal, captive peasants and the slaves were mentioned along with livestock. The church consecrated this order, regarding the murder of Mr. "Chelyadin Full" (i.e., the Hall) is not as "skewering", but only as "sin before God." If the boat ran, the chase dressed him, and the one who gave him bread and pointed the way, was supposed to pay a fine. But the one who detained the Hall received a reward for "permit." True, the property rights of the holsters expanded somewhat. In the contract of 1229, Smolensk with German cities speaks of the right of the horses to transfer their property by inheritance.

The growth of feudal land tenure.

The period of feudal fragmentation in Russia is characterized by a rapid growth of large land tenure and the struggle of the feudal of land and for the peasants. Princely possessions included cities and villages. For example, the Galician-Volyn Prince Daniel Romanovich belonged to the city of Hill, Danilov, Thiek, Lviv, Vsevit, etc. Also grew also boyars and church land tenure. Special wealth was distinguished by Novgorod, Galitsky, as well as Vladimir-Suzdal Boyars.

New monasteries appeared in different parts of the country. Vladimir Bishop Simon (XIII century) was boasting the wealth of its bishopia - lands and incomes from the population ("tithing"). Over all of Russia, a faithful economy has significantly expanded, which remained natural. Boyarian yards have grown. The Boyarskaya Chelyer's wase (part of which broke the barbecue) turned into yard people.

The growth of feudal ownership was accompanied by the strengthening of the political power of the landowners who had the right of court over their peasants and responded to the state for the fulfillment of state-owned duties, first of all submitted. Gradually, a large landeader became the "state-owned" itself in his possessions, sometimes dangerous for the princely power.

Fighting within the dominant class.

Among the land owners were the feudal of various ranks, who had different political rights. Great Princes - in Galich, in Vladimir and even in a relatively small Ryazan - were considered the heads of their principalities, but in fact they had to share power with other feudals. Grand permanent power, striving to carry out unifying policies, came across with a boyars, and with church. In this struggle, local grand princes found support from small and medium-sized feudal feudalists - nobles and children of Boyar. Servants free, children boyars, nobles are usually the younger members of the princely and boyars, who made the most numerous group of the prevailing class. They owned land, some conditionally, while they served, and were supporting the Grand Duke, delivering to him the army, which consisted of dependent values \u200b\u200b- Peshts (Infantrymen). The princely authorities expanded the rows of the nobles, attracting them to itself the distribution of lands. The nobles were part of the military prey.

About the sharpness of the struggle inside the class of feudalists can be judged by the works of socio-political thought. Defender of the strong princely power, the expressive of the views of the then nobility of Daniel Charpener sharply drew a secular and spiritual to know: "There's a fat horse as a enemy snoring on his Mr.; So strong, rich boyar is delighted evil on his prince. " "It would be better for me," says Daniel Prince, "to serve in your house in your house than in Safyan's boots in the Boyar court." Daniel Sharpener expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to participate the nobles in the management: of them, and not from the "lords crazy" should consist "Dummers of Prince".

Although the trend towards the centralization of the country and received the development in Russia at this time, but it could not end with a strong victory of the grand permanent power. Not once, the "young" boyars and the "nobility", rich, fell out the place of "old" and, facing feudal wars with individual princes, overthrow their attempts to unite significant territories. The economic conditions for the victory of the tendency towards unity has not yet been matured. The struggle for land among the dominant class led to constant clashes. Often, the princes so devastated the Earth of their opponents, which did not leave the Chelyadin or Cattle in them. Princely detachments became walking in the villages and took all the economic reserves.

A very important factor in the economic and political history of the period of developed feudalism in Russia was a city. He was a craft and commercial and administrative center for surrounding lands, as well as a paragraph for collecting their military forces. Describing the important role of large cities, the chronicler reports that residents of suburbs came here to the elder meetings, for whom were mandatory solutions of the "oldest cities".

The number of cities (large and small) has grown from the XI century. More than three and by the XIII century, only on incomplete these chronicles, reached almost three hundred. The flourishing of the city craft continued until the Mongolian invasion. Archaeological material allows you to talk about existence to 60 different craft specialties. Even in small urban centers, there were complex shipping blade for cooking, there were several pottery systems and so on. Chronicles unanimously draw cities as large craftsmen, where significant stone construction is carried out. The wonderful Princely Palace in Bogolyubov, magnificent temples, decorated with stone carvings, in Vladimir, Novgorod, Galich, Chernigov and other cities, water pipes and bridges, part of the preserved to our days and discovered by Soviet archaeologists, characterize the achievements of the Old Russian masters.

Russian artisans performed a wide variety of work. So, for example, in Vladimir-on-Klyazma, one local artisans Lily Tolly, the other wings of the roofs, the third were thinled with lime walls. In Galico-Volyn Rus, in the city of Hill, the bells were cast and a cast was cast from copper and tin for the local church. No wonder the images characterizing handicraft work were widely used in the then literature: "As tin, often overpaid, dies and a person cares from a lot of trouble"; "Weaving iron, and you will not teach an evil wife," writing Daniel Sharpener.

Along with the craft, trade developed. The distribution area of \u200b\u200brustic craftsmen products was still insignificant, the sales of urban masters who worked to order on Boyar and Bruzhignikov reached 50--100 km. Many urban masters (Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk) worked on the market. Some, though few, products diverged over hundreds of kilometers, and individual works of artisans walked abroad (in Bulgaria, Poland, Czech, Sweden).

Developed trade within the principalities. The merchants traveled around Russian lands, held merchant caravans, numbered several hundred people. Galician merchants brought salt to Kiev, Suzdal merchants delivered bread in Novgorod, etc.

Princes received a variety of income from commerce: Living Dan. - From merchants (guests), Carchmites - duties with a bike; Myta - duties for the right to transport goods; Transport - for transporting across the river and other princes increasingly included in the contracts with each other about the fact that merchants have the right to free pass through customs observations. But in the face of the domination of feudal fragmentation and frequent wars, these trade relations were often broken. The farm as a whole continued to remain natural.

Significant scope at this time reached foreign trade. So, in Vladimir-on-Klyazma, "guests" came from Byzantium and other countries. Large cities - Novgorod, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Polotsk concluded trade agreements with German cities (agreements 1189, 1229. and others). Russian merchant associations have gained more and more sustainable positions in neighboring lands. In Constantinople, Riga, Bulgaria had "Russian streets".

The political importance of the city trading and craft population has greatly increased. Craftsmen of the largest cities united in the "Streets", "Rows" and "hundreds", had their churches, built in honor of a "saint" - the patron saint of the craft, and their treasury. Craftsmen were going to discuss their affairs, elected Starost. There were organizations and merchants.

Guide as merchant associations (such as buckwheels, who conducted trade with Byzantium, Chudins, who were trading with the Baltic States, who were trading with the peoples of the North, and others), and craft corporations were in the hands of a trade and crafting top, closely connected with Boyar vest . Large merchants and realmists abruptly opposed the urban handicraft to less people.

Feudals during permanent internecine wars robbed and ruined cities. Under these conditions, the citizens sought to free their city from under the power of the boyars and small princes and enter the agreement with any major prince. Thus, cities received well-known guarantees in the case of feudal wars and sought at the same time from the local grand princes recognition of their privileges who guarded the right of wealthy citizens first. Cities that contributed at the early stage of the development of feudalism to establish political fragmentation in the country, gradually turned into force, which, along with the nobility, everything became energetically promoted by the union of more significant areas into the Grand Duchy.

Class struggle.

No matter how difficult and contradictory were relations between the individual groups of the dominant class, the whole class as a whole opposed the peasantry, which continued to fight with his oppressors. The forms of the peasant struggle with feudalles were diverse: shoots, damage to the Lord's inventory, the extermination of cattle, arson of estates, the murder of representatives of the Prince administration, finally open uprisings.

Rebellion was repeatedly broken in cities. The fight against landowner to know, the internal differentiation of the urban population, the growth of the debt challenge of artisans, frequent wars, etc.-- All this worsening the already severe position of the urban poor and led to the uprisings. In these uprisings, the urban poor and the peasantry was often accepted at the same time. So, a large uprising of the peasantry and the urban poor broke out in 1136 in Novgorod, when Novgorod, together with Pskov and Ladgetan, expelled the prince of Vsevolod, who hesitated to death. But the fruit of the uprising was awarded the boyars who had established the feudal republic in Novgorod, independent of the Kiev Great Princes.

In 1207, a new major uprising occurred in Novgorod. It was aimed primarily against Planting Dmitra, who originated from the family of rich boyars Miroshichy, who brutally oppressed the city and rural poor and engaged in usury operations. Movement starting in the city, got a wide response in the village. The rebels defeated the courtyards and villages of Miroshichini, captured debt receipts, taken by them from challenging "black people", and divided the boyar property among themselves.

The reason to the folk movement 1174--1175. In Vladimir-Suzdal Earth, there was a performance of a part of rich warriors who entered into an alliance with the boyars and changing the prince Andrei Yurevich Bogolyubsky. The prince was killed, his castle was looted. Power captured the boyars. At that time, the uprising of the peasants broke out. The peasants began to destroy representatives by the Prince of Administration, mainly consisting of nobles. It made the feudalists again look for a strong prince. Local cities led by Vladimir, fearing the self-balance of Boyar, also stood for a strong princely power. Ultimately, the people's uprising was suppressed.

In 1146, after the death of Chernigov Prince Vsevolod, Olgovich, who captured Kiev, the local trade and craft population rose and dealt with the princely administration. The Kiev residents led the struggle for urban liberations, protesting against the transition of Kiev by inheritance to Princes Chernigov.

In Galico-Volyn Rus, the people's movements occurred in the 40s of the XII century. Galitsky Prince Vladimirko Volodarevich, who was coming against the Kiev prince because of Volyn, failed and lost some cities. This affected the attitude of the other cities to him, which began to support the Kiev Prince. When the troops of the latter was besieged to Zvenigorod, the townspeople collected the vessel and opposed Vladimirk. But the princely governor suppressed the movement of citizens. He captured three husbands, who headed the evening, ordered them to cut them and throw them in the fortress. Raised the uprising against Prince Vladimirk and the citizens of Galic. After the Galicians, forced by the military force to surrender, opened the prince of the gate, he interrupted many people, and many executed the "execution of evil". The major movement of the peasants occurred in the Galician land in the 40s of the XIII century.

Political system and state apparatus.

With the dismemberment of the ancient Russian state in different Russian lands during the XII - XIII centuries. The political significance of the landowner nobility grew and at the same time was the struggle with her grand-road power, which resulted in unequal results. Such strong princes, such as Vladimir-Suzdal, after the decline of Kiev managed to curb the local boyars during the time. In some lands, for example, in Novgorod, landowner to know victory over the princes. Finally, in the Galician-Volyn Earth, the fierce struggle between strong afternoon and princes was with varying success. In the rest of the principles, how much scarce sources allow, the events developed in one of these directions.

As individual lands are released from under the domination of the Kiev Great Princes, the power of the latter has ever more declined. The communional importance of the Kiev Grand Duty power decreased, although it did not disappear completely. The grandnya Kiev table turned into an apple of conclusion between the strongest rulers of other principalities. The real state power was in the hands of feudalists who headed individual principalities, while the rulers of the largest of them began to appear for the association of the country, declaring themselves the great princes of all of Russia.

In all Russian lands, at this time there was a further development and strengthening of the Office of Management, which defended the interests of the feudalists. Chronicles and legal monuments mention a large number of different military, administrative, financial and other state and palace authorities. Russian True, the main guide for the court was replenished with new legal norms and acted in all lands of Russia. The place of detention was served by prisons: Forep, cellar, dungeons - deep dark pits, tightly sealed by a tree, where, according to the testimony of sources, prisoners hurt themselves.

An important place in the state apparatus belonged to the army, in which feudal squads and urban shelves were great importance. They were among them and served by the prince of the boyars with their yards. The main part of the troops continued to be hiking folk militia, the number of which reached 50--60 thousand in separate principles. The separation of the principalities, the princes sprayed and weakened the country's military forces. At the same time, weapon technique did not stand in place. The defensive structures were improved, urban fortifications, stone towers, etc. were erected. More widely began to be applied during defense and siege of cities siege and throwing tools (patrants, tarana).

Legal norms that regulate the relations of Russian principalities with foreign states, as can be seen, for example, from Novgorod's treaties with Livonian Order, Sweden and Norway, Galico-Volyn Rus - with Hungary, Poland, Lithuania and the Teutonic Order.

Vladimir-Suzdal Earth.

As a result of the dismemberment of the ancient Russian state in Russia in the XI - XII centuries. Over a dozen large principalities - Vladimir-Suzdal, Polotsk-Minsk, Turovo-Pinskoye, Smolenskoye, Galico-Volynskoe, Kiev, Pereyaslav, Chernihiv, Tmutarakan, Muromskoye and Ryazan, as well as the feudal republics - Novgorod and Pskovskaya. Rostov-Suzdalskiy (later Vladimir-Suzdal) was most important from the urgent lands - the main part of the future Velikorsia. In the Rostov-Suzdal Earth, the prerequisite for strengthening the princely authority was the presence of early prevailing princely possessions and cities that have arisen on the basis of local crafts and related to trade, which was carried out with the East along the Volga and Western Europe on the system of rivers, which combined Rostov-Suzdal Earth with the Baltic Sea.

Rostov-Suzdal Land came out from under the power of Kiev in the 1930s of the XII century, when the son of Monomaha Yury Vladimirovich was contacted (1125--1157), nicknamed Dolgoruky. He was the first of the Suzdal princes to seek the prevalence in Russia. With it, the influence of the Rostov-Suzdal Earth spread to Novgorod, Murom and Ryazan and, in addition, a solid alliance was established with Galician land. Wanting to merge the power in his hands in Russia, Yuri sought to strengthen in Kiev. Suzdal troops mastered this utensile city. However, after the death of Yuri, the Kiev citizens hurried to break their dependence on the Suzdal Princes, by overpracting the courtyards of Yuri, his supporters and merchants throughout Kievan land.

Rostov-Suzdal Rus in the middle of the XII century. Survived a significant economic rise. Agricultural culture has developed here. New cities were built - Vladimir-on-Klyazemma, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Yuriev-Polsky, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, and others. It was founded by Moscow (for the first time it was mentioned in the annals under 1147), which later became the center of the association of feudal-fragmented Russia in a single state.

The successor of Yuri, Prince Andrei Yurevich Bogolyubsky (1157--1174), who was observed by the pause and supported by citizens of Rostov, Suzdal and residents of other cities, resolutely fought with a recalcitable boyarism. He made his capital Vladimir, where there was a strong trade and craft dress, assigned his title of the Grand Prince all of Russia and sought to spread his power to Kiev and Novgorod. Continuing to compete with the Volyn Princes, Andrei Bogolyubsky organized in 1169. The campaign of the United Suzdal, Chernigov, Smolensk, Polotsky-Minsk and other regiments on Kiev was captured and took it with many wealth to his land, having passed the ancient capital into managing one of his stories. It trust the decline of Kiev. Novgorod was forced to take on the prince of individuals, pleasing Andrew. But the unifying policy of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was unexpectedly interrupted. He was killed, as already mentioned above, conspirators from the boyar and rejected warriors. His successor Vsevolod Yuryevich Great nest (1177--1212) suppressed the resistance of feudal nobility and executed a number of boyars. The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor", emphasizing the strength and power of his regiments, wrote that they could spill a Volga west, and don to the shellami to pull out. "

Chernihiv and Smolensk princes, ruled in Kiev, considered Vsevolod their "Mr.". Vsevolod has thought about accession to his possessions and Galician land. Vladimir's princes and posites were Vladimir Princes, and even the local archbishop was actually appointed in Vsevolod. By this time, Vladimir Princes broke down "reconciliation" and Ryazan princes. According to the status of the author "Word about the regiment of Igor", Vsevolod could shoot them as "live arrows." Vladimir-Suzdal Princes sought to consolidate their power in the Volga basin, Kama (where Mordva and Marie lived) and Northern Dvina, where Russian colonization was sent. Such cities are founded as Ustyug and Nizhny Novgorod (1221). The peoples of the Caucasus were trading in the Volga. Claims, in addition, there were political ties.

Houghly Pskov Earth.

Novgorod land bordered by Vladimir-Suzdal Earth in the south-east, with Smolensk - in the south and with Polotsk - in the south-west. Novgorod possessions extended far to the East and North, right up to the Urals and the Arctic Ocean. Glad the fortresses guarded the approaches to Novgorod. On Volkhov, Ladoga was located, defending the trading path to the Baltic Sea. The largest Novgorod suburb was Pskov.

Owning the banks of the Neva and the Finnish Gulf, Novgorod was closely connected with Estonian, Latvian and Karelian lands, in which Novgorod boyars collected a tribute from the population. The tribute was also charged with Emi Earth (Finnov) and from the north of it, right up to the borders of Norway, the land of Saamov (Loparis). Finally, in Novgorod possessions in the north along the Tekhorn of the White Sea and in the Ziporal (what was called extensive lands to the east of the Whitezer, inhabited by various nations) were also sent from Novgorod to Dani's supporters accompanied by armed detachments.

The main occupation of the Novgorod peasantry was agriculture, whose technique has reached a significant level for that time. However, the development of agriculture did not favor soil and climatic conditions, and it could not satisfy the needs of the population. Along with agriculture, various crafts were developed: hunting for fur and marine beast, fishing, salt mining. The mining of iron played a major role in the exercise of the rural population. Novgorod was one of the largest craft and shopping centers of Europe.

After the uprising of 1136 in Novgorod Russia, the boyar republic was formed, in which large feudalles dominated. Such a public organization also developed in the Pskov Earth. Formally the supreme power belonged to one. However, in reality, the boyars were in their hands, although they had to be reckoned with his opinion, especially if the everlast decision was supported by armed performances of urban "black people." The archbishop played the largest role in the political life of Novgorod. Under his chairmanship was gathered by the Boyar Council. From the number of Boyar was approved at the vessel vessel and the thousands, which were carried out in the city executive.

In their fight against the boyars, the handicraft population of the city dismissed well-known rights. The coincisions of the conquers (residents of urban areas - the ends of pottery, carpenter, etc.), streets (residents of the streets) and merchant frachines were aligned. Each end had its own elected self-government and possessed some power over a certain territory of the Novgorod region. But these authorities remained under the control of Boyar. Princely power preserved in Novgorod. But the princes were invited to the veche and their rights were very limited, although they received well-known income from management, trial and trade.

The first 100 years (1136--1236) of the existence of the Novgorod Boyar Republic, up to the Mongolian invasion, was characterized by an acute class struggle, which more than once poured into open uprisings of the city poor and peasants. At the same time, the role of merchants intensified, part of which spoke on the side of the strong Vladimir-Suzdal princes.

Vladimir-Suzdal Princes strengthened their position in Novgorod. They captured land here, assigned the rights of the court and collecting the filings. The resistance of Novgorod politics of Vladimir-Suzdal princes led to repeated clashes, the consequences of which were severely reflected in the situation of the masses. It was especially difficult to the Novgorod men, when breaks were taken to bring the Volga bread. When in 1230, a cruel hunger, the Vladimir Prince closed the trading paths in Novgorod Earth, and the merchants and merchants began to speculate bread. Before despair, the poor began to set fire to the houses of the rich people who kept rye, and capture these reserves.

Galico-Volyn Earth.

Galician land occupied the northeastern slopes of the Carpathian Mountains. In the north, she bordered by the territory of Volyn, in the north-west - with Poland, in the south-west of the "Mountain Ugor" (Carpathians) separated it from Hungary. In the mountains, and for them was Karpatskaya Rus, in a large part captured by Hungarian feudalities in the XI century. Part of the Carpathian Rus (with the cities of Brasov, Barduev, and others) remained for the Galicon of the Earth. In the south-east, the lands of the Galician principality entered the land, staging from the southern Bug to the Danube (on the territory of modern Moldova and Northern Bukovina).

Galitskaya Earth, the ancient center of which was moving, alone alone at the beginning of the XII century. In a separate principality under the rule of the great-grandfather Yaroslav Wise. Condemned here, strong boyars was looking for in his straight with princes of help from the Hungarian and Polish feudalists and for a long time prevented the political consolidation of the country. Volyn land, called from the ancient city of Volyn on the Huft River, occupied an extensive territory in the Western Bug basin and the upper current of Pripyat with her tributaries. Volyn and Galicina since a long time were especially closely connected with each other.

It has long been known to be arable agriculture. In Galician Earth, there were rich salt developments and salt was the subject of export. High-level in Galician-Volyn Earth has reached the development of iron, jewelry, pottery and leather crafts. In this edge, there were over 80 cities. Being at the intersection of numerous water and land roads, the Galico-Volyn land played a prominent role in European trade. In the XII century Galinka and Volyn Principles experienced a significant rise. Already Vladimirko Volodarevich (1141--1153) joined all Galician lands under his authority, including the in-school cities (Berlad, etc.). At about the same time, it came out of the power of Kiev and Volyn.

The time of the reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich Osmomysl (1153--1187), one of the largest politicians of Russia XII century, was marked by the further approach of the Galician land and, in particular, the wide construction of new cities. Yaroslav Otmomysl with the help of Volyn princes broke the troops of the Kiev Prince and forced him to abandon the attempt to establish himself in the Sudenai lands. Yaroslav established the world with Byzantium, and the Union with Hungary brought his daughter to his daughter with King Stefan (Istvan III). At the end of the XII century. Galician and Volyn land connected under the rule of the Volyn Prince Roman Mstislavich (1199--1205). To achieve strengthening the princely power, he relied on an agreement with cities and, above all, with the top of the urban population, "impoverished her husbands", which provided a number of privileges. The novel weakened Galitsky boyars, he destroyed him, and some boyars fled to Hungary. The Boyar lands were captured by the prince and were used by him for distributing a friend. Overcoming the resistance of the Suzdal Prince Vsevolod, Yurevich, the troops of the novel took Kiev (1203), after which he proclaimed himself a great prince.

Roman Kuria was looking for a "Union" with Prince Roman, but he rejected the proposal of Pope Innokentia III. Having supported the struggle of Gogenstaufnes with Welfs, the novel in 1205, he made a large campaign against the ally of Venels - Krakow Prince Leszko, putting the goal of moving into Saxony. However, the death of the novel in the campaign prevented the implementation of these broad intentions and facilitated the destruction of the unity of Galician and Volyn principalities that had arisen with him.

A long and ruinage feudal war began (1205--1245), in which the boyars, acting with the help of the Hungarian and Polish feudal feudalists, captured power in the Galician land. According to the contract in Spesh (1214), the Hungarian and Polish feudal fodals with the sanction of papal currics were attempted to divide Galico-Volyn Rus. However, the masses threw these calculations. As a result, the Hungarian garrison was expelled by the country of the national uprising.

The princes of Daniel and Vasilko Romanovichi were established on Volyn, with the support of servil, Boyar and Gorozha, the princes of Daniel and Vasilko Romanovichi, with the battle of the Polish feudal motions from the limits of the Russian Earth (1229). Daniel's troops in active assistance of citizens caused a number of lesions to Hungarian feudalities and Galitsky Boyars. The captured boyar lands Prince Daniel distributed to the warriors-nobles. He supported friendly relations with Lithuania and Mazovia, as well as with the Austrian Duke Friedrich II, hostile Hungary. The struggle for the independence of Galician Russia was bloody and stretched for many years. Only in 1238, Daniel finally mastered the Galitsky principality, and then Kiev, connecting the extensive lands of South-Western Russia under its authority.

Polotsk-Minsk Earth.

Polotsk-Minsk Land occupied the territory of the rivers of Western Dvin and Berezin, the border with the Novgorod, Smolensk and Turov and Pin Lands. In the north-west, the ownership of Polotsk princes spread to the lower flow of Western Dvina, where they stood the cities of Ersic and Koknes. A part of the population of Lithuanian and Latvian lands recognized the power of Polotsky Prince and paid them to tribute.

The main occupation of the inhabitants of the Polotsk-Minsk region was agriculture, although the soil conditions conducive little to this. Polotsk constantly needed bridal bread. Much spread here got hunting for fur beast, fisheries, Bortnovnia. Fur was the subject of export abroad (on the island of Gotland and in Lubeck). In Polotsk-Minsk Earth, a feudal relationship has been developed early and a number of cities arose - Izyaslavl, Vitebsk, ruin, Orsha, Kopys, and others.

Polotsk-Minsk Earth short-time was subordinate to the Kiev princes. Already under Vladimir Svyatoslavich, she moved into possession of his son Bryachchul. The successor of the latter, Vslav Bryachlivich (1044-1101), leaning on a squad and taking advantage of the cities, kept power over the entire divine-Minsk land in his hands. The time of the prince of All-Veslav, according to the "Word about the regiment of Igor", was the time of "Glory" for this part of Russia. But then the feudal fragmentation intensified. In the XII century, a number of victims of the principalities are formed; The most significant of them were Polotsk and Minsk. Domestic wars weakened by the Polotsk-Minsk Earth, which gradually lost its former influence in Eastern Baltic States. Despite the stubborn resistance, Polochan could not repel the invasion of the German crusaders. Polotsk Prince under an agreement with Riga (1212) lost their rights to the tribute of the plots, he lost and lands in Southwestern Latgale. The cities of Erosik and Koknes were captured by German knights. At the beginning of the XIII century. Polotsk and Vitebsk's foreign policy has already controlled Smolensky Prince, concluding contracts from their name with German cities.

Rus and neighboring peoples.

Rus was surrounded by many non-Slavic peoples. Its influence applied to the peoples of the Baltic States (Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians), Finland and Karelia, some nations of the North (Nenets, Komi, Yugru), Volga region (Mordva, Marie, part of Bulgaria, Chuvash and Udmurts), North Caucasus (Ossetian and Circass) , as well as on the peoples of the Northern Black Sea region (Turkic nomadic tribal unions of Polovtsy, Ozov and Torkov) and Moldova. Rus supported links with conquer (by the population of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) and Central Asia.

The level of social development of these peoples was different: some of them had another primitive community system, and others had an already established feudal method of production.

The peoples of the Baltic States in the XI - XII centuries. experienced the time of the formation of feudal relations. They had no states. The peasants lived with rural communities, the significant groups of which were semi-feudal-semi-patriory associations led by representatives of the landowner nobility - "the best", the "oldest" people. Such associations were in Lithuania (aukshtaia, hemitetia, deltow, etc.), in Latvia (Latgal, Zemgalia, Corus, etc.), in Estonia (Läaineaa, Harjumaa, Sakkal, etc.).

The population of the Baltic was engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and craft, led trade with neighbors. In the Baltic States, trade and craft settlements were made - embryos of future cities (Lindanisa, in the place of which Tallinn, Mienets and others grew). The population adhered to pre-Christian beliefs. Wonderful cultural monuments of the culture of this time are the Estonian Epos "KaleviopEG", Lithuanian and Latvian historical songs and fairy tales.

The ancient relations of the Baltic lands with Rusy were interrupted at the beginning of the XIII century. invasion of German and Danish feudalists. Using contradictions among the rulers, the Crusaders captured Estonian and Latvian lands. Otherwise, the history of Lithuania has developed. Here, on the basis of a higher economic development, it was at first the Union of Princes of different lands (1219), and then the early refortel state was developed with the Grand Duke at the head. The first Lithuanian prince was Mindovg (1230-1264). The Grand Principality of Lithuanian with the help of Russia managed to defend his independence by beating the offensive of German feudal.

In Karelian land, which was part of the possessions of Novgorod Russia, the agriculture was dominated by the presence of developed fishers (hunting and fisheries), crafts and trade. With the development of feudal relations in the 70s of the XIII century. Karelian land was highlighted in an independent administrative region of the Novgorod Republic. Among Karel, Christianity began to spread widely. The culture and life of the Karelian people received a vivid reflection in the outstanding monument of the People's Karelian-Finnish epic - "Kalelav". From the middle of the XII century. Swedish feudal feudal began to attack Karelia in order to capture it and enslave. Karelias together with the Russians beat off the onslaught of the Swedish invaders and caused them heavy response strikes.

The Novgorod Republic was suspended by the people of Komi, who lived on a dialing. Komi were engaged in hunting and fisheries, but also knew agriculture and craft. They began the decomposition of a patriarchal-communal system, a community appeared to know - elders.

In the conditions of the generic system, Nenets ("Samoyed") lived on the shores of the White Sea), and on the slopes of the Northern Urals - Ugra. A prominent role in the history of the peoples of the Volga region, Kamamye and Priyurya belonged to the early refortion state of Volzhsky Bulgaria. They had developed agriculture, and in large cities - Bulgarian, Suwar and Bilyar there were a variety of handsellates. Russian artisans lived in Bulgaria. Muses from Russia, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Iran and other countries came to this city. Bulgarian merchants traded bread from Vladimir-Suzdal Earth.

Among the peoples of the Volga region, subject to the Vladimbro-Suzdal principality, the beginning of the formation of class relations was observed only at the Morder, which was engaged in agriculture and Borutrvit. There were "princes" of individual regions. Other peoples - Marie, Chuvash, Udmurts still dominated the primitive purchase system. Bashkirs - Nomads of the Urals only began to unite in the unions of the tribes, at the head of which the elders were standing (Aksakala). More popular meetings played a big role.

The agricultural and cattle peoples of the North Caucasus - Alans (Ossetians) and Adygetsev, there were fragile tribal unions. Separate breeding leaders were entrusted with each other. In the pasture-cattle societies of Dagestan, there were patriarchal-feudal associations, headed by local rulers: nusals (in the accident), shamhalas (in Kumukia), Utvyia. (in kaitag). Some of them were depending on Georgia.

The population of the Crimea, which consisted of Alanov, Greeks, Armenians and Russians, continued to support political, trade and cultural ties with Russia, despite the claim of Byzantium to domination in seaside cities - Chersonese (Corsuni), Sudak (Surge) and Kerch (Korchev). The relations of the peoples of the North Caucasus and the Crimea with Rusy were weakened by the invasion of the Northern Blackstone Polovtsev (the middle of the XI century).

On the territory of Moldova, subject to Galician-Volyn princes, the Slavs lived and the novel population, which later established in the Moldovan nationality. There were cities: Small Galich, chasself, tech, etc.

A number of peoples that were part of the ancient Russian state continued to develop within the framework of Russian feudal principalities and regions. Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian and Karelian nationalities were formed in the context of close communication with the Russian people.

The subjects of Russia, non-Slavic lands carried the burden of exploitation. Russian princes and boyars were enriched at the expense of oppressed peoples, getting tribute to them - silver, fur, wax and other values. But at the same time, non-Slavic peoples developed in the conditions of economic, political and cultural cooperation with Russia. On the lands of these peoples cities were built, the Russian peasants and artisans settled, merchants appeared. The local population climbed up with Russian labor people and assimilated a higher culture from him, pulled into market ties and acquainted with urban diet and writing.

In Central Asia, the Kyrgyz tribal united, covered by the Earth from the Altai Mountains to Baikal and the Sayan Range, as well as the land of Tuvinsky and Minusinsky. Kyrgyz was engaged in cattle breeding, but they knew agriculture and crafts and led trading with China. By the middle of the XII century. Kyrgyz has also been dependent on Kara-Kitaev (thorough), which from North China advanced to Altai and mastered the Yeniseem and South Semilla. The domination of Kara Kitaev was severe for the local population was undermined by the performance at the end of the XII century. Mongol-speaking tribes Nimanov, who have come from Altai to Irtysh and Eastern Turkestan. Most of Nimanov subsequently gradually dissolved in the environment of various tribes and nationalities (Kyrgyz, Altai, Turkic-speaking tribes of the current Kazakhstan), fully losing their language. Later, all these lands fell under the power of Mongolian Khanov.

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Disintegration of Rus on the specific principalities

1. The causes and consequences of feudal fragmentation in Russia;

2. Features of the feudal development of South Russian lands during fragmentation;

3. Features of the development of North-West Rus during fragmentation.

4. Features of the development of Northeast Rus in the XIII century.

fragmentation in Russia;

In Russia, feudal fragmentation began with 1132 g. (Death of the Son of Vladimir Monomakh, Mstislava Great). The position of Russian lands of the fragmentation period was complicated in 1237-1240. In connection with the Mongolian invasion and the establishment of the Iga Golden Horde.

Soviet historians have developed an understanding of feudal fragmentation as a stage of political development of the feudal society. They showed that the transition to fragmentation was associated with the laws of socio-economic and political development during the early Middle Ages, and the onset of fragmentation - the evidence of the admission of feudalism into its developed stage. Soviet historians have proven that this phenomenon is progressive and natural, indicated that since the collapse of Kievan Rus to Bathiyev invasion, the farming and culture of all Russian lands took place. But it was emphasized that fragmentation was accompanied by civil strife, weakened the ability to resist external enemies and did not exclude the establishment of despotic authorities.

The same views adhere to both representatives of modern historical science of Russia.

Feudal fragmentation - stage in the political development of a medieval society, when the Unified State of the early stage of the Middle Ages is crushed into a number of independent states (in Russia - principalities and lands). At the same time, the high-rise power persists, but only a nominal value. Local princes are quite independent and often fought with great princes.

Causes of feudal fragmentation:

I) Economic- The growth of productive forces in the craft and in agriculture in the field. In the end XI-XII century Everywhere began to spread the biscuit and three-pole. Grew the number of cities (in the x century - 60, to the beginning XIII.in. - 230). INthe same time, the growth of productive forces occurred in the conditions of domination of the natural economy, the lack of economic ties between the Russian lands;

2) Social - determined by the development of feudal relations in the field. In the IX-X centuries. Between Kiev and its outgrows there were rather noticeable differences in the level of development of society. But at the end of the XI-early XII century. The outskirts have no longer lagged behind Kiev in terms of social development. Everywhere began the bundle of society.

In such conditions, local kneel began to strive to have the author of the authorities that could cope with social clashes;

3) Political - defined by the interest of local nobility in consolidation for their feudal centers of their own princely dynasties. Already in the Kiev period, a tradition began to develop, according to which certain dynasties began to be fixed in separate feudal centers. So, Chernigov, Tmutarakan and Ryazan began to be listed for the descendants of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich; Pereyaslavl on Dnieper, Rostov and Suzdal - for the descendants of Vsevolod and Vladimir Monomakh, et al.;

4) ideological - associated with the spread of the traditions of suzerita - vassalitet and the ideas of the independence of each prince in their faith.

The consequences of fragmentation:

1) After the death of the son of Vladimir Monomakh, Mstislava Great, Russia in 1132 broke up at about 20 principalities and lands of various sizes. In the future, crushing continued. Along with the rise of economy and culture in this process, there were also negative consequences: crossburities and weakening of the country's defense. It was sensitive to Russia, who was on the border with the "steppe";

2) Polyovtsy Natisk intensified. The Russian population was forced to leave the White Visey on Don, Tmutarakan, leave the Earth in the lower subway;

3) The defense system was gradually alarmed, in which each prince responded to his region of Rus. Therefore, the defeat of the prince of Igor Svyatoslavich Novgorod-Seversky and his brother Bue-tour of Vsevolod Kursk in I 185, described in the "Word about the regiment of Igor", had difficult consequences for Russia, forming a broach in Russian defense, in which the Polovtsy Khan Bonyaka invaded Konchaka. With great difficulty managed to discard them in the steppe. The author "Words ..." called for the princes to unite the military forces for the defense of Russia. On the eve of the invasion of the Mongols, this appeal was very relevant, but the princes as a whole did not manage to overcome local interests, to be elevated before the understanding of the community tasks.

From the 30s. XII century Kievan Rus entered in the period of feudal fragmentation. It was a regular stage of socio-economic development caused by objective prerequisites.

Let's call the main causes and prerequisites of feudal fragmentation:

1) the growth of large specific princely and boyars land tenure (Votchin) created conditions for political independence;

2) the dominance of natural economy, weak economic relations allowed isolated princely and boyar farms to conduct independent economic life and not depend on the central authority of the Kiev Prince;

3) As a result of the rapid development of the crafts, the transformation of major cities in new political and cultural centers. Some of them (Novgorod, Pskov, etc.) have become independent administrative centers, around which local markets were developing and the power of the governor-boyars and local princes was approved;

4) small feudal feudalities were interested in solid princely power in places for joint suppression of peasants rebounds, reflection of external danger;

5) the weakening of the central authority of the Grand Prince Kievsky was largely due to the inheritance of the princely throne, not the eldest son, and the eldest in the family, which gave rise to quarrels, military clashes and the creation of new independent principalities.

With the statement of feudal fragmentation in Russia finally tried specific order (The lot is the princely ownership), when the princes ruled the free population of their principalities as public and owned their territories as private owners. With the termination of the movements of the princes on the princes in the order of seniority, the community interests were changed by private: an increase in his principality at the expense of neighbors.

With the change of the position of the prince changed the position of the remaining segments of the population. Now the boyars and the boyar children got the opportunity to choose who to serve what was recorded in the right of departure. Keeping your land ownership, they had to pay tribute to the prince, in the principality of which were their victobs.

Political fragmentation led to an unprecedented economic and cultural lifting of each Russian land separately, it was undoubtedly a progressive role in this sense. On the other hand, the political separation of the Russian lands led to the weakening of their military potential, which turned out to be destructive in the era of the Mongolian invasion.

The formation of a single Great Russian state (XIV is the first quarter of the XVI centuries.)

Mongol-Tatar invasion radically changed the territorial-economic structure of Russia. Flying from Ordans, Rusichi moved to the north of Oka and the Verkhovye Volga, the consequence of which the economic rise of the cities of Pereyaslavl, Gorodza, Kostroma, Moscow. In the XIV century In Russia, new major political associations were formed - Moscow, Tver and Ryazan principality, between which the rivalry was launched for the Grand Due to Vladimir and the role of the uniform of all Russian lands. As a result, the victory went to the Moscow principality, which was headed by the unifying process in the north-east of Russia.

For the unification of Russian lands, economic and social and political prerequisites were formed:

1) the growth of the population of Northeastern Russia and the reasonable policy of her princes, invited to the service from other principalities of the Boyar with their numerous warriors and the male, contributed to the intensive development of new lands and the elimination of economic closetness;

2) the energetic restoration of agriculture of northeastern Russia (along with the subference and the flog began to spread the "steam" system of agriculture with three-round crop rotation; coaches appeared with two iron coulters (lemays), water mills) contributed to the revival of old cities and the emergence of new, and therefore , the development of crafts and the increase in the number of Posses, strengthen trade relations and the formation of a general economic space;

3) the interest of peasants, citizens, small and medium-sized feudalists in a strong princely power capable of stopping feudal gravestics and protect the interests of the entire population;

4) the interests of self-defense and the struggle against external enemies in the East and the West dictated the need for association, developed national consciousness, the desire for consolidation and the independence of all the forces of the Russian people;

5) Active support for unifying tendencies by the Orthodox Church, who spent the spiritual head of all Russian people and the guarantor of strengthening the Supreme State of the Prince, personified the power of the Russian people and the defender of religion. In 1299, the residence of Metropolitan Maxim was translated from Kiev to Vladimir-on-Klyazemma, who turned the spiritual power into a strong weapon in the struggle for the combination of Slavs on the basis of a single faith, recognized the sacred debt of Christians to fight the Horde II, conducted a policy of "Cattle", those. spiritual unity of all people.

Start of collecting Russian lands

In the late XIII - early XIV century. In the fight for leadership in the northeast, first Pereyaslavsky, Gorodetsky, then Tverskaya, and, finally, Moscow Princes were included.

Moscow, like the outskirts of the day, got one of the younger lines of descendants of Vsevolod a big nest, the fourth son of Alexander Nevsky Prince Daniel(1273-1303), which became the hedge of the Moscow Princely House .

In 1316, the son of Daniel Yuri (1303-1325) was married to the sister of Khan Uzbek - konchak, thereby "snatched" from the Tver Prince Mikhail Golden Label to the Grand Due to Vladimir and strengthened his victoban - the Moscow principality, which became the centers for the association of Russian lands. Under Prince Yuri, the residence of Metropolitan Peter was transferred from Vladimir to Moscow, which made it the spiritual center of Russia.

In the unification of the Russian lands around Moscow played a big role Ivan Danilovich Kalita (1325-1340), which led the struggle with the Tver princes for the Khan label bypassing the seniority. In 1328, Ivan received from Khan Uzbek a golden label to the Grand Diction of Vladimirskoye, as well as the right to collect tribute ("exit") from all Russian lands and send it to the Horde. The Russian people were delighted with Baskakov, and relative came to Rus Peace. Tribute began to gather in sohas, i.e. Depending on the number of land treated and fishery. The collection of Dani allowed Ivan the financial affairs of the Principality. Because of this, he entered the story under the nickname Kalita (wallet).

Ivan Kalita managed to transfer the title of the Grand Duke Vladimirsky to his son Simeon Gordom (1340-1353), and then his grandson - Dmitry Ivanovich Donsky (1359-1389).

Prince Dmitry from the young age showed a hardness of character, the desire for independence and independence from the horde. He expanded the limits of the Moscow Principality, attaching Dmitrov, Starodub (Suzdal) and Kostroma. During the Ordane IGA, he introduced his own coinage coin (with the image of a cockerel), which indicated the increased independence of Moscow. Prince Dmitry first raised the banner of the communional armed struggle against the Mongolian yoke. In 1374, he stopped paying tribute to the Golden Horde, which at this moment was experiencing the process of feudal crossbreak.

After the victory in the Kulikov field, he included Vladimir Principality in his Moscow victory, without asking permission from the Golden Horde, and since that time the throne of the Grand Duke of Moscow-Vladimirsky was inherited from the Father to the Son, and the "Limorly" princely princessed .

In 1389, after the death of Dmitry Donskoy, his senior 18-year-old son Vasily I (1389-1425) entered the Grand-Road Moscow-Vladimir Prepoll. He bought the Golden Horde from Khan and joined Nizhny Novgorod to Muscovy, Gorodets, Tarusa and Mescher, almost ceased to pay the annual tribute to the Golden Horde.

After the death of Vasily I in northeastern Russia, almost 30-year-old began internecine feudal war for the grand-pendant throne (1425-1453). The reason for the discord was the testament of Dmitry Donskoy, according to which, after his death, the throne passes to the son of Vasily Dmitrievich (Vasily I), which was not yet married and had no children. Therefore, Dmitry Donskoy ordered in the event of the death of Vasily, the great reign should go to his uncle - the Galician-Zvenigorodsky prince Yuri Dmitrievich. But before his death in 1425, Vasily I bequeathed the Moscow throne to his 10-year-old son Vasily II (1425 - 1462). The war between Vasily II and Yuri Dmitrievich, and then his sons (Vasilya oblique and Dmitry Shemyaka), lasted about 20 years and reached excessive cruelty on both sides.

Results of the feudal war:

1) In the hands of Vasily II, by the end of the reign, all the dots of the Moscow principality were concentrated, except for Varea. The ownership of the Grand Duke has increased by 30 times compared with the beginning of the XIV century;

2) Vasily II victory has secured a new order of inheritance from the Father to the eldest son. During his lifetime, he made it forced to recognize the "Grand Duke" and his son Ivan III, which made it a generally accepted heir to the Grand Discontinacy for the new order of inheritance;

3) Vasily II, who did not divide his possessions equally between the sons, laid the state began in the princely inheritance;

4) The Grand Duke ceased to be the first among equal terms and was in relation to the specific princes in the position of Mr.

The final stage of the unification of the Great Committee is associated with the activities of the son of Vasily II Ivan III.

Becoming the Grand Duke of Moscow, outlined the main directions of the foreign and domestic policy of Moscow:

1) Further collecting Russian lands

Calculating, volitional and decisive Ivan III managed to successfully achieve all the main goals. Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod (1462), Yaroslavl (1463), Perm Territory (1472), Great Rostov (1474), Tver (1485), etc. were attached to the Moscow Principality. The independence of Novgorod (1478) was eliminated

2) the creation of a single centralized state with a single legislation, a single system of measures and scales.

In 1464, he introduced the coat of arms of Moscow - St. George Victorious on a horse hitting the dragon. In 1472, he married the niece of the last emperor of Byzantium Konstantin XI Sophie Paleologist and proclaimed himself to the successor of Byzantine emperors, and Moscow is the center of the Christian world. Even the name of the country has changed, it was called to the Greek manner of "Russia" instead of Rus. In 1485, Ivan III adopted the title of the Sovereign All Russia, stating that he was a sovereign ruler of a single state to which subjects should be addressed to loyalty; The sovereign is entitled to impose on the boyars opal, select their possessions and even execute reciprocal. Finally, in 1497, Ivan III adopted the first state coat of arms of Russia - the two-headed Byzantine eagle, on whose chest was the coat of arms of Moscow.

3) the system of central government agencies began to develop - the palace and the treasury, which directly obeyed the Great Prince.

4) In 1497, the first set of the laws of a single Russian state (judicial) was adopted, which was to unite the judicial systems of different lands, which are still largely based on the "Russian truth".

5) During the reign of Ivan III, the dependence of Rus from the Golden Horde was destroyed. Ivan III did not go to a bow to Khan, and from 1475 he stopped paying tribute. In 1480, Khan Akhmat decided to restore the payment of the Moscow principality of Dani and moved to Rus. As a result, "standing on r. Ugra "Mongolo - Tatars recognized their defeat, and the Mongol-Tatar Igo, which lasted almost two and a half century, was finally overthrown.

two trends in the development of the state, the dynastic crisis.

Similar information.

The first signs of feudal fragmentation of Russia appeared after the death of Yaroslav Wise. Lyubetsky Congress (1097), wanted to warn the princely disputes, but even more rearranged Russian princes, deciding "let everyone holds his victob."
The supremacy among the specific principalities, nevertheless it was for the Grand Duke of Kiev, (and then Vladimir), the power of which was based on the military, political and economic rule of Kiev. Specific princes have been gained with the help of money and various benefits of the boyars. Such relations in Russia between the Grand Duke, other princes and boyars, historians call the feudal fragmentation of Russia. Starting from the second half of the XI century, the influence of the Grand Duke decreases, and the economic and political independence of the devices from Kiev rises, and from the first quarter of the XII century, the process begins to be called political fragmentation.

Causes of feudal fragmentation in Russia:
Economic lifting of specific lands: progress in the development of agriculture and crafts, and in separate lands in trade;
The absence of strong economic ties between the lots, the domination of the natural economy.
Rise specific cities, transform them into political and cultural centers of land.
The appearance of the specific princesses of their own large troops in those distant from Kiev.

Also, the causes of the fragmentation of Russia became:
Large territory of the country and the presence of a large number of nationalities.
During the reign of Vladimir Monomakh Rus, it was stretched almost 800 tees kilometers, which in different circumstances played a different role. It was evidence of courage and strength, but at the same time a source of weakness, as it is difficult to protect the boundaries of such a large area. The prince at that time did not have a fairly developed infrastructure for effective government management. Polyethnicity of the population of Russia also contributed to the rapid decay. Next to the Slavic peoples there were about 20 nations. It should be emphasized that the process of conquesting new lands, peoples, and territories awarded the development of the central authorities in all territories.
Lack of a system of the Prepoligation of the Tsarist Power.
The first prestolia system was horizontal (the throne was transferred to the youngest from the older, and then - from the son of her senior brother for the next son.) But since Vladimir Svyatoslavich and Yaroslav Wise had a very large number of heirs, they were based on their mercenary purposes, supported "vertical" Principle (from the Father to the Son). The principles of the throne began to overlap on each other and in the prestolilation system ceased to exist clarity. This was the reason for the start of internecine warrior. In the center of the struggle for power, Kiev, who was a pinnacle of power. Only in one century in Kiev, the rule 46 of the princes, and 35 princes were with the authority of only one year.
The development and rise of specific principalities and lands, led to the pointedness of civil relations, continued local separatism, contrary to the fact that all the princes belonged to one Dynasty of Rurikovich.

Changes in trade conjugation and trading drop.
At the end of the 11th century, Polovtsy nomads practically cut the main trading routes from black to the Caspian seas. In addition, there were a strong blow to transit trading two international events. First Event: Byzantium asked for help to Venice, so that she helped her in the war with Sicily. For what gave good Venice to trade without taxes and even place the port on its territory; Second: Crusades, which opened the way to east through the sea Italian, French and German cities, which united Western Europe and Malaya Asia. For this reason, Kiev remained away from the main trading paths. Such a state of affairs led Kiev to decline. Also in Russia began to grow new cities that have become support for income and political support of local princes.
Political civil workers became a real misfortune for Russian lands. Thousands of people died between the brothers between the brothers, the masterpieces of the ancient Russian architecture and culture were destroyed. The princes began to attract neighbors of nomads and overseas troops who burned and robbed Russian cities to their disassembly. The nomads took advantage of the weakening, who constantly committed raids on Kievan Rus. Princely disputes were especially dangerous when the troops of Polovtsy appeared at the borders of Russia. They devastated Kiev, Pereyaslav, Chernigov. Even there were such princes that came into a conspiracy with nomadic tribes and together robbed other princes. Therefore, it can be said that the feudal fragmentation of Russia occurred because of the princes who wanted power and did not want to come true.

Fe-inflammatory fragmentation in Russia was from the beginning of the XII to the end of the XY centuries. (350 years).

Economic reasons:

1. The successes of agriculture.

2. Growing cities as craft centers and trade as prices of individual territories. Craft development. More than 60 craft specialties.

3. Natural economy dominated.

Policy reasons:

1. The desire to convey the richness to the Son. "Otchina" - the heritage of the Father.

2. As a result of the "settlement of the squad to earth" process, the military elite turns into the landowners-boyars (feudal) and strives for the expansion of feudal land tenure and independence.

3. Immunities are formed. Kiev Prince reports Vassalam a number of rights: the right of court, the right to collect taxes.

4. Tribute turns into a feud. Rent. Tribute - Prince for defense, rent - land owner.

5. Feedals are created on the ground a squad, its own apparatus.

6. There is a growing power of individual feudalists and they do not want to obey Kiev.

7. To ser. Xi in. Loses its importance to the trading path "From Varyag in Greeks" -\u003e "Amber Way".

8. The Kiev Principality itself came to decline because of the raids of the nomads-Polovtsy.

Slightly slowed down the decay process of V. Monomakh (1113-1125). He was the grandson of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Monomakh. V. Monomakh became Prince of 60 years. His son Mustislav Great (1125-1132) managed to continue the policies of the father and save the achieved. But immediately after his death, the section of Russia begins. At the beginning of the feud. The fragmentation was numbered 15 major and small principalities, and in the beginning. XIX century Already there was a peak feud. fragmentation - "250 principalities. There were 3 center: Vladimir-Suzdal KN-W, Galico-Volynsky KN-V and Novgorod feud. republic.

Feudal fragmentation in Russia: causes, essence, stages and consequences.

Positive: Along with Kiev, new Crafts and Trade Centers appeared, the old cities have developed more independent from the capital of the Russian state, the old cities developed, large and strong princely dynasties were created in large Russian principalities, the tradition of transferring power from the Father to the Son was created, a rapid growth took place Cities, there was a steady development of peasant farm, developed new arable land and forest land. There were created wonderful monuments of culture. The Russian Orthodox Church gained the power there.

Negative (which, unfortunately more noticeable, rather than positive): The state has become vulnerable, since not all the formed principalities were in good relations among themselves, and there was no one that saved in the subsequent country more than once, constant bloody civilians weakened military And the economic power of the country, Kiev - the capital of the Old Russian state - lost the suspension in the legends and the power of the power and himself became the cause of the discord, many princes sought to take a grandeur in Kiev.

The power in the city often changed - alone the princes were expelled, others died in battles, the third - left, being unable to confront new applicants. What about the reasons ... Formal: Polovtsian danger significantly reduced the attractiveness of the trading path "From Varyag to Greeks". Centers through which Europe's trading ties with the East were carried out, thanks to the cross campaigns, they gradually move to South Europe and the Mediterranean, and control over this trade establish rapidly growing nomadics.

Genuine: Political prerequisites: endless interclaidial distribution and long-term fierce internecine struggle among Rurikovich, the strengthening of local princes, the boyars turn into the landowner feudalists, for which the income received from Votchin becomes the main means of existence. And further: Decline of the Kiev principality (the loss of the central position, the movement of world trade routes in the distance from Kiev), was associated with the loss of the merchant route "from Varyag to Greek", ancient Russia loses the role of a participant and an intermediary in trading relations between the Byzantine, Western European and Eastern World.

Vladimir-Suzdal and Galico-Volyn Principality. Novgorod boyar republic. A. Nevsky.

On the way to feudal fragmentation . From the XI century Kievan Rus, as well as Western Europe, begins to experience the period of feudal fragmentation. The disintegration of Russia on the specific principalities begins in the life of Yaroslav Wise (1019-1054) and enhanced after his death. This process is somewhat suspended under the grandson of Yaroslav Wise - Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (1113-1125). By the power of his authority, he kept the unity of Russia. On his initiative, in 1097, a congress of Russian princes took place in Lychech. It adopted two important decisions. First, stop the princely gravestics. Secondly, adhere to the principle of "each yes he holds his father."

Thus, the fragmentation of the Russian lands was actually legalized. In the current situation, Kiev lost its former leading importance, but remained at the same time. The Kiev state, one of the most powerful richest and brilliant in their culture in all medieval Europe, rapidly went to death due to internal feudal gravestics, weakened by the constant struggle with the steptee. Princes strengthened their personal feudal power by sacrificing the unity of his fatherland. The Kiev Power came into decline.

After the death of Vladimir Monomakh, Russia existed for some time as a single state. The son of Monomakh - Mstislav Great (1125-1132) inherited from the father of the title of the Grand Duke Kiev. Mstislav Vladimirovich had the same solid character as his father. His short-term board was marked by great military victories. Under his command in the southern borders of the state, Polovtsy Halleles were broken. His hiking was over the victory and Lithuanian tribes living in the North-Western borders of Russia. He strengthened the force in the extensive land of Russian and enjoyed continued authority in all specific princes. Mstislav Great died in 1132, and Russia finally disintegrates into individual diets or principalities, each with its table.

Time from the beginning of the XII century. until the end of the XV century Called a period feudal fragmentation or specific period. Based on Kievan Rus to the middle of the XII century. There was approximately 15 lands and principalities, by the beginning of the XIII century. - 50, in the XIV century. - 250. In each of the principalities, Rurikovich's own dynasty.

Causes of feudal fragmentation

Modern researchers understand the period XII - XV centuries under feudal fragmentation. In the history of our country, when it was formed on the territory of Kievan Russia and functioned from several tens of up to several hundreds of large states. Feudal fragmentation was a natural result of the previous political and economic development of society, the so-called period of the early refortel monarchy. The four most significant causes of the feudal fragmentation of the ancient Russian state are distinguished.

The main reason was political. The huge spaces of the Eastern European Plain, numerous tribes, both Slavic and non-Slavic origin, located at different stages of development - all this contributed to the decentralization of the state. Over time, the specific princes, as well as the local feudal to know in the face of the boyars, began to undermine their independent separatist actions under the state building. Only a strong power focused in the hands of one person, prince, could keep the state organism from the collapse.

And the Great Kiev Prince could not fully control the policy of local princes from the Center, more and more princes were from under his power, and in the 30s. XII century He controlled only the territory around Kiev. Specific princes, feeling the weakness of the center, no longer wanted to share their income with the center, and local boyars actively supported them in this. In addition, local boyars needed strong and independent princes on the ground, which also contributed to the creation of their own state structure and the minion of the Institute of Central Power. Thus, acting in mercenary interests, the local one to know the unity and power of Russia neglected. The next cause of feudal fragmentation has become social.

By the beginning of the XII century. The social structure of ancient Russian society became more complicated: large boyars, clergy, merchants, artisans, city grounds appeared. These were new, actively developing layers of the population. In addition, it was born nobility who served a prince in exchange for land award. His social activity was very high. In every center for specific princes stood an impressive force in the face of the boyars with their vassals, rich top cities, church hierarchs. The complicating social structure of society also contributed to the isolation of land.

A significant role in the collapse of the state was played by an economic reason. Within the framework of a single state for the three centuries, independent economic areas have developed, new cities have grown, the major defendants of the boyars, monasteries and churches were born. Natural economy Provided the rules of each region the opportunity to separate from the center and exist as an independent land or the principality. In many ways, this happened due to the rapid enrichment of some part of the population, which ruled this land.

Her desire to improve his welfare also led to feudal fragmentation. In the XII century contributed to feudal fragmentation and foreign policy situation. Rus during this period did not have serious opponents, as the great princes of Kiev made a lot to ensure the safety of their borders. It will take a little less than a century, and Russia will face a formidable opponent in the face of Mongol-Tatars, but the process of decaying Russia will go too far, to organize the resistance of Russian lands will be no one.

It is necessary to note the important feature of the period of feudal fragmentation in Russia. The period of feudal fragmentation was experienced by all major Western European states, but in Western Europe, the fragmentation engine was the economy. In Russia, in the process of feudal fragmentation, the political component was dominant. In order to obtain material benefits, local nobility - princes and boyars - it was necessary to gain political independence and strengthen in his lot, to achieve sovereignty. The main force of the disconnecting process in Russia was a doom.

Initially, feudal fragmentation contributed to the lifting of agriculture in all Russian lands, the flowering of crafts, the growth of cities, the rapid development of trade. But over time, the permanent gravestics between the princes began to exhausate the forces of Russian lands, weakening their defense capability in the face of external danger. The disunity and permanent enmity with each other led to the disappearance of many principalities, but most importantly, they became the cause of extraordinary taiga for the people during the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

From the states established in ancient Russia, the largest and most significant were Galico-Volyn, Vladimir-Suzdal Principles and the Novgorod Boyar Republic. They were the political heirs of Kievan Rus, i.e. He was the centers of attraction of all community life. Each of these lands have its own original political tradition, there was its own political fate. Each of these lands in the future had the opportunity to become the center of unification of all Russian lands.

Cultural development of medieval Russia (X - XVI centuries).

Old Russian wisdom as the initial stage of the development of domestic thought has a number of distinctive features as a holistic cultural and historical phenomenon. On the one hand, she perceived some elements of the Eastern Slavic pagan worldview, multicomponent in its composition, since the Old Russian nationality was formed with the participation of the Thiehfin, Balt, Turkic, Norman, Iranian ethnic groups. According to written, archaeological, ethnographic sources, specialists (B.A. Rybakov, N.N. Veetskaya, M.V. Popovich) are trying to reconstruct the pre-Christian picture of the world and the model of being.

On the other hand, after the adoption of Christianity as the official ideology and displacement of the pagan type of world-fashioned on the periphery of consciousness, the domestic thought intensively absorbed into itself and creatively processed through the Byzantine and South Slavic mediation theoretical provisions, installations and concepts of the developed East Christian patristics.

The invasion of Batya on Russia. The liberation struggle of the population of the Old Poluss Principles. The consequences of the Batueva of the Pogrom.

The struggle against the Ordan Iga began from the moment of its establishment. It took place in the form of natural folk performances that could not overthrow the yoke, but contributed to his weakening. In 1262, in many Russian cities there were performances against the decisions of the Ordane Dani - Chermen. The degenemen were expelled, the tribute began to collect and dismiss the princes themselves in the Horde. And in the first quarter of the XIV century, after repeated uprisings in Rostov (1289, 1320) and in Tver (1327), the Russian principalities left and backers. The liberation struggle of the masses brought its first results. Mongol-Tatar conquest had extremely difficult consequences for the Rus "Batiev Pogrom" was accompanied by the massacres of Russian people, many artisans were taken captive.

The cities that were experiencing a period of decline were especially injured, many complex crafts disappeared, stone construction ceased in more than a century. Huge damage caused conquering Russian culture. But the damage caused by the conquerors of Russia was not limited to the "Batiev Pogre". The whole second half of the XIII century. Filled, Ordane invasions. "Dudeniev Raint" 1293 in its destructive consequences resembled the campaign of Batya himself. And just for the second half of the XIII century. Mongol-Tatars took large hiking for the Northeast Rus 15 times.

But the case was not only in military attacks. Horde Khan was created a whole system of robbery a conquered country by regular Dani. 14 species of various "dates" and "burden" were dragged by the economy of Russia, prevented her after ruin. Silver leak, the main monetary metal of Russia, prevented the development of commodity-money relations. Mongol-Tatar conquest. For a long time delayed the economic development of the country.

The fortunally suffered from the conquest of the city, future centers of capitalist development. Thus, the conquerors as it were could have been made for a long time a purely feudal nature of the economy. While Western European countries, who avoided the horrors of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, moved to a more advanced capitalist system, Russia remained a feudal country.

As already mentioned, the impact on the sphere of the economy was expressed, firstly, in the immediate ruin of the territories during the Ordane campaigns and raids, which were particularly frequent in the second half of the XIII century. The most severe blow was inflicted by cities. Secondly, the conquest led to a systematic rejection of significant material resources in the form of an order "exit" and other defeats, which blew up the country.

The consequence of the invasion of the XIII century. It was the strengthening of the separation of Russian lands, the weakening of the southern and western principalities. As a result, they were included in the appearance in the XIII century. The early refortel state is the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Polotsk and Turovo-Pin Principality - by the beginning of the XIV century, Volynskoye - in the middle of the XIV century., Kiev and Chernihiv - in the 60s 14B., Smolenskoye - at the beginning of the XV century.

Russian statehood (under the surgery of the Horde) was preserved as a result only in Northeast Russia (Vladimir-Suzdal Land), in Novgorod, Murom and Ryazan lands. It is North-Eastern Russia from about the second half of 14V. became the core of the formation of the Russian state. At the same time, the fate of Western and southern lands was finally determined. Thus, in the XIV century. The old political structure has ceased to exist, for which independent principalities of land, managed by different branches of the Prince of Rurikovich, were characterized within which smaller vassal principalities existed.

The disappearance of this political structure marked and the disappearance of the established criticism in the formation of the Kiev state in the IX - X centuries. Old Russian nationality - the ancestor of the three now existing East Slavic peoples. In the territories of Northeast and North-Western Russia, Russian (Great Russian) people begged, on the lands who entered Lithuania and Poland, the Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities.

In addition to these "visible" consequences of conquest in the socio-economic and political spheres of ancient Russian society, significant structural changes can be traced. In the Domongolian period, feudal relations in Russia developed in general according to the scheme inherent in all European countries: from the prevalence of state forms of feudalism at an early stage to the gradual strengthening of the victim forms, the truth is slower than in Western Europe. After the invasion, this process slows down, there is a conservation of state forms of operation. This was largely due to the need to find funds for the payment of "output". A. I. Herzen wrote: "It was in this ill-fated time Russia and gave to overtake themselves to Europe."

Mongol-Tatar conquest led to the strengthening of the feudal oppression. The masses fell under the double oppression - their and Mongol-Tatar feudalists. The political consequences of invasion were very difficult. The Politics of the Khanov was reduced to inciting feudal gravestics, so as not to give the country to unite.

The system of the Ordane rule in Russia: features and chronological frameworks. The influence of the Mongol-Tatar yoke on the development of Russian lands.

Never before in its history, ancient Russia did not experience such a shock as in 1237-40. Neither the pigeons of Polovtsy nor the attacks of Lyakhov and the Hungarians did not have any comparison with the fact that the ancient Russian lands were experiencing in the years of the invasion of Batya.

The main blow hit the cities - craft-trade, administrative and cultural centers of land, according to archaeologists, from 74 cities 49 were destroyed, and almost a third were not restored. Urban life in Russia has declined. The craft and trade was made a huge damage. Many types of crafts disappeared, there was a common cutting and simplification of technical techniques. Stone construction stopped almost a century.

The destruction of cities is a blow to the culture of ancient Russia. In the fire of fires disappeared invaluable books and artistic treasures, monuments of architecture were destroyed.

The invasion complicated the demographic situation (some researchers even talk about a demographic catastrophe). It took years to restore the population. True, the various categories of the population suffered in different ways. With the storming of the cities, many residents died. The number of feudals decreased dramatically. Druzhnikov, boyars, princes fell in unequal confrontation. From the twelve Ryazan princes killed nine led by Prince Yuri Igorevich. As part of the so-called Staromoshkovskoy boyarism - the faithful servants of Ivan Kalita and his successors - there are no boyars gods mentioned in the sources of the Domongolian period. The rural population, which had the opportunity to hide in the forests, apparently, would suffer less.

After the invasion, Russia was part of the Golden Horde. The system of political and economic domination of the Goldenordan rulers over Russian lands is defined as the Ordane Igo. Sovereign rights moved to the Supreme Ruler - Khan Golden Horde, who was called the king in Russia. Princes, as before, managed by the subject population, the former order of inheritance was preserved, but only subject to the consent of the ruler of the Golden Horde. The princes reached in the Horde behind the labels for the prince.

The princely power was embedded in the management system in the Mongolian Empire, which assumed hard fixed submission. The specific princes submitted to their senior princes, the older princes (albeit formally) - the Great Prince, who, in turn, was considered the "ulusman" of Khan Golden Horde.

Potentially, such a system has strengthened the authoritarian traditions of Northeast Rus. Princes, absolutely powerless before Khan, managed their subjects. Evening was not recognized as a domineering institute, because he was now the only source of all power was the Khan label. The boyars and the warriors turned into a servant, fully dependent on the princely mercies.

In 1243, Vladimir Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich received a special certificate from Batya, who resolved him to rule in the Russian lands on behalf of the Ordane Khan, - the label to the Grand Diction. According to its meaning for the further history of Russia, this event was equally important than the Mongolian invasion itself. Prince for the first time, the right to represent the interests of the horde in the Russian lands was granted. Thus, the Russian princes recognized a complete dependence on the horde, and Russia was included in the Great Mongolian Empire. Leaving Batya's bet, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich left the hostage of Svyatoslav's son. The practice of hosting was widespread in the Mongolian Empire. It will be the norm in the relationship between Horde and Russia.

Formation of national states in Europe. Features of the centralization process in Russian lands.

The formation of the Russian state: the formation of the Russian state. Power and estate 1. Introduction - 2 2. The mechanism of functioning of the wording system - 2 3. Location system - 4 4. Zemskiy Cathedrals - 10 5. Boyarskaya Duma - 19 6. The role of the church in government management - 29 7. Order system - 31 8. The starts of absolutism - 36 9. Conclusion - 37 10. Literature - 39 Introduction The main events of the Russian historical process are primarily active factors, primarily a special spatial and geopolitical situation, a specific mechanism for the functioning of the Clarification and, the most important place of the state and its institutions in regulation Social relations.

The period of the XVXVII centuries. It was characterized by two interrelated processes of development of a centralized state by the formation of a unified state territory by the unification of Russian lands, strengthening the political system and the real power of the monarch. New territories included in the state, first of all became the object of economic development, peasant farming. The basis of welfare remained agricultural work, which created public wealth, gave the state material and demographic resources for normal functioning.

The main trends in the development of state policy, as well as the contradictions of society and the states were directly related to the issue of land tenure and the peasant estate. The mechanism of functioning of the estate system of the functioning of the class system had a large specificity in Russia compared to the countries of Western Europe ....

Education of a centralized state with a center in Moscow: reasons, stages, features. State The activities of the first Moscow princes. Dmitry Donskoy and the historical meaning of the Kulikov battle.

In the second half of the XIV century. In Northeast Russia, the trend towards the unification of land. The center of the union was the Moscow Principality, I submitted from Vladimir-Suzdalsky in the XII century. The reasons.

The role of uniting factors was played: the weakening and disintegration of the Golden Horde, the development of economic relations and trade, the formation of new cities and strengthening the social layer of the nobility. In the Moscow principality, the system developed localrelationships: nobles received land from the Grand Duke for the service and on the service life. This put them dependent on the prince and strengthened his power. Also the reason for the combination has become fight for National Independence.

Features of the formation of a Russian centralized state:

Speaking about the "centralization" should be borne in mind two processes: the union of Russian lands around the new center - Moscow and the creation of a centralized state office, a new structure of power in the Moscow state.

The state has developed on the northeastern and northwestern lands of the former Kievan Rus; From the XIII century. Moscow Princes and Church are beginning to exercise wide colonization of the Volga territories, new monasteries, fortresses and cities are formed, the local population is conquered.

The state education took place in a very short time, which was associated with the presence of external danger in the face of the Golden Horde; The internal structure of the state was fragile; The state at any time could be filled with separate principalities;

the creation of the state took place on a feudal basis; In Russia, the feudal society began to form: serfdom, thesis, etc.; In Western Europe, the formation of states took place on a capitalist basis, and there began to form a bourgeois society.

Features of the process of state centralizationandcoming down to the following: Byzantine and Eastern influence led to strong despotic trends in the structure and policies of power; The main support of the autocratic power was not the Union of Cities with the nobility, but a local nobility; The centralization was accompanied by the reinforcement of the peasantry and the strengthening of the data differentiation.

The formation of a Russian centralized state took place in several stages:

Stage 1.. Walking in Moscow (End of XIII - the beginning of the XIV century). By the end of the XIII century. Old towns of Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir are losing their former meaning. New Moscow and Tver are towering.

The elevation of Tver began after the death of Alexander Nevsky (1263). Over the past decades of the XIII century. Tver acts as a political center and organizer of the struggle against Lithuania and Tatars and tried to subordinate the most important political centers: Novgorod, Kostroma, Pereyaslavl, Nizhny Novgorod. But this desire came across the strong resistance of other principalities, and above all in Moscow.

The beginning of the elevation of Moscow is connected with the name of the younger son of Alexander Nevsky - Daniel (1276 - 1303). Daniel in the ship got a small village Moscow. For three years, the territory of Daniel's ownership increased threefold: Kolomna and Pereyaslavl joined Moscow. Moscow became the principality.

His son Yuri (1303 - 1325). Joined Tver Prince to fight for the Vladimir throne. There was a long and persistent confusion for the title of the Grand Duke. Brother Yuri Ivan Danilovich on nicknamed Kalita in 1327. In Tver, Ivan Kalita went to Tver with the army and suppressed the uprising. In gratitude in 1327, Tatars gave him a label to the Grand Diction.

Stage 2.. Moscow is the Center for Combating Mongol-Tatars (the second half of the XIV is the first half of the XV centuries). The strengthening of Moscow continued under the children of Ivan Kalita - Simeon Gord (1340-1353) and Ivan II Red (1353-1359). When the reign of Prince Dmitry Donskoy on September 8, 1380, Kulikovsky battle took place. Tatar army Khan Mamia was defeated.

Stage 3.. Completion of the formation of a Russian centralized state (End Hu is the beginning of the XVI centuries). The association of Russian lands was completed at the great kind of Dmitry Donskoy Ivan III (1462 - 1505) and Vasily III (1505-1533). Ivan III joined Moscow all the north-east of Russia: in 1463 - Yaroslavl Principality, in 1474 - Rostovskoe. After several trips in 1478, the independence of Novgorod was finally eliminated.

When Ivan III, one of the most important events of Russian history was reset - the Mongol-Tatar Igo was reset (in 1480 after standing on the River Ugra).

The activities of Ivan III "Great" and Vasily III. The overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Formation of national-state ideology and symbolism of the national state.

In the established conditions of feudal fragmentation, the Novgorod, Pskov, Tverskaya, Ryazan, the Nizhny Novgorod lands became objectively to reunite into a single state. At the same time, centrifugal trends continued to be maintained due to separatism of local princes. That is why the Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy), had to lead a stubborn fight against princes. Fighting with the separatism of princes, Dmitry Ivanovich subjugated the most powerful principalities (Tver and Ryazan) of the Moscow Prince. Thus, the guidance role of Moscow was finally enshrined in the association of Russian lands.

Dmitry Donskoy Prince left a deep mark in Russian history.

Among the important results of its activities can be called the following:

- consolidation for Moscow status of the National Capital, and for Moscow Princes - the Grand Damage in Russia;

- preservation in the kiss of therapy possessions that have passed to Dmitry Ivanovich from his ancestors; strengthening Rus's defense capability as a result of the fight against foreign invaders, especially with the Ordans;

- the introduction of a silver coin chasing earlier than in other feudal centers of Russia;

- Economic support for the city trading and craft population.

Due to the successful activities of Dmitry, the continued strengthening of the Moscow principality continues. The fear of incentive enslavement, the desire to preserve and maintain the state order was made by the desired solid power, so ultimately the feudal war contributed to the strengthening of the Grand Duct. The unifying policy of the great princes was supported by the most different social sections of the Russian society, since the most important factor in the process of association of the principalities was the nationwide struggle for the national independence and overthrow of the Ordia IHA, for independent and strong statehood capable of providing the people to the people.

Objectively, the process of political association of Russian lands began in Russia from the territorial growth and political strengthening of individual principalities. In the struggle between them, the commonhouse political center was detected between the struggle for the political prevalence, headed by the struggle for the union of scattered Russian lands into a single state and for the overthrow of the Goldenordinian yoke. The winner in this struggle was the Moscow Principality, the capital of which - Moscow - in the prince of Dmitry Donskoy became the generally accepted political and national center of the formated Russian state. The Orthodox Church promoted the association of Russian lands.

She supported the flexible policy of the forced Union with the Golden Ord of Alexander Nevsky, inspired Dmitry Donskoy at Mamaevo; During the feudal war, openly opposed the senior policy of specific princes perstrengthening the power of the Grand Duke Moskovsky. The Union of the Church with the Moscow Princes is even more strengthened during the abolition of feudal fragmentation.

At the end of the XV - early XVI century. More than two-year struggles of the Russian people for their state unity and national independence ended with the association of Russian lands around Moscow into a single state. The main territory of the Russian state that has developed at the end of the XV century, amounted to Vladimir-Suzdal, Novgorod-Pskov, Smolensk and Muromo-Ryazan land, as well as part of the lands of the Chernihiv principality. The territorial core of the formation of Russian nationalities and the Russian state was Vladimir-Suzdal Earth.

The state united around Moscow was a qualitatively new stage in the development of statehood. In 1462, Ivan III Vasilyevich joined the Moscow throne. By this time he was 22 years old, and he was already fully established by the man and the ruler. His modernity on the Moscow throne occurred in Vasily II will. It did not require any approval of the horde. It spoke already about the great independence of Russia from the Horde. But there was still payment of Dani. She was a durable thread connecting Russia with the Horde. Most Russian lands have already become part of the Moscow state. But independent remained yet Novgorod, Tver, Ryazan Principality, Pskov. After the death of Father Ivan III continued his business.

First, he tried to secure Russia from the permanent Natius of Tatars. Already in the first years of his reign, Ivan III showed that Moscow will continue to fight for their freedom and independence from Tatar Khanate. Secondly, as under father, Ivan III had to settle relations in his family. Any aggravation of relationships with the brothers threatened with a new war. Therefore, Ivan III left their dots for them. Thirdly, Ivan III energetically continued the policy of subordination by Moscow independent Russian lands. In January 1478, Ivan III solemnly drove into "his post" - Novgorod. Grand-permanent governors took power in the city. The most stubborn opponents of Moscow were arrested and sent to imprisonment. The month spent Ivan III in the once independent Novgorod Republic, establishing Moscow orders.

Liberation from the Ordane Iga

In 1478, Ivan III ceased to pay Dani Horde. Once again I tried to free yourself from this degrading order. And now Ivan III after the victory over Novgorod again launched a decisive step. This required an international situation. After the fall of Constantinople, Russia remained the largest Orthodox state in the then Europe, and now the whole Orthodox people looked at Moscow as his hope and support. In addition, by this time, Ivan III after the death of the first wife - Tver Princess took his wife a niece of the last Byzantine emperor.

Under these conditions, Ivan III and ripped relations with the Horde. This meant war. The Horde decided to roughly punish Russia and return it to a subaneum yoke. Vladyka Large Horde Han Ahmat led on Russia more than one hundred thousand warriors. He agreed on union actions with Lithuania. But the response diplomatic steps took and Ivan III. He used the hostility between the Crimean Khanate and Akhmat and entered into union relations with the Crimea not only against the horde, but also against Lithuania. On October 8, 1480, Tatars have attempted to force the Ugric and fell into the Russian camp. But everywhere the Russian regiments gave them a rebound: there was an intense shooting of cannons, a hearth, onions.

It was the first use of Russian firearms in the field. The Orda army suffered large losses and retreated. At this time, Ivan III hastily went to Moscow in connection with the insurgency of his brothers who reproached him in too self-abilities. Some of the Moscow politicians persuaded Ivan III to go to the world with Akhmat. Ivan hesitated: the risk was great. But here were ordinary townspeople-Muscovites, calling the prince to return to the army. Interest in the fight against the Horde showed high church figures. Ivan III quickly settled relationships with the brothers, promising to increase them with their diets, and soon their troops appeared in the thief. The Grand Duke arrived there. The choice was made: the struggle is not life, but to death.

Hodge began. And the two troops stood against each other on the opposite banks of the river. December came, Ufa was covered with ice. Ahmat tried to start with Ivan III negotiations and return Russia to the previous dependence. But Ivan III, without giving up negotiations, pulled the time, strengthened the army, waited for large cold weather. And then Ahmat could not stand and gave the order to retreat. Soon the waste of Tatars turned into flight. An ally of Ivan III Krymsky Khan Mengly-Girey struck in Lithuanian possessions.

So-called pretty in the thief was of great importance in the history of Russia. After that, Russia's confrontation was completely freed from the last traces of the Ordane oppression. The Moscow Grand Principality has become a completely independent, sovereign state.

Strengthening the centralized state under Ivan IV "Grozny". Reforms "Selected Rada". The formation of a pretended monarchy. Eastern foreign policy Ivan IV.

By the end of the 1540s with a young ruler Ivan IV. A circle of figures, which he trusted the conduct of cases in the state was formed. Later, the new government, Andrei Kurbsky, called the "Chosen Rada". Adshev, the most famous members were Adshev Aleksey Fedorovich, the confessor Sylvester, whisk Ivan Mikhailovich - Head of the Embassy Order, and several other noble princes.

Reforms of the elected Rada

The first steps on the way to reforms were the meetings of the nobles and the governor. In 1549, the February meeting was held, which became the first Zemsky Cathedral. The main of the political strategies of the elected Rada was the centralization of the Russian state in the civilizational model of the West. The strategy change required a reform complex. The reforms of the elected Rada had antiboyar orientation. She relied on landowners, nobles, landing people, and therefore, expressed their interests exclusively. The elected glad, whose reforms fell 1549-1560., Implemented transformations in all spheres of society. Changes affected administrative, church, legal, financial and tax and other systems.

Reforms favorites Rada in legal and administrative systems

By decision of the "Cathedral of Reconciliation", 1549 was preparing a new set of laws. Corrected lawnier was established in 1550. Relations between feudalities and peasants have not changed, the former norms and laws have been preserved. At the same time, the power of feeder feeders was somewhat limited, the process of formation of orders accelerated. Orders are the first functional bodies of the Office, headed by individual regions of public affairs (otherwise they were called the chambers, yards, etc.). The most famous were petitioned, Streetsky, Embassy and other orders. At the same time, the centralization of local self-government was carried out. Governors were replaced by elective administration. These and other innovations strengthened the position of the nobles in society, united the provincial nobility to serve cities.

Army reform

In the mid-50s of the XVI century, "Code of Service" was adopted. There was a strict order of service permission. All landowners, regardless of the size of their possessions, became servants. The Government of Alexei Adashev organized a shooting army and formed a squad for the guard of the king. According to the results of military reforms, tens of thousands of warriors have armed, equipment and food.

Church reforms favorites Rada

In 1551, she was adopted by the stamp, in which a hundred chapters were published on the answers of Ivan the Terrible on the structure of the Church. Foreign strengthened the general discipline in the church, regulated life. The king intended to confiscate the land in the church, but the elected Rada were not approved by these intentions. The church in every way sought to strengthen their authority, steadily falling in the eyes of the people.

Reforms favorites Rada in the financial system

No administrative reforms could be carried out without restructing the tax system. In 1550, the census of the entire population was held. The residential taxation was replaced by Posirm. In the central territory, a tax unit was introduced entitled "Big Soka", its value varied depending on the position of landowners. Failing taxes by the population acquired an increasingly centralized character. "Furgent income" was replaced with the national "feeding spill".

In general, the reforms of the elected Rada under Ivan Grozny were ambiguous. They were compromised. Reforms contributed to strengthening power and improving the position of the nobility. The implementations were interrupted due to the resignation of the elected Rada in 1560.

Strengthening the centralized state under Ivan IV "Grozny". Oprichnina: Essence, its goals and methods of their achievement, consequences. The history of the country after Officon. Livonian war.

The childhood of Ivan IV passed during the "Boyarsky rule" of conspiracies in the tops, urban uprisings, which loosened state power and weakened the state before the external threat. The future king was distinguished by the mind, education, iron grip, at the same time moral corruption and nervous temperament.

In 1547, he was solemnly married to the king and officially accepted the title of king, surrounded by Ivan IV, elected food - "Government Circle" of advisors - nobleman Adshev, Prince Kurbsky, Metropolitan Macarium, Priest Sylvester, Queen Anastasia, who developed basic reforms.

Ivan IV policy passed in two stages:

The 1st reform of the 50s strengthened the autocratic power, limited to representative agencies in the center and on the ground (Zemsky Cathedral, Orders):

2nd - reform of the 60s, contributing to the strengthening of absolute monarchical power.

The new lawnier has been expanded and systematized. The transition of peasants in Yuriev's day was confirmed, but increased the "elderly" (feudal fee during the transition). The legal position of the peasants was approaching the status of the Hall (slave). Tightened punishment. For the first time, punishments were introduced for boyars and devil-bribes, the rights of the governors of volosts were limited, the industry authorities of the Central Administration were created - orders (Embassy, \u200b\u200bYamskaya, Robbery, etc.). The adoption of the Faith marked the beginning of a number of reforms:

1556, "Code of Service" - completes the formation of the Russian army. Horse militia of the noble amounted to the basis of the army; To solve important state issues, the highest state body - the Zemsky Cathedral, in which the boyars participated, clergy, nobles, merchants; Instead of governors, Zemskiy elders appear selected from prosperous landing people and peasants; Church reform has been carried out - service, church rites, measures to strengthen the authority of the church, the canonization of the saints to unite the Russian people.

The reforms of the first period strengthened state power and increased the authority and the role of the king. However, Ivan IV sought immediate results, the elected Rada conducted reforms gradually, counting on a long period. Fast movement to centralization was possible only with the help of terror. The elected glad was against it. The fall of the elected Rada became a prologue to the Okrichnin.

In December 1564, the king with his family leaves Moscow, taking all church relics, and leaves for Alexander Slobod. In Moscow, rumors crawled out that the king threw the people due to the betrayal of Boyar. The provision of return: the king became the convening of the State Council from the boyars and the clergy, where he proposed the conditions on which the power was taken. The king demanded itself to the sovereigns in the center of the country (according to the country - part of the whole Russian land), which became known as Okrichnina, and all the other land is the land. Boyars and nobles, not recorded in the Ochrichnina, lost their possessions and moved to the land. Sovereign army was created - the Ochrichniki, who had to "sniff out" of enemies and "sweep" them.

All this turned into a mass terror and led:

1) To the mass escape of the peasants to the south of the country, there was no one to sow and plow.

2) to decline trading;

3) to lose the successful Livonian war;

4) to the weakening of southern frontiers. In 1574, the Crimean Khan Garyre made a campaign to Moscow, settled it and demanded that the king would refuse Kazan and Astrakhan.

All these consequences were forced by Ivan the Terrible to abandon Okrichnin, but terror did not stop.

The activities of Ivan Grozny, on the one hand, contributed to the strengthening of the Russian state and autocracy, and on the other hand, led to the ruin of the people and contributed to such a phenomenon as the troubled.

18 "Troubles": the causes and essence of the socio-political crisis in Russia. B.Godunov. The struggle for power and social movements during the years of Discharge.

Events of the turn of 16-17 centuries. They got the name "Troubles". The reasons for the troubled concluded in the exacerbation of social cells, financial and international relations at the end of the reign of Ivan IV and its receivers. The huge costs of Levon's battle and ruin led to the economic crisis. 50% of the lands were not processed, and prices rose 4 times. In order to secure the peasants, the "Reserved Summer" was introduced - years when the transition from feudal to the feudalue was banned. In 1597, a decree was adopted on the five-year-old cheek with a breakdown of peasants. On March 18, 1584, Ivan Grozny died during the chess game. His eldest son Ivan was killed by the Father in the seizure of anger (1581), the younger son Dmitry was only two years old.

Together with his mother, the seventh wife Ivan IV Maria Nagya, he lived in coal-Che, given to him in the lot. The middle Son of the Terrible - twenty-semilenered Fedor Ivanovich entered the throne (1584-1598), soft by nature, but not capable of government affairs. The identity of Fedor Ivanovich, who grew up in the situation of medieval cruelty, attracted the attention of many writers and artists. "I'm king or not the king," - a sacramental phrase embedded in His mouth A.K. Tolstoy, successfully characterizes Fyodor Ivanovich. Understanding that the throne passes to Blessed Fedor, Ivan IV created a kind of regent council with his son.

In 1598, after the death of the childless king Fyodor Ivanovich, the Zemsky Cathedral elects the king of Boris Godunov. Against the king, all segments of the population took advantage of the Moscow monk Grigory Oreveyev, who fled to Poland under the guise of a miracle of the saved Tsarevich Dmitry. In 1604, he with a Polish squad made a campaign to Moscow, Russia. Boris Godunov suddenly dies in May 1605 Lia Dmitry I is proclaimed by the king, but he did not fulfill the promise of this Poles. Poles robbed Russian lands and in May 1606. Antipolsk uprising broke out in Moscow. Lia Dmitry I is killed, and the king proclaimed Vasily Shuisky.).

He gave decorated in the form of a cross-conductor recording (kissed the cross) the obligation to preserve the privileges of the boyars, not to take victobs from them and not judge the boyars without the participation of the Boyar Duma. To know now I tried to resolve the deep inner and external contradictions created by the boyars king. One of the most important cases of Shuisky was the appointment of the Patriarch. Patriarch Ignatius Greek for the support of Falsmitria I was deprived of his Sana. Vasilia Shuisky managed to strengthen in Moscow, however, the outskirts of the country continued to spill. Political conflict generated by the struggle for power and the crown, the survey in social. On-kind, finally losing faith in improving his position, again opposed the authorities.

From Poland, in the spring of 1608, Dmitry II spoke. In 1610, Shuisky was overthrown, the authorities seized the boyars ("Seven Boyar"), who passed Moscow to Poles and were invited to the throne of the Polish Koroleich Vladislav. Only relying on the people, it was possible to reply and preserve the independence of the Russian state. In 1610, Patri Arch Hermogen called for the fight against the invaders, for which he was arrest-van. At the beginning of 1611, the first militant, which was headed by the nobleman of P. Lyapunov, was created in Ryazan land. The militia moved to Moscow, where in the spring of 1611 the uprising broke out. Interventories on the advice of traitors-boyar set fire to the city. The troops fought on the outskirts to cream Liu. Here, Prince D.M. was seriously injured in the village of Sretenka. Pozharsky, who led the advanced detachments.

The first militia broke up. By this time, the Swedes captured Novgorod, and the Poles after the Multy and Siege were traded by Smolensky. Polish king Sigismund III announced that he himself would become a Russian king, and Russia will enter into talking. In the fall of 1611, the landing elder of Nizhny Novgorod Kozma Minin appealed to the Russian people about creating a second militia. With the help of the population of other Russian cities, the material base of the liberator struggle was created: the people gathered considerable funds for warning war with the interventionists. He headed the militia to K. Minin and Prince Dmitry in the roast. In the spring of 1612, the militia moved to Yaroslavl. It was created here a temporary government of Russia "Council of All Earth".

In the summer of 1612 by the Arbat gate of the troops C. Minin and D.M. Fire-skogo approached Moscow and connected with the remnants of the first milk. Almost simultaneously on the Mozhaisk road to the capital, Het-Mansman, Khodasevich, who was moving to the aid of the Poles, seated in the Kremlin. In the battle of the walls of Moscow, Khodsevich's army was overheating. October 22, 1612. On the day of the acquisition of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which accompanied the militia, was taken by China-city. Four days later surrendered to the Polish garrison in the Kremlin. In memory of the liberation of Moscow from the intervents on the Red Square to the means D.M. The Pogoshsky was erected by the temple in honor of the icon of Kazan Our Lady. The victory was obsessed as a result of the heroic efforts of the Russian people.

Polish-Swedish intervention in Russia in the beginning. XVII century I and II militia. K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.

Start 17 V. marked by the universal political crisis, social contradictions aggravated. The Board of Boris Godunov was unhappy with all layers of society. Taking advantage of the weakening of statehood, the Commonwealth and Sweden's speech attempted to capture Russian lands and including it in the sphere of influence of the Catholic Church.

In 1601, a man appeared, who issued himself for the miracle of the Successful Tsarevich Dmitry. They were a runaway monk, Deacon-Viewing the miracle of the monastery Grigory Oreveyev. The pretext for the beginning of the intervention was the emergence of a Falseedmitria in 1601-1602. In Polish possessions in Ukraine, where he declared his claims to the royal throne in Russia. In Poland, Lhadmitryy applied for help from the Polish gentry and king Sigizmund III. For rapprochement with the Polish tip, Faldmitry took Catholic and promised, if successful to make this religion to the state in Russia, as well as to give Poland Western Russian lands.

In October 1604, Lhadmitriy invaded Russia. The army, which was joined by the runaway peasants, Cossacks, serviced people, quickly advanced to Moscow. In April, 1605, Boris Godunov died, and his warriors were transferred to the side of the applicant. Fedor, the 16-year-old son of Godunova, could not keep power. Moscow has moved to the side of the False Deadmitria. The young king, together with his mother, were killed, and on June 20, a new "autocratic" was drunk in the capital.

Falgestrium I turned out to be an active and energetic ruler, but he did not meet the hopes of the forces that led him to the throne, namely: did not give the poles of the outskirts of Russia and did not donate the Russians in Catholicism. He caused dissatisfaction with the Moscow subjects by non-compliance with the old customs and rites, rumors were held about his Catholicism. In May 1606, the uprising broke out in Moscow, Lhadmitry I was overthrown and killed. In the kings on the Red Square "shouted" Boyar Vasily Shui. In 1607, a new impostor appeared in the city of Starodub, who issued himself for Tsarevich Dmitry.

He gathered an army from representatives of the oppressed languages, Cossacks, serve people and detachments of Polish adventurers. Lhadmitry II approached Moscow and settled the camp in Tushino (hence the nickname "Tushinsky thief"). On his side, a large number of Moscow boyars and princes were passed.

In the spring of 1609, M.V.Spopin-Shuisky (Tsar's nephew), collecting folk militia detachments from Smolensk, Volga region, Moscow region, removed the 16,000 siege of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The army of Falsmitria II was broken, he himself fled to Kaluga, where he was killed.

In February 1609, Shuisky concluded a contract with Sweden. This gave a reason to the Polish king, which is in a state of war with Sweden, declare war of Russia. By Moscow, the Polish army was moved under the command of Hetman Zolkevsky, under Saille Closhino, it won the troops of Shuisky, the king finally lost the trust of the subjects and in July 1610 was overthrown from the throne. Moscow Boyars invited Sigismund III Son's throne - Vladislav, and the Polish troops passed Moscow.

The "great ruin" of the land of Russian caused a wide rise in patriotic movement in the country. In winter, 1611, the first national militia was formed in Ryazan, which headed the procopies of Lyapunov. In March, the militia approached Moscow and the beginning of the siege of the capital. However, the split between nobles and peasants with the Cossacks did not give the opportunity to achieve victory. In the autumn of 1611 in Nizhny Novgorod, Zuzma Minin's Zemsky Street organizes the second militia. Prince D.M. Forewar is invited to lead the Zemskaya Raint. At the end of August, 1612, the army of Minin and Pozharsky approached Moscow and the beginning of its siege; On October 27, 1612, the Poles surrendered. Thanks to the heroism of the Russian people, Moscow was released, and the Zemsky Cathedral was elected by the Russian king Mikhail Romanov.

In 1617, the columnar world was concluded between Russia and Sweden. Russia returned Novgorod, but lost the coast of the Gulf of Finland. In 1618, a deuly truce with Poland was concluded, which received Smolensk, Chernihiv and Novgorod-Seversk land. Despite the difficult consequences of the Swedish-Polish intervention, Russia retained the most important thing - its statehood.

The socio-economic development of Russia in the XVII century. Folding the domestic market. Development of feudal relations. Economic events of the first Romanovs.

The most important result of the development of agriculture in the first half of the XVII century. He was committed to the elimination of the consequences of the Troubles, during which there were huge spaces of the Non-Earth, who had time to influence the forest. In some counties, the pashnya decreased in tens of times. The recovery process took three decades - from the 20s to the 50s. XVIIV
The main trend of the socio-economic development of Russia in the XVII century. He consisted in further strengthening feudal-serfdom. In the noble environment, a direct connection was gradually lost between the service and its land remuneration: the estates remained for the reason even if his representatives stopped the service.

Expanded the rights of the order estimates (exchange, transmission as a dowry). The estate loses the features of conditional possession and is approaching the victor. In the XVII century There is a further increase in feudal land ownership. The new Romanov dynasty, strengthening its position, widely used the distribution of land of the noblemen.
Energetic measures of governments were essential for strengthening feudal land tenure. Due to the mass flight and loss of the population of the period of the Livonian War and Officon, the central regions of the country began to launch.

Many landowners broke up, which was unprofitable to the state, since the noble militia still remained the basis of the troops. Because of the flight of peasants, the receipt of the additions in the treasury was reduced, since the private coarse peasants were the main payers of the filings. All this led to strengthening the consvious policy: the period of peasant's cheek was increased (in 1637 - up to 9 years old, 1641 - up to 10-15 years). Even with V. Shuisky, peasant shoots from the category of civilian offenses were translated into the category of state crimes, therefore, the owner of the peasants were now engaged in S., and the administrative and police bodies.

The legal registration of the system of serfdom has completed the Cathedral Code of 1649: the cheer of runaway peasants has become an indefinite, the heredity of the fortress state was established, the residents of the Posted were attached to the partial communities.

New phenomena in the Russian economy in the XVII century:

Deepening specialization in agriculture (average Volga region, Chernozem land in the Eagle and Vologda area produced trade bread; the upper Volga region was the area of \u200b\u200bprocessive cattle breeding; in cities located around Moscow, garden crops were grown; in the area of \u200b\u200bVladimir, cattle breeding) and craft (metallurgy centers are becoming Tulsk-Serpukhovsko-Moscow district, district of Ustyu-Zhannopolskaya - between Novgorod and Vologda; Tver, Kaluga, District of Nizhny Novgorod specialize in the production of products; Kazan, Vologda);

Transformation of crafts into small-handed production (production of products for sale);

The growth of cities (in the second half of the XVI century - 170 cities, in the middle of the XVII century - 254 cities; the largest city was Moscow in which about 200 thousand inhabitants lived);

Development of commodity-money relations; distribution of cash flow in non-fermentation lands; The appearance of the Fairs of the All-Russian meaning (Makarevskaya near Nizhny Novgorod, Irbitan in the Urals);

The appearance of the first manuff. The first manufactories - Pushkarsky courtyard, a mint - appeared in the XVI century. In the XVII century Russia had about 30 manufactories. Metallurgical manufactories were built in the Urals and in the area of \u200b\u200bTula, leather enterprises - in Yaroslavl and Kazan. The state provided the owners of Manufactory to help land, forest, money. Manufactory, based on the support of the state, received later the name of the "postsides" (from Lat. "Singing" - possession);

Formation of the labor market. Since there were no free working hands in the country, the state began to attribute peasants to manufactory. The attribute peasants were supposed to work out their company in the enterprise for certain rates;

The beginning of the folding of the All-Russian market, strengthening internal economic ties;

Development of foreign trade, strengthening the trading role of Arkhangelsk and Astrakhan. Thus, in the XVII century. The feudal-serf system remained dominant in all spheres of the economy. At the same time, small-handed production and trade, how the form of production organization was distributed, the All-Russian market began to form, and significant capital began to be accumulated in the field of trade.

Political structure of Russia in the XVII century. Domestic political and foreign policy events of the first novels.

Mikhail Fedorovich is referring to the first Romanov (years of government 1613-1645) and Alexey Mikhailovich (1645-1676 of the Board). By this time, the reign of Sophia princes is also added as rents of their younger brothers Ivan and Peter.

To the main events of the first timeRomanovs believe:

1. Stabilization of the country's internal life, the establishment of the relative order, the design of the legal status of the nobility, the Boyarskaya Duma, Zemsky Cathedrals and, accordingly, the strengthening of autocracy;

2. Church reform, sealing society for those who have adopted and who have taken a new interpretation of church worship;

3. Formation of larger military administrative units - discharges in the border areas of the country;

4. In foreign policy, this was the age of the entry of Ukraine into Russia;

5. In culture and everyday life - the spread of education, the growth of printed books, mainly religious content and textbooks.

In the first years of his reign, Mikhail, in his youth, soreness and spiritual softness, could not do without the help and leadership of the earlier, this assistance was provided to him by relatives from the mother - the boyars of Saltykov, until his father returned to the Filaret from the reference to Moscow. Most historians converge on the fact that Mikhail performed the formal function of the king, and his parents were actual rulers.

However, the most important factor in its management became Zemskiy Cathedrals, which provided significant moral support to the young king. Arriving from Kostroma to Moscow after his election, Mikhail did not dissolve the elected crusts, and left them with him. Elected from time to time changed, but the Cathedral acted in Moscow constantly for 10 years and helped the king in all important and difficult affairs. The personnel of the Zemsky Cathedral was important to his awareness, knowledge of cases in the country and its regions, gave advice on various branches of business.

Throughout the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, the main feature of the Zemsky Cathedral was a significant increase in the representation of the lower estates. Unlike the time Ivan the Terrible and Boris Godunov in the Zemstvo Cathedrals, with Mikhail Fedorovich, representatives of the nobles and the Posoral population played. After the death of Patriarch Filaret (King's father), some nobles were offered to transform the Zemsky Cathedral into a permanent parliament. But it did not suit the autocratic power and over time, the Zemskiy cathedrals were first gathered less often, and then their activities were generally discontinued.

One of the latter was convened Zemsky Cathedral in 1653 and accepted the population of the Left-Bank Ukraine and Kiev to Russian citizenship. Since then, the authorities began to rely on the representation of the population, but to the bureaucracy and the army. But the most latter convened the Cathedral of 1683, the main issue on which