Plato's philosophy terms. Plato: biography, teachings and philosophy of Plato. Plato's teachings about the ideal state

Briefly about philosophy: The most important thing is the main thing about philosophy in a summary
Plato's teaching about being, soul and knowledge

Plato (427-347 BC. E.) was a student of Socrates, for the first time organized an educational institution - academy. Plato is considered the founder of objective idealism. According to Plato's teachings, only the world of ideas is true being, and concrete things are something average between being and non-existence, they are only shadows of ideas. Plato announced the world of ideas by the Divine Kingdom, in which his immortal soul remains until the birth of a person. Then she hits a sinful land, where, temporarily being in a human body, as a prisoner in the dungeon, she recalls the world of ideas. Being contains contradictions: it is uniform and multiple, forever and transient, consistently and changeable. In cosmogonical teaching, Plato argues that the latest elements of all things are indivisible triangles, or geometric disembodied atoms.

The theory of the knowledge of Plato relies on his teaching about the soul. Plato believed that man as a bodily creature is mortal. Soul is immortal. When a person dies, his soul does not die, but only freed from corporal cover as his dungeon and begins to travel freely in the subway. During this trip, it comes into contact with the world of ideas and contemplates them. Therefore, the essence of the process of knowledge is to remember the soul of the ideas that she already contemplated. True knowledge gives only thinking. Thinking is independent of sensual perceptions, an absolutely independent process of remember. Only thinking gives knowledge of ideas. Sensual perception generates only opinions about things. In this regard, the process of cognition is determined by Plato as a dialectic, that is, the art of the authorities are speaking, the art of questions and answer them, awakening memories. The human soul is independent of the body and is immortal. The soul consists of three parts: reasonable, which is created by the Creator himself, affective and lust, which are created by the lower gods. The victory of a reasonable part over passions and lusts is possible with the appropriate upbringing.

Teaching Plato About State

Plato believed that a separate person was not able to satisfy all his food needs, dwelling, clothes. Since people cannot come close to perfection with personal efforts, the state and law are needed. Plato had its own idea of \u200b\u200bthe "ideal state." In his opinion, only aristocrats, as the best and most wise citizens, should be managed. And farmers and artisans must fulfill their work in good faith. The ideal state must patron the religion, to educate piety in citizens. Plato highlighted the following forms of the state device.

1. "The perfect state" (or approaching the ideal) - aristocracy, aristocratic monarchy.

2. Downward hierarchy of state forms: Timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, tyranny.

Tirands - the worst form of the state device, and democracy was a common criticism for him. The worst forms of the state - the result of "damage" of the ideal state. Timocracy is the state of honor and cencing: it is closer to the ideal, but worse, for example, the aristocratic monarchy.

The state is based on division of labor between the discharges of free citizens. In the teaching on division of citizens to discharge, Plato is guided by its classification of parts of the soul: the reasonable part of the soul, the virtue of which in wisdom must be the estate of the philosophers rulers; affectable, fierce, part, virtue of which in courage, - the estate of warriors (guards); Warent, lowlands, - estate of farmers and artisans. It is a virtuous state that it is wise by the wisdom of my rulers-philosophers, courageously courageous for his guards, judged by the obedience of the worst part of the state of his best part and rightly, because in such a state everyone serve him as some kind of integrity and deal with their own business without interfering in the affairs of others.

Platon believed that private property and family undermine the conditions of an ideal society. He thought to save society from Egoism: everyone should have the same and common within the estate. .....................................

Plato (Widewriting) 427 - 347 g BC. e. "The largest philosopher of ancient Greece, a student of Socrates, the founder of his own philosophical school - the founder of the idealistic direction in philosophy.

The main provisions of Plato's teachings:

Material things are changeable, inconsistent and over time cease to exist;

The world surrounding (the world of things) is also temporary and changeable and in reality does not exist as an independent substance;

Really, there are only pure (disembodied) ideas (Eidos);

Any thing is only a material reflection of the initial idea (Eidosa) as in the mirror of this thing. Horses for example are born and dying, but they are only the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200ba horse, which is eternal and unchanged;

The whole world is a display of pure ideas (EIDOS)

The subject of knowledge should be, first of all, clean ideas;

Clean ideas are impossible to know with the help of sensual knowledge, they can be known only by the mind through idealistic knowledge;

Only philosophers as the most educational people can see and realize "clean ideas"

C.war of ideas:

1. First of all, it is necessary to understand well that it is not about ours, human thoughts, but about space, world ideas, ideas of world mind. These ideas are objective- exist outside and regardless of human consciousness.

2. Any the idea is one in many ways, Something generalfor this class of things

3. ideas are perfect samples of things, extremely, as best than one way.

4. Ideas are intangible, lovely. They cannot be comprehended using ordinary senses. They are superweight I. posses only mind.

5. Since the ideas are perfect, they are unchanged. They are always abideoutside space and time in a special ideal world.

6. Ideas contribute integrity and meaningful ordering. Thanks to them, all things and creatures are divided into types and childbirth. Each class of objects has its own ideas (EIDOS) as a sample.

All by Plato consists of three substances:One; Mind; Soul

One - There is nothing has any signs of nor the end, it is above all the surroundings, it originally all ideas, all things, phenomena, both good and bad

Mind - It comes from one, but is divided with an indental opposite one, is the essence of all things there is a generalization of all living on Earth.

Soul - P. reduced a moving substance that combines and connects a single and mind. Binds all things and phenomena among themselves. The soul can be the global and soul of a separate person, the soul can have things and non-fatal nature. The soul of man (things) is part of the world soul. Soul is immortal. When death, the soul in the underground kingdom is responsible for his actions, acquires a new bodily shell.

Problem state . The concept of the state is divided into 3 estates:



There is no marriage - all children and wives are common. Work is allowed slaves. The optimal form of the state is aristocracy and monarchy.

Plato Academy - Religious Philosophical, School created by Plato in 387 g and existed for 1000 years. In the Academy studied - Aristotle, Philon, Xenocrit and many others.

The basis of Platonism - idealism

His teacher was Socrates himself. Plato - the founder of the Academy - his own school of philosophy. We also note that it is he who is the founder of the idealistic direction of philosophy.

Plato's philosophy, briefly talking about which it is impossible to speak, made a great contribution to the development of this science. This man was not only a wonderful thinker, but also a teacher who is able to land in students to know. Unlike his teacher, he left behind a lot of written work. The most important of them:

Apology Socrates;



Many of his works are written in the form of dialogs.

Philosophy Plato

As mentioned above, he is the founder of idealism. In his idealistic teaching, you can allocate the following ideas:

The world around the world changes all the time. He is like an independent substance;

Really there can be only disembodied (pure) ideas;

The world is nothing but a reflection of pure ideas;

Clean ideas are constant, infinite, true;

All things existing around us are the display of initial ideas - that is, clean.

Plato put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe teaching about the triade. According to it, only the existing are three substances: one, mind, soul.

One in this case is the basis of any existence, it cannot be connected with any common features. In essence, Plato's philosophy assures that it is one that is the basis of all pure ideas. One is nothing.

From the Unified Mind happens. It is not only separated from one, but is also his opposite. It is something like the essence of all things, the generalization of the whole living.

The soul, in this case, is represented by a movable substance that connects such concepts as "Unified - Nothing, as well as" Mind - Living. " She also connects absolutely all subjects and phenomena of our world. The soul is in the world and in a separate person. She also has things. Souls of things and living beings are particles of the world soul. They are immortal, and earthly death is just a reason for the adoption of a new shell. The change of bodily shells is determined by the natural laws of space.

Plato's philosophy often touches the doctrine of knowledge - that is, gnoseology. Plato argued that pure ideas should be the subject of knowledge for the reason that the entire material world is nothing more than their reflection.

Plato's philosophy very often hurts the problems of the state. Note that its predecessors practically did not concern such questions. By Platon, there are seven types of state:

Monarchy. It is based on the fair power of someone;

Tyranny. The same thing that monarchy, but with unfair power;

Aristocracy. It is connected with the fair rule of the group of people;

Oligarchy. Here the power belongs to a group of people who rule unfairly;

Democracy. Here the power belongs to the majority, which rules fairly;

Timocracy. Injusting the power of the majority.

Plato's philosophy puts forward a peculiar device plan. In this state, all people are divided into three large categories: workers, philosophers, as well as warriors. Everyone must do a certain case. When considering this issue, Plato often thought about private property.

Plato and Aristotle

Plato and Aristotle's philosophy have a lot in common. This is not surprising, since the second is the first teacher. Aristotle criticized Plato for his pure ideas, as it believed that the world is constantly changing - we can consider anything only with what happened around the changes. According to Aristotle, there are only specifically defined and single things, and clean ideas are not really impossible and illogical.

Philosophy Plato

As mentioned above, he is the founder of idealism. His teacher was Socrates himself.

In his idealistic teaching, you can allocate the following ideas:

The world around the world changes all the time. It does not exist as an independent substance;

Really there can be only disembodied (pure) ideas;

The world is nothing but a reflection of pure ideas;

Clean ideas are constant, infinite, true;

All things existing around us are the display of initial ideas - that is, clean.

Plato put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe teaching about the triade. According to it, only the existing are three substances: one, mind, soul.

One in this case is the basis of any existence, it cannot be connected with any common features. In essence, Plato's philosophy assures that it is one that is the basis of all pure ideas. One is nothing.

From the Unified Mind happens. It is not only separated from one, but is also his opposite. It is something like the essence of all things, the generalization of the whole living.

The soul, in this case, is represented by a movable substance that connects such concepts as "Unified - Nothing, as well as" Mind - Living. " She also connects absolutely all subjects and phenomena of our world. The soul is in the world and in a separate person. She also has things. Souls of things and living beings are particles of the world soul. They are immortal, and earthly death is just a reason for the adoption of a new shell. The change of bodily shells is determined by the natural laws of space.

Plato's philosophy often touches the doctrine of knowledge - that is, gnoseology. Plato argued that pure ideas should be the subject of knowledge for the reason that the entire material world is nothing more than their reflection.

Plato's philosophy very often hurts the problems of the state. Note that its predecessors practically did not concern such questions. By Platon, there are seven types of state:

Monarchy. It is based on the fair power of someone;

Tyranny. The same thing that monarchy, but with unfair power;

Aristocracy. It is associated with the fair rule of the group of people;

Oligarchy. Here the power belongs to a group of people who rule unfairly;

Democracy. Here the power belongs to the majority, which rules fairly;

Timocracy. Injusting the power of the majority.

Plato's philosophy puts forward a peculiar device plan. In this state, all people are divided into three large categories: workers, philosophers, as well as warriors. Everyone must do a certain case. When considering this issue, Plato often thought about private property.


7. The philosophy of Aristotle.

Aristotle He is an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the classical period. His teacher is Plato. Aristotle is an educator Alexander Macedonian.

Aristotle's philosophy is complex and useful. The great philosopher was asked not only by the issues of the world order, but also the person himself. He devoted a lot of time to the art of speeches - rhetoric.

From seventeen years old, a great thinker worked and studied at Plato Academy. Plato was his direct teacher. After spending twenty years at the Academy, he moved to the city of Pele, where Alexander Macedonian became his pupil. Further, he founded his own school in which he worked until the death. This school was called - Liqukey.

The most famous works of this philosopher:






Philosophy Aristotle

He left a lot of work that helped this science not only to develop, but also go to a higher level. The philosophy of aristotle can be divided into three types:

theoretical - it studies the problems of being, its all possible spheres, the causes of different phenomena, the origin of the existing;

practical - studies the device of the state, as well as human activity;


Also allocate the fourth type - logic.

Aristotle's philosophy has a lot in common with Plato's philosophy. Often the first criticized his teacher. It was especially true of the issues of being - Aristotle was against pure ideas, as it believed that things directly depend on what the world is located, and also believed that everything was unique in the world, but there is no such thing.

Aristotle said that there are no clean ideas that are not related to the outside world, only the existence of single, specifically certain things, a particular thing - an individual - it exists only in a particular place at a specific time.

By asking questions about Genesis, the philosopher displays its categories:









The philosophy of Aristotle gives the following definition of being: the essence that has the properties of quantity, action, suffering, and so on.

Everything, in addition to the essence, here is the properties of being - that is, the fact that the person is able to perceive.

The philosophy of Aristotle also concerns the problems of matter. Matter is a potency that is limited to the form. Reflecting on the matter, the philosopher comes to the conclusion that there is a potency and shape on earth, reality is a sequence of transition from matter to form and vice versa, the potency is a passive beginning, and the form is active. He also came to the idea that God is the highest form of everything that is. God has being beyond any entity.

The soul is a carrier of consciousness. It can be a vegetable, animal, reasonable. The plant soul is responsible exclusively for food, reproduction, as well as for growth. Thanks to the animal soul, we can feel as well as desire. A reasonable soul helps to generalize and draw conclusions - only she highlights a person from the animal world.

Aristotle's social philosophy argues that a person is a highly organized animal that has a speech, as well as thinking, has a tendency to live with her like himself. The need for themselves made a person who he is. Man is an extremely social being. His sociality would not be so strong without tongue.

Also known and the political philosophy of Aristotle. The philosopher highlighted six types of states:



extreme oligarchy;


All the types of state, he subdivided into "bad", also on "good". It is worth noting that he believed that the best form of the state was politics.


Philosophy is the highest science that embodies the pure desire for the truth. She is the only way to know Himself, God and to true happiness. The real sage leads to philosophy is not dry, rational thrust for the dead, abstract knowledge, but a love attraction (ELOS) to the highest mental good.

Great Greek Philosopher Plato

Plato about the dialectical method of philosophical knowledge

The world of things and the world of ideas at Plato - briefly

In addition to the perception of sensual, material of things , we have an idea of \u200b\u200bgeneral, distracted concepts - ideas . According to Plato's philosophy, the idea is the same, which is found at least two different things. But no one can know the non-existent - consequently, ideas really exist, although we do not feel them as sensual items.

Moreover, only the world of breathtaking ideas true There is, and the sensual world of things. No sensual item is capable of being a complete manifestation of at least one idea, to embody her entirely. In the world of things, true entities are hidden and distorted by the cover of a shapeless, adverse material. Things - no more than a weak similarity of ideas - and, it means they are not true being.

Plato teacher, Socrates

Universe device by Platon

The ideas of beauty and harmony are inseparable from the mind. The distances between the orbits of the planets correspond to the first three numbers, their squares and cubes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 27. If you add a number of these numbers inserting proportional numbers between them, the mathematical sequence is obtained corresponding to the relations between the tones of the lira. From here Plato argues that the rotation of heavenships creates a musical harmony (" harmony spheres»).

But since the perfect and material principles are connected in the Universe, it is not controlled by one mind, and the second - inert, blind and oblique - force: the law of necessity that Plato figuratively refers to rock. The movements of the planets in the direction opposite to the movement of the starry sky, they prove, the fact that the universe acts opposite to one another. When creating the Universe, the mind prevailed over the law of material necessity, but in some periods of the evil rock can achieve the prevalence of the mind. God, initially putting the mind into the world, then provides the universe of freedom and only at times there is care of her, restoring a reasonable device in space and not giving him to slip into full chaos.

Plato's teachings about the soul - briefly

"Justice," says Plato, "the philosophers will marvel or the kings of the philosophers." The highest, the ruling class, in his opinion, should receive philosophical education and education from the state from the state. Poets, artists and in general, all the works of mental creativity should be subordinate to the strict government supervision so that only noble, useful works, full of good moral examples spread in society. Not only political, but also a personal every citizen should be fully regulated by the state - until the establishment of the communist community of property and women.

Normal family in the ideal republic of Plato is canceled. Interchanges between the floors are also governed by the state. Children immediately after birth are transferred to public educational homes, so they do not know their parents, and adults are those who they gave birth. Material benefits developed by the lower, working class are distributed under state control. In general, Plato's political philosophy advocates for an all-specific enslavement of every individual by society - so that it serves only collective, and not his personal interests.