Physiological changes in a woman at 40 years old. Women over forty: how we are changing. Urinary tract infections are more common

In the Middle Ages, if anyone has forgotten from the school curriculum, the age closer to forty was considered already the age of maturity. The average life span was plus or minus thirty years. But since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, medicine has stepped far forward, and changing the fourth dozen now does not seem like something supernatural to anyone.

Moreover, a few years ago, the World Health Organization officially revised the age norms - youth, according to doctors, now lasts up to 44 years!

However, all this does not change the laws of nature. And they say that closer to forty, the female body begins a rapid restructuring. You probably know about stubbornly gaining pounds and painful sex (due to dryness in a certain place). But what other changes occur in the body after 40?

Hair loss

Hair becomes thinner with age, and this is especially noticeable after forty. Why it happens? Due to perimenopause, or the premenopausal period, which usually begins from these years, and in some cases even earlier.

And hair falls out everywhere. This, to be honest, is to some extent even a plus, it is not necessary, for example, to shave your legs so often. Hair becomes thin and in an intimate place.

In any case, modern science offers many ways to stop scalp hair loss. If you are worried about other places, calm down. Hair loss is a long and gradual process. It begins several years before menopause and gradually progresses.

Changes can affect the brain

You seem to remember some event, but still it is somehow vague. It can be difficult for you to keep all the plans for the day in mind. And by the way, what was the name of that actress from your favorite series?

This is not just a normal aging process, it is a normal aging process for women. We have estrogen receptors in two areas of the brain responsible for memory. And the less estrogen remains in the female body, the more structural changes occur in these areas of the brain. The first area is the hippocampus, the memory center in our brain. And the second is the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for organizing information so that it is better remembered.

Estrogen also increases levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that allows you to form new memories.

What can you do about it? The good news is that your forgetfulness is temporary. The brain is able to compensate for the effects of menopause; it simply adjusts to low estrogen levels. You may decide to survive the acute period with estrogen therapy, but is it worth it? The activity in the hippocampus, of course, increases with this therapy, but temporary memory problems are not a good enough reason for hormone therapy.

Irregular menstrual cycle

It would be nice if the amount of estrogen decreased gradually, but unfortunately this is a very unpredictable process. After perimenopause begins, the ovaries may produce different amounts of estrogen each month. From this the menstrual cycle becomes unstable - 25 days, 26, 28. Sometimes the difference is even more significant. Your periods can be very heavy and you may not even notice them next time. In a word, chaos.

If this irregularity annoys you, seek medical attention. The situation can be corrected with hormonal contraception.

You can no longer fully control your bladder

Incontinence problems can also be in their forties. Due to the decrease in estrogen levels, the muscles of the bladder and the muscles that support the urethra weaken, and leaks can occur.

Fortunately, there are different ways to deal with incontinence. They are effective both in stressful situations (leaking during exercise or laughing), and in case of sudden urge to urinate (when you do not have time to reach the toilet).

Urinary tract infections are more common

Low estrogen makes problems below the waist more common, with urinary tract infections more common due to decreased estrogen levels after menopause. After all, it performs a protective function, inhibiting the activity of pathogenic bacteria. 60-70% of all women after menopause face the problem of frequent infections.

Experts recommend using an estrogen cream. Topical application is not as dangerous as full-fledged hormone therapy - at a low dosage, only a small amount of estrogen enters the bloodstream. Your doctor will help you determine the minimum dosage so that estrogen will not affect your entire body. When applied topically, it will help restore the normal function of the urinary system, reducing the risk of infections.

Until now, it was believed that the peak of women's sexual activity occurs at some 30 years old, and some at 45. About the latter, even a saying was born “At forty-five - a woman's berry again”. However, either time makes its own adjustments, or every year experiments and their analysis are carried out more accurately, but the “age of the peak” turned out to be completely different for women.

Women in their 40s have the best results, according to a new study. And, of course, experts were extremely surprised that girls who have the most favorable reproductive age - about 25 years old - turned out to be the least active sexually. Researchers believe that this is due to the so-called biological clock: at the age of 40, a woman realizes that she has less and less time to conceive a child, and therefore begins to behave more actively, they become more relaxed and ready for more frequent sexual intercourse.

The age of forty brings anxiety and confusion to many women. The first signs of wilting are visible in the mirror, and it seems that time has rapidly intensified its run. During this period, it is important not to despair. It is worth changing your attitude to life a little and getting used to the new rules. Then you don't have to think about how to preserve youth after 40 years.

This age is the heyday of your mature beauty. Nature just needs a little help in maintaining it.

Important rules

  • full night sleep;
  • good food;
  • physical exercise;
  • moderate cosmetic procedures.

If you discard laziness and adhere to simple recommendations, you can delay the withering process for a long time and fill the body with vigor and energy for new achievements.

Sleepless nights should be avoided after forty years. They will immediately affect your appearance, manifesting themselves with swelling, loose skin and bruises under the eyes. Go to bed no later than 11 pm and rest for at least 8 hours during the night.

Physical activity is the basis of good mood and beauty. It is useful to do aerobics or fitness under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will correctly distribute the load and select the right set of exercises.

To tighten the skin, relieve it of flabbiness, prevent the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, you need to saturate the body with oxygen. Try to master body flex, yoga or oxysize. Breathing exercises strengthen muscles, lose weight and prolong youth.

If you don't have a habit of playing sports, now is the time to make adjustments and find activities for your soul. It can be dancing, water aerobics, swimming, tennis.

Do not forget to walk in the fresh air every day and walk more. More often go to the forest, to the mountains, go hiking and enjoy active rest.

Proper nutrition

In forty-year-old women, hormonal changes occur. It negatively affects general well-being and causes morning swelling. In order not to aggravate the problem, you should reconsider the diet and refuse salty, fried and smoked foods. Such food is poorly absorbed, does not bring benefits and provokes skin aging.

With age, free radicals begin to accumulate in tissues, accelerating the aging process. You can stop their harmful effects by saturating the body with vitamins and trace elements.

For women over 40, it is important to balance the diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A, E, B2, B6, B12, C, as well as selenium, iodine, zinc and rutin. These are natural antioxidants that prolong youth. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially:

  • green apples;
  • red grapes;
  • blueberries, cranberries;
  • blackberries, currants;
  • peaches, apricots;
  • carrots, beets;
  • cauliflower, bell pepper;
  • garlic, onions.

The more varied your menu is, the more vitamins and minerals the body can absorb.

For female beauty, polyunsaturated fatty acids are needed. Add flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, beans, and other legumes to your diet.

To prolong youth, give up hard-to-digest meat and fatty foods. A storehouse of valuable vitamins - crumbly cereals. Most useful:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • pearl barley;
  • barley.

Most of the vitamins are destroyed during cooking. To preserve them, it is recommended to steam oatmeal and buckwheat with boiling water, and not boil it. Oatmeal is enough for steaming for 20 minutes. It is advisable to steam buckwheat overnight, pouring boiling water over the cereal 1: 2.

Proper nutrition, saturating the body with useful substances, is a reliable way to keep a woman young after 40 years.

The benefits of water

Water thins the blood, reduces stress on the heart, removes waste products and harmful substances from the body. The correct drinking regime is important at any age. Women over 40 need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day. This amount of liquid prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, flabbiness and dryness of the skin.

  • Prepare and drink a lemon drink in the morning.
  • Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. natural honey.
  • Put a slice of lemon in there and stir.
  • Healing water gives energy and improves performance.

The elixir of youth, which is recommended to be taken daily in the evenings, can provide the body with useful substances and strengthen the immune system.

  • Take 400 g of peeled garlic, chop it and combine with the juice squeezed from 20 small lemons.
  • Place the mixture in a glass jar and refrigerate for 3 weeks.
  • Take the finished elixir in 1 tsp, dissolving in a small amount of warm water.

To prevent morning swelling, try not to drink a lot of water for 20 hours. During extreme heat, increase your daily fluid intake by 1 to 2 glasses.

Skin care

  • Rub the décolleté, neck and face with ice cubes every day. Apply morning and evening 20 minutes before applying the nourishing cream. Herbal decoctions of parsley, linden, and calendula are suitable for making ice. You can use fruit and vegetable juice.
  • If spider veins are present on the skin, replace rubbing with ice cubes with washing with warm herbal decoction or weakly brewed green tea.
  • Be sure to use a nourishing cream on your hands and face. It should be age-appropriate and appropriate for your skin type. The night face cream should be applied several hours before bed so that the composition can be fully absorbed. Otherwise, swelling may appear in the morning.

To reduce age and expression wrinkles, pinch massage and facial gymnastics are useful. It is not difficult to learn how to do them, but keep in mind that the key to success is the regularity of procedures, for which you need to spend at least 20 minutes a day. If you do the exercises occasionally, there will be no benefit.


At 40, it's important to cleanse your skin regularly. Peeling is a great way to remove stratum corneum. It allows you to open your pores before applying nourishing masks. You can use any berries or oatmeal to exfoliate.

  • The fruit should be kneaded, applied to the skin, left to act for 10 minutes and washed off with plenty of cool water.
  • Pour oatmeal with hot water, wait until it is steamed, apply on the face along the massage lines and after 10 minutes thoroughly wash with herbal decoction.

Peels are required 1-2 times a week in the evenings. After the procedure, it is advisable to pamper your face with a nourishing mask that helps preserve youth.

Face and neck masks

A universal mask for mature skin is made from birch leaves. They must be collected far from the city, highways or purchased raw materials at the pharmacy.

  • Grind the leaves in a blender. Take 1 tbsp. l. and mix with oatmeal in the same amount.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil. Stir. If the composition is not viscous enough, pour in a little water.
  • Apply a thick mass to the face, put gauze with slits for the mouth and eyes on top and lie down for 20 minutes. Wash off the composition with herbal decoction or clean water.
  • Pour a spoonful of oatmeal with two tablespoons of boiling water.
  • When the mixture has cooled slightly, add 1 tbsp. l. applesauce and the same amount of chopped ripe banana.
  • Apply to face, neck and décolleté. Rinse off after 20 minutes.

Oil compresses are useful for rejuvenating 40-year-old ladies. You can use cold-pressed olive oil or grape oil as a base. The procedures should be done in courses - 10-15 days in a row. Then you need a mandatory break for a week.

Hand masks

The skin of the hands is very sensitive. To keep her soft and gentle, she needs constant care. Women in their forties need to apply nourishing masks to their pens 2 times a week.

  • Boiled potatoes can soften the skin of your hands.
  • Mash hot tubers, add a little butter.
  • Cover the skin with the mixture, put on cotton gloves, wait 2 hours and wash off the composition.

It is easy to whiten the skin with melons and lemon. Connect 3 tbsp. l. melon pulp with the juice of half a lemon. Put 1 tbsp. l. starch and stir. Apply a thick mass to the handles and leave to act for half an hour. Then wash it off. Lubricate your hands with moisturizer.

To preserve youth for a long time, expensive salon procedures are not required. With a balanced diet, fresh air, sports activities and home cosmetics, you can achieve tremendous success and remain attractive for many years.

In adulthood, the hormonal background of a woman changes, the reproductive function dies out, and various concomitant diseases arise. This not only negatively affects the lady's appearance, but also her nervous system. Loss of beauty, transformations in the body and body lead to the development of depressive conditions. A middle-aged young lady becomes irritable, often aggressive, etc.

Age-related changes in the female body

Before taking action, you need to understand what happens to a woman at 40 years old. This age is usually called average. During this period, the body begins to produce less female sex hormones. As a result, the amount of estrogen in the blood decreases. The uterus and ovaries decrease in size, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, visible age-related changes and the first signs of aging appear, the body loses its flexibility, and the skin - elasticity, wrinkles, age spots, etc. appear.

At forty-five years old, many people notice active hair loss, the hair ceases to be thick and lush. This applies not only to the head, but also to the legs, intimate areas, etc.

The changes also affect the brain and its activity. It is more difficult for a lady to memorize a large amount of information and solve complex logical problems in her head. Aggravations are associated with a decrease in estrogen levels. True, over time, the brain adapts and compensates for the decline in functions on its own. As a result, memory is significantly improved.

At the same time, other unpleasant consequences arise. These include:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • decreased libido;
  • excessive nervousness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • burning sensation in the vagina;
  • the occurrence of infections of the genitourinary system, etc.

These are irreversible processes that cannot be avoided. However, it can be delayed. The main thing is to monitor women's health and promptly seek help from a gynecologist, as well as other specialists.

Factors determining a woman's health after 40 years

The changes occurring in women after 40 also negatively affect the psychological state of women. To take action, it is necessary to identify the factors affecting the state of the body and its individual functions.

So, changes in adulthood occur for the following reasons:

  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of adequate care;
  • hormonal changes;
  • deterioration of metabolism;
  • deterioration of the excretory system;
  • low physical activity and lack of sports in the life of a lady;
  • decreased immunity.

These are risk factors that contribute to the deterioration of blood circulation and, as a result, the supply of cells and tissues with oxygen. The epidermis loses its tone and elasticity, the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is disrupted, the amount of subcutaneous fat increases. At the same time, muscle mass is lost.

Healthy lifestyle

To correct the situation and support the female body after 45 years in a working condition, you should not immediately take all kinds of drugs. It is necessary first of all to reconsider your lifestyle and pay special attention to health.

For this, at least minimal physical activity should be provided. This can be morning exercises, physical education or full-fledged sports. The main thing is that the body remains in good shape.

You also need to be more outdoors. Walking can be combined with exercise. This will provide the body with oxygen and slow down the withering process.

Additionally, you need to review your diet and sleep, and provide your skin with adequate care.

All this is worth considering in more detail.

Proper nutrition

With the onset of maturity, changes occur in the female body, which are due to a lack of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the full functioning of the body.

To restore and prevent the acceleration of the occurrence of age-related transformations, nutrition should be completely revised. So, the daily diet should contain the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin C... The health of a woman after 45 is directly dependent on this vitamin. It has an antioxidant effect and promotes collagen formation in tissues. Thus, the lady remains young and beautiful longer. The substance can be obtained from citrus fruits, strawberries, sauerkraut, etc.
  • Retinol... Vitamin A protects the body of a mature person from atherosclerosis, cancer and other problems. You can get it from soybeans, various vegetables and fruits, and seafood.
  • Group B... Substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and other systems. Can be obtained from nuts, legumes, fish.
  • Tocopherol... Vitamin E helps to maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin, hair, nails, increases the turgor of the epidermis. Contained in vegetable oils, soybeans, nuts.

Also, an adult body needs potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, magnesium and other minerals.

Your diet should include: meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, soy, nuts, beans, eggs, dairy products.

Additionally, you must drink enough water.

To exclude from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • fatty;
  • fast food;
  • baking.

The body should receive fats in a minimum amount. Salt can be replaced with soy sauce. However, they should not get carried away either. Alcohol is allowed once a week. The maximum amount is 1 glass of good dry wine.

You can also occasionally treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate.

Dishes can be baked, boiled, cooked in a double boiler. Grilling is sometimes allowed. Frying in a pan must be discarded. These foods are high in fat and carcinogens that increase the likelihood of developing cancer.

Sleep and rest

To stay healthy, you need to make changes to your daily routine. A woman should fully rest and not overwork. To do this, you can use the advice of experts:

  • sleep should be at least 7-8 hours;
  • you must go to bed no later than 22.00;
  • the rise should be approximately at the same time;
  • to create a comfortable atmosphere for sleeping, the room must be pre-ventilated;
  • watching TV before going to bed is not recommended;
  • you can take a warm bath for relaxation;
  • in the bedroom you can light scented candles or sticks;
  • it is advisable to cool the pillow a little beforehand, for this a cold bottle is used;
  • it is necessary to sleep in darkness and complete silence.

Additionally, you can use sedatives. However, their appointment is carried out only by the attending physician. In the absence of indications for medicines, you can drink a decoction of mint or linden before bedtime.

Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep is a risk factor that affects a woman's health and appearance. Not getting enough sleep increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Sports and gymnastics at 40 and 45

Changes in the female body are due to low physical activity. Sedentary work, lack of sports lead to stagnation in the small pelvis, deterioration of blood circulation, metabolism and oxygen supply to cells. It also loses flexibility and lightness throughout the body. Every now and then there are pulling pains.

Sports activities help to restore the lost smoothness of movements and coordination. Experts recommend giving preference to: swimming, yoga, long walks, oriental dancing, tennis, Pilates, etc.

Exercise develops coordination, improves metabolic processes, increases endurance, and has a positive effect on all organs and systems of a person. The skin receives much more oxygen, which results in a youthful appearance.

Skin care

Age-related changes primarily appear on the skin. As a result of a decrease in the amount of moisture and collagen, the epidermis loses its elasticity. Excessive production of melanin contributes to the formation of hyperpigmentation. As a result, beauty and well-groomed appearance are lost.

Expert advice helps to avoid this:

  • Protection. Creams with SPF filters should be applied to the skin regardless of the season. For the summer, products with maximum protection indicators are selected. For winter, 20 units are enough.
  • Massage. The procedure improves blood circulation, supply of cells with oxygen and other beneficial substances.
  • Care. The skin needs moisturizing, peeling and other procedures, some of which can be done at home.

You should also take care of taking vitamin complexes and proper nutrition, which invariably affects the condition of the skin.

Face care

To maintain youthfulness and prevent fading, it is important to pay special attention to the face. To do this, you need to provide daily cleansing, nutrition, hydration and protection. You also need to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Day cream is applied under decorative cosmetics in a thin layer. Nighttime is applied in a thick layer 30 minutes before going to bed.
  • Sleep only on a low pillow, face up.
  • To strengthen the muscle frame, you need to regularly do exercises that are called face building.
  • In a specialized salon, you can do a rejuvenating facial massage.
  • To increase tone and elasticity, it is recommended to make masks, use a mesoscooter and other procedures that have a positive effect on the skin.
  • Pigmented spots are lightened with special creams, lotions, masks and more.

Keeping the face youthful for many years is not an easy, however, a feasible task. The main thing is not to be lazy.

Hair care

The use of dyes with chemical components, the sun's rays, styling equipment and other factors negatively affect the condition of the hair. They lose their natural shine, become dull and lifeless. In adulthood, the hairs actively fall out, the growth of new ones is significantly slowed down. As a result, not a trace remains from the thick hair.

Taking vitamin complexes, scalp massage, various masks and high-quality care cosmetics helps to restore the splendor of the hair. It is also important to add foods that contain plant estrogens to the diet. It can be various vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil, fish, herbs, seafood.

Additionally, contrast procedures can be performed on the scalp. It is important to avoid exposure to excessive heat. A measure is needed in everything. Better to use warm and cool water. Thus, blood circulation improves, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and hair growth is stimulated.

Head massage and contrast procedures have a positive effect not only on curls and skin, but also on brain activity.

Useful drugs

Various drugs help to support the body and protect it from the negative effects of external factors. Their reception is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. A competent doctor selects tablets based on the patient's clinical picture, the presence of chronic diseases, as well as the individual characteristics of the body.

The following groups of drugs are most often shown:

  • sedatives;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • Dietary supplements;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • hormonal pills;
  • homeopathy, etc.

A number of drugs are aimed exclusively at supporting the body, others are aimed at alleviating the condition in various pathologies, primarily the manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

It is also important to monitor the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The substance clogs blood vessels, thereby increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. To reduce it, special means are prescribed.

Positive attitude

However, neither physical activity, nor proper nutrition, nor pills and numerous care procedures will be able to restore body functions, as well as restore beauty without normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. For a woman, first of all, her emotional state is important. Only a complex of measures is able to stop aging and wilting.

More information about the features of care, nutrition, sports exercises for mature young ladies, and more, can be found in the video:

Remember those days when you could eat fatty harmful food, drink it with soda and not get fat by a gram? Forget it! According to research, a woman in the period from 40 to 55 gains about 7 kg while maintaining the same level of calorie intake. This is partly due to a decrease in metabolism, but there is another reason: as you age, you lose muscle, it just turns into fat. Since muscles needed more calories than fat to maintain their vital functions, this means that you do not waste calories expended in the old days and naturally gain weight.

The bottom line is simple: if you eat the same way at your 40s as at 20, then you will inevitably get fat. It is difficult to stop this process, but it is possible: with age, try to build muscle mass, go to fitness and eat a lot of plant protein.

The female cycle will change

It is extremely unlikely that at 40 you will begin menopause: until that moment you have another ten years in reserve (the period of menopause usually begins at the age of 51-52). However, the cycle may still change somewhat: estrogen, progesterone - hormones that control your reproductive system - will start jumping and behaving unpredictably. Physiological symptoms indicative of changes and hormonal surges - irregular cycle, insomnia, headaches, libido changes, and other things that you already experienced in your life during puberty.

Menses may not come for several months, or last only one to two days. Don't underestimate the mental impact of premenopause: you can become more irritable and nervous. You may need medical attention to keep your nervous system stable.

The risk of breast cancer will increase

Sadly, the risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, so don't neglect a breast mammogram. When you are 30 years old, the chances of diagnosing breast cancer are 1 in 228, at the age of 40-49 the chance increases to 1 in 69. It is better to have a mammogram and repeat the study every few years, then the doctor will be able to assess the dynamics and changes in indicators.

In addition, you can take some preventive measures yourself, such as reducing your alcohol intake, adding fruits and vegetables to your diet, and exercising, all of which can help reduce your risk of future breast cancer.

Bones will become more fragile

With age, about 35 years old, calcium begins to be washed out of the body - the main building material for our bones. This means that bone density becomes less and less every year. Although it is too early to worry about fragile bones and fractures at the age of 40, it's time to do everything to help the body and start strengthening the skeleton from the inside. Strength training helps prevent bone fragility, and vitamins, especially calcium, will prevent this trace mineral from being flushed out of the body. The D3 + Calcium complex is especially useful for the prevention of osteoporosis.

You may develop lactose intolerance

Some people have lactose protein intolerance in early childhood. However, in most people, it appears with age. It's all about a special enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the breakdown of lactose, a protein found in dairy products. With age, the production of lactase decreases, which means that the body is no longer able to cope with the consumed milk and its derivatives. The main symptoms of intolerance are digestive problems, acne and even migraines. What to do? Start with an analysis for lactase synthesis, if the diagnosis is confirmed, then either give up milk, or switch to lactose-free or plant-based milk.

Visual acuity and quality will change

At around age 40, your vision will begin to change. For most people, vision goes to the "plus", which is undoubtedly great news for those suffering from myopia, because in their case, vision is corrected to almost perfect. You may need enhanced lighting for reading or sewing. When driving in the dark or in bright sunlight, glare may appear in front of your eyes. After 40, some people change their color perception, and the ill-fated dry eye syndrome causes many problems.

It is important to have regular eye examinations to monitor your eye health: remember that the risk of glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration only increases with age. To protect your eyes, wear UV-filtered sunglasses, diet, and take care of your vision.

Your libido may increase.

While some studies point to a decrease in female libido for menopause or depression, others argue that women in their 40s are sexier than younger girls. Psychologist David Bass, in a study of 827 women, found that women in "middle age" are more sexually active.

Paradoxically, although the body produces fewer eggs and fertility decreases, you experience a greater craving for sex: this is how the body tends to finally leave offspring. The main thing is to remember, although you are already 40 years old, but if you still have your period, you can technically get pregnant. This is great if you want to have babies, but be sure to use contraception if you want to avoid pregnancy.

Taste preferences will change

This is where the most offensive age-related change awaits you. From the moment you are born, you have approximately 9,000 taste buds. As we age, their number decreases, which means that sensitivity to basic tastes - sweet, sour, bitter, salty - gradually decreases over the years. This happens to women 10-20 years earlier than men.

Your sense of smell will also be hit hard by age. The cells responsible for identifying odors died and recovered in youth, but as they age, they are not replaced with new ones as quickly as before. Bottom line: at 40, you are unlikely to become a skilled sommelier.