Formation of ideas about the general properties of objects (color, shape, dimensions) in students with CPRs in mathematics lessons. The value is the property of the subject

Property of the subject - This is a distinctive feature of the subject. You must teach the child to allocate as many properties as possible in one subject. For example: the ball is red, has a shape of a ball, rubber, toy, etc.; An apple is green, sweet, fruit, etc.; The cube is gray, wooden, has a cube shape, toy, etc.

Comparison It makes it possible to detect the general properties of objects, allocate similarity and difference.

The ability to allocate properties of objects forms students the ability to capture laws.

It is useful for the development of creative abilities of children that they independently come up with riddles on the properties of objects, consistent and patterns were guessing the rules for the location of objects and figures invented by other children. For example, you can offer them some sequence, intentionally violating the rule. The task of children is to determine the rule and find where it is broken.

1. What is common to all items of the 1st line (2nd, 3rd strings)?

2. What object is located in the 2nd column and in the 3rd line? What colour is he?

3. Name every yellow item.

4. Circlave all yellow line items.

5. What are the differences from each other in the 1st line? (Form, material from which they are made, etc.)

6. What is common to all items of the 1st column?

7. Guess the subject. This is a green toy. What is it?

8. Guess the subject. It is located in the 3rd column, but not red and not green. What is this item?

9. How many blue circles are drawn under the table? How many big how small? How many red and green? Blue and yellow? How many are not red circles? How many are not blue and not green?

Purpose: Secure the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects, find the overall property of a group of items.

Forming the ability to relate flat geometric shapes with spatial bodies. Develop logical thinking. Continue to learn to express your opinion and give examples. Bring up motivation to teach


1 part - sitting on chairs

2 part - standing in a circle (physical attachment)

3 part - sitting on chairs

4 part - standing by semicircle

5 part - sitting on chairs

Materials for the lesson:

Demonstration- Pictures depicting a pencil (series "Merry men"), landscape sheet of paper, pictures with a picture of vegetables.

Dispensing- Color pencils (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple), leaflets, sets of figures: 5 circles - red, yellow, green, orange and blue, 5 ovals, 5 squares, 5 triangles and 5 rectangles of those same colors.

Travel course:

I. Properties of objects - color. Colors of rainbow.

The tutor inserts in a glass of colored pencils of all colors of the rainbow. The same cups with colored pencils on the tables in children. The educator shows a picture with a pencil image:

Educator:- Guys, our cheerful pencil told me an amazing story! It turns out that pencils are able to talk and even brag. This pencil said (takes a red pencil in his hands): "I can be poppy, fire, flag!"

The educator draws a red line on a landscape sheet of paper attached on the board, and the children draw a red line on their sheets of paper. Then the educator asks them to tell, than the rest of the pencils boasted.

Educator:- Guess what these pencils told?

Children at their own request go to the board, choose a pencil and leave them their own on a sheet attached on the board. The rest of the children draw lines the same colors on their sheets. Approximate answers of children:

Children:- Orange: "I am an orange, carrot!"

Children:- Yellow: "I am chicken, sun, turnip!"

Children:- Green: "I'm grass, foliage, whole forest!"

Children:- Blue: "I am forget-me-not, sky, ice!"

Children:- Blue: "I am ink, the sea, cornflower!"

Children:- Purple: "I'm plum, lilac, twilight, bell!"

The educator thanks children for his help and makes a riddle.

Educator:- A cheerful pencil whispered to me one word. Guess what.

Through the fields through the meadows

Elegant arc rose.

Children: Rainbow

Educator:- And who knows the colors of the rainbow?

Children call: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. You can offer them to make a rainbow from striped colored paper.

II. Fizkultminutka "Guess, whose voice?"

Children get up in a circle, in the center of which standing with tied eyes, take hands and, walking in a circle, speak together:

We all got together in a circle,

Turned at once suddenly

(all rotate 180 degrees and go in the opposite direction)

And how do you say: "Skok, Skok, Skok!" -

One of the children on the instructions of the educator repeats the last line, and the leading gadgets who it is. If he did not guess, it continues to remain leading, and if I guess, the one who reached the voice becomes leading. The game is repeated 2 - 3 times.

The role of leading in the 2nd and 3rd round of the game is better to charge someone from children.

III Comparison of objects on the signs of similarities and differences (color, form, size, material, destination, etc.).

1) Educator: -Consider pictures. What is drawn to the first picture?

Children: - Dolls and bears.

Educator: - Compare a doll and a bear: what do they have in common and what do they differ?

The teacher, if necessary, can start a comparison: the doll and the teddy bear destination is toys; the same size; The general is that both the dolls and the bears have ribbons, and they differ in that ... and children call signs of differences independently.

Educator:- Create a balloon on which Dunno flies, and the ball: what do they have in common and what they differ?

Children:- They have the same shape: both ball, and a balloon have a ball shape. And they differ in color: the ball is yellow and blue, and the balloon is yellow and red. They also differ in size: the ball is small, and the balloon is big. The appointment is also different with them: the ball is a toy, and the balloon is an aircraft.

Educator:- Compare hedgehog and christmas tree.

Children:"The hedgehog looks like a hedgehog: hedgehog - in needles, Christmas tree - too, and" live "they are in the forest." They differ in size: hedgehog is small, the Christmas tree is more hedgehog. They also have a different color: hedgehog is gray, and the tree is green. Hedgehog - Animal, Christmas tree - Plant.

In more prepared groups, work can be organized as follows: Each child, at will, chooses one of the pictures and tells about it, and the rest of the children complement.

2) Educator:- Consider the picture. Do you think why fox and carrots are connected by a string?

Children:- They are both orange.

Educator:- Well done! And now take your "magic" pencils and connect the "magic threads" of the items of the same color.

Children within 1 - 2 minutes spend lines independently. Then they discusses out loud, who has completed the task.

Educator:- Tell me what pictures did you connect? Why?

Approximate answers of children:

Children:- Carrot and Fox Orange.

Children:- I joined the chicken and the moon, because they are yellow.

Children:- Tomato and ladybug red.

Children:- Frog and green green.

The educator helps children to fix their mistakes. In conclusion, it is important to praise those who tried: "Isaat Well done - all the lines spent correctly! Leah, too, well done - I found and corrected my mistake! "

3) Children perform a task on their own.

Educator:- And now you have to find signs of distinction and correct the mistakes of the artist's artist.

An independent work can be carried out in the form of a competition of competition: who will find more quickly and more distinctive features. Winners receive prizes.

IV. Fizkultminutka "Look in both!"

Children are built in a row ( no more than 7 - 10 people). Thermal is chosen using reader or appointment. He is invited to remember, in what order are children stand. After the leading is dried, the children are rebuilt. The leading should determine what has changed, and restore the broken order. The location can be linear, circular, chaotic - depending on the level of complexity that the tutor wants to offer.

V.. Fastening the ability to allocate property properties.

1)Conversation of vegetables. Guessing mysteries.

Educator:- What vegetables do you know?

Educator:- What grows in your garden ( for example, in the country)?

Educator:- What vegetables say so? How did you guess?

a) red nose in the ground

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need green tail

We need only a red nose.


b) in the summer in the garden -

Fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel -

Yellow, salty.

Children: Cucumbers

c) round side, yellow side,

Sits in a bed of a bun.

He wondered in the ground tight.

What is this?

Children: Repka

d) he is big like a ball football,

If ripe - everyone is satisfied.

So it is pleasant for the taste!

What a ball is that?

Children: Watermelon

Children explain why they guessed what they were talking about: in color, shape, size, taste, etc. On the flannelhemph, depicting pictures depicting vegetables are exhibited. You can arrange a "confusion": to set pictures with errors, and then disassemble them.

2) The game "What does it look like?"

On flannelhemph - pictures depicting vegetables.

Educator:- Well done! You guess the riddles very well. And now consider carefully pictures and select geometric shapes that resemble these vegetables.

Approximate answers of children:

Children:- Orange carrots, in shape resembles a triangle, - I will put orange (red) Triangle.

Children:- Rub yellow and round. I choose a yellow circle. Etc.

Educator:- What did you like? What seemed difficult?

Educator:- Look: on the page at the bottom of Dunno began to draw the pattern. Try to finish it at home.

The world is diverse. It appears before a person does not accumulate the same items, but as many objects, phenomena, processes endowed with various properties. Each subject has a non-someone, but a number of properties and therefore has one, but a variety of characteristics.

Properties are essential and insignificant. Say, from a business point of view, the eye color, human growth, the style of his clothes is essential; It is important what kind of specialist he is high or low of his level of professionalism. Objects, for one reason or another, lost substantial properties, are not simply moving to a new state, but become other objects. For example, the crazy aircraft ceases to be a machine, turns into scrap metal.

Specific and nonspecific properties distinguish. The specific value of atomic weight is specific for this chemical element, the weight is generally generally the characteristic of any material bodies located in the field of gravity. Specific properties inherent in this phenomenon characteristic of it are often called signs or symptoms. They allow you to detect one or another subject among many other not possessing such signs (fingerprints in a crime situation, characteristic of this disease, rash and others).

Some properties of the subject can be modified, they can be purchased and lost. However, there are also integral properties. In philosophy they are called attributes. So, items are unthinkable without the characteristics of space, time, movement. For a human personality, an attribute property is, in particular, memory. A person who has lost memory loses with her human appearance with her.

Actual and potential properties differ. The first are already implemented and are observed at this time. The second (they are called the dispositional) are hidden and deployed, are detected gradually with different interactions of this item with others. Such properties such as electrical conductivity, solubility, human responsiveness, etc., are manifested in this way.

Items are not a mechanical set or simple amount of properties, but their relationship, unity. That is why the knowledge of objects requires the effort of thought - the synthesis of their diverse manifestations. A steady set of properties of the subject is expressed in philosophy with the concept of quality. A multiplicity of various objects is characterized as a qualitative manifold. Properties are detected as manifestations of certain features, sides of the subjects in their relations with other objects. Each subject is multifaceted. It can be rotated to other subjects and to people with different parties, enter various connections with other objects, to be used in different ways in human practice.

Similarities and differences in properties determine the existence of qualitatively of the same type and different-type groups of objects, phenomena, processes. Under quality understand the holistic, integral characteristics of the subject (unity of its properties) in the system of its relations and relations with other objects.

People bodily (and not only mentally, spiritually) are included in complex interactions of objects, participate in them. They have the opportunity to judge the properties, the qualities of things by how they are presented in their experience. Kant called it "phenomena" - in contrast to the characteristics of the "things themselves". We have to admit that all the properties of things are known in the form of subjective images of the objective world. "But the human experience encompasses the real possibilities of increasing objective knowledge about the world, about various properties and a qualitative variety of objects. This possibility is provided by multiple contacts with objects, moreover, every time In other conditions, on another basis, various procedures for cross-practical inspections of the knowledge gained, their historical accumulation, the summation of the efforts of many people are also assisted.

The concept of quality expresses the specifics, originality of large and small groups of objects. It helps an aliament of high-quality boundaries between nature and a society, living and inanimate nature, solid bodies, liquids and gases, vegetable and animal peace, etc. The establishment of high-quality boundaries underlies the classifications of minerals, plants, animals, technical devices, professions, nations and nations. At the same time, the qualitative manifold of the world is not frozen. It is very moving. What determines the qualitative characteristics of objects, phenomena, processes? To answer this question, the concept of quality is necessary to relate with the concept of quantity opposite to it.

In the process of familiarization with properties

Development of the dosic school dictionary

1. Features of the perception of children of the main signs of items (properties and qualities).

2. Methods of familiarizing children with the properties and qualities of objects and the development of the dictionary.

3. Structure and content of children's training classes comparing and generalize items based on various properties and qualities.

1. Among the main signs of items allocate properties and quality. Qualitiescall external signs of objects that can be determined on the basis of perception using different senses (color, shape, quantity, weight, temperature, etc.). For example, a pencil is red, long, light, smooth. Propertiesitems are hidden, internal signs that manifest themselves when interacting with other objects or in violation of the integrity and functions of the subject. For example, breaking, turns, sinking. Often certain qualities determine the properties of objects. For example, if the boat is made of fine, soft paper, it will quickly splash and drown. Properties and quality of items determine their functions and purpose. MaterialFrom which subjects are made, combines a number of properties and qualities. For example, if the piece is wooden, it is solid, lighter metal, takes the ambient temperature, burns, not sinking, etc.

Children begin to perceive the main quality of items in the first year of life. Scientists note that kids distinguish the main colors, the room temperature in which they are, tactile sensations of touching the skin. In the second year of life, the process of assimilation of sensory standards begins, children learn to call the quality of objects with a certain word.

In research E.S. Slepovich notes that in the speech of children first appear adjectives characterizing the subject on the basis of perception (visual, feeling, etc.), then based on the image (pictures). These are adjectives, indicating color, shape, magnitude, material. In the future, children describe items on the presentation and often replace the adjectives by proncesses (all, different).

N.P. Sakulin allocates two groups of children in their research on the features of perception and descriptions of items: some children perceive the signs that are clearly visible at the moment, they choose accurate definitions to them; Other children call not only those signs that see at the moment, but also attract their experience, consume many comparisons (white handle, and sometimes multicolored).

2. Cognitive activity of children is based on practical activity, so to deepen the knowledge of children about objects and phenomena, it is necessary to organize active actions with objects in classes. Actions with objects aimed at identifying their properties and qualities are called surveys, and a focused process of identifying properties and qualities of objects - survey. In class, it is important to teach children to fulfill the right survey actions to identify certain qualities and properties. For example, to find out the color and the object of the item must look at it and compare these qualities with sensory standards. And what to find out the subject solid or mild on it should be pressed. If the subject to stroke the palm, we will find out what kind of surface he is: smooth or rough. At the same time, the children's dictionary is enriched not only by adjectives, denoting a variety of signs of objects, but also verbs denoting surveillance actions. The teacher must accurately denote the way to highlight a certain sign (Pin, Nadavi, spend your palm, sorcery, etc.).

An important condition for organizing active cognitive activity is the provision of material for an examination to each child. The ability to act with objects ensures the enrichment of the sensory experience of children and the speed of absorbing new words.

Receptions intensifying the process of deepening knowledge of children about objects and phenomena and the development of the dictionary of children are:

Elimination of properties and qualities of items based on comparison them with opposite;

The inclusion of properties and qualities of objects in activities depending on these features, such as the choice of paper for the manufacture of festive cards;

The use of verbal and logical exercises based on the main signs of objects;

Drawing up mysteries on a comparison of properties and qualities of objects.

3. Classes in the deepening of knowledge of children about signs of the subject have a specific structure, including three parts:

1 part - the exhaustion of properties and qualities in a certain activity and situation;

2 part - teaching children by surveying methods to allocate the necessary signs, enriching the speech of children with new words;

3 Part - Exercises for the allocation of familiar properties and qualities in various subjects and the activation of the dictionary in children.

As a complication, it is possible to conduct classes in comparing objects based on properties and qualities. Objects that have general and distinctive features are selected for these classes. The sequence of comparison is important: first, the items are compared in the whole color, form, value, appointment; Then similar and various signs are made and on the basis of this make a generalization about the peculiarities of each of the items.

The generalization of the knowledge of children about the properties and qualities of items occurs in classes where children consider a certain material (wood, glass, plastic). For such classes, a variety of objects from one material are selected. The main method will be the organization of elementary search activity of children.


1. Alekseeva, M.M. Methodology for the development of speech and training by the native language of preschoolers / M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashin. - 3rd ed. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 412 p.

2. Boguslavskaya, Z.M. Educational games for children: a book for the tutor's children. Garden / Z.M. Boguslavskaya, Smirnova E.O. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - P. 157

3. Borodich, A.M. Methodology for the development of children / A.M. Borodich. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. - 250 s.

4. Maksakov, A.I. Learn, playing: games and exercises with sounding word. Manual for educators children. Garden / A.I. Maksakov, G.A. Tumakova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983. - 144 p.

5. Sinitsyn, E.I. Clever words. Series: "Through the game to perfection" // E.I. Sinitsyna. - M.: "Sheet", 1999. - 176 p.

6. Sorokina, A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten (Art. Group). Manual for educators children. Garden // A.I. Sorokina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 96 p.

the academic grammar of the Russian language lists the following varieties of objects, as they are understood in grammar: items, phenomena and events of real validity and especially stand out ... Live creatures. This listing is incomplete because it does not cover perfect things. For example, Sillogism is not a subject, a phenomenon or an event of real reality. It is also not a living being. Nevertheless, this is a real subject in the grammatical sense. It is expressed in the word language denoting items - nouns.
The essence of the grammatical understanding of the subject is well expressed in the school textbook: "The subject in grammar is called everything, what can I ask about? Or what is it? " .
Who is it? or what is it? You can ask about everything that our thought is directed, regardless of whether it is the subject matter of the material world or its reflection in the man's head. Thus, the grammatical category of the subject corresponds to the logical and thereby qualitative understanding of the thing.
Of course, the eraitic characteristics are most visible, they are most likely "striking." Therefore, the initial meanings of the word "thing" and "subject", indeed, first of all spatial, as well as the meanings of many other words. However, this is not an argument in favor of understanding these words in such a way.
The history of the language shows how from the originally pure spatial spatial develops many other, less visual values, which in the future are becoming increasingly use. Therefore, the above links Tugarinova on the etymology of the word "subject" are unfair. Philosophical analysis should be operated primarily not the values \u200b\u200bof words that were major in the past, and those that are becoming increasingly used in the process of developing a language.
Many facts say that in the language a qualitative understanding of things more and more purely spatial. A qualitative understanding of things is manifested in the language not only in the absence of grammatical differentiation of material and ideal objects, but also in a number of other phenomena. For example, we are talking about an adult that this is the same person who was once a child. Understanding the thing is spatially, we would have to say about an adult that this is the same child. However, we say that this is the same human. And this is true with a qualitative understanding of the thing. One thing -g is the child turned into another thing - an adult, but this transformation is performed inside the quality boundaries of the thing we call a person.
Summing up, it can be said that a qualitative understanding of things is one and in ontological, and in logical, and in grammatical plans.
3 A. I. Umeov
Chapter II.
1. Property and quality
In previous paragraphs, the concept of quality, on the basis of which the concept of thing was formed, was not determined. The use of the word "quality" in the above reasoning can cause reproaches in the mixing of concepts of quality and properties, especially since sometimes. However, from these words was replaced by another of the purely stylistic considerations. Usually in our philosophical literature, the concepts of quality and properties are considered incompatible with each other. To clarify these most important concepts for our work, consider their usual understanding first. Let's start with the concept of "quality".
At one time, Hegel defined the quality as a "identity with the Being of Genesis." The hegelev understanding of the quality in the 20s was based on the basis of determining this concept in many works on dialectical materialism, in a special monograph dedicated to the problem of quality, A. Stolyarov, proceeding directly from the understanding of Hegel, gives the following definition: "This is constant or stability in variability and there is something that makes it possible a certain being, whose certainty, making it that it is, is its quality. "
Many years later, Gegelian formulation was reproduced by B. M. Kedrov. A more complete, deployed expression such an understanding of quality found in the textbook edited by G. F. Alexandrova. "Quality is an internally inherent subjects and phenomena certainty, organic unity of properties, features, features that distinguish this subject.
or phenomenon from others. Quality as a philosophical category serves to designate the specificity of things, the phenomena of the world around us.
The quality is what makes items or phenomena in the fact that they are data, and not others. "
Essentially, although sometimes it is not so definitely, the concept of quality and other training editions according to dialectical materialism. The mansion is only a textbook M. N. Rutkevich, in which the concept of quality is not determined, but the qualitative differences referred to the differences in essentially.
What is the property? What is the difference in quality properties?
This is what B. M. Kedrov writes about it: "Quality and property is not the same thing. The quality is inherently from the thing: his change means a change in the very thing: the property, on the contrary, is associated with the attitude of the thing to other things and the processes of nature. So it is relatively. With changed conditions, the thing may lose its property, but so that herself will remain the same qualitatively specific thing. "
The same in essence is also said in textbooks of dialectical materialism, for example: "The quality detects itself through properties in the process of interrelationships of objects and phenomena, and the organic unity of properties forms this qualitative certainty of the subject or phenomenon. However, the quality and property are unequivocal. Quality is a holistic characteristic of things and phenomena, while the property reveals a thing or a phenomenon from any side. "
So, the difference between quality and property is seen as follows: a) property relatively, quality is absolutely; b) Without certain properties, the thing can exist, the destruction of quality destroys the thing.
Of course, you can form with various definitions a variety of concepts. The discrepancy between the concepts of different people in itself cannot serve as a basis for accusing one of them in the fact that his concepts are wrong. Therefore, with other things being equal in order to avoid empty disputes, due to words, it is necessary to proceed from the generally accepted concepts and definitions.
However, the revision of concepts and definitions is justified if the old concepts lead to a contradiction with experienced facts or with other concepts and judgments, the truth of which is no doubt. The other was found in relation to the traditional understanding of the thing. And what can be said in this sense relative to the above definitions of quality and properties?
First of all, it should be noted that these definitions are incompatible with the traditional, spatial1 * understanding of the thing. According to these definitions, different things must have various qualities, but the same - the same quality, since high-quality specificity distinguishes this item from all others.
But the identity of things understood as the bodies is determined by the exceptionally spatio-temporal relations, while to determine the identity of the qualities, the spatial-temporal relations are not so significant. Two electrons in different places of space are two different things, therefore, we would have to consider that they had different qualities. But, on the other hand, the "organic unity of properties, signs, features", which determines the quality, they have the same thing, therefore, they have the same quality - to be an electron.
Such a contradiction, of course, does not refute the definition of quality - it can only serve as an external argument against the traditional understanding of the thing. In addition, this contradiction indicates that the definition of quality should be coordinated with a qualitative understanding of things. But there is also no such conformity. Indeed, quality inherent things it should characterize thing. But that, what Inherent, then what characterizes, must differ with something what inherent what characterized. In other words, the concept of quality should differ from the concept of things. But the above quality definitions make them identical. In fact, what could be the thing except the organic unity of properties, signs, etc., who distinguish it from other things? In the book cited above, A. Stolyarova referred to the coincidence of categories of things and quality: "In Marxist literature
The thing and quality is equal to completely and nearby. "
In addition, the considered definitions of quality contradict many undoubtedly true provisions on properties and qualities, including those that are also given by the authors of the definitions of properties and qualities.
So, B. M. Kedrov in complete agreement with the facts argues that the property is relative, that is, it depends on the bonds of this subject with other subjects and changes with the change in the latter. Moreover, this feature of the property is opposed to quality definition. At the same time, the quality is a set of properties. Can it be irrelevant in this case? Apparently, no. Therefore, it is impossible to oppose property and quality in this respect.
Further, B. M. Kedrov considers the following words V. I. Lenin very important for understanding the quality: "The sameness and feeling (ETRK) is the same, says Faierbach. The very first and most initial is the feeling, and in him Inevitably I. quality..." .
But the feeling in itself does not give us the opportunity to perceive the holistic certainty of the thing. With the help of sensations, we perceive only individual sides of the thing. On their basis, perception arises. And in order to know even in general terms such an internal certainty of a thing that highlights it from all other things, a rather complicated work of abstract thinking is necessary. As the history of science shows, from the knowledge of individuals of the subject to the knowledge of the fact that B. M. Kedrov calls Quality, "it usually passed a lot of time." B. M. Kedrov himself shows it on instructive examples from the history of chemistry.