Milling abs. Volume milling of abs plastic. Features of milling plastic on gantry machines

Plastic is a common, demanded material that has a low cost and is easy to process. It is also convenient to operate, has positive technical characteristics. Products made of plastic are currently present almost everywhere, in many spheres of human life. These are advertising products, window profiles, interior elements, household items, etc. Plastic is especially actively used in the industry engaged in the production of advertising products. For the manufacture of outdoor advertising items, it is necessary plastic milling, which is performed both manually and by means of special equipment.

Of course, for the quick execution of high-quality plastic advertising objects, it is preferable to use modern milling machines. A service like plastic milling in moscow, are offered by many companies, but not all of them work responsibly, and prices are often overpriced. Therefore, if you need high-quality or milling abs plastic, then it is advisable to contact a reliable company with a good reputation. This is our company, Sain System, which provides plastic milling services at a high level at affordable, reasonable prices.

The use of modern CNC milling for cutting plastic materials makes it possible to give blanks the required configuration, apply inscriptions, images, drill holes, form protrusions, creating relief. Which plastic for cnc milling better fit? On equipment of this type, it is possible to process plastic of any kind, since it has a number of advantages and benefits. There are a number of plastic materials, such as polyamide or polypropylene, which are more difficult to process. Here you need an accurate, correct selection and setting of settings for milling equipment: the speed of the cutter, the type of milling, etc. Our specialists are able to cope even with complex tasks, as they have experience, the necessary skills and abilities. We process various types of plastic with high quality, and the price for our services is lower than in many other companies.

Also, a rather demanded service is milling on plastic facades, it is also provided by our company. Modern milling machines that we have give us the opportunity to create volumetric images, to apply ledges and grooves, in order to then mount non-profile structures. No carbon deposits remain on the parts, there are no traces of melting either, the parts do not deform and do not change color on the cut edges. It is also possible laser milling of plastic, in some cases, but for plastic it is not used very often. We are not limited to milling plastic to create only advertising objects, we process plastic to create interior details, household items, etc.

If you are interested in the most profitable plastic milling price in our company is inexpensive, and orders are carried out promptly, as soon as possible. Plastic processing on equipment equipped with CNC has a number of advantages and benefits. Firstly, it is almost ideal precision with which the parts are manufactured. Secondly, it is a higher processing speed, which makes it possible to manufacture a large number of orders in a short time. This also affects the price, therefore, with such milling, it is much lower. Also, a better processing of the ends is obtained here, their surface is smooth and even, which cannot be achieved with manual processing.

Our equipment allows high-quality processing of various types of plastic materials used in advertising business, industry, and for interior decoration. As mentioned above, plastic is in great demand, and for the advertising business it is a real find that gives a lot of opportunities. If necessary, our designers will develop a model of plastic products, offer fresh, original solutions for your advertising project. Sign System is always a reliable, responsible and profitable partner for you!

Milling ABC plastic has the following advantages over laser cutting:

  • adjustable cutting depth
  • no color distortion at the cutting point
  • creation of multilevel volumetric parts (3D cutting)
  • speed control (which excludes the release of harmful substances).


Our company carries out milling of plastic of the following types:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polystyrene;
  • polypropylene;
  • polycarbonate;
  • acrylic, etc.


Milling plastic in St. Petersburg under the order has its own characteristics. According to its physical and chemical parameters, plastic is divided into two types:

  • thermoplastics;
  • thermosets.

The first type of polymer has a low melting point, which greatly affects the speed of milling work on plastic. Excessive processing speed leads to the loss of the original shape of the part. The second type of polymers has high strength, which makes it necessary to use carbide tools for work (for example, finger cutters for plastic).


Volume milling of ABC plastic in the Sistema machining center company is made to order in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of Russia. This process allows you to obtain precise workpieces with smooth, well-processed edges, without traces of melting and temperature deformation (appearing due to overheating of the polymer part).

Our company possesses equipment for polymer milling, which allows us to create molds for polymer casting and their vacuum forming. We produce high-precision cutting of ABS PLASTIC, make master models (prototypes, prototypes), apply flat and three-dimensional drawings to the plastic surface (we provide services for 3D milling of plastic to order).