Functional kitchen design with sofa. Sofa expert - choosing a sofa in the kitchen Kitchen design dining room with a sofa

A medium-sized kitchen is more difficult to set up than a small one. This is due to the fact that at first glance there is enough space in an empty room for equipment, furniture, arrangement of recreation areas and cooking. But in the process of registration, there is practically no free space for movement and the absence of a feeling of clutter.

In order for the design of a kitchen with a sofa of 10 sq m to be harmonious, it is necessary to clearly indicate the style of design and the possibility of its use in a medium-sized room. You also need to define:

  • will the kitchen be divided into zones;
  • is it possible to combine with other rooms without redevelopment;
  • is there an exit to the loggia or balcony.

The selection of furniture, appliances and accessories for the kitchen space will depend on such simple criteria in the future.

Basic principles of kitchen design 10 sq m

Styles may vary, but the design principles for medium-sized rooms remain the same. It is worth adhering to the following rules:

  • no clutter, otherwise a medium-sized kitchen will seem extremely cramped;
  • zoning is the best solution for a kitchen of 10 sq m;
  • modularity is the main criterion when choosing equipment and furniture for such spaces;
  • do not use dark colors when decorating a room.

Bright colors for a medium sized kitchen are acceptable. But in order for the design to be harmonious, it is necessary to correctly arrange equipment and furniture in space. You can use the following internal layout schemes:

  • L-shaped;
  • linear;
  • corner;
  • with an island.

The layout with the letter "G" can be used if there is absolutely no desire to fantasize about the arrangement of the room. Unlike a small kitchen, in a medium-sized space, there is no need to arrange everything linearly (in one or two rows). Corner placement of furniture and appliances or an "island" type is ideal for medium-sized kitchens.

Corner layout is legally considered universal. It leaves a lot of free space, furniture and appliances are arranged compactly, so that everything you need is always at hand. With this layout, the zones are clearly marked. As for the kitchen with an island, the table will be the center of the room.

It is a multifunctional island that can be folded at any time or used as a storage space. The island is equipped with shelves and drawers and does not have a permanent place. This is its main charm.

Sofa in the kitchen 10 sq m

The choice of an interior element such as a sofa for a kitchen depends on the following factors:

  • room decoration style;
  • size and layout;
  • general color scheme.

Regardless of the interior layout, a sofa for a medium-sized space should be as modular as possible. It should not stand out in size. This element of the interior must fit perfectly into the space allotted for it. This can be achieved by choosing the right shape and color scheme of the sofa.

The sofa is the main piece of furniture in the recreation area. It is ideal for rooms with a corner layout. With this arrangement, there will still be a lot of free space. Sofas come in many shapes and for a medium-sized kitchen, you can choose almost any.

The main thing is not to be mistaken with the size. Sofa corners are widely used in corner kitchens. They are practical and modular to a certain extent. Such a sofa will perfectly notice its corner position. But with a rectilinear and island layout of furniture and equipment, it is not advisable to use a sofa.

When choosing a sofa for the kitchen, you should pay attention to the quality of its upholstery and the functional purpose of the model. Agree, in a medium-sized space, a sofa with sheared legs in the Baroque style will look ridiculous. It is better to give preference to natural fabrics, leather. It is advisable to avoid drawings, unless this model of furniture is specially designed for your kitchen by a designer.

Kitchen design with sofa photo

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The kitchen in most homes serves more than just cooking. The family gathers here for family dinners, in the evenings after work in a cozy atmosphere the household members sit for a long time. Therefore, even in small kitchens, the design provides a TV and a cozy sofa. These premises in modern apartments can have an area of ​​18 sq. m.

Kitchen interior 12 sq. m

12 sq. m - a fairly spacious room (see also), where cabinets and a table in the work area, household appliances and a dining area with a sofa can easily be placed. It is a great luxury to put upholstered furniture separately. It can be placed along the wall near the dining table.


A TV is installed in front of the sofa - a zone appears in the kitchen not only for dining, but also for relaxation. Here you can receive guests and relax after a working day. Kitchens come in different shapes. If it looks like a narrow pencil case, at the end of which there is a window, the furniture can be put there. In this case, it will not interfere with movement and manipulation at the cutting table and stove.


A square or rectangular room allows you to proportionally divide the space into a work and dining area. The interior design of thirteen or fourteen square meters can be solved in such a way that the bar counter will be the dividing element of the zones. It adjoins one side to the work table, the other to the back of the corner sofa. The round table allows several people to be seated at the same time.


Kitchen design with an area of ​​16 sq. m

Redevelopment of the existing living space allows you to use it as convenient for the owners. The room can be increased up to 16 meters due to the balcony or loggia. Additional space is insulated with modern materials, heaters are installed along the plastic window or the central heating system is increased.


The work area can be taken out there. Then, in the warm part, they equip a small living room with a sofa and a table for eating meals. The kitchen in the photo below is filled with bright sunny colors that create an uplifting mood and improve appetite. Orange orange, colors embellished with floral prints combine with glossy white cabinet and stove surfaces to create an airy style.


There is another layout option of fifteen or 16 square meters. m. Such a spacious room can be zoned in different ways - using a two-level floor or ceiling, colors or using a sofa dividing the space into a cooking area and a living room. The mini-living room is represented by a small soft sofa in front of a plasma TV and a small shelf with magazines and books. The dining area is located away from the cutting table. In a large room, you can use rich colors for interior decoration.

Kitchen furnishings on 15 square meters can be designed in a classic style. It is characterized by a combination of calm tones - beige, peach, sand. The classic style is manifested in the design of the facades of cabinets, shelves, doors. For this style, a soft leather sofa at the dining table is suitable. It looks pretty massive and cozy. The glass table top of the table balances this massiveness, giving the interior lightness.


Kitchen layout for 13 sq. m

The sofa cannot be wide, focusing attention on it is not the best design move. Even in such a small space, you need to leave enough room for free movement. It is better to place it along the wall or buy L-shaped furniture and place it in the corner by the window. Then it will take up less space. In the opposite side, you can install a corner set. Such an arrangement of furniture will visually increase the space and allow free movement.

There are kitchens of non-standard shape - elongated or with a beveled wall by the window. A kitchen set and a couch installed parallel to each other will help to visually level the area.


Secrets of the kitchen layout

The functional area in the apartment should be comfortable, spacious and cozy. But it is often the smallest room. And in it you need to manage to arrange the stove, and the sink, and the bulky refrigerator, and the table, and the recreation area. You should think over the arrangement of objects very carefully.

  1. First of all, you need to get rid of small accessories, shelves, baskets that litter the space.
  2. It must be remembered that the reflective surfaces of tables, cabinets and mirrors expand the space.
  3. Better to use blinds or for windows than pleated curtains.
  4. Light colors of decoration, curtains, upholstered furniture can add "air" to a cramped room.
  5. Custom-made modular furniture for a specific design will make it possible to effectively use every centimeter of space. If necessary, elements of such a situation can be interchanged.
  6. A wide low kitchen window sill can be adapted under the sofa. To do this, you can cover it with a bright quilted mattress in the patchwork style and lay out the same patchwork pillows.


Sofa in the living room combined with the kitchen

Close Soviet-era "Khrushchevs" have kitchens of 4-6 square meters. m. For a modern person, this option is unusual and unacceptable. Therefore, most combine them with neighboring rooms, demolishing the dividing wall. The resulting space turns into a space for cooking. The cutting table and stove are placed in the corner next to the sink. The rest of the area remains free. A large sofa can be placed in the center of the living room, to which a large dining table is moved. Behind him, the family can gather for daily meals and receive guests.

Choosing a sofa for the kitchen

The kitchen, the interior of which provides for the presence of a sofa, must be designed in the same style. Upholstered furniture should be in harmony with the surrounding objects and wall decoration.
The size of the sofa depends on the size of the room. We'll have to look for or order a corner of the right size. Special boxes are made under the seats for storing kitchen utensils and dishes. If the furniture is made to order, it is not difficult to maintain both a set and upholstered furniture in the same style. The oval shape of the desktop and corner makes for a stylish design. The color of the facades of the headset and upholstery is made identical or similar in tone.

For small rooms, modular corner sofas are produced, which consist of 2-3 elements. They can be split or combined as desired.
In studio-type living rooms, sofas are placed that can be used for sleeping. These are designs - a French folding bed, a sofa-book.

You can decorate and visually highlight the seating area with the sofa using photo wallpaper pasted over it, or small colorful rugs in front of it.
There are more opportunities to diversify the interior in spacious rooms. Here sofas and corners of different designs and volumes are used.


Convenience is an important factor when resting and eating. The hard seats of the kitchen stools are not conducive to relaxation. Therefore, even in a small kitchen, a soft cozy sofa should be placed.

Video: modern ideas

A kitchen design with a sofa can have many different interpretations. The choice of sofa model will largely depend on both the size and configuration of the room, and the style. Today there are many models: angular and linear, modular, folding with a berth, couches and so on. Which one is better to purchase for a specific layout of a small kitchen, we will try to figure it out in this article. In the photos in our selection, you will see options for decorating a kitchen with a sofa.

Kitchen design with a sofa: what you need to consider

The design of a kitchen with a sofa can be considered both for large kitchen spaces and kitchens-living rooms, as well as for the smallest ones. For large kitchens, any model is suitable; here it is worth paying more attention to the appearance and matching style. It will be somewhat more difficult to design a kitchen of 8 m with a sofa, but it is quite possible. To do this, you should pay attention to corner sofas, modular, as well as narrow linear ones.

The presence of a loggia or a glazed balcony can be a good help. In this case, as we see in the photo, there will be additional space for the formation of furniture, in particular, placing a recreation area with a soft comfortable sofa on this territory.

Making a relaxation area in a kitchen design with a sofa

A comfortable sofa will create coziness and comfort in the kitchen. The kitchen design will look much more expressive if you supplement it with a wall with photo wallpaper as shown in the photo. This design will add new colors to the interior and make the recreation area more cheerful.

It is quite popular nowadays to decorate wall sections with wallpaper for decorative stone, brick, plaster or natural wood (the use of natural materials is also possible).

Various small accents, such as paintings, family photos, flowers in vases or flowerpots, will greatly enliven the design of the kitchen with a sofa, and pillows, a bright rug and curtains will make it cozy at home. It's also a good idea to play with lighting - add built-in lighting or original fixtures.

The choice of material for the sofa in the kitchen

There are no exact definitions of what color upholstered furniture should be. As shown in the photo below, a kitchen design with a sofa can have different colors, based on which the color is determined. It can have a shade similar to wall decoration, or it can become an accent fragment in the interior.

As you can see in one of the photos, the sofa has an expressive blue color and is located on the border of the working area and the living room, separating them.
When choosing a sofa, do not forget about such qualities as the strength of the material, soiling and ease of cleaning. The kitchen is a place where, one way or another, food particles can get on the sofa when cooking or eating, so you should choose a material that will be easy to clean and will be durable. Good options would be fabrics for a sofa such as jacquard, leatherette, flock, which are able to absorb moisture, odors and at the same time are easy to clean, as well as scotchguard and micro-velor, which prevent moisture from getting inside the upholstery.

Kitchen-living room design with sofa

Recently, the combination of premises in apartments has become quite common, as it allows you to significantly increase the usable area. Let's look at photo examples of how you can design a kitchen-living room with a sofa, so that all the necessary functional areas are successfully located.

Kitchen design with a sofa of 20 sq m combined with a living room

In small apartments, even as a result of combining rooms, a not very large space may turn out, but, nevertheless, sufficient for organizing zoning. For example, the design of a kitchen-living room with a sofa with an area of ​​20 sq m can be organized according to a linear principle, as shown in the photo. Here, a linear kitchen set ends with a bar counter, behind which is a recreation area with a modular sofa and a coffee table. This leaves plenty of room for movement. This is a fairly common option in rectangular rooms.

For square layouts, a good solution would be to design a kitchen-living room with a sofa with a dining area in the center, and a kitchen unit and a comfortable sofa along the side walls (photo of a kitchen 20 m in a loft style).

Kitchen design 15 sq m with a sofa combined with a living room

Since we are talking specifically about the kitchen-living room, even in its small area, the sofa should be quite spacious and comfortable so that the guests who come can freely accommodate. It is worth giving preference to corner structures, since they are the most spacious and take up less space than linear ones. In the photo below, in the design of the kitchen with a sofa, a significant area is set aside for a working area and at the same time there is enough space for relaxation with a soft sofa.

Kitchen design with corner sofa

The corner structure will be an excellent element of upholstered furniture for kitchens of all sizes and layouts. The design of the kitchen with a corner sofa is presented in our photo selection. Here, in the interior of the kitchen-living rooms, you can see both oversized sofas and compact models. Small corner sofas are often equipped with drawers-niches where you can store various kitchen utensils.

Considering the design of a kitchen of 9 sq m with an angular sofa, it can be noted that just such a design is most suitable for a small interior. She successfully occupies a corner near the window and frees up space for movement. Such models can have a built-in berth, which is very convenient in small apartments. If the design of the kitchen with a corner sofa (see the photo, and our article) does not imply the equipment of an additional place to sleep, you can purchase a soft kitchen corner. It is less overall, but the range of them is very large, which will make it possible to choose the appropriate option for a particular style.

Kitchen design with linear shape sofa

Linear models of kitchen sofas are also used quite often. In small kitchens, they can be installed along one of the walls. In kitchens-living rooms, a large straight sofa model can become a central piece of furniture, which will serve as a division of space into functional zones.

Straight sofas are of several types - folding, forming berths, modular, which can be rebuilt by moving individual elements and stationary.

The original kitchen design with a straight-shaped sofa can be seen on the example of a project developed by Ukrainian designer Alexander Chervinsky. In the photo we see a stylish modern design, where a straight gray sofa perfectly complements the dining area of ​​the kitchen in a white interior. At the same time, placing it opposite the working area is one of the most convenient. It is compact at first glance, but accommodates four seats. Soft pillows add coziness and comfort to the atmosphere.

An expressive accent is highlighted by a red straight small sofa, which will perfectly fit into the design of a 10 sq m kitchen with a sofa. Against the background of a white brick wall, it looks very extravagant and does not seem to take up space at all.

Design of a small kitchen with a sofa

Even the smallest spaces can be decorated in a modern and cozy way, while placing several functional areas. The design of a small kitchen with a sofa will be most successful if you use a compact kitchen set with built-in household appliances. In square rooms, it is most often angular, and in elongated rooms it is linear. It will be good if there is a bar counter that can play the role of both a table top and a dining table. It is preferable to choose one style direction; for small spaces, minimalism will be appropriate, which will save you from unnecessary decoration and clutter.

The design of a small kitchen with a sofa can be supplemented with original lamps, fruit vases, white brick wall decoration, etc.
A good solution would be to decorate the kitchen design with a corner sofa. The photo in our article shows another example of decorating a small space using a transforming sofa, which can be expanded if necessary.

The kitchen has long since turned from a room where food is prepared into a place for meeting friends and talking while gathering all family members for dinner.

As the function of the kitchen has changed, so has the furniture.

It has become more comfortable and acquired additional functionality. Uncomfortable stools and chairs were replaced with sofas.

Choosing a sofa for the kitchen

The first criterion that is taken into account when choosing furniture for the kitchen is practicality. The sofa upholstery should be easy to clean, durable and not fade.

This also includes the choice of the style of the sofa, based on the overall interior design.

The sofa model itself can be influenced by other pieces of furniture in the kitchen. For example, semicircular corners without massive armrests are suitable for a round table.

The size of the room also has a big influence on the choice of one or another sofa for the kitchen. Manufacturers offer a variety of models from large corners that occupy two walls to small double couches for small kitchens.

Depending on the size of your kitchen and the need for an extra bed, today you can choose sofas for the kitchen with a bed. In this case, the system of folding the sofa will matter - forward, or according to the principle of a book.

Depending on the purpose of the sofa, you can choose a sofa bench, corner or modular sofa. A corner sofa is perfect for a small kitchen, if there are no cabinets around the perimeter of the room.

It provides more seating, saving space for the equipment you need in your kitchen. To further save space, in some sofas, the back is attached to the wall. Sometimes, instead of a backrest, you can simply use a lot of pillows to help you relax.

The material from which your sofa will be made is also important. The chipboard frame will not last you long. It is better to choose a sofa made of plywood, wood or metal. But even sofas made of wood can vary significantly in price.

It all depends on what kind of wood the furniture is made of. Oak and beech are more expensive, pine and larch are cheaper.

Sofa bench

The modern sofa bench has soft upholstery, while the lower part can be used to store various items. Such interior items can be either calm colors or have bright upholstery or an original drawing.

The simplicity of the design is offset by a variety of designs for the backs, legs and armrests. Due to this, you can find a sofa bench that will fit into any interior, regardless of style.

For small rooms, a narrow bench is suitable, under the folding bottom of which a third of all your little things fit.

The chrome plating of the base of the bench will be appropriate in urban styles. Wooden models with wide armrests are suitable for a classic interior.

A sofa bench with storage boxes is a great alternative to an additional cabinet. This will unload the room and organize the order. For those who are going to often use things that will be located under the sofa, it is worth choosing the mechanism located on the side.

Semicircular sofa

Semicircular sofas are not often seen in the kitchen in apartments. Typically, these sofas are used for rooms with bay windows and niches. Such sofas are often made to order according to the size of a particular room.

Such furniture is very comfortable, moreover, if you have a round or oval table, then with the help of a semicircular sofa, a lot of seats are created.

Semicircular sofas are often used to separate the kitchen from the dining room. In one-room studio apartments, where zoning of the premises is simply necessary, this solution is optimal.

Modular sofas

Modular sofas allow the kitchen to simulate various furnishings depending on the situation. You will never get bored with such furniture. From separate modules, you can arrange a single sofa or organize separate seats.

Modular sofas come in a variety of shapes. Right angles or rounded design - you choose the right option yourself.

In kitchens combined with a living room, one semicircular sofa can be installed, which will turn into a sleeping place by attaching a module. The only drawback of this design is the impossibility in most cases to pick up bed linen.

Manufacturers of modular sofas often provide for the option to purchase additional modules if needed. By purchasing modules with a different upholstery, you can diversify the interior, as well as, over time, completely replace all modules.

Photo of a sofa in the kitchen

Usually, there is not enough space in the kitchen to accommodate the main pieces of furniture, which is why sofas are located only on a more spacious area.

It serves as an excellent seating function for guests. Most often, semi-rigid sofas with drawers are installed in the kitchen, into which the necessary utensils are laid out.

Important characteristics of a sofa for a small kitchen

The sofa in the kitchen can be either the main sitting place at the dining table, or as an addition to other stools and chairs.

Such a model usually does not unfold, because you would have to move the table every time.

It is not recommended to install sofas in places where there are people with excess weight, then the furniture will quickly fail. Also, the use of pillows is also inappropriate, due to the fact that they immediately absorb external odors.

A small sofa in the kitchen may have a lid that folds back, like a chest. For such models, the back is attached separately to the wall.

Purpose of a small sofa

It is quite problematic to place the main furniture in a small area, and the sofa is an unnecessary item.

A straight sofa in the kitchen can be installed if other planting items cannot be placed in the middle of the kitchen.

It can be placed if the table is set, and you can sit at it only near the wall, pay attention to the photo of sofas for the kitchen. Because in another case, it will not be possible to move around the room at all.

Also, a small sofa in the kitchen can act as a decor, complementing cabinets or a small table. There are options for mini sofas for the kitchen with curved legs, and they come with similar chairs.

Note! Lighting in the kitchen - what should it be? 80 functional design ideas

Such furniture requires a table in the shape of a circle on one rack. You can also use an ottoman or another seat with an ottoman as a sofa. This example does not "eat up" free space, but it is not suitable for storing other things.

Interior options for a small kitchen with a sofa

Most often, apartments in panel buildings do not have extra meters, not only for a sofa, but also for any necessary chairs or stools. It is for this reason that the sofa needs a certain place.

It is important for additional convenience and completing the overall interior. Similar to how in some rooms countertops are attached to the corner sofas, the kitchen sofa is a spare place for up to 3 guests at the dining table.

Such a piece of furniture will be irreplaceable, for example, if a group of friends often play and drink tea or coffee at the same time.

The small kitchen sofa has the following features:

  • Creates harmony with the overall color palette;
  • Used to store kitchen utensils or supplies for the winter.

Such a kitchen sofa is not suitable as a sleeping place, because the apartment, in the kitchens of which the sofa is located, will have enough space for daily sleep in more suitable conditions than the kitchen space.

The sofa is usually located in the corner, opposite the sink; a corner sofa in the kitchen is perfect for this. It is better if a window is placed on the side of it, because it will not be possible to secretly stretch the lighting devices.

Small kitchen sofas are needed to arrange guests at a table in the kitchen. Sitting on such furniture with a back is more comfortable than on any rigid cabinet.

But it is quite problematic to get out of the table without disturbing the people sitting next to it. Sofas in different colors can enliven the atmosphere or create the desired balance of furniture.

As mentioned earlier, folding sofas in the kitchen play an important role; they are indispensable for storing kitchen utensils, dishes, cans and other items. Therefore, the frame must have a high-strength structure and the ability to withstand about 200 kg of guests sitting on it at once.

Rarely enough, these sofas are used as beds. If you try, you can find a sofa in the kitchen with a sleeping place or even a double one. But this is taking into account the fact that the kitchen has sufficient dimensions after it is laid out.

Before buying, carefully decide on its size, color and purpose, so that in the end the purchased item does not cause inconvenience, but only pleases its owners and guests.

Photo of sofas in the kitchen