Fortune telling on coffee circle meaning. Fortune telling on the coffee grounds: Tell fate while enjoying aromatic coffee

Divination. What a coffee cup can tell.

A complete guide to fortune telling on COFFEE

If, after drinking your aromatic and unusually tasty Turkish coffee, you want to join the ancient Turkish fortune telling on the coffee grounds, then I offer you the most common signs for interpretation that can be seen in the traces left on a cup of coffee grounds.

Fortune telling on the coffee grounds is the interpretation of the signs left on the cup by traces of drunk coffee.

Fortune-telling attributes

Need coffee, of course. Good natural ground coffee. The variety does not matter at all, nor does the type of roast. But attention should be paid to the grinding. As a rule, for fortune telling, they take a mixture of coarse and finely ground coffee in a 2: 1 ratio, or in equal proportions. Just in case, it is worth recalling that you cannot guess with instant coffee. Rather, it is possible - but it is useless.

Not any cup for fortune-telling is also needed. A beautiful medium-sized fine porcelain vessel is preferred. Drinking coffee from such a cup is much more pleasant, and positive emotions help to achieve the desired state of feelings and turn on intuition. And fortune-telling on coffee will make sense only in such conditions.

The inside of the cup must be clean and free of patterns. The maximum that is permissible is a thin bezel along the top edge. It is desirable that there is no drawing on the saucer, but that's how it will turn out. The fact is that in some cases it is worth taking into account the meaning of those figures that formed on the saucer after the cup was tipped over it.

Fortune telling on COFFEE.Brewing coffee for fortune telling:

The cup should be rinsed with hot water and dried. Pour two tablespoons of ground coffee into a warm cup and pour boiling water over it. Cover the brewed coffee with a saucer and leave for a minute or two. Milk is not added to the drink, sugar is also not desirable. You need to drink at least three sips from the cup, and it is better to drink all the coffee, leaving no more than a spoonful of liquid on the bottom.

After that, they take the cup in hand and make three vigorous rinsing movements counterclockwise, trying to distribute the thickest along the walls of the cup as widely as possible. After shaking up the remains, the cup is tipped upside down on the saucer in the direction "away from you". In this position, the cup should stand for several minutes to thicken the glass along the walls. You should not rush, asking about fate - fortune-telling does not tolerate fuss.

Fortune telling on COFFEE.How to ask a question:

Before Drinking - Think about what you would like to know. You shouldn't ask vague questions like: "What will happen to me?"

It is better to ask something more specific: "What awaits me in my personal life in the coming months?", "Will the upcoming trip be successful?", "What will be my relationship with such and such a person?" Then you have a chance to more accurately interpret the meaning of coffee pictures.
Take your coffee slowly, holding it in your left hand, repeating the question to yourself.

Fortune telling on COFFEE. Interpretation of signs on the walls of the cup:

There are many reference books on the interpretation of the meaning of those seen in the thick of it, but the fact is that the symbols seen on the walls of the cup are only a reflection of the personality of the beholder and his attitude to the world in general and to the object of fortune-telling in particular.

Someone can interpret one and the same combination of spots as a butterfly, another as the letter Ж, and a third person will not see any specific image among the obscure figures.

Peering into the patterns left on the walls of the coffee grounds cup launches the mysterious mechanism of intuitive knowledge of the world, serves as a setting for it and a kind of window into the depths of the Subconscious.

Fortune telling on COFFEE. Hsome moments from the experience gained by many generations of fortunetellers that are worth considering.

For the convenience of fortune telling, turn the cup so that to make the pen look at you.

In this case, everything on the left half of the cup means recent past , and located on the right - future.

A pen the same from the cup means you or the person to whom you are guessing.

The order of consideration of divorces on the cup is as follows:

From the edge of the cup towards the bottom towards the center.

If the drawing is closer to the top edge of the cup, then the meaning that it hides in itself will be displayed in your life in the near future.

Left to right horizontally (read from the more ancient past to the recent)

Right to left horizontally (read from present to future)

Bottom. It is believed that all the bad events of the past (left half of the bottom) and the future (right) are concentrated at the bottom. The symbols found there are interpreted exclusively negatively.

Symbols that "Look" at the handle, that is, on you, will soon enter your life. They can mean profit or someone's arrival at the house, the development of some kind of relationship.

If the symbols look the other way, then something or someone is going to leave your life or home.

2.An area of \u200b\u200bbad omen lies at the bottom edge of the handle.

3.What is visible in the middle of the wall of the cup directly opposite the handle will soon enter the life of the questioner and will be of great importance.

* An image directed counterclockwise indicates the questioner leaving the life;

* Image striving clockwise arrows, will soon enter the life of a fortuneteller.

4. The larger a symbol is, the more space it takes in a person's life.

5. The closer a certain pattern is to the handle of the cup during divination, the faster the prediction will come true.

7. The blacker the sediment in the cup, the more internal problems and contradictions a person has, which put pressure on him.

8. The lighter and cleaner the cup remains, the more positive in the life of the questioner (this is the most common interpretation).

The fewer stains and streaks on the saucer and in the cup, the calmer a person's life, the fewer various events in it. And, accordingly, the more figures there are in the cup, the more saturated and confused human life is.

If the divorces in the coffee grounds look completely chaotic, then the person himself does not know how he lives and what he needs - there is complete uncertainty in his head.

9. Interpretation of what is in the area located to the right of the handle - events and people, already losing their meaning and influence.

10. You should never guess twice in one day. Moreover, for the same thing. In general, it is believed that fortune-telling on coffee can not be more than once a week, and in general it is better not to abuse it. Fate does not like when she is often pulled over trifles.

11. Pregnant women should not guess.

* In Turkey, it is believed that the interpretation of the signs on the cup will predict the future, and the interpretation of the signs on the saucer will help to understandpast.

As symbols that arise during fortune-telling, a person can see both any objects and numbers.

The stains-sticks in the coffee grounds symbolize some deeds, the more there are, the more deeds. If they run parallel to the rim, then there will be no excesses in the course of the case; if they look towards the bottom of the cup, they are unlikely to end successfully.

The images of animals are interpreted according to their characteristics in life. So, noble animals can mean friends and helpers, predatory animals - enemies. The figures of trees and flowers are also interpreted.

Human faces mean your friends and loved ones, sometimes enemies.

Of great importance in the interpretation of the symbols of people are their bundles.

So, two faces, between which there is a flower, symbolize lovers, and if there is like a wall between the faces, then enmity and alienation.

Movement Shapes (car, ship, train) means travel; and symbols with rays are interpreted positively or negatively, depending on whether their number is even or odd.

Figures in the coffee shop denser can mean the period in which this or that event will occur (I must say that this period is very vague from an hour to a year, and it must be judged on the basis of the remoteness of the figure from the pen).

More detailed meanings of the figures that can still be seen in the coffee cup are given below.

Fortune telling on COFFEE.Interpretation of the Number:

  • 1 - the questioner is loved
  • 2 - a deuce portends trouble, ailments, failure
  • 3 - three, on the contrary, promises success, especially in money matters.
  • 4 - luck, victory, favorable resolution of the situation
  • 5 - gossip, idle talk, empty pastime, useless vanity
  • 6 - marriage / marriage, conclusion of a deal, agreement, reaching agreement
  • 7 - happiness in the house, in the family, happy mutual love
  • 8 - quarrel, scandal, rupture, misunderstanding and discord with people who matter to the questioner
  • 9 - new acquaintance
  • 10-100 - a good omen: Fortune will turn to face the questioner
  • 101 and more - longevity, health, well-being.

* Letters are most often interpreted as initials, the first letter of the name of a hidden person, sometimes a warning about something.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation of signs

- Large white and clean space on the cup means peace of mind.
- A white vertical line running along the side of the cup is a bad sign (this is a symbol of a snake) and portends misfortune.
- A white continuous circle around the top of the cup indicates possible travel. But if this circle is somewhere blocked by black clots of coffee, it means that you will have to return without completing the journey to the end, or even cancel it at the last moment.
- Some white lines on the cup also mean travel: a long line means a long trip, a short line means a short trip.
- A white spot in the form of a dove is a good sign that means a happy event or good news. Seeing such a "dove", fortune tellers often wait a little longer to see other dark signs around this white "dove", as they will help to more accurately say what will happen.
- If you saw the outline of a horse in the coffee grounds, it means that your wishes will come true.
- Large gates with clean space behind them mean the solution to all today's problems.
- Clots of coffee on the walls of the cup - for money.
- A large coffee clot at the bottom of the cup means problems.
- Doug is a dangerous enemy.
- A square in the coffee grounds foreshadows a happy, wealthy life.

- An X-shaped cross means marriage.
- White cross from the inside - happiness in family life.
- A vicious circle - excellent relationships with others.
- An open circle - a new acquaintance.
- Circles without spots - money.
- Circles with spots - children.
- Zigzag line - adventure.
- A line crossed by other curves and broken lines - resentment or embarrassment on a personal level.
- The line crosses the bottom of the cup - a pleasant journey.
- A straight and long line means a happy and carefree life.
- Many triangles - a godsend, profit.
- Oval - marriage.
- Dots or short strokes - luck ahead.
- Closed triangle - luck ahead.
- Open triangle - security, safety.
- Dashes - job change.
- The quadrangle is success in love.

But you should not completely trust the interpretation of the mysterious coffee signs and rely on predictions - some Turks also recall another old Turkish proverb: "Do not believe the predictions of your fate, but do not neglect them either."

For those who want more

1. Bag - a trap awaits you. If the bag is buttoned, you will get into it.

2. Ax - you will face difficulties, especially if the ax is without an ax.

3. Point - enhances the value of the nearest sign. The group of points is money.

4. Triangle - Angle Up - Success. Down - plans will change.

5. Kettle - near the handle - well-being at home, near the bottom and at the bottom of the cup - a family quarrel.

6. Flag - you are in danger.

7. Hill is an obstacle to success.

8. Flower - your wish will come true.

9. Clock - avoid doubts and delays. OR - recovery.

10. Lines - progress. Especially if the lines are clear and straight.

11. Human figure - you need to carefully consider the figure and give your own interpretations: who it is and what his intentions are.

12. Suitcase - travel, making important decisions.

13. Jester - avoid frivolity, they are not good. Time to be serious.

14. Turtle - oversensitive to criticism.

15. Monster - horror, fear.

16. Hat - new opportunities and possible success. If the hat is bent or with a hole, you will fail.

17. Bee - success, good news.

18. Pentagon - intellectual balance.

19. Fork - it's time to make a decision. (How your business will end, the adjacent signs will tell you.)

20. A gun - near the handle - a threat to family well-being, near the bottom of the cup - slander will undermine your credibility.

21. Mermaid - be careful, you are tempted.

22. Pisces is one of the best signs. Good luck in everything!

23. Glass - the integrity of nature.

24. An airplane is an unexpected journey with an element of risk or reaching new heights. If the plane seems to be wrecked, health or career is in danger.

25. Candle - benefit, zeal for knowledge or diligence in learning.

26. Pig - success in life, accompanied by spiritual discord or illness.

27. Network - Avoid the traps.

28. Skeleton - poverty, poor health.

29. Violin - individualism, egoism.

30. Elephant - wisdom, strength, slow, but lasting success.

31. Dog - rely on friends. The dog at the bottom of the cup is a friend in need.

32. An owl is a bad sign, meaning that difficult trials have fallen to your lot. At the bottom of the cup is financial ruin.

33. Monkey - flatterers are dangerous for you.

34. Clouds - doubts, unresolved problems.

35. Fire - Avoid hasty reactions, especially anger.

36. Necklace - many support you and admire you. But if the necklace is broken - a quarrel with a loved one.

37. The circle is a good outcome of the case.

38. Peacock - with a straightened tail - a state, surrounded by dots - a luxurious life, near the "ring" sign - a wedding.

39. Parquet - surprise awaits you. The signs next to it will show which one.

40. Palm - success, respect, honor.

41. Fern - your beloved (s) is unfaithful to you.

42. Parachute - getting rid of danger.

43. Spider is a persistent character, not devoid of cunning and deceit.

44. Feather - inconstancy and lack of concentration.

45. Saw - Someone outsider threatens the peace of your family.

46. \u200b\u200bPistol - you are in danger.

47. Letter - news, if the sign is indistinct - bad news, if surrounded by dots - business news.

48. Fruit is a lucky sign, especially if the fruit is in season.

49. Parrot - a scandal awaits you and gossip is haunted.

50. Reptile - betrayal lies in wait for you. Beware of false friends.

51. Profile - a short-lived friendship or acquaintance.

52. Bird - especially good if there are two or more birds. Flying birds are good news, and worthwhile is a successful journey.

53. A leaf is news, if the leaves are in bunches - happiness and good luck.

54. Boat - you will find refuge in difficult times for you.

55. A shovel is a difficult job that will end in success.

56. The horse is the beloved.

57. Moon - full moon - love, in the first quarter - new plans, in the last quarter - a decline in all matters. The sign is surrounded by dots - marriage or marriage for money.

58. Frog - Avoid self-importance.

59. Mask - be careful, those around you are deceiving.

61. Bear - your unreasonable decisions will make your life difficult. If the bear turned away from the handle - a long journey.

62. Baby - you have a lot of small troubles ahead OR an addition to your family.

63. Hammer - the ability to overcome difficulties, a tendency to cruelty.

64. Bridge - luck can turn away from you when there is only one step left to success.

65. Ring - independence, completeness of affairs, constancy. At the top of the cup is a wedding, in the middle is a proposal, at the bottom is a long engagement (if there is a cross next to it, the wedding will not take place), two rings are the implementation of all plans.

66. The comet is a guest from afar.

67. Ship - luck or news will not keep you waiting long.

68. A basket is a very good sign. Near the handle - expect a child, at the top of the cup - getting money.

69. The crown is a great success. The sign is clearly outlined - inheritance.

70. A bowler hat is a service for the good of society.

71. Cat - behind your back your false friend spreads gossip.

72. Cross - suffering, sacrifice, grief. Two crosses - a serious illness or serious disaster.

73. The bed - if the bed is removed - you are smart, if in a mess - you do not discipline your mind, it gives you a lot of anxiety.

74. Crocodile - betrayal.

75. Rabbit - fearfulness.

76. Wing - news (signs located next to it determine its content).

77. Rat - betrayal and loss. You have unreliable friends and powerful enemies.

78. Pitcher - the ability to influence a partner. Near the handle is excellent health.

79. Arch - deterioration of health, threatening a career or the implementation of plans. An accident is possible.

80. Harp - family harmony, for single - a successful outcome of love affairs.

81. Butterfly - frivolous but innocent adventures. If the sign is surrounded by dots, you run the risk of wasting your life.

82. Drum - scandal and quarrels await you. Gossip is spreading around you.

83. Boot - coming from the handle - unexpected move, dismissal. Torn - you are threatened with failure and shame.

84. Bottle - take care of your health.

85. Libra - litigation possible. Balanced scales - justice will prevail.

86. The windmill is a success to be achieved by hard work, not talent.

87. Volcano - passions can overwhelm you and harm you.

88. Nail - you are threatened by an intruder, you may be treated unfairly.

89. Garland - success and honor.

90. Eye - be attentive and careful, especially in business.

91. Mountains - success in achieving the goal.

92. Rake - you should try to tidy things up and regulate your lifestyle and working methods.

93. Mushroom - weight gain. Near the handle of the cup - the acquisition of a summer cottage, a summer cottage.

94. Vulture - loss, possibly theft. Danger.

95. Pear - comfort and prosperity.

96. Ladies handbag - monetary gain. At the bottom of the cup is an unexpected loss.

97. Tree - to fulfill desires and plans.

98. Home - you can start new business. If the sign is next to the pen and is blurred - family discord.

99. Spruce is a success in the field of art, the higher the spruce, the better.

100. Toad - beware of flattery and flatterers.

101. An acorn is an excellent symbol of good luck. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup: at the top - financial success, in the middle - good health, closer to the bottom - improvement in financial situation or health.

102. Fence - you will not be free in your actions.

103. Castle - you have a strong character. 104. The keyhole is an obstacle to success.

105. Hare - shyness.

106. Star - 5-point - success that does not bring joy, 6-point - luck, 7-point - sadness, 8-point - an accident.

107. Umbrella - You will need shelter. If the umbrella is open, you will receive it. Closed - you will be denied it.

108. Snake - to intrigue.

109. Cabbage - jealousy will complicate your life.

110. Square - restrictions, sometimes imprisonment, isolation of character.

111. Dagger - impulsiveness or conspiracy of enemies.

112. Keith - exaltation and success in business.

113. The key is to correctly assess the situation, then new opportunities will open before you. A double mark or near the bottom of a cup is a robbery hazard.

114. Book - a litigation in court or difficult searches awaits you.

115. Goat - you are threatened by enemies.

116. Bell - news awaits you (good or bad - depends on the neighboring signs). At the top of the cup is a promotion, at the bottom is sad news. Two bells are great joy.

117. Column - success or danger because of your arrogance.

118. Swallow - ease of decision making. An unexpected journey with a happy ending.

119. Swan - a good, calm life.

120. Leo are powerful friends who will help you in your affairs.

121. Bat - beware of conspiracies and false friends.

122. Ladder - extension, perhaps by long hard work.

123. Ant - be persistent and success will come to you.

124. Fly - troubles and worries associated with business. The more flies, the more trouble.

125. Ball - good luck awaits you in life.

126. Insect - little trouble that will end well.

127. Pump - you have a noble nature.

128. Knife - rupture of relations, termination of friendship, near the handle - divorce, crossed knives - major feuds.

129. Scissors - quarrel, separation. Next to the pen is a family quarrel.

130. Nanny - illness threatens you. If the sign is located at the pen - the illness of a loved one.

131. The sun is great joy, success, power.

132. Table - reception, celebration, meeting. If the sign is surrounded by dots - a business meeting.

133. Arrow - wait for bad news.

134. Chair - improvement of position, if the chair is surrounded by dots - improvement of financial position.

135. Anchor - success awaits you. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup: at the top - success in business, in the middle - a journey that will bring you prosperity (especially if the symbol is surrounded by dots), closer to the bottom - success in society.

136. Hawk - you are in sudden danger.

For those who want more

Fortune telling on COFFEE. The meaning of figures in fortune telling on coffee grounds


If the car is clearly visible, then this is for the journey, if not, then one of the alarms ahead

Angel for good news and happy events. Help from a well-wisher

Arch for gifts or money as a gift

Diamond to happy love

Harp in the family will reign harmony


Luggage needs to make dreams come true and go on a journey

Bank comprehensive support from friends

Butterfly a person much younger in age has a great impact

The butterfly on the top of the cup speaks of interesting events that will bring happiness to life.

Butterfly with dots life can be spent aimlessly

The drum appearance of such a sign indicates a person's giftedness. If he has not yet become successful, he will soon become

A squirrel does not need to do many things at the same time, as a result, strength and energy will be spent

The boot is badly traced the dislike of neighbors and friends

A boot torn to shame and failure

Tambourine relationships are often fickle

The boot is clearly visible in the cup of love of friends and neighbors

A tambourine at the bottom of the cup, despite the refusal of love, thoughts about it remained

A tambourine in the middle of the cup indicates readiness for a crazy romance

A tambourine at the top of the cup meeting a new love

Buffalo, the presence of this sign tells of suffering

A bottle of possible illness

A bouquet of flowers means happiness, especially when there is a triangle nearby

Bull sign of danger. You need to find out the identity of the enemy and try to avoid collisions

Bull at the top and clear work will be well rewarded

Bull underneath and clear deterioration in your health

The bull in the lowlands will be strong and good health

Bull on the hill making a profit


Vase sign promising money

A vase standing straight means you are a generous person.

Vase bent over money can be lost

Wreath all business will be successful

The bucket is worth the business will be successful

The bucket lies on its side, no deals worth making

Bike the chosen road - the right one, will lead to the achievement of all goals

Broom and you and those around you, change

The rope is tied to something, possibly, the appearance of problems with well-being

The rope is folded in the future the likelihood of financial difficulties

Libra balanced, justice will prevail

Libra most often - to litigation

Libra unbalanced towards injustice towards you

Camel happiness faces difficulties and worries

Camel is possible the emergence of wealth

Paddle you waste everything

Windmill your desire to work and talent will lead to success

Fork upside down teeth life will be luxurious and rich

Fork down teeth should get ready for trial

A wolf, the appearance of such a sign tells about a past illness or the commission of some act

Hair secret must remain a secret

Kite plans and ideas must be executed

Balloon speaks of travel and possible change of residence

A question mark speaks of doubt, to make a decision you need to pay attention to the signs in the neighborhood

Raven house will visit misfortune

The volcano will have many passions in life, you will have to deal with personal problems

The rider will solve problems thanks to the influencer


Business eyes require attention and care

The viper speaks of success and honors

The nail speaks of the gift of persuasion. But you will be treated unfairly

The eye in the middle of the cup, lady luck accompanies, life will give everything you want

Eyes need to go to visit loved ones who live abroad

The nest is usually marked with such a sign for people whose work is related to the children's team. In addition, it can appear in people with a large number of animals in the house.

Head too many thoughts visit

The head of a person without a body indicates a friend who has a good impact.

The human head in profile protects you

The head of a person looks up at a defender and patron who has strength, there is a desire to help you

A person's head looking down says a little danger

Garland a harbinger of your or someone else's wedding

The head and figure of the dog the spouse is faithful to you

Head with one eye getting false promises

Dove symbol of pure soul

The mountain is not clear you should think about the way to achieve your goals

The mountain you strive to be on top

Mountain highlighted all peaks will be reached

Gore means a lot of targets

Rake business must be in order, life must be adjusted

Rake at the bottom of the cup, time to reap the benefits

Rake in the middle of the cup thanks to talent and hard work the barn will become a palace

Rake at the top of the cup the arrival of a lot of finance

The coffin next to the bed is a symbol of a serious illness

Coffin appearance of sorrow and grief

Mushrooms family will replenish

Lips meeting love

Pear family will live in abundance and comfort


Lady's bag will unexpectedly win, buy a lottery ticket

Two persons in a circle wedding

Two faces looking at each other a sign of mutual love

Two faces separated by a line means treason, quarrel and divorce

Two faces with a rose in the middle, a symbol of a long marriage

Girl symbol of love

Door new venture will be successful

Money in coins the more significant the number of coins, the more money will be received

Tree strength and hard work will lead to success and glory

Paper money waiting for a large enough amount

An airship can get what you want through creativity. The fulfillment of desires is possible due to the timely completion of all matters

House sign, difficult to interpret. A strong home is a symbol of prosperity in business and family

A poorly drawn house speaks of possible family problems

House next to the circle getting your own home

House with a crooked roof problems with people who live next door

House with roofs and windows the family will live happily

A house at the top in business success awaits

Road you will soon take a trip or journey

Oak you will be a triumphant and a winner


Hedgehog warning sign. People do not value a good attitude towards themselves, and only use for their own purposes


Toad for those planning to create a family, it is good to see this sign, but you should not fall for flattery

A woman near a flower talks about having a sincere friend

Woman near tulip danger from girlfriend

A woman near a rose the appearance of a mistress in a young man

The woman holding the stick in your man may have another woman, which will bring a lot of problems to the family

Woman galloping on horse getting trouble from woman

Acorn speaks of love for outdoor recreation

An animal other than a dog and a horse means there is an enemy nearby

Crane is a sign of strength and endurance, a sign of longevity


A castle means strong character. It is necessary to break away from work and communicate with others

Fence you suffer from stubbornness, which often interferes

Keyhole the path will be clouded by obstacles

The hare talks about shyness and cowardice

Zebra finding a common language with people is difficult

Star fulfilling all wishes

The five-pointed star despite the arrival of success, there will be no joy

Six-pointed star you will be lucky

The star of seven points means sadness

Eight-pointed star beware of accident

Zebra is bad to be like someone

The snake can act decisively. In addition, treason or someone's intrigues is possible.

The umbrella of troubles and hardships will not touch you

The umbrella is open you have complete protection from trouble

The umbrella is closed despite the presence of protection nearby, you will have to make your own efforts

Zodiac signs meeting with a representative of the depicted zodiac sign


Willow sadness and tears


Cabbage has many problems in life because of jealousy

Drops getting easy money

Cards play a role in the value of the suit of the cards:

Trefa - good money

Cherva - friends will help

Pica - a quick luck

Tambourine - intelligence will help you become luckier

Card at the bottom of the cup receiving money related to the past

The card in the middle of the cup you have the support of luck and fortune

The map at the top of the cup indicates a major undertaking.

A swing will have to work hard to maintain a relationship. But if they are not needed, then do not worry, they will soon disappear

Kangaroo you have a lot of romance, only very careless

The square further life will be secured and happy

Brush opposite the pen opening a secret by a guest

Brush guests on the doorstep

Whale work will be successful, making a small profit

Dagger the beginning of enmity and conspiracies

Keys sign means that a person has talent

Clover speaks of a person's luck. Also resolving all problems

The key is your ability to open many doors

The book is getting new information, it is necessary to tackle increasing intelligence

The book is open face difficulties during the trial

Closed book the beginning of a difficult search

Bucket you are loved by children and animals. People are drawn to you because of your hospitality and kindness

A goat should take a break from work and think about health.

The wheel will have many adventures soon

Column all undertakings will be successful

Bell fast wedding

The bell rings important news will be received

The bell stands right there will be a lot of good news

Comet visiting by a guest who has come from afar, troubles with people who live in the neighborhood

Spear information about enemies will help you emerge victorious

The spear points up the future will be good

The spear points down the expected will happen, but not as planned

Ring whole for the wedding

Ring torn the probability of divorce or difficulties between spouses

There are many rings the same number of marriages

The ring is solid and bright chic wedding

The ring is poorly traced the wedding will face difficulties

Two rings fulfillment of all plans

The basket should not go ahead, you need to get rid of all obstacles and obstacles. The basket can be full or overturned, so you should save what it stores

Ship luck is on your side, so life will change

Box sign of joy. You won't be disappointed with the gift. Speaks of success, joy and luck

The rocker is obstructed in order to manifest

Cow you meet an old lover or friend. There will be happiness ahead

Bone having good energy that attracts others

Cat if there is a secret, then you should not tell anyone about it, then there will be no harm to you

The crown most often symbolizes inheritance. It is not necessary to receive money, it is quite possible that the gift will be a talent or priceless gift

Coffee pot you have an ability in the occult sciences

The cat is one of the friends - insincere, enjoys spreading gossip. Symbol of poverty and ruin

The cross is white from the inside, family life will be happy

A black cross inside the sign speaks of bad news

Cross X-shaped marriage

The bed is more likely to have an accident

The bed is taken away death

The bed is not cleaned indicates indiscipline

Rabbit has creativity, but not necessarily associated with art. Indicates that creative thought is developing

Crocodile in doing business should be careful

The crocodile at the top of the cup symbolizes a serious decision soon

The circle of life will soon change, there will be many new opportunities

The circle is closed - having good relationships with the people around you

The circle is not closed acquaintance with a new person

Rats are a sign of betrayal. Friends are likely to be unreliable.

Pitcher symbol of good health

Chicken news from a loved one

The bush needs to really look at its own capabilities


Swallow the fast journey will have an unexpected end

Lamp you can feel well what mood people are in and what they want

A swan's life will pass in tranquility, without shocks. Getting random money

Leo speaks of your nobility, good nature, power and pride. Inner strength allows you to achieve a lot in life

Les speaks of a serious mistake in life

Ladder in the near future to be promoted

The bat symbol means longevity and friendship. Often it symbolizes that a stranger will appear in life who will help. you should be careful with enemies

Lemon is a sign that you are jealous of someone.

Lily friendship and constancy

A lily at the bottom of the cup will lead to a quarrel

A broken line speaks of uncertainty, illness and indecision. In some cases - about losses

The wavy line has to go on a long journey

The line is straight and long life will be carefree, more often - useless and careless

A zigzag line speaks of illness and adventure

The line crosses the bottom of the cup soon you'll be on a pleasant journey

The line is curved or arched, you need to treat enemies with caution

The line is crossed by curves and broken personal life will be clouded by difficulties

Oblique line of disease

Lines are many oblique things must be handled with care

Lots of broken lines financial problems

A separate line in the middle of the cup indicates good short distance travel.

Many straight lines symbolize health and longevity

Fox people are drawn to you thanks to your wit

A fox for a cup-length sign speaks of cunning, fraud and deceit. Someone really wants to mislead you, but so far unsuccessfully

The boat your romantic person is in search of a life path. If times are tough, shelter will be quickly found

Face in profile you have sufficient protection

Whole health sheet in good condition

Torn leaf in the future disease is possible

Horse the appearance of a new friend in life

The shovel is not worth the risk. Success is related to problems

A shovel surrounded by human faces, colleagues spread gossip as they grow jealous of your position

A shovel at the top of the cup will find what was thought to be lost forever. Also symbolizes the emergence of financial difficulties

A black shovel in the hands of one woman soon enough to receive an inheritance

The moon is full, your feelings are visible to others

Moon crescent you are very secretive

The moon in the upper part in the near future a change in family life, for a more accurate interpretation, you need to interpret the symbols located in the neighborhood

Moon with dots around marriage of convenience

Frog near the cage disease will soon be defeated

Frog is a sign of good luck, love and kindness. Means happiness

A frog near the road, a person who comes from a distance will be useful


Beacon you are a leader for those around you. Small obstacles are easy to handle

The medal predicts a promotion, otherwise - making an important life decision

Bear's irritation makes it difficult to improve relationships with people around you. Life will be difficult, but you can handle it all

Bear downstairs a lot of failures are due to your stupidity

Medusa warning sign. Everything should be treated with caution, since dirty tricks are possible from someone

Lightning is good that you have your own point of view. Everything that is in your thoughts needs to be brought to life, especially since you are very talented

Hammer success will be achieved through strength and courage. However, there will be many mistakes. Has a tendency to be violent

Young man the distance will divide you with love

Bridge life will change after your decision. Remember that one step is enough to destroy.

The easel speaks of the presence of talent, for its manifestation, it is enough to pick up the brushes

An ant must be persistent in order to succeed. Speaks of worry and hassle

Man holding a stick meeting a dangerous female seducer

Fly symbol is lit about wealth. It is possible to receive and inheritance, and maybe - and problems

The ball is all going well

Mouse at the bottom of the cup business must be handled carefully, loss is possible

The mouse in the middle should do business improvement

Mice at the top of the cup should reconsider your plans, problems arise with business partners


Insects should be aware of caution, as strangers have a very adverse effect on you

Several people around you will help you

The thread is wound into a ball, but the end is visible you are doing too much at the same time

The thread is wound into a ball, but the long end is visible, you should rest

The thread at the top has long-term work and huge income

The knife is about to face treason, deception, damage, loss. Revelation should not be with everyone. Often this symbol indicates that a loved one will change

Nails strangers cannot control you

The scissors will have to move soon. You should talk more carefully with your neighbors, as everyone around will find out about your problems.

Rhino all wildest dreams will come true

Music notes are a symbol of lovers of fun and life. If there is a symbol next to it with the image of a musical instrument, it means that a person owns it


Dream cloud will lead to luck and fame. Soaring in the clouds will be of great benefit

Shoes are very close to the danger

Monkey business must be handled with care, as you are surrounded by scammers and enemies

Oval wedding coming soon

Sheep's cherished plan will soon be completed. Now is a fairly successful period in order to make financial investments

Vegetables in the future life will be prosperous and prosperous

You will meet a loved one on fire, but you should not lose your head. You should try not to be hasty and not angry.

Blanket you find it difficult to understand people who have wealth, but they do nothing. You are helping your family and friends and hope for the return of good in the future

Necklace you will meet an influential person or relative

Necklace torn love will end in failure and separation

The necklace at the bottom of the cup should be engaged in forging a bond with the person

Window with a cross should beware of fire

Window you face theft

Walnut, you are a person who, after collecting some things, resells them. Now is the best moment for that

Deer speaks of wisdom and honesty

Eagle strong fight will end in victory. The future will be beautiful

Weapon symbol of quarrel and scandal

The island symbol speaks of loneliness, which you cannot get rid of. If you have associations with a place, you will soon visit it

Glasses speaks of the danger in the future. You do not need to sign papers, you should definitely look at how others behave, otherwise in the end you can be very sorry

Wasp speaks of the madness of the brave. We'll have to interfere with something. it doesn’t matter what conversations are around, they just don’t need to pay attention


The peacock symbol manifests itself in people whose profession requires increased attention: directors, actors, models

The palm tree symbolizes happiness. In the future, you will meet prosperity and happiness. You are loved by others, they need you

The folder symbolizes good luck in business

Fern need to spend more time outdoors. Your main ally will soon have a big victory

Sail at the bottom of the cup news from a friend from afar

You love the sail so that everything in life is good, you are distinguished by high intelligence. Also you have great taste

Parachute time to jump into the unknown

The parachute is not at the bottom of the cup, most likely you will find yourself in a whirlwind that will drag you into the abyss

Spider at the top of the cup, you're guaranteed to get paid

Spider receiving an unexpected gift or the arrival of financial success

The spider at the bottom of the cup is a long-term investment

The spider at the top when buying a lottery ticket is quite possible to win

The spider in the middle of the cup you use different opportunities to invest

Cobweb you have to deal with all your problems. Fall of all enemies

Glove awakening old feelings

The pen speaks of wit and ingenuity

Cockerel on top of the cup speaks of amazing good news

The cockerel in the family will have harmony and well-being, new news will be received

The cock at the bottom of the cup in the future should expect good luck, but before that there will be harm from someone

Cock upside down changes will only be good

The cockerel on the hill talks about marriage and happiness

Sawing is not a good sign. Talks about future problems

The loop sign speaks only of problems, and sometimes also of death

The gun should be used with caution as you are in danger

The pyramid can be accurately told that all dreams will come true

Two pyramids, superimposed on each other, you dream of two completely different things, and they can become reality. The presence of a sign near the pyramid is an indicator of what you were busy with not so long ago.

A letter surrounded by dots symbolizes receiving a business message

A letter awaits receiving news. If there are initials near the signs, you can guess the name of the one from whom they will be. Blurred sign means bad news

The dress should be decided in which area you would like to be successful

A gift you are loved by friends and neighbors, and they will want to please you in the very near future

Spyglass accomplishment of the impossible

Horseshoe everything will turn out well

Horseshoe at the top of the cup embark on a journey longer than planned

The pillow can call you a lazy person, there is a direct connection between laziness and your well-being

The crescent moon speaks of the futility of dreams and hopes

Parrot you have a big disappointment. Scandals and gossip are coming

The dishes symbolize tears and regret. The possibility of an unexpected meeting

The friendship profile after dating will be short-lived

A bird caught in the net will face litigation soon

The bird speaks of good news

Bee good news, there will be success in society

A large spot symbolizes misfortune


Rainbow not far from the handle of the cup soon fulfillment of all dreams and desires

A rainbow such a symbol tells about something auspicious, even if you have to face difficulties

Rainbow at the top after receiving an unexpected offer, you should act without hesitation

Fork decisions must be made

Cancer will change mood, disease and melancholy will appear

Rocket implementation of the biggest plans

The shell of a creative person symbolizes success in everything

The child at the bottom of the cup is a manifestation in the life of a child from the past

Child chores with children, the likelihood of a newborn

The river symbolizes the mirroring of feelings

The river has few bends; you are currently in a bad mood and do not want to communicate with anyone

A river with bends is a symbol of the fact that the present is very emotional

The belt should pay attention to the condition of your figure, since all thoughts are occupied with food

The river has two bends indicates a split in your senses

Diamonds in life there will be happiness and love

A rose is a sign that a wedding or engagement is taking place

The mouth at the bottom is a sign of good news

The mouth is closer to the edge your friends will help in any situation

Hand turned palm a sign of luck

The hand on the back is a sign of unhappiness.

The mermaid should be careful not to be tempted.

The glass communicates that you are a whole person


Salute speaks of talent in creativity and creation. Sometimes manifests itself in pregnant women who are about to give birth

The plane at the bottom of the cup is a sign that you are a person constantly in the clouds.

The plane will have a desire to forget about everything and go on a trip. Can often mean that the person is related to aviation

The pig symbolizes that desires will be fulfilled. There will be success in life, but it will be accompanied by discord and illness.

The candle speaks of your insight, you understand the mechanism by which events occur

Heart of the correct shape, love will be happy. If you have a number of initials, you can find out the name of your second

An irregular heart symbolizes that you are not completely healthy.

Network this sign informs you that you are under surveillance most of the time. The main thing is that he should be aroused by curiosity, and not a desire to do something bad. Caution should be exercised

The cigar has come exactly the moment when you can invest

A cigarette is nothing to be afraid of and boldly move on

Jump rope is a symbol that all problems can be solved, you will cope with all the problems that stand in the way. Whatever the beginning, everything will end successfully

The skeleton speaks of poverty and poor health

Elephant if now is a difficult moment in life, you can always contact your friends for help. Also talks about strength and power, as well as wealth

Violin you meet a stranger. In the event that you are planning a trip to another country, there may be the beginning of a love story.

The dog knows for sure that he is surrounded by loyal friends

The tornado should surrender to fate and not resist it. It just needs to be lived through

The sun is a sign that you are a strong personality. People are following you. Most often, teachers and politicians are marked with the same sign.

The owl symbolizes death and a terrible disease

Icicle in life, there will be changes for the better. Disappearance of worries and difficulties

The needles need to be done so that the hands are busy.

The spiral is a wonderful sign for people who are engaged in research work. Talks about discovering something new

Table and affairs and soul in disarray

Old woman love affair lasting for years

Dragonfly you will be successful

A dragonfly at the bottom of the cup is a sign of a missed chance in life.

A dragonfly in the middle of a cup, if there is a desire that will require more effort to fulfill, this should be done and arrogance should be discarded. Then you will be surprised at the result.

Chair is a sign of success and advancement

Arrow all questions will be answered

Arrow up positive answer to the question posed

Arrow to the side there is no clear answer to the question posed

Arrow down negative answer to the question posed


The plate you are too sharp, which is harmful for you and others

Tiger symbol of anger. In order to be successful, you need to attract inner strength.

Ax deeds will be brave

Cake soon fulfillment of the most cherished desire

Dots or short strokes meeting good luck

Dots strokes a lot getting money

Point and stroke one accompanying sign will be enhanced

The closed triangle will soon be unexpectedly lucky

Triangle open you are protected and safe

A cane with a number of initials means that such a person can help

Trumpet (musical instrument) speaks of your nobility, strength and wisdom


The knot is not worth worrying about over trifles

The snail at the top of the cup is all right

The snail at the bottom of the cup you have great capabilities, but for some reason you do not use them

Snail near the handle of a cup you haven't walked the easy paths in your life

The snail in the middle of the cup is a fairly leisurely advance towards the goal

The iron fell on its side despite a lot of work, your money is not added

Iron is worth you clearly know which ways to achieve goals

Iron you are too busy with work and obligations


Violet you will become the wife of a rich man

The flag should beware of attack. Shouldn't rush

Someone's camera is watching you, you may have to be assigned a certain task, or maybe someone just likes you

Fruit at the bottom of the cup, relatives are coming soon

Fruit at the top of the cup in a difficult situation will not be possible to rely on the family

Fruit in the middle of the cup speaks of a beneficial family effect


Chrysanthemum enduring love


Flower is the obligatory fulfillment of your wish, love

Flower with cross marriage

Flowers symbolize the arrival of happiness


Kettle down spout deterioration of relations with spouse

Teapot spout getting well-being

A person will come or a gift will be received

Man with animal you are protected by a caring person

Suitcase ambulance

Turtle your movement must be convinced and focused

Dash you will change jobs soon

The quadrangle speaks of guaranteed success in love.


Hat gaining honor and glory

Hat at the bottom of the cup arrival of a man with a hat for information

Hat in the middle of the cup all troubles will be eliminated by your protector

The hat at the top has a strong impact on the life of the unexpected guest


The brush in life will not become various small troubles


Yula all chores will be empty, the purchase will be meaningless


Apple symbolizes good luck for art people

Egg money

Broken egg money will be lost

Whole egg purchase

Cracked egg money should be treated with caution

Anchor clearly outlined good luck in all areas

Poorly traced anchor leads to frustration and temporary difficulties

Two anchors (one is visible well; the other is bad) a person has no precise definition of whether he is disappointed or happy

The hawk should be careful to avoid sudden danger

The lizard needs to devote time to rest, as there are business and unexpected events ahead.

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Probably, there is no person who does not want to look into his future and get answers to disturbing questions in this matter. If fortune-telling is carried out correctly on the coffee grounds, the interpretation of the symbols will be able to tell the fortuneteller about the past, present and future. Now let's take a closer look at the algorithm for conducting this ceremony and the meaning of the symbols ...

The interpretation of symbols for fortune telling on coffee grounds. What do heart and hand, horse or dog mean?

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is an effective method that helps not only predict the future, but also understand the reasons for events that have already remained in the past. This old fascinating way of predicting is not easy, but by understanding the nuances and learning to decipher the stains drawn by coffee, you can uncover turning events in your life.

To carry out the ritual, you need the following:

  • Light colored porcelain cup;
  • Saucer;
  • Freshly brewed coffee

Fortune-telling rules on coffee grounds

Rules and methods of fortune telling on the coffee grounds.

This fortune-telling, like any kind of magic ritual, requires careful preparation and strict adherence to all the rules:

  • The drink is cooked over low heat. To make a good drink, you need to brew 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee per cup;
  • When pouring coffee from a Turk into a cup, it is important to clearly formulate the question, to focus on it as much as possible;
  • You should drink coffee in small sips so that the thick does not rise.
  • The cup should be in the right hand, respectively, the handle is directed to the right side. Throughout the entire process, you need to scroll through the question in your head;
  • For a successful interpretation, about 2 teaspoons of liquid with sediment should be left at the bottom of the cup;
  • Focusing as much as possible on the exciting problem, after the drink is drunk, you need to take the cup with your left hand, then make three movements in a clockwise direction. You need to rotate the cup sharply and vigorously so that the sediment is evenly located along the edges of the dish. After circular movements, the cup must be sharply overturned on a saucer and raised after a while;

Attention:if all the liquid poured out of the cup on the saucer, the fortune-telling must be repeated! Nothing wrong with that!

How to interpret symbols correctly?

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: symbols. interpretation, meanings ...

The interpretation of symbols when fortune-telling on coffee grounds for the past, present and future is based on the following rules:

  1. The larger and clearer the formed symbol, the more significant its role in human life;
  2. The more light and light patterns on the inner side, the more favorable and successful a person's life is. Accordingly, dark and intimidating patterns are interpreted as difficulties and problems.
  3. When analyzing stains, it is important to take into account not only the configuration and size of the visible symbols, but also pay attention to the location in the dish;
  4. The closer a certain symbol is to the edge of the dishes, the sooner the fortune-telling will come true (from 7 days to 1 month);
  5. The closer the location of the symbols to the bottom, the longer the implementation of predicted events is prolonged;
  6. The place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle symbolizes the questioner himself. All patterns around the handle represent feelings, thoughts and events related to the current period.
  7. The spots on the sides of the cup indicate the future, spots at the bottom indicate the past.

There are a huge number of symbols that are interpreted in different ways, depending on the fantasy, however, there are basic basic signs that are interpreted in the same way.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Symbol reference

Below you will find a guide to some of the symbols that arise during fortune-telling, we have divided them into several semantic groups to simplify the search. At the beginning of the article there is a table of contents, using which you can make a quick jump to a particular group of symbols.

Examples of symbols obtained by fortune-telling on coffee grounds (Part 2)

Examples of symbols obtained by fortune telling on coffee grounds (Part 1)

Is it possible to conduct fortune-telling via the Internet online?

If you do not have the opportunity to tell fortunes "live", you can do it virtually. To interpret the symbols and drawings when fortune-telling on coffee grounds online should be the same as described above. Try it, and the Higher Forces will surely give you a sign!


Interpretation of animal symbols

The most auspicious symbols of animals arising when fortune-telling on coffee grounds: swan, horse, elephant, dog, fish. They predict the onset of a bright streak in life, happiness, friendship, love. The most unfortunate signs of the animal world: crow, owl, snake. They warn about problems and diseases, advise to be careful in life.

Squirrel: A symbol of well-placed priorities. Don't try to do everything at once. It may not work.

Buffalo:A sign denoting suffering and torment. The silhouette of an animal in the upper part of the cup symbolizes pain and anguish, in the lower part - emotional experiences that can be cleansing.

Raven: The bird symbol predicts unhappiness in the house, illness and problems.

Dove: Harmony. Friendship. Love. Friends and loved ones are nearby, always ready to lend their shoulders. A very good sign.

Dolphin: Enjoy your time with friends. No problems, calm measured life.

Bug: Malaise, illness. Not very good health symbol. Physical fatigue.

Hare: This animal symbolizes cowardice and fear of certain events. However, being located in the middle of the dishes, the sign speaks of an energetic, eventful life, and the lines and dashes around the figure predict an improvement in material well-being. A hare located next to a tree is interpreted as caution in communicating with relatives when starting an important business.

What does a horse or a goat mean?

Ass: The animal in the middle of the cup predicts business betrayal. A donkey with an open mouth indicates the approach of a period of luck and luck. The figure of a donkey near a tree predicts new business proposals.

Goat: This emblem symbolizes fun, successful travel, profit regardless of the location on the dishes.

Horse: The horse and horse symbols are very similar. The pronounced horse shows good health, longevity and endurance.

Cow: This animal predicts joy and happiness.

Cat: The animal predicts a meeting with cunning and insidious people, as well as poverty and misery. The cat is not a symbol of danger, but encourages you to be attentive to your surroundings.

Crocodile: The person who will bring trouble. Can frame or cheat for a large sum of money.

Horse: The light figure of a horse shows the solution of problems, success in business, a positive solution to any issues. A dark figure can signal unexpected turns in business, possibly unpleasant.

A lion:Indicates dignity, pride, courage and power. A dark lion predicts a quick meeting with a powerful and authoritative person. The angry lion symbolizes emotional experiences.

Fox: The symbol of this animal is interpreted as cunning, lies, deception and betrayal. The sign of a fox biting itself warns of attacks from enemies, but with a successful outcome for the fortuneteller.

Swan:The bird symbol predicts loyalty, devotion, the acquisition of a reliable friend.

Frog:A sign of an impending cloudless period, a symbol of goodness, happiness, luck and great love.

Bear: Fortune telling on the coffee grounds with the bear symbol warns of impending troubles and dangers, which, with caution, can be avoided. Dark Bear - solving paper questions. Light bear profit. Fuzzy outlines of the bear - papers and profits are on the way, we must wait for the finest hour.

Mouse: Warns of the need for rest. You work very hard, spin, spin, the body's resources are at the limit.

A monkey: Deception, hypocrisy. Someone is playing their own game, manipulating. It requires prudence.

Deer:A wise and honest person. Much will depend on him. A deer in a cup appears to help, luck is on your side.

Eagle: Victory over enemies. Inner strength, ending the struggle and honoring the winner.

Spider:The sign means an early receipt of an unexpected gift, surprise.

Cock: Quarrel, conflict, abuse. Depending on the figures standing next to it, it denotes a conflict situation that will affect the questioner to one degree or another.

Bird: News, news, news. If the bird is in light colors - the news is positive, if in dark colors - unpleasant, respectively. Watch the signs nearby. They will show you where the message comes from.

Fish: Pregnancy. Profit. Earning more income than expected. The bony fish is a small meager profit.

Scorpio: The symbol is not good. Black stripe, disagreements, conflicts, unexpected troubles.

Dog: Friend. A like-minded person. A large light dog is the help of a dignitary. A dog standing on its hind legs is a victory over competitors.

Tiger: The animal symbolizes anger, rage, aggression.

Duck: A symbol of wedding, engagement, happy family life, mutual understanding of spouses, long happy love.

Fantastic animals

Fantastic animals, symbols on the coffee grounds: dragon, unicorn, pegasus carry unusual meaning. Basically, they predict incredible adventures and unexpected miraculous happenings in life.

The Dragon: Has two meanings. The light dragon shows the patronage of a high-ranking person, the dark aggression on the part of foes confidently standing on their feet.

Heck: Dispute with fate itself. Playing with fire. Before making a decision, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail.

Geometric figures

What does the moon or month mean ...

Square: The figure symbolizes luck, wealth, love, absolute happiness.


  • Wavy lines predict a long journey;
  • Curved lines symbolize an unpleasant, hypocritical environment of people;
  • Broken lines predict huge material losses and troubles;
  • The intersection of a straight line with a broken one means that the fortuneteller brings mental suffering to a loved one;
  • One straight long line means constancy and monotony of life, but at the same time it brings stability and reliability;
  • One short line talks about the instability in life, about the alternation of white and black periods

St. Andrew's cross - a wedding celebration awaits you in the future.

Star - some matter will be decided, and as a result you will be on a horse.

Vicious circle- the approach to people is your strong point, the main thing is to find something in common between you and the person.

Not a vicious circle - a very intriguing person you will meet in life, ahead is an interesting acquaintance.

Arc - look around, enemies are nearby, among your close friends.

Oblique lines - you have a high probability of meeting danger on your life path
Solid cross - this sign portends bad news, you should prepare for it now.

The cross inside is white and with a black outline - Your atmosphere in the family can be envied, because there is happiness and harmony.

Broken lines - money matters will bring frustration, financial troubles lie ahead.

Zigzag line - time of fun, it is worth thinking about fun and games.

A line crossed by others - the upcoming troubles will catch up with clouds over your family nest, and also negatively affect communication.

The line is straight and long - a good life - for you.

Broken line - it is worth preparing for losses, there will be a lot of expenses and losses.

Closed triangle - feel free to start new business, they will end successfully for you.

The triangle is not closed - get ready to meet with a person who is not indifferent to your fate.

Points - this is a very auspicious sign, fortune is on your side

Strokes- you're in luck - luck favors you.

Quadrangle - there will be no lack of a sincere and tender feeling, love awaits you.

Dashes - good news at work, career will develop.

Letter signs

The letter a - Not otherwise, as "Winner" can be called the lucky one to whom the thicket will show the first letter of the alphabet.

Letter B - “Those in power” will definitely see this letter on the walls of the coffee cup.

Letter B - Bitter news is to be expected.

Letter G - It is worth turning to the higher Powers and asking for protection from enemies from Saint George.

Letter D - A hole in the wallet is inevitable, financial difficulties are on the horizon.

Letter E - Remorse of conscience down, she is clean

Letter Ж - Ill-wishers do not sleep, conspiracies are their favorite pastime.

Letter Z - Not life, but a fairy tale awaits the one who sees the "Z" among the dark divorces. Constant entertainment and a lot of pleasure - this is the future.

Letter I - You should first think about your actions, otherwise the consequences are inevitable.

Letter K - The pectoral cross, as protection and help in future trials, is worth buying and wearing.

Letter L - It is worth rejoicing, great happiness and love will come to the house.

Letter M - Need will pass by, wealth and prosperity all my life.

Letter H - Anxiety will settle in the heart.

Letter O - This letter promises pleasant troubles in preparing for the journey that lies in the near future.

Letter P - A deceitful and two-faced person can confuse with his insincerity, it is better to beware.

Letter P - And this letter "says" that you have a "sin". It is worth considering your love of drinking.

Letter FROM - there is an opinion that the truth is born in a dispute, others think that this is a simple "shaking of the air", soon you yourself will have to accept this or that version.

Letter T - It's always nice to make acquaintances, soon there will be a lot of them, take a closer look, they may be useful.

Letter Have - Quarrel, this, of course, is not a scandal yet, but it is also completely unpleasant, get ready.

Letter F - Take care of the spark of hope in your heart, even if it only flickers.

Letter X - Cheerful and happy wedding celebration, very soon you will take a walk at the wedding.

LetterC - Good news for careerists is foreshadowed by the letter "C", the road is open only forward and upward.

Letter H - Expect sad news, you can lose a loved one who will go forever to another world.

Letter Sh - The balm of calm and pacification will spill over your soul, expect the long-awaited peace after an unnecessary quarrel.

Letter L - For many, flirting is just entertainment, you decide.

LetterB - Guests on the doorstep, prepare in advance and demonstrate your hospitality.

Letter E - Steal or lose, be prepared for the loss of your things.

Letter YU - Unfortunately, the disease will not be so harmless.

Letter I - We need to keep a course for positive changes in life, everything will be fine.

Digital signs

0 - Seeing zero in the thick, you know that you are not at all “zero,” even when you were a child, a happy star rose over you and protects you.

1 - There will be no rest in the one with whom you settle in your heart and take thoughts.

2 - It is worth thinking about your health in advance, until many diseases and ailments overwhelmed you.

3 - Luck favors you, expect a good profit from the upcoming trade.

4 - Leave empty hopes, it will lead nowhere.

5 - Evil tongues will not calm down in any way, gossip is always unpleasant, you should beware of them.

6 - If you are preparing for the wedding, be prepared for the fact that something will go wrong.

7 - Close and dear ones are happy - the main thing is family.

8 - There will be a misunderstanding with a loved one, you will have to sort things out in a quarrel.

9 - An acquaintance awaits you, which will undoubtedly be pleasant.

10 - A happy life is not far off, very soon you will feel it yourself.

101 - You have to learn what a "quality life" is and you will have a lot of time for this, you have a long life ahead.


Wood: A symbol of health, confidence, strength in decisions and actions. Country life symbol. It can show a trip outside the city, it can also mean a trip.

Oak: A symbol of victory over enemies and strengthening of positions.

Root: The sign at the top of the cup predicts the imminent birth of a child with relatives. At the bottom of the cup, the root promises a huge cash prize. The root in the center of the cup speaks of a contemplative, deep inner world.

Bush: Indicates problems and troubles associated with commerce and business.

Leaves: A symbol of good luck in business, not without the help of close friends and relatives.

Rose flower: In any position and in any conjunction with other symbols, it predicts betrothal with a loved one.

Violet: The presence of this flower promises a quick, chic and cheerful wedding.

Chrysanthemum: This flower promises love, but later. It is important not to lose faith in bright feelings.

Other flowers: Any flowers promise hope, joy, prosperity and fun.

People, body parts

What does a man or a woman mean?

Human emblems are the most interesting symbols on the coffee grounds. The woman mainly symbolizes love. An elderly woman predicts a long and happy family life, a woman's head symbolizes mutual feelings. The appearance of a man brings negative colors to fortune-telling on coffee grounds: a man's symbol predicts disappointment, separation from loved ones.

Eyes:This part of the body symbolizes impending great changes in many areas of life.

Lips:The lips on the bottom of the cup are an omen of good news, and on the edge of the dish they symbolize the support and help of friends.

Girl: A young lady. Depending on the symbols surrounding her, you can interpret the purpose of her presence.

Female: Female face. By the figure, clothing and face, you can approximately determine the age and purpose of appearance.

The embryo: Pregnancy. A new beginning. Starting your own business. A new round in my career. The plans are being implemented.

Man: Shows a male face. It is necessary to look at how he stands, what he is wearing, what he holds in his hands, what color he is. Light kind. Dark is not very pleasant.

Child: The child and everything connected with him. A baby in a woman's cup symbolizes an imminent pregnancy.

Hand: This sign means the approach of disappointment and collapse in life.

Person: Indicates a guest, a pleasant surprise. We notice the symbols nearby, they will help to characterize the person.

Two faces with a rose in the middle - this promises serious changes in life, soon your relationship with your beloved (oh) will move to a new level - get ready for a wedding and a happy and rather long life.

Two faces separated by a line - this promises serious changes in life, a divorce is coming, it will just need to be experienced.

Two faces in one circle - the wedding will definitely happen, the wedding is already in the near future.

Two people opposite each other - there is a real bright feeling in your life, this is a sign that your love is mutual.

The head of a man without a body - a friend is always there and ready to help in everything, because of him life will certainly get better.

Head of a man looking in profile - you have a patron who protects and leads through life.




































































{!LANG-a3a8fb0e2039b4eb51b6a14f4e859582!}{!LANG-353e0a8c8602eb62b6520c3de5eada23!} {!LANG-92a17e91848912aeaa277ecfd3dd3f31!}{!LANG-20045e4237e1566cf727a2cc7a424f7a!}





{!LANG-73324dcc0a16395c777a6c2497d25e87!} {!LANG-1b29f52f7cd646ca5086b862bf52e69f!}{!LANG-fd273d4af682ab281462839b678369c5!}


{!LANG-5a9aac7902782f77d7803f70557158fa!}{!LANG-66e0383e43438837130153eba50b085c!} .


{!LANG-3fd18764d0de7531a4f5387b16af463e!}{!LANG-e5df098ae79520cfdc0313f08f08ac8b!} .















{!LANG-36680f84b38c40193131b09a4d72439e!}{!LANG-af0d00ca10fa46c34842d553533a1e83!} .








{!LANG-240134d8ce9313c057465aa5179b44fe!}{!LANG-b2e30e55ccf8ff33b1d37482b221945c!} .



















{!LANG-1b85a2a4cf05cba25371673fe8a3b9a8!}{!LANG-d29a3e038ff74502bd28daeb5e20521d!} .

{!LANG-1c5159beb249a9de9574e6c69c0b79b0!}{!LANG-bd81c5bd58cbe8f83715c4601bdb3754!} .










{!LANG-7604f09bed8ab37c726e29f2b7c71888!}{!LANG-a4dbcc36725514220a3867e7ec0226e5!} .



















{!LANG-c750a4b30e4fb49637bbf54cd41ae401!}{!LANG-7f21f37ec3aaec6f55ac89c9d076c097!} .


{!LANG-339c2c9c6ae9213399649c68998d2947!}{!LANG-327cccb568b4b8f02a0187428abcf86a!} .






  • {!LANG-bd7b41fbd9a31e1d0b45ef19b0cf118d!}{!LANG-62ca08dd0057862ccfebdb2b24d0cbf1!}
  • {!LANG-20c304d944926dfb626d782e2b0ff0f0!}{!LANG-91aa2be935687d8d4461d96ff86782bf!}
  • {!LANG-359c2a7e39cfbd103d3ab0468256906e!}{!LANG-41ab84d6e5002854d772795391a1a0c2!}
  • {!LANG-3e8564684cf68988ad234590c8aebb49!}{!LANG-92091c148213c0e01eeaa5880fdcb53d!}







{!LANG-ae9eb9ecbed9e07186597a0a48b9eef6!}{!LANG-0654df636a872deaef1bdda346ee1a02!} , {!LANG-963d4dcb0bd3f096df2937ba044bb9b6!}





{!LANG-28abb3290dd26ad316ffe5feccc93b31!}{!LANG-c588e251167b789306cf9683af2245a4!} .

{!LANG-97dc23974b56c976a9cce9738761bd1f!}{!LANG-da4af91c5616158225182eb2524744b2!} {!LANG-e6edcec22478844861f7675add62f776!}{!LANG-81b43ee909c1402ecfe7814174c26e22!}
{!LANG-6800c8c0a01b6976b396fc19521c4ab7!}{!LANG-94244dd121cfd7371bfb2509a6eab0ab!} .




{!LANG-0f56ef77a84404a62b87e559d13ae014!}{!LANG-3e58c1336f3d3636378f0ea68db27c54!} .





{!LANG-4122bbb96f5ddc63fab2e9d90f591e36!}{!LANG-abf86a8bb5cbc74fd63eee657aefd0c6!} .














{!LANG-2d4120dd4ad4a10ae1a6b807f25cf785!}{!LANG-4ddac3eb90e97010989cfc7f9d774baa!} .



{!LANG-9fd8b0eb4d8449b6ef572eb147c22e0b!}{!LANG-5fb9d1b464c84399973dac1251c3e33b!} .





{!LANG-8c9d6d846f2db1ac4e3e4209359d2a0e!}{!LANG-8e111e1fe61ab279943fbd24a45a74b7!} .
















Broken line{!LANG-f2c1a12e446a87382ee9a7aeabae6540!}

{!LANG-c6826ec7b9ef8905478d7e3646f82315!}{!LANG-f2cb0c58a75bae65f1958ac0baea9886!} .





{!LANG-4f762fcf0dff789b47a6ad8a7c6218e7!}{!LANG-af60e3d35f4f21a3b036e243c540fbb4!} {!LANG-9c30c43fa1ecc81a1cedb7632b3f04f0!}{!LANG-40a0e5f01ffbcac38ba2f661c030810c!}

{!LANG-69d7505970c20b06a1616449ce11e3b5!}{!LANG-e4c4b2cfe99027d22edfb912f12fd3be!} .






















{!LANG-7da09a0f9fe3170421550693467947ef!}{!LANG-c30dcc505bf4e96c504eb4b752a06e38!} .



{!LANG-5c253d1c33ef111a564bae5d0809d13d!}{!LANG-3ab0001c39227e73b25ea25d4e465ef7!} .











{!LANG-ae6ea142bb31a0cfa67345f552705709!} {!LANG-12980028ea95f954083681e3c4a2305f!}{!LANG-4e84252e40d083fdc6e977963bb3fdc7!}


















{!LANG-605ad793834098fdb5ccbd5f69484737!}{!LANG-97828e35753d3c9ddfdb8657405e90fd!} {!LANG-5cabef10c1f952346c7cd428943392dd!}{!LANG-acf2dbfc82386691148d956879338fb8!}







{!LANG-dd70eb8b60db486f37c279532f3aedcd!}{!LANG-50f442f89f64356de71ece11d52b1267!} .















{!LANG-505558b217858da619a067923ef945be!}{!LANG-532e3dff5eaf3a618a43249c14416c63!} .


















{!LANG-c018a704b87dfc07fbc3d372d29ad1c6!}{!LANG-135b68bf19065e01bf27b5a17a02143e!} .














{!LANG-7b76d473bc34687f6ad8dbcf6fef09af!}{!LANG-4a4a0cc71d7a6d186341dae0e58dcd72!} .

{!LANG-e002acc938e33e4238b534b134fa5d6b!}{!LANG-43990fae9ab1673bfe90c6191f4347be!} .














{!LANG-1a5a9e7cb9820c5bc7c0e117a61ad16c!}{!LANG-805ecef3d38dbc30ce09319e26e61fc8!} .









{!LANG-d497c3990952ce05dba6fe3a5a5d0f0b!}{!LANG-fa8e03df87c22c3575839105ee7b1a57!} .
{!LANG-4d53c0960a74554a4b9fc2a523b69149!}{!LANG-12f3c38115a27613c7fe4dddc0918cb2!} .



{!LANG-918016ce7e3db2bf87ccc2afcb3f8ef7!}{!LANG-2f5a5ed936400f5670a75f82a1cd8fd7!} .



{!LANG-b4a5e215d3bebd655410e4f11a5b7275!}{!LANG-c1ef0cf981662acdd7224b7e014cbd6c!} .
















{!LANG-cf62d7594f0bad5ceef2b66e733643d1!}{!LANG-3b737ade73828e3335566059c97eecbd!} .





{!LANG-56a28de48e5cf8958763f3c571ba4ac9!}{!LANG-3c1ba8b264dcd39c5b36a79b871808d2!} .



{!LANG-205d47b490288e69dbc2170836289425!}{!LANG-7b2ab59956b5a970ec4d29d9f73d3ea1!} .

{!LANG-10ca1545be2616a09c2c583b8136fd39!}{!LANG-333345f70acb3cceadd1c06680ee1a6d!} , {!LANG-745258c4cddc3056925b4810b62dec93!}

{!LANG-94af5c1330bd64c7e49060a0947c8492!}{!LANG-ca69d3b87f61e68ba4003098a186144e!} .





{!LANG-ce7fce61f3f7adc75ec6a919c93c66f5!}{!LANG-6f66c39ac9bd14e9493de18185842dc0!} .

{!LANG-03bae4675ce323e1d6e1d5b36540112d!}{!LANG-ab2fbb1a13f2ad52b1b0fbfb8259fcf4!} .





{!LANG-61104108c7cb1b5efed19de92855b1c6!}{!LANG-970d0187fd4c0f2c84954ed3841196ef!} .






{!LANG-3ee0c7ea9c2466fcee159a1d0abad74e!}{!LANG-52c23c617d9cb2b091fce5dc8c085134!} .


{!LANG-0cf6b07482c4b3dd804e27c227b27145!}{!LANG-e9f714ee70c9fc8b6d7808b6950787c0!} .





{!LANG-1e3912008e1044f27a6b3281bfbcb387!}{!LANG-acec602190b2b28bb0529fe62ef7a5e3!} . {!LANG-f8cfa3e07dbe3fd3c31163f8e4507145!}



















{!LANG-f7705c1cd40a16b369493637ab549bd1!}{!LANG-507cbbf9520215661f81b12ae5a20610!} Quadrangle{!LANG-b23ecfee64fd7fc0f0d482d07b3eee44!}


{!LANG-5bcd72a4914b911ccb12c6b574f0d0fa!}{!LANG-05af68b024f9c41e6cf84cf1313f86b3!} .

{!LANG-1131a8ed5a701028192cf34f881c57b8!}{!LANG-159f373cd248ceb232daaa9cab0364e4!} .













{!LANG-24444ae2511bfef75d2594c30c0cd0a2!} .










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  • {!LANG-8cb235d01c3f581126ce616e56b90052!}
  • {!LANG-ebe394db23f88487c5877834fd952bb9!}



  1. {!LANG-839401ce4b874bae8c3ad6cddf944f0f!}
  2. {!LANG-340047783239e04fe1b03f1047bce30b!}











  • {!LANG-9235984d403ef44b9505d489b9c8fbb5!}
  • {!LANG-c08e449c06c611b8f4bc64f10236b94f!}
  • {!LANG-d12d1ba611c333fb5f1112f3b79110e6!}
  • {!LANG-8c198e3d72ffc7768c8f7c8c57a5202b!}


  1. {!LANG-9aa364de02d9fe6b9b0b9f983199f9dd!}
  2. {!LANG-f0b8e475e2b80cfe1aceefc57f93b700!}
  3. {!LANG-ee1f7e2796e6afc6e54519e5d1ed28c1!}












  1. {!LANG-fffc34bba280ea73dd451528184a4a7b!}
  2. {!LANG-2dfad05cb0d71dc90839dcbe2cf546d6!}
  3. {!LANG-9f17bf803d312e740f72802b66b0f22f!}



  • {!LANG-cda0b7caef2d0209e2dfed6df6ebcc0d!}
  • {!LANG-779912423c2204535d07d7a1e90a6615!}
  • {!LANG-87790e7a8c4dad6da762cb6352061c26!}
  • {!LANG-f535fe915e9c916df17e166af4753490!}




{!LANG-d6a7c472e798a4c8dfdbda4df4759a70!} {!LANG-62d7944b953c2433a11d1f1cde9fd31a!}{!LANG-ad210f0fa2bc84ef31d41fb67ccf4bd2!}





  1. {!LANG-00d3bccdacc6c6877216c5b074569b2f!} future{!LANG-84acbffab74b89bbcbe6bfb026b89a2b!}
  2. {!LANG-bd2f44a9175865452fcb3ed52d032d3d!} {!LANG-b9be7180c5c76707a925dc98496811de!}.
  3. {!LANG-0f560b264eaeff9c153f0f20c0a41760!}{!LANG-ee4b5bdd0a02ba4f5a3fe5acc4925123!}
  4. {!LANG-e2a4d4fa0174114c9cfa64b4dcab417e!}




{!LANG-0f560b264eaeff9c153f0f20c0a41760!}{!LANG-0ac5784b7f5d3b4ef5a2bde4b5e36b41!} {!LANG-660b5e3e0d3d67dedb2bb820f509f584!}{!LANG-a761bd27fc769aba1abc071f35875988!}


{!LANG-4a0f4f97be2835a3ad1549076bd937bb!} {!LANG-1a1daa55811557f9c3fd65775361efda!}{!LANG-b7294eafd4bb1749cd847b6804f967dd!}


  1. {!LANG-06e8ca45b115deba597feb109625cd06!}
  2. {!LANG-56ce6224d46cd03d70eb5bbc9c8773ea!}
  3. {!LANG-dc9bd82e6773ab05c5a0ec8a344b9fc1!}
  4. {!LANG-d058f159c6e3430486a4136454bebdbf!}
  5. {!LANG-f52eeef10295e2184c20d1d1fa272bfd!}
  6. {!LANG-bdaf5e43c34ddc6fdb9a28c64d69f504!}




  • {!LANG-938397544d4e89de56ed81ae7b3644df!}
  • {!LANG-929b5a32f19259bc52fdbecd0ac5d950!}
  • {!LANG-9913576a4aa644b5e513674466408b3f!}
  • {!LANG-6203ed978ac8bbbe42ea8a560c08ee5f!}
  • {!LANG-82548257fc4aaddef5b44400a620674a!}
  • {!LANG-7254a1556ee77e9080b54e5b16aaa30b!}
  • {!LANG-8c9bb3826f09ffad0d2f5c8d22a6ee19!}



  1. {!LANG-c8bee4be99f69fd5b72496b3dba1dc20!}
  2. {!LANG-d56e51dcdd446953b831ced228cf2050!}
  3. {!LANG-6ad708fae928daa5e61c660490c7087c!}



  1. {!LANG-5ee5fc2c1b30a7dd37dd02db2a17886d!}
  2. {!LANG-3a887051118dc71b743bc6e26f8921f4!}
  3. {!LANG-f336806f9f33cc8f48d1af081e3f0635!}



  • {!LANG-0629030a3f586a7afa7ff1943fa2e821!}
  • {!LANG-4296a8a84ae4c18a8900fb6eb17bed00!}





















  • {!LANG-410b791679dae8544de6c509ee9bf763!}
  • {!LANG-a0615e30d88cf56b723532a099094803!}
  • {!LANG-65adab01bccee9f18db7f2e942d53e00!}

{!LANG-4f22741466ff267fd4951676fc2cd995!} {!LANG-62a4e9019317efd0037498f1f6f47acb!}{!LANG-a559fba97845329e42b21d1cc095f29b!}

  1. {!LANG-a41f787aecf36db3a90ab514af260fa6!}
  2. {!LANG-212b98af9bd4f8e56352267e2a597ed1!}
  3. {!LANG-850ca018d823e97ff32465b6a9dd62f6!}






{!LANG-ab57355aac31f57d31db391bbd51ce8f!} {!LANG-fd3ec1ae66d77133bfa9e663610f2868!}{!LANG-f1983269eaffff5482e760525cc9165f!}

  • {!LANG-eff2037eb0d5e31ca3679e5c1e82d31d!}
  • {!LANG-0ddb37ac441a5eea56a1e79054826a01!}
  • {!LANG-17028451e21567cc40e8ca9baeec321a!}
  • {!LANG-dbd17a39b5a930d8364268518139986e!}


  1. {!LANG-6aa82bb85294a18453fa858349e3d170!}
  2. {!LANG-7a394f4ffcfe4955d8c3ebb1bac82065!}
  3. {!LANG-9d97738f1181d4c6184967e2f95ff7c2!}
  4. {!LANG-47e1b7f1497dfe688780da92901897b9!}






{!LANG-e7d28aeb85e23a5b4a1cbf97e024a82b!} {!LANG-5fe6d04178e517d254dbede78fb5adc7!}{!LANG-0104bf5988235b9551f7d178ed2c37bf!}

  • {!LANG-d8100c562b912ad3d86d332adda7530e!}
  • {!LANG-3cc2133e602793648b9581ee9e0c4f8e!}
  • {!LANG-f5df6a4984cfcf66a250befadaf8d6eb!}

{!LANG-4dafa3aee24649c8e7993423dabb270a!}{!LANG-aedbd7afc7b459ea5813969754a45bf1!} {!LANG-4284af319987481ee536e717ebe75a28!}{!LANG-fc2536ba1bdc0c48a63e994ad1dfc303!} {!LANG-c5cce91882c8217d5600e8127cc1e8a4!}{!LANG-d84baca32115b00f1b6ad645b834d4b1!} {!LANG-18a01c3148ec473df1789f76c7ba11dc!}{!LANG-1804846a60d6529d6b46c96e3865a8af!}




  1. {!LANG-c372386fd7c9315eba68001652c6c4ad!}
  2. {!LANG-155fabb43bf0e926dd8c6f6d307a2319!}
  3. {!LANG-0f6842787a96fb759f4fe6f88dcc9d7a!}
  4. {!LANG-cc87611e62df27aa406454d392d87fd0!}



  • {!LANG-efe80cb153a76d07626ecea6b53f0111!}
  • {!LANG-4f51f585967b8535489f93ea59742482!}
  • {!LANG-661e440bca8d642abf13027c41f1e90f!}
  • {!LANG-92d61d4c54dc1ab92dcdae0cfc50d0fb!}





  1. {!LANG-90f945fbe578044e266e67dc3f5975ec!}
  2. {!LANG-4aa884ba0f3f4643a6d0e4498f5c0e78!}
  3. {!LANG-4fc0f992c840f11138565b69f04b22a6!}
  4. {!LANG-c6f44c03a885de66a23e40b7ed4e58de!}
  5. {!LANG-2b6fc9ea6d12a63380372eb706f93451!}
  6. {!LANG-e0c5fce1d763bb56cd1a4356c39b3fba!}


  • {!LANG-57720d8af6af6f78eff348b7859bcb1e!}
  • {!LANG-d8d724808f95df47e3986ffdb752d34a!}



  1. {!LANG-ed9c0b1fc4b3e096ea4bea432a9e1b40!}
  2. {!LANG-29d358ec9b08397621a1402307a03a4c!}



  • {!LANG-28ac7592af84e818ff0c166e477dda1e!}{!LANG-b829606aa064f6c7a69176717994f054!}
  • {!LANG-fdd43a1f2c1686427917ade2e849678d!}{!LANG-4e4169ef3cf5c70dcc71261dc7c904a9!}
  • {!LANG-d79cd4a6eb4c8876946af179718c97ec!}{!LANG-5d1375eaf27291188867e455f3804d53!}
  • {!LANG-384c575188cacff442efe8a892c49617!}{!LANG-66672cbee6f3646ccb105330b2c48956!}
  • {!LANG-714fa7a15dfc17dfd7d981b805fcf3d9!}{!LANG-9ae25c5411eb64f140c8f8f5c58243a9!}
  • {!LANG-30754eb955ed978bb6e6643af66ac97f!}{!LANG-b94d6e6a4573940126b7a90bbf8402c2!}
  • {!LANG-ba27b688bb8d69d9a9f9c152928690c5!}{!LANG-221fd78ec919f22251c2d8f8ea85bd7b!}
  • {!LANG-11a35d62a1c3b85271d94f795c2726d1!}{!LANG-67cc7b2a95d9af03322a62599f775536!}
  • {!LANG-97cf69e06b075f6d5c7755d2fcf81e8a!}{!LANG-89887514852d5f32d2e3bcc3f2d1d141!}





  • {!LANG-2896ed220975962b45c7fe1456ca0999!}
  • {!LANG-f48672c63194bf76edab344a00d5f751!}
  • {!LANG-d7aab643e607c5c1043fd7d4ff9259f3!}
















  • {!LANG-b2c4cbe650a9f056eb5b029dc128d79d!}
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  • {!LANG-3737c3594e6f2d19d401f135aa168d6f!}
  • {!LANG-f2467e0f1274408d2349b7111d30388a!}
  • {!LANG-d0c224356dc4cb4a9afa602c8225ba40!}
  • {!LANG-be4d738a2e1fb15bdf6a224b13b7adae!}
  • {!LANG-cbc197bc8653c0ffa8f9e965a9718e26!}
  • {!LANG-d35799da43664ff71241731e2aa5c938!}
  • {!LANG-ae5d7b28f415ac0ae8eedceba8ac8427!}
  • {!LANG-d3d0094ded8639443f6987e4c33a5ce8!}

Letter signs


















































































































































Geometric figures



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































{!LANG-edec8a8d82cd9d587747d48e7350c6a8!} {!LANG-98e13ea58fe762827c952fed68aaff40!}



{!LANG-dbcf2a7c74d59ffff353843b51998771!} {!LANG-f63e5f4378ae01acbce9d14fc77198ee!}{!LANG-ec2b726c74ea43a65a272484487cecfd!}



{!LANG-037fad88ad2dea3169c3e86ec6bb7b3a!} {!LANG-7327b42ea0c22888a2490a19c8653f27!}{!LANG-bc1e8a6764b2090cfbfc5b7bd59c638b!}


{!LANG-09bcff5225851e38821dd539bcadfa2d!} {!LANG-05a0d70f2e4ae9c18167d3ec3f6b3868!}{!LANG-fa7b1bcf320a547339382678d6f8f935!}








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  • {!LANG-79ad7df30fab788c964178b12cff29c1!}
  • {!LANG-d43d3efde81882f0b2d4f7e54e185e6b!}
  • {!LANG-608b9f566b6077b3829c7c9e553f2325!}
  • {!LANG-9bcaed93e884a885768bf1ea4d9efc26!}
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