Divination ball is clear. Ask a question to the ball of fate. The ancient art of divination

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of divination.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Continue divination" button!

Today, almost every person wants to know what awaits him in the near future, and in order to get this information, he turns to fortune-telling. One of the most powerful, accurate and quite popular fortune-telling for every day is one old fortune-telling, which is called the "Ball of Predictions".

Thanks to such fortune-telling, a person can find out what awaits him in the coming day, as well as what awaits him tomorrow. In order to obtain the most accurate information, it is best to carry out the fortune-telling ritual only in the morning, since at this time the human consciousness is still clean and not loaded with a variety of negative thoughts and a large number of everyday questions. This is a very important condition, if you are performing a fortune-telling ritual precisely in order to get the opportunity to find out about your future and get an answer to the question that worries you the most, then you only need to guess in the morning.

You need to close your eyes and concentrate on the question that interests you. You need to think about it for at least ten seconds, after which you can proceed to the fortune-telling ritual, since now the cosmos knows your thoughts, so the result will be as accurate and reliable as possible. It is very important to take into account, during fortune-telling (also when fortune-telling in any other way), that only the first prediction will be as accurate as possible. Therefore, it is better not to tempt fate and not guess five or six times in a row. If you want an answer to your question, then ask a question and get an answer. It is very important - guessing is allowed only once during the day.

Online fortune-telling Ball of predictions will help you get an answer to almost any question that concerns any area of ​​​​life - whether it's a love relationship, meeting a chosen one, or perhaps this is a question that concerns your career. Thanks to this fortune-telling ritual, you will be ready for absolutely any life situation, even if it is some kind of nuisance. After all, it is much better to be fully prepared than to be afraid of trouble.

The ball of predictions is an oracle that can give you an exact answer that does not need interpretation, or perhaps it will only give a subtle hint and you yourself must decipher the answer and understand what awaits you in the future and what to expect from the coming day. Very often ambiguous answers are given, which are very difficult to understand.

Ball of predictions, this type of divination, which is one of the most interesting and most accurate. The ball of predictions knows the secrets of everyone and gives accurate answers to the questions posed. If you have a specific question that concerns you, then the Ball of Predictions will give you an accurate and comprehensive answer. But to get an answer, you need to tune in correctly and ask an exciting question.

The magic ball is able to feel what interests each questioner and is able to reveal the secret of the future. The main thing is to put the question correctly and not to tempt fate very often.

If everything is not in order in your life, and unsolvable questions are tormenting you, turn to the Higher Forces! Try fortune telling Yes No with the exact answer to 7 questions. This true online divination will tell you for free what to expect from Fate. To start guessing, think of a question and click on the “guess” button. The more clearly you formulate the question, the more accurate the answer will be.

Touch the ball to get the answer!

Online fortune-telling from the site "All Talismans"

Do not think of difficult questions, it should be one-syllable so that the Oracle can answer either “Yes” or “No”. After you activate the divination, the clouds in the picture will disperse, and you will be able to find out the truthful and accurate answer.

If you decide to turn to the Oracle, then try to follow the rules. Unless, of course, you want to get the most truthful answer to your question.

1. Relax and clear your head of extraneous thoughts. Nobody should distract you.

2. Think about what worries you and formulate a question.

3. Look at the image of the clouds, imagine that the exact answer is hidden behind them.

3. Press the button and wait for a while while the Oracle answers you.

You will have the opportunity to ask the Higher powers about the innermost 7 times. After the limit is exhausted, you can return to online fortune-telling tomorrow or any other day.

If fortune-telling for love and relationships

Of course, every person from time to time wants at least one eye to look into the future. After all, it is so interesting to find out whether the planned business will “burn out”, whether the plans are destined to come true. Online divination yes-no is also a great option for divination for relationships and feelings. From the Oracle, you can learn for free and quickly:

  • Does this person love you or not?
  • Is love possible between you?
  • Is your beloved (beloved) cheating on you?
  • Will you be together?
  • Will you meet soon?
  • Will the beloved return?
  • Does he/she confess love?
  • Will you make peace?

For this, fortune-telling yes no online is the best suited - the most accurate prediction will help you get the exact answer. You don't have to flip a coin or resort to other homegrown divination methods. It is enough to use this simple service on the All Talismans website!

Fortune telling yes no can be considered a classic method of predicting the future. It does not involve the implementation of complex card layouts with subsequent ambiguous interpretations. Fortune telling yes no online always answers extremely briefly, clearly and concisely!

What other questions can you ask?

For online divination Yes / No, there are no special restrictions. You can turn to the Higher Forces at any time of the day, both alone and in the company of friends. And the questions that online divination “yes no” can answer can also be very different, for example:

  • Will I meet my betrothed this year?
  • Will I succeed in my exams?
  • Should we expect trouble at work?
  • Can I get a salary increase or bonus?
  • Will I go to a resort this summer?
  • Will the planned transaction be successful?
  • Should I take out a loan (mortgage)?
  • Is my friend betraying me?

However, keep in mind that if you ask a joke question, then the answer to it will also not be serious. And one more thing - sometimes the Oracle is not able to see the exact answer through the clouds covering the future. In such a case, a Yes/No divination will truthfully tell you "everything is in the fog...there is no answer to the question." This means that you should ask your question later, perhaps the next day when you are online again.

The ancient art of divination

By far, the most truthful online divination "yes no" that you see on your screen is a modern development. Nevertheless, the basis of his work is the same principle that is used by the most ancient predictive systems - Tarot cards, Scandinavian runes, the Chinese Book of Changes (I-Ching). True divination yes no online helps to dispel uncertainty, establish a connection between a person and his Destiny.

The art of divination was very difficult for the ancient oracles, priests and Pythians. They had to go to serious restrictions, to maintain a strict fast for many weeks. Then they plunged themselves into a trance with the help of intoxicating herbs, ritual rituals, special dances and other psychotechnics. Such rituals took a lot of effort, after which the oracles had to recover for a long time.

Priests of bygone eras would have paid dearly for the opportunity to use simple divination yes no, which does not require such sacrifices! The rulers of ancient states consulted with soothsayers on any important issues. The time of sowing or harvesting, the conclusion and termination of alliances, the declaration of war or the reconciliation of the warring parties - all this was agreed with the oracles, priests or astrologers.

People who possessed secret powers and were able to look into the future were afraid and were not disturbed by trifles. Fortunately, today you do not need to look for an oracle or a wise Pythia to find out what interests you. True and accurate online divination "yes-no" is quite capable of replacing a mystic-predictor from past eras. In addition, our online service has undeniable advantages - it does not need to be presented with gifts (which was a necessity when referring to the wise men of the Magi) and you do not have to wait for weeks for a result. Online fortune telling will help you find out the future in just a few seconds!

It is very easy to use our magic ball of fortune telling, you do not need the gift of clairvoyance for this. Think about your problem, or just say "crystal ball, give me advice" and then press the "guess" key. In just a few seconds, a magic ball will make you an online prediction of fate.

Important! If the prediction seems unclear to you, then try to formulate the question in a different way and ask it again. If the answer is again meaningless, then move the fortune-telling to another day.

You may be interested in other online divination:

Divination on the ball of predictions

Esoteric practices, which consist in contemplating the surface of a magic crystal made of crystal, are one of the oldest types of divination. Peering into the images that arise inside the magic ball, you can get an answer to questions that have long worried you, find the key to solving an urgent problem. Visions also help predict the future and look into.

The crystal ball of divination can prove to be a useful acquisition for anyone who seeks to develop their psychic abilities. The practice of receiving visions and signs in a magic crystal activates clairvoyant abilities. Some psychics eventually abandon the crystal ball, preferring to rely on their own perception, but many make this magical tool their companion for years to come.

From the history of divination

The use of the crystal ball for divination has been known since ancient times, but the truly complete evidence comes from the Renaissance. The famous psychic, "angelic doctor" John Dee, court scientist, astrologer and magician of Queen Elizabeth I of England, did not have sufficiently developed clairvoyant abilities. That is why he partnered with the seer Edward Kelly to look into the magic crystal for him.

What can replace the crystal ball?

Not everyone who wants to develop their clairvoyant abilities has the opportunity to purchase a crystal ball for predictions. Instead, your magic crystal can be a glass or mineral of any shape that has a smooth surface. Rock crystal, smoky quartz, obsidian are ideal for this. No less effective is the method when the clairvoyant uses a bowl filled with water. The liquid inside the divination bowl can be either transparent or tinted with black ink.

How to predict events with a magic crystal?

You need to place a crystal ball on a wooden stand. A divination bowl filled with water is set against a background of dark blue or black matte fabric. It is also desirable to completely cover the table with a dark-colored tablecloth. Make sure that the crystal is not exposed to both sunlight and artificial light. should stand as far as possible from the bowl or crystal ball.

It is worth choosing the most comfortable position, sitting in a chair, on a chair or sitting Turkish on the floor. Nothing should interfere, constrain movements. It is better to remove jewelry, hairpins, belts for a while, allowing energy to flow freely. But if you have a talisman that helps in, you do not need to refuse it.

Next, you need to start peering into the magic crystal, if possible without straining and without blinking. Looking into the surface of the water or the surface of the crystal ball, you should clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, not allowing it to be distracted by foreign objects. If the mind is dispersed and wandering, you can take several deep breaths and exhalations, imagining how unnecessary thoughts leave with the exhaled air.

The first session of contemplation should be limited to only five minutes, then gradually increasing the time. The emphasis should be on the regularity of training, and not on their duration. The ideal option is short, but everyday exercises with a ball of predictions.

Over time, you will be able to see images in the crystal ball. The first visions can be very blurry and foggy, but gradually they will begin to take shape and even color, flowing into the figures and faces of people, scenes, specific symbols. Turning to the magic crystal with a question, you can get an answer through the interpretation of what you see.

Soothsayer's Diary

When developing clairvoyance with the help of a crystal ball of prediction or a bowl of water, it is not necessary, but it is desirable to enter everything seen in a specially designated notebook. Just as with, keeping records will allow you to understand and feel the language in which the subconscious mind communicates with the seer. It is enough to write down the date of the session, briefly list the images seen and the main ideas about their interpretation.

Working with a magical diary is indispensable for anyone who wants to track the appearance of possible errors and inaccuracies in the interpretation of visions. When the outcome of the situation about which the question was asked is already known, you can return to the results of divination and check yourself. Therefore, it is best to always leave some room for later impressions.

Practicing with the magic crystal of divination is one of the best ways to develop psychic abilities and intuitive perception. A few months of constant training is enough to learn how to get answers to life's questions and look into the future. The most important thing is not to stop halfway. The first results in clairvoyance are an incentive to start working even harder on discovering your talent.

Sometimes all it takes is a little push. We will provide it completely free of charge and without registration. It is not required to leave personal data on the site. Request history is not saved. The ball of fate online, like a light kick, will push an indecisive person to action.

Deep down, you may know what to do, but for some reason you don't realize it. Use the yes no ball to confirm the correctness of the choice. Just play, treat with humor, because getting random fortune-telling predictions of a mysterious assistant is fun.

Who can use the magic ball predictor

Refer to the ball of desires or the ball of divination in a variety of situations:

  • . He will judge the disputants;
  • . Helps to decide indecisive;
  • . Will give a yes no answer to an exciting request;
  • . Will become a sign of fate;
  • . Remove some of the responsibility.

Alone or in company, at work, school, in transport, at a wedding, in a store - download the page with a ball of predictions to get help. Obey the decision of the magic ball or not, it's up to you. By the way, this question can be asked on the site.

How the ball of predictions works

It looks simple: ask and click, but do not rush to shake the ball with predictions. Look at the ball of answers and mentally formulate a simple question that can be answered yes or no. Try to define a specific desire, a problem, not to think about anything else. Stay alone with your thoughts.

A feature of divination online on a magic ball: the generator gives random options, without any pattern. There is something mystical, unknown in this. Concentrated - touch the ball of the predictor online to read the inscription, which will appear through the round glass.

Make 3-5 attempts to make sure the result is correct. The main thing is to believe, and then everything will come true.

The popularity of divination on the ball yes no

An entertaining little thing was invented by the son of a medium in the middle of the 20th century. The inventor wanted people to be comfortable wearing a mini fortune teller and communicate with the other world at the slightest doubt. The toy is filled with a dark liquid, in which, as if in space, a polyhedron with written phrases floats.

The product was in demand when people relied on spirits to know more about the future than the living. We have made a yes no ball service online so that you can also quickly get the result.

Classic Magic ball has 20 prophecies. Divination, predictions are neutral, positive, negative, indefinite.

The ball of fate appears in the hands of the heroes of famous films: it was used by the character of the cult movie "Route 60" - there was also a computer prototype. Used in the series "Friends", "Clinic", "Charmed", "The Big Bang Theory".

Play too! Have fun coming back to us again and again.