Double curtains for curtains. Double curtains (113 photos) - advantages and stylish combination of materials and shades. Photo of double curtains

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I want to tell you about the design of curtains, which has recently become very popular among our customers. These are multi-layer curtains, specifically double curtains.

Where did double or double curtains come from. We can say that they have replaced magnificent lambrequins, the era of which, of course, will probably never end, but the demand for lambrequins is now much lower than 3-5 years ago. The popularity of lambrequins can be explained very simply. Coziness in the house is created due to the presence of textiles, and the more of it, the more cozy and comfortable the dwelling becomes. Lambrequins are quite lush products. The manufacture of any element of the lambrequin takes 3-5 times more fabric than the resulting product in finished form. In addition, lambrequins look very elegant and solemn. However, there is one drawback. Washing, drying and especially ironing lambrequins is not very convenient. And now curtains come to replace the lambrequins, which are not inferior to them in splendor, but much more practical and easy to clean. This is of course my personal opinion why double curtains are becoming more and more popular.

What fabric is best for double curtains? The answer is from any one that you like and can afford. The only thing to remember is to be careful when choosing patterned fabrics. In my opinion, double curtains made entirely of plain fabric look very stylish and modern. But if this option seems boring to you, then you can choose one of the fabrics with a pattern. Or if you choose two fabrics with a pattern, then they must be companions, that is, have an identical pattern. Not similar, but identical. Otherwise, your curtains will look clumsy and ridiculous.

To choose a dense or light fabric for double curtains depends on which side the apartment windows face and the general color scheme. If the room is small, shady or dark, it is better to hang light curtains made of tulle. If the room is spacious, bright, sunny, then feel free to hang blackout curtains.

If you decide to stay on the model of multilayer curtains, then an important point will be the acquisition of the correct curtain rod. The optimal choice is a 3-row cornice. One strip is for tulle, the second and third for curtains. In this case, all the curtains will be functional, that is, they will completely move apart and retract if necessary.

If the cornice already exists and you do not plan to change it and you have a two-row cornice, then options are also possible here.

1. Hang the tulle on the first row. On the second row, hang both types of curtains at once, hook through the hook. For example: you have a 2-row curtain rod, tulle and curtains in blue and cream colors. You hang the tulle as usual. And on the second row you hang a blue curtain on one hook, a cream one on the second, a blue curtain on the third, and so on. Minus - the curtains will cease to be functional, that is, if you are going to move them apart, you will move both colors apart at the same time.

2. If the curtain rod is a plastic tire or the curtain rod has a decorative strip, then you can make the upper curtains with Velcro. In this case, we glue Velcro to the outer edge of the cornice or to the back of the decorative strip and hang the curtains on it. They will not be functional, that is, they will always be assembled, you cannot screen them. But the lower curtains will be fully functional.

I would like to say a few more words about the drapery of double curtains. By using different hooks and magnets, you can easily change the design of the curtains. You can also play with the color of the curtains. Let's first hang both dark curtains down, light ones up; then both light downward, dark upward; the third option is to hang the curtains in a checkerboard pattern. This is exactly what I and many clients love these curtains for - the curtains are alone, and there are a lot of options for hanging and drapery! So fantasize and come up with your own ways to decorate these curtains. Good luck, friends!

I have prepared a video about double curtains for you! Take a look!

Elegant canvases, located one on top of the other and representing a single composition, are called double curtains. It is convenient to combine them with a variety of lambrequins, supplement them with hooks and hairpins, fixing them on the cornice using loops, special magnets, as well as eyelets and hooks.

In the photo there are double curtains for the bedroom in light colors.

Decorative benefits

The ensemble of two canvases in any version looks beautiful, harmonious and festive, which is why they are considered a worthy replacement for lush curtains with a soft or hard lambrequin.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • a spectacular appearance that can decorate a spacious room of official or domestic value - from a boardroom to a living room;
  • uncomplicated care process - they are easy to remove, easy to wash and iron;
  • ease of combination with other types of curtains.

Methods for combining fabrics in terms of transparency

Another indisputable advantage of the products is the great variability in the connection of various fabrics for the upper and lower layers. So, for example, for rooms on the north side of the house, they are sewn from a weightless, completely transparent material - a veil or organza.

For restaurant halls and other rooms where the spirit of romance and privacy is important, combined curtains are suitable, the lower row of which is made of thick fabric, and the upper row is transparent. It is better to hang bright southern rooms with dense canvases. They will not only keep you cool on a hot afternoon, but they will also be able to regulate the solar flow. To fill the hall with mystery and add a touch of oriental charm to the decoration, it is enough to choose a muslin with beads, feathers, stones or lurex for the front row.

Available mounting methods:

  1. 1 A single cornice is used, on which hooks of the first and second canvas are attached alternately. With this method, products on hinges have the most original look.
  2. 2 With double eaves, you can position each cut on a separate guide. Thus, it is possible to achieve a separate functioning of any of them.
  3. 3 If a lambrequin is used, then the outer layer can be attached to it from the inside on a special tape, and the other can be placed on a separate guide. At the same time, the possibility of regulating the upper row will noticeably decrease.
  4. 4 Another scenario for positioning on a single-row baguette is a product sewn along the top edge.

Successful interior decorating ideas

In order to perfectly fit fashionable blinkers into the decor of the room, you can use the advice of designers.

  • Combine contrasting shades. This technique will bring dynamism and energy.
  • Choose textiles close in color. This combination will visually expand the space, filling it with calmness and tranquility.
  • Combine patterned and monochromatic material, filling the monotonous interior with originality.
  • Hang canvases with the same pattern, but different density or different colors.

Drapery methods

In the photo there are double curtains in blue and beige, which harmoniously complement the interior of the living room.

The special design of the products allows you to fix both canvases in different ways. Among the most popular methods are the following:

  • layers of different transparency hang freely, while the decorative effect is achieved due to the patterned lower row and the glowing upper one;
  • thanks to graceful grabs or holders, the curtains are assembled on the side one by one or together;
  • the outer part is stitched with a brooch or tied with a ribbon in the center;
  • one or both parts are half-matched with decorative magnets.

Double curtains are a good choice for a large, banquet hall and any other festive room. The possibilities of drapery will allow you to decorate the space each time in different original ways.

Any homeowner wants to see his home not only cozy and comfortable, but also modern, stylish and fashionable. Designers have developed many ways to create a relaxed, warm and inviting atmosphere in the space used in everyday life. One of them is stylish window decoration with double curtains. As a rule, original double curtains are decorated with various decorative elements: lambrequins, grips, scallops, folds and other stylish details. They help to give the curtains an unrivaled aesthetic appearance. Such a set always looks great, and emphasizes the luxury of the decoration of any room.

Sewing double curtains itself is a rather complicated process. Only professional seamstresses can handle it. But, if you want you to have the most beautiful room in the world, then you should be generous and resort to the services of a specialist in tailoring this type of product. It is also not worth saving on fabrics, because the product should have a rich finished look.

Double curtains, photos of which are in this article, can be made from completely different materials. It is not only a varied color palette, but also about all kinds of fabric types.

Experts generally recommend making such products from fabrics of different density. First, you can hang transparent tulle, organza or other lightweight fabrics. Then, on top of the tulle, they usually hang denser materials that perform the main function of curtains - protection from the sun and prying eyes.

Fabrics are often selected according to the following main principles:

  • It is necessary to select canvases that are completely different in density;
  • The drawing on the canvases should be in harmony with each other, but not be the same;
  • It is necessary to harmoniously combine the transparent fabric of the curtain and opaque curtains, avoid the use of prints that do not match with each other;
  • Fabrics should complement each other successfully, and not clash.

It is very rare to find combinations where, on the contrary, a dense fabric hangs at the beginning, and a transparent one covers it. Such combinations are suitable for eccentric people who love extravagant changes and who like to be different from others. Often this combination is used where it is necessary to darken the room. In this case, you can use double roman blinds.

Exquisite double curtains in the living room: types of curtains

The modern principle of interior design seeks to fill the space with simplicity and conciseness. Even some minimalism. At the same time, the chosen style should not lose its convenience and comfort. Decoration of premises today is given a particularly important role. The way to create a warm and inviting atmosphere today is directly related to the textiles used in the living room, and the options for its presentation.

Double curtains in the living room are not quite ordinary curtains for window openings, but a whole range of functional elements and decorations. Usually it is based on two types of material (fabric), which are sewn together. They can be complemented by lambrequins, coattails, ties, garters, ties and other decorative elements.

These curtains combine different shades. You can successfully beat the contrast of tones, and combine, for example, chocolate-colored curtains or wenge with milk, and gray with black. Then the entire interior of the room will look quite impressive and unusual. Applying similar shades of fabric, such as pink and purple, can visually expand the room. Well, if the fabric of one curtain canvas with a pattern, and the other one-color, then this option will also look very elegant. However, double curtains imply the simultaneous use of canvases with similar patterns.

Three main types of double curtains for the living room:

  • The classic version.
  • Roman curtains;
  • Rolled curtains.

All these types differ from each other both in the principle of work and execution, but they equally decorate the room in an unusual way.

Elegant combination curtains in different fabrics

The fabric for double curtains is chosen depending on the parameters and illumination of the room. The matched canvases may differ not only in density, but also in color. Two opaque curtains are perfect for a room that faces south. This curtain format is perfect for a bedroom if it is located on the east side. Such canvases will protect the room from particularly bright light.

Curtains combined from different fabrics can combine sheer and dense fabrics. This option is suitable for such cases when there is a need to adjust the light level during the day.

It is better to choose two translucent fabrics if the room is small in size, or its windows face north. In this case, the window looks more original, and sunlight will be able to enter the room in sufficient volume. The concept with two light canvases is also suitable for a room with a loggia or balcony.

The space by the window will be decorated especially competently if you take into account some points:

  • The ratio of the size of the room and the height of the ceiling to the format of the product;
  • Number and shape of windows;
  • Harmony between the woven fabric and the stylistic solution of the interior;
  • The general color scheme of the room;
  • Color, texture and amount of furniture in the room;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Proportionality of the room.

Perhaps you want to visually correct the dimensions of the room, “add” heights or “push” the walls. The right curtain design will help you achieve the desired result.

How to sew double-sided curtains with your own hands

Double-sided curtains, which are also called two-layer, are made mainly by individual order or independently. If you are not an expert in the field of sewing, then it is better to seek help from a master who will fulfill your order. If you are a brave and decisive hostess and want to try yourself in the role of a seamstress, then you can start studying this craft with sewing double curtains.

How to sew double-sided curtains with your own hands, you can find out from numerous Internet sites, or from this article.

In order to do the job efficiently, you first need to properly cut the canvases. To do this, measure the parameters of the space near the window, decide on what your curtain will be mounted on, and measure the height. Consider folds and waves when calculating the amount of material needed by width. Please note that one canvas on top will need to be tucked, so when cutting, make it 10-20 cm longer than the other.

Stages of making double-sided curtains:

  • We connect the fabric canvases with the front sides to each other and sew at the top, connecting them together;
  • We turn out the canvas and sew it again at the top of the product;
  • To finish the product on the sides and bottom. It is necessary to overlap both canvases, tuck the longer side and sew;
  • Sew on the curtain tape;
  • We iron the product.

Depending on how you plan to hang the product, on the cornice, or on the eyelets, it is necessary to provide appropriate fasteners. The product may have a lambrequin. It is made separately, according to the step-by-step instructions for making a lambrequin.

Selection of double curtains (video)

Double curtains in the interior complement the design favorably, add luxury and sophistication to the space. They can be of different colors and densities. These products are suitable for living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms. This design idea can be interesting for a children's room.

Design of double curtains in the living room (photo in the interior)

The spectacular design of the window opening has become a new trend among interior designers.

In this regard, a completely new, but interesting design solution has appeared - these are double curtains.

Moreover, this direction is quite versatile, which includes two-sided fabrics, two-sided canvases and curtains with a complicated design, for example, consisting of two combined Roman blinds.

Two-piece curtains

The most common design option for a window opening with two canvases is a combination of contrasting fabrics.

The advantage of such curtains is that, depending on the structure and color of the textiles, you can arrange the window in different stylistic solutions.

Those who want to give the interior of the room a refined luxury, as in the photo of double curtains, you can try to combine a pearl gray canvas with textiles of any shade of blue or purple.

The most successful combinations:

  • Contrast. If you use opposite colors, taking into account the general color scheme of the interior and decor, you can get a rather spectacular option.
  • Shades of the same color range. This combination creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere in the room. Ideal for the bedroom.
  • Solid color curtain and curtain with ornament. The main condition is that the curtains should be of the same fabric and the same color.
  • Patterned curtains. Main condition. The material should be the same, and the patterns should be on the same theme.

When choosing double curtains for your window, it must be borne in mind that a certain combination is suitable for rooms for a particular purpose.

So, contrasting double curtains in the living room are an ideal solution, and for the kitchen interior, and for the bedroom, shades of the same color scheme are suitable, curtains with a pattern will look most impressive in the children's room.


First of all, the cornice for the model of double curtains must be as strong as possible, because it has to withstand the weight of 4 textiles and tulle.

Types of cornices:

  • 3-row. It makes it easy to control the curtains, but it takes up a lot of space.
  • Double cornice. This design is reliable, but it will be more difficult to move the curtains.
  • Cornice with hinges. Difficult to manage curtains, but looks great.
  • Baguette cornice or with lambrequin. With it, the composition will look great, and the bottom layer is quite mobile, the top layer is almost motionless.

Sophisticated design of Roman blinds

A double roman blind is an improved classic version of curtains, when both canvases are pressed against the window, which allows you to select the required light mode.

Double roman shade combinations:

Bright top and light tulle. The contrast option allows you to create a fashionable interior of the room, dark colors will protect the room from the sun, even when they are completely pulled apart.

To match the wall surface. This model provides light-colored tulle and a dense part of the same color with the wallpaper. Looks elegant.

One color scheme. The dense canvas and the bottom layer are of the same color scheme, but in different shades, where the bottom layer is a couple of tones lighter. It looks delicate and sophisticated.

Canvases with pictures. This double curtain design is the perfect solution for modern interiors.

Double-sided curtain model

A composition consisting of two canvases sewn together looks quite interesting and luxurious.

With the help of double-sided curtains of different colors, you can change the design of the room. This curtain model is universal, especially for those who plan to divide the room into zones.

However, with such a combination, it must be borne in mind that in the case of a contrasting color scheme, the fabric should be the same.

Choosing curtains for a room is an interesting and exciting activity, and with double curtains it will be much more fun.

Photo of double curtains

No room can be imagined without curtains.

They define the design and style of the room. It depends on them whether it will be cozy and comfortable.

How to choose curtains for the living room?

Curtains should emphasize the taste and character of the owner of the premises. When choosing curtains, you need to consider:

  • dimensions of the window opening - required to determine the width of the textile;
  • room height - required to determine the length of the material;
  • dimensions and color scheme of the room;

We propose to study in detail a large curtain catalog for a modern interior.

  • which side the windows face - light fabrics should be chosen for the north side, and dense ones for the south;
  • the style in which the room is decorated, the design of the curtains depends on it.

If the hall is small, then give preference to curtains made of light and light fabrics. Install a ceiling cornice to visually increase the height of the walls.

For living rooms with a balcony, choose roller blinds, as they should not create obstacles when opening and closing the door.

Curtain type

To date, a large assortment of curtains is presented, which allows you to choose it to any style and interior.

Many people opt for classic curtains that are attached to the cornice with hooks. However, thanks to the variety of beautiful curtains, you can experiment and create real masterpieces.

The design of modern curtains is varied in designs, fastening methods.

Short curtains

Such curtains are suitable for the hall if there are no external batteries. If there is a sofa and a table next to the window, then short curtains will be an excellent option. Short curtains are divided into:

  • French;
  • roll;
  • Austrian;
  • Roman.

With lambrequins

The decorative part, which is attached over the tulle, is 1/5 or 1/7 of the length of the main fabric.

It is mainly used in the Renaissance, Empire, Art Nouveau, Baroque and modern styles - minimalism. Such an element creates a sense of wealth and grace.

Lambrequin covers part of the wall and the cornice. It is usually made of soft textiles and comes in a variety of shapes.

With draperies

Beautiful curtains for a room with drapery look elegant if the main curtains are made of light textiles and do not have a bright color scheme.

The most popular fabrics are taffeta, organza, velvet. Types of draperies:

  • lambrequins;
  • swagi, jabots - fixed on both sides;
  • cascades - the fabric flows in waves.

On eyelet rings

Models with eyelets are suitable if only tulle weighs in the hall. The rings are already sewn into the textiles and simply put on the cornice.

The design of curtains for the hall of this type is quite a lot and is suitable for all styles and designs.

Fashionable curtains in the hall on the bay window

A bay window is an element of a room that presents forward from the facade. Often this area is entirely glazed or has several windows.

It is important for the owners to understand whether they will hang curtains on each or one canvas on all windows. There are a lot of design varieties.

Style selection

Be sure to consider the general style of the room when choosing an idea for curtains in the hall. The curtains for the hall in 2017 must correspond to the given style solution of the room.

Any modern curtains in the hall can be supplemented with elements created by yourself. From this they will become inimitable and unique.


With this style, curtains are often used, since the fabric is dense and richly looked. Curtains perfectly protect from bright sunlight, create coziness and comfort.

The classic style is used not only in the design of living rooms, but also suitable for the bedroom. If the windows face the south side, then use light curtains of cold shades, and if to the north side, then use warm colors.

You can use additional brush elements or pickups.


These are wide vertical strips that are attached to the wall or ceiling using a special mechanism.

Curtains are used in the style of minimalism, where there is austerity in the interior. Japanese curtains are made from natural materials.


Curtains with horizontal fabric slats. Such curtains are designed only for the window opening.

They are lowered to the windowsill using a special mechanism. Roman shades are used in rooms where protection from sunlight is required. Used in ethnic, country, Japanese, minimalism styles.


For people who want to surround themselves with luxury. After looking at the photo, you will understand that these curtains were used in the palaces of the kings.

The fabric at the same distance is tied with cords that tighten and get draped. French curtains are made from silk, tulle, organza, cambric.

The stores offer a large assortment of photo curtains for the hall for every taste and color. When choosing, be guided by the given design of the living room. Consider the size and location of the room.

Adhere to the style rules of decoration, as the room should be cozy and harmonious.

If you want individuality, then sew the curtains yourself, then the room will turn out to be cozy at home.

Photos of new curtains for the hall