Where anonymous HIV testing is done. HIV analysis. Preliminary examination anonymously

Every person at least once in his life had to donate blood to detect acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, hepatitis. Therefore, information about where you can get tested for HIV and hepatitis will not be superfluous for anyone. Here we will touch on the topic of confidentiality of information and tell you how to donate blood for HIV infection anonymously, without providing any information about yourself.

According to statistics, about 15% of AIDS patients are infected with hepatitis C. Most often, patients do not even know about the development of two serious diseases in their own body. Only a special blood test can "open the eyes" of the patient and reveal the immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C in the patient's blood. You can get tested for HIV and hepatitis by taking an ELISA laboratory test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) free of charge.

Attention! The accuracy of this type of diagnosis is low, since the hepatitis provocateur affects the AIDS antibodies, reducing their concentration in the blood.

Types of tests for HIV infection and hepatitis

In addition to traditional ELISA, experts resort to alternative types of laboratory tests. We summarize all tests used to detect infection in the table below:

Analysis type Explanation
Immunological research Included in the group of immune tests for HIV, AIDS and hepatitis. The analysis is aimed at identifying markers of viral hepatitis in the blood of patients
Immunoblotting The most effective testing for HIV and hepatitis. This is a combination of ELISA and electrophoresis. Using this method, you can group antibodies by their number on a special membrane or container
Blood chemistry Using this analysis, it is impossible to determine the presence of viral particles in the blood, however, it is possible to identify metabolic disorders, to assess the degree of liver damage
General blood analysis We are talking about an analysis that detects specific reactions of the body to the virus (a decrease in the concentration of platelets and leukocytes, a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, etc.)
PCR Aimed at the isolation of RNA and DNA molecules of pathogenic microorganisms

When they take an ELISA test

ELISA makes it possible to assess the general state of health and the degree of development of pathological processes in the patient's body. Consequently, to pass such an HIV test means to provide the doctor with complete initial data about one's own health. This is necessary for the further preparation of a therapeutic course. That is why, among other methods of diagnostics and dynamic assessment of serious pathologies, ELISA takes a leading position.

Important! In the case of a once positive analysis, an unambiguous diagnosis is not made to the patient - a number of additional studies are required.

Any representative has the right to take one of the tests for HIV infection at will. However, there are a number of conditions under which the patient must be referred for the procedure.
Passing the described analysis is necessary for people:

  • sexually abused;
  • rapidly losing weight;
  • doubting the sterility of the needles used;
  • having sexual contact with a new partner (the analysis must be done in case of any casual contact, even if it is protected);
  • those preparing for the operation (the need for timely HIV diagnosis arises even if there is no need for a person to be hospitalized after the operation);
  • living next to an HIV-infected person (the analysis is carried out not only when symptoms are detected, but on a regular basis);
  • suffering from STDs (in the presence of signs of inflammatory diseases, a sharp deterioration in health).

All types of such studies help to identify whether antibodies to HIV are found in the human body. PCR analysis is able to confirm a positive result as early as the 2nd week after the alleged infection. A person who intends to pass a traditional analysis must wait a certain period of time (usually 1.5-2 months) and only then resort to the procedure.

Attention! If a person does not receive a positive test result and still doubts the reliability of the study, experts recommend that the patient who donated blood once should repeat the test again. If enough time has passed since the moment of "suspicious" contacts and other significant events, then re-take the ELISA.

How to prepare for the examination

The doctor will tell the patient how to pass the test correctly. Usually, a person will have to undergo an examination in the morning, because during the night the body has time to cleanse itself. In addition, blood from a vein must be donated on an empty stomach. This means that a similar test is carried out on an empty stomach at least 10 hours after the last meal.

A number of factors can affect test results.
In this regard, experts recommend the following, when the test is to be taken (several days in advance), the patient should not:

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • overdo it with physical activity;
  • worry;
  • eat junk food.

In addition, the result may be unreliable due to a recent infectious disease. In this case, you should wait about a month.

Where can I get tested for HIV infection for free?

Among the institutions where you can donate blood for HIV anonymously:

  • polyclinic, first-aid post;
  • specialized center for HIV control;
  • mobile express laboratory;
  • private clinic;
  • independent laboratory.

Attention! It is possible to pass a free HIV test anonymously only in health care institutions and AIDS prevention centers, to which a particular person is assigned.

Anonymous examination means that the procedure for conducting it does not require a person to provide any personal data. All manipulations are carried out in the "incognito" mode, the result of the analysis to determine the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is handed over to the patient after providing the assigned number.

Where to go

Not all localities in the country have various medical centers where anonymous blood tests for HIV can be taken. Where can the biological material be donated in this case? In such circumstances, you can go to a regular clinic or feldsher-obstetric center.

The material is usually processed in a local laboratory. You can find out the result by phone, announcing the assigned number. In the case of a positive sample, the results of the study are sent to the regional clinic or the closest city medical institution.

Where to donate blood anonymously for analysis

As mentioned earlier, there are ways to get tested anonymously for the virus. Such testing for HIV is carried out in specialized laboratories at hospitals, as well as in any AIDS center (for citizens of the country it is done free of charge). In this case, the analysis is carried out completely anonymously (when the patient is assigned an individual number).

This anonymous analysis can be done differently. Patients wishing to get tested for HIV should remember that there are private clinics that provide results as quickly as possible. Anonymous HIV testing within the walls of these establishments is carried out on a paid basis.

Where to take an express analysis

You can anonymously get tested for HIV using a rapid test at a clinic or AIDS center. Such a blood test for HIV can also be done at home, if for some reason a person cannot go to a medical institution. In this case, the patient will need only a few minutes to get the result. Which research option to choose is up to the person who donates blood. In case of a positive result of an anonymous home test, you must promptly contact the clinic.

Blood test for HIV and AIDS and interpretation of the result

A few days or weeks after the procedure (depending on the place of delivery of the material), the patient is provided with the result of an AIDS test.

With a screening test, the absence of antibodies in the material indicates a negative result, otherwise the doctor conducts additional research.

If the result is positive for HIV, an immunoblot is indicated. Darkening on the test strip in this case indicates the presence of the proteins gp160, gp120, gp41 - the patient is given a presumptive diagnosis, since alternative protein combinations correspond to another infection.

From the above, we can conclude that if, after a thorough examination in the described way, all three types of proteins are present in the patient's blood, this is interpreted as HIV. If the data show the absence of at least one component, the person is sent for additional research.

A quantitative diagnostic method is also used, in which the concentration of the RNA of the virus is determined (unit of measurement - C / ml). If in this case a negative indicator "follows", then the decision on the advisability of carrying out other procedures remains with the doctor.

Attention! Subsequent positive HIV tests express the need for treatment of the patient - the patient is prescribed antiviral therapy.

Blood test for hepatitis and interpretation of the result

If the analysis for hepatitis (ELISA) showed the presence of antibodies in the blood, the patient is definitely sick or had a liver disease.

The PCR method is also used to diagnose the disease. In this case, a positive result is reliable with a probability of 99% - the diagnosis is obvious. Further, after a thorough examination of the biomaterial, information about the level of viral load is given, a treatment plan is drawn up.

When a quantitative test is carried out, a positive result will indicate that a person is sick with chronic hepatitis C. For the subsequent planning of treatment, hepatitis tests are repeated. If the result is again positive, the patient should not panic. Based on practical data on hepatitis C, we can conclude that the disease is treatable in the early and middle stages of development.

Is it possible to refuse to donate blood

A blood test for HIV is a mandatory procedure for people in certain specialties.
Among them:

  • doctor;
  • nurse;
  • waiter;
  • cook;
  • visagiste;
  • cosmetologist;
  • hairdresser and a number of others.

Patients admitted to the hospital, as well as pregnant women (as part of a screening examination) are also subject to a mandatory procedure.

For those groups of the population who cannot refuse to take a blood test for HIV, it is possible to conduct it in paid certified medical laboratories.

Where can you apply for this?

Anonymous blood tests for STIs have become more accessible in recent decades than ever.

People wishing to be screened can use:

  • Offices at polyclinics, where you can anonymously get tested for STDs.
  • Services of specialized laboratories.
  • With the help of specialized dispensaries and clinics.
  • Referring to private doctors.
  • Express tests for a number of STDs, HIV and hepatitis purchased from the pharmacy.

Preference should be given to the profile offices of polyclinics, dispensaries and referrals to specialists. Since here you can anonymously get tested for a wide range of STDs: from gonorrhea to hepatitis. If necessary, immediately receive qualified recommendations for treatment.

With regard to rapid tests, all of their results, especially positive ones, must be laboratory confirmed. A negative analysis also does not guarantee 100% accuracy: many STDs, HIV and hepatitis have a latent period.

How is the procedure organized?

The work of anonymous centers for testing is now simplified, so much so that a person does not experience any difficulties deciding on an examination. The first big plus is that there is no territorial attachment.

That is, if there is a desire to take anonymous tests for sexually transmitted diseases, you can be examined in any office or clinic in Moscow. You can also contact there for treatment. There is no need to go to the territorial clinic, where everyone knows everyone.

The algorithm is simple:

  • When contacting, personal data are limited to data on gender, age and contact information.
  • A survey and a medical examination are carried out.
  • An indicative list of necessary examinations is drawn up: STIs, HIV, or all together.
  • A collection of diagnostic material is carried out, which is taken into work.

If you suspect hepatitis or HIV, express tests are performed first. Their results become known after 3-10 minutes. In case of a positive result, it is also possible to donate venous blood here for laboratory confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis. When the result of the express analysis does not correspond to the clinical picture, the doctor may recommend an anonymous follow-up examination.

Even with negative indicators of quick analysis.

If it takes time to get the data, you can find out the result in several ways:

  • Leave a contact phone number, e-mail and the office staff will contact the patient.
  • Call yourself after a certain time and find out all the information.
  • Personally log in again.

In all cases, the anonymity of blood tests is guaranteed. The patient appears only under the laboratory number, without reference to personal information. Many offices where you can get tested for hepatitis, HIV and STDs even have a separate entrance to make it easier to maintain anonymity.

How is anonymity ensured during treatment?

If a disease is detected, then confidentiality is respected to the maximum.

At any stage: follow-up examination, prescription of treatment, ongoing laboratory monitoring and control of recovery.

True, such an opportunity is provided only in the following cases:

  • The disease cannot lead to infection of a large number of people.
  • The purchase of medicines and consumables is carried out without the involvement of medical insurance.
  • The disease responds well to treatment and recovery will not take very long.

If a serious chronic viral infection, such as HIV, is detected, some personal information will need to be disclosed to prescribe treatment.

But even then they are processed according to the principle of anonymous analyzes. All patients are assigned an individual unique code by which a person cannot be identified.

If you need to anonymously get tested for genital infections, contact competent venereologists.

How is HIV tested? Before conducting such a study, it is worth learning a little about the disease itself.

Description of this ailment

HIV infection is a disease of the human immune system. In case of infection, the disease may not manifest itself for years. Over time, starting to progress slowly, significantly reduces immunity, which can lead to serious consequences.

Its absence opens the way for all diseases, even those to which a healthy human body is completely resistant. HIV has several stages, the final stage is called AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). If this is set, it dies not from the virus itself, but from any disease that the body cannot cope with in the absence of immunity.

How can you get HIV? Virus transmission options

Everyone needs to know about how HIV is transmitted in order to relieve anxiety about themselves and loved ones and no longer worry about the possibility of infection.

There are different ways of infection. Let's take a look at them:

  • injections - it can be both drugs and drugs; the risk of infection increases dramatically when using non-sterile needles and other similar medical instruments;
  • accidental injection with a used syringe or contact of an open wound with foreign blood;
  • tattoos, piercings should not be done by a master who does not comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the room;
  • same-sex sex: the risk of infection is especially high among male couples;
  • providing or using commercial sex services;
  • unprotected sex, especially with a new partner (or several);
  • blood transfusion, donor organ transplant;
  • various kinds of surgical interventions, as well as injuries.

In any of these cases, you should definitely get tested for HIV. In the event of rape, the perpetrator and victim are forced to undergo this study.

Where can I get tested for HIV and why?

A person may not know about infection with this ailment for a long time, while continuing to lead a normal life, look good and feel quite healthy. From the moment of infection to the manifestation of symptoms, it takes from 2 to 15 years, and all this time the patient does not even suspect that he can infect others. Therefore, each person needs to know how to get tested for HIV. To conduct this study, you need to go to or any hospital.

If you want to get tested for HIV anonymously, free of charge and without specifying an address, you should go to the nearest AIDS center. The result is usually obtained within 2-10 days. In addition, an HIV test is prescribed for planned hospitalization, before surgery, during pregnancy, or in case of sudden weight loss.

Remember, if you take an HIV test and detect the disease in time, then you can get a chance to save a person and protect his loved ones from infection!

How is HIV tested? Two test options

No special preparation is required to take an HIV test. It is advisable to do it on an empty stomach or do not eat or drink anything, except water, 6-8 hours before the upcoming event. How is HIV tested? Today there are two types of test:

  1. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) - detects the presence of antibodies that are produced by the immune system to protect and fight infection. The ELISA result is 99% reliable. It is affordable for all categories of the population and involves donating blood from a vein.
  2. PCR (Polymer Chain Reaction) is another test for HIV. The analysis determines the presence of virus proteins. Its reliability is 95%, and it cannot be diagnosed based on the indicators. For this analysis, as in the first case, you need to donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach.

Myths about how the disease is transmitted

How is the infection not transmitted?

  • through tears, saliva, sweat;
  • when hugging, shaking hands;
  • with a kiss;
  • when coughing or sneezing;
  • in the gym, pool, public places;
  • through common dishes;
  • when using the toilet and shower;
  • through insect bites, animal scratches.

HIV is very unstable, that is, it is viable exclusively in the human body, but will quickly die if it enters the environment.

Treatment of HIV infected. What is it like now?

Unfortunately, no vaccine has yet been found to help completely remove the infection from the body. However, scientists have invented drugs that block the virus from replicating and suppressing its activity.

Treatment with several drugs simultaneously significantly reduces the amount of HIV in the blood. This increases the availability of immune cells.

A little conclusion

Now you know why take it right. We also briefly reviewed the disease itself, the possible ways of its transmission. Knowledge and correct diagnosis will prevent complications and dangerous consequences of infection. Take an HIV test - save life for yourself and your loved ones!

No one is immune from HIV infection: neither a respectable visitor to a dental office, nor a frivolous young man leading a promiscuous sex life. The desire to undergo an examination sometimes arises in many. But at the same time, few people want to advertise it. For such patients in the city, there are offices for anonymous testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis.

AIDS hotline 366-62-38 Address: Moscow, st. 8th Sokolinaya Gora, 15, bldg. 5 Working hours: 9.00-15.00, Sat, Sun - days off How to get there: Metro station "Electrozavodskaya" Bus: 86 Shuttle bus: 32 "Sokolinaya Gora Hospital" - the final stop

m. "Semyonovskaya" Buses: 83, 36, 141 Route taxi: 32 Stop "8th Street of Sokolinaya Gora" - 7th from the metro

m. "Highway of Enthusiasts" Buses: 83, 36, 141 Route taxi: 83 Stop "8th Street of Sokolinaya Gora" - 4th from the metro

There is also an anonymous examination room on Sokolinaya Gora Its services: - free HIV diagnostics - pre- and post-test counseling - free counseling on HIV / AIDS issues Working hours: weekdays 10.00 - 17.00 Sat, Sun - days off

Found 358 clinics with HIV testing service

What is the price for HIV testing in Moscow

Prices for HIV testing in Moscow from 270 rubles. up to 12,760 rubles.

HIV test: reviews

Patients left 5776 reviews about clinics where there is an analysis for human immunodeficiency virus

HIV: what is this disease?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a viral disease of the immune system that leads to immunodeficiency. Immunodeficiency is the inability of the body to resist various infections (for example, tuberculosis, fungi and even SARS).

It is better to take an HIV test on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours should pass from the last meal to blood collection).

What blood tests show HIV?

Immunoassay (ELISA) analysis

ELISA analysis allows you to identify antibodies to HIV in the patient's serum.

The analysis is done from 5 to 7 days.

Immune blotting

This assay combines the ELISA method with preliminary electrophoretic transfer of viral antigens onto a nitrocellulose strip (strip).

PCR blood test for HIV (polymerase chain reaction)

PCR research is based on the study of DNA or RNA sequences.

The result is ready for up to 10 days.

Rapid HIV test

A quick test that only takes 10-20 minutes. Principle of operation: a blood sample is placed on the strip, with a positive test result, two purple stripes appear in the test and control zones.

The analysis can be done independently at home (therefore, complete anonymity is maintained), however, the test should be done strictly according to the instructions, in compliance with all the rules.

Find a clinic where you can get tested for HIV using our directory of clinics.