Gdz in Russian 9 enlightenment. Why GDZ Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova in Russian is better than an individual tutor

The Russian language has the status of a state language in our country. For this reason, all schoolchildren and even those children who are in home or correspondence forms of education will have to learn it. There are gymnasiums with in-depth study of this subject. At the end of the training, you will have to pass a mandatory exam, the results of which will determine the future prospects for the education of a young man or girl.

Trostentsova L.A., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Dainekina A.D. and Aleksandrova O.M. Wrote a textbook for 9th grade students. In 2015-2019, the Prosveshchenie company is engaged in its publication. On our website you will find the most up-to-date version of the manual with the content of the correct answers. This is called homework assignments. With their help, it is good to prepare for lessons, work on your skills and abilities outside of school, and so on.

Students will surely find in the solution book the tasks and exercises they need, provided with detailed explanations, comments and reference materials. If something remains misunderstood in the lesson, then at home you just need to open the answers. Everything is simple and clear there. You don't need to have brilliant linguistic abilities to study well. It is enough to know the number to practice on your own, to find the right ways to apply this or that grammatical rule, to learn to intuitively feel the subject and structure of speech. The manual on Russian by Trostnetsova, Ladyzhenskaya, Dainekina, which we offer, has several other undeniable advantages:

  • several equivalent solutions;
  • the newest versions of reshebnikov;
  • compliance of the content of assignments with federal educational standards (FSES);
  • search for the desired exercise table index.

With GDZ it will not be difficult to prepare for control or diagnostic work. You can also practice more.

Reshebnik in Russian (authors: Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova) is better than a tutor

Of course, you can, because the solution book is a full-fledged manual by which any student can learn. In many situations, problems arise due to the fact that several topics were skipped in a row. With GDZ, such a problem is unlikely to arise, because you can practice virtually anywhere.

In the ninth grade, many paragraphs are reserved for repetition. This is not surprising, because all teachers understand that the main thing is to satisfactorily pass the final exam and receive a certificate of incomplete secondary education. If you are serious about success, solve tasks on the following topics:

  • orthograms and unchecked vowels in the root;
  • analysis of the sentence into subject, predicate, object, circumstance;
  • culture of coherent speech (creative exercises);
  • participial and participle turnovers;
  • arrangement of direct speech.



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The textbook is included in the T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova and others. The updated textbook implements the idea of ​​integrated teaching of language and speech, which involves the formation of linguistic and communicative competencies, as well as the involvement of a large amount of cultural information. New artistic design, improved methodological apparatus of the textbook contribute to the optimization of the educational process.

Textbook example

International languages ​​are languages ​​that serve as a means of communication between the peoples of different states. International communication is provided by a group of the most developed world languages, the so-called club of world languages. The role of the language as a world language is legally consolidated by recognizing it as the official or working language of international organizations or conferences - the UN, UNESCO, etc. The official and working languages ​​of the UN are English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French. The absolute number of those who speak a language is not the main thing for its inclusion in the club of world languages. According to this indicator, the Russian language ranks fifth in the world (after Chinese, Hindi and Urdu together, English and Spanish). The nomination of one or another language for the role of the world language is determined by the universal significance of the entire culture created in this language. Russian fiction, scientific, technical and other achievements belonging to Russia have received worldwide recognition, therefore the Russian language is the world language chosen for wide international communication and cooperation.

International significance of the Russian language 4
Repetition of what was learned in grades 5-8
§ 1 Oral and written speech 9
§ 2 Monologue, dialogue 12
§ 3 Speech styles 13
§ 4 Simple sentence and its grammatical basis 18
§ 5 Sentences with separate members 20
§ 6 Appeals, introductory words and plug-in constructions 22
§ 7 The concept of a complex sentence 24
§ 8 Allied and non-union compound sentences 27
§ 9 Dividing and highlighting punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence 30
§ 10 Intonation of a compound sentence 32
Compound sentences
§ 11 The concept of a compound sentence 36
§ 12 Semantic relations in compound sentences 37
§ 13 Compound sentences with connecting unions 39
§ 14 Compound sentences with divisive unions 41
§ 15 Compound sentences with adversative conjunctions 42
§ 16 Separating punctuation marks between parts of a compound sentence 43
§ 17 Syntactic and punctuation analysis of a compound sentence 47
Repetition 49
Complex sentences
§ 18 The concept of a complex sentence 52
§ 19 Place of the subordinate clause in relation to the main one. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 55
§ 20 Unions and allied words in a complex sentence 61
§ 21 The role of demonstrative words in a complex sentence 66
The main groups of complex sentences
§ 22 Complicated sentences with subordinate clauses 73
§ 23 Compound sentences with subordinate explanatory clauses 78
§ 24 Compound sentences with adverbial clauses 82
§ 25 Compound sentences with clauses of time and place 83
§ 26 Complicated sentences with subordinate goals, causes, conditions, concessions, consequences 87
§ 27 Complicated sentences with clauses of mode of action, measure and degree and comparative
§ 28 Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Punctuation marks with them 105
§ 29 Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence 113
§ 30 Punctuation analysis of a complex sentence 117
Repetition 119
Associative compound sentences
§ 31 The concept of a non-union complex sentence 123
§ 32 Intonation in non-union complex sentences 124
§ 33 Non-union complex sentences with the meaning of enumeration. Comma and semicolon in non-union complex sentence 128
§ 34 Non-union complex sentences with the meaning of reason, explanation, addition. Colon in non-union compound sentence 131
§ 35 Non-union complex sentences with the meaning of opposition, time, condition and consequence. Dash in non-union compound sentence 135
§ 36 Syntactic and punctuation analysis of a non-union complex sentence 138
Repetition 140
Complex sentences with different types of connection
§ 37 The use of allied (coordinating and subordinating) and non-union communication in complex sentences 143
§ 38 Punctuation marks in complex sentences with various types of connection 147
§ 39 Syntactic and punctuation analysis of a complex sentence with various types of communication 150
§ 40 Public speech 152
Repetition 155
Repetition and systematization of what was studied in grades 5-9
§ 41 Phonetics and graphics 159
§ 42 Lexicology (vocabulary) and phraseology 161
§ 43 Morphemics 164
§ 44 Word formation 166
§ 45 Morphology 168
§ 46 Syntax 172
§ 47 Spelling. Punctuation 178
Reminders 187
Types of orthograms studied in grades 5-7 189
Demolition Plans 197
Write correctly! 201
Pronounce it right!
Explanatory dictionary 202

Also read along with this:

The Russian language solution for grade 9 by Trostentsova, Ladyzhenskaya, Deykina is a collection of ready-made homework on the subject, which is compiled on the basis of a classic textbook that is used in most secondary schools in Russia - a manual compiled by a group of philologists led by Ladyzhenskaya T.A.

GDZ in Russian in grade 9: Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova, Deykina

Grade 9 is the first serious stage of secondary education, which ends with the final state certification. In this regard, in a year, students need to master the curriculum in a quality manner in order to get favorable grades.

Since the amount of information that ninth graders have to remember is extremely wide, the GDZ in the Russian language for grade 9 Ladyzhenskaya, Deikina, Trostentsova will become a significant help to them. With their help, schoolchildren:

  • can check their own homework assignments;
  • understand the algorithm for performing exercises without outside help;
  • prepare for the final state certification.

Our site opens up new possibilities in using the solver: now it's easy to find the right task - just click on the corresponding number presented in the table.

Additional advantages of the GDZ website are:

  • accessibility from a computer, phone or tablet;
  • regular updating of the database of reshebnikov;
  • the presence of several options for performing the same exercise.

Reshebnik in Russian for grade 9: Ladyzhenskaya - white textbook 2014-2019

Russian schoolchildren in grade 9 study Russian on the basis of L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deikina, released in 2014. The tutorial covers key concepts such as:

  1. The structure and types of a complex sentence, as well as its use in the text;
  2. The order of construction of complex and complex structures;
  3. Syntax and punctuation of non-union sentences;
  4. Complex sentences with various types of connection and their use in speech.

The textbook on the Russian language not only provides new material: special attention is paid to the repetition of what was studied in grades 5-8, which is important for schoolchildren preparing for the final assessment.

In the ninth grade, students finish studying the main part of the native language course and take the mandatory final exam in this subject, called the OGE. Satisfactory passing of the specified test is a mandatory prerequisite for obtaining an appropriate document on incomplete secondary education and allows you to apply for admission to secondary specialized educational institutions.

A group of methodologists wrote a textbook for ninth-graders of educational institutions. Publishing and distribution is carried out by the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The ready-made solutions presented on this page of the site strictly correspond to the versions that went on sale and school libraries from 2014 to 2019. The manual complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. It is recommended to use it in all secondary schools of the Russian Federation.

Why is Ladyzhenskaya's online solution book with the content of correct answers useful for students?

The Russian language is far from easy to learn, because you need to remember a large number of grammatical and spelling rules, be able to apply them correctly, understand the context and semantic shades of the statement. The problem can be exacerbated if the child does not grow up in a family of native Russian speakers. So he doesn't get enough speaking practice.

To eliminate the pressing difficulties in the qualitative mastery of the subject, L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deikina and O.M. Alexandrova developed an educational and methodological complex. Part of it is the correct solutions given here. The latter help to increase the level of involvement of all adolescents in the educational process. The authors used a ready-made homework model (DHA) that helps:

  • set up the child for self-study;
  • motivate the student to consciously receive education;
  • eliminate situations where it is not clear what to do next due to missed lessons;
  • to improve the intuitive literacy of the student.

It should be remembered that it is necessary not only to write off from the GDZ, but it is necessary to analyze problematic tasks in detail in order to extract new knowledge from them.

Why is the GDZ of Ladyzhenskaya, Trostentsova in Russian better than an individual tutor?

Of course, the presence of a private teacher is a boon for the child, because you can ask a specific question and immediately get a reasoned and competent answer to it. At the same time, this service is quite expensive. Not always its acquisition can be fully justified. Regular use of the solution book allows you to largely replace the tutor in preparation for control, diagnostic, verification work, tests, as well as other types of knowledge control in the classroom. In particular, the collection of tasks with the answers of Ladyzhenskaya and co-authors perfectly solves the following tasks:

  • repetition of grammar rules for all nine classes;
  • systematization of knowledge according to work programs;
  • development of coherent speech skills;
  • preparation for the OGE.

Thus, the allowance will be useful to all adolescents who complete the course of general education.

Publisher: Enlightenment 2016.

Education plays a significant role in a person's life, even at school the main skills and abilities, which are then used throughout the path. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that one of the main subjects in school curriculum is an Russian language. It is speech, communication that is the main type of communication between people, which contributes to the exchange of information, the acquisition of new emotions and skills. It is worth noting that it is those who achieve success and influence in the main. speaks Russian freely and at a high level. After all, these people are easier to perceive and trust their words.

Most of the new knowledge and rules the student receives during the lesson, the teacher in person explains all the information schoolchildren which they then work out independently. So that Homework was productive and interesting; Goes to the Russian language workbook for grade 9 Efremova E.A. This guide is fully compliant. GEF, therefore, using it, the student can be completely confident in correct answers and matching numbers.

Online-reshebnik Trostentsova L.A. will help you quickly, without the help of tutors, prepare for any control, verification work, test or vocabulary dictation. The child will save a huge amount of time for other developmental activities. This is great news for parents as well, as they will also be able to brush up on their knowledge and engage with their child, building a more trusting relationship.