Floor Waterproofing: Purpose, Materials and Independent Device. What waterproofing is better: an overview of waterproofing materials inlet waterproofing of floor materials

In order to prevent dampness to the room from the basement or to protect the floor from water on the kitchen space, in the bathrooms, equip waterproofing, which is laid under the tie.

The construction market offers a huge selection of material, insulating the floor from moisture. For example:

  • liquid glass is a coating material;
  • harvest waterproofing under the warm floor - rolled materials are used.

Consider various types of waterproofing, technology of its use, and how to produce it.

Some apartment owners do not consider mandatory floorpiece of sex in the apartment. But there are reasons for which the floor should be protected.

Force major situations occur when a lot of water falls on the floor covering, and only qualitatively mounted waterproofing is capable of saving away from damage.

Which of the residents of high-rise buildings are not familiar to the situation when the neighbors are poured on top of the apartment. And although there is no evil intent at the same time, there is no neighbor, the incident can ruin the relationship for a long time.

If we consider the private structure, the waterproofing will not allow to get moisture and pairs into the basement room. This is especially important if the house stands on a plot with close adjacent of groundwater.

If you do not conduct high-quality waterproofing of the floor, then the room will be increased humidity.

Waterproofing floor - what types of exist

There are three types of floor insulation before arranging a screed. They differ in technology and materials:

  • The coating - bitumen oxidized in which organic additives and inorganic, such as:
    • latex;
    • plasticizers;
    • rubber crumb.

This material is manufactured in such a composition, to increase the fluidity when it is applied to the coating. After complete frost, the waterproofing covers the surface of an elastic and durable film that does not transmit water.

Liquid glass, mastics bituminous and polymer - coating material with high adhesion.

The coating waterproofing not only provides good overlapping and plates, but also serves as a reinforcing frame under the tie.

  • Powered - using materials in rolls. As part of a waterproofing composition - polymers, fiberglass and reinforcement. Recently, manufacturers began to produce self-adhesive rolled materials.

It is worth noting that in this situation, the burner is used for better adhesion composition with concrete, which isolation is heated.

  • Combined, applied if indoors are high humidity, kitchens Bathrooms. Such waterproofing of the floor, for a warm floor, perfectly protects overlaps, and, accordingly, your neighbors from the bottom from moisture.

It is envisaged to use the materials of the first and second isolation types, which is produced in several layers.

Insulating materials

Material varieties. The use area and properties are different, so before purchasing you need to read the manual from the manufacturer.

Rolled materials are:

  • Hydroisol;
  • Rubician;
  • Isoplast;
  • Filivol.

Sold in the form of rolls, material, very durable and not afraid of mechanical impacts.

This material can be used in any form of the floor. The advantage of rolled insulation in ease of use and low cost.

There are two ways to attach rolled insulation:

  • on bitumen or polymer mastic;
  • heating the material with an open flame with a burner.

Painting isolation

This name is used because such waterproofing under the warm floor is applied by applying to the surface with a brush or roller. It has two ways of applying - hot and cold.

For example, liquid glass is applied with a cold way, and under the influence of air freezes, special hardeners are facilitated by this.

All liquid waterproofing based on bitumen requires pre-heating to a fluid state. Bitumen is applied to the plane and when cooled creates a waterproof film.

When processing the floor with insulating mixtures, it is worthwheeling and adjacent to the walls, on the embroidered 30 cm. This is especially true for wet premises.

Bulk insulators

The material is fairly in demand and easy to use, its only drawback is the cost. But due to this waterproofing on the floor, a monolithic surface is formed, completely isolated.

Application is simply produced simply, the mixture is divorced to the desired consistency, pours out on the floor and recalls with a special needle roller.

Having considered the types of waterproofing can be proceeded.

Stages of mounting

All technologies listed above require certain tools and a specific approach. But before the start of laid waterproofing, we prepare the surface.

Preparation of the foundation:

  • clear from visible contaminants, dust, garbage;
  • to close with cement mortar all cracks, seams and shelves of floors, including wall connection locations and floor;
  • around the perimeter of the room at the bottom of the walls to secure the damper tape;
  • apply the impregnation of deep penetration, without forgetting to treat the surface with antifungal composition.

The soil is applied in two layers, but it is possible to primed the surface with a concrekontakt, which will give the insulating layer with greater strength and tightness.

If you plan to redevelop, then it must be made before the start of work on the floorproofing of the floor.

Flooring rolled insulation

Rolled waterproofing is laid in several stages:

  • It is necessary to thoroughly align the surface to which the material will be located. It is better to apply the bulk sex. It is sold in bags in bulk form. It needs to be divorced by the desired amount of water (look at the package). Pour the base and disperse a needle roller.

Only after that, polymer mastic or bitumen emulsion is applied to the prepared floor. If the adhesive composition is not much, then it will be enough to apply diagonal stripes over the entire surface.

  • An insulation roll must be heated and rolled along one of the walls. Then heated the edge of the material, which adjacent to the wall with a construction hairdryer, and bend it on the wall in the back of 20 centimeters.
  • The next insulation leaf should go to the previous 15 centimeters. As soon as the entire floor surface is covered with a decidant, we begin to miss the seams between the sheets, mastic.
  • As soon as the seams are missed, you need to take the gas burner and warm the material that soften and tightly stick to the surface.

When working on the installation of rolled waterproofing, you need to comply with fire safety, since this material is made on the basis of bitumen, and it is a combustible.

If the insulation is carried out in a wet room, then it is better to apply the material in a 3 layer, which are superimposed by each other.

Installation of coating waterproofing

In this way there is nothing complicated, just take a roller or brush into the hands. Isolation begin to apply from the wall of the opposite way out. First of all, we wist all the walls on the height of 25-30 centimeters around the perimeter of the room, and then go to the floor.

The entire surface is desirable to handle for one reception. Polymer mastic and liquid glass is applied to the floor immediately after opening the packaging, they do not require heat treatment.

With bitumen compositions, this reception will not pass, since it is necessary to warm it well for applying it. We take mastic shifting it into a metal container, which is heated by a gas burner or a soldering lamp. See that the open flame does not concern the material, as it can ignite.

These compositions need to be applied in 3-5 layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one.

Waterproofing of a warm floor

Many are installed in the apartment with warm floors. In this situation, the waterproofing of the warm flooring is required:

  • apply a layer of insulation on the basis;
  • pour a concrete tie;
  • mount the warm floor;
  • pour a layer of bulk gender;
  • mount the finishing floor covering.

The methods described above will help you correctly choose not only the faithful material for waterproofing, but also correctly mounted it.

The creation of high-quality waterproofing in its own home (private) is one of the most important steps in the arrangement of the floors. The article will discuss what waterproofing of the draft floor and how it should be used so that the room is protected from the influence of such hazardous moisture.

The essence and the initial stage of the device of the waterproofing layer

From how qualitatively, the waterproofing depends on the preservation of most materials included in the floor overlap design. Particular attention should be paid to those cases when floorproofing is carried out in a wooden house, since the wood is poorly tolerate moisture.

Also on the quality of waterproofing depends on the efficiency of thermal insulation materials and the safety of various coatings from the formation of fungus or mold on them. Naturally, in the photo and with visual inspection, such education will not be visible, but in the end they will manifest themselves with various smells, referring indoors, etc.

Frame houses have a rather complex floor structure, therefore, preparatory work must be prepared before laying waterproofing materials.

We are talking about the following steps:

  1. Creation of high-quality isolation of the foundation.
  2. Arrangement of efficient ventilation of the flora structure.
  3. Laying a high-quality hydro and vapor insulating layer on the first floor of the house.

When choosing a waterproofing material, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • it is unacceptable to use fire-hazardous materials in combination with wooden floors;
  • the material must have such dimensions so that the ventilation gap remains between the draft base and floor covering;
  • on the draft concrete floor only insulators from water-repellent materials can be laid: rubberoid, polyethylene, etc.;
  • if the floorproofing of the lag of the floor or wooden flooring is produced, it is best to use liquid water-repellent mixtures with an antiseptic effect.

When the waterproofing is made, it is necessary to produce maximum processing in rooms, under which the ground floor is located: basement, ground floor or bath.

The maximum impact of moisture is on the basement. In this case, it is primarily a waterproofing on the basement in order to maximize the first floor of the house from the penetration of moisture, followed by a negative impact on overlap.

Selection of waterproofing materials

Choose high-quality waterproofing materials needed taking into account the following factors:

  1. Humidity regimen indoors.
  2. The presence of underground levels.
  3. Black floor type (wooden, concrete).
  4. A variety of used insulators (for a draft base or finishing coating).

There are situations where hydro and vapor insulation materials must be selected on the basis of which heat insulator is used. There are such varieties that lose their effectiveness when interacting with moisture. Accordingly, the thermal insulation layer from such a material should be reliably protected from moisture.

You can use one of the following materials as waterproofing:

  • paints;
  • mastics;
  • insulating fillings;
  • falling;
  • rolled.

It is also necessary before buying to decide on all the advantages and disadvantages of the above materials, and therefore each of the specified options will be considered.

Waterproofing paints

Such paints are mixtures of bitumen and polymer components that attach water repellent properties. Apply such compositions should be applied with a brush and several layers. Thus, the wood will be obtained a high-quality moisture protection layer. Also, such paints can be applied to the screed.

Start painting with a waterproofing composition only after the following procedures:

  1. Grinding wooden overlaps.
  2. Stripping floors from dust and dirt.
  3. Dry wooden details.
  4. Careful treatment of hard-to-reach plots (joints of the frame of lag with walls) waterproofing varnishes.
  5. Painting a rough base.

Water-repellent mastic

Processing a draft base will not be given guaranteed protection against moisture if the technological stages were not observed during the application of the selected material or composition. It is best to entrust work on laying heat, hydraulic and vapor insulation layers of professionals. Naturally, you can spend such work on your own. Then, after high-quality processing, you can apply moisture-repellent mastic.

The main advantages of such compositions:

  • the possibility of applying even for not quite the fussy areas of overlaps;
  • increased flexibility and strength of the applied layer after drying;
  • service life of 10 years;
  • the ability to apply masses in the form of paint or aerosol.

Also, liquid mastic can be used in combination with a rough base, aligned with a screed. The stability of such compositions to temperature drops allows to protect such floors even at very low temperatures.

Insulating fill

These compositions have not only good moisture insulating characteristics, but also allow to align residual irregularities of the base. When they are produced, a bit and asphalt concrete is used.

Pouring is performed as follows:

  1. At the beginning of the draft floor is being drammed.
  2. Any small cracks, chips and other defects close in putty.
  3. Then the surface is processed by several layers of the soil mixture.
  4. The composition for the fill itself is also applied in 2-3 layers. You should withstand the sequence, i.e. After the first application, it is necessary to wait until the layer is driving, and then apply the following.
  5. It is uniformly to distribute the mixture by the floor using a roller with needles.
  6. The total thickness of the flooded layer should be about 2.5 centimeters.

Such waterproofing can be carried out only on top of the floors with a concrete screed. It is impossible to produce the "floating" floors, because when the surface is oscillations, the flooded layer will be cracking. As a result, the surface coating is deformed, which will terribly look in the photo and with visual inspection. Rebuild overlaps will have immediate, because it will not be used.

Flew insulators

Bulk materials are usually represented by a mixture of conconitis and water-repellent granules. In fact, this is an alternative to insulating wad. This coating has a minimum level of moisture absorption and excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Sometimes a bulk insulator is used not only to protect against moisture, but also as insulation.

You should know about the following nuances before starting work on the backfilling of the insulator:

  1. The pre-trimming of the draft floor is made only by concreteites, filled with water. Such a compound will lead to the formation of a peculiar liquid waterproof gel-like layer.
  2. The resulting moisture-repellent material is poured over a rough base.
  3. Fulling occurs in a few days.

The advantage of this technology is that it is possible to pour material in wooden houses between lags at the base. The layer thickness may correspond to the level of lag.

Rolled insulators

In rolled form, the most durable and solid materials with a low degree of moisture absorption are usually sold. As the basis of such material is used: bitumen, glass fiber or fabric, polyethylene. Modern manufacturers replace bitumen synthetic materials to eliminate the unpleasant odor of the coating.

The laying method led to the formation of the following types of rolled waterproofers:

  • Self-adhesive. They are equipped with a glue layer in advance, therefore they simply fit on the prepared draft base.
  • Require warming up. Heating of such a material makes it more plastic and increases its adhesion with the base, i.e. You can glue it without using auxiliary means.
  • Used in combination with adhesive mixture.

Characteristics of vapor barrier in a frame house

The vaporizolation layer is not a simple film, but a whole system of protecting the insulation from excessive humidity. The problem is that the injection insulation loses its positive qualities. You can avoid this can only be avoided by laying a high-quality vapor barrier layer, which will protect the overlap from moisture condensation in their thicker. Reflecting how to insulate the floor in a wooden house from below, consider these nuances.

Installation of a vapor insulating layer

Features of the location of the vapor insulating layer:

  1. Two-sided materials are stacked in the thickness of the overlap of the smooth side inside. The rough surface turns to the top against the water vapor (read also: "").
  2. Polypropylene one-sided material is stacked in the same way with a smooth side inside.
  3. Foil films are fixed by the reflective side towards the room to enhance the heat saving effect. Especially such material is valued in cases when a warm floor system will be located on top of the vapor insulating layer.

Thus, the correct design of the overlap should look like this:

  • frame from lag;
  • boarding flooring black floor;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • vapor insulation layer;
  • ventilation lumen;
  • clean flooring.

Wooden houses can be erected on any base, except for brick columns. The initial work in front of the device of insulating layers look like this:

  1. A draft base is planning with replacing rotting or deformed lag (read also: "").
  2. All wood structural elements are processed by antiseptic.
  3. Log walls and base are separated by waterproofing bitumen mastic.
  4. Reduce heat energy losses by laying under lags on the base of polystyrene foam plates.
  5. So that the moisture is not accumulated on the basement, it is necessary to create ventilation holes.


From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the waterproofing layer is very important and not so easy to install, as it may seem. The floor will be reliably protected from moisture exposure only when efficient waterproofing materials are used.

It is important to comply with the instructions for installation, which will give a guaranteed result. You can always contact the specialists who will take responsibility for all stages of work - from purchasing the necessary materials to laying each layer and commissioning floors.

Any repairs should begin with floor insulation. This stage significantly increases the service life of the floor covering and stabilizes the humidity in the room.

Why the floorproofing is needed

Floor waterproofing is a complex of special works that allow isolate the room from moisture penetration. At the same time, the effect works in two directions. First, the competent waterproofing of the floor prevents moisture penetration into the room "bottom". It is relevant for private houses, or apartments located on the first floor. Excess moisture incoming through the floor, dramatically reduce the service life of the floor covering. In addition, there is a real threat to the appearance of fungus, and at the same time the reel odor.

Secondly, the floorproofing of the floor protects the premises from possible leaks. Despite the fact that it is a force majeure, but no one is insured against the pipe breakthrough. And if this happens, at least there will be no difficulty with neighbors from below. Of course, this item is more relevant for apartments in high-rise buildings.

At the same time, the floorproofing of the floor makes it possible to easily control the humidity in the room. What is important for furniture, household appliances, and indeed the health of residents.

Types of floorpieces of the floor

Separate the waterproofing of the floor is most convenient by the method of its organization. For such an approach allows us to combine and the material used and the application of its application. And in this case, the waterproofing of the floor is:

  1. Coating;
  2. Rolled;
  3. Cement.

Each of these species have their advantages and disadvantages. Details below.

Foolish waterproofing

All materials used for coating floorproofing floor are used in liquid form. Before, it was only a means based on bitumen, simply added synthetic materials based on silicone. In its pure form, bitumen is used for hot waterproofing.

With this option, it is necessary to warm up the material to the melting point, approximately 140 ° C, and pour it into the floors. This is a rather dangerous procedure, and liquid bitumen mastics have been developed. Often add fillers: rubber, plasticizers, emulsifiers, etc.

This group includes such waterproofers as:

  • Liquid rubber;
  • Special paints and impregnating compositions;
  • Silicone coating.

Depending on the consistency of the material, a spatula, roller or brush is used to apply it when coating with a cold way. When working with a bitumen melt, wooden spatulas on a long handle are used.

The general advantage of these materials is the simplicity of their application. Working with a brush or roller, you do not notice the angles or curved surfaces. Any irregularities or roughness of the base are processed without changing technology. The cheapness of the materials of this group also goes in a plus.

And the negative parameters of the coating waterproofing of the floor are the short-life of the coating service and its poor resistance to physical damage.

Under all the conditions of work, the coating will flash 5-8 years. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure reliable protection during operation. Therefore, on floors with coherent waterproofing, the cement-sand tie is almost always poured (as an alternative, it is possible to cover plywood sheets).

Working with degrade waterproofing of the floor is built according to the following scheme:

  1. Cleaning and leveling base. On the surface there should be no extraneous, pieces of spitels, paints, oil or fat spots. The ideal alignment is not required, but it is necessary to bring down the sharp edges of the speakers of the floor (pebbles, frozen concrete).
  2. Processing of the base with liquid waterproofers. Important: It is necessary to process the vertical surface of the walls by 15 cm from the floor. This will create full-fledged waterproofing and protect the corners. The thickness of the coating should be at least 3 mm.
  3. Creating protection over the waterproofing layer. To do this, either pour a self-leveling screed, or the floors are covered with plywood sheets.

This method of waterproofing is most convenient to organize in rooms located on the first floor. And also in cases where in the room there are many protruding corners and other places with difficult access.

Rolled waterproofing

In fact, almost all materials of this group are the sheets of bitumen in rolls, 2-4 mm thick. Depending on the modifications, such materials can be reinforced with glass christmas, as well as to have a sprinkle from basalt crumb.

There is a small group of rolled waterproofers, which are based on polymers: polyethylene, polypropylene or PVC. These are simple films laid in several layers and reinforced with glass chickens. It is allowed to use them for waterproofing of the floor in such premises in which the probability of the praith is minimal. They do not have such stability and elasticity as bituminous rolled materials.

Printing rolled waterproofing on a bitumen basis is carried out both with a cold way to mastic and a hot way to molten bitumen. At the same time, several layers of material are stacked on the base, 10-15 cm flames. Each next layer is laid out with such a calculation so that the middle of the upper roll, it accounted for at the bottom of the bottom. It is necessary to make a launch on the walls, at a height of 15-20 cm.

The positive quality of the rolled waterproofing of the floor is the speed of work, the cheapness of the material and the high quality of protection. With sufficient experience, two specialists can be treated in two layers of 350 m 2 floors in one day.

The negative sides of the rolled waterproofing - low resistance to shock loads. This is especially manifested if the material cools below a certain temperature. For example, a regular runneroid, at temperatures below + 5 ° C, it becomes quite stuck. And with not strong impact, it can be broken as glass.

Manufacturers are struggling with this disadvantage, by adding to the material at the stage of manufacture of plasticizers. They increase the elasticity of the runneroid at low temperatures. Nevertheless, when using rolled materials for floor-insulation, it is necessary to organize a protective coating. The cement-sand tie is more preferable, rather than plywood flooring.

But at the same time, rolled waterproofing is the best choice for rooms with high humidity, somehow: bath, kitchen, sauna.

Work is built as follows:

  1. Surface cleaning;
  2. Applying mastic or molten bitumen for one strip;
  3. Rolling and laying of rolled material;
  4. Repetition of paragraphs 2 and 3 to the total processing of the whole room;
  5. Flooring 2 layers, according to paragraphs 2-4;
  6. Organization of screed to protect the floor waterproofing coating.

Cement waterproofing floor

This is the most proven, reliable and universal version of the floor insulation. The only condition for guaranteed protection against leaks is the addition of hydrophobizers and seals to the cement-sandy mixture.

The screed made in the following recipe, there are practically no negative qualities. It is strong enough, absolutely does not let water, and is the finished base for mounting the flooring.

The composition of the waterproofing screed:

  1. Cement M400 - 2 parts;
  2. River fine sand - 6 parts;
  3. Water - 1 part;
  4. Seal - 1% (from the mass of cement);
  5. The hydrophobizer is 0.2% (from the mass of cement).

The calcium nitrate is served for the mixture (calcium nitrate). IMPORTANT: Sodium, Kaliya and ammonia Selitras are not suitable! Liquid glass can be used, but in this case, it is necessary to recalculate the concentration in the calculation of the dry matter. Seals, make a screed more dense, and minimize the appearance of capillaries and cavities.

Hydropobicators do not give water to penetrate even in those pores on the screed that remained. They can be purchased separately, such as GKG. Or use simple substances: sodium abeteate or sodium oleate (available in Khimreactive stores).

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Preparation of the foundation;
  • Preparation of the mixture;
  • Fill;
  • Alignment;
  • Exposure for full ripening.

With the mixture prepared for this recipe, it is necessary to work without wires. It quickly grasps, open time, approximately 45-60 minutes.

Additionally, for the suspension, after a day after the fill of the screed, it is possible to carry it out.

For this, the surface is slightly moistened, and dismissed by cement. Then, the cement is rubbed into the surface with the assistance.

This procedure increases the concentration of cement in the surface layer, and makes it even more dense and monolithic.

Concrete floor, along with other types of flooring, needs waterproofing. Concrete itself has some waterproof, but with long-term contact with moisture, it begins to collapse, and unprotected joints between the floor and the wall can provoke a number of serious problems.

For the waterproofing of concrete floor, both traditional and more modern methods are used. Consider the technologies of their use, and we analyze the features of the protection of the floor depending on the type of room.

The need for waterproofing concrete floor

Concrete floors are often used in the arrangement of residential and non-residential premises. They are a good basis for laying all sorts of floor coverings: linoleum, laminate, parquet.

Concrete - hygroscopic material, gradually absorbing moisture. In order to save expensive flooring from contact with moisture, on top of a concrete floor (before tie), a layer of a protective barrier is installed. The waterproofing material prevents the contact of the finishing materials with water vapor.

On the first floors of industrial structures and basements, a layer of waterproofing must be stacked over sandy, well-tamped, pillows.

The waterproofing of concrete floor significantly reduces the risk of a number of problems, namely:

Materials for protecting the concrete floor and the specifics of their use

There are various ways of waterproofing concrete floor. Price, application technology, service life and technical characteristics of the protective layer depend on the material used.

Roll waterproofing. The most common method in which roll materials are used on a bitumen basis. They are two types: floors and self-adhesive.

The advantages of flood materials such as rubberoid include their durability and availability of price. However, they have substantial disadvantages:

  • the need to use during the installation of gasoline or gas burner, which is not always convenient and permissible (especially in small rooms);
  • when heated, there is an unpleasant odor and harmful smoke;
  • laying the runneroid requires the subsequent fill of an additional screed - it increases the load on the foundation and reduces the height of the ceilings.

A decent alternative to the traditional rubberoid - rolled materials on an adhesive basis. They are more comfortable in laying and create a high level of moisture protection.

Caution waterproofing. This method gradually displaces rolled waterproofing. Various bitumen-polymer, cement-polymer and bitumen mastics are used. Thanks to plasticizers and special fillers contained in the mastic, the waterproofing layer is solid and elastic.

Some manufacturers add components that prevent the development of fungus and the rise of mold.

Before applying mastic, it is desirable to handle a special primer - this will increase the adhesion of the waterproofing layer with concrete base

Often, protective mastic is sold complete with primer (their composition should have the same main component).

The main advantages of coating waterproofing are economical and simplicity of material.

Cement-polymer mastic can be put on the reinforcing mesh, resulting in a layer of waterproofing and screed at the same time

Penetrating waterproofing You can use as an additional or basic measure of the protection of the concrete floor. The following subgroups of penetrating waterproofing are distinguished:

  1. Concrete - allows you to increase the density, strength and frost resistance of the material. Used as an additive in the manufacture of waterproof concrete structures or to create a protective reinforcing layer.
  2. Polymer cement - can be used for processing concrete, wooden and brick floors. The material is characterized by high adhesion with the surface, environmentally harmless and easy to use.
  3. Cement inorganic waterproofing is used for the processing of concrete floor and walls (relevant for pools, baths, bathrooms).

On the layer of penetrating waterproofing, you can lay ceramic tiles

Flew waterproofing It is used to protect the foundation or floor in wet rooms. Bulk material is covered in the pre-constructed formwork. As a filler, you can use: perlite sand, ashes, mineral wool, concrete (when moisturizing turns into a waterproof gel).

Filing waterproofing reliable, has a long service life, but its installation is a rather time-consuming and expensive process.

Features of the waterproofing of concrete floor in different rooms

Concrete protection in the house and bathroom

When the floor is waterproofing in residential rooms at home or apartments, painting or coating technology is used. This will be enough to provide flooring, and the room as a whole, protection against excessive humidity.

A water resistant paint can be applied to the surface of the floor, which contains polymers capable of clinging concrete pores. To increase the efficiency of the waterproofing layer, the paint is desirable to apply in 2-3 layers.

Waterproofing work should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, as the paint has a strong smell

Since the bathroom is a place with high humidity and a high risk of leakage, then it is better to use inland or coating waterproofing - it is more durable and reliable.

For such work, self-adhesive rolled material, bitumen or synthetic mastic are well suited.

Video of the waterproofing of concrete floor in the bathroom is presented below

Waterproofing floor in the garage and basement

It is particularly carefully necessary to perform waterproofing of concrete floor in the garage, since the permanent excess of humidity can lead to rotting and damage. Shot negative consequences will help ventilation, but not long.

Types of concrete waterproofing:

  • device on the soil;
  • device overlaid.

Waterproofing on the soil is performed at the time of arrangement of the base under the floors. A roll material (polymer membrane, bituminous reference or polyethylene, with a thickness of about 1 mm) fit for work. When laying the material, the launch of the walls should be at least 10 cm. The waterproofing layer must lie smoothly, without the formation of "waves" and breaks.

When the flooring in the garage above the basement (overlapping), a layer of rubberoid or bitumen mastic can be used as protection. However, if the plans are the manufacture of the observation pit in the garage, it will not be that it will not be from such waterproofing.

If there is a basement in the garage, the only correct way is to make waterproofing concrete floor in the basement itself.

There are three types of floor insulation of the floor in the basement:

  • anti-blocking - protection of the floor from capillary water;
  • non-pressure - protection against floods and rains;
  • anti-Final - protection from groundwater.

Perform high-quality waterproofing of the floor in different ways. One of the most reliable is the laying of the "cake", in which the floor level rises to a height of about 50 cm.

Stacking sequence of layers as follows:

  1. crushed stone (layer thickness - about 2 cm);
  2. grease clay;
  3. subtle layer of concrete;
  4. layer of waterproofing mastic;
  5. rolled waterproofing (2 layers in a row);
  6. subtle layer of concrete;
  7. reinforced concrete screed.

For the waterproofing of concrete floor in the basement, it is not recommended to use membranes and films - they are not able to withstand friction about the foundation during the seasonal shift of the soil, and will not cope with pressure groundwater

Concrete protection in the bath

Some believe that in the bath it is not necessary to make waterproofing concrete floor, as the air temperature is very high and the humidity will evaporate. However, it is not. Very often, due to the incorrectly performed penetrating waterproofing of concrete, the floor in the bath is not heated. In addition to discomfort, it can lead to the destruction of the floor covering.

To protect concrete bins excess moisture, you can apply penetrating waterproofing. To do this, it is necessary to clean the surface of the floor, align it, is predicted and coated with cement, polymer cement or concreting waterproofing composition.

Competently made waterproofing concrete floor in the bath will save the elements of the structure from premature destruction and improve the microclimate in the steam room.

Waterproofing concrete floor with their own hands

Preparatory stage

For waterproofing work, it is necessary to pre-prepare the premises, namely:

Technology covered with rolled materials

For rolled waterproofing, the evenness of the surface is very important, so before work it is necessary to check again, so that the gap between the level and the floor did not exceed 2 cm.

The work sequence is as follows:

When laying a waterproofing material, it is necessary to follow, so that the backstage between the canvas was at least 1 cm

If when laying a roll "left" to the side, it must be trimmed and level the direction of the canvas with a new cut. When the bubble is formed, it is cut, they produce air, re-smeared with mastic and glued to the concrete base. The renovated swollen place should be smoothed by the spatula.

Technology of applying seamless waterproofing (coating)

Alone and in a short time, it is possible to make a coating waterproofing of a concrete floor. Mastic application technology does not require a perfectly smooth surface - the floor is quite suitable or spectacle. Make a wet ruffle is undesirable.

The procedure for applying waterproofing mastic:

During drying, moisture, dust and foreign objects should not fall on the waterproofing layer

On dry waterproofing, it is possible to lay an outdoor coating: tile, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, etc.

As you can see, protect the concrete floor from humidity can be independently, the main thing is to choose the power of waterproofing and stick to its laying.

Floor waterproofing is protected against moisture of inter-storey floors of interior. After all, excess water negatively affects overlaps and partitions. Leads to the appearance of fungi and mold, corrosion. What in turn significantly reduces their service life. In this article we will consider ways of waterproofing the floor of their advantages and disadvantages.

Features of floor protection floor in the apartment.

To cover the floor with rolled insulation, first must be reduced to a minimum amount of voids between the material and concrete floor. A special aligning solution will be a suitable option.

To clean the dirt, dust and ensure the highest adhesion floor should be projected. The mixture should be diluted with water and carefully pour to the surface, then the material must be treated with a needle roller in order to prevent the formation of bubbles inside the layer.

Fiberglass, polyisobutylene or polyvinyl chloride film should be used to work with polymer mastic. And for bitumen masts choose materials containing bitumen.

A bituminous emulsion is applied to pre-prepared dry floor. To secure your home from the selection of harmful impurities into the environment, it is breeding such a solution with water. At the emulsion itself, a primer is applied for better clutch.

On the non-fully ashamed layer of primer by mounting the angles and joints, which are completely removal in the material, and the second layer of the primer is applied on top.

After that, the primer layer is proceeded to apply rolled insulation. We advise you to choose a material in the form of a self-adhesive carpet, it is simply put on the surface and pressed to it.

It is much more difficult to work with conventional rolled materials, you will need: a construction hairdryer and burners. Using these tools, the material is heated from the reverse side and quickly pressed to the floor.

Especially carefully to process the adhesive. Be sure to leave about 30 cm in the walls on the walls.

After complete drying of the material, you can start a tie of the floor.


The easiest and most common method of waterproofing is a coating material. The main advantage: not required pre-alignment of the floor, will also not need special expensive professional tools.

Before you begin to work, it is necessary to clean the working surface, to be primed, for higher quality of such a work, all docking places and angles are treated with a sealing ribbon.

Next, we dilute the powder before the formation of thick mastic, the main powder is gradually introduced into the water, then it will not be difficult to prepare the necessary consistency.

The resulting mastic is applied with a brush to the floor and on the bottom of the wall, it is rubbed so that the puddles are not formed.

After the first layer serves, it is moisturized and then apply the second, third and so to five layers.

What other waterproofing

The most practical and reliable waterproofing is bulk. Differs high cost, but the price justifies quality.

Also positive properties have liquid waterproofing, their main advantages are low price, high wear resistance, just apply both on the floor and on the walls, on the screed and under it.

What kind of waterproofing is the personal matter of each owner of your house, the choice of material affects which room is subject to waterproofing, the price of the material, and who will perform a new job or a professional.

But in any case, waterproofing is simply necessary in every home, it is to provide comfortable and high-quality accommodation, protects the house from fungi, mold bacteria and in case of a flood from the repair of a neighbor apartment.