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A syringe is a device that is used to irrigate internal body cavities with a stream of water in order to cleanse them. Douching is performed for medical or hygienic purposes.

Many women use douches to try and get rid of vaginal odor. They find that douching helps keep the vagina clean.

Despite the fact that regular douching is used by one in five women aged 15 to 44, according to doctors, this practice can lead to unpleasant and even dangerous consequences.

  1. Douching is used to wash, rinse, or cleanse any cavity in the body.
  2. There are alternative and safe methods that can keep your vagina healthy and clean.
  3. Douching can mask health problems and thus worsen the condition.

Why is douching used?

The syringe is filled with water and inserted into the vagina, after which the water is sprayed

Douching is primarily used to wash the female vagina.

Douching the vagina involves filling a syringe, bottle or other container with water and then sprinkling it into the vaginal cavity.

Sometimes women prefer to mix douching water with other liquids, such as vinegar. In some cases, they purchase special douche products that may contain various ingredients such as baking soda, iodine, flavors, and antiseptics.

Women claim to use douching for the following reasons:

  • to get rid of an unpleasant odor in the vagina;
  • to prevent unwanted pregnancy;
  • to cleanse the vagina of body fluids such as semen or bleeding from;
  • to reduce the chances of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Important! Douching does not help achieve any of these goals.

Is douching safe?

In countries with highly developed medicine, including the United States of America, douching is not recommended for women.

The vaginal flora is a bacteria that lives permanently in the vagina. The flora helps keep the vagina healthy and prevents infections. The female vagina is a self-cleaning organ that can maintain a normal pH balance without outside interference.

Douching can remove beneficial bacteria from the vagina. Using this “cleaning” method sometimes changes the pH balance and allows harmful bacteria to multiply, leading to infections, irritations, deterioration of the skin and other more serious complications.

Douching risks

Douching can do more harm than good. Complications, which can sometimes be very serious, largely depend on the reasons that prompted the woman to perform this procedure.


Douching is associated with several risks, including infections and cervicitis

Douching is an unacceptable form of contraception. However, the use of a syringe can create difficulties when a woman is attempting to conceive a child.

In addition, women who use douching on a regular basis may have more severe pregnancies.

Pregnant women may experience the following:

  • premature birth;
  • increased likelihood of miscarriages;
  • ectopic pregnancy.


There is a common misconception that douching can help prevent or get rid of vaginal infections. The truth is the opposite.

Regular douching increases the chances of developing vaginal infections. Disruption of the natural pH balance in the vagina can lead to fungal infections and.

Women who practice douching have an increased risk of developing vaginosis compared to those who have never douched.

Using a syringe when an infection is already present is more likely to worsen the condition of the vagina and spread the infection to other organs of the reproductive system.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease is usually the result of a sexually transmitted infection. PID affects the reproductive organs and can reduce a woman's chances of pregnancy.

Women who practice regular douching increase their risk of developing PID by 73%. This was indicated by research, the results of which were published in 2008 by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information.


Cervicitis is a condition characterized by irritation or inflammation of the cervix and can lead to itching, pain, and vaginal discharge. This disease becomes a consequence of sexually transmitted infections. However, douching can increase the risk of developing cervicitis.

Natural odor and some volume of discharge are typical for a healthy vagina. Therefore, it is important for a woman to be aware of the signs and symptoms of serious medical conditions.

These include:

  • vaginal discharge that has a persistent and strong odor;
  • vaginal discharge that is white, yellow, or green;
  • vaginal odor that does not go away for several days;
  • pain or discomfort during sexual activity;
  • pain when urinating;
  • redness, swelling, burning sensation, itching in or around the vagina.

Important! If a woman finds one of the above, she is advised to seek help from a gynecologist.

Is there a need for douching?

A woman's vagina is a self-cleaning organ that can dispose of semen, menstrual blood, and other body fluids on its own. Attempting to cleanse the vagina with douching or any other unsafe method can damage internal tissues, which in some cases can lead to serious consequences.

Women who are worried about bad vaginal odor or abnormal vaginal discharge should talk to their doctor about their concerns. Using douching to eliminate these problems can only lead to their disguise and, possibly, to more serious complications, since the root cause of the symptoms will not be treated.

What are the alternatives to douching?

Keeping your vagina clean is easy. The easiest method is to flush the organ with water while taking a bath or shower. You can use non-scented body washes or those specially formulated to cleanse the intimate area and do not disturb the natural pH balance of the vagina.

While washing, the woman should gently peel back the outer folds of the vagina, and then rinse this area or rinse it with water.

You do not need to intensively clean this area of \u200b\u200bthe body during washing and allow soap or special detergents to get inside the vagina. When using the latter, the woman should make sure that the detergents are completely rinsed out or washed, after which she should gently dry the treated area with a clean towel.

How to get rid of vaginal odor?

Safely reducing bad odor involves keeping the vagina and surrounding areas dry

While the vagina has a natural odor, many women find this odor unpleasant.

Every woman's vagina smells differently, and different activities, such as sex or sports training, can change the smell.

However, there are some methods that can safely reduce the strength of vaginal odor. These methods include the following.

  • Hygiene. Keep your vagina clean by regularly flushing with water or soap that does not contain harsh chemicals.
  • Clothing and underwear. They should be made of breathable fabrics such as cotton and should not be too tight on the body. A woman should avoid wearing clothes and underwear made of fabrics such as satin, silk and polyester, which restrict the flow of air to the skin and can contribute to the growth of bacteria.
  • Drying. It is very important to thoroughly dry your vagina and surrounding areas to avoid moisture buildup, which can lead to infections and foul odors. When using deodorant products, ensure that they do not get inside the vaginal cavity.
  • Refusal from aggressive cleaning methods. Avoid harsh cleaning methods such as douching. If a woman adheres to this rule, it will help her not to deal with unpleasant odors in the vagina for a long period of time.

At the moment, the usefulness of this procedure is recognized only in those cases when it is prescribed by a gynecologist for the treatment of certain diseases of the genital organs in a woman.

What is douching?

Douching the vagina involves irrigating it with various medicinal or herbal solutions and decoctions using a syringe or Esmarch's mug for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Douching can be carried out both in a hospital setting and independently, at home.

Correct douching at home.

It is important not to forget a few points:

  • The solution temperature should be close to body temperature and feel comfortable.
  • The course of douching in the treatment of the disease should usually not exceed 10 days, but most often, when prescribing, the doctor indicates a specific treatment regimen, which of course can be adjusted depending on the results in the course of treatment.
  • Careful handling of the personal syringe after use is required. Particular attention is paid to the tip, which should even be sterilized by short-term boiling before the next procedure.
  • Carefulness is required during the procedure - no sudden movements and efforts when injecting a medicinal solution, since there is a risk of injury to the cervix or infection ascending from the vagina along with the flow of fluid.
  • during menstrual bleeding;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during the period of acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • after an abortion or childbirth;
  • before visiting a gynecologist.

With the abuse of douching, there is a high probability of irritation of the vaginal mucosa, the development of various allergic reactions, as well as in violation of the technology for preparing medicinal solutions for douching. Any douching contributes to overdrying of the vaginal mucosa, which can cause even more discomfort than it used to be.

How to choose a syringe?

Choosing a good syringe means to approach the syringe treatment deliberately, with full responsibility. Not everyone knows that poor-quality syringe can affect the results of treatment, changing them for the worse. Undoubtedly, you need to know exactly what to choose from, since there are quite a few options for syringes, but at the same time remember that this item is one of those that should not be saved on, given the purposes for which it serves. You should not douche with what was found at home and, perhaps, was previously used for other purposes. Douching definitely requires a separate personal douche for that purpose.

A brief description of a quality syringe:

  • should not emit almost any odors;
  • has a homogeneous non-porous structure, smooth surface without any inclusions;
  • there are no flaws in the structure of the tip that can damage the delicate mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • has an even shape without asymmetric sides;
  • does not impart any color to the medicinal solution.

The overwhelming majority of syringes are made from a synthetic material such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). When a manufacturer uses low-quality raw materials, the product at the output will also be of poor quality, with a pungent chemical smell, or, conversely, have an unnaturally pleasant masking aroma. If the syringe has a porous inhomogeneous structure, there is a possibility that the smallest particles of the medicinal preparation from the solution will linger in the walls of the syringe, which will complicate its complete cleansing after use.

Syringes are available with a hard plastic tip (type B) or a soft PVC tip (type A). There are also special gynecological syringes with several side holes in the tip. Polyvinyl chloride, rubber or plastisol materials can be used to manufacture the main part of the syringe.

Disinfection and storage rules for syringes

Before each use, disinfection of the syringe is required, otherwise there is a risk of infection in the vagina. Disinfection is possible by boiling the tip in water for at least 10 minutes, as well as using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, in which the syringe must be kept for about 1-1.5 hours, and then rinsed with boiled water or saline.

Do not leave the remains of the medicinal solution in the syringe for more than half an hour. After use, it is necessary to rinse the inner cavity of the syringe with hot water and then dry it. It should be stored at a temperature not lower than +5 and not higher than +25 degrees.

Do you need douching?

Of course, the answer to this question must be sought within the walls of the antenatal clinic, and not on the Internet, but we can definitely say that douching is absolutely unnecessary to cleanse the vagina from natural secretions that accompany a woman on different days of the menstrual cycle. This discharge is the process of self-cleaning of the vagina from various dead cells of the epithelium and microflora. So in this case, you can only harm your health. The necessary hygiene measures are just a daily shower. Even if the discharge gives you discomfort in the form of itching, then this is more a reason to visit a doctor than a reason to self-medicate with douching.

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douching with soda.

Douching changes the acid-base balance, which can lead to the multiplication of harmful microorganisms and, as a result, various diseases of the genital organs. It is strictly forbidden to douch during pregnancy, after childbirth, in acute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. This method is also not suitable for protection against pregnancy. Yes, indeed, solutions such as Miramistin or Chlorhexidine kill sperm, but, as you know, sperm can move very quickly, so on a day favorable for conception, you simply may not have time to douch. But in some cases, douching happens.

Douching with soda for conception.\u003dstaty_ok&id\u003d159 Douching is a manipulation that is carried out for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes and consists in washing the vagina with solutions of medicines. Some women use douching as a routine hygiene procedure. It is believed to help protect against infection and unwanted pregnancy. But this is not the case. Our body is self-sufficient, and it does an excellent job of cleansing. There is no need to specifically help him in this. Otherwise, you risk getting the opposite effect in the form of overdrying of the vaginal mucosa, infection, or an allergic reaction. Douching changes the acid-base balance, which can result.

Douching with soda for conception

If you douche with baking soda for conception, pregnancy can occur with a very high degree of probability. Douching with soda is carried out as follows: quench 0.5 teaspoon of soda with a small amount of boiling water and mix with 1 liter of hot water (but not boiling water, but such that the water temperature is comfortable for the skin, otherwise you can burn the mucous membrane). This solution is poured into a syringe. Douching is performed while sitting (over the toilet) or lying in the bathroom (lie on the bottom of the bath, put your feet on the edges), 30 minutes before sexual activity.

Soda. spinning article

I found an interesting article about douching with soda, I don't even know if it's worth it, but I believe that it really works, only I'm somehow afraid for my husband, or rather the results of his SG, the doctor said that everything is fine, but sperm cells with pathology -65 %, I certainly don't understand, but the figure is scary! can he drink some drug (for example Speman is like a dietary supplement). What do you think, dear hochushechki?

What is a gynecological syringe. How to use

A gynecological syringe is a special device used for irrigation (douching) of the vagina with medicinal solutions for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. It is more often used at home, in medical institutions they use Esmarch's mug.

The device has been familiar to the fair sex since ancient times, or rather from the 19th century.

Some gynecologists do not approve of douching, but it is very popular. If you decide to carry out the procedure, then learn how to use the gynecological syringe.


The microflora of the vagina is a huge world, the protection of which rests on the shoulders of lactic acid bacteria. Due to hormonal disorders, infections, dysbiosis, bacterial and fungal inflammations appear, the mucous membrane is damaged.

Gynecological douching is an important part of the treatment prescribed by the gynecologist. Irrigation is performed with a syringe. Its structural features make this process fast and relatively safe.

When appoint

The procedure can be assigned if identified:

  • Urethritis and cystitis.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Colpitis, adnexitis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix.

Prescribed for cystitis. Solutions with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are used - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, iodine, soda, chamomile, boric acid and others.

Keep in mind that there are also contraindications:

  • Acute inflammation.
  • Menstruation.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Postpartum period.
  • Two weeks after curettage of the uterus.
  • Not recommended for "cleanliness". This disrupts the natural microflora and creates a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Gynecological syringe is a useful device

The material from which syringes were earlier made in Russia was rubber. The development of the chemical industry has led to a replacement for polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is increasingly used in the manufacture of medical devices. Its advantages: no pronounced odor, plastic, does not absorb poured liquids, their smell.

Differences from the usual

There are several shapes, types and sizes of gynecological syringes. All consist of two parts: a pear (reminiscent of a fruit, hence the name) and an elongated plastic tip. When choosing, pay attention that the tip is smooth, without roughness. A series of holes have been made on both sides.

The main differences from the usual gynecological: soft and flexible polypropylene tip, which has a curved shape. This feature reduces irritation to the vaginal walls.

The price depends on the volume of the pear (ml) and the material of manufacture of the device. A small one, for 220 ml of Russian-made BI No. 8 with a hard tip will cost an average of 60 rubles. BI No. 9, 320 ml - 300 rubles. With a soft tip and a volume of 310 ml, you can buy an average of 360 rubles.

How to use

Remember: what to do and how long only the doctor prescribes. This information is for guidance only. If you do this procedure often, "for hygienic purposes", then resistance to pathogens will decrease, and the microflora will be disrupted.

Irrigation is done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, the duration is about 3 days. After that, another 2-3 days is performed only in the evening. The course consists of a maximum of 10 days.

Irrigation should last no more than 15 minutes.

Solution - be at room temperature.

The procedure is best done in the bathroom. Pose: lying on your back, placing some kind of container into which the liquid will drain. If there is a bend of the uterus, then the best position is standing on all fours.

  1. Disinfect the gynecological syringe. How to do this is written in the instructions for your device. Some of them are allowed to boil in disassembled form for about 15 minutes, others can only be dipped in a solution, for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Connect the parts of the gynecological syringe.
  3. Prepare an irrigation solution. If it contains aggressive chemicals (potassium permanganate and others), follow the cooking rules exactly. Otherwise, complications such as infectious colpitis or mucosal inflammation may develop. Be sure to strain herbal infusions.
  4. Pour the solution into a pear.
  5. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline for easier insertion.
  6. Insert it into your vagina.
  7. Squeeze the pear, the liquid will begin to flow under pressure. The solution must be injected freely, without jerks, since the jet under pressure easily passes through the cervical barrier, which can lead to the occurrence of pathological processes.
  8. Remain lying down for a few minutes.

Do not unclench your fingers if you have not removed the gynecological syringe. When unclenched, pathogenic microbes and bacteria can enter it. If liquid remains in the container after removal, it can be reused. To do this, first remove, unclench your fingers, then press the pear to release the air, then place it in the vagina and press gently again.

Do not use for setting enemas, which is fraught with the ingress of bacteria from the intestine into the cavity of the genital organ.

Don't leave liquid in the pear. Be sure to wash the pear and the tip with regular soap after the procedure.

How to properly disinfect a syringe for the first time?

Girls, I bought a syringe - Esmarch's mug. I live in the USA ... on the box nothing is written about its disinfection ... only about its use ... About boiling water it is generally written that you cannot pour it inside.

I read a lot of information ... someone treats with peroxide, someone with alcohol ... but we have no alcohol here. Someone is boiling, I doubt that I can boil mine ... Someone just processes it inside with boiling water ... I've processed it, and only then I thought to read the instructions ...

It seems to me not very convenient to use an esmorch mug for douching.

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How to disinfect a syringe

Bacteria: both harm and benefit. Child health up to a year

Among them are staphylococci, fungi, micrococci. The favorite habitat of staphylococcus is the scalp of the child and the skin around the nipples of the young mother. Before breastfeeding, the mother should wash the nipple and areola of the breast with baby soap and then wipe them with a disinfectant solution (for example, 0.5% chlorhexidine). If cracks appear on the nipple, in which microorganisms immediately settle, after feeding the mother should disinfect the wounds with a 40% alcohol solution, and then lubricate them with baby cream (to relieve the feeling of dry skin after treatment with alcohol) or sea buckthorn oil (it does not soften the skin so much like a cream, but it has a healing effect). Various types of staphylococci, diphtheroids can be found in the conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eye) of a newborn baby. These bacteria, although relative.

after the syringe used as a quality. Child from birth.

after the syringe used as a gas outlet of the tube - a little blood in the pokakah. what can it be? the syringe was lubricated with oil.

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Good day to all! Girls, tell me please, I need to disinfect the apartment. We bought a quartz lamp yesterday, but I think that we still need to rinse all surfaces with some kind of solution. So I think - is it enough Properrom, or look for bleach? and can plastic windows and furniture be washed with chlorine-containing compounds? What do you think? It is very necessary, tell me your thoughts on this matter, otherwise we are not discharged from the hospital, and I myself want to wash everything out already. Tired of 2 months in hospitals.

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Buy an anti-collic bottle for a baby from 2 months or so!

It is desirable and necessary with a tube)) less air enters with it😊

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At the same time, for all types of inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs, local treatment is carried out in the form of baths with herbs, washing the vagina with antiseptic solutions and the introduction of ointments with anti-inflammatory effects. The drugs are given with a small syringe, either through a small-bore catheter or with a syringe without a needle. At the second stage, the vaginal microflora is restored and the local immunity is normalized. Parents, previously trained in these manipulations, can perform them at home on their own. If these procedures cause them difficulty or they are afraid to do them, the doctor performs the manipulations. Synechiae A widespread disease cf.

We remove the unnecessary. Epilation during pregnancy.

Epilation Plucking with tweezers This is the easiest epilation method. Of course, one or two unwanted hairs on the body can be removed this way. It is also suitable for correcting the shape of the eyebrows. Before use, be sure to disinfect the tweezers and the skin with an antiseptic (for example, chlorhexedine or miramistin). Household epilator In essence, this device is a set of tweezers that pull out hair by the root. The advantages of the method are that the procedure can be carried out at home, at any convenient time. The device is compact enough and does not take up much space. At first, epilation will have to be carried out quite often - about 1 time per week. This is due to ner.

First aid. Childhood injuries

Be careful with alcohol: remember, a 60-degree or 75-degree solution disinfects tools, not wounds. On the face or in the joint area. These cuts require special care, since they take a long time to heal on the joints and may leave scars on the face. Rinse, disinfect, bandage the wound and take the child to a doctor who will stitch the wound so that the damaged area is quickly restored. On the head under the hair. Even small cuts that hit this area bleed a lot: this is due to the fact that there are many blood vessels under the stripes. That is why you should not think that something irreparable has happened - first try to cope with the situation yourself. Rinse the cut with cold, wet gauze.

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Girls, you all know! Tell me, how to disinfect the water in the outdoor pool? I don’t want any serious chemistry. While she poured brilliant green. Maybe there are some other means?

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And now our runner is bursting with bitter tears from the terrible iodine-green perspective. She, of course, will certainly follow, because. Wounds should be treated very responsibly! In no case do not follow the lead of your pity: in this way you can only harm the child. The first step is to remove all foreign bodies from the wound and disinfect it by thoroughly washing your hands so as not to introduce an infection. It must be remembered that 1 mm2 of unwashed skin can contain up to 200 million bacteria! Therefore, treat the wound only with clean hands, use sterile dressings. Important! There is always a risk of tetanus infection in the event of injuries that hit the wound. Its spores are highly resistant and persist for years.

How to disinfect an apartment? Farm

Can you please tell me what products can be purchased to disinfect an apartment? Most of all I'm interested in a bathroom (bath, toilet), but it would be useful to learn about upholstered furniture. And then I'm all vodka and vodka)). Is it so effective, vodka?)) Well, you can't pour it on the sofa, after all. Suddenly there are some special sprays, but I, dark, don't know. And the places where you can buy, tell me, please. Many thanks to all who answered in advance.

Still - quartzing with a blue lamp kills everything 🙂 2-3 hours should be kept on without airing. so operating rooms are sterilized.

How to disinfect the apartment so that it does not smell of bleach?

tell me a tool that can specifically disinfect the apartment, and which does not stink of bleach. The fact is that one "lady" lives with us in the apartment, who often suffers from various, as she says, staphylococci, she saw bad "things" on her skin. In my room and common areas, I try to wash my floors frequently with a domestos to protect myself from this. Before that, like pah-pah, everything was ok. But recently, both cats who live with us in the apartment.

Everything itches! How to recognize and treat scabies in children.

Etc.). Bedding and clothing are processed on both sides. The product does not leave stains on fabrics; after using it, things do not need to be washed. Textiles disinfected with A-PAR can be used several hours after treatment. And to avoid irritation of the respiratory tract, open windows in the spray room. Preventing scabies The spread of this unpleasant disease can be prevented if it is properly controlled. In this sense, prophylactic examinations in children's groups, polyclinics, during admission for treatment are very effective.

In a new capacity. The first day after giving birth. Postpartum period

In the future, the use of disposable pads is allowed (now special postpartum pads are produced, they can be bought in pharmacies and stores for expectant mothers, but ordinary ones are also suitable - the main thing is that they are "super absorbent" and "breathable"). These days, special disposable mesh panties are very useful, it is better not to use your underwear (especially synthetic and dense ones): it is less breathable, and besides, it is unlikely that there will be conditions in the hospital to wash and disinfect it with an iron. To improve the outflow of lochia, it is better to lie on your stomach and periodically put a heating pad with ice on your stomach through a diaper (3 times a day, naminut). The nutrition of a woman (if she is healthy) on the first day after childbirth should take into account breastfeeding: it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that cause increased gas production, as well as allergies.

Constipation after childbirth: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Problems with.

Both infusions are prepared in the same way: a tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, and infused for another 40 minutes. The infusion is allowed to cool at room temperature and filtered. Compresses, baths or irrigation with these infusions can be done several times a day. For the procedure, the mixture of infusions must be poured into a syringe and irrigated the perineal area without introducing the syringe into the rectum. In conclusion, I would like to note that the problem that has become the subject of our conversation is unpleasant, but completely solvable. And if you follow all the doctor's recommendations, then soon you will be able to cope with it. Anna Ivanchina, therapist, Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

How to treat a weeping wound? Pediatric medicine

Or rather the seam. Will the peroxide burn?

How to treat a wound in the mouth? Child from 1 to 3

The child broke his lip, tell me how you can handle this case from the inside? Zelenka, iodine, peroxide? There is also sodium tetraborate, I treated wounds in the mouth with it, I don't know if the child can.

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Douching is a therapeutic and prophylactic manipulation in which solutions of drugs and herbal decoctions are poured into the vagina.

It is usually carried out with the help of a pharmacy rubber bulb with a tip, Esmarch mugs, syringes without a needle.

During the procedure, vaginal discharge, microorganisms, ejaculate are washed out of the vagina. Irrigation should only be used for treatment, not for prevention.

How to douche properly at home? When does douching help?

What is vaginal douching?

This is washing the vagina with water or medicinal solutions for the purpose of hygiene, protection from unwanted pregnancy, and treatment of diseases. This method can prevent dangerous consequences, as well as harm.

The mucous membrane of the vagina secretes a viscous secretion. It is already a cleanser in itself. It removes dead cells outside.

These secretions are natural, do not harm, appear with hormonal changes during the cycle (ovulation). In the absence of infectious diseases, the female body is able to cleanse itself. Then douching is not necessary, but genital hygiene must be observed.

Danger of douching

Women begin to douche in order to cleanse the genital mucosa from secretions.

But daily manipulations can wash off the natural lubricant, cause irritation, dryness of tissues, change acidity, and disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina.

The protective plug of the cervix dissolves, the protective functions of the mucous membrane decrease, pathogenic microorganisms multiply, and infectious and inflammatory diseases develop. The risk of developing allergic reactions increases.

Frequent manipulations can injure the bladder, cervix, irritate the vaginal wall, contribute to the development of salpingitis, bacterial vaginitis, endometriosis.

Women over 45 should not douche. During menopause, the problem of vaginal dryness is already quite acute.

You can not douche in the following cases:

  • with menstruation;
  • to cleanse the vagina without symptoms of any disease;
  • for prevention;
  • on the eve of a visit to a gynecologist;
  • in the first month after childbirth or abortion;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with some inflammations (adnexitis, metroendometritis, parametritis).

Douching during pregnancy

If a woman is pregnant, you cannot douche for the following reasons:

  • the risk of air passing through the cervix during the procedure will increase;
  • chemicals delivered by douching to the fetus can have a negative effect on it;
  • the amniotic membrane can be damaged;
  • an infection is transmitted to the fetus;
  • the risk of thrush, bacterial vaginosis, and other vaginal infections increases;
  • douching sometimes provokes premature labor.

Is the technique effective as a contraceptive and protection against STDs?

Some women believe that douching with acids (apple, citric) or mineral water will save you from unwanted pregnancy. It is not able to prevent pregnancy. Some of the sperm will still enter the uterus. This is an instant process.

As a remedy for sexually transmitted diseases, douching is also unreliable. After unprotected sex, you can carry out the procedure with Miramistin and Chlorhexidine, but such prevention is not always effective.

Washing is done no later than two hours after the act. First, a genital toilet is carried out and 10 ml of solution is doused for 15 minutes. But the best prevention of genital infections are quality condoms.

How to do douching at home?

The basics of proper douching

The procedure should be performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The solution is diluted with warm, clean, non-chlorinated water. Chlorine can irritate mucous membranes.
  2. The duration of treatment should be no more than 5-7 days, otherwise you can wash out all microflora.
  3. Douching takes minutes.
  4. At the beginning of the disease, manipulations are carried out twice a day, after the onset of improvements - in the evenings.
  5. The fluid should not flow under pressure, otherwise it will penetrate beyond the cervix, provoking inflammation.
  6. The Esmarch mug makes it easier to regulate the water flow. When using a syringe, the container is compressed, and the solution will still flow under pressure.
  7. After each douching, the tip, pear, mug are thoroughly rinsed, and before the procedure, the tip is boiled for a couple of minutes.
  8. If the device was originally used for douching, it cannot be used for enemas.
  9. The procedure is carried out slowly and carefully. The tip is inserted gently, without effort, to a depth of about 7 cm. The woman should not feel pain during insertion. Sudden movements can damage the walls of the vagina and bladder.
  10. It is necessary to find a comfortable position (lying in the bathroom, on the toilet seat, lifting the filled mug slightly above the waist).
  11. After the procedure, you need to lie down for a while. This will allow the solution to be absorbed.
  12. It is imperative to observe the exact proportions of the components when preparing the solution. This applies to boric acid, soda, hydrogen peroxide. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are used fresh, immediately after readiness.

Douching for inflammation

Douching for some inflammatory female diseases is used as an auxiliary method of treatment. This procedure is prescribed for cervical erosion, thrush, cystitis.

Cervical erosion

Erosive elements on the cervix can be found on examination by a gynecologist. If treatment is started on time, it is possible to avoid moxibustion.

Before starting douching, you need to wait for the test results and make sure that the pathology is not supplemented by inflammation, infection and does not contain atypical cells. The doctor must prescribe douching himself.

The following solutions help against erosion:

  1. Badan root decoction. Tannins, arginine, vitamins, tannin, essential oils strengthen blood vessels, relieve inflammation, heal wounds, and kill bacteria. Two tablespoons of grated root are mixed with 200 ml of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour, cool, filter, use in the afternoon and evening.
  2. Tincture of calendula disinfects and regenerates tissues. 4 tablespoons pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist for a day.
  3. Such changes in the epithelium are a precancerous process. Therefore, eucalyptus with antitumor properties is used. Stir a teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture with alcohol, 200 ml of water.
  4. Peony roots contain essential oils, alkaloids, organic acids. They give the plant antibacterial and regenerating properties. A tablespoon of raw materials is mixed with 100 ml of vodka. Insist for three weeks in the dark, dilute with 500 ml of water, douche.
  5. Douching with chamomile is done using a decoction of a tablespoon of flowers, 500 ml of boiling water. Dry flowers are poured with water, brought to a boil, turned off, cooled.


With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, cystitis, the symptoms appear unexpectedly and sharply. A woman feels pain during urination, the urge becomes more frequent, urine is excreted in small portions.

Antimicrobial drugs, antibiotics are prescribed, and douching for additional treatment.

For cystitis, chamomile is often used. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the female genital organs.

The procedure is performed in the supine position. Then the solution lingers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe posterior fornix of the vagina. Do 10 procedures. The liquid should be warm and boiled.

Soda is a good antiseptic. Douching with baking soda helps to restore the vaginal microflora. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a clean glass with warm water. Douching is done in the bathroom twice a day.


Therapy for candidiasis includes not only taking medications, but also douching. Soda helps with thrush.

The Candida fungus prefers an acidic environment. Soda is alkali. Soda solution changes the acid-base balance in the vagina, prevents the growth of fungus and destroys its microfibers.

Treatment of thrush only by douching is ineffective. Antifungal, antiseptic and immunosuppressive drugs are needed.

Thoroughly mix a liter of warm water, a teaspoon of iodine, a tablespoon of baking soda. The solution is collected in a disinfected Esmarch mug, suspended slightly above the waist.

The woman lies on her back, spreads her legs, bends them at the knees. Excess air is released from the tube, injected 7 cm into the vagina. The procedure is carried out for 15 minutes. It is recommended to lie down for half an hour.

Douching with salt and iodine also helps. A teaspoon of salt is thrown into a liter of water, boiled for a minute, cooled. Add 5 drops of iodine.

Douching for conception

The technique is used when planning a pregnancy to restore normal vaginal microflora. For conception, a soda solution is used.

The increased acidity of the vaginal mucosa can have a detrimental effect on sperm. Soda is an alkali that regulates the acid-base balance.

Half a teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a liter of warm boiled water.

If a woman wants to conceive, she should perform the procedure on days close to ovulation (from 11 to 18 days of the cycle). Douching is carried out for a minute before intercourse.

It is not recommended to treat the mucous membrane with other liquids, medicines, herbal decoctions for conception. Regular use will cause serious complications (eg allergies). Soda should not be abused either.

Other recipes for solutions and preparations

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with warm water (1: 3). Douche twice a day for 10 minutes.
  2. 10 g of dry celandine is poured with a liter of hot water, put on fire, brought to a boil. Remove from heat, insist 3 hours. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  3. Calendula slows down or stops inflammation. Used for thrush, colpitis and other inflammations. Three tablespoons of calendula flowers are poured into a jar, poured with boiling water, the jar is closed, insisted for several hours. Strain the broth, cool. Dilute with boiled water (1: 1).
  4. For douching with potassium permanganate, a solution of 0.02% of a pale pink color is used. Too much manganese will cause burns. The finished solution is stored for 12 hours.
  5. Cyteal is an antibacterial, antifungal agent. Dilute 50 ml in 500 ml of warm water. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance.
  6. Miramistin is an antiseptic with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The tip of the bottle is treated with boiling water, inserted into the vagina, and the walls are irrigated. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children under 3 years of age.
  7. Furacilin tablet is diluted in 100 ml of water, insisted until the tablet dissolves, douche. Do not use the product for more than four days in a row. Furacilin is an antibacterial, antiprotozoal agent. Not recommended for bleeding and allergies to components.
  8. Solution for douching Tantum rose is a topical preparation. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effects. The finished liquid is not diluted with water. After treatment with boiling water, the tip of the bottle is inserted into the vagina and irrigated. If the drug was purchased in powder form, it is dissolved in 500 ml of water. Contraindications: intolerance to the components, age up to 12 years. The active ingredient is benzydamine hydrochloride.
  9. Chlorphyllipt is used to fight antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. A tablespoon of 1% alcohol solution is diluted in a liter of water. The spray nozzle should not be inserted into the vagina.
  10. Malavit is a medicine made from natural ingredients. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effects. Composition: copper, silver, organic acids, cedar resin, mummy and other components. Add a tablespoon of gel to 200 ml of warm water.
  11. Boric acid is an antiseptic, disinfectant. Has an astringent effect, destroys fungi and yeast. A teaspoon is diluted in a liter of boiled water, douches twice a day. Usually, douching with this remedy in combination with drug treatment helps to get rid of thrush.

A fairly common technique is douching with kefir. But this is not the most reliable method. The product contains lactobacilli useful for the flora of the vagina, as well as microorganisms that can have a negative effect on the mucous membrane.

It is better to drink kefir, and not to use it as a douching. Before using any treatment, you should consult your doctor.

According to Neumyvakin

What is the benefit of douching with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin?

The scientist and professor I.P. Neumyvakin has conducted many studies on the benefits of hydrogen peroxide. The solution disinfects, treats fungi, bacteria, viruses, infections and other pathologies.

Hydrogen peroxide 3% is diluted with warm boiled water so as to obtain a 1% solution. Douching is performed twice a day with severe manifestations. Then reduce the application to once a day. Store peroxide in a dark place.

Douching is a procedure in which the vagina is washed with medicinal solutions. It is carried out for chronic inflammation of the uterus, appendages, vagina.

But regular use for the prevention of douching helps to wash out the natural flora of the vagina, provokes the appearance of thrush, dysbiosis, dryness, and irritation of tissues.

This method cannot be used to treat every gynecological disease. After examination and a series of tests, the doctor will prescribe a competent and effective treatment.

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All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a guide to action. Before using any means, ALWAYS consult with your doctor. The site administration is not responsible for the use in practice of the recommendations from the articles.

Douching is a common procedure for treating gynecological conditions. Such a procedure can be carried out at home if it is supposed to use properly prepared medicinal products and observe the optimal dosage of the components used. Only if you know how to do douching at home, you can count on a beneficial effect.

Many women wonder why douching is needed. In fact, many factors indicate a high level of effectiveness of the procedure.

  1. Antimicrobial irrigation can be carried out before gynecological operations. Also, after surgery, douching can speed up recovery, but the procedure can be carried out only after prior consultation with a doctor.
  2. The possibility of effective treatment of vaginal infections is assumed, since it is supposed to eliminate microbes, bacteria that lead to inflammation. If you know how often to carry out the procedure and during what period it is recommended, you can count on improving the vaginal microflora.
  3. It is believed that soda is used for conception. This recommendation deserves attention if you need to normalize the microflora. In this case, douching is performed in the middle of the menstrual cycle after consultation with an experienced doctor. In any other situation, douching does not in any way affect the chances of pregnancy, therefore it cannot be carried out by those women who dream of their baby.
  4. Douching is often used in gynecology. Such a procedure can be performed for thrush and many other female diseases, but it is advisable to use folk remedies only as a supplement.

Thus, home douching of the uterus can be effective, but it is advisable to first consult a doctor and consult about the chosen method of treatment.

Douching in preventive measures

Douching can be done to prevent the risk of inflammation. If necessary, the procedure is carried out within an hour after an important event, since in this case the effectiveness will be maximum.

You also need to know what douching can be done for preventive purposes. Two common drugs are commonly used:

  1. Douching can be done miramistinwhich is sold ready-to-use. The drug successfully treats thrush. It is supposed to eliminate unwanted symptoms and bacteria.
  2. Douching can also be done. In this case, you can contribute to the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and colpitis.

Both drugs are sold in special 100 ml vials that are equipped with pipettes. Both medications are ready for douching.

You need to understand that the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases still cannot be 100% effective, so it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What solutions can you prepare yourself

In many situations, it is important to know how to make a douching solution. Folk remedies can be effective when done correctly.

  1. Soda solution. This solution helps to reduce itching and eliminate local pathogenic bacteria. To prepare the solution, use 500 milliliters of boiled, settled water with the addition of soda (usually a teaspoon is enough, since the product should not turn out to be concentrated). It is very important to thoroughly dissolve the soda, after which the solution must be diluted with a glass of ordinary boiled water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution. The procedure is considered beneficial. In this case, you can improve the microflora of the vagina. So, the solution is prepared as follows: hydrogen peroxide is dissolved in 0.5 liters. In the future, the concentrated solution is regularly used for the procedure, since it can show a high level of effectiveness.
  3. Chamomile broth. The procedure can also be carried out, because it is recognized as an effective and safe medicinal plant. For 2 glasses of water, use a tablespoon of chamomile flowers. It is advisable to use a warm solution for douching, which will be pre-filtered.

Folk remedies need to be prepared only in the correct dosage. In addition, you need to know how many days to do the procedure to achieve the desired results. Usually the recommended course duration is 5 to 7 days.

How is the procedure performed correctly?

Douching must be carried out in the correct way, since not only the result of the therapeutic measure, but also the safety of the woman depends on this. The ideal option is to see a doctor for the procedure, but in reality, the event can be carried out independently at home.

It is very important to properly prepare the medicinal solution using all the components in optimal quantities. In the future, you need to make sure of the optimal temperature of the medicinal solution using a special thermometer.

Do not use too cold or hot water, as it will negatively affect women's health. Moreover, you need to use only settled or bottled boiled water, since unboiled ordinary water contains too many potentially hazardous substances. It is important to note that the mineral water for the procedure can only be used on the special prescription of a gynecologist.

At home, you can use a syringe or a special syringe. However, for many women, Esmarch's mug will be convenient. If the device was previously used for enemas, it is no longer suitable for douching.

It is important to remember: the tip of the device must be perfectly clean, so disinfection is carried out using boiling water for several minutes.

If special syringes are used without a needle, they should be discarded immediately after the procedure. These syringes are disposable, so reuse is highly undesirable.

The procedure is best done in the bathroom. In this case, the woman should lie on her back, bending her legs spread apart at the knees. The solution is injected very slowly. Any sudden movement is considered potentially hazardous. After the procedure, you need to relax, lower your legs. In order for the remedy to work, it is recommended to lie down for several minutes or up to half an hour.

The correct procedure is very important, as it determines the effectiveness and safety.

When douching is undesirable

It is important to understand that douching leads to leaching of natural lubrication, as a result of which the tissues of the vagina may be dry, there is also a risk of acidity disturbance and the subsequent development of organ irritation. In addition, a long-term course leads to a violation of the protection of the mucous membranes.

It is for this reason that women are interested in whether it is possible to do douching during pregnancy and during menstruation, because the procedure to one degree or another affects the microflora.

First of all, women after 45 years old should refuse the procedure due to serious hormonal changes.

It is advisable to refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • menstruation;
  • lack of any prophylactic or therapeutic indications;
  • a scheduled visit to the doctor when you need to know the exact picture of the disease;
  • in the first month after labor or abortion;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute inflammation.

During pregnancy, douching is undesirable for the following reasons:

  • influencing the uterus;
  • the components of the injected solution can adversely affect the fetus;
  • there is a risk of negative impact on the development of the fetus, which is protected from external factors;
  • there is a risk of onset and development of female diseases;
  • premature birth may occur.

Douching using drugs or folk remedies can be carried out only according to indications and taking into account certain recommendations. Only if you know how to do douching at home, you can count on a favorable result and improve women's health.

At the moment, the usefulness of this procedure is recognized only in those cases when it is prescribed by a gynecologist for the treatment of certain diseases of the genital organs in a woman.

What is douching?

Douching the vagina involves irrigating it with various medicinal or herbal solutions and decoctions using a syringe or Esmarch's mug for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Douching can be carried out both in a hospital setting and independently, at home.

Correct douching at home.

It is important not to forget a few points:

  • The solution temperature should be close to body temperature and feel comfortable.
  • The course of douching in the treatment of the disease should usually not exceed 10 days, but most often, when prescribing, the doctor indicates a specific treatment regimen, which of course can be adjusted depending on the results in the course of treatment.
  • Careful handling of the personal syringe after use is required. Particular attention is paid to the tip, which should even be sterilized by short-term boiling before the next procedure.
  • Carefulness is required during the procedure - no sudden movements and efforts when injecting a medicinal solution, since there is a risk of injury to the cervix or infection ascending from the vagina along with the flow of fluid.
  • during menstrual bleeding;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during the period of acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • after an abortion or childbirth;
  • before visiting a gynecologist.

With the abuse of douching, there is a high probability of irritation of the vaginal mucosa, the development of various allergic reactions, as well as in violation of the technology for preparing medicinal solutions for douching. Any douching contributes to overdrying of the vaginal mucosa, which can cause even more discomfort than it used to be.

How to choose a syringe?

Choosing a good syringe means to approach the syringe treatment deliberately, with full responsibility. Not everyone knows that poor-quality syringe can affect the results of treatment, changing them for the worse. Undoubtedly, you need to know exactly what to choose from, since there are quite a few options for syringes, but at the same time remember that this item is one of those that should not be saved on, given the purposes for which it serves. You should not douche with what was found at home and, perhaps, was previously used for other purposes. Douching definitely requires a separate personal douche for that purpose.

A brief description of a quality syringe:

  • should not emit almost any odors;
  • has a homogeneous non-porous structure, smooth surface without any inclusions;
  • there are no flaws in the structure of the tip that can damage the delicate mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • has an even shape without asymmetric sides;
  • does not impart any color to the medicinal solution.

The overwhelming majority of syringes are made from a synthetic material such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). When a manufacturer uses low-quality raw materials, the product at the output will also be of poor quality, with a pungent chemical smell, or, conversely, have an unnaturally pleasant masking aroma. If the syringe has a porous inhomogeneous structure, there is a possibility that the smallest particles of the medicinal preparation from the solution will linger in the walls of the syringe, which will complicate its complete cleansing after use.

Syringes are available with a hard plastic tip (type B) or a soft PVC tip (type A). There are also special gynecological syringes with several side holes in the tip. Polyvinyl chloride, rubber or plastisol materials can be used to manufacture the main part of the syringe.

Disinfection and storage rules for syringes

Before each use, disinfection of the syringe is required, otherwise there is a risk of infection in the vagina. Disinfection is possible by boiling the tip in water for at least 10 minutes, as well as using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, in which the syringe must be kept for about 1-1.5 hours, and then rinsed with boiled water or saline.

Do not leave the remains of the medicinal solution in the syringe for more than half an hour. After use, it is necessary to rinse the inner cavity of the syringe with hot water and then dry it. It should be stored at a temperature not lower than +5 and not higher than +25 degrees.

Do you need douching?

Of course, the answer to this question must be sought within the walls of the antenatal clinic, and not on the Internet, but we can definitely say that douching is absolutely unnecessary to cleanse the vagina from natural secretions that accompany a woman on different days of the menstrual cycle. This discharge is the process of self-cleaning of the vagina from various dead cells of the epithelium and microflora. So in this case, you can only harm your health. The necessary hygiene measures are just a daily shower. Even if the discharge gives you discomfort in the form of itching, then this is more a reason to visit a doctor than a reason to self-medicate with douching.

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Douching is a therapeutic and prophylactic manipulation in which solutions of drugs and herbal decoctions are poured into the vagina.

It is usually carried out with the help of a pharmacy rubber bulb with a tip, Esmarch mugs, syringes without a needle.

During the procedure, vaginal discharge, microorganisms, ejaculate are washed out of the vagina. Irrigation should only be used for treatment, not for prevention.

How to douche properly at home? When does douching help?

What is vaginal douching?

This is washing the vagina with water or medicinal solutions for the purpose of hygiene, protection from unwanted pregnancy, and treatment of diseases. This method can prevent dangerous consequences, as well as harm.

The mucous membrane of the vagina secretes a viscous secretion. It is already a cleanser in itself. It removes dead cells outside.

These secretions are natural, do not harm, appear with hormonal changes during the cycle (ovulation). In the absence of infectious diseases, the female body is able to cleanse itself. Then douching is not necessary, but genital hygiene must be observed.

Danger of douching

Women begin to douche in order to cleanse the genital mucosa from secretions.

But daily manipulations can wash off the natural lubricant, cause irritation, dryness of tissues, change acidity, and disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina.

The protective plug of the cervix dissolves, the protective functions of the mucous membrane decrease, pathogenic microorganisms multiply, and infectious and inflammatory diseases develop. The risk of developing allergic reactions increases.

Frequent manipulations can injure the bladder, cervix, irritate the vaginal wall, contribute to the development of salpingitis, bacterial vaginitis, endometriosis.

Women over 45 should not douche. During menopause, the problem of vaginal dryness is already quite acute.

You can not douche in the following cases:

  • with menstruation;
  • to cleanse the vagina without symptoms of any disease;
  • for prevention;
  • on the eve of a visit to a gynecologist;
  • in the first month after childbirth or abortion;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with some inflammations (adnexitis, metroendometritis, parametritis).

Douching during pregnancy

If a woman is pregnant, you cannot douche for the following reasons:

  • the risk of air passing through the cervix during the procedure will increase;
  • chemicals delivered by douching to the fetus can have a negative effect on it;
  • the amniotic membrane can be damaged;
  • an infection is transmitted to the fetus;
  • the risk of thrush, bacterial vaginosis, and other vaginal infections increases;
  • douching sometimes provokes premature labor.

Is the technique effective as a contraceptive and protection against STDs?

Some women believe that douching with acids (apple, citric) or mineral water will save you from unwanted pregnancy. It is not able to prevent pregnancy. Some of the sperm will still enter the uterus. This is an instant process.

As a remedy for sexually transmitted diseases, douching is also unreliable. After unprotected sex, you can carry out the procedure with Miramistin and Chlorhexidine, but such prevention is not always effective.

Washing is done no later than two hours after the act. First, a genital toilet is carried out and 10 ml of solution is doused for 15 minutes. But the best prevention of genital infections are quality condoms.

How to do douching at home?

The basics of proper douching

The procedure should be performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The solution is diluted with warm, clean, non-chlorinated water. Chlorine can irritate mucous membranes.
  2. The duration of treatment should be no more than 5-7 days, otherwise you can wash out all microflora.
  3. Douching takes minutes.
  4. At the beginning of the disease, manipulations are carried out twice a day, after the onset of improvements - in the evenings.
  5. The fluid should not flow under pressure, otherwise it will penetrate beyond the cervix, provoking inflammation.
  6. The Esmarch mug makes it easier to regulate the water flow. When using a syringe, the container is compressed, and the solution will still flow under pressure.
  7. After each douching, the tip, pear, mug are thoroughly rinsed, and before the procedure, the tip is boiled for a couple of minutes.
  8. If the device was originally used for douching, it cannot be used for enemas.
  9. The procedure is carried out slowly and carefully. The tip is inserted gently, without effort, to a depth of about 7 cm. The woman should not feel pain during insertion. Sudden movements can damage the walls of the vagina and bladder.
  10. It is necessary to find a comfortable position (lying in the bathroom, on the toilet seat, lifting the filled mug slightly above the waist).
  11. After the procedure, you need to lie down for a while. This will allow the solution to be absorbed.
  12. It is imperative to observe the exact proportions of the components when preparing the solution. This applies to boric acid, soda, hydrogen peroxide. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are used fresh, immediately after readiness.

Douching for inflammation

Douching for some inflammatory female diseases is used as an auxiliary method of treatment. This procedure is prescribed for cervical erosion, thrush, cystitis.

Cervical erosion

Erosive elements on the cervix can be found on examination by a gynecologist. If treatment is started on time, it is possible to avoid moxibustion.

Before starting douching, you need to wait for the test results and make sure that the pathology is not supplemented by inflammation, infection and does not contain atypical cells. The doctor must prescribe douching himself.

The following solutions help against erosion:

  1. Badan root decoction. Tannins, arginine, vitamins, tannin, essential oils strengthen blood vessels, relieve inflammation, heal wounds, and kill bacteria. Two tablespoons of grated root are mixed with 200 ml of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour, cool, filter, use in the afternoon and evening.
  2. Tincture of calendula disinfects and regenerates tissues. 4 tablespoons pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist for a day.
  3. Such changes in the epithelium are a precancerous process. Therefore, eucalyptus with antitumor properties is used. Stir a teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture with alcohol, 200 ml of water.
  4. Peony roots contain essential oils, alkaloids, organic acids. They give the plant antibacterial and regenerating properties. A tablespoon of raw materials is mixed with 100 ml of vodka. Insist for three weeks in the dark, dilute with 500 ml of water, douche.
  5. Douching with chamomile is done using a decoction of a tablespoon of flowers, 500 ml of boiling water. Dry flowers are poured with water, brought to a boil, turned off, cooled.


With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, cystitis, the symptoms appear unexpectedly and sharply. A woman feels pain during urination, the urge becomes more frequent, urine is excreted in small portions.

Antimicrobial drugs, antibiotics are prescribed, and douching for additional treatment.

For cystitis, chamomile is often used. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the female genital organs.

The procedure is performed in the supine position. Then the solution lingers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe posterior fornix of the vagina. Do 10 procedures. The liquid should be warm and boiled.

Soda is a good antiseptic. Douching with baking soda helps to restore the vaginal microflora. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a clean glass with warm water. Douching is done in the bathroom twice a day.


Therapy for candidiasis includes not only taking medications, but also douching. Soda helps with thrush.

The Candida fungus prefers an acidic environment. Soda is alkali. Soda solution changes the acid-base balance in the vagina, prevents the growth of fungus and destroys its microfibers.

Treatment of thrush only by douching is ineffective. Antifungal, antiseptic and immunosuppressive drugs are needed.

Thoroughly mix a liter of warm water, a teaspoon of iodine, a tablespoon of baking soda. The solution is collected in a disinfected Esmarch mug, suspended slightly above the waist.

The woman lies on her back, spreads her legs, bends them at the knees. Excess air is released from the tube, injected 7 cm into the vagina. The procedure is carried out for 15 minutes. It is recommended to lie down for half an hour.

Douching with salt and iodine also helps. A teaspoon of salt is thrown into a liter of water, boiled for a minute, cooled. Add 5 drops of iodine.

Douching for conception

The technique is used when planning a pregnancy to restore normal vaginal microflora. For conception, a soda solution is used.

The increased acidity of the vaginal mucosa can have a detrimental effect on sperm. Soda is an alkali that regulates the acid-base balance.

Half a teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a liter of warm boiled water.

If a woman wants to conceive, she should perform the procedure on days close to ovulation (from 11 to 18 days of the cycle). Douching is carried out for a minute before intercourse.

It is not recommended to treat the mucous membrane with other liquids, medicines, herbal decoctions for conception. Regular use will cause serious complications (eg allergies). Soda should not be abused either.

Other recipes for solutions and preparations

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with warm water (1: 3). Douche twice a day for 10 minutes.
  2. 10 g of dry celandine is poured with a liter of hot water, put on fire, brought to a boil. Remove from heat, insist 3 hours. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  3. Calendula slows down or stops inflammation. Used for thrush, colpitis and other inflammations. Three tablespoons of calendula flowers are poured into a jar, poured with boiling water, the jar is closed, insisted for several hours. Strain the broth, cool. Dilute with boiled water (1: 1).
  4. For douching with potassium permanganate, a solution of 0.02% of a pale pink color is used. Too much manganese will cause burns. The finished solution is stored for 12 hours.
  5. Cyteal is an antibacterial, antifungal agent. Dilute 50 ml in 500 ml of warm water. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance.
  6. Miramistin is an antiseptic with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The tip of the bottle is treated with boiling water, inserted into the vagina, and the walls are irrigated. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children under 3 years of age.
  7. Furacilin tablet is diluted in 100 ml of water, insisted until the tablet dissolves, douche. Do not use the product for more than four days in a row. Furacilin is an antibacterial, antiprotozoal agent. Not recommended for bleeding and allergies to components.
  8. Solution for douching Tantum rose is a topical preparation. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effects. The finished liquid is not diluted with water. After treatment with boiling water, the tip of the bottle is inserted into the vagina and irrigated. If the drug was purchased in powder form, it is dissolved in 500 ml of water. Contraindications: intolerance to the components, age up to 12 years. The active ingredient is benzydamine hydrochloride.
  9. Chlorphyllipt is used to fight antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. A tablespoon of 1% alcohol solution is diluted in a liter of water. The spray nozzle should not be inserted into the vagina.
  10. Malavit is a medicine made from natural ingredients. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effects. Composition: copper, silver, organic acids, cedar resin, mummy and other components. Add a tablespoon of gel to 200 ml of warm water.
  11. Boric acid is an antiseptic, disinfectant. Has an astringent effect, destroys fungi and yeast. A teaspoon is diluted in a liter of boiled water, douches twice a day. Usually, douching with this remedy in combination with drug treatment helps to get rid of thrush.

A fairly common technique is douching with kefir. But this is not the most reliable method. The product contains lactobacilli useful for the flora of the vagina, as well as microorganisms that can have a negative effect on the mucous membrane.

It is better to drink kefir, and not to use it as a douching. Before using any treatment, you should consult your doctor.

According to Neumyvakin

What is the benefit of douching with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin?

The scientist and professor I.P. Neumyvakin has conducted many studies on the benefits of hydrogen peroxide. The solution disinfects, treats fungi, bacteria, viruses, infections and other pathologies.

Hydrogen peroxide 3% is diluted with warm boiled water so as to obtain a 1% solution. Douching is performed twice a day with severe manifestations. Then reduce the application to once a day. Store peroxide in a dark place.

Douching is a procedure in which the vagina is washed with medicinal solutions. It is carried out for chronic inflammation of the uterus, appendages, vagina.

But regular use for the prevention of douching helps to wash out the natural flora of the vagina, provokes the appearance of thrush, dysbiosis, dryness, and irritation of tissues.

This method cannot be used to treat every gynecological disease. After examination and a series of tests, the doctor will prescribe a competent and effective treatment.

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Choosing and using a syringe

A properly selected gynecological syringe will provide effective treatment. When choosing an inexpensive accessory, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is also important to correctly understand its purpose when purchasing a tip.

What should be the syringe?

The gynecological syringe looks like a baby pear. It consists of a pear-shaped round rubber container and a tip. When buying this product, you should pay attention to the quality of the material from which the pear is made. It should be dense and not have a pronounced rubbery smell. The best containers are sold in polyurethane. Such pears are plastic and do not have a medical or any other technical smell. When pouring liquids into them during use, the latter do not eat into the walls of the pear.

The tip itself should be made of hard plastic and also not have a strong smell. The shape should be elongated, smooth, without sharp corners and roughness. There should be small round holes in a row on both sides of the tip.

The syringe is collected before use. Until then, all its constituent parts should be stored in a box or a clean plastic bag. It is very important that the gynecological syringe is always clean and ready to use. After using it, the pear should be washed in a soapy solution to remove drug residues. Then rinse in running clean water and dry in the open air. The tip should be soaked for an hour and a half in a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Thus, the syringe will not only be cleaned, but also disinfected.

What is it for?

The syringe is used to flush the vagina in the treatment of various gynecological, infectious and fungal diseases. This procedure is called douching. Various types of disinfectant and anti-inflammatory fluids are used for douching. It can be an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, soda. In addition, various decoctions of medicinal herbs are prepared for douching. Before filling the syringe with them, the herbal medicinal mixtures should be thoroughly filtered.

The gynecological syringe cannot be used by the following categories of women:

  • pregnant women;
  • women who breastfeed in the first month after giving birth;
  • patients with benign and malignant tumors on the genital organs;
  • women who have recently had an abortion or miscarriage.

You can not douche before going to the gynecologist.

The doctor must see the true state of the vagina in order to take a smear for detailed studies in case of illness. Even with thrush or genital infection, a swab from a washed vagina can give false results. It is highly undesirable to use a syringe for women during menopause. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the vagina is not sufficiently hydrated. Douching will lead to a violation of the microflora and overdrying of the mucous membranes.

It is necessary to properly prepare and douche. The gynecological syringe is used as follows:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to fill the pear with medicine, put on the tip on top.
  2. Before inserting the syringe inside, grease the tip with vegetable oil.
  3. Squeeze the sides of the pear lightly to release the air.
  4. The woman should lie down on one side, spread her legs, bending one leg at the knee.
  5. Introduce the syringe into the vagina with smooth rotational movements so that the entire tip enters.
  6. Squeeze the pear slowly so that the liquid does not pour out in a fountain. Otherwise, the medicine will enter the uterine cavity.
  7. When the solution is over, carefully remove the syringe.
  8. After douching, you should lie down for a few minutes so that the medicine lingers in the vagina.

After use, the hygiene item should be handled and removed before next use.

How to properly disinfect a syringe for the first time?

Girls, I bought a syringe - Esmarch's mug. I live in the USA ... on the box nothing is written about its disinfection ... only about its use ... About boiling water it is generally written that you cannot pour it inside.

I read a lot of information ... someone treats with peroxide, someone with alcohol ... but we have no alcohol here. Someone is boiling, I doubt that I can boil mine ... Someone just processes it inside with boiling water ... I've processed it, and only then I thought to read the instructions ...

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It seems to me not very convenient to use an esmorch mug for douching.

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Douching the vagina: concept, instructions, suitable substances

Douching is so common that many women consider it a routine hygiene routine. However, the introduction of various solutions into the vagina is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. This method of treatment has its pros and cons, and if used incorrectly, it can harm health.

The benefits and harms of douching. Although douching has been used in gynecology for a long time, in the 21st century, some doctors treat it negatively. The fact is that when irrigating the vaginal mucosa, its acid-base balance is disturbed in any case, and antiseptic solutions kill not only pathogens, but also beneficial microflora.

In a healthy woman who observes the simplest rules of hygiene, the vagina cleans itself of various secretions and blood clots after menstruation. It is enough to take a shower once or twice a day, and the smell will be almost imperceptible, and it is impossible to completely get rid of it in any case.

If, to cleanse the vagina, you regularly douche, and even use solutions of soda, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, then over time the colonies of useful lactobacilli will cease to recover, the mucous membrane will begin to dry out, microcracks will appear on it, and ulcers in severe cases. Therefore, therapeutic douching is carried out in courses of 5-7 days (sometimes up to 10), with a mandatory break between them lasting at least 20 days. It is allowed to do 1-2 douching per day.

Only a doctor can determine whether a woman needs douching, prescribe an irrigation agent and set the duration of the course.

Douching is usually prescribed for:

  • thrush;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • colpitis;
  • inflammation and erosion of the cervix;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • dysbiosis of the vagina;
  • myoma.

Also, women douche before tamponing for cervical erosion and before gynecological operations.

  • pregnant women, as the procedure can damage the fetus or provoke a miscarriage;
  • within 40 days after birth or abortion, while cracks and stitches heal;
  • during menstruation, when there is a high probability of penetration of pathogens into the cervix.
  • It is not recommended for women to douche during menopause, since at this time the vaginal mucosa becomes dry anyway.

How to do douching correctly

The method of douching depends on the temperature of the solution. Most often, doctors prescribe a liquid lavage with a temperature of +34 to +36 ° C. In the clinic, the procedure is carried out using Esmarch's mug.

The patient is placed on a gynecological chair or on a couch. In the latter case, a vessel is placed under the hips. The woman should relax, spread her legs and bend them at the knees. Esmarch's mug is placed over the patient's waist, the tip of the hose is inserted into the vagina and the tap is opened. The used fluid drains into the vessel or into a bucket under the gynecological chair.

Sometimes gynecologists prescribe hot douching: a solution with a temperature of +45 to +50 ° C. The hot liquid is well absorbed into the tissues of the mucous membrane, but it can burn the skin. The procedure is carried out only in a medical institution; for it, a Pinkus washer or a Morozov tip are used - devices that protect the skin from discomfort due to contact with hot liquid.

Douching at home

Routine douching is easy to do at home. You should not rely on your own feelings, it is better to buy a thermometer for water. If the solution is too cold, vaginal muscle spasms are possible.

Douching with unboiled water is unacceptable. To prepare the solution, water (settled tap or bottled) must be boiled and then cooled to the desired temperature. Douching requires 150–250 ml of liquid. Mineral water (including in resorts) is used to irrigate the walls of the vagina exclusively as directed by a gynecologist.

At home, it is easier to use a syringe, but Esmarch's mug is less traumatic. Do not use a syringe or Esmarch's mug, which were given enemas. Before douching, you must thoroughly wash the plastic tip. For disinfection, it is immersed in boiling water for 1–2 minutes.

Some women prefer to douche with disposable syringes without a needle. After irrigation, the syringe is thrown away; it cannot be reused.

Douching with Esmarch's mug

It is most convenient to carry out the procedure while lying in the bathroom, bending your legs and putting them on the sides. The mug is hung so that it is located at a height of 75-100 cm above the hips. The tap is slightly opened so that air comes out of the hose and does not enter the genital tract. Then the tap is closed, the tip is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5 cm and the tap is slightly opened. The solution should leak slowly and evenly. When the liquid has completely entered, you should contract the muscles of the vagina for a second. After the procedure, you need to lower your legs, relax and lie down for 15–20 minutes.

Another option is to douche over the toilet or just over the basin. The woman should spread her legs, bend them at the knees and lean forward slightly. After the procedure, you need to get dressed and lie down for 15–20 minutes.

Irrigation of the vaginal mucosa with a syringe

It is much more convenient to perform the procedure with a syringe. But care must be taken that the pressure of the water is not too strong, otherwise the liquid, together with bacteria and fungi from the genital tract, will enter the uterus.

Douching as a method of contraception

Douching with vinegar or lemon juice does not prevent pregnancy. Sperm cells die in an acidic environment, but they move too quickly. To wash them out of the vagina, you need to douch within one and a half minutes after intercourse. It is clear that this is technically impossible.

Douching for conception

It is believed that douching with soda promotes conception. This is only true if the woman cannot get pregnant due to the increased acidity of the vaginal environment. The baking soda alkalizes, so that the chances of sperm survival and subsequent fertilization of the egg are slightly increased.

Home douching with soda solution is usually done from the 11th to the 18th day of the menstrual cycle and only as directed by a doctor. Half a teaspoon of baking soda is quenched in 50–70 ml of boiling water, stir thoroughly so that not a single grain remains and add up to 250 ml with cool water. The procedure is carried out half an hour before intercourse.

Douching for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Douching after unprotected sex reduces the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections. The sooner after intercourse to irrigate, the better (optimally - within an hour after intercourse).

For the prevention of STDs use:

The drugs are sold in special bottles of 100 g, equipped with pipettes and ready for douching. However, none of these remedies provide an absolute guarantee if a man is infected. Therefore, 3-4 weeks after unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar man, a woman should contact a dermatovenerologist and get tested.

Douching for various diseases

The most common douches are:

  • Soda - for thrush (candidiasis) and vaginal dysbiosis. The solution for douching is prepared in the same way as for conception. The course is 5-7 days.
  • Miramistin is a pharmacy drug with antibacterial and antifungal action. It is prescribed for thrush.
  • Chlorhexidine is a ready-to-use pharmaceutical product. It is prescribed for bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, used in pediatric gynecology.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent that relieves itching and burning with thrush. The substance decomposes very quickly in the light and in hot water, therefore the solution must be used immediately after preparation. Proportions: 30 g peroxide (3%) per 90 g of water.
  • Potassium permanganate is an effective antiseptic, but it dries out the mucous membrane. For douching, 0.2 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 200 g of water (the liquid should be pale pink).
  • Chamomile - against thrush. A tablespoon of dry grass is brewed in 300 g of water: boil for 5 minutes or insist in a thermos for 3-4 hours, then filter.
  • Oak bark - against thrush. A full teaspoon is poured into 300 g of water and boiled for half an hour. Douching with a mixture of decoctions of chamomile and oak bark in a 1: 1 ratio is allowed.
  • Celandine is an antibacterial but poisonous agent that must be used with extreme caution. Helps with thrush, cervical erosion and fibroids. It is best to add a pinch of dry herb to a decoction of chamomile or nettle.
  • Nettle is a blood-purifier. With erosion of the cervix, one tablespoon of the herb is brewed in 300 g of water.
  • Honey is a wound healing and regenerating agent. A teaspoon of honey is added to a cooled decoction of herbs for cervical erosion and fibroids.
  • Aloe juice - used for cervical erosion. A teaspoon of juice is added to a cooled herbal decoction or dissolved in 200 g of warm boiled water.

Douching is not a hygienic but a medical procedure. If you experience itching, burning, suspicious vaginal discharge, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication in such cases can seriously harm health.

Best regards, Elena Minakova is a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist.

Many gynecologists are of the opinion that douching is necessary for the complex therapy of many female diseases, but there is also a different opinion regarding this issue.

What is douching and how to do it correctly?

Douching is the process of irrigating the vagina with a special solution for healing or preventive purposes. This method of rinsing is performed using a syringe or an ordinary syringe without a needle. But you need to know how to properly carry out this action, otherwise you can harm.

There are some diseases for which douching is strictly prohibited.

Vaginal lavage should be performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, the course of treatment is approximately three days. The maximum therapy time is ten days. Rinsing usually lasts no more than fifteen minutes, and the liquid should be slightly warm.

The irrigation process is best done in the bathroom, lying down. It is necessary to substitute a basin into which the solution will drain. When bending the uterus, the best position is to kneel.

First you need to disinfect the syringe or syringe, from which you must first remove the needle. To perform disinfection, you need to dip the syringe in hydrogen peroxide or simply sprinkle with boiling water.

A pre-prepared solution (the approximate amount of solution for one irrigation is about two hundred milliliters) must be drawn into a syringe and lubricated with petroleum jelly on the tip to ensure easy and painless administration. Place the tip of the pear in the vagina for a couple of centimeters and gradually press on it so that the liquid begins to inject, and slightly contract the muscles of the vagina. This should be done with care so as not to injure the vagina.

After all this, you should lie down for a while. You should not immediately unclench the pear if it has not been removed. If you make this mistake, bacteria will get into it. After use, the syringe must be thoroughly washed for future use. In no case should an enema bulb be used for douching.

Why douching?

Vaginal douching is indicated in the complex therapy of certain gynecological diseases (primarily inflammatory processes in the vagina). A huge number of decoctions and folk remedies provide excellent results.

This procedure is prescribed by a gynecologist for such diseases:

  • thrush;
  • nonspecific cervicitis and colpitis;
  • endometritis;
  • salpingo-oophoritis.

A certain number of women try to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy by douching, but this will not work. Such actions will not protect against pregnancy, even if they are done immediately after the end of the sexual intercourse. It is also invalid for protection against STIs.

Douching is a hygienic procedure, but you should not do it unnecessarily so as not to disturb the microflora. If there is no indication for this process, you do not need to do it.

What can be used to irrigate the vagina?

At home, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, and the like). To remove the fungal infection and renew the normal vaginal environment, vinegar or lemon solutions are used. To do this, mix one teaspoon of vinegar (or lemon juice) into 250 milliliters of water.

Drug treatment is done with such drugs:

  1. Furacilin;
  2. Chlorhexidine;
  3. Epigenes.

In the presence of antibacterial properties, pharmaceutical agents kill microbes and eliminate inflammation. They delay the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina and relieve unpleasant symptoms. Irrigation with antiseptic solutions is important at the initial stages of the disease in the case of an additional agent to the main treatment.

Is it possible to douche for no reason?

The answer is definitely no. The vagina itself produces a secret that cleans and removes dead cells on its own. If there is no infection, then there is no need for douching. Daily washing is enough.

You should know that constant douching disrupts the balance of the mucous membrane, which leads to dryness, suppression of natural microflora and a violation of the acidity of the vagina. As a result, this leads to a significant decrease in the concentration of lactobacilli and the development of dysbiosis.

In what cases is it impossible to douche?

  • During pregnancy, because the risk of infection of the fetus increases.
  • During menstruation.
  • In the first days after labor or abortion.
  • Before an appointment with a gynecologist, since there is a possibility of washing off the leucorrhoea, and it will be rather difficult to determine the diagnosis.

Irrigation for the purpose of treatment

If leucorrhoea is caused by a disease, they have a bad smell, unusual color and composition, while creating itching, discomfort and irritation, then you need to immediately visit a gynecologist. He will send for analyzes, according to the results of which the problem will be identified, and it will become clear how and how to fix it. In this situation, irrigation is carried out with drugs that will relieve discomfort.

For example, if you have an STI, prescribe antiseptic solutions. Only their use is relevant for urgent prophylaxis (for example, after an intimate relationship with a random partner) and it is not possible to completely prevent the onset of the disease just with the participation of these solutions.

Also known are infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, wormwood, calendula and others, they eliminate inflammation and accelerate recovery.