Depth psychology of a slave. Slave psychology and Orthodoxy


A slave is a person who is completely subordinate to the master's authority, he fulfills his requirements, is his property. Officially, this type of relationship does not exist, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that many enterprises have similar principles. A modern individual does not belong to anyone, he has the right to choose a place and sphere of work, and can leave his position at any time. But sometimes conditions are created when these actions will lead to a deterioration in life. For example, in Russia it is very difficult for a woman to realize herself after 50 years, she is still full of strength, knowledge, but if she does not agree with the opinion of the management and quit, then it will be difficult to find a new job. It is also difficult to find a job in small towns if there is only one factory and there is nowhere else to go.

Slave is the lack of self-expression, it is complete obedience to orders. In many enterprises, initiative is punishable, people only do what they are prescribed, they do their job like slaves. Not only is there no desire to improve, but opportunities are also absent. Thousands of people do not want to change something, they are satisfied with the set of functions that need to be repeated regularly. At the same time, it is necessary to think in a formulaic way, no new skills and ideas are required.

Working for the owner implies a constant desire to shy away from activities. The slave is not interested in profit, does not think about the results. He is stimulated only by punishment if the goal is not achieved, but he himself does not want to do something for the common good. If possible, they look for moments to relax, go about their business, and not do something for the good of society. This is how many office workers behave, at the first convenient opportunity they are distracted.

Slave psychology implies the absence of an opinion. Correct ideas are expressed by the leaders, their discussion is not encouraged. Today, the role of the owner is often played by the state; with the help of the media, certain ideas are brought into the heads of ordinary people. In the absence of censorship, there is a rather serious control that allows you to tune the masses in the desired way. People are not aware of their position, as it is well disguised.

In slave labor, all income remains in the hands of the owner. The worker himself has a minimum amount of funds, which is enough to cover only the necessary needs. A small salary does not allow many to buy something of value, and all the profits from the work of thousands of factories remain in the hands of a handful of people. At the same time, a worldview is created in various ways, in which all this is considered the norm. Slave psychology is becoming a way of thinking, not of individual people, but of entire nations.

Hello, dear blog readers! Today is another article, far from the main topic of the blog. It would seem that the title of the article itself is a bit strange, because slavery was abolished in the country as far back as the century before last. Yes, formally this is all true, formally we live in a democracy, and seemingly free people. But how really? But in fact, slavery, at least in the minds of people, has not gone anywhere, it flourishes, and takes on a variety of forms.

After all, freedom is essentially not available to the bulk of people, and it seems that it is not needed. They have, let's say, their own little world and a kind of surrogate for freedom. And in order for them to live comfortably, by their standards, conditions are created for fooling - alcohol, television, the media. That is, such people do not need to strain and think too much. The owner will give you what you need - "people grabbing". After all, freedom implies responsibility for oneself, loved ones, self-development, making and implementing decisions. What for? In addition, various circumstances are driven into the framework of slavery.

It's no secret that half of the country, no less, live on credit. That is, a loan for literally everything - housing, vacation, car. Credit is also a form of modern slavery. Then unemployment. This is especially true for small and medium-sized cities in terms of population. A man got a job at an enterprise where they pay more or less, and that's it, he is already a slave of this office. Otherwise, it is difficult to get another job, you can look for a job for years. There is, of course, the option to open your own business, or leave for a metropolis. But this is also not for everyone. Therefore, unemployment is another type of modern slavery.

Many people, of course, understand that they are essentially in a state of slavery, they scold the rulers, but they do not take any action. They are also annoyed by those people, the minority, who are trying to get out of this circle, doing something for this. They ridicule, criticize, try to eliminate such "dissent" and make efforts to return the minority to their circle. Stability, albeit in slavery, is highly valued by the majority. And only a few manage to break out of this circle and find personal freedom.

Possessors of a slave mentality really need an authoritarian personality - a ruler. They do not like the complex political system of checks and balances; there must be such an ideal that can solve all problems if you bow to it. Faith in a "good king" is indestructible. And what about the power, the system? The current state of affairs is quite satisfactory, so she does not take any real action to "squeeze out the slave drop by drop" from people. Moreover, if people like to be slaves, let them be. The media, television, education, everything works to fool the mass of people. It's easier. Of course, some people understand the essence of what is happening, but such a minority, and they do not make the weather.

Nobody needs to work hard on an uncle for a penny, wasting their health and time. But due to social insecurity, people are forced to do this and be slaves. No matter how the WORKER works, the owner controls the wages, and in the interests of the owner it is always and on everything to save money. And what is the easiest way to save money, that's right, for those who work for you. This I mean that even having escaped from slavery, the owner, in fact, remains with the same slave mentality, that is, he himself is already using slaves with might and main. A free person accepts the freedom of other people, but a slave cannot realize his freedom, and does not allow others to do it. That is, what slaves are, so are the masters.

Even like that, you can't tell right away whether this very slave psychology will ever disappear. I think that some long period of time must pass for something to change in the minds of people. And so while the nature of power in the country remains unchanged - at the head of the "tsar father", the people love the tsar and hate the "evil boyars" who sneak dirty tricks on the "tsar father." A.

People of servile rank -

Real dogs sometimes:

The heavier the punishment

So much dearer to them, gentlemen.

And one more thing about fooling people - take a look This Video . The video is an excerpt from the film "Eternal Call", as SS Colonel Lakhnovsky talks about the consciousness and education of people. The film of the 70s, and how exactly everything is said.

I would be glad to comment on the article.

The concept of human freedom, individual freedom, has occupied philosophical minds at all times. God gave man the freedom of self-determination, but man is not guided by reason, lives by external and internal conventions, depends on them, belongs to them and cannot get rid of them. Awareness of one's life, the choice to perform certain actions and deeds always remains with a person. This is true personal freedom. A person has the right to decide for himself whether he strives for freedom or remains a slave.

“You have been bought at a dear price; do not become slaves of men ”(1 Cor. 7:23).

Initially, freedom appears as a quality of the Soul, as its ability to self-organize, to build itself as an integral structure, determined by its inner content, and not by external influences. And only after gaining inner freedom, the Soul begins to defend it in external interactions. It blocks actions imposed on a person by the external environment, and initiates an action determined by internal determination. When realizing the need for freedom, the human soul encounters not only external, but also internal obstacles - these are psychological complexes.

Moses led the Jews through the desert for forty years, not because they were fans, but so that only free-born Jews could reach Palestine.

Man is a rational being and should not be the property of another person, he is not a beast. A slave, an animate property, a "pack cattle" designed to satisfy the needs and lusts of the Master.

Donkey, will remain a donkey ...

( Fable. Alexander Khvalkov. 2010.)

The donkey, lowered by life, walked along the forest.

Deer towards him:

That you are not happy brother, that you have hung your head?

It's good for you to be free

you walk freely under the sun

eat what you want

you drink pure spring water.

What's your problem? - asked the Deer.

I live in captivity

I work day and night.

From under the stick to the farmhand on the Boss.

Slightly wrong

pretty much getting the download.

If you only knew what they feed me.

Rotten oats and dry hay

and this is instead of succulent grass.

No freedom for you

all my life in check.

If you knew how I dream

at least a day to be free.

To which the Deer says to the Donkey:

You understand brother

freedom is a difficult burden

and not everyone can handle it.


all their lives prefer

live as unwitting slaves,

meekly fulfilling everything

what they will be ordered.

Stable is their lifestyle.

The donkey did not understand

what the Deer told him about,

because freedom,

it is a pipe dream for him.

And now, by coincidence,

Donkey Master dies.

What happiness

at last the Donkey got what

what I've dreamed of for so long.

He walks freely in the meadow,

eating what he wants.

Drinks spring water

and lays down for hours

warming sides in the sun.

Here is freedom

which he had dreamed of for so long.

But the night came, the wolves howled

and the Donkey felt uncomfortable.

And then winter came

cold and lack of food.

And only then the Donkey understood

what freedom has

there is also a second side of the coin.

I remembered what Deer had told him about.

Hungry and cold

The donkey wandered towards the village

and with the permission of another Master

voluntarily stood in the stall,

slavishly fulfilling

all the whims of the new Master.

So it happens with people, some prefer to be slaves all their lives, voluntarily fulfill the will of the Masters, others take on the heavy burden of freedom. It must be stated that, unfortunately, there are always more Donkeys than noble Deer.

The main difference between a slave and a person is that a slave can only work under strict conditions of control, while a person, having reason, is able to create conditions for himself. Slavery is passivity, and the victory over slavery is determined by the creative activity of a person.

In the process of life, the slave thinks stereotypically. Patterned thinking generates a lot of attitudes that significantly affect it. Having become a hostage to certain circumstances, the slave is looking for someone who can give him an appropriate "template" for him. By accepting the service, he becomes a hostage of the owner - a person capable of managing the conditions of the current situation.

Being a prisoner of the surrounding world, a person is limited in freedom. This lack of freedom forces him to act as the majority does, to live "like everyone else." The psychology of a slave is the overwhelming predominance of the desire to fit into society, to consider the demands of society as their desires as really heard, guessed or falsely guessed. The slave praises what was yesterday, accepts today, hoping for tomorrow. Modern slaves, realizing their inferiority and inability to freely express their will, rigidly perceive any calls for personal freedom, since this is categorically at odds with their position in life.

The true truth hurts slaves' ears. Cheap "pills" wrapped in a false wrapper by the owner, they take it with a bang, swallow it without thinking about the consequences. Enlightenment comes later, when there is a massive volvulus of the "intestines". History testifies that any slave revolt creates new forms of slavery, and only free people can grow up for this and create changes for the better. Working on themselves, being a free person, they are pioneers and do good deeds.

At all times, the initiators and creators of new thought and new life have been persecuted and oppressed. The highest value - the human personality has never been recognized. There was always the lowest price - state violence accompanied by lies. Slaves worshiped her and at all times revered her as the highest.

The past testifies that, fulfilling the will of the master, the slaves humiliated individuals, since they could not stand the free ones. In their actions, guided by a lie to destroy personalities, both masters and slaves triumphed. Truth has always been crucified in the world, but the real power is in righteousness, God's righteousness.

How is a slave-man different from a yard dog? And he and the other for a piece of bread faithfully serve their master. The bulk of the slaves are satisfied with everything: they have an owner who takes care of them, protects them in his own way, creates the illusion of safety and well-being. For this category of people, all the most convenient conditions for their slavery are created: alcohol, television, the Internet, arena shows, and so on. They will eat everything that the owner gives them, except for one thing - they do not need real personal freedom. A free man accepts the freedom of other people, while a slave cannot realize his freedom, hence he does not allow others to do it.

Silent with the mentality of a slave

And we are looking for a way, closing our eyes

What fate laments the blind

The days were foolish, the nights sighed

(Artur Murvanidze).

The problem of "psychological slavery" is a fairly widespread phenomenon. It manifests itself in a person's perception of himself as a victim of circumstances and in dissatisfaction with his results. The psychological perception of the “victim” always seeks confirmation of his failures, collects the opinion of other people about his unhappiness, blames circumstances, other people, himself, society as a whole, time - in all the problems of his life. It is unnatural to show love to slaves offended by life; one can only sympathize with them. A slave is always locked in the fuss of the moment, and since he himself does not really know what he wants, he constantly blindly obeys the advice of others. These weak-willed individuals are easy to brainwash from interested parties.

A prosecutor, a judge, a policeman, an official-functionary are always stronger than a person with a civil position, a human rights activist, a public figure, a writer. The duplicity of these puppets provides them with inner satisfaction from what they have done in the performance of their official duties. They are unwilling slaves. They do not become slaves, they are born slaves. Before their children, parents, relatives and friends, they act as "actors" in the play of honor, conscience and duty. But behind a black curtain, they hide their illegal and unseemly actions from society. A person who breaks up with his personality during the performance of his official duties is a person who is capable of committing acts that are extremely inhuman. With the tacit consent of the slaves, these werewolves, abusing their position, and do their own vile deeds.

Reliance on a slave population is one of the signs of the preservation of any political regime. The strength of every ruler rests on the ignorance of the people. Those in power do not need free and enlightened people. They need slaves, because elections are coming soon. Systematic mockery of the people under the guise of democratic values ​​gives them pleasure. The overwhelming majority of people are creatures that cannot control themselves, mentally controlled. Today, those who want to control the mass of slaves and force them to follow their designs, first of all seek to seize control of the Mass Media (mass media), where lies and double standards prevail at their submission.

"A slave is one who does not know how to control himself"


Each person is a microcosm, unique in its manifestation. But a free person with a psychological culture, ready to take responsibility for his behavior and actions, can be considered one who is able to build his relationships with other people on the basis of universal human values. For a free person, there is no concept "should" or "should not", he carries out his actions according to his inner conviction, thereby reflecting himself in this life as a person. The bulk of the eternal debtor to society, trying on "masks", trying to be like someone. This is a waste of time, they miss their chance in life. The one who is aware of his life, makes a choice outside the influence and pressure of the environment and the assessment of society, only such a person can consider himself the most free person.

Human freedom is born from the energy of his Spirit. This his search and choice of where he directs his energy, embodies it in his decisions and actions. The beggars by the Spirit are doomed to the senseless vanity of life. The orderliness of human consciousness and behavior, his cognitive and transforming activities, the processes and states organized by him in nature and society, provide him with the highest possible level of freedom of existence under these starting conditions.

The freedom of the Soul is manifested in its flexibility, in the variety of activities carried out. On the basis of freedom, other needs are generated, such as: the need for creativity, self-realization, self-respect, and so on, that is, those needs that are defined as spiritual needs that ensure the development of the Soul. In the process of a person's physical life, the Soul develops, its abilities are improved for a fuller and deeper cognition of itself, of its inner world.

Freedom is a state of human consciousness. It allows him to follow the path of development, the realization of a person in his achievements. For a free person, the main thing is not work itself as an action, but the goals for which he works, strives to actually embody the creative ideas that come to his mind. This is an opportunity to take place as a person, to make decisions independently, to perform actions in which a person creates himself and creates his own life.

"To squeeze out of yourself a slave drop by drop"

(Anton Chekhov).

Freedom obliges, it is responsibility for oneself and for others, for one's life, for one's actions, for making and implementing decisions made. This can be done by a person with willpower, fear control. If a person wants to become independent from the crowd, it is useless to just rise above it - you need to get out of this crowd and stand outside of it, to feel freedom. And not everyone can do it.

“Freedom is good food, but difficult to digest;

you need strong stomachs to endure it "

(Jean-Jacques Rousseau).

The most terrible thing in modern life is not the collapse of the economy, which brings inconvenience, but the meaninglessness of this very slave life. The meaning of the life of the dumb modern slave is to consume and have fun. How is the purpose of the life of the ancient Roman slave - "bread and circuses" - different from the current goal of the man in the street - "to consume and have fun"? Only by the amount of consumed and perverted entertainment. The slave of our time does not need freedom, he hates it, because it distracts him from the bread and circuses provided to him by an interested master. Moreover, the slave will violently oppose this freedom, unquestioningly fulfilling the will of his master. This property of cattle thrives on the soil of human biomass, consistently devouring the human mind.

“I know this kind of pompous donkeys;

As empty as a drum, and how many loud words!

They are slaves to names. Make yourself just a name

And any of them is ready to crawl before you "

(Omar Khayyam).

In the process of life, the miserable slave becomes like an animal being, the soul atrophies, the development of human qualities, leading to spiritual perfection, stops. The more you get to know animals, the more you become disappointed in man. The primitive individual is constantly at the mercy of fear of the owner, interests are limited and obey the owner. Having lost the appearance of a rational being, such a person leads a bestial lifestyle. The soul is empty and is not disposed further towards intelligent life. The slave is not guided by the reason given to him; the instinct of consumption and profit prevails in him.

Human dependence on material goods often leads to spiritual poverty. Satisfying the insatiable flesh, the weak-willed person, as a result, becomes an insignificant slave. It is unlikely that he will ever get rid of the "yoke" of the past, and the "shafts" of the present seem to be hereditary. The slave psychology of parents is passed on to their children from generation to generation.

The son's mother instructs:

Son, you must live “like everyone else”, as our fathers and grandfathers lived.

And I do not want "like everyone else", I want to live exactly as a person free from the past negative layers of society, and not as a slave cattle lives, bending under the pressure of society.

If the parents put themselves above the child, regardless of his opinion, they will bring up an obedient slave for the employer. As a rule, having become an adult, such an individual is a puppet for his leader, in the family he is henpecked, all decisions are made by his wife - the dictator.

Slave psychology unites the bulk of the population. That is why "Slave Izaura" won the hearts of millions of slaves on the other side of the screen. Having a low level of intelligence, slaves spend their free time on entertainment that meets their undemanding taste. Mass art is widely practiced as a means of manipulating the slave public in order to achieve the goal set by the master. To seize the seats, officials, deputies of all stripes again and again use the herd of slaves in their own interests, feeding them their fill of buckets.

Today, slave psychology, like a cancerous tumor, consistently devours the living cells of the human mind. The slave's intellect is primitive and naive; in fact, his mind is blocked by his actions. The global ability to act rationally, think rationally and cope well with life's circumstances is absent from the slave. The head of the modern slave is not the habitat of the mind.

"It takes courage to think with your own head."

(Immanuel Kant).

The plebs don't need much, they don't even need bread, just give a spectacle and promise a bright future. Datura for the people in our time is an expensive pleasure. Zomboys of all stripes, the world wide web and so on cost a lot of money. An ordinary man in the street will save on everything so as not to be left behind the side of the mythical, illusory world. The smartphone has become an integral part of the human body. The informational fooling of the herd continues. Low-standard TV series, shows, performances, football gather hundreds of thousands of fans, while the halls of museums, libraries, theaters and conservatories are half empty. Musical works of world classics, theater, museums are in demand by a narrow circle of people with intelligence. But pop music is eaten by everyone with a bang. Pop music, tabloids, football, "soap operas" are food for slaves, because there is no need to turn on the mind to digest this waste food. All this industry of glamor, designed for a mass audience, makes the average layman dumb.

Is it worth talking about high cultural and moral values ​​when the world wide web - the Internet - more and more turns people into potential slaves? The development of digital technologies is reducing the line between reality and virtuality. Today, young people live a virtual life. Whether we like it or not, the personal computer and the Internet are fundamentally consistently changing our lives. It is natural for a person to try to escape from the main physical, basic reality and seeks to create some of his own special realities. Life shows that virtuality erodes a person's identity, intensifies dissociative forces that, over time, decompose the integrity of the human personality. For such people, the sense of a linear past, present and future becomes unclear.

“If someone threw a grid of numbers on the world,

Has he lifted our mind?

No, our mind has become a sire! "

(Vladimir Khlebnikov).

The impact of man-made delights on the human psyche is constantly growing. In virtual reality, much is calculated so that a weak-willed, apathetic, uncultured slave would feel comfortable there and never once felt his inadequacy and insignificance during the hours of his stay. Many of the "fields" of cyberspace are created for the growth of mentally normal "vegetables". Unfortunately, today we are seeing their massive growth. Modern youth is a growth that has filled the territory where an intelligent individual should be.

Reason is given to a person so that he does not appear on the map of life "shaded" into the main gray mass, and for this it is necessary to perceive all information consciously, not to put information garbage of dubious origin into the cranium. The modern information "bazaar" must be filtered. You can't buy obviously rotten cabbage at the bazaar, do you?

As human history testifies, only man himself can turn something into evil or good. At the moment of going online, first of all, a person should be guided by reason, realize that he immediately becomes a target for many agents and subjects of influence. Cyberspace, like other social spaces, is the arena for the action of a wide variety of political, economic, and religious forces.

The manipulative risks of virtuality are very individual, they strongly depend on the personality traits of a person. What is insignificant for some types of character, for others, can become the starting point of destruction of the personality, transformation into an uncomplaining slave.

The gray mass prefers to follow the beaten path of life, not thinking that each step taken determines the individual path of a person to spiritual ascent. The highest values ​​in the world turn out to be weaker than the lowest ones. In all ages, the highest values ​​were crucified by slaves at the suggestion of the master, while the lowest values ​​were erected on a pedestal by the same slaves. At present, stakeholders, pursuing certain goals, deliberately impose a culture of mass consumption, ostentatious luxury, deliberate chic, demonstrative splendor. The onslaught of material well-being completely erases the spiritual values ​​in society.

The humanity of the planet is represented by two camps. The first, numerous, is the slave camp; they constantly stand in line, waiting for manna from heaven. The second camp is people of reason who take responsibility for their own lives and for the lives of others. Guided by reason and intuition, through trial and error, they explore the world in which they live and themselves in it. At all times, these people are persecuted by a crowd of slaves, but after the expiration of time, the crowd also admires them.

Of its own free will, humanity has chained itself to a pillar; For millennia, a crowd of pitiful slaves have been making stupid movements in one direction, consistently reducing the territory of freedom with ill-considered actions. A few intelligent individuals are able to break out of this vicious cycle. If a person is not absolutely free internally, he will not see the reality of life, he will not feel spiritual satisfaction. And only freed from the shackles of slavery, fear, stereotypes and formulaic thinking that are imposed on him by society, culture, religion, he will be able to see the natural colors of this world, become a person - a highly spiritual person.

“If you were called a slave, do not be embarrassed;

but if it is possible to become free, then you better use it "

09:19 pm - Slave psychology.

This problem has long been occupied after it faced in discussions with the accusation of each other in the not outlived psychology of a slave. The indictments of the "slave psychology" of the accused were different, sometimes mutually exclusive. Basically, they concerned diligence, obedience to superiors and a tendency not to conflict. My pensiveness on this topic lasted for years. :)

The conclusion is as follows.
The psychology of a slave is the overwhelming predominance of the desire to fit into society, to consider the demands of society, really heard, guessed, or falsely guessed, not quite important in this context, as their own desires. At the same time, it does not matter whether you become a six or a leader, a slave or a slave owner in terms of social status. If the totality of social roles, and only it, is the essence of the I, then this is the psychology of a slave.
Where social roles end, such a person has emptiness. More precisely, even a psychological vacuum, because the Emptiness is sometimes filled with an elusive meaning :), there is no vacuum, it tears the psyche, and with it the living body, if this psyche is out of social roles.
Emptiness filled with elusive meaning - is this my fantasy? :)


Here's another disgusting side of the slave nature: when meeting free people, slaves begin to hate them passionately, often unconsciously. I know this from myself. My mother-in-law, a downtrodden Estonian woman who was not loved by her husband, wanted to squeeze me into her own frames. She was enraged that after graduation I was going to do scientific work, I live interestingly. She only knew dirty dishes in the kitchen and a drunken, foul-smelling husband. And divorced us. Yes, time has put everything in its place. It's only a pity for Ruslan, her son. Well, he is now with her - without work, own housing and family. SCARY AMONG SLAVES! - O.A. Filatova, psychologist.

Have fun.

I'm singular ;-) It's just that the psychology of slavery has recently become my obsession, I try to identify all aspects of slave behavior, first of all in myself. Well, I wanted to push you to take similar actions in relation to myself :-)

"You" is, in the singular, a stranger. :)
An aphorism was born.
Only slaves strive for freedom.
And the free seek to perpetuate slavery.

With a singular number, I just hinted that I need a "you" :-)
In fact, slaves, if they really are slaves, will flee from freedom as far as possible. This is a terrible burden for slaves - freedom.

If you need it, then you need it.
Although, first of all, you need to figure out, then, who are the slaves, and who are the free?

Slaves are those who are deprived of the right to free choice. The free are those who bear the burden of initiative.

The trick is that there is always a choice. It's just that life works like that. But this is a choice between a limited number of possibilities. The number of possibilities is fundamentally not equal to infinity. That is, there is always a choice and always this choice is limited by external circumstances. Therefore, either there are no slaves or free. As you like. Who will choose which vector for themselves.
True, in your wording we are talking about "law". That is, about some kind of formal permission to choose from. Probably, you can divide like that, just what will it give?

This is a very interesting and necessary topic. I like your conclusion and does not contradict what I think. If possible, my observations. Slave psychology exists in two forms - the fear of freedom of choice (passive form) and the desire to be a slave owner (active form). Therefore, the slave owner (tyrant, despot, a person who seeks to suppress the personalities of others, etc.) always has a slave mentality himself.

Yes, it is, and this is understandable. And in a primitive society (in fact, probably a gangster), where the "slave owner" is bursting with pride that he is a slave owner, not like slaves, in fact, slaves are both. You have outlined everything correctly. The slave is active and the slave is passive.
I tried to understand what slave psychology is in more complex scenarios, when people are not boors and feel free and independent. Can we talk about slave psychology here and in what way is it manifested? Is it possible to find a model in which the primitive slave-slave-owner relationship is only a special case of slave psychology.
He suggested that the matter is in subordination to the layers of social roles, social stereotypes and values ​​that are perceived as I, it seems that I live and make a free choice, but in fact there is just an automatic switching between roles in different environments.
And there are people who prove that this is real human life, but I don't believe in it. :)

Of course. And I don’t believe. But it seems to me that for this you need not even believe, but KNOW that a person's life is more than the life of his body and, moreover, more than the life of an individual in societies. And the most important thing is not external and internal correspondences to changing social roles, but responsibility to oneself. In my opinion, there is only one duty - the development of oneself. I understand this development very broadly. In this sense, for me, both the hermit in the cave and the enlightened (eh-eh, where can I get such) ruler, and the "physicist", and the "lyricist" are equal.
Distraction for other goals and objectives is a consequence of the manifestations of slave psychology. I understand that this conclusion is too categorical. But we are theorizing. :) And one more thing. This same, already at the pillar of shame, slave psychology nevertheless objectively exists in the material world and without it we cannot know freedom ...

Yes, you are right, we are just theorizing here, moreover, we are theorizing fruitlessly, because it is not enough to know, our knowledge is mainly about "objects", that is, about something outside of us, this is the nature of knowledge, apparently, but at the same time we think that I myself am quite wonderful and, if we talk about the topic of the conversation, I am the only one not a slave, well, maybe someone else is here and there, but I - for sure. :) For I think and act, I know and feel (I know for sure about this), I achieve success, overcome obstacles, but the rest is a question. And it is very funny when you suddenly discover, here and there, in something that simply carefully, thoughtfully, energetically, perhaps even beautifully, you are playing the role assigned to you in the given system of values. I am not saying that this is good or bad. It just is. And then the question arises, what is I outside of social roles? Or am I just not outside of social roles? :)

Let's theoreticize further. :). I agree that "our knowledge is mainly about 'objects', that is, about something outside of us." And I, speaking about the development of myself, also speak about the accompanying process. The process of KNOWING oneself, outside of social roles. There is a well-known expression that a true gentleman is only one who is alone with himself a gentleman. OH! I'm afraid I don't match ... :). So, in order to know oneself, they become hermits, or ... remember Daniel Defoe and his Robinson. But these are extremes, of course. In practice, in life we ​​are always given trials or temptations ... and freedom of choice. And then there is a very, very thin line. Our choice may be outwardly ethical (it’s clear to me what you are talking about, he himself is, apparently) but made on the basis of the psychology of a slave in the form of dependence on pride. When not you, but your pride wants you to be moral, courageous, honest and the most, most, exceptional, in everything, in everything. And it seems to me that the main thing here is to approach the understanding of the possibility of such a development "seemingly itself". And if you came to understand this, then maybe you have stepped over this and really became "I".
Or maybe my pride whispers to me tenderly?!?! ... :))

Yes, it seems that we understand each other. :)
And precisely because a mental impasse arises, purely theoretically, this is the reasoning about postmodernity:

Perhaps this should be the way out of the impasse. At least theoretically. :)

Gentlemen, you are philosophers! :)))
In my opinion:
The essence of slavery is quite simple - it is in the rejection of the right to be called a human being, the right to one's own dignity. I propose to take as the key term - "own dignity". When, in a hurry to get to work, where you get a salary of 10,000 rubles, you run into a Gazelle minibus and, for lack of a seat (and it is forbidden to stand), squat at the front door, thinking, wow, I had time ( a) how lucky I am, who are you ??
Loss of self-esteem is the main thing. Humiliation in front of everyone in a row for the sake of the goal ... Ah, for the sake of the goal, then you can! How - an excuse! Nicholas II remained tsar even in Tobolsk, even in the basement of the Ipatiev house ... This is at the level of upbringing, the ability to be ashamed of his actions, moral COMPROMISES to his ancestors ...
And here everything is simpler - no one saw, so it never happened ...
The bandits, by the way, have a term - "low man" ... Very intuitively faithful and close to a slave ...

Gentlemen, you are philosophers! :)))

You the same end.

Humiliation in front of everyone for the sake of a goal.

Even if you are doing a worthy act through humiliation? Say, are you saving someone and this is the only possible price?

as Al Pacino used to say in the movie "The Devil's Advocate": let's start negotiations!
That is the question! It is always important to draw the line - when we have humiliated enough for the sake of the goal, and when it is still possible a little, because the goal is so tempting ... Yes, in fact, even for the sake of salvation ... I'd rather die (die) than see your humiliation ...

Now they write a lot and talk about how it happened that in our country we have a problem of Tajik migrants. Different versions are expressed, corruption ties are traced. There is a lot of speculation on how we can get rid of them. In general, a hot question.

Of course, as a resident of the nearest Moscow region, this topic is very well known to me. In our country, sometimes recently you go out into the street and with great difficulty you will not see a single Slavic face among the workers, cleaning, talking on the phone, walking and simply sticking Tajiks into the wall, and indeed any other appearance. Usually there is no one to ask for the road, if you find yourself somewhere in an unfamiliar area. You feel like in a foreign country - the streets are full of people, and you can't learn anything from them - they don't understand you, and you don't understand them. It's very hard.

But today I want to talk a little about something else. How did it happen that we became a slave state and people live peacefully in this all in the 21st century? Exist in the slave system, support it, serve it? The topic is very interesting - how we persuaded ourselves to what we hated, reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin", "The Adventures of Huckleberifin" in childhood, or watching films about the horrors of American slavery. Indeed, how can that be?

I don't want to go deep into deep systemic issues now. I'll just try to remind you how it all began. For example, in Golitsyno, near Moscow. My dacha is located next to our local market. And everything unfolded before my very eyes. At first, the owners of this market hired exclusively Slavs to work as cleaners and loaders. People who went to this job were completely marginal. The job was considered disrespectful. Accordingly, apparently people fell on it out of despair - this was not how they pictured life in their dreams of their future. They worked very badly, just to get rid of and drank soundly and fought every day. They robbed nearby dachas. And it was not about the salary and not even about the lousy conditions of their residence, but precisely about the fact that the motivation for self-esteem and respect was completely absent from them. Neither the police nor our market leadership could cope with them (the guys, by the way, are not simple and not weak). It was some kind of real hell. This went on for a couple of years, if my memory serves me - dirt, drunken homeless people and daily violent fights. The workers changed, and completely, in whole teams, and the situation was repeated the same. It ended in one day, when the grief - the workers burned down the house in which they lived. Then Tajiks began to appear. Open, smiling, sociable, executive, and most importantly, they do not drink and are completely disenfranchised. And right before our eyes our station Golitsyno blossomed - quietly, cleanly, tidied up. I just didn’t want to think about the price of reckoning in the future for this purity and peace. I wanted to rest.

But do you know the most disgusting thing? The fact that when I now read about the horrors of slavery in the Dagestan brick factories, I see that our Russian slaves behave in the same way there. The same ones who raged here with us, filonili and drank all day and plundered the whole district. And I suddenly begin to gradually understand that the point is not drunkenness. Alcohol is a secondary consequence of a complete inability to control oneself. No whip. And so including above. Why are Putin's bosses so respected - he is their boss with a whip. They confess that without it they themselves are completely unable to curb their base impulses and instincts. They need fear of the owner. Such a normal slave psychology. And then why be surprised that we have easily turned into a slave state? We were them - we did not leave it anywhere. Literally, Stalin made the same under imaginary pretexts from a part of our people as slaves, at one time. And then the freed slaves hired other slaves. Something like that.

And what is the way out? Of course, the visa regime with the countries of Central Asia. But at the same time, you will have to completely rebuild your internal slave attitudes yourself. As long as in this slave pyramid the slaves will control the slaves and the main evil slave with the whip will sit on top, we probably will not be able to change anything.