Gogol terrible night. Terrible revenge

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Terrible revenge (Draft autograph)*

"Complete collection of works in fourteen volumes": Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1937-1952; Have you heard the story of the bluesorcerer? It happened with us across the Dnieper. Terrible thing! At thirteen<ом>year I heard itfrom my mother and I don't know how to tell you Instead of"I don't know how to tell you": I don't know myself) but everything is strange to me<ся>, which from that time fell from my heart a little fun. Do you know that place fifteen versts higher than Kiev? There is already a pine. The Dnieper is also wide on that side. Ah, the river! The sea, not the river! It makes noise and rattles, and as if it doesn't want to know anyone. As if through a dream, as if reluctantly ( Next was: its cold field) stirs the expanse of the watery plain and sprinkles with ripples. ( Next was: with the dawn or in the evening) Will he walk along it at one in the morning or [in the evening the wind, as everything in it trembles, fusses: it seems as if the people] crowds. ( Instead of"crowds": a crowd gathers for matins or vespers. Next was: [need b] sinnerI am great before God: I need b, I need a long time ago. And sparks are pouring over them, crowding, like on wolf hair) And everything trembles and sparkles in sparks, ( Further erroneously repeated: in sparks) like wolf fur in the middle of the night. Well, gentlemen, when we leaveto Kiev? I really sin before God: it is necessary, long ago it would be necessary to go to bow to the holy places. Sometime already<д>old age is just about time to go there: you and I, Foma Grigorievich, will shut ourselves up in a cell, and you too, Taras Ivanovich! We will pray and walk in the holy caves. What wonderful places there!

Loudly ( was started: What kind of noise is rushing at the end of the city) is making noise, (deafly making noise) the end of Kiev is thundering, bending<ся>(approaching) the Dnieper. Esaul Gorobets celebrates ( Next was: my (not crossed out)) wedding of his son. Many guests came to visit the esaul. In the old days they loved to eat, even better they loved to drink, and even better they loved to have fun. The Cossack Mikitka also arrived on his bay horse straight from a riotous drinking party from Pestyariwhere (on which) he watered seven<дней>and seven nights of royal gentry with red wine. Arrived and Next was: son-in-law of the esaul) the named brother of the esaul Danilo Bulbashka from the other side of the Dnieper, where between two mountains (mountains) was his farm, with his young wife Katerina and with a one-year-old son. The guests marveled ( Next was: that) and a white round face, black eyebrows, elegant cloth, underwear from a blue half-tabe<ку>, boots with silver horseshoes, but they were even more surprised that the old father did not come with her: for twenty-one years he was missing and returned from Turkey ( Next was: then) to her daughter, when she was already married. ( Next was: He was sorry for the esaul: he thought that now he would hear a lot about Turkey. He) Surely would tell a lot of marvelous things. ( Next was: old father) Yes, as well as not telling<зать>being so long in a foreign land! Everything is wrong there, and the people are not the same, and there are no churches of Christ. But he didn't come. The guests were served boiled vodka with raisins and plums and sliced ​​into pieces on a huge<ном>cow platter. The musicians were offered an underwear with a cow, all pierced with copper money. [He<и>] left cymbals, violins and tambourines, took out that money and began to eat korowai and praise the young. And the young women and maidens, having wiped themselves with embroidered handkerchiefs, again stepped sideways from the ranks, and towards them, proudly and briskly akimbo, impatiently waiting for the musicians, the lads intertwined themselves with towels and were ready to rush. The musicians thundered. Suddenly screamed<о>, frightened and stretching out its hands, the one-year-old child of Bulbashka, who played on the ground. Mother ran up, [father] ran up. The child screams and points with fear at the crowd of people who are staring from all sides at the merrymakers. A disgusting, ugly face peeped out from behind the crowd; in his quick eyes, flickering like fire from under his eyebrows, there was something<-то>so terrible ... father and mother shuddered, the merry ones backed away in horror. freak something<у>hearing, (smiling) disappeared into the crowd. "The sorcerer has appeared again," rushed (rang out) from all sides: "it won't be now, there won't be life!" they all shouted with one voice. "What is this sorcerer?" the young wife of Danila Bulbashka asked, amazed, and could not understand anything and interrogate over shouts and talk. The sun has long since set; the merry guests began to dance, but Bulbashka and her young wife, having said good night to the young and the hosts, ( was started: where are the couple of owners) hurried to the shore, where an oak tree was waiting for him with two faithful Cossacks.

All over God<небу>the night shines softly. That month so far<за>came from behind the mountain, (appeared in the middle of the sky) washed himself, dressed up and went for a walk in the sky, ( Instead of"and went for a walk in the sky": a. look<ел>from the middle of the sky b. reached the middle) became thoughtful, stopping over the wide Dnieper and seeing in it another month. ( Next was: i) The mountainous bank of the Dnieper was illuminated, ( a. then dark b. illuminated v. turned white) and the shadow went even further into the thicket of pines. In the middle of the Dnieper an oak floated; two lads are sitting in front, black Cossack hats on one side, and under the oars, as if from a flint and fire, spray is flying in all directions. Why don't the Cossacks sing? They don’t talk about how the Cossack people are rebaptized (they take freedom in Glukhov<ный>people) into Catholics, nor about how bravely two peoples fought on the Shoternfield. How can they sing, how to talk about dashing deeds; Pan their Danilo became thoughtful, and the sleeve (and the red sleeve) crimson<го>župana descended from the oak and draws water; Pani them Katerina quietly cola<шет>the child does not take his eyes off him, (looks motionless at him), and water falls on the elegant cloth not covered with linen with gray (white) dust. It's nice to look from the middle of the Dnieper to the high mountains, to wide meadows, to green forests, to the shores. Those mountains are not mountains, they have no soles, below them, as well as above, there is a sharp peak, and under them and above them there is a high sky. Those forests are not forests that (where) stand on the hills: they will seem (seem) to be hair overgrown on the shaggy head of a forest grandfather. By<д>them in the water [washes] the beardand under the beard and above the hair is the high sky. Those meadows are not meadows: that is a green belt that girded the round sky in the middle, and in one half, and in the other half, the moon walks. Pan Danilo does not look around, he looks at his young wife. "What, my young wife, my golden Katerina, has gone into sadness?" “I didn’t go into sadness, my pan Danilo! But I marvel at the wonderful story about the sorcerer; they say that he was born so terrible as ( Instead of"like": now)... and none of the kids ever wanted to play with him. Listen, Pan Danilo, how terribly they say: that it seemed to him that everything seemed to him, that everyone was laughing at him. Will he meet in the dark evening with someone - he [said<о>s] that person (two rows were immediately shown to him) opens his mouth and two rows turn white (shine)<зубов>; and the next day they found that person dead (killed). I was wonderful, I was scared when I listened to these stories," Kateri continued.<на>, taking out a handkerchief and wiping it on the face of a child sleeping in her arms. The scarf was embroidered with red silk. Pan Danilo - not a word and [began to] glance at the dark side, where an earthen rampart was blackening from the forest, and an old castle rose from behind the rampart: three wrinkles were cut out at once above the eyebrows; the left hand stroked the valiant mustache, (the right hand kept stroking the Cossack<ий>moustache) the right one grabbed the handle. "It's not so much that a sorcerer is scary," he spoke: ( Next was: laying down) “it’s kind of scary that this is an unkind guest. What kind of whim did he come to come back here? I heard what the Poles want to do.<он>There is a rumor that he has some kind of hangout. I will burn ( Next was: with bones) of an old sorcerer so that even the ravens will have nothing to peck at. However, I think he has gold. That's where he lives, this devil. If he has gold ... Here we are now going to sail<мимо>crosses, where<это>cemetery: here his wicked great-grandfathers rot. The late grandfather knew them. They are all ready<были>sell yourself for money with a soul and skinned zhupans to Satan. If he definitely has gold, then there is nothing to delay, now it is not always possible to get it in a war. "-" I know (Ah, I know) what you are up to. No, Danilo, God save you: do not mess with this sorcerer, my meeting with him does not bode well for me. But you are breathing so heavily, you look so sternly, your eyes are so sullenly raised eyebrows, Danilo! .. "-" Be quiet, woman! Whoever contacts you will become a woman himself. Lad, give me fire in the cradle," he said, turning to one of the rowers, who immediately knocked him out of his<ей>already burned<ей>cradle<и>(knocked out his already charred in the ashescradle) burning ash on the hem {Next was: and waited) and transferred it to the cradle of his pan. "Scares me with a sorcerer!" continued Pan Danilo. "A Kozak, thank God, is not afraid of either devils or priests. It would be of great use if we began to listen to our wives. Isn't that right, lads? Our wife is a sharp saber. Yes?" Katerina fell silent and looked at the sleepy water, and the wind pulled the water in ripples, and the whole Dnieper turned silver like a wolf's hair in the middle of the night. Oak turned to the river and began to go round in the rivers<е>shore. On the shore stood a row of crosses and graves; ( Next was: a. blackened on mounds b. and it was all wild<... >) neither the viburnum grows between them, nor the grass turns green, - only the month warms them from the heavenly heights. "Do you hear, lads, screams? Someone is calling ushelp," said Pan Danilo, turning to his rowers. "I hear ( So in the autograph.) pan Danilo, someone's cry," the lads said: "it seems from the other side," the lads said at once, pointing in the opposite direction to the cemetery; ( Next was: all) but everything was already quiet. The boat turned. Suddenly the rowers lowered their oars and fixed their eyes motionless. Stopped and Pan [Danilo Bul<башка>], and ( Next was: feels that) fear and cold cut into the Cossack veins. The cross on the grave staggered, and a tall corpse quietly rose from it. The beard is to the waist, on the fingers the claws are long, longer than the fingers themselves. He quietly raised his hand. His face trembled and twisted. Apparently, he endured a terrible torment. "I'm stuffy, stuffy," he groaned in a wild and inhuman voice, and his voice seemed to scratch his heart like a knife, and the dead man suddenly went underground. And suddenly another cross shook; another dead man came out again [more<1 nrzb.>] even more terrible, even higher than before; all overgrown: knee-deep beard, ( Next was: almost yet) long nails ( Next was: as if) even longer, still<1 nrzb.> shouted: "It's stuffy for me!" and went underground. The third cross staggered, the third dead man rose. Even higher, it seemed, only bones had just risen, a beard ( Next was: long) - to the very heels, the ends of the nails, it seemed, plunged into the ground. Terribly, he stretched his hands up, as if he wanted to get the moon, and screamed as if someone began to saw his yellow bones. The child, sleeping in Katerina's arms, screamed and woke up. The lady herself screamed. ( Next was: Sami) The rowers dropped their hats into the Dnieper. Pan himself shuddered. Everything suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened. However, the lads did not take long ( Next was: moved) took up the oars. Burulbash looked carefullyat his young wife, who, in fright, rocked a screaming child in her arms, pressed her to his heart and kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t be frightened, Katerina, look: there’s nothing,” he said, pointing around: “this sorcerer wants to frighten people so that no one gets to his unclean (devil’s) nest.<ко>he will scare some of them. Give me a son in my arms." Next was: And kissing) At this word, Pan Danilo raised his son up ( Next was: what) and brought it to his lips. “What, Ivan? Are you not afraid of sorcerers? No, tell me, aunt, I’m a Cossack.<ночек>) Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta! We'll come home, we'll come home, mother will feed you porridge, put you to sleep in a cradle. He will sing: "Luli, son, my, Lyuli" ". ( Words from the song in the autograph -- out of place: they are attributed at the end of the chapter.) “Listen, Katerina! It seems to me that your father does not want to live in harmony with us.<езжать>? would remain where he wandered for twenty years. I did not want to drink for the Cossack will, not yet<ча>l in the arms of a child. I wanted to believe him everything that lies on my heart, but does not take something, and the speech stammered. No, he does not have a Cossack heart! Cossack hearts, when they meet, how they won't beat out of each other's chest to meet each other. What, my any lads, the coast soon? Well, I'll give you new hats. You, Stetsko, ladies ( Next was: Tatar) lined with velvet and gold. I took it off together with the head from one Tatar, I took all his shell, I released only one of his souls. And what, lads, the coast? Well, take it easy! Here, Ivan, we arrived, and you were crying! Take it, Katerina." ( Instead of“Take it, Katerina”: So they’ve arrived) A thatched roof appeared from behind the mountain: then Pan Danil’s grandfather’s mansions, behind them there is still a mountain, and there is already a field, and even if you walk a hundred miles, you won’t find a single Cossack .

Farm ( was started: Between) pan Danilo between two mountains in a narrow valley running down ( a. descended b. rolling) to the Dnieper. Low mansions at Pan Danilo: a hut in appearance, (the same) as that of ordinary (other) Cossacks, ( Next was: by section<... >) and there is one room in it, but there is room for him, and his wife, and an old servant, and 10 selected fellows to fit there. Around the walls at the top are oak shelves, densely on themthere are bowls, pots for a meal; among them there are also silver goblets and cups, set in gold, donated and obtained in the war; expensive muskets, sabers, squeaks, spears hang below: ( Next was: and looking at them) willingly and unwillingly they passed from the Tatars, Turks and Poles. Quite a few, however, they are memorized. Looking at them, Pan Danilo, as if by the badges, recalled his contractions. Beneath the wall below are oak, smoothly hewn benches, next to them, in front of the bench, hangs on ropes, threaded to a ring screwed to the ceiling, a cradle. Throughout the room, the floor is smoothly killed and smeared with clay. On the benches all<да>sleeps with his wife Pan Danilo. A small child amuses and lulls in the cradle. Good fellows spend the night on the floor. But to the Cossack (But now it's not winter, goats<аку>) it is better to sleep on smooth ground with a free sky. He doesn't need a down jacket or a feather bed - he puts fresh hay on his head, stretches himself on the grass to his heart's content. It is fun for him, waking up in the middle of the night, to look at the high, star-sown sky and shudder from the pleasant night chill that brought<свежесть>Cossack bones. Stretching (Rising up) and muttering ( Next was: growlingly) through a dream, he lights up the cradle and wraps himself tighter in ( Next was: old) cloth zhupan. Burulbash woke up not early after yesterday's fun. And waking up, he sat down on a bench in the corner and began to sharpen the new Turkish saber he had exchanged. And Pani Katerina began to embroider ( Next was: silk) gold silk towel. Suddenly Katerina's father came in, angry, as if he had just fought with someone, approached his daughter and began to ask her sternly: what was the reason, what ( Instead of"what's the reason for what": a. where b. why) she returned home so late. ( Further from the paragraph was: The sun rose in the high sky and began to burn the grass and warm the wildflowers. The father got up and began to scold, scoldhis daughter: "Why are you, my daughter, late, did not come home early yesterday?". And Karakash was sitting in a corner and sharpening a Turkish saber.) “About these things, father-in-law, not her, but me to ask: not the wife, but the husband answers, - it’s already the way with us: don’t be angry<ся>", said<он>without leaving your<дела>. "Maybe in other infidels (busurm<анских>) this does not happen in the lands, I do not know. "The old father frowned and that<-то>something wild jumped out from under his brows. "So I'm asking you," he said, biting his mustache, "why did you leave the house yesterday for the whole day and arrived so late?" "But this is the case, dear father-in-law! ( Next was: teb<е>) To this, I will tell you that I have long gone out of those that women wear. ( Next was: on hands) I know in campaignshow to sit, i can Next was: thank God) to hold in my hands and a sharp saber, I’ll be able to do something else ... I know how not to give an answer to anyone, what I’m doing. "I see, Danilo, that you want a quarrel between us. Am I not right to think that<ты>went somewhere to do something bad when you don't want to say it?" "Think, think what you want," said Danilo, "I think to myself too. Thank God, I have not been in a single dishonorable deed, I have always stood for the Orthodox faith and the fatherland, not so<как>at least some vagabonds trudge around, God knows<где>, and when the faithful fight to the death, [and then] come down to harvest the grain not sown by them, and even look like the Uniates: they will not look into God's church. Such people should be interrogated in order, where they are dragging around. "" Hey, Cossack! Do you know, I shoot badly (unsharply): only for a hundred sazhens my bullet pierces the heart. I cut myself unenviably: pieces remain from a person, a little smaller than cereals, from which porridge is cooked. "I'm ready," said Pan Danilo, smartly crossing the air with his saber, as<буд>then knew onwhat do you machine<л>. "Danilo!" shouted Katerina loudly, grabbing him ( Instead of"having seized him": Danilo in gr<... >) by the hand and hanging on it: "remember, crazy, look at whom you raise your hand. Batko, your hair is white as snow, and you ( Next was: hot) flared up like an unreasonable lad. "" Wife! " Pan Danilo shouted menacingly: "you know, I don't like this: know (know) your woman's business." Sabers sounded terribly, iron chopped iron, ( Next was: sprinkled around) the Cossacks seemed to sprinkle themselves with dust ( Instead of"Cossacks ~ sprinkled themselves": as if the soldiers were sprinkled with dust) with sparks. ( Next was: She ran away) Katerina left crying in her ...room and threw herself on the feather bed, covering herself with a pillow so as not to hear the terrible saber blows. Just wrong...: the Cossacks famously fought so that their saber blows could be drowned out; at every sound, the Cossack heart wanted to break into pieces, ( Next was: as if his body) [as if] all over her white body passed: knock, knock. "No, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, ( Next was: she screamed and grabbed) maybe the scarlet blood is already beating (pouring) with a key from the white body. Maybe now my dear is exhausted, and I'm lying here, "and all pale, barely taking a breath, Katerina came out. They fought evenly and terribly: neither one nor the other overcomes. Here comes Katerina's father, Pan Danilo is served. Here comes Pan Danilo, the stern father comes forward, and again on an equal footing.overclocking, wow, how scary! and both<сабли>broke in half. Stenya, flew off towards the wedges. "Thank you, God," said (shouted) Katerina and cried out again: the Cossacks took up their muskets. Adjusted the belts, cocked the hammers. Pan Danilo fired, missed. Aimed<ся>father: he is old, but his hand does not tremble. The shot rang out. Pan Danilo staggered. Scarlet blood dyed the left sleeve of the Cossack zhupan. "Not!" shouted Danilo: "I will not sell myself so cheaply. ( Next was: Here I have) Not the left hand, but the right chieftain. ( Next was: Here) I have a Turkish pistol hanging on my wall, it has never cheated on me in my whole life. Get off the wall, old comrade! Show a favor to a friend!" Raised ( Next was: and grabbed) Danilo's hand to get a pistol<ет>. "Danilo!" cried out in despair, grabbing her hand and throwing herself at his feet, Katerina: “I’m not praying for myself: I’m alone ( Instead of"one for me": look at your sy<на>) the end: ( Next was: I won't) that unworthy wife who lives after her husband. Dnieper - cold [voditsa] Dnieper - I will have a grave. But look at the son, look<на>son! Danilo, Danilo, look at your son! Who will warm the poor, who will take care of him? (poor child) Who will teach him to fly on a black horse, to fight for freedom and land, {Next Started: he won’t) drink and walk like a Cossack? Danilo, why do you turn your face away? Get lost, son, get lost: your father does not want to know you. I now know you: you are a beast, not a man; you have the heart of a wolf and the soul of a cunning reptile. (slyly) Oh! I thought that you have a drop of pity, what is in your stone<ном>body human feelings burn. It's crazy<я>wrong! It will bring you joy, your bones will dance in the coffin with joy when they hear how the wicked Poles will throw your son into the flames, (<будут>burn your child in flame) when your son (child) will scream under knives and dill<1 nrzb.> I know that you are glad to get up from the coffin and fan the fire that has risen under it with your hats. “Wait, Katerina! Go, my beloved Ivan, I will kiss you. No, my child, no one will touch your hair. You will grow up for the glory of your homeland. hand. Father, give me your hand! Let's forget the past between us. What I did wrong before you - I'm sorry. Next was: What happened between us, let it be) I'm sorry! ( Next was: a. wine<ват> b. got excited) Why don't you give your hands like thisdo the Cossacks: they took<1 nrzb.> and when they reconcile, they reconcile: everything dances for joy!" he said to his father, who ( Next was: severely) stood in one place, not expressing on his face either anger or reconciliation. "Father!" - said (shouted) Katerina, hugging and kissing him: "do not be implacable, forgive Danila: he ( Next was: will always) will not upset you anymore "..." For you only, my daughter, I forgive, "answered<он>, kissing her and flashing wonderful eyes. ( Next was: Trembling) Katerina shuddered: his kiss and incomprehensible fire seemed wonderful to her ( Instead of"incomprehensible fire": shine) of the eyes and that's it. She thought somehow, leaning on the table on which Pan Danilo was bandaging his wounded hand, rethinking what he had done badly and not in a Cossack way, asking for forgiveness, not being himself guilty of anything.

The day flashed, but not sunny; the sky was gloomy, a thin rain was sown on the meadows, on the forests, on the wide Dnieper. Pani Katerina woke up (got up), but she was not happy; ( Next was: i) her eyes are tearful and she is all vague and restless. "My dear husband, my dear, I had a wonderful dream." "What dream, my love (dear) pani Katerina?" “I dreamed - wonderful, really, it seems: as if I saw it in reality and even more than I saw it. I dreamed that my father was the same freak that we saw at the Yesaul’s wedding ... But I beg you, believe the dream! What nonsense a person does not dream (sees in a dream) when he sleeps. Next was: and he spoke) my veins groaned from every word of his. And if you heard him say such things..." "What did he say, my golden (dear) Katerina?" "He said: look at me, Katerina. I'm good, people are wrong to say that I'm bad. I will be a good husband to you. Look how I look with my eyes. Then he turned his fiery eyes on me ... I screamed and woke up. "Wonderful is your dream, Pani Katerina, it will be even more wonderful to believe him. However, do you know that beyond the mountain it is not so calm. Almost Poles began to peek out. Gorobets sent me to tell me not to sleep. In vain only he cares. I can't sleep without it either. My lads this (one) [night cut down] twelve (ten) notches. ( Next was: for) We will whistle the Commonwealth (ready to accept) with lead plums, and the gentry<и>they will also dance from batog<ов>. (I'm chasing Next was: drive away with batogs (not crossed out)) "Does your father know about this?" “Your father is sitting on my neck! I still can’t figure it out. He did a lot of sins in a foreign land! Instead of"how much": a. is still living b. is still there) - there is more than a month, and at least<бы>once unless<се>flowed like a good Cossack: he didn’t want to drink honey ... Do you hear, Katerina, he didn’t want honey, which<я>trotted out from the Brestov Jews. Hey, lad!" Shouted Pan Danilo, clapping his hands and whistling with a valiant whistle: "Run, little one, to the cellar, and bring some Jewish honey! Burners do not even drink! What a pro<па>st! It seems to me, Pani Katerina, that he does not believe in the Lord Christ. What do you think?" "God knows what you're saying, Pan Danilo!" "Wonderful, Pani," continued Pan Danilo, accepting an earthenware mug from the Cossack: "Foul Catholics are quite greedy for vodka, only the Turks don't drink. What, Stetsko, did you pour a lot of honey in the cellar?" "No, I only tried it, Pan Danilo." "You're lying, son of a dog. Vish, ( Next was: on both) how the flies attacked the mustache! I can see in my eyes that I took half a bucket. Hey, Cossacks! what a dashing people! Everything is ready for a comrade, and the intoxicated will dry itself. ( Next was: And when, Mrs.) I, Mrs. Katerina, have been drunk for a long time, huh? ( Instead of"more this": like a long time ago) Do you remember on Saturday ..." (fourth day) "Do not be afraid, ( Next was: pani Katerina) don’t be afraid, I won’t drink more mugs! And here is the Turkish abbot intermeddle (dragging<ится>) at the door," he said through his teeth, seeing him bending down to enter the door, ( Next was: Katerini<на>) father-in-law. "Oh, what is it, my daughter," ( Next was: your dinner is not ready so) said the father, taking off his hat from his head and adjusting the belt on which the saber hung with ( Next was: such) wonderful stones<ьями>: "the sun is already high, but your dinner is not ready?" "Dinner is ready, (Now it will be, take it out), sir father, now we'll put it: take out the pot of dumplings," said Pani Katerina to the old woman, ( Next was: a. swaying cradle b. holding a child in her arms: I<жу> v. myvsh<ей>) washing wooden dishes. ( Further from the paragraph was: They sat on the floor in a circle) "Or not, wait, I'd better take it out, and you call the lads." Everyone sat down on the floor in a circle: against the pokut, pan father, on the left (on the right) hand, pan Danilo, on the right - pani Katerina and ten most faithful fellows in red and blue zhupans. "I don't like these dumplings," said the pan father, after eating a little and putting down the spoon: "there is no taste." "I know that Jewish noodles are better for you," Pan Danilo thought to himself. “Why, father-in-law,” he continued aloud, “you say that there is no taste in dumplings: are they badly made or something? My Katerina makes dumplings in such a way that even the hetman rarely gets to eat them. And it’s a sin to disdain them - this is a Christian dish: all the holy people ate dumplings, and our God Jesus Christ himself ate. ( Next was: dumplings) Not a word, the father fell silent. Pan Danilo also fell silent. They served roast pig with cabbage and plums. "I don't like pork," said Katerina's father, scooping out the cabbage with a spoon. "Why not love pork?" said Pan Danilo. "Only Turks and Jews do not eat pork." fell silent ( Next was: father like) father again and threw a stern look. Only one lemic ( Next was: from) with milk<ом>and the old father ate and drank some black water instead of vodka from a flask stretched out from behind his bosom. After dinner, (After dinner) Pan Danilo fell asleep with a valiant (Cossack) sleep and woke up only around evening, ( Instead of"well done ~ about evening": a. took over in the evening b. sat down at the end) sat down at the table, began to write sheets, ( Next was: for foremen in the Cossack army) and Pani Katerina rocked the cradle with her foot, sitting on a couch. Pan Danilo is sitting, looking with his left eye at the writing, and with his right eye at the window, and from the window he sees far away ( Next was: in between top<ушек>) mountains shine, around the Dnieper mountains, forests turn blue behind the Dnieper. Flashes ( Next was: in the window) cleared night sky. Pan Danilo admires not the distant sky and not the blue forest, looks at the outstanding ( Next was: month) cape, on which the old castle blackened. ( Next was: and above) It seemed to him that a narrow window flashed in the castle with fire. But everything is quiet. It certainly seemed to him. You can only hear the dull noise of the Dnieper below, and from three sides, one after another, blows of instantly (suddenly) awakened waves are given. He does not rage like an old man, grumbles and grumbles. ( Next was: and babbles) He disliked everything, everything changed<ни>elk around him. Quietly he is at enmity with the coastal mountains, forests, meadows and brings a complaint against them to the Black Sea. Here, along the wide Dnieper, a boat blackened, and something seemed to flash again in the castle. Pan Danilo whistled softly; a faithful lad ran out to whistle. "Take, my (Go) Stetsko, rather with you a sharp saber and a rifle, and follow me." "You are walking?" asked Pani Katerina. "I'm going, wife, I need to see all the places: are there any unkind guests anywhere." "I, I can feel it, it's so scary to be alone. I'm so sleepy. What if I dream the same thing again? I'm not even sure if it was a real dream." "With you<ю>the old woman remains, but the Cossacks are sleeping in the passage and in the yard." "The old woman is already sleeping, but the Cossacks cannot believe it. Listen, Pan Danilo, lock me in the room and take the key with you. Let the Cossacks be...at the door—then I won’t be so scared, and let the Cossacks lie down in front of the door.” Next was: sir) Danilo, dusting his rifle and pouring gunpowder onto the shelf. ( Next was: Put on) Faithful Stetsko is here and already dressed in all the Cossack harness. Pan Danilo put on a fuzzy hat,<л>window, bolted<дверь>, closed it and slowly went out of the courtyard between his sleeping Cossacks into the mountains. The sky was almost completely clear, a fresh wind [was blowing from<ля.>] ([sang from the Dnieper]) A seagull was calling in the distance. ( Next was: but) Everything seems to be numb. But then a rustle was heard. ( Next was: Quietly hid) Pan Danilo with a faithful servant quietly hid behind a thorn bush that covered the felled notch. ( Next was: "Hm," he said quietly) Someone in a red coat with two pistols, with a saber<е>I was going down the mountain side by side. "This is a father-in-law," Pan Danilo said, looking at him from behind a bush. "Why and where should he go at this time? Stetsko, do not yawn, look into both eyes, where will pan father take the road?"<Человек>went down to the very shore and turned to a protruding cape. "Ah, that's where!" said Pan Danilo. "What, Stetsko, because he dragged<ился>just in the sorcerer's hollow." "Yes, it's true, not in another place, Pan Danilo! We should have seen him on the other side. And he disappeared near the castle and ahead<... >". - "Wait, let's get out, and then ( Instead of"and then": slowly. Now) we'll follow the footsteps. ( Next was: him) Something is hidden here. No, Katerina, I told you that your father (father) is an unkind person. This is not how he did everything, (he spoke) like an Orthodox. " Danilo and his faithful lad have already flashed below on the protruding shore; now they are no longer visible: ( Next was: who) after all ( Next was: hid them (not crossed out)) the black, impenetrable forest that surrounded the castle hid them. The upper window lit up softly. Below are the Cossacks and think how to climb them. No doors, nothing is visible to them in the walls, in the window only<ко>glows, but from the yard there is surely flattering<ица>. But how to enter there? From a distance you can hear chains rattling and dogs running. "What do I think long!" Pan Danilo said, seeing a tall oak in front of the window: "Stand here, little one, I'll climb the oak, I'll look straight out the window from it." rummaged through, Pan Danilo took off his sash, threw his saber down so that it would not ring, and, grabbing the branches, went upstairs. The window was still glowing. Sitting down on a bough near the window, he clung with one hand to<1 nrzb.> tree and looks. There are no candles in the room, but wonderful signs shine on the walls, ( Next was: everywhere<у>) there is a weapon hanging, but everything is strange: neither Turks, nor Crimeans, (Tatars) or Poles, nor Orthodox Christians, nor the Swedish people wear this. Under the ceiling, bats flicker (fly) back and forth, and the shadow from them flickers on the walls, on the doors and on the platform. Here opened ( Next was: but no squeak)<дверь>. Who enters<-то>in a red coat and straight to the table covered with a white tablecloth. This is a father-in-law! Pan Danilo went down a little lower and clung tighter to the tree; but he has no time to look, ( Next was: ok<но>) whether someone looks out the window or not - he came frowning, angry; ( Next was: quietly) pulled the tablecloth off the table - and suddenly a transparent (thin) blue light also spread throughout the room. [Occasionally] only unmixed waves of the former pale yellow light shimmered, ( Next was started: kupa<лись>) dived, ( Next was: and bathed) as if in a blue sea, and stretched in layers as if on marble and in the middle<и> {Instead of"and middle<и>": a. alone standing b. stood) father-in-law blushed. Pan Danilo began to look closely and did not notice the red coat on him; instead showed up on it ( Next was: some) wide sha<ро>vara, which the Turks wear; ( Next was: the belt is all scribbled<1 nrzb.> non-Russian and non-Polish letters) pistols in the belt; on his head some kind of wonderful hat, scribbled<ная>all non-Russian and non-Polish letters. He looked into the face - and the face began to change: the nose ( Next was: became vytya<гиваться>) stretched out and hung over his lip, his mouth in a minute rang out to his ears, a tooth looked out of his mouth, bent downto the side, and stood in front ( Instead of“stood in front of”: little by little) him again the same sorcerer who appeared at the Yesaul’s wedding. "Your dream is true, Katerina," thought Pan Danilo. The sorcerer became important (slowly<нно>) walk around the table. The signs began to change rapidly on the wall, ( Next was: i) the bats flew stronger up and down, back and forth, the blue light became less and less and, it seems, completely went out, and ( Next was: all over the room) the room was already lit up with a thin pink light. It seemed with a quiet ringing ( Next was started: similar) a wonderful light spilled ( Instead of"wonderful light": it is on all the walls) in all corners and suddenly disappeared and darkness became. There was only a noise, as if the wind in the quiet hour of the evening played, circling around ( Next was started: smooth mirror) water mirror<у>bending silver willows even lower into the water. And it seems to Pan Danil that in the roomthe moon shines, the stars walk, ( Next was started: blacker<я>dim<о>) the dark blue sky flashes indistinctly and the cold of the night air smelled even in his face. And it seems to Pan Danil (here he began to feel his nose to see if he was sleeping) that it was no longer the sky in the room, but his own bedchamber: his Tatar and Turkish sabers hang on the wall; there are shelves on the wall, household dishes and utensils on the shelves, bread and salt on the table; here<1 nrzb.> hanging cradle; instead of images, some terrible faces peep out on the couch ... but the thickening fog covered everything, and it became dark again, and again, with a wonderful ringing, the whole room (hut) was lit up with pink light, and again signs flashed on the walls, and again the sorcerer was standing motionless in his wonderful turban. The sounds became stronger and thicker, the thin pink light became brighter and something white, like a cloud, blew in the middle of the hut; ( Next was started: pan Danilo began to look and at ...) and it seems to Pan Danil that the cloud ( Next was: as if it took the form of a woman) that is not a cloud that stands ( Next was: something<о>) a woman, - only from what is she -<из>Is it woven into the air? ( Next was started: what) Why is she standing and not touching the ground, and not leaning on anything, and pink light shines through her and signs flash on the wall. Here she moved (turned) her transparent head. Her pale blue eyes glow quietly, her hair curls and falls over her shoulders, as if ( Next was: pale) light gray fog; the lips are pale red, as if through the white-transparent morning sky the barely perceptible scarlet light of dawn is pouring; eyebrows slightly darken, cheeks white<ют>. "Oh, it's Katerina!" Here Danilo felt that his members were chained; he wanted to speak, but his lips moved without a sound. Still<ж>but the sorcerer stood in his place. "Where have you been?" he asked, and what stood before him trembled. "Oh! why did you call me!" she moaned softly: “I was so happy, I was in the very place where I was born and lived for 15 years. Oh, how good it is there! our hut, and the garden. Oh, how my good mother embraced me, what love is in her eyes ... She made me blue, kissed me on the lips and cheeks, combed my blond braid with a fine comb. Father!" here she is Next was: ostavov<илась>) stared at the sorcerer ( Next was: dove<ые>) pale eyes: "why did you kill my mother?" Terrible sorcerer threatenedfinger: "Did I ask you to talk about it?" he said in a stern voice, and the airy beauty trembled. "Where is your lady now?" "My lady, Katerina, is now sleeping: (just fell asleep) did not have time ( Next was: pan) my beloved Danilo lock the door, and she has already fallen asleep. I rejoiced at that, fluttered and flew. I have long wanted to see my mother. I suddenly became 15 years old. I became as light as a fish. Why did you call me?" "This is Katherine's soul," thought Pan Danilo, but still did not dare to move. "Do you remember everything that I told you yesterday?" the sorcerer asked so quietly that one could hardly hear "I remember, I remember, but what wouldn't I give just to forget it. Poor Katerina, she does not know much (much) of what her soul knows. Repent, father; don't you have enough Next was: our) on the soul of atrocities! [You] are not afraid that after each murder of yours, the dead rise from the graves ?.. "You're back to the old again," the sorcerer interrupted menacingly: "I'll bet on my own. I will make you do what I want. Catherine will love me. Katerina will certainly love me!" "Oh, you are a monster, not my father!" she groaned: "no, she won't<по->yours. ( Next was: you) True, you took with your impure charms the power to call the soul and torment it, but only God can force her to do what he pleases. No, Katerina will never, as long as I stay in her body, decide on a ungodly deed. Father, a terrible judgment is near! If you were not my father, and then you would not have forced me to cheat on any of my faithful husbands. If my husband had not been faithful and sweet to me, and then he would not have cheated on him, ( Next was: but) because God does not like perjurers ( Next was: and insidious) and unfaithful souls. "( Further from the paragraph it was started: Say) Then she fixed her pale eyes on the window, under which she sat (where a hundred<ял>) pan Danilo, and stared motionless. "Where are you looking, who do you see there?" cried the sorcerer. Airy Katerina trembled, but Pan Danilo had already been on the ground for a long time and was making his way with his faithful Stetsk to his mountains. "It's terrible, terrible," he said to himself, feeling for the first time some kind of timidity in the Cossack's heart, and ( Next was: so) soon passed his yard, on which ( Next was: all) the Cossacks were also fast asleep, except for one, who sat on guard and smoked a cradle. The sky was full of stars.

"How well you did that woke me up," she said ( Next was entered: as if a song ("song" not crossed out)) Katerina, wiping her bright eyes with the embroidered sleeve of her shirt and looking from head to toe at her husband standing in front of her: "How<ой>I had a terrible dream! How hard my chest was breathing !.. wow !.. I felt like I was dying..." Further from the paragraph it was started: Yes, I myself) "What kind of dream? Is it not this one?" and Pan Danilo began to tell everything he had seen. "How did you know that, my husband?" Katerina asked, amazed: “No, it’s true ... but no, I didn’t see much from what you tell. No, I didn’t dream that my father killed my mother<1 nrzb.>, no dead, nothing I saw. No, Danilo, you don't talk like that. Oh, what a terrible father is!" "And (To) it is not surprising that you did not see much. You do not know even a tenth of what the soul knows. Do you know that your father is the Antichrist? Even last year, when I gathered together with the Poles against the Crimeans (at that time I still held the hand of this unfaithful people), the abbot of the Brethren Monastery (he, his wife, is a holy man) told me that the Antichrist has the power to call out the soul of every person. And the soul, you know, walks of its own accord when a person falls asleep, ( Next was: and does everything she wants) and flies with the archangels near the divine room. I didn't see your father's face the first time. If I had known before that there was such a father, I would not have married you. I would have thrown you and would not have accepted sin on my soul, having become related to the Antichrist tribe. "" Danilo, "said Katerina, covering her face with her hands and sobbing: ( Next was: Is it) "Am I guilty of what before you? ( Next was: Did) I cheated on you, my any husband? What caused your anger? Wrong, did I serve you<е>, did you say a nasty word when you tossed and turned from a valiant drinking party? Didn't I give birth to you a black-browed son ?.. "Don't cry, Katherine! I AM ( Next was: found out) now I know you and I won’t throw ( Next was: already) no way. ( Next was: You are innocent) All sins lie on your father!" "No, do not call him my father. He is not my father, God is a witness. I disown him, disown my father. He is the Antichrist, the apostate. If he perishes, he drowns, I will not give a hand to save him. ( Next was: Exhaust) Dry it ( Instead of"Dry it": Exhale) from a secret (slow) poison, I will not give ( Next was: hands) water to drink to him. I do not have<отца>. You are my father!"

In a deep basement near Pan Danil, a sorcerer, chained in iron chains, sits behind three locks, ( Next was: not for the ungodly), but at a distance above the Dnieper, his demonic castle burns, and scarlet, like blood, waves slurp and crowd around the ancient walls. Not for witchcraft, not for ungodly deeds, a sorcerer sits in a deep basement: their judge is God. He sits behind a secret ( Next was: what) betrayal<во>, per ( Next was: what) conspiracies with the enemies of the Orthodox Russian land to sell to Catholics ( a. ruin b. burn) the Ukrainian people and burn (destroy) Christian churches. Grim sorcerer. Thought black as night, in his head. Only one day remains to live for him, and tomorrow it is time for him to say goodbye to the world. Tomorrow he will be executed. Not quite an easy execution awaits him; ( Next was: he will burn coal<ем>and they will tie a forelock on his head) it is still a mercy when they boil him alive in a cauldron or tear off his sinful skin. Grim sorcerer. He bowed his head: perhaps he already repents (repents<ся>) before death. Just not such sins that God would forgive them. Above him is a narrow window, ( Next was: a. strip(not crossed out) b. not glass v. but not a glass sheet) but not fragile glass in it, instead of it an iron sheet is set, all punctured ( Next was: narrow<ими>) small hole<ми>like a sieve, and in front of it is a sharp iron slingshot, and the sunbeam, passing through it, falls<а>em with a fine mesh straight (to him)<в>face to him. With his chains rattling, he went to the window to see if his daughter would pass. ( Next was: will not have mercy) She is meek, unmemorable, (and as quiet as) like a dove; Will she have mercy on her father? But there is no one, the road runs below, but no one will pass along it. Below it walks the Dnieper. He does not care about anyone: he is raging, and it is sad for the prisoner to listen to his monotonous noise. Someone showed up along the way. "It's a Cossack," the convict sighed heavily. Everything is empty again. That's who<-то>descends in the distance, a green kuntush flutters, a golden boat burns on its head. "That's her". He leaned even closer to the window: Katerina was already passing close by. "Daughter, have mercy, give alms!" She is mute, she does not want to listen, she will not even look at the prison ( Instead of"prison": pods) and already passed by, already disappeared. Empty all over the world. The Dnieper hums sadly. Sadness is in the heart. But does the sorcerer know this sadness? The day is drawing to a close, and the sun has already set. Already there is none. Already evening: fresh; somewhere an ox mooed, sounds wafted from somewhere, it’s true, people somewhere are coming home from work and having fun. A boat flickers along the Dnieper. Who needs a well? ( Next was: that's who) A silver sickle flashed (glistens) in the sky. Here is someone walking on the opposite side of the road - hard to see in the dark. It's Katherine coming back. "Daughter, for Christ's sake! and ferocious wolf cubs will not tear their mother. (They love their mother) Daughter, at least look at your criminal father!" She doesn't listen and goes. "Daughter, for the sake of the unfortunate mother!" She stopped. "Come take my last word." "Why are you calling me, apostate? Do not call me daughter! There is no relationship between us. What do you want from me for the sake of my unfortunate mother?" "Katerina, the end is near for me. I know: your husband wants to tie me ( Next in autograph: me (not crossed out)) to a mare's tail and let it run across the field, and, perhaps, invent an even more terrible execution. "" Is there really an execution in the world equal to your sins? Wait for her, no one will ask for you!" "Katerina, I'm not afraid of the execution, but the torment in the next world. You are innocent, Katerina, your soul will fly in paradise near God, and the soul of your apostate father will burn in eternal fire, and that fire will never go out: it will flare up more and more ( Next was: it will never rain), and fire does not look like earthly ( Instead of"not like fire on earth": not the same fire as on earth) in a hundredth<1 nrzb.> Not a drop of dew will fall, nor will the wind smell. "" This (From this) execution I have no power (I cannot) belittle," said Katerina, turning around. "Katerina, stop for one word. ( Next was: wait: god, you don't know how merciful) You can save my soul. You don't know how merciful God is. Have you heard Next was: by edge<йней>) about the Apostle Paul, what a persecutor he was, but after that he repented and became a saint. "" What can I ( Next was: for you) do to save yours<ю> <душу>", said Katerina: "should I, a weak woman, think about it?" "If I managed to get out of here, I would throw everything. I will repent: I will go to the caves, put on my body a hard sackcloth. Day and night I will [pray] to God, not only fast, I will not take fish in my mouth. I will not lay down my clothes when I begin to sleep, and I will keep praying, keep praying. And when the mercy of God does not remove even a hundredth of sin from me, I will dig myself up to my neck in the ground or wall myself up in a stone wall, I will not take food and die, and I will give all my goodness to the monks so that for 40 days and 40 nights they will serve me a memorial service. Katerina thought. "Although (If) I unlock the locks, but I (I) cannot unchain your chains," she said<ла она>. “I’m not afraid of chains,” he said, “do you think they chained my hands and feet? No, I put fog in their eyes and held out a dry tree instead of a hand. would not be afraid of these walls and would pass ( Next was: into the hole) through them. But your husband does not know what kind of walls these are: they were built by one holy schemnik, and no unclean force can bring the convict out of here without unlocking it with the same key with which the saint locked his cell. ( Instead of“my cell”: husband) I’ll dig the same cell for myself, an unheard-of sinner, when I go free.” “Listen, I’ll let you out, but if you deceive me,” said Katerina, stopping in front of the door: “and instead, to repent, you will become the same againthe devil's brother?" "No, Katerina, I don't have long to live. The end is near and without execution. Do you really think that I will betray myself to eternal torment?" The locks rattled. "Farewell, God bless you, my child," said the sorcerer, kissing her. "Do not touch me, unheard of sinner, leave soon," she said ( Inscribed and not crossed out: said) Katerina, but he was gone. "I let him out," Katherine said, ( Next was: what am I) frightened and wildly examining the walls. "What will I answer to my husband now? I now ( Next was: she died and, covering her face with her hands) disappeared, now it remains for me and the living to dig into the grave, "- and, sobbing, ( Next was: like a sheaf fell to the ground) she almost fell on the stump on which the convict was sitting. "But I saved Next was: sinful) soul," she said ( Next was: then) quietly :( Next was: God will not exact) "I did a charitable deed. But my husband ... I will deceive him for the first time. Oh, how scary, how difficult it will be for me to tell the truth in front of him. Shh ... it's making noise? It's the Dnieper that has broken out, the Dnieper. How terrible it is to stay here, get out as soon as possible." Trembling all over, she got up (she got up from her place) and stopped. "Someone is coming!" she cried in a wild voice: "Yes, someone is coming. I hear someone's valiant gait. Holy God! Someone is coming to the door. Doors creak, God, doors creak," she cried desperately: "Ah, it's him, the husband..." - and without feeling she fell to the cold ground.

"It's me, ( Next was: daughter) my own daughter. It's me, my heart!" heard<ла>Katerina, ( Next was: wake up<вшись>) waking up, and saw an old servant in front of her. ( Next was: whispering over) Baba, bending down, seemed ( Instead of"it seemed": over her) whispered something and, holding out over<нею>her withered hand, scooped cold water into her face. "Where I am?" said Katerina, raising<сь>and looking back: "the Dnieper roars before me, the mountain behind me ... ( Next was: where am I?) Where did you lead me, woman?" - "I did not lead you, but brought you out. Carried out in my arms, child, from the stuffy basement. She locked it with a key so that you wouldn't get anything from Pan Danil." - "Where is the key?" said Katerina, looking at her belt: "I don't see him." "Look ?.. Baba, I'm lost!" Katerina cried wildly. "May God have mercy on us from this, my child. Just be quiet, my panyanochka, no one will know anything." "He ran away, the accursed Antichrist. [Did you] hear, Katerina, he ran away?" said Pan Danilo, approaching his wife. He was angry. His eyes threw fire, the saber, ringing, shook at his side. His wife died. "Someone let him out, my beloved husband she said, trembling. Look: instead of him, the log is chained<в>iron. God thought it so that the devil is not afraid of the Cossack paws! If only one of my Cossacks kept the thought of this in his head,<узнал>if I had him, I would not have found him an execution. "" And if I ... and ..? Katerina involuntarily uttered and, frightened, stopped. Next was: and spa<рся>) at Katerina’s, and it seemed to her as if her hair began to separate from her head and her whole body was squeezed by a gesture<о>cue frost.

On the border road, the Poles have gathered in a tavern and have been feasting for two days now. Something a lot of all the bastards came together, ( Instead of"bastards agreed": the crowds gathered) right, for some kind of collision. Others have muskets. Spurs clink, sabers rattle, lords are having fun and boasting, ( Next was: tell) they talk about their unprecedented deeds, mock the Orthodox. They call the Ukrainians their lackeys and twist their mustaches importantly and, with their heads up importantly, fall apart on the benches. With them and priests together. Only kzendz they have to become their own. And he doesn't even look like a Christian priest. He drinks and walks with them and speaks shameful speeches with his wicked tongue. Nothing better from them and servants. They threw (poked) back the sleeves of their tattered zhupans and played with a trump card, as if something worthwhile ... They played cards, hit each other on the noses. They picked up other people's wives with them. Scream, fight. ( Next was: and it's impossible to make out anything) The gentlemen rage and make jokes: they grab a Jew by the beard. They paint a cross on his wicked forehead, shoot the women with blank charges and dance the Krakowiak with their wicked priest. There was no such temptation on Russian soil and from the Tatars. It can be seen that God has already determined her to endure for sins ( Next was: such) disgrace. It is heard between the general sodom that they are talking about the Zadneprovsky farm of Pan Danil, about his beautiful wife. Not for a good deed gathered this gang.

Pan Danilo is sitting at a table in his room, propping<сь>elbow and wonders some thought. (thinks) Pani Katerina is sitting on the couch, shaking the cradle with her foot and singing a song. "Something sad to me, my wife!" said Pan Danilo. "And my head hurts and my heart hurts. It's somehow hard for me. It can be seen that my death is not far away." "Oh, my beloved husband! Lean your head to me! Why do you cherish such black thoughts to yourself," thought Katerina, but she did not dare to say: it was bitter for her, her guilty head, to accept her husband's caresses. "Listen, my wife," said Danilo, "do not leave my son when I am gone. God forbid, if you leave him. God will not make you happy in this or that world. ( Next was: unhappily finished gr...) It would be hard for my bones to rot in the damp earth. And it will be even harder for my soul. Further from the paragraph was: "God is with you, my husband") "What are you saying, my husband! Didn't you mock us, weak wife<ми>? and now you talk like a weak wife. You need a long (much) more to live ( Next was: for) to the glory of the Cossacks." "No, my Katerina, my soul senses imminent death. There is something sad about the world. ( Next was: i) Dashing times come. Oh, I remember, I remember the years - they, it is true, will not return. (return) He was still alive, the honor and glory of our army is old Konashevich. As if Cossack regiments are now passing before my eyes. It was a golden time, Katherine. The old hetman sat on a black horse, a mace glittered in his hand, around the Serdyuka, it moved ( Next was: and mountains...) Red Sea Cossacks. The hetman began to speak, and everything became rooted to the spot. The old man cried Next was: like a hundred<л>) how he began to recall to us wonderful (former dashing) deeds and our battles. Streams of tears flowed from all of us. Ah, if only you knew, Katerina, how we fought with the Turks then! A scar is still visible on my head. four bulletsflew through me in four places, and none of the wounds healed at all! How much gold we scored then, Katerina! Cossacks scooped expensive stones with their hats. What horses, Katerina, if you knew what horses we got! My ( Next was: old) red-haired runner, who now eats wheat grain for his length of service, I got it<й>section. Oh, don't fight like that for me. (to us) It seems that he is not old, and his body is vigorous, and the Cossack sword falls out of his hands. I live without work and I don’t know why I live here. There is no order in Ukraine: ( Next was: now) colonels and captains squabble like dogs among themselves, there is no eldest head over everyone. Our gentry changed everything to the Polish custom, sold their souls, and accepted the union. Judaism oppresses the poor people. Oh time, the past time! Oh, my summers, past summers! Where do you share? Go, little one, to the basement, bring me a cup of honey, I'll drink ( Next was: for the health of the past) for the former share and for the old years. "" How will we receive guests, sir? the Poles are coming from the meadow side," said Stetsko, entering the hut. "I know why they are coming," said Danilo, rising from his seat. "Saddle, my faithful lads, horses! Put on harness, sabers naked! Don't forget to collect lead oatmeal too! With honor it is necessary to meet guests. And you," said Danilo, going out into the yard and separating the most reliable Cossacks from the crowd: "Stay at home to guardso that the unclean tribe does not get to defile our huts!" But the Cossacks had not yet had time to mount their horses and load muskets, and already the Poles, as if fallen from a tree to the ground in autumn ( Next was: motley) leaf, strewn with themselves mountains. "Eh, yes there is<с>who to go over to, "said Danilo, glancing ( Next was: imperceptibly) at the fat pans, importantly swaying in front on horses in golden zhupans, and listening to their whooping: "I see it will happen to me again ( Instead of"me": us) perform, take a walk for glory. Cheer up, Cossack soul, for the last time. Walk, lads, our holiday has come!" And the fun went through the mountains! And the bloody feast was drunk! Next was: sabers) swords, bullets fly, horses neigh and trample. The scream makes my head go crazy. Eyes go blind from the smoke. Everything is mixed up. But the Cossack will feel and know where the friend is, where the enemy is. If the bullet makes noise, the dashing rider falls from the horse. A saber whistles - a head rolls along the ground, muttering incoherent speeches with its tongue. But the red top of Pan Danil's Cossack hat is visible in the crowd, rushing about ineyes a golden belt on a blue coat, a black horse's mane curls like a whirlwind. Like a gray-breasteda bird, he flashes here and there, shouts, waves a Damascus saber and cuts from the right and left shoulders. Cut, Cossack, walk, Cossack, amuse (have fun) a brave heart, but do not look at the golden harness, zhupans! Tramp under the horse gold and stones! If you, Cossack, take a walk, Cossack, but look back: the impious Poles are lighting up on the other side of the hut. And, like a whirlwind, Pan Danilo turned back, and ( Next was started: red) a hat with a red top flickers around the huts, and rede<е>there is a crowd around (near) him. ( Next was: An hour and two) Not an hour, and not another, Poles, Cossacks fight; becomes a bit of both. But Pan Danilo does not get tired, he knocks down from the saddle (pricks with a lance) with his long spear, tramples on foot with a dashing horse. The yard is already being cleared, the Poles have already begun to scatter (run), already ( Next was: rip off) rip off<ю>the Cossacks from the dead were wearing gold coats and rich harness, Pan Danilo was already gathering in pursuit and looked to call his Cossacks ... And he boiled all over furiously, wildly flashed his eyes:<ся>Katherine's father - here he is standing on the mountain and aiming at himmusket. Danilo ferociously drives the horse right at him... Kozak, hide, you're going to perish! The musket rattles. The sorcerer disappeared behind the mountain. Only the faithful Stetsko saw the red clothes of the sorcerer and the wonderful hat flicker. swayed<ся>goat, knocked down<ся>from the horse to the ground. Faithful Stetsko rushed to his master: his master lies, stretched out on the ground and closed his brown eyes. Crimson blood boiled on his chest. But apparently ( Instead of"visible": he) pochu<я>l his faithful servant. Quietly raised his eyelids, flashed ( Next was: wonderful) with eyes: "Farewell, Stetsko! Tell Katerina not to leave her son. Not by<ки>give it to me, my faithful servants," and calmed down. The Cossack soul flew out of the noble body. The lips turned blue, the Cossack was sleeping soundly. The faithful servant sobbed, crouching to his master. The master no longer hears him. The faithful servant rose and waved his hand to Katerina: "Come here, sir, come! ( Next was: yours) Your sir played up: he lies drunk on the damp earth. He won’t sober up for a long time. "Splashed (Ran Katya<рина>) with Katerina's hands and fell like a sheaf on a dead body. "My husband! are you lying here with your eyes closed? Get up, my beloved falcon, stretch out your hand, get up<1 nrzb.> Look at your Katerina for once, move your lips, utter at least one word !.. But you are silent. You are silent, my clear sir. Your... ( Next was: your mouth is blue) You turned blue like the Black Sea. Your heart is not beating! Why are you so cold, my sir? It can be seen that my tears do not burn! They can't keep you warm! It can be seen that my cry is not loud, not about<бу>give them you! Who will lead your regiments now? Who will ride on your black horse? Who ( Next was: roars in a valiant voice in front of the Cossacks) roars loudly and waves his saber before (in front of) the Cossacks? Cossacks, Cossacks, where is your honor and glory? ( Next was: Cossacks) Your honor and glory lie, (Cossacks) having closed your eyes on the damp earth. Bury me, bury me with him, cover my eyes with earth! Press the maple boards on my white breasts for me. I no longer need (now) my beauty." - "No, lady, you have no power to do what you want," said Stetsko: "you must do what your master ordered you to do. When his soul departed, he bequeathed that you save his son and raise him. (son) You stay here, lads," he continued, turning to the Cossacks who surrounded the body and sobbed like little children. "I'll go and gather ours. The Poles have already heard about our grief and are turning back. The heart feels so that they are already making noise in the basement. The meads are stamped and the wine gushes from the funnels. They will get drunk with that wine forever, none of them will come out into the world! We will sing a bloody requiem for our master." Cossack eyes sparkled with brilliance, faster than lightning he flew up on a horse, loudly hooted and the gook sent<... > behind the mountain, behind the forest, behind the field, and the Cossacks, like birds, flocked to the call ( Next was started: c) and with a whoop they sprinkled the mountain.

The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when it freely and smoothly rushes through forests and mountains full of its waters. It won't fade. No noise. (sounds) You look and don’t know if it’s going or not going ( In autograph: they go and they don’t go) its majestic width, and it seems as if it is all poured out of glass, and as if a blue mirror road, without measure in width, without end in length, flies and winds along the green ( Next was started: earth) to the world. Love then and hot suns<у>look from above Instead of"from above": light...) and immerse the rays ( Next was: own) in the cold of glassy waters and coastal forests with bright [greenery] shine in ( Next was: coastal) waters. Green-haired! they crowd together with wildflowers to the waters (shores) and, bending down, ( Next was: look<ят>, can't see<ься>) look at them and do not look enough, and do not stop admiring the light (their<им>clean) with their image, and grin at him, and greet him, nodding their branches. ( Next was: A) They do not dare to look into the middle of the Dnieper. No one, except the sun and the blue sky, looks into it: a rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper. Lush! it has no equal river in the world. The Dnieper is also wonderful on a warm summer night, when everything falls asleep: a man, and an animal, and a bird, and God alone majestically surveys both the sky and the earth from above, and majestically shakes the robe. Stars are falling from the robe. The stars burn and shine over the world, and all at once resound in the Dnieper. All of them are held by the Dnieper in its dark bosom. Not a single one will run away from him, unless it goes out in the sky. The black forest, humiliated by sleeping crows, the ancient mountains broken by it, hanging down, ( Next was: they set it off under it, they want to close it) are striving ([blacker from the shores of black ...] want) to cover it with a long shadow<е>Yu. In vain! There is nothing in the world that could cover the Dnieper. Blue-blue, he walks in a smooth flood and the middle of the night, like the middle of the day, is visible ( In autograph: seen) as far away as the human eye can see<1 nrzb.> leaning and cuddling, Instead of"Soaking and cuddling": Luxurious in the middle of the night and; then it was: gives by itself) cuddles closer [to]<1 nrzb.>[shores], meadows from the night cold. [In a fleeting wind suddenly flashes, beckoning] a silver jet and it flashes [as if] a strip of a Damascus saber, and he, blue, fell asleep again. ( Next was: and then) Wonderful and then the Dnieper, and there is no river equal to it in the world. When the blue clouds go mountains across the sky, the black forest staggers to the root, the oaks crackle and the lightning, breaking between the clouds, (breaks the clouds) will illuminate the world at once, then the Dnieper is terrible: the water hills rumble, hitting against (on) the mountains and from they run back with a glare and a groan, and squeal, and cry, and flood into the distance,<как>the old mother of the Cossack<ва>zhi<ва>sending her son into the army. Rampant and peppy, he rides a black horse, akimbo and valiantly wringing ( Next was: on one side) a Cossack hat, and she, sobbing, runs after him, grabs the stirrup, catches the bit, breaks her hands over him and pours hot tears over him. Burnt stumps and stones on the protruding shore blacken wildly between the waves, and the approaching boat beats against the shore, rising up and falling down. Which of the Cossacks dared to walk in a canoe at that time when the old Dnieper got angry? Apparently, he doesn't know... The boat moored, and a sorcerer, thrown over by a horse, got out of it. He is unhappy: he is bitter with the feast, which the Cossacks performed over their murdered pan. ( Next was started: there is something) A lot has paid (lost) [lyakhov]: ( Further: Fourty ( not crossed out)) 44 lords [burned] with everything - with harness and zhupan<ми>, up to 33 serfs chopped into pieces. He descended the stone steps between the burnt stonesdown, where deep in the earth was his wonderful hut, and ( Next was: how he came out) he quietly entered, - the doors did not creak either. The hut was without candles, the bats flashed back and forth, and the signs began to change along the walls. ( Next was: Quietly, he put the pot in silence) Without looking around, he covered the table with a white tablecloth, put the pot down and began to throw some unknown (wonderful) herbs with his long arms. Then he took a kuhol made from some wonderful wood, scooped up water with it and began to pour it, moving his lips and doing some unclean spells. The light in the room had already turned pink and was falling on him.<цо>and it was terrible then to look into his face - it seemed bloody, deep wrinkles only blackened on it and his eyes seemed to burn. Wicked sinner! his beard has long since turned gray, and his face is pitted with wrinkles, and he has dried up all over, but he still creates ungodly intentions. In the middle of the hut it became again ( Next was: white) with a marvelous radiance, a white cloud and something like wild joy flashed on his face. But why did he become motionless with his mouth open, not daring to move, and why did the hair on his head rise like bristles? In the silver cloud in front of him shone someone's wonderful face, uninvited, uninvited, came to visit him, became clearer, more and more, and fixed his motionless eyes on him. Features<1 nrzb.> eye, lips, eyes - everything unfamiliar to him: he had never seen him in his whole life. ( Next was: why is he) And it seems a little terrible in him, but insurmountable<мый>fear fell upon him. A stranger<ом>that marvelous head, through the cloud, also gazed motionlessly at him.<го>. The cloud is already gone. And the unknown features showed themselves even more sharply, and the sharp eyes did not tear themselves away from him. ( Next was started: di<ким>) The sorcerer turned white as a sheet, he cried out in a wild, not his own voice, knocked over the pot. Everything is lost.

"Calm yourself, my ( Started: Calm [sya, mine]), any sister," said the old captain Gorobets: "dreams rarely tell the truth." sister, "said his young wife, ( Further not crossed out: daughter-in-law) "I will call the old fortune teller: no force can stand against her: she will pour out a commotion for you." Mainly cloudy, ( Next was: c) Katerina looked at everyone with cloudy eyes and could not find a word. ( Next was: and hard) "I arranged my own death: I let him out," she moaned: "I have no place on earth (nowhere) ( Was inscribed: and not) rest. ( Next was started: from) Maybe for my sins there will be no peace from him in the next world. For ten days I have been with you in Kiev. The grief and the drop did not subside. ( Next was: well) I thought I would at least raise in silence ( Further: he will take revenge (not crossed out)) for revenge for father<а>son ... I will ... Terrible, terrible he dreamed of me in a dream. AND, ( Next was: I didn’t know) God forbid, and you will see him. My heart is still beating. The spirit is busy in the chest. I will kill, Katerina, ( Next was: shouted) your child, he shouted, if you don’t marry me ... ( Next was: and sobbed like) I killed ... " speech stopped on her lips and, sobbing, she rushed to the cradle, and the frightened child stretched out her arms and screamed. ].Dispersed itself ( Next was: old) esaul Gorobets. ( Next was started: from) "Let by<про>will ( Next was: old) the accursed Antichrist come here: he will taste whether there is strength in the hands of an old Cossack. Let him come to see how the crows [will] take away his unclean body, before the devil comes for his soul. God ( Next was: saint) sees," he said, raising his penetrating eyes, ( Instead of"sharp eyes": hands, didn't I fly, did I hesitate for a minute) "didn't I fly to give (give) a hand to brother Danil. His will!<народа>. But wasn’t the feast for him magnificent, ( Next was: and ran away) did he let out at least one Pole alive? Calm down my child. ( Next was: speak<л>) No one will dare to offend you, unless there will be neither me nor my son. " Having finished his words, the old esaul came to the cradle. (cradles) The child laughed and stretched out his arms to him, seeing a red cradle hanging on his belt in a silver frame and add<енный>to her a gaman with a brilliant flint. "He will follow his father," said the old esaul, taking off the cradle and giving it to him. "I haven't left the cradle yet, but I'm already thinking of smoking the cradle." Katerina sighed softly and began to rock the cradle, and everyone agreed (agreed) to spend the night together and, ( Next was: all soon<ро>) a little later, everyone fell asleep, and Katerina with them. Everything was quiet in the yard and in the hut, only the Cossacks, who stood on guard, did not sleep. Suddenly, Katerina woke up, screaming in a wild voice, and behind her at once woke up<все>. "He killed, he stabbed," Katerina screamed without memory and rushed to the cradle. All wrapped up the cradle<и>they were petrified with horror when they saw that an inanimate child lay in it. Not a single one of them uttered a sound, everyone became so terrified. Others have already come to their senses, but everyone stood speechless<ес>but, thinking of such an unheard-of villainy. ( Next was: isti<нно>) God<не>looks at the sinful earth, if there is no punishment for such an unheard-of villainy.

Far from the Ukrainian region, passing ( Instead of"passed": farther than Lithuania) and Poland, bypassing the populous city of Lemberg, high mountains go in rows. Mountain after mountain, as if with stone chains, they throw the earth to the right and left and encircle it with stone thickness so that the noisy and violent sea does not suck. Stone chains go to Wallachia and the Sedmigrad region, and they became a mass (watchmen) between the Galician and Hungarian people. There are no such mountains in our side. The eye does not dare to look at them, and even a human foot has not gone to the top of others. Their appearance is also wonderful:<е>did the fervent sea run out of the wide<берегов>, threw ugly waves into the air like a whirlwind, and they, petrified, remained (became) motionless in the air. Did heavy clouds break off, rattling across the sky, and cluttered ( Next was: a. because b. for their gray color is like clouds v. similar ( not crossed out)) [earth], because they have the same gray color, and the white top glistens and sparkles in the sun. Even before the Carpathian Mountains you will hear Russian or Lyash rumors, and beyond the mountains, in some places, it will echo as if that non-native word, and there already the faith is not the same, and the speech is not the same. The people do not live with few people, the [Hungarian] people. Rides a horse, cuts ( Next was: no hu<же>) and drinks no worse than a Cossack, but for horse harness and clear caftans not ( Next was: regrets) is stingy to take gold pieces out of his pocket. Spacious and great there are lakes between the mountains; how sklo, they are motionless and, like a mirror,<ю>t in itself the bare tops of the mountains and their green soles. But who Next was: under the stars) in the middle of the night, do the stars shine or not, rides (rushes) on a huge black horse? What a terrible hero with inhuman growth gallops under the mountains, over lakes, ridesgigantic horse in<1 nrzb.> in real estate<ом>lake, (in motionless lakes) and an endless shadow soon flickers over the mountains. Chased armor shines, with him an ax; saber rattles at the saddle; helmet [pulled down, black]<усы>turn black, and his eyes are closed, his eyelashes are lowered - he is sleeping. And, sleepy, holds the reins; and behind him sits on a horse ( Next was: page) baby-page and also sleeps and, sleepy, clings to the hero. [Not a day or two already he is going.] Who is he? Where, why is he going? Who knows. Not a day, not two already, he moves over the mountains. The day will shine, the sun will rise - it is not visible. Occasionally only the highlanders noticed that a light shadow often flickers over the mountains, and the sky is clear, and a cloud will not pass over it. A little bit the night will bring darkness on the world, again it is visible and echoes in the lakes, and behind it, trembling, its shadow gallops. Already proe<хал>he climbed many mountains and rode Korovan. This mountain is not higher between the Carpathian mountains: like a king he stands in the middle of each<их>. Here both the horse and the rider stopped, and fell even deeper into sleep, and the clouds, descending, closed it. ( Further chapter XIII, but no text.}

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Terrible revenge

Noises, thunders the end of Kiev: Yesaul Gorobets celebrates the wedding of his son. Many people came to visit the Yesaul. In the old days they liked to eat well, they liked to drink even better, and even better they liked to have fun. The Cossack Mikitka also arrived on his bay horse, straight from a wild drinking binge from Crossing the Field, where he gave red wine to the royal gentry for seven days and seven nights. The named brother of the Yesaul, Danilo Burulbash, also came from the other side of the Dnieper, where, between two mountains, was his farm, with his young wife Katerina and with a one-year-old son. The guests marveled at the white face of Pani Katerina, her eyebrows black as German velvet, her smart cloth and underwear made of a blue half-tape, her boots with silver horseshoes; but they marveled even more that her old father had not come with her. Only a year he lived in the Zadneprovye, and twenty-one went missing and returned to his daughter, when she had already married and given birth to a son. He would certainly tell a lot of marvelous things. Yes, how not to tell, having been in a foreign land for so long! Everything is wrong there: the people are not the same, and there are no churches of Christ ... But he did not come.

The guests were served varenukha with raisins and plums, and a korovai on a large platter. The musicians set to work on his undershirt, sintered together with the money, and, having quieted down for a while, laid cymbals, violins and tambourines near them. Meanwhile, young women and maidens, having wiped themselves with embroidered scarves, stepped out again from their ranks; and the lads, clutching their sides, proudly looking around, were ready to rush towards them, as the old captain brought out two icons to bless the young. Those icons he got from an honest schemnik, Elder Bartholomew. Utensils are not rich in them, neither silver nor gold burns, but no evil spirit dares to touch the one who has them in the house. Raising the icons up, the captain was preparing to say a short prayer ... when suddenly the children playing on the ground screamed, frightened; and after them the people backed away, and they all pointed with fearful fingers at the Cossack standing in the middle of them. Who he was, no one knew. But he had already danced to the glory of a Cossack and had already managed to make the crowd around him laugh. When the captain raised the icons, suddenly his whole face changed: his nose grew and leaned to the side, instead of brown, green eyes jumped, his lips turned blue, his chin trembled and sharpened like a spear, a fang ran out of his mouth, a hump rose from behind his head, and became a Cossack - an old man.

It's him! it's him! - Shouted in the crowd, closely clinging to each other.

The sorcerer has reappeared! mothers shouted, grabbing their children in their arms.

Majestically and dignifiedly, the captain stepped forward and said in a loud voice, setting up icons against him:

Get lost, the image of Satan, there is no place for you here! - And, hissing and clicking, like a wolf, his teeth, the wonderful old man disappeared.

Let's go, let's go and rustle, like the sea in bad weather, talk and speeches between the people.

What is this sorcerer? - asked young and unprecedented people.

There will be trouble! the old ones said, shaking their heads.

And everywhere, throughout the wide courtyard of the Yesaul, they began to gather in groups and listen to stories about a wonderful sorcerer. But almost everyone spoke differently, and probably no one could tell about him.

A barrel of honey was rolled out into the yard and buckets of walnut wine were put in quite a few. Everything is fun again. The musicians thundered; girls, young women, dashing Cossacks in bright zhupans rushed. The ninety-year-old and hundred-year-old junk, having played up, began to dance for themselves, remembering the years that had not been lost for nothing. They feasted until late at night, and feasted as they no longer feast. The guests began to disperse, but little wandered home: many remained to spend the night with the captain in a wide courtyard; and even more Cossacks fell asleep on their own, uninvited, under the benches, on the floor, near the horse, near the barn; where the Cossack head staggered from drunkenness, there it lies and snores for the whole of Kiev.

Quietly shines all over the world: then the moon appeared from behind the mountain. As if with a Damascus road and white as snow, he covered the mountainous bank of the Dnieper with muslin, and the shadow went even further into the thicket of pines.

An oak tree floated in the middle of the Dnieper. Two boys are sitting in front; black Cossack hats on one side, and under the oars, as if from a flint and fire, splashes fly in all directions.

Why don't the Cossacks sing? They do not talk about how priests are already walking around the Ukraine and re-baptizing the Cossack people into Catholics; nor about how the horde fought for two days at Salt Lake. How can they sing, how can they talk about dashing deeds: their lord Danilo became thoughtful, and the sleeve of the crimson zhupan fell from the oak and draws water; their mistress Katerina quietly sways the child and does not take her eyes off him, and water falls on the elegant cloth not covered with linen with gray dust.

It is a pleasure to look from the middle of the Dnieper at the high mountains, at the wide meadows, at the green forests! Those mountains are not mountains: they have no soles, below them, as well as above, a sharp peak, and under them and above them there is a high sky. Those forests that stand on the hills are not forests: they are hair overgrown on the shaggy head of a forest grandfather. Under it, a beard is washed in the water, and under the beard and above the hair is the high sky. Those meadows are not meadows: that is a green belt that girded the round sky in the middle, and the moon walks in the upper half and in the lower half.

Pan Danilo does not look around, he looks at his young wife.

What, my young wife, my golden Katerina, went into sadness?

I did not go into sadness, my pan Danilo! I was terrified by wonderful stories about a sorcerer. They say that he was born so scary ... and none of the children from childhood wanted to play with him. Listen, Pan Danilo, how terribly they say: that it seemed to him that everything seemed to him, that everyone was laughing at him. If in the dark evening he would meet with some person, and it would immediately appear to him that he was opening his mouth and showing his teeth. And the next day they found that man dead. I was wonderful, I was scared when I listened to these stories, ”said Katerina, taking out a handkerchief and wiping the face of a child sleeping in her arms with it. Leaves and berries were embroidered with red silk on the scarf.

Pan Danilo did not say a word and began to glance at the dark side, where far from behind the forest a black earthen rampart loomed, from behind the rampart rose an old castle. Three wrinkles cut out at once over the eyebrows; his left hand stroked his valiant mustache.

It is not so terrible that he is a sorcerer, - he said, - how terrible it is that he is an unkind guest. What a whim came to him to drag himself here? I heard that the Poles want to build some kind of fortress in order to cut off our road to the Cossacks. Let it be true... I'll make a hell of a nest if word gets around that he's got a stash of some kind. I will burn the old sorcerer so that the ravens will have nothing to peck. However, I think he is not without gold and all good things. That's where the devil lives! If he has gold ... We will now sail past the crosses - this is a cemetery! here his unclean grandfathers rot. They say that they were all ready to sell themselves to Satan for money with a soul and skinned zhupans. If he definitely has gold, then there is nothing to delay now: it is not always possible to get it in a war ...

I know what you're up to. Nothing bodes well for me meeting him. But you are breathing so heavily, you look so sternly, your eyes are so sullenly raised eyebrows! ..

Shut up, grandma! Danilo said heartily. - Whoever contacts you will become a woman himself. Lad, give me fire in the cradle! - Here he turned to one of the rowers, who, knocking hot ashes out of his cradle, began to shift it into the cradle of his master. - Scares me a sorcerer! continued Pan Danilo. - Kozak, thank God, is not afraid of devils or priests. It would be of great use if we began to obey wives. Isn't that right, lads? our wife is a cradle and a sharp saber!

Katerina fell silent, dropping her eyes into the sleepy water; and the wind pulled the water in ripples, and the whole Dnieper turned silver, like wolf hair in the middle of the night.

The oak turned and began to keep to the wooded bank. A cemetery was visible on the shore: dilapidated crosses crowded into a heap. Neither the viburnum grows between them, nor the grass turns green, only the moon warms them from the heavenly heights.

Do you guys hear the screams? Someone is calling us for help! - said Pan Danilo, turning to his rowers.

We hear screams, and it seems from the other side, - the lads said at once, pointing to the cemetery.

But everything was quiet. The boat turned and began to go around the protruding shore. Suddenly the rowers lowered their oars and fixed their eyes motionless. Pan Danilo also stopped: fear and cold cut through the Cossack veins.

The cross on the grave staggered, and a desiccated corpse quietly rose from it. Beard to the waist; on the fingers, the claws are long, even longer than the fingers themselves. Quietly he raised his hands. His face trembled and twisted. Apparently, he endured a terrible torment. “It's stuffy for me! stuffy! he moaned in a wild, inhuman voice. His voice, like a knife, scratched the heart, and the dead man suddenly went underground. Another cross shook, and again a dead man came out, even more terrible, even higher than before; all thickets, a beard to the knees and even longer bone claws. He shouted even more wildly: “It’s stuffy for me!” - and went underground. The third cross staggered, the third dead man rose. It seemed that only the bones rose high above the ground. Beard to the very heels; fingers with long claws dug into the ground. Terribly, he stretched his hands up, as if he wanted to get the moon, and screamed as if someone began to saw his yellow bones ...

Noises, thunders the end of Kiev: Yesaul Gorobets celebrates the wedding of his son. Many people came to visit the Yesaul. In the old days they liked to eat well, they liked to drink even better, and even better they liked to have fun. The Cossack Mikitka also arrived on his bay horse, straight from a wild drinking binge from Crossing the Field, where he gave red wine to the royal gentry for seven days and seven nights. The named brother of the Yesaul, Danilo Burulbash, also came from the other side of the Dnieper, where, between two mountains, was his farm, with his young wife Katerina and with a one-year-old son. The guests marveled at the white face of Pani Katerina, her eyebrows black as German velvet, her smart cloth and underwear made of a blue half-tape, her boots with silver horseshoes; but they marveled even more that her old father had not come with her. Only a year he lived in the Zadneprovye, and twenty-one went missing and returned to his daughter, when she had already married and given birth to a son. He would certainly tell a lot of marvelous things. Yes, how not to tell, having been in a foreign land for so long! Everything is wrong there: the people are not the same, and there are no churches of Christ ... But he did not come.

The guests were served varenukha with raisins and plums, and a korovai on a large platter. The musicians set to work on his undershirt, sintered together with the money, and, having quieted down for a while, laid cymbals, violins and tambourines near them. Meanwhile, young women and maidens, having wiped themselves with embroidered scarves, stepped out again from their ranks; and the lads, clutching their sides, proudly looking around, were ready to rush towards them, as the old captain brought out two icons to bless the young. Those icons he got from an honest schemnik, Elder Bartholomew. Utensils are not rich in them, neither silver nor gold burns, but no evil spirit dares to touch the one who has them in the house. Raising the icons up, the captain was preparing to say a short prayer ... when suddenly the children playing on the ground screamed, frightened; and after them the people backed away, and they all pointed with fearful fingers at the Cossack standing in the middle of them. Who he was, no one knew. But he had already danced to the glory of a Cossack and had already managed to make the crowd around him laugh. When the captain raised the icons, suddenly his whole face changed: his nose grew and leaned to the side, instead of brown, green eyes jumped, his lips turned blue, his chin trembled and sharpened like a spear, a fang ran out of his mouth, a hump rose from behind his head, and became a Cossack - an old man.

- It's him! it's him! - Shouted in the crowd, closely clinging to each other.

The sorcerer has appeared again! mothers shouted, grabbing their children in their arms.

Majestically and dignifiedly, the captain stepped forward and said in a loud voice, setting up icons against him:

- Get lost, the image of Satan, there is no place for you here! And, hissing and clicking like a wolf with his teeth, the wonderful old man disappeared.

Let's go, let's go and rustle, like the sea in bad weather, talk and speeches between the people.

What is this sorcerer? asked young and unprecedented people.

- There will be trouble! the old ones said, shaking their heads.

And everywhere, throughout the wide courtyard of the Yesaul, they began to gather in groups and listen to stories about a wonderful sorcerer. But almost everyone spoke differently, and probably no one could tell about him.

A barrel of honey was rolled out into the yard and buckets of walnut wine were put in quite a few. Everything is fun again. The musicians thundered; girls, young women, dashing Cossacks in bright zhupans rushed. The ninety-year-old and hundred-year-old junk, having played up, began to dance for themselves, remembering the years that had not been lost for nothing. They feasted until late at night, and snorted in the way they no longer feast. The guests began to disperse, but little wandered home: many remained to spend the night with the captain in a wide courtyard; and even more Cossacks fell asleep on their own, uninvited, under the benches, on the floor, near the horse, near the barn; where the Cossack head staggered from drunkenness, there it lies and snores for the whole of Kiev.

Chapter II

Quietly shines all over the world: then the moon appeared from behind the mountain. As if with a Damascus road and white as snow, he covered the mountainous bank of the Dnieper with muslin, and the shadow went even further into the thicket of pines.

An oak tree floated in the middle of the Dnieper. Two boys are sitting in front; black Cossack hats on one side, and under the oars, as if from a flint and fire, splashes fly in all directions.

Why don't the Cossacks sing? They do not talk about how priests are already walking around the Ukraine and re-baptizing the Cossack people into Catholics; nor about how the horde fought for two days at Salt Lake. How can they sing, how can they talk about dashing deeds: their lord Danilo became thoughtful, and the sleeve of the crimson zhupan fell from the oak and draws water; their mistress Katerina quietly sways the child and does not take her eyes off him, and water falls on the elegant cloth not covered with linen with gray dust.

It is a pleasure to look from the middle of the Dnieper at the high mountains, at the wide meadows, at the green forests! Those mountains are not mountains: they have no soles, below them, as above, a sharp peak, and under them and above them there is a high sky. Those forests that stand on the hills are not forests: they are hair overgrown on the shaggy head of a forest grandfather. Under it, a beard is washed in the water, and under the beard and above the hair is the high sky. Those meadows are not meadows: that is a green belt that girded the round sky in the middle, and the moon walks in the upper half and in the lower half.

Pan Danilo does not look around, he looks at his young wife.

- What, my young wife, my golden Katerina, went into sadness?

- I did not go into sadness, my pan Danilo! I was terrified by wonderful stories about a sorcerer. They say that he was born so scary ... and none of the children from childhood wanted to play with him. Listen, Pan Danilo, how terribly they say: that it seemed to him that everything seemed to him, that everyone was laughing at him. If in the dark evening he would meet with some person, and it would immediately appear to him that he was opening his mouth and showing his teeth. And the next day they found that man dead. I was wonderful, I was scared when I listened to these stories, ”said Katerina, taking out a handkerchief and wiping the face of a child sleeping in her arms with it. Leaves and berries were embroidered with red silk on the scarf.

Pan Danilo did not say a word and began to glance at the dark side, where far from behind the forest a black earthen rampart loomed, from behind the rampart rose an old castle. Three wrinkles cut out at once over the eyebrows; his left hand stroked his valiant mustache.

“It’s not so terrible that he is a sorcerer,” he said, “as it is terrible that he is an unkind guest. What a whim came to him to drag himself here? I heard that the Poles want to build some kind of fortress in order to cut off our road to the Cossacks. Let it be true... I'll make a hell of a nest if word gets around that he's got a stash of some sort. I will burn the old sorcerer so that the ravens will have nothing to peck. However, I think he is not without gold and all good things. That's where the devil lives! If he has gold ... We will now sail past the crosses - this is a cemetery! here his unclean grandfathers rot. They say that they were all ready to sell themselves to Satan for money with a soul and skinned zhupans. If he definitely has gold, then there is nothing to delay now: it is not always possible to get it in a war ...

- I know what you're up to. Nothing bodes well for me meeting him. But you are breathing so heavily, you look so sternly, your eyes are so sullenly raised eyebrows! ..

- Shut up, grandma! Danilo said heartily. - Whoever contacts you will become a woman himself. Lad, give me fire in the cradle! - Here he turned to one of the rowers, who, knocking hot ashes out of his cradle, began to shift it into the cradle of his master. - Scares me with a sorcerer! continued Pan Danilo. “Kozak, thank God, is not afraid of devils or priests. It would be of great use if we began to obey wives. Isn't that right, lads? our wife is a cradle and a sharp saber!

Katerina fell silent, dropping her eyes into the sleepy water; and the wind pulled the water in ripples, and the whole Dnieper turned silver, like wolf hair in the middle of the night.

The oak turned and began to keep to the wooded bank. A cemetery was visible on the shore: dilapidated crosses crowded into a heap. Neither the viburnum grows between them, nor the grass turns green, only the moon warms them from the heavenly heights.

Do you guys hear the screams? Someone is calling us for help! said Pan Danilo, turning to his rowers.

“We hear screams, and it seems from the other side,” the lads said at once, pointing to the cemetery.

But everything was quiet. The boat turned and began to go around the protruding shore. Suddenly the rowers lowered their oars and fixed their eyes motionless. Pan Danilo also stopped: fear and cold cut through the Cossack veins.

The cross on the grave staggered, and a desiccated corpse quietly rose from it. Beard to the waist; on the fingers, the claws are long, even longer than the fingers themselves. Quietly he raised his hands. His face trembled and twisted. Apparently, he endured a terrible torment. “It's stuffy for me! stuffy! he moaned in a wild, inhuman voice. His voice, like a knife, scratched the heart, and the dead man suddenly went underground. Another cross shook, and again a dead man came out, even more terrible, even higher than before; all thickets, a beard to the knees and even longer bone claws. He shouted even more wildly: “It’s stuffy for me!” and went underground. The third cross staggered, the third dead man rose. It seemed that only the bones rose high above the ground. Beard to the very heels; fingers with long claws dug into the ground. Terribly, he stretched his hands up, as if he wanted to get the moon, and screamed as if someone began to saw his yellow bones ...

The child, sleeping in Katerina's arms, screamed and woke up. The lady herself screamed. The rowers dropped their hats into the Dnieper. Pan himself shuddered.

Everything suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened; however, for a long time the lads did not take up the oars.

Burulbash looked thoughtfully at the young wife, who, in fright, rocked the crying child in her arms, pressed her to his heart and kissed her on the forehead.

Don't be afraid, Katherine! Look, there's nothing! he said, pointing around. “This sorcerer wants to frighten people so that no one gets to his unclean nest. Bab only one he will scare with this! give me a son in my arms! - At this word, Pan Danilo raised his son up and brought it to his lips. - What, Ivan, are you not afraid of sorcerers? "No, tell me, aunt, I'm a Cossack." Come on, stop crying! we'll come home! When we get home, your mother will feed you porridge, put you to sleep in a cradle, and sing:

Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli!
Lyuli, son, Lyuli!
Yes, grow up, grow up in fun!
Cossacks to glory,
Ravens in reprisal!

Listen, Katerina, it seems to me that your father does not want to live in harmony with us. He arrived gloomy, stern, as if angry ... Well, dissatisfied, why come. I did not want to drink for the Cossack will! did not shake the child in his arms! At first I wanted to believe him everything that lies on the heart, but does not take something, and the speech stammered. No, he does not have a Cossack heart! Cossack hearts, when they meet where, how will they not beat out of the chest towards each other! What, my any lads, will the coast soon? Well, I'll give you new hats. To you, Stetsko, I will give it lined with velvet and gold. I took it off together with the head of the Tatar. I got all his shell; only his soul I set free. Well, get on it! Here, Ivan, we arrived, and you are still crying! Take it, Katherine!

Everyone left. A thatched roof appeared from behind the mountain: these are the grandfather's mansions of Pan Danil. Behind them there is still a mountain, and there is already a field, and there even a hundred versts pass, you will not find a single Cossack.

Chapter III

Pan Danil's farm between two mountains, in a narrow valley running down to the Dnieper. His mansions are low: the hut looks like that of ordinary Cossacks, and there is only one room in it; but there is room for him, and his wife, and an old maid, and ten fine fellows to fit in there. There are oak shelves around the walls at the top. Densely on them are bowls, pots for a meal. Among them there are silver cups, and cups set in gold, donated and obtained in the war. Below hang expensive muskets, sabers, squeaks, spears. Willingly and unwillingly, they passed from the Tatars, Turks and Poles; but a lot of them are memorized. Looking at them, Pan Danilo seemed to recall his contractions by the badges. Under the wall, below, smooth hewn oak benches. Near them, in front of the couch, hangs on ropes threaded into a ring screwed to the ceiling, a cradle. Throughout the room, the floor is smoothly killed and smeared with clay. Pan Danilo sleeps on benches with his wife. On the bench is an old maid. A small child amuses and lulls in the cradle. Good fellows spend the night on the floor. But it is better for a Cossack to sleep on smooth ground with a free sky; he doesn’t need a down jacket or a feather bed; he puts fresh hay under his head and stretches freely on the grass. It is fun for him, waking up in the middle of the night, to look at the high, star-sown sky and shudder from the night cold, which brought freshness to the Cossack bones. Stretching and mumbling through his sleep, he lights up the cradle and wraps himself tighter in the warm jacket.

Burulbash woke up not early after yesterday's fun and, waking up, sat down on a bench in the corner and began to sharpen the new Turkish saber he had exchanged; and Pani Katerina began to embroider a silk towel with gold. Suddenly Katerina's father came in, angry, frowning, with an overseas cradle in his teeth, he approached his daughter and severely began to question her: what was the reason for her returning home so late.

- About these things, father-in-law, not her, but ask me! Not the wife, but the husband answers. We already do this, don't get angry! - said Danilo, not leaving his work. “Perhaps it doesn’t happen in other unfaithful lands—I don’t know.

The color came out on the stern face of the father-in-law and his eyes flashed wildly.

“Who, if not a father, should look after his daughter!” he muttered to himself. - Well, I ask you: where did you drag yourself until late at night?

“But this is the case, dear father-in-law! To this I will tell you that I have long gone out of those who are swaddled by women. I know how to sit on a horse. I know how to hold a sharp sword in my hands. I also know how to do something else ... I know how not to give an answer to anyone in what I do.

- I see, Danilo, I know you want a quarrel! Whoever hides, surely, has a bad deed on his mind.

“Think what you want,” Danilo said, “I think to myself too. Thank God, I have not been in any other dishonorable business; always stood for the Orthodox faith and the homeland, - not like some vagabonds roam God knows where, when the Orthodox fight to the death, and then come rushing to clean up the grain not sown by them. They don’t even look like Uniates: they won’t look into God’s church. Such would need to be interrogated in order, where they are dragged around.

- Hey, goat! do you know... I shoot badly: in just a hundred fathoms my bullet pierces the heart. I cut myself unenviably: from a person there are pieces smaller than cereals, from which porridge is cooked.

“I’m ready,” said Pan Danilo, briskly crossing the air with his saber, as if he knew what he had turned it into.

— Danilo! Katerina shouted loudly, seizing his arm and hanging on to it. “Remember, madman, look at whom you are raising your hand!” Father, your hair is white as snow, and you flared up like an unreasonable lad!

- Wife! shouted Pan Danilo menacingly, “you know I don’t like this. Do your motherfucking business!

The sabers sounded terribly; iron chopped iron, and the Cossacks sprinkled themselves with sparks, as if dust. Weeping, Katerina went into a special room, threw herself into bed and covered her ears so as not to hear saber blows. But the Cossacks did not fight so badly that it was possible to muffle their blows. Her heart wanted to break into pieces. All over her body she heard sounds passing: knock, knock. “No, I can’t stand it, I won’t stand it ... Maybe the scarlet blood is already bubbling from the white body. Maybe now my dear is exhausted; and I'm lying here! And all pale, barely taking a breath, she entered the hut.

The Cossacks fought evenly and terribly. Neither one nor the other prevails. Here comes Katherine's father - pan Danilo is served. Pan Danilo is coming - a stern father is served, and again on a par. Boil. They swung ... wow! the sabers clang... and, rattling, the blades flew off to the side.

— Thank you, God! said Katerina, and she cried out again when she saw that the Cossacks had taken up their muskets. The flints were adjusted, the hammers cocked.

Shot pan Danilo - did not hit. Aimed father ... He is old; he does not see as sharply as a young man, but his hand does not tremble. A shot rang out… Pan Danilo staggered. Scarlet blood dyed the left sleeve of the Cossack zhupan.

- Not! he cried, “I will not sell myself so cheaply. Not the left hand, but the right ataman. I have a Turkish pistol hanging on my wall; he has never cheated on me in all his life. Get off the wall, old comrade! show a friend a favor! Danilo held out his hand.

— Danilo! cried Katerina in despair, seizing his hands and throwing herself at his feet. - I'm not praying for myself. There is only one end for me: that unworthy wife who lives after her husband; The Dnieper, the cold Dnieper will be my grave... But look at your son, Danilo, look at your son! Who will warm the poor child? Who will snuggle him? Who will teach him to fly on a black horse, to fight for his will and faith, to drink and walk like a Cossack? Get lost, my son, get lost! Your father doesn't want to know you! See how he turns his face away. O! I now know you! You are a beast, not a man! you have a wolf's heart, and the soul of a crafty reptile. I thought that you have a drop of pity, that a human feeling burns in your stone body. Madly, I was deceived. It will bring you joy. Your bones will dance in the coffin with joy when they hear how the wicked animals of the Poles will throw your son into the flames, when your son will scream under knives and sprinkles. Oh I know you! You would be glad to get up from the coffin and fan the fire with your hat that swirled under it!

- Wait, Katherine! go, my beloved Ivan, I will kiss you! No, my child, no one will touch your hair. You will grow up for the glory of the motherland; like a whirlwind you will fly before the Cossacks, with a velvet cap on your head, with a sharp saber in your hand. Give me your hand, father! Let's forget what happened between us. What I did wrong before you - I'm sorry. Why don't you give a hand? - Danilo said to Katerina's father, who stood in one place, not expressing either anger or reconciliation on his face.

- Father! cried Katerina, embracing and kissing him. - Do not be implacable, forgive Danila: he will not upset you more!

- For you only, my daughter, I forgive! he answered, kissing her and flashing a strange look in his eyes. Katerina shuddered a little: both the kiss and the strange glint of her eyes seemed strange to her. She leaned on the table on which Pan Danilo was bandaging his wounded hand, rethinking what he had done badly and not in a Cossack way, asking for forgiveness, not being guilty of anything. Read the work Terrible revenge from Gogol N.V., in the original format and in full. If you appreciated the work of Gogol N.V..ru

"Have you heard the story about the blue sorcerer? It happened across the Dnieper. It's a terrible thing! At the age of thirteen I heard it from my mother, and I don't know how to tell you, but it still seems to me that since that time a little fun has fallen from my heart "Do you know that place fifteen versts above Kiev? There is already a pine tree there. The Dnieper is also wide on that side. Oh, the river! The sea, not the river! It makes noise and rumbles and seems to want to know no one. As if through a dream, as if reluctantly moving a wide watery plain and sprinkled with ripples. And if the wind walks along it at one in the morning or in the evening, how everything in it trembles, fusses: it seems as if the people are gathering in a crowd for matins or vespers. God: I need to, I need to for a long time. And everything trembles and sparkles in sparks, like a wolf's hair in the middle of the night. Well, gentlemen, when will we go to Kiev? I really sin against God: I need, long ago I need to go to bow to the holy places Someday, in old age, it’s time to go there: you and I, Foma Grigorievich, we steal into the cell, and you too, Taras Ivanovich! We will pray and walk in the holy caves. What wonderful places there!"

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Terrible revenge


Noises, thunders the end of Kiev: Yesaul Gorobets celebrates the wedding of his son. Many people came to visit the Yesaul. In the old days they liked to eat well, they liked to drink even better, and even better they liked to have fun. The Cossack Mikitka also arrived on his bay horse, straight from a wild drinking binge from Crossing the Field, where he gave red wine to the royal gentry for seven days and seven nights. The named brother of the Yesaul, Danilo Burulbash, also came from the other side of the Dnieper, where, between two mountains, was his farm, with his young wife Katerina and with a one-year-old son. The guests marveled at the white face of Pani Katerina, her eyebrows black as German velvet, her smart cloth and underwear made of a blue half-tape, her boots with silver horseshoes; but they marveled even more that her old father had not come with her. Only a year he lived in the Zadneprovye, and twenty-one went missing and returned to his daughter, when she had already married and given birth to a son. He would certainly tell a lot of marvelous things. Yes, how not to tell, having been in a foreign land for so long! Everything is wrong there: the people are not the same, and there are no churches of Christ ... But he did not come.

The guests were served varenukha with raisins and plums, and a korovai on a large platter. The musicians set to work on his undershirt, sintered together with the money, and, having quieted down for a while, laid cymbals, violins and tambourines near them. Meanwhile, young women and maidens, having wiped themselves with embroidered scarves, stepped out again from their ranks; and the lads, clutching their sides, proudly looking around, were ready to rush towards them, as the old captain brought out two icons to bless the young. Those icons he got from an honest schemnik, Elder Bartholomew. Utensils are not rich in them, neither silver nor gold burns, but no evil spirit dares to touch the one who has them in the house. Raising the icons up, the captain was preparing to say a short prayer ... when suddenly the children playing on the ground screamed, frightened; and after them the people backed away, and they all pointed with fearful fingers at the Cossack standing in the middle of them. Who he was, no one knew. But he had already danced to the glory of a Cossack and had already managed to make the crowd around him laugh. When the captain raised the icons, suddenly his whole face changed: his nose grew and leaned to the side, instead of brown, green eyes jumped, his lips turned blue, his chin trembled and sharpened like a spear, a fang ran out of his mouth, a hump rose from behind his head, and became a Cossack - an old man.

It's him! it's him! - Shouted in the crowd, closely clinging to each other.

The sorcerer has reappeared! mothers shouted, grabbing their children in their arms.

Majestically and dignifiedly, the captain stepped forward and said in a loud voice, setting up icons against him:

Get lost, the image of Satan, there is no place for you here! - And, hissing and clicking, like a wolf, his teeth, the wonderful old man disappeared.

Let's go, let's go and rustle, like the sea in bad weather, talk and speeches between the people.

What is this sorcerer? - asked young and unprecedented people.

There will be trouble! the old ones said, shaking their heads.

And everywhere, throughout the wide courtyard of the Yesaul, they began to gather in groups and listen to stories about a wonderful sorcerer. But almost everyone spoke differently, and probably no one could tell about him.

A barrel of honey was rolled out into the yard and buckets of walnut wine were put in quite a few. Everything is fun again. The musicians thundered; girls, young women, dashing Cossacks in bright zhupans rushed. The ninety-year-old and hundred-year-old junk, having played up, began to dance for themselves, remembering the years that had not been lost for nothing. They feasted until late at night, and feasted as they no longer feast. The guests began to disperse, but little wandered home: many remained to spend the night with the captain in a wide courtyard; and even more Cossacks fell asleep on their own, uninvited, under the benches, on the floor, near the horse, near the barn; where the Cossack head staggered from drunkenness, there it lies and snores for the whole of Kiev.


Quietly shines all over the world: then the moon appeared from behind the mountain. As if with a Damascus road and white as snow, he covered the mountainous bank of the Dnieper with muslin, and the shadow went even further into the thicket of pines.

An oak tree floated in the middle of the Dnieper. Two boys are sitting in front; black Cossack hats on one side, and under the oars, as if from a flint and fire, splashes fly in all directions.

Why don't the Cossacks sing? They do not talk about how priests are already walking around the Ukraine and re-baptizing the Cossack people into Catholics; nor about how the horde fought for two days at Salt Lake. How can they sing, how can they talk about dashing deeds: their lord Danilo became thoughtful, and the sleeve of the crimson zhupan fell from the oak and draws water; their mistress Katerina quietly sways the child and does not take her eyes off him, and water falls on the elegant cloth not covered with linen with gray dust.

It is a pleasure to look from the middle of the Dnieper at the high mountains, at the wide meadows, at the green forests! Those mountains are not mountains: they have no soles, below them, as well as above, a sharp peak, and under them and above them there is a high sky. Those forests that stand on the hills are not forests: they are hair overgrown on the shaggy head of a forest grandfather. Under it, a beard is washed in the water, and under the beard and above the hair is the high sky. Those meadows are not meadows: that is a green belt that girded the round sky in the middle, and the moon walks in the upper half and in the lower half.

Pan Danilo does not look around, he looks at his young wife.

What, my young wife, my golden Katerina, went into sadness?

I did not go into sadness, my pan Danilo! I was terrified by wonderful stories about a sorcerer. They say that he was born so scary ... and none of the children from childhood wanted to play with him. Listen, Pan Danilo, how terribly they say: that it seemed to him that everything seemed to him, that everyone was laughing at him. If in the dark evening he would meet with some person, and it would immediately appear to him that he was opening his mouth and showing his teeth. And the next day they found that man dead. I was wonderful, I was scared when I listened to these stories, ”said Katerina, taking out a handkerchief and wiping the face of a child sleeping in her arms with it. Leaves and berries were embroidered with red silk on the scarf.

Pan Danilo did not say a word and began to glance at the dark side, where far from behind the forest a black earthen rampart loomed, from behind the rampart rose an old castle. Three wrinkles cut out at once over the eyebrows; his left hand stroked his valiant mustache.

It is not so terrible that he is a sorcerer, - he said, - how terrible it is that he is an unkind guest. What a whim came to him to drag himself here? I heard that the Poles want to build some kind of fortress in order to cut off our road to the Cossacks. Let it be true... I'll make a hell of a nest if word gets around that he's got a stash of some kind. I will burn the old sorcerer so that the ravens will have nothing to peck. However, I think he is not without gold and all good things. That's where the devil lives! If he has gold ... We will now sail past the crosses - this is a cemetery! here his unclean grandfathers rot. They say that they were all ready to sell themselves to Satan for money with a soul and skinned zhupans. If he definitely has gold, then there is nothing to delay now: it is not always possible to get it in a war ...

I know what you're up to. Nothing bodes well for me meeting him. But you are breathing so heavily, you look so sternly, your eyes are so sullenly raised eyebrows! ..

Shut up, grandma! Danilo said heartily. - Whoever contacts you will become a woman himself. Lad, give me fire in the cradle! - Here he turned to one of the rowers, who, knocking hot ashes out of his cradle, began to shift it into the cradle of his master. - Scares me a sorcerer! continued Pan Danilo. - Kozak, thank God, is not afraid of devils or priests. It would be of great use if we began to obey wives. Isn't that right, lads? our wife is a cradle and a sharp saber!

Katerina fell silent, dropping her eyes into the sleepy water; and the wind pulled the water in ripples, and the whole Dnieper turned silver, like wolf hair in the middle of the night.

The oak turned and began to keep to the wooded bank. A cemetery was visible on the shore: dilapidated crosses crowded into a heap. Neither the viburnum grows between them, nor the grass turns green, only the moon warms them from the heavenly heights.

Do you guys hear the screams? Someone is calling us for help! - said Pan Danilo, turning to his rowers.

We hear screams, and it seems from the other side, - the lads said at once, pointing to the cemetery.

But everything was quiet. The boat turned and began to go around the protruding shore. Suddenly the rowers lowered their oars and fixed their eyes motionless. Pan Danilo also stopped: fear and cold cut through the Cossack veins.

Noises, thunders the end of Kiev: Yesaul Gorobets celebrates the wedding of his son. Many people came to visit the Yesaul. In the old days they liked to eat well, they liked to drink even better, and even better they liked to have fun. The Cossack Mikitka also arrived on his bay horse, straight from a wild drinking binge from Crossing the Field, where he gave red wine to the royal gentry for seven days and seven nights. The named brother of the Yesaul, Danilo Burulbash, also came from the other side of the Dnieper, where, between two mountains, was his farm, with his young wife Katerina and with a one-year-old son. The guests marveled at the white face of Pani Katerina, her eyebrows black as German velvet, her smart cloth and underwear made of a blue half-tape, her boots with silver horseshoes; but they marveled even more that her old father had not come with her. Only a year he lived in the Zadneprovye, and twenty-one went missing and returned to his daughter, when she had already married and given birth to a son. He would certainly tell a lot of marvelous things. Yes, how not to tell, having been in a foreign land for so long! Everything is wrong there: the people are not the same, and there are no churches of Christ ... But he did not come.

The guests were served varenukha with raisins and plums, and a korovai on a large platter. The musicians set to work on his undershirt, sintered together with the money, and, having quieted down for a while, laid cymbals, violins and tambourines near them. Meanwhile, young women and maidens, having wiped themselves with embroidered scarves, stepped out again from their ranks; and the lads, clutching their sides, proudly looking around, were ready to rush towards them, as the old captain brought out two icons to bless the young. Those icons he got from an honest schemnik, Elder Bartholomew. Utensils are not rich in them, neither silver nor gold burns, but no evil spirit dares to touch the one who has them in the house. Raising the icons up, the captain was preparing to say a short prayer ... when suddenly the children playing on the ground screamed, frightened; and after them the people backed away, and they all pointed with fearful fingers at the Cossack standing in the middle of them. Who he was, no one knew. But he had already danced to the glory of a Cossack and had already managed to make the crowd around him laugh. When the captain raised the icons, suddenly his whole face changed: his nose grew and leaned to the side, instead of brown, green eyes jumped, his lips turned blue, his chin trembled and sharpened like a spear, a fang ran out of his mouth, a hump rose from behind his head, and became a Cossack - an old man.

It's him! it's him! - Shouted in the crowd, closely clinging to each other.

The sorcerer has reappeared! mothers shouted, grabbing their children in their arms.

Majestically and dignifiedly, the captain stepped forward and said in a loud voice, setting up icons against him:

Get lost, the image of Satan, there is no place for you here! - And, hissing and clicking, like a wolf, his teeth, the wonderful old man disappeared.

Let's go, let's go and rustle, like the sea in bad weather, talk and speeches between the people.

What is this sorcerer? - asked young and unprecedented people.

There will be trouble! the old ones said, shaking their heads.

And everywhere, throughout the wide courtyard of the Yesaul, they began to gather in groups and listen to stories about a wonderful sorcerer. But almost everyone spoke differently, and probably no one could tell about him.

A barrel of honey was rolled out into the yard and buckets of walnut wine were put in quite a few. Everything is fun again. The musicians thundered; girls, young women, dashing Cossacks in bright zhupans rushed. The ninety-year-old and hundred-year-old junk, having played up, began to dance for themselves, remembering the years that had not been lost for nothing. They feasted until late at night, and feasted as they no longer feast. The guests began to disperse, but little wandered home: many remained to spend the night with the captain in a wide courtyard; and even more Cossacks fell asleep on their own, uninvited, under the benches, on the floor, near the horse, near the barn; where the Cossack head staggered from drunkenness, there it lies and snores for the whole of Kiev.