Horoscope year from Paul Globa. The year will be quite unpredictable for Aries. Many unexpected perspectives will open, however, to achieve great success, they will have to be determined. At the beginning of the year, the scales will feel that the ground literally floating

2017 will be quite unpredictable for Aries. Many unexpected perspectives will open, however, to achieve great success, they will have to be determined. Good luck will have to be enough for the tail, which means it is always to be collected and alert. This year, the Aries is important to be extremely restrained and weathered, evaluate every word. You can try yourself in a new profession, get an additional education: this is a year of knowing yourself and the surrounding world.

A family

Family Aries in 2017 can move to a new place of residence. Until the middle of October, problems with relatives and loved ones are possible - quarrels and misunderstandings. But those who will be able to preserve relationships in a positive line, in the fall waiting for a reward: a new splash of feelings, a kind of honeymoon. And the lonely Aries in the first half of the year will be able to find a real soulfoon: the relationship started in this period can easily grow into marriage. The family life of such a union promises to be long and happy. That is why at the end of winter and in the spring, the Aries are especially important to enter light.


Since the year for the Aries will be quite unstable, health can malfunctions. It is very important to pay more attention to yourself, allow you to get enough sleep, if possible, go to a wellness massage and play sports regularly. So that the well-being does not fail, the Aries need to be easily streamlined, follow the mode. Nervous overvoltages, which in 2017, Aries will experience, alas, often threaten the headaches and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. At the end of the year, Aries should be feared of infectious diseases - make flu vaccinations and follow hygiene.

Work, career.

This year will be very successful for those Aries who are engaged in science, medicine and education. It is good luck to them, climbing the career ladder will be unexpectedly light and joyful. People have a business born under this sign, there will be many obstacles and complex moments. It is important for them not to relax and understand that two unresolved problems will follow in one solved problem. Only those who will be maximally assembled and morally racks to a variety of wires, waiting for success. The end of the year is the most favorable period for work, the likelihood of reliable business partners is great.


In terms of 2017, the year for the Aries will be rather smooth. Representatives of this sign are unlikely to be rejected, but also big financial losses are also not foreseen. In the first half of the year you should not take new loans, and old it is better to strain and close. This is the time of the return of debts - and not always your own! Perhaps the Aries will have to be calculated for negligent relatives. From credit cards for a while it is necessary to refuse. But since July, you can make large purchases, making installments, credit, mortgage. September - October - the most favorable time to open bank deposits.

Horoscope for the Aries for 2017 for a woman from Paul Globa

An excellent half of the Aries should be prepared for change from the very beginning of the year. For you, the year will become like a chessboard, where your fate will depend on the stroke you. Stay yourself. Rooster, helps to reveal new talents and hidden abilities in you, will give a lot of attractive bonuses in return. And the star farewell in love affairs for a year is simple: to gain happiness, listen more to the voice of passion and trust your beloved.

Horoscope for Aries for 2017 for a man from Paul Globa

Fortuna is generally favorable for you, but it is better not to count on a happy case. It should not be started to implement new plans, it is better to prepare the starting pad for the future jerk. Already from the middle of autumn, cash flows will begin to increase, and with them to melt debts and loans. In privacy, it is not desirable to start the summer resort novels - they can lead to an irreparable family break. And if it seems that your half is unfair to you, do not rub off the shoulder, analyze the position and think, is you not much much about what you need from it?

Love Horoscope for Aries for 2017 from Paul Globa

Prolonged stay of Venus in the sign of Aries promises signs of signs that even the most unusual love wishes can be realized. For many Aries, personal life can take the first priority, thereby causing a lot of trouble and anxiety. It is likely that some results have to bring and rethink the relationship with people who, as quite recently seemed to be loyal and reliable. Another crisis will survive complex marriage and love relationships. Stormy disputes about shared housing and property are also not excluded this year.

From the very beginning of 2017, Mars will make Aries incredibly attractive for the opposite sex, so that personal life will become unusual and rich in events. Most likely, you will have to go through several novels, while in March you cannot decide what is the main thing for you - optional sex or long-term relationships. What happened in July, relieve the Aries from cynicism in the relationship of love and will make them real romantics. In the middle of autumn you will finally find a partner with whom we will spend a certain period of life.

For the parents, the autumn 2017 prepared unpleasant surprises - problems with children. Little children will behave not as much as we would like, and adults may be distorted. With the right approach to your ever, the problems will be solved quickly. Hall and disappointed in the family life of Aries awaits the beginning of a new novel, the development of which can lead to marriage.

Many Aries will have problems with the elderly parents who can get sick or simply experience not the best times. It is necessary to be attentive and tactful, solving parents' problems. Love horoscope for 2017 for Aries warns that a person who can become beloved can be found on the 1st or 19th of any month.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus from Paul Globa

Caltz 2017 promises big changes in personal life. However, work will not let me be bored - the probability of a sharp change of the field of activity is great. And, most likely, this will open the Tables new horizons and will change all his life for the better. 2017 will give the calm a lot of interesting meetings, the ability to increase the circle of communication. A favorable time for long journeys. The motto for the year is "not afraid of change!"

A family

Family representatives of this sign at the beginning of the year are waiting for problems with children - and they will require more spiritual than material costs. But with your favorite quarrels and conflicts should not be. Lonely Taurons are great chances to meet the love of life or tie finally a relationship with a person to which they are not afraid. Such an alliance promises to be extremely strong, and also promises abundant offspring! Wedding should be better appointed to the second half of the year. This year, the Taurus will be extremely charming, which will provide him with great success at the opposite sex.


This year, the Taurus will be healthy and physically, and, that is important, spiritually, it is an extremely favorable period for representatives of this sign of the zodiac. Serious arams and depression will be bypassed the calf. Light colds and allergic reactions are possible, but in general the body will not give failures. At the beginning of the year, the Taurus will be a model of energetic and efficiency at all. By the end of the year, creative potential will slightly decrease, but if the summer should be a good rest for at least three weeks, well-being will be good. Not the best time to change your attending doctors.

Work, business.

2017 is favorable for opening your own business, the Taurus will receive such things that he had even been afraid of thinking about. It is important to remember: only the seas are bold! However, the first two months it is better to devote to rest - and moral, and physical. At this time, the Taurus must be assembled with thoughts, accumulate forces for the upcoming jerk. Since March, you can change the work and scope of activity. This year is not so favorable for creative representatives of this sign of the zodiac - you should not expect big victories. There are also various conflicts, gossip.


It is desirable that by the beginning of 2017 the Taurus redeemed all his debts. In the new year he is recommended to spend money for charity, helping the needy. This will attract financial success to him. In general, the year will be very prosperous in terms of money, especially if the Taurus decides to change the scope of activity. A large number of original ideas and enviable performance in 2017 will provide Tables revenue, which in 2016 he could only dream. If in the first half of the year probably the feeling that money is drown through the fingers, then in the second - finally the stability will come.

Taurus Horoscope for 2017 for a woman from Paul Globa

Year will delight women of this sign. Visiting public events, hobby shopping and rest in warm countries - all this will be in fragile female hands at the beginning of the year. All you need is to be honest with those who you love and faithful to him. Do not betray expensive people. This can destroy the established relationship. In the second half of the year you have to devote yourself to work in order to achieve some result.

Horoscope for Men Taurus for 2017 from Paul Globa

If the men intend to become more successful, this year is ideal for these purposes. You just need to initially draw up a clear action plan and stick to your rhythm. Do not quarrel with friends who are faithful to you. Their help is bendable in the future when your opponents arise on the way. Take care of friends. When half the year will be behind, the risk will arise to quarrel with a close person due to financial issues.

Love Horoscope for Taurus for 2017 from Paul Globa

Personal life in 2017 may be completely difficult. Many shoulders will have to visit situations where everything that annoys for a long time, connect together and deliver a lot of trouble. In the second half of the year there will be a stormy explosion of emotions, but neither the Taurus nor his partner wishes to make concessions. How it all ends - it is difficult to predict, it all depends on the strength of the relationship, and if they are already dead, then the tips in this case are meaningless. If there are feelings, then in the first half of the year it is necessary to take measures to resolve personal relations. This is especially true of married couples.

The love horoscope for 2017 warns that the Taurians will face a difficult situation in the circle of relatives. The long-term processes of alienation, continue in this period of life. Therefore, the representative of the sign is recommended to make concessions to finally not to put up with their relatives. Perhaps someone from the relatives will need help, and the Taurus will take a lot to their shoulders. Jupiter promises amazing romantic adventures this year. You will finally find someone who will appreciate you.

Year begins with Mars, planets, patronizing new relations. Therefore, in order to attract someone's attention, it will be enough to simply approach and introduce yourself. But it is necessary to use this strength, as the relationship that will begin in this way can end it difficult. Mars will continue its influence in February, so on the day of all lovers, the calves have to find out the name of their adorable.

The first month of autumn is the time of turbulent passions, but at the same time the quiet words of love will be said in December. Pay attention to those who have to meet the 12th or 30th of each month, perhaps this is your fate, especially if the name begins on "to" and "l".

Horoscope for 2017 for twins from Paul Globa

In 2017, the twins will ruin unnecessary relationships with the past - will get rid of the relationships from those who have exhausted themselves, will change the boning work or stop communicating with friends who for some reason ceased to be such. This year, the twins are better not to take risks, but to be as cautious and calculate each step. Adventures and dubious events will not bring anything but big problems.

A family

A significant role in the lives of married couples in 2017 will play the parents of the spouse born under the sign of the twins. And it is worth listening to their advice, even if at first they will seem absurd. Twins, which are not married yet, can have two bright parallel novels. Moreover, with one of the lovers in the twins, it may have once had the connection before. Relationships will bring confidence in their own power, will be returned to the faith in themselves, will open new horizons. But at the end of the year still have to make a choice. And maybe even abandon both links at all if they are outlined.


Gemini health in 2017 will be almost entirely dependent on their emotional attitude. In the middle of winter, representatives of this sign are encouraged to take leave - on the southern sun or in the mountains they will be able to overcome depression, overcoming them since the end of 2016. In 2017, the twins need to regularly play sports, often in the fresh air, not overdo it at work. Otherwise, the likelihood of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system is great. A favorable year for exploring unconventional medicine.


Doubts and throwing, characteristic of twins, can play with them a dick joke. Business is waiting for bold and decisive action from them. It is important to concentrate on several main purposes and do not spray for a thousand little things. People of creative professions expect sharp career growth. Most likely, success will come through the case, which you always dreamed of doing, but for some reason did not allow themselves to realize the dream. Do not hurry the events - let everything goes to her! Follow Napoleon's slogan - "Patience is a key to success." It is important to be careful in communicating with the manual.


Gemini who took loans in 2016 can expect that they suddenly pay quickly with them in the very near future. The first half of the year is a good period for real estate transactions. A good income can bring a new thing if the twins are solved to open it. Fear unplanned spending - one financial slip can lead to a whole chain of failures. With caution, let's money in debt, even the closest acquaintances. Do not become a guarantor in people who take large loans. The second half of the year will be financially stable.

Horoscope for Women Gemini for 2017

The nervous state of the beautiful half will be caused by dissatisfaction and not equipped with personal life. Women twins should think, can not spend their own time and effort on a relationship with an unloved person, and break with old admiral love and find new love. Nevertheless, no matter how much the situation is, the main thing is to be optimistic and do not feel remorse.

Horoscope for Men Twins for 2017

In a hurry this year, men of this sign should not be - it is their hasty that can lead to the fact that you will simply stay at the broken trough. At the same time, it is not worth waiting for the grace of fate - this year, all will have to achieve one's own blood and then. The very good time for experiments at work and in personal relationships, this will allow you to develop the most optimal line of behavior in these areas of life.

Love horoscope for twins from Paul Globa for 2017 fiery rooster

In the spring, all representatives of the air zodiacal elements will experience a fervent feeling of love. This fate and lonely twins will not pass. The same of them, which are already in pairs, will be able to appear in a new way to their relationship.
2017 will be for the sign of the time of joyful experiences and pleasant emotions. Even skeptical personality will be able to understand that love can brighten their lonely weekdays. Gemini, who have always perceived the feelings of their second half as proper, will want to be treated with greater tenderness. What is interesting, non-aggressive representatives of the sign will be ready to "dream" all on their way to succeed in the love sphere.
In 2017, the ruling planet Jupiter will enter the romantic constellation of the scales, due to which the twins will be able to enjoy love adventures. The state of Euphoria will not leave the impressionable personalities throughout all twelve months. Marriages prisoners in 2017 will be strong and happy. Family people in the period of domination of the rooster will experience a sense of love for their second half with a new force.
People who do not have anyone at take, can go on vacation. In the distance from the usual mistake of life they will definitely overtake love. If there is no possibility to go somewhere, the twins should look at the nearest surrounding. It is possible that a decent candidacy is very close.
Family horoscope for twins
The most favorable time for marriage and wedding is March, April, May and November. Family twins can safely plan a pregnancy for March or August. Suitable for conception of a new life and November.
Gemini partners must remember their insatiable moral, desire to be the center of the Universe. Without paying due attention to them, they risk being abandoned. To preserve the relationship to those who love the twins and lives with them, have to try. Gifts, compliments, conversations for nice topics - in the struggle for love do not need to ignore anything.

Horoscope for 2017 for crayfish from Paul Globa

For Cancer 2017, it will be quite complicated. Decline of strength, depression, disappointment - this is what will have to fight all 12 months. Conflicts and ambiguous events are better to avoid all ways, and in general, which is called, to sit down. If the cancer succeeds not to get into the binding until the end of the year, the last months of the year will bring him the long-awaited peace of mind and well-being both in finance and in love. The year is suitable for finding yourself, self-education.

A family

Personal life in 2017 will be filled with the most diverse events. For lonely representatives of this sign, the opportunity to find a couple already in the first months of the year - and what is interesting, not one pair! Yes, yes, the likelihood of parallel relationship is great. However, at this time there is also a risk of falling in love unrequited. In the life of family cancers, their natural indecision can play a negative role, imperisibility and anxiety - with these qualities will have to fight, otherwise they simply wander the spouse. If the cancer succeeds to overcome, the domestic life in 2017 will be calm and more than ever.


In 2017, cancer is important to rest as much as possible: the ailment associated with overloads at work, as well as emotional experiences, can grow into very serious diseases. And diseases that have been in latent or chronic form for a long time can exacerbate. It is important at the very first warring symptoms to contact the doctor. Even light colds that representatives of this sign are often transported on their feet, threaten them this year with the most serious complications. In 2017, cancer should not allow any self-medication.


Cases will go unevenly, downtime is possible in business. Often, the cause of failures will be the desire of cancer to get away from responsibility, the desire to shift it on the shoulders of partners. In 2017, those raks will be successful that will be responsible for their words and deeds will have the courage to recognize their own wrong. The hired cancers will have a lot of chances to demonstrate their abilities and extraordinary thinking, which can be a good career impetus. The ability to demonstrate myself from the best side will appear in the spring, and in the fall, the lucky ones will reap the fruits.


Despite all the difficulties and grows of this year, the cancer should not be afraid of financial losses. In the money plan, the year promises to be stable. The stable income of the cancer is practically guaranteed, but the big premiums and bonuses are not expected. Reasonable savings will help the cancer not only feeling wealth, but also to scope a certain amount already by autumn. At this time, money can be "attached" to the bank on favorable terms. But the loans in 2017 are not worth the cancer - neither small, nor large. Also adversely give money in debt, and if you can give, then do not count on what they will be returned.

Horoscope for cancer sign for 2017 for a woman from Paul Globa

The problem year is preparing you cock, cute ladies! Unpleasuality in personal life or misunderstanding with the second half can become causes of divorce, breaking relationships or noticeable alienation. Such situations may lead to the search for new partners and satellites of life. Some of you will succeed.

But not everything is so bad in the coming year. You will be very successful to implement yourself in the professional sphere. Perhaps a serious increase in service or substantial gain to salary. You will notice the authorities and will remain very pretty of your work.

Do not dust! To achieve success in all spheres of life simultaneously manages in very rare cases.

Horoscope for Cancer Sign for 2017 for a man from Paul Globa

Men, rejoice! This is your year. Your popularity is sometimes undeserved, it will be indisputable. Even last year's projects will bring moral dividends. The main thing is not sitting on the spot and implement your ideas.

In addition, the astrological forecast for 2017 predicts the improvement of housing conditions. You have a real opportunity in the coming year to open your own business. It may very well be that some of the representatives of the sign will go abroad in search of the best lobe.

Love horoscope for cancer sign for 2017

2017 for cancer promises significant changes not only in work, but also in personal relationships. Most of the signs of the sign will begin to give their nest or make it more comfortable and spacious. Couples with unstable relationships will continue to move away from each other. In this situation, real estate operations may be caused by the journey and even the divorce of the warring spouses. Therefore, it should be particularly attentive at the beginning of trouble in personal relationships.

In the second half of 2017, many problems with children will be expected, which will last a long time. It is possible that your children will need not only moral support, but also material assistance. For lovers, it is also not the best period of the year. In November-December, the situation may come out of control. At this time, the most serious conflicts are possible. Return after them to each other without mutual accusations will not work. Consider this if the desire to preserve the relationship is more important than their own ambitions.

This year, a lot of sexual surprises prepared for the crawts of Venus, so it would not be bored. In January, Mars will help to conquer one who is not indifferent. At the beginning of the summer, cancer will have to make a rather difficult choice. The person who is not sensible to you will finally become free. But do not really rejoice and do not hurry, because in August you will have to radically reconsider your opinion on love.

A good check of your relationship will be together a vacation, which will give you clearly understand whether you come to each other. The best numbers for romantic meetings - 10th and 28th. Look at people whose names begin on "and" and "C". According to the Love Horoscope for the 2017 Cancer - this is the best time to love and be loved by (beloved).

Horoscope for 2017 for Lviv from Paul Globa

In 2017, the Lion will finally be able to embody his most cherished dreams. Good luck will favor him and give many favorable situations. Success expects representatives of this sign in affairs, studies, creativity, family relationships. Somewhat difficult from a moral point of view will have to those representatives of the sign that have not yet gained their second half. The second half of the year is not the best time for long journeys, they are better planned for spring.

A family

Family Lviv will finally come welfare. The rest of the signs of the sign will have acute delights, and terrible disappointments. It is important to configure yourself in advance to the philosophical way so as not to break the nervous system. The likelihood of a strong sympathy for a person who is married is great, and it is unlikely to bring anything other than misfortunes and big problems. It is better to limit yourself from such a situation, and if it arises at work - even think about changing the latter. Since August, Lion is high likely to meet a person of his dreams - but it is necessary to watch both.


In 2017, the lion will be active and booder, more than ever. Health will allow him to literally roll over the mountains, will help to implement any goals. It is only important not to abuse good well-being and, if possible, do not experience the body for strength. By the end of the year, chronic fatigue from excessive activity for many months can be accumulated. October-November is better to devote to high-quality rest. In the nutrition does not prevent increased vigilance and carefulness - the likelihood is great, and very seriously. And in general, Lion this year is better to keep the diet.


In 2017, the Lion will fount the ideas. Perfect time to form your own business team. This year, the Lion can create its own business from scratch and practically without starting capital. And business promises to be very profitable. Careless statements to the head of the manager this year can cost the lion's posts, a variety of interpersonal conflicts will be tied at work. The likelihood of betrayal is great, so the lion can only trust in 2017. It is recommended to go to business trips with caution, it is desirable to minimize them.


The income of the Lion in 2017 will be constant with the trend towards growth. At the beginning of the year, you can invest without more concerns to invest in business development - by the end of the year they will pay off, the profit will be very good. Profitable business will be by the middle of the year. Lion, who loves beautiful and expensive things, in 2017 it is worth limiting by: in the fall, most likely the need for large spending on education or treatment of close relatives. At that moment it is important not to skip. This year the Lion can take loans, make a mortgage - financial condition will allow him to pay early.

Horoscope for Women Lion for 2017

Dear lionesses, you have an exceptional opportunity from Fortuna Sea smiles from Fortune. The rooster promises a very productive year for a business Woman, while easy prey on all fronts on the way to Olympus. Try, as it should be real lions, under any circumstances to go their path. And do not refuse to yourself in small joys needed for female happiness. Go to cosmetic salons, make spa treatments, update your wardrobe, and do not forget about traveling to the sea.

Horoscope for Men Leo for 2017

This year will give a render to show who is the lion! The beginning of the year will allow you to relax a little and go to your personal life. The sun entered you passionate and straw in nature. But do not forget that you are a family beast, which means you can keep loyalty to one partner for many years. And loose lions can be shared without fussing for their prey, the rules of the game you will install yourself. Devotion and sincere feeling will bring happiness. The first half of the year is a great time to decide on the love of the loving peripetia, to express yourself a beautiful family man. By autumn, it is necessary to return to work to prevent failure in the family budget.

Love horoscope for lion for 2017

The first half of 2017 involves a significant expansion of Lviv dating circle. Lonely and striving for romantic adventures, people this year can count on fairly interesting contacts, flirt and just a pleasant society. Perhaps Lviv expects a novel with a visit to a person or to get to know the trip. The fateful meeting can take place in January, February, June, or in August 2017.

In the first half of the year, the lion may not justify the expectations of his relatives or not to fulfill the promise, as a result of which major differences may arise with relatives. Relations to those who work in the company with relatives will be aggravated. Here, problems and claims are inevitable anyway.

The second half of the year is extremely unfavorable for most married couples. Available problems, everyone will come out together, providing a lot of contention and conflicts in the family. In the most difficult situation, a divorce, a section of property and housing is possible. The spouses will be adjusted by a large-scale relocation, it is possible that not only in another house, but also to another country.

Jupiter will help to meet a man to whom the lion will be able to trust. Mars will fill the current year with love. Therefore, if you yourself, then there is a possibility to meet someone special. The life experience of a new acquaintance will be too different from yours, and most likely he will speak in several languages.

In July and August, Mars will be able to turn ordinary friendly relations into a stormy and passionate novel. By December, the lions think about changing the place of residence. A love horoscope for 2017 for Lviv says that the meeting of the 9th and 27th of any month can be the beginning of passion, especially if the person's name will begin at R "or" and ".

Horoscope for 2017 for malades from Paul Globa

With the onset of 2017, Virgo will feel an incredible tide of strength. At this time, the likelihood of the change of beliefs and principles is great. The desire to become better will allow the Virgin to expand the horizons - public, professional. Personal life will be browning, more than ever, and maybe it is the cause of problems at work and in study. This year, Virgo will be interested in psychology, philosophy, mysticism, religion - and the knowledge gained can successfully apply in life.

Personal life

The year will begin for the virgin with emotional, mental lifting - and personal life will come to the fore. There will be a desire to get rid of loneliness or bring order in old relationships. Both should work out. In the middle of the year, a person may arise from the past, to which the Virgin will have a powerful sense of love. It is not worth a marriage because of this - feelings will quickly pass. Beautiful year to conceive children. Family Virgin can become much picky, tougher and more demanding about their loved ones - and they are unlikely to find an understanding. Its emotions are better to "pour out" to a psychologist.


A sense of love or interest in some business in the first half of the year will protect the virgin from colds and any ailments at all. But in the summer, when representatives of this sign of the zodiac will be devastated to the ground, there will be unpleasant surprises. The body that has been stretched as a string for several months can fail. Sleep disorders, loss of appetite, neurological violations - to deal with this will be possible only through proper nutrition and regular sports. In the fall, the likelihood of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases is great.


The Virgin in 2017 will be difficult to pay attention to routine things - but it is on them that she can fallinate. It is important to come to work on time, to carry out minor duties and not focus exclusively on large-scale projects. This year, Virgo will be able to brilliantly show himself in the negotiations, to conclude very favorable contracts due to the strength of its charm. It is important not to respond to provocations that will tide at every step. In the second half of the year you can start a business with proven people - it promises to be very successful. Moreover, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity may be for the virgin new.


The funds invested in the first half of the year in someone else's business can bring good dividends. At the same time, large winnings are likely to get the inheritance. But large purchases are better to postpone the second half of the year. All things that Virgo begins in 2017, will bring stable income in the future. At the end of the year financial difficulties are possible, so in the summer it is important to postpone a certain amount in case of a problem winter. You can safely give and take a debt. But to invest in the bank is not recommended: the contribution can burn - if not this year, so in the next. In the spent it is important to be careful.

Horoscope for Woman Virgo for 2017

The main theme of this year for women-virgins will be throwing between family and work. The career question in which they will want to achieve heights can significantly increase their rhythm of life. By the end of the summer, living in such a mad schedule, there is a chance to get a serious disease of the nervous system. The lack of a loved one in this period will only aggravate an emotional state. To meet your afternoon of Woman Virgo can by the end of the year.

Horoscope for Men Deva for 2017

Active and purposeful maiden, representatives of the strong half of humanity will take a clear position on achieving personal development and career growth. However, fear and failure can significantly take into their ambitions and become a barrier to achieving goals. From the beginning of the year it is worth enlisting the support of influential people. This will contribute to development, since alone promotion can be insignificant or completely unreal. "Rational waste of money" is the 2017 motto for men-mars.

Love Horoscope for the Virgin for 2017 the year of the fire

This year, the personal relationships of the virgins will develop enough unevenly. Most of the problems are expected in January and April - the period when cooling may occur in relationships. Especially relevant for those who regularly mix personal relationships, business and money. For families, 2017 also prepared a test - difficulties with children. Stars predict that these troubles can contact solid costs. Some families will decide to purchase real estate, perhaps in another city or even the country. By the summer, all these events will be solved.

In the second half of 2017, many virgins may comprehend trouble with relatives. Problems may have a completely different look. In one situation, the position of the relatives will completely contradict the interests of the Virgin, and in the other - the help may be required, which will fall on the shoulders of virgins in a grave cargo. Good luck to any endeavors of the virgins will add Jupiter, and Uranus promises a large number of all kinds of love adventures, involving the unexpected choice.

From the very beginning of the year, the Virgin can prepare for love vakhanlia. The beginning of the year at the peak of emotions and passions will contribute to Mars. Sexual irresistibility will allow attracting the attention of a special person. During this period, a person from the past is possible. Here it will be necessary to think well, since the appearance of an old friend will make the heart beat more often.

In April, there is a lot of unexpected things about themselves. It may be found road to happiness. Old wounds will be counted in September with the advent of new relations. Despite the fact that friends will be surprised by your choice, everything will be successfully.

Love Horoscope for 2017 for virgins shows that there is a manifestation of passion for people who will meet on your path of the 8th and 26th of any month. Pay attention to those whose names begin with "x" and "n".

Horoscope for 2017 for scales from Paul Globa

For weights, the year will be difficult. Indecisiveness can cause major problems at work. Websites will have to independently solve problems, not counting on the help of relatives and loved ones. Especially difficult will be the second half of the year - at this time the likelihood of shocks in his personal life is great. They probably will negatively affect the work. At the same time, career growth in 2017 at the weights may simply be stupid. This year is laid the foundation of success.


At the beginning of the year, the scales would feel that the soil literally floats from under his feet, they will lose confidence. Because of this, they will become irritable, and sometimes rude. For the benefit of relations, of course, it will not go. It is important to control yourself, perhaps even with the help of sedatives. In the summer, the mental state is normalized, but close, "charged" with a negative spring, will still give a residual reaction. At this time, the weights are more important to make efforts so that the relationship is not broken. Only in September will come long-awaited peace. At this time, a good hurry of children.


Migraine, dizziness, jumps of blood pressure - all this will accompany the scales in the first half of the year, when their emotional state will be very unstable. It is important to strive for the harmony by all means: to engage in stabilizing practices, drink soothing herbs, dripped on the pillow of lavender essential oil before bedtime. It is very desirable to abandon bad habits - they loosen the nervous system. Also in the first half of the year it is recommended to visit a psychologist. In summer, the scales will acquire calm, but in the first months of the year the immune system will weaken - they will have to protect themselves.


Last year's problems will reach the train until the summer. To promote the career ladder will have to solve them all. Special caution in 2017 will need to be exercised in relations with new business partners, especially foreign, - you can expect the most unpleasant surprises. In general, throughout the year, there will be unfriendly scales. It is important to understand that it is absolutely useless to defend the truth in office intrigues and hide games - much better take the expectant position. You can establish relationships with colleagues on a business trip.


Not the best year awaits scales from a material point of view. At times they will have to save very much, lead a literally ascetic lifestyle. But all this challenges and teach the correct communication with the money of rather waste representatives of this sign of the zodiac. The situation will improve in the fall: friends and old proven partners will come to the rescue, and employees will be able to find a profitable part-time job. However, the financial situation is stabilized only next year. Therefore, it is better to postpone big spending, it is possible to afford a good journey.

Horoscope for Woman Sign Scales for 2017

A lot of women born under this sign of the zodiac, already at the beginning of the year learn that they will soon become happy moms. This news will completely turn their world and sett the relationship with the chosen one. Already from the very beginning of the year, women will be abandoned by bad habits. Lonely women will be difficult to find the soul mate. However, in the second half of 2017, women will be able to meet their fate in another country.

Horoscope for Men Sign Scales for 2017

2017 will be for representatives of the strong sex, born under the sign of the scales, will become a year of career growth and success at work. They will rarely make mistakes, which will lead to success and, possibly, to a more promising position. Attaching efforts and well-working, the masses will be able at the end of the year to become happy buyers of a new apartment or car. But in the Personal Life 2017, the years does not promise anything good to men. Relationships with chosenses will not develop. Men will also make hard to make new acquaintances.

Love Horoscope for Sign Scales for 2017 from Paul Globa

This year, in personal relationships, many weights have to seek a way out of a difficult situation, including from a dead end. Under the influence of Jupiter, scales will become more decisive, bold and independent. All this will affect relationships with both spouses and former passages.

The most difficult period for scales this year is the end of March and the beginning of April. At this time, many weights have to finally decide on their choice. If love will overcome all the difficulties, then you can count on further relationships. If this does not happen, it is not worth upset, for it leads many roads to the future, which will help weighs to find their half. Also possible is also another course of affairs. Probably the appearance of new love, which does not most best affect the old relationship. As a result, the breaking of the relationship will become natural, and maybe necessary. Divorced spouses will begin hostility for the common property and children in the second half of the year. It will delay it for a long time.

Single people in February or in August may meet the long-awaited halm. For weights this year, Venus prepared a real love and a wonderful wedding. To find your true love, weights need to go on a journey. Despite the fact that the voyage will be started in proud loneliness, it is there that is to meet love. In summer, it will be clear to you that this person can be trusted. In October, it will have to make a decision capable of completely change the whole further life.

If the journey is not included in weight plans, it does not mean at all that they will remain alone. After all, the loving horoscope for 2017 for weights shows that they can meet their happiness on the 7th or 25th of each month. Pay attention to the names of people starting with the letters "P" and "D".

Horoscope for 2017 for scorpion from Paul Globa

Scorpio is waiting for a safe, smooth year. Representatives of this sign will be able to realize the bold ideas that they have long carried out. Representatives of this sign will be the builders of their own life, and they will have everything they think. Good time to change the place of residence and other large-scale changes. The owner of the year - rooster - will provide scorpion full support in all its endeavors. Intuition will be very strong.


Construction of relationships for lonely scorpion will be a very difficult task. But, if nevertheless, the initiated relationships will continue, they promise to be strong and stable. In married couples will also be not everything smoothly - even without loud scandals and disputes, the hidden confrontation, resembling a cold war, will be felt. Also, not everything will be smooth in relations with children. Considering such an unfavorable atmosphere at home, Scorpio can pull to the side. However, it is worth considering that in the fall in the family everything is normalized, and the side connection will bring not so much positive as the problem.


To feel well in 2017, Scorpio will need to control emotions, both both positive and negative. It is not recommended to try new products, especially exotic fruits - the body can produce strong allergic reactions on them. In general, well-being will be quite favorable. Rare headaches are possible, colds - the serious diseases are not foreseen, even chronic ailments will go to the background. However, the whole year will be pretty attendant - it is necessary to go to ice with caution, looking under your feet.


Good year to open your own business. Scorpions, who have long disliked what they do for many years, will be able to choose their own classes. Do not be afraid that in connection with the change of professional activity will decrease the income: when Scorpio is like what he does, the return will not make himself wait. In 2017, representatives of this sign will have to demonstrate leadership qualities, leading to the team. The second half of the year is good for education, developing new skills - it is useful to go to professional training or master the new hobby.


In financial matters, scorpion will experience difficulties and periods of prosperity, which he has not had long. In the second case, he will have to spend a lot of energy to competently dispose of money. During this period, you should not let dust in the eyes of others, it is better to invest in a profitable project. Various real estate operations will be successful, investment of money in education both and children. But by investing finances in real estate, you should not get involved in a mortgage: you need to focus on the amount that scorpion has at the moment.

Horoscope for Woman Scorpio for 2017 from Paul Globa

Scorpio ladies will definitely achieve what it is already thinking about quite a long time. Moreover, to achieve your dreams, they can lead a dishonest game, using their attractiveness and charm. The ladies born under this sign are worth paying more attention to his beloved man. Do not get drunk, behave adequately, otherwise you will lose more than you get.

Horoscope for Men Sign Scorpion for 2017

The beginning of the year does not foreshadow the scorpions of men are nothing good. They may encounter problems at work, colleagues help. It is very important in such a situation not to show your character. In the summer, the scorpio men will turn into heroes-lovers, and even family men will not give up Flirt with young beauties.

Love Horoscope for Scorpion Sign for 2017

For most of the representatives of this Sign 2017, it will not be especially exactly smooth. They are particularly affected by those couples, where over the course of several years there are problems. In this situation, it is assumed to continue the development of conflicts and, as a result, an increase in the probability of separation. The second part of the year is particularly difficult in this regard, since neither Scorpio nor his passion will be concession. Many scorpions will have to endure serious differences with relatives. A particularly tough conflict form can be accepted in January, March or in April 2017.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio warns that the disclosure of many secrets will bring its reputation irreparable harm. At the same time, the representative of the sign can lose the sympathy of not only those surrounding people, but also a loved one. Therefore, it should be especially careful, patient and wise in relationships.

Friendly families can start landscaping their life. During this period, real estate operations are not excluded, including the acquisition of a new apartment or at home. Either the overhaul of its housing will be launched.

The personal life of Scorpio this year promises to be quite exciting and intriguing. It is possible that during the cold winter time you will meet your soul mate. By the spring, your novel will reach apogee. It should be held from decision making at the moments of the highest passion. It is better to wait until the summer when you can adequately evaluate the situation and take a really right decision.

In October, we should expect a proposal of hands and hearts. And at the end of the year, the gift received will turn the whole life. Pay attention to the people you will meet the 6th and 15th of each month. And if you get acquainted in the restaurant (cafe, dining room), and during the conversation it turns out that your new familiar medic or is going to become, then, for sure, this is your long-awaited love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius from Paul Globa

With the onset of 2017, the Sagittarius will feel confident, will find the meaning of life, finally be rejected by simple things. The year will give representatives of this sign of the zodiac a lot of new opportunities, and with a certain proportion of perseverance and patience, they will be able to implement everything that they want. It is not necessary, however, planning for this time complex distant travel - the probability that they will be successful, negligible.

A family

Family Sagittarius in 2017 will find peace and harmony. The favorable location of the stars will help to find mutual understanding and establish relationships. A shameless marriage will have a second chance for revival. "Shake" strongly from love will be from July to August. The novel that the lonely shooter will begin in these summer months, promises to be long and very happy. In the fall of passion a little silent, the relationship will become more stable and comfortable. But with the approach of winter, the situation on the love front will again begin to heat up - the shooter as ever will need an excerpt.


In the winter months, Sagittarius is likely to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Try not to overeat and give up alcohol even during the festive ceremonies. In the summer, Sagittarius, life energy will "beat the key", which will allow efficient and fruitfully work. True, at this time a great risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, so health will need to carefully take care. With the onset of autumn, a variety of colds are possible, since the immunity of Sagittarius will be seriously weakened. In general, 2017 will be not the easiest for the health of the Sagittarius.


With very intense loads at work will begin for the Sagittaris of 2017. The unemployed archers are the time to "throw a fishing rod" about employment. They can not find anything, but the work of their dreams, which is my soul! Spring productivity will be very high, from a career point. From this season, the development of business activity will depend on the end of the year, and about vacation at this time - forget. In the summer, problems may appear, and it is very important to respond quickly to them. In the fall, it is possible to occur the difficulties, irresistible at first glance, but they will be quite easily solvable.


2017 will be for the Sagittarius rather tense: finance, maybe not "drove romances", but it will have to take it. Success will be accompanied by the representatives of this sign that will listen to intuition and respond quickly to events. In brave and decisive archers, the cash flow may increase by fall. At this time, it is best to take any significant amounts of money. This year is perfect for the start of charitable projects related to children or older people. Financial Credo Sagittarius for a year - to be alert.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 for a woman from Paul Globa

To preserve relationships with your beloved man, give up empty words, talked offended, and, moreover, blackmail. Actions will be eloquent words. Show dignity and self-esteem to yourself. Happy one who fully loves himself - it will be more important for women Sagittar sign in 2017. But on the career staircase, it will not be easy to move, it makes sense to not force the events, but simply sailing downstream. Observe the balance in everything.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 for a man from Paul Globa

For many men of this sign, the year will not be simple from a financial point of view. A good way out of the situation will go to work abroad. Try something new. And in no case do not let the case on samonek, good luck will come only if you constantly keep your hand on the pulse of events, control the situation. In 2017, pay time to your health, check your spine and the joints at the doctor, make sure that they are all right. It is important to diagnose malfunctions in the body on time and begin treatment, in order not to evolve in something more unpleasant.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

For the Sagittarius 2017 will be held under the sign of love. In the first half of the year, the circle of familiar Sagittarius will significantly expand. New interesting personalities will appear, which are irreversibly changing the life of Sagittarius. Lonely people will be given the opportunity to diversify their lives, tolding an unusual novel. Most likely, the new hobby will live in another city (country), which will only strengthen love and makes a notch of charming romanticism. It is difficult to say than this connection will end, but, nevertheless, there is a possibility of its continuation. Therefore, it is not overwhelming it - stupid.

Love Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarov warns that for those who have a spouse or a regular partner are fleeing difficult times. During this period, the relationship can not only undergo serious changes, but also to completely stop. The second half of the year will only aggravate the situation, since the personal relations of many Saglots may be welcome. Subsequent gossip and intrigue will be affected not only for personal, but also on professional affairs.

Family and stable archers a lot of time, forces and finances will have to give to children. But the troubles caused by the younger generation will be pleasant and, most likely, will concern how to change the future children for the better.

At the beginning of the spring, love is possible at first glance. But in April, the relationship is stabilized and by the summer, you will already know what you want from the partner. It is also possible that at the end of summer you can meet another person. Initially, the relationship will begin as friendly. This year, special attention should be paid to people whom you will meet the 5th and 23rd number of any month, especially if their names are beginning to begin at "B" and "E".

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricors from Paul Globa

2017 will be for Capricorn I search for a balance between personal and social aspects of life. Rethinking values, new ideas and prospects - for this sign of the zodiac is the time of big change. Solve numerous problems this year will have to quickly and decisively. The year for Capricorn will be extremely saturated, sometimes difficult, but generally very successful. There will be many opportunities using which, Capricorn will be able to achieve large heights.


Before the beginning of the summer, the ratio of Capricorn with a partner will be even, the love of spouses will gain new paints, mutual understanding will appear, which it was not before. Couples in which the relationship did not get laid, they will be able to restore harmony. Lonely Capricorn will be able to meet his second half, he will survive with her one of the most beautiful and stormy novels in his life. And most importantly, this passion can pull in a flat calm love, which is easy to build a strong marriage. In the summer, the situation will change, and serious disagreements may appear in relationships. But the partner will meet if Capricorn will be frank with him.


The first third of the year of the health of the Capricarps will exclusively please. They successfully passed the dangers of seasonal colds, influenza, other viral infections - immunity will be at height. Thanks to good well-being, Capricorn will be able to actively work. His health threatens, even chronic diseases will retreat. In the fall of representatives of this sign, the zodiac expects a decrease in life potential. Probable numerous ailments that will retreat only with the arrival of winter. Snow falls out, and well-being will come back again. The end of autumn is the appropriate time for surveys.


Capricorn will meet 2017 by strong and indulcing, because last year he spent a lot of strength and energy to learn how to control his affairs and build relationships with subordinates. He will show decisiveness, initiative and purposefulness. And the authorities will appreciate his work on dignity. In the summer, small, but numerous problems will begin. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac should be the most assembled and attentive, otherwise they risk to allow large misses. At the end of the year will have to be seriously worn so as not to reduce the results achieved earlier.


Capricorn will have the opportunity to be a sponsor or patron, help in need. And it is not necessary to neglect it! Charity, rendered this year, will be generously rewarded with providence. At the same time, it is undesirable to invest in large business projects - risks are very high. This year it is important not so much to increase how much to save earned. The most favorable time for spending - summer and the beginning of autumn. During this period, you can afford a beautiful journey, buying real estate or cars. It is better not to make a loan or mortgage.

Horoscope for Capricorn for 2017 for a woman from Paul Globa

For lonely women of Capricarians, the year of the rooster will provide the opportunity for new acquaintances, one of which can grow into a serious relationship. Married ladies of the stars strongly recommend diversifying their lives and do not focus on home care. Find a new lesson, do fitness, start learning languages. All this will add to you charm, and your husband will be able to look at you in a new way and will not look for adventures on the side. You will not have serious problems in relationships with children in 2017. Try to communicate more often with them and carry together a family vacation.

Horoscope for Capricorn for 2017 for a man from Paul Globa

All men Capricorn, heavenly luminaries recommend paying close attention to communication with a loved one. Your second half so much needs your attention to her that his lack of you can cause not only quarrels and mutual accusations, but also serious problems in relationships. Try more often listen to your partner. Do not forget to speak more often to your woman's words of love and gratitude.

Love horoscope for Capricorn sign for 2017

Not very calm and smooth for caperpashers year. Changes in personal life started for a long time, will continue. Many representatives of the sign will have to face a serious family problem. If family relations are unstable, then there is a probability of divorce or, at best, cardinal changes in family life. The second half of 2017 for the Capricors is preparing a lot of problems with children. Such troubles are likely to be increasing not only in chagrin, but also in large financial expenses. If the first half of the year is unfavorable for family pairs, then in the second - the troubles are waiting for most lovers.

In these situations, it should be remembered that the prosperous outcome of all heart and family affairs, first of all, depends on the sincerity and mutual desire to meet towards each other. The least one is focused on the opinion and advice of other people, listen more than your heart, which will tell the way out of the current situation. In November-December, personal relationships will hang almost in the balance. It is necessary to make a lot of effort so as not to cut into this hairs. Otherwise, the consequences can be very disappointing. This year a personal life will most likely be closely related to work and business.

Whatever strange it seems, but attention should be paid for long-known people. At first it will be easy, without a binding link, which will later turn into a serious relationship. So serious that there is a possibility that the first month of autumn will be a honeymoon for you.

As a love horoscope predicts for 2017 for the Capricors, the "satellite" for a honeymoon can be found on the 4th and on the 22nd of any month. It is desirable that the initials of the new acquaintance (familiar) begin with the letters "D" or "M".

Horoscope from Paul Globa for 2017 for Aquarius

Aquarius is waiting for the year of discoveries - and above all in itself. He will find that he may experience such emotions that did not even suspect them, will revise many of their views on life. At the same time, all decisions of Aquarius must be oriented exclusively to his personal opinion and intuition. Listening to others, he can allow a fatal error. 2017 is very favorable for long journeys and developing a new business.

A family

At the beginning of 2017, Aquarius will be very sentimental. He may passionate in love, and most likely, in a person who already knows. The novel is possible to continue long in life. This union will have beautiful children. Partners will wait for romance, tenderness and understanding of each other - and will do everything possible to create in the relationship aura of love that supports them spiritually. Family representatives of this sign of the zodiac difficulties are waiting at the beginning of the fall - both with the spouses and children. Situations that will arise one after another will require them to high excerpt.


A sharp love at the beginning of the year can undermine the health of the Aquarius, bring it even to the nervous breakdown. After overexcitation, general weakness will come inevitably. But in summer, representatives of this sign calm down and will again feel the tide of strength. In order to respond quietly to what is happening, it is recommended to exercise more in sports, more often change the situation, to communicate more with friends and relatives. In the fall, the likelihood is seriously awesome or infected with an infectious disease, it is necessary to proper an immunomodulatory drug in advance.


From the very beginning of 2017, the work of Aquarius promises to be intense, but without unnecessary jerks and failures. By the spring, representatives of this sign of the zodiac will further accelerate even more, and they will feel the exciting sensation of their growing complexity. Summer is a very dangerous period: it can go to a loud scandal. With particularly unfavorable circumstances, the total collapse of the business is possible. Cool devices will end in the fall, but problems, even not such large, will not leave anywhere. With the onset of winter, Aquarius should carefully monitor the quality of its own work, even for the smallest nuances.


In the year of the rooster, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac financially will not be able to grab the star from the sky. Promotion will be in service, but it will not affect life dramatically. The most likely period for the growth of cash flow - April-May. And all the time you need to follow your own emotions, since the tendency to quick-temperature and aggression can spoil relations with partners. A particularly difficult period in this respect is the second half of August. With certain efforts, income during the year will be stable, and the trends towards its fall are not traced.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017 for a woman from Paul Globa

2017 will be for women-aquating a year of testing and difficulties. The first months of the new year can bring to life a disappointment in the beloved man, decorated on treason. Parting with the beloved will become for these ladies a real test. At this time, support for loved ones will be especially important. Astrologers recommend to relax to women to relax and make a favorite thing in the afternoon.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017 for a man from Paul Globa

2017 will be for men-an alarm year of great hopes that all those surrounding them. Heads and relatives, wives and simply beloved women will expect something from aquale that they will bring them a lot of discomfort. 2017 is a lot of experiences and stressful situations. It is especially important that close people have helped them and try to support them every way. However, the end of the year will be more joyful for Aquarius and will surprise a pleasant discovery.

Love horoscope for the sign of Aquarius for 2017

In 2017, water leaves are waiting for quite serious changes in the sphere of senses and relationships. Lonely people will have the opportunity to acquire new acquaintances. One of which can put the beginning of great love. Most likely, such a meeting will take place in February, June or October. It is possible that the acquaintance will take place on a trip or in the circle of people visitors.

Love horoscope for 2017 for water warning warns that the second half of the year will be particularly difficult for family representatives of the sign. Saturn's transition, planet restrictions, in the horoscope zone, which is responsible for affiliate relations, causes a change in the situation in the family for the worse. Perhaps in relationships will come some cooling. Communication will require delicacy and tact from water. Remember that egoism today will not allow.

Only attention and sincere feelings are able to preserve relationships. But another course of events is possible: in the life of a person close to you, it is not the best of times in life, your help is inevitable, but this is not the best on the family relations. We will have to make a compromise. In the second half of the year, stable family water expects repair or acquisition of new housing. It is not excluded to move to another city or a country that drastically change all your life.

This year will give an aquatic interesting sexual partner. The beginning of the year will occur under the influence of Mars, which will strengthen the communicative abilities of water. Shinning in society and universal sympathy will allow you to pay attention to many. In April, you will feel the strongest physical attraction, and for the autumn you will already know exactly where your happiness. Miss which is not worth it. You should pay attention to people from your environment, whose names begin with "L" or "C". And also on those with whom you will have to see the 3rd or on the 21st of any month this year.

Horoscope for 2017 for fish from Paul Globa

2017 will be quite difficult for fish. Representatives of this sign will have to show businesslike and energy to achieve at least minimal success. In everything, except for the work, the rooster will be favorable and will give a lot of chances for a cardinal change in life. Fish will be able to do an interesting business, which was previously not solved for various reasons. The main enemy on the way to success is lazy. It can cause many problems.

Relationships, love.

From the beginning of 2017, the fish will have an unprecedented attitude to the flirting, the desire to flirt and do unambiguous hints. Flirting fish will be with everyone, surrounding themselves a kind of cloud of fans. Until the summer, the fish will not want to swim from this cloud of courtship and constant attention. But closer to June, the fish themselves will feel the need to decide, as they will feel next to them, fully understanding and taking everything as it is. Only one person will be able to fill the thoughts and heart of the fish, it is possible that by the end of the fall, the fish will decide to enter into marriage.


At the beginning of 2017, the excellent health of the fish will be part of all viruses and colds. Fish finally realize all the fear of bad habits. It is possible that they will connect the problems with health with the consequences of alcohol and smoking. Extra weight problems will have to be solved with diets, but not all fish will be able to withstand such a test. However, those who will not retreat and cross through the psychological dependence on food will come to a new level of health promotion, which will be significantly by the end of 2017. It is worth paying attention to the danger of dislocation.


In 2017, fish in career questions will be able to surpass themselves. Special successes are possible in April. Such success can be both the conclusion of a favorable contract, as well as a useful invention, over which the fish worked the entire previous period. However, to achieve all this fish will be able only surrounded by the team of like-minded people. Some fishes will have a chance to take promising positions. This will mostly be professions associated with architecture, culture and creativity. In October, they are attacked by competitors or unpleasant unscheduled checks that fish with glitter will stand.


Financial problems in fish are not foreseen. The money will be enough not only for a hazardous existence, but also to make a small stock. However, during this period of large spending it is worth avoided. The likelihood is great that anyone will try to take possession of fish with cunning fish, and maybe by force. In the second half of the year, a good opportunity to start its own business, requiring serious financial investments. This will be able to help friends who completely trust the insights of the fish and believe in their luck. At the very end of the year there is a chance of a major win or getting an inheritance.

For Fish-Men 2017

To achieve success, try to set small goals in front of you, they will be easier to achieve. A passion will dominate with personal life, the fish will have a tendency to rapid actions. Fish this year will be active and efficient that with the best party will affect their finances. The maximum performance of the work will have to for the summer.

For Fish Women 2017

Logic will not help you in solving cases, it is better to rely on intuition. In the new year, the worldview of women-fish will undergo significant changes. Be presented and prudent. Stars recommend you carefully prepare for long trips. In the first half of the year, women can manifest themselves creative potential. 2017 is not the best time to make serious decisions, so better leave everything as it is. And do not let others use your kindness.

Love horoscope for fish for 2017 fiery rooster

The charm of representatives of this sign will be overwhelmed. Fishes from fish will be more than ever. As for intimate life, it will be quite stormy. Although the focus of fish will do on emotional intimacy. There is a possibility that a former fan will return to your life. Family fish will have complete idyll in relations. However, representatives of this sign still worth working on mutual understanding. Go to a family psychologist.

Pavel Globa is one of the most successful astrologers in the CIS, because its forecasts always fall into the point. To start and complete the coming week, take into account the expert advice.

As the Woman`s Day portal told us, Pavel Globa recommends that all the signs of the zodiac live this week as carefree as possible. Do not perceive the problems as the blows of fate - they are in all. Perceive them as another adventure. So it will be easier to survive all the adversity, because the thoughts of a person are determining importance.


Aries this week expects whole four days in which luck will be with you with a huge probability. It will be 12, 13, September 16 and 17. On the other three days you better do not risk and especially closely follow what you eat and do, because chronic diseases can be felt. You can't easily overcome all the troubles and solve them much faster than usual.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, love must move for you to the background, because it may simply be time. Somehow passive way you can try to solve your problems of a love nature, but it is better not to focus on this at all. It is possible that the problems themselves are resolved. Better stay in the shade, without requiring anything from your loved one and not trying to find a soul mate, especially September 14.


Thursday and Friday will become the most successful days for you. Stars and planets will favorably influence your performance all week, so you should not postpone anything for later. Looking for something new: hobbies, sources of income, Meet people. The main thing this week is not to overload your body work. Work in moderation.

The most dangerous day is Monday. Watch out what you are dressed and what you say on this day if you do not want to get an excess headache. Do not let empty promises in these seven days. You will have the opportunity to do this time carefree and very favorable, especially in the love sphere. Meet people, having fun how you can and do not stay alone. Dedicate as much time as your family and second half. If you are not yet in a relationship, do the person's search for which you would like to see next.


The positive and creative energy of the cosmos will grow and will become the most positive for the twins closer to the end of the week. On Saturday and Sunday you can do everything that you will not have time for the first five days. At the same time, new things are better to postpone. Take care of what is most relevant for you. Astroloologist advises you to eat healthy food on September 12 - in the most negative day of this week.

In love, you will have to plan common affairs for the future. You can visit old fears, problems, but do not be afraid of them. Now you need to simply restrain all your emotions and focus on the fact that most important for the future. Look at tomorrow, forgetting about the past, which will constantly remind themselm.


Astrologer cancers advises to start stocking with vitamins for the future, as well as accumulate knowledge and study something new. Well affects you change the situation, business and entertainment trips. September 11 - the most favorable day of the week. You only need to start something to do, so that then everything went like oil. Monday is suitable for this, it is impossible better. Friday, on the contrary, will be dangerous because the stars stop helping you.

And in love, and at work, new acquaintances will help you to survive adversity and find something inspiring. You will be charming, do not doubt it. Your self-confidence will be a happy ticket, passing to the world of love and financial good luck. Now there is a very promising time to search for the second half, however, do not apply that you are alone. Let people themselves pull to infect your optimism and a good mood. Be witty and emotional - it will attract the opposite sex and will help you out in a difficult moment.

a lion

Tuesday and Wednesday will be the most successful days for you this week. So that good well-being was not lost, walk more and go to the pool every day. Physical activity will help you overcome your weaknesses, because your mood will be at the height. Women lions can begin a diet, and men can start walking into the gym, although the same, and other healthy food is suitable equally.

The main thing this week is to survive on September 11th. This day will be very difficult and dark. It will be deprived of a positive, so you will have to find it yourself. This week it will be easier for financial affairs, and you can also succeed in love. Do not miss your chance if you have the opportunity to go on a date with a pleasant person. If you are in relationships or married, then it's time for joint work.


September 12, Tuesday, will be the most dangerous day for you. Perhaps you will torment headaches and malaise. It is unlikely that you can do anything about this day, but in other dates you just need to engage in loved ones and not overwork. The surrounding people will disappear on you, but if you show patience, in the future they will repay you the same. In any case, at work and in affairs you will need high concentration.

Focus on something new, not forgetting about old projects at work. In love, especially 11, 14 and 15, it is better not to relax. It will be a very passionate week, especially for those who are just starting their loving path in relationships. If you are in marriage for a long time, then this week you will be able to find a new mock for yourself, ignite the new fire.


Four days for you will be truly successful this week: 12, 13, 16, 17, September 17. Try to complete this week so that in the next Monday you did not need to do what you do now. Difficult solutions emotionally should be given to you much easier than usual. The whole experience you will have a serious support for these seven days, especially in the most negative of them - on Thursday. The intuition and voice of the heart of the astrologer advises to listen as often as possible, especially if it comes to love. Do not hurry at the same time to manage relations. Try to give more freedom to your second half, even if she or he wants to be the main thing.

It's time when promises must be performed, the data is previously. Pay from those who you need money, execute your purpose to fully. It is time to free from these shacks, and not to look for new problems for yourself. Do not start any cases yet.


Do not enter in adventures this week, if you do not want to fail Fiasco in love or finance. We produce useful habits on which happiness is based. Try to learn from our mistakes yourself, be careful, constantly look for ways to improve relations with the second half. Do not be afraid to take the situation in your hands.

Thursday and Friday will be the most creative days for you, because the energy of the planets and stars will be the most positive. Be independent and let's more freedom to your children, the second half, native and friends. Do not dictate your conditions. At work and in business, you will have to get rid of everything that prevents focus on the result. It may be negative thoughts, insecurity or simply apathy. Fight with your fears.


The last two days of this difficult week for Sagittarov will be the most successful. The creative energy of the stars on September 16 and 17 will be the most obvious. Do not disregard any little things in any sphere of life. Now it is absolutely everything important, so watch the prompts of the universe that will surround you everywhere. Put yourself with reachable goals and do not be afraid to work in a team with someone.

This week will be difficult, so do not forget that you have close people, about which you always need to remember. Only through diplomacy you will be able to keep everything as it is now. This applies to work, and love. Learn to put yourself in place of another person to interact with people correctly. Good luck will be with you throughout the weekend, so on Saturday and Sunday it will be possible to be a little egoists.


Thursday will be the most unfavorable day. In this short period, large health problems and mood are possible. Energy Your will decrease to such an extent that problems with good luck can reach apogee. However, then until September 14, everything will be very calm and favorable. On Monday, September 11, the astrologer advises you to search for the second half and not be afraid of new business dating. Expand the circle of communication.

Training will be given to you very easily, so take advantage of this. The Capricorns who have not met their elect, finally find their love. If you have not been on vacation from the beginning of summer, it is better to relax this week or plan holidays for the near future. If this is not done, then you can become similar to a delayed emotional bomb.


Tuesday and Wednesday - the best time to implement all plans, even the most ambitious. In the soil of elevated ambitions, numerous quarrels with loved ones and colleagues, business partners are possible. The main thing is to just survive all this on Monday, in the hardest day of this difficult week. Welcome to the situation of water, possible health problems.

On September 12 and 13, it will be necessary to quit all the forces on solving problems in love and at work. Learn to ask for forgiveness from people, if you do not want to stay quite alone for Sunday. There is nothing to learn to admit your guilt, because we all make mistakes. Try to relax on weekends to reduce the risk of problem situations.


Monday will be the most favorable day for the coming week. Next, positive energy will go to the decline, and then return again. Thursday and Friday, September 14 and 15, will be perfectly approached for any new cases or to complete old. These three days will be perfect for recognition in love, hands and heart offers, for wedding planning. In general, this week will become a time of romance.

If you want to succeed in business or in work, then do not seek to conclude agreements and negotiations. Do everything yourself, and only the best way. Watch your health because it is easier to get sick about this week. It will choose you from the gauge for a long time.

Increase the energy, if you do not want success to turn away from you - this is the chief advice of the astrologer for this week. Fortune, like a magnet, stretches to people positive and believing in itself. Make yourself believe in success, see it in your thoughts and in your imagination. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

Categories: / / from 09/12/2017

2017 will be quite unpredictable for Aries. Many unexpected perspectives will open, however, to achieve great success, they will have to be determined.

Good luck will have to be enough for the tail, which means it is always to be collected and alert.

This year, the Aries is important to be extremely restrained and weathered, evaluate every word. You can try yourself in a new profession, get an additional education: this is a year of knowing yourself and the surrounding world.

Family Aries in 2017 can move to a new place of residence. Until the middle of October, problems with relatives and loved ones are possible - quarrels and misunderstandings. But those who will be able to preserve relationships in a positive line, in the fall waiting for a reward: a new splash of feelings, a kind of honeymoon.

And the lonely Aries in the first half of the year will be able to find a real soulfoon: the relationship started in this period can easily grow into marriage. The family life of such a union promises to be long and happy. That is why at the end of winter and in the spring, the Aries are especially important to enter light.

Since the year for the Aries will be quite unstable, health can malfunctions. It is very important to pay more attention to yourself, allow you to get enough sleep, if possible, go to a wellness massage and play sports regularly. So that the well-being does not fail, the Aries need to be easily streamlined, follow the mode.

Nervous overvoltages, which in 2017, Aries will experience, alas, often threaten the headaches and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. At the end of the year, Aries should be feared of infectious diseases - make flu vaccinations and follow hygiene.

This year will be very successful for those Aries who are engaged in science, medicine and education. It is good luck to them, climbing the career ladder will be unexpectedly light and joyful. People have a business born under this sign, there will be many obstacles and complex moments. It is important for them not to relax and understand that two unresolved problems will follow in one solved problem.

Only those who will be maximally assembled and morally racks to a variety of wires, waiting for success. The end of the year is the most favorable period for work, the likelihood of reliable business partners is great.

In terms of 2017, the year for the Aries will be rather smooth. Representatives of this sign are unlikely to be rejected, but also big financial losses are also not foreseen. In the first half of the year you should not take new loans, and old it is better to strain and close. This is the time of the return of debts - and not always your own! Perhaps the Aries will have to be calculated for negligent relatives.

From credit cards for a while it is necessary to refuse. But since July, you can make large purchases, making installments, credit, mortgage. September - October - the most favorable time to open bank deposits.

Horoscope for Taurus

Caltz 2017 promises big changes in personal life. However, work will not make bored - the likelihood of a sharp change of the sphere of activity. And, most likely, this will open the Tables new horizons and will change all his life for the better. 2017 will give the calm a lot of interesting meetings, the ability to increase the circle of communication. A favorable time for long journeys. The motto for the year is "not afraid of change!"

Family representatives of this sign at the beginning of the year are waiting for problems with children - and they will require more spiritual than material costs. But with your favorite quarrels and conflicts should not be. Lonely Taurons are great chances to meet the love of life or tie finally a relationship with a person to which they are not afraid.

Such an alliance promises to be extremely strong, and also promises abundant offspring! Wedding should be better appointed to the second half of the year. This year, the Taurus will be extremely charming, which will provide him with great success at the opposite sex.

This year, the Taurus will be healthy and physically, and, that is important, spiritually, it is an extremely favorable period for representatives of this sign of the zodiac. Serious arams and depression will be bypassed the calf. Light colds and allergic reactions are possible, but in general the body will not give failures. At the beginning of the year, the Taurus will be a model of energetic and efficiency at all.

By the end of the year, creative potential will slightly decrease, but if the summer should be a good rest for at least three weeks, well-being will be good. Not the best time to change your attending doctors.

2017 is favorable for opening your own business, the Taurus will receive such things that he had even been afraid of thinking about. It is important to remember: only the seas are bold!

However, the first two months it is better to devote to rest - and moral, and physical. At this time, the Taurus must be assembled with thoughts, accumulate forces for the upcoming jerk.

Since March, you can change the work and scope of activity. This year is not so favorable for creative representatives of this sign of the zodiac - you should not expect big victories. There are also various conflicts, gossip.

It is desirable that by the beginning of 2017 the Taurus redeemed all his debts. In the new year he is recommended to spend money for charity, helping the needy. This will attract financial success to him. In general, the year will be very prosperous in terms of money, especially if the Taurus decides to change the scope of activity.

A large number of original ideas and enviable performance in 2017 will provide Tables revenue, which in 2016 he could only dream. If in the first half of the year probably the feeling that money is drown through the fingers, then in the second - finally the stability will come.

Horoscope for twins

In 2017, the twins will ruin unnecessary relationships with the past - will get rid of the relationships from those who have exhausted themselves, will change the boning work or stop communicating with friends who for some reason ceased to be such.

This year, the twins are better not to take risks, but to be as cautious and calculate each step. Adventures and dubious events will not bring anything but big problems.

A significant role in the lives of married couples in 2017 will play the parents of the spouse born under the sign of the twins. And it is worth listening to their advice, even if at first they will seem absurd. Twins, which are not married yet, can have two bright parallel novels. Moreover, with one of the lovers in the twins, it may have once had the connection before.

Relationships will bring confidence in their own power, will be returned to the faith in themselves, will open new horizons. But at the end of the year still have to make a choice. And maybe even abandon both links at all if they are outlined.

Gemini health in 2017 will be almost entirely dependent on their emotional attitude. In the middle of winter, representatives of this sign are encouraged to take leave - on the southern sun or in the mountains they will be able to overcome depression, overcoming them since the end of 2016.

In 2017, the twins need to regularly play sports, often in the fresh air, not overdo it at work. Otherwise, the likelihood of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system is great. A favorable year for exploring unconventional medicine.

Doubts and throwing, characteristic of twins, can play with them a dick joke. Business is waiting for bold and decisive action from them. It is important to concentrate on several main purposes and do not spray for a thousand little things.

People of creative professions expect sharp career growth. Most likely, success will come through the case, which you always dreamed of doing, but for some reason did not allow themselves to realize the dream.

Do not hurry the events - let everything goes to her! Follow Napoleon's slogan - "Patience is a key to success." It is important to be careful in communicating with the manual.

Gemini who took loans in 2016 can expect that they suddenly pay quickly with them in the very near future. The first half of the year is a good period for real estate transactions. A good income can bring a new thing if the twins are solved to open it.

Fear unplanned spending - one financial slip can lead to a whole chain of failures. With caution, let's money in debt, even the closest acquaintances. Do not become a guarantor in people who take large loans. The second half of the year will be financially stable.

Horoscope for cancer

For Cancer 2017, it will be quite complicated. Decline of strength, depression, disappointment - this is what will have to fight all 12 months. Conflicts and ambiguous events are better to avoid all ways, and in general, which is called, to sit down. If the cancer succeeds not to get into the binding until the end of the year, the last months of the year will bring him the long-awaited peace of mind and well-being both in finance and in love. The year is suitable for finding yourself, self-education.

Personal life in 2017 will be filled with the most diverse events. For lonely representatives of this sign, the opportunity to find a couple already in the first months of the year - and what is interesting, not one pair! Yes, yes, the likelihood of parallel relationship is great. However, at this time there is also a risk of falling in love unrequited.

In the life of family cancers, their natural indecision can play a negative role, imperisibility and anxiety - with these qualities will have to fight, otherwise they simply wander the spouse. If the cancer succeeds to overcome, the domestic life in 2017 will be calm and more than ever.

In 2017, cancer is important to rest as much as possible: the ailment associated with overloads at work, as well as emotional experiences, can grow into very serious diseases. And diseases that have been in latent or chronic form for a long time can exacerbate.

It is important at the very first warring symptoms to contact the doctor. Even light colds that representatives of this sign are often transported on their feet, threaten them this year with the most serious complications. In 2017, cancer should not allow any self-medication.

Cases will go unevenly, downtime is possible in business. Often, the cause of failures will be the desire of cancer to get away from responsibility, the desire to shift it on the shoulders of partners. In 2017, those raks will be successful that will be responsible for their words and deeds will have the courage to recognize their own wrong.

The hired cancers will have a lot of chances to demonstrate their abilities and extraordinary thinking, which can be a good career impetus. The ability to demonstrate myself from the best side will appear in the spring, and in the fall, the lucky ones will reap the fruits.

Despite all the difficulties and grows of this year, the cancer should not be afraid of financial losses. In the money plan, the year promises to be stable. The stable income of the cancer is practically guaranteed, but the big premiums and bonuses are not expected. Reasonable savings will help the cancer not only feeling wealth, but also to scope a certain amount already by autumn. At this time, money can be "attached" to the bank on favorable terms.

But the loans in 2017 are not worth the cancer - neither small, nor large. Also adversely give money in debt, and if you can give, then do not count on what they will be returned.

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Horoscope for lion

In 2017, the Lion will finally be able to embody his most cherished dreams. Good luck will favor him and give many favorable situations. Success expects representatives of this sign in affairs, studies, creativity, family relationships. Somewhat difficult from a moral point of view will have to those representatives of the sign that have not yet gained their second half.

The second half of the year is not the best time for long journeys, they are better planned for spring.

Family Lviv will finally come welfare. The rest of the signs of the sign will have acute delights, and terrible disappointments. It is important to configure yourself in advance to the philosophical way so as not to break the nervous system.

The likelihood of a strong sympathy for a person who is married is great, and it is unlikely to bring anything other than misfortunes and big problems. It is better to limit yourself from such a situation, and if it arises at work - even think about changing the latter. Since August, Lion is high likely to meet a person of his dreams - but it is necessary to watch both.

In 2017, the lion will be active and booder, more than ever. Health will allow him to literally roll over the mountains, will help to implement any goals. It is only important not to abuse good well-being and, if possible, do not experience the body for strength. By the end of the year, chronic fatigue from excessive activity for many months can be accumulated.

October-November is better to devote to high-quality rest. In the nutrition does not prevent increased vigilance and carefulness - the likelihood is great, and very seriously. And in general, Lion this year is better to keep the diet.

In 2017, the Lion will fount the ideas. Perfect time to form your own business team. This year, the Lion can create its own business from scratch and practically without starting capital. And business promises to be very profitable.

Careless statements to the head of the manager this year can cost the lion's posts, a variety of interpersonal conflicts will be tied at work.

The likelihood of betrayal is great, so the lion can only trust in 2017. It is recommended to go to business trips with caution, it is desirable to minimize them.

The income of the Lion in 2017 will be constant with the trend towards growth. At the beginning of the year, you can invest without more concerns to invest in business development - by the end of the year they will pay off, the profit will be very good. Profitable business will be by the middle of the year.

Lion, who loves beautiful and expensive things, in 2017 it is worth limiting by: in the fall, most likely the need for large spending on education or treatment of close relatives. At that moment it is important not to skip. This year the Lion can take loans, make a mortgage - financial condition will allow him to pay early.

Horoscope for the Virgin

With the onset of 2017, Virgo will feel an incredible tide of strength. At this time, the likelihood of the change of beliefs and principles is great. The desire to become better will allow the Virgin to expand the horizons - public, professional. Personal life will be browning, more than ever, and maybe it is the cause of problems at work and in study.

This year, Virgo will be interested in psychology, philosophy, mysticism, religion - and the knowledge gained can successfully apply in life.

The year will begin for the virgin with emotional, mental lifting - and personal life will come to the fore. There will be a desire to get rid of loneliness or bring order in old relationships. Both should work out. In the middle of the year, a person may arise from the past, to which the Virgin will have a powerful sense of love. It is not worth a marriage because of this - feelings will quickly pass.

Beautiful year to conceive children. Family Virgin can become much picky, tougher and more demanding about their loved ones - and they are unlikely to find an understanding. Its emotions are better to "pour out" to a psychologist.

A sense of love or interest in some business in the first half of the year will protect the virgin from colds and any ailments at all. But in the summer, when representatives of this sign of the zodiac will be devastated to the ground, there will be unpleasant surprises.

The body that has been stretched as a string for several months can fail. Sleep disorders, loss of appetite, neurological violations - to deal with this will be possible only through proper nutrition and regular sports. In the fall, the likelihood of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases is great.

The Virgin in 2017 will be difficult to pay attention to routine things - but it is on them that she can fallinate. It is important to come to work on time, to carry out minor duties and not focus exclusively on large-scale projects.

This year, Virgo will be able to brilliantly show himself in the negotiations, to conclude very favorable contracts due to the strength of its charm.

It is important not to respond to provocations that will tide at every step. In the second half of the year you can start a business with proven people - it promises to be very successful. Moreover, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity may be for the virgin new.

The funds invested in the first half of the year in someone else's business can bring good dividends. At the same time, large winnings are likely to get the inheritance. But large purchases are better to postpone the second half of the year. All things that Virgo begins in 2017, will bring stable income in the future.

At the end of the year financial difficulties are possible, so in the summer it is important to postpone a certain amount in case of a problem winter. You can safely give and take a debt. But to invest in the bank is not recommended: the contribution can burn - if not this year, so in the next. In the spent it is important to be careful.

Horoscope for weights

For weights, the year will be difficult. Indecisiveness can cause major problems at work. Websites will have to independently solve problems, not counting on the help of relatives and loved ones. Especially difficult will be the second half of the year - at this time the likelihood of shocks in his personal life is great. They probably will negatively affect the work.

At the same time, career growth in 2017 at the weights may simply be stupid. This year is laid the foundation of success.

At the beginning of the year, the scales would feel that the soil literally floats from under his feet, they will lose confidence. Because of this, they will become irritable, and sometimes rude. For the benefit of relations, of course, it will not go. It is important to control yourself, perhaps even with the help of sedatives.

In the summer, the mental state is normalized, but close, "charged" with a negative spring, will still give a residual reaction. At this time, the weights are more important to make efforts so that the relationship is not broken. Only in September will come long-awaited peace. At this time, a good hurry of children.

Migraine, dizziness, jumps of blood pressure - all this will accompany the scales in the first half of the year, when their emotional state will be very unstable. It is important to strive for the harmony by all means: to engage in stabilizing practices, drink soothing herbs, dripped on the pillow of lavender essential oil before bedtime. It is very desirable to abandon bad habits - they loosen the nervous system. Also in the first half of the year it is recommended to visit a psychologist.

In summer, the scales will acquire calm, but in the first months of the year the immune system will weaken - they will have to protect themselves.

Last year's problems will reach the train until the summer. To promote the career ladder will have to solve them all.

Special caution in 2017 will need to be exercised in relations with new business partners, especially foreign, - you can expect the most unpleasant surprises.

In general, throughout the year, there will be unfriendly scales. It is important to understand that it is absolutely useless to defend the truth in office intrigues and hide games - much better take the expectant position. You can establish relationships with colleagues on a business trip.

Not the best year awaits scales from a material point of view. At times they will have to save very much, lead a literally ascetic lifestyle. But all this challenges and teach the correct communication with the money of rather waste representatives of this sign of the zodiac.

The situation will improve in the fall: friends and old proven partners will come to the rescue, and employees will be able to find a profitable part-time job. However, the financial situation is stabilized only next year. Therefore, it is better to postpone big spending, it is possible to afford a good journey.

Spripion horoscope

Scorpio is waiting for a safe, smooth year. Representatives of this sign will be able to realize the bold ideas that they have long carried out. Representatives of this sign will be the builders of their own life, and they will have everything they think. Good time to change the place of residence and other large-scale changes. The owner of the year - rooster - will provide scorpion full support in all its endeavors. Intuition will be very strong.

Construction of relationships for lonely scorpion will be a very difficult task. But, if nevertheless, the initiated relationships will continue, they promise to be strong and stable. In married couples will also be not everything smoothly - even without loud scandals and disputes, the hidden confrontation, resembling a cold war, will be felt.

Also, not everything will be smooth in relations with children. Considering such an unfavorable atmosphere at home, Scorpio can pull to the side. However, it is worth considering that in the fall in the family everything is normalized, and the side connection will bring not so much positive as the problem.

To feel well in 2017, Scorpio will need to control emotions, both both positive and negative. It is not recommended to try new products, especially exotic fruits - the body can produce strong allergic reactions on them.

In general, well-being will be quite favorable. Rare headaches are possible, colds - the serious diseases are not foreseen, even chronic ailments will go to the background. However, the whole year will be pretty attendant - it is necessary to go to ice with caution, looking under your feet.

Good year to open your own business. Scorpions, who have long disliked what they do for many years, will be able to choose their own classes.

Do not be afraid that in connection with the change of professional activity will decrease the income: when Scorpio is like what he does, the return will not make himself wait.

In 2017, representatives of this sign will have to demonstrate leadership qualities, leading to the team. The second half of the year is good for education, developing new skills - it is useful to go to professional training or master the new hobby.

In financial matters, scorpion will experience difficulties and periods of prosperity, which he has not had long. In the second case, he will have to spend a lot of energy to competently dispose of money. During this period, you should not let dust in the eyes of others, it is better to invest in a profitable project.

Various real estate operations will be successful, investment of money in education both and children. But by investing finances in real estate, you should not get involved in a mortgage: you need to focus on the amount that scorpion has at the moment.

Black Moon (Lilith) - Something like an emotional energy concentrator. And if this factor is silent in the horoscope, then this concentrator becomes unmanageable.

The Black Moon, as if the devil, shifts conscience, takes us as far as possible from the evolutionary path as possible, gives black for white and vice versa.

Bonus number 1: to choose from " When I marry (marry), how to meet my love, how my partner will be and what will be the marriage " or Horoscope compatibility (Bid date compatibility).

Bonus number 2: Biorhythm Calendar for 2017

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Horoscope for Sagittarius

With the onset of 2017, the Sagittarius will feel confident, will find the meaning of life, finally be rejected by simple things. The year will give representatives of this sign of the zodiac a lot of new opportunities, and with a certain proportion of perseverance and patience, they will be able to implement everything that they want.

It is not necessary, however, planning for this time complex distant travel - the probability that they will be successful, negligible.

Family Sagittarius in 2017 will find peace and harmony. The favorable location of the stars will help to find mutual understanding and establish relationships. A shameless marriage will have a second chance for revival. "Shake" strongly from love will be from July to August.

The novel that the lonely shooter will begin in these summer months, promises to be long and very happy. In the fall of passion a little silent, the relationship will become more stable and comfortable. But with the approach of winter, the situation on the love front will again begin to heat up - the shooter as ever will need an excerpt.

In the winter months, Sagittarius is likely to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Try not to overeat and give up alcohol even during the festive ceremonies. In the summer, Sagittarius, life energy will "beat the key", which will allow efficient and fruitfully work. True, at this time a great risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, so health will need to carefully take care.

With the onset of autumn, a variety of colds are possible, since the immunity of Sagittarius will be seriously weakened. In general, 2017 will be not the easiest for the health of the Sagittarius.

With very intense loads at work will begin for the Sagittaris of 2017. The unemployed archers are the time to "throw a fishing rod" about employment. They can not find anything, but the work of their dreams, which is my soul!

Spring productivity will be very high, from a career point. From this season, the development of business activity will depend on the end of the year, and about vacation at this time - forget.

In the summer, problems may appear, and it is very important to respond quickly to them. In the fall, it is possible to occur the difficulties, irresistible at first glance, but they will be quite easily solvable.

2017 will be for the Sagittarius rather tense: finance, maybe not "drove romances", but it will have to take it. Success will be accompanied by the representatives of this sign that will listen to intuition and respond quickly to events. In brave and decisive archers, the cash flow may increase by fall.

At this time, it is best to take any significant amounts of money. This year is perfect for the start of charitable projects related to children or older people. Financial Credo Sagittarius for a year - to be alert.

Horoscope for Capricorn.

2017 will be for Capricorn I search for a balance between personal and social aspects of life. Rethinking values, new ideas and prospects - for this sign of the zodiac is the time of big change. Solve numerous problems this year will have to quickly and decisively.

The year for Capricorn will be extremely saturated, sometimes difficult, but generally very successful. There will be many opportunities using which, Capricorn will be able to achieve large heights.

Before the beginning of the summer, the ratio of Capricorn with a partner will be even, the love of spouses will gain new paints, mutual understanding will appear, which it was not before. Couples in which the relationship did not get laid, they will be able to restore harmony.

Lonely Capricorn will be able to meet his second half, he will survive with her one of the most beautiful and stormy novels in his life. And most importantly, this passion can pull in a flat calm love, which is easy to build a strong marriage.

In the summer, the situation will change, and serious disagreements may appear in relationships. But the partner will meet if Capricorn will be frank with him.

The first third of the year of the health of the Capricarps will exclusively please. They successfully passed the dangers of seasonal colds, influenza, other viral infections - immunity will be at height. Thanks to good well-being, Capricorn will be able to actively work. His health threatens, even chronic diseases will retreat.

In the fall of representatives of this sign, the zodiac expects a decrease in life potential. Probable numerous ailments that will retreat only with the arrival of winter. Snow falls out, and well-being will come back again. The end of autumn is the appropriate time for surveys.

Capricorn will meet 2017 by strong and indulcing, because last year he spent a lot of strength and energy to learn how to control his affairs and build relationships with subordinates. He will show decisiveness, initiative and purposefulness. And the authorities will appreciate his work on dignity.

In the summer, small, but numerous problems will begin. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac should be the most assembled and attentive, otherwise they risk to allow large misses. At the end of the year will have to be seriously worn so as not to reduce the results achieved earlier.

Capricorn will have the opportunity to be a sponsor or patron, help in need. And it is not necessary to neglect it! Charity, rendered this year, will be generously rewarded with providence. At the same time, it is undesirable to invest in large business projects - risks are very high.

This year it is important not so much to increase how much to save earned. The most favorable time for spending - summer and the beginning of autumn. During this period, you can afford a beautiful journey, buying real estate or cars. It is better not to make a loan or mortgage.

Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius is waiting for the year of discoveries - and above all in itself. He will find that he may experience such emotions that did not even suspect them, will revise many of their views on life. At the same time, all decisions of Aquarius must be oriented exclusively to his personal opinion and intuition. Listening to others, he can allow a fatal error.

2017 is very favorable for long journeys and developing a new business.

At the beginning of 2017, Aquarius will be very sentimental. He may passionate in love, and most likely, in a person who already knows. The novel is possible to continue long in life. This union will have beautiful children. Partners will wait for romance, tenderness and understanding of each other - and will do everything possible to create in the relationship aura of love that supports them spiritually.

Family representatives of this sign of the zodiac difficulties are waiting at the beginning of the fall - both with the spouses and children. Situations that will arise one after another will require them to high excerpt.

A sharp love at the beginning of the year can undermine the health of the Aquarius, bring it even to the nervous breakdown. After overexcitation, general weakness will come inevitably. But in summer, representatives of this sign calm down and will again feel the tide of strength. In order to respond quietly to what is happening, it is recommended to exercise more in sports, more often change the situation, to communicate more with friends and relatives.

In the fall, the likelihood is seriously awesome or infected with an infectious disease, it is necessary to proper an immunomodulatory drug in advance.

From the very beginning of 2017, the work of Aquarius promises to be intense, but without unnecessary jerks and failures. By the spring, representatives of this sign of the zodiac will further accelerate even more, and they will feel the exciting sensation of their growing complexity.

Summer is a very dangerous period: it can go to a loud scandal. With particularly unfavorable circumstances, the total collapse of the business is possible. Cool devices will end in the fall, but problems, even not such large, will not leave anywhere.

With the onset of winter, Aquarius should carefully monitor the quality of its own work, even for the smallest nuances.

In the year of the rooster, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac financially will not be able to grab the star from the sky. Promotion will be in service, but it will not affect life dramatically. The most likely period for the growth of cash flow - April-May.

And all the time you need to follow your own emotions, since the tendency to quick-temperature and aggression can spoil relations with partners. A particularly difficult period in this respect is the second half of August. With certain efforts, income during the year will be stable, and the trends towards its fall are not traced.

Horoscope for fish

2017 will be quite difficult for fish. Representatives of this sign will have to show businesslike and energy to achieve at least minimal success. In everything, except for the work, the rooster will be favorable and will give a lot of chances for a cardinal change in life. Fish will be able to do an interesting business, which was previously not solved for various reasons. The main enemy on the way to success is lazy. It can cause many problems.

From the beginning of 2017, the fish will have an unprecedented attitude to the flirting, the desire to flirt and do unambiguous hints. Flirting fish will be with everyone, surrounding themselves a kind of cloud of fans. Until the summer, the fish will not want to swim from this cloud of courtship and constant attention.

But closer to June, the fish themselves will feel the need to decide, as they will feel next to them, fully understanding and taking everything as it is. Only one person will be able to fill the thoughts and heart of the fish, it is possible that by the end of the fall, the fish will decide to enter into marriage.

At the beginning of 2017, the excellent health of the fish will be part of all viruses and colds. Fish finally realize all the fear of bad habits. It is possible that they will connect the problems with health with the consequences of alcohol and smoking. Extra weight problems will have to be solved with diets, but not all fish will be able to withstand such a test.

However, those who will not retreat and cross through the psychological dependence on food will come to a new level of health promotion, which will be significantly by the end of 2017. It is worth paying attention to the danger of dislocation.

In 2017, fish in career questions will be able to surpass themselves. Special successes are possible in April. Such success can be both the conclusion of a favorable contract, as well as a useful invention, over which the fish worked the entire previous period.

However, to achieve all this fish will be able only surrounded by the team of like-minded people.

Some fishes will have a chance to take promising positions. This will mostly be professions associated with architecture, culture and creativity. In October, they are attacked by competitors or unpleasant unscheduled checks that fish with glitter will stand.

Financial problems in fish are not foreseen. The money will be enough not only for a hazardous existence, but also to make a small stock. However, during this period of large spending it is worth avoided. The likelihood is great that anyone will try to take possession of fish with cunning fish, and maybe by force."Workshop" Important aspects of Fengshui and Tibetan astrology for 2017 ""

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So the sultry summer ended. Ahead of us awaits autumn. And the first month of September has already prepared his surprises.

Astrologer Pavel Globa argues that by and large September will be extremely favorable for most signs of the zodiac.

He told what should be expected from the first month of autumn, September, representatives of various zodiacal constellations.


Autumn 2017 will be quite successful for Aries. It is in September that a favorable period will begin. Good luck will smile to them both in the works of workers and in personal life.

However, rely on one favor of the favor of fate is still not worth it. After all, many people will envy the luck. Non-successors can spoil the mood.


September for Tales will be marked by love adventures, dusting feelings and passions. Tales who are alone have a high chance of finding their soul mate, and those who are already in a pair are producing relationships and transfer them to a new one, high levels. Stars warn that in the middle of the month, the Taurus can expect large financial spending. An unfavorable period for loans and debt obligations


The first month of autumn for twins will be very troublesome and problematic. Representatives of this sign will have to show their durability and ingenuity. However, September is very favorable to solve problems in personal life. Do not be afraid of responsibility. After all, at the end of the month, everything will be worse and the twins will see the result of their work and will be satisfied.

September is a great period to bring some kind of line and see the preliminary results of this year. Start autumn favorably affects change. So it's time to reconsider your life and if something in it does not suit them, then September is a great time to change something.

In September 217, the lions will be overwhelmed and easy to rise. Any business will be on the shoulder. However, you should not lose vigilance. To serious problems and material losses, such behavior will certainly not lead, but it may be subjected to the relationship with the surrounding. Horoscope advises to direct its energy to establish relationships with close people.


September for virgins - great time for new achievements and self-realization. In the love sphere, the first month of Songy foreshadows many pleasant romantic events. In addition, September is a wonderful period for career successes and achievements. Ideal time in order to lay the foundation of future success.


The first month of autumn will take out representatives of strength scales. At work is quite possible shocks and misunderstanding. However, do not be upset. Websites best let everything in a self-shot and take care of yourself. At the end of the month, the stars are promised to representatives of this sign a pleasant event.


At the beginning of the month, scorpions will overcome doubts and contradictions. Romance in life will dull. In order not to annoy, scorpions are best to do their own self-development. Then they will go to the mountain.


For Streltsov September will become a month of revelations and secret recognition. Representatives of this sign should be very attentive to the signs of fate, otherwise they can miss their lucky chance for good luck. In personal relationships, it is better not to rush and thoroughly think about every step.


The material lifespan of Capricorgov in September will be released. Such behavior will make it possible to extract the maximum income. Work is worth not only over the strengthening of the financial condition. Relationships with a partner can be complicated, but it is not for a long time. Very soon everything will work out


September will be extinct for Aquarius very tense and will not let them relax. They are literally wound up work. Against the background of this, problems may arise and misunderstanding in personal life. However, in 20 numbers everything will be worse and scrupulous work will bring their fruits.


The beginning of autumn for fish is marked by creative rise. Representatives of this sign of the sign will give a literally a fountain of new interesting ideas. True, they will not bring their fruits immediately, but a little later. Stars advise to start sailing. In the personal life of the fish will reign complete harmony.

Pavel Globa is a famous astrologer who enjoy great popularity, both in Russia and abroad. Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Astrologer is distinguished by special details and helps to properly plan their time, avoid trouble and attract good luck, wealth and happiness.

For each sign of the zodiac, happiness has its own unique recipe. For some, it is concluded on travels and the unceasing knowledge of the surrounding world, for others - in unity with his beloved person, the third see happiness in the comfort and warmth of the native home. Achieve everything you want, and save the energy of joy in every new day will help you will help positive affirmations that update the energy field.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Aries

Aries September promises to be a strained month. Retrograde Uranus Movement in your constellation can lead to conflicts and exacerbate your negative emotions. Try to avoid sudden statements and control your emotional impulses. Experts Dailyhoro.ru recommend in difficult situations not to be asked to ask for help from people who you trust.

The location of the planets 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23 and 27 will be extremely favorable to solve important urgent issues and desired. That is why important meetings, business trips and large-scale events are best planning for these numbers.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Taurus

On the first autumn month will be extremely strongly influenced by the energy of a friendly moon. A frequent change of its provisions can negatively affect your emotional well-being, so try to avoid stress and nervous shocks. Save the vitality and health to you will help you long walking in the fresh air.

The strong position of the moon 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15 will contribute to your success in all endeavors. At this time, you can achieve the desired without much difficulty: the main thing is to be at the right time in the right place and do not miss your lucky chance.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Gemini

Gemini September 2017 promises to be very favorable time. The location of the planets will play the entire month on your side, contributing to new achievements and directing you to the path of success and well-being.

From September 9, your Planet Patron Mercury will be in a strong position. Thanks to the support of the planet, you can successfully solve long-standing problems and, completely changing the situation in your favor. This period will also be very successful for new useful dating: experts DailyHoro.ru advise you not to miss the opportunity and put our charm and the ability to negotiate with people.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Cancer

Emotional and sensitive cancer in the coming month is extremely careful about their health and psychological state. The position of the planets will be not too favorable for new undertakings and dating, so the whole month is better to devote to routine work, communicating with old friends and family.

The most favorable time may be the period from 5 to 11 September. The strong position of your patron of the moon at this time will help you successfully bring to the end any business.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Lion

Fire Lions The first autumn month can bring the renewal of the energy of love relationships. Energy planets will contribute to the disclosure of deep feelings and emotions. However, the negative side of the increase in senses can be increased jealousy and conflict. Try to control your emotional impulses and avoid sharp criticism to your loved one.

The most favorable days for any undertakings will be September 16 and 17. During this period, the weakened energy of your moon antagonist will not be able to violate your plans and negatively affect the outcome of events. Observe caution follows 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15: these days the power of unfriendly planets will be maximum.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Virgo

For the virgins, the horoscope for September 2017 contains extremely positive information. The position of the planets will be favorable for any important undertaking. In the first half of the month, the energy of the Sun and Mercury patronizing you and Mercury will be able to help find the desired success and material stability.

In the period from 19 to 30 September, active support for Venus can awaken in you strong feelings and help gain real happiness next to your loved one. To implement the desired, you can use meditation attracting love.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Scales

Sighs The first month of autumn may seem quite difficult time. Aspects of the planets all September will negatively influence your energy field, taking good luck and violating your plans. Experts of the site DailyHoro.ru advise to avoid a large cluster of people in the middle of the month and, if possible, control every word and action in communicating with expensive people.

Conflicts with a loved one in the second half of September can exacerbate and take all your attention. To prevent exacerbation of the situation and avoid irreparable consequences, try to devote your soul mate into your feelings and emotional state. Frank conversation and care about each other will help you save and strengthen your relationship.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Scorpio

Scorpions this month should be prepared for sharp changes in the plans and the exacerbation of conflict situations with others. The negative effect of planets-antagonists can be partially balanced with the help of your personal energy reserves.

Throughout the month, the astrologer recommends that you avoid the "sharp" conversation with loved ones and friends: the carelessly abandoned word will be able to destroy strong friendship to the ground and even shake the foundation of the senses between you and your second half. Avoid negative consequences will help you with the ability to trust your beloved person and listen to his opinion on a par with your own.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Sagittarius

Senakers in September do not have to complain about failure and lack of vital energy. Support of patron planets will be felt throughout the month. Energy of the friendly Sun until September 21 will be extremely favorable to influence your psychological and physical condition.

The energy of patronizing planets will help you achieve all the goals set if you are not afraid of reasonable risk and attach enough effort to achieve the desired one. Help find the right condition and hold it can practice a holotropic breathing, lifting vital tone.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Capricorn

Capricorn September can be given some not too pleasant surprises. The energy of a retrograde pluton affecting your sign can cause internal imbalance and disagreement with close people. You can use your ability to look at the situation from the side and impassively draw conclusions. This approach can help you preserve relationships with expensive people, saying goodbye to those who do not appreciate you and does not like.

The most favorable days in the first autumn month for you will be 1-2, 11-12, September 18-19 and September 22. At this time, Capricors will have the opportunity to achieve success in all endeavors, thanks to the positive influence of friendly planets.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Aquarius

Waterwords The first autumn month of 2017 may seem unnecessarily tedious and negative. The strong position of the planets-antagonists most of September will interfere with the implementation of your plans and the embodiment of creative ideas. To rectify the situation and get the desired will be possible only with the help of easy relationship to what is happening and willing at any time to change your plans for diametrically opposite.

The most negative days in September can be: 5, 8-9, 14, September 18 and 20. At this time, the experts of the site Dailyhoro.ru recommend calling for help in solving problems your fantasy and creative approach.

Horoscope Paul Globa for September 2017 Fish

For emotional and dreamy fish, September can become a month of harsh change in all spheres of life. The weak position of the patronizer of your moon 1-2, 16-17, as well as on September 28-29, can adversely affect your emotional state, so astrologists recommend using the "Sunny Day" meditation to increase the vitality and attract good luck.

5-7, 10-11 and 14-15, the number of energy friendly planets can help you achieve the desired success in work and personal relationships, so try to transfer all the things important for you and meetings at this time.

To understand who from your close environment is sincerely with you, and who is better to go around the party, you will help you will help the free calculation of astrovocompatibility on the signs of the zodiac. We wish you success!