Horoscope of fears. What are the zodiac signs afraid of? Horoscope of fears: what men of different signs of the zodiac are afraid of in relationships with women

Phobias and hidden experiences of the zodiac signs.

♈️ Aries

Aries is most afraid of betrayal. In any relationship, Aries opens his arc and trusts a person, be it a friend, soul mate, or someone close. Therefore, most of all, Aries is afraid of betrayal. It hurts him to the core.

♉ Taurus

Taurus fears most of all that he will not be the one and only, that he is not irreplaceable. Taurus is also afraid that what they value will collapse. More than anything, Taurus love their life, their dear people and their usual way of things.

♊ Gemini

Gemini is most afraid of being alone and not finding a soul mate. And when they find it, they are afraid to lose it. This bond is usually the strongest and most important thing in their life. Therefore, Gemini is afraid that there will not be someone who will really understand them.

♋ Cancer

Cancers are most afraid of being deceived. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not tolerate lies. Trust is a very important part of Cancer life. And even a small lie can disappoint them forever.

♌ Leo

Leo fears more than anything else to remain in the shadows, not to be recognized or noticed. Leo is also afraid of losing his sense of dignity. They are very proud and noble people who always care about their reputation.

♍ Virgo

Virgo is afraid to fall in love. And when he falls in love, he is afraid of losing this person. Virgos love with all their hearts and are ready to go to the ends of the world for their love. The representatives of this zodiac sign are very difficult to experience separation.

♎ Libra

Libra is most afraid of disappointment. It is the disappointment in another person, in some business, in life in general that scares Libra. Libras are aesthetes who are looking for beauty and harmony in everything. When they don't see her, disappointment comes.

♏ Scorpio

Scorpio is most afraid of their internal contradictions. This is what drives many representatives of the Scorpio sign crazy. Scorpios often experience moments of inner struggle. And this is their biggest fear.

♐ Sagittarius

Sagittarius is afraid of hopelessness and negativity. Like fire, Sagittarius run away from too limited people and negative situations. Representatives of this zodiac sign are afraid of losing their freedom and faith in a better future.

♑ Capricorn

Capricorn is most afraid of poverty and failure. Capricorns are very strong-willed and strong natures. But they are afraid of the possibility of not taking place in life and not achieving their goals. Therefore, they do everything to prevent this.

♒ Aquarius

Aquarians are most afraid of being ridiculed and misunderstood by other people. Representatives of this zodiac sign always think and act in an original way, ahead of other people by several steps. Because of this, it can be difficult for them to find understanding from the outside. This is why it is a big fear in the life of Aquarius

♓ Pisces

Pisces are most afraid of the truth, especially the truth about themselves. Pisces can live for a long time in their dreams and illusions, in their comfortable inner world full of castles in the air. This is their refuge and this is their great fear. Fear that their dreams and illusions will debunk and return them to reality.

Fears by zodiac signs

Fearless and determined Aries, only at first glance, have nothing to scare. Most of all, these hot natures are afraid of boredom, routine and monotony. A constant thirst for achievement, movement forward rushes Aries straight to the next victory, and any slip along the way is perceived by them almost as a defeat. Life without a certain amount of extreme is boring even for the calmest representatives of this sign, and even routine appears in the form of a frightening life perspective.

Solid and practical Taurus often shudder at the mere thought of a financial crisis. The prospect of barely making ends meet scares the representatives of this sign, forcing them to feverishly strengthen their rear and lay off supplies. Despite their love for luxury and bliss, Taurus are ready to work tirelessly to strengthen their own "golden fund". Piggy banks, bank accounts, and just stored valuables are the best cure for the most common Taurus fears.


In the personal rating of Gemini fears, loneliness and the inability to find a soul mate are indisputably leading. It is vital for a person born under the sign of Gemini to communicate with other people almost daily - friends, colleagues, neighbors. Yes, periods of loneliness and unwillingness to contact anyone happen in the lives of these people, but still they do not last long. But the forced silence, the need to constantly hide someone's secrets and the ghosts of their own loneliness look very frightening for most Gemini.

Sensitive and emotional Cancer is more afraid of getting hurt or inflicting it on a loved one. The subtle nature of Cancer needs a fairly strong "psychological shell", which not all representatives of this zodiac sign have. Cancers can also be depressed by the need to be in the sight of other people for too long, to maintain tedious contacts with unfamiliar interlocutors. The need to follow a rigid framework of rules and obey a strict routine also scares Cancers with an exorbitant burden of responsibility, often completely far-fetched.

Lovers of being in the spotlight, Leos simply cannot stand lack of interest in their own person. Lack of compliments, applause, at worst - flattering confessions and likes on social networks - that's what scares Lviv most of all. In second place on the list of Lion's Fears is the inability to purchase luxury goods, status jewelry and visits to public events. To some, all this may seem like a tinsel shine, but Leos are very partial to their image. Praise Leo, acknowledge his merits in some business, and one fear in his soul will be less!

Virgo, by nature, leads in the ranking of anxiety among all zodiac signs. However, an almost philosophical understanding that much is beyond their capabilities helps Virgos look calm and even impartial in moments of intense excitement. But most of all, clean and tidy Virgos are afraid of various diseases, especially those that arise due to violation of hygiene rules. Catching a cold in the midst of an epidemic or falling victim to seasonal vitamin deficiency are a couple of typical Virgo nightmares.

Diplomats and aesthetes, Libra is most afraid of manifestations of rudeness and tactlessness - both in relation to themselves and in general to all the people around them. Due to their natural tact and ability to get along with even the most conflicted representatives of the human race, Libra are surprised and cannot find an explanation for their arrogance and arrogance. Perhaps this scares them the most. Aestheticism is no less important for Libra, so they will do their best to ensure that you never find them unkempt. No matter what happens, Libra will try to look stylish and beautiful in any situation.


It is not easy to describe the fears of Scorpios, because the representatives of this sign hide their fears and worries better than others. Highly curious by nature, Scorpios fearlessly invade uncharted areas. But most of all, Scorpios are afraid to show their own weakness and make this fact generally known. Scorpios carefully sculpt the image of their own invulnerability and least of all want to be caught in a depressed or frightened state. The passion of the Scorpio nature does not prevent them from being completely loyal to their partner, but Scorpios really fear betrayal by a loved one.

Sagittarius cannot stand pessimism in all its manifestations and are most afraid of situations of hopelessness, lack of prospects. Always aimed at new achievements and achievements, Sagittarius is categorically not to their liking stagnation in business, despondency and despair of loved ones. These states can easily be transmitted to Sagittarius himself, but at first he will still be rescued by natural optimism and a cheerful disposition. If a Sagittarius stays in a sad state of mind for a long time, then he urgently needs a new goal - bright and worthy to move towards it, sweeping away all obstacles on the way.

The instability of life situations and the manifestation of non-obligation in the people around them frighten the responsible and purposeful Capricorns most of all. If you promised Capricorn to help in his request or to finish something on a specific date, then you will have to keep promises or permanently lose Capricorn's trust. Representatives of this sign, due to a certain natural gloominess, are sometimes afraid to dream and set bright goals for themselves. The fear that beautiful dreams will crash against harsh reality is sometimes so strong that Capricorns have to overcome internal barriers and fight excessive judgment.

Aquarians are most afraid of being misunderstood by loved ones and friends. For representatives of this sign, mutual understanding is vitally important, sometimes flowing into understanding each other without words. Aquarians in their thoughts are often ahead of their surroundings and therefore have every reason to fear that their reasoning will seem to someone far from life, frivolous. Do not criticize or ridicule the ideas of Aquarians, even if they sometimes seem to you a little eccentric and out of touch with practice.

Dreamy and sentimental Pisces are often afraid to show exactly these qualities of their nature. Sometimes these fears manifest themselves in relationships with those closest to you. Fears of appearing too weak to their partner, unwillingness to entrust their dreams to a friend or girlfriend, fear of ridicule and censure - all this forces Pisces to carefully hide their weaknesses and try to look stronger than they really are. But, building the image of an invulnerable person, it is useful for Pisces to remember that strengths are often hidden in what is considered to be weakness.

According to astrologers, the date of birth affects not only the character of this or that person, but also is responsible for his phobias. The stars will tell you what the zodiac signs are afraid of in life and love.


It is easier for Aries to walk up to the 60th floor than to take the elevator there, because they are panicky afraid of losing their freedom and control over what is happening

Energetic representatives of the fire sign are not devoid of weaknesses, including fears. The most powerful innate phobia of most Aries is claustrophobia, confined spaces make them tremble both in soul and body. Militant Mars dominates the people of this zodiac symbol, endowing them with love of freedom and thirst for independence. That is why Aries do not tolerate any harassment, and a severe restriction in movement and actions is a real nightmare for them.

Aries are born leaders, they can realize their potential only when surrounded by other people. Obviously, loneliness for them is equated to an absolute lack of opportunities: with the fear of isolation from society (isolophobia), many Aries are familiar firsthand. People of this sign tend to lead a dynamic lifestyle. Sitting around causes panic in typical representatives of the fire element, hence the persistent fear of sitting down or sitting down, otherwise katisophobia. And the excessive initiative of Aries and the desire to be in the first place in everything can lead to the development of paralypophobia (an obsessive state associated with anxious thoughts about unfulfilled obligations and promises).

As for the romantic sphere, here these ardent and persistent personalities are most afraid of being incomprehensible and rejected. Aries strive for long-term, serious relationships in which they can take a dominant position.


Taurus fears are dictated by common sense and well-founded

Despite the fact that typical representatives of the earth sign do not see the point in extreme activities and risky behavior, they rarely suffer from any deep phobias. However, Taurus can feel anxiety and some discomfort associated with their astrological characteristics and the influence of external factors. For example, down-to-earthness and a craving for constancy often leads to a fear of leaving your own comfort zone: everything unusual and new is capable of introducing these stubborn natures into a real stupor.

Such representatives of the zodiacal pantheon certainly cannot be frightened by paranormal phenomena and mystical entities. Even a personal acquaintance with something inexplicable will not have a shocking effect on them. More than anything in the world, these hardworking natures who value material stability are worried about their own financial situation: Taurus is afraid of lack of money to trembling knees.

Taurus, led by Venus, is extremely sensitive and emotional in relation to loved ones and loved ones, he is strongly attached to those who are dear to him, his feelings are stable and limitless.

According to astrologers, this is one of the most vulnerable zodiac symbols in the love sphere. The persons of this sign are constantly worried that they will no longer be loved, appreciated and accepted, and parting with the other half is like death for them.


If love reaches the Gemini and his heart, it will help him in the fight against fears and doubts.

The many-sided representatives of the air symbol are truly a storehouse of complex and even not amenable to logical explanation of personal contradictions. Phobias of Gemini are so diverse that you can write a whole book about it. Some of them are horrified at the sight of spiders, and some hate darkness, while others are wary of water and altitude ... Countless fears are explained by the psychological lability, emotional precariousness of these extraordinary natures.

Multi-faceted, non-standard thinking representatives of the astrological circle need one hundred percent self-realization, they are always looking for public recognition. At the same time, it is difficult for them to make the right choice, because they are afraid to miss the opportunity. And they also panic before the consequences of the final decision, because personal freedom is above all for them.

A common problem among the typical Gemini is decidophobia - a panic fear of decision making. Meanwhile, this feature of most Gemini prevents them from building full-fledged, harmonious relationships with the opposite sex.

An aversion to the ordinary and routine is characteristic of all Gemini, without exception. In the love sphere, they cannot tolerate monotony, and the prospect of losing personal space and inner freedom makes them especially disturbing.


Impressiveness, shyness and isolation from a young age provide Cancer with the development of various phobias. No other zodiac sign can “boast” such an assortment of fears.

In terms of the number of all kinds of fears, impressionable Cancers surpassed even Gemini. Fear of darkness, depth, confined space, public speaking and ridicule of others - this is not the whole list of their phobic reactions. The increased emotionality and suspiciousness inherent in people of the water sign become fertile ground for the development or intensification of fear of high speeds (tachophobia), air travel, increased anxiety for their health (nosophobia).

In their personal lives, these shy people can experience significant difficulties when communicating with the opposite sex: Cancer men cannot overcome their confusion in front of the lady they like, and Cancer women experience pathological fear at the sight of a suitable gentleman.

In addition, in established unions, insecure representatives of the sign are constantly concerned about their own position in a couple: do they really love them, do they take care of them properly, can you trust your soulmate. Even if there are no objective reasons for such an analysis, they may still fear that in an instant their happiness and tranquility will end.

a lion

In any life situations, Leos carry themselves with restraint and dignity, they are proud and self-sufficient. But the strength of character turns out to be the main fear in life for them - Leos are afraid to look funny

The royal representatives of the fire element are accustomed to being in the spotlight and are terribly afraid of losing their majestic status. They will never tell you about their secret phobias and anxieties, because their most important goal is to look invulnerable and fearless in the eyes of others. Meanwhile, most Leos suffer from a pathological fear of failure, or atychiphobia, and they are also characterized by painful worries about their own importance: they are afraid of the prospect of inaudibility and incomprehension, they are afraid to remain unappreciated and unnoticed.

Another skeleton in the closet of a typical Leo is the unfounded fear of people in white coats. These arrogant medical institutions bypass the side until, as they say, they are not. Surgeons and dentists cause special tremors in the fiery representatives of the astrological circle.

It is vital for those born under the constellation Leo to occupy the most exclusive niche in the heart of their partner. The thought that they can disappoint the object of their adoration terrifies them.


Virgos of both sexes rarely believe in pure love, and therefore may well suffer from gametophobia (fear of marriage or marriage)

People of this earth sign are distinguished by emotional maturity and practicality. But at the same time, public opinion has a significant impact on typical Virgos, so they are afraid of becoming a so-called whipping boy. Slander, laughter behind your back and even an accidentally thrown joke is one of the most unpleasant nightmares for all representatives of the astrological symbol.

Virgos do not know how to relax, and the accumulated tension serves as an impetus for the appearance of various phobias. For example, these materialists tremble when meeting common insects, and sometimes faint. . They have the strongest uncontrollable aversion to spiders and cockroaches. They are not familiar with phonophobia (dislike of loud sounds) and phobophobia (fear of probable fright). Most people born in the constellation Virgo are perfectionists. They are sensitive to disorder, strong odors, dust and dirt.

Consistency and reliability are what earthly personalities expect from a love relationship. They are afraid of betrayal and disappointment, try to avoid pain and suffering, so very often, out of fear, they themselves become the initiators of partings.


Libra's dominant phobia is the fear of being alone. She is so strong that people of this sign quickly get married and get married, just to fill the inner emptiness.

People born under the constellation Libra do not tolerate conflicts, they are looking for harmony with themselves and the outside world all their conscious life. Meanwhile, this air sign is characterized by mood swings and depressive states. They become numb from the words "isolation" and "loneliness", they are afraid to offend their relatives and make them unhappy. Libra treats snakes and frogs with unhealthy disgust. They also do not digest doctors and react inadequately to pain. But the most frightening phenomenon for these ambiguous natures is death.

In love, Libra is usually not very picky. On the one hand, typical representatives of the sign are ready to instantly enter into a serious relationship with an unfamiliar person, just not to be alone. But, on the other hand, they are afraid of the slightest misunderstanding and disharmony in relationships, they are afraid of an unhappy family life.


Secretive Scorpios are afraid that people will find out about their hidden motives and desires, because this will make them vulnerable and unprotected.

Yes, dangerous Scorpios will scare anyone you want, but even these shrewd and resilient persons have carefully hidden fears. Unusual, but true: Scorpio phobic reactions are truly uncommon, for example, they can avoid sharp corners, avoid dwarfs or albinos, and even pathologically intimidated by gambling establishments and gambling.

Biting representatives of the water symbol are similar to Leos: they, too, will never reveal their weaknesses to those around them, and phobias will even more hide them in the most inaccessible place for prying eyes. They also do not want to look ridiculous in the eyes of other people. At heart, all Scorpios are afraid of ridicule and sidelong glances.

People of this symbol are carried away by everything mysterious and unknown, but they shy away from routine and monotony as if from fire: therefore, typical Scorpios do not strive for serious relationships and family life.


Lovers of travel, exploring the world, comprehending and discovering something new, Sagittarius are afraid to imagine that one day such a lifestyle could change 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees

These optimistic people cannot be called cowards. Typical Sagittarius are true connoisseurs of extreme pastime, they take risks with enthusiasm and generally perceive life as a kind of adventure. But even such brave natures have reasons for concern and panic. Nature has endowed them with a difficult, very contradictory thinking: they sincerely believe in mystical manifestations and are afraid of curses, damage, the tricks of evil.

Careful control, obligations, thousands of rules - all this kills the inner potential of the adventurous Sagittarius. They do not tolerate moralizing, and are also afraid of restrictions in everything, therefore they are closely familiar with claustrophobia.

In personal relationships, people of the fire element claim to be an irreplaceable and unique life partner. Sagittarius will immediately break off the relationship and disappear if he realizes his own uselessness. After all, his strongest fear is not to be one of a kind, to become like everyone else for an object of love.


Typical Capricorns are sure that they do not know how to find a common language with people. Such a judgment provokes fear of public speaking, makes Capricorns protect themselves from society, narrowing the circle of communication to a minimum.

Thoughtful and purposeful Capricorns quite often suffer from an inferiority complex, and indeed, people of the earth sign have a whole bunch of complexes and anxieties. They are overly critical of themselves, emphasize their own shortcomings, and personal merits are often ignored, so the strongest fear is disapproval and rejection from others.

The priority area for these restrained natures is a career, they live for work and for the sake of work, it is important for them to achieve success in the professional field. A strict attitude to one's own person and a frantic rhythm of life, of course, leave a noticeable mark: throughout their lives, Capricorns struggle with the fear of open spaces and large crowds, with hypochondria and the fear of flying.

It is worth noting that judicious representatives of the earth's elements are able to prevail over the deepest phobias if they set themselves up with such a goal.

In the romantic realm, the people of this symbol are extremely picky. It is easier for them to be alone than to live with just anyone. More than anything, Capricorn fears that he will not be understood and supported in time.


Social organization and orderliness scare and repel windy Aquarians: if they could, they would gladly not go to school (dydascaleinophobia) or to work (ergophobia)

From an early age, the personages of this air sign are subject to the persecution of persistent phobias - this is the fear of emotional and physical pain and the fear of loneliness. Aquarians are extraordinary, capable personalities, they are sociable and inquisitive, however, they are practically not adapted to the realities of everyday life. They masterfully cope with the attacks of the blues, but again and again return to their fantasy world. Finding himself alone with himself, Aquarius suffers and suffers, even short-term isolation is unbearable for him.

In personal relationships, such natures are afraid of the loss of individuality, of their otherness. They can avoid serious relationships for a long time, and they treat marriage with painful fear.


Pisces psychologically remain children all their lives: they believe in ghosts, yeti, witches, spirits, aliens and werewolves

These representatives of the water element are a real mystery both for others and for themselves. They believe in the unknown and are often in awe of the inexplicable, they take omens very seriously. The subtle mental organization and sensitivity of Pisces contribute to the manifestation of peculiar phobic reactions. For example, as adults and wealthy people, they, like small children, may experience fear of probable punishment (mastigophobia). Typical representatives of the zodiac sign are suspicious, therefore, they are often worried about the state of loved ones and loved ones for no apparent reason.

In their personal life, Pisces expects unconditional love and absolute acceptance from the other half. They dissolve in the object of adoration and open the most secret doors of their soul to him.... They tend to worry that a loved one will not always be able to understand, love and care for them.

The behavioral features of any zodiac symbol can be explained by unconscious phobias and masked fears. Therefore, you should not judge strictly yourself or others ...

If we are afraid of something, then we are still alive. Almost everyone has a small skeleton in the hidden corners of consciousness. Our horoscope will tell you what the signs of the zodiac can be afraid of.


Decisive by nature and assertive rams still have loopholes for a grain of doubt, undermining their steadfastness and steadfastness on the path of life. Aries are most afraid of slowdown in business, routine and stagnation. They are tormented by the insipid monotony. They cannot stand loneliness and can often be oppressed by confined spaces.


Taurus would rather prefer a quiet, calm harbor and do not like to shake the boat of tranquility with any changes or innovations. They value stability and comfort, and therefore the most acute fear of Taurus lies in the loss of acquired stability. They do not like to make new acquaintances, and go in an unknown direction.


This zodiac sign cannot live without a portion of impressions and is most afraid of being alone. They need other people and communications like air. And also the twins have a very low pain threshold. This sign can avoid taking responsibility on its own shoulders.

Cancers want to find a second half and are afraid to make the wrong decision about their family. It is this zodiac sign that holds the record for the number of phobias. Cancers do not like criticism and take people's opinions about their person to heart.

Lions are afraid to drop their dignity in the eyes of others. Lost the opportunity to be in the spotlight. They need someone else's praise and compliments like air. Leos can be afraid of doctors and hospitals.


Since Virgos are born perfectionists, they don't want to live in turmoil and chaos. They need order in everything and putting everything in its place. They don't like to lose control. Virgos are sensitive to criticism about their established rules and lifestyle.


Libras are diplomats by nature. They cannot stand rudeness and inadequate attitude. They will try to resolve even the most conflict situation in a peaceful way avoiding confrontation. They are afraid to take the wrong step when they need to make a decision. And most of all they are afraid of thoughts of death and limb.


Scorpios are curious and therefore to some extent seem fearless to others. Most of all, scorpions are afraid to expose the hidden corners of consciousness, which they hide from others. They don't like it when people see them as predictable and famous.


Sagittarius can make mistakes and treat them exactly, but everything changes when others find out about these mistakes. They cannot stand criticism from the public and the thought of failure in the eyes of others worries them. They do not like restrictions, prohibitions and all sorts of stereotyped "no". They may have a fear of confinement and enclosed spaces.


Capricorns are, by nature, demanding of promises and the realization of their goals. They are frightened by unnecessary people who cannot be relied on. At a young age, Capricorns may suffer from complexes about their appearance, over time, fears become different. For example, the fear of being left without friends or not reaching all their goals, they can be pursued and therefore they are often driven by fear of failure, achieve many of the goals.


For this sign, mutual understanding is important. They want to achieve harmony when they can understand each other almost without words and the fear of being misunderstood worries them. Aquarians may be afraid to perform in public and be the center of attention.


Pisces often do not hide their vulnerability to others and therefore are vulnerable to any bad word, criticism, and meanness. They are vulnerable in relation to the behavior of other people and hardly tolerate censure, ridicule. Pisces do not like mental loneliness.

Useful Tips

We all have some special fears associated with different areas of life: some are afraid of something at work, they are afraid of something not to correspond or to be worse than someone else, others have fears and phobias in personal life and in relationships with partners.

If you would like to be well versed in the psychology of the opposite sex, start exploring their weak points: for example, fears! You will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and will be able to use this knowledge as a weapon and control.

See also: Horoscope of fears: what are women of different zodiac signs afraid of in relationships with men?

Most men do not particularly show their fears in dealing with women: they are used to hiding emotions and subconsciously don't want to look weak... Fears, on the other hand, help them develop.

For example, if a man is afraid of losing his beloved because of his deplorable financial situation, he will do everything to gain recognitionto earn a good life for his partner and not let her go. There are those who succumb to fears and do not want to get rid of them, do not want to go forward, but this is already too difficult a case.

Fears of men

ARIES Fear # 1: being incapacitated, weak, and losing leadership in relationships

The Aries man is purposeful and very active, he loves to be the first in everything and always, including in relationships. If his partner begins to too actively impose her will and make decisions for him, this can end badly for both.

Men of this sign are very afraid of losing their opportunities to be at the helm, they are used to acting first, taking pressure and, deep down, very afraid of rejections. They love to be irresistible in the eyes of a woman and love admiration, therefore they are afraid that a woman will not be proud of them and will not obey them, will not give them leadership. However, this is not the strongest fear of Aries.

Aries men are much more afraid of losing their physical strength, so they can often be found in the gym or jogging in parks. There is power - no mind is needed - this is just about them. Unfortunately, some of them are willing to use force in relationships. At best, it will protecting your other half from outside threats, at worst - self-assertion due to physical violence.

TAURUSFear # 2: being bankrupt and getting less than a woman

Men of this sign are great materialists and are used to finding stable and clear sources of income... They are afraid one day they will lose such sources and find themselves, as they say, "at the bottom of the trough." This kind of fear makes Taurus always have something for a rainy day.

If you take relationships with women, the Taurus man should feel that he has so much money that his other half depended on him at least a little... If a woman gets more and is ready to share her money with him, this usually melts Taurus, makes them insecure and pitiful.

Usually they are afraid of being dependent in material terms on their loved ones. Well, of course, if it's not some Taurus-gigolo, which sometimes also happens, or if his upbringing does not suffer, and he can live without remorse at the expense of his wife. It is better to stay away from such men.

Gemini Fear # 3: being uninteresting for your partner

Gemini are perhaps the most windy and fickle men of the entire zodiac and in relationships with women. love variety... For some, this is expressed in an endless change of partners, for others - in an interesting pastime with one partner.

By and large, Gemini does not tolerate and even be afraid of monotony and boredom in a relationship, but most importantly - they are afraid to become for their partner an uninteresting interlocutor, lover and generally a person! That is why Gemini men will be resourceful, full of humor, charming in relationships, so that God forbid their beloved will not get bored.

Are men afraid?

CANCER Fear # 4: being rejected and unnecessary, staying alone

Cancer - paired type, without relationships, these men cannot feel complete, so they usually always have families and rarely remain single bachelors.

The fear of being unnecessary and rejected usually makes Cancers indecisive and timid, however strong desire to have a family is able to overcome any fears, so Cancer is most often ready to propose and lead his beloved down the aisle.

But already how good a protector and earner for the family he will be is a moot point. At best, if it is the responsible person, the fear of losing his family, being rejected because of his laziness or indecision can make him move forward and achieve certain heights.

LEO Fear number 5: fear of betrayal, fear that he is not the only and unique

Leos are very proud and adore themselves loved ones. They feel comfortable in a relationship in which they a certain pedestal stands out, on which they easily climb, feeling that they are proud of them and blow away dust particles from them.

That is why any Leo is afraid to be ... well, let's say, not the only one for his beloved. Treason for any Leo - a knife in the back of his irresistibility and uniqueness... After all, this means that his qualities are not good enough for a partner and she is looking for someone else. Changing Leo is like killing him. Usually they do not forgive this and immediately delete the offender from their lives. Usually they will remember these grievances for a long time, sometimes all their lives.

That is why Leos try to be special, unique for their partners, so that she even there was no thought of cheating... In most cases, they succeed.

A man is afraid to love

VIRGO Fear number 6: to open your soul too much, to be too frank, fear of repeating negative experiences

Virgo men do not like unnecessary words and revelations. They are mostly loyal and loyal to their partners and demonstrate this through their behavior, their actions, and being honest about your true feelings they don't like them with their other half.

Virgo men can sometimes remain bachelors, as afraid of love... Even in a relationship, they may not be as afraid as precisely love and strong affection and the fact that they will have to admit it. Therefore, among Virgo men, there are often those who generally deny such a concept as love.

Read also:Fears and phobias of famous people

Moreover, they simply fear that if they are too open, it may harm them.They do not want to appear weak, do not like sentimentality, and are usually not too romantic. Sometimes women are ready to forgive them for this for the sake of a reliable shoulder, which they are ready to substitute for their other half.

Another very strong fear of Virgo men in love and relationships is repetition of some experienced problemsthat he had encountered in the past. This fear stems from the first: “I opened my soul, but they spat in it. Now I am afraid that they will spit again. " This fear is very difficult to eradicate, only the most patient and very in love woman can help him get rid of it.

Men are afraid of women

LIBRA Fear # 7: being abandoned by your partner, fear of being alone

The Libra man prefers to be in a pair than without her. is he not a loner in life, because he prefers to consult with someone and not take all responsibility for making decisions only on himself.

He is confident in his irresistibility and loves romance. He is sure women are delighted with this. So, probably, it is: for Libra men easy for a woman, but keeping her near you does not always work.

Libra men are sure that they are the smartest and most beautiful, and so afraid to be abandoned... It lowers their self-esteem too much, especially if they dump them for someone else.

SCORPIO Fear # 8: to lose masculine strength and masculine charm, not be able to satisfy your woman

Many men have the fear of being insolvent in bed, but Scorpios have it especially strong. This is probably why Scorpios do everything to be the best in what concerns intimate life.

In addition, their experience is usually impressive, because this side of relations with women takes paramount place. If their beloved is not completely satisfied, they try to fix it, teach and guide. However, temperaments cannot be changed, no matter how hard you try. Scorpios are very temperamental, so they prefer to see the same women in their bed.

Scorpio needs to hear highest mark his qualities and merits in intimate life, it raises his self-esteem and makes him very strong.

Man's fear of a woman

SAGITTARIUS Fear # 9: being funny and ridiculed, being comparable to someone from the past

Sagittarius is perhaps the most optimistic sign A zodiac devoid of most of the fears that are inherent in other signs. Usually such men do not worry and do not get hung up on their problems, but boldly go forward for new impressions and new experiences. However, they also have some concerns in the relationship.

Like other signs of the zodiac of the fire element, Sagittarius are afraid to be compared with someone else from past women... And the point is not even in comparison, but in the fact that someone may be better. If a Sagittarius feels uncomfortable around a woman with whom he wants to be, because he fears that his predecessor was somehow cooler, more agile, but most importantly, smarter, this will make him very worried.

This is why Sagittarius is so disliked stories about ex in any form. They prefer that his partners look forward rather than backward, and will do everything in their power to become the best and only one for their woman.

CAPRICORN Fear # 10: to lose respect and authority in the eyes of a woman

Capricorns seek authority and recognition in everything from work and professional achievement to personal life. The biggest fear for them is lose some credibilitywith whom they exist in a relationship from the very beginning.

Usually they achieve this authority in the eyes of their beloved through work and recognition of their professional merits, because it is known that Capricorns work hard and stand firmly on the ground, so they can usually contain not only yourselfbut also their families. He is scared if a woman stops respecting him. Love for him does not even play such a role in a relationship as respect.

Why are men afraid of relationships?

AQUARIUS Fear # 11: Losing Freedom and Independence

Aquarians are considered one of the worst husbands , value their freedom and independence very much. If Aquarius feels that they are putting limits in a relationship, they try too much to control him, he hypertrophied sense of freedom just destroys the relationship, even if there is love. No Aquarius can stand addiction, so they will do everything to get rid of it.

The fear of losing freedom is often accompanied by the rejection of the family altogether, because where there is a family, there is a responsibility and a sense of duty. Aquarius would rather be lonely than loaded with similar cargo... Only a very understanding woman, as well as one who herself knows the taste of freedom, can understand such men and live calmly with their fears, without interfering.

PISCES Fear # 12: to lose love, to lose sympathy and understanding in a relationship, to lose a reliable rear in the face of a woman

A man born under the sign of Pisces fears quite a lot in a relationship. But first of all, is afraid lose feelings... For him, being in love is very important, this is the basis of everything. Usually his feelings are deep and strong, and he demands the same from the other half. He is afraid that the other half will not patronize, pity and cherish him, and he will be deeply unhappy if a woman treats him without proper attention.

Pisces men are often not strong representatives of their sex, their sensitivity and strong vulnerability make them vulnerable to dangers... This is the type of men in whose eyes you can see tears in moments of despair or failure. The Pisces man is afraid that the woman will not act as a reliable shoulder in those moments when he needs moral support.