Diplomas for subject teachers for graduation are cool. Scene-congratulations on Teacher's Day "School Oscar"

Here we continue the nominations for teachers and school staff, without even changing the numbering.

Nominations for teachers and staff.

  1. The teacher of economics and world art culture wins in the nomination “Bunny! To the blackboard!" - for a friendly attitude towards children, respect for world culture and a philosophical approach to the national economy.
  1. In the nomination "Mon cher" the French teacher wins - for smiling, easy-going, and also for the ability to pronounce the phrase "My dears!" with true French flair.
  1. The nomination "Grower of Kinder Surprises" goes to the teacher of Russian language and literature, the first teacher of some of today's graduates - for growing these same kinders from the 1st grade to the last.
  1. The nomination “This is what you need first of all” is taken by the class teacher of such and such a class, the teacher of Russian language and literature, the counselor and the head of the school theater studio - for the ability to creatively combine four in one and for the skill intelligibly announcing the last Chinese warning to students, which immediately attracts in their heads the correct prioritization.
  1. Deputy director of educational work, teacher of mathematics and economics wins in the nomination "My children!" - for the incredible ability to treat students like their own children with all the ensuing consequences (from the requirement of a school uniform to bringing vivid examples of plebeianism).
  1. The math teacher is awarded the "Mrs. X" nomination for the ability to teach children to bring X and Y (x and y) to a common denominator.
  1. In the nomination "Hey, ale, Newton!" the teacher of physics wins - for communication skills beyond titles and time, as well as for exactingness not only to his students, but also, as we believe, to the forefathers of physics.
  1. In the nomination "What are you doing there under the desk?" the chemistry teacher wins - remembered by the graduates of 2014 as a competent, cheerful, principled teacher, as well as the legendary phrase "So, whoever is in jeans, sit on a bucket."
  1. The physical education teacher wins in the double nomination “Don’t kick the ball, don’t step over the line” for good spirits, respect for physical education equipment and a sincere educational approach to children (“Whoever loses will do push-ups”).
  1. In the nomination "Checked with London" the English teacher wins - for a principled approach to teaching and attention to detail.
  1. The nomination "Smile of Themis" goes to the teacher of social science and law - for cheerfulness, openness and optimism.
  1. Mathematics teacher wins in the nomination "You are our gifted!" - for boundless optimism in assessing the abilities of students and the fairness of assessments for proving theorems.
  1. In the nomination "Around the World in the Academic Year" the winner is a geography teacher and a library employee - for the ability to talk about the seas and countries in such a way that you want to escape from the lessons and immediately start traveling.
  1. The teacher of biology and ecology is awarded the nomination "There is no doubt" - for the ability to convincingly present a new topic and just as convincingly demand that homework be done. Darwin is proud of you.
  1. The nomination "Strictly GMT" is awarded to an English teacher - for her inherent punctuality, almost English restraint and tact.
  1. The unequivocal winner of the nomination "Give me a ski track!" - Physical education teacher. For the skillful preparation of children for skiing competitions. Even in the absence of snow.
  1. The My Fair Lady nomination goes to a fitness teacher for grace and beauty in teaching her subject.
  1. The nomination "Lady Easy Hand" is awarded to a school nurse - for the ability to make injections and vaccinations so pleasant that sometimes you even want to skip the test because of them.
  1. The nomination "Mrs. Muscle" goes to .... technical staff - for maintaining cleanliness and order in the school. What would we do without you!
  1. "Queen of Pies and Buns" - this nomination is awarded to a school cafeteria worker for hourly rescuing starving students.
  1. A library employee wins in the nomination “Lord of the World”: if you own information, you own the world. Where can you find more information at school than in the library? The question is rhetorical, because there is nowhere.
  1. “A person close to the emperor” - this nomination goes to ... guess who? Secretary - for faithful service to the native school, regardless of the change of reigning persons.
  1. The Deputy Director for Schoolchildren's Health wins in the "Always On Guard" nomination - for vigilant control and constant concern for the health of students. Even against their will
  1. The accountant takes the nomination "Eminence Gray" - for the shadow influence on the financial possibilities of the school, not covered by the money of the parents.

Short student speech

upon completion of the nomination

Dear teachers and all nominated school staff! To everything that you have just heard, please treat with great humor!

The nominations are comic, we beat your favorite words, phrases, habits and character traits that we could notice in them.

No matter how each nomination sounds, know one thing - we love you all, especially today.

And that some nominations came out shorter, others longer - well, it happened. In the end, future graduates should also be given the opportunity to tell you something interesting next year.

Bow, applause, move on to the next paragraph of the script.


With a wish for a vivid reaction of the nominees to their nominations,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

P.S. The numbering still went astray, and I couldn’t start it from point 17.

Teacher's Day is one of the most revered professional holidays in our country. On this day and the day before, teachers are surrounded by well-deserved attention for their difficult and necessary work for everyone. The most traditional congratulations are flowers, sweets, postcards and various necessary or just nice little things. Some schools also have a wonderful tradition of arranging a general congratulation, which is prepared by students or parents, we offer one of the scenarios - "Comic nominations for Teacher's Day", written with good humor and respect for the heroes of the occasion. Well complement such a scenario of amateur performances of the school.

Presentation of nominations for Teacher's Day

Members: teachers, students, two leaders (high school student and high school student).

Props: gift prizes for teachers, for example, homemade figurines reminiscent of the Oscars and.

A musical background sounds.

presenter: Good evening, dear guests! Good not educational, but festive evening!

Leading: We are pleased to welcome you to the first and only "School Oscar" awards ceremony dedicated to the celebration of Teacher's Day!

Presenter: Finally, the day that everyone has been waiting for so long has come - today our teachers will be awarded for their hard work.

Leading: And even though this Oscar is not quite real, we truly appreciate and respect our teachers. But let's not wait too long and let's get started! In each nomination, the winning teacher is awarded a statuette and a diploma, pleasant words are said about this person.

presenter: Our first nomination, very honorable, sounds like this: “Accuracy is the courtesy of kings”! And he wins in it ... Mathematics teacher (name and patronymic)! Come join us for your Oscar. In our digital age, mathematics is the true engine of progress!

Leading: And the next nomination is called "Inspiration is not for sale." And the teacher of literature and the Russian language (name and patronymic) is declared the winner in this nomination! Future Pushkins and Nekrasovs are poring over compositions in his (her) classes today.

presenter: "Caravan of stories" - this is the name of another today's nomination! I think many have already understood what wins in it ... History teacher (name and patronymic)! Each of his words is inscribed in world history.

Leading: Continues our "Mission Darwin"! Here the primacy is given ... Of course, to the teacher of biology (name and patronymic)! Everything that grows and moves is under his supervision!

Presenter: In the nomination “Beauty will save the world”, the jury unanimously awarded the prize to the art teacher (name and patronymic)! Who knows if his students will soon create the second "Black Square"?

Leading: And now we present you the most mysterious nomination - "The Phantom of the Opera". And the victory in it goes to our singing teacher (name and patronymic)! This talented person brings up new pop and theater stars.

presenter: And we move on to other categories. The next one is called "Movement is Life". Here the jury declared the winner of the favorite of the girl's half of the school - the physical education teacher (name and patronymic)! Only in his classes you can run, jump and fool around as much as you like!

Leading: The next nomination is "Patience and work will grind everything"! And here is the real intrigue ... The victory in this category was divided between the teacher of labor for girls (name-patronymic) and the teacher of labor for boys (name-patronymic)! It is thanks to these people that our children learn to manage, and it is to these people that parents are most grateful!

Leading: Nomination with a frightening name "Cyber ​​Surprise". And the prize goes to the computer science teacher! This teacher confided to us that some students have already surpassed him in some ways!

Presenter: And we came to the most exciting nomination - "Our service is both dangerous and difficult." These words can be suitable, in general, for each of the teachers, but to a greater extent - for one person. Who is this? This is...

Together: School Principal (first name) You can come up with even more nominations if the framework of the holiday allows, for example, "Ordinary Miracle" for a chemistry teacher, "Parallel Worlds" for a drawing teacher, "Golden Globe" for a geography teacher, "Alien soul - darkness" for a psychologist, "Small and bold "for a primary school teacher, etc., you can dilute the awarding with concert numbers.

Leading: There are no more Oscars today. But that's not the point.

Presenter: The main thing is not the awards, but our marks in the exams! Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Together: We love you! The students sing the song.

Musical congratulations on Teacher's Day

(sing to the tune of the song "What they teach at school")

1. The bell will ring in the morning,
Time to go to class
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Here comes the teacher
And gives out assignments
It's getting harder and harder and harder!
(repeat last two lines)

2. Day and night we cram,
We don't sleep and we don't eat
We read everything, and decide, and consider!
To be ten years older
To not go to school
We dream and dream and dream!

3. The teacher tells us:
Childhood passes quickly
Let's grow up, grow up, grow up
Just fall in love with school
And forever forget
We can't, we can't, we can't!
(repeat last two lines)



Ved1: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Vedas 2: Ladies and gentlemen!

Lead 1: Hello!

Vedas 2: Good evening!
So the solemn moment has come, to which everyone has been going for the last 11 years.

Vedas1: And today we are present at the solemn event of the annual presentation of the prestigious award "Oscar - 2015"

Vedas 2: The most interesting films created over the past 11 years were included in the nomination of today's celebration.

Vedas 1: Sometimes sad, and even sad, but always interesting, bright, unusual, worthy of the highest award - the Oscar!

Ved.2: Everyone knows how honorable it is to receive this award. Today it will not be awarded to Hollywood stars. The main characters of the evening are the graduates of 2015.

Ved.1: It is they who deserve the award for outstanding talents, and it is they who are the stars of this evening!

Vedas 2: Graduates of 2015 MBOU secondary school No. 10 in Birsk are invited to the red carpet.

Vedas 1. We welcome by name. Our first guests on the red carpet are:

Stepping on the red carpetNikulin Igor - a guy of all trades - a computer scientist, an artist, a DJ, and so on and so forth, who played the role of the "master" in all school productions, we welcome him.

Today we welcome the charming, boyish, perky and daring, brave and independentIslamova Victoria , your applause

A tall, slender beauty whose dancing talents require development, we believe in a lucky starOlga Zolotareva welcome her.

Greetings - the sports star of the school: a handsome guy with a charming Hollywood smile, who showed remarkable artistic abilities in the 11th grade, the star of school shows and series -Timerkaev Alexander.

Stepping onto the red carpet - purposeful, always achieving her goals, but modest, shy, our graduate, who has an original oriental appearance -Nasibullina Elvina.

And here comes the president of school student self-government, an indispensable and very responsible person, organizer and executor of creative ideas at school -Karyakina Anastasia.

- We welcome a smart, strict, modest, having many hidden virtues, undiscovered talents, a handsome guy -Gorbunova Alexandra.

A talented girl from our school steps on the red carpet, since the elementary grades not a single concert has passed without her participation, the singing star of our school, the future star of the world stage -Sakharova Maria.

Meet: a kind, smiling girl, whose smile gives warmth to everyone and cheers up everyone around -Epaneshnikova Tatiana.

Appears on the red carpet - charming, kind, overcoming his shyness at KVN in BDD-Galimov Ramadan

Greetings - A slender black-browed beauty, whose height and appearance is suitable for a model catwalk -Kiyamutdinova Elina

And here he appears - the most shy and most smiling guy among the graduates of 2015, in which there are a lot of undiscovered talents -Chernov Oleg.

The most slender graduate of 2015, diligent and executive, natural blonde and owner of the longest braid, steps on the red carpet -Alexandrova Irina

Dear guests, this graduate is not so easy to hide in the school crowd, a temperamental guy with a handsome appearance and a mohawk on his head, of course, this is -Musin Artur

Meet - a stylish, extravagant, creative person, a girl who has creative thinking and her own personal approach to all decisions -Nabieva Elmira

And here comes a gentle, modest, charming beauty with good diction, the future announcer of the central television -Shevkoplyas-Gurieva Nadezhda

The last graduate appears on the red carpet ... We welcome the charming, sociable brunette graduate, his natural modesty disappears on stage, where he shows remarkable artistic talents -Shpak Dmitry.

    And here are all the graduates of 2015 in front of you, dear guests

(Alumni line up)

    Today they are a little worried,

A little bit happy today

And, of course, you can understand them,

After all, they have a new path ahead of them!

    He waits, calls, scares a little.

Great things beckon

Let them remember the path

That she took me to school every day!

Vedas 2: “Listen, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it, then it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the roofs every evening ...” Today, at our festival, not one star is lit, but a whole starfall of new graduates of our school.

Ved.1. And a cool lady opened these stars. We invite the class teacher of the 11th grade, Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna, to the red carpet.

She is cheerful, knows how to organize well, aim, rally children. Students respect her as a teacher, they love her very much for her understanding, support, ability to give advice on any issue of interest to them. This is a caring, patient, benevolent class teacher who wholeheartedly cheers for every student in his class.

Applause to the class teacher.

1. The director is a faithful guardian of order,

Guarantor, as they say now,

He has a strict eye for everything

And devoted to school without a trace,

A thunderstorm of boobies and rake,

Damoclav sword of immodest girls.

Does not notice the looks of languid,

He bears his cross with dignity.

We see no flaws in it.

But all the praises later

After the presentation of certificates,

Pyotr Alexandrovich, time! We wait!!!

2. Director of the school Karachun P.A. is invited to the red carpet.

    The destiny of the young is the joy of flight,
    Knowledge of life, the beginning of the path,
    Study, career, ups and downs,
    Fall down, get up, and go again.

2. Youth has a ringing road,
The young have a way in the palm of their hand,
They are confident, strong and know a lot,
And God forbid they do not turn off the road.

Ved1. We start our film festival "Oscar" (with a musical and dance surprise of our graduates).

Dance Flashmob

Ved2. For the solemn holding of the Oscar 2014 awards ceremony, to deafening applause, we invite our graduates to the hall.

1. We invite all guests, parents, teachers to the hall.


Music for the Oscars (certificates)

Vedas 2.: Graduation party "Oscar" - 2015 "is declared open.

Anthem of the Russian Federation, Belarus

Ved1. The school years are left behind, the real adult life is coming, not easy, with many obstacles and difficulties.

And only purposefulness, perseverance, diligence will help you, graduates, overcome all difficulties and find yourself in life.

Presenter: Connoisseurs of school cinema came to congratulate the 2015 graduates ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The word is given by _________________________________________________


What city? Cannes?

- No, Birsk, - I will answer you.

- Here us nominations

Looking forward to this evening.

Vedas 1. Fanfares sound joyfully.

The solemn moment has come!

Now they will give everyone a certificate,

Who was looking forward to it.

Vedas 1:
We are approaching the most solemn moment of our filming, to which you have been going throughout your school years - to the presentation of certificates. To make the film so wonderful, everyone put their hands, head, soul and heart.

Vedas 2. To award the laureates, we invite the chief director of the Film "Burnt by School 2015" Karachun Petr Aleksandrovich to the stage

(Word of the director)

Vedas 1. We announce the first nomination - "Director's Pet".

VED. 2 Graduates! Are there among you those to whom Pyotr Alexandrovich treats well? (Pause)
Raise your hand, no - both hands... clap them!

Now we will find out how insightful you were!
Let's open the envelope!

Vedas 1: Yes, there are so many. Name them yourself, Pyotr Alexandrovich!


Irina, Ramadan and Sasha,

Tatyana, Olya and Vika,

Nastya, Elina, Artur,

Of course, Elmira and Elvina,

Igor, Masha, Ivan would not be forgotten

Sasha, Oleg, Nadia and Dima

Did I name everyone? I love you all.


Vedas. Attention! Certificates of complete secondary education are being awarded to graduates of 2015!

(fanfare for the presentation of certificates)

Vedas. 1. Certificate - it is in the film by the way:
And its name is "Big Life".
But on this, as at the start,
You don't stay long.

Vedas. 2.In the second series, which will be soon.
Take important keys in your hands.
Learn a couple of years.
And get a degree.

Vedas 1. There are those teachers in the school

Who cares about you the most

Who most often praised, sometimes scolded,

Who wholeheartedly helped you in everything.

2nd presenter: - The graduates of our school are already adults, independent people, they decided to hold a return presentation of the Oscar award - awarding school teachers for their services to them.

Graduate: - Dear, infinitely beloved teachers and school staff! Today we have a common holiday. 11 years of joint work behind. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful crusts in our hands now. Over the years we have studied you very well. You are all wonderful people, but each of you has special character traits that we liked most about you and that we aspired to emulate. After all, a student is not only a sum of knowledge, but also a personality that is formed over many years of study.

Graduate: Attention! Attention!

Following the dictates of the times, we are holding the second part of the Recognition Award . Applicants for "Recognition" were tested for several years in various nominations, including school subjects.

Graduate: - The nomination: “Putin himself is not a decree for him” is dedicated to the strict and attentive, understanding and omniscient headmaster: Karachun P.A.
Dima Shpak : Our feelings unspent bowl,

And the living breath of spring

And our love and gratitude

We address the Director.

From dawn to dusk you are at work,

You are always in search and in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

The heart will help anyone urgently.

We want you to stay the same

All adversity in spite of smiling,

And save this dear house,

To meet our children in it.

(Graduates present a medal and a diploma to the director of the school.)

Graduate: - Nomination: “Everything is in order, everything is fine, all exams have passed” is dedicated to the Deputy Director for Educational Work Yamaeva N.G.
Tanya Epaneshnikova:

You are the scheduling goddessYou put in the effortSo that the lessons are fullyWe could visit.Wherever we go to work or study,We are sure that these days are not destined to be forgotten.(presentation of a medal and diploma)

Graduate: - The nomination “How long we did not resist, you tried to educate us” is dedicated to the deputy director for educational work Anisimova L.A.

Sasha Timerkaev : For discipline you are strictlyFollow from the morningSo as not to smoke at the threshold,So that the children do not swear.We had fun with youWe painted the floors togetherSo that these days are not forgottenYou will accept the medal and diploma.(delivery)

Graduate: - Nomination: "We will remember you"! dedicated to the first teacher Zaitseva E.S.

Masha Sakharova : “Everyone has only one time in their lifeIt happens its first, its memorable classAnd the first mentor, our first teacher,He opened the door for us to the land of knowledge and discoveries.”

Graduate: - The word for congratulating the graduates is given to the first teacher ....
(Congratulates the first teacher.)

Graduate: - The nomination “I would have learned Russian because you taught us it” is dedicated to the teacher of Russian language and literature Zolotareva E.N.
Graduates! Please note in the futureSo as not to be afraid of essays,It is enough to haveA set of simple definitions:Write that the poet is a prophet,And Gogol ridiculed the orders,That Famusov is bad and nasty,

Graduate:And Chadsky is no longer a rider.Bazarov overtook his age,Onegin is a complex nature,Wild is the image of a tyrant,Gerasim drowned Mumu...That's all the literature for you.

Graduate:I'll be the most honest rules.I would make me learn RussianNot only Russians, but allThen Russia will succeed.Everyone will know literatureAnd our Russian culture.(delivery)

Graduate: - Nomination: “You know everything about numbers and they taught us the same” is dedicated to the mathematics teacher Kail G.K.
The laws of numbers are very strict,And become mathematiciansGiven, alas, not very many,We have learned to countAfter all, in the current difficult century,Everything will have to be counted.

Geometry and algebra meaningNowadays, everyone can appreciateTherefore, for our right decisions,We must thank you from the bottom of our hearts.(delivery)

Graduate: – Nomination: “Columbus discovered America, and we will take it and close it” is dedicated to E.V. Khramov, a history teacher.

Igor Nikulin:

If there is silence in the classroom,Flies don't flySo we have historySomeone is being called.

If everyone rustledSo the teacher is movingAll cheat sheets must be hiddenAnd close all books.In general, we are veryWe love all history!If necessary, we will conquerAny territory!(delivery)

Graduate: - The nomination “Do not twist the colorful globe, it will still come in handy” of our award is dedicated to the teacher of geography Mudarisova G.R.
You and I descended to the depths,Among the quicksands the sands moved,We conquered mountain peaksAnd the permafrost of both poles.

And let there be many more discoveriesWe must make in our life,For showing us the wayWe will always thank you!(delivery)

Graduate: - The nomination "Knowledge of Ohm's laws does not exempt from responsibility" is dedicated to the teacher of physics Yatsenko A.V.
Physics for us is like a birthday,

We are happy to come to class!

Tiles, irons, electric lamps -

Physics is everywhere and always.

Glory to Newton, Ampere, Ohm,

Watt is a good man!

Honor, praise you for making friends

We are forever with them!

Graduate: - Nomination: “Chemistry decorates and heals us and, apparently, will soon feed us” is dedicated to the teacher of chemistry Karelina V.V.


The sorceress is known to all of us:
Worked wonders in test tubes
And love forever for chemistry
She undoubtedly dropped
We always remember
WhatH 2 O-This is water.

Graduate: - In the nominations “Biology we know for sure” and “The most, most, most classy tormentor”, Mardanova L.V. won.

Biology was taught
Stigmas, pistils passed,
DNA and ribosomes
carbohydrates, chromosomes,
How to protect nature
We will know now at “5”.

For seven years we were famously tormented,
Seven years of rest did not give.
Although you were the best for us -
FREEDOM FINALLY has arrived!”

Graduate: - The response word is given to the class teacher Mardanova L.V.
(The class teacher speaks.)

Graduate: - Nomination: “Oh, sport, I love you, but with a strange love” is dedicated to the teacher of physical culture Sadrtdinov I.A.

In the young month of April, snow melts near the school,
And the physical education teacher kicks out for a run.
The children rushed with a whistle, the heart beats furiously,
Only something pricks somewhere and ripples in everyone's eye,
Striving for the cherished goal, not knowing barriers,
Children are running, rushing, almost flying.

Graduate: – Nomination: “Crazy Hands” is dedicated to the teacher of technology Krasilnikov V.A.

"Your hands are golden
They can create a lot.
How do you do it,
We can't understand!"

We thank you for your love.
It wasn't easy for you at times.
Saying goodbye to you, we say:
Together). "Thanks a lot!"

Song "Our" (Masha, Igor, Sasha and Olya)

Vedas 1. Our graduates perform in the nomination "Our feelings of the unspent bowl".

Issue 1. Dear teachers of our school!

Today on this June day
Please accept our congratulations
For your loyalty and love,
For your dedication to your work!

Issue 2 We have known you for so many years,
And you know everything about us.
It's good to be with us
You are smiling now!

You are so extraordinarily kind!
And today it is no coincidence that we
Thank you for everything, let's say together,

Issue 3 Everyone knows if something is needed,
You did not allow refusal,
They always helped us with everything!

Issue 4. Let's not talk today
Banal words, duty phrases,
We wish you good health!
We love you very, very much!

Vedas. In the nomination "Childhood's last call" the film "Odnoklassniki" wins. Let's see its excerpt. Song and The film "Classmates".

And now the best comedian of our school is performing, the future pop artist, who will outshine Justin Timberlake himself-Igor Nikulin with his performance

The song "Tick-tock" performed by I. Nikulin


Parents - Holy Word -
In it, ROD burns with the Fire of the Universe,
It sounds new for centuries -
In it, Life sings of imperishable fate.

Graduate. 1 The day before the birth, the Child asked God:

IN 3 - I am very afraid! I don't know at all what am I supposed to do in this world?

IN 1 God replied:

AT 4 - I will give you an Angel, he will always be with you. He will protect you from all troubles.

IN 3- But what is his name?

IN 1 - It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him "MAMA"!

IN 2. And now, graduating from school, we would like with all our hearts, from the bottom of our hearts, to thank our mothers and fathers, our parents, who always stood behind our backs, supporting us in difficult times, solving problems with you, writing essays, re-passing the school curriculum. Thank you, our relatives, dear ones, for everything that you have done, are doing and will do for us.

IN 3. Mom, you are with me always and everywhere,

Dad and mom are the main people.

The best people on this earth.

If you are near, we know what will happen

Peace of mind for me and for you.

Your warmth will warm you in the cold,

Strong hands will always support

Dear heart, when you get sick,

He can heal you easily.

May God grant you long life, health,

Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes.

You are our relatives, we invite you

To the school farewell parental waltz.

Song for parents on the motive Quest Pistols "I'm tired"

Vedas. In the nomination of the best retro film, the film "Happy Childhood" won. Attention to the screen, gentlemen.

(Film and Parent Performance)


Film "Happy Childhood"

Parents come out to the music.

    Graduates of distant years send you their fiery greetings!

    One milestone successfully taken - you have received a certificate!

    Dear Guys! On behalf of all parents, congratulations on your successful graduation!

4. How quickly our children have grown! They read thick volumes, Solve problems that are incomprehensible to us and ask difficult questions.

5. Yesterday mine asks: - Dad, for how much could you read "War and Peace"? I thought and thought and said: - Well, a hundred rubles!

6. - And mine recently taught my little sister to write the number 8:

How can you not understand! This is the sign of infinity, placed vertically!

7. - And I tell my own, I also studied for deuces, so it will be fair if I encourage you the way your grandfather encouraged me ... with a belt.

8. But I met such a nice woman on the street, she says to me:
“I think you are the father of one of my children…
I ask in horror:
- I?!
- Calm down, - the woman answers, - I'm a teacher.

9.- And how many written greetings we received from teachers in diaries:
10.- Here, for example: Thank you for having an educational conversation with your son. Now he answers at every lesson, however, so far everyone understands him poorly, since he began to stutter.

11.- And here's to us: Parents! Cut the child's hair, I want to look into his eyes.

12.- Yes, and to us: Your son at the lesson of physical education rested like a ram and did not want to jump over a goat.

13.- And I checked my son's diary: physics - 2, chemistry - 2, history - 2, literature - 2, singing - 5. Lord, he also sings.

14. - And I checked the diary, and there are only deuces, I tell him:
- In our time, they were beaten with a belt for such grades!
And he answered me: Cool idea! Come tomorrow after school, we'll take revenge on the teacher!

15. Children bring us nothing but grief. And we are different for them!

16. - Yes, how imperceptibly our children have become adults!

17. And today at your graduation party, we want to wish you:

18. When you're only seventeen,
Leaving the student bench,
Sometimes it's hard to figure out:
Where to go, which way?
And the path through life will be difficult,
So as not to turn to the side paths.
May conscience be everywhere for you
Your adviser and compass.

19. So that youth always rules in life,
Love was pure and bright.
So that each star suddenly turns
Your cherished dream.

20. I thank the teachers, I am patient,
That our children were selflessly led.
In an effort to replenish the ranks, they are the first.
They taught life to love, so as not to pass by.
21. And I will not forget to wish, of course,
What is given, diligently multiply.
To the delight of everyone, work wholeheartedly.
And never forget the school walls.

22. Happy and easy assignments to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!

Congratulations on your graduation from school

Great accomplishments and life without troubles!


The final

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,
The fate of the future is only a timid sketch,
Oh what a beautiful prom!

Let you leave school forever
But leaves a memory of your childhood
Don't forget your school years
Hearts and souls wonderful neighborhood

Yes, your film about childhood is coming to an end,

And all episodes were filmed, dreams were examined,

Like a Christmas tree holiday, fairy tales end.
Like a movie tape, the thread breaks.

IN 1 . Once again we want to say a huge thank you to you, dear school!

IN 2 . We want to once again thank our esteemed administration and our beloved teachers. And also all those who have always been with us for 11 years.

IN 3. We don't say goodbye to you

AT 4. We are speaking-

ALL Goodbye!!!


All teachers are always serious and sometimes scary. But on the day of the teacher, you can and should laugh, especially at teachers, at their seriousness. Comic nominations for teachers on Teacher's Day will help you arrange a mini holiday that can be called a school Oscar! Comic nominations will help to give each teacher a prize, and they, in turn, will think about why I was given this nomination, and then, perhaps, they will reconsider their policy in their studies.

When to arrange these nominations will tell you. And they will help to make your demanding audience laugh even more.

Chemistry teacher:
Chemistry? We are all for!
For this, the reward has found you!

The award is presented to the master of flasks and test tubes!

Mathematics teacher (algebra and geometry):
You taught us to count
And now do not deceive us!
We will definitely count the change
And if necessary, we will cheat ourselves!

The award is given to the best accountant for the time on the accounts!

Teacher of Russian language and literature:
She knows all the rules
And a comma, and a point will always put!

The award is given to the expert in all the rules of the Russian language, the master of suffixes and endings, the best word parser by composition, and so on.

Astronomy teacher:
She showed us another world
And now we never sleep at night!

The award is given to the main star of our school!

Biology teacher:
In her class all natural beauty
I invite biology teachers!

The award is given to a person who knows firsthand what a pistil and stamen are and what they serve for!

English teacher:
Simply and easily she says
Knows what each word means!

The award is given to a person who understands Psaki without an interpreter!

Physical education teacher:
Once the whistle - and we run.
Two whistles - and we are standing.
We roll on mats,
There is no better lesson than physical education!

The award goes to the Hercules of our time!

Physics teacher:
There will be a lesson with a bang
If you study physics!

The award is given to a person who personally tested Newton's law of gravity of the earth with the help of an apple growing on a tree.

History teacher:
He knows all the fights and battles,
And even who was afraid of Napoleon!

The award is given to the best "digger" of the past who does not need a time machine to return to the past.

Class teacher:
Responsive and kind she is always,
She helps us and she helps us!

The award is given to our most important teacher, who cannot be evil by definition, because she is our school mother!

She always knows everything
Who and when received two.
Who got sick and who skipped
Who did not pass the test!

The award is given to the main head, main eyes and main ears of the school!

The teaching staff is an orchestra. Everyone leads his own part, but on the whole, a single melody, harmony is obtained. In order for this harmony not to be disturbed, the teacher also needs success. The success of a teacher is primarily a human concept, and then a professional one. Who should create a situation of success for the teacher? Everyone around him, with whom he has to deal. School director, head teacher, colleagues, parents, children themselves. The school administration is trying to create comfortable conditions for teachers, stimulating teachers for the creative process, for the formation of a positive self-concept, for the desire to educate themselves, improve themselves, and adequately interact with society.

Together with the trade union committee, a system has been developed to stimulate teacher work: the school competition “Teacher of the Year”, which is held for four years. At the end of the school year, at the last pedagogical council, each teacher will hear words of gratitude from the school principal for his work, receive a modest gift, a letter of appreciation or a letter of thanks. We offer you one of the scenarios for this competition.

“Waltz” (choreographic ensemble dances)

Against the background of lyrical music, the words of the presenter (V.)

1) “Our favorite teacher is Olga Pavlovna. We are very grateful to her for teaching us so much. It was she who taught us to distinguish between good and evil, to be cultured, to know the most important words: “Thank you, sorry, please, hello.” She wanted to show her love for us, and we respect for her.”

2) “My most favorite teacher was Lyudmila Yurievna. She always loved us, even though we were very harmful. Lyudmila Yurievna is kind, affectionate and very sweet. I will never forget her. And still I want to go to 3rd grade, just to be with my favorite teacher.”

3) “A wonderful teacher Nadezhda Viktorovna. He is a great teacher and a great history teacher. She can be admired. She will always help, and when we have problems, we go to Nadezhda Viktorovna. She is kind, always diligent and always in shape - she is beautiful.”

4) “I like Lidia Alexandrovna more than all the teachers. She treats us very kindly. I respect her. She is kind, beautiful and the most wonderful in the 38th school. I want Lidia Alexandrovna to always be cheerful and always laugh. And I will be pleased to see it myself. She's giving a Russian speech lesson - it's so interesting. I like Lidia Alexandrovna. I don’t even want to part with her!”

5) “She is a kind, sympathetic teacher. She is always cheerful, and when we come to her lesson, we are charged with the energy and warmth of her soul. Communicating with Olga Dmitrievna, we cheer ourselves up for the whole day. I wish there were more teachers like this.”

6) “I like Valentina Ivanovna more than all the teachers. She is our class teacher. She is beautiful, kind and friendly. I respect her very much. She teaches our math class. It is very important, this subject. Valentina Ivanovna is the greatest mathematician.”

She was always in class.
With a slightly stern face, but friendly.
From the wells of her soul
We drew on the experience gained ... ..

When the trees put on colorful outfits, September 1st comes. I rejoice at this day, because I will see my beloved, kind teachers, and the most respected teacher, class teacher. She will start asking us about how we spent the summer, where we traveled, how many new friends and how many books we read. And we will vied with each other to talk about our travels and adventures over the summer.”

B. Good evening! We are glad that you responded to the invitation and looked at our holiday. A holiday dedicated to all of us, a holiday dedicated to the Teacher.

As you understand, I started this evening by quoting the writings of your students. Believe me, this is only a small part of their declarations of love for you. And even though sometimes the ear cuts the imperfection of style and speech, even if these works are not perfect in terms of spelling and punctuation, the main thing is that they are permeated with warmth, love, and gratitude.

And is this not a worthy assessment of the Teacher? A kind soul who loves children the way they are? Equally loving and naughty, and obedient, and quick-witted, and slow-witted, and lazy, and diligent? Creator of several hundred destinies? A person in whom everything captivates: a smile, and severity, and content, and clothes, and sensitivity, and knowledge, and sincerity, and intelligence, and sociability, and love of life? That is why our students love us, that is why they are ready to “vying with each other” about themselves, trusting us with their most intimate secrets…

Remember, the school administration announced a contest of pedagogical skills ROST, one of the tasks of which was to identify creatively working and talented teachers, to popularize their experience. And now it's time to sum up. They count chickens in the fall, and the names of the best teachers are called in the spring.

Allow the Teacher of the Year Award Ceremony to be considered open.

93 teachers and teachers of additional education of school No. 38 were allowed to participate in the competition. The Teacher of the Year award will be awarded in 18 nominations.

An independent jury was formed to determine the winners. The counting commission, having considered the result, determined the name of the winner.

At the moment, no one knows the names of the winners.

Before starting the ceremony, I invite the hostess of this evening, the principal of the school, to the stage.

So, first nomination.

1. “Lesson is the pinnacle of skill”

The following were allowed to participate:

They, like “wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire”, combined mathematics and music in one lesson, decided to “check harmony with algebra” - and, I must say, not without success. Their integrated lesson struck everyone with its unusualness;

For an open lesson of the Russian language, brilliantly conducted with students of a weak class.

For the methodological development of the integrated course "Natural Science - Labor".

For participation in the competition of methodological developments of the final lessons: (full names of teachers are listed)

Q. Let's welcome the nominees. The word for the announcement of the laureates of the nomination “Lesson is the pinnacle of mastery” is given to the deputy. director.

Diplomas and commendations are awarded.

2. Nomination “The most creative teacher”

The following were allowed to participate:

Her lessons (in the opinion of the attestation commission) are a kind of pedagogical work, they are held at a high methodological level, all stages are thought out. Children are so carried away by mental activity that they do not hear the bell.

For a beautifully designed office, the development of didactic material for classes.

For approbation of new courses, generalization of experience, conducting open lessons at a meeting of deputy directors, creative attitude to work, use of alternative textbooks and programs.

Awarding of the winners, congratulations from the director.

Q. Today our colleagues and great friends are visiting us - teachers of the art school. A vocal ensemble sings for you.

We are living in the fast-paced 21st century, when ever higher demands are placed on the teacher. And today a teacher is not only a person who has knowledge and methods of teaching, but also a researcher, a scientist, and a practitioner…

3. Nomination “Step into science”

Names of nominees:

For testing a new course in mathematics;

Let's welcome the nominees. To announce the names of the winners of the “Step into Science” nomination, I invite Deputy. director of the school for scientific and methodological work.

Winner's reward ceremony.

4. Nomination “Russia is famous for teachers, students bring glory to it”

Teachers whose students have taken high places in city and regional Olympiads are allowed to participate.

I ask all of you, dear teachers, to come up to the stage. If your students demonstrate remarkable knowledge, then you should know everything at all. Therefore, before the headmaster comes into his own, I suggest you take part in the Scrabble quiz: (it is recommended to conduct it with an increased level of intelligence).


Regional center of the Krasnodar Territory - 9 b.

Famous film director, son of the fabulist Sergei Mikhalkov - 8 b.

In what month did the Decembrists oppose the tsar? - 7 b.

Part of the face that plays a prominent role in Gogol's story "The Nose" - 3 b.

Famous singer, namesake Emelyan Pugacheva - 8 b.

The capital of the Ryazan principality - 6 b.

Homeland of Canadian hockey - 6 b.

The river on which the city of Rostov-on-Don stands - 3 b.

The protagonist of the novel A.I. Goncharov "Oblomov" - 7 b.

The vehicle on which the heroes of Jerome's book "Three in a boat, not counting the dog" traveled - 5 b.

Winner's reward ceremony.

5. Next nomination “Best office”

After all, a modern office is the best assistant in organizing the educational process. Nominees...

I ask the principal of the school to open the envelope, name the winners, present the awards.

High demands are placed on a modern teacher, especially in advanced, best schools. And you can't survive here alone.

So the next nomination is

6. Best Methodological Association

I will name only some of the cases of this MO, and you try to guess which MO will be called the best.

On their account: 2 scientific and practical conferences, the largest number of open lessons, 3 collections “From work experience”, participation in the All-Russian competition of methodological developments of final lessons.

Rewarding. And on the stage again the vocal ensemble

7. Nomination “The most overloaded teacher”

There are a lot of teachers in our school who have a lot of workload. Who became the winner of the nomination, we will be informed by the deputy. director of educational work. She scrupulously took into account each of our lessons, and so, looked through the documentation, scrolled through, calculated ....

(Opens the envelope, rewarding).

B. Lessons, notebooks, books, textbooks, reports, speeches ... My head is spinning ... So .... osteochondrosis can be earned. Fizminutka (conducted by physical education teachers).

8. Nomination “In a healthy body - a healthy mind”


For the development of extra-curricular activities and health lessons;

For work with children with combined developmental disabilities, successful presentation at the city scientific and methodological conference.

For the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, not so much theoretically as practically.

Hiking and excursions, class hours, and just a confidential conversation. Who can reveal the secret, if not the class teacher?

9. Nomination “The coolest cool”

The winners in this nomination are named by the deputy. educational director.

Q. Again, allow me to intervene in the awards ceremony. Dear teachers, you know everything about a modern student, you can understand any situation, model the behavior of any student.

Imagine that you are teachers, you are students. Teachers demand diaries from new Russian students. They want to write down some remark there. The task of the students is not to give the diary. The task of the teacher is to receive it.


Q. I ask you to name the winner of one more nomination.

10. Nomination “Under the shadow of muses”

I must say that in the field of creativity, introducing children to it, our teachers have been working for several years now, and successfully, in close cooperation with Children's Art School No. Director of Children's Art School No. 2.

Thanks to the music school.

There is a corner in our school where it is always quiet, where two of the smartest people work under the cover of silence, ready to leaf through books for hours, select the material necessary for teachers - to provide the basis for the educational process. Did you guess?

I'm talking about our librarians who are nominees in...

11. Nomination “Keeper of knowledge”

How I cherish the beautiful moment
Music suddenly fills the ear
Sounds rush with some aspiration,
Sounds are pouring around from somewhere,
The heart behind them strives anxiously,
Wants to follow them somewhere...
In these moments it would be possible to melt,
In these moments it is easy to die ....

Joint Ensemble of Folk Instruments Children's Art School No. 2, 4.

11. Bravo! Just crazy hands! By the way, this is the name of our next nomination -

12. “Crazy Hands”

In this nomination, the desire and ability to beautifully and timely decorate an assembly hall, a stand representing the school at a regional educational conference, documents about the school for a regional competition or help in preparing a school holiday were evaluated ...

The winners are called.

And again our nightingales are on stage. Singing teachers sing.

elderly man -
This is a treasure trove of wisdom
This fund is golden!
This is our Atlanta
Both in deeds and in hands!
You are like fairies from a fairy tale,
Thank you for everything!
And honor to you, and honor!
And thank you for
What you were and are!

13. Nomination "Golden Fund"

I invite teachers to the stage, whose teaching experience is more than 35 years.

Thank you for many years of work, for what you taught us. Low bow to you. And on the stage - your shift, your successors - young teachers.

14. Nomination “Young is not green”

C. In this nomination, the work of young teachers was considered:

In addition, one more graduate in the school has become. We sincerely congratulate him on his graduation from the Irkutsk Linguistic University.

Who became the winner in the nomination “Young is not green”?

A word from the headmaster.

“Young Teacher of the Year” - a participant in the city competition “Young Specialist”, he held an open lesson at the city meeting of head teachers, developed didactic material on the topic of self-education, a good class teacher.

15. "Teacher of the Year"

The tension is growing, the most solemn moment is approaching. Now we will find out who became the “Teacher of the Year” ... There are many worthy ones. But there must be only one winner! I'll tell you a big secret. The jury could not choose one winner of the nomination. I don't know who, but I know for sure that there will be three winners today. Who are they?

Their names are in envelopes with the principal of the school.

And I was given only small characteristics of these people. Let's try to guess their names?

creative teacher; mentor of young specialists; among her students are winners of city Olympiads; in her track record - attestation of 3 schools; class teacher of the first lyceum class; was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education.

The most active participant of various conferences; easy-going person; at the first call he takes a backpack - and on a trip, a hike; organizer of local history work, creator of the school museum, soul of the climbers' club.

A person who is distinguished by a constant search: approbation of new programs, textbooks; in her assets - the development of a cycle of lessons; a large number of copyright extracurricular activities; speaker at 2 city scientific and methodological conferences; head of the MO; founder of the gymnasium; laureate of the All-Russian competition of final lessons.

The director opens envelopes, names names, awards prizes. Congratulations.