The governor and chess player talks about aliens. Ilyumzhinov handed over "secret information" to aliens, the State Duma became worried. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: one of the contactees

The original of this material
© The New Times, 05/17/2010, Photo: Peremeny.Ru

President and Aliens

Elena Masyuk

Kirsan the First and Only. The media again started talking about the President of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov after the information he published on Channel One about.

Given that a person with interplanetary connections is also Head of FIDE Chess and is going to run again in the elections in September, The New Times made inquiries - turned to TV journalist Elena Masyuk, who made a film about the hero and visited the most remote regions of the steppe republic

On the Milky Way, the two halves of the cosmic chess field have already joined. The figures are arranged. I start a new game with Destiny, I make the first move. Good luck to me!..” - with these words, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, then, in the early 1990s, only elected president of Kalmykia, finished his autobiographical book, The President's Crown of Thorns.

His moves

Many accomplishments on his account over the years on the Kalmyk land. Ilyumzhinov promised to build several industrial enterprises - he built one: for washing and processing Elmi sheep wool. The company worked for several days and closed. He said that they would make computer monitors together with the Koreans - they did, 7 pieces, after the presentation the plant was closed. He promised that Kalmykia would generate the cheapest electricity - please, built wind farms in the steppe. The windmills are standing, the wind is blowing, but there is still no electricity.

Even the leader of Kalmykia wanted to create a “software technology park” in the republic, similar to the famous American Silicon Valley. Kirsan Nikolaevich was going to train future geniuses in the most economically backward region of the republic - Iki-Burulsky, in a small one-story school in the village of Sheering. It was assumed that after several years of study in this settlement, where there are only fifteen houses, far from civilization, more than a thousand programmers-coders would be trained. Ilyumzhinov also planned to build his own Las Vegas and a Russian cosmodrome in Kalmykia. Kirsan Nikolaevich claimed that his republic is 3 degrees closer to the equator than Kazakhstan's Baikonur.

But happiness never came to the Kalmyk land. During the reign of Ilyumzhinov, Kalmykia was in last place among the regions of Russia in terms of living standards, despite the existence of an offshore economic zone throughout the republic for several years: 38% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Holiday is like life

But on the other hand, every Friday and Saturday in Elista there are fireworks on the occasion of the next weekend, and if Kirsan Nikolaevich is in the city on the weekend, he will certainly drive in his Rolls-Royce car past the disco in the evening to see how the younger generation is having fun. By the way, in one of the interviews, Ilyumzhinov admitted that he had six Rolls-Royces: for hot Elista - white, for representative Moscow - black, to shoot from a bow and ride horses - red. Ilyumzhinov donated one of the cars to the local registry office to service youth weddings. So that everyone knows whose gift it is, there is a special plate on the car. Competitions for the best class are held annually in local schools. At the end of the year, this school team is awarded a challenge badge of honor "Bust of the President of the Republic of Kalmykia Kirsan Nikolaevich Ilyumzhinov." Although now his position is called not the president, but the head of the republic. Last year, to the question of a correspondent of one of the women's magazines: "Which is more pleasant for you - to introduce yourself as the President of the Republic or the President of the International Chess Federation FIDE?" - Ilyumzhinov answered: “Kirsan. Everyone knows me as Mr. Kirsan. Like sheikhs, like chess players, like waiters in Moscow or New York.”

Kirsan's modesty knows no bounds. He admits that he does not know how many companies he once was the president of, and also has no idea how much money is in his accounts, but he knows that there is a lot. True, the declaration of the President of Kalmykia on income and property for 2009 testifies to the contrary. According to it, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov lives on a modest salary and does not even have a small apartment: the annual salary of the head of the republic amounted to 785 thousand 642 rubles. And he doesn’t have not only an apartment, but also a car and a land plot. All gone to aliens? But then what about the story that Kirsan Nikolayevich likes to tell the guests of the republic, namely: being in Moscow, he decided to dine in one of the chic restaurants. When it was time to pay and the head of Kalmykia asked for a bill, the waiter was extremely surprised and said: “What are you, Kirsan Nikolaevich, this is your restaurant!”

Specially tagged

Maybe such problems with the memory of the head of Kalmykia began after he talked with aliens on September 18, 1998. According to Kirsan Nikolaevich, at night they flew to him in Leontievsky Lane, in the center of Moscow, on their plate, they called him with them, he went through some kind of translucent pipe, ended up on a ship, they flew together to some planet along affairs. At the same time, the head of Kalmykia was worried that he would not have time to eat his favorite dish - scrambled eggs with onions for breakfast and would be late for the plane to Elista. Humanoids "in yellow space suits" reassured: they say, everything will be in time. Indeed, two hours later, Ilyumzhinov was again in his apartment in the center of Moscow, where his assistants were frying him scrambled eggs and onions.

It's been 12 years since that September day. When Ilyumzhinov told about this story in the Pozner program, a State Duma deputy from the LDPR (Andrey Lebedev) wrote an official letter to President Medvedev asking him to check the contacts of the head of Kalmykia with aliens: “Please let me know if the head of the Republic of Kalmykia reported to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation about his contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. Is there an established procedure for informing the highest officials of the country who are carriers of classified information, such as Ilyumzhinov, about such contacts?” In addition, the deputy asks the president to find out which other officials had close contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

In one of the interviews, Ilyumzhinov said: when he talked informally with other heads of regions, some of them admitted to him that they also communicated with humanoids, but were embarrassed to say so publicly. And the head of Kalmykia was not afraid, he even introduced the post of adviser on ethno-planetary thinking in the republic. Maybe the deputy is nervous in vain, maybe the humanoids decided to give Ilyumzhinov a gift and went with him to planet No. 5570, whose name is Kirsan. “Not even in honor of Kennedy planets and stars. I am the only politician whose name is given to a small planet that flies in space,” Ilyumzhinov modestly admitted.

Kirsan Bender

There are many heads of subjects in Russia, but there is only one such one. He is proud that he realized the dream of Ostap Bender himself and built the chess town of New Vasyuki in Elista with a bronze monument to Ostap Ibragimovich Bender, who was distinguished by a special gift of foresight: “Chess thought will turn into an applied science and will invent ways of interplanetary communication. /.../ And Vasyuki will host the first interplanetary chess tournament in the history of the universe... Hurray, comrades!” - said the great combinator.

On the next monument to Ostap Bender, which Ilyumzhinov has been promising to erect on the embankment in Rio de Janeiro for several years, the head of Kalmykia could well write: "To the defeated teacher - from the winner to the student."

For the whole of last year, the president of Kalmykia earned only 785,642 rubles. But rich in ideas

The original of this material
© "Steppe Mosaic", 05/15/2010, Aliens did not help, or the beginning of the sunset of Ilyumzhinov's star

Vladimir Bessarabov

Yesterday, May 14, the Russian Chess Federation (RCF) nominated the 12th World Champion for the FIDE President Anatoly Karpov, who stated that he was already supported by about 20 countries, such as France, England, Germany, Syria, Bosnia, Ukraine and many others, and only Turkey supported the candidacy of his opponent.

Ilyumzhinov's 15-year reign seems to be coming to an end. Prior to this, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the RCF, Assistant to the President of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich tried to convince everyone that only and only Kirsan Nikolaevich deserved to be the “master chess player” of the planet. Knowing the insinuity of the latter, I confess, I sometimes had doubts about the victory of Anatoly Evgenievich, and, nevertheless, when commenting on the election campaign to news agencies, I bet on the chess player, and not on the “painfully dear” head of the Republic of Kalmykia.

As Andrei Piontkovsky, a leading researcher at the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted, “the choice between Karpov and Ilyumzhinov is a choice between a man of the late Soviet system with all its costs and shortcomings, and one of the most odious representatives of today’s gangster and thieves’ power.” It seems that the chess world understood this as well. And if we take into account that Karpov was supported even by his "sworn friends" - ex-world champion Garry Kasparov and vice-champion Viktor Korchnoi - then the activity of the current FIDE president is estimated at a maximum of two with a minus.

“How could it happen, writes Ezhednevny Zhurnal, that Kasparov and Korchnoi took the side of Karpov? Obviously, the reason is in the protracted series of troubles that hit the chess world. Leading grandmasters - from titled grandmasters like Anand and Kramnik to young talents like Karjakin and Carlsen - publicly criticize Ilyumzhinov. The marginalization of chess, the constant confusion with the rules of the World Championship, the dominance of bureaucratic businessmen in FIDE, who are mainly concerned with massive commercial tournaments, whose participants fill hotels in Mediterranean resorts during the low season - all this irritates many leading players and repels potential corporate sponsors, accustomed to dealing with sports management at a more respectable level.”

At the end of April, on Channel One, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov gave an interview to the well-known journalist Vladimir Pozner, where he colorfully and in detail described his contacts with aliens. He told how some creatures (according to him, people!) in yellow spacesuits appeared on the balcony of his apartment in Leontievsky Lane; they communicated "at the level of thoughts, as there was not enough oxygen." […]

Yes, by the way, about the apartment on Leontievsky Lane. The Stepnaya Mosaic newspaper has already written about Moscow square meters owned by the Ilyumzhinovs. Recall if anyone forgot.

Muscovite Ilyumzhinov Kirsan Nikolaevich, lives at the address: Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva, 4; Muscovite Ilyumzhinova Rimma Sergeevna (mother) lives at: per. Starokonyushenny, 5/14, apt. four; Muscovites Ilyumzhinov Rimma Vyacheslavovna and Kamila Vyacheslavovna (native nieces) - transl. Leontievsky, d. 8, apt. 3.

Whether this clan lives there or not is not even the question. The fact that they were registered at these addresses, and who actually owns this property, is not difficult to guess. Meanwhile, the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan has never declared any of the apartments, any of the foreign cars belonging to him, and, apparently, it was said about him: “So that you live on one salary!” Beggar Kirsan, naked as a falcon, a bum, in short: after all, according to the submitted declaration, for the whole of last year he earned only 785 thousand 642 rubles.

But he is rich in ideas, and even beyond measure. A fresh example of this.

On May 11, a Vietnamese government delegation headed by President Nguyen Minh Triet visited Kalmykia. The visit of distinguished guests prompted Mr. Ilyumzhinov to launch another surge of ideas and projects: we will grow rice, we will build a town for migrants; I inadvertently remembered the construction of plants for the production of ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers with the help of comrades from the former socialist camp.

The second turned out to be a complete profanation, and hence it follows that the first will fall into the same category. In the category of elementary populism and poorly veiled PR.

Imagine, the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan conceived another construction site of the century, arguing that there is an acute shortage of labor force in Kalmykia, and, they say, the citizens of the fraternal republic will save the economy of the steppe region from inevitable collapse.

As Rosstat informed IA REGNUM Novosti, “the unemployment rate here is 16.8%. In March of this year, according to the Agency for Employment and Labor, the number of officially registered unemployed was almost 7 thousand people. According to the mayor's office of Elista, about 7 thousand citizens are in the queue for housing in the capital of the republic alone.

Recall that in 2006 Kirsan Ilyumzhinov announced his intention to resettle 10,000 Chinese in Kalmykia.”

How did this promise end? As always, fluff.

The indomitable nature and restless soul of Kirsan Nikolaevich, rushing into outer space, allow him to voice extravagant ideas, such as the construction of the Kalmyk Baikonur, resorts in Altai, branches of the Shao-Lin monastery, factories for processing diamonds and precious stones, the construction of extra-class hotels around the world in the form of chess pieces. […]

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellier said that aliens exist. However, this is not the first time that famous people have made such statements. We will talk about six famous people who believe in aliens.

Paul Hellier

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellier believes that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have been visiting our planet for several thousand years and are now on it. He expressed this opinion in an interview with Russia Today TV channel.

According to him, in 1961, a flotilla of about 50 UFOs appeared, which, heading south, crossed NATO territory from Russia. The Supreme Commander of the United Armed Forces in Europe almost pressed the "panic" button. The flotilla eventually turned around and headed towards the North Pole.

The investigation into the incident, according to the retired minister, lasted three years. As a result, it turned out that at least four species of creatures visited the Earth for several thousand years. Now on our planet there may be representatives of about 80 different civilizations.

Helier assures that aliens have become more active lately. Especially after we invented and detonated the atomic bomb. They are worried that people will use nuclear weapons, as this can affect not only earthlings, but the entire space community.

According to the retired secretary of defense, the aliens now on Earth came from several different places. These are the star systems of Zeta Reticuli, Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda and Altair. Therefore, the aliens are different. There are such as they are portrayed in science fiction films - small, gray with huge heads and eyes. And there are very similar to us - the so-called "High Whites". There are even those who cannot be distinguished from people at all.

Hellier said that two of these indistinguishable - female - dress up as nuns and go shopping in Las Vegas. They walk calmly. And speaking last spring at the Citizens Hearings on Declassification conference in Washington, Helier revealed that at least two "Tall Whites" are working for the US government at the Indian Springs, Nevada test site. They live on the territory of the US Air Force base, cooperate with the military and share technologies with them.

The aliens here have different tasks and goals. Let's say, like the United States, China or Russia. But the majority is set up in relation to the earthlings peacefully. Frankly against us - approximately, like the Arabs, against the Jews - there are only two types of aliens.

Georgy Grechko

Georgy Grechko, who flew into space three times, actively investigates anomalous phenomena and openly declares that the existence of aliens has not been proven, but not refuted either.

According to the astronaut, during space flights in 1975, 1978 and 1985, no one instructed him to observe UFOs, but no one forbade him to do this, as well as to tell what he saw. In one of his interviews, he stated that he “tried to meet aliens, organized the expedition himself, because one American wrote that there was a flying saucer in Sinai, but when they arrived there, they saw just a beautiful, even hill of natural origin.”

I just believe they are. The tsunami in Japan and Thailand showed that we are not eternal and not omnipotent. In 1908, the Tunguska meteorite fell in the taiga. He showed what could happen to the earth if we do not learn how to detect and eliminate these space objects. There is such a version that it was because of the fallen meteorite that earthquakes and tsunamis began on earth. The result is that the dinosaurs are gone. The meteorite hazard must be reckoned with. If Tungussky had arrived four hours later, then the deer would not have died in the taiga, but nothing would have been left of St. Petersburg. The next meteorite may fall in 2036. And while we are powerless before it. Maybe the misfortune in Japan will teach us something. A smart man understands before, and a fool understands after. Here we are now in the situation after the tsunami and before the meteorite. We need to learn how to shoot them down in space before they cause trouble.

— Have you yourself seen little green men in orbit?

- There are no humans. We observed glowing dots of unknown origin from our ship. They moved among the stars and even seemed to make maneuvers... The same lights are seen from the Earth. But what was it? Alien starships? Motes of dust left behind from the skin of our ship? A trash can thrown from the ISS that hasn't burned up in the atmosphere yet? The last stage of a rocket launched from Earth? A satellite that has served its time and turned into a piece of metal? The easiest way to say: "These are aliens!" And you go prove it!

And the REAL proof of the “visit from the outside” I found not in space, but in the London National Gallery, continues Grechko. – I was struck by a detail in the painting by the famous master Carlo Crivelli “The Annunciation” of 1486. Take a look yourself! (G. Grechko shows a reproduction. - Auth.). In the clouds above the city - a "flying saucer" with portholes. A beam emanates from it. If you look closely, instead of windows in the UFO - cherubs. I thought: why is that? Yes, the artist simply depicted and interpreted, to the best of his medieval understanding, what he witnessed. But then there were no planes, helicopters and rockets in the sky, which, as a rule, are mistaken for UFOs. Then I myself decided to study the traces of contacts of our ancestors with extraterrestrial civilizations. And I saw the most impressive of them - for example, a tombstone with an "astronaut" in Palenque. (Meaning the drawing in the Mayan pyramid. - Auth.) Indeed, it is very similar!

Edgar Mitchell

Elderly astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to land on the moon, revealed to journalists one of the secrets of NASA. According to the American, the plot of the Hollywood blockbuster "Men in Black" is the most harsh truth of life: aliens have repeatedly come into contact with earthlings, and this interplanetary connection has been going on for at least 60 years, but the government carefully hides all the facts.

Mitchell, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering and a PhD in aeronautics and astronautics, admitted that during his time at NASA he himself was aware of a number of alien visits to Earth. According to the astronaut, his colleagues, who were lucky enough to contact representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, described their counterparts as "little people, strangely similar to us."

If Mitchell is to be believed, the filmmakers' ideas about aliens are quite true: they are creatures with a small body, large eyes and disproportionately large heads.

Stephen Hawking

One of the most famous physicists, Briton Stephen Hawking also believes in the existence of aliens, but he is sure that meetings with representatives of alien civilizations do not bode well for us. Based on his knowledge of physics and mathematics, he does not deny the possibility of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, but he hopes that this meeting will not happen.

In his opinion, if alien technologies are much superior to ours, they will certainly form their own colony on Earth and eventually enslave humanity.

"If inhabitants of other worlds arrive, then the consequences may be the same as for the Indians during the arrival of Columbus in America - that is, not the best," the scientist said.

So, instead of trying to make contact with alien beings, we should instead try to avoid it, says Hawking. The astrophysicist suggests that aliens can exist in giant spaceships, having exterminated all the resources of their home planet.

For many years, people have been sending drones into space with images of a person and with detailed diagrams indicating the location of our planet. In addition, radio signals are regularly sent into space - with the hope that alien civilizations will notice them.

There are more than 100 billion different galaxies in the Universe, and each galaxy contains hundreds of millions of stars. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to assume that the Earth is far from the only planet where life exists, the scientist believes.

"According to my mathematical understanding, numbers alone make us think that aliens exist. The real problem is to figure out what they look like," he said.

Hawking described the alleged appearance of aliens, which is not at all like what we see in the movies. In his opinion, intelligent life can resemble both the likeness of creatures with abnormally large mouths and many tails, and large elephant-like monsters covered with wool, depending on the planet of habitation.

Tom Cruise

Hollywood actor Tom Cruise has admitted that he believes in aliens and that he would even like to leave Earth and take a shuttle ride to meet one. In his opinion, it would be arrogant to believe that humans are the only living organisms in all the galaxies in the universe. The actor hopes that one day he will realize his innermost desire, because space tourism is now developing at a rapid pace.

Scientologists claim that the purpose of their teaching is to free humanity from the negative influence of alien souls. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) was the founder of Scientology. The first mention of the movement he created dates back to 1953. It originated in the United States, and today it has offices in about ten million members in thirty states. In some countries, the movement of Scientologists is banned and equated with sectarianism. There are many famous people among the adherents of Scientology. Tom Cruise is one of them.

According to some information leaked to the press, he, having passed through seven levels of training and initiation, became the number two person in the organization, the right hand of the leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige. In 2004, he received the "Medal of Liberty and Valor (for Achievement in the Field of Excellence)" from Miscavige. Cruz accepted the award with tears in his eyes and knelt in front of Hubbard's portrait.

Cruise's official biographer Andrew Morton believes that Tom is a rising star in Scientology. According to him, having reached a high level of initiation, which is called "Operating Thetan-7", Cruz became practically a superman: "An Operating Thetan must be able to control the flow of energy and time, and also modify matter."

What do these secret levels of initiation really mean? The goal of the Scientology religion is to raise the human spirit to a higher level through long training sessions and seminars that "improve" the personality. In 1952, Hubbard declared that after Scientology listening and insight into the teachings, any person "will acquire the ability to easily free others from diseases and various deviations." And upon reaching the levels of “operating thetan”, a person will be able to influence the world around him with the power of thought.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

The first president of the Republic of Kalmykia and president of the World Chess Federation, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, claimed that he was abducted by aliens from his Moscow apartment on September 18, 1997. This event had three witnesses: its driver, assistant and a certain minister. Government officials even demanded that the Russian president interrogate Ilyumzhinov to make sure he didn't give away any state secrets to aliens.

The world learned about this on April 26, 2010, when Channel One host Vladimir Pozner asked Kirsan Ilyumzhinov in his program:

I have never met a person who himself would say that he visited an interplanetary alien ship. Did it really happen?

Seriously, yes, it was, - answered the head of the Republic of Kalmykia. And he briefly told his amazing story about the first and last contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, which happened in Moscow in his apartment in Leontievsky Lane.

Were there any repeats? Posner said.

There were no repetitions, Ilyumzhinov assured.

The historic meeting took place late in the evening on September 18, 1997, when Kirsan Nikolaevich went to bed, reading a book and watching TV. And suddenly noticed that the balcony door opened. Came out. And there, a translucent pipe stretches to the balcony. In the pipe - aliens in yellow spacesuits. My name is. With them, the Kalmyk leader flew away. On an alien ship, of course.

For some reason, the transmission of Vladimir Pozner with these downright sensational memories of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov did not immediately shock the civilized world. And a few days later. And only after Andrei Lebedev, State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party, drew attention to the revelation made in it. He sent a deputy letter directly to the President of the Russian Federation, where he expressed concern that the head of the Republic of Kalmykia, being the bearer of secret information, could blurt it out - information - to representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

After such a “feed”, the Western press has already exploded. Appreciated the sensation. Hundreds of newspapers around the world have recognized that the communication of the President of the Republic with aliens is a unique case. But no one understood why he told about it. Yes, and in Russia, probably, there are people who think: "A strange act for the head of a subject of the Federation."

Posner asked, I answered, - Ilyumzhinov explained his behavior.

People close to ufology, of course, are aware that the Kalmyk leader is not the first time he talks about his contact with aliens. And they are no longer shaking with delight. Moreover, he does not report anything new. Not everyone knows that for the first time Kirsan Nikolaevich showed a miracle of revelation on July 22, 2001, speaking on Radio Liberty. And no one then, excuse me, did not pull the tongue with a leading question. He himself, talking about chess prospects, suddenly complained: “There was an idea of ​​Ostap Bender to hold intergalactic competitions, but, frankly, there is no time now - to space. Once I flew already ... True, not with our Russian spacecraft, but with aliens. Once they took me into space.”

Who took? - asked the leader.

Well, they flew in on a “plate”, took me away, and for a day I was in space, ”Ilyumzhinov clarified.

At the time of his speech, Kirsan Nikolaevich was already the current president of Kalmykia, elections for the next term - only a year later. He has been FIDE President for 6 years. And it doesn't go anywhere else. That is, an unexpected and strange revelation is by no means a PR. So it's an obsessive thought.

When asked what the aliens looked like, Ilyumzhinov, a little excited and feeling distrust on the part of the presenters, answered:

Well, like humans. This is how they looked.

Healthy, 2 meters? How are they often described? - asked him to clarify.

Well no. Don't take me as a schizophrenic. I'm just saying I saw them. It's normal how we communicate, so I saw it.

Did they give you any advice? Have you programmed for the future?

No, - answered Ilyumzhinov. - Nothing ... I still didn’t understand ... Then I walked for several days and thought: “Why did they take me away?” And I scolded myself for not asking them questions... But maybe it's not yet time for these extraterrestrial civilizations to meet... And do we really need to meet now? I don't think it's necessary. In moral terms, we have not yet reached the level where we can meet with these civilizations, with newcomers.

As well as

66-year-old Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of a former Japanese prime minister, published a book in 2008 in which she wrote that 20 years ago, aliens assisted her in space travel. “While my body was asleep,” she recalled, “my soul went to Venus in a triangular-shaped UFO. This is a beautiful green planet. I liked it there very much".

US President Jimmy Carter did not know the aliens closely, but on January 6, 1969, he observed a UFO. In the sky, he said, appeared "the most damn thing I've ever seen." The object was "large, very bright, changing colors". A shocked Jimmy vowed, "I will never make fun of people who say they have seen unidentified objects in the sky."

FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
from Ivan Pashuk

memorandum on the topic

FIDE may announce an interplanetary chess tournament in New Vasyuki, Kalmykia.


Significant changes in science, technology, social organization, and worldview have taken place on planet Earth before, and are still taking place now. Every educated person can easily name the pioneers who laid the foundations for new fundamental trends. We are well aware of the difficulties, in the struggle against which eminent opponents, that great, valuable and humane thing was nurtured, without which it is impossible to imagine modern humanity.
It so happened that you personally, Kirsan Nikolaevich, at the turn of the second and third millennia from the birth of Christ, were drawn into the process of transformation of the world community, which in scale and significance will surpass everything that a reasonable person, Homo sapiens, used to live and be proud of.
The memorandum is open, the topic of the memo is announced, and therefore many third-party readers managed to guess what position the first president of Kalmykia, FIDE president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is ahead of the bulk of top-level politicians, sports functionaries, scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, businessmen, etc.
Yes Yes Yes! In this note, we will talk about the cosmic mind, about aliens. If you want, about God. Today, it is not enough to talk, “talk”, philosophize according to these categories. We, carried away and captured by the paramount topic of the extremely complex structure of the inhabited intelligent space, it's time to start practical actions, despite the screams, screams, mockery, mockery of the "sober-thinking".
FIDE, having carried out certain preparatory work, primarily through specialized scientific conferences and in the media, can officially announce

the desire of earthlings to become the hosts of an interplanetary cultural and sports event, first announced by ... Ilf and Petrov in 1928.

Part one. What preceded the flight of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov on an alien ship?

It is generally accepted that the initiator of the idea of ​​building a beautiful ensemble of New Vasyuki, starting from the famous head of the "12 chairs" "Interplanetary Chess Congress", was exclusively the President of Kalmykia. I present a number of facts that were revealed to me in the 80-90s and which provide the basis for the following interpretation - Kirsan Ilyumzhinov acted under the control of some powerful cosmic forces. New Vasyuki is not needed by Kirsanov, not by Kalmykia, not by Russia. They were built at the behest of the heavenly office!

For the first time, I thought about the fact that behind the “humorous” works of Ilf and Petrov, or behind the authors themselves, the unknown, powerful, cosmic is hidden somewhere around 1981. This is when I began to check the texts of Ilf and Petrov in reference books and dictionaries.
In the "Golden Calf" of 1931, the medal "For the salvation of drowning people" appears. Illustrator Konstantin Rotov, who lived with Ilf and Petrov at the same dacha near Moscow, sketched this medal in the form familiar to us, that is, hanging on a block, on a metal base. It turned out that such a medal did not exist before the war. Even under tsarism, they were awarded the medal "For the salvation of the perishing". She was worn on a ribbon, not on a block. The medal "For saving the drowning" appeared only in 1957 by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
And this is not the only advance in time, lit up in the works of Ilf and Petrov. There are much more significant ones. In addition, I will only point out one thing. planetary character.
In The Golden Calf, Ilf and Petrov, through the mouth of a bourgeois Austrian journalist, declare that the building of communism will end in failure. We, people of the older generations, treated this statement with sarcasm, considered such utter nonsense. But that's how it happened! Half a century after the publication of the "humorous" novel.
Continuing an in-depth study of Ilf and Petrov's creative work and life, in 1997 and later I managed to reveal the closest connection of Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg with the cosmos, transcendent, unexplored, alluring.
At first, a rough note to The Golden Calf caught my eye. Drawn by Ilf.
"IM 33 years old". You will still raise the dead. No, I did it all the time…” (The last word is illegible).
There was something to be utterly confused about.
On the same document, the silhouette of a space shuttle of the Space Shuttle type was clearly visible. Another half-century advance of humanity!
To top it all off, I came across a line from Ilf's diary entry.
"God sent me to you to give me a job."
As they say, come!

Therefore, I, a former university teacher, responsibly declare.

Behind the works of Ilf and Petrov, directly behind the person of the non-Party Jew Ilf, there is a little-studied, at the same time, extremely promising and necessary power of the vast intelligent cosmos for the fate of mankind. The first president of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, who did a lot to promote the work of Ilf and Petrov, against his will became a visible, tangible evidence of the contact of the vast intelligent cosmos with humanity.

So I would like to draw an analogy.
The atomic era of mankind began with the discovery of traces of contact between a radioactive substance and photographic film.
Ilyumzhinov's contact with aliens, his New Vasyuki, the time will come, will be considered the forerunner of a full-scale and all-encompassing space age of mankind.
Flying on primitive Tsiolkovsky rockets into the nearest space is just the fun of small children. The preparation of a full-fledged contact of the still young and in many respects barbaric earthly planetary civilization with especially highly developed communities of space is the real business of forward-moving intellectuals.
The future interplanetary chess tournament in New Vasyuki is the best way to mass, publicly advertised contact.

Part two. What to do, starting from the revealed?

Firstly. You and I should get to know each other personally. The vast and varied information I have on the section “young humanity and intelligent space”, and these are facts, documents, discoveries and foresights of a number of outstanding thinkers, is capable of laying a solid foundation for, as some believe, “eccentricities”, “fantasies” of an extraordinary politician and sports functionary Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. In the arsenal of my creative achievements are articles, reports, speeches on regional television. One of the sections of the peacekeeping initiative worked out in 2000 in February of this year was heard from the lips of US President Barack Abama - plagiarism out of ignorance.
As soon as it is possible to merge the scientific and theoretical research of Ivan Pashuk with the abilities, resources and will of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, then further plans and practical steps will be outlined by themselves. Planet gasp!
At the moment, the slogan "Russia - forward!" in people who are not zombified by a TV box, it evokes woeful sarcastic laughter. This clearly protracted nightmare will be brought to an end. Forever, forever. So the prophet Ilf was destined. You just need to learn how to read Ilf with Petrov. It is necessary to understand and accept, at least in a small way, such a colossus as an intelligent cosmos.

P.s. Kirsan Nikolaevich! You are not the first of the creators, amateurs, researchers of "12 Chairs", "Golden Calf", with whom the cosmos deigned to perform mind-blowing tricks.
Do not be too lazy to type in the search engine "Evgeny Petrov, New Zealand, double, Sevastopol, aviation accident."
I, who was born in Sevastopol and lived in Odessa, also had a chance to sip a lot. Contact with intelligent space is the hardest test. And a big, incomparable responsibility.


State Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev (LDPR) sent an appeal to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with a request to sort out the contacts of the head of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, with aliens, writes.

After listening to Ilyumzhinov's interview given by him on Vladimir Pozner's program, in which the head of Kalmykia tells how a memorable meeting with aliens took place on September 18, 1997, Lebedev became worried. He decided that Ilyumzhinov was hiding something and actually handed over "secret information" to the humanoids, and not just walked around their ship, as he claims.

In addition, Lebedev decided to ask the president: what if someone from the Russian government, regional leaders or other officials also communicated with aliens, and the public still knows nothing about this.

From the appeal of Deputy Lebedev to the President of the Russian Federation:

"Dmitry Anatolyevich, I ask you to help me sort out this issue, since Mr. Ilyumzhinov will not be able to help you answer additional questions, such as:
- How did communication with humanoids affect the performance of their duties?
- Did representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations ask Mr. Ilyumzhinov about any nuances of his professional activity (and if they did, what kind of "testimony" did he give)?
I also ask you to inform me whether the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia reported to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation about his contacts with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. Is there an established procedure for informing the highest officials of the country about such contacts for persons who are carriers of classified information, to which Ilyumzhinov belongs?
- which other leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, members of the government and other government officials communicate with aliens?
Dmitry Anatolyevich, you will agree that if Mr. Ilyumzhinov is not disingenuous, then his information is historically important. If you consider it possible, then I ask you to inform the deputies of the State Duma about your withdrawal."

Recall that Ilyumzhinov spoke about the details of his meeting with aliens while visiting Vladimir Pozner as part of his program. He clarified that one can relate to this in different ways, but "I believe in it, I talked with them, I saw them." In addition, he has witnesses: "I probably would not have believed it if there were not three witnesses: my driver, the minister, my assistant."

He explained that he had arrived at the Moscow apartment on Saturday evening, read a book, watched TV, was already falling asleep, but then he felt that the balcony had opened and someone was calling. When Ilyumzhinov approached the balcony, he saw a translucent pipe there, and entered it. Inside were people in yellow space suits.

They communicated with humanoids at the level of thought, "because there was not enough oxygen." The aliens turned out to be friendly, gave a tour of the ship and let go. They stated that they were not yet ready to meet with the rest of humanity, so they did not come into direct contact.

Belief in aliens would make life on Earth much better, according to the Russian Geographical Society

At the end of April of this year, shortly before Ilyumzhinov’s frank interview was aired, Evgeny Litvinov, Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO), gave a sensational interview to Moskovsky Komsomolets, where he said literally the following: “Who can prove that aliens are not I think that they have been among us for a long time, and if everyone believed in this, life on Earth would become much better! He stated that the card index of the Russian Geographical Society has already accumulated "more than 20 thousand evidence of direct or indirect influence of aliens on our lives."

Elena Babich, head of the LDPR faction in the St. Petersburg parliament, also likes to talk about her encounters with aliens. According to, as a second-year student, young Babich had an internship in Astrakhan - she picked tomatoes. One evening, after a shower behind the barracks, an 18-year-old girl had a vision: a huge silver ball floating in the sky, followed by an iridescent mother-of-pearl trail.

From such a spectacle, Babich, in her words, "passed out", she woke up a few hours later in the same place: at the shower behind the barracks. True, unlike Ilyumzhinov, she did not have any witnesses: "It is a pity that then I was alone and no one could confirm the appearance of the aliens. The rest of the guys told me that they had not seen anything."

Babich did not abandon her connection with everything extraterrestrial, becoming a deputy. In October last year, she was engaged in the expulsion of the spirit of a deceased woman from the building of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Many employees in wet weather or in the rain saw a translucent silhouette of a lady dressed in the fashion of the early 20th century in front of the Pompeii corridor, Babich said. According to the people's choice, this woman was killed in the palace in 1903. A Siberian sorceress helped with advice in the expulsion of the spirit, and the Nenets shaman confirmed the fact of the expulsion.