The walking dead for android. The Walking Dead: Season One is an action quest based on comics. Why it is worth downloading the Walking Dead: Season One for android

The game is an action game based on comics. Controlling the game is simple, the plot is exciting, the graphics are unusual, the soundtrack is just super.

May catch glitches on some devices. The legendary game The Walking Dead: Season One was created according to the motives of the comics, the main characters of which are zombies. In total, 2 years have passed since the release of the game until it was relocated to Android devices. Previously, the game could be played on consoles, iOS and PC. This story is about how the zombies began the countdown of the last days of the earth, and people tried to survive in this unequal struggle. The fun and powerful game has won numerous awards including Game of the Year at the Video Game Awards. The description of the story comes from the person of the prisoner Lee Everett. The game begins with the fact that for the murder of a man, the protagonist is just taken to prison. The accident helps Lee find his freedom and take refuge in one of the nearby houses. There he meets Clementine. This is a little girl who will become the second heroine of the game.

Movement in the game is very simple: you just need to use virtual joysticks and gestures that are responsible for communication and interaction with objects. For the most part, the game consists of particularly interesting non-linear dialogues. Their outcome determines the further development of events. You can choose whether you will play on the side of the dark or light forces, will save people or kill them.

The plot of the game The Walking Dead: Season One for Android - these are separate episodes; their discovery takes place inside the game. In time, each of them takes about 45 minutes. You can complete the first episode for free, however, it will also act as the hook with which you can get hooked on the game. Personal feelings allow us to assert that the game is several times superior to the series for which it was created.


The exciting game The Walking Dead: Season One for Android has long been an expected novelty for owners of mobile devices. The plot of this adventure is based on the very popular TV series The Walking Dead.

Why is it worth downloading The Walking Dead: Season One for android?

The fates of the two heroes are strangely intertwined: the criminal Lee Effert and the little girl Clementine. And they were connected by a terrible event - the coming apocalypse. They will have to become the central persons of developing events. And no matter how they cope with many of the problems and obstacles that arise in their path, it depends on the player.

Due to the peculiarities of the graphic design, the game also strongly resembles a well-known comic book, and familiar characters are everywhere.

The gameplay in The Walking Dead: Season One for android is presented by the developers as a movie, but its peculiarity is that the person himself can influence the development of the plot, participate in dialogues, and make important and fateful decisions.

To perform certain actions during the game, it is proposed to press a certain button. With one click, you can influence the further development of events.

The developers have foreseen a lot, so for each resolution and graphics accelerator, you can download your version of the game for free.

The Walking Dead: Season One- Well, finally, something worthwhile howl for android, meet a great adventure game about the "walking dead" which was developed for us by specialists from Telltale Games. The game was developed based on the famous comics by Robert Kirkman, who personally advised the developers on all incomprehensible issues. The game cannot be attributed to one genre, here is something between a quest, an adventure and an action. The game turned out to be very successful and interesting, the graphics are just at the highest level.

The main character, in the first of five episodes, is Lee Everett. Lee, the man who was caught by the police for his dark deeds and was taken in a car to the police station, but suddenly their car was attacked by bloodthirsty zombies. A serious and very bloody struggle began from which our hero emerges victorious. In the bloody battle, Li received multiple injuries, his entire face was smashed, and his body was covered in blood. Trying to find refuge for himself, Lee meets with a little girl named Clementine, now the situation is even more aggravated, because in addition to saving his life, he must also protect the girl. And now they are practically alone in a world in which death, zombies and any other evil spirits rule, and in which they have to survive.

Traveling through the gloomy streets, our heroes will meet minor characters - these are the same disadvantaged souls as themselves, but some of them will be hostile. Sometimes the player will have a very difficult choice - to kill or not to kill the character. You need to make the right choice, because life is life, and the people in it are desperate, a recently pardoned character can grab a weapon and kill Everett. The game is very well thought out, you don't need to shoot left and right. Of course, there will be different situations in which it will be necessary to massively destroy the "walking", but basically you will overcome all the dangers very carefully and quietly, so as not to attract zombies. In general, you constantly need to think, you need to distract the "zhivoglotov" with the help of various tricks. The game is frightening and very bloody, the zombies in it look like in the TV series - they are real walking corpses with broken jaws and bones, rotting flesh and with open bellies. Believe me, it's rather creepy ... You can download The Walking Dead: Season One after this review, there you will find versions for different video accelerators, as well as a cache. Yes, we can download the full version of the game, which means that all five episodes in the game are open.

Unrealistically cool action game in which you can go through a very long storyline company, consisting of several seasons. You can download The Walking Dead: Season One on android to take part in an interesting story. This is a unique series that was created by the great Kirkman, where the protagonist is Lee Everett. This hero was a convicted criminal, but he will again get a chance to survive and improve his position in society. When the zombie apocalypse came to Earth, he became the only one who can now fight the undead and save the universe and humanity from fierce monsters.

It is imperative download The Walking Dead: Season One for android and take part in the craziest action game with an original plot and the following features:

  • Huge open world, recreated in cool realism and high-quality three-dimensional graphics;
  • A huge number of story missions that can be completed among great heroes and an atmosphere equal to the bestseller;
  • A huge number of exciting episodes;
  • Many different monsters recreated in realistic graphics and style;
  • A wide range of weapons, including rifles, machine guns and explosives.

Apocalypse Survival Action

The moment the corpses came back to life, you had to stand up to survive and try to finish with the enemies. Enjoy all the realism and epic character of this gameplay. Have an incredibly cool experience in such a wild atmosphere and go through a huge number of episodes. This unique action game, which previously could only be played through a personal computer, but now you can go through this campaign from your mobile device. Get a realistic experience from this gameplay and some of the original episodes will need to make decisions.