Clamps for wiring. How to pave telephone and television cables. Walls of different density

In most cases, when the electrical wiring device is hidden under the layer of plaster. This method is more secure and reliable: after all, wires closed into the wall are reliably protected from mechanical impacts, moisture and corrosion. There is such a method of laying and cons - it will be impossible to transfer it to another place, and it will be difficult to determine the location of the cable in the absence of a scheme.

What first, plaster or wires?

When to make electrician wiring - before or after plastering? - This is a dispute between the electrician and plaster. For everyone, it is more convenient to first make it part of the work without any interference. But if you are repairing on your own, or it makes one master, then the procedure for action will be as follows:

    1. Your opinion, what is first?


  1. The walls are cleaned from the old finish. They draw lines for which wires, places of installation of peavering and sawn boxes will be held.
  2. Under thick wires and corrugations are paved (grooves) along the entire length to the outlet points: switches, sockets. The use of corrugated channels is required when the walls are made of combustible materials. Also, they are used to be able to pull out and replace the wires. Laying cables in the plaster is allowed without corrugations.
  3. Thin wires can be paved directly on the surface without sticking, if the layer of the plaster mortar will hide them.
  4. Next, the wiring is laid and fixed on the wall.
  5. Walls are plastered by or without lighthouses. The ends of the wires sticking out of the channels can be wind and close the film.
  6. After drying the walls, the perforator with the crown drill places for the socket, distribution and switches. This is done after plastering, because otherwise it is not clear to which depth they will be mounted.
  7. The final finish is made - wallpaper or decorative plaster. After that, outlets and switches are inserted.

But there is one point in favor of the fact that the entire electric car should be carried out after the walls are plastered. If the shoes are laid in the walls, it is much easier to do in a layer of plaster, for example, on the second or third day, when it is still not completely afraid. Stroke concrete or brick will take longer, and dust will be more.

Electrician installation rules

Compliance with generally accepted building standards and requirements - security and durability of wiring. Therefore, before you prepare the shocks in the wall under the cable, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the device of electrical installations (PUE). The location of the posting is determined by such items:

  • above 15-20 cm plinths;
  • below the ceiling and beams by 20-30 cm;
  • from corners at a distance of 10 cm;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bheating pipes, gas pipes with an indent of 50 cm.

This also applies to television cables.

Purchase wires better in the bays. In this case, the loops will be solid, and put the scrambled and insulated connections under the stucco.

The laying of electrical wires is carried out hidden in the walls, semi or corrugated pipes. When bookmarking in a non-flammable surface, including plaster, allowed by the absence of corrugations.

According to PUE, aluminum wires are allowed only with a cross section of 16 mm2 or more. Little section is only copper. This is due to the fact that aluminum has a greater electrical resistance than copper. With a large load, it heats up and can melt.

Depending on the laying conditions, the wires of the brand are used:

  • WEGNG: Sustainable ignition, non-combustible, for laying under the plaster;
  • VVGNG-LS: mainly under drywall, to protect against mechanical effects is placed in PVC box; Its analogue can serve as a gray cable NYN-LS with a layer of rubber, more expensive, easy to install, for the stroke is not too convenient, as it is not flat, but a round cross section;
  • PVS: stranded, white, is allowed to use only as an extension or when the electrical appliances are connected directly to the outlet.

In old electrical wiring, 2-, and in the new 3-core cable. Two-blockable chandeliers require 4 livers.

The masters "Sedino on the temples" remember how an open wiring was made thirty years ago, saw what changes were made in technology fifteen years ago and can compare with modern ways to lay open wiring. To make you compare with something and make it easier to make decisions, make a brief overview of all existing and existing methods.

It is now so beautifully called, but before it was the only option of open wiring. It was used not only in the bath, but also in residential premises. The wires were recorded on porcelain rollers-insulators.

For such wiring, electrical wires should only be single-core, cups are fixed at a distance of no more than ten centimeters plus one on each turn. Wires had to twist, and this is a long and tedious occupation. In addition, white insulation has become dusty and dirty for a short time, in it very often settled on a permanent residence of various spider bugs.

Today, open wiring described by the described method only large lovers of antiques that do not know what kind of it will have in a few years.

A more successful option, electrical cables were hidden in plastic pipes, which looked much better on the walls. In addition, plastic pipes served as additional protection against mechanical damage.

Disadvantages - the complexity of installation and regulatory service. Electricians are still remembered with how difficult it was to drag cables in pipes, especially if there were turns.

Often the pipes passed out, and after pulling the cables to join the couplings. Another significant drawback is great difficulties during the production of repair work. Due to the low cost, open wiring in plastic pipes is quite often used today.

Open Wiring in Channel Cable

According to most professional electricians - the best option of open wiring. Essentially, it can be called only on cable laying technology, in appearance it is little reminded of familiar options, rather it can be called semi-open.

Manufacturers produce a huge amount of options both by the number of cables and in the method of fixation, overall size and the availability of additional fittings. Benefits include ease of installation, durability, operation of operation, universality of use, the presence of numerous special additional accessories. Additional elements solve issues with internal and external corners, turns, connections of sockets, switches, mounting boxes, etc.

It is on this type of open wiring to focus in the article. Before you directly consider the fixation of cable channels, you should learn a little about their varieties and technical capabilities.

Prices for Cable Channel

cable Channel

Channel species and features

Cable channels are classified for several important features.

At the location.Can be outdoor, parapety, plinth and trunk. The appearance of each category is maximally adapted to the installation site, can resemble a profile handle.
In color execution.There are bright, dark and with imitation of natural wood.
On linear dimensions.Designed for one, two, three or more cables. External dimensions range from 40 × 25 mm to 100 × 60 mm. Can have sharp or rounded corners and enlarged lid sizes. There are options with high lids, their shelves cover the internal channel elements over the entire height - the impression of the monolithic product is created. This not only improves the appearance of electrical wiring, but also increases its protected from the negative impact of external factors.
By the number of locks - with one or two locks.Two locks more reliably hold the cover from spontaneous discovery, exclude the possibility of deformation of the lid.
By manufacturing material.Plastic, steel and aluminum. Aluminum are coated with a polyethylene film under various wood species, perfectly combined with the existing interiors of the premises, but at the price are considered the most expensive option. Plastics do not support open burning, it is allowed to use such channels for laying cables to 1000 V.
According to the degree of protection against dust and moisture.Separate brands of plastic channels have the degree of protection of IP55, which allows them to be used in an open area and in rooms with high humidity rates, protects from multidirectional splashes with water. For a bath, this is a very important characteristic.

Video - how to choose and install cable channel

The main parameters during the selection of the cable channel are considered a cross section and the number of cables that are planned to be laid on the network. Of course, you need to pay for appearance, try to choose this option that would make the most harmonized with the existing interior of the bathrooms.

Installation stages Wiring in the cable channel

Step 1. Draw a plan for placing electrical networks, devices and equipment.

Take a few options, consider the possibility of increasing the power and the number of electrical fittings. Depending on the maximum total power of all electrical energy consumers, pick up the cable diameter. To facilitate the selection, follow Table number 1.

Experienced electricians do not keep all the meanings in the head, they only remember that 1 mm2 of the copper cable cross sections are designed for 1.3 kW of power at a voltage of 220 V, and 1 mm2 of the aluminum cable holds with the same current voltage of only 0.5 kW. Next simple arithmetic. If a cross section of 2.5 mm2 is indicated on the shell of the copper cable, then it can be used to connect current consumers with a total power of 2.5 × 1.3 \u003d 3.25 sq. Always round with a margin and use such a cable to a power of 3.0 kW.

Practical advice. For a bath, it is enough to buy an ordinary plastic box with dimensions of 40 × 25 mm, a cable is quiet, withstanding power up to 10 kW. In implementations there are cortices made under the ceiling plinth or floor plinth. A great solution, but it needs to be thought out before the finish finishing works of walls or sex. We recommend mounting the central wiring above the floor, and the conclusions under the lighting devices, mounting boxes, sockets and switches to do from below. But this is an amateur, you can use other options for mounting electrical wiring.

You must have both a general concept of electrical wiring starting from the introductory distribution shield and a separate scheme for each room of the bath.

Hardware fasteners Choose depending on the material of the walls. Under the tree, we need self-tapping screws, under drywall special hardware and under the brick dowels.

Each manufacturer of cable channels releases a wide range of challenges: internal and external angles, triangles, plugs, connecting couplings, mounting boxes, sockets, switches, etc. Carefully calculate the nomenclature and the total amount, we advise you to take several pieces to the reserve. They are a penny, it will ultimately be much cheaper than once again go to the store for the acquisition of missing elements.

Step 2. Make marking. For example, we will take a bath, which has completely covered the walls and the flooring is laid. Only one option of open wiring in cable channels remains over the walls. The wiring is better to do near the floor, in this case it is much easier to drill holes and secure the cable-channel. Working under the ceiling all the time with the elongated hands tedious and uncomfortable. Moreover, in the hands you have to keep a pretty heavy drill and a screwdriver.

Experienced electricians on the walls make marking only for mounting boxes, switches and sockets, cable channels are installed immediately without applying preliminary lines. Take a segment of the channel, put it to the wall, install the level (or on the side) level and adjust the spatial position. Next with one hand stick the box, and the two-handed drill drill holes in the bottom under hardware. It is quite difficult, you need not only to have experience, but also be able to optimally organize the installation process. We will tell you how to make a detailed marking of novice, it will help to avoid annoying mistakes.

Prices for methies

set of hardware

How to make the markup of cable channels

You need to have a hydraulic rope, a rope with blue, a ruler and a pencil.

Do not be afraid to use blue - baked lines will be closed by cable channel. Start the markup from the distribution panel, while at the same time consider not only the characteristics of the cables and the placement of sockets, mounting boxes, switches, etc., but also layouts and the purpose of the premises.

Marking and calculations are made, you can start the installation.

Step 3. Fastening cable channels. Methods The fastening depend on the material of the manufacture of walls and the material of the finish cover. Consider in detail each option.

Prices for the level of construction

construction level

Fastening Cable Channels to Plasterboard Plates

Plasterboard plates consist of two layers of paper, between which plaster is located. The material is relatively new and is very popular among professional construction companies - it is easy to work with it, it is very technological, etc. But consumers cannot say about this material so many good words - the strength of plasterboard plates is below any criticism. Remove the paper from drywall and it will turn out, any tangible effort on plasterboard does not remain without visible surface damage. Accordingly, it is quite problematic to fix the cable channels to this material. Apply screws (albeit special) no sense. It is at the time of screwing a little "overdo it", how the carving in the gypsum scrolls and the strength of the fastening approaches zero.

We recommend using only plastic cable channels on such walls, the use of aluminum is very undesirable. Fix plastic needs liquid nails, in the most responsible places you can additionally use special screws.

Practical advice. Due to the fact that plasterboard plates have a decorative finishing coating, it must be checked for adhesion with liquid nails. Not all types of paints and not all types of wallpapers are suitable for gluing. At first, in some secluded place, glue a small piece of plastic box and in a day check the strength of gluing. Everything is fine - you can use this technology.

Liquid nails put on the box on the reverse side with a thin layer, the application strip must be wave-like to increase the clutch area. The glue should be exactly so much so that it does not play the perimeter during pressed the cable channels. To increase the reliability of the attachment, you can additionally fix with self-draws.

Fastening Cable Channels to Brick Walls

A complex and time-consuming option, you need to use a dowel. The advantage of the dowels is high reliability, but in our case no tangible physical exertion on the channels foresees, the advantage becomes unnecessary, and large labor costs remain. How to fix the cable channels on the dowel?

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bChannel Workpiece Cut into place of fixation, drill on metal Drill in the bottom of the hole at a distance of 15 ÷ 20 centimeters. Holes drill carefully, in the wall you need to deepen only the end of the drill. In this way, simultaneously make labels of the installation of dowels on the channel and the wall.

  2. Take the channel, change the drill on the winner, switch the drill from the drilling mode to perforation mode. Winning drill Make holes under the dowel.

    Important. Drill carefully, correctly pick the diameter of the drill. It should be several tenths of millimeters less than the dymeter of the plastic element of the dowel. This element must enter a hole with a small force.

  3. Cut the plastic cable channel, align the holes in it and the wall, insert the plastic elements of the dowels, score metal dowels.

If the wall is uneven, then choose places to drill holes on convex areas, thus it will be possible to avoid the visible deformation of the channel cable. Missed - not a problem. Most metal dowels have threads, they can be unscrewed a little, weaken the force of pressed against the wall and thereby correct the deformation that appears.

In all areas of cutting or docking individual sections of cable channels, you need to fix additional connected elements. This is a general rule for all ways to fix cable channels.

Professional installers for fixing cable channels to brick or concrete surfaces use the pneumatic equipment and special nails. But the pneumatic equipment for nails is expensive equipment, acquire it for one bath inexpedient.

Prices for pneumatic nail gun

pneumatic novels Pistol

Fastening Cable Channels to Wooden Walls

For baths - the most common option, the mount is performed by self-drawn, the length of the self-samples is approximately 1.5 ÷ 2 centimeters. It is possible on a flat plane first drill holes in the cable channel at a distance of twenty centimeters, and then use them for fixing. So easier, but longer. If there is a practice of performing construction work, the screws can be screwed up at the same time in the bottom of the channel cable and the wall.

There may be problems during the laying of open wiring on the walls, upholstered lining. Boards Lining have a profile, mount the screws should be carefully. If the self-tapping screw hit the convex portion of the profile - excellent, you can completely delay it. If you have to twist the self-tapping screw to a concave part of the profile - do not tighten the screws until you stop, make sure that it does not break the linearity of the plastic channel.

We already advised to buy special challenges for passing external and internal angles, laying under right angles, tees, etc. All joints can be styled at a right angle, the slice may not be perfectly smooth. Patch elements will close problem areas, the connection will be beautiful, work is significantly accelerated. Cutting the plastic cable-channel can be with a metal with a special mounting scissors or a round-chloride machine (grinder) with a disc on metal.

And what to do, if for some reason there are no good items, how to cut the channel so that the connection does not get into the eyes?

First, use standard long channels, do not rush to cut them into pieces. You should always have all the segments at hand, among them you can choose the desired length and do not touch the whole. It will be necessary to shift in one way or another side for this to this or another side - there is nothing terrible.

If you need a long time to store purchased cable channels, then put them on a flat plane, do not allow direct sunlight on them. Over time, all plastics under the influence of sun rays are darked and losing plasticity. Do not believe the advertising of manufacturers about "complete sustainability" to UV rays due to modern technologies, various innovative additives do not protect plastic from such effects completely, but only slow down the processes of physical aging.

Mounted Cable Channel

How is it right - Strain or Shtroba? Not one decade builders and electricians argue over this issue and cannot come to a common opinion. Although the second option is used more often. Shtroba is a specially done groove in the wall for laying engineering and electrical communications. With respect to electrical networks, this method gives the main advantages - the wires are completely hidden, the interior is not disturbed, protected from mechanical impacts. Make a stroke, especially in concrete, not so simple. For this purpose, a perforator, a grinder (corner-grinding machine), strokesis is used. But it is equally important to secure the wire in the stroke.

There are several ways to solve such a task. They are the topic of our article.


The cheapest way to fasten the wire in the stroke is to use any quick-drying solution: alabaster, gypsum, gypsum for drywall and the like. The fastening process is very simple and does not require an additional tool. Just trowel or spatula. A pre-diluted solution is applied to the laid in the groove. After a few minutes, the wire is firmly fixed. The method is slow. Since the solution is quickly folded, it must often be breeding. Yes, and fasten more than 2 wires in such a way problematic is quite problematic.


Fasteners are made in the form of a bracket that can be segged by a wire, scoring it into a pre-drilled hole. Dowel-clamps are provided under the fastening of the wire of a certain diameter. For example, in the range of our online store there is a dowel of black and white clamps under the cable diameter of 5-10 mm, 11-18 mm, 19-25 mm. Fasteners made of durable polyamide. The diameter of the opening for all types of dowels is 6 mm. You can attribute low versatility to the disadvantages of such fasteners - under different diameters of cables you need to select certain dowel-clamps.


Dowel-screed actually represents the combination of two types of fasteners - a dowel-nail and a cable tie under a dowel. In fact, it is an analogue of a facade dowel, only with reduced dimensions. It is very convenient to use them. In the previously drilled holes, a dowel-screed is inserted and fixed by driving a sloping cavalley. Fasteners are ready for "accepting" wire and its fixation with a screed. Convenient for both smuses and single cables.

Cable ties under the dowel

Nylon screed at the base of which there is a hole for fasteners. Installation is characterized by simplicity. The hole is drilled under the diameter of the fastener. Holes of the cable screed and base base are combined, after which they are clogged with a fastener. The screed is highlighted by universality, since almost any material can be the base base - concrete, brick, stone, wood, plastic. Accordingly, as a fastener can act both and self-tapping screws, screws, nails, screws

Plastic dowel under the tie

Fix the wire in the stroke is also very convenient with plastic. The dowel is made of durable polyamide. The head is made in the form of a rectangular opening. After driving, a cable screed of any length is inserted into the head hole, which firmly and reliably fixes the wire in the stroke.

Aluminum plates

Some electricians for fastening cables in the stroke are used pre-sliced \u200b\u200baluminum plates. The wires are rotated with a plate that is attached to the bottom of the dowel-nail to the bottom of the shine. This method is less technologically, it requires pre-cutting aluminum plates.

Methods of fastening

Any office and household electrical appliances actively used by modern consumers are connected to the network using wires. The latter needs to be safely and properly placed in the house or building, and then secure securely, thereby providing the durability of their operation.

There are several ways to mount the cable to the wall. The choice of a specific option depends on the features of the room and the type of electrical wiring, which can be open or hidden.

Cable Channels - the easiest way to fasten

In wooden residential buildings and buildings, household buildings, car garages, electrical wires are most often paced over the existing decorative lining of the walls. This technique is called open-ended. Fasteners in this case is performed using:

  • Special channels.
  • Insulators.
  • Clip.
  • Nail brackets.

The first method of fixing electrical conductors is most popular. To implement it, cable channels are used that have an affordable cost, an attractive appearance. Their independent installation does not require special skills. All work is carried out quickly and without serious difficulty.

Cable Channel is a plastic box of a certain size. It is allowed to lay one or several wires. Procedure with this type of fastener elementary:

  • On the wall place a plot for the installation of the box.
  • In the selected vertical surface places produce holes for high-quality fixation of the cable channel.
  • In the mini-openings made dowels insert (if the walls of the building are built of concrete, bricks or stone). In wooden houses, this step is passed.
  • The fastening of the plastic channel is performed.

Then in the wiring fixed on the surface, the wiring is placed and covered the cable-channel with a lid, which has special packages.

Other options for fixing wires with open electrical installation

Instead of cable channels, porcelain instead of cable channels are used in wooden shopping. They are additionally supplied with fastening bolt.

Porcelain products using self-samples are fixed on a vertical surface. Then the electrical wires are twisted in the harness and stretch from above to the insulator.

Cables are sold in specialized stores that are initially collected in one bundle. They do not need to be additionally twisted before use, which is very convenient for home masters.

Fastening the cable to the wall by means of clips is performed in cases where the wiring is placed in corrugated pipes.

If the vertical base is made of brick, concrete, the holes are pre-perforator in it. Dowels are installed in drilled holes. Pipes with electrical pipelines are fixed by clips.

With wooden walls, everything is much easier. No drilling holes required. Clip sufficiently fasten on the selected area using self-tapping screws.

Nail brackets in most cases are used for fixing to the walls of electrical cables of small sections, telephone and television wires, Internet lines. Such fasteners are made of plastic. They are flat and round.

Reliably secure brackets on the walls allow carnations that are included with plastic products. This method of installation is ideal for cases when the wires are installed above the plinths in the apartment, the office or a residential building.

Methods for fastening cables with hidden wiring

If the installation of electric veins is performed under the plaster in special strokes, the fixation of the wires is carried out otherwise. The hidden layout is made by:

  • Dowel-Khomutov.
  • Homemade brackets.
  • Quick-drying mixture.
  • Mounting lipuchku.

Plastic dowel-products are characterized by simplicity of installation, low-cost and high reliability. They are designed for laying:

  • one wire (such elements are called clamps);
  • two or more cables (ties).

To install the clamp, drill a hole in the selected wall location. Drink a dowel. Run the cable. Similarly, a screed, which is additionally equipped with a sloped peg, is also mounted.

Homemade brackets are made from aluminum or galvanized fine steel in sheets. Fastener making simple:

  • The metal is cut into strips with a width of 12-20 mm, a length of 60-70 mm.
  • In the center of the obtained workpiece is done hole. It is installed in it screw.

Fastening the cable to the wall with the help of the bracket does not take much time. Procedure Next:

  • at the point of fixing the electric pipe drills a small opening;
  • a dowel is driven into it, and then the screw is installed;

The cable is located in the center of the independent bracket. It remains only to securely secure it with the ends of the metal blank.

Quick-drying mixtures and mounting velcro - dowels are not needed

If there is no desire to do in the wall of the hole, drive the fastening elements in them, the fixation of the cables is performed by plaster-based solutions or alabaster. Water added to the selected material. Stir the composition. It must have a pretty thick consistency.

The resulting solution with a spatula is superimposed on top of the cable laid in the stroke. The interval between the lumps of the mixture is withstanding in the range of 15-40 cm. Disadvantages of the technique:

  • The fixing composition from alabastra or chalk has to be prepared by small portions, as it works very quickly.
  • The impossibility of fastening a large number of cables (maximum - 2).

The last way to fix wires is focused on the most lazy. It implies the use of special lipuchku products, one side of which is equipped with self-adhesive ribbon. Such structures make it possible to mount cables on furnishing items (tables, cabinets), tiled and other smooth vertical surfaces.

A variety of fixation options allows self-taper masters to select the optimal way to arrange electrical wiring in your home, from which material it is not built.

If you need to organize any construction work, then you should not worry about choosing, suitable materials or tools, since the modern market is filled with everything necessary for such a goal. This also applies to fastening elements for various wires forming a circuit of electrical wiring.

But not everyone knows what fasteners are better, and we will try to help in this to deal with lovers of self-fulfillment of various installation work. Although, more, advanced masters will also be interested in familiar with some ways to create high-quality fixation of wires.

Now we will understand how it is advantageous to lay and consolidate the electrical wires in the room so that it is easy to create plaster walls, to close the used protesters from the side of the communications.

For this you need to remember only two rules:

  • It is necessary to lay the wires in the optimal places of the room, so that access to them and they did not interfere with any construction work;
  • A high-quality attachments for different types of wiring will be required to provide the duration of operation of the created communications.

Next, consider various types of fastening elements that provide durable wiring in any room. The assembly process may seem very simple, and this is true - so! But only in the case when everything is done correctly based on the knowledge of the electrician.

You should look at the photo fasteners of the wires to focus in their appearance, as it will minimize the possibility of an erroneous acquisition of a non-fastener.

The fact is that many of them are very similar, but are intended for various purposes. And they may not be suitable for an intended version of the wiring if not for this option is designed.

What fasteners can be used for electrical wiring?

Their list is quite extensive, but we will highlight the most popular types of fasteners for wires related to versions for open and closed mounting. Let's start with a hidden editing:


The most popular is a dowel clamp, since they are distinguished by simplified use and a small price.

But they are not difficult to get confused due to the abundance of various species, characterized by functional features and an external form.

The simplest version is considered to be "Clap". It is proposed on the basis of plastic and has zubrins at the ends, with a width of about 8 mm. The size along with the form can be selected, taking into account the need for creating high-quality mounting.

But the fixation is not too much reliable, since this fastener does not have a spacer part. Because of this, for wiring on the ceiling, such types are not used.

But the dowel clamps for fasteners have a spacer and are considered a more reliable product for the formation of high-quality wiring. The design is based on a plastic rod to use the hammer so that you can score fasteners deep into the pre-created socket.

What is the difference:

  • Withstand the load up to 8 kg of which enough for home electrical wiring;
  • Due to the retainer, power cables can be fixed, smooth versions of pipes and corrugations based on a diameter of not more than 32 mm.

Important: This type of fastener can only be used once so we recommend correctly placing points for its installation.

Installation site

The version with the title is the "installation area" is considered a hybrid option, since it includes the capabilities of the two discussed fasteners. Externally is offered in the form of a dowel based on the mounting head, which has the entrance to create a plastic or metal screed. Created by nylon or polypropylene

If a strong base was used, then it is distinguished by reliable fixation in the wall, which is due to a special shape of the rod. Due to this, you can consolidate one cable or several lines of wiring.

Important: If it is used on the street, you must make sure that protection against ultraviolet is impact. This will be written in the instructions for the product.

What is the difference between the fasteners for open installation?

They are applied after the repair being created if the electrician has not been carried out before it is completed. A similar mounting fastener is simplicity, but will require an increased level of attention and accuracy, since the wires will remain open to the eye and can spoil the design. Consider the main types:

Wires hidden in channels are most often used, since this option is distinguished by reliability, aesthetic beauty and a small value. Externally is offered in the form of a pipe with a rectangular shape and a removable outer part. It can be fixed with the help of various fasteners: screws, screws or nails.

After high-quality mounting, wires are placed in the inner cavity, which are covered with a lid. The market offers many different colors of the surface of the product, allowing you to fit it into any interiors.

Clips are used if the wiring is covered with polymer corrugation. But this species is distinguished by a sloppy form and is rarely used in residential premises, but on the basis of enterprises, shops and other institutions of this type, used often. Due to the special qualities of additional insulation, it is perfect for mounting on the street.

But sometimes it happens that based on the premises it is difficult to use one of the popular types of fastening. In this case, it is necessary to rely on special fasteners. These include metallic tape and aluminum tape.

Photo fasteners of wires