We are losing weight according to Kovalkov. Dr. Kovalkov's weight loss method. Proper nutrition: rules for preparing and combining foods, favorite foods

Most diets bring only temporary results, the extra pounds return quite quickly, but the stress suffered by the body during severe hunger strikes and sudden changes in diet can sometimes leave an irreversible negative imprint on our health.

The weight loss program developed by Dr. Kovalkov and tested by himself is therapeutic. By following this diet, you are guaranteed to lose excess weight smoothly, and most importantly, without harm to yourself.

Benefits of the diet

The principles of Kovalkov’s therapeutic diet are based on the basics of classical dietetics. Following a new diet in which you eat the right amounts of the right foods, while constantly moving, will allow you to lose up to 50 kg within six months. The doctor collected these well-known postulates and combined them in his unique technique, which has a number of advantages over traditional and popular diets:

  • The new diet is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the intestines and metabolic processes;
  • The presence of preparation and smooth transitions between stages of the diet eliminates the occurrence of stress for the body;
  • A balanced diet without restrictions is not accompanied by painful hunger and the subsequent desire to “catch up” on lost time;
  • The basis of the diet is low-glycemic foods; a slight deficit of carbohydrates leads to uniform burning of existing reserves;
  • The absence of fanatical calorie counting and a strict menu makes the process of dieting easy.

A varied menu and the absence of hunger make the process of losing weight throughout all stages comfortable and free of nervous tension. The abundance of fiber and vitamins in the diet cleanses the body of toxins and heals all tissues and cells.

The main principles of the new diet

Alexey Kovalkov quite aggressively criticizes popular diets and the modern approach to weight loss in general. The doctor is against mono-diets and other methods based on severe dietary restrictions. Such episodes not only harm the body, but also negatively affect our psyche: alternating hunger and subsequent “gluttony” over time lead to a stable food addiction, in which people begin to eat uncontrollably. Prohibitions give rise to desires, so Kovalkov’s technique is based on a smooth change in diet that does not lead to emotional stress.

Before you start going through the stages of the Kovalkov diet, you need to set yourself up accordingly:

  1. Understand why you are overweight. In most cases, the cause of this is excess nutrition, an unbalanced diet and lack of physical activity.
  2. Understand that no one - neither loved ones nor doctors - is responsible for your weight. No one will lose weight for you, this is your job and your distance.
  3. Understand that the result will not be immediate. If you strictly follow the rules of the method, you can get rid of 7-10 kg in the first month, but you need to try to maintain the new weight, following the principles of the new diet.

The term “diet” does not quite fit Kovalkov’s method: the new diet is not associated with strict restrictions and hunger strikes. In addition, the program is not short-term; in order to achieve the desired results and maintain them, it is sometimes necessary to adhere to the “therapeutic” menu for life. The new diet is based on several rules:

  • Exclusion of foods with light carbohydrates;
  • Increased amount of vegetables in the diet;
  • Replacing animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • After 18.00 you should eat in moderation.

Prohibited Products

Kovalkov’s diet is positioned as “free,” but the doctor recommends giving up a number of foods that can interfere with the positive dynamics of weight loss:

  • Beets and carrots;
  • Potato;
  • Wheat bread;
  • Any baked goods;
  • Sweets and sugar;
  • Corn;
  • Semolina;
  • Alcohol;
  • Salt;
  • Canned food;
  • Fatty meats and fish;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Spices.

These products contain animal fats, fast carbohydrates, as well as substances that promote the accumulation of moisture in tissues. Failure to include these elements in your menu will significantly increase the rate of weight loss.

Diet stages

Before you decide to follow the Kovalkov diet on your own, you must undergo a medical examination. Any change in diet can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, so you need to make sure that you do not have them. If you have any pathologies, you should lose weight under the supervision of a professional.

The author's methodology is divided into several stages, the order of which must be strictly observed. Each section of the distance plays an important role in the overall weight loss program and has its own nutrition plan aimed at stabilizing metabolic processes. In addition to changing the menu, the doctor requires physical activity from his patients. There is no need to visit the gym - just walk constantly, stimulating the acceleration of metabolism. Restrained loads from walking in the third stage of the program must be supplemented with strength exercises.

Preparatory stage

Any, even minor, change in diet is a great stress for our body. To avoid it, Dr. Kovalkov included a preparatory stage in the author’s program.

At the stage of preparation for the Kovalkov diet, it is necessary to gradually:

  • Say goodbye to bad habits;
  • Avoid high-carbohydrate foods, wheat bread;
  • Remove spices from the menu, as they stimulate the appetite;
  • Gradually begin to limit portion sizes;
  • Eliminate prohibited vegetables and grains from your diet.

Kovalkov’s diet begins with the transition to five meals a day. This regimen allows you to avoid the feeling of hunger, and therefore eliminate the risk of overeating associated with it. Almost all patients of the clinic perceive the preparatory stage as the most difficult, because now there is a serious restructuring of the usual diet to a therapeutic one.

Low-glycemic foods become the basis of the menu; the diet should now be dominated by vegetables (except potatoes, beets and carrots), fruits (except bananas), beans, greens and unprocessed grains. In the morning you can eat vegetable stew, washed down with unsweetened tea with lemon, for lunch - light soup with the addition of buckwheat, pearl barley or millet, for dinner - lean meat with fresh vegetables.

The purpose of the preparatory stage is to rebuild your diet and put it in the right direction. It ends after 2-4 weeks, when you fully adapt to the new food.

First stage

The advantage of the Kovalkov diet is that you can eat permitted foods in any form: vegetables can be eaten raw, steamed, baked in the oven; Cereals can also be boiled or steamed with boiling water. Overall, you can combine them in different ways to show off your culinary talents.

The peculiarity of the first stage is the minimum content of animal protein in the diet, that is, we do not yet consume meat, poultry and fish. You can get important amino acids from mushrooms or legumes. What can you eat at the first stage of Kovalkov’s program? You can eat:

  • Minimally processed grains (it is better not to cook cereals, but to brew them with boiling water);
  • Egg whites (yolks should not be eaten because they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fats);
  • A handful of nuts per day;
  • Vegetables with a low glycemic index;
  • Unsweetened fermented milk products;
  • Low-fat cheeses;
  • Skimmed milk;
  • Bran (this is the main “ingredient” of the first stage, you need to consume up to 100 grams of it per day);
  • Fruits (it is especially important to eat apples, as they help cleanse the intestines).

There is no need to completely give up animal fats, since they are important for the absorption of calcium. It is permissible to consume up to 30 grams per day; you will get this amount in abundance with fermented milk drinks and cheeses.

The first stage of the Kovalkov diet lasts from 2 to 8 weeks. Meals during this period are five times a day, the volume of portions is strictly adjusted so that you do not overeat and at the same time do not feel hungry. In addition to a modified diet, you should provide yourself with something to drink (preferably clean water), and also take daily walks at a comfortable pace. It is recommended to download a pedometer to your phone and gradually increase the load to reach 16,000 steps per day by the end of the first month.

If the duration of the preparatory period was sufficient to adapt to the absence of fast carbohydrates, there will be no serious problems in the first phase of the diet. If you enter the program incorrectly, patients note manifestations of a kind of “withdrawal”: irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbances. Similar symptoms may occur in some people due to the lack of animal protein in the diet: at the initial stage, the level of breakdown products of burned fats in the blood increases, which leads to mild intoxication.

You can smooth out the manifestation of negative symptoms by providing yourself with aerobic exercise, especially on sunny days. Also, the doctor prescribes L-carnitine to patients at the Kovalkov Clinic to maintain general condition and to activate fat burning processes in muscle tissue.

To make it easier for you to decide on a diet for the entire initial stage, focus on the sample menu for the first week. In the subsequent period, you will need to select products for your diet that are close in value to those listed below:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Green apple and 200 grams of nuts Broccoli and cauliflower soup 200 ml kefir and whites of 2 boiled eggs
Tuesday 50 grams of bran doused with kefir Fresh vegetable salad with herbs Vegetable stew made from green beans, zucchini, broccoli and eggplant
Omelette with tomatoes Cottage cheese casserole Baked eggplants and peppers
Thursday Cucumber and young cabbage salad Stewed zucchini, glass of kefir Homemade yogurt, 100 g nuts
Friday Green apple Vegetable puree soup A fresh vegetable salad
Saturday Omelette Whites of two boiled eggs, tomato Vegetable stew of broccoli, peppers and zucchini
Sunday Whites of two boiled eggs, 200 ml homemade yogurt Vegetable puree soup with herbs, nuts Stewed white cabbage

In the first week of the diet, you need to start the process of normalizing your intestines. Most products should act in this direction. In addition to the main meals, you should decide on the optimal time for two snacks: if you feel a little hungry, you should drown it out by eating bran or a green apple.

Second phase

Upon completion of the “cleansing” stage, it is necessary to move into the phase of metabolic restructuring. During the second period of the diet, the menu changes again; for patients at the Kovalkov Clinic, the diet is compiled according to an individual program, according to personal reaction and speed of adaptation.

The beginning of the second stage in women necessarily correlates with the cycle - it is necessary to move into a new period of the Kovalkov diet strictly from the progesterone phase, so that it is easier for the body to adapt to the activation of metabolic processes.

The main thing at the second stage is not to interfere with the natural processes of metabolic restructuring, save your energy and do not increase the intensity of the load, let it remain at the previously achieved level. But it is not recommended to reduce physical activity: your muscles should work, as before, every day. To prevent your body from experiencing unnecessary stress, create a daily routine that includes meals, rest, and walks. Strictly and relentlessly follow the created regime, because any changes in the schedule will lead to failures in metabolic processes.

In the second stage, animal proteins are returned to your diet. You should introduce them into your menu carefully and little by little, so as not to cause intestinal disruption. In addition to lean meats, as well as sea fish and poultry, you can now eat:

  • Cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower);
  • Fruits (green apples, pears, citrus fruits);
  • Greens (spinach, lettuce, parsley)
  • Onion;
  • Garlic;
  • Berries (blackberries, lingonberries, blueberries, viburnum and rowan);
  • Nuts (almonds, pine, walnuts);
  • Fermented milk products with reduced fat content;
  • Bran;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Seafood (mussels, shrimp, squid);
  • Whites of boiled eggs;
  • Mushrooms.

The second stage of the Kovalkov diet is also called “cruising”; it can last up to a year. During this period, against the background of accelerated metabolism, a smooth and guaranteed loss of excess weight occurs. You teach your body to live in a new way, and it gradually adapts to new conditions.

When creating a menu for this period, rely on the following recommendations given in the table:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Low-fat cottage cheese and dried fruits Boiled chicken breast, vegetables Baked trout with vegetable salad
Tuesday Champignon and shrimp stew Baked rabbit with greens and cucumber salad Whites of two boiled eggs, grapefruit
Low-fat cottage cheese and orange juice Baked or Stewed Peppers Baked cod and orange
Thursday Homemade yogurt, 200 g nuts Chicken vegetable soup Steamed beef patties, spinach and cucumber salad
Friday Fruit smoothie Baked fish cutlets and champignons Stewed rabbit, glass of kefir
Saturday Low-fat cottage cheese with fermented baked milk A fresh vegetable salad Stuffed peppers
Sunday Tea and green apple Chicken stew with stewed vegetables Mussels with vegetables, orange juice

If during the second stage of the Kovalkov diet weight loss has stopped, it is necessary to give the body a kind of shake-up by arranging a fasting day. There's no need to go hungry - just cut your portion sizes in half to boost your metabolism. On a fasting day, it is recommended to eat foods with slow carbohydrates and protein - cereals, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. Such reboots of metabolic processes should be carried out no more often than once every 2-3 weeks.

Third stage

The final phase consolidates the achieved results. Now you can gradually introduce sweets and wine into your diet, while continuing to adhere to the standard program menu. The list of permitted products also gradually includes:

  • Cereals (rice, millet);
  • Dairy products (fat milk, cream);
  • Egg yolks;
  • Vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots);

  • Consume sweets, fruits and foods with fast carbohydrates in the morning. Then this light “pampering” will not leave an imprint on your figure: if you follow the physical activity that has become habitual for you, all the extra calories will be spent by lunchtime.

    You need to start moving to the third stage of the Kovalkov diet when you reach a comfortable weight. Now you are already quite familiar with your body and the mechanisms that occur with it, and you have also learned to live in a new mode that has become familiar to you. Knowing the basics of proper nutrition, you can now easily create a balanced menu that will allow you to maintain the results achieved and consolidate them. You still need to control the glycemic index of the foods you eat, their fat content, and also maintain the same intensity of aerobic exercise.

    Gradually, you can moderately supplement your menu with the “previous” products: sweet pastries, butter, baked potatoes, but you are unlikely to want anything from the “forbidden” list. As patients at the Kovalkov Clinic note, after the final stage of losing weight, eating habits change once and for all. If necessary, you can increase the portion size slightly, while avoiding overeating.

    Quitting the diet

    There is no process of leaving the Kovalkov diet as such: you yourself will not want to return to your previous diet, since foods harmful to your body will bring you some discomfort: digestive problems, the return of extra pounds, swelling, etc.

    But Dr. Kovalkov still gives certain recommendations regarding lifestyle after achieving the desired result:

    • Do not consume sugar, fatty and high-calorie foods;
    • Continue to adhere to five meals a day;
    • Do not eat fried foods - all foods should be boiled, cooked in a slow cooker, steamed, oven or grilled;
    • Maintain the intensity of physical activity at the achieved level.

    The Kovalkov diet is an effective technique that allows you to achieve tremendous results. The doctor personally experienced it on himself, losing 70 kg of excess weight forever in 7 months, after which he decided to teach those around him to work on themselves and negotiate with their body. This diet is long-term and requires a certain regimen, but it brings guaranteed results without harm to health.

Over the past three years, Alexey Kovalkov’s proprietary method of losing weight has gained enormous popularity: a doctor from Russia has collected the basic values ​​of the classic diet. Eat the right food in normal quantities, drink enough pure water, lead an active lifestyle... These simple principles are probably known to those who have ever been on a diet. However, it was Kovalkov who was able to put all these “cogs” of proper weight loss into a single mechanism, which helped him himself lose more than 50 kilograms in 6 months!

Today, a nutritionist from Russia, who has a medical degree of Doctor of Science, is, according to top media outlets, one of the most sought-after doctors in Moscow. Kovalkov is known to many viewers of Russian television channels - he gives advice on healthy eating and weight loss in famous television programs and talk shows.

Just 10 years ago, the doctor was unlikely to be able to make a proper impression on TV viewers who dreamed of getting rid of the hated kilos, because he himself was a man “in the body.” This was precisely the trigger that forced the practicing doctor, who graduated from the Pirogov Medical University, to begin to become interested in creating nutritional standards that are complete from a medical point of view. Dr. Kovalkov independently tried weight loss using his own method, the results of which were true confirmation that it works.

In just six months, Kovalkov lost 52 kg!

Having created, based on his amazing experience, one of the most thoughtful and safe diets for the body, Kovalkov became the founder of a clinic where, under his mentorship, several thousand people achieved significant results in losing weight. The doctor also outlined the essence of his method in 2 books - “Lose Weight Smartly!” and “Beating the Weight.” Based on the large number of positive reviews on the Internet and the growing interest in Kovalkov’s system, many people were able to lose weight and change their habits by following the instructions of these books.

Why is the diet so good and what is its essence?

The Kovalkov method really has a number of significant advantages over others:

  • the point of the diet is to normalize the metabolic processes of the whole body, and not to forcefully lose extra pounds;
  • a special food consumption regime allows you to eat any, but moderate amount of food, which is why those losing weight do not suffer from an eternal feeling of hunger.

Thanks to this, Dr. Kovalkov’s weight loss system is included in the list of the best and most effective diets in the world. So, what are its principles? And what helps her not to give up her positions for so many years?

By adhering to these simple rules, you can lose weight already at the very beginning of the diet. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the initial weight, in the first month you can get rid of 5–10 kg, in the second - another minus 2–5 kg. Usually, after 3 months of following the principles of nutrition according to Kovalkov, the weight either stabilizes or continues to lose approximately 1–2 kg monthly.

If the excess weight of the person losing weight is more than 30 kg, then going on the Kovalkov diet without face-to-face consultation with a specialist is not recommended.

How do other doctors feel?

Since the diet has many contraindications, it is recommended to obtain permission from your physician before starting it. Perhaps the doctor will give valuable advice regarding the nuances of the diet so that you can lose weight comfortably without causing harm to your health

Russian nutritionists generally have a positive assessment of Kovalkov’s diet and say the following:

  1. This weight loss system is the most effective compared to other methods. The percentage of weight lost varies from 10 to 30% of total body weight, which in kilograms looks really impressive.
  2. The technique cannot be praised only for rapid weight loss. Thanks to the fact that a balanced diet is used, consisting of easily digestible foods, those losing weight receive the necessary set of nutrients throughout the day without feeling hungry. Thus, there are practically no failures from the diet; moreover, patients usually get used to this eating regimen and adhere to it throughout their lives.
  3. Doctors noted that, in addition to relieving weight loss, starting from stage 3 of the diet, the health of the gastrointestinal tract significantly improves, mood improves and sleep normalizes.
  4. The only disadvantage that Kovalkov’s colleagues noted is the fact that a person must have willpower, because only a person seriously focused on results can stick to the diet for the prescribed period.

Contraindications you should be aware of

Dr. Kovalkov notes that following the diet is contraindicated for the following categories of people:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • diabetics of both types of the disease;
  • patients with stomach ulcers;
  • cancer patients;
  • people with hormonal disorders;
  • patients with gastritis;
  • those suffering from hypertension;
  • those suffering from cholecystitis, liver and kidney diseases;
  • having chronic diseases;
  • sick with a cold due to weakened immunity.

The principles of healthy eating are already laid down by doctors in the daily routine of a pregnant woman, so she does not need any additional diets

Due to the fact that Kovalkov’s method helps restore metabolic processes, the body of a person losing weight begins an independent fight against extra pounds.

Rules for losing weight

Here's what Kovalkov advises:

  • drink at least 1.5–2 liters of clean water per day, and do this before meals, and not after (it’s best half an hour before meals and at least 1.5 hours after);
  • be sure to eat small meals;
  • give preference to plant protein, without completely abandoning animal food;
  • find yourself a hobby so as not to sit idle and try to occupy yourself with eating delicious food;
  • eat only steamed or boiled food, and consume vegetables only fresh;
  • give up semi-finished products, smoked products, dishes with various flavoring additives and preservatives;
  • exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • try to focus on eating vegetables, fruits, dairy products and berries;
  • do not drink too cold water, because after this you usually want to eat even more;
  • per day you can drink up to 4 cups of green tea or natural coffee, of course, without adding sugar;
  • salt is allowed, but in moderation.

Switching to a new diet may cause temporary stomach upset, changes in taste preferences, and loss of appetite.

Let's lose those extra pounds!

Don't forget about the calorie content of the product. So, dried apricots or prunes have a low glycemic index, but the calorie content is noticeable, so eating them endlessly in an attempt to “lose tasty weight” is definitely not worth it

Food Glycemic Index Tables

Oils and sauces
Fruits and berries
Fish and seafood Other products
Vegetables, root vegetables, mushrooms
Drinks Meat and meat products
Cereals and flour products Fermented milk products

First stage

The main task at this stage is to normalize metabolic processes in the body. In 2 weeks you need to learn to eat very small portions 5-6 times a day. Moreover, you need to exclude lunch from your meal regimen.

Drink water before meals so that the concentration of gastric juice does not change.

An approximate diet at stage 1 of Dr. Kovalkov’s method is as follows:

  1. Breakfast. After waking up, drink 1 glass of water. After 30 min. eat some nuts (as much as will fit in your palm), wash down with a glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.
  2. Before 17:00 you need to eat 30–50 g of bran, 3 apples and any amount of fresh vegetables. You can drink water, tea and coffee without sugar.
  3. After 17:00, eat a bowl of salad dressed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  4. Before going to bed, eat 2 boiled egg whites.

List of products that are allowed to be consumed at stage 1:

  1. Pickles. Olives, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers (rarely and a little).
  2. Vegetables. Any varieties of cabbage (broccoli, cabbage and others), green beans, cucumbers and bell peppers.
  3. Nuts. Walnuts, pine and almonds.
  4. Beverages. Coffee, tea, still soda, water with lemon.
  5. Greenery. Herbs and seasonings, sorrel, lettuce, any onion, spinach, garlic, rhubarb.
  6. Dairy products. Cheese cheese, low-fat kefir (up to 1.5%), Adyghe cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without sugar.
  7. Roots. A little horseradish, radish, radish, turnip.
  8. Salad dressings. Apple cider vinegar, sunflower oil, olive oil.
  9. Dried fruits and fruits. Apples (enjoy every other day), grapefruits, dried apples.

Top products in the photo

It is not recommended to eat apples more than once every 2 days Olive oil is not only a dietary, but also a healthy product Radish is a very allergenic product Give preference to low-fat milk Do not get too carried away with garlic, this can affect mental activity Almonds are one of the lowest-calorie nuts Broccoli is the most healthy cabbage for dietary nutrition. Use in moderation!

Attention: products not included in the above list cannot be consumed. If you really want to, then once every 3 days you can allow yourself 1 piece of chocolate or 1 tbsp. l. cake.


The main task of this stage is to consolidate the results achieved in the first weeks and lose even more weight. Here lunch is already added and the list of acceptable foods is slightly expanded, but the weight will come off more slowly.

The diet for stage 2 remains the same, except that at lunch you need to eat 200 g of one of the following products:

  • meat (any);
  • Chicken;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese.

These products need to be alternated so that the body receives the required amount of animal and vegetable protein. Stage 2 has no time limits; you can stick to it until the weight suits the person losing weight.

In addition to the described nutritional rules, it is necessary to engage in physical exercise. The simplest thing is walking: on weekdays - 40 minutes. walking, on Saturday - an hour, on Sunday - two. This is minimal physical activity, without which the weight will not come off.

Thanks to walking, glucose is first consumed, then glycogen in the liver, and eventually the body begins to burn fat deposits. It is necessary to remember that after walking it is forbidden to eat carbohydrates, only proteins and fiber.

The list of products allowed at stage 1 is supplemented by the following:

  • Vegetables. Zucchini, rutabaga, eggplant, peas.
  • Berries. Some grapes, rose hips (fresh or dried), cherries, cranberries, currants, sea buckthorn, cloudberries, strawberries, rowan berries, raspberries, gooseberries, cherry plums, blueberries, cherries.
  • Fruits. Persimmons, apricots, plums, quinces, peaches, figs, pineapple, dogwood, pomegranate, pear.

What is added to the menu (photo)

Zucchini has less calories than eggplants. The healthiest seafood is mussels, crabs, shrimp, scallops and squid.
Pineapple can cause an allergic reaction Grapes are high in calories and have a high glycemic index

Attention: you can eat any amount of vegetables, fruits and berries, and the daily portion of meat, seafood and cottage cheese should not exceed 200 g.

Fasting day menu (once a week)

Note that at stage 2 the weight may “stand up”. This happens because the body is trying to maintain the body weight it is used to, so you need to do fasting days, but not more than once a week.

  • 7 boiled eggs;
  • 4 apples.


At this final stage, adaptation to the new way of life occurs. Here you can indulge in delicious food more often. But again, you need to strictly monitor your weight and the amount of food you eat.

You can add to the list of permitted products from stage 2:

  • bitter chocolate;
  • various cereals;
  • dry red wine (no more than 1–2 glasses per day).

What foods can be included in the diet (photo examples)

It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist or nutritionist to calculate your individual daily intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Once you have this information, you can calculate your portion sizes yourself.

The duration of the stage is 1–7 months. During this time, someone losing weight must learn to adhere to proper nutrition, and also become a master at preparing and choosing healthy food.

Pitfalls of each stage

Let's start with the fact that at the beginning of the Kovalkov diet, a “withdrawal syndrome” of fast carbohydrates and animal proteins often occurs, causing a person to experience real “withdrawal.” Therefore, in the first days the following symptoms often occur:

  • irritability;
  • prostration;
  • sleep disorder

To reduce these temporary troubles, Kovalkov recommends taking the following vitamins or medications (it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them!):

  • chromium preparations to reduce the feeling of craving for sweets;
  • a drug to support liver health based on milk thistle;
  • multivitamins of international GMP standard;
  • vitamin Q10 (also GMP standard);
  • L-carnitine.

Those losing weight often have very delicate problems at this second stage - constipation and a decrease in feces. However, there is no need to sound the alarm, because the amount of food consumed has decreased, and the intestines are still getting used to the new operating mode. At stage 2, the body begins to “respect” the food it receives, trying to squeeze out as many useful substances as possible from it.

Sometimes you can use a little prune to gently loosen the intestines.

Also, sometimes people experience a decrease in mental activity, which occurs due to a lack of complex carbohydrates. The second stage can be compared to a protein diet, but its advantage is that it contains plant fiber.

Where is the way out?

People on diets know that each of them involves a smooth exit, which allows them to maintain the result in the form of their dream figure. Fortunately, Dr. Kovalkov’s nutrition system can be used for a long period, so you can not leave it, but make it a lifestyle. But if such a need suddenly arises and you have to give up the diet, then you need to do it smoothly:

  1. Continue to eat according to the rules from stage 3, but gradually add foods that were not on the allowed list (1-2 per week).
  2. Eat 5 times a day, the last meal is no later than 20:00.
  3. Remember about the drinking regime (1.5–2 liters of plain water per day).
  4. After 18:00, do not eat complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, beans, grains, peas, lentils, potatoes, whole grain bread, fruits with a glycemic index above 60 - bananas, grapes, sweet apples, etc.).
  5. If you want to enjoy something delicious, then you should adhere to 1 rule: you do not need to eat sweets and fried foods more than 3 times a week.

In order to further consolidate the effect, Kovalkov advises to constantly engage in sports. After completing the diet, you can run only 3 times a week to keep your body in good shape.

What do people who have lost weight say? Reviews of results with before and after photos

Here are some reviews from real women who were able to lose weight using Dr. Kovalkov’s diet:

In just a year, I gained an extra 16 kg from size 44 to 52. The weight added to my age, I began to look like an aunt with size 5 breasts, cheeks like a hamster, a protruding tummy and cellulite. I started looking at diets and came to the conclusion that with my gastritis, gall and pancreas problems, I could only aggravate the situation. I was lucky enough to learn about Kovalkov’s book “Victory over weight” and watch a couple of “Family Size” programs. I consulted with a therapist I knew, ate too much of cakes and treats, and on December 1st I started a new lifestyle and decided to celebrate the New Year without being embarrassed about my figure. Every morning the scales pleased me -500 grams. A month later I was left without trousers, they fell off, and I lost 10 kg. Most importantly, the breasts, while decreasing in size, did not sag, but were firm and round thanks to my exercises and rubdowns. By February it was already -16 kg (although my husband was upset, because I would have to change a lot from my wardrobe). Now I have returned to a normal lifestyle, I don’t overeat, but there are no restrictions on anything, I haven’t gained a single extra gram in a month.

I have an incorrigible sweet tooth and forbidding myself to at least eat after 6 is unrealistic for me. Until the age of 18, the weight fluctuated between 50–53 kg. I was fine with that. But like many, at one bad moment I stopped taking care of myself and gained about 10 kg in a year. In the first photo the weight is approximately 63–65 kg. I heard about Kovalkov in the program. I saw how people who were much bigger than me were coping and losing weight, and I felt ashamed, am I really so weak-willed. this was the impetus. And another push was that it was summer and I couldn’t walk in a swimsuit, everything was hanging. During the day I studied all the details of the diet and started not on Monday, but right from the same evening, I went through 2 stages. The first stage of 2 weeks is the hardest, but it’s worth it, I lost 4.5 kg. The main thing that helped me with this diet is that you can eat in the evening; for the first 2 weeks there is no physical exercise other than brisk walking for 1 hour. And in the morning I allowed myself to eat a slice of dark chocolate with coffee, and this was enough for me in terms of sweets to last me through the day. Now I’m eating according to stage 2, I can eat a lot of things, from sweets now I only eat marmalade, marshmallows, dark chocolate, but it’s better in the first half of the day. My weight is 52 kg. So far I’m happy with it, the weight has been maintained for a year, and on holidays I eat whatever I want. I advise everyone who is losing weight to study the diet; it definitely won’t do any harm. I wouldn’t even call it a diet, it’s normal, healthy nutrition. Now, thanks to Kovalkov, I am happy with my figure. Start, and you will succeed too.

I’m studying stage 2 of the diet, getting ready... Here’s a rough description:
You can’t explain it in a nutshell...let’s try, BUT THIS IS ONLY THE BASIS!!!

In the morning, breakfast, as in stage 1: a glass of Activia, bran (at stage 2, bran is gradually reduced to 20-30 g per day), only almonds - 8 pcs.

Apples or grapes are left as a snack. But now other fruits are allowed EXCEPT bananas, grapes and oranges. Tangerines - occasionally.
Still one type of fruit per day!
Any carbohydrates only until 17 - 18.00.

You can use any vegetables except POTATOES, BEET, CARROTS.
Zucchini, eggplant, and pumpkin are not recommended.
Preferably fresh, and boiled or stewed no more than 2 times a week.
You can eat lentils, beans (any kind: green beans, legumes, just not canned ones, and remember that this is not a vegetable, but a vegetable protein, so you can, for example, replace chicken day with it, i.e. beans instead of chicken)

For vegetables, either cottage cheese, or fish, or chicken breast (white meat), each person calculates the quantity using the formula on page 177 of the Book.
One type of protein per day! Divide the daily protein intake into 2 doses! It is advisable to eat protein foods before 18:00, so that there are still 4 hours left before bed!
Start stage 2 with 3 cottage cheese days - for 3 days in a row we eat one type of protein - low-fat cottage cheese, all other prescribed foods remain.
Per week: 3 cottage cheese days, 2 fish days and 2 chicken days - alternate.
Occasionally you can have lean meat, for example, rabbit or lean beef, but only occasionally, during the KD - we need iron these days.
We can't eat liver (entrails) or liver - there are too many hidden fats. I’m generally silent about semi-finished products, all kinds of sausages.
It is better to steam meat and fish, or grill, or bake... occasionally fried, but it is better not in oil, but in a non-stick frying pan.

In the evening, a salad with a tablespoon of oil (olive should prevail in the diet, but it can sometimes be alternated with other vegetable oils). Oil separate from chicken and fish.

Leave the whites from 2 eggs overnight or use Protein Isolate instead - half a measuring cup!
If you don’t get enough protein, you can always compensate with isolate!

Soups are not advisable, in general they do not contribute to healthy digestion... but occasionally, if you can’t do without soup at all.....
just make sure you don’t add any potatoes or tomato paste, which contains sugar, by accident... and don’t put in any canned food (we can’t have any canned food), if you make it with broth, then it’s better to drain the first broth and skim off the fat from the surface. And no dice.

This is just a rough basis for the beginning of the 2nd stage...

(And another almost complete description):

In the morning, on an empty stomach: a glass of water and go for a walk. Move in an aerobic mode (see book) for 40 - 70 minutes.
After the walk, shower and eat nothing for two to an hour and a half!
You can only use bran and water.

Then breakfast:
It is advisable that the first breakfast consist of a protein isolate and bran cocktail.

After about one hour - a glass of Activia (or any low-fat kefir with bifido- or lacto-bacteria) without sugar, eight almonds, a handful of bran (or fiber). Add one capsule.

Lunch: The first three days of the second stage, you should eat cottage cheese for lunch (one pack of 180-200g. fat content up to 7%). Cottage cheese can be combined with vegetables and herbs. If you use zero-fat cottage cheese, you can add three dried apricots or three prunes or two figs, while removing one fruit from the daily diet.

From the fourth day of the second stage, at lunch we replace cottage cheese with 200-300 g of low-fat fish (cod, pollock, hake, etc.). The fish can be boiled, stewed or fried without the use of oil (over charcoal, in an air grill) . Only two fishing days.

You can safely use fatty fish (trout, salmon, etc.) for lunch, but do not use oil in the evening (in salad)! You have already exhausted your fat allowance. Vegetables, spices, herbs for fish without restrictions.
Fish can sometimes be replaced with seafood (shrimp, squid, etc.) in the same quantities.

After fish days, meat days begin. 200-300 grams of white skinless chicken meat (chicken breast). We eat chicken for two days. Vegetables and greens for it (as a side dish) are not limited.
Chicken meat can be replaced with rabbit meat, beef or veal. It is better to cook any meat stewed or boiled, but you can also grill it over charcoal (in an air grill, without using oil), or stew it with garlic and other spices. Meat goes as a side dish - fresh vegetables without restrictions (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce, radish, herbs, bell pepper, onion, garlic). You can use a couple of tablespoons of sugar-free sauce (make your own from tomatoes, garlic, herbs and black pepper).

Starting from the second week, you can determine the sequence of protein lunches yourself. The main thing is that the general proportion is maintained - three days of cottage cheese, two of fish and two of meat.
Lunch does not need to be divided into two meals, as we reduce the portion by enriching the diet with protein isolate. If you do not add isolate, then increase the portion of meat according to the calculation of the required protein (see the calculation principle in the book) and divide it into two doses. The same applies to cottage cheese and fish. At the same time, we regulate the amount of fat by limiting the oil in the evening (maximum - 30 g/day).

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad. One tablespoon of olive oil per serving. If you really want to, sometimes you can have 100-150 g of meat. (but the total amount of fat is no more than 20 - 30 g/day, taking into account the fat of protein products and the fat of nuts).
After the salad, take one capsule of Coenzyme CoQ10

Before bed: the whites of two boiled eggs.

During the day: up to 700 grams of any fruit except grapes, oranges, bananas. Fruits can be eaten immediately after protein isolate and evenly distributed throughout the day, until six o'clock in the evening. The main thing is not to eat them before (half an hour or earlier) a protein lunch. Drink 1.5-2 liters of raw water.

1. Eat fruits no later than half an hour before the main meal, or half an hour after it.
2. Chicken should be alternated with low-fat fish and low-fat cottage cheese. During the week there should be three cottage cheese days, two chicken days and two fish days. Fish can be replaced with an appropriate portion of squid or shrimp by weight.
3. In the evening at dinner (salad) you can drink half a glass of good dry wine (150-200 g).
4. The daily protein requirement is calculated individually for each person according to the formula given in the book, but it should not be less than 70 grams. pure protein per day!!!
5. If you cannot accurately calculate the amount of protein or you doubt your calculations, or the amount of fat exceeds 30 grams per day, feel free to replace part of your protein lunch with a serving of protein isolate. It includes only pure, easily digestible protein, without fats and carbohydrates.
6. A more accurate diet of the second stage is determined and calculated individually by a nutritionist based on bioimpedance analysis of body tissues, and determination of the biological need of a particular person for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
7. For women of “Balzac age”, a necessary condition is the additional intake of PerFem Forte and Camosten
8. The second stage can be started only when at least 5 kg have been “lost”! (the rule only applies if there is a large excess of adipose tissue).
9. For men with significant fat mass, an additional dose of the drug is recommended - 6-OXO Extreme

At the end of the second stage, when less than 10% of the desired weight loss remains, strength training should be introduced three times a week (on the remaining days we continue with aerobic exercise). These loads can be carried out both in the gym and at home using ordinary dumbbells.

When introducing strength training in the morning, add porridge to the diet (rolled oats, pearl barley, buckwheat, brown and wild rice).

It is advisable to carry out strength training in the afternoon, on an empty stomach. Before class, take NO-Xplode.
Immediately after strength training we take Syntha-6 protein.

To get rid of the last 5 - 7 kg of excess weight at the end of the second stage (not earlier), you can start taking Thermonex (see contraindications).

The Kovalkov diet is a comprehensive weight loss system consisting of three stages. Based on the restoration of the body and the fight against excess weight. Teaches you to choose healthy foods, eat them in the required quantity, and lead an active lifestyle. The author lost fifty kilograms in seven months using his method.

The doctor criticizes strict diets that can lead to mental problems and poor health.

The book – Dr. Kovalkov’s Methodology – will help you find answers and speed up results. Let's lose weight wisely!

Dr. Kovalkov has developed a nutritional system and recommends sticking to it throughout your life. You will achieve normal weight, good physical shape, improve metabolism, and acquire correct eating habits.

It is necessary to exclude excess simple carbohydrates from the menu and increase the consumption of vegetables.

The author believes that it is necessary to act gradually, without harming the body's systems. Work on yourself, fight your addiction to junk food, and not your addiction, which will return to normal when you learn to eat right. The Kovalkov diet does not require strict calorie tracking; you do not need to limit your diet, except for the first stage.

You can choose foods and create your diet, taking into account the correct ratio: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary to bring the metabolism back to normal, but this is individual for each person.

The differences between them are in nutritional patterns and varying degrees of aerobic exercise. The first month will be difficult, the body will resist changes.

Preparatory stage

At the first stage, Alexey Kovalkov’s diet lasts a month. You should walk more, stop eating harmful carbohydrates, cleanse and normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Skip lunches. To remove toxins and salts from the body, drink clean water. Drinking plenty of fluids stimulates the release of hormones that speed up metabolism.

Main stage

Lasts two or three weeks, sometimes a month. The volume of physical activity gradually increases. Weight gradually decreases, the functioning of body systems improves. Increase portion sizes on your menu. Getting used to changes in diet occurs. . If the weight does not decrease, the Kovalkov diet advises to arrange a loading day, the amount of food should increase by half, and metabolism is stimulated. This can be practiced once every few weeks.

The final, holding stage

You will need to be at the last stage of the technique for one or two years. You will get used to the new lifestyle, changes in the menu, and useful habits will form. The body will become healthy, and the body will be slim and fit. Physical activity can be reduced, but long walks should not be abandoned.

The diet is based on simple rules for combining foods.

Grocery list

Stage 1

The menu should be dominated by vegetables, fruits, legumes, egg whites, nuts and dairy products, bran.

Stage 2

Vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, add berries, herbs, nuts, low-fat dairy products, lean beef and veal, chicken, turkey, fish to the menu.

Stage 3

To the products of the first two stages, add chocolate, butter to the menu, and sometimes fry meat.

It is prohibited to consume sweets, carbonated water, unnatural juices, smoked foods, semi-finished products, canned food, and alcohol.

Menu for each stage

Stage 1, sample menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: drink two hundred milliliters, eat fifty grams of nuts of your choice, ten fifteen grams of bran;
  • Second breakfast: one;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with;
  • Before bed: a glass of milk or the white of two eggs.

Stage 2, menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: drink two hundred milliliters of low-fat yogurt, fifteen grams of bran, fifty grams of nuts of your choice;
  • Second breakfast: one apple;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, tea without sugar;
  • Afternoon snack: one fruit;
  • Dinner: Eat the whites of two boiled eggs.

Stage 3, menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: drink two hundred milliliters of yogurt, bran, fifty grams of nuts;
  • Lunch: vegetables of your choice, two hundred three hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese or fish, chicken;
  • Dinner: make a vegetable salad;
  • Before bed: eat the whites of two boiled eggs;
  • Snack on fruit during the day.

Dish recipes

Simple and quick to prepare gourmet recipes:

Kovalkov's homemade cottage cheese

We separate five liters of raw milk. Leave a small creamy film. Pour into a ceramic container and leave for twelve hours at room temperature. Mix the resulting mass and put it in the oven, the temperature should be one hundred and fifty degrees. When the curd separates from the whey, put it in a linen bag and place it under a press. After twenty minutes the cottage cheese is ready.

Light salad

Cut into strips: peppers, cucumbers. Season with olive oil, add nuts, garnish with lettuce leaves. Simple and fast.

Rainbow snack

Place boiled peppers in peeled peppers. Mix cottage cheese with herbs and garlic and stuff the peppers. Place in the refrigerator for an hour. Next, cut the pepper into slices and lay out alternating. The appetizer is ready.

Watermelon and melon salad

Ingredients: three hundred grams of melon, three pears and apples, green salad and three slices of white bread, one hundred grams, two hundred and fifty grams of low-fat sour cream and cherries.

Place lettuce leaves on a plate, cut the bread into small cubes and place on the salad. Chop the fruit, mix and spread on bread. Pour in sour cream, grate cheese on top, and garnish with cherries before serving. Bon appetit.

Baked vegetables

Take eggplants, tomatoes, onions, peppers. Cut the ingredients into cubes, place in a deep dish and bake until done. Season with olive oil and garnish with basil. Healthy and tasty.

Cabbage cutlets

Cut half a head of cabbage and boil in milk, then cool and add two egg whites. Make from the resulting mass, roll in bran and steam.

Tomato and cottage cheese salad

You will need four tomatoes, two hundred grams of cottage cheese, garlic, black pepper, lemon juice, olive oil and parsley.

Chop the parsley and add to the cottage cheese, add lemon juice and olive oil. Mix. Cut the tomatoes into rings and decorate the salad. Sprinkle with bran.

  • Determine the reason for the appearance of extra pounds;
  • Formulate your goals for the coming month;
  • Consult your doctor;
  • If your excess weight is more than thirty kilograms, then you need to follow a diet under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Drink clean water, at least two liters per day;
  • Walk daily;
  • Second breakfast two hours after the first meal;
  • Between meals, you can snack on fruit and drink green tea without sugar;
  • Follow a daily routine, keep notes in a diary for the first month;
  • From the second stage of the diet, eat five times a day;
  • Create motivation for yourself to overcome difficult periods;
  • Walk in the fresh air every day for at least an hour, after a walk you can eat two hours later;
  • The book – Dr. Kovalkov’s Methodology – will help you improve your results. Victory over weight;
  • Take vitamin-mineral complexes for one month;
  • Steam, boil, bake meat and fish, avoid fried foods;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • Follow the principle of separate nutrition - do not mix fats and carbohydrates;
  • Eat vegetables and fruits raw or in salad form;
  • To completely heal your body and normalize your weight, go through the stages of the diet.

Using this technique, you can reduce weight, reduce body size and improve metabolic processes in the body. It consists of following three very simple rules:

  • Proper nutrition,
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Physical exercise.

The essence and rules of losing weight according to Dr. Kovalkov’s system ^

Alexey Kovalkov is a Russian nutritionist who developed and tried this diet on himself, because he himself suffered from excess weight. With her help, he managed to lose 50 extra pounds and show by his own example the effectiveness of the technique.

At the moment, he is one of the most sought-after nutritionists in the capital, the owner of a clinic, and a writer. Thanks to his consultations and advice, thousands of people not only lost weight, but also changed their lifestyle.

Kovalkov's weight loss program is not considered a strict diet; it is most likely a nutritional system or even a lifestyle that must be followed throughout life. An important point in Kovalkov’s nutrition system is his aggressive attitude towards modern methods of losing excess weight.

Nutritionist Kovalkov is an ardent opponent of strict programs, mono-diets and a sharp reduction in food intake. He believes that fasting will definitely be replaced by gluttony, so it will be very difficult to achieve the desired result in this way. His technique consists of limiting the consumption of foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates and replacing animal products with plant foods.

To get rid of excess weight and be able to stay in shape you need to:

  1. Determine the reason why the hated kilograms appeared;
  2. Learn to control your diet, realize the undeniable benefits of a healthy lifestyle;
  3. Clearly set goals to achieve.

Pros and cons of the technique

Pros of the Kovalkov diet:

  • There is no need to fanatically count calories or do fasting days, but on the contrary, you can eat after 6 pm, but in small quantities and only approved foods.
  • A constant feeling of fullness due to a balanced diet.
  • You are allowed to choose your own dishes and products.
  • Acquiring proper nutrition skills that will be useful in later life and will help consolidate and maintain results.

The only disadvantage of this method is that the Kovalkov diet is not fast, and it is impossible to lose weight in a short time with its help.

Despite a number of advantages of this program, it is recommended to undergo examination in a clinic before starting it, since it is not recommended to use it for acute chronic diseases. You should also consult a nutritionist and endocrinologist.

What you can and cannot eat

According to Kovalkov’s dietary method, it is forbidden to consume:

  • Containing sugar, namely jam, cakes, sweets, honey, sparkling water, fruit juices.
  • Loaf and white bread, potatoes and white rice.
  • All types of smoked and pickled foods, semi-finished products and products with food additives.
  • Alcohol, including very high-calorie beer.

Required and permitted products:

  • Various vegetables, fruits, berries.
  • Milk, kefir, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products.
  • 2-3 liters of water, a glass of water before meals to satisfy a strong feeling of hunger.
  • Dry wine in limited quantities.

Kovalkov's diet: menu for the week, stages and recipes ^

The diet developed by Dr. Kovalkov does not provide a clear and precise menu. You can formulate your diet yourself, based on the recommendations for each stage of the program.

The technique consists of 4 stages:

  • Preparation,
  • Start,
  • addictive
  • Consolidation of the result.

Each stage is designed for a specific period and has certain features.

Stage 1 – Preparation

The duration of the initial stage is 2-4 weeks. During this period, those losing weight learn to regulate their diet, gradually eliminating prohibited foods from it.

  • The menu should include as many fruits, vegetables, and legumes as possible.
  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, because drinking water increases the release of fat-burning hormones.

Stage 2 – Start of the program

The second stage of the Kovalkov diet lasts about 2 weeks. Its essence is to cleanse the intestines, learn to reduce portions, and speed up metabolism.

  • At this stage, you need to start doing physical exercises: take long walks, run.
  • Strength training should be avoided, as it is not compatible with the recommended diet.

To achieve better results, you need to increase your consumption of kefir, grapefruits, and vegetables. Before meals (about an hour), it is recommended to drink a glass of clean still water.

Sample menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt, a handful of nuts, bran.
  • Snack: apple or other fruit, green tea.
  • Lunch: Greek salad seasoned with olive oil.
  • Snack: apple or citrus, green tea.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs without yolks.

Stage 3 – Getting used to a healthy lifestyle

The duration of the third stage is very different from the duration of the previous ones (1-7 months). It is during this period that those losing weight gradually achieve the desired result. Goal: stable weight loss, reduction of body fat, cleansing the intestines. You can add lean chicken, fish, seafood, and dairy products to your diet.

Sample menu for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: yogurt or kefir, nuts or dried fruits.
  • Snack: a small amount of fruit.
  • Lunch: steamed vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese or chicken breast.
  • Snack: fruit.
  • Dinner: light vegetable salad.

Stage 4 – Consolidation

In order not to gain weight after losing weight according to Kovalkov, the last stage is necessary. Its duration is not limited; it is important to try to adhere to the recommendations of the third stage, although sometimes you can eat foods that were previously prohibited. For example, you can eat a couple of cubes of dark chocolate or a piece of kebab.

Main principles of stage 4:

  • 5 meals a day;
  • Complex carbohydrates are prohibited after 6 pm;
  • Carbohydrates and fats should not be mixed.

Recipes for diet

In order to turn Alexey Kovalkov's diet into a lifestyle, her diet can be diversified with the help of interesting recipes. Here are some of them:

Light salad “Tenderness”

  • It is prepared from cabbage (Beijing or white cabbage), cucumber, lettuce, and bell pepper.
  • Cut the vegetables into strips, pour in olive oil, add salt, sprinkle with nuts.

Vegetables baked in the oven

  • To prepare this dish you will need eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and onions.
  • Cut into cubes, place on a baking sheet, bake until done.
  • Season with olive oil, salt and sprinkle with chopped basil.

Tender cabbage cutlets

  • 1/2 head of cabbage should be cut and boiled in milk, cool.
  • Add a couple of egg whites and salt.
  • Form cutlets, roll in bran and steam.