Conifers with a spherical crown: use in design, molding and types. The appearance of indoor plants Globular plants

spherical shapes in the garden

Low trees with a spherical or weeping crown give the garden a special appeal. Anyone who would like to give structure to the landscape design of his site or some part of it


Evergreen trees with a spherical crown can be used to decorate the beginning of the garden path, the entrance to the terrace, the transition from one zone of the garden to another. The classic use of trimmed trees is in the landscaping of regular style gardens. An unusual form of solo plants is used, for example, to draw attention to a particular flower bed. If climatic conditions permit, then it is best to plant such evergreens as boxwood, holly or cherry laurel - they will help to preserve the picturesque appearance of the garden in winter.

Harmoniously combined with woody flowers and leaves in color, they bring a decorative transition to the adjacent areas of the garden into the landscape design of the site. Small flower plants are ideal here, no higher than 20 cm. It is only important that there is enough food for both the tree and the companion, so that there is no competition between them. The corresponding annual flowers can be used to emphasize a particular season.

Correct balls of different sizes can set the rhythm in a landscape composition, which is chaotic in a good sense of the word. This works especially well when the balls contrast with the main filling of the composition with color and texture. This technique is used by the Dutch landscape designer Pete Udolph: in his "meadow" flower beds, you can often see evergreen balls of different sizes, scattered among the grains and flowers.

The books often illustrate the contrast in the shape of the crown with a pattern with a composition of a perfect ball and a rigid vertical. Such a "correct" composition is unlikely to fit into a landscape garden. The situation can be corrected by adding plants with less distinct crown shapes, as if blurring the hard contours. If only one element of this pair has a geometric shape of the crown, and the other is more or less informal, the combination will look much softer and may well be used in landscape compositions.

The circle and the ball noticeably expand the space around them, especially if they are light in color. Narrow and long spaces change dramatically as soon as balls appear in them

The effect can be enhanced by using different sized balls. The space will visually become even larger if the lightness of the balls increases with distance from the observer, and the diameter decreases.

Spherical shapes grafted onto a stem are a good option for nuanced compositions. Interesting are the combinations of balls of different sizes, similar in color, texture, texture, openwork, etc., grafted onto boles of different heights.

it is plants with spherical crowns on high boles that may well become an option for an alley in small gardens.

The shape of the crown of standard plants must be maintained by regular cutting.
Spherical and hemispherical crowns retain their compact shape if new shoots are cut. This can be done only from spring to early August, so that the trees have time to prepare for winter dormancy.
The crown of weeping trees needs to be rejuvenated by cutting out old branches in spring.
Evergreen trees with a globular crown should be protected from strong sun exposure in winter. This will help prevent leaf burns and drying out.
Trees that do not tolerate winter frosts need to winter indoors.

The best trees and shrubs with a spherical crown shape

Brittle willow "Bullata" (Salix fragilis "Bullata"): height - 8-10 m, diameter - 8-10 m
Large multi-stemmed tree. The initially spherical crown over time becomes, as it were, bubbly, consisting of several balls. Effective as a tapeworm, and in groups with other plants in large areas.

Norway maple "Globosum" (Acer platanoides "Globosum"): height depends on the trunk, diameter - 5-7 m
When grafted onto a stem, a ball is first formed, and then it, expanding in width, stops growing in height and becomes cushion-shaped. Autumn color - yellow, good as a tapeworm, in groups and row plantings, in large and small gardens.

Horse chestnut "Pyramidalis" (Aesculus hyppocastanum "Pyramidalis"): height on a low trunk 5-7 m, diameter - 5 m
Often considered a variation of the "Globosum" cultivar, but with a more pronounced tip. They are grafted onto the stem and into the root collar. It differs from the usual horse chestnut only in the shape and size of the crown.

Common hawthorn "Compacta" (Crataegus monogyna "Compacta"): height - 5 m, diameter - 3-5 m
It differs from the typical single-footed hawthorn only in the shape and size of the crown. It tends to a ball, slightly trimmed at the bottom, dense. Effective in bloom and autumn. Excellent specimen for small gardens, good in groups.

Winged spindle tree (Euonymus alatus): height - 2.5 m, diameter - 3 m
A shrub with an openwork crown, acquires a raspberry-pink color in autumn. It got its name for cork growths in the form of wings on shoots, decorative and without foliage. Can be used in both regular and landscaped gardens.

Norway spruce "Clanbrassiliana" (Picea abies "Clanbrassiliana"): height - 1.5-2 m, diameter - 1.5-2 m
Dwarf form with a very dense crown, tending to a slightly flattened ball in shape. Annual growth of about 2 cm. Looks rather artificial. Looks good with groups of large stones.

Mountain pine "Benjamin" (Pinus mugo "Benjamin"): height - 1 m, diameter - 1 m
It has an unusually dense and geometrically correct (for youthful sphere, later hemisphere) crown shape. It grows very slowly. Looks great in groups, with rocks and in heather gardens.

Thuja western "Hetz Midget" (Tuja occidentalis "Hetz Midget"): height - 1 m, diameter - 1 m
At a young age, a nearly perfect ball then becomes "disheveled", but this can be easily corrected by minor molding. In winter, the plant can fall apart from the snow, it must be tied.

Chubushnik crown "Gnom" (Philadelphus coronarius "Gnom"): height - 0.5-0.6 m, diameter - up to 1 m
The only non-flowering form of the crown mock-orange. The crown is so dense that you cannot see the branches. Over time, the plants turn from balls into pillows. Good for foreground groups and borders, including partial shade areas.

Very many spherical crowns with age break up into segments, forming bonsaid specimens, or flatten vertically, turning into a kind of pillows. This is neither good nor bad - this is a given. You just need to keep in mind that the shape of the crown, which is regular in its youth, can become quite landscape with age, and it will be possible to keep it in its original form only with the help of moldings.

Maintaining a spherical crown shape in trees

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  • Depending on the growth rate of the branches, which is due to the biological characteristics of the plant, the spherical crowns can reach a diameter of several tens of centimeters to several meters. A feature of such plants is their small size compared to the original species, which is most pronounced in conifers.
  • At the end
  • The garden is not only a kingdom of bright colors and a variety of forms, but also a magical accumulation of a wide variety of aromas that envelop us in the lightest cloud of subtle nuances at every walk or enchant us in freshly cut bouquets. When mentioning fragrant plants, many first of all remember roses and charming flower-bed flowers, and the most traditional shrubs - lilac, jasmine, mock-orange. Meanwhile, among the trees and shrubs, many can boast of a unique aroma that can be felt even from a distance. Shrubs and trees with the most fragrant flowers envelop the entire garden in a charming cloud. And it's not just about spring flowering: among the largest garden dwellers, there are many plants that can boast a strong aroma, but at the same time bloom at different times of the year. And if you want to make your garden not only blooming, but also filled with notes of enchanting smells, a kind of fragrant kingdom, pay attention to the best fragrant shrubs and trees, many of which are also very original. Read more ...
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  • The latter is often a kind of "default" state, i.e. what is in you, so, from the very beginning, will remain with you, if you do not make any effort to eradicate it. A positive outlook on things, the ability to find a goal, love of life still needs to be formed, and it is necessary to work on this. Meditation (How to Meditate: 5 Steps) is a good place to start. This is an excellent practice and meditation is not necessarily an element of religion, magic or esotericism - it is just an exercise to help you get to know yourself better.
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  • Many of us are in search of happiness all our lives, trying to find it in different things and, not finding it there, throw these things and turn to new ones in their endless search. Someone is trying to find it in the possession of objects, money, in a change of place, in a change of love partners, in thrills, in power, in work, in religion or passion for secular ideas, in the satisfaction of all their physical desires.
  • The visual perception of a rounded shape is enhanced by the density of the crown, which is due to dense branching, densely located needles or openwork foliage. A loose crown, even if it has a rounded shape, will not create the impression of a dense ball or pillow. In addition, the texture of the ball depends on the appearance of the foliage or needles, therefore it is necessary to remove dried foliage and damaged branches, which violate the strict shape of the crown and, naturally, spoil the appearance. An important condition for obtaining an ideal shape is uniform illumination, otherwise the crown may develop asymmetrically, which in this case will greatly reduce the decorative effect of the plant.
  • A rounded crown in plants is formed due to a certain mutual arrangement of small shortened branches, the growth of which is directed from the center to the periphery. In this case, the development of the crown in the vertical and horizontal directions may not occur evenly, as a result of which the plant acquires a spherical, oval, flattened horizontally or vertically shape. If the lower part of the crown does not develop well, a hemispherical shape is formed, which, due to its resemblance to an umbrella, has a corresponding name - umbrella. It is most advisable to graft this form on the stem.
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Spherical crown shape in landscape architecture

Rounded, spherical shapes play special roles in the garden: plants with amazing spherical shapes bring harmony and unity to the compositions, compensate for the negative influence of large and lush plants on the overall appearance of the garden, neutralize the effect of narrowing the space, give the design of flower beds, ridges and mixborders integrity and completeness. The most common spherical plants are the clipped bushes of evergreen crops such as boxwood, which are appropriate not only in regular but also in modern gardens. Along with the naturally decorative bows, dahlias and other herbaceous perennials, they are often found in gardens. But not only flowering flower beds have a beautiful round shape from nature: among the motley representatives of garden trees, many plants naturally have a round crown, especially standard crops. Compact, expressive, bright, they conquer with their original appearance and neat texture. By their nature, trees with round shapes are very different: some flaunt with variegated flowers, others with lush inflorescences, and others with spectacular variegated foliage or needles. Towering above the rest of the plants, they fit perfectly into flower beds and beds, even in small gardens, and in containers and pots they decorate terraces and balconies. Read more ...

In short, happiness is not so easy, which is why we see so many unhappy people, although it would seem that they have not so many reasons for unhappiness. Happiness needs to be achieved, to prove that you deserve it, otherwise it will remain an unattainable ideal, a "kingdom of heaven" and a boring label ...

Positive thinking happens not only in relation to the world, but also in relation to people - try to see in people, first of all, the good, forgive them their shortcomings and weaknesses. Healthy and full-fledged communication will open up a whole new world and an inexhaustible source of happiness for you!

Meditation improves your mood, but by itself it will not make you happy, but will give you the opportunity to understand what you really need to find happiness! It will help you find your goal, discover your deepest desires, get rid of illusions, a pile of confused thoughts, passions and doubts. It will, as it were, focus, direct your mind in the right direction, so that it does not rush in space between different extremes.

Amor fati is a well-known Latin formulation that translates as "love of destiny." She expresses such an attitude to a changeable fortune, in which a person treats all her vicissitudes, whims, adversities, without torment and suffering. Maybe this attitude in its classical sense is a consequence of a certain fatalism, the belief that everything is predetermined in advance and nothing can be changed. But for me personally, I have different prerequisites for amor fati.

Where do the balls come from?

Of course, I do not intend to go so far as to argue that happiness does not at all depend on your money status, on your relationship, on where you live. Happiness is not the absence of desires, it is simply the absence of complete dependence on the fact of their satisfaction. A happy person may still want money, a car, and a good job. But these desires do not make him his puppet, they do not make his inner well-being completely dependent on himself! If he does not have these things, he still remains happy.

But more often than not it happens to no avail, because happiness is not there. The mere possession of these things will not bring you anything but temporary satisfaction, followed by new needs that require their saturation. Whereas the absence of these benefits, in the event that you become dependent on them, will make you unhappy! Not very fair, is it?

Abies lasiocarpa "Glauca compacta", Abies nordmanniana "Golden Spreader", Abies koreania "Schneeflocken", Abies procera "Glauca", Abies procera "Blaue Hexe", Picea pungens "Glauca globosa", Picea omorika "Peve Tija", a Picea omorika "Peve Tijn" abies "Aureum" and a Picea glauca "Conica".

Influence of form and texture on visual images


Architectural combinations of tree species are interesting in terms of the size of the balls and their location on boles of different heights. Compositions that use spherical plants similar in various characteristics (color, texture, openwork, etc.) look the most harmoniously, which in this case are responsible for the integrity of the composition. If several small trees or large shrubs with a rounded crown are placed along the boundaries of the recreation area, then the space will revive, the strict outlines of geometric shapes will be smoothed out, and the feeling of a vacationer will be filled with comfort and harmony.

On different continents, in different climatic zones and natural zones, one of the most common elements of urban landscaping is Tatar honeysuckle. It is a tall (up to 4 meters) densely leafy shrub that is cultivated in Russia, Europe, USA, China and Central Asia. The natural habitat of the plant is somewhat narrower - it grows between the Volga valley and the western part of Kazakhstan, in Central Asia and China. Read more ... ​***​ This does not mean that you should not give a damn about people's opinions and do whatever comes into your head. Just do not let in all the negativity that others can catch up on you. If you are acting according to your conscience, you are sure that you are doing everything correctly, then forget about what people around you think. It is common for people to envy someone else's happiness, someone else's freedom, someone else's courage if these things serve as a reminder of what they themselves have missed because of their passivity, laziness and cowardice. Don't take it personally, leave your ill-wishers alone with your negativity, don't let them pass it on to you. It will help you get rid of unnecessary "cockroaches" and fears, gain an unclouded and sober view of what is happening both outside you and inside, will allow you to control your emotions, control your body. This practice is the "base" for self-development and finding happiness and harmony. This is just as important as stretching for a gymnast: stretching in itself is not gymnastics, but it prepares the human body for certain exercises. Likewise, meditation prepares your mind for self-development and happiness.I believe that, undoubtedly, a person decides his own destiny, but still, some does not depend on him. And since it is impossible to influence something in any way, then you should not grieve that fate has cheated you in something: someone was more fortunate, someone less fortunate. Yes, he has a goal to achieve these benefits and he is systematically moving towards its implementation, which will make him more content with his life, its external attributes. But if he does not achieve this, then this will not plunge him into despair, because his light is not reduced like a wedge on these things, his main purpose is different and it lies on the other side of all material wealth.Happiness is not contained in having something, it exists, to some extent, regardless of the things you have. And, therefore, it is not so easy to find it, you cannot buy it, no matter how trite it may sound. But at the same time, it is difficult to lose it, since it does not go away for good along with the disappearance of something in your life. Happiness is not a temporary state, but rather the result of some skills, it is something that still needs to be educated, developed in oneself. Plants with spherical crowns can be standard or bush. The spherical crown is most clearly manifested in standard forms. As a result of using tall boles as a rootstock for plants with a spherical crown, we get a crown that will be like a ball, since the growth of branches will not be limited in space, and they will develop evenly in all directions. If grafted into the root collar, the soil level will limit the growth of the branches, and they will be directed vertically up and horizontally to the sides, forming a hemisphere.When choosing plants from the catalog, pay attention to their specific names: rounded - spherical (

In landscape architecture, spherical shapes are popular for creating circular and one-sided compositions in a regular style. The introduction of plants with strict geometric contours into landscape compositions will not produce the desired effect, although in chaotic landscape compositions, the rhythm can be set using the correct balls of different sizes. This technique is the basis for the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating meadow flower beds in the spirit of the famous Dutch landscape designer Pete Udolph, who believes that when decorating a garden, the main thing is not color, but structure and form. In this case, evergreen globular plants are used as the skeleton of the composition.

Balloons or plants on boles

In the extensive list of ornamental shrubs used in landscaping, there are very few species that simultaneously have such qualities as high decorativeness and absolute unpretentiousness. These crops include the viburnum bladder, a deciduous shrub native to North America, belonging to the Rosaceae family. Its spreading drooping branches, covered with large, corrugated, serrate-toothed foliage, form a dense spherical crown, for which this plant is grown. The bushes are evenly covered with leaves, so they look magnificent from top to bottom. Flowering begins in June and lasts about three weeks. Bubble flowers with long fluffy stamens are white or pink. More information ...

After long aimless wanderings in the dark maze, the mouse stopped to take a breath. She finally wanted to stay where she was and think about what she was actually looking for within these walls and why she needed it. While she was thinking, her eyes gradually got used to the darkness that reigned in this labyrinth: now individual objects began to be distinguished, the surrounding things took shape, the first colors began to show through. that this is not always possible. You do not need to constantly feel sorry for yourself and be capricious, like a child, that you did not get what you wanted. That you did not go by car today because it broke down, that you visited a relative on Friday night instead of sitting in a smoky bar, as you used to, that your TV broke down and now you miss your favorite TV series, etc. etc. Do not get attached to your habits, desires, this will make you addicted to them! Remember that happiness lies on the other side of satisfying your everyday whims, it consists in being as independent as possible from them! I already wrote something about this above. There is something else I would like to talk about on this issue. The world around us does not exist by itself, our perception leaves a very significant imprint on it. And the way we see it depends strongly on us. Someone, having all the blessings necessary for life: money, a car, a family, still complains and is unhappy, while someone lives on modest income and sees only good things in their lives.

You should not think about what fate did not give you, it is better to pay attention to what it gave you. These may be those things that you have become unaccustomed to notice, since they have already become a reality for you, for example, caring parents who are always ready to help, loyal friends, and good health by nature. There is no need to be offended by life for all the hardships that it brings down on you, there is something childish, immature in this, like a child's resentment against an inanimate object, which he hit with some part of his body.

What does it mean to be happy?

I am sure that happy people find it much easier to achieve such things, even if they want them less than those who desperately desire them but have not achieved inner harmony. Since happy people are more energetic, they are ready to achieve their goals and not invent barriers for this, they are freer, more flexible and more reasonable. They are not blinded, not drugged by obsessive desires.

But if we talk about happiness as a state, then it is better to call it your "meta state", that is, what stands above all small and everyday adversities, forms a common denominator that summarizes your attitude to life and what life gives you in reply. Happiness is not enjoyment! This is not a temporary obsession, not euphoria, but measured, calm joy, harmony and balance, confidence and satisfaction.

Why are the pursuits of happiness often unsuccessful?

So I came to a rather "slippery" question,

Some trees with rounded crown shapes against the sky create a dome-shaped profile that serves as a kind of umbrella and therefore they are successfully used to shade playgrounds or benches for rest.

What is happiness?

The narrow-leaved oak tree is a deciduous shrub or a low, spreading tree with thorny shoots, belonging to the family of the same name. Its habitat covers the eastern part of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, South Europe, Asia Minor, Iran and North China. In nature, the narrow-leaved oak lives in the floodplains of rivers crossing desert and semi-desert areas. Together with willow, tamarisk, sea buckthorn, poplar and some other plants, it forms the so-called tugai - forests that live in desert conditions due to the water saturation of floodplain soils. The root system of the sucker is powerful, highly branched; therefore, the plant is widely used to form protective forest belts and plantings that secure the slopes. Read more ...

And the more the mouse peered into the darkness, which gradually dissipated, the more it noticed interesting things. A variety of colors of the surrounding world began to emerge from the darkness, as well as the amazing scale of its space! It turned out to be so huge and so beautiful that our little rodent was surprised that before that he had seen only a gloomy maze in it.

Train your desires, don't let them have power over you and keep you as your puppets. Momentary desire is only a matter of a short period of time, you should not give up everything and run to saturate it, it has little meaning in the context of your whole life, all your happiness.

Perception differs from person to person and therefore two different people see the world differently, even if both live in the same conditions. One perceives life as a set of possibilities, as the greatest value, everything makes sense for him, while the other sees in it only a cage and a prison full of suffering and sorrow.

In search of happiness

Read my article on how to accept reality as it is.

And how is this meta-state of happiness achieved? How to become a happy person? I will try to answer this question in several positions.

Happiness is not achieved simply by adding up all your achievements and joys and subtracting your failures and suffering from that. This, as I said, more reflects your view of things, the state of your spirit, which exists regardless of minor incidents in your life. In general, happiness is inside, and is achieved by working on yourself and forming a correct, positive outlook on things. you cannot acquire it either by expensive purchases or by changing places, first you need to achieve it in yourself! And then everything else will come, external.

How to become a happy person

), Spherical (

Falling under the canopy of an alley of trees with a spherical crown, the viewer's gaze involuntarily rises, and under the impression of the dense greenery inherent in spherical forms of plants, in combination with the strict neatness of the arches of the alley, an ordinary walk turns into a romantic one. In small gardens, a similar effect can be obtained with plants grafted on tall boles.

Happiness is independence from desire

The cultivation of medicinal plants in the garden is undoubtedly a rewarding business. Such a "green first aid kit" will not only help in difficult times, but also easily decorate your favorite garden. Such a useful in all respects representative of the plant world is Eleutherococcus, or freeberry prickly, or "devil's bush", as it is popularly called. Read more ...

The mouse was surprised to find many other peacefully wandering creatures around: some huddled in cozy burrows, others crouched to a food source, others were having fun and talking. And as soon as she did not notice it for all this crazy and senseless running around! Where did she actually run, if everything is here! From that moment on, the long and joyless journey ended.

Such desires distract you from your global, strategic goal of achieving happiness. For example, you did not go to play sports (or meditate) today, but stayed at home and drink beer, because you really wanted to. Beer will give you nothing but a temporary pleasure, for which you still have to pay. And a short run (or meditation), even if it does not make you an athlete, will strengthen your health with each new activity. And health is for life and lies beyond the boundaries of current needs, this is something more important. By the way, your happiness also depends on your health, so I do not advise you to run it.

Be prepared to take full responsibility for yourself

Often people themselves do not understand that the world has become “bad” not because there are “idiots”, “hypocritical government” around, but because they themselves see only bad in it. And their illusion lies in the fact that they have elevated a thing of subjective order to the rank of objective, universal. It may seem to them that the problem is not with them, but with those around them; they are constantly tormented by dreams of a better life somewhere far away or life in the same place but under different circumstances.

There is no need to repent of past actions, to get hung up on the fact that you missed a chance, did something wrong in the past. You cannot change the past, but you can learn a lot from it. Make an emphasis on avoiding such mistakes in the future, take measures for this. For some truth you have to pay with the pain of past mistakes, so do your best to formulate as many useful conclusions from the past as possible, do not bury your life under tons of meaningless remorse and lamentations about the past, live on.

Don't blame everything on external circumstances, on other people. The fact that you have become what you are, in the first place, is your own fault. And they are not even to blame for the fact that they became, but for the fact that they could not improve. You drink and cannot quit, not because you are in trouble, but because you are not strong enough to do so. You start yourself up and don't play sports not because you don't have time, but because you didn't bother organizing it so that it appears. Your life is what it is, because you made it this way!

Is it possible to become happy simply by changing your place of residence, when, along with your luggage, you carry with you the painful burden of your mental problems that cannot be resolved simply because of a change of place. Is a large amount of money, expensive cars will bring you joy of life if you have an abyss of fears, doubts and dissatisfaction inside you? These things can only give you temporary relief.

Don't complain about life

... It is slippery because there are a lot of contradictory answers to this question, among which it is difficult to find the "correct" one. And besides, the very concept of happiness is not entirely defined, few people realize what exactly he is looking for, what he understands by "happiness."


The issue of greening the streets under the power line remains relevant, in this case the correct choice of the boundary height of the tree is an important point. And in this case, the problem can be solved with the help of low compact globular trees, the care of which does not involve regular pruning.

Amor Fati. Accept your destiny

Treelike hydrangea belongs to the family of the same name and is a low (1 meter, rarely up to 3 meters) upright shrub with a rounded crown and white globular inflorescences. Read more ...

*** End ***

The ability to neglect current goals for the sake of global goals contains a symbol of maturity, "adulthood." Children and adults who have not matured do not know how to do this. This skill is essential if you want to achieve long-term goals and achieve happiness.

Don't regret anything

“When I go there, everything will be different,” they think, but they don’t realize that in the new place they will see only bad things and they will not get away from their perception, even if they fly to the moon.

Find your purpose

Before achieving a life goal, you must first find it. This can be very difficult and does not come immediately. It takes some awareness, sobriety, freedom from illusions and other people's views, in order not to follow false goals, or not to exist in the absence of a life task at all. Find some goal beyond the boundaries of the ordinary, life of the layman, which consists in monotonous work until retirement and bulk shopping in supermarkets on the weekends, think about what else you want from life besides a career and travel to warm countries on vacation.

This is a bitter truth, I know, many people are not ready to hear it. They come to a psychologist and expect him to delve into their psyche and find a thousand reasons for their personal misfortunes in the patient's childhood, in his relatives, in his psychotype, if only not in himself. Taking responsibility for yourself is a courageous act, but it should not in any way lead you into a series of self-accusations: "Oh, I'm so bad, it's my own fault, how terrible I am, worthless, etc."

If you cannot be even a little bit happy with what you have now, in the place where you live at the moment, if everywhere you lead only bad things and blame the surrounding circumstances for everything, then, alas, you will not see happiness in anything, if you do not begin to work on yourself and correct yourself, first of all. Of course, now it may seem to you that it is precisely the absence of some goods, cars, yachts, jewelry, expensive things that makes you unhappy, but as soon as you get them, you will become happy.

Develop the skill of "being happy"

This concept has acquired the status of some kind of abstraction, it has become a kind of "kingdom of heaven", only on a very local scale: everyone is trying to get there, but no one knows what will be there and whether they will get there at all.

), Spheroidal (

Globular plants can be obtained artificially with regular haircuts using special templates and tools. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the biological characteristics of plants, since not all trees and shrubs respond positively to pruning.

To the beginning

Develop the skill of positive perception of the world around you

That's all. I understand that there is a lot of material and there is also a lot of work to be done. But where do you start? Hardly from all at once! Of course, you need to start slowly and small. Don't try to change your life dramatically. On my website, I offer a free online self-development program. It sequentially, step by step, offers articles for reference and some practice that you will follow as you progress through these lessons. Following these guidelines will help you achieve happiness, success, harmony, and well-being. All you need to do is follow the link.

Focusing on the good is more difficult than looking only at the bad.

I remembered an interesting dialogue from one film, which, in my opinion, explains this idea:

If something better comes to your mind than working in the office or doing household chores, then you do not need to immediately put an end to your dream, just because you want to live, as everyone does. Come up with your own life scenario, make a plan, understand what you want from life and start gradually implementing this plan. Moving towards your goal is a huge source of happiness. If you have a goal, then it will become much easier for you to measure yourself against the hated work and everyday routine, since you know that every new day brings you closer to this goal.

No, this should serve as an impetus for metamorphosis, self-development, be embodied in the intention: “Yes, I am this and that, I have such and such problems and I myself am responsible for it, but that is why I myself can fix it and I will do it for this and that ”.

No, this is a mistake. These are all those "false" moves in our imaginary labyrinth that do not lead anywhere, but simply amuse you with ghostly hope. But the mouse still runs into these passages, because it does not know or simply does not notice another way out, its brain tries to "grope" a way out of the current problem (or what it takes for such a problem) and goes through the list of those options that are familiar to it. Maybe our experimental animal somewhere heard that other representatives of his species were eager for these moves and he does like others, he does not know other ways.

“Becoming happy” has already become a kind of boring label, like a hackneyed advertising slogan, the meaning of which has long since worn out from too frequent use. Many are perplexed when they hear the question "are you happy" and do not know what to answer.

Try to understand the people around you


The simplest and less painstaking way to become the owner of plant balls on your site is to plant trees and shrubs with a natural spherical crown, since caring for spherical varieties does not require as much effort as for formed plants. In nature, the ideal spherical crown shape is quite rare, and for central Russia the recommended range of spherical plants is rather insignificant, but the selection does not stand still and every year there are more and more representatives of the flora with rounded shapes.

Know how to ignore the opinions and attitudes of others

Back to

Don't deify your desires

You can, you can.

Being friendly and smiling is harder than being annoyed with others.

- I want to fly to Paris, here I feel bad, but there, it will be better, there is something else. - Seriously? Are you sure? And do you know who will meet you at the airport? - I do not know who? - You yourself.

But, I repeat, it's not as easy to come up with as it seems. Many do not see their goal and do not know what they want or observe only a false goal, the implementation of which will not bring them what they want. How to get to know yourself better? How do you know your desires better? How to understand what you really need. How to find your calling? Practice will help you with this. More on that later.

Remember, being happy is much more difficult than being unhappy.

  • Don't like your job? Change it. Don't have the right qualifications for this? Get it, use your leisure time wisely, learn new things! No time? Organize it so that it is enough: watch less TV or surf the Internet. There are always some solutions, you simply do not lead them or do not want to notice because of fear and because of doubt. As they said in one film, "There are no problems, there are only situations."
  • Likewise, a person is driven from one extreme to another due to some kind of inner obsession. Dissatisfaction, suffering, lack of goals and aspirations make him frantically look for a way out and sort out familiar solutions: money, sex, food, drugs, status, fame, religion, social ideas, power, hangouts, subcultures. To rush from one to another, but in the end, after temporary satisfaction, you will still return to the starting point - to suffering and dissatisfaction. Striving for happiness, harmony, integrity at the same time, escape from suffering are very strong motives of a person.
  • Meanwhile, happiness is quite an achievable thing, you just need to know where to look for it and many people, in my opinion, are looking for it in places where it is not. So what is happiness? Before answering this question, let’s first talk about what is not happiness.
  • ), Umbrella or hemispherical (
  • Carex morrowii "Ice Dance", Thuja occidentalis "Golden Globe", Salvia officinalis "Berggarten", Erica carnea


Of course you can.

Seeing the good in people is more difficult than noticing the extremely bad in them.

As I said, a positive outlook on things needs to be cultivated in oneself in order for it to become a habit. To do this, meditate and try not to dwell on any negativity. With meditation it will simply penetrate less into you.

Of course, it's easy to say “find a purpose,” “have a positive outlook,” but it's not easy to do. Well, a person cannot overnight rebuild his model of perception of the environment and begin to see more good in life, just because he was told so. This does not happen like a click in the head: “yes, really, I am fixated on the negative aspects of life, it's time to change my outlook on things” and from then on he becomes happy.

I want to be happy where to start?

Psychologists advise to speak out when something disturbs, it seems to me that many take this advice too literally and are in a hurry to sit down with their problems on the ears of their neighbors. They do not even try to calm down and think about the problem on their own, but already run to confess. Complain less about people, about circumstances, and about life in general. Personally, I do not see any sense at all in what is called “speaking out”, because when you constantly talk about your problems, it means that you cannot cope with them, take them under control. Therefore, I try to keep quiet about it.

Is it possible to form a standard tree with a round crown from a garden hibiscus?

olga balandina

That is why religious charlatans find their most devoted flock among unhappy people, desperate people who have not found themselves. The same people become the most zealous and fanatical employees of corporations or drown their misfortune in constant spending, thrills, drugs. Spring pruning of fruit trees Drip irrigation for trees When and how to prune fruit trees

Today, most gardeners decorate their backyard with plants that can be given a certain shape - this is the use of conifers, and the use of fruit trees and shrubs. The shape of the crown can be almost any - and round, and square, and cone-shaped, and so on. Depending on the shape of the crowns, the rest of the design of the garden and the plants that are planted nearby are also chosen.

Unusual tree crown shape

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Today, the following types of crowns are distinguished:


It is indicated in the sources as cone-shaped, spindle-shaped, columnar. The width of the base is important here, based on the height of the trees. The wide-pyramidal shape looks very massive and at the same time stable. The narrow pyramidal one is also called an "exclamation mark" in the garden - it focuses on itself and the existing territory. Peering, you will certainly see such a crown. A pyramidal crown shape is used to draw attention to the most graceful groups. And do not use a huge amount of "exclamation marks" on your garden plot.


The weeping shape of tree crowns attracts attention, and also directs the eye to the place below. When using vegetation that has a weeping crown, carefully select the area for planting. They can complement the decor near the reservoir, structures, compositions of various plants that are under them. They, like the previous one, form "hot" verticals in the decor of the personal plot, which must be balanced - for example, with the plane of a pond, horizontally elongated groups of trees, or a group of planted flowers.


There are many similarities in their application. Based on the details of the structure, the rounded shape of the crown can be made like an oval, in the form of an egg or a ball. However, they are all somewhat similar to a ball. In small areas, they are mainly used to create spatial structure. For example, using trees and shrubs with a rounded crown, it is easier to create a complete and harmonious composition on the site. Such crowns generally do not have gaps, they look quite weighty. It is better to make rounded volumes evenly - if there are a lot of them in one of the parts of the landscape painting, and in the other much less, the whole canvas may turn out to be unbalanced. The use of a rounded crown of various sizes or a different category of flattening forms a harmonious landscape and at the same time makes it possible to combine the composition with a single idea.

Sprawling or spherical

In some cases, it is customary to call them "irregular" or "landscape". Such a spherical shape has a spontaneous, difficult to predict development. The spherical shape is used to give the plants a slightly strict geometric shape, and the backyard area has a natural appearance. When mature, the spreading varieties of plants can form a dramatic picture - their crowns mostly have voids, which are created by detecting twigs and blown up quite nicely.

Round crown shape

Plants with a spherical crown are divided into:

  • standard,
  • bush.

Very distinctly spherical crowns appear in the standard form. As a result of the use of high varieties of the trunk as a rootstock for vegetation with spherical crowns, a crown is obtained, which will be like a ball, since the growth of branches will not be limited on the site, and they will grow evenly in all directions. If the grafting is carried out in the neck of the root of the plant, then the soil level will reduce the growth of the branches, and they will grow vertically upward and horizontally, creating a hemisphere.


This crown is considered one of the most insidious. When purchasing these types of plants, most gardeners do not take into account their future size. A large shrub with a spread crown is able to cover an area of \u200b\u200bup to 3 square meters with its own branches. In any case, try to find out information from the reference books, choosing a specific variety, based on this moment, select its use. Basically it looks like a bold horizontal line in the foregrounds of a large composition.


Such plants have spindle-shaped forms: the crown in the central part is slightly swollen, narrow near the base and rather elongated at the top. Poplar has an elongated shape. These plants are best planted in small gardens. Their crown favorably sets off the roughness of the relief and creates a vertical line. For example, a sloping hill covered with cypress trees complements the roughness of the terrain. This form is usually used by gardeners in order to revive the plants and the surrounding atmosphere. The rows of poplars, which are planted at the base of narrow valleys, also give a wonderful appearance. These silhouettes of plants grow from the flat surface of the valley and look beautiful on the steep hillsides. This effect can be done on a smaller scale in hilly gardens that are in a hollow. Such crowns are also quite well suited for creating windproof curtains.


It is somewhat similar to the previous species, however, such trees do not have thickenings in the middle part of the crowns. The base is wide, in some cases wider than the tops of the trees. These tree varieties are also very good for creating wind curtains. You can plant them in several rows in a checkerboard pattern, while it is necessary to maintain a larger distance than when planting plants with elongated crowns, then the crowns of the plants will not contact each other. In order to comply with this condition, double small diameters of plant crowns are enough. This shape is somewhat similar to cypress.


On the bare trunk there is a hat that looks like an umbrella or a mushroom hat. Any trees of this kind, starting with ordinary umbrella pines and ending with graceful magnolias, which are also called virgin umbrellas, have a rather beautiful appearance. Such a crown is obtained by preventing the branches of some weeping varieties, such as mulberries and sophora, from descending.


This form of trees is a low-growing variant with an open center. Crohn in the form of a bowl with a low stem, which is about 50 centimeters high. This can only create the shape of an apple tree. This shape of the apple tree is obtained by grafting on the M9 stock. Due to their small size, they are an excellent solution for all sizes of gardens, however, they need a fairly fertile soil.

Coniferous garden

Conifers are the most decorative varieties in the garden. They retain their decorative qualities throughout the year, are durable, do not need careful maintenance, they do not need to be cut and shaped all the time.

Fruit tree shape

Consider a few of the most popular conifers that are used to shape:

  1. Ate are unpretentious plants. Ate grows well in shady and sunny areas, they like moderately moist soils. Blue forms of spruce love the sun; in the shady areas of the garden, such spruces change their color. Ate prickly or Serbian planted in groups, in small gardens - singly on lawns. Low and dwarf varieties and forms look great in a coniferous garden. The most popular is the conical shape of the gray spruce. A huge number of gray-gray spruce forms are divided both in height and type of crowns, and in color. Common spruce is widely used in small gardens. At the same time, ordinary spruces are used to decorate lawns. In addition, Norway spruce is a rather unpretentious plant. But it must be taken into account that a shady part of the garden should be selected for ordinary spruce. Since the sun is of great importance for this variety.
  2. Larch trees are light-loving species that do not need fertile soil. European larch, for example, has a garden form, and Japanese larch has various forms. Such larch trees can be planted both singly and in groups. Larch trees are also suitable for lawn decoration. It is better not to plant high varieties of larch in small gardens. Larches are unpretentious. Larch is a coniferous plant that will suit any garden decor. Larches will decorate the lawn with flowers, in addition, they will complement the decor of the lawn and are also an excellent solution for decorating high-tech or avant-garde gardens.
  3. Scots pines are fast growing tree varieties. They are unpretentious, grow on infertile sand soils. Such types of pine are very light-requiring. Pines of this variety do not like shade. These pines tolerate drought well. They are used in garden decor both alone and in group plantings. In small plots, a spherical or columnar garden form, as well as a dwarf one, is planted.
  4. Low-growing mountain pines and their dwarf forms also love the sun and are unpretentious. They are usually chosen for the decoration of rocky gardens; they look very beautiful on sandy slopes.
  5. Weymouth pines are shade-tolerant plants. They do not tolerate liquid stagnation. These pines can be planted in any soil. The fast growing breed can be planted in your garden, as it is not afraid of smoke. There is a low and dwarf form. They are planted in the garden alone or in groups, in home gardens and in rocky gardens.
  6. European pines, another name for which is European cedar, are slow-growing tall trees. Decorative dwarf forms of European pine grow to about 0.6 meters in height. They are planted mainly in alpine hills.
  7. Low pines are shrubs that reach a height of about 4 meters. Such plants are best planted in sunny areas of the garden. They can be planted in almost any soil. They are often used in the decoration of rocky gardens and on the slopes. In the decor of gardens today, a form with bluish needles is in special demand, since it looks quite beautiful and unpretentious after planting.

Forms of fruit plants

Today, the cultivation of fruit varieties of plants on special supports, which are called trellises, is in special demand.

There are the following forms of fruit trees and bushes on supports:


This method of growing fruit plants dates back to France. Among these trees, apple or pear trees are often used. Let's take an example of an apple tree. This method involves growing an apple tree in a single plane, for this the apple tree is grown by a special method, a shape is created, and then fastened to a support. The apple tree on the supports gets more sunlight. At the same time, the risk of the formation of fungal diseases is minimized. This method of growing apple and other fruit trees is also widely used for stone fruit trees. This method of growing an apple tree can be used almost anywhere in the garden. Apple trees can be planted near walls or fences in small gardens. This method involves growing an apple tree in one trunk, about 4 pairs of branches remain on the trunk, which will grow in a horizontal direction. Trellis growing is an excellent solution for both apple and pear trees.


This method involves shortening the trunk of fruit trees at a height of about 60 centimeters and the formation of branches extending from it in the form of fans. As many shoots as possible are left on the branch on the sides of the tree. This growing method is a great solution for fruit trees such as plum or cherry.


Growing fruit trees in this way involves leaving only the trunk in the form of a column, the twigs reaching a length of about 40 centimeters. Usually, fruit trees are planted at an angle of 45 degrees. This growing method is a great solution for fruit trees such as apple or pear.


Growing fruit trees in this way creates a tree with one trunk without twigs. This method is a great solution for fruit varieties such as apple, pear or plum. Most of these fruit varieties are grown in a container.


Gardens and summer cottages of the new wave - stylish cottages, with a comfortable area for recreation of the townspeople, surrounded by a beautiful landscape. A traditional dacha, whose main function is to harvest, also necessarily includes a recreation area, lovingly decorated by the owners. It is for the spectacular design of the backyard area, a beautiful lawn, a playground for children that ornamental plants and trees are needed, which are worth talking about in detail.

In addition to the natural aesthetic function - to give a person the pleasure of the beauty of nature, ornamental trees and shrubs are used by gardeners and designers to solve purely practical problems. Visual extension of a too narrow or very small area. Decoration of outbuildings, strengthening of sloping areas and talus. Zoning the site, creating dividing screens between the garden and the backyard area. Protection of the individual space of a small summer cottage from prying eyes, without erecting a fence.

Popular ornamental trees in the garden and in the country

The current trend in gardening is a beautiful, fruitful garden that does not require huge physical costs for the care and maintenance of decorativeness. The priority is the beauty and unpretentiousness of trees; the practical benefits of plantings fade into the background. This explains the popularity of new forms of fruit and forest trees represented by modern breeding:

  • compact standard trees with a spherical crown;
  • dwarf forms fruit and forest trees;
  • weeping forms;
  • columnar hybrids familiar trees.

An interesting novelty is the use of forest trees for decorating a summer cottage. For example, hornbeam seedlings are sold by nurseries at bargain prices. The hornbeam is great for creating hedges, decorative backdrops and walls.

To create spectacular compositions, lawn edging, trees of different heights are used:

  • tall (up to 6 m);
  • medium-tall (up to 3 m);
  • undersized and dwarf trees (up to 1.5 m).

A backdrop is formed from tall trees (wall, or focal point), which is complemented by trees and shrubs below. From the undersized, the foreground of the composition is formed. Trees can be decorated with gravel, located on an open lawn, solo, or combined into relief, multi-tiered groups.

The tallest are planted in the background, then the middle ones. Low-growing trees and shrubs are placed in front.

Recognized leader - coniferous trees

Mature plants require little or no maintenance. Conifers are decorative all year round, including winter. In early spring, many species bloom with bright lilac candles resembling Christmas tree decorations.... Then comes the time of active growth, the young growth is much brighter than last year's branches. During this period, all conifers look especially elegant.

Spruce grows well on swampy soils, this is especially true for the Moscow region. Pine is drought-resistant, tolerates pruning well, which allows varying height and decorative shape. For low hedges, walls, yew can be recommended... Yew holds its shape perfectly, does not require significant pruning.


An unpretentious thuja can be safely chosen as the main decorative element of the garden, which will unite the plantings with a single idea. Thuja of different varieties will perfectly fit into a composition with low-growing shrubs, variegated and flowering trees.

In the nursery, you can pick up varieties of pyramidal, elliptical, or spherical shape... The garden wall of thuja, planted with a smooth line, looks very interesting. This allows you to unusually beat even a standard summer cottage.

For the middle lane, varieties and hybrids of Western thuja are recommended. The unpretentious Brabant variety is suitable for the formation of a wall, backstage. A single thuja will grow wide, a close planting of a thuja (after 0.5 m) will form a too low wall... The optimal distance between the seedlings of the Brabant variety is 1 m. An interesting variety is Wagner's thuja, which has a rounded shape, lower in height. Tuya is very fond of shower, spraying, sprinkling.

Decorative maples

Most popular maple Canadian, Plane, Norway maple with burgundy foliage. They are great soloists on the open lawn, are good in compositions and against the backdrop of hedges.

Maple Holly or Plane burgundy

Like most plants with a brightly colored leaf, decorative colored maples prefer a sunny spot. In the shade, the natural color will be faded... Maple prefers fertile soil with neutral acidity. Young seedlings should be covered for the winter. An adult plant of a frost-resistant variety will no longer require this.

Exotic for lovers


It can be formed as a bush, but a full-fledged tree with a picturesque crown can grow. Blooming magnolia is an exotic sight, most varieties have a delicate, vanilla-citrus aroma... Magnolia is covered with large flowers (bud length up to 12-15 cm). The color range and shape of the opened flower in different varieties of magnolia is very different.

The whimsicality of magnolia is greatly exaggerated; for successful cultivation, it is enough to follow a few rules. When planting magnolias, special attention should be paid to the root system and planting site selection. It is necessary to buy magnolia with a root ball (in a plastic container), preferably in a nursery or garden center. When planting, try not to injure the roots of the seedling. Magnolia is very fond of the bright sun, does not tolerate drafts and winds. The optimal landing site is under the southern wall of the house, any outbuilding. He does not like calcareous soils, so such lands must be acidified with peat. There is no need to care for an adult plant, only minimal sanitary pruning. For growing in gardens of the middle lane, deciduous forms of magnolia, and corresponding hybrids are recommended.

Young seedlings, even frost-resistant varieties, should be covered for the winter (mulch the roots and cover the crown with agrofibre).


The Japanese relative of the usual cherry, is famous all over the world for its magical flowering. The growing conditions for sakura and magnolia are identical. A sunny place without drafts; neutral or slightly acidic soil... Like ordinary cherries, sakura will need seasonal spraying from pests, abundant watering, and significant pruning.

Sakura does not have to be bought, it reproduces well by cuttings... It is much cheaper than buying a seedling. In August, the stalk is grafted onto a traditional cherry (or sweet cherry), by budding (with an eye, a kidney).

Decorative forms of fruit trees

The apple tree familiar to everyone has many decorative subspecies, which bloom more abundantly than simple apple trees. Blooming with scarlet flowers, Ola's apple tree is simply flooded with flowers so that you cannot see the branches.

Ola apple blossom

Ornamental varieties are grown in the usual agrotechnics, familiar to gardeners for caring for traditional apple trees. Fruits - small (heavenly) apples adorn the garden until late autumn... Yellow, red, purple - look great on branches. They attract birds to the garden, a modern option for a natural solution to the pest problem. From heavenly apples, an original jam is obtained. Particularly interesting are weeping forms, with a variegated and colored leaf.

Ornamental shrubs in landscape design

The shrubs in the garden technically fulfill the natural function of the undergrowth. From an aesthetic point of view, shrubs harmoniously complement garden trees and flower bedsperforming the role of middle management. This is an extensive class of diverse plants, we will focus on especially popular species.

Junipers: type and variety of bushes

Emphasized decorativeness, a wide variety of forms and varieties, the names of the most common are given below. By releasing phytoncides, junipers significantly purify the air. In sunny weather, a healing aroma hovers near such a plant.... A common plus of junipers is frost resistance. Bath lovers will find young juniper twigs useful, which are added to bath brooms for aroma.


The recognized varieties include Variegata juniper... Flat, with scaly azure needles, and contrasting sandy tassels at the end. The shrub is shade-tolerant, but in a sunny place the decorative brushes of the Variegat will be brighter. An adult plant in a sufficient area will look like a lush flower bed.


An unpretentious smoky plant, prefers light soils, looks great in a composition with variegated hosts, common and tree peonies. Loves loosening and sprinkling of branches... When transplanting, the pit should be 2 times the size of the root ball. Junipers do not resist pruning, although they do not need to be pruned.

There should be at least 1 - 1.5 meters between the bushes of the Cossack juniper. In adulthood, it is a sprawling, lush bush.

Rocky Sky Rocket

Tall Blue Juniper - Rocky Sky Rocket... Up to 1 meter in diameter, up to 7 meters high. It looks like a slender tree, vaguely resembles a cypress.


Low juniper Glauka (up to 30 cm), can grow up to 3 meters wide. The powerful root system of this plant allows you to strengthen the slopes, if necessary. This is a suitable plant for the foreground of a garden composition.

Mint Juliet

The fastest growing medium juniper - Mint Julit, reaches 3.5 m in width, up to 1.5 m in height... Blue Carpet is an active aggressor, occupying a vast area. Reacts to pruning with increased growth. This must be taken into account when planting, but you can use it for your own purposes.

Barberry - add bright accents

An interesting bush shape, delicate branches, bright foliage inherent in various varieties, allows barberry to lead among the colored shrubs. Blooms actively in spring. The crown of purple, red, lilac, lettuce color in summer, incredibly transforms in autumn... This is a real carnival of colors, from lemon to wine-colored foliage, scarlet bunches of fruits. Barberry berries are an excellent seasoning for pilaf and meat dishes.

Barberry looks great in single and group plantings. The front garden, the alpine slide, the edging of the meadows - all these compositions will successfully complement the barberry of the variety and colors you like. Barberries of different heights (from 30 cm to 1.5 m) can be interesting to beat in a prefabricated mixborder... Thunberg barberry is good in combination with conifers. The undersized cushion-shaped barberry Green Carpet is used for Japanese-style rocky compositions.

It develops well in an open, sunny place, not picky about soils. Does not tolerate stagnation of soil input, when planting the barberry, a high-quality drainage cushion should be provided.

Low-growing shrub (up to 80 cm) in looks very exotic, blooms profusely with orange-red flowers... In summer and autumn, it is decorated with fruits that resemble paradise apples. Used for flower beds and rose gardens.

Japanese quince grows well on light sandy loam soils, loves lit places. Excellent jam is made from the fruits of the hostess.

Red viburnum

A familiar shrub that never ceases to delight with its beauty and useful berries. Viburnum is very good in bloom, in autumn it turns crimson - yellow, red clusters of berries glow in the sun.

Kalina loves shady places, the bush can grow quite extensively. This property of the viburnum can be successfully used for decorating outbuildings, blank walls of sheds. Loves good watering, soil for planting is mixed with humus (1 × 1)... The land under the viburnum bush should be mulched with tree bark, this will help the moisture-loving plant to develop.

It grows wild in central and southern Europe, in North Africa, in the European part of Russia, mainly in its middle part and in Asia Minor. Rarely found in the west and north of Russia. Kalina can be found in Central and Western Siberia, as well as in the eastern and northern regions of Kazakhstan. Viburnum vulgaris does not grow in Central Asia and the Far East.

Familiar from indoor forms, the Large-leaved garden hydrangea is a godsend for lovers of bright, actively flowering plants. Large inflorescences (12-15 cm) bloom in July and remain on the branches until autumn. An adult wisteria bush is not tall (up to 1 m), it can reach two meters in diameter, this must be taken into account when planting... Large inflorescences are white, greenish, crimson, pink and even blue.

Hortense loves enough lit places, but direct sunlight is harmful to her. You will need a moist, slightly acidic soil, abundant watering, top dressing. When planting, peat, sand, coniferous forest land are added to the earthen mixture. Feeding the hydrangea with iron preparations, amateurs achieve a bright blue color of the inflorescences from the hydrangea... It is advisable to mulch the trunk circle with needles, use slightly acidified water for irrigation. For the winter, the hydrangea should be covered.

Interesting novelty: columnar fruit trees

The compact, productive trees, strewn with fruits of the usual size, have fascinated many gardeners. Columns bear fruit in the second year, take up little space, and are easy to care for... The lifespan of such a tree is up to 15 years, in contrast to the usual longevity of ordinary fruit and stone fruit trees.

What are the columnar trees

Columnar apple tree - undersized, dwarf (relative to the standard) standard tree... Proven high-quality varieties - Arbat (medium-ripening red apple), Bolero (winter), Gin (summer variety).

On sale there are seedlings of columnar trees of the latest selection: plums, cherry plums, pears, peaches. The main problem is the instability of the variety. Dying off of the lower branches, changes in the shape of the crown (the formation of a "broom"), freezing of growth buds, degeneration of the variety. There is an outright fraud of sellers. If you decide to grow columns, buy adapted seedlings from proven regional nurseries.

At the moment, only the columnar apple tree boasts a large number of resistant varieties. The rest of the columnar novelties can be purchased only at your own peril and risk.

Features of planting and caring for fruit fruit trees

Columns are very comfortable for handling and maintenance, organizing drip or spot irrigation. The growth of an adult fruit tree is about 1.5 m, it is grown in the usual agricultural technology, like ordinary fruit and stone fruit trees... Depending on the variety, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.4 - 0.7 m from each other. The distance between the rows is 2 - 2.5 m. You will need seasonal pruning, pest control, feeding, loosening the root circle.

After planting a one-year-old seedling, the plant will show its variety in the first year. To do this, leave 2-3 flower ovaries on the tree, it is better to remove the rest of the flowers in the first year... A seedling needs strength to adapt to a new place, to form a healthy root system.

Selection does not stand still, popular varieties are constantly being improved... Whether experimenting with original novelties, or choosing an ornamental variety proven over the years, this is a constant temptation for the gardener. Based on your taste preferences, you can choose an original decoration for your favorite garden.

Globular gomphrene is an attractive fast-growing plant that has beautiful globular flowers.

Gomfrena: growing from seed

The only way such a plant can be propagated is by sowing seeds. For this, a substrate is used, which includes soil for house plants and half the amount of sand.

Before sowing, which is carried out in the first half of spring, the soil is sprayed with water, and after that, it is sprinkled with a small layer of sand. Throughout the entire time of seed germination, the temperature must be maintained at 15-18 degrees, and the soil must be kept moist. When the sprouts are a little stronger, young gomphrens are transplanted into separate flower pots.

Gomfrena: the nature of growth and flowering

Usually at home, the height of the gomphrene does not exceed 45 cm.But its dwarf varieties are often found, the height of which is up to 20 cm.

The inflorescences of this plant consist of attractive stipules and rather nondescript flowers. Flower heads are usually purple, but there are varieties that differ in slightly different shades. In appearance, the flowers of gomphrene resemble clover flowers.

Gomfrena: features of care

Gomphrene spherical is not a very demanding plant - it is not at all necessary to transplant it, moreover, it can tolerate short-term drops in temperature to several degrees below zero.

At any time of the year, the soil in a pot with gomphrene should be moist. But at the same time, watering the plant should not be abundant, since it does not tolerate both drying out of the soil and its excessive moisture. Gomfren should be fed twice a month.

Gomfrena feels best at home in the bright sun. In summer, it can grow normally at all temperatures. In winter, it should be above zero degrees.

Possible problems

Sometimes young gomphrens are affected by a fungal disease, which leads to wilting of plants and the death of its stems. The reason for this usually lies in wet soil or too high humidity. Such plants are immediately destroyed.

Sometimes the plant can damage aphids. In case of not serious lesions, treatment of stems and leaves with soapy water helps; in case of serious diseases, treatment with an insecticide is needed.