Design ideas for a small kitchen: visually increase the space. How to visually enlarge a small kitchen? A dozen practical tips from practicing designers What color visually expands the kitchen

It doesn't matter what the footage of your kitchen is: 6 or 8 squares, if you have the necessary knowledge. With the help of simple tricks, it is very easy to achieve a visual increase in space. Read and combine to arouse the admiration of acquaintances.

Our eyes are a unique optical device created by nature itself. They allow us to see the life around, enjoy the juicy summer landscapes and winter snowdrifts. But they are not perfect either. To deceive your eyesight, it is enough to change one detail in the interior of the kitchen: a small room becomes more spacious and wider. What visual techniques are capable of doing this?

Classics of the genre

Light colors are the main secret of interior designers. White and its shades, light yellow or color with a slight hint of green have magical properties for our perception:

  1. They give the impression of high ceilings like old buildings;
  2. The walls move apart as if by the wave of a magic wand;
  3. The room seems warm and cozy.

Choose beige kitchen furniture, paint the walls and ceiling white, add a lot of warm light fixtures - the kitchen will become the largest room in your home.

Bright color schemes will dilute the interior. What will it be? A lilac branch on which birds sit, or large flowers of an unusual shape - it all depends on your imagination. There should not be many such “spots”, otherwise light colors will lose their properties.

striped dream

Female representatives are terribly afraid to try on horizontal striped clothes - no one wants to seem to have gained weight a little. Why not use the expanding properties of horizontals in a small kitchen? It remains only to decide on the materials and colors. Choose wallpaper with clear stripes and cover empty walls with it. White frames and a hanging lamp are suitable as decor. In this version, the "intimidating" stripes will work for you.

Now consider the possibilities of vertical lines. Looking at a wall painted in orderly rows of alternating verticals of different thicknesses, it seems as if the space is lengthening. Ceiling and floor will never meet again.

You can create vertical stripes not only with the help of paints and wallpapers. A good option would be long cabinets supporting the ceiling.

We remove the backs

Sit comfortably in a chair, lean back, and enjoy a hot drink with homemade cakes. A dream come true in large kitchens. For small spaces, ordinary stools are suitable. What is their secret? They fit easily under the table and are taken out when needed. No magic - pure practicality.

The main condition is to maintain the style of the dining area. Agree that high bar stools will look ridiculous around a classic one-legged table. But they will perfectly fit into the interior with a bar counter.

glass transparency

The fragility of glass pales in comparison to the beauty of this material. The possibilities of its use in the interior of the kitchen are very extensive. The undoubted advantage is the ability to expand the space. If you look, then due to its transparency, the glass seems to be absent.

Glass kitchen cabinet doors allow you to see everything behind them. The boundaries are erased, the room is given additional depth. Glass shelves create a feeling of weightlessness of space: objects seem to be suspended in the air. The atmosphere of such a kitchen evokes cosmic thoughts.

Open shelving can create the same feeling.

Glass furniture deserves a separate discussion. Only after looking closely, you notice the presence of chairs standing near the table. The interior becomes really spacious and... fragile. We will not touch on the issue of practicality, so as not to spoil the impression of the beauty of glass.

Turn on the light

A large number of lamps will help to see the most secluded corners of your miniature kitchen. The variety of lighting fixtures is amazing.

Place a pendant lamp above the dining table, illuminate the work area with small spotlights, decorate the space of open cabinets with lamps. Give preference to soft yellow light and transparent shades. A warm and cozy atmosphere will become an essential attribute of your 6-meter kitchen.

The LED strip looks interesting, which can be run along the upper cabinets, illuminating the countertop, or down near the floor.

Stretch ceilings, which have gained particular popularity, allow you to hide the shades, creating an endless plane of the ceiling.

Just don't forget to do a general cleaning: dust and bright light don't mix.

We keep order

Clutter makes the space heavier and spoils the mood. Skip the clutter of cabinets, use alternative ways to store food, and keep your countertop tidy at all times. The fewer items that catch your eye, the more spacious the kitchen interior will seem.

see the reflection

Have you ever accidentally stumbled upon a mirror in a store, although it seemed that there was another department ahead? If yes, then the possibilities of the mirror surface are familiar to you.

Making the apron and part of the wall glossy allows you to visually enlarge the kitchen at no extra cost. Visually, two planes will appear, it will seem that there is another kitchen behind the work surface. Isn't this what housewives dream of?

A glass top can add light and warmth. Thick, durable and located near the window, it will reflect sunlight and delight with the play of color.

Advantages of monochrome design

A simple combination of two colors visually enlarges the kitchen space, gives it a touch of sophistication and sophistication. As the main color, you should choose a shade of white, in which to make most of the room. An additional color is selected based on personal preference.

The interior in black and white looks a little cool and restrained. Small details in the form of a metal vase and a glossy surface are the finishing touches in creating harmony and spaciousness in your kitchen.

Other light shades are also suitable as the main color. The kitchen in shades of green looks stylish and fresh. It seems that the room is filled with air. In addition, green reduces appetite.

Like in the clouds

This is how you feel in the kitchen, the floor of which is made in bright colors.

White or milky color expand the space even in low light. Bright details can dilute the interior. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it.

The floor can be different - you can lay it out with square tiles or create zigzag lines. If the task is to enlarge the room, then preference should be given to straight lines. Why? See above.

The correct size of the drawings

If it seems to you that the large drawings on the walls and curtains play to expand the space, then you will have to disappoint.

In fact, the smaller the flowers, the circles, the visually the kitchen will seem larger. Large images, especially dark colors, give the impression of pressure.

Wallpaper with the right pattern will complement the kitchen and deceive your eyes.

There is nothing complicated in creating a spacious interior. Light colors, sufficient lighting and glossy surfaces will do their job perfectly!

How to increase the space available in the kitchen, how to save it - owners of small kitchens constantly think about this issue. However, there are fairly simple tricks that to some extent help to increase the functionality and comfort of the kitchen. This is what we intend to set out in our good advice.

When deciding how to increase the kitchen space for things, it is worth considering hanging a plate dryer between the sink and wall cabinets. This will allow you:

  • free up space in the cabinet where this drying is usually placed;
  • don't worry about furniture dampness as the drops will go straight to the sink.

Such drying will free up space in kitchen cabinets for storing other items in them.

Tip Two: Make the most of your sink space

The sink may well act as an additional workplace. To do this, just put a large cutting board on it.

So the sink can easily turn into an additional workplace.

Tip three: think about how to increase the space of the kitchen due to the hob

When thinking about how to increase the efficiently used space in Khrushchev kitchens, allow yourself to think outside the box. So, a non-standard, but very convenient solution can be to use the hob as a work surface. To do this, just install a large cutting board on it.

Using the hob as a work surface

Tip four: do not forget about the shelves, which can become faithful helpers in cramped conditions

Shelves can turn into a reliable help for a hostess working in a small kitchen. Taking up no space at all, they can become a safe haven for plates, cups and other items. They can also be used as a place to install spotlights.

A shelf suspended between the wall cabinet and the work surface is the right solution for creating additional space for things

Tip #5: Break the Standards

When looking for options on how to increase the kitchen space, strive to think outside the box. So, an example of a non-standard approach can be a hole in a cutting board, through which the resulting waste can be dumped into a garbage can without bending over and without making unnecessary movements.

A simple hole in a cutting board can make a housewife's job easier

Tip Six: Set up a cookbook shelf

As a rule, in a small kitchen it is difficult to find a place on the work surface to put a cookbook or gadget on which the dish is currently being prepared. The solution to this problem can be the suspension of a small light shelf.

Lightweight cookbook shelf

Tip seven: remember that the doors of the kitchen set can easily turn into additional space

By attaching shelves with hooks to the doors, you can get a great place to hang kitchen tools and store spices. When doing this, it is important not to overload the doors, but to place the shelves so that they do not interfere with the closing of the cabinets.

Efficient use of the inside surface of kitchen cabinet doors

Tip Eight: Don't Disregard Cabinet Sides

Kitchen square meters can be significantly saved if the side surfaces of the cabinets in the kitchen are used correctly and efficiently. Shelves hung there can shelter a large number of items that the hostess has to use quite often.

Shelves and hangers on the side of kitchen cabinets

Tip nine: pay attention to the convenience of tables on wheels

Such a table can always be easily moved and removed when it is not needed, and sometimes even used in another room. A table or table-book on wheels is practical and convenient!

The table on wheels can be removed from the kitchen at any time, thus increasing the free space

Tip ten: roof rails - convenience that does not take up space

The functionality of the kitchen can be significantly increased by fixing roof rails on the walls that do not occupy the space of this room at all. On them you can hang both kitchen utensils and shelves specially provided for them.

Roof rails - the embodiment of kitchen functionality

Tip eleven: make a simple, convenient and beautiful organizer

Making an organizer for an experienced hostess is not difficult. But its presence in the kitchen will make the room much more comfortable, bringing great convenience to it at the same time: organizer pockets are a great place to store any little things.

Organizer is the unity of beauty and convenience

Tip Twelve: Equip Cap Storage

By using single towel rails and mounting them on the inside of various cabinet doors, you can create a compact and convenient storage for pot lids.

Cap storage

A small kitchen is a problem for the hostess. And I don’t even want to cook when everything around is inconveniently placed. But in a small kitchen, you can also create a work of art. How? Very simple, and in this article today we will look at 5 basic rules for convenient distribution of space. These 5 techniques are considered the most successful, and they can create a miracle and versatility of a small kitchen room.

1 reception: furniture

Among modern manufacturers, almost everyone is understanding about a small area. Therefore, you can find enough furniture that will be functional and comfortable. These are various drawers that can serve not only for dishes, but also as a table and chairs.

It is also better to choose a set with light surfaces made of glossy or metallic material, but let the cabinets and apron be dark. This technique will visually make the space wider due to the fact that the furniture will look massive.

2 reception: color

The base shade is better to choose white or cream. This is the best option for small spaces. But in addition, you can use bright accents, whether it is a bright-colored refrigerator - orange, or any other item.

3 reception: light

There must be a lot of it. Both natural lighting and artificial lighting are good. Additional sources can serve as spotlights and LED lights.

4 reception: bar counter

She's just the best choice. It has a place to store dishes. And it can also be the very object that delimits the space into 2 parts: the kitchen and dining areas.

5th move: freedom

To achieve more of it, you can by replacing bulky cabinets with open shelves. They can also store various essentials for cooking. Frying pans and saucepans can be hung separately on the wall. More open space is the main technique for a small room.


Despite the fact that it is the 21st century on the street, many families continue to live in small apartments, in which not only the living space is meager, but they also have to use small kitchens, small bathrooms, tiny toilets. We undress in cramped corridors, sleep in tram-type bedrooms, and all these inconveniences make us think - how to make the kitchen bigger, cozier and more spacious at the same time, if there is no way to expand the premises by adding a neighboring apartment?

But at the current pace of construction, many new buildings offer very large kitchens, commensurate in area with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room. How to choose furniture for each of the kitchens, which layout of a large kitchen will be optimal - minimalistic or dominated by household appliances and furniture?

Everyone has different tastes, but the experience of designers and furniture makers has developed several recommendations that are suitable for any kitchen.

How to visually enlarge the boundaries of the kitchen

There are quite a few ways to both physically and visually increase the volume of the kitchen, the height of the ceiling and the width of the walls. Let's start with an optical illusion - let's try to visually enlarge the kitchen space. Here are the most effective and common design techniques, tried and tested in practice and time-tested:

  • The ceiling should be white or close to this color. White color visually raises the ceiling higher. It is not recommended to install any false ceilings - stretch, plastic, plasterboard or rack - you will lose from 5 to 20 cm in height. It is desirable to choose the color of the ceiling in a single color, without a pattern, especially a large one. About ways...
  • Heavy chandeliers and pendant lights are excluded - this is minus 20-50 cm. The optimal solution is ceiling spotlights, which are complemented by side, also spot, lighting of work areas.
  • If the kitchen has a high ceiling (3-3.5 m), then a suspended ceiling would be ideal here. In addition, modern lamps, both spot and diffused light, are easily and organically integrated into such a ceiling.
  • The next decision on how to make the kitchen bigger is the wallpaper geometry of your choice. Wallpaper with vertical stripes or a vertical pattern visually increase the height of the walls. Wallpaper with a horizontal arrangement of artistic elements on long walls will make them even longer, on short walls - they will shorten them visually. You can combine these types of drawings, achieving the effect of a diffused look - one wall will look wide, the second - high, and along with the light ceiling, the correct perception of the room is lost - the human brain cannot estimate the total volume of the kitchen, and it seems larger.

  • It remains the last visual technique for the room - the decor of the floor or flooring. It can be made pronouncedly contrasting with the ceiling or walls - this solution will also visually increase the distance between the planes of the room.

Arrangement of furniture in the kitchen

Narrow, tall and necessarily light furniture is a great option when buying a kitchen furniture set. But furniture for a large kitchen does not have to be in tune with the wallpaper or ceiling, although it must be light if the kitchen is not of an island type.

For example, the combination of light yellow furniture and light green walls not only has a calming effect, but also expands the space. A tandem of pink and white, cream and gray is also considered acceptable.

A folding table-shelf by the window, or a table as an extension of the window sill, a table-cabinet and folding chairs - all this, when folded, will expand your kitchen and fit perfectly into the working island.

Household appliances built into the kitchen set (washing machine, dishwasher, extractor hood, fridge-bar and even microwave oven) also save a lot of space, leaving more space free. Furniture in the kitchen should be corner - much more kitchen items are placed in the corner, while saving the remaining space.

Do not install carpet or tiles in a small kitchen. Carpet visually raises the floor, and tiles, due to their pronounced geometric seams, indicate the size of the room. Therefore, linoleum, parquet or laminate is your best choice. With a large floor area, you can lay ceramic tiles or even marble - electric or water.

Multifunctional furniture for a large kitchen also works very well, such as a kitchen nook that has interior space under the seats for crockery and kitchen utensils.

Now on sale you can find mobile shelves that are inserted into tables, mezzanines or hanging cabinets and divide the space in half. These shelves can change their size in width, depth and height, so they are suitable for any kitchen set.

It is undesirable to use hinged doors for hanging cabinets - it is better to order them sliding, or rising up on special telescopic hinges. Of the original solutions, you can offer a folding or retractable window sill, which transforms into a dining table.

A new invention of urban designers - kitchen rails. These are strips that are attached above the work area, and on which all kinds of hooks, holders and shelves can be attached.

For an island-type kitchen, railing is an invention of little use, but for a standard layout it is just a godsend. The railing itself is made of metal or plastic, and its minimalistic design and execution are suitable for any kitchen interior. Rails can be used to hang kitchen towels, tea and coffee cups, kitchen sets, cutting boards and other utensils.

Lighting in the kitchen

A special role in both small and large kitchens is given to lighting. It is clear why a chandelier or carob lamp cannot be placed in the kitchen if the ceiling is low. Of the volumetric lighting fixtures, it can be suggested to use only wall sconces - it is recommended to install the rest of the fixtures as a spot type. In addition, kitchen lighting should be divided into several zones. The standard division is:

  1. A common dining area, which can be illuminated by several (2-4 pieces) LED lamps built into furniture mezzanines or 2-4 sconces on the long walls of the kitchen. For high ceilings, you can hang a multi-track chandelier.
  2. The working area (a place for cutting and cooking) near the sink and work table should be illuminated with a local lamp, which can also be built into the furniture.
  3. Other lighting zones are calculated as needed. For example, a spotlight next to a refrigerator, with an automatic washing machine or near a dishwasher.

The overall layout of a large kitchen depends on the smallest details. For example, it would be rational to place the dining table near the window. And the window itself, if possible, can be expanded or made larger in height by lowering its lower part, sometimes even to the very floor.

The window opening expands when installing a new plastic or wooden window. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the design of the window sill and its material. After all, the window sill can also be used as a shelf or table, and then it is better to make it marble or stone, but not plastic or wood.

If possible, it is better not to use curtains and curtains for a small kitchen - ordinary blinds covered with a light, transparent and short tulle will do. A tulle baguette will also look very heavy and out of place, so it is better to use a regular string to hang the tulle.