Kitchen design ideas 5 5 square meters. Direct kitchen - secrets of a convenient layout from a designer. What's new for this year

Grieving over a tiny kitchen is unproductive. It is better to think over the design of a 5-meter kitchen to the smallest detail, trying to use every square centimeter to good use.

The fact that this is possible has already been proven by thousands of owners of small kitchens in Khrushchev, who managed to make them not only cozy and beautiful, but also multifunctional.

Arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen

On all construction forums, the question about the design of kitchens 5 sq m sounds more often than others. Especially when people do not want to make redevelopment, combining the kitchen with the living room or pantry, but dream of accommodating all the necessary equipment in it without compromising the storage space. It seems impossible to do this.

Now, if it comes to the design of a kitchen of 8 5 m, there are many examples at once of how you can organize everything beautifully and coolly on this square. And baby kitchens are advised to expand visually using various design tricks. But these tricks can only affect our aesthetic perception, but not the ability of the kitchen to accommodate everything you need.

Therefore, let's put aside for a while talking about styles, textures and colors, and we will solve practical problems.

Corner kitchen

An angular or L-shaped arrangement of furniture is considered the most optimal for small rooms, especially if it is necessary to squeeze a dining area into them.

The following options are possible:

  • With a sink in the corner. This is the most ergonomic design - a kitchen of 5 sq m is the most convenient for the hostess. A corner wall cabinet with a pull-out mechanism is hung above the sink, which allows you to make the most of the space.

  • With hob in the corner... A non-standard solution for those who love to cook and do it often. Electric and gas hobs of a special angular shape are not uncommon today, so it will be easy to fit them into a 5 m2 kitchen design.

For reference. Please note that the price of a corner hob, corner hood and even a corner bottom module is usually higher than that of standard counterparts.

  • With a sink under the window... Quite a difficult option in execution, requiring the transfer of a heating radiator and lengthening of water supply and sewer pipes. But the result will definitely please you.

Kitchen without fridge or dining table

If you decide to sacrifice a table or refrigerator, which really take up a lot of space in the kitchen, you will have more opportunities for a 5 m2 kitchen to have a comfortable working area.

  • - furniture is located along three walls, allowing you to use all the usable space and create an ideal working triangle. If you are not too lazy and with your own hands break through a small distributing window into the room adjacent to the kitchen, you will be able to fully preserve the functionality of this small room.

  • Two-row kitchen... The furniture is placed along two opposite walls. Simplified modification of the U-shaped kitchen, allowing you to leave free access to the window and place tall modules for storage and kitchen appliances.

Small kitchen design ideas

If you are a lover of antique sideboards, cute knickknacks on open shelves and soft sofas with cozy pillows, then even a kitchen design of 8 5 square meters and more will become a problem for you. In a tiny kitchen, every centimeter has to be taken into account and used with maximum efficiency, so country or classics are unlikely to be appropriate here, where too much space is given to decorative elements.

You will have to abandon bulky and functionally useless items in favor of convenience and ergonomics.

Furniture and appliances

To provide more free space in a small kitchen, furniture and appliances must be chosen very carefully. With today's assortment, this is not difficult to do.

  • Don't buy a ready-made headset. Custom-made furniture always fits better into the design of a 5 sq m kitchen, leaving even the most inaccessible corners unused.
  • Reduce the depth of the lower modules to 50 or even 40 cm - the kitchen will be much more spacious.
  • Make the most of the full height of your kitchen. Make wall cabinets up to the ceiling: rarely used utensils can be stored on the upper shelves. Do not cover the lower part with a plinth, it is better to place baskets under the cabinets for storing vegetables.

  • Use small kitchen appliances: a two- or three-burner hob, a narrow oven and PMM, a small refrigerator built under the countertop.

Council. A large fridge-freezer can be placed in the corridor or on a loggia, and in a small kitchenette you can only keep products that you use every day.

  • An excellent solution can be multifunctional appliances, for example, an oven with a microwave function or a multicooker, which can replace both the hob and the oven.

Attention! The instruction manual for such equipment should be studied by you before purchasing, so that you can make sure that it really suits you in all respects.

  • When planning your kitchen space, pay attention to folding chairs and transforming tables. The latter can be folding, roll-out, sliding, which greatly saves space in the kitchenette.

For reference. Watch a video on our portal about small kitchens and transforming kitchens. You might be interested in some of the ideas from these videos.

Important little things

  • If we are to use the space to its fullest, then let's pay attention to other interior details. For example, the work surface can be increased by using a window sill, replacing it with a wider table top. It can also serve as a bar counter or a table for quick snacks. You can also arrange small shelves under the windowsill.
  • If you remove the door to the kitchen or replace it with a sliding door, it will be much easier for you to move.
  • Finally, the rails and hooks on the backsplash and on the inside of the doors can store a huge mass of little things that are essential in any kitchen.


5m kitchen design is a challenge for creative and inventive people. It is better not to take on it without a certain amount of adventurism - it is better to entrust this business to professional designers. If you decide to do it yourself, look for non-standard solutions and do not be afraid to experiment.

Initially, the kitchen was in this condition, I tried to film the whole process of repair.

All unnecessary things were removed, but the sink and the gas stove remained - something to eat.

The plastic window has already been installed.

He replaced the heating pipes and batteries at once throughout the apartment so that later he did not have to be disassembled. Since I am a plumber myself, I only paid for batteries and taps. I have a welder from work.

As you can see, the ventilation window is too low. I made a hole near the pipe itself. After installing stretch ceilings, there was a lot of trouble with the placement of the ventilation outlet from the hood. Everything is back to back.

The gas meter is well placed behind the refrigerator, easy access.

Where is the sheet of drywall now, originally there was a door to the bath. It's good that it has already been redone before us. The wall is bricked up, the drywall just came up to level the level. It is easier and cheaper than covering with mortar. The strip under the tiles is only screwed on during installation so that the level is maintained.

Since the girl loves green, the kitchen was also made in this color. When the sun shines through the window, the green kitchen is light and cozy.

The black on the pipe is a cafe, a heat insulator. Usually it is put on heating and hot water pipes so that there is no heat loss. I just had a piece left and decided to put it on the gas pipe as an insulator, what if something happens to the refrigerator. Will start to punch, and the gas pipe is protected. And it will not heat up. Gazovikov heard enough and made himself safe in this way, although this is not at all necessary.

There are two valves on the battery, so that in case of something you can shut off.

The microwave was on the windowsill, but my brother advised me to remove it from there, since it was like this at his house and eventually broke. And I hung it at my height. The main thing is not to get up abruptly while sitting at the table :) I myself did not really want to hang anything there, but I had to. Very rarely does anyone sit there.

The headset itself. They paid about $ 750. Measured for free. They brought it and assembled it ourselves.

The narrowest place between the stove and the sink is 5 cm. It does not cause any inconvenience.

The width of the tabletop on the left is 45 cm.After the transition - 60 cm.

Design of a small kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b5 sq. m in Khrushchev is not so simple, however, judging by the photos in the catalogs of interiors, there are no tasks that are impossible for designers. By properly planning your workspace, you can avoid most of the difficulties that can arise in such cramped circumstances. Modern trends in interior design and organization of the working area will create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

Functional placement of furniture in a compact kitchen of 5 square meters

Rational use of space

Thinking over the design of the kitchen 5 sq. m in Khrushchev, you need to use some tips that will help you organize a small space correctly:

Important!The higher the furniture, the lighter and more spacious the interior looks. A headset that is too low will create the effect of a cluttered space.

Optimal layout options

The smaller the room, the more difficult it is to maintain a balance between interior beauty and practicality. Few people want to sacrifice their own comfort for the sake of an extra meter or limit themselves in opportunities due to lack of space. How to think over the layout in a tiny kitchen of 5 sq. meters in Khrushchev, without any problems placing on it not only a stove with a sink, but also a refrigerator and other household appliances?

Striking U-shaped kitchen design with tempered glass shelves

L-shaped layout

In the photo of design projects, you can often find a corner kitchen set, such an L-shaped layout is used both in large and small kitchens no more than 5 square meters. m. In small rooms, both corner walls are fully occupied. Often one of the ends of the headset is adjacent to the door. It is better to round the corners of the headset, especially near the doorway.

A classic example of a corner kitchen in a small area

Smooth outlines look much more harmonious and beautiful in the interior, in contrast to sharp corners. If the kitchen is not square, but elongated, then it is better to place the refrigerator and stove along the long wall, while the sink can be moved close to the short wall. In the opposite corner, it is good to place a small corner sofa with a compact table and hinged open shelves and cabinets.

Corner kitchen 5 square meters with rounded ends

Note!It is better to equip the area by the window for a workspace, since the kitchen has an area of \u200b\u200bonly 5 sq. m every extra centimeter is valuable.

The corners in a small kitchen should not be empty. To free up some space, you can place a sink in the corner. For convenience, it is better to choose a beveled or radius corner tabletop with a narrowed short side. This will provide enough space in the kitchen for the hob or stove and refrigerator.
Instead of a sink, a stove or hob is sometimes placed in a corner. If you like this option, try to choose the most compact model. At the same time, it is also worth remembering the predominance of smooth lines in the corner kitchen - rounded outlines will become a small trick that distracts from the modest dimensions of the kitchen.

Interior of a corner kitchen in Khrushchev

U-shaped layout

With this option for arranging furniture and appliances, three walls are occupied at once. Thus, it is possible to organize a comfortable working triangle with the same distance to the refrigerator, stove and sink. To make it more convenient for you and your household to work in the kitchen and move around it, the passage should be no more than 120 cm.Planning in the form of the letter P is not only one of the most comfortable in everyday life, it also provides a lot of opportunities for non-trivial design solutions.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with U-shaped furniture arrangement

Vertical block at the door

The kitchen is 5 sq. meters, the tallest and largest objects are most often located in the corners, this layout option can be seen in the photo of kitchen interiors. This technique allows you to visually make the bulky elements of the headset less noticeable, giving them a more elegant look. If you need a large number of spacious shelves and appliances, you can put several tall cabinets in the kitchen at once - a pencil case in the middle of the wall, a tall block with a built-in oven and, for example, a refrigerator in the corner by the window.

Interior of a corner kitchen 5 square meters with a refrigerator by the window

Due to tall pieces of furniture, you can significantly increase the capacity of the headset, but this arrangement greatly cuts down the working area. An oven, a dishwasher, a microwave oven and a refrigerator can be comfortably placed in a five-meter kitchen, but a vertical cabinet by the door will not only lengthen the corridor, "stealing" valuable space from the kitchen, but also create an extra sharp corner, which is quite traumatic.

Kitchen cabinet-pencil case by the window in a small kitchen

Kitchen option without a refrigerator

The refrigerator is often the largest item in the kitchen. Often, it is they who are sacrificed for the sake of additional space, putting the refrigerator on the insulated balcony or in the hallway. This arrangement is not very convenient, if you approach it from the practical side, but it becomes possible to equip the kitchen with a cozy dining area with a good table and a soft corner sofa, or expand the working area.

Kitchen with furniture along all walls

If there is enough free space for a refrigerator in the corridor or on the loggia, then in the kitchen of 5 sq. meters you can safely do without it.

Kitchen interior without a refrigerator with glossy surfaces and rounded ends

One row kitchen

The simplest and most economical option for decorating a workspace is to arrange furniture and equipment along one wall. Despite the fact that minimalism is in trend in 2017, such an organization of space may not please everyone. By removing the large refrigerator from the kitchen, you can better organize your workspace by conveniently placing the stove and sink.

Single-line kitchen 5 square meters in Khrushchev

If you decide to leave the refrigerator in the kitchen 5 sq. m in Khrushchev, then get a stove or oven no more than 45 cm wide.

Interior of a small kitchen 5 sq. M in Khrushchev

Kitchen in two rows

This layout is otherwise called parallel, when all pieces of furniture and appliances are located along opposite walls. With this arrangement, the kitchen unit may not have enough space for the dining area, but there is room to turn around in terms of organizing the workspace.

Compact kitchen in two rows

Important!To create the most convenient kitchen triangle, place the sink and stove on the wall opposite to the refrigerator.

Kitchen interior with furniture on both sides

For convenience and free movement around the kitchen during cooking, try not to clutter up the space in the center, the minimum distance between the facades of the headset should be wider than 1.2 m. The kitchen, furnished in two rows, with a simple and strict design looks more spacious and lighter - the window in this the case is completely open, and the furniture does not obstruct daylight.

Kitchen window with sheer short curtains

Interior Design

Even in a tiny kitchen of 5 sq. m, you can bring to life almost any new design that is relevant in 2017 - in the photo you can see a variety of interior design options. Pretentious Rococo and Baroque, which are characterized by an abundance of decor, bright colors, gilding, complex furniture design, etc., will not fit into a small space. However, there are other styles that can be used.

Modern kitchen interior 5 square meters in Khrushchev


One of the most popular modern styles, current in 2017. This is the best option for creating a comfortable and cozy interior without unnecessary accessories and flashy colors.

Minimalism in the kitchen 5 square meters in Khrushchev

The main techniques used in interior design are a minimum of furniture, simplicity of forms, neutral colors, glossy surfaces, high-quality lighting, modern lightweight finishing materials. Together, this creates a spacious and bright space.

Corner kitchen 5 sq.m in Khrushchev with a pink countertop

High tech

A distinctive feature of the high-tech style is the craving for the use of ultramodern materials and technical innovations. Appliances and household appliances are hidden behind the facades of the cabinets, and the headset is a modular design, which allows you to use the available space with maximum benefit.

Small-sized high-tech kitchen


Classics, with the exception of the most extravagant varieties, are always in fashion. This is a win-win option for those who are afraid to make a mistake with the selection of textures, colors and furniture design.

Classic interior of a small kitchen with a sink by the window

The interior uses natural materials, natural colors. For decoration, light shades are often used, which allows you to refresh the interior and visually enlarge the kitchen.

Corner light kitchen in classic style

Despite the very modest dimensions of the standard Khrushchev kitchen (only 5 square meters), even on such an area you can conveniently place the necessary furniture and appliances, creating a cozy and practical space.

The design of a small kitchen is difficult to make beautiful, and even more difficult to make it comfortable. There is little space, it is difficult to arrange furniture on it so that nothing interferes, does not fall under your feet and does not fall on your head. But you still need to build in a refrigerator and other irreplaceable equipment, place dishes and tools, and organize a dining area.

However, a typical 5 sqm kitchen is not a hopeless case. You can arrange the design so that the interior seems at least not cramped. And even more than that - original and interesting.

Kitchen layout for 5 sq.m

The layout and design of a kitchen of 5 square meters is, first of all, not even finishing, but the arrangement of furniture - you need to miraculously arrange everything so that the one who cooks and the one who takes food has somewhere to turn around.

This is how examples of layouts look like - from linear to island, which cannot be implemented in a small kitchen

Linear layout

The most classic option that allows you to build not only a beautiful, but also a convenient design. In this case, the furniture is lined up against the wall, as a result, a stove, a refrigerator and a pair of kitchen cabinets stand in a row, which can be replaced by a dishwasher. The advantages of such a layout are as follows:

  • there is a lot of space;
  • you can comfortably arrange the dining area without harassing the work area.

The main disadvantage of the idea is that there is little working space in the kitchen with a linear layout.

Parallel layout

If you have a small kitchen of 5 sq m, then you can arrange furniture in parallel on it in two cases:

  • you will not make a dining area - this option is possible if you like to cook, but you can eat at the table in the living room;
  • you have a non-standard small-sized kitchen - it is not only 5 m2, but also narrow.

In any case, in a parallel layout, furniture is built from two sides.

Pros - a lot of work surface. Cons - in fact, the entire space is occupied by a headset.

Layout in the form of the letter "P"

This arrangement makes sense if your dining area is tiny, and consists of a small table and a small chair. The set, in this case, is built on three walls, as if covering the kitchen.

Pros - a relatively large work surface, cons - may not turn around.

It is important to remember that at least seventy centimeters should remain between the furniture, otherwise the one who will cook in your kitchen will be constrained in movement.

Corner layout

It is a completely reasonable decision, relevant not only in 2019, but always. Furniture is lined up against two walls, the rest of the space remains free.

Pros - there is still more space for work than with a linear layout, and the feeling of tightness is less than with a "P" -planning or parallel. Cons - most likely, access to the window will be blocked.

Scandinavian style - tiles with a blue tint, the same color accents in the design of the headset

Layout with a bar counter

The bar counter is a novelty in Russia, but in Europe it is used everywhere. Another thing is that in the design of a small kitchen of 5 square meters, it will look good in two cases:

  • if it is adjacent to the headset, this is not quite a "real" stand, but it leaves room for maneuver, allows you to eat and looks quite interesting;
  • if it is adjacent to the wall - on the wall itself, in this case, you need to hang a picture or draw graffiti to make it interesting to look at.

A window sill can replace the bar counter - in a small kitchen this will also be a solution.

But if you need a bar, like in American bars, it is better to wait for your own living conditions to improve.

Tricks to increase space

An interesting fact: how a person perceives a room is influenced not so much by its actual size, but by how it is decorated. Everything plays a role, from the range in which the interior is made, to the texture of each square meter of decoration.

And this is good, because it allows, without really enlarging the room, to increase it visually.

Built-in furniture and appliances

Built-in furniture is simply called furniture: in fact, it is a kitchen set, in which there are special niches for appliances. The arrangement is ergonomic, there is more space, and virtually any technique can be built in. Usually this:

  • stove - it looks like a flat tile, which is installed on the surface of a kitchen cabinet, and it is better to put it to the left or right of the sink, after about forty centimeters;
  • an oven is an optional solution, only for those who like to cook, and it is usually smaller in volume than that found on large stoves;
  • a refrigerator is an irreplaceable device, it may be less than a standard one;
  • a dishwasher - equipping it has long been no longer a luxury, but a necessity that allows you to significantly save time;
  • hood - without it, the kitchen will be constantly stuffy, and no repairs will help;
  • gas water heater - if you have gas, and the water is turned off every summer, you cannot do without it;
  • tV - you can find a special TV corner in which it fits perfectly.

You can complement the picture with a washing machine, food processor, microwave. There's room for everything in a modern built-in headset.

Its only drawback is the price. It is cheaper to install cabinets and equipment separately.

Storage systems

The correct, thoughtful layout of storage systems allows you to avoid clutter in the kitchen and find a place for everything. The secret is to prepare the project ahead of time. It can include:

  • Dryer. It will be difficult to do without it if you are not going to wipe each plate separately after washing. A good location for a dryer is a cabinet or space above the sink.
  • Open cabinets and shelves. With them, the kitchen will look at least a little more spacious than with closed ones. Their big disadvantage is that not all objects will look good on them. In addition, dust collects on them.
  • Closed lockers. More bulky, with them the interior seems tighter. But you can put anything in them, it will be hidden from prying eyes.
  • Combined option. Cabinet with glass doors. On the one hand, it protects against dust, on the other hand, everything is visible in it, and it does not seem so heavy.
  • Secret shelves. In any apartment and in any kitchen there is a lot of places that no one uses in ordinary life. An example is the space under the sink. You can also put a shelf there.
  • Horizontal boxes. They can be mounted in pedestals, under pedestals - in fact, anywhere. With them, space is also saved, especially if you make several branches.
  • Vertical boxes. Great place to store bottles, cans and jars.
  • Roof rails. A fashionable solution is a magnetic tube or a tube on which the necessary things are attached with hooks. Great storage space for kitchen tools.

In a real Khrushchev - small, cramped - it is advisable to make the most of the space in height. There should be narrow shelves or rails on the walls, otherwise things will simply have nowhere to place.

If you like minimalist trends, then you can leave the walls free, take up the maximum space near the floor.

Niches, bay windows and balconies

If you have a niche, bay window or balcony in your kitchen, then you are a happy person - which means that you can include additional square centimeters or even meters in your repair and decoration plan.

  • Niche. An additional cabinet can be made in a niche - it will not be visible, but it will be convenient to use it. Or you can fit a TV into it if it is closer to the ceiling.
  • Bay window. Ideas for a small kitchen of 5 square meters with a refrigerator and a bay window are usually similar to each other. The best of them is to make a dining area in a bay window: a table and a chair, or make a dining table out of a windowsill. It is not recommended to put equipment in it - it will close the window. The same problem with storage systems.
  • Balcony. You can make an arch in the wall between the kitchen and the balcony, and place the dining area in the freed space. Or you can insulate it and transfer everything that needs to be stored to it by arranging a small pantry.

The main thing is to plan everything before taking on the arch - be sure to check if it is a load-bearing wall. Otherwise, the redevelopment will have to be coordinated with the management company. And if this is not done, then it is quite possible to get a fine.

Gloss and mirrors in the kitchen

Reflective surfaces are the best assistant for a person who has at their disposal a small kitchen space. They allow you to visually expand the space. A correctly placed mirror will generally double it.

Can be used:

  • stretch ceiling - glossy, it will actually make the ceiling lower, but visually higher;
  • shiny tiles - just make sure the color scheme matches the rest and the surface isn't too slippery;
  • wallpaper - they may or may not have a shiny surface, but they will fulfill their main task;
  • mirrored wall - just do not place it close to the stove, otherwise it will constantly be dirty and greasy;
  • shiny wallpaper - may contain plastic.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get not a beautiful harmony, but bad taste.

Transformers and other ideas

Convertible furniture is also a great way to make a small kitchen more suitable for everyday life. Most often this is a transforming table:

  • separate - moves apart when you need it, the rest of the time looks like a small table;
  • retractable - moves out of the main headset;
  • corner - leans back from the wall when necessary, the rest of the time is difficult.

You can also make a table from a windowsill, especially if you live alone and like to sit with your legs tucked up. You can put a narrow sofa in the corner, on which it is comfortable to sit while eating, and, if necessary, unfold and seat several people on it.

Of the other ideas, the best is to use light, cool colors. They will visually enlarge the room, even if you do not use other tricks.

Practical and user-friendly design

If you have never done decorating and all design tips look mysterious to you, but there is a good proven solution - ready-made styles.


Minimalism is the best of the styles that can be offered for the improvement of a small space. It is distinguished by its conciseness and functionality. And, which is nice, in order to arrange it in the kitchen of a brezhnevka or Khrushchev, you do not need a designer.

  • colors - light, cold, like white, gray, blue, interspersed with black for contrast;
  • finishing - glossy, tiles on the floor, paint or plastic panels on the walls, the ceiling is either suspended or in plaster;
  • furniture of simple outlines, without frills and ornaments, as little as possible;
  • accessories - only those that are necessary for you in cooking.

The main trend of minimalism is the absence of unnecessary items. If you don't use something, throw it away. If you rarely use it, put it in the closet.

Necessarily built-in appliances, a minimum of things in open spaces. No fabric curtains - only roller blinds or blinds. Flowers in pots or in a vase will help "revive" the decoration, but no more than a couple of pieces.

High tech

From English "hi-tech" is translated as "high technology", and this is exactly the impression that should remain from the kitchen in this style - as if you were in a place where everything is according to the first word of technology.

  • colors - black and white design or inclusions of gray;
  • finishing - glossy, tiles on the floor, plastic or metal panels on the walls, plastering the ceiling;
  • bizarre furniture, metal and plastic;
  • accessories are real working equipment and, possibly, wires peeking out in some places.

No fabric curtains on the window, only metal blinds.

Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style came from the north, from countries with cold seas. It is best suited for a private house, but you can also equip an ordinary kitchen in a panel high-rise building.

  • colors - light, but with a noticeable emphasis on cold blue tones;
  • finishing - tiles on the floor, preferably from natural stone, on the walls wallpaper, brick or decorative plaster, plastering the ceiling too;
  • furniture - solid, simple, preferably made of wood;
  • accessories - carpet, curtains, fresh flowers and a seascape on the wall.

If you know where to find a handmade rug, it will fit into the Scandinavian style like a native one.


Modern is smooth lines, complex design solutions. But since you only have a tiny five-meter kitchen at your disposal, it is better to use the following elements in planning:

  • colors - natural, soft, such as beige, brown, milky, gray, with bright accents from red and other warm and bright colors;
  • finishing - wood or tile on the floor, wallpaper with floral patterns or brick on the walls, plaster ceiling;
  • furniture - with bizarre curves, preferably soft;
  • accessories - a vase with fresh flowers, a fancy lamp on the table.

You need to design Art Nouveau so that somewhere on the walls there are weaving leaves or flying butterflies. They are not required, but their presence makes the style more recognizable.

Colors for a small kitchen

If you think that styles are too boring, you can come up with everything yourself, from coloring to decoration. Colors should be:

  • Light. The dark ones look cool, but they make the already small room even cramped.
  • Agreed. You need to use either a shade of the same color, or contrasting colors. Otherwise, it will not work beautifully and it will look clumsy.

Necessarily need an accent, preferably bright. At the same time, there should not be more than two or three colors, otherwise the interior solution will look controversial.

Decoration Materials

Kitchen decoration differs from the layout - the main purpose is practical.

Tiles or linoleum are suitable for the floor, they do not get too dirty and are therefore convenient. At the same time, the tiles, with long-term use, only crack, but linoleum can flow from hot, lose all colors in the sun or be wiped off.

Hi-tech may seem gloomy, but no one bothers you to put accents differently

For walls, it is best to use washable wallpaper, tiles, plastic panels, paint, plaster or brick. All materials are quite stable, it is a pleasure to equip the kitchen with them.
On the ceiling, either a suspended tension version or plaster is most often placed.

The main thing to remember is that the kitchen is not a bedroom, here the materials must be selected carefully.

Pure minimalism - light colors, well-thought-out layout, nothing more

Lighting and illumination

Lighting should be as natural as possible:

  • Window and main source. The main source in this case is the lamp in the middle of the kitchen.
  • Window and sources by zones. In this case, the source is located above the table and in the working area.

It is not so difficult to make a candy from a five-meter kitchen, a photo of which will be nice to post on the Internet or show to friends. The main thing is to think over everything, draw a sketch and carefully implement.

The main colors are warm, soft and a lot of red - it works as the main accent

The kitchen of 5 m2 is quite compact. At the same time, it can become extremely convenient if you approach the issue creatively. Many see the main problem in being able to place a refrigerator, hob, sink, storage cabinets and a dining table in addition to such a small space.

So, let's pick up a pencil

First, let's face it honestly and write it down on a piece of paper so as not to forget anything.

  1. How often do you go to the store?
  2. How often do you cook?
  3. How many people are in your family? How often do you use all 4 cooking zones? Maybe two is usually enough for you?
  4. How many people do you need to sit at one table in the kitchen?
  5. How many dishes are in daily use?
  6. Can some of the kitchen utensils be moved to the balcony, pantry or any other storage location?

Now you can start designing your kitchen.

Working triangle

Now we take a tape measure and measure our walls. If the length of the street wall is 2.5 m, then the remaining wall is 2 m. So, one wall with a window and the opposite one with a door. In total, we have 8 meters of linear walls, along which you can place our set with a refrigerator. Usually one wall goes under the dining area. Not so little remains.

What you need to distribute in the kitchen without fail:

  • Refrigerator - 60 cm.
  • Washing machine - 60 cm.
  • Gas stove - 60 cm.
  • Sink - 60 cm.

In total, 2.4 m for household appliances with a sink. Let's try to fit this into our space. The upper cabinets can be placed as you like, the main thing to remember is that it is better to place a dish drainer above the sink, and a hood above the stove.

If possible, it is better to take the washing machine to the bathroom. However, you can also contrive to find a place for her.

Costly option

The refrigerator can be taken out into a mini-corridor in a niche, which we cut off from the bathtub by installing a shower cabin. We'll have to go through dismantling the wall, repairing the bathroom and abandoning the bath. But we win a place in the kitchen for a full table.

Trick with the arrangement

We put the refrigerator by the window, the sink in the corner, and the oven near the entrance. Convenient in that there is a fairly spacious table top. It is possible to put a washing machine near the refrigerator.

But in terms of security, this option has a drawback, because at the entrance, you can accidentally shove boiling water from the stove onto your feet. This can be easily solved if you add a small side, about 15-20 centimeters, which will prevent accidents.

The second version of the refrigerator by the window also causes rather conflicting judgments. So, the refrigerator is near the window, after 10 cm from it there is a stove, behind it, through a cabinet with drawers in the corner, a sink is hidden, and near the door a narrow tabletop of 40 cm rests on the lower cabinet. The corner is rounded for safety reasons and equipped with open shelves.

The refrigerator needs good cooling of the rear grille. He's always hot. If there is a stove next to an oven, then a problem arises. For a long service life of cooling devices, they must be installed away from heating devices. Also, do not put them near radiators and heating pipes.

The void between the stove and the refrigerator can be filled with cargo.

And if you think about it?

The minimized version provides a comfortable dining area and an ultra-compact set.

The refrigerator, sink and stove are aligned along the side wall. There is a dining area opposite the entrance in the corner by the window. In this case, you can put a kitchen corner in which you can put a lot of all kinds of utensils, organize the storage of dry products, for example, groceries, there.

The dining table will act as a cutting surface during cooking.

And if you need roomy storage boxes?

The stove and sink can be placed along a street wall with a window. In this case, the refrigerator will stand in a free corner.

This adds spacious wardrobes and a spacious work surface. Especially if instead of a stove, you use a built-in oven and a built-in domino hob.

A bit cramped and you want space?

Let's try to build a working triangle along the window. Cold zone opposite the door. Next is a sink, a small cabinet and a stove. In the free corner there is a chic table with a soft corner.

If you put a table along the wall from the door, and a wide cabinet behind it, a refrigerator, a spacious cabinet, a sink in the corner and part of a headset along the short wall can fit in front of them. At the same time, hanging cabinets will occupy three walls, absorbing all the accumulated good of the hostess.

If you prefer to dine in the living room, then the task is simplified, and the headset grows. You get a full-fledged kitchen with cabinets, a chic worktop and a refrigerator looking at the door from the window side.

If you upgrade this option, you can build a dining area near the window where you can eat together.

What about the washing machine?

It can be placed between the sink and the stove.

Or between a mini fridge and a sink under the hob. And the oven will move to the convection microwave.

Take a closer look at the mini refrigerators that can be installed under the countertop. They take up little space. But you can win the coveted cutting plane.

If you build a solid frame, then this option is also possible:

In this case, the main thing is that the frame on which the refrigerator rests can withstand the weight of the unit and products. If this pencil case continues upwards, then you can add several shelves.

Do you still think that 5 sq. meters is a hopeless sentence? Then look for a competent designer who will help you create coziness in this space. Better yet, take a look at how these tasks are solved on a more modest area in European mini apartments and teeny houses. This is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for compact kitchens.

The interiors of the kitchen 5 sq m with a refrigerator in the photo in real apartments

See examples of the implementation of repairs in small kitchens and get ideas.

Corner kitchen 5 sq m

White corner kitchen 5 sq m

Stylish kitchen in Khrushchev with refrigerator

An example of a kitchen 5 sq.m. with a refrigerator and a gas water heater. The column is covered with a white box.

Use the additional features of corner cabinets

Kitchen 5 sq m with refrigerator and washing machine

Jul 28, 2017 Werri