Ideas how to decorate ld. A selection of ideas on how to decorate a personal diary with your own hands and make a beautiful cover for it

A personal diary is loyal and reliable friend, which has brought up more than one generation of successful, creative, romantic people. Ideas for LD are so varied, interesting, bright and attractive that today everyone can shape their thoughts in the most aesthetic way.

To decorate the diary Ideal for copyright drawings, color and black-and-white prints, emoticons, stickers and much more... If you know how to write poetry, do hand-made art and love to draw, making a personal diary will not be difficult for you.

However, for those who are just comprehending the wisdom of handicraft and taking their first steps in educational art and literature, there are many bright ideas and tips for ld: pictures for girls, ready-made drawings and templates, quotes, poems, sketches, comics.

A personal diary keeps not only your secrets, experiences, dreams. On the pages of the diary, your life flows, which you so want to decorate, improve, diversify. If you are still thinking about how to design a personal diary, use for decoration magazine clippings, stickers, emoticons, photos.
The idea with frames is very much to the liking of young girls, because they love highlight the most important and exciting moments of your life... To print frames, you can use a color printer, and if you don't have one, just make a frame on a regular one and decorate with felt-tip pens, paints, gel pen or pencil.

An easy way to tell about yourself - make a mini-quiz with answers to a variety of questions: my favorite color, fruit, etc. In the same way, you can design your favorite quotes, aphorisms, plans for the future. What else can be written in the diary, we will describe in more detail below.
For example, you can make a mood calendar, interest page, music page, a small visualization board that will fit all your dreams, desires and plans for the future.

Ideas for a personal diary also apply to the cover design. Despite the fact that this thing will be seen exclusively by you, it should be pleasant to the touch, please your eyes, soul and heart.

Diary pages can also be decorated with the help of original pictorial techniques.

And if you don't want to draw - buy scrapbooking paper.
Individual pages of the diary can be decorated in your favorite color. So your thoughts and desires will have their own Color theme.Another idea is letter to the future... Write yourself a message and reveal it on a specific day and a specific year. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Pictures, drawings, prints for a personal diary

We are used to expressing our thoughts and dreams in words and sentences. We trust our diary with our joys and sorrows, share our innermost things with him and tell him about our plans. Some write in it every day, while others record only bright and memorable moments of life. What if you add a little visualization to the familiar texts and poems, quotes and funny stories?
If, for example, you write in your diary about your hobbies and minor passions, you can draw your favorite pastime or his paraphernalia: sports, handicrafts, travel, books. Instead of writing, “I love the sea” or “I love chocolate,” you can draw it! Believe me, when you return to your paper friend in a few years or even several decades, it will be much more pleasant for you to revise hundreds of pictures than to reread tens of thousands of words. The theme of drawings and pictures can be completely different, it all depends on you and your desires. Drawings for ld conventionally (we repeat, conventionally) can be divided into many headings and subsections, depending on the preferences, desires, tastes and even the mood of the diary mistress.

Diary drawings

  • Trips
  • Hobby
  • Food, sweets
  • Beverages
  • Love
  • Gadgets
  • Social network
  • Pets, animals
  • Cartoons
  • Unicorns
  • Wardrobe, fashion and style
  • Cosmetics
  • Seasons
  • Planets, celestial bodies

This list can be continued indefinitely, supplementing it with your drawings, fantasies, ideas. We offer several “tasty”, dynamic, cute, delicious and, as they say today, “ cute "drawings to decorate the diary.

As practice shows, it is much easier to make drawings by cells, but you can use both line notebooks and standard A4 sheets.

If you are a fan or a fan animated series "Gravity falls", draw a funny donut Mabel on the page of your diary. She will bring you good luck.

In order to keep your diary, it is not necessary to be able and to love to draw. If you want to save time on drawings and focus, for example, on the presentation of the text, use the printouts for the ld for decoration.
You can print these templates on a color printer, cut and paste in a diary, or make them black and white and paint yourself.

To decorate the pages of your diary will help cute pictures, funny stickers, funny inscriptions or smilies. The beauty of printed pictures is that you can easily choose a beautiful font, choose a cool print and "settle" many new incredible characters on the pages of your innermost book.

A permanent resident / symbol / keeper of your diary can become unicorn or owl... You can draw such a miracle with your own hands, or you can print a ready-made template on a printer.

What to write about in your personal diary?

The basis of the personal diary is still a deep semantic load. Each author, of course, decides for himself what to write about and what topics to raise in his diary. We dare, nevertheless, to give some advice and expand the richest topics of personal diaries.
In addition to their daily affairs and plans, you can tell about yourself, your friends, tastes. Write, why do you love summer and other seasons.
The diary is your little box of inspiration. Store in it favorite music, movies, video games, photos and other things that inspire you.
If you have just started to maintain your LD - ideas for LD will help you fill it with useful, interesting and most relevant information.

The first page of your diary might look something like this.

Or so. This is your diary, it contains you have the right to establish your own rules... And be categorical a little.
AND tag about Paris.
No personal diary is complete without poetry.

And no quotes.

And without cute philosophical notes.
And no virtual travel.
And no fun.

Almost all great people kept diaries, where they wrote down their thoughts, experiences and observations. If you want to follow their example and entrust your feelings to paper, then be sure to read this article. In it you can get interesting ideas for a personal diary, as well as learn creative design and learn how to keep records.

Who needs a diary and why?

Each person needs a personal space, where even the closest person cannot enter without an invitation. The diary is the very corner where everyone can describe their feelings and secret thoughts without censorship. Such records allow you to look at yourself from the outside, evaluate the current state of affairs and draw the necessary conclusions. It is not for nothing that psychologists and psychotherapists recommend that their patients keep notes and then read them out during the sessions.

What can we say about adolescents who are influenced from all sides by adults. Parents, school teachers, tutors and coaches demand high results, excellent grades and exemplary behavior from young people. To relieve strong psychological stress, adolescents need to express themselves. And for this purpose, regular recording of your feelings and experiences is perfectly suited.

Electronic diary

What personal diary ideas are especially popular with today's teens? Of course, these are electronic records. Websites, social networks and specialized computer programs entice their users with interesting suggestions for taking personal notes. Thanks to progress, each person can design their page in an original way, add photos and videos, 3D wallpapers, volumetric backgrounds and audio inserts.

The indisputable advantage of this form of journaling is that no one can read it. To do this, you just need to put a password on the program. If you are not an experienced user and are afraid that you will not be able to install strong enough protection, then it is better to contact a specialized specialist. Now you will be absolutely sure about the safety of your records and will be able to enjoy complete confidentiality.

However, there is one big drawback when keeping electronic diaries - you cannot hold them in your hands, flip through the pages or inhale the smell of ink.

Read the interesting personal diary ideas we describe below and try to bring them to life. Imagine how pleasant it will be for you in a few years to read your childhood notes and smile, remembering the difficult school years.

As a rule, boys are embarrassed to have notebooks or notebooks marked “Personal”. They prefer to express their emotions in more active activities or hide in the wilds of the World Wide Web. But every girl at least once in her life tried to keep personal records. Traditionally, diary ideas can be divided into the following categories:

Ideas for designing a personal diary

  • Record your thoughts with pens, pencils, markers and markers of different colors.
  • Supplementing handwritten text with pictures cut from glossy magazines.
  • Description of the events that took place using small drawings or comics of our own production.
  • Creation of thematic pages. For example, you can choose the topic "Plans for the fall", "What do I want to learn this year?" and supplement them at any time.
  • Zoning sheets with different colors: mix shades and complement them with drawings. Against this background, the recordings will look especially interesting and expressive.
  • Making pockets for storing things that are dear to your heart - notes, movie tickets and photos.

You can come up with ideas for a personal diary every day. For creative people, we are sure that it will not be difficult. For those who are just starting to navigate the sea of ​​new ideas, we advise you to consider the photos of the original pages and draw inspiration from them.

  • Write down all the thoughts that come to you. Feel free to emotions of anger, resentment, or envy. By pouring these unpleasant feelings into the pages of your diary, you can relax and switch to something more enjoyable.
  • Try not to take long breaks in your notes: regularity will help you better assess the situation.
  • Collect new ideas for your personal diary: Feel free to learn from your girlfriends or friends, and look for inspiration on the Internet.
  • Don't be boring: describe the full range of your emotions, enhance them with your own drawings and use a variety of means of expression.


As you know, a personal diary is a secret and innermost part of the soul. It cannot be kept in plain sight or shown to all acquaintances. Agree with loved ones so that they do not take your notebook without permission and in no case read the notes you have made.

In case you don't trust them, arrange a cache and keep a diary in it. In addition, you can come up with a secret cipher and keep records with it. This method will take a little longer, but will gradually become more attractive.

There are many ways to add variety to the blank white pages of your diary. It all depends on imagination and skills.

Consider making a personal diary inside with your own hands with a photo

You need to describe a trip to the sea, then cut-out pictures with shells from magazines and postcards, small travel diagrams from travel guide books, the most memorable places drawn by yourself are perfect.

You can attach postage stamps of the countries in which the trip took place. An interesting option would be to design a special pocket made of fabric or paper. It will serve as a place to hide small seashells, transport tickets, movies, or other things that remind you of the trip.

If you want to describe your birthday, then images of balloons, cake with candles, gift boxes and bags will look great. You can describe your thoughts by highlighting them like in comics - in a kind of pop-up cloud.

What is remembered ...

To design a real diary, you need to collect those phrases, expressions, pictures, news and facts of incidents that are remembered.

Expressions can be immediately cut from magazines and newspapers and pasted into a diary describing your thoughts. It's the same with news and incidents - newspaper columns can be broken up and attached to a diary with a specific date.

It turns out to be very interesting and significant when people describe in this way the history of their time, what happens in his time in the country and around the world. And of course, in parallel with this, he describes the history of his and his family.

Some people collect gum inserts with their favorite pictures and phrases, for example, from the Love is ... chewing gum for girls and Turbo for boys.

Bright paints and felt-tip pens are our assistants.

You can bring positive emotions for a personal diary with the help of bright neon markers and pencils, gouache and watercolors, even nail polishes can be great for this.

Sequins, rhinestones, sequins, various ribbons and lace can add volume. A variety of color pictures and inscriptions, decorated with additional bright prints will add zest to any diary.

Recipes and favorite food.

A great idea to design a personal diary for real gourmets will be to add interesting and favorite recipes for every day. Various pictures of exotic dishes, clippings of recipes from magazines and newspapers, various cards with ingredients and helpful cooking tips.

Food diary writing has become very popular in the modern world, when everyone strives for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. The combination of a personal diary and a modern recipe book will turn out to be very interesting for further reading, because each dish will always remind you of a specific day in life.

The general design of the diary.

How to issue the LD itself? The diary cover can be upholstered in soft-filled fabric. The name of the diary can be embroidered with satin stitch or cross stitch. You can also attach various jewelry pins, paste rhinestones and volumetric stickers.

It is very popular to rewind a personal diary with a satin or openwork ribbon, fix a small lock on it and thus protect it from prying eyes.

The first page of the diary should be a presentation page. It should contain information about the owner, years of writing, etc.

You can arrange a diary in various ways, the most important thing is that its owner should like it and dispose to entrust him with the most important and special, everything that happens in life. If suddenly the source of fantasy began to dry up, then you can always see photos and videos on the topic that you need.

The more trust in a personal diary, the more memory will be left for future days.

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A school diary is an indispensable attribute of any student. And if earlier it was used to record homework and as a way of communication between teachers and parents about the child's progress, now it is an expression of the student's personality. A large number of diaries appear on the stationery market on a regular basis, but they often do not meet the requirements for maintaining this type of school documentation. But if the educational institution does not recommend using thematic diaries, then, showing your imagination and ingenuity, you can even turn an ordinary diary into a product of creativity.

Types of school diaries

Modern diary covers are bright

Sally Gardner, children's writer: "A school diary is a way to equalize everyone, to make everyone just a number ready to be entered in a journal."

The history of the school diary goes back many decades. This document is an important element of school life, which is a connecting element between the subject of educational activity (teacher), its object (student) and parents. At the same time, the principle of the appearance of pages remains unchanged: columns with columns for recording the date, homework and grades, which cannot be said about decorating the cover and pages. But over the past ten years, not only the design of school diaries has changed, but also their form. The student's master document can now be:

  • paper (traditional diary);
  • digital (in the form of an electronic book);
  • electronic (all entries are made online and there is no material embodiment of the diary).

And if the second type is still only an experimental sample, then the electronic diary is gradually replacing its conservative predecessor. In order to use the electronic diary, it is enough to have access to the Internet. Moreover, all users (student, parents, teachers, administration) have personal passwords for accessing information, and all comments are made in certain formats for each category of users. Therefore, the student can only see what he needs, without having access to comments for parents.

Requirements for registration

All entries in the diary are made in special columns

And yet, the paper diary still stays on top of its leadership position. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has developed clear requirements for the design of a student's diary.

  1. Diary entries can be made in only two colors of ink (students write in blue, teachers in red).
  2. The student signs the front page of the diary, fills in the columns with the names, patronymics and surnames of teachers, as well as the names of courses, electives, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.
  3. The diary should not contain extraneous drawings and notes.
  4. The student writes down the order of lessons for each day, as well as the dates and months, once for the entire forthcoming working week.
  5. Each day, the student should carefully write down homework for the subjects in the appropriate columns.
  6. The child must present the diary at the request of the class teacher or subject teacher.
  7. After a student receives a grade for an answer or written work, the teacher puts it in the student's class journal and diary.
  8. Teachers and classroom teachers make diary entries in the designated comment boxes.
  9. Each week, the student's parents review grades and comments and sign them.
  10. Every week, the diary is checked by the class teacher, and every quarter - by the head teacher or director.

How to individually arrange

The cover of the diary can be arranged at the discretion of the child

The requirements for the design of the school diary are prohibited from drawing or making notes on the document. However, children can show imagination in the design of the cover, especially if the school is forbidden to use bright and colorful diaries in favor of standard, white versions. For this can be used:

  • wrapping;
  • stickers;
  • regular newspaper;
  • music paper;
  • scrap paper.

You can decorate such a diary with artificial flowers, sparkles or other decorative elements.

You can also add multiple sheets of white drawing paper to the cover. True, the administration of some schools opposes such a manifestation of children's creativity.

Which option is right for a girl

As a rule, schoolgirls are very sensitive to the design of their notebooks and diary. Therefore, there are several options for how you can make the student's main document bright and expressive:

  • the cover can be made double-sided (one side from pastel brown paper, and the other from a piece of a geographic map or color magazine, newspaper);
  • instead of boring lines for the signature, it is allowed to stick a special frame in which the owner's name is entered;
  • you can also decorate the cover with a photo of the class;
  • Various decorative elements on the diary (buttons, brooches, paper clips) look very original.

Photo examples

Volumetric details Scrapbooking
Aged paper

Options for a boy

Typically, school boys are very skeptical about their school supplies. Especially the diaries. But if the cover of the diary is beautifully and stylishly decorated, then in such a diary the mischievous person will hardly want to carry bad grades. As ideas for decorating the cover of a boy's diary, you can use:

  • leather inserts (glue such sections on the cover to create the illusion of a traveler's personal diary);
  • wrap the diary in a thick cloth, after making a decorative line;
  • decorate a cover made of dark brown paper or special scrap paper with a small compass or clock;
  • print the symbols of your favorite football club on white wrapping paper, choosing a place to sign the owner's name;
  • use a city map as a cover, highlighting the route from home to school.

Examples in the photo

Option for a young traveler Cover example for the little ones Scrapbooking variation

Video: Making our own school board cover

Despite the fact that the requirements for the design of the school diary categorically prohibit drawings or decorations inside, the outside of the school document can be decorated at the discretion of the resourceful owner. Let the children realize their creative impulse, and then there will definitely be fewer bad assessments and comments. Especially if classmates and teachers appreciate such a non-standard approach to the boring subject of school life.

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Before you start reading this article, I want to clarify that a personal diary is still your personal space, so how and what will be inside it is a matter of your taste. I'll just try to direct your creative thought in the right direction.

Dear friends! Especially for you, we have prepared the largest collection of useful materials for the design of the LD (Personal Diary). Pictures and drawings are divided into the most popular themes and all visitors to our site can download it absolutely free of charge.

Popular collection materials:

Sometimes you hear the following phrase: "I want to keep a personal diary, but I don't know how." At least it sounds strange, doesn't it? After all, a personal diary is not a tribute to fashion, it is a need of the soul. If there is a need, then you take a pen (no matter what color!) And entrust your thoughts to paper (no matter which notebook!). But now we are not talking about, but about how to arrange it inside.
Even 20 years ago, such a question did not arise often, believe my personal experience. It's just that in those years there was no overwhelming variety of notebooks themselves (the diary was kept in ordinary notebooks of 48 or 96 sheets), pens and decorations. The most we could do was glue up magazine clippings, pretty candy wrappers or gum inserts. Or draw something by hand. But now is a different time, a lot of wonderful goods for needlework have appeared, so I want it to be beautiful (even if not for everyone, not for show) and no worse than others.

Probably, the difficulty also arises in the fact that it happens like this: you feel the need to keep a diary, write with inspiration, even fall in love with it and ... suddenly ... stupor. There is no inspiration, no need, and the previously beloved notebook is gathering dust on the shelf. For such a case, sometimes one "kick" is enough or, if you prefer, advice, support, and inspiration returns!

From personal experience I will say that the best "kick" is watching other people's works. They inspire, help to add flavor to ... So, let's look at together what are the ways to design a personal diary inside ...

To begin with, be sure to watch a short video clip, where you will see a lot of ideas for designing a personal diary.


1. Many people prefer the usual, traditional style: they write by hand in solid text, at the most that they allow themselves - these are multi-colored pastes. After all, a personal diary is a whirlwind of your thoughts, events and feelings, why something else? But, let's say, you are bored of just writing ... In this case, any picture illustrating what you are writing about will help to add zest and decorate the pages. It can be a photograph, but it doesn't have to be.

Are you writing about a book you like? Cut a stack of books out of a magazine and glue them next to them. Are you writing about how great it was to sit with your friends in a cafe? Or how, after visiting a doctor, you had to fork out for medicines? Take "physical evidence" with you (a check, a business card or an advertisement for a new dish) and stick it in your diary. Anyway, any photo or even the most careless freehand drawing will make your notebook more alive.

2. Why not try yourself in the design of the events in the form of small ones? Can't you draw? But small drawings (maybe even schematic) are much easier. Maybe, exercising from day to day, you will "fill" your hand?

3. The same small pictures can be used for different thematic pages in the diary, for example, "what am I striving for" or "plans for this year."

4. Sometimes, for a change, you can design pages in this way: on special cards of various shapes. There you can write down some individual thoughts and even quotes, aphorisms, excerpts from songs or poems that echo your mood and thoughts ... If there are no such cards, this is no reason to lose heart! You can be creative yourself and draw something similar on multi-colored pieces of paper. Or even on pieces from different packages (from tea, toys, etc.) or labels from clothes - bright, colorful. There is no need to throw them away!

5. On the pages of the diary, you can paint with watercolors, mix them, smear, blur and splatter - any text will look very nice on top! Just keep in mind that if they are thin enough, then before all the watercolor experiments you need to glue them together in two! Then everything will work out neatly.

6. Colored pencils, gel pens, scraps of paper, or some other picture will be good helpers in the design of the diary. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize and experiment!

7. This method looks very nice when you write in letters of different shapes and sizes, as well as in different directions: obliquely, vertically, horizontally. Of course, this is not suitable for recording events or thoughts, but if you want to write facts about yourself or draw up "100 Things I Love", then just right.

8. In any personal diary, you definitely need pockets for things that are dear to your heart! For tickets, notes or even small photographs.

9. If you decide to take up your personal diary seriously, so that you can not only write down thoughts and events in it, but also design it by pasting photographs, pictures and others, then cards with ready-made inscriptions will become a good accent: photo fact, appreciate every moment, news of the day , an unforgettable moment, etc.

10. If you are not at all afraid of difficulties, then you can start your diary not in a notebook or in a notebook, but in an old unnecessary (!) Book! This process is even more exciting, because the imagination in the design is simply limitless!

Advice: if you decide on such a feat, then first of all it is necessary to tear out every third page in the book. Otherwise, as it fills up, your diary will swell to an indecent size. Then, if you paint in a book with paints (best of all with acrylic with a slight addition of gouache - then the pages will not stick together, and the letters will not shine through as well as when using watercolors), then be sure to glue all the pages together, two at a time. And then - a matter of your imagination! Cover the letters completely or not (how do you like?), With multi-colored paints or a little white - for writing the text.

If you have the opportunity to find an old book in English or German, this is generally great, because in such a book it is not necessary to gloss over the text at all, just paste in photographs, decorations and for the text.

I hasten to note that this option already strongly resembles not a personal diary, but the design of a smashbook, and this process has already captured many creative people, but we will have a conversation about this later.

In the meantime, I wish you not to be afraid of anything and, if inspiration has come, take on the design of your personal diary!

Don't know where to start? Take inspiration from this video. Video must be watched :)