Ideas for celebrating 2 years old boy in the country. Children's birthday script “Two years is a great date! It's theme party time

The child will soon turn 2 years old and I would like to adequately congratulate him on this significant date. He must have learned a lot in the last year. Now he actively begins to repeat many movements and words after adults, to talk. The child is at its peak right now. Therefore, there must be games at the holiday. In the article cited here, the author describes his child's birthday script for 2 years. Birthday 2 years- script for kids.

“Having studied all kinds of holiday scenarios on the Internet and the advice of experienced parents, I propose, as one of the options, to arrange a holiday for children, and gather relatives and friends on another day.”

You can celebrate 2 years old for a child by arranging a multi-colored birthday. After all, childhood is colorful, bright, beautiful. Make a holiday in the same spirit. Make a colorful wall newspaper using photos of all the invited kids, painting it with characters from your favorite cartoons, decorate the children's room with balls, festive garlands. Invite your baby's friends. Ask your parents to dress them up in bright colors, or just pass out party hats and playful decorations.

The celebration is better to start after a daytime sleep.

The feast is best organized in the form of a buffet table. Treats for adult guests can consist of a variety of snacks and salads, for children - cookies and fruits. Parents - champagne and wine, kids - juices, compote and milkshake. It is more practical to use disposable dishes, but very beautiful, with thematic pictures and inscriptions.

Run fun contests. For example, take finger paints and ask the kids to draw something. "Canvas" for drawing can be hung directly on the wall. To do this, take a roll of wallpaper and hang the floor of the wall with it. After that, the children will be busy with drawing for at least half an hour.

Games for children 2, 3 and 4 years are best spent guessing and recognizing - this is just right for them, but logic games for these children are not yet within their power.

Secret bag

Collect several items in a beautiful bag (box, bag) - glasses, an apple, a ball, a toy, a book, a postcard. Let the children take turns trying to identify by touch what is in the bag.

Music marathon

For this game you will need a musical instrument or a tape recorder. Play small pieces (or turn on a tape recorder) and ask the children to dance or just move to the beat of the music. The one who can best catch the melody will be awarded a symbolic prize.

Where is the color hiding?

Stock up on a few sheets of colored paper. Taking them out in turn from the folder, give the task to the children to find the same colors on their clothes or in the apartment. The winner will be the one who finds and names the most items.

More Games for children under 2 years old:

Of course, it is necessary to reward all participants in the game - regardless of whether they became the best or did not keep up with anyone. Stock up on small gifts in advance.

Contests for adults on the site Parents for children

Then the rather tired children will not mind climbing on the sofa and watching cartoons. And parents will have the opportunity to drink a little, eat and chat.

The culmination of the holiday is the removal of the cake and the blowing out of the candles. Kids love blowing out candles. Having treated yourself to a cake, you can turn on children's music (from cartoons) and arrange a small disco.

When leaving, each little guest should receive a souvenir and a balloon from the birthday girl.

Eventually Birthday 2 years It will turn out very colorful, interesting and fun. Such a birthday will appeal to everyone, both children and their parents.

Album for photo on Birthday child 2 years- "Elves"

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Celebration, contests, treats, decoration of the room and children's party -


Even if the baby grows up as a sociable child, you should not arrange a celebration with a large number of guests. Better the second day in the family circle, with close relatives. And you can organize a holiday for a child only with friends in or a sandbox. Gathering relatives and little friends of the crumbs together is very troublesome. Please note that at this age, children are not yet very good at communicating with each other, sharing toys. Therefore, invite no more than 2-3.

Decorate the apartment with balloons and garlands. Frame photos from the celebration of the first birthday of the crumbs. Find out in advance from the parents of each of the invitees what foods can trigger their child. Prepare for the little guests a separate table with light treats: vegetable salad, soufflé, meatballs. Try to decorate the dishes in a funny way, on children's themes: the sun from vegetables on a plate, a smile from sauce, yogurt. Lay out bright baby napkins. On your birthday, you can't do without a birthday cake with candles. But it can also be light, for example, cooked on a curd basis. You can make it in the form of any animal using a special baking dish. Prepare small gifts for little guests: books, cars, etc.

Some of the adults (or in turn) will have to look after the children, entertain them. Parents at this time can calmly drink tea, chat, play forfeits with riddles. For example: name the weight and height of the birthday person at birth, the hour and minutes of his birth, the time of the eruption of the first tooth, etc.

For kids of two years, 1-1.5 hours of active games are enough. You can arrange a small home performance, a puppet show based on any fairy tale. The little participants of the celebration will enjoy the races on soft toys. Turn on the CD with children's songs, dance with the kids. Do not forget about traditional fun: round dance around the birthday boy and "loaf-loaf". In the summer, after the "feast" you can go outside, take a walk in the park with bright attractions, ride on carousels for kids.

Now there are agencies, entertainment centers and children's cafes that organize such events. If you think that organizing a celebration at home is too difficult, you can contact such an organization for help. But keep in mind that at two years old, kids may be scared of life-size puppets, costumed clowns, etc., and the holiday will be ruined. When agreeing on a program, be sure to take into account that children of this age, as a rule, can only take a passive part in various productions.

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Parents treat the holiday of the second birthday no less reverently and responsibly than the first time. Your child has become smarter, more inquisitive, has learned to express his thoughts and emotions. A kid at 2 years old can already play well on his own, he begins to speak and reach out to his peers.

One of the elements of knowledge of the world, very pleasant and impressive, is a holiday. How to start this rather troublesome event?


The first step to such a celebration, of course, is its preparation. Think about the holiday and where it will be held. It can be gatherings at home with relatives, or with other guests. A fun pastime for kids will be a trip to children's entertainment centers with trampolines, slides. Usually there is always music and a lot of balloons.
Gather a company and invite a puppet theater home or arrange it yourself with the help of other mothers. Choose a simple and accessible fairy tale, such as "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip".
You should not start just gatherings at the table. Play educational games with the kids, such as Guess the Animal. The adult makes the voice of the animal, and the child guesses it and shows it in the picture. It will be fun to play "The Train". All participants line up in a train, squat down and depict a crawling caterpillar. At the command of the host, she either gets up, then sits down, then begins to wash, that is, then stretch.
Trying not to be interesting, do not forget about gifts for all the little guests. It can be pleasant little things in the form of balls, books, stickers and so on.

After you have decided on the venue of the holiday and its scenario, it's time to think about decorating the room. Garlands, balloons, decorative butterflies, look spectacular. You can draw wall newspapers in the form of a caterpillar or a train, where you stick a photo of your baby.
Do not rush to give him gifts immediately after waking up. First, show him the jewelry, tell him that all this appeared tonight. For the next half an hour, the baby will carefully examine the surprises, toss the balls.
After that, you can proceed to gifts.

The best gift for a child for 2 years is undoubtedly a toy. The boys will be happy with cars, a designer with large parts, a set of plastic tools. A girl can buy a doll, furniture for her, a stroller, a kitchen with utensils.
A good gift would be a book with fairy tales, animals, children's board games, mosaics and other toys that develop the baby's thinking and fine motor skills.


Do not invite a clown to the party. Children of this age may simply be scared of him, and the whole evening will be ruined. Also, do not invite a large number of guests or delay the holiday for more than an hour and a half. For a two-year-old child, this will be quite enough. Otherwise, you can tire the little birthday boy.

And remember, no matter what toy you give your child and no matter how you arrange the holiday itself, the main thing for him is your attention, care and love.

Helpful advice

During the celebration, you can include funny children's songs. They will set the child up for favorable communication.


  • how to celebrate a 2 year old's birthday

This important holiday is approaching - the second birthday of your child. And if the birthday boy, most likely, did not appreciate the first birthday, and maybe even fell asleep at the most interesting moment, then he will definitely want to celebrate the second birthday. Two-year-old children already understand that guests will come to them, bring gifts, it will be fun and interesting. Therefore, the preparation of the holiday should be taken seriously.


First of all, to have fun second, invite guests. Do not invite too many guests, a few children and their parents will be enough. Warn everyone in advance so that parents have the opportunity to adjust their plans for this day and buy a gift.

Think over the holiday program, congratulations, contests. No need to come up with a complex plot, the kid will not appreciate it anyway, and the clown or animator can just scare him. If you want to arrange an unusual holiday, rent the premises of the children's complex, and let the children run and jump to their heart's content. Decorate the room with balloons, garlands of flags, posters. Organize a children's table.

Be careful when choosing a gift for the baby, as a two-year-old child already understands the day and is waiting for a good gift. Do not give necessary and uninteresting things, such as furniture, dishes and clothes (an exception may be a new outfit for a little fashionista). Observe the behavior of the baby at a party or in the yard, perhaps he looks with interest at large cars or takes away a doll stroller from a neighbor. Buy something that will bring him great joy and not get bored for a long time, maybe it will be a doll or accessories for her, a big ball or a doctor's set, a designer or a tricycle, a book with large pictures or colorful cubes.

Hold the simplest competitions, such as a ball-tossing competition or fun races with obstacles. Give small prizes not only to the winners, but also to all other participants. Arrange a puppet theater, children will definitely appreciate such an event and will be delighted. To do this, buy or sew the animals yourself, build decorations and a screen behind which the puppeteers will hide. If the invited children are older than the birthday boy, try to act out a simple, well-known fairy tale. Give out roles and arrange a theatrical performance, it will be a lot of fun!

Be sure to organize video and photography, children grow up very quickly, and after a while it will be very nice to look at this holiday from the outside.

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Paper is a symbol of the second anniversary of marriage. Indeed, after two years, the relationship is still fragile and can easily “burn out” from the spark of a quarrel. Life no longer seems as sunny as in the first year after the wedding, irritability accumulates, conflicts appear. On the other hand, paper is a fairly flexible, bendable material that can be folded into anything. And how important it is during this period of a small crisis to arrange small holidays for yourself to remind each other of your true feelings. Celebrate your second anniversary by surrounding yourself with paper trappings.


Throw a party for family and friends. You can celebrate anywhere - in nature, at home, in a cafe, but do not forget to decorate the room with paper garlands and other decorations. The table can be decorated with origami figures, paper napkins and flowers.

Each guest should have access to paper and a felt-tip pen and write a wish for the young, then the leaflets with messages are folded into a specially prepared box or hung on a “tree of happiness” (decorative or real tree in the garden).

Or hang a large beautiful wall newspaper on the wall that would tell your love story with your husband, the firstborn, and on which the invitees could leave their congratulations. In general, the entire theme and competitions of the holiday can be associated with various types of paper - as far as the imagination is enough.

Toward evening, together with the guests, arrange the launch of "sky lanterns", they will become a worthy culmination of the holiday. This beautiful action can become an annual tradition, especially since there are many similar products with wedding paraphernalia on sale.

For the second, they give books, calendars, scrapbooks that are now fashionable, various cartoons and posters, and money. Prepare a gift for your spouse and exchange them in the presence of guests, saying the appropriate wishes.

Write handwritten letters with your husband in advance, in them tell about your feelings for your spouse, describe the qualities that you like best, as well as shortcomings and what you would like to correct, describe the future you imagine. Attach these letters to gifts or exchange them in a more intimate setting.

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Two-year-olds are very mobile, active, they can already play various games and are drawn to their peers. Therefore, the second birthday should be celebrated in such a way that the baby will like this holiday and remember it for a long time.


A kid at 2 years old already has his own interests and hobbies. Keep this in mind when planning your holiday. Invite his friends and good acquaintances whom he managed to meet during walks or visits to circles. Gather a company and go to the entertainment center with trampolines, dry pools, children's slides. Usually experienced animators work in these establishments, they can organize even such small children and entertain them with team games. If there is a cafe in the center, order a light dinner and juices. Moms will also have a great time talking over a cup of tea. This option is good when most babies are already over two years old. If there are kids who can be scared of clowns, it is better to celebrate the holiday at home.

Invite a puppet theater to your place or arrange it yourself. Ask other moms to help. Buy or rent dolls and a toy curtain. Choose a fairy tale familiar to everyone - "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Chicken" or "Turnip". Beat her with songs and joint dances so that the kids do not get bored while sitting still.

The second birthday should be full of games. Organize “Fun Starts”, choose fun dynamic music for this. Be sure to dance around the birthday man. Play the train - build kids and adults one after the other and walk the train to the song. The first adult - the locomotive, let him give the task to the trailers - to sit, stand, jump, shout "choo-choo" and so on.

Think over the menu of the children's holiday, after discussing it with the parents of the little guests. Thus, you will protect the children from allergic reactions. A buffet would be ideal. Give preference to a coffee table so that every kid can reach everything delicious without the participation of adults. Place chopped fruits, juices in individual bags on the table. Children will surely like small sandwiches in the shape of animals, jelly in small bowls, mini-kebabs made from pieces of cheese and fruit. Prepare a big beautiful cake with the image of your favorite cartoon character.

Do not drag out the holiday, for this age an hour and a half will be enough, otherwise the children will get too tired. Don't forget gifts. Prepare nice little things for each little guest.

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You have been dating your boyfriend for two years now. A long enough period, it is quite possible to consider your relationship serious and reliable. And the closer this date is, the more you want to somehow celebrate this day in a special way. Think and decide how you would like to spend it.

You will need

  • - rose petals,
  • - products for a romantic dinner.


Discuss this issue with your significant other. It is important that both of you are satisfied with the scenario of the holiday, because this is your joint day. Ideally, if the date falls on a weekend, and you can devote to each other all day, from early morning until late evening. To take into account both your interests and your loved one, make a plan for the day.

Devote the morning to some active entertainment. For example, go for a walk for two on quad bikes. You can present a certificate for a walk to your soul mate in the morning. On the one hand, riding a quad bike doesn't seem too romantic, but just imagine how you will cling to his back and hear nothing but the beating of his heart and the whistle of the wind. Many companies provide couples quad biking service, find out about it and order a certificate.

Have lunch at your favorite cafe or restaurant. After such an active morning, you will surely want to take a breath and chat. Order the dishes you ordered on one of your first dates. After lunch, take a walk around the places in the city where you met when your relationship was just beginning. Walk and remember how you felt then. Perhaps you will tell each other something that you have not decided before. For example, how you furtively glanced at him on the sports ground, admiring his dexterity and strength.

Have a romantic evening. If you live together, decorate your bedroom with rose petals in advance, arrange candles, prepare romantic music. There is nothing better than tenderness and romance. And on such a touching day, do not deny yourself this. During a romantic dinner, look through your old photos, remember the funny stories that have happened to you over the past two years. Watch a romantic comedy or melodrama. Let your soulmate know that two years is only the beginning of your strong relationship, because every day your feelings become more reliable.

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Celebrating a child's second birthday is not so easy, it is important to plan the holiday well. The kid is already old enough to understand and appreciate the festive attributes, but he still cannot play well, communicate, share toys, and too much company and strangers can scare him.

schedule, prices, book tables, select menus and decorations.

Please note that two-year-olds may be afraid of animators, life-size puppets and clowns. If you still decide to order such services, make sure that the actors know how to work with babies (for example, ask for videos from such events, read reviews). It is best if one of the acquaintances dresses up as a clown or a funny character, so that the child can always make sure that there is nothing to worry about.

If the holiday will be held in the apartment, prepare it in advance. Remove all breakable and valuable items, decorate rooms with balls and garlands. Prepare a treat, separately for children and parents. Pay attention to the absence of allergens, harmful products in the children's menu, you should not give a lot of sweets.

Paper was chosen as a symbol of the second anniversary because this material is stronger than chintz, but still fragile. Paper can easily be torn from excessive force or ignited by an accidental spark. But she is also very flexible.

Family life in the second year of marriage becomes stronger than in the first year. The crisis of the first year has been passed, the illusions have been destroyed. However, any quarrel can upset the delicate balance, and an emotional scandal can completely burn the relationship.

paper wedding traditions

On a paper anniversary, there is a tradition of writing a family letter. In order for spouses to better understand each other, they write messages with qualities that they like and dislike in a partner. If you are careful in your claims, this letter can improve family life.

Paper is used as home decor. Paper balls, garlands in the form of hearts, cranes are made from it. On the table in front of the spouses, two in the origami technique will look beautiful. By the way, this is a great gift idea.

What to give for a paper wedding

On paper, it is customary to give paper. Money, certificates, cinema and theater tickets, vacation vouchers - all this is also paper.

An original congratulation will be a large poster, painted and painted by all the invited guests. You can write anything you want: the lyrics of the song for the couple's wedding dance, wishes, advice and just thoughts.

A book can be a good themed gift. It is not necessary to donate literature. A universal option is a photo book with a story about a country. If the spouses have not yet collected their wedding album, you can also make a photo book from their photos, leaving a warm wish on the last page.

If the husband is a business person, a good diary with an expensive finish can be a gift from his wife. A pleasant surprise will be a gentle message on the first turn.

For a spouse, a paper gift in the form of a certificate to a clothing or cosmetics store, a beauty salon, a master class is suitable.

Those who wish to make a surprise for the couple can give a book of desires. This is a small format book, on each page of which a desire is written and a tear line is drawn. As a background, you can use photographs of the heroes of the occasion.

The principle of operation of this book is that one of the spouses has the right to tear off the desired coupon, and the second must fulfill the wish. For example, breakfast in bed or a day without TV. Everything is limited by the imagination of the givers.

Every mother wants a special day of the year - the birthday of her child, to be bright, special and memorable. At 2 years old, the child does not have special wishes about what the holiday should be like, so the mother herself must carefully think through and organize everything so that it is interesting to everyone who is invited, especially children.

A child's birthday should be bright, colorful and interesting.

Most parents prefer to spend the holiday at home, it's more convenient. Contests, clown, animation - all this can be ordered at home, but the menu is a little more complicated. It is necessary to prepare such dishes that would be tasty, healthy and served on the table in a special way in order to attract the attention of children, and they wanted to try them.

What dishes to choose, what to serve first at the table and how to serve everything, all these questions are asked by all mothers who are preparing a birthday for their 2 year old baby.

What should not be on the holiday table

There are small food restrictions that every mother must adhere to if she wants to organize a holiday for a 2 year old child and his friends. At this age, not all foods and dishes can be eaten, so the main thing when compiling a birthday menu:

  • no salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • dishes with pepper, mayonnaise sauce and garlic are not welcome on the table;
  • smoked meats are also better to remove;
  • do not experiment by mixing many different products in one dish;
  • remove fresh fruits and vegetables from the menu that can cause allergies;
  • do not put on the table fish dishes with bones, grapes, fruits with a rough skin and what a child can choke on, set aside for the holidays of the older generation;
  • fruits and vegetables that can stain clothes should be kept to a minimum.

Beautiful and tasty appetizers

Recently, canape sandwiches have been very popular in the children's menu. In order for them to interest children, it is desirable to perform them in an unusual form of boats, stars or bugs. In addition, only safe products will be needed for their preparation, and it will take a little time to create them.

Canapes are prepared only from fresh bread, preferably white, butter, slices of boiled pork, but not fried, but baked, delicate varieties of cheese and vegetables or fruits. Turn on your imagination and prepare canapes from those products that your beloved baby loves more.

It is important for children to never use skewers and toothpicks for canapés, the child may prick them.

Delicious and healthy salads for a children's holiday

Healthy salads can be laid out on a plate in the form of an animal or a flower, and small children will like this serving. There are a large number of salads, each mother can choose from this list for her menu those that she likes, but pay attention to this salad.

Salad "Sunshine"

The first thing I want to say is that it contains orange and lemon, so for children prone to allergies it is better not to cook it, otherwise it is very light, satisfying and tasty.

To prepare it you will need:

  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs., but they can be replaced with 8 quail eggs, which will make the salad even more useful;
  • boiled chicken - 300 g;
  • cucumber;
  • Apple.

As a dressing, you can use a sauce that is made from yogurt, olive oil, a couple of drops of lemon juice and egg yolks.

The salad is prepared as follows: oranges, cucumber and apple, peeled and cut as small as possible. Peel the egg, finely chop and add to the rest of the ingredients, do the same with the chicken. Salt, mix and beautifully lay out in the form of a sun on a plate, pour sauce on top.

The salad is ready, you can serve the kids on the table. But remember that citrus fruits can cause allergies, so ask mothers invited to the kids' holiday about whether they can eat fruits that can provoke such a reaction. Be sure to adjust the menu based on this.

Salad "Tropics"

The menu for the birthday of children of 2 years of age should be varied, satisfying and light, so parents should pay attention to the Tropics salad, which almost all children love and eat it with great pleasure. The recipe is quite simple and easy, does not require much high costs, as it contains a small amount of ingredients.

Its preparation will require:

  • 300 g of chicken, only boiled;
  • 300-400 grams of pineapples;
  • 1 apple, preferably green;
  • grapes in the amount of 1 cup.

Peel apples, grate on a fine grater and sprinkle lightly with lemon juice. Grind pineapple and add to apples, do the same with meat. Cut the grapes in half and add to the dish. You can fill with mayonnaise, but only homemade or yogurt.

Sweet fruit salad children eat with great pleasure!

You can also add a vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and greens to the festive menu, but just chop the vegetables finely and season them with olive oil. It is better to serve salad on the table in small salad bowls for each child separately.

Sweet fruit salad

The child will eat this delicious salad with great pleasure. It is prepared immediately before the guests arrive, as the fruit may lose its color, and the salad will not look very attractive. It is worth asking the parents of invited children if they are allergic to bee products and nuts, if not, then honey is added to the bottom of the salad bowl, and the top of the salad is sprinkled with chopped nuts.

For the salad you will need:

  • green apple, banana;
  • 1 glass of sultana grapes;
  • 1 pear fruit;
  • a glass of yogurt.

Take fruits without peel and cut them into small pieces. Divide the grapes in half, combine with fruit. Mix everything, put in small salad bowls, and pour yogurt over the top of the dish. This delicious and at the same time light dish is prepared quickly and is sure to please children.

A child's birthday happens once a year, and 2 years once in a lifetime, and every mother wants to make this day special, so the menu for this day is selected carefully.

Salads are ready, but what a holiday without second courses, but what to cook for a children's birthday, what would be beautiful, tasty and liked by children.

Main dishes

For a children's birthday, you should not cook a lot of hot dishes, because children eat little, they are more interested in entertainment than a festive table. Therefore, for a children's holiday, you can cook only a side dish and a meat dish.

For a children's birthday, when the child is only 2 years old and almost all guests are of the same age, it is better to choose meat dishes with minced meat. They cook quickly, the meat is tender, soft, a child at 2 years old will eat it with pleasure.

Which recipe to choose for the birthday of your child, each mother decides for herself, but perhaps this one will be liked more.

Chicken zrazy with quail egg

Little kids will definitely like these zrazy, because they are very tender and tasty, besides, they have a little secret inside that will interest the kids and make them eat food.

Chicken zrazy with quail egg will definitely appeal to children!

To prepare them you will need:

  • 400 g minced chicken;
  • 1/3 cup rice;
  • small carrots;
  • bulb;
  • 12 boiled quail eggs;
  • 2 tomatoes.

Zrazy is prepared like this:

  1. Grind the onion with a blender and add to the minced meat.
  2. Add cooked rice to minced meat.
  3. Salt, mix thoroughly until the minced meat is soft.
  4. Roll a ball out of minced meat, hide a peeled quail egg inside and roll it up.
  5. Boil in boiling water for 10 minutes, lower them into the water carefully on a spoon.
  6. Fry carrots and tomatoes in a pan.
  7. Put the zrazy in the gravy, add the broth so that it completely covers them.
  8. Simmer for 20 minutes, then put the pan in the oven for 5 minutes.

You can serve zrazy with a surprise with any of the side dishes, but the child will definitely like the multi-colored mashed potatoes, it is also very healthy, as it is prepared from natural products. It is very easy to prepare it.

Potato puree "Traffic light"

Dishes from natural products enriched with useful substances should please every mother, besides, bright colors perfectly decorate the table, attract children who come to the holiday to it.

What's a birthday without sweets! Preference should be given to light, not too sweet pastries and cakes.

To make colorful mashed potatoes you will need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • carrot juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • beetroot - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spinach juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Boil the peeled potatoes until cooked, add salt during the cooking process. After the water has been drained, it is necessary to mash the potatoes by adding butter and cream to it. Beat everything well so that the mass is light and homogeneous. Divide the puree into three parts: in the first add carrot juice, in the 2nd - beet juice, in the third - spinach. Put the puree in the form of balls into a pan, put in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

For a children's birthday, you can not bake multi-colored mashed potatoes, but simply beautifully put on a plate for each baby. This puree will decorate any table.

The birthday of a child, especially who turns 2 years old, should be interesting, the menu is ready, now you need to choose drinks and sweets.

From drinks, milkshakes of different colors with the addition of fruits are well suited, here it all depends on the mother's imagination. Milkshakes are very healthy and tasty, every child will drink such a drink with great pleasure if you put it on the table.

But as for sweets, here preference should be given to light, not too sweet cakes and cakes. "Bird's milk", "Carrot" cake or any other are perfect, but only with a light and airy cream, children will like this one more.

It is not necessary to overload the table for the birthday of a small child too much, for him the main thing is entertainment and games with friends. Prepare dishes that the birthday boy loves more, he will eat with pleasure, and other children will follow him the same.

A child's birthday should be bright, colorful and interesting, so that it will be remembered, captivated by children, and the dishes should be originally designed, then any child will want to try them.

If you decide to celebrate the holiday at home, then birthday decor will play an important role. After all, guests, as soon as they enter the house, will plunge into the magical atmosphere that you are quite capable of creating with your own hands. Guests and the birthday boy will immediately understand that today's birthday is a wonderful, fun holiday, where a lot of interesting things await everyone. It will not be difficult for you to make a room for a holiday unusual with the help of special decor. At your disposal are all kinds of decorations with which you can transform the room and create a festive decoration in any style. Feel free to involve your child in decorating a children's holiday - children will be happy to help you choose details for decorating a room, a table, create decor for a holiday with your own hands, buy a cake, balls, garlands.

Festive birthday decor is an important part of the holiday for your little one. We will give you ideas and help you choose interior design options.

The most indispensable and popular accessory for a birthday is balloons. Made of latex or foil, with or without helium, luminous, with patterns, all colors of the rainbow - the choice is yours!

A child's birthday is an occasion to decorate a room with their whole garlands. The design of a children's birthday can be done in the style of a child's favorite fairy tale or cartoon, choosing the right colors with drawings on the balloons.

For example, decor ideas for a girl’s first birthday will include decoration with balloons in the most delicate shades, a boy’s birthday in a pirate style will complement the decor of blue and black balloons, and for a party with Fixies, it will be enough to stock up on products with portraits of the main characters.

You can decorate a room by attaching balloons to a wall with a ceiling, arrange a flower bed or a cloudy sky out of them, they are perfect for decorating a children's table, and in addition to decorative elements, they can be used as accessories for contests and comic tasks. It will not be difficult to decorate a child's birthday with balloons, because the choice is huge, you just have to decide on colors, sizes and textures.

The design of a children's birthday can be supplemented with an original design called a "surprise ball".

This is a large ball up to one and a half meters in size, suspended from the ceiling, which contains:

  • candies;
  • confetti;
  • serpentine;
  • rose petals;
  • small balls;
  • small toys;
  • magical predictions;
  • lottery tickets;
  • and whatever your imagination tells you.

The ball can be made independently or bought from specialists in decorating a children's holiday. This construction bursts at the end of the party and showers the guests with prepared surprises. You can burst the ball yourself with a sharp stick or by installing a fuse with batteries in it. Despite the apparent complexity, it is quite possible to do such a miracle with your own hands, having studied the video master class.

If there are very young children at the celebration, remember that they should not be afraid of the loud bang when the surprise balloon bursts. Perhaps they should be taken out of the room for a while, where everything will happen.

Ball figures

An interesting decor will turn out if you decorate the room with figures from balls. You can buy ready-made masterpieces or, by calling on creative ingenuity, make decorations from balloons.

Here are some voluminous products you can use to decorate the holiday:

  • dolls;
  • animals;
  • letters;
  • trees;
  • flowers and whole bouquets;
  • wall and ceiling compositions from balls;
  • arches;
  • fountains;
  • Garlands.

Given the fashion trends in children's birthday decor, you can decorate the wall with a flower meadow of flowers, replace the ceiling with clouds, arrange cartoon characters that are cute for you and the children around the room.

Compositions for the ceiling, large-sized bouquets for festive decoration will require balloons to be filled with helium in order for the decor to be literally on top. You can decorate the room with ordinary balls using adhesive tape, fixing them in the shape you need.

walking figures

Festive birthday decor can be decorated with walking figures made of foil balloons. With the help of this invention, almost real fairy tale characters will appear on your holiday. The figures are filled with helium and secured with a small weight.

With the help of these balloons you can take a photo with Mickey Mouse, The Little Mermaid, Batman, Cinderella and any other character from your child's childhood dream.

paper decorations

From paper birthday decor, fashion trends dictate the use of such decorations as:

  • accordion balls;
  • honeycomb balls;
  • paper pompoms;
  • pompoms-brushes;
  • bulk stars.

Accordion balloons are large pieces of ribbed paper that fold out easily and turn into a ball with folds on the surface. Several balloons can serve as the main birthday decor.

An LED is sometimes placed in such balls, which gently illuminates them from the inside. Honeycomb balls are similar to accordions, but their surface consists of many honeycombs, reminiscent of bees.

From the finest paper, pom-pom balls are made, resembling huge peony flowers in shape - with the same fluffy-torn petals.

You can decorate the edge of the festive table, chairs, edges of curtains with paper tassels, or create a whole composition by decorating tree branches with tassels.

Paper decorations will perfectly support the style, as well as the colors of the children's holiday.


Garlands are a great way to create DIY decor for a kids birthday party. These products can be made from anything: from yarn and thread, from fabric, from colored paper and cardboard, from small toys, from flowers, and simply from everything that your imagination tells you.

Paper garlands are cut out in the form of flags, hearts, stars, flowers, animal silhouettes. An interesting design will be obtained from corrugated paper: details in the form of fans, bows, flowers are cut out of it. For textile garlands, unnecessary scraps of fabric are quite suitable: they will make tassels, ribbons, bows, and round patches sewn together with filler stuffed with filler will make rag snowballs.

The yarn is perfect for creating fluffy multi-colored pompoms. Garlands in the form of paper and fabric ribbons that decorate the ceiling or walls look great. They are able to completely transform the room, and change its color scheme.

Origami garlands will wonderfully fit into the festive decor. As a pendant, the most ordinary hanger is perfect, to which you tie ropes with birds or flowers.

In addition to homemade products, you can decorate the room with garlands with congratulatory slogans. Birthday decor may well combine hand-made decorations and store-bought decorations.

More decor ideas

It would be a great idea to decorate the wall with the so-called "wall newspaper" - a drawing paper on which guests can write and draw their wishes and congratulations to the birthday man. You can use a large piece of wallpaper for this.

Guest accessories

You can make your party brighter and more fun by providing guests with popular holiday attributes. Is your princess one year old?

Give your guests decorations in the form of small crowns that are attached to the head with hairpins.

Make a holiday for your son in the style of gangsters? At your service are fake mustaches on a stick, black mini-hats attached to the chin with an elastic band and paper bow ties. Or maybe mice, bunnies and kittens came to the child’s birthday? Don't forget to decorate your guests with headbands.

What would a child's birthday be without a festive treat! The easiest, most convenient and safest way is to set the table with paper and plastic utensils, because they will not break and hurt no one if the children get naughty and arrange a small festive mayhem.

At the same time, it is unbreakable dishes that are presented in stores in a huge assortment and you can buy plates and glasses in your child's favorite colors and with the image of the most popular cartoon and movie characters. Another plus: you do not have to do the washing up, just stock up on a large trash bag.

It makes sense to use a disposable tablecloth with a bright and colorful pattern for the table, because such decor will hide the stains that appear from spilled drinks. Few children can be seated for food for a long time, so portioned small dishes are suitable for the festive table, such as:

  • canape;
  • sandwiches;
  • tartlets;
  • cakes;
  • candies;
  • mini pizza;
  • meat and fruit skewers;
  • meat and vegetable cuts for a salad bar;
  • fruit cutting;

If, nevertheless, gatherings at the table are expected, it would be useful to place cards with the names of the guests in front of each seat. You can tie the cutlery with a ribbon on which the name of the guest will be written.

Gifts for guests

The birthday will become even more interesting if the children-guests of the birthday boy receive small gifts at the celebration. You can put a few chocolates, miniature cakes in boxes for sweet surprises, or give each guest a small soft toy.

You can give girls beautiful hair clips, and boys - flashlights. If your child already knows how to make crafts with his own hands, he can come up with and prepare souvenirs with your help or on his own. It's a good idea to give guests room decorations, like balloons. This can be done at the end of the holiday, when saying goodbye to the guests. A small souvenir is sure to prolong the feeling of a holiday for all participants of a children's birthday. You can send photos from the children's party to everyone who was your guest, because it's easy to do, and everyone will have the best impressions.

Joint preparation and decoration of the holiday can become a good family tradition. Let all relatives participate - after all, joint work brings together. Turn on your imagination, take a good mood with you, attract the children themselves - the heroes of the occasion, and you will definitely succeed!

I started thinking about how to celebrate the first birthday of a child, what contests and games to hold on this day, how to decorate a room, how to write a script for the first children's birthday to make this holiday sincere, I started in 3 weeks.

Streamer "Happy Birthday!"

The first thing I started doing was stretching “Happy Birthday!”. I chose 13 photos, one for each letter. I tried to have my daughter photographed there at different times of the year - both in a snow maiden's hat for the New Year and in a panama hat in the hot summer in the sandbox. I added photos with grandmothers and with us parents, as I considered it right for the child to be surrounded by a family. I found a universal stretching template on the website "White Ships".

Even without knowledge of Photoshop, I quickly learned how to insert photos into frames and “layers” according to the training video sent by Olga, mother of two children and author of the stretch. Then, I printed the flags on photo paper on a home printer, 2 flags per A4 format. Got 7 sheets. I cut it out along the contour and made holes for the satin ribbon with a hole punch. Then I fastened everything with a ribbon and fixed the distance between the flags with knots, according to a convenient scheme. And decorated everything on the wall with decorative needles.

Birthday script for 2 years. Surprises and games

1. Showed grandparents a surprise - pappuri from home videos of daughter's fragments

It starts from two months of the baby, when a baby swimming instructor came to our guests and dived her daughter in the bathroom and showed us lightweight dynamic gymnastics for babies. My dad and I were in shock, but already at 5 months we just “spun” our daughter in this way).

The film turned out to be very touching - bursting laughter, the first step, in the pool, for the first time down the hill, cooking, making a postcard, planting seeds. While editing the film, my daughter enthusiastically looked at herself as a two-month-old baby and smiled soooo much! Once again I am convinced that such films carry a huge charge of positive emotions. You can order from me a similar video collage of photos and videos.

2. Compiled a congratulatory telegram

The guests called adjectives, and we wrote them down in the empty spaces in the telegram. It turned out fun.
_______ Ulyanochka! Congratulations on your second ______ birthday! During this year, from _______ and _____ baby, you turned into __________ and _________ princess! We wish you to remain the most ___ daughter for your ____ mom and your ____ dad. May they continue to ____ love you and _____ educate you. And your _____ grandmother Lena and _____ grandmother Florida continue to ______ take part in bombarding you with toys, clothes and goodies. And may your ____ great-grandfather Gena and ___ great-grandmother Nina always ______ pamper you. May your birthday be the most ______ holiday of the year for you. In general, grow up, Ulyanochka, _________ and ________! We kiss and hug. Your _________ guests.

3. Conducted a contest “What do you think?”

Since a child at 2 years old is just starting to speak and he says everything is very funny, I invited the guests to guess a number of Ulyana's words. And the guests had to guess what they mean. For example: poppy (milk), tyap-tyap (shoes), avava (dog), kabka (kolobok), nanny (socks), nyama (fruit puree) and gaba gaba (??? we don’t know the translation of this word ourselves), etc.

4. Grandmothers took an oath during a toast “for grandmothers”

Our mothers read loudly and with expression one quatrain each, and at the end they shouted in unison “I swear!”
I swear to be an exemplary grandfather-grandmother! Shopping march for milk, for baby porridge, I swear to do it without a miss. I swear to get up late at night and rock his cradle. And if necessary - quickly change the diaper at any time. I swear to him to wash diapers and iron undershirts. I swear to read and fairy tales, when he wants - to play hide and seek. To carry out the child's lessons so that he studies for five. I swear to supply money later, so that I don’t ask my mom and dad. I swear then to save some money for his car. In general, from the first day to put him on his neck! And if I break my oath, I get tired, maybe I'm afraid, - Then I won't drink brandy for a century and don't eat pineapples! Do not ride in a Lexus car, do not go out in a mink coat. Do not travel the world and do not have a villa on the sea! Don't sunbathe in Miami! I swear to keep my oath! All together: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Ulyana handed her masterpieces to the grandmothers.

And I - solemnly diploma and diploma.

5. Have fun playing the game "Detectives"

What is the birthday boy's zodiac sign? What time did Ulyana go? What time did the last tooth come out? Birthday growth? Favorite song of our birthday? Favorite food? Favorite fairy tale? Birthday weight at 2 years old?
Here it was important not to ask a question to the masses, but to ask a specific guest.

6. Played "I can"

I made a list of skills and abilities that Ulyana has and does not have in advance (for example, she knows how to walk, eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, clap her hands, use a potty, show body parts, turn pages in a book, etc.). And the guests had to guess what the birthday girl can and cannot do.
I already know all the letters! (Yes)
I can easily count up to 10! (No)
I like to read fairy tales, (yes)
And ride a bike. (No)
I can build towers (yeah)
And argue loudly with everyone. (Yes)
I go to school in the morning. (no)
I can easily sit on the potty. (Yes)
I paint like an artist (yeah)
Yes, and the ball is not difficult to play. (Yes)
I can sing songs! (Yes)
Sit on the Internet! (No)
I'm not too lazy to go to the pool, (yeah)
And I sleep at lunch every day! (Yes)
I love to sculpt! (Yes)
I love my mom, dad and grannies so much! (Yes)

7. We checked the vigilance of the guests with “Riddles - Changelings”

1. The bunny went out for a walk,
The paws of the hare are exactly ... (not five, but four)
2. I have a dog
She already has tails ... (not 6, but 1)
3. There is a funny sign:
It snowed - meet ... (not summer, but winter)
4. Blizzard howls like a drill,
It’s standing in the yard ... (not April, but February)
5. Birthday on the nose,
We baked ... (not sausage, but a cake)
6. At Irinka and Oksanka
There are three-wheelers ... (not a sled, but a bicycle)
There were more than 6 guests and someone did not get the riddle. It was necessary to pick up more riddles so that everyone participated.
Everyone really liked it, and each guest made a mistake with the answer, speaking in rhyme, and not in meaning).

8. Have fun playing the game "Fairy Assorted"

Who will be the first to guess which fairy tale the phrase belongs to.
Are you warm, girl, are you warm, beautiful? (“Frost”) Well, eat, now you can sleep ... (“Thumbelina”) I’ll sit on a stump - eat a pie ... (“Masha and the Bear”) A goat will come back, knock on the door and sing ... (“The Wolf and the Seven Kids” ) I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ... (“Gingerbread Man”) Grandmother, and grandmother, why do you have such big ears? ("Little Red Riding Hood") I'm a little mouse. And who are you? (“Teremok”) Eat my wild apple - I’ll say (“Swan Geese”) The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. ("Ryaba Hen") Do not drink, brother, you will become a calf! ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka") Who was sitting on my chair and broke it? ("Three Bears")

9. At the end of the evening I prepared a poem

Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They can not be earned, this is not a reward,
God gives them by grace to adults.
Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.
Children are frequent rises at night,
Children are nipples, colic, pots.
Children are disputes in matters of upbringing,
Mom's prayers, dad's posts.
Children are dads often not at home,
Children are mother at home all day.
Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances,
Own plans are moving into the shadows.
Children - it's like life started all over again:
First smiles, first steps
First successes, first failures.
Children are experience, children are us!

I really liked the birthday with the script, as the initiator and the guests. It is important to print out your text in advance and put it in a separate folder in a prominent place.

In the next article, I will tell you how to make a video from family archive photos yourself. In the meantime, you can see my work and order a film from photos and videos as a gift.

I would be glad if our birthday script for 2 years is useful to you.
And also I will be grateful for your feedback in the comments.