Play activities. Game activity as a type of active socio-psychological learning

The concept of "play" and "play activity". Leading signs of play activity.

A game is a set of some rules and regulations, necessary props and accessories that are needed to organize gaming activities. There are general requirements for games, fulfilled at certain stages of their organization and providence.

Play activities are emotional, intellectual and physical efforts aimed at achieving a play task. The phenomenon of play activity is manifested in the fact that pleasure is not a result, but a process.

Signs of play activity: 1. Voluntary and free play should be for those who play. 2. Games. goes by the rules. 3. Games. active Should be accompanied by tension (the more tension, the more recreational forces it carries)

Assignments must be adequate.

The concept of the game has always had a difficult fate in the humanities - philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, psychology.

First of all, play, since we are talking about the games of a person and a child, is a meaningful activity, that is, a set of meaningful actions, united by the unity of motive. E.A.Arkin, L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin have developed an approach to play as a phenomenon of a socio-historical nature. In particular, children's games are considered by them as a form of including a child in the world of human relations, as a striving for harmonious coexistence with the world of adults, as the formation of a child's arbitrary behavior, his socialization.

There are a number of types of play activities:

a) sports, contributing to the development of physical and intellectual forces of a person;

b) role-playing, reproducing the actions of other people, animals, etc .; c) artistic, nature, mood, etc.;

d) didactic, forming skills;

e) business, recreating subject and social content

professional activity, modeling a system of relations characteristic of a certain type of activity;

f) the military, predicting the course of the battle.

All the designated types of play activities throughout the history of pedagogy are productively used in the upbringing of the younger generation, which allows children to relatively easily and naturally cognize themselves and the world around them, to organically enter it.

The travel game arouses interest in obtaining new information, expands the horizons of the players.

A quiz game (a puzzle game, a rebus game, etc.), which has many modifications with its possible use as a specially prepared multi-stage game and as an impromptu game.

The staging game can organically fit into a wide variety of leisure activities, making them more creative, awakening the initiative of children. So, when working on the production of the dance of the Cossacks, the participants of the amateur association can be offered to "revive" some picture in a choreographic miniature. And so the children create, argue and, as a result, the choreographic picture "Zaporizhzhya Sich", which is nothing more than a dramatization of IE Repin's picture "The Zaporozhians are writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan."

An improvisation game should accompany every children's event, because it takes children out of the state of enslavement, develops imagination, and leads to witty and original finds.

The game can be used as a pedagogical technique for the development or development of certain qualities, abilities and skills.

One of the central tasks of play activity is the formation in children of a focus on the assimilation and observance of moral universal values. According to D.B. Elkonin, play can become a source for the development of a child's morality, moreover, a school of morality, and not morality in presentation, but morality in action.

Game activity, carried out in the process of group interaction, is the most important social task of forming an orientation towards others.

Experience is concentrated in the game and a culture of interpersonal relations is formed. In play, the child learns to live, focusing on others, trying to comply with social norms, learns to follow the rules, the ability to objectively evaluate the actions of his peers. The very structure of the game, its order and rules are a source of positive emotional experiences that give rise to mutual assistance, feelings of friendship, camaraderie, cooperation, and success in achieving a common cause. The game gives children the opportunity to feel like adults, to penetrate into the "big world", to learn how to make decisions in difficult situations that they have not yet encountered in real life, to build "role" relationships with peers. It is exciting for children and it is necessary for their future life in society.

english play) is one of the types of human and animal activity. I. is a form of vital activity in young animals that arises at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world (see Play in animals). Children's I. is a historically emerging type of activity that consists in the reproduction by children of the actions of adults and the relations between them in a special conditional form. I. (by definition A. N. Leont'ev) is the leading activity of a preschooler child, that is, such an activity due to which major changes take place in the child's psyche and within which mental processes develop, preparing the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development ...

I. is studied by various sciences — the history of culture, ethnography, pedagogy, psychology, ethology, and so on. A special study of the I. of animals and man was first carried out by him. the scientist Karl Groos, who noted the exercising function of I. According to his data, I. occurs in those animals in which instinctive forms of behavior are insufficient to adapt to the changing conditions of existence. In I. in these animals, a preliminary adaptation (prevention) of instincts to the future conditions of the struggle for existence takes place.

An essential addition to this theory was the work of K. Buhler. He believed that the desire for I., the repetition of the same actions is supported by "functional pleasure" received from the activity itself. F. Boy-tendike connected the main features of I. with the characteristic features of behavior inherent in a growing organism: 1) non-directional movements; 2) impulsivity; 3) the presence of affective connections with others; 4) shyness, fearfulness and shyness. These traits of the child's behavior under certain conditions give rise to I. These theories, despite the differences, identify the I. of animals and man.

I. in animals is a form of manipulative sensory-motor activity in the period immediately preceding puberty, with biologically neutral objects or partners. In animals, sensory-motor components and coordination of the main species-specific acts of behavior are improved. And. In animals is widespread. in higher mammals, especially in predators and primates. In its highest forms, I. is combined with orienting-research behavior.

Much attention is paid to children's I. by supporters of psychoanalysis. In line with this trend, I. is viewed as an expression of unconscious tendencies in symbolic form. It is believed that the development of I. in preschool childhood is determined by the change in the main stages of the child's psychosexual development (oral, anal, phallic). Developmental disorders at each stage are necessarily manifested in I. In this regard, play therapy has been developed and widely spread as a form of corrective work with children (expression of suppressed tendencies and the formation of an adequate system of relations between a child and adults).

The central issue in the theory of children's I. is the question of its historical origin. The need for historical research for constructing a theory of imperialism was noted by E.A.Arkin. D. B. Elkonin showed that I. and, above all, I. role-playing arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the child's place in the system of social relations. The emergence of I. occurs as a result of the emergence of complex forms of the division of labor, which made it impossible to include the child in productive labor. With the emergence of role I., a new, preschool period in the development of the child begins (see. Preschool age). In domestic science, the theory of I. in the aspect of elucidating its social nature, internal structure, and significance for the development of the child was developed by L. S. Vygotsky, Leontiev, Elkonin, N. Ya.

I. is the most important source of the development of the child's consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form of modeling by him relations between adults, fixed in the rules of certain roles. Having assumed the fulfillment of a particular role, the child is guided by its rules, subordinates his impulsive behavior to the fulfillment of these rules.

I. motivation lies in the very process of performing this activity. The basic unit of I. is the role. In addition to the role, the structure of I. includes play action (action to fulfill a role), play use of objects (substitution), and relationships between children. In I., plot and content are also distinguished. The plot is the sphere of activity that the child reproduces in I. The content is the relations between adults reproduced by the child in I..

I. usually has a group (joint) character. The group of children at play acts in relation to each individual participant as an organizing principle, authorizing and supporting the fulfillment of the role taken by the child. In I., real relationships of children (between I. participants) and play relationships (relationships in accordance with the accepted roles) are distinguished.

I. goes through various stages in its development. According to Elkonin, objective information first appears when a child reproduces the objective actions of adults. Then, role-playing (including role-playing), aimed at reproducing relations between adults, comes to the fore. At the end of preschool childhood, I. with rules appears - a transition is made from I. with an open role and a hidden rule to I. with an open rule and a hidden role. Mikhailenko identifies 3 progressively more complex ways of I.: 1) the deployment and designation of conditional objective actions in I.; 2) role behavior - designation and implementation of a conditional game position; 3) plot formation - the deployment of a sequence of holistic situations, their designation and planning.

Let us give a more detailed description of the various types of I. in preschoolers.

Role-playing I. is the main form of I. in preschool children, which arises at the border of early and preschool childhood and reaches its prime in the middle of preschool age. Role I. is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and in a play situation recreate the actions of adults and their relationships. A feature of the game situation is the game use of objects, in which the meaning of one object is transferred to another object, and it is used in connection with the new meaning given to it. The role of an adult that a child takes on contains hidden rules that regulate the performance of actions with objects, the establishment of relationships with other children in accordance with their roles. Role-playing evokes in the child deep emotional experiences associated with the content of the roles being played, the quality of the role played by each child, and those real relationships that children enter into in the process of collective I. in the implementation of its general design. In role imaging, the most important neoplasms of preschool age develop: the development of imagination, the formation of elements of voluntary behavior, and the development of symbolic function.

I. with rules - a type of group or paired I., in which the actions of the participants and their relationships are regulated by pre-formulated rules that are binding on all participants. The transition to I. with rules is prepared when conducting role I., where they are connected and hidden in the role. The initial forms of I. with the rules are of a plot character, for example, "cat and mouse". I. with rules occupy a large place in school-age children, developing into all kinds of sports I. - motor and mental (football, hockey, chess, etc.). See also Generalized other.

Director's I. is a kind of individual I., when a child plays out a certain plot with the help of toys. In directorial art, the child performs both the function of a director (retaining the idea of \u200b\u200ban I.) and the function of actors (performance of role-playing actions to implement a play concept).

Didactic I. is a type of I. organized by an adult to solve a learning problem. Didactic I. m. and role, and I. with the rules. Didactic I. is the main form of teaching preschool children.

From the beginning. teaching in school, the role of I. in the mental development of the child decreases, but at this age, a significant place is occupied by various I. with rules - intellectual and mobile (sports). The role of plot points becomes less, but does not disappear altogether. (O. M. Dyachenko.)

Play activity takes a very important place in a child's life. The game helps him to adapt to the environment, communicate, think. The child must be taught to play from the first months of life: starting with the primitive and ending with those that provide for the baby's own thinking. Together with parents, close relatives, friends, as well as kindergarten educators and teachers at school take part in the upbringing and development of the child.


Throughout the life path of a person is accompanied by three main types of activity, which replace each other. This is play, study and work. They differ according to the characteristics of motivation, organization and end results.

Labor is the main human activity, the end result of which is the creation of a product that is significant for the public. As a result of game activity, the production of a product does not occur, but it acts as the initial stage in the formation of a personality as a subject of activity. Education is the direct preparation of a person for work, developing mental, physical and aesthetic skills and forming cultural and material values.

The play activity of children contributes to their mental development and prepares them for the adult world. The child here himself acts as a subject and adapts to the imitated reality. A feature of the game activity is its freedom and unregulated nature. Nobody can force a child to play not the way he wants. The game proposed by an adult should be interesting and entertaining for the child. Learning and work must have an organizational form. The work begins and ends at a set time, during which a person must present its results. Classes for pupils and students also have a clear schedule and plan, which everyone adheres to unswervingly.

Game activities

According to the most general classification, all games can be classified into one of two large groups. The difference in them is the forms of children's activity and the participation of an adult.

The first group, the name of which is "Independent games", includes such play activities of a child, in the preparation and conduct of which the adult does not directly participate. In the foreground is the activity of children. They must set a goal for the game, develop it and solve it for themselves. Children in such games show initiative, which indicates a certain level of their intellectual development. This group includes cognitive games and plot games, the function of which is to develop the child's thinking.

The second group is educational games that involve the presence of an adult. He creates rules and coordinates the work of children until they achieve a result. These games are used for the purpose of training, development, education. This group includes entertainment games, dramatization games, musical, didactic, outdoor games. From a learning-type game, you can smoothly redirect the child's activities to the learning stage. These types of play activities generalize it, in them many more subspecies can be distinguished with different scenarios and different goals.

Play and its role in child development

Play is a compulsory activity for a child. She gives him freedom, he plays without compulsion, with pleasure. From the very first days of his life, the baby is already trying to play with some kind of rattles and trinkets hanging over his cradle. The play activity of preschool children teaches them to order, teaches them to follow the rules. In the game, the child tries to show all his best qualities (especially if it is a game with peers). He shows enthusiasm, activates his abilities, creates an environment around himself, establishes contact, finds friends.

In the game, the kid learns to solve problems, find a way out. The rules teach him to be honest, because failure to comply with them is punishable by indignation from other children. In play, the child can show those qualities that are hidden in everyday life. At the same time, games develop competition between children, adapt them for survival by defending their position. Play has a positive effect on the development of thinking, imagination, and wit. Playful activity gradually prepares the child to enter adulthood.

Play activities in infancy and early childhood

Games will differ, depending on the age of the child, in their organization, form, and functionality. The main element of early childhood play is the toy. Its multifunctionality allows you to influence mental development, on the formation of a system of social relations. The toy is for fun and entertainment.

Babies manipulate a toy, their perception develops, preferences are formed, orientations to the new appear, colors and shapes are imprinted in their memory. In infancy, parents play an important role in creating a child's worldview. They should play with their children, try to speak their language, show them unfamiliar objects.

In early childhood, games for a child are almost all of his free time. He ate, slept, played, and so on all day. Here it is already recommended to use games not only with entertainment, but also with a cognitive component. The role of toys is increasing, they become small models of the real world (cars, dolls, houses, animals). Thanks to them, the baby learns to perceive the world, to distinguish colors, shapes and sizes. It is important to give the child only those toys that cannot harm him, because the baby will certainly pull them to his mouth to try on the tooth. At this age, children cannot be left unattended for a long time, toys are not as important to them as the attention of a loved one.

Games for Preschool Children

Preschool age children can be roughly divided into younger and older. In the younger, the play activity of preschoolers is aimed at learning things, connections, properties. In older children, preschoolers have new needs, and they give preference to role-playing games, games among their peers. Interest in collective games is manifested in children in the third year of life. At the preschool age, a significant place is occupied by manipulative, mobile, cognitive games. The child likes to design both from the designer and from any materials at hand (sand, furniture in the house, clothes, other items).

Didactic games

The development of children in play is one of the most important purposes of play. For this, educators conduct didactic games with children. They are created for the purpose of education and training, with certain rules and expected results. Didactic play is both playful activity and a form of learning. It consists of a didactic task, game actions, rules and results.

The didactic task is determined by the goal of training and educational impact. An example is a game in which counting skills are consolidated, the ability to make a word from letters. In a didactic game, the didactic task is realized through the game. The basis of the game is play actions carried out by the children themselves. The more interesting they are, the more exciting and effective the game will be. The rules of the game are set by the teacher who controls the behavior of the children. Upon completion, it is imperative to take stock. This stage involves determining the winners, those who coped with the task, but the participation of all the children should also be noted. For an adult, didactic play is a way of learning that will help make a gradual transition from play to learning.

Play activities in the preschool educational institution

Games accompany the child throughout the entire period of childhood. The organization of play activities in preschool institutions plays an important role in the development of children. Play occupies a prominent place in the system of aesthetic, labor, moral, physical and intellectual education of preschool children. It satisfies his social needs and personal interests, increases the vitality of the child, activates his work.

In kindergartens, play activity should be a complex of games that are aimed at the physical and intellectual development of children. These games include creative ones that allow children to independently determine the purpose, rules and content. They reflect human activities in adulthood. The category of creative games includes role-playing, theatrical, dramatization games, design games. In addition to creative, didactic, mobile, sports, folk games influence the formation of a child's play activity.

An important place in the game is occupied by toys, which should be simple, bright, attractive, interesting, and safe. They are divided into three types: ready-made (dolls, airplanes, cars), semi-finished (constructors, pictures, cubes) and materials for creating toys. The latter allow the child to fully reveal their imagination and demonstrate their skills by creating toys on their own.

Game activity functions

Any kind of activity has a specific functional purpose. Play activities also serve a number of functions in child development.

The main function of the game is entertainment. It is aimed at arousing the child's interest, inspiring, pleasing, and entertaining. The communicative function is that during the game the baby learns to find a common language with other children, developing his speech mechanisms. The function of self-realization is to choose a role. If a child chooses those that require additional actions, then this indicates his activity and leadership.

The play therapy function provides for the overcoming of difficulties by children of a different nature that arise in other types of activity. The diagnostic function of the game will help the child to know his capabilities, and the educator - to identify the presence or absence of deviations from normal behavior. With the help of the game, you can make neatly positive changes in the structure of personality indicators. The peculiarities of play activity also lie in the fact that the child learns to social and cultural norms and assimilates the values, the rules of human society and is included in the system of social relations.

Play and development of the child's speech

To a large extent, play affects the development of speech. In order for a child to successfully engage in a game situation, he needs a certain level of development of communication skills. The development of coherent speech is stimulated by the need to communicate with peers. In play as a leading activity, the sign function of speech is enhanced by the substitution of one object for another. Subjects-substitutes act as signs of missing objects. Any element of reality that replaces another can be a sign. The substitute object transforms the verbal content in a new way, mediating the connection between the word and the absent object.

Play contributes to the child's perception of two types of signs: iconic and individual. The sensory properties of the former are virtually approximated to the object being replaced, while the latter, by their sensory nature, have little in common with the object they designate.

Play also takes part in the formation of reflective thinking. So, for example, a child suffers and cries like a patient when he plays in the hospital, but at the same time he is pleased with himself because of a good performance.

Influence of play activity on the mental development of a child

The development of the game activity of preschoolers is directly related to the development of their mental state. Play helps to shape the personality and mental qualities of the child. It is from the game that other types of activities that take place in the future life of a person come out over time. Play, like nothing else, contributes to the development of attention and memory, because it requires the child to focus on objects in order to successfully enter the play situation. Role play affects the development of imagination. The child learns to take on different roles, to replace some objects with others, to create new situations.

Play activity also affects the formation of the child's personality. He learns to establish contact with peers, acquires communication skills, gets acquainted with the relationships and behavior of adults. Such activities as construction and drawing are closely merged with the game. They are already preparing the baby for work. He does something himself, with his own hands, while trying and worrying about the result. In such cases, the child must be praised, and this will become an incentive for him to improve.

Play in a child's life is as important as school for a student or work for an adult. This must be understood by both parents and educators. It is necessary to develop the interests of children in every possible way, to encourage their desire for victory, for a better result. As the baby grows up, you need to provide him with toys that affect mental development. Do not forget to play with your child yourself, because at these moments he feels the importance of what he is doing.

J. Huizinga, having studied in detail the nature, meaning, ontology of play in the history of mankind, writes: "... Genuine culture cannot exist without a certain game content, for culture presupposes a certain self-restraint and self-control, a certain ability not to see something ultimate in one's own aspirations and higher, but to consider oneself within certain, voluntarily accepted boundaries. "

A game - organization of an imaginary situation in which they act realistically, using their knowledge, skills, experience, but according to the established rules, in accordance with their role in the game. A person's love for the game, the desire to enter a game situation is a powerful motivation, since it is due to the need for creative and transformative activity. In the game, you can show yourself, measure your strength, learn something, gain experience, enter into the kind of communication that you fail in ordinary life. The ability to play is an indicator of the culture of a person and society as a whole.

Game definition -it is a set of some kind of rules and regulations, necessary props and accessories that are needed to organize gaming activities.

Approaches to the nature of play:

GV Plekhanov connects the origin of play with magical and cult needs, with labor processes; the English philosopher G. Spencer regards play as a manifestation of "excess strength"; Austrian psychologist K. Buhler sees the reason for play in functional pleasure, and S. Freud considers play as the realization of desires, repressed from life, etc.

EA Arkin, L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin have developed an approach to play as a phenomenon of a socio-historical nature. In particular, children's games are considered by them as a form of including a child in the world of human relations, as a striving for harmonious coexistence with the world of adults, as the formation of a child's arbitrary behavior, his socialization.

A game - performance of game tasks on a competitive basis. This concept is passive.

Play activities-these are emotional, intellectual and physical efforts aimed at achieving a game task (that is, this concept is active).

Signs of play activity:

27 she's not productive

28 voluntary

29 passes according to certain rules

30 is associated with emotional, intellectual and physical stress (it contains the pleasure of playing). It should be adequate to the audience (if the contests are too simple, the audience does not play).

Game structurecharacterizing it as a universal concept.

1 play context, including: play area (real or psychological); time and space, within the boundaries of which the game action is carried out. The context of the game, according to MM Bakhtin, is the atmosphere of rapid and abrupt changes, risks and achievements.

The game creates a new model of the world, acceptable to its participants. Within the framework of this model, a new imaginary situation is set, the semantic meanings of objects and actions are changed, time is often "compressed", filling to the brim with intellectual and emotional events. For a new game world to arise and begin to live, the vectors of aspirations, desires, and creative possibilities of the playing people must coincide. Other factors also affect the development of the game world: the players' possession of the game technique, their understanding of their place in the real and game world, the attitude of others to the personality and to the game itself, the cultural situation as a whole, which affects the position of the game and game communities.

2 The rules of the game, which, according to A.G. Asmolov, "can be considered the plenipotentiary representatives of the tendency towards stability, stability, and the repetition of life." And then he adds that, nevertheless, “none of the rules adopted in the game make it possible to predict all moves, all possible options, that is, it turns out that the game is at the same time, as it were, a repository of norms that preserve the stability of being, and the school of socialization, readiness for the unpredictability of life. " On the one hand, the game is a rigid structure, as it requires the participants to comply with the rules that determine its course. On the other hand, the rules of the game, limiting the degrees of freedom, allow, however, a variety of improvisations and variability of behavior. Thus, play forms a contradictory unity of freedom and necessity, predestination and hypotheticalness, rigidity of playing circumstances and conventions of behavioral boundaries.

3 plot (scenario move. Two techniques often act as scenario move: travel and disenchanting / liberation),

4 risk - it increases the situation of excitement,

5 win (there is no game without a win, this may not be material gain; most games are competitive, the reward for winning is a prize)

7 playing role.

The game appears in a wide variety of forms (M. S. Kagan)

1 activity of nature, independent of man (waves play, wind whistles);

2 special human activities (acting as an actor, playing as an athlete, etc.);

3 development of physical and creative powers of a person (imagination of an artist, designer, racer, etc.);

4 an independent form of activity (the essence of its own game: billiards, chess, business games, etc.).

There are a number of types of play activities:

a) sports, contributing to the development of physical and intellectual forces of a person;

b) role-playing, reproducing the actions of other people, animals, etc .;

c) artistic, nature, mood, etc.;

d) didactic, forming skills;

e) business, recreating the substantive and social content of professional activity, modeling the system of relations characteristic of a certain type of activity;

f) the military, predicting the course of the battle.

Psychological - pedagogical possibilities of the game:

1 socialization of the personality, i.e. acceptance by the individual of the norms and values \u200b\u200bof society.

2 developing interpersonal skills

3 activation of the educational process and professional training (the so-called "business games").

4 Correction of behavior and physical development of personality

5 Diagnostics of mental and professional development of personality

Game functions (each game is multifunctional):

1 Play intensifies his cognitive, creative, communicative powers; It has group-forming and rallying character... Role-playing is an effective means of adjusting one's own and other people's experience, self-image and self-concept. This indicates that experience can be shared through play.

2 Game characteristics: entertainment, entertainment, emotionality, relaxation, etc. Those. it can be argued that it fully implements the function recreation.

3 Personal development: teach think creatively, actively act, develop special skills such as sociability and communication, the ability to make creative decisions, organizational skills, the ability to show initials, reveal their hidden talents and abilities, and much more. The charm of the game lies in the fact that each participant must show many personal qualities: will, risk, persistence, resourcefulness, etc. In this way, the game imitates life itself, where the individual often has to show the same properties. At the same time, the game creates a situation of rapidly changing change in mental sensations and states: the excitement of risk, anticipation, impatience, tension, joy of victory, bitterness of defeat, etc.

4 These situations not only contribute to emotional release, but also charge with new energy.

5 Prevention of conflicts - in such an aspect as competitiveness.

6 Playing together, people get to know each other better, build models of behavior and communication with each other, of course, performing various game tasks leaders stand outcapable of captivating people.

There are general requirements for games, fulfilled at certain stages of their organization and providence.

1. The formulation of the pedagogical goal, which in turn determines the form, nature and content of the chosen game. The game can be used as a pedagogical technique for the development or development of certain qualities, abilities and skills. In addition, the game can be used as a didactic one, aimed at the perception and consolidation of new knowledge, verification and familiarization with the ways of realizing this knowledge both in artistic reality and in everyday life.

2. Definition of the theme and name of the game. At the second stage of organizing games, specific tasks are formulated that must be solved in given conditions with a given audience (taking into account the age and number of players, their psychological and physical characteristics, the level of general development, knowledge, skills, skills and the level of interest in this type of artistic activity.)

The formulation and solution of the assigned tasks should be aimed at forming a focus on social values \u200b\u200bin children. For it is the direction, characterized by the interests, inclinations, convictions, ideals that dominate in the individual, that indicates social activity.

3. Implementation of preparation for the game (its name, play equipment, location, audience composition and time frame of the game).

4. Implementation of a game action (familiarity with the rules of the game, a brief description of the course of the game and compliance with the conditions for its conduct).

The successful application of the game occurs only if a number of conditions are met: the game must carry a positive emotional charge in a wide variety of game situations; all participants in the event should be involved in it and the roles of the players should be changed; it should provide for overcoming certain difficulties that become more difficult during the game; an element of competition must be introduced into the game.

5. Analysis of the results obtained and evaluation of the results. The criteria for evaluating the results are:

a) compliance with the conditions of the game;

b) compliance with the basic requirements for the game;

c) the degree of solving the tasks;

d) the level of achievement of the goal.

In the process of the historical development of children's leisure, a huge arsenal of forms of play activity has been accumulated:

1 Travel game

2 Quiz game

3 Staging game

4 Game-improvisation

5 Fantasy game

6 Dispute game

7 Role-playing game

8 Game-dramatization

10 Outdoor games

The mass work of children's leisure institutions is based on the use of the whole variety of game forms.

As criteria evaluation of the results are: a) fulfillment of the conditions of the game; b) compliance with the basic requirements for the game; c) the degree of solving the tasks; d) the level of achievement of the goal. Assessment of these parameters, described above, will determine the pedagogical performance of the game as a whole.

Thus, socialization of children, adolescents and youth in the process of leisure activities is carried out the more successfully, the more actively the game is used as a method of influence. Playing in the hands of an experienced teacher is the tool with which a graceful transition is made from children's curiosity, pleasure and, maybe even a whim, to a purposeful and systematic creative activity for socialization.

26.2. The main stages and contradictions in the development of an amateur community.

Self-activity is an activity performed by a person out of an internal need to realize himself, his strengths and abilities, needs to know the world and to embody himself in deeds.

Associations have arisen, are living, experiencing crises - this is a developing living social mechanism.

Many scientists have tried to define the concept of a game. The old definition of play, as any activity of a child that does not pursue results, considers all these types of child's activity to be equivalent to each other. Whether a child opens the door, plays horses, from the point of view of an adult, he does both for pleasure, for play, not seriously, not in order to get anything. All this is called a game.

K. Gross was the first author who tried to clarify the issue of defining the game. He tried to classify children's games and find a new approach to them. He showed that experimental games have a different relation to the child's thinking and to his future purposeful non-play actions than symbolic games, when the child imagines that he is a horse, hunter, etc. One of Gross's students, A. Weiss, tried to show that various types of play activities are extremely far from each other, or, as he put it, have little in common psychologically. He had a question: is it possible to use one word "play" to name all the various types of such activities (LS Vygotsky "Early childhood")?

P.P. Blonsky believes that play is only a general name for the most varied activities of the child. Blonsky probably goes to extremes in this statement. He is inclined to think that "play at all" does not exist, that there is no type of activity that would fit this concept, for the very concept of play is the concept of adults, but for a child everything is serious. And this concept must be banished from psychology. Blonsky describes the following episode. When it was necessary to instruct one of the psychologists to write an article "Game" for the encyclopedia, he declared that "game" is a word behind which nothing is hidden and which must be banished from psychology.

It seems a fruitful thought, D.B. Elkonin regarding the dismemberment of the concept of "game". Play should be viewed as a completely unique activity, and not as a collective concept that unites all types of children's activities, in particular, those that Gross called experimental games. For example, a child closes and opens the lid, doing this many times in a row, knocking, dragging things from place to place. All this is not a game in the proper sense of the word. We can talk about whether these types of activities are not worth each other in the same relation as babbling in relation to speech, but, in any case, this is not a game.

The positive definition of play, which is brought to the fore with this idea, is very fruitful and corresponding to the essence of the matter, namely that play is a kind of attitude towards reality, which is characterized by the creation of imaginary situations or the transfer of the properties of some objects to others. This makes it possible to correctly resolve the issue of play in early childhood. There is not that complete absence of play that characterizes infancy from this point of view. We meet with games in early childhood. Anyone will agree that a child of this age feeds, nurses a doll, can drink from an empty cup, etc. However, it would be dangerous not to see a significant difference between this "game" and the game in the proper sense of the word at preschool age - with the creation of imaginary situations. Research shows that games with meaning transfer, with imaginary situations, only appear in their infancy at the end of an early age. Only in the third year do games appear related to the introduction of elements of imagination into the situation.

Play, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

By definition, play is a type of activity under conditions of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves.

In human practice, play activity performs the following functions:

  • - entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, please, inspire, arouse interest);
  • - communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;
  • - self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;
  • - game therapy: overcoming various difficulties arising in other types of life;
  • - diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;
  • - correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personality indicators;
  • - interethnic communication: assimilation of social and cultural values \u200b\u200bcommon to all people;
  • - socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human community.

Most games have four main features (according to S.A. Shmakov):

  • * free developmental activity undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the very process of activity, and not only from the result (procedural pleasure);
  • * creative, largely improvisational, very active nature of this activity ("field of creativity"); R.G. Khazankina, K.V. Makhova and others.
  • * emotional uplifting of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, rivalry, attraction, etc. (the sensual nature of the game, "emotional stress");
  • * the presence of direct or indirect rules reflecting the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

The structure of the game as an activity organically includes goal-setting, planning, goal realization, as well as the analysis of the results in which a person fully realizes himself as a subject. The motivation of playing activity is provided by its voluntariness, choice opportunities and elements of competition, satisfaction of the need for self-affirmation, self-realization.

The structure of the game as a process includes:

  • a) the roles assumed by the players;
  • b) play actions as a means of realizing these roles;
  • c) playful use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with play, conventional;
  • d) real relationships between the players;
  • e) plot (content) - an area of \u200b\u200breality, conditionally reproduced in the game.

In a modern school, which relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, play activity is used in the following cases:

  • - as independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic and even a section of a subject;
  • - as elements (sometimes quite essential) of a broader technology;
  • - as a lesson (lesson) or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);
  • - as a technology for extracurricular activities (games such as "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet", KTD, etc.).

The concept of "play pedagogical technologies" includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

In contrast to games in general, pedagogical play has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of teaching and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, identified in an explicit form and are characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.