Gaming cool clock. Material for the class hour "educational games". II. Intellectual game “In the labyrinths of the Kingdom of Ingenuity”

Participants: 9th grade students and class teacher.

  1. Development of creative abilities and interest in creative activities.
  2. Developing the ability to organize leisure time.
  3. Contribute to the development of the class team.

Preparatory work:

  1. Selection of material about the history of games.
  2. Selection of competitions.
  3. Selection of music.
  4. Buying oranges and apples.

Design, equipment and inventory:

  1. Music center with audio cassettes and song discs.
  2. Drawings of cheerful and funny faces (6 pcs.). Poster with the name of the class hour (for decorating the board).
  3. Arrangement of chairs around the perimeter of the classroom (preferably in a circle).
  4. Postcards with competition questions.
  5. Two bags (“Baskets”).
  6. Cards with characters from the fairy tale.

Class plan

1. A story about the history of games and their significance in human life

2. Game library:

  • Modern blind man's buff.
  • Intellectual competition.
  • Fun of the nobles of the 19th century (improvised fairy tale).

3. Summing up the game library.

Class progress

Guys, please raise your hand if you have a library at home. Thank you. Who has a video library? Thank you. Who has a home family toy library? Thank you. Today we will begin the creation of a toy library.

History proclaims the seven wonders of the world (Pyramid of Cheops; Hanging Gardens of Babylon; statue of Zeus at Olympia; Temple of Artemis; Mausoleum of Halicarnassus; Colossus of Rhodes; Lighthouse of Alexandria), but modestly keeps silent about the eighth wonder of the world - the game. Games are a serious matter, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Millions of people go through the school of life in the game, learn about the world around them, and learn human relationships. Despite the fact that every generation has its own FAVORITE games, there are games that continue to live despite changes in their names, simplification or complication of the rules. Counting rhymes remain to live on today - chants that are often untranslatable and sound like a spell. For example:

Kulyu, kulyu-baba!
Don't gouge out your eyes
Son under the window,
Pig under a basket.
It's time, isn't it?

What game do you think this chant is for? This is how the driver wailed or croaked in what is probably the most popular game of childhood - “hide and seek”, “hide and seek”, “magic wand”, “hide-and-seek”, “kicks”. The game tongue twister is very common now: “One, two, three, four, five. I'm going to look for...” Many years ago this game looked a little different. Children of past centuries whittled off a stick and began to choose "water", saying: “Stick me, more people“At that moment everyone grabbed the stick with their hands, the one whose fist was on top led. Then they threw the stick as hard as they could, and the “vodir” ran after it, returned to the designated place and wailed:

The stick has arrived
I didn't find anyone.
Who will he find first?
He'll go get the stick.

Everyone knows the simple game “FANTS”. At the very beginning of its origin, it was accompanied by special “game” songs. In noble families at the turn of the century, singing ceased to accompany “fantasy” games. Fulfillment of comic “demands” was now prescribed in other ways. This game is very vividly described by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in the story “Literature Teacher”. (Shabaldin had the pleasure of kissing his nanny...) The game is not so clever, but people of the recent past had a lot of fun. By the way, the name “forfeits” is a modified German word for “pledge”.

GAME LIBRARY. So our toy library is opening.

  • The ancient Blind Man's Bluff, better known in those distant times as the “blind goat,” has not yet been forgotten. This is a very ancient game, mentioned even in legends preserved from pagan times. Here is how the folk tale about Kikimora tells about her: “Kikimora lives and grows near the Magician in the stone mountains. He waters and pampers Kikimora with honeydew, soars in the bathhouse with a silk broom, and scratches his head with a golden comb. From morning to evening, Kikimora is entertained by Kot-bayun, telling her overseas fairy tales about the entire human race. From evening until midnight the Magician plays brilliant games, amuses Kikimora with either a “blind goat” or “pebbles.”

Today we will play modern blind man's buff. The rules are as follows: from two teams you must choose two people - “water”, two people - “baskets”. Baskets have no right talk And go beyond the field line, where there will be oranges and apples. The waters are blindfolded and circled around an axis, saying: “The goat went out for a walk to chew oranges. One two Three! …. (pick apples or oranges).” After this, the WATERS must squat down to collect the corresponding fruit and place it in their basket. At the end of the musical fragment, the competition ends. The team with the most fruits in the basket wins.

  • Intellectual game. “Did you know that...” This game requires preliminary preparation of the whole class. You are looking for interesting facts or events, or the origin of seemingly simple names. Well, for example: how is the word school translated? There are several translations (leisure, engage in leisure activities). School notebook age? ( 4, 5 thousand years. They were found in Iran - these are clay cuneiform tablets. The Assyrians practiced spelling on them). Who invented the first school bell? (Plato, the water clock rang at a certain hour and called students to classes). The class teams then exchange the information they have received. And at the next class hour, you can already hold the game “Brain Ring”, where these questions will be played out. The team that remembers the most answers to the questions wins. Today we will play the game in a slightly different style. The so-called “Bluff Club”. Captains answer quickly (team hint allowed)
  1. Is it true that the school year in Japan starts on April 1st? (Yes)
  2. Is it true that tea with lemon is tea in Russian, and tea with milk or cream is tea in English? ( No)
  3. Is it true that there is a minimum number of letters in the alphabet of the Otoka tribe of Bougainville Island? (Yes, 11)
  4. Is it true that Argentine first-graders have a uniform - a white doctor's coat? (Yes)
  5. Is it true that the science that studies flags is called heraldry? (No, heraldry - studies coats of arms, and flags - vexillology)
  6. Is it true that children living on OU Island go to school on stilts? ( Yes, the school is located on a neighboring island, and when the bay gets shallow, you can’t get there by boat, and you have to put on stilts)
  7. Is it true that PROMOTER is the name of a prominent German figure, the founder of a company producing commercials? ( No, this is a person promoting an event)
  8. Is it true that in the Sikyon school of drawing of the 4th century. BC studied for 12 years and paid 1 talent. ( Yes, 26.196 kg gold = 1 talent, founder of the school Eupompus, and then Pamphilus)
  9. Is it true that lipstick was first invented for men? (Yes, for the court of the King of France, 17th century. It all happened by chance: one day Cardinal Richelieu, who adored the smell of ripe apples, ordered to make a lip ointment from them. By the way, the word “lipstick” comes from the French pomme- "apple")
  10. Is it true that COUTURE is the name of a French fashion designer? (No, this is the unique creativity of leading Parisian fashion designers, in a broader sense - the art of fashion at the highest level)

Well, now we bring to your attention the entertainments of the nobles, which were held in music salons in the 19th century. You may already be familiar with them, but didn't know their origins. So, the guys receive cards with the characters in our improvised performance, which we will film on camera. You only learn what they need to do on stage and you have to do it right away.

Attention! Camera, motor, started:

One day, GRANDFATHER harnessed a HORSE to a SLED and went into the forest to pick up a Christmas tree. I went into the forest. And in the forest: the WIND is rustling, WOLVES are howling, an OWL is screaming. A LONELY DOE ran by. The BUNNIES jumped out into the clearing and began drumming on the STUMP. Grandfather arrived in the clearing, the hares got scared and ran away. Grandfather sat down on a stump and looked around. And all around - Christmas trees are growing. GRANDFATHER approached the first Christmas tree and touched it. He didn't like the Christmas tree. He walked up to the other one. I touched it and liked it, touched it again and really liked it. I touched it more carefully, and it was not a Christmas tree at all, but an oak tree. The grandfather spat and went to the third Christmas tree. He touched it, shook it - like a Christmas tree! GRANDFATHER swung his ax, and lo and behold, there was no ax! Then Grandfather swung just like that. The FIR-tree begged: “Don’t cut me down, old man, I will NOT be of any use to you. Because everything, as it is, is sick, the trunk has scoliosis, the needles have fallen out, the legs are crooked.” GRANDFATHER obeyed and went to the fourth FIR-tree. I touched the trunk - it was straight, I touched the needles - the needles were good, I looked at the legs - they were straight. Just right Christmas tree! GRANDFATHER swung, and the FIR-tree asked him: “WHAT are you waving, old man? Pull by the roots!” GRANDFATHER grabbed the Christmas tree, pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. The HARES saw this and decided to help GRANDFATHER. They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull. The HARES called the WOLVES. They pull, they pull, they cannot. They called the WOLVES Owl. An OWL has arrived. They pull, they pull, they cannot. Then they called the LONELY DOE to help. They pull, they pull, they cannot. And then everyone called the WIND. The WIND came to the rescue. Then they all grabbed the Christmas tree together, Grandfather grabbed the Christmas tree; HARNES for GRANDFATHER; WOLVES for HARES; Owl for WOLVES; A LONELY DOE followed an OWL and the WIND blew (the WIND is blowing in the wrong direction, you need to blow from the direction of the tree). The WIND blew once, the WIND blew two, the WIND blew three and they pulled out the FIR-TREE and loaded it onto the SLED. GRANDFATHER got on his SLED and drove off to celebrate the New Year.

STOP. WITHDRAWN. Thanks to all! Shake hands.

It seemed like we weren’t doing anything serious, we were just playing. But something did change. Your mood has improved, you have rested, each of you has learned something new and interesting about the game. You have relaxed. I wish you that your gaming library is replenished with new interesting games. Play yourself, teach others to play. The game is great!


  1. Shmakov S.A. Learning by playing: Methodological manual. – M.: TsGL, 2004, - 128 p.
  2. Creation. ed. vsamare. ru http://www. ed. vsamare. ru/pgid/370/oid/513

Target: develop attention, thinking, design, and artistic abilities.

Equipment: the teacher has a sample image of a heron, laid out from the details of a tangram, printouts of an image of a strawberry in cells for each student, cards with dialogues for each pair, printouts of a cryptogram for each pair; Students have a tangram, a squared notebook, and a pen.

Teacher. Today I am bringing you guys some fun activities that will help you develop your creativity.

Let's start with a warm-up. Now I will read you poetic lines in which mistakes may be made. Find them and fix them.

Oral group work.

He purrs affectionately in his sleep,

Pink cheerful pig.

I fished in the river,

The crocodile sang songs to me.

The beast can roar menacingly,

Because he's a bear.

Who moos in the stable in the morning?

Well, of course, the blue whale!

Dashingly rushes through the desert

Cross-eyed hare.

Like a sleepyhead, really.

The snail crawls barely.

From flower to flower, like a feather,

A sea pig flutters.

“Kuk-ku, kuk-ku,” the nightingale sings to us,

And there is no more joyful song in the forest.

Having finished my long flight,

A hippopotamus sat on the feeder.

Two badass crayfish grappled

And a big fight began.

Task 1. Solve problems about vehicles.

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two blinding lights. (Automobile)

A Zhiguli car and a Honda motorcycle crashed into each other, resulting in a Zhigulonda cyclomobile. How many wheels does a new vehicle have if half of the wheels were thrown off in an accident? (3 wheels)

Making a “Cadillac” from a “Zaporozhets” is very simple, you just need to stretch the “Zaporozhets” to twice its length. The length of the “Zaporozhets” is three meters and five decimeters. What is the length of the Cadillac in meters? (7 meters)

Three trucks are driving along the road. In the back of each truck there are two cars. There are four toy cars in the trunk of every car. How many cars are there in the problem? (33 cars)

To solve the last problem, you need to draw a diagram on the board.

Task 2. Lay out an image of a heron using tangram details.

I have stilts -

The swamp is not scary.

I'm looking for frogs -

That's my concern. (Heron)

A sample of a tangram heron is placed on the board. Independent work in progress.

Task 3. Find examples with errors. Correct them.

Living in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They will count everything in the world. (Numbers)

A note on the board opens.

Task 4. Redraw the image of strawberries in the cells.

In a forest clearing

Tatyanka shows off -

Scarlet sundress,

White specks. (Strawberry)

Children receive printouts of the assignment.

Task 5. Staging humorous miniatures.


He is both a wolf and Santa Claus,

And makes the kids laugh until they cry.

Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he... (artist).

And now I suggest you work as artists. Dramatize humorous dialogues.

Work in pairs. Students receive cards, rehearse for 2-3 minutes, then act out dialogues in front of the class.

teacher. Did you remember what I said in class today?

Student. I remember.

teacher. Repeat!

Student. Vovochka, don't play around! Vovochka, sit quietly...

Grandmother. Did you throw out the colander?

Grandson. I threw it away!

Grandmother. What for?

Grandson. So he's covered in holes!

Doctor. Sasha, do you have any complaints about your ear, nose or throat?

Sasha. Yes, they bother me when I put on a sweater.

teacher. Seryozha, what do you dream of becoming?

What profession do you want to choose? Seryozha. I want to become Santa Claus! Cool profession. I fussed around for a week, ran around with gifts and was free for a whole year.

Teacher. Make up a sentence using the words “cat” and “watch.” Student. When I accidentally stepped on the cat’s paw, he shouted: “You need to watch where you step!”

Daughter. Dad, dad, why did you hang all the candies at the very top of the tree?

Dad. This is so that you don’t eat all the candies before the New Year.

Daughter. So what, dad, do I care about serpentine now?

Is there a New Year, or what?..

1st girl. Where do you go for mushrooms?

2nd girl. To the neighbors on the balcony.

1st girl. Do they grow them there?

2nd girl. No, they dry it.

Son. Dad, I dreamed that you gave me a hundred rubles.

Dad. Keep them for yourself, son.

Task 6. Cryptogram solution.

No wonder she says,

Russian proverb).

Teacher. Decipher the cryptogram and a Russian proverb will be revealed to you. Explain its meaning.

Students receive printouts of the assignment. Work in pairs. Examination.



- a drawing tool that will help you construct a circle. (Compass)

- they say that if he is quiet, then there are devils in him. (Whirlpool)

Answer. Modesty suits everyone.

Games for the classroom

Games to divide the audience into several groups.

1. Lot

Students choose cards with numbers, pieces of paper of different colors, figures, etc., and then groups are formed according to their similarity.

2. Artists

Students are asked to finish drawing something (a ship, a house, a car, etc.). Then, 3–5 completed elements are determined, according to which groups are formed (sail, oars, roof, windows, wheels, etc.).

3. Making a mosaic

Each participant receives one part of some photograph, document, quatrain, famous saying and must find those who have other missing parts of the divided material.

4. Celebrities

Students receive names of historical figures. Then they should unite into groups depending on the sphere of public life, on the historical era or on the country in which historical figures lived.

5. I need support

As many leaders are selected as there are groups to be formed. The presenters take turns choosing their assistants, saying the phrase: “I need support today... (name is called), because he (she) is... (positive quality is called).” This is how the required number of groups is recruited. Each next participant, pronouncing the key phrase, is called by the one who was chosen last in the group. We need to encourage kids to choose not their friends, but those with whom they have little contact, since in every person you can find positive, valuable qualities that are very important to notice.

Games for group cohesion and “emotional warming up”.

6. The place to my right is free

All participants sit in a circle on chairs, with one chair remaining free. The essence of this exercise is a simple sentence: “The place to my right is free, and I would like to take this place...”. This sentence is said out loud by a participant who is sitting next to an empty chair. He must explain why he wants the classmate he named to take this place. You can't use clichés like "because he's my good friend," but rather more specific descriptions.

7. I am John Lennon

Everyone writes the name of a celebrity, but at the same time he must be absolutely sure that this person is known to everyone. It could be an actor, athlete, singer, writer. The name is attached to the back of a randomly selected participant. Everyone turns into famous people, but no one knows who exactly. Then the players walk around the room and ask each other questions to find out their identity. The answer to the question should only be “yes” or “no”. After four or five questions, the player approaches another participant. The game continues until everyone figures out who they are.

8. Blind

The players are divided into pairs. Then the partners agree on which of them should be blindfolded. After this, the partner leads the “blind” person around the room in such a way as not to hurt him, but so that the blind person can identify the objects around him. There is one important condition in the game: partners are not allowed to talk. The “blind man” is completely dependent on his partner, who decides where to go and how quickly. After five minutes they switch roles. At the end of the game, you can have a discussion, first in pairs, and then in general:

At what point in the game did I feel most comfortable?

Which was better for me: leading or following?

When did I feel discomfort?

What did I like about my partner?

What advice would I give him?

9. Hear me

Select one player and ask him to leave the room. With others, pick up a proverb (for example, “They cut down the forest - the chips fly”). Then assign different participants to say one word from the proverb at a time. Rehearse and say the proverb at least three times. Then invite the player who comes out and ask him to recognize a famous proverb in the chaos of words you have spoken.

10. Swinging in a circle

Place 5-7 guys in a circle and one in the center of the circle. The latter crosses his arms over his chest and freezes. He needs, without moving his feet, to fall in any direction - with his eyes closed. Those standing in a circle put their hands in front of them and gently push it away, throwing it to each other. The goal of the game is to learn to trust people.

11. Charade about feelings

Participants in the game are given strips of paper with the names of feelings written on them.

The presenter says: “Everyone has feelings! Feelings cannot be good or bad. They become bad or good when we translate them into actions. It is sometimes difficult for each of us to express our feelings.”

Ask those participating in the game to think alone about their word and think of how this feeling can be played out. Let everyone play their feeling, and the rest will guess what kind of feeling it is. Then you can discuss the following questions:

Does everyone express their feelings the same way? Are there some feelings that are more difficult to express than others? What are these feelings? Why is this happening? Why is it important for people to express their feelings?

List of feelings:

Proud Shy



















12. Hat of questions

Prepare strips of paper with questions written on them and put them in a hat. The hat is passed around the circle, and each participant draws out a question and answers it. The hat goes around in a circle until there are no more questions.

How would you describe heaven?

My favorite animal is...

I like to eat...

I like school...

In 10 years I see myself...

Add your own questions.

13. Praise me

Option 1. Players are given pieces of paper on which they write their names. Then, after collecting and shuffling the papers, distribute them to the participants. The guys must write what they like about the person whose name they received, and then bend the piece of paper so as to cover what they wrote (“accordion”), and pass it to another until everyone leaves their own note. No need to subscribe. Collect the papers and read aloud what is written on them. (Be sure to review each description before reading to make sure it is positive.) The person receiving the praise is sure to say, “Thank you.”

Option 2. Players stand in a circle. Each participant, in turn, tells his neighbor on the right what he likes about him. Then the same is done, but in relation to the neighbor on the left.

14. How good I am!

In just one minute, players must write down a list of all the qualities they like about themselves. Then give them another minute to write down the qualities they don't like. When both lists are ready, let them compare them. Usually the list of negative qualities is longer. Discuss this fact.

15. Dare to say

Participants sit in a circle. They are given a bag of paper strips with unfinished risky statements written on them. The package is passed around the circle, everyone takes turns pulling out their strip from it, reading what is written on it, and finishing the phrase.

Example phrases:

I really like to do...

I'm doing pretty well...

I'm worried about…

I'm especially happy when...

I'm especially sad when...

I get angry when...

When I'm sad, I...

I introduce myself...

I attract attention with...

I have achieved...

I'm pretending... when in reality...

Other people make me...

The best thing about me is...

The worst thing about me is...

Continue the list of phrases yourself.

16. Lonely Heart Blues

Hand out questionnaires and pencils. Give players 10 minutes to answer the questions, then gather the group into a circle. Go around the circle, ask each person one question and listen to the answers. Allow other participants to ask clarifying questions. Listen to the answers to all the questions in the questionnaire. If there is an issue of interest to everyone, discuss it as a group.


Describe a time when you were lonely.

What helped you cope with loneliness?

What have you done to help those suffering from loneliness?

What did the days of loneliness give you?

17. Three truths and one lie

Each participant receives a pencil and a piece of paper with the inscription: “Three truths and one lie” and writes down three true statements about himself and one false one. What is written down is brought to the attention of the whole group, and everyone tries to decide which statement is false. The author then states the actual false statement.

18. Guide

Group members stand in a line, holding hands. Everyone except the guide-guide has their eyes closed. The guide must lead the group safely through the obstacles, explaining where they are going. You need to walk slowly and carefully so that the group gains trust in the leader. After 2-3 minutes, stop, change your guide and continue the game. Let everyone try themselves in the role of a guide. After the game, discuss whether the players were always able to trust the leader; In the role of whom did they feel better - the leader or the follower?

19. Give me your hand

Each group member receives a piece of paper and a marker. They need to trace the outline of their brush. Moving from one piece of paper to another, all members of the group write something on the “hand” of each of their comrades. Remember to emphasize that all entries must be positive. All players can take the sheets home as a souvenir.

20. Do you love your neighbor?

The players sit in a circle on chairs, one person in the middle. The one in the middle comes up to someone sitting in the circle and asks: “Do you love your neighbor?” If he answers “yes,” then everyone, with the exception of the two closest ones, jumps up and rushes to take some other chair from those standing in the circle. The driver also tries to take possession of the chair, so that someone else will be in the center. If the answer is “no,” the driver asks: “Who do you love?” The person being asked can answer anything, for example: “Everyone in red.” Everyone who is wearing red remains seated, and the rest, together with the driver, rush to occupy other chairs. The one who is left without a chair becomes the driver.

21. Heart of the class

Cut out a large heart from red cardboard in advance.

The teacher says: “Did you know that our class has its own heart? I want you to do something nice for each other now. Write your name on a piece of paper and fold it so everyone can then draw lots with someone else's name. If someone takes out his own name, he must change the piece of paper.”

Let everyone come up with a friendly and pleasant phrase addressed to the person whose name they drew by lot, and write it down with a felt-tip pen on the “heart of the class.” The teacher must control what the participants are going to write down. Hang the heart on the wall so that it can be approached from all sides. The heart of the classroom can be a wonderful decoration for the room.


To have freedom, it must be limited. E. Burke

It is easier to descend into slavery than to rise to freedom. Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. D. Curran

Only fools call self-will freedom. Tacitus

Our life is what we think about it. M. Aurelius

Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played. Seneca

Life is what people strive most to preserve and protect least. J. Labruyère

Why am I making a friend? To have someone to die for. Seneca

In relation to friends you need to be as little burdensome as possible. The most delicate thing is not to demand any favors from your friends. Hegel

Hiding the truth from your friends, to whom will you open up? Kozma Prutkov

Do not have friends who are inferior to you in moral terms. Confucius

A friend loves at all times and, like a brother, will appear in times of misfortune. King Solomon

To be free, you must obey the laws. Ancient aphorism

The will in us is always free, but not always good. Augustine

Freedom is not about restraining yourself, but about being in control. F.M. Dostoevsky

To be morally free, a person must get used to controlling himself. N.V. Shelgunov

Freedom is only that which never harms anyone’s freedom. Iranian-Tajik saying

Freedom is the price of the victory that we have won over ourselves. K. Mati

Intoxication is nothing more than voluntary madness. If you prolong this state for several days, who will not doubt that the person has gone crazy? But even so the madness is no less, but only shorter. Seneca

Fate and character are different names for the same concept. Novalis

What people usually call fate is, in essence, only the totality of the stupidities they have committed. A. Schopenhauer

List of feelings:











What was your favorite time spent with your family this past year?

What are you planning to do with your family in the coming six months?

What three qualities do you admire in your dad?

What three qualities do you admire in your mother?

Name one of your family traditions.

Name one thing that you expect from life.

Name one of the best books you have ever read.

What day would you call perfect? What would you do?

Name three things that terribly upset you.

Name something that makes you happy.

Name something you are afraid of.

Tell us about one of your happiest memories. Why exactly this?

Name one of the places you most like to go with friends.

Name two things you would do if you became president of the country.

What are the two secrets to a strong and long-lasting friendship?

Tell us about a day last year when you had a lot of fun with your friends.

Name something edible that you can't stand.

What three qualities would you like to see in your friends?

What do you think life on Earth will be like in 100 years?

How would you describe heaven?

What advice would you give to parents who want to raise their children better?

Do you agree that using punishment is the best way to get children to obey? Why "yes" or why "no"?

Name one of the gifts that you would like to receive.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Why?

Was there a day in the past year when you felt especially close to your parents?

Name three things that make your family laugh.

My favorite animal is...

I feel afraid when I think about...

My friends and I really have fun when...

When I have free time, I like...

My favorite television program is... because...

I like to eat...

I like school...

I like people the most who...

In 10 years I see myself...











Goals: consolidate knowledge acquired in lessons; develop communication, curiosity, cognitive abilities, the ability to see new things in the familiar.

Progress of the event

I. Teacher's opening speech.

Guys, today the Old Brain Brain came to visit us (a child appears, specially prepared, dressed in a gnome costume). He invites us to play “Fun Marathon” and claims that we will never guess the puzzle tasks that he prepared for us. Well, guys, do we accept the offer of the Old Brainiac? Shall we show what we are capable of? But we will compete with each other, that is, with teams. A prize awaits the winners. (At the end of the game, all players: both winners and participants receive a sweet prize - an apple or a pear)

So, we divide into teams, and come up with a name for each team.

II. Competitions.

1. Fun grammar.

Name the babies of the following animals. This is a shouting game. You should answer in unison. The teams answer one by one, two words at a time.

Cat - kitten dog - puppy goose - gosling horse - foal starling - little starling pig - piglet frog - little frog cow - calf

2. Simple as pie.

a) Some people don’t know how to sing a song correctly. Find in these words what the bear stepped on:

Fly agaric, oven, dry wind, down jacket, nonsense (ear).

turkey - turkey sheep - lamb goat - kid chicken - chicken rabbit - little rabbit snake - little snake hare - little hare cockroach - ?

b) In the words, find the plant from which spinning fiber and oil are obtained:

Maple, film, nightshade, oil can, diaper (linen).

3. Girls' names.

Make up girls' names from a set of letters.

4. Animal brainiac.

Make up the names of animals from the given words.

SON + OR + GO = (rhinoceros)

pelvis + RE + JUICE = (dragonfly)

STEP + I + BOW = (frog)

LUB + VOY = (buffalo)

SALT = (moose)

BICH + SI = (lapwing)

ROOF + MAT = (monkey)

FOAM + APT = (panther)

5. Geoconnector.

Make up the names of the capitals and connect them with arrows to the corresponding states.

6. Transformers.

Try turning one word into another, changing one letter at a time.

7. Let's relax!

Now let’s take a time out and rest for a few minutes. And at the same time, we summarize the interim result of the game at the moment.

Do you know that...

To produce 100 grams of honey, a bee collects nectar from 190,000 flowers.

Horses find it more comfortable to sleep standing up than lying down. They may not go to bed at all for several months.

In severe frost, only geese and cats survive, which can withstand temperatures of -110 degrees. Polar bears and seals can withstand temperatures down to -80 degrees, while most mammals can only withstand temperatures of -45 degrees.

The cuckoo throws its eggs into the nests of other birds not at all out of frivolity, as we used to think, but for a completely different reason: it cannot hatch chicks in the nest, since it does not lay eggs immediately, like other birds, but at long intervals.

8. Star words.

9. Rearrangement.

Create a new word by rearranging letters.

UKOR (lesson)

CONE (cloth)

MARSH (scar)

CANCEL (coin)

POKER (stoker)

LEIKA (footman)

BANK (boar)

FLASK (glass)

RING (base)

MINTING (scarf)

ANIS (sleigh)

10. Fun questions.

1) In which city are there one hundred girls and one boy? (Sevastopol)

2) What potatoes does the Colorado potato beetle not eat? (Cake)

3) What bird’s name has forty letters? (Magpie)

4) Which month is shorter than others? (May)

5) What is a horse without legs? (Chess)

6) Which guest appears first in the kitchen? (Cockroach)

7) What can’t money buy? (Health)

8) In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat)

9) Which hare is not afraid of a fox? (Bus)

10) What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

11) How to write “fig” in six letters? (Smokva)

12) Which guard has 100 faces? (Watchman)

13) Which ear does not hear? (Needle)

14) Which vegetable is the most musical? (Beans)

15) Do a hundred mice have many legs and ears? (Four hundred legs and two hundred ears)

16) One grandfather, two fathers and two sons all put on three pairs of boots. How many were there? (Three)

11. Reasoning.

a) Place ten chairs in a square room so that there are the same number of chairs against each wall.

b) They made a pyramid out of coins. Arrange the three coins so that the pyramid faces up.

12. Riddles.

1) A shoemaker is not a shoemaker,

A tailor is not a tailor:

Holds a bristle in his mouth,

Scissors in hands. (Cancer)

2) Everyone knows us:

Bright as a flame

We are namesakes

With small nails. (Carnations)

3) From the name of which river did the name of the KamAZ truck come from? (Kama)

4) What is the name of the quiet place where the devils hang out? (Whirlpool)

5) Rushes and honks,

He grumbles quickly.

Can't keep up with the tram

Behind this chatter. (Motorbike)

6) Digger

Without gasoline and without tires

The earth is loosened every day,

Builds a long labyrinth. (Mole)

7) The field became black and white;

It rains, it snows,

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

Freezing in a field of winter rye

What month is it, tell me! (November)

8) What can at the same time:

Hanging and standing, standing and walking,

Walk and lie, lie and lie? (Watch)

9) Who is above us upside down

Walks - not afraid,

Not afraid to fall

Flying all day long

Does everyone get bored? (Fly)

10) Grandma Varvara

I looked for them everywhere.

I almost didn’t climb into the pipe,

And they were found on the forehead. (Glasses)

13. Letter arithmetic.

DOME + SPECTRUM - BOW = street (avenue)

(FALCON - S) + (KYSH - K) = part of a cap (band)

PRICE + LIST = ? (ladder)

AC + CITRO = ? (assorted)

CLUB + KEEL - A = clock (alarm clock)

14. Chinaward.

Following the arrows, write in the empty cells the letters that begin one word and end another.

Answer: 1. Lard; cheese; 2. Layer; 3. Ram; 4. Wing; 5. Nagan; 6. Support; 7. Arcana.

III. Summing up the results of the marathon.