Pillow toys are interesting DIY ideas. We sew and knit funny toy pillows with our own hands! Other fabric fantasies

It's hard to imagine modern life without such a wonderful thing as a pillow. It is no secret that a properly selected pillow will bring good and light dreams.

In stores you can find a huge variety of pillows, including toy pillows. Let's figure out together what it is, and how you can do it yourself.

What is a pillow toy

As the name suggests, a toy pillow is a pillow made in the form of a soft toy (most often some kind of animal). You can play with such a pillow, take it with you to bed, sit on it or lie on the floor. Such a pillow can be an excellent decoration for an interior made in a certain style.

The pillow is a boat.

The advantage of hand-made pillow toys is that you can use the remnants of scraps or the remains of wool to make them. In this case, the pillow will also perform a developmental function: the child will develop sensitivity, and a variety of colors will help to learn the names of colors.

For example, a pillow made in the shape of a car or a house with windows will help not only to learn the names of colors, but also the names of geometric shapes.

Knitting pattern for a pillow machine

Sewing a toy pillow with your own hands is not at all difficult. You will need a pattern (which you can draw yourself or use our ideas), fabric, threads with a needle, if available - a sewing machine, knitting threads (if you want to make a knitted toy) and filler.

Pillow-toy "Cat" made of fabric

Pattern of a pillow toy in the form of a cat

Crocheted pillow "Pigvin"

Knitted knitted pillows

When choosing materials for toys, do not forget that they should not cause allergies and should not shed.

Choosing an idea for a pillow

Its shape will also depend on the purpose of the pillow.

Cushion roller

Want to make a tight bolster under your back? Ideas for a dachshund, snake, or train might suit you.

Pattern of a toy pillow in the form of a dog

Do you want to make a pillow for the trip? Choose semicircular shapes: such a pillow can be placed under the child's neck:

Pattern of a pillow toy "Giraffe"

How to make a pillow in the form of a sweet donut, see the video master class:

Sleep pillow

If the pillow is intended for sleeping, then do not have firm, noticeably protruding eyes and nose. It is difficult to press your face against such a pillow and fall asleep. Better to give preference to soft fabrics: fleece or flannel.

Pattern of a toy pillow in the shape of a sheep

Scops pillow

Seat cushion

Want to sit on your pillow? Try to make it flatter.

Floor pillow

And a long pillow can be easily put on a window or on the floor - from drafts.

Patterns of pillows in the form of a cat and a dog

Cushion filler

There are a few important things to keep in mind when choosing filler for your toy pillow.

Firstly, the toy should be light enough so that the child can carry it from place to place.

Secondly, such a pillow will have to be washed frequently. This means that the filler should be squeezed out well and dry quickly. It is best to use synthetic fluff or holofiber for stuffing.

Another interesting filler option is a special polystyrene ball filler (the same one that is used in pillows).

And remember that handmade pillows-toys are a unique product that will add comfort to your home and your child will undoubtedly like it!

It doesn't matter if decorative pillows are sewn by hand or bought, they will organically fit into the decor of the room. However, the first option will save you from grueling shopping in search of a pillow of the right style, color, material. Sewing beautiful decorative pillows on a sofa with your own hands is quite simple, many schemes are so simple that even a novice needlewoman can handle them.

The variety of this accessory, which you can see in the photo, excites the imagination: animals, roses, letters, flowers, puffs. You can sew cushions of any shape - a rose or a turtle, and for any occasion.

Materials and tools

For sewing any pillow, certain materials will be required:

  • fabrics;
  • stuffing;
  • decoration elements;
  • threads;
  • instruments.


The fabric is the main element when sewing any type of pillow. When choosing, the most important thing is to turn on the imagination and choose the option that is suitable in texture and color. It can be linen, cotton, upholstery fabric, knitwear, jeans, felt, fleece and even fur.

There are a number of materials most often used for sewing decorative pillows:

  • fleece and flock;
  • linen and cotton;
  • plush and velor;
  • sackcloth;
  • satin and velvet;
  • jeans;
  • artificial and natural fur;
  • skin and dermantin.

Often fabrics are combined, but in this case their own rules apply, since, for example, you cannot combine “non-stretching” options with stretch.

When choosing a fabric, you should be guided by some rules:

  • the material of the pillow does not have to be combined with the upholstery of the sofa, bed, armchairs. This accessory may well be a kind of accent in the interior of the room;
  • match colors. For example, if the interior is dominated by green shades, then the pillow can be made of blue, yellow or blue fabric;
  • when choosing material with a pattern or pattern, make sure that it is lively and relaxed. Patterns in the form of flowers or fruits look good, as well as a cell and plant motifs;
  • there is a way to check how the material is suitable for making a decorative pillow. Look closely at the material in good light for 1 minute, then close your eyes. If you see bright spots or flashes in front of your eyes, then this is not a suitable option;
  • for a pillow in a nursery, you should choose materials of all colors of the rainbow with drawings in the form of your favorite fairy-tale characters;
  • when choosing a fabric, it is important to consider the purpose of the product. If it will be used for sleeping, then the fabric should be soft and pleasant to the touch. For exclusively decorative items, you can choose dense fabric;
  • if you want to make the interior more calm, choose a dark material, light and bright colors will make the atmosphere more energetic and lively;
  • if you plan to use down or feathers as a filler, then you will need a denser fabric that can hold the filler inside the product;
  • give preference to versatile cotton fabrics;
  • silk is famous for the fact that products made from it stand out with a cool surface;
  • brocade is best used for decorative pillows in the bedroom;
  • one of the main criteria for choosing a material is ease of maintenance.


All fillers for decorative pillows can be divided into:

  • natural;
  • vegetable;
  • artificial and synthetic.


Since ancient times, natural materials such as down, feathers and wool have been used as pillow stuffing. The main advantages of materials are that they perfectly retain heat, do not wrinkle and do not go astray.

As for the disadvantages, this is the absorption of moisture and the fact that various small animals and bacteria are often introduced into natural materials, which can cause the pillow to cause allergies. Such products require special care.


Recently, medicinal herbs, buckwheat husks, hop cones, and bamboo are increasingly used for stuffing decorative pillows. Many people prefer this stuffing, believing that it has a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of a person. In fact, this is not the case. The fact is that the smell of some herbs can cause headaches. In addition, having absorbed moisture, the vegetable filler damp, begins to rot. Decorative pillows with plant filling require special care and frequent replacement of the filling.

Artificial and synthetic

The most commonly used synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, synthetic fluff, holofiber, polyester materials. All these materials are hypoallergenic, non-toxic, do not absorb moisture. The only downside is that such materials are pressed over time, caked. It is best to choose a holofiber that is soft to the touch and is machine washable very well. The best choice as a filler will be firetech or synthetic fluff, which do not go astray, are hypoallergenic, products with them restore their original appearance without any problems. Roller pillows can be filled with foam rubber.

What should be discarded as stuffing for a pillow is cotton wool, as it will break off very soon and the product will take on an unsightly look. It is better to dwell on a padding polyester, although this material is also capable of losing in volume over time.

If there are no funds to purchase special filling material, then you can use what is at hand. For example, a pillow can be stuffed with fur or leftover fabric, although in this case the product will not be very neat.

In addition to commonly used materials, the following are often used:

  • cotton wool - the material quickly gets lost, because of which the product loses its original shape. Cotton wool can only be used for pillows intended solely for decorative purposes;
  • fur - suitable as a filler only when using coarse, durable fabrics;
  • silicone balls are soft, safe material suitable for baby pillows.

When choosing a filler, you should remember about some rules:

  • only hypoallergenic fillers can be used;
  • filling material must keep its shape;
  • the material should not be too soft, even or too hard;
  • the filler should be easy to wash.

Threads should be chosen not only in terms of quality, but also in combination with the fabric. In this case, thickness is also important, so for denser fabrics, more durable options will be required. When working, you may need floss threads, which are excellent for making decorative seams or making decorative brushes.

When choosing the right thread, knowledge of what sewing threads exist will help:

  • cotton - the most common type of thread, 100% cotton. Suitable for sewing cotton fabrics. You should not use them for stretching fabrics, as when pulling cotton threads can break;
  • polyester - dense threads, which can often have a wax or silicone coating. Suitable for working with stretch fabrics, synthetics, knits and stretch fabrics;
  • viscose - embroidery threads with which you can create smooth stitches;
  • nylon - strong thread suitable for light and regular synthetic fabrics;
  • silk - strong thread for silk and wool. Such threads will not leave marks on the fabric, moreover, they are very elastic;
  • woolen - suitable for embroidery and processing the edges of heavy fabrics;
  • metal - most often found in gold, silver or bronze. Used for embroidery and decoration of things.

There are also some rules to follow when choosing threads:

  • threads should be chosen not only by color, but also by thickness, which should correspond to the thickness of the fabric;
  • if a sewing machine is used for sewing, then the lower and upper threads in it must be the same;
  • a thin thread on a dense fabric will break off, and a thick thread on a thin fabric will tighten the product, spoiling the appearance;
  • if it is not possible to choose threads to match the fabric, then you should take threads 1-2 shades darker than the fabric, so the stitches will be less noticeable.


To make a pillow, you will definitely need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • needles;
  • crayon, soap or pencil (for transferring the pattern to the fabric);
  • paper for modeling patterns;
  • hook or knitting needles (if knitted elements are assumed in the product);
  • sewing machine.

Decorating methods

Even the most ordinary-looking pillow can be turned into a real work of art if you apply the right kind of decoration.


The easiest way to create an original design is to sew decorative pillows in different colors. Choose several options for matching fabrics in color and texture, make pillows and place them on the sofa. Also, when sewing, you can use elements in the background upholstery, which also looks very original.

Here are some tips to help you choose the color and pattern of your decorative pillow:

  • if you plan to sew two pillows for one side of the sofa, then it is better to make one of them monochromatic, and the other with a color pattern, like the first pillow;
  • For a large sofa, two solid-colored cushions around the edges will do. The color of the pillows should contrast with the color of the furniture. In addition to these products for the sofa, you can also make several patterned pillows with a pattern color that does not contrast with the color of the furniture;
  • for patterned pillows, you should choose prints in neutral colors: white, beige or cream;
  • try the method of mixing patterns, but the prints must necessarily have at least one common color;
  • give up the same type of pillows. If one product is with a floral print, then on the other you can use a large pattern;
  • When making decorative pillows, give up the idea of ​​decorating the entire room with the same products. Cushions for sofas and armchairs may differ in color and pattern, but at the same time should be in harmony with each other and the surrounding interior.

Applications and printing

The product can be decorated with an applique, the pattern of which can be developed independently, or spied on the Internet. It's just not worth choosing an applique consisting of many elements, otherwise the work as a result will turn into a continuous flickering. The pattern should be simple and straightforward.

To make the right choice and not spoil the product, adhere to some rules:

  • flowers made of satin ribbons are suitable for decorating pillows in pastel colors. Similar flowers from ribbons of different colors look original;
  • you can bring to life the most intricate pattern with the help of fabric applique;
  • as a decoration for a pillow, you can use various details, knitted or crocheted;
  • you can use the fabric of old clothes as applique elements; sweaters are perfect for this;
  • the most popular applique elements are lace, beads, sequins, buttons;
  • the pillow can even be painted, depicting a landscape or portrait on it with the help of special paints.

Form and fragments

For many, the shape of the future product is very important, which can be very diverse. An example of using a mold when sewing a pillow can be products in the form of flowers, animals, and so on. But it is better to avoid too complex forms, since it will be problematic to take care of such products.

There are four main forms of throw pillows:

  • roller - suitable for decorating leather sofas;
  • square - the most suitable shape for decorative items. In addition, it is convenient to lie down on such a pillow or sit down if necessary;
  • rectangular - balances the soft shapes of plump sofas;
  • round - will help soften the sharp lines of strict sofas.

You can combine products of different shapes. For example, a combination of square and rectangular products looks good.

Try using the patchwork technique when sewing, allowing you to create original and at the same time practical options.

Key element

Just one correctly selected element, called a key, is able to give grace to any pillow.

Here are just a few possible options for key elements:

  • it can be a regular button located in the center of the pillow, a small bow, ruffles or tassels. Moreover, these elements can be located not only in the center, but also on the side and in the corner of the product. It may not be an ordinary button, but covered with fabric, or with a bow sewn to it. With the help of buttons, you can create a simple pattern or even embroider your own name;
  • brushes will help to refine even the most common product;
  • instead of a brush, you can use a homemade pom-pom, which is sewn onto the corner of the pillow and not only decorates it, but also hides the last seam;
  • ribbons - ordinary satin ribbons can serve as a material for creating various volumetric drawings and patterns;
  • fleece or felt patterns.

Lace, knitting

Pillows with this kind of decor are somewhat difficult to make, but believe me, it's worth it. Lace and knitted options provide an aesthetic effect and indicate that the mistress of the house has "golden" hands. These items are easy to wash by placing them in the washing machine with a special care product for knitted items.

The pillow cover can be completely knitted or some separate element can be knitted, which serves as a decoration. Pillows with knitted braids or ornaments look beautiful. There are many patterns for knitting techniques, and you can make both a smooth surface and with ornaments.


If you know how to embroider, then you can easily create a real miracle by embroidering a colorful, original design on a sewn decorative pillow. But at the same time, remember some rules:

  • when embroidering, do not use beads, as this will be inconvenient in the future;
  • use the technique of cross stitching, as the surface will get dirty and slip when used;
  • in the course of work, do not forget to make a continuous wide edging around the field, in which it is easy to hide the last seam.


The embossed decor includes fringes, ruffles, puffs, weaves, volumetric appliqués and much more. With the help of such elements, it is possible to achieve excellent aesthetic effects. But when choosing another intricate item, remember that in the future you will have to take care of this product and it can be difficult if you choose the wrong one.

Each type of overhead decor has its own characteristics:

  • decorative braid - the use of this element brings originality to the entire interior. A variegated woolen braid is suitable for decorating the edges of the pillows. Woolen braid looks good in combination with velvet, satin and organza;
  • brushes - are a mandatory attribute when sewing decorative pillows from brocade, velvet, silk, tapestry. Brushes can be made of melange or linen threads, to which metallized thread is rarely added;
  • fringe - can become an adornment of even the most ordinary and seemingly nondescript decorative pillow. It is enough to attach a bright silk fringe or viscose fringe with the addition of glass beads to its edges and the pillow will take on a completely new look;
  • bows - making this kind of decoration is not difficult at all. It is enough to take a piece of fabric and tie it in the form of a bow.

For pregnant

Pregnancy is a great time, but there comes a period when it is difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position during rest, it is imperative to put something under her back. To do this, you can sew a special pillow for pregnant women in the form of a roller.

For it, you will need about 2.5 m of cotton or satin fabric. A pillow for pregnant women is sewn in a few steps:

  • using the scheme, you need to make a pattern: fold the fabric in half, circle the template and cut out the part;

Pattern of a classic maternity pillow, right - fold or middle of the fabric

Transfer the pattern to the fabric

Fold fabric cuts to create 2 pieces of fabric

Secure the fabric with pins

Carefully cut parts with seam allowances

  • cut out another one along the contours of the first;
  • we sew the resulting elements on a sewing machine, leaving a small opening. We turn the basis for the future pillow for pregnant women to the front side;

Sew the cover with a straight stitch along the entire contour, except for the padding hole.

Leave the area at the top of the product unsewn

Finish the edges

  • through the opening we fill the pillow with holofiber or other filler. Use a filler that is not allergic to pregnant women;

Turn the pillowcase right side out

Stuff the case with filler

  • we sew up the opening;

  • the pregnancy pillow is ready.

The pillow can be decorated with various applications. The muzzles of animals look original on rollers for pregnant women. This pillow is great for feeding your baby after childbirth.

For feeding twins

The wonderful time of pregnancy has passed, and you have become a happy mother of twins. And then the question arises of how to make the process of feeding the babies comfortable. After all, while you feed one, the other bursts into screaming. There is a way out - sew a special pillow for feeding twins in the form of a horseshoe or a crescent.

  • draw the pattern on a piece of paper of a suitable size;

  • transfer it to the fabric folded in half. Cut out the detail;
  • sew it from the inside out, leaving a small gap;
  • Turn out and fill the feeding pillow with non-allergenic litter. Sew up the gap;
  • When feeding babies, the pillow may become dirty. So sew a few covers for her to change as needed.

A pillow for feeding twins will give you the opportunity to feed the babies at the same time, which means that they will have the same biorhythms. Animal pillows are especially popular among children. Often they become a difficult accessory for decorating a children's room or an item for a comfortable sleep; children use pillows as toys, hugs. Therefore, for the baby, you can sew original animal pillows - it can be an elephant, a cat, a frog or a turtle.


In order to sew toys for children or an accessory on the sofa in the form of a monkey with your own hands, you need to cut out a pattern, and then proceed according to the algorithm:

  • take a chocolate-colored atlas and cut out two parts of the monkey's head from it;
  • on a coffee-colored gabardine, circle the face and cut it out;
  • further, it is necessary to cut out the ears: two parts from gabardine - this will be the front part, and two from satin - the back part;
  • using white non-woven fabric, it is necessary to duplicate the details of the face and ears;
  • Sew the front and back parts of the ears, leaving a small opening. Using scissors, cut the edges;
  • the parts of the toy must be turned out and, having filled, sewn up, the ears are ready;
  • now you need to design the monkey's head. To do this, we sew a muzzle to its front part. We fasten the ears with pins;
  • attach the back of the head and sew in a circle on a sewing machine. Do not forget to leave a hole for filling the head;
  • after you turn the part out onto the front side, you get a funny monkey face. Now all that remains is to fill and sew it up;
  • further, we sew two small circles, buttons on top and more faithful eyes for children can no longer be found;
  • it remains only to make the monkey smile, for this we embroider a smile and nostrils with black threads.

You can complement the pillow with a shank of woolen threads and the original pillow in the shape of a monkey is ready.

For those who like to watch a video on a tablet in the evening, we suggest you create an original pillow-stand for your tablet yourself. This will require:

  • piece of fabric;
  • stuffing material;
  • button on the leg;
  • pattern paper;
  • tailor's pins;
  • needle and thread.

The work consists of several simple stages:

  • we cut out a rectangle with dimensions of 46x30 cm on the fabric;

  • from fabric for decoration in the form of a flower we cut out a rectangle 6x21 cm, three squares 10x10;
  • first we create the decor element. To do this, fold the fabric rectangle in half, bending the fabric to the wrong side and ironing it beforehand. We do the same with the squares of the fabric. We cut off the corners of the folded squares from the side of the cuts, thus obtaining a sector of the circle. We sew all three square parts as shown in the photo and assemble them on a thread so that there is room for a button in the center;

  • now it's time to create a pillow. For this, the part is folded in half along the long side and fastened with pins, forming a bag;

  • on the long and short sides, you need to walk with a sewing machine, having laid a line, cut the corners. To make the cover easy to turn out, one side must remain unstitched;

  • turning the "bag" right side up, place it on its side so that the corners and seams are in the middle, as shown in the photo;

  • after that, you need to gently press down on the fabric from above, forming a square;

  • secure the middle of the square with a pin;

  • the bottom corner of the fabric should be wrapped in the direction of the square and pinned. This place will house our decorative flower;

  • you need to sew the decor by first lifting another corner of the square vertically;

  • cut out a piece from cardboard with approximate dimensions: top width 9.5 cm, width 19.7 cm, height 14.6 cm;

  • insert the resulting cardboard template into the middle of the "bag" so that its narrow side is towards the flower;

  • fill the place on top of the cardboard with filler;
  • we sew the side from the wide edge of the cardboard part;

  • tuck the unstitched fabric inward;

  • we pin it off and sew again;

  • do not sew the edge all the way down, leaving a hole to add filler;

  • the tablet stand is ready.

A separate place among the decorative pillows is given to floor options. It is not difficult to make such a pillow by preparing for this triangular sectors of one type of fabric of different colors.

Cut out the triangles by trimming the corners as shown in the photo to create a voluminous pillow in the future.

All sectors are neatly sewn together from the seamy side, and then both sides are sewn, not forgetting to leave room for stuffing.

The cover is turned inside out, the product is filled with filler, the hole is sewn up. A comfortable floor cushion to sit on is ready.

Original pillow elephant

A pink elephant is every girl's dream. But decorative animal pillows in the store do not always look attractive. A handmade elephant will delight your child.

  • to do this, draw or print an elephant template of the size you need;

  • circle it on two pieces of fleece. Don't forget to add a few centimeters for the allowance;
  • sew the parts together, leaving a gap for the stuffing;
  • turn the part to the front side;
  • further, the elephant is stuffed with filler;
  • according to the same algorithm, it is necessary to sew the ears and tail;
  • we sew details to the body;
  • we supplement the pillow with eyes. Cut out a small cloud from the blue fabric. Stitch the cloud to the torso.

The unusual elephant is ready.

Decorative pillow turtle

The turtle pillow will decorate not only the children's room, but also perfectly fit into the gazebo in the garden. The turtle is sewn from colored patches that match the color scheme.

  • cut a round base for the belly of the toy. Its dimensions depend on the size of the pillow you want to sew;

  • cut out four multi-colored triangles, slightly rounding its edges. Together they should form a circle with the diameter of the abdomen;
  • prepare 8 parts of the legs, two heads and a tail. Details should fit in proportion to the body. They must be stitched in pairs, leaving a gap. Next, turn out and fill with padding polyester;

  • colored patches must be sewn in pairs. Sewing them together, attach the head and tail parts;

  • now sew the belly and back of the turtle, distributing the details of the legs;

  • turn out the base through the hole left and fill it with filler. Sew on the eyes, the mouth and the turtle is ready.

Sew toys of different sizes and you have a real turtle family. Examples of unusual turtle pillows can be seen in the photo.


Often, children are naughty before going to bed, not wanting to go to bed. Sew an unusual owl-shaped scops owl pillow for him. It is very simple to make it:

  • take a sheet of paper corresponding to the size of the future toy;
  • draw a sketch of an owl on it, cut out a template;
  • transfer it to felt, make a pattern;
  • cut out the eyes and beak of the owl from the template. Cut out the felt parts of the desired color;
  • glue the felt on a double-sided adhesive spider web, iron with an iron;
  • place the details on the owl's torso. Stitch in tight zigzag;
  • stuff the toy with filler.

An owl scops owl will help your child fall asleep much faster.

Cat pillows

Decorative pillows with the image of cats are especially popular.


This decorative hug pillow is suitable for both adults and children, as well as pregnant women. What could be better to hug your friend while relaxing? You can make it in the form of your most beloved pet - a cat.

  • make paired patterns for the body, head and paws of the cat of the desired size;
  • prepare the part of the nose by folding the synthetic winterizer several times;
  • make the cat's eyes with a French knot;
  • redraw the sketch of the head onto the duplicating fabric. Using thick threads, zigzag the cat's mouth and whiskers;
  • sew on the nose, after gluing it in several places;
  • sew the eyes and ears in the same way;
  • sew the parts of the head from the inside out, leaving a gap. Turn it out and fill it with filler;
  • in the same way we sew the paws and tail of a cat;
  • we sew separately the pillow itself, round or rectangular, stuff with padding polyester;
  • we sew all parts of the cat to it.

The photo shows how you can decorate a hug pillow: add a bow tie, and you get a cat, or you can attach a bow and you already have a cute cat. Any kid will like this kind of a hug cat and will organically fit into the interior of the nursery.

Patterns of patterns of pillows in the form of cats

We offer several patterns, according to which it is very easy to create an original, beautiful product.


Recently, decorative pillows of the letter have become very popular. They are used to lay out the names of relatives and friends, or they acquire a whole alphabet to teach a child to read. However, you can sew beautiful letters for names with your own hands.

  • print letters for names or alphabet on paper, cut out;

  • transfer the sketch to the fabric, cut out two parts;

6 213 121

Beautiful decorative pillows can liven up even the most discreet interior. They bring an atmosphere of comfort, home warmth and relaxation. To decorate your home with them, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, because you can create these cute decor elements yourself.

We have selected themed master classes for you, from which you will learn how to sew the pillow of your dreams. Thanks to step-by-step photographs and a detailed description, even a beginner can cope with this.

Volumetric heart of roses

A DIY pillow can be a wonderful gift. Armed with imagination and a needle and thread, it can even be turned into a unique valentine. We offer you a step-by-step master class for making an unusual pillow with a volumetric heart.

For work you will need:

  • ready-made pillow of the desired size;
  • fabric for roses, which does not require overcasting;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread.
Cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm from the fabric, they may be slightly crooked and slightly different in size. This will only add volume and realism to the flowers.

Take a circle of fabric by the middle, gather it, forming folds as in the photo. Lock the workpiece in position with a couple of stitches.

Sew on another circle of fabric from below, forming a bulky bud.

Continue sewing the circles to the rose until you get the flower you want.

Prepare the rest of the roses using the same scheme. Their number depends on the size of the flower heart.

Sew the flowers to the pillow, starting from the outline of the heart.

Place the workpieces tightly to each other so that there are no gaps between them. A magnificent heart is ready to conquer and win hearts.

This designer pillow will decorate the room of a capricious fashionista or become a highlight of your living room. And she will cheer up at just one look at her.

Fluffy pillow

The original fringed pillow will successfully fit into any interior. The pleasant to the touch fleece will make her a favorite thing not only in the nursery.

For work you will need:

  • fleece for the base of the pillow and fringe;
  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine.
Cut two 40 x 40 cm squares out of the fleece.

For a fringe, it is better to choose a fabric several colors of the same range- you get a stylish transition between them. In our case, 10 strips 37 * 10 cm are used in three shades of brown.

Fold each strip in half and cut into fringes.

Sew the first strip to the base of the pillow, stepping back 1 cm from the edges. This is the result you should get.

Next, fold back the fringe to one side.

Sew on the second strip next to it, about 1.5 cm from the first.

Continue sewing on the fringe in the same way. Alternate dark stripes with light ones across several rows, achieving a beautiful and smooth color transition.

Place a second square on top of the fringed blank and pin along the edges. Sew along the perimeter of the pillow, leaving a small hole for stuffing.

Unscrew the pillow and fill with filler. Better to use a synthetic winterizer or holofiber. Natural materials such as cotton wool and down can clump over time and the product loses its neat appearance.

Sew a blindfold on the turnout hole.

It turns out a very beautiful cushion that will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home.

Pillow "Butterfly Wings"

We present you a detailed photo tutorial on decorating an interior pillow. Even if sewing is not your strong point, you can easily master it: you need a ready-made pillow to work. Following the step-by-step instructions, you will turn an ordinary pillowcase into a masterpiece of art design.

Pillow toy "Owl"

A funny and bright little owl is a win-win gift for both an adult and a child. When such a cute bird settles in your baby's bedroom, he will be happy to not only sleep with her, but also play with her.

For work you will need:

  • cotton in two colors;
  • felt for eyes and beak;
  • black buttons or beads for the pupils;
  • ribbon for a bow;
  • crayon;
  • threads;
  • sewing needle and pins;
  • scissors;
  • lace;
  • filler.
Transfer the owl pattern to the paper in the desired size.

Attach the template to the fabric and cut out the necessary parts, for the body and wings, make an allowance of 1 centimeter.

To decorate the toy, lace, bows and a wooden flower button are used. If you are using a life-size pattern, then cut out an 8 * 16 cm rectangle and a 4.5 cm square for the bow, or resize these parts in proportion to the owl.

Sew on the beak and lace with a zigzag stitch. Lace is placed in the center of the body, between the wings.

Sew the wings and eyes with the same seam. Manually attach the black pupil buttons.

Fold the owl body parts right side in, secure with pins and sew. Leave a hole at the bottom between the wings for further manipulation.

Turn the toy inside out, iron it and fill it with filler. If you used regular scissors to cut out parts, before turning out, make neat notches near the ears and in all convex places so that the fabric does not pull together.

Sew the hole with a blind stitch.

You can do the decor. Fold the square for the bow with a strip and iron it.

Fold the rectangle in half with the right side inward and sew, leaving a 1 cm allowance.

Turn it inside out, gather in the middle and sew on the prepared strip, forming a bow. Sew it to the owl's ear.

Tie a bow from a small piece of ribbon, sew it and a wooden button to the body of the toy.

Such a cute little owl will reliably guard your sleep.

Another idea for implementation - sew a solid owl according to this scheme. It is enough just to show your imagination and choose the appropriate color scheme and design for the toy.

Pillow with application "Cat in love"

An elegant pillow with a cool applique is a wonderful gift for any occasion. With its help, you can confess your feelings or just cheer up your loved one.

For work you will need:

  • thick white pillowcase 35 * 35cm;
  • cotton shreds in 4 colors;
  • white non-woven fabric;
  • iron;
  • 3 green beads for the eyes;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • decorative braid.

Cut out two rectangles 17 * 13cm- clouds around the cat and the fish. In our case, they are white with orange polka dots. You can choose the color you like.

The body of the cat is a rectangle 16 * 12cm, orange with small white polka dots.

Cut a rectangle out of white fabric 20 * 11 cm. From it the eyes and thoughts of a cat will turn out.

Cut out the rectangle 10 * 5cm from green fabric for the body of the fish.

Fold the non-woven fabric with the glue side to the wrong side of the rectangles and iron them until they stick together. This will make it easier to cut out small parts and they will not crumble.

Cut out the blanks for the applique. You can use cardboard templates or immediately cut out parts from fabric.

Arrange the elements on the pillowcase and achieve the desired image. Mark the ground line with decorative tape. Choose the expression of the cat's loving eyes.

When you decide on the location of all the elements of the applique, you can proceed to the last stage. It remains to sew them to the pillowcase.

Tie the outline of the white cloud to the polka dot cloud in a small white zigzag.

Sew the outline of the fish to the prepared two-layer cloud using a green zigzag. Embroider the fish's fins and head outline. Attach the eye bead.

Sew the details of the cat with small zigzag threads to match the fabric. Lastly, attach the eyes and sew a mustache for him.

The embroidered feet will add even more charm to the animal. You can add small flowers to the applique to make the composition more expressive.

The finished pillow will definitely take the crown place on the sofa in the living room and will become the star of your interior.

Sleeping kitten scops pillow

Want more cats? We offer you an interesting idea for creativity: sew an adorable kitten, which, by its very appearance, casts a nap and pacification.

For work you will need:

  • cotton fabric in 3 colors;
  • fleece;
  • non-woven fabric;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • filler;
  • crayon or special marker for fabric;
  • floss threads;
  • 2 buttons;
  • pins;
  • pattern.
First, print or manually redraw the kitten's pattern. Cut out all the elements.

Place the templates of the torso on the fabric, circle and cut it with a 1 cm allowance.Place the part with the wrong side on the adhesive side of the non-woven fabric, secure with pins and cut. Prepare the second fleece torso in the same way.

Cut out the legs, ears and tail of the kitten.

Remove the pins and iron the two-layer torso parts so that the cotton adheres to the non-woven fabric.

Fold in pairs the parts of the ears, legs and tail with the right side inward and sew them on a typewriter, leaving holes for turning out. Cut the stitched blanks with curly scissors or make regular notches.

Turn out the details and iron them, fill with filler. Zigzag the holes. Use pins to attach the resulting parts to the face of the front of the cat. Sew them to the kitten's body in a zigzag pattern.

Draw the cat's face with chalk.

Place the fleece piece (back) on top and secure it with pins. Sew the workpieces, leaving a small hole at the bottom for turning out. Trim seam allowances with curly scissors or make regular cuts.

Turn the workpiece right out and iron it. Stuff the toy with filler and sew up the hole with a blind stitch.

Sew the upper legs and buttons for decoration to the body.

Embroider the nose and closed eyes with floss threads.

The soft scops-owl cat is looking for its loving owner. Everyone will be happy with such a pet. He will gladly settle both in the baby's crib and in the cozy living room.

Do you feel the strength and desire to create, but still consider yourself a beginner? We bring to your attention an educational video, from which you will learn how to sew a funny one yourself cat pillow from a regular pillowcase. An original pattern, a minimum of active actions, a little decor and imagination - and you will get an elegant cat or a mischievous cat.

By the same principle, a funny hare will turn out, it is enough just to make the ears more authentic.

Download even more funny cat patterns to bring your wildest creative ideas to life. Such cute animals will become a wonderful decor for a house or a summer residence, as well as an original present for people you love.

Dog Cushion

Do you think that animals do not belong in the house? And here you are wrong. You can always have an adorable pillow dog. A funny dachshund will gladly take its place on the sofa and will not give you any trouble.

A detailed description is presented in our step-by-step master class.

According to this scheme, you will get both a small toy puppy and a solid adult dog. It all depends on the amount of materials at hand and your desire.

And if you have a lot of unclaimed pieces and scraps of fabric, then you can sew a bright doggy pillow out of them. The patchwork toy made using the patchwork technique with a cute face will become a favorite character in the children's room.

This toy can be made with children and have fun and usefully. And your child will receive the first lessons in cutting and sewing.

Piggy bank of master classes on pillows + interesting ideas

Heart pillow valentine:

Original circles:

Checkered dog:

Romantic option:

In the form of a star:

A few more original cushions for inspiration:

Pillows for children: cats, bunnies, owls, dogs, bears:

Decorating pillowcases with plant prints

An original way to decorate a pillowcase with floral patterns is to transfer prints of living fresh grass and leaves onto it. A product with this design will be unique and one of a kind. And it will also warm you on winter evenings with thoughts of a warm summer.

For work you will need:

  • natural light fabric;
  • freshly picked plants;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • parchment, preferably siliconized for baking.

Fern, plantain, clover are perfect for prints. Pluck the plant you want, spread it on the cloth and cover with parchment. Hit it very hard with a hammer, so that sap is released from the leaves, which is absorbed into the fabric and forms an imprint. Remember: You need to beat off the plants on a firm, level surface.

Experiment with different leaves, stems and placement to get the desired result.

A cute and cozy piece of furniture for a nursery will be a toy pillow. With their own hands, mothers can sew surprisingly functional things that will delight babies. There are no boundaries to creativity and imagination in creativity. Get acquainted with the master classes from this article, and you will understand that there is nothing difficult in sewing a pillow-toy. Even a novice seamstress can draw original patterns with his own hands.

Donut pillow

Want to surprise your little sweet tooth? Make him a huge donut! Perhaps he will not immediately understand that this is a toy pillow. With your own hands, you can sew a sweet donut with glaze and decorate it as your fantasy suggests.

For sewing you will need:

  • Beige base fabric. Fleece or felt will do.
  • Fleece for glaze. Choose the color yourself (pink, mint, chocolate)
  • Holofiber or padding polyester.

Think about the size of the future toy pillow. Draw a circle with your own hands or with a compass. As a shape for a circle, you can use materials at hand: a bowl, a bucket. To depict the hole of the donut, sketch out, for example, a plate.

Take the frosting cloth and cut the same blank out of it. Draw a wave around the edge with a pencil. Cut off any excess.

Cut out thin strips of felt of different colors - this is a donut sprinkle. Stitch them on a typewriter. Sew the frosting to the base of the donut using a zigzag pattern.

Connect the two donut pieces, leaving the holes for the stuffing. Fill your pillow with holofiber. Close the hole with a decorative stitch. So the pillow toy is ready. With your own hands, you can decorate it to your taste.

Shirt pillow

A rather boring, but not yet completely worn-out thing can be turned into a stylish accessory - a pillowcase for a pillow. Men's shirts tend to wear down at the cuffs and collar, and the front and back look pretty decent.

Fasten the thing with all the buttons. Cut off the top with sleeves and collar. Turn the shirt inside out. Sew along the cutting line.

Place a cushion in the middle of the fabric and trace around it with chalk. Sewing the pillowcase along the line. We unfasten the buttons and turn them inside out. Insert the pillow into the pillowcase and close it.

Anti-stress pillow

It is also called a pillow-cushion. Due to the filler, it is pleasant to hold the thing in your hands, wrinkle and lie on it. During the manipulations, due to the granules with which it is filled, a light massage takes place, which stimulates the nerve endings. Pillows are sewn from bright fabrics that will cheer you up.

Such products can be purchased in the form:

  • geometric shape;
  • toys;
  • semicircle under the neck.

There is nothing difficult in sewing such a toy pillow. It is not at all difficult to draw patterns with your own hands. This can be, for example, the image of the beloved by many cat Simon from the cartoon of the same name.

If your artistic ability is tight, then you can simply cut out two ovals, sew cat ears, paws and eyes to it, depict a mustache with a permanent marker. They can also write a funny phrase on the item that will cheer you up.

How to stuff a toy?

Most often, such accessories are filled with synthetic material - polystyrene balls. The material does not crumble and is pleasant to the touch. It does not absorb moisture and does not breed dust mites. That is why it is considered the safest for children. The low price is a big plus.

When sewing with your own hands, you can fill the pillow with wool, buckwheat, peas or buckwheat husks.

DIY toy pillows: original patterns

Is there a lack of bright accents in the nursery or living room? Do you want to make an unusual gift for your little birthday boy? Then consider sewing a toy pillow with your own hands. You can see the original products in the photo below. Perhaps they will inspire you to create exclusive items.

Is your child a dreamer and likes to retire in his room with a book? Make him a corner on a wide windowsill where you can sit and look at the stars. Decorative pillows of various shapes and sizes will help you create a special atmosphere.

Pillows with appliques

Little princesses will be delighted with a pillow with an applique in the form of a ball gown.

A boy can be presented with a thing with a picture of a wise owl. It is not at all difficult to draw by hand the templates according to which you can sew products!

A couple of cute birds will decorate not only the nursery, but also the living room or bedroom.

Be creative, come up with your own sketches. There are a huge number of bright fabrics and accessories on sale - it's so easy to be creative! You will definitely get more than one designer pillow-toy.

With your own hands, you will create a small fairy-tale universe in the nursery - an island of comfort and peace for the child, which will belong exclusively to him.

Wonderful pillows can be used as toys

A modern house reflects the creativity, taste and character of the owners, is the embodiment of fantasy, creative thought. You can revive the interior of the nursery in a budgetary way - decorate the room with bright and cheerful textile accessories.

A scattering of animal pillows on a crib, sofa or sofa will bring rainbow colors, create the right mood, which is extremely important for the development of the baby. To make it easier for beginners to master the process of how to sew a baby pillow with their own hands, you just need to look at the world through the eyes of a child.

A beautiful curly baby pillow is not only a striking attribute of the design of the baby island, but also a very functional thing. Many different goods are presented in textile stores, but a do-it-yourself pillow is always an exclusive and original accessory. Experienced needlewomen are in constant search of creative ideas, new forms and designs.

Baby pillows

Craftswomen are happy to share their experience with beginners, making it easier for them with practical advice:

  • Pay attention to the choice of fabric. Anything that is appropriate for decorating a living room may not be suitable for a nursery. In such a room, it is important to maintain a high level of environmental friendliness and safety. Choose hypoallergenic fabrics, natural materials. Fantasy and creativity are the engine of progress. Old cotton T-shirts or knitted sweaters can be used as a base. The surface of such a budget decorative pillow for a nursery is pleasant to the touch, does not "bite" like wool or mohair.

Choosing a fabric

  • Color spectrum. Harmony is the main factor when choosing the color of pillows for a nursery. In the classic design, they can overlap in color with curtains, sofa upholstery or wallpaper patterns in the room. You can play with contrast, create new and interesting color combinations.

When choosing a color, there is one rule: the child's eyes should not get tired. Avoid flashy or neon hues. Soft halftones and warm colors can correct children's development and create the right mood.

  • Decorating. Creative craftswomen use any details as decor: leftovers of fabric, patches with prints, embroidery or knitting elements, ribbons and lace. You should not use large buttons, pointed beads, protruding details in the design.

Decor for pillows

  • Filler. Sewing decorative pillows with your own hands is not difficult, but you need to think in advance about what to fill it with. The material must meet all safety requirements and have hypoallergenic properties. A medium firm pillow will be the best option, as the soft padding will lose its shape over time. Materials such as foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer are safe for the child.

Fillers for pillows

The developmental pillow is very popular nowadays. To fill it, you can use silicone balls, they contribute to the development of children's motor skills, easily changing the shape of the product.

Sewing ideas

When designing textiles for children, you need to forget all the classic rules. In the world of children's dreams and fun, there is no place for boredom or dullness.

Beautiful baby pillows

Looking at the pillow, a child should have only optimistic and pleasant associations, for example, with his favorite cartoon character, kind animals, bright sun or warm summer.

Interesting puzzle pillow idea

We offer several simple master classes, thanks to which you can create an exclusive textile masterpiece in just one evening.

Soft Bunny

With a beautiful soft pillow in the shape of a bunny, the baby will immediately make friends and sleep on it will be very comfortable. For work, you will need a ready-made pattern, fabric such as velsoft or microfleece, felt for decorating the face, lace or ribbon, soft filler and tailor's chalk (a piece of soap).

Bunny pillows

The algorithm is simple:

  • We transfer the details of the pattern from paper to fabric. We outline each one with chalk and carefully cut it out. You should get two blanks for each ear and head of the bunny.
  • Sew the parts, starting with the ears, leaving a small hole for the filler.
  • We put the ears stuffed with padding polyester inside the head, pin off with pins, baste and sew, leaving a hole at the bottom.
  • We turn the head to the front side, fill it with padding polyester and sew up the hole with a blind seam.
  • Let's start creating a cute bunny face. We cut out the individual parts of the muzzle from thin felt, pin them with pins so that they do not slide out during work, and then sew them with a blind seam. You can use fabric glue.
  • We make a large bow from the ribbon, sew it to the hare's ear to give an elegant look.

Bunny pillow

A beautiful pillow in the shape of a kind bunny is ready. Experiment with color, fabric, and face design for a whole family of bunnies.


Recently, pillow toys have become very popular. Cute "purrs" not only decorate the interior of the nursery, but also become participants in children's games.

Soft pillow cat for baby

To sew a pillow in the shape of a cat, you need a pattern. You can take the template ready-made or draw it according to your own sketch. For work, you need fleece fabric in two colors, strong threads to match, soft padding, felt for the muzzle.

Let's start sewing a cat:

  • Let's prepare a pattern on paper. You can use ready-made patterns or draw yourself. We transfer the templates to the fabric and cut out the details.
  • Sew the elements, start with the cat's ears. Light-colored fleece for the face, sewn into the head. The front side of the pillow looks like squares sewn into each other.
  • Sew on the ears on top, sew on all sides on a typewriter, leaving a small hole at the bottom.
  • We fill the product with padding polyester, padding polyester or silicone balls, sew up the hole with a blind seam.
  • We draw a muzzle. You can use paints or waterproof markers. When drawing the faces of animal pillows for the nursery, try to make them look as optimistic and cheerful as possible. Gloomy and not funny animals can simply scare a small child.

Sewing children's pillows with your own hands requires not only creative inspiration, but also perseverance. In just one evening, you can sew an original toy as a present for your daughter or son. When decorating a product for little fidgets, you should securely fasten the parts in order to prolong the life of a soft animal.

Cat - pillow

Orthopedic pillow

If you like to travel with the whole family, then an original and useful accessory in the form of a comfortable orthopedic pillow will be a welcome gift for your child.

Orthopedic pillows for the whole family

As a rule, all orthopedic pillows are “C” shaped. For stuffing, medium-hard filler is used to keep the shape of the product.

To make the pillow look boring, you can play with the image using the motives of animals or your favorite cartoon characters. To sew a product, you do not need to look for complex patterns. We draw a large letter C on paper, transfer the template to a soft cloth, folded in half face down. We cut out the blanks, sew, fill with filler and sew up the hole with a blind seam. The fun begins - the choice of ideas for decorating. To make the child smile while looking at the pillow, you can give it the look of a mischievous monkey by decorating the muzzle, sewing on a long tail and legs. A pillow in the form of a curled up cat will give the baby vivid dreams, making it possible to gain strength during rest for new achievements.

Orthopedic pillow

Love and care can be manifested in different ways. Creativity is the best way to talk about your feelings, about the things that overwhelm your heart. The pillow sewn by the gentle hands of the mother will give the baby joy, a sense of security and a sunny mood.