Tiny games. Supergirl games. Key figures of history

Powerpuff Girls Games for Superplayers

Cheerful, fantastic adventures will be provided by Powerpuff Girls games created on the idea of ​​the American animated series. The original name of The Powerpuff Girls can also be translated as: "The Powerpuff Girls", and this will be true, because before you are really unusual heroines. Even their birth is accompanied by a mystery, and it is unlikely that any similar to them will appear again.
It all happened in the laboratory of Professor Utonius, when he was working on a bold idea to create the most ideal girl. He took spices, sugar, cute things, and already mixed the ingredients together, but then his arm was pushed by a naughty assistant - chimpanzee Jojo, and the professor touched the container with the X-element. She fell and broke, and the contents fell into the prepared composition. There was a reaction, and instead of a flawless girl, three very small, without a single finger, big-eyed crumbs turned out.
Later it turned out that they have unique talents:

  • super speed
  • The ability to fly
  • super hearing
  • superpower
  • Thermal and microscopic vision

In addition to these common abilities, each has its own unique powers, which prompted them to continue on the path of fighting criminals in the American city of Townsville.

Key figures of history

Let's take a closer look at three charming Powerpuff Girls to understand their character and abilities.

  • Flower is the smartest, and therefore the recognized leader of the trinity. When you see a flash of a pink outfit, a red ponytail and a red bow, you know it's her. Her main element is cute things. Before embarking on a new mission, she plans it carefully.
  • Bubble is usually naive and gullible. She is considered stupid, because she behaves like a small child. But be calm - if there is a task ahead, the girl instantly becomes serious. Her element is sugar, her favorite pastime is drawing, her external features are two light short ponytails and a blue suit.
  • Pestle is a real fighter, the most active and assertive. She first rushes to the attack, and only in the process corrects her actions, for which Tsvetik constantly scolds her. Its element is spices. She wears green clothes and cuts her black hair short.

Don't miss the most interesting games!

Other characters in the story are also woven into the plots of the Powerpuff girls game. You will meet the Mayor of the city, who is so cowardly that he gets lost at the crucial moment. The inhabitants of Townsville do not favor him, and therefore one day he will have to fight them off, calling for the help of the Powerpuff Girls. Of course, the girls will not leave the poor man in trouble, because they protect everyone who is in danger. For the Mayor, the crumbs have apples in store that can support forces while he shoots back.
Encounters with zombies do not seem like a pleasant acquaintance, but our heroines resolutely and bravely rush at them in order to prevent the dead from penetrating further into the city. In the next mission, you will have to confront the monsters who attacked for the sake of kidnapping puppies. No one knows why the monsters needed them, but they definitely did not start anything good. Protect cute dogs so that they don't fall into the clutches of the enemy.
Check out the zoo. What's this? parents are in a panic. The animals have escaped from the enclosures and are roaming the territory, and among them are girls and boys who are in danger. Rush quickly, pick up the kids and give them to their parents.
There will also be Powerpuff girls games without heroic deeds. Play snowball fights, snowboard down the slopes, place props around the room to set the scene for a photo shoot. The master left for a while, and the Powerpuff Girls can't wait to start, so they set about decorating the space to their taste.

Quiz: Which Townsville Super Babe Are You? Game for girls and girls! Girls, you, of course, remember the babies named - Bubble, Flower and Pestle - whom you met while watching the famous animated series, Super crumbs. The crumbs owe their appearance to this world to a rather comical incident. Scientist John Utonius decided to create the perfect girl, but through the fault of his assistant Jojo, the unforeseen happened, as a result of which, instead of one perfect girl, three not quite ordinary crumbs appeared. These babies also turned out to be endowed with super powers: the ability to fly, super strength, super hearing, super speed, super vision. Charming crumbs, endowed with such cool qualities, stand up for the defense of law and justice. And it doesn’t matter to them who to protect: defenseless puppies, or some kind of official. The crumbs just get in the way of evil. The criminals of Townsville, where our babies live, know that it's better not to cross paths with super crumbs named Flower, Buttercup, and Bubbles. Cool little ones! Girls, have you ever wondered which of the super babes you look like (of course, not in a literal sense)? It's very easy to find out! Answer the questions of the proposed test. The game will analyze them and give you its resume. Good luck! You will need a mouse to play.

Quiz: Which Townsville Super Babe Are You?

Dress up for cool super babes. Game for girls and girls! Cool Super Babes Dress Up is an adorable dress up game for our little girlfriends. Meet - this is Bubble, Flower, Pestle. In our games, they came from the famous animated series, the Powerpuff Girls.” The crumbs owe their appearance to this world to a rather comical incident. Scientist John Utonius decided to create the perfect girl, but through the fault of his assistant Jojo, the unforeseen happened, as a result of which, instead of one perfect girl, three not quite ordinary crumbs appeared. These babies also turned out to be endowed with super powers: the ability to fly, super strength, super hearing, super speed, super vision. Charming crumbs stand up for the defense of law and justice. And they don't care who to protect: defenseless puppies, or some kind of official. The crumbs just get in the way of evil. Criminals know that it is better not to cross paths with Flower, Pestle and Bubble. But do not think that the crumbs are only engaged in fighting evil. Super crumbs love beautiful dress up. This is what you girls are going to do now. For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Dress up for cool super babes

Morning Rush in Townsville. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! In Townsville, a new meeting awaits you with super crumbs - Bubble, Flower and Pestle. But first, answer yourself: Is it difficult for you to get ready for school in the morning? Difficult?! But the scientist John Utonius worried about the crumbs. He invented such an apparatus that is able to bathe, dress, comb and even brush your teeth. What is it? Girls, we invite you to test the device in action. To do this, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, which are given in Russian. Did you get acquainted? Then welcome to Tansville. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Morning Rush in Townsville

Barbie in the style of super babes. Game for girls and girls! Barbie loves the heroines of the famous animated series, Super Babes, so much that she is even ready to replenish her wardrobe with outfits in their style. But which of them will suit her, Barbie does not know. Girls, it seems you will have to play the role of a consultant for her. On the game screen in front of you will appear images of Bubble, Flower and Pestle. Having chosen one of these images for Barbie, start her transformation. First of all, give her the right makeup. Then move on to hair, outfits and accessories. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Barbie in the style of super babes

Super Babes: Make a Comic. Game for girls and girls! Super crumbs: Make a comic - a game for girls in Russian. For you, girls, a new game with the participation of heroes from the animated series about super crumbs known to you: Bubble, Flower, Pestle. This time you will have the opportunity to create your own comics with their participation. With the help of the maker you can choose backgrounds, characters of tiny superheroes, proposed stickers. If you wish, you can change the tasks of creativity a little. Having fantasized, you can draw and color some details of the comics yourself. Good luck!

Super Babes Make a Comic

Super Babes: Extraordinary Week. Game for girls and girls! Super crumbs: Extraordinary week - an exciting game for girls in Russian. Girls, super crumbs - Bubble, Flower and Pistil - the heroines of the famous animated series, Super crumbs, again need your help. This time the crumbs had a difficult week. A whole gang has appeared in the city, violating law and order. And now, girls, only by uniting with you, Flower, Pestle and Bubble will be able to defeat the insidious villains. But this battle will not be easy, because you girls with super babes will have to hold out for a whole week. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Super Babes Extraordinary Week

Coloring book with super crumbs. Game for girls and girls! Girls, get acquainted - this is Pestle, Flower, Bubble. In our games, they came from the famous animated series, the Powerpuff Girls.” The crumbs owe their appearance to this world to a rather comical incident. Scientist John Utonius decided to create the perfect girl, but through the fault of his assistant Jojo, the unforeseen happened, as a result of which, instead of one perfect girl, three not quite ordinary crumbs appeared. These crumbs are in front of you. Girls, so that babies are recognizable to everyone, give them the usual color. Good luck!

Coloring book with super crumbs

Morning mess with super crumbs. Game for girls and girls! Morning mess with super babes is an exciting game for girls in Russian. In this game we are talking about three characters - Bubble, Flower and Pestle - known to you, girls, from the animated series, Super crumbs. The crumbs owe their appearance to this world to a rather comical incident. Scientist John Utonius decided to create the perfect girl, but through the fault of his assistant Jojo, the unforeseen happened, as a result of which, instead of one perfect girl, three not quite ordinary crumbs appeared. These babies also turned out to be endowed with super powers: the ability to fly, super strength, super hearing, super speed, super vision. Charming crumbs, endowed with such cool qualities, stand up for the defense of law and justice. Now the crumbs are at home. They are sleeping. And the enemy does not sleep, and through his fault, the city in which the super crumbs live is again in danger. But the trouble is, tired of endless things, super crumbs will not wake up in any way. Girls, rearrange the tiles as needed so that Buttercup, Flower and Bubbles get to their alarm clocks and can again go to meet the enemy. Good luck!

Super Babe Morning Mess

Super Babes - Crazy Robots. Game for girls and girls! Super Babes - Crazy Robots is a cool, multi-level, adventure game in Russian. Princess Morbucks is a new student in the kindergarten, where the super crumbs Buttercup, Flower and Bubbles study, she decided to suddenly become a super baby. This rich, spoiled girl didn't just decide to become a super babe, she wished to become a babe in the singular, as always, not wanting to contact the world on an equal footing. Girls, Princess Morbucks needs to be stopped immediately. Choose one of the super babes and start this important mission. Use the left mouse button to hunt Princess Morbucks' ship. Watch out for Princess Morbucks' deadly projectiles. Good luck!

Flash animated series "The Powerpuff Girls" in the genre of comedy, adventure and fantasy from American creator-animator Craig McCracken conquered the children's audience. You can also translate it as "The Powerpuff Girls". A full-length cartoon based on the series was shot in 2002, retaining the original name, and we offer you to enjoy communication with the characters while playing Powerpuff Girls games.
Three cute babies owe their birth to an accident that happened in the laboratory. Professor Utonius decided to create the perfect girl by mixing sugar with various spices and cute things. But Jojo, his assistant, was constantly naughty in the laboratory room, and accidentally hit the professor when he measured out the components. As a result, Utonius broke the vessel with the X-element, and he got into the mixture. So, instead of one perfect girl, three pretty crumbs with huge eyes, but completely without fingers, were born.
It turned out that in addition to the unusually small size, the girls are endowed with super powers. Each has its own, but they are united by:

  • Flying
  • Superpower
  • Microscopic and thermal vision
  • Sepurspeed
  • super hearing

With such useful talents, the girls are ideal for fighting crime in the city of Townsville.

Getting to know the characters

During the game Powerpuff Girls you will meet those with whom our heroines constantly meet. But let's start getting to know them themselves in order to find out the names and characters:

  • A bubble with two short blond ponytails wears a light blue suit. She is the most trusting, a little naive and stupid, but if she sees danger, she instantly transforms. Her main ingredient is sugar, she loves to paint and draw.
  • Flower with a long red ponytail with a red bow, wearing a pink dress. Her ingredient is cute things. She is the smartest, and therefore is considered the leader of the team. Before starting action, he always draws up and considers a plan.
  • Pistil with short black hair and green attire. This baby's ingredient is spices. She is the most explosive - a real tomboy. He likes to play pranks and fight, and therefore he is the first to attack the enemy. Her credo is to act, and the plan will come up on the go, which displeases Blossom.

You will also meet other characters:

  • John Utonius - The professor who created the Powerpuff Girls
  • The mayor is the head of the city of Townsville. A fearful and stupid type who, in a serious situation, gets lost, crying out: "What to do?"
  • Sarah Bellum - Mayor's secretary
  • Ms. Keene - teaches at the Powerpuff Girls School
  • Mojo Jojo is a chimpanzee whose brain is outward, and is also one of the villains. Making plans to take over the world.
  • OH - a supervillain whose name is afraid to pronounce, and therefore simply called "OH"
  • Fluffy Lumpkin is also a villain. He is a man, but others consider him an incomprehensible beast
  • Princess Give money is a spoiled girl of rich parents. Gets a high school education with the Powerpuff Girls and only wears expensive outfits

Exploits of the Powerpuff Girls

Open powerpuff girls games to help girls fight against robots and nasty zombies, take part in shootouts and chases. Together with them you will selflessly save puppies, and on the coast - conquer the waves on the surf. In the face of the Mayor, shoot back from the townspeople who throw all sorts of rubbish at him. He will also be supported by the Powerpuff Girls, feeding him with juicy apples. Play snowball fights with the girls, but when the children are in danger of being trampled by wild animals that have escaped from the zoo's cages, rush to their aid. Pick up each child and give it to worried parents.

Perhaps the most favorite toys for girls were and remain all kinds of makers. The new game "Create a Powerpuff Girls" opens up almost unlimited possibilities for creativity and imagination. Of course, you remember the cartoon "Powerpuff Girls" about funny heroines endowed with superpowers. During one of the experiments, the girls were created by Professor Utonius himself. This was possible thanks to a unique mixture of sugar, spices and some more substance X. The result was girls with super strength.

They stand to protect the town of Townsville and fight with numerous villains. Now you can come up with a completely new team member, making every effort for this. You will play with blanks that need to be assembled and arranged accordingly. Change everything. From the shape and expression of the face, the color of the hair and the hairstyle itself, to the outfits. The game "Create a Powerpuff Girls" is your chance to become the creator of unique characters that will join the team of famous heroes. Have a nice holiday and good luck!