Names of dark sorcerers. Women's magical names and their meanings. Is it possible to get rid of dark talent


Since ancient times, history has counted thousands of figures who possessed supernatural powers. We are talking about both the great prophets who followed the instructions of the Higher powers and leading the adepts, and about the predictors of the future. In almost every corner of the globe there was at least one person, stories about which have been passed down for many years.

gifted people

Ever since the biblical stories, we all remember people who, on the one hand, possessed unprecedented wisdom, and on the other hand, some kind of magic. For example, King Solomon, who could judge any dispute fairly. Samson, who did not possess human physical strength, and, unfortunately, lost strength after his hair was cut. The same applies to the ancient "magicians", for example, Hermes Trismegistus.

In addition, many cultural figures from different countries were also considered a kind of visionaries. Dante in his work "The Divine Comedy" so skillfully described the circles of Hell. Bulgakov in the famous novel "The Master and Margarita", saturated with mysticism, showed readers interesting details of our life, from the side of a person who notices some deviations from the norm.

What can we say about Gogol? His works "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", "Dead Souls", "Viy", was it really all just a figment of the writer's imagination? Or did he see more than ordinary people of that time?

What is the secret of magicians and seers?

There are countless such figures in history. However, there are people whose deeds glorified them all over the world and left no doubt that a person can have some gift from above. For example, Wang. Each of us is familiar with the story of this poor woman who helped those in need and did not at all demand untold sums of money from them.

On the other hand, Hitler's merits on the world stage during the war are also attributed to his gift in the field of the occult sciences. The history of life and development of the abilities of such gifted people is described in this section of the site. Messing, the Queen of Sheba, Hans Herbiger, John Dee, Cagliostro, Saint Germain and many other magicians lived at different times and taught the population to believe in miracles and change the existing reality.

Can we follow their path? Is the information that comes to us in various legends and tales reliable? To answer such questions, check out the articles presented in the "Great Magicians and Seers" section.

There are many amazing things in our world. Not all of them are beautiful, interesting and safe. For example, do you know what sorcerers do? Everyone uses this word to the extent of their understanding of the process of magic. And information, as a rule, is drawn from entertainment literature and science fiction films. Let's take a look at everything related to sorcerers. What is their essence, what do they do, does this word have other meanings, which is also interesting.

Sorcerers - who are they?

Let's start the analysis of our concept with dictionaries, as researchers usually do. Interpreters give rather lengthy explanations, which boil down to one thing: black magicians are meant. That is, sorcerers are individuals with magical talent. They have supernatural abilities that are not recognized by science. I mean not at all outstanding talents. For example, some people know how to operate with multi-digit numbers, they instantly multiply and divide them in their minds. But this does not apply to the field of sorcery. Witchcraft has a different, unearthly nature, as interpreters explain. This is the ability to communicate with other worlds, including the afterlife. In addition, black sorcerers know how to use the inhabitants of other spaces for their own purposes. And they are engaged in deeds that are objectionable to the Lord, they harm ordinary people, inflict damage, impose curses.

Description of sorcerers in Slavic mythology

In childhood, we are read fairy tales in which Baba Yaga appears. This character of folk art is directly related to witchcraft. Granny, who lives far from the people, according to fairy tales, knows how to extract information from space, owns magical things. Its main feature is a terrible anger at the whole wide world, that is, the common people.

It is believed that almost every village had its own sorcerer or witch. You can get such a dubious talent voluntarily or by force. Sometimes sorcerers are careless people who accidentally take on special abilities. So, according to tales and beliefs, the witch will not be allowed into the world of the dead if she does not give the sorcerer's gift to the one who remains on earth. Sometimes they select and educate disciples. And it happens that you have to give superpowers to the first person you meet. To do this, just touch the person. Magicians walk among people, head down, looking sideways. They are able to communicate with animals and even turn into them.

Where do sorcerers live?

The black sorcerer, if he is real, shuns people. Their laughter, love, joy, that is, energy, cause almost physical pain in this person. Therefore, sorcerers harm, they try to extinguish positive emotions. People are sure that witches are messengers of the devil. It probably is.

Sorcerers dislike communication with ordinary citizens. They never start families, although they do have love affairs. They rarely have children. They prefer to pass on their gift not by blood, but by vocation. Sorcerers, as they are described in legends, do not follow external attractiveness. These people have shaggy, unkempt tresses, hair that has grown out to disgrace, and uncut nails. They don't care what impression they make on others.

Sorcerers live between two worlds: earthly and otherworldly. Each has its own black patrons who fulfill their wishes and orders.

Is it possible to get rid of dark talent?

It is said that some people banish the black gift from the soul. According to beliefs, only individuals who acquired talent by chance can get rid of dark spells. By the way, in the old days, fellow villagers were reluctant to communicate with sorcerers, turning to them only when needed, born of passions. For example, magicians were asked to punish the offender, to bewitch a guy or a girl, to get rid of damage. They were especially afraid to approach the bed of a dying magician. It was believed that his dark soul would leave the body only after he gave the gift.

And their possession is a real punishment. Everything earthly becomes gray and uninteresting, fierce malice settles in the heart. Sincere repentance helps to get rid of it. However, there are practically no stories of successful cases of overcoming the burden of witchcraft. The evil force is addictive, giving a feeling of omnipotence. Even the former sorcerer does not lose touch with the dark patrons. He is able to damage or jinx just like that, for the sake of pleasure.

Alternative view

There is another interpretation of sorcery. Some researchers believe that at all times people were born who strive to penetrate the essence of things, peculiar philosophers. They studied the world around them in practice, conducted experiments. As a rule, they tried to lead a hermit life, as those around them did not understand and did not share their interests.

From this point of view, the essence of sorcerers is to try to gain more knowledge about the laws by which nature lives. Hence the supernatural powers. They are the result of a huge and hard work on their own development. And all the horror stories described above are just speculations of ordinary citizens who do not understand what the hermit is doing.

Both legends agree that sometimes contemporaries turn to sorcerers for help and receive it. However, the assistance of a person who has advanced along the path of development is far from always beneficial to the petitioner. This theory describes the significance of the sorcerer for all mankind. People have always strived for more. Only the value orientations were different. Some were attracted by wealth, others by feats of arms, and sorcerers tried to acquire knowledge, which enriched civilization as a whole. In general, both theories describe a person who owns magic. The latter refers to skills and abilities that are inexplicable from the point of view of modern science.

Another meaning of the word "sorcerers"

For interest, we will describe another interpretation, culinary. Sorcerers are called potato dough pies with spicy meat filling, fried in oil or baked in the oven. This dish belongs to the Belarusian cuisine. They say that the dish is unusually tasty. That is why they are called "sorcerers". Young ladies use it to "bewitch" a man through the stomach. As soon as he tastes the cooking of a beauty, he will never go to another. Like it or not, you need to check in practice. And if the sorcerers don’t work out, you shouldn’t be upset either, knowing that you don’t have magical talents. But it is also good, enjoy the bright colors of our wonderful world and protect your heart from evil. Good luck!

Entering the path of practicing the Black Art, you must take on a new witch name in addition to the old, mundane one. Bad rumor calls him nom du Diable (devilish). Nothing like this. At least not in the sense they mean. The witch name is a very important part of your witch personality and from now on you will be known by this name to your companions who practice the Black Art. Many witches or sorcerers choose a name that is closely associated with magic and the supernatural. They often stop at the names of famous beings or legendary practitioners of Black Magic. For example, if you are a male, you can choose the name of a legendary sorcerer, such as: Zyto, Balaam, Elymas, or Cyprian; or an alternative such as: Merlin, Althotas, Vergilius or Vandermast. A witch would do well with Morgana, Armida, Vivienne or Melusina, Brisen, Nimue, Hellawes or Fredegonda, Nocticula, Bensozia, Sidonia or even Urganda. Or you could choose a more classical name like Apollonius, Medea or Circe, or an ancient Egyptian like Nectanebo or Arnuphis or maybe something really complicated like Diancecht, Osmandine or Ansuperomin.

Your right to choose. You must find something that suits you, that awakens the strength of your senses for the unseen world, gives you a sense of nervous trembling and makes you feel very powerful and no less sinister. If you don't want to choose a name from the legends, try to play on the names of gods and demigods from mythologies: Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Celtic, whatever you want. In this case, finding out your zodiac sign and the planet and the legends associated with them can be a very good clue. For example, if you are an artist or a craftsman and are born under the sign of Taurus, you can stop at the name Daedalus, meaning that through the artisan sorcerer King Minoz, the leader of the Cretan Buffalo cult, we thus associate the Buffalo with Taurus. Or else, if you are a female witch and born under the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus, then you may decide that the name "Ariadne" - the daughter of King Minos and the bride of Theseus, will be suitable especially because it comes from Aradia - one of the main spiritual forces in the witch world.

Another method that can give results is numerological. Add up all the numbers that make up the name you know best, using this pattern to link the letters to the numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Add the resulting numbers together until they give a single digit as follows:

J + O + H + N (1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20) S + M + I + T + H (1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 24)

20 + 24 = 44 = 4 + 4 = 8

Now, applying numerological numbers, we have the following traditional planetary distribution:

  • The sun
  • Mercury
  • Jupiter
  • Venus
  • Saturn
  • Neptune

For John Smith, the corresponding planet is Uranus. The next step should be to consult a book of classical myths and legends to find everything related to Uranus. You will find a lot of material for a name, especially if you use a book on comparative mythology that shows the connection between the legends of different cultures.

If none of these methods work or suit you, then you must do something else: rely on your intuition, listen to the mood and come up with a name yourself. This is the best way; the previous methods are only hints and helpers. In this case, proceed to the enumeration of names. Think about them mentally and listen to your subconscious. This is indeed the best path, as ultimately the subconscious mind is what we should be orientated towards. The witch name is intended to serve as an expression of your true nature. It should show who you really are. There are covens of witches in England today whose female members use magical personal names of flower origin: Rosemary, Japonica, Aubretia, Flora, and so on.

Some witches take suitable names in Latin, like "Sapiens dominabitur astris" or "Omnia vincam" may be a bit ecclesiastical in tone, but perfectly legal, although in my opinion they are less effective than the much more sonorous names of the legends. Choose only what suits you. It takes a little time. When you write a name on your witch tools, you must stick to it. It is impossible to revise the witch's name. When accepting your witch name, you must keep it very secret, as the name can become one of the keys to your subconscious. You will use it when you wish to "turn on" to perform an enchantment; this is usually followed by saying the name to yourself when you begin to use the powers of the pyramid.

You can open it only to witches - your close friends, those who are closely related to you and are part of your witch group or coven. As already mentioned, you must also write the name on your witchcraft tools, using special witchcraft rules for this.

Witch name function
First of all, this is a kind of "call sign" in the world of Magic, with which you enter the New Life and start from scratch in it. Accumulator of information and Personal Power. "Business card". You can do without it, of course. Human laziness is truly boundless... But the effect will be unenviable. When pronouncing the same spells and performing rituals, when you need to give your Name, and in response to this, “passport” sounds, all the power directed to the result of the action goes “to everyday life, to the physical world.” Saying it, you unconsciously raise information about you as a person of "society", raise all your weaknesses, all doubts, everything that others think about you ... And drag all this unnecessary information to fulfill the purpose of the conspiracy or ritual. If at the same time you are a very strong and capable person, the effect will be, but significantly less than if other, non-physical information was used to complete the task, contained in the Real Witch Name, which is not known to anyone who is not pleasing to you and is not associated with By magic, the creature and the very pronunciation of which already brings us closer to the desired goal!

Why the witch's name must be kept secret
Have you ever seen mystical films about exorcisms and battles with demons, when the main task of an exorcist is to find out the name of the enemy, after which his victory is facilitated and ensured?! Why is that? Because, having learned his Name, he can take a book on some demonology and read about his weak point. The situation is similar with Witches and Warlocks, and for this it is not even necessary to look in the book. Usually, most of the names are generally invented. An experienced Mage or Sorcerer can draw a conclusion regarding the personality of another Mage or Sorcerer simply by the sound and combination of letters in the Name or by listening to himself, his inner voice.

The Witch Name should be trusted, as a great secret, only to the Allies. And to proven Allies. It also should not be kept written on a piece of paper in simple letters anywhere, not even in the Book. Just as you should not store the Names of your Allies in the same way. The best place to store is the head.

Top 10 famous magicians and wizards

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In our age, the entertainment industry has made a huge leap: from radio to the Internet. However, one of the areas of the entertainment industry is developing the fastest - it's fantasy. Surprisingly, this genre is only now beginning to gain popularity with readers, despite Tolkien's desperate attempts. Throughout the history of literature, there have been at least 10 famous magicians and wizards who deserve our attention.

The first mention of him was found in the literature of the 12th century in the form of a prophet and a holy fool. Gradually, he was transformed into a full-fledged wizard in the court of King Arthur. In general, being a sorcerer with outstanding magical abilities, he usually helps Arthur, regardless of the correctness of his actions.

He is the leading character in the short stories by T. Hickman and M. Weiss "Heroes of Dragolens". Raistlin uses magic to gain even more power. Golden skin and hourglass pupils all add up to a rather striking personality. Unfortunately, too high intelligence and unlimited possibilities tempt him to call himself God.

He is the main character in the Dresden Chronicle. Like Harry Potter, he lives in our world, which does not know about magical confrontation.

A stately man who reached high stature (in every sense) during a druidic dream. He knows more than he says. Allanon was one of the most enigmatic characters in T. Brooks' writing career.

The Master Sorcerer, Doctor Strange, is described in more detail in the literature than all other wizards. One day, after an accident, the brilliant surgeon stopped feeling his hands. Only after many years of searching for a way to restore their functioning, he nevertheless agrees to master the art of magic and becomes one of the most powerful people.

5. Pag

This young man was against his will chosen by the council of magicians as an apprentice. However, he fights against the rebels who captured him from another world. This is where his real journey through the world and magical disciplines begins. Eventually, he becomes the most powerful wizard in Midkemia and beyond. This character "lived" in literature the longest life, in comparison with the rest of this list.

He is the composite character of all magical realities. This sage received his knowledge under the auspices of the goddess of magic, Mystra. Chosen by her, he went through all the trials and lessons, earning the honor and envy of many monarchs, magicians and numerous villains.

The King of Hearts is the most notorious villain of S. King, who controls the rest of the big and small evils in the rest of his books. And only in Marvel comics do we meet the King of Hearts face to face.

The gray-haired Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings is the epitome of the wisest magician, second only to Merlin. Just like Allanon, Gandalf carefully thinks through everything and assumes only the functions of a conductor, without saying a single superfluous word. This angelic sorcerer appeared many more times in Tolkien's books.

While not the smartest or most powerful wizard at Hogwarts, he certainly has talent. Known as "The Boy Who Was", Harry dared to confront the powerful magician, under the name of "The One Whose Name Must Not Be Named" - Voldemort. Harry Potter sparked an interest in reading among a whole generation of Europeans, and not only.

Perhaps you have a desire to get to know these powerful wizards better and learn their magical secrets?

The names of the dark Mages and witches of Europe

Absinthe - absinthe. In this case, the name represents the Force of darkness.
Ague is the name given to malaria in the Middle Ages.
Ahriman - the spirit of destruction, the personification of the evil principle in Zoroastrianism.
Alcina is a sorceress from Italian legends.
Amanita is the mistress of poisoned mushrooms.
Amarantha is a mythological unfading flower from Greek myths.
Amaranthus - Amaranth flower, also known as "love lies bleeding." In ancient times it was used to stop bleeding.
Amethyst - amethyst. The ability to save from drunkenness, as well as from celibacy, is associated with this stone. And astrology is considered a symbol of divine understanding.
Annabel Lee is the heroine of a tragic poem by Edgar Allan Poe.
Artemisia is a character from Greek mythology, as well as a variety of wormwood used to make absinthe.
Ash - ashes.
Asmodeus is one of the names of Satan.
Astaroth is a Christian demon.
Asura is a "demon" in Hinduism.
Asya - they say, in Swahili means "born in a time of sadness."
Atropine is a kind of poison.
Avalon is the place where King Arthur went after his death.
Avarice - greed. One of the seven deadly sins.
Aveira means "sin" in Hebrew.
Avon - in Hebrew - impulsive sin of voluptuousness.
Azazel is a biblical demon in the form of a goat.
Azrael (Esdras) - Angel of Death according to the Quran.
Beelzebub is the Hebrew version of Satan.
Belial is another Satan.
Belinda is one of the moons of the planet Uranus. Presumably, the etymology of this word is based on the ancient designation of a snake.
Belladonna is a poisonous plant with purple flowers.
Blood - what a great name!..
Bran/Branwen is the Celtic term for a raven.
Briar - thorn, thorn.
Chalice - a special cup for holy blood.
Chaos - Chaos. In the original meaning: the state in which the universe was before the reign of the Greek gods.
Chimera/Chimaera - Chimera. In Greek mythology, a hybrid monster with the head and neck of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake.
Chrysanthemum - chrysanthemum. A flower considered a symbol of death in Japan and some European countries.
Cinder is another name for ash.
Corvus/Cornix is ​​Latin for "raven".
Dark/Darque/Darkling etc. - several versions of darkness. The one who owns Necromagic
Demon/Daemon/Demona - A variation on the theme of demons.
Dies Irae - day of wrath, judgment day.
Digitalis - digitalis, another poisonous flower.
Diti is the mother of a demon in Hinduism.
Dolores - "sorrows" in Spanish.
Draconia - From "draconian", which means "severe" or "extremely serious".
Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia. Fantastic place where everything is very bad.
Elysium - in Greek mythology, dead heroes go there.
Ember - fading embers.
Esmeree - according to legend, the daughter of the Welsh king, turned into a snake by the efforts of sorcerers. She returned to human form thanks to the kiss of a beautiful young man.
Eurydice - Eurydice, a tragic female character in Greek mythology.
Evilyn is a beautiful female given name with the root "evil".
Felony - sounds almost like a common Melanie.
Gefjun/Gefion is a Nordic goddess who took dead virgins under her care.
Gehenna is the name of Hell in the New Testament.
Golgotha ​​is Hebrew for "skull". Hill in the form of a skull, on which the crucifixion of Christ.
Grendel is the monster in Beowulf.
Griffin/Gryphon is a mythological monstrous hybrid: the body of a lion, wings and the head of an eagle.
Grigori are fallen angels in the Bible.
Grimoire - grimoire. A book describing magical rituals and spells, containing magical recipes.
Hades - Greek god of the underworld.
Hecate is an ancient Greek deity of moonlight, a powerful sorceress.
Hellebore - hellebore. A flower blooming in the snow in the middle of winter. According to medieval belief, it saves from leprosy and insanity.
Hemlock - hemlock. Strong poison. They poisoned, for example, Socrates.
Inclementia is Latin for cruelty.
Innominata is the name of the embalming agent.
Isolde is a Celtic name meaning "beauty", "one who is looked at".
Israfil/Rafael/Israfel - an angel who is supposed to cut through the beginning of the Day of Judgment.
Kalma is an ancient Finnish goddess of death. Her name means "dead stench".
Lachrimae - "tears" in Latin.
Lamia - "witch", "sorceress" in Latin.
Lanius - "executioner" in Latin.
Leila means "night" in Arabic.
Lenore is the heroine of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry. But this is the name chosen by those who work as a spiritualist.
Lethe - Summer. The river of oblivion in the underworld in Greek mythology.
Lilith is Adam's notorious first wife. Very sinister.
Lily - lily. Traditional funeral flower.
Lucifer is a fallen angel, often associated with the Devil.
Luna - "moon", Latin.
Malady - practically Melody, but no. The word means "illness".
Malice - bad intentions.
Malik is the angel who commands Hell according to the Koran.
Mara - in Scandinavian mythology, a demon who sits on his chest at night and causes bad dreams (nightmare). The Greeks knew this demon under the name of Ephialtes, and the Romans called it an incubo. Among the Slavs, this role is played by kikimora. In Hebrew "mara" means "bitter".
Melancholia is a very gothic doom name for a girl. Or a boy...
Melania/Melanie - "black" in Greek.
Melanthe - "black flower" in Greek.
Merula means "black bird" in Latin.
Mephistopheles / Mephisto - in the Renaissance, this was the name of the Devil.
Minax is Latin for "threat".
Misericordia is Latin for compassionate heart.
Mitternacht means "midnight" in German.
Miyuki means "silence of deep snow" in Japanese.
Moon, Moonless, Moonlight - everything that concerns the Moon. By the way, the Moon is an ancient symbol of fertility.
Moirai - Moirai. Greek goddesses of fate.
Monstrance - an empty cross, inside of which the holy spirit is "sealed".
Morrigan - Celtic goddess of war and fertility.
Mort(e) - "death", "dead" in French.
Mortifer / Mortifera - Latin equivalents of the words "lethal", "fatal", "deadly".
Mortis is a form of the Latin word for death.
Mortualia - grave pit.
Natrix - "water snake" in Latin.
Nephilim - Nephilim. Representative of the race of giants, the sons of fallen angels.
Nocturne - nocturne. Romantic "night" genre of music.
Obsidian - obsidian. Black stone formed from volcanic eruptions. Used in surgery, because. is sharper than steel.
Oleander - oleander. A beautiful poisonous flower.
Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolizing the end, the finale.
Orchid - orchid. Exotic rare flower.
Osiris - Egyptian lord of the underworld.
Penance - repentance, penance.
Perdita - "lost".
Pestilentia is a Latin term meaning "plague", "unhealthy atmosphere".
Reaper - aka Great Reaper, Grim Reaper. English - male - a variant of a bony old woman with a scythe.
Sabine / Sabina - Sabines or Sabines. Choose those who practice love magic more
Sabrina/Sabre/Sabrenn - Celtic goddess of the River Severn.
Salem is a popular witch massacre in Massachusetts.
Samael is the Angel of Death according to the Talmud.
Samhain is analogous to Halloween.
Sanctuary - a sanctuary.
Serpent - "serpent". A symbol of evil in many cultures.
Shadow - "shadow". By the way, a common nickname for black cats.
Tansy - tansy. According to legend, its seeds provoke miscarriages.
Tartarus is the Greek equivalent of Hell.
Tenebrae is Latin for "darkness".
Thorn(e) - thorn.
Tristesse/Tristessa - "sorrow" in French and Italian.
Umbra is another word meaning "darkness".
Vespers are morning prayers in Catholicism.
Willow - willow. "Weeping tree", a symbol of mortal sadness.
Wolf(e) - wolf or she-wolf
Xenobia is "stranger" in Greek.

Yama/Yamaraja is the lord of death in Hinduism.