Individual project of a house with an attic and a garage. Projects of one-story houses with an attic and a garage One-story house with an attic and a garage

2016-02-07 301


Attic houses are the embodiment of a comfortable and pleasant country life. Such cottages allow greater freedom in the choice of materials, design and layout of the house. In this article you will find the necessary recommendations, as well as projects of houses with an attic, free drawings and photos.

Features of the house with an attic

One of the most important features of a house with an attic is, since the upper part of the structure is subject to temperature differences. It is equally important to take care of the waterproofing of the room. Choose light materials for the attic floor. This also applies to interior decoration, and even furniture. Do not overload the foundation and walls due to the possible appearance of cracks.

It is best to form a small attic area with a single space, but if you need to create internal partitions, drywall should be preferred. This material will not put additional load on the base of the house.

How to build a house with an attic?

When creating a house project with an attic, it is necessary to take into account the features of this building. Subject to the following rules, you will receive a beautiful and reliable durable home.

  1. Calculation of additional load. You can not arbitrarily attach the attic to a one-story house, as this will entail cracks with the subsequent destruction of the base. If you decide to finish attic building on existing walls, take care of their strengthening.
  2. Attic height calculation. The minimum height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 m.
  3. Proper roof construction. When designing it, it should be taken into account that the gable structure will add only 67% of the base area of \u200b\u200bthe house. The so-called "broken" roof will add about 90% of the ground floor area. But the rise of the roof by 1.5 m can increase the area by 100%.
  4. Foresee communication communications between the base and the attic;
  5. Think over layout places for windows;
  6. It is very important to comply fire protection requirements, attic evacuation plan.

Projects of a one-story house with an attic: drawings and photos

In one-story houses, the attic most often acts as a workshop or. Often at this level they have a bedroom, which is due to a comfortable location in a room with low ceilings, as well as additional insulation and beautiful views of the starry sky from the windows. We have selected the top 10 projects of houses with an attic, below are free drawings and photos, as well as their description.

Project No. 1. The project of this house provides a functional room at the attic level, in which there is a bedroom, a bathroom and two additional rooms, which, at your discretion, can be arranged for living rooms or children. A cozy frame house involves the implementation of brick and expanded clay concrete. Large windows make the interior of the house well-lit. The building fully meets all the requirements of a residential building.

Project No. 2. A cozy eco-style cottage with a large dining-living room on the ground floor. The project allows you to place in the attic three rooms, a bathroom and a small hall, as well as access to the balcony. A convenient wide staircase is provided. On the ground floor there is also a second exit to the veranda. Such a house is perfect for a large family for a comfortable rural vacation.

Project No. 3. A small and at the same time functional one-story house with a living-dining room and an office on the ground floor. The attic space occupies three adjacent rooms and a bathroom. The bay window in the living room and the skylight with a flat roof add to the simple form of the building. The house is perfect for both leisure and work.

Project No. 4. Compact house in a rustic style. On the ground floor there is a living room with a dining area, a kitchen and a toilet. The attic can be accessed via a convenient wide staircase. It has three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Project No. 5. Functional one-storey house with an attic suitable for a large family. The project provides for a spacious dining room, study, bathroom and kitchen on the ground floor, as well as three adjacent rooms and a bathroom on the attic level. The shape of the house is complemented by a bay window on the ground floor in the living-dining room and access to the balcony, as well as a window with another additional balcony and a gable roof.

Project No. 6. The budget project of a house with an attic is perfect for life and relaxation. On the ground floor there is a large spacious living room (48.6 m2), which can simultaneously act as a dining room. In the attic there are three bedrooms, a bathroom and a spacious balcony.

Project No. 7. A simple one-story house with a functional layout designed for a family of five. The simple form is complemented by a bay window and a balcony. Entrance through the entrance leads to the hall, where there is a staircase to the attic and doors to all the premises of the first floor: living room, bathroom, kitchen and children. At the attic level - three bedrooms, a spacious bathroom, as well as two dressing rooms, one of which adjoins the large bedroom.

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage

Project №8. By choosing a house project with an attic and a garage, you will save money on construction work by combining capital walls. In addition, the “two in one” solution reduces the cost of heating the garage thanks to the warm walls of the house. And besides, there is no need to go outside in bad weather to get into the garage - the main part of the house is connected to the garage through the pantry. Large windows make the house bright, and two small terraces will contribute to a pleasant rest in the air.

In the new real estate market, the leading position in the field of private design is occupied by house projects with an attic and a garage. Such popularity is due to the aesthetics and versatility of the structure, combined with the factor of economy. However, such a building has features that should be familiar with before construction begins.

A house with an attic - photos clearly show various options - is the most rational solution for a small plot, which allows to increase living space without reducing land. The presence of personal vehicles is the reason for another popular trick - building a house with a garage.

With an attic and a garage for one car

Projects of cottages with a garage and an attic have several advantages:

  • by combining the two functional areas, it is possible to reduce costs associated with the development of the project and the implementation of construction work;
  • the adjacent location of the living area and the garage creates a comfortable atmosphere in the latter, which leads to lower costs associated with heating the garage;
  • the creation of an internal passage allows you to freely move from room to garage without going outside, which is especially convenient during a period of bad weather;
  • the creation of an attic room provides an increase in living space, which is especially important for single-story buildings;
  • compact multifunctional construction can significantly save the free area of \u200b\u200bthe land;
  • the construction of the attic will be much cheaper than the construction of the second floor;
  • the attic floor allows you to additionally insulate the living room, saving it from drafts;
  • an attached garage will cost much less than a freestanding element;
  • buildings have a stylish and presentable appearance, which significantly distinguishes them from other buildings.

Highlights of designing a house with a garage and an attic

Before you stop on a typical project or place an order for an individual version of the building, you should decide on key points. Along with the attractive exterior of the building, the following positions deserve attention:

  • selection of basic material for building construction;
  • combination of construction with the surrounding landscape design;
  • correspondence of the outline of the structure to the size of the land plot;
  • choice of the roof structure of the building;
  • the necessary insulation of the roof of the attic floor;
  • layout of the interior.

The development of a house plan with an attic and a garage is recommended to entrust to specialists, including architects, engineers, builders and designers. Due to this, it will be possible to eliminate inaccuracies in the calculations and technical errors in the project.

Particular attention is required to the roof, the design of which must be thought out carefully. Warm, warm air, rising from the house, forms condensate, and natural external influences in the form of precipitation and the sun can worsen the condition of the interior decoration of the upper room. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to competently organize heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

The choice of material for the construction of a house with an attic and a garage: photo examples

For the construction of a cottage with an attic floor and a garage, you can use a brick, foam blocks, aerated concrete, wooden timber, sandwich panels. Each option has undeniable advantages and disadvantages. The choice of material depends on the climatic zone of the area and soil characteristics.

Useful advice! Less expensive and time-consuming to erect is with an attic.

The classic material for building houses is brick, which has a low cost, it is a good heat and noise insulator. The brick wall is one of the most stable structures that can withstand the weight of the attic. Bearing walls do not need to be strengthened, which saves on building a house. This material creates a solid reliable design appearance.

Useful advice! The attic room can be created after the construction of the house is made of brick, which was not previously provided for in the project.

Another traditional material for the construction of low buildings is wood. It, like brick, has high heat and noise insulation characteristics. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly product. A house made of wooden beams will have a presentable appearance. In addition, a wooden building can stand for more than 50 years.

However, wood is prone to rapid ignition, which increases the risk of fire. This can cause the destruction of not only the living space, but also the car in the garage. In addition, the material has a rather high cost, which is more acceptable for people who are not limited in finances.

Modern building material for the construction of houses with an attic

Today, aerated concrete or gas silicate blocks are very popular. They have the same operational characteristics as brick, but the process of building a building is greatly simplified. The elements are lightweight, so that construction work can be done alone. It also helps to reduce the load on the foundation of the structure. However, the material has a worse bearing capacity, which should be taken into account at the design stage. The visual application of the material can be seen in the photo of the projects of houses from foam blocks with an attic and a garage.

Sandwich panels are delivered as a ready-made kit. The structural components are made according to a previously developed project of an attic with a garage, taking into account the location of the rooms. SIP panels are assembled according to the drawing plan. It is not possible to plan additional garage or attic after the construction of panels.

The construction of a frame house with a garage and an attic is easy, however, it is important to correctly calculate the load on the frame. If this is not done, the structure will not stand and will turn out like a house of cards. The use of this material will facilitate the process of interior decoration.

Correspondence of the outline of the structure to the size of the land

If it becomes necessary to create a large living space with a modest size of the land, many choose two-story buildings, various variations of which can be seen in the photo of the projects of 8 by 10 houses with an attic and a garage. However, few people will like the daily movement of stairs. This is especially true for people of advanced age and persons with limited mobility. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the projects of one-story houses with a garage and an attic.

If the site is narrow, it is better to give preference to a version of the building with a blank wall, on which there are no windows and doors. This decision will allow you to build a house with an attic in the immediate vicinity of the border section of the site. Along the longitudinal walls you can place the building for household needs.

When choosing the layout of the premises, it is necessary to arrange the living room and bedrooms at the ends of the building, so that maximum penetration of natural light into the room, including the attic, will be ensured. The entrance should be placed in the gable or end part. Placement of a garage with an attic - this is clearly shown in the photo - the pediment is also selected.

What roof should be provided for in the project of a house with an attic and a garage: photo examples

Typically, in typical projects of houses with a garage and an attic, a roof is provided, simultaneously covering the main building and the annex in the form of a garage. There are options in which one of the attic rooms is arranged above the garage. You can immediately assume that any type of roof is suitable for such buildings, this is clearly shown in the photo of the projects of houses with a garage for 2 cars. As practice shows, some options are economically unsound because they require significant financial costs. In addition, some types of construction cannot be arranged in a certain climatic zone due to the large height of the structure.

In the projects of a small house with an attic and a garage, the most suitable types of roofs are gable, hip and half-hip, which clearly reflect the photo. The simplest version is a gable design. However, because of such a roof, the attic will be small, narrow and uncomfortable.

Hip and semi-hip roofs are four-pitched. Thanks to such broken structures, it is possible to use 90% of the attic space, while obtaining comfortable living rooms. However, the design of such complex structures will require the help of specialists. Such mansard roofs look very aesthetically pleasing and original, emphasizing the uniqueness of the structure.

Useful advice! For convenient and comfortable operation of the attic floor, its height should be at least 2.5 m.

The projects of attic houses, in which the roof of the structure and the garage is a single unit, are very popular. However, from a practical point of view, the most successful option will be where the upper part of the garage will serve as the basis for creating the attic terrace.

Proper insulation of a small house with an attic and a garage

Houses with an attic need the organization of proper insulation. The garage is optional. It is important to organize good ventilation. The most difficult step is the insulation of the attic floor. It is important to eliminate the occurrence of drafts and the penetration of cold gusts of wind. Waterproofing should also be properly arranged. The choice of insulation depends on the type of premises that are under the attic, and on the length of time spent on the floor.

The most popular material is polystyrene. It is supplied in slabs, which ensures its convenient transportation and installation. The material is characterized by light weight, good thermal insulation properties, low cost. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the ease of ignition and the greater likelihood of crushing of the product during installation.

Another budget material that is often used for warming attics is glass wool, which has a high degree of thermal insulation and resistance to ignition. However, working with the material is difficult because it releases glass dust hazardous to human health into the air, which can damage the airways. Installation of the product should be carried out in special protective equipment that protects the respiratory system and skin from damage.

Important! If the attic will be used as living space, it is not worth using glass wool.

The equivalent of glass wool, which has the same characteristics, but is free from disadvantages, is mineral wool. In addition, the material is characterized by resistance to high humidity, good vapor impermeability, immunity to the emergence of microorganisms, low heat-conducting properties and environmental friendliness. Such distinctive advantages are reflected in the cost of the material.

Options for the internal layout of the house with an attic

The internal arrangement of the premises is carried out taking into account the requirements of the customer at the stage of designing a garage project with an attic - photo layouts clearly demonstrate various options. It all depends on the desired number of rooms, their purpose, which is determined by the composition of the family and the requirements of the owners. However, these buildings require special attention to determining the path from the house to the garage and the type of staircase construction.

Comfortable and convenient ascent to the floor is provided by a staircase with a large angle of inclination. It should be noted that such a design requires a large amount of free territory. A reasonable way out of this situation is to equip a practical pantry, book shelves or a spacious wardrobe for clothes or household items under the stairs.

The compact design has a spiral staircase. However, it is not convenient. But in the case of choosing such a design, it is required to consider the steepness of the spiral, the optimal width of the steps and the height of the treads.

The idea of \u200b\u200bFrancois Mansard (French architect) that a free space under the roof should not stand idle in vain, became popular in the 17th century. Since then, architectural designs for houses with a loft space - an attic - have been in great demand in private construction. In 2016, due to rationality and functionality, house designs with attic and garage also remain relevant.

Project plans for attic houses with a garage: advantages

If you have a choice, which house project will be the best for your family (one-story, attic or two-story house), then the best option would be to buy a project of an attic house with a garage. Such houses are characterized by the following advantages:

  • The layout of the attic houses with a garage makes them much warmer and more economical than two-story cottages and houses with a single level layout, since in winter you do not need to heat the attic space for nothing.
  • The cost of construction of such a turnkey project is less than a two-story or one-story house of the same area, all other things being equal. This is due to the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic will be more than one-story on the same foundation and under the same roof. The construction of an attic house requires less materials than for a cottage with two floors, which will significantly reduce the costs of the builder.
  • The project of a house with an attic and a garage takes up less space on the land than a single-level house of a similar area.
  • In such a house, a smaller length of communications will be required than in a one-story house.

Layout of projects of attic houses with a garage: features

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage have certain individual characteristics, which must be treated carefully to get a good comfortable and convenient home.

So, choosing a house garage attic project, you need to consider the following points:

  • Most of the attic projects presented in our catalog include an attic wall 1 - 1.2 meters high. This height is optimal and quite comfortable. If at the same time you still choose the right furniture and the design of the attic houses with a garage, then the room will cease to be awkward and angular, and will become an original and cozy nest. Our designers and architects can help equip the attic for a separate price, and they will make all the changes to the project documentation.
  • In houses with an attic, the ventilation system must be properly designed so that the room is not stuffy.
  • Not every single-level house can be further converted into an attic. The plans for attic houses with a garage initially take into account the parameters of roof structures, ceilings, roofing tarts and other elements.

Today, people are doing their best to rationalize free space. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are vivid proof of this.

Designing such cottages has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with before starting construction.


Houses equipped with an attic and a garage are more popular in our country. This is due to the advantages of such structures, which are not only in the financial side of the issue, but also in the convenience of such structures.

  • The presence of the attic floor adds a few square meters to the living or total area of \u200b\u200bthe cottage. This indicator may be small, but it can completely change the house, allowing you to organize any missing room.
  • The attic provides an almost complete replacement of the second floor, providing significant cost savings in the construction and procurement of materials.
  • The attic is a fashionable and stylish solution that completely transforms the overall look of the house. Not only functional, but also aesthetic indicators are improved.
  • The attic under the roof performs not only the role of a room. With the help of it, the roofing structure is also insulated, because before you get into the house, the draft must penetrate into the attic. If the attic is well insulated by organizing living space here, then you can completely get rid of drafts.
  • Like the attic, an attached garage will cost much less than a free-standing equivalent.
  • With the attached garage you can easily achieve significant space savings. This is especially true if the site can not be called large.


One-story or two-story attic houses can be built using various materials. Popular are not only the classic options, but also modern counterparts that are easy to use, and also allow you to create a structure in the shortest possible time.

For example, you can order a ready-made standard cottage from sandwich panels, and then simply assemble it in the likeness of a designer when all the details are brought. Although not everyone likes simple solutions. Someone prefers a more expensive way of building from a bar, which has many subtleties.

In order for the construction to be fast and high-quality in any case, you must first understand the specifics of the materials and the nuances that distinguish them from each other. Only when all factors are taken into account will you be able to complete all the work correctly.


Wooden one-story houses have been known since ancient times. This material has a number of positive characteristics, among which is the ability to provide optimal noise and heat insulation characteristics. Also, lumber is environmentally friendly, therefore wood is perfect for building houses.

On the other hand, wood is highly flammable, so there is an increased risk of fire, which can destroy not only the entire living space, but also the garage with the car there. Also, raw materials per se are expensive, therefore the option of a timber house is not suitable for those who are limited in finances. However, these shortcomings are compensated by the durability of the building. On average, log houses, if built correctly, can stand up to 50 years or more.


This option can also not be called cheap, although the brickwork is traditional. Like wood, a brick is perfectly soundproof and does not allow heat to escape from the house. Brick walls are one of the most stable, so you can not worry that they can not withstand the weight of the attic.

Noteworthy is that in this case, the attic can be done after the construction is completed, even if she was not in the project. Strengthening the load-bearing walls is not required, as a result of which the construction process will become significantly cheaper. It is impossible not to mention the solid, reliable form of construction. Thanks to such material as brick, a house with a garage will look like an impregnable fortress. Few people want to try to rob such a structure, as a result of which the car will be in relative safety.

Gas and foam blocks

Structures built from aerated concrete or gas silicate blocks have all the same advantages as brick buildings.

However, blocks are much lighter than bricks, resulting in several specific nuances:

  • Firstly, due to the lightness of the material, it is possible to carry out construction work even alone.
  • Secondly, the load on the foundation is greatly reduced.
  • Thirdly, the ability of the walls to support the weight of the roof with the extension also drops significantly. Because of this, it is necessary to plan the attic at the design stage.

A garage of gas silicate or foam concrete blocks can be attached to the house later, without fear that the new building will not adjoin the existing facade as it should. However, it is important to carry out all the preparatory work, as well as use the foundation of the same type as at home (usually a lightweight pile or grillage option is chosen).

Frameworks and sandwich panels

The construction of a frame house is easy, but it is important to consider several significant factors. When planning a veranda, it is important to include it in the project at the preparation stage. This will allow you to correctly calculate the load on the frame. Otherwise, it may not be able to withstand, and the design will simply form like a house of cards. Special problems with the creation of the garage should not arise.

As for the sandwich or SIP panels, they are already supplied as a set. The buyer can only assemble the structure. Sandwich panels are manufactured according to an existing plan, taking into account all the rooms and premises provided for by the project, including a garage and an attic.

It is not possible to plan them after the manufacture of the house, so you need to take care of their availability in advance.


As a rule, in projects with an attic and a garage, a roof is provided, covering immediately both the garage and the main building. Sometimes one of the attic rooms can even be arranged above the garage. For this purpose, any design is suitable in theory, but in practice it turns out that some roofs require too much financial investment or cannot be mounted in a windy climatic zone due to excessive height. There are several types of roofs that are ideal for creating attics under them.

These include:

  • gable;
  • hip;
  • half-hip.

The last two options are four-slope.

The attic under the gable roof will be small, narrow and uncomfortableHowever, this option is the easiest to implement. It can even be designed on its own.

Attic structures under four-pitched roofs are full-fledged rooms.

When planning the attic and garage, it is best to use a complex roof structure that allows you to organize an attic almost over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house.


The biggest problems are caused by warming. On the one hand, it is not necessary to insulate the garage in some special way. It has a wall adjacent to the house, so the temperature in it will always be higher than on the street. It is much more important to take care of ventilation.

It is much more difficult to insulate the attic. It is important to completely prevent the appearance of drafts, the penetration of cold wind. It is also necessary to ensure that the waterproofing is at the proper level. Penetration of precipitation into the room will not contribute to a favorable microclimate.

To warm the attics, different materials are used. The choice of this or that option depends on the type of room located below, as well as whether it is planned to live in the attic permanently, or whether it will be used only as a room for temporary transmission.


The material is light weight. It is sold in convenient plates, due to which it can be transported and stacked without problems. Polyfoam has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. With other advantages, it has a low price, so you can save significantly on insulation.

The disadvantage is that the material has the ability to crumble over time. It is also flammable, which is why it cannot be used near fire hazardous objects (stoves, gas stoves, etc.).


Wood fiber boards are the best choice when the attic is located on top of the bathhouse or sauna. Working with fiberboard is not particularly difficult. Even a novice can handle this. In addition, the material has excellent thermal insulation properties and almost completely hides extraneous noise. Fiberboard belongs to the category of economy class materials.

However, there is one drawback that crosses out all the other advantages of the material. Over time, fiberboard begins to release toxins harmful to humans and animals into the atmosphere.. Therefore, it is impossible to apply insulation from fiberboard in the framework of residential premises. They can only handle side rooms, such as a bathroom or kitchen.

Glass wool

This cheap material is also often used for warming attics. Glass wool has more minuses than pluses. It is difficult to work with it, since glass dust hazardous to health is released into the air, inhalation of which is fraught with damage to the respiratory tract. Requires the use of specialized protective equipment that protects not only the respiratory system, but also the skin.

The advantages of the material are a high degree of thermal insulation and resistance to burning.

Use glass wool to warm the attics, in which they will live permanently, should not.

Mineral wool

The modern equivalent of glass wool has all the same advantages, but lacks the disadvantages of a more traditional material.

In addition, this option has additional advantages:

  • Resistance to the vital processes of microorganisms. They just don't appear here.
  • Resistance to high humidity with excellent vapor permeability. This means that mineral wool promotes the evaporation of condensate, which for several reasons can accumulate in the attic.
  • Reduced heat conductivity. The material prevents the full circulation of heat between the room and the street. In winter, it keeps warm in the house, and in summer it does not allow hot air from the street to enter the room.
  • Environmental friendliness. Unlike glass wool, mineral wool is completely safe for humans.

As is clear from the above, there are many options for warming attics, but there is still no single universal one. Before choosing, you need to decide on the material with which qualities you are looking for, and then proceed to the selection of options.


To date, there are many projects of houses with an attic and a garage of different sizes and with different contents. There are options with one or several floors, with a basement, a bathhouse or a wine storage, and even with a terrace above the garage. Each option deserves a separate consideration.

The project also depends on the total footage of the house. For example, cottages with an area of \u200b\u200b120-150 square meters. m is much easier to equip with an attic or garage. The attic will be large and roomy, and the garage can be attached from either side (from the facade or from the end). It is important to pay attention to the general aesthetics of the structure. The extension must not be allowed to greatly distort its proportions.

Below are some ideas for projects, each of which can help you finally decide how you want to see your house with an attic and a garage.

Little house

Attach a garage to a small house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 m² you need to wisely. It is important to pay attention to the general view of the cottage. If the house is narrow and elongated, then it makes sense to continue it, placing the garage from the end. If you are a happy owner of a square building, then you have the opportunity to attach a garage the way you want.

To make the veranda, you have to try. The maximum you can count on is a small room of approximately 12 square meters. m. However, it can be used as a full bedroom or a nursery, if properly carried out finishing work.

Not only a one-story house can be small. Having a compact two-story building, it is better to refuse an attached garage altogether. It’s best to build a freestanding garage structure.

The attic can only be built as an utility room, for example, a closet.

Garage for 2 cars

The happy owners of large houses of different sizes (8 per 10 sq. M, 15 to 15 sq. M and so on) often think about arranging a garage for two cars. Now many families are faced with the fact that both the wife and husband want to have their own car, so there is a need for the equipment of a large garage. For such cases, design agencies specifically develop suitable plans. You can see some of them in the images below.

One of the difficulties is raising funds for building a house. When they already exist, then you have to choose a project for the future structure. It should take into account all the wishes of the residents, as well as additional needs. Instead of building a house on two floors, you can organize an attic under the roof. If you have a car, a good solution would be to build an adjoining garage. The article will consider the advantages of such a solution, as well as finished building projects.

What to consider when designing

Before you make a project of a house with an attic, you need to decide on the following points:

  • how many people will live in the house;
  • how many bedrooms are planned;
  • will there be a guest room;
  • how the attic will be used;
  • how will heating be implemented;
  • how many bathrooms will be in the house;
  • whether there will be utility rooms;
  • whether there will be a separate room where the washing machine will stand.

Depending on the acquired plot, you can choose the size for the future home, in which there will be an attic and a garage. It is important that each family member has his own private room, where he can have a good rest. If there are plans to host guests, it is important that there is at least one bedroom for them. It can be located not on the main floor, but in the attic. In this case, it is important then to provide for the presence of a separate toilet in the attic. Utility rooms in a house with an attic are necessary, so that there is where to store various household utensils. It is also worth thinking about how the heating will be implemented. For some types of boilers, it is important to have a separate room, and sometimes even a structure. It would be nice to make a separate laundry room, where you can place a linen closet, as well as a washing machine and dryer.

Material for construction

Already at the stage of designing a house with a garage and an attic, it is important to decide what material will be used. For a one-story house, in which there will be a garage and an attic, the use of foam blocks is an excellent solution. This material has many advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • light weight;
  • high speed of walling;
  • minimum rate of thermal conductivity;
  • simplicity of decoration;
  • environmental Safety.

Foam blocks have a size that is several times larger than the size of one brick, so the work on pasting walls is significantly reduced. In addition, the weight of one block is not too large, so you do not have to tear your back during the construction. Although the blocks and need external decoration with the installation of insulation, but they themselves have minimal thermal conductivity. The foam blocks are made of environmentally friendly materials, so you do not have to worry about the harm to households. Among the shortcomings of the material, it is worth noting exposure to moisture, therefore, it is necessary to perform external decoration in a short time.


The basis of the building with an attic and a garage is very important, because the reliability and service life of the house will depend on the foundation. It should be understood that if the walls are expelled from the foam block or gas block, then the presence of a strip foundation will be mandatory. The attic will provide an additional load, so the foundation should be given due attention. At the slightest deformation of the base, cracks will go along the walls that cannot be repaired by anything. It is advisable to deepen it below the mark to which freezing occurs. Such a move will reduce the effect of heaving soils on it and extend the service life. In addition, heat loss through the floor will also be less.


The attic is a multifunctional design. We can say that its construction is the best decision on how to use the attic space. Some did not want to build an attic earlier, since normal insulation materials were not developed. Today this issue can be considered resolved. The advantages of having an attic can be considered:

  • additional area;
  • additional warming;
  • design completeness;
  • construction without the use of equipment;
  • the possibility of diverse use.

The attic provides almost the same area as on the ground floor. Of course, everything will depend on what shape of the roof will be chosen. Thanks to the attic floor, heat loss is reduced. This is due to the fact that under the roof there is always warm air, which is a protective pillow. At construction of an attic there is no need for heavy equipment. If a two-story house is initially built, then you may need to use a crane to deliver building materials. Attic can be used as:

  • the gym;
  • sleeping floor;
  • billiard room;
  • large lounge;
  • flower garden.

These are just some of the possible attic applications. It is possible not to make partitions in it and then it will serve as a large room for spending time together. It should be understood that the attic has an additional load on the walls. If they are erected from a foam block or gas block, then there is a need for an arm belt for the attic. It will be possible to rest on the basis of the roof. In this case, the pressure on the walls of the house will be distributed evenly, which eliminates subsidence and the appearance of cracks.

When designing a one-story house, in which there will be an attic and a garage, it is necessary to correctly calculate its height. For comfortable movement inside, the distance from the ceiling to the floor should be at least 2.4 meters. It was said above that a lot depends on the shape of the roof. If it is gable, then you can count on 67 percent of usable space. Broken roofs are more difficult to build, but can increase this figure to 90 percent. If there is a need and desire to achieve the same living space as at the main level, then the roof will need to be raised at least 1.5 meters.

Note!For fire safety in the project it would be nice to provide for the possibility of an additional exit. For this, a fire escape is installed outside the window.

Some difficulty may lie in the communication of the attic, so if there is no false ceiling on the ground floor, then similar rooms can be placed exactly above the same ones from below. This, for example, may be a bathroom or kitchen. Then you won’t have to make boxes in which the pipes will be hidden. The disadvantage of the attic is the lack of thick walls, as it is with the main building. Due to this state of affairs, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of insulation. As options you can consider:

  • stone wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

Glass wool was common some time ago, but it has several significant drawbacks. Firstly, it absorbs moisture quite well, and secondly, working with it is not very pleasant, because contact with the skin leads to itching and irritation. In addition, over time, particles of glass begin to enter the air, which irritate the lungs and mucous membranes. Expanded polystyrene is an excellent insulator and has minimal heat transfer, so many choose it. The manufacturer "Penoplex" has a separate lineup specifically for the roof.

It should be understood that due to its density, polystyrene foam does not have vapor permeability. This can lead to the fact that the steam will condense on the insulation in the attic. The result will be the development of mold, which will certainly hit building materials. Living in such an attic will be impossible. When installing expanded polystyrene foam, it is important to provide good ventilation, which will facilitate the rapid replacement of air masses. Mineral wool for attic insulation is considered one of the best solutions.

The material has some vapor permeability, absolute environmental cleanliness and is easy to install. Under the roofing of the attic, waterproofing is laid, under which, in turn, the insulation is attached. Additionally, the insulation is fitted with a parisolation barrier. There is another option for warming the roof of the attic with foamed polyurethane. This is a fairly quick and effective procedure, but its cost is quite high. With this choice, a good ventilation system is also important for the attic.

An important factor in the design of a one-story house with an attic is the choice of place to place the stairs. It should allow all members of the family to freely ascend and descend. Someone has found the perfect solution to put up a spiral staircase.


The size of the garage in the project of a house with an attic will depend on how many cars are in the family. If there are two or more, then you must correctly choose the location of the entrance and its dimensions for the garage. If the house is located on a certain hill, then you will need to build a small ramp for lifting into the garage. It can be finished with tiles, paving stones or asphalt.

Ready projects

The above is an excellent example of a project of a house on one floor, in which there is an attic and a garage. There is a large living room, which is combined with the dining room. From the dining room there is unhindered access to the kitchen. The kitchen has a second exit to the corridor. There is a staircase to the attic and entrances to other rooms. You will notice that the bathroom in this house with an attic and a garage has a small area. If desired, it can be expanded due to the utility room. Convenient is the fact that access to the garage is directly from the house, which is especially convenient in winter.

Here is a great example of a compact house on one floor with an attic and a garage. The garage does not have an entrance from the house, which made it possible to exclude additional heat loss and place a living room and a bathroom through the wall from the garage. The latter is implemented in an interesting way. The entrance to the bathroom is through the toilet, and they are separated by a partition, which is very convenient. A flight of stairs to the attic is located in the corner of the living room, which saves space. The kitchen area allows you to dine right in it by a small family. In the attic there are bedrooms.

Above is an excellent project of a house with an attic and a garage on one floor. The area on both levels is best used. A house with such a layout will allow you to make many friends. In the attic there are three large bedrooms. Two of them have separate dressing rooms. These bedrooms may be master. Also in the attic there is a separate bathroom, which is very convenient. Ascent to the attic is carried out from the hall, which makes it possible to place a hanger for outerwear or a tool cabinet under the stairs. In the video below you can see another house project with a garage and an attic.


As you can see, the attic makes it possible to maximize the area of \u200b\u200ba one-story house. In addition, the adjacent garage guarantees constant control of the vehicle, as well as ease of maintenance in the winter. In the garage, you can make a separate heating branch, which is turned on for the time when the service will be performed.