Tools and devices for the preparation of flour products. Products for the preparation of dough products. Characteristic in appearance

Topic: Tools, devices and products for the preparation of flour products. Technology of cooking dishes from unleavened dough.

Goals: to acquaint students with the tools, devices and products used in the preparation of flour products; teach how to check the quality of products; technologies for preparing dishes from unleavened dough.

Equipment: sieve, measuring cup, bowls, pots, mixer or beaters, wooden spoon, chopping board, rolling pin, cookie cutters, baking sheet, sheets, bakeware, pastry syringe, frying pan, products for making unleavened dough, workbook.

Dictionary: baking powder, gluten, unleavened dough, biscuit, puff, custard, shortbread.

During the classes

    Organization of the lesson.

    Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

    Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Repetition of the passed material.

Survey students on questions:

How does meat differ in thermal state?

What semi-finished products are obtained from meat, what is the best way to use them?

What are the methods of heat treatment of meat?

Why is the meat first fried over high heat, and brought to readiness - over low?

    Learning new material.

    Verbal and illustrative story.

Teacher . Dough products- the most important human food product. Bread, bakery and other flour products contain proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals.

When starting to work with food, they first prepare the necessary utensils and tools.

For kneading dough use sieve, measuring glass, enamel bowls or plastic, pots, wooden spoons, mixer, beaters of various shapes.

For cutting dough are necessary kitchen knives, rolling pin, cookie cutters, circular knife.

For baking dough need to have baking sheet, sheets, molds.

For finishing products from dough use pastry syringes or bagging bags.

All tools and fixtures must be kept clean. After use, they are washed with warm water and a brush, rinsed, wooden tools and devices are dried well.

Flour is a powdery product that is obtained by grinding grains of wheat, rye, corn, etc.

When making dough most often used fresh milk, as well as yogurt, kefir, water, and for some types of dough - cream and sour cream.

Eggs must be fresh. Before use, they are well rinsed with running water, because on the shell of eggs there can be pathogenic microbes - salmonella, which cause intestinal disorders.

Sugar... Granulated sugar is added to the dough when kneading. Powdered sugar is sprinkled on finished baked goods.

Salt- the most important flavoring additive, even in sweet dough.

Citrus peel, or zest, serves as a flavoring agent for sweet doughs and creams. Before eating, the fruits are washed with warm water and dried. Then rub the zest on a fine grater and use immediately.

Ground cinnamon added to both dough and fillings.

Cumin(ground or seeds) sprinkle on bread, rolls and biscuits, or add it to some types of dough.

Cocoa used for the preparation of glaze, creams, fillings, and also added to the dough.

Saffron used mainly in the manufacture of sweet rolls and pies in molds.

Vanillin- very strong flavoring, so it should be added carefully to dough or creams.

Loosening methods can be different: biochemical (yeast), chemical (whipped egg whites or layering with fat).

If you will use as a baking powder baking soda, it is recommended to "extinguish" (dissolve) with acid (acetic, citric) before introducing it into the dough. The carbon dioxide released by the baking soda when heated loosens the dough.

Today in the lesson you will get acquainted with the technology of preparing products from unleavened, or yeast-free dough. This dough, as can be seen from its second name, is prepared without the use of yeast and can be biscuit, puff, custard, shortbread, etc. From unleavened dough you can make cookies, pies, cakes, pancakes, dumplings, gingerbread and other products.

Brief description of some types of unleavened dough.

Biscuit dough... In this test, beaten egg whites are used as a baking powder. The biscuit dough contains flour, sugar and eggs. The biscuit is used for making cakes, pastries.

Puff pastry. Loosening of this type of dough is achieved by rolling it into very thin layers, separated from each other by layers of fat. The manufacturing technology of this dough is rather complicated and requires patience and accuracy. This dough contains water, flour and oil. The dough is used to make cakes, pastries and pies.

Choux pastry. This type of dough is made from eggs, butter and flour boiled in water and used to make cakes, profiteroles.

Shortcrust pastry. Shortcrust pastry is prepared using a large amount of sugar, butter, eggs. Products made from this dough are crumbly. The dough preparation technology is quite simple. Oil, sugar and salt are ground until fluffy, flour is introduced and soda is added as a baking powder. The dough is quickly kneaded, rolled out and baked either in a layer or in separate figures. From sand pastry bakes cookies, cakes, pastries.

    Studying the technology of making homemade cookies.

Practical work No. 3, p. 25. Students learn the technology of making homemade cookie dough and answer the teacher's questions.

    What are the main products used to make the dough?

    What baking powder is used in this type of dough?

    What kind of dough does this dough belong to?

    Why sift flour?

    Explain the procedure for preparing the dough.

    Is the oven switched on before or after baking and why?

    Is it possible to make cookies from this dough not in the form of flagella, but in separate figures?

4. Practical work.

Students work in teams, practical work no. 3, p. 25.

    Lesson summary.

    Self-analysis of student activities.


    What have you learned in class today?

    Can you apply your knowledge at home?

    How tasty did your flour products turn out to be?

    What difficulties did you have while preparing these dishes and how did you overcome them?

    Were you injured while working?

    Grading, their argumentation.

6. Homework: p. 5-7, p. 19-26 answer questions.

Dough and pastry, what products are needed (useful tips)

You decide to make a cake or some other confection and you know what kind of products you need. But is such a selection of products always made correct? Some of you know this well, but others think you do not know enough about it. I also cannot claim that I know about it. Hope this post is helpful.

So, let's begin to understand the information that I read here: What are the main products used:

Flour, sugar, salt, yeast, milk, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, honey, rum, liqueur, cheese, eggs, butter, vegetable oil, lard, goose fat, potatoes, edible chestnuts, fruits, berries, vegetables, lemons, oranges, etc.

And now you will learn more about each product:

- flour - d For confectionery products, they use mainly wheat flour of the highest and first grades, flour-grit and, in some cases, second-grade flour or even rye flour. It should be remembered that the same type of flour can have a different gluten content and, therefore, different moisture absorption. Therefore, when adding liquid, the hostess herself must regulate the dose of milk, sour cream and water, even in cases where the amount of these products is precisely indicated in the recipe.

Before kneading the dough, the flour must be sieved in order not only to clean it of foreign impurities, random objects, etc., but also to ventilate it. At the same time, it is loosened and saturated with oxygen, which is necessary for a better rise of the dough;

- cottage cheese - with the addition of other products (sugar, salt, grated peel of lemons, oranges, etc.) is used as a filling;

- cheese - Dutch and other types of hard cheese are used to prepare boiled dough (noodles), salty products for tea and sandwiches;

- eggs - a necessary product for the preparation of confectionery. They give the products flavor, porosity and make the dough stickier.

Before eating, the eggs are washed in a weak solution of baking soda, then rinsed with clean water and wiped with a dry cloth. This is done in order to wash off bacteria that are present in large quantities on the shell;

- sugar - used in a wide variety of forms: dissolved in water, milk, wine, cream; pounded with butter or margarine, egg yolk; whipped with egg white; mixed with ground nuts, poppy seeds, almonds; grated with cottage cheese and other products;

- milk - they are mainly used heated to 35 - 40 °, since at a lower temperature the yeast fungi lose their activity, and a temperature above 40 ° kills them. Milk is sometimes replaced with water;

- cream - for confectionery products, in most cases, they are whipped, for which they are cooled to 8 - 10 °;

- sour cream - used best cold, thick consistency, used for the preparation of flour products;

- butter, margarine, lard, goose fat - used in the preparation of products from flour, sweet dishes, cream, used to lubricate baking sheets and molds, the surface of products, frying donuts, pancakes, etc.;

- yeast, baking soda, ammonium, cookie powder - leavening agents necessary for raising the dough (increasing its volume). They give the dough a light, porous appearance;

Cookies Powder is very common in the book's recipes. It is a mixture of baking soda, flour, and citric acid. The hostess can prepare the powder herself by mixing baking soda - 5.0 g;

citric acid - 3.0 g

flour - 12.0 g

total - 20.0 g

One pack of "Cookie Powder" is designed for an average of 500 G flour. In all cases where cookie powder is required as a baking powder, mix it dry with flour and only then knead the dough. Powder diluted in milk or water loses its quality;

- from fruits, fruits, vegetables and berries - apples, pears, cherries, cherries, apricots, peaches, plums, rennlode, red currants, raspberries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, edible chestnuts, potatoes, walnut kernels, almonds, granular black coffee, etc. are used in confectionery;

- gelatin - a gelling agent, used for the preparation of sweet dishes;

- vanillin, vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, cumin - added to the dough and filling mainly to taste.

- chocolate used in dough, cream, glaze, for sprinkling in various forms, i.e. melted, grated, chopped;

- cocoa powder it is used for the preparation of filling, cream, glaze, etc.

Pastry products are food products obtained as a result of baking dough.

For the preparation of flour products at home, various tools and devices are used.

Sheets and trays. They are chosen depending on the size of the oven and the baked product. Baking trays are more suitable for baking batter, the edges of which are curved up on four sides.

Baking pans are made of tinplate, thin iron with a non-stick coating. They can be round, oval, curly, with or without a bottom (Fig. 6, a). Forms without a bottom are placed on a sheet or baking sheet. The molds are oiled or lined with oiled paper and filled with dough.

Rice. 6. Forms for baking (a); notch forms (b)

The notch forms should have sharp cuts and tightly sealed edges (Fig. 6, b). The dough can also be molded using a glass.

Bowls are used to knead dough, beat eggs and butter.

Confectionery syringes and jig bags are used for finishing confectionery products. Syringes are made of tin, plastic with tips of various shapes, and bags are made of dense fabric.

Kitchen boards are essential for rolling out and shaping the dough.

Rolling pins for rolling the dough can be wooden, porcelain and plastic. The rolling pin should be smooth, without chipping, with the exception of rolling pins with a relief surface for drawing a pattern on the dough.

Wooden spoons, chef's spatulas and whisk are used for whipping butter, eggs, cream and other products (fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Devices for making dough

In order to avoid intestinal diseases or poisoning, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary requirements when preparing and storing finished products and semi-finished products: wash your hands thoroughly with soap, put on a clean apron, kerchief, prepare a workplace, dishes, equipment, food.

Cut the dough on a cutting board or table top. The table must be clean and dry. Tools and accessories are cleaned after use, washed with hot water and dried. Store in the kitchen in a specially designated place.

Products for the preparation of flour products

Flour is the main product in dough preparation. For baking flour products, they usually use wheat and rye flour, less often barley, buckwheat or corn (maize).

Mainly various types of bread are baked from rye flour, as well as bread, flat cakes, honey cakes, and some types of cookies.

The quality of baked products - taste, appearance - depends on the quality of the flour.

Flour should be dry, free of foreign taste and smell. Moisture can be determined by squeezing a handful of flour in your hand. If the flour does not crumple when unclenched, its moisture content can be considered normal.

Store flour in a dry, well-ventilated place. Before preparing the dough, the flour is sieved to remove foreign impurities and enrich with oxygen.

When preparing the dough, fresh milk is most often used, as well as yogurt, kefir, water, and for some types of dough, cream and sour cream.

The butter must be examined carefully. If there is a film or contamination, the oil is cleaned, and if mold appears, it is discarded.

If chocolate semi-finished products are used, then they are melted and filtered through a sieve. Nuts are peeled, fried and, if necessary, crushed.

Eggs must be fresh. Before use, they are well washed with running water, since the eggshells can contain pathogenic microbes - salmonella, which cause intestinal disorders. Then the eggs are broken into a cup one by one, checking the goodness, and only after that they are poured into a common bowl. Eggs increase the nutritional value and taste of baked products, making them more tender and crumbly. The yolk gives the dough a yellowish tint, whipped whites - lightness.

Sugar. Granulated sugar is added to the dough when kneading. Powdered sugar is sprinkled on finished baked goods.

Table salt is the most important flavoring additive, even in sweet dough.

The peel of citrus fruits, or zest, serves as a flavoring agent for sweet doughs and creams. Before eating, the fruits are washed with warm water and dried. Then rub the zest on a fine grater and use immediately.

Ground cinnamon is added to both dough and fillings.

Caraway seeds (ground or seeds) are sprinkled on bread, rolls and cookies, or added to some types of dough.

Cocoa is used for the preparation of glaze, creams, fillings, and is also added to the dough.

Saffron is mainly used in the manufacture of sweet rolls and pies in molds.

Vanillin is a very strong flavoring agent, so it should be added carefully to dough or creams.

Baking powder dough. The combination of flour with water forms a sticky mass (called gluten), which does not bake well enough and becomes very coarse after baking. Products made from such dough are poorly digested. To improve the quality of the dough, baking powder is used to give it porosity. As a baking powder, baking soda is always used with an acid (usually acetic acid). From the interaction of soda and acid under the influence of heat, carbon dioxide is released, which loosens the dough, but a large amount of soda can give the dough an unpleasant aftertaste.

In the manufacture of confectionery products, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the norms specified in the recipe. A deviation in one direction or another will impair the quality of the baked goods.

New concepts

Sheets and trays; bakeware and cavity molds; confectionery syringes and jig bags; zest; baking powder dough.

Control questions

1. What tools and devices are needed to prepare the dough? 2. What products are used for the preparation of flour products? 3. What qualities should flour have? 4. What are baking powder and what are they used for?

Flour. Flour is the main product for the manufacture of all flour confectionery products, except for meringue. At home, they mainly use wheat varietal flour, to a lesser extent corn and rye in the manufacture of some products.

Depending on the quality indicators, wheat flour is divided into several varieties. Without analysis, the grade of flour can be determined by its color and partly by the size of its particles. After grinding the grain, some of the shells remain in the flour, giving it a dark color. The higher the grade of flour, the fewer such shells, and the, therefore, it is lighter and more uniform in color.

Flour should be free of musty, foreign smell and bitterness. When chewing it, there should be no crunch on the teeth. If pests such as butterfly or beetle larvae are found in flour, it should not be consumed.

Flour of high humidity spoils easily, it should be dried in the oven at a low temperature (30-50 ° C), sprinkled in a thin layer on a sheet or baking sheet. At higher drying temperatures, the quality of the flour may deteriorate.

Roughly the moisture content of flour is determined as follows. Pour 1 tbsp into the palm of your hand. a spoonful of flour, lightly squeeze it into a lump. If, after unclenching the fingers, the lump crumbles, it means that the flour is very dry; if it crumbles from a push along the edge of the palm, flour is of normal moisture; if the flour remains in the form of a lump even after the push, its humidity is increased.

Flour with one or another disadvantage should be used primarily (for gingerbread) and mixed with good flour.

Flour is hygroscopic and susceptible to odors, so it should be stored in a dry place, away from strong smelling substances.

Krupchatka is the best grade of wheat flour with the largest particles. The color of the grains is light cream. It is usually consumed in a mixture with flour of other varieties - the highest and the first.

Flour of the highest grade is white with a slightly creamy shade. To the touch, it is softer and finer than grains. This flour is used to make cakes, pastries, cookies, pastries and rolls.

Flour of the first grade is white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge. A wide variety of products are prepared from it.

Flour of the second grade has a darker color. It is used for baking gingerbread and pies, for making fillings, and can also be used for cookies.

Seeded white rye flour has fine particles. It looks like first grade wheat flour.

Corn flour of 72-75% grind consists of fine cream-colored particles. This flour does not contain gluten, therefore, products made from it, cooked with yeast, are not friable, with pores, but dense, difficult to bake. In order for the dough to become more elastic and looser during fermentation, you need to add more yeast and wheat flour to it, and even better, if part of the corn flour is brewed (pour flour into salted boiling water in a ratio of I: I) or soak for 2-3 hours ...

Corn flour (10-20%) can be added to the dough when making biscuits to make them more crumbly.

Flour of all grades must be sieved through a sieve before use. This will prevent accidental ingestion of foreign objects into the product and improve its baking properties due to the contact of all its particles with atmospheric oxygen.

Starch. Starch is a white powdery product, tasteless and odorless, made from potatoes, wheat, rice and corn.

In cold water, starch does not dissolve, but in hot water it turns into a transparent jelly-like mass - paste. Starch is used in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, cookies. Like flour, it should be stored in a dry place, away from strong odors.

Sugar products. For the preparation of confectionery, granulated sugar, refined sugar and powdered sugar are used.

To make icing sugar at home, crush the sawn sugar in a mortar, sift through a fine sieve. Gauze can be used instead of a sieve. Sugar powder is slightly darker than lump sugar.

Store sugar and powder in a dry place.

Every housewife should know that an excessive amount of sugar in the dough slows down fermentation. With a lack of sugar in the jam and all kinds of fruit supplies, they can sour, and with an excess, the taste and aroma of the manufactured products will deteriorate.

Honey has high nutritional properties, pleasant taste and aroma.

Each type of honey has its own consistency, color and aroma. The color of linden and clover honey is light, while buckwheat and flower honey is dark.

If the honey becomes dense and sugary, it must be warmed up. If the honey begins to ferment, you need to heat it to almost a boil.

Honey is hygroscopic, so it must be stored in a dry place.

Fats. Due to its high nutritional value, good digestibility, vitamin content and excellent taste, butter is one of the most valuable fats.

The industry produces the following types of butter: sweet butter made from pasteurized cream (salted and unsalted); Vologda unsalted cream, pasteurized at high temperature (90 ° C); amateur and peasant, made from pasteurized cream; sour cream made from pasteurized fermented cream (salted and unsalted).

Each type of oil has its own unique taste and aroma.

Butter can be used to make any flour confectionery, and only unsalted butter goes into the cream.

Ghee is obtained by melting the combined crude oil; it contains 98% pure milk fat. The melted butter should be clear, without sediment. Ghee is used for sour dough products, and for confectionery products, taking into account the taste of the consumer.

Margarine is a hard plastic edible fat, which in composition, structure, calorie content, appearance, taste and smell is similar to butter. Margarine is a persistent, low-melting fat-water emulsion containing 82% fat, 16-17% aqueous phase, mainly in the form of fermented milk, which gives margarine its characteristic lactic acid flavor. As flavoring additives, 0.2-1.2% table salt and 0.3-0.7% sugar are introduced into margarine.

Margarine can be used as a substitute for butter and other fats in the manufacture of flour confectionery and pies.

Beef fat of the highest grade is light yellow in color, when melted it is transparent, at ordinary temperature it is solid, has a pleasant taste and smell. In the fat of the first grade, a slightly toasty taste, a pale greenish tint, is allowed.

Pork fat is produced in two grades - the highest and the first. The fat color is white.

Vegetable oil is produced from oilseeds. In accordance with the name of the seeds, the oil is given a name: peanut, mustard, hemp, cedar, sesame, linseed, poppy, almond, olive, nut, sunflower, soy, cotton.

Vegetable oil is called refined if it is free from the specific smell and taste of the seeds. For example, refined sunflower oil has almost no flavor or aroma of roasted sunflower seeds.

Fats of all types decompose and deteriorate in sunlight and air access, therefore, fats should be stored in a cool place in a sealed and opaque container, away from pungently smelling foods.

Dairy products. Milk contains many nutrients and vitamins that the human body needs. Good milk is white with a yellow tinge and a sweetish taste.

Milk is a perishable product. Store it in a cool place, especially in summer. If there is no refrigerator, then milk can be poured into a glass jar and immersed to the top in cold water, covering the top with a clean napkin so that the corners of the napkin are in the water: a damp napkin lowers the temperature of the milk.

Condensed milk with sugar goes on sale in cans weighing 410 g, which corresponds to 1 liter of fresh whole milk and 178 g of sugar. Condensed milk is used for making creams.

Condensed sterilized milk is produced without added sugar, 400 g of it is equivalent to 1 liter of fresh milk.

Natural coffee and cocoa with condensed milk and sugar can be used to make a cream.

Milk powder is produced from whole and non-fat natural milk. To get 1 liter of liquid (reconstituted) milk, you need to pour 100 g of powdered milk (1 faceted glass) into a saucepan, pour 1 glass of water at room temperature into it and stir the contents thoroughly until a homogeneous mass without lumps, then, stirring continuously, add gradually 2 glasses of water. It is advisable to leave the milk alone for 20-30 minutes for swelling, after which it is suitable for preparing blanks subjected to heat treatment.

When using milk in blanks without heat treatment, it must be boiled.

The cream is produced with a fat content of 10, 20 and 35%.

For the preparation of whipping creams, only cream with a fat content of 35% is suitable. Less fatty cream is used for boiling creams and for dough. The taste of the cream should be pleasant, slightly sweetish, the color should be white with a yellowish tinge.

When warm, cream spoils very quickly, so it must be kept cold.

You can also make cream at home using whole milk. To do this, leave it in a cold room for 12-24 hours, after which a layer of cream is released on the surface of the milk.

Condensed cream with sugar in cans containing 40% sugar and 19% fat and dry cream containing 42% fat are also on sale.

Sour cream is prepared by fermenting natural pasteurized cream with special ferments. Good sour cream has a clean, delicate and sour taste without harsh acidity. Store sour cream in a cool place.

Sour cream is used to prepare sweet unleavened dough. Chilled sour cream with a fat content of at least 30% can be whipped like cream for cream.

Curd is prepared as follows: milk is fermented, heated and whey is removed from it.

Whole milk produces fatty cottage cheese with a fat content of 18%, and skimmed milk produces low-fat cottage cheese.

The taste and smell of cottage cheese should be clean, delicate, without excessive acidity; non-sticky structure; color from white to cream.

To increase the dryness of the curd, it is wrapped in gauze or a clean napkin and placed for 2-3 hours under a load placed on a clean plate. If you need to make the curd soft, it is rolled through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve.

At home, cottage cheese is prepared from sour milk curdled into curdled milk. Glass or enamel dishes with curdled milk are immersed in a dish with hot water (temperature 80 ° C) and kept until the serum separates. Then the curd is thrown onto a clean napkin or double-folded gauze and hung to drain the whey. 60-100 g of cottage cheese comes out of 1 liter of milk.

Cottage cheese is stored in the cold, but it should not be frozen, otherwise it will become tough.

Curd products are a wide range of curd mass and curd cheeses: sweet and salty, fatty and low-fat, flavored, with and without filling. They are prepared from pureed cottage cheese. Curd snacks can be used in the manufacture of flour products.

Egg products. Chicken eggs are divided into dietary ones, delivered to the consumer no later than 5 days after laying, and table eggs.

On average, the mass of an egg without shell is 43 g, of which about 23 g are for the protein, and 20 g for the yolk.

To determine the freshness of an egg, you need to look at it in the light. A layed egg has a dark color; when shaken, its contents are shaken.

At home, eggs should be stored in the refrigerator, and if not, in dry sand or ash.

To distinguish a raw egg from a boiled one, you need to turn it on the table: the boiled one will spin, the raw one will make one or two turns and stop.

Crack the egg by lightly hitting the middle chart on a hard object or on the edge of the crockery. Then, with the thumbnail of the right hand, they press on the cracked place of the shell, tear the film and check the freshness of the egg by smell.

A small portion of the egg with a strong odor can spoil the contents of the entire plate. The tested egg is poured into a glass and then the remaining protein is separated from the shell with the thumb of the right hand. Poor quality eggs must be destroyed. After that, you need to wash your hands so that the bad smell does not interfere with determining the quality of the next eggs to be broken.

If you need to separate the white from the yolk, do this: open the shell, leave the yolk in one half of the shell, and pour the white from the second half into a glass and pour the yolk into it. Pouring the yolk from one half of the shell to the other is repeated 3-4 times until the yolk is free of protein.

Egg whites have foaming properties. They whip well, while their initial volume increases by 5 times or more, and therefore proteins are used to loosen dough and creams.

To obtain a stable foam, you need to pre-cool the whites, dishes and brooms to 15-18 ° C, and then beat the whites at a low air temperature at first slowly, and then faster. At the end of whipping, the whites become speckled, cheesy; at this moment you need to add a little powdered sugar (1 tablespoon for 10 proteins). You cannot add sugar at the beginning of the whipping, as the proteins will turn out to be smeared. The whites must be carefully separated from the yolks and whipped without fat. During whipping, you should try not to often touch the dishes with a broom; in aluminum dishes, the proteins darken from this, and the inventory deteriorates.

Well-beaten whites hold firmly on the broom and do not hang down.

Whipped egg whites should be used immediately, as they lose their firmness during storage or whipping.

The yolks are used in the manufacture of dough, as well as to lubricate the surface of baked products.

Egg powder is obtained by drying peeled whole eggs, egg whites or yolks. In order for the powder to dissolve well, to be more evenly distributed in the dough and not to form yellow spots on the surface of the products, you must first stir it in warm water and let it stand for an hour.

13 g of egg powder (1! 4 tablespoons), diluted in 30 g of water (2 tablespoons), is equivalent to one egg.

Egg powder should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place.

The shells of the eggs of waterfowl (ducks, geese, etc.) are often covered with harmful bacteria that can cause dangerous diseases. These eggs can only be used in heat-treated dough, i.e. baked at a relatively high temperature.

Before breaking, the egg after washing is disinfected in a 5% solution of bleach for 5 minutes, followed by rinsing with a 5% solution of soda. The eggshells are burned.

Nuts. Nuts, a tasty and nutritious product, contain from 40 to 70% fat and a lot of proteins, impart a varied taste and aroma to confectionery products and improve their appearance.

Hazelnuts are marketed in hard, smooth shells or without them - in the form of a peeled kernel with a thin brown shell. Before use, the hazelnuts must be put in the oven or oven for a few minutes so that the shell peels off, then rub them between your palms, as a result of which the shell will completely separate. Roasted nuts are tastier than raw nuts.

Hazelnut is a cultivated garden plant. Approximately the same nut grows in forests, it is called hazelnut or hazelnut. Hazelnuts are slightly smaller than hazelnuts.

Walnut, also known as voloshsky, is much larger than hazelnuts, it also differs from it in wrinkled shell and shaped core.

The kernel is covered with a thin shell of light or dark color, and the kernel with a light shell belongs to the highest grade, and with a dark one to the lowest. If the kernel is immersed in salted water for 12 hours, then the shell is easily removed; after that, the core must be rinsed in running water and dried. To keep the kernel from going rancid, store the nuts in cool, dark places.

Roasted walnuts acquire an unpleasant aftertaste, so they are not suitable for sprinkling products.

Cashews are imported, come without a shell, have a curved bean-like shape, and taste like almonds. It is a good product for sprinkling, making marzipan and other products.

Peanuts, also called peanuts or Chinese nuts, contain 1-2, rarely 3 kernels, easily freed from the non-hard shell. The kernel is covered with a light brown shell, which peels off after toasting.

Almonds are marketed in shells or peeled. Its core is covered with a thin brown shell. To remove the shell, immerse the almonds in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove them from the water and, pressing the kernel (17) with your fingers, separate the shell. To avoid darkening, the kernel must be immediately washed with water and dried on a baking sheet in the oven at 50-70 ° C.

Bitter almonds should not be added to pastries, as they contain toxic substances.

Pistachio nuts are light green in color, therefore, finely chopped, they are used to decorate cakes and pastries. The hard light gray shell is removed with a penknife. The shell of the pistachio kernel is peeled off in the same way as for almonds, and the heating time should be shorter to avoid color deterioration. After cleaning, it is necessary to immediately dry the pistachio, otherwise it will sour and lose its glossiness and green color.

The apricot kernel is used instead of almonds, but is inferior in taste; processed in the same way as almonds.

Flavoring and aromatic substances. In some blanks, in order to give them a pleasant sweet-sour taste or to protect them from sugaring, food acids are added. Acid is an excellent preservative. It should be remembered that acid cannot be stored in metal (especially copper and zinc) containers.

For the aromatization of confectionery, spices are used - flavors of plant origin, which include essential oils or other extractive substances that cause a pungent taste and aroma.

Spices and other flavors indicated in the recipes must be dosed carefully, but it is better, as they say, to under-feed than to shift, since the pungent taste and strong aroma spoil the products and irritate the digestive organs.

Heat and moisture quickly decompose essential oils, so spices should be stored in cool dry places in tightly closed jars. In addition, essential essences need to be protected from light.

Tartaric acid is a crystalline acid; used in the form of a solution: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of acid for 3 tbsp. tablespoons of warm boiled water.

Citric acid is found in lemon and some other fruits and berries, but it is obtained mainly by fermenting sugars. Citric acid goes on sale in crystals. 1 spoon of crystalline citric acid is dissolved in 2 tablespoons of hot water and the resulting solution is used in the manufacture of blanks, dosing it with drops or teaspoons (in 1 teaspoon of acid solution 50-55 drops). The juice from one lemon corresponds to about 5 g of crystalline acid, or 2 teaspoons of its solution.

Anise is a spicy plant. Its seeds are placed in dough and used for sprinkling. Dried star anise - star anise - is added ground to gingerbread.

Vanillin is a white crystalline powder with a specific vanilla smell1, obtained by a chemical method. It dissolves in hot water (at 80 ° C in a ratio of 1:20) or alcohol (vodka). To obtain vanilla sugar, vanillin is preliminarily dissolved in heated alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio and the alcohol solution is mixed with powdered sugar in a 1: 12.5 ratio.

You can also buy vanilla sugar at the grocery store.

Carnation is the dried flower bud of the clove tree. Used in the manufacture of jam, gingerbread.

Ginger is a tropical plant. Its rhizome, when ground, is used to flavor gingerbread.

Cardamom is a dried light yellow capsule of a plant with brown seeds. When ground, cardamom is used to flavor sweet yeast and other products.

Coriander is an aromatic plant.

Its dried light brown fruit is used to make gingerbread.

Cinnamon is the dried bark of the cinnamon tree. In the form of crusts tied in cheesecloth, cinnamon is used in jam and various brews, and in the form of a powder, in dough, for sprinkling and filling.

Vanilla - pods of a tropical plant with a specific aroma. It does not go on sale with us. Vanillin is an artificial substitute for it.

Caraway is a plant whose seeds have a pungent bitter taste and are used for sprinkling.

Nutmeg resembles a small walnut in appearance, but has a strong aroma. Ground nutmeg and add to sweet yeast dough and gingerbread.

Poppy is used for filling and sprinkling confectionery.

Saffron is the dried flower stigma of a perennial, highly aromatic saffron plant. The color of saffron is yellow. Before use, it is dried at a low temperature, crushed, poured with boiled chilled water and after 24 hours filtered through cheesecloth. Saffron is used in the manufacture of sweet yeast dough, muffins, cookies, pastries. OD-0.2 g of saffron is added to 1 kg of flour.

Essential oils are extracted by distillation with water or squeezing from the roots, bark, flowers and leaves of essential oil plants.

Essences are natural and artificial. They are used for flavoring blanks and products.

Commercially available essential oils and essences are highly concentrated, so they need to be added in very small quantities, sometimes in a few drops.

Tea infusion is good for flavoring confectionery. In 4 cups of boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of tea, after 5-6 minutes strain the tea through a strainer or squeeze through cheesecloth.

Natural coffee is made from the seeds of the fruit of the coffee tree. Raw coffee beans should be roasted until completely browned, but not charred, and then ground in a coffee mill. To aromatize confectionery products, you need to prepare a coffee tincture from natural ground coffee, and in its absence, from a type of coffee with chicory, which contains an increased amount of natural coffee. For coffee infusion, take 1 teaspoon, brew J4 cups of boiling water, cover the glass and put it on the edge of the stove. After 20-30 minutes, the coffee is squeezed out through a napkin or gauze folded in half, then allowed to settle for 30 minutes. After that, the transparent infusion is drained and the products are flavored with it.

Alcoholic drinks - cognacs, liqueurs, vodka liqueurs, liqueurs and various grape wines - are used in the manufacture of syrup for blotting, for aromatization and flavoring. Dark-colored wine should not be used to flavor light cream.

Baking powder dough. To obtain products with a porous structure and increase the volume, the dough is loosened with yeast and chemical leavening agents.

The main chemical leavening agents are baking soda and ammonium carbonate. There are also other disintegrants in the form of powders, which are a mixture of different substances, including soda and ammonium. During baking, heat does not penetrate into unbroken dough; the crust of the product turns black, and the middle remains unbaked.

Yeast is produced pressed (moisture 75%) and dry (moisture 12%). As a result of the vital activity of the yeast, alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed in the dough. In an effort to escape from the dough, the gas loosens it, creating pores and increasing the volume of the dough.

If there is an excessive accumulation of gas in the dough, the yeast stops working and the dough falls off. After kneading the dough with a hand or a spatula, a significant part of the gas is removed, the dough is saturated with atmospheric oxygen and fermentation resumes again.

Before use, yeast is diluted in warm water or milk. The best temperature for the life of yeast in the dough is 26-30 ° C, at 55 ° C the yeast dies. If you cool the yeast to a temperature below 10 ° C, their vital activity will almost cease, and when the temperature rises, it will resume.

Pressed yeast is a perishable product, it must be stored in a cool place; dry yeast produced in boxes can be stored in a dry place for up to 5 months.

The pressed yeast should have a pleasant, non-moldy odor, a grayish with a yellowish tinge color, be dense, not smeared, friable.

Yeast is used to prepare products from yeast (sour) dough. In most types of biscuits, in gingerbread and other products with a high content of baking (sugar, fats, eggs), chemical leavening agents are used, because with a large amount of baking, yeast is inhibited, and the dough does not loosen well.

Baking soda is a white powder, alkaline, slightly salty taste, easily soluble in water. When acid is added to the soda solution or when heated, carbon dioxide is released from the soda. The carbon dioxide released during baking of the dough under the influence of heating loosens the dough.

However, soda does not decompose completely in the dough, leaving a specific aftertaste in the product. Adding citric or tartaric acid to the dough will lead to more complete decomposition of the soda and an improvement in the taste of the product.

Soda is mixed with flour. The acid is added to liquid or baked goods. When mixing flour with liquid, carbon dioxide will begin to be released due to the interaction of soda with acid. Such a dough cannot be kneaded for a long time, especially in warm conditions, since the gas will evaporate and the dough will become dense again. Therefore, it is cooked in a cool place and, after kneading, is immediately molded and baked.

For 1 kg of flour, take V2 teaspoon of soda and U4 teaspoon of citric (or tartaric) acid solution (see page 18). Acid can be replaced with sour milk, kefir, acidophilus, whey, sourdough, or sour fruit juices.

Pastries cooked with baking soda have a beautiful color. However, excess baking soda gives them a dark hue and unpleasant taste.

Ammonium carbonate is a large white lumps of crystals or a crystalline fine powder with a pungent smell of ammonia. Before use, ammonium carbonate must be crushed by grinding in a mortar or grater and sifted through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. You can also dissolve it in cold water (for a teaspoon of ammonium 3 tablespoons of water) and add to the liquid when kneading the dough.

When heated during baking, ammonium carbonate releases ammonia and carbon dioxide, which loosen the dough.

Store ammonium carbonate in tightly closed glass jars.

Cookies made with ammonium carbonate turn out to be more porous, without a specific aftertaste. However, in appearance (color) it is inferior to biscuits cooked in soda. Therefore, it is recommended to use a mixture of ammonium (40% of the total mass of the mixture) and soda (60%).

Gelling agents. For the preparation of jelly, fillings and marmalade used in the decoration of cakes, pastries and other products, as well as for the preparation of some creams, gelling (jelly-forming) substances are used - agar and gelatin.

Agar is a plant glue made from some types of seaweed. It goes on sale in the form of grains, powder or porous translucent plates.

Gelatin - food glue of animal origin, goes on sale in the form of grains, powder or transparent yellow plates.

Before use, the plates of gelatin and agar must be rinsed in cold water and discarded in a colander or strainer to drain the water.

The gelling properties of agar are 5-8 times stronger than gelatin. Store agar and gelatin in a cool dry place.

Food colorings. Creams, glazes and other preforms can be tinted with harmless natural dyes. Dyes quickly deteriorate from light, air and moisture, so they must be stored in dark glass bottles. When coloring blanks and products, it should be borne in mind that too bright and unnatural coloring of food causes an unpleasant feeling. Dissolve the paints in warm boiled water, set the dosage as desired.

Powdered sugar, lipstick, milk, cream, sour cream, white creams give white color.

The yellow dye is obtained from saffron diluted in warm water, vodka, or alcohol (see page 18); from lemon zest (see page 55); from carrot mass, prepared from equal parts of butter and grated carrots, fried for 3-5 minutes until softened and strained through cheesecloth or strainer.

Green dye is obtained by squeezing green juice from spinach.

The brown color is given by a strong coffee infusion or burnt, which is burned sugar. Burnt beef is prepared as follows. Poured

18. Glasses and spoons filled with flour.

in a pan 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar and, stirring occasionally, heat over low heat until the sugar turns dark brown and smoke begins to stand out. Continuing to stir, gradually add) 4 cups of hot water and stir until the lumps dissolve.

The resulting gummy dark brown solution is filtered through cheesecloth or strainer and stored in a bottle.

Stir gently with a long spatula or stick to avoid splashing hot burnt sugar. With insufficient burning of sugar, the color will be weak, and the burnt sugar will curdle into a hard lump and there will be little burning.

Red and pink colors are obtained by adding juices of raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, dogwood, lingonberries, currants, cherries, red syrups, jam, wine, red cabbage or beets, which are finely chopped, poured with the same amount of acidified water, brought almost to a boil and strain.

The orange color is given by a mixture of red and yellow paint, as well as the juice of orange or tangerine peel.

Chocolate coloration can be obtained by adding chocolate or cocoa powder, or by mixing burnt sugar with red paint.

The mass of some products in certain quantities. Since there are not always scales at home, the recipes give the dosage of products in tea and faceted glasses, a tablespoon and a teaspoon. Below are the approximate weights of some products in these volumes.

It is advisable, using a scale or beaker, to measure the capacity of glasses and spoons with water. As you can see from the table, there should be 250 g (ml) in a teacup, 200 g in a faceted glass, 18 g in a tablespoon, and 5 g of water in a teaspoon.

It is necessary to select dishes of such capacity, which will serve as a constant yardstick for all products.

Glasses and spoons must be filled completely with liquid products (milk, vegetable oil).

Viscous products (sour cream, condensed milk, etc.) should be put into glasses and scooped up with a spoon so that a “slide” is formed.

The same applies to bulk solids. Flour must be poured into glasses, since when scooping it up with a glass, voids will form along the walls due to the air remaining in it.

It is necessary to fill the dishes with bulk products without tamping or shaking (Fig. 18), and also without loosening them first. This is especially true for flour. So, flour in a teacup normally filled with a "slide" weighs 160 g, and compacted flour - up to 210 g, pre-sifted - only 125 g. As a result, bulk products must be measured to prepare products in / whole, and then sieved.

In the recipes, to shorten the exposition, it is not written "tea glass", but "stak and n"; if we mean faceted, then it is written "faceted glass".

If the moisture content and the state of the product deviate from the norm, its mass in the same volume changes. So, fermenting sour cream is lighter than fresh, non-fermented; high humidity sugar and salt are heavier than normal.

The yields of blanks and finished products from raw materials shown in the recipes of the book should be considered approximate. Fluctuations in yields will depend on moisture and other quality indicators of products and products, on losses in the manufacturing process and on the accuracy of the quantity of products used.

7th grade technology lesson plan (girls).





Goals: to acquaint students with the tools, devices and products used in the preparation of flourproducts; teach how to check the quality of products; technothe logic of cooking dishes from unleavened dough.

Equipment: sieve, measuring glass, bowls, pans,mixer or beaters, wooden spoon, chopping board,rolling pin, cookie cutters, baking sheet, sheets, bakeware, pastry syringe or transfer bag, frying pan, products for making unleavened dough, workbook, multimedia projector.

Dictionary: baking powder, gluten, unleavened dough, bisquetwisted, puff, custard, shortbread.

Methodological support: Textbook "Technology Grade 7", edited by VD Simonenko; "Technology grade 7" (girls) lesson plans, according to the textbook edited by V.D. Symonenko.

During the classes

I. Organization of the lesson.

1. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II... Repetition of the passed material.

Survey pupils on questions:

- How does meat differ in thermal state?

- What semi-finished products are obtained from meat, how are they best used?to use?

- What are the methods of heat treatment of meat?

- Why is meat first fried over high heat, but broughtuntil ready - on a weak one?

III... Exploring New Matter la.

1. Verbal and illustrative story.

Teacher.Dough products are the most important food productadorable. Bread, bakery and other flour products containproteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals. Indicators of the nutritional value of these products are sufficientprecisely high calorie content and good absorption by the body.

Getting started with food, at the beginning of the preparationthe necessary utensils and tools are pressed.

For kneading dough use a sieve, measuring cup, emma bowlslined or plastic, pots, wooden spoons,mixer, beaters of various shapes.

For cutting dough need kitchen boards, rolling pin, odcookie lobes, circular knife.

For baking dough you need to have a baking sheet, sheets, molds.

For finishing dough products use pastry syringests or jig bags.

(Students look closely at the screen and listen to the teacher).

All tools and fixtures must be kept incleanliness. After use, they are washed with warm water and a brush,rinse, wooden tools and fixtures - hodry well.

The main product in dough preparation is flour.

Flour - a powdery product that is obtained as a resultmilling of grains of wheat, rye, corn, etc. Depends onrye, wheatflour, corn, oatmeal, buckwheat and other flour.

Oatmeal and buckwheat flour are most often used for cookingmaking pancakes and pancakes. Mainly bread or gingerbread is baked from rye flour.

The quality of baked products - their rise, taste and externaltype - depends on the quality of the flour.

The quality of flour is determined by itscolor, smell, taste .

Colour - the main indicator of the type of flour. It depends on the color of the grain, the size of the grind, moisture, etc.Wheat flour of the highest grade should have a white coloror white with a creamy shade, in rye flour - grayish-white. The lower the grade of flour, the darker it is.

Smell flour should be free from moldy, musty.

Flour should not have an aftertaste, that is, it should not be bitter, sour.

The flour will be of normal moisture if, compressed in a handful, it crumbles when you open your hand.

Depending on the type of dough when preparing flour dishesvarious liquids are used: water, milk, kefir, etc.

Eggs are washed well before use, soaked in a baking soda solution for 5-10 minutes, washed well. Eggs notmust be cracked.

Fats are added to some types of dough (butter,vegetable oil or margarine), sugar.

Table salt is an essential flavoring agenttherefore it is added in small quantities further to sweetdough.

In addition to the above raw materials, the dough can be addedspices (cumin, cinnamon, lemon or orange peel, vanillin, etc.), jam, cottage cheese, raisins, poppy seeds, nuts, etc. They addspecific taste and aroma from the dough.

Flour, when combined with water, gives a sticky mass that does notbakes well enough and becomes firm after baking. This dough is suitable for making dumplings, noodles, dumplings.

Loosening methods can be different: biochemical(yeast), chemical (whipped proteins or layering with fat).If you will use food grade liquid as a looseningdo, then it is recommended to "extinguish" (dissolve) with acid (acetic, citric) before introducing it into the dough. Carbon dioxide, emitwashed with baking soda when heated, loosens the dough.

Today in the lesson you will get acquainted with the technology of preparing products from unleavened, or yeast-free dough.

This dough is likecan be seen from its second name, prepared without useyeast and can be biscuit, puff, custard, sand, etc.

From unleavened dough, you can make cookies, pies, toryou, pancakes, dumplings, gingerbread and other products.

Brief description of some types of unleavened dough.

(Pupils write down the types of tests in a notebook.)

Sponge dough.

In this test, as a baking powder is useduse whipped proteins. The biscuit dough contains flour, sugar and eggs. Sponge cake is used to make cakes, picarriages.

There are two ways to make a biscuit: coldwarm and warm.

Cold way. Whites, separated from yolks, whiskeaten, and the yolks are ground with sugar, and then combined withflour.

Warm way. Whites and yolks are mixed with sugar, according toheat up, beat and, after cooling, quickly add to the flour.

The beaten egg mass is unstable. When connecting withflour and when baking biscuit dough, care must be taken - do not make sudden movements, do not shakechill, otherwise the products may turn out to be dense, not loosened.

The readiness of the biscuit is determined by the color of the crust and byelasticity: when pressed with a finger on the unbakeda dimple remains in the biscuit.

The biscuit dough should be light brown fromtenka, lush consistency. The surface of the biscuitsmooth with tubercles. The crumb is fluffy, porous.

Puff pastry .

Loosening of this type of dough is achieved by rolling it into very thin layers, separated from each other by layers of fat. Manufacturing technology of this testquite complex, requires patience and accuracy.

This dough contains water, flour and oil.The dough must be packageddifferent and homogeneous in consistency. Displacedthe dough is left for 20 minutes for the gluten to swell.

Before rolling into the dough, the oil is softened until it disappears.lumps, mixed with flour, formed into a straightcoal seams and cooled to a temperature of 12-14 ° C.

The matured dough is rolled out on a table dusted with flour, giving it the appearance of a small rectangle.

Butter dough is wrapped in unleavened, as in an envelope,making sure that their bars are the same consistencytion (density). Roll out the prepared piece until the thickness of the dough does not exceed 1 cm, andit should be thinner at the edges than in the middle. S Plasthey sweep away the flour and fold it in four so that aboutthe opposite edges did not converge in the middle, but a littlestepping back to one side. The rolled dough is cooled inwithin 20 minutes. This is necessary in order not to melt into thoseste layer of oil. Then the dough is covered with wet baconwith a fetish so that a crust does not form. The chilled dough is rolled out again, also folded in four and ohscrew up for about 30 minutes, then roll it out again and againfold in three or four. (They do it at least5-6 times).The finished dough is cut with a knife and baked whiletemperature 210-230 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

Cakes are made from this dough,cakes and pies.

Choux pastry .

This type of dough is made from eggs, butter and flour boiled in water and used to make cakes,profiteroles.

Shortcrust pastry .

Shortcrust pastry is prepared using a large amount of sugar, butter, eggs.The main baking powder in shortcrust pastry is butter. It gives the dough crumbly, envelops flour particles anddoes not allow them to connect.

There should be no lumps in a well-kneaded dough.flour or butter. It must be homogeneousthick, elastic, oily mass, gray-yellow th color.

The dough preparation technology is sufficientbut simple. Butter, sugar and salt are ground until fluffy,flour is introduced and soda is used as a baking powder. Quickly knead the dough, roll out and bake either in a layer or in separatefigurines. Biscuits, cakes, cake are baked from shortcrust pastrynye.

2. Studying the technology of making homemade cookies.

Students, working with a textbook (Practical work No. 5, p.39-40), study the technology of making dough for homecookies.

Practical work No. 5

Making homemade cookies.

Crockery and inventory: meat grinder, knife, sieve, baking sheet,mixer, beating bowl, spoon, knife.

Products norm:

flour - 3 cups; eggs - 2 pcs.; butter or margarine -250 g; sugar - 1/4 cup; soda - on the tip of a knife; vanillin - 1/2 sachet.

Work technology:

1. Sift the flour through a sieve.

2. Mash the oil so that it becomes soft, but notspread out.

3. Beat eggs with sugar. To do this, separate the yolks from the whites. Put the whites in the refrigerator while you grind the yolks with sugar. Rub them untilthe mixture will not turn white, and the sugar will dissolve. Then beat the whites into a stiff foam and combine with the crushed yolks.

4. Combine softened butter and sugar-whipped eggstsa, mix everything to form a homogeneous mass.

5. Add baking soda, vanillin and flour to the resulting mass.The dough should become very tough.

6. Pass the finished dough through a meat grinder. Asafter the dough in the form of a mass of flagella leaves the meat grinder,gently cut it in small portions with a knife andlay them out on a sheet (baking sheet).

7. Bake within 15-20 minutes.

8. Sprinkle the finished cookies with icing sugar.

O tweet at the teacher's questions.

- What are the main products used for cooking?test.

- What baking powder is used in this type of dough?

- What kind of dough does this dough belong to?

- Why sift flour? Explain the procedure for preparing the dough.

- The oven is turned on before or after baking andwhy?

- Is it possible to make cookies from this dough not in the form of a burnticks, and individual figures?

3. Students study the technology of making pancakes.

Students, working with a textbook (practical work No. 6, p.40), study the technology of making pancakes.

Practical work No. 6.

Cooking thin pancakes.

Crockery and inventory: mixer, beating bowl, tablespoon, pouring spoon, frying pan, glass, spatula, sieve.

Products norm: vegetable oil - 20g; eggs - 3 pcs.; flour - 1 glass; milk - 3.5 cups; salt, sugar - to taste.

Work technology:

1. Sift the flour through a sieve.

6. Pour the dough in a thin stream into a preheated and oiled frying pan with a pouring spoon and fry the pancake, first on one side, and then, turning it over with a spatula, on the other side.

For baking pancakes and pancakes, you can use not only pans, but also modern household appliances, such as pancakes for 2, 4 or 6 servings. They not only make your kitchen work easier, but also save time.

Answer to teacher questions.

- What utensils and utensils need to be prepared for making pancake dough?

- What personal protective equipment is used fora bot with hot items?

- What should you do first if you get burned?

IV. Practical work.

Students work in teams, optionally choosing practical work No. 5 or No. 6. At the end of cooking, the students set the tablesand tasting of cooked pancakes and cookies. How tasty did your flour products turn out to be?

- What difficulties did you have while preparing these dishes and how did you overcome them?

- Were you injured while working?

2. Grading, their argumentation.

Homework:textbook, § 7, p. 36-40; answer the questionsy on s. 40.