The interior is a budget version of the idea. Budget ideas for the interior of small apartments. Personalize your bathroom

The dream of every housewife is a clean, comfortable home, which is always warm and smells of delicious food. But we all have different financial capabilities, which sometimes do not allow us to make expensive repairs in our apartments. How to be in this case? There is only one way out of this situation - to opt for an economy class interior. This does not mean at all that the apartment after renovation will look unpresentable. After all, the main secret lies in the correct choice of materials that can be inexpensive.

First of all, we decide on the appearance of the apartment, in which it should appear in front of you after renovation. Thinking over the color and type of flooring, wall covering. We also pay attention to the doors. It is possible that during the repair process they will need to be replaced with more attractive models or sliding glass partitions. Having decided on the main points, we go to the building materials store. Note that construction hypermarkets and small shops offer, in fact, the same product, but at different prices. Therefore, it is recommended to study the offers of several sellers before buying. And then make a purchase. We offer you to see the economy interior of the apartment in the photo.

Choosing finishing materials, you can save on buying alternative, cheaper analogs. For example, expensive laminate flooring can be replaced with high-quality linoleum, stylized as a parquet board. Imported wallpapers can be replaced with domestic ones with a similar pattern, but cheaper in cost.

You can also save on surface finishes. For example, we level the walls not with plasterboard structures, but using traditional plaster. To obtain a spectacular finish, you can use wallpaper with a similar pattern instead of Venetian plaster. The ceiling is finished with plaster and painted white. Provided that the work is done well, the appearance of such a ceiling, as in the photo, will decorate any interior.

Economy class kitchen

When thinking about an inexpensive kitchen renovation, remember that the design should be beautiful and the furnishings should be comfortable. Therefore, carefully think over each element of the interior. In an economy class kitchen, furniture, dishes, appliances and accessories must perform some function. Plus, the headset shouldn't take up much space, but be practical. The interior of an economy class kitchen requires a special approach and attention.

Economical ideas

As a rule, in modern apartments, kitchens are not large in size. This means that the furniture should be compact. An excellent option would be to buy a corner headset. It is roomy, but does not take up much space. Economy class interiors, presented in the photo.

When planning the arrangement of furnishings in the kitchen, do not forget that there should be as little distance as possible between the stove, refrigerator and sink. Therefore, place them closer to each other. The most successful location is as follows:

  • fridge,
  • washing;
  • hob;
  • cupboard.

When choosing finishing materials, pay attention to the quality and expected service life. In conditions of fumes, which are inevitable in the cooking process, all finishing materials should not emit unpleasant odors, flake off and peel off from surfaces.

Economy living room

To create a beautiful but inexpensive interior design in the living room, experts recommend using repeating decor elements in the design. For example, walls can be pasted over with stylish striped wallpaper and supplemented with a floral border. The same ornament, preferably repeated on the carpet.

Cheap but stylish renovation of a small apartment

Many people panic at the word repair. First of all, because this phenomenon is directly associated with high costs. Yes, after the renovation many people feel as if they were robbed. It is impossible to exclude expenses, but it is in your power to reduce them, not to the detriment of the quality of the repair. So, how can you make your apartment stylish with a minimum of savings?

What you shouldn't save on

The most important thing in the repair is a high-quality base. This means that the floors must be even, the walls must be smooth and even, and the corners must be strictly 90 degrees. What is the threat of such disproportion? Everything is learned in little things. So, if you have uneven walls, that meansthat the skirting boards will not adjoin them completely, there will be ugly gaps that will definitely spoil the appearance. Further, problems with uneven corners will appear when you install cabinet corner furniture. Well, on the crooked floor, the lockers will stand wobbly. In general, if you decide to rely on independent forces for repairs, your work should be perfect. Pour floors, level and plaster walls,decorating walls, installing stretch ceilings - all this should be done by professionals. Believe me, by saving on the base, you run the risk of spending a much larger amount later on correcting errors.Do not forget that it is very important to correctly lay the wires around the apartment, pipes in the bathroom.A lot also depends on the quality of the finish, namely its practicality andappearance. Even the most expensive ceramic tiles, laid out crookedly or cut off, will spoil the entire interior of the room.

Expensive doesn't mean stylish

For some reason, we mistakenly believe that expensive building and finishing materials look better, and as a result of which they are 100%a guarantee of a successful repair. Unfortunately, it is not. Of course, we do not put before you a choice between the cheapest and the most expensive material. This is not entirely true, because first of all it should be about quality and reliability, be it a building mixture, finishing material or an interior item. Quality is above all, the rest is a matter of your choice. And he must fall for the most profitable options for the wallet. Renovation is a serious business, so take it seriously. Compare different options, read reviewsabout finishing materials on the Internet.

How to reduce the cost of repairs

We will not go into details about which building material is better to choose, because as mentioned above - the main quality. Consider the interior elements that form the basis of the design.

Let's start with the design itself. It's not worth spending money, I hire a designer to tell you which corner to put the sofa in and which TV. Today, a lot of interesting options for the design of apartments of various sizes and designs can be found freely available on the Internet. This is easy to do, you just need time to choose one or another design option. It is not necessary to repeat it exactly, you can just see what color variations are combined, what is more suitable for a particular type of finish, and finally, how the upholstered furniture looks in the interior of the room.

The main components of the interior are wall decoration material, furniture, decor items and floor.

Let's start with the floor. Many cover it with linoleum, which is quite justified. This material is cheap, relativelypractical, but if you really we are talking about a stylish apartment - linoleum should not decorate this one.Options: laminate, self-leveling floors. Laminate is cheaper than self-leveling floors and looks very nice. This is a versatile material that can be matched in style to any interior.

Wall decoration - there can be a lot of variations on this theme. Cheap options are wallpaper. But, you have to really work hard to find cheap wallpapers of decent quality and with a pattern not like "I'm visiting my grandmother."Did you know that many designers offer their clients not to cover the walls with anything at all, leaving the brick for everyone to see. The idea is very interesting, but requires a style specification (combine this with a fireplace - perfect). Expensive decorative plaster can be replaced with a regular one applied with a relief roller, all this splendor can then be painted in any color, but just choose the paint carefully.

Interior items - exactly onthey spend a huge part of the funds. Minimalism style to help you. Buying cabinet furniture is not cheap. However, as practice shows, it is much cheaper and more practicalbuy itemsinterior separately.

Pay attention to the old stuff that remains from the old furnishings. Now it is called vintage, and if you skillfully play with this style in the interior (including wallpaper, buy a couple of antiques, hang up black and white photographs), then you won't have to buy anything. A rocking chair will perfectly complement the interior; as a rule, they are cheaper than ordinary soft chairs.

Cheap but stylish renovation - photo

The best way to find out which decorations and elements work best with your décor is to simply spend some time experimenting. Move furniture, rearrange things and change the environment by playing with different accessories.

Mix and match different bedding

For example, you can harmoniously combine a bright duvet cover with floral patterns in a rich red hue with turquoise cushions.

Create a clean and simple interior design

In the next photo, a regular table and a set of sophisticated chairs on a patterned rug looks cozy and inviting.

Use vintage items

If you want to save money and at the same time create a unique decor, then antique furniture is the best solution. In this project, the specialists picked up the chairs they found in an antique store.

Upgrade your room with a message board

Use burlap, linen or canvas to cover the wood panel. You can easily attach photos, notes and notes to this element.

And don't skimp on hooks!

They are great for budget hallway decoration.

Personalize your bathroom

Unusual accessories, plumbing and interior items.

Use bright and colorful pictures in your decoration

Print out some of your photos and stick them to the bathroom wall. They will look great against a snow-white background.

Take advantage of old things in a new way

Vintage suitcases, for example, can function as an original side table and storage space for off-season clothing.

Pay attention to the IKEA store

The IKEA store is the place where you can find a large number of headset items and jewelry at affordable prices. Creative shelving, gorgeous lamps, tables and chairs from this brand are perfect for decorating any apartment.

How do you like white furniture?

Use flawless snow-white elements to decorate your apartment unusual furniture.

Learn to use every square centimeter sparingly

In the following example, the guest salon was equipped with a compact work space that harmoniously and aesthetically fits into the apartment environment.

Decorate the walls with lots of photos in eclectic contrasting frames

This solution not only brings individuality to the atmosphere, but also creates a cozy serene atmosphere.

Make the room expressive

Choose textured and expressive things and furnishings that emphasize the architecture of the building for decorating rooms in a house or apartment.

Take advantage of budget furniture

Budget sofas with hard backs and seats will look better in any apartment. You can easily pick it up when you move to another home.

Decorate your home with unusual lighting

Choose original lighting fixtures with an interesting and unusual appearance for decorating your home. For example, the next model from the Urban Outfitters brand has a creative lampshade consisting of three brass rings. This decor and interior item will perfectly fit into the atmosphere of any home.

Disguise the imperfections of the walls

If the walls in your apartment are far from ideal, you can mask them using an original carpet with expressive geometric patterns. This model in a smoky color with a snow-white pattern looks very stylish and unusual.

Update some products

If you are on a tight budget, buy nice hand towels, coffee cups or vases. New dishes or textiles will allow you to bring incredible elegance, warmth and comfort to your apartment.

Don't forget about indoor plants

Green flower arrangements can give a living space incredible expressiveness, natural charm and freshness.

We have presented to the eyes of our regular readers an unmatched selection of budgetary home decoration options that will help give the apartment expressiveness and warmth.

Did you like these decor ideas from talented specialists and designers? Share your tips in the comments below!

Places:. ... ... ...

In this article we will tell our readers about a truly magnificent home, refurbished and furnished at no extra cost. Katherine Fugit and her husband Conan fell in love with the house at first sight, even though the property was previously owned by a bank and was in very poor condition.

“My husband came across this option on his way to lunch. At first he didn't even want to tell me about this apartment because it seemed like there was too much work to do, ”says Katherine.

A few weeks later, she accidentally saw the house online. The rest is history today.

They had to work very quickly, because three months after the purchase, they had 50 guests at the wedding.

House area - 230 square meters, there are 4 bedrooms. The building was once a women's boarding house.

The 1940 census allowed the Fugits to trace the family that had run the mansion in the last century. The granddaughter of the former owners shared interesting facts about the house, for example, that her grandparents slept in the dining room, and the bedrooms upstairs were completely occupied by the tenants.

In the kitchen, the couple removed a layer of old plaster to expose the wooden beams. They painted everything white, including the old cabinets, added new kitchen appliances and an old stove. They also removed several layers of linoleum and polished the wooden floors.

Office setting: Martha Stewart for The Home Depot; lighting: Lowe's; housings: 1000 bulbs; lamps: The Home Depot; blankets: Atwoods Farm Supply.

Katherine and Conan painted their old fridge like a chalkboard and used an old basement floor beam as a shelf above the stove to add even more character and history to the space.

The total cost of the kitchen remodel was slightly less than $ 400. Now take a look at this room before upgrading.

This photo shows an old stove and a completely ordinary refrigerator.

You can see a kitchen with outdated appliances, dirty floors and sagging ceiling tiles.

The young couple were able to make repairs without buying new appliances, cabinets or countertops. Fresh paint and renewal of the main elements made the kitchen almost perfect.

The basement beam was placed as a kitchen shelf above the stove. To do this, they cut it off and used two brackets (for about $ 3.50 each) to attach the structure to the wall.

Here is a view of the living room before it was refurnished.

Katherine and Conan have decided that the National Geographic collection will be part of their living room, as this passion is of great importance to their family. The shelves have been specially designed for this purpose.

The color of the walls was subdued due to the colorful magazine covers, but very warm so that the finish looks pleasant under artificial light. The main goal was to create a cigar box-like room full of treasures and pretty paintings.

The young people rearranged the furniture so that the newly purchased sofa is now in front of the windows and shelving.

The color of the walls echoes the magazine covers and yellow decor. The stylish sofa was just a godsend and only cost $ 25.

The pair have also re-glazed bifold windows. And now you can open them at the same time as the back door to create a light breeze in the evening.

Wall paint: CrumbCookie, Olympic.

This is how the fireplace screen looked before the update.

Katherine and Conan painted the mantel and dining room, as well as added molding and a new light fixture. In order to find a suitable option, they spent countless hours studying in detail the blogs and projects of famous designers on the Internet.

Door painted: Black Magic, Olympic.

The Fugits family bought this Eden pendant from CB2. He approached the gray walls.

Paint: Ash Mist, Olympic

The 1917 bathroom lost its character somewhere along the way to the present time, and then also began to fill in the kitchen below.

Katherine and Conan cleaned the area of \u200b\u200bplaster, removed the old tiles under the layers of linoleum, recreated a sample of it, and polished an antique bathtub with legs in the form of paws. Found an unusual sink on Craigslist.

There's a $ 100 legged bathtub here, painted black. If you're creative and willing to put in a little effort, you can do amazing things even on a tiny budget.

Exterior paint: Montpelier Madison White, Valspar; walls: White Knight, ACE Hardware; bath: Black Magic, Olympic; floor tiles: Merola, Home Depot.

Originally, forest green was painted on this cabinet with blue shelving, but the dark color did not match the rest of the neutral theme of the room.

Katherine and Conan purchased these shutters from a thrift store for only $ 4. Two coats of paint and new hinges - perfect for a vintage bathroom!

The young people turned the third bedroom, which was previously painted in rich colors, into a modern stylish study. They started with Olympic white paint and placed a built-in desk and shelves with compartments for a printer, scanner and office supplies. The bookshelves add bright spots and are eye-catching.

The guest room also speaks volumes about the savings: the metal bed frame was purchased for $ 10, it is painted with glossy black paint. The paintings were bought in a charity shop.

Almost every piece of furniture in this cozy home was found at a thrift store. Working on things that are in good shape and putting a little love into them is one of the best things you can do for the environment and your home.


Versatility, low price and good quality - three basic principles of interior design with an optimal combination of "price-quality". The apartment in question is an ideal option for a young modern family on a budget. The preference was given to furnishings and finishing materials. The whole apartment is decorated in the same color scheme, furnished with functional and stylish IKEA furniture.

As a result, we managed to create an interior interesting in terms of design and comfortable for life... The interior is emphatically modern; at the same time, it is not dry, not boring, rather it can be characterized as laconic.

Design of a small kitchen-dining room

Photo 1 - Small kitchen in a three-room apartment with furniture from IKEA

Photo 2 - Design of a small and inexpensive kitchen with furniture from IKEA

Photo 3 - Design of a dining area in a small kitchen in a three-room apartment

Small kitchen-dining room solved in traditional style, with a division into a dining area and a utility area with a kitchen set in an angular configuration. The working area has autonomous lighting, cutting tables and a stove are united by a common table top. The dining area is located parallel to the utility area, it is accentuated by decoration and color. The wall is faced with light decorative bricks; a large apricot lamp is located above the dining table. The whole room is designed in one color scheme: steel gray and white with the addition of brown. The floor is covered with a practical linoleum carpet pattern in contrasting colors.

Small Bedroom Design (Inexpensive)

Photo 4 - Interior design of a small bedroom with furniture from IKEA

Photo 5 - White wardrobe from IKEA in the design of a small bedroom in a three-room apartment

photo 6 - Inexpensive bedroom design with beige painted walls

Bedroom decorated in modern style, but without extravagance, in a neutral and balanced color scheme. This is the best option for a married couple. The interior lacks flowers and ruffles, so annoying for men. But there is also no feeling of asceticism, which women do not like very much. The monochrome tone of the walls allows you to favorably position your favorite posters. Neutral beige-sand and gray-blue tones allow, depending on desire, to create both cold and warm spaces for perception. Light textiles with the addition of bright red add an element of expression to the neutral color scheme. A large chandelier in a minimalist style with white lamps, combined with snow-white organza curtains, creates a feeling of cleanliness, freshness and lightness of the entire interior.

Living room design in a three-room apartment

Photo 7 - Interior of a small living room with furniture from IKEA

Photo 7- Gray sofa from IKEA in the interior of a small living room

Photo 9 - Working area in the interior of a small living room in a three-room apartment

Conciseness, functionality, convenience - the main design principles of this living room, kept in a calm, discreet color scheme, built according to the principle of "white top - dark bottom". This makes the interior elegant and festive. The predominance of white - the ceiling, walls, furniture and curtains - makes the space open and fills with air. A classic dark brown floor with a beautiful texture, upholstered furniture in graphite color, sand-colored curtains form a harmonious unobtrusive combination. Original, stylish modern lamps and a chandelier of an unusual square shape add a touch of extravagance to the overall impression. Without disturbing the general mood, it naturally blended into the interior and workplace with a computer. The presence of a small amount of "temperamental" red and crimson tones dilutes the calmness of the interior, bringing a little energy into it.

Children's room design. Inexpensive furniture from IKEA

Photo 10- Making a small children's room with furniture from IKEA

Photo 11 - Inexpensive renovation in the children's room with furniture from IKEA

Despite the contrasting combination of red and white colors in which the nursery is decorated, it contains feeling of softness, coziness... This is facilitated by the decoration of the bedside wall with wallpaper with a small "chintz" pattern and the soft lighting of the room using lamps with frosted glass. The wardrobe of an unusual dark red color does not make the interior heavier, as it is combined with the decoration colors in textiles: numerous soft pillows, red border on the curtains.

Making a bathroom in a three-room apartment

Photo 12 - Bathroom interior design with furniture from IKEA

Photo 13 - Bathroom decoration with furniture from IKEA

photo 14 - Hanging sink and toilet from IKEA in the design of a small bathtub

Combined bathroom superbly decorated in marine colors. White built-in wardrobes, made in niches, white sanitary ware form a single zone with the lower part of the walls, decorated with white matte tiles. The upper part of the walls and the ceiling are painted in navy blue, on which posters in contrasting colors look great. The principle of minimalism is ideally combined with a maximum of functionality.

Designer Tatiana Pichugina