Home gym interior. Home gym design (48 photos): choice of premises, decoration, lighting and equipment Sports area in the apartment

Like every modern person, we know that systematic sports activities are already a guarantee of health, a good figure and great well-being. More and more often we see new advertising signs that dozens of new fitness centers and other health establishments are opening, but often we, people who work and live at a crazy pace, do not have enough time to regularly visit such establishments.

Of course, practicing from time to time is better than nothing at all, but for visible results you need regularity in your lessons.

Many may have noticed that the rather unusual, but effective innovations in Western countries have a beneficial effect on people's lives. One of them is gym equipment at home.

However, you can do without it, but just buy barbell and a few pancakesas well as dumbbells. Everything will depend on your preferences, goals and finances.

Anyway, it would be nice to buy at least one mat.

If the size of the hall allows, then you can set tennis or even a pool table, and place on the wall basketball basket.

True, in such a gym, you will have to separate everything into zones, but the bar counter, and which we said earlier, will help with this.

What if there is no separate gym room at home?

You can highlight a small sports area in the living room or bedroom, if I will allow the size.

For a mini gym, you can combine a room and. Be that as it may, try to make the sports corner closer to

You don't have to be a regular at a fitness club or gym to look beautiful, fit, youthful and energetic. It is enough to equip a gym at home and exercise with joy for body and soul at any time convenient for you.

A home gym is a wise and practical solution for every person who values \u200b\u200btheir health and strives for physical perfection. Why? It is no secret that in order to achieve significant results, sports should be systematic. Is this always possible, given the modern rhythm of life? Hardly. For there is often not enough time even for ordinary daily work and household chores, not to mention such "luxury" as taking care of yourself. A personal "fitness center" in a house or apartment is not only useful, but also profitable: having spent once on exercise equipment and sports equipment, for many years you will not have to think about buying a (far from cheap) subscription to a sports club.

Before making a home gym, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail - from the choice of the room to the decor elements. Only in this way physical activity will be a pleasure, and not a kind of duty in front of the periodically rolling remorse.

Choosing the perfect location

Ideally, it is advisable to set aside a separate room for a home gym, while its area should be at least ten square meters. If you live in a private house, a veranda will be the best place for it, thanks to the ability to organize good ventilation. When it is easy to breathe, it is doubly pleasant to practice. An attic is also a good option.

But in general, a home gym can be organized in any room with windows: if the room has a normal flow of air, it will be easy to train in it. In a stuffy room without windows, you will get tired very quickly and feel constant discomfort. Needless to say, in such an environment, enthusiasm very quickly "fades away"?

Home gym decoration and design


The walls of a home mini-gym must be vapor-permeable. This is explained by the fact that in a room of such a plan, even designed for two or three people, the accumulation of a certain amount of moisture is inevitable. If surfaces are finished with plastic or tiles, condensation will form on them - and such an atmosphere is far from the healthiest. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to materials such as colored plaster, wallpaper or cork.


Choose a floor covering for a home gym that is comfortable, reliable, and has good sound insulation. Plank floors will not work well. We recommend that you do this:

  • equip a "floating" screed;
  • lay a high-quality soundproofing substrate;
  • use cork or thick carpet as a topcoat.

Home Gym Colors

According to medical observations, light green, blue, cream, light beige and gray colors have the most beneficial effect on the trainee. It is they who are desirable to use when creating the interior of a home gym.


The lighting in a home fitness center should be exclusively overhead. Remember: no multi-colored lamps - just nice white light!

Accessories and furniture

There must be a mirror in the gym. If you wish, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored - this is beautiful, and it visually expands the space. The mirrors should be positioned in such a way that the trainees can contemplate themselves without problems - and in full growth.

However, it should be noted that the mirror in the interior of the gym is by no means an “attribute of narcissism,” but a kind of motivator to do exercises correctly, to monitor personal progress.

Worth knowing! The mirror in the gym does not always evoke pleasant emotions. In a psychological study, it was found that obese women perceived their reflection in the process of exercise extremely negatively. As a result, their sports interest and positive attitude suddenly faded away. Therefore, the decision on the need to install mirrors in the gym should always be made taking into account the wishes of all family members.

The essentials in a home fitness center are also:

  • hangers for towels, clothes;
  • chairs with a back;
  • a table for all kinds of "small things" - bottles of water, glasses, mobile phone, etc .;
  • electronic or mechanical scales;
  • wall Clock.

If the gym is set aside for a large room, you can install a coffee table and a leather sofa there for comfortable "time-outs".

If one of the family members is a professional athlete, the home gym will be the best place for shelves with cups, medals, and certificates.

Many people prefer classes with "video instructors" - which means that if possible, a personal fitness center should be equipped with a TV and DVD player (there are units with a built-in player and a USB port for flash drives). Fans of "song accompaniment" to all their affairs cannot do without a musical "installation" in the gym.

Decorating the space

You can decorate the room with posters of bodybuilders (for men) and photographs of models or your favorite show business stars (for women). In general, any images, paintings, statuettes of a sports or near-sports theme will be appropriate here.

How to equip your home gym

Your home gym must have at least one cardiovascular machine, either a treadmill or an ellipsoid. The rest of the equipment and devices should be selected depending on the personal goals, preferences and, of course, the gender of the trainees. A woman planning to "throw off" a couple of kilograms with her head will have enough cardio simulator, a few dumbbells and a roller for the press. Men will need a horizontal bar, a weight machine, or a barbell, perhaps a punching bag. One floor mat is required.

When equipping a home gym "for the whole family", it is advisable not to skimp on inventory - buy a pair of fitballs, wall bars, hoops, rope. All households will be delighted, from small to large - guaranteed!

With the impressive size of the room set aside for the gym, you can additionally equip the space with a tennis or billiard table.

And finally: to understand how best to organize the space, look at the photos of home gyms on the Internet - so you can get a lot of interesting ideas.

Setting up a home gym will allow you to devote sufficient time to health activities, keeping your body in great shape, without leaving home. A well-equipped room will help ensure regular exercise. The beautifully designed private gym creates a comfortable workout environment.

Constant physical activity, sports exercises are the key to good health, well-being, and help to maintain the beauty of the body. Numerous fitness clubs, health centers provide an opportunity for effective training today. However, the dynamism of modern life does not always leave time for regular visits.

The optimal solution would be home gym interior design which was developed by experienced specialists. Equipping your own gym will allow you to pay more attention to exercise. The choice of simulators, sports equipment will help to organize a hall that best suits the needs of the owners of the house. Stylish design will provide an upbeat, positive attitude for all the time of the class.

Competent decoration of the premises - a practical interior of a home gym

When arranging a home gym, close attention should be paid to the choice of finishing materials. For wall decoration, it is important to use coatings with vapor-permeable properties: colored plaster, paper wallpaper. Natural cork panels are a good solution.

The finishing of the floors is of great importance. Materials must have a high level of strength, sound insulation qualities, and practicality. The best option would be to perform a screed. Carpet, cork coverings laid on a substrate are used as the top layer. The presented solution will provide sufficient softness of the floor, preventing the likelihood of injury, low noise level.

By developing sports hall interiors, it is necessary to create an atmosphere that carries a cheerful, positive mood. Competent color scheme will help to achieve this goal. Light background shades will bring shades of lightness to the atmosphere, rich juicy inserts: laconic bright red spots, green ornament, yellow drawings - will give the room a cheerful, cheerful character. A good decorative solution can be catchy prints, shelves with cups, magnetic boards with a workout schedule.

A competent choice of exercise equipment, furniture arrangement - an exclusive interior of a home gym

The heart of a home gym setting is sports equipment. Modern manufacturers offer two types of exercise machines: cardio, designed to maintain good fitness, body shaping and strength, helping to build muscle mass. The first category includes staplers, orbit tracks, treadmills, and press benches. The second combines dumbbells, barbells, power racks, squat racks. There are other models of equipment of both groups.

There are no strict requirements for the number and color of exercise equipment. The basic selection criteria are the taste preferences of the owners, the stylistic design of the premises. Models in black, gray tones with chrome details will help to complement home gym interior high tech. Any bright colors are appropriate in the forefront.

The spacious room can be equipped with an additional play area: tennis, basketball hall, billiard room. A stylish bar counter will help to delimit the room.

To equip a comfortable home gym environment, it is important to pay close attention to the selection and arrangement of furniture. The essential elements of the interior are convenient, reliable racks designed to store balls, skipping ropes, weights, and other equipment, a special rack for dumbbells, a wardrobe with towels, hangers, and a small refrigerator for drinks.

A home gym for training often serves as an additional function of a club, where you can spend time with friends. A soft sofa, a couple of armchairs, stylish coffee tables are a good solution for arranging a recreation area.

Modern media will help to complement the atmosphere: TV, music center, DVD-player. The presented equipment will allow you to combine training with watching your favorite program, get acquainted with video training lessons and provide a pleasant atmosphere of a friendly meeting. Installation of equipment for virtual games would be a good option. They will help diversify your pastime, master new games, and take part in exciting competitions.

Choose attractive home gym interior photoon the site will help every visitor. Experienced designers have presented exclusive options to suit different tastes. Those wishing to create a full-fledged wellness area should pay attention to

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Take inspiration from your sports memorabilia! Sara hopkins

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A collage of images or even a Buddha will keep your inner peace high.

1970s Pittsburgh Steelers Team Uniform

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Wall collage for motivation L.I.N.E.S Interiors

Buddha Statues by Kollin Altomare Architects

Steel gray color

When it comes to walls, there is no universal rule for choosing colors. Not only black and gray can be used to decorate the gym. Fresh green, fuzzy yellow, passionate red or invigorating orange - the choice is up to you.

Colorful floor brings variety

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A few more ideas for creating a home gym are presented in the video below.