Interesting facts from the history of household appliances. Interesting facts about science and technology (1 photo)

1. The dollar can be exchanged in 293 ways.
2. For the manufacture of dynamite in the United States use peanuts, and in Russia - soy.
3. The scientific name of the kissing process is philematology.
4. Between the plates of the Cheops pyramid it is impossible to push the blade.
5. Every year 40 thousand tons of broken or obsolete cell phones and batteries for them end up in landfills in the world.
6. The sea liner will only advance 6 inches for each gallon of diesel fuel.
7. There are now 580 million people in the world using the Internet, and their number is growing every year by 4 percent.

8. If you fill a teaspoon with the substance of which neutron stars are composed, then its weight will be approximately equal to 110 million tons.
9. The international dialing code of Antarctica is 672.
10. Alexander Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his mom and wife: they were both deaf.
11. The largest nuts weigh 4.74 tonnes each, have an outer diameter of 132 cm and have a 63.5 cm thread.
12. The microwave oven was invented after a researcher walked past a radar tube and a bar of chocolate melted in his pocket.
13. Leonardo da Vinci invented the alarm clock that rubbed the sleeping legs.
14. The first telephone, patented in 1876 by Alexander Bell, did not ring. The call was made through the tube using a whistle.
15. In March 1980, the construction of the world's 5 largest oil tankers was completed in Juaima, Saudi Arabia. Their height is 21.94 m, diameter - 117.6 m, capacity - 1.5 million barrels.
16. Nuclear Resonance Stress Corrosion Cracking Tester developed by Nene Instrument of Wellingborough, UK. It can be manipulated at a speed of one trillionth of a millimeter per minute, or 1 meter in 2000 million years.
17. The largest lathe (length - 38.4 m, weight - 416.2 tons) was built by the West German company Waldrich Siegen in 1973 by order of the Electricity Commission from Rocherville, South Africa. It is capable of handling parts weighing 300 tons. The diameter of its swivel base is 5m.
18. The longest single-span belt conveyor is located in Western Australia and is 29 km long.
19. The world's largest 13,000-ton bucket bucket excavator is installed at an open pit mine of brown coal in Gambach, Germany. Its capacity is 200 thousand cubic meters of coal for a 20-hour working day, length - 210 m, height - 82 m, wheel circumference - 67.88 m, bucket capacity - 5 cubic meters.
20. The world's tallest mobile crane "Rosenkrantz K-10001" weighs 810 tons, its lifting capacity is 1000 tons, the total height (including the boom with an outreach) is 202 m. It is transported on 10 trailers, 23.06 m each, with a load on the 118 t axle. The crane is capable of lifting 30 t to a height of 160 m.
21. 5 diesel engines type 12RTA84 were built by Sulzer Brothers of Winterthur, Switzerland, for sea container ships of the American company President Lines. Each 12-cylinder engine produces 41,920 kW at 95 rpm.
22. The largest blast furnace has an internal volume of 5245 cubic meters. m and a hearth diameter of 14.9 m. It was installed at the Oita plant, Kyushu, Japan.
23. Java 2 Microedition is the most widely used programming platform in the world by the number of devices, thanks to its use in mobile phones.
24. The electric chair was invented by the dentist.
25. Approximately 6,242,000,000,000,000,000 electrons pass through any point of the electric flow in 1 second.
26. The largest number that has a name is the centillion. It is one followed by 600 zeros. It was recorded in 1852.
27. During the entire production period, 15,700,003 Ford Model T cars were produced. All of them were black.
28. In geometry there are only five regular polyhedrons: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron.
29. The wingspan of the Boeing 747 is greater than the length of the first flight of the Wright brothers.
30. Arabic numbers are not actually Arabic numbers, they were invented in India.
31. The first Ford cars were powered by Dodge engines.
32. On steamers, the galley is always located at the back, and on sailboats, at the front.
33. The ASCII name stands for American Standard Code for Information Exchange.
34. Carbon on Earth gives more compounds than all other elements combined.
35. The swinging metronome was invented especially for the deaf Beethoven.
36. If you add up all the numbers from 1 to 100 in succession, the total will be 5050.
37. The scientific name of the bird cherry gas is chloroacetophenone.
38. The smallest powder on Earth is solid helium.
39. The efficiency of a steam locomotive is 6%, and the efficiency of a light bulb is 20%.
40. The density of ice is approximately equal to the density of concrete.
41. The world's longest escalator is located in the St. Petersburg metro.
42. One 75 watt light bulb gives more light than 3 25 watt bulbs.
43. Iron, heated to 5000 degrees Celsius, becomes gaseous.
44. The number 21978 when multiplied by four gives a number that is the reverse sequence of the digits of the original number. 21978 x 4 \u003d 87912.
45. The crack on the glass spreads at a speed of about 1.3 km / sec. To photograph this event, it is necessary that the pictures are taken every millionth of a second.
46. \u200b\u200bIf you multiply the number 111 111 111 by yourself, you get an interesting number 12 345 678 987 654 321 (all numbers first increase and then decrease in order).
47. It took Henry Ford seven years to make the first million cars. 132 working days later (in 1924) Ford has already made 10 million cars.
48. The aircraft black box is orange.
49. One billion seconds is approximately 37 years.
50. An electron is 2000 times lighter than a proton.
51. Hot water weighs more than cold water.
52. The first Rolls-Royce cost 600 thousand dollars (1906). Today the cheapest Rolls-Royce costs $ 200,000.
53. David Packard and William Hewlett tossed a coin to determine the order of surnames in the name of the Hewlett-Packard company.
54. The Bickford cord burns at a constant speed of 1 cm / s and by its length the demolitionists can estimate the time before the explosion.
55. The most toxic substance on Earth is considered to be TCDD discovered in 1872, which is 150,000 times more toxic than cyanide.
56. In fact, the alphabet proposed by Samuel Morse was inconvenient and did not take root. What we call Morse code is the collective work of German and Austrian engineers in the mid-19th century.
57. In Lobachevsky's geometry, the sum of the angles of a triangle is always less than 180. In Euclid's geometry, it is always equal to 180. In Riemannian geometry, the sum of the angles of a triangle is always greater than 180.
58. The Boeing 737 is not one aircraft, but a family of seven models. The smallest of them - "737-500" accommodates "only" 98 people, and "737-900" - already 189 people.
59. The Chinese invented the aft rudder for ships in the first century AD. In Europe, this improvement was applied only in the XIII century, and until then the ship was kept on the desired course with the help of side oars.
60. Gaseous hydrogen is the least dense substance on Earth, and liquid hydrogen is the most dense.
61. The first CD released in the USA was Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA.
62. The cheapest car ever produced by Ford was the Ford Mustang.
63. Granite conducts sound ten times better than air.
64. Absolutely pure gold is very soft and can be wrinkled by hand.
65. The millionth Moskvich car was produced in 1967.
66. The refueling volume of the Boeing-747 is 216.54 tons of fuel.
67. At a passenger plane's speed of 1000 km / h, the plane's length becomes one atom shorter than its actual length.
68. A fully loaded ocean-going tanker traveling at 16 knots takes almost 20 minutes to come to a complete stop.
69. In 1892, 4000 (!) Patents for new bicycle designs were issued in the USA; in England - 2,400, and in France - about 1000 more.
70. Microbiologists at the University of Georgia believe that there are only 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (5 nonillion) bacteria on Earth.
71.2,151,071,428,570,000,000,000,000 silicon atoms weigh exactly 1 kilogram.
72. The full name of the doctor is “ear-nose-throat” - otorhinolaryngologist, not otolaryngologist.
73. The first musket invented by the Spaniards in 1521 weighed about 7 kg.
74. The highest temperature ever reached by humans was recorded at Princeton University in 1978. During a physical experiment, it was possible to reach a temperature of 70 million degrees Celsius.
75. The psychological and psychiatric term “deja-vu” means “the psychological phenomenon of a split of consciousness in time, when there is a feeling that what is happening now has already been seen somewhere; false memory. "
76. Microsoft was founded in 1975 and initially had 3 employees. The annual turnover of the first year of operation was $ 16,005. Today, the company employs nearly 40,000 people in offices around the world.
77. The Boeing 767 is a collection of 3.1 million parts made by 800 different suppliers from all over the world: fuselage parts are made in Japan, wing centers in Southern California, flaps in Italy.
78. Chainsaw "Friendship" was developed and named in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia.
79. Diamond does not dissolve in acid. The only thing that can destroy it is a very high temperature.
80. The Swedish village of Ytterby gave the name to four chemical elements: yttrium, terbium, erbium and ytterbium.
81. The chemical formula of rubidium bromide RbBr is the only palindrome among all chemical formulas.

About 10 years ago, the sight of a person in our country approaching you on a strange apparatus could have caused at least surprise or even alarm. Perhaps someone jumped up and ran away, like the audience of the first films of the Lumiere brothers, in which the train arrived at the station. Now adults and children ride gyro scooters. Undoubtedly, this original and compact vehicle has gained the greatest popularity among young people.

Consider the popular models of gyro scooters that in trend 2018 - 2019? Consider and interesting facts about popular models and new products.

The television was invented in the first decade of the 20th century. Of course, that was still a device - it's scary to imagine it next to our modern models, stuffed with various technologies. Since then, he has "overgrown" with various stereotypes and traditions, prejudices and characteristics.

What interesting things can you learn by looking at the short, but very turbulent history of the development of electronics, without which almost no house is now inconceivable? Consider interesting facts about televisions and television.

Email marketing is one of the most powerful online marketing tools today. To make it work, you need to have a well-developed strategy. However, this is not enough. The recommendations of the experts described in this article will help you achieve the desired goal.

Refrigerators are now in every family and in every grocery store. And what about without them? Ease of use and functionality have made them an essential part of any food environment.

Over time, refrigerators have been modernized, adapting to the requirements of ordinary users and entrepreneurs who purchase refrigerators for trade. Consider interesting facts about refrigerators in stores.

Sometime in 1999, Stefi-Velo LLC, whose founders were passionate about cycling, made a significant contribution to the production of bicycles in Russia. At first, bicycles were imported from China and Thailand, and then in 2003, having survived the crisis, the company refused to import and set up its own production. Brand Forward appeared in 2004.

At present, almost all existing types of bicycles are produced under this brand: mountain bikes, mountain hardtails, womens, city standard bicycles, taking into account different age of users and the Format premium segment. What is the Forward range of bicycles presented: interesting facts about brand products.

Remember, in childhood (adolescence), many had bicycles that differed "by gender": with a frame - for men, without a frame - for women? Are there any distinctive features of a bike for ladies? Pink color and airbrush flowers, say? This is not forbidden, but something completely different is primary. By the way, the figure also plays a role when buying a bike!

So, in this article we will look at useful and interesting facts about motorcycles for women. What are they like?

More and more often you can see how at one or another event visitors are invited to put on control bracelets. This invention has been in use for several years, but it still raises some questions. And in vain, because this invention is extremely convenient and extremely useful.

To get now a color or black-and-white image (text), just select the one you need on the computer, turn on the printer and click "Print". And since Nowadays, MFPs (multifunctional devices) are popular, then this device will print to you, and make copies of documents, and scan. Result: You have as many copies (paper and electronic) as you want.

An automated and simplified process now is costly and incredibly time consuming in the past. How have copies been made in the past? Who invented printers and when did they appear? Consider some interesting historical facts.

The bicycle was invented several centuries ago, but many myths and falsifications are associated with its appearance. When was the first patent obtained? Where did the first metal wheel bicycle races take place?

What way did this two-wheeled transport go from the beginning of the 19th century to the 21st? The invention and evolution of the bicycle: interesting historical facts reflected in this article.

When we think of people who gave the world some revolutionary invention that changed our daily life, we usually imagine a brilliant scientist, day and night thinking about physical laws. But this is not true for all discoveries. Did you know that the man who invented Coca-Cola was injured and tried to make pain relievers? Here are some stories of inventions made by mistake.

It would seem, well, what interesting can you tell about a cable or wire? Not the most exciting profession for a wide audience is an electrician, an electronic engineer, etc., as many people think. But don't jump to conclusions.

It turns out that there are many interesting things about this work. See for yourself - wire and cable: interesting facts about them in our article.

We are so accustomed to household appliances and cannot even imagine how we would live without it. Vacuum cleaners that made cleaning easier and better, microwaves, refrigerators, irons and other useful appliances are not excesses and dreams, but a real help in our lives.

The man became lazy and invented assistants for himself - all kinds of household appliances: the washing machine washes, the vacuum cleaner is removed, the dishwasher washes the dishes, the microwave heats, the iron is ironed. And a man, know yourself, only presses the buttons, controlling his house. But a hundred years ago, electricity was not everywhere. What kind of household appliances are there.

What was invented when?

  • In 1782, the first mechanical hand washing machine was created. It was a beautiful barrel with a handle, reminiscent of the spaceship from the Kin-dza-dza movie.
  • Her electric sister was born in 1906.
  • 1806 - The coffee maker was invented. Boiling water was poured through a fine sieve onto which ground coffee was poured. Coffee was brought to Europe in 1626, but there were no coffee makers yet. Why? There was no electricity yet.
  • First half of 19th century - Charles Babbage invented the first mechanical computing machine.

  • In 1825, the first patent for a conventional gas stove was issued in the USA. The German Leben invented the gas burner, which operates in our kitchens to this day. The life of a genius was hard - he died without waiting for a patent, alone against the whole world of inventors - smart people pitied him and mocked him, considering him abnormal, stubbornly proving to him that fire cannot burn without a simple thing - a wick. People then used more and more kerosene stoves.
  • 1870 (nine years after the abolition of serfdom in Russia) the first mechanical whisk appeared to the world. The device has been improved and developed. In 1910, the stores of the great inventor - America sold the first mixers - a motor with whisk. The mixer cost 3000 green dollars and weighed 30 kilograms - three buckets of water. People loved it.

And now? Nowadays, mixers are so small, compact, like everything in a modern kitchen.

  • 1880 - everyone knows that a dishwashing machine is needed, but no one invents it. What for? Women do the dishes. And Josephine Cochrane was so sick of it that she said, "If no one is going to invent a dishwasher, then in the end I'll do it!" This kind woman is from a wealthy family, and she never washed the dishes herself, since she did not need money.
  • 1901 England creates the first vacuum cleaner. Cecil Booth is the creator of this monster. They say the British still invented the tank. They probably built a vacuum cleaner from the tank, because this cleaner was transported in a horse-drawn carriage. You sit at home - you look - four horses arrived at the entrance and behind it - something huge, mysterious - they dragged a hose to you to the fifth floor and turned it on - almost all the property was sucked into the pipe. During operation, the vacuum cleaner itself was outside. And what a roar this miracle device made! After all, its power was 5 horsepower!

  • 1922 blender appears. Rotating knife motor. He stirred syrup with cold carbon dioxide. A mixer would not have pulled it. In 1935, the blender was already chopping, chopping and mashing with might and main. There is even such a word - mashed.
  • 1945 - Victory! Percy Spencer invented the microwave. Yes, such that people passing by the magnetron had chocolates in their pockets. I wonder what happened to their brains?

In 1947, microwave ovens went on sale (probably, people were not told about the melted chocolate in their pockets). The microwave oven weighed 340 kg - people were stronger at that time, and the height of the device was 175 cm, not like in our time!

Laziness moves progress forward. Thanks to the astonishing fantasy of lazy people, inventions continue to this day.

In addition to the usual gadgets, designers and developers are trying to create fundamentally new devices that will surprise many, which, however, does not diminish their usefulness.

Running away alarm clock

Your usual alarm clock can't wake you up in the morning? Then Clocky alarm clock is just for you. This gadget is not so easy to catch - by turning on the signal, it begins to quickly run away from the owner and to catch it, you will need a lot of skill. Such a run will not only wake anyone up, but also serve as a little morning exercise. The device runs on four batteries and is equipped with a durable case that will withstand a fall from a bedside table. The cost of such an alarm clock is about $ 80.

Heated Gloves

For cold countries, the issue of constantly freezing hands is a real problem, because mittens and gloves do not save you from severe frost. The developers of the British company Blazewear have proposed an unusual solution - heated gloves. The gloves are battery operated or USB powered. Special carbon plates are built into the gloves, which, when turned on, are heated by the nutrient and keep hands warm even in severe frost. The cost of such gloves is relatively low - only $ 17 and you can buy them in almost any country.

Network media player

A network media player is a device that allows you to display any information from the Internet on your TV screen. It differs in small dimensions - 127x87x30mm and connects to any TV model. Thanks to this gadget, you can watch any video and IPTV TV channels, visit social networks and sites. You can also connect a keyboard and mouse to the media player and use a TV instead of a computer monitor. Its cost is about $ 65. These are the parameters that the aura hd TV box has.

Typewriter for tablets

For fans of retro style things, the developers have created USBTypewriter. This is a standard typewriter, made in the style of a bygone era, in which a special tablet stand is located in the place where the rollers and fasteners for a sheet of paper are located. The gadget connects to the tablet via a USB port. The cost of such a gadget is about $ 850. It is for this amount that you can get inspiration from the banging of the keys of a rare typewriter.

Portable solar battery

The XDModo charger is a new step towards energy autonomy and safe energy. It is a charger that draws its energy from a small solar panel. It is enough to connect a phone or tablet to such a charge and put it in the sun, for example, on a window. And after a couple of hours the device will be charged. Such a device is simply irreplaceable for lovers of hiking and outdoor recreation. The cost of such a device is about 50 euros.

Whistle keychain

To prevent the keys from getting lost in the apartment or on the street, the new key fob is equipped with a sound sensor that reacts to a specific sound. Hearing a whistle, the key fob gives a voice signal so that the owner can find it faster.

Massage Slippers

Room slippers delighted with massage plates are the dream of many. They can help you relax and relieve stress after a hard day. They are powered by four batteries. More sophisticated models are also equipped with backlighting to make them easy to find in the dark and heated for the cold season.

Among all the elements known to science under normal conditions, only two are found in a liquid state - bromine and mercury.

The Swedish chemist Karl Scheele can be called the record holder for the number of chemical elements he discovered. Thanks to him, we learned about the existence of tungsten, barium, molybdenum, manganese, chlorine, fluorine and oxygen. Scheele is followed by his compatriots Karl Mosander and Jacob Berzelius, the Englishman Humphrey Davy and the Frenchman Paul Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Each of these chemists discovered four elements. The above scientists account for about 1/4 of all currently known elements.

In the history of chemistry, there is a list of pseudo discoveries of chemical elements, which includes 250 names. Thus, more than 100 rare earth elements were announced, of which only 15 are true.

Two elements were originally identified in the solar atmosphere using spectral methods, and only after that they were discovered in terrestrial materials. We are talking about technetium and helium.

The abundance of chemical elements on our planet differs significantly from the distribution in the Universe. For example, silicon and oxygen are the leaders on Earth, and helium and hydrogen in space.

During boiling, water molecules move at a speed of 650 m / s.

The service life of plastic bearings is an order of magnitude longer than that of babbitt bearings. Plus, they're eight times cheaper and are lubricated with water instead of oil.

Capron is considered an excellent substitute for non-ferrous metals. Bushings made of nylon, bearings, parts for metal-cutting machines, presses and textile machines do not require lubrication, are resistant to corrosion, have a low coefficient of friction, are quiet, much more durable and lighter than their metal counterparts. In addition, they have a relatively low cost.

Nylon thread is 10 times more durable than cotton and 2.5 times stronger than silk. The thread, which is 1 mm thick, can support the weight of an adult (up to 75 kg).

To produce 100 tons of natural rubber, 100 people must work on the plantation for five years.

The prime cost of artificial leather is 15-20 times lower than natural. Labor costs for its production are almost a hundred times less.

Chemists have created a new fiber - vinol. It absorbs moisture as well as cotton. Wine thread can be used in surgery; it dissolves without a trace in the human body a few hours after surgery. For airplanes and cars, Vinol will give you durable tires. And fishermen will receive strong ropes and fishing tackle. Vinol does not rot and is not afraid of moisture.

Until the second half of the 17th century, the death penalty was threatened in Venice for anyone who reveals the secrets of the production of mirrors. The Venetian state had a monopoly on the manufacture of mirrors.

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov is the creator of the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds, a brilliant experimenter and an outstanding theoretician, also known as the founder of rational Russian beekeeping. Beekeeping was not a simple hobby for him. For writing the book The Bee, Her Life. The rules for sensible beekeeping ”he was awarded an award from the Free Economic Society. In the spring of 1882, at the All-Russian Exhibition held in Moscow, Butlerov organized an exemplary apiary, where he personally acted as a consultant-guide.

The ancient Babylonian mathematicians who lived two millennia BC. e., there were tables for calculating volumes and areas, negative numbers, a symbol for zero and a multiplication table. In addition, they were already solving fourth-degree equations in almost the same way as they are now. They knew about the so-called Pythagorean theory.

The Armenian scientist, mathematician of the 6th century David the Invincible compiled the first ever textbook of arithmetic problems. One of the copies of this book is still preserved in the Yerevan repository of ancient manuscripts.

The first mention of the mathematical signs "plus" and "minus" is found in the textbook on arithmetic by Johann Widmann, dated 1489. Until then, these signs were designated by the initial letters of their names.

The idea to designate decimal fractions with a comma belongs to the French mathematician François Vietu.

The first mentions of the famous theorem about the sides of a right-angled triangle are found in Babylonian cuneiform texts, written 1200 years before the appearance of Pythagoras.

The famous French scientist Alexi Clairaud already at the age of ten studied higher mathematics, at the age of twelve he made his first scientific discovery, and by the age of eighteen he became an adjunct at the Paris Academy of Sciences.

The outstanding Italian scientist Bonaventura Cavalieri suffered from gout. During the next bout of illness, he diligently studied mathematics, and the pain receded.

Eight centuries before the new era, golden lion statues were installed on the sides of the imperial throne, on which Theophilus sat. When the emperor ascended to the throne, they got up, growled, and laid down again. Apparently, the ancient mechanics managed to make excellent machines.

In the Roman Colosseum, they found a depression in which a giant elevator was once installed to lift wild beasts and gladiators from the dungeons to the arena. The movement of the elevator was carried out using a gate, which employed 60 people.

For 48 years, every 6 weeks, George Westinghouse patented his new invention.

In the writings of the Greek writer Philo of Byzantium, who lived more than two millennia ago, the oldest description of a water pump is found. However, he described not the first, but only an improved double-acting pump.

To solve the mystery of the electromagnet, Faraday had to constantly carry in his pocket a model of the electromagnet and give it different positions for nine years, concentrating on the solution.

Mu is the Indian distance unit, meaning the limits of audibility of a cow mooing.

In some cases, the sound can not only be heard, but also seen. Thus, one Englishman, standing on a hill, happened to see a long narrow shadow moving towards him across the valley. As soon as she reached him, the Englishman felt a strong jolt and heard a powerful explosion. Subsequently, it turned out that a few miles from where he stood, there was an explosion of a powder store. The blast wave compressed the air so that it began to cast a shadow.

In 1500, a Chinese official named Wang Hu decided to use a rocket for human flight for the first time. The aircraft he invented had the form of a seat, which was to be carried by two huge dragons using 47 fireworks rockets. This attempt was unsuccessful and ended in the death of its inventor.

The term rocket appeared in the 19th century and comes from the word "rock ketta", which in Italian means a pipe, a spindle.

During the time a passenger of a modern high-speed aircraft lights a cigarette, he will have time to fly 6 km through the air, and during a three-course meal, about 800 km.

In the tenth book of Vitruvius, dated to the 1st century BC. BC, there is a description of "taxi". After passing a certain distance, a mechanism connected to the axle of the carriage dropped a pebble into a bronze bowl. The distance traveled was determined by the number of stones. Such crews were practically used among the population of that time.

On many ancient Greek and Roman roads, traces on which carriages traveled, and arrows, on which oncoming traffic could miss, have been preserved, have survived to this day.

An ordinary wristwatch contains parts, a thousand pieces of which weigh only 1 g.

The first nylon watches were made in England. Their gears, axles and springs are not afraid of shaking and dampness. The new watches are not inferior in accuracy to ordinary metal ones.

In 1761, the mechanic Garrison received a huge prize of 10,000 pounds from the British authorities for having managed to bring the chronometer's accuracy to 30 seconds per day. Today, such accuracy is characteristic of ordinary wristwatches, mass-produced by watch factories.

Blotting paper was first invented in the middle of the last century. This invention comes with a curious story. A worker in an English paper mill forgot to add glue to the pulp. For his oversight, he lost his job. But later it turned out that the non-glued paper perfectly absorbs moisture. The enterprising owner of the factory did not fail to take advantage of this property and converted the entire factory for the manufacture of blotting paper, which found a large market for sale. Non-glued paper replaced the sifted sand that was sprinkled over everything written in ink.

To compare two different calculation methods, the computer calculated the number pi to one hundred thousandth decimal place. The smart car spent about 8 hours on this. The same job would take a person about 30 years.

The inventor Emil Berliner produced the world's first gramophone record in 1888. The first disc is still kept at the National Museum in Washington DC. There were two holes in the center of the records of that time, they were played from the middle to the edges. It was only possible to record from one side of the disc, and the title was on the back. In the first half of the 20th century, chocolate bars were sold.

The flame temperature of an ordinary primus can reach 2000 degrees.

About a century and a half ago, match heads were made from a mixture of glue, sugar and berthollet's salt. They lit similar matches by dipping them in a container with sulfuric acid.

While you strike a match on the boxes, the match head heats up to 200 degrees.

The metal flint used in lighters does not contain a single gram of flint. 70% of its composition is cerium and 30% is ordinary iron. Cerium provides sparks that ignite a wick moistened with gasoline.

A pressure of about 5000 atm develops at the tip of the needle of a conventional sewing machine.

In Peru, a telephone was found on the ruins of one of the ancient palaces, which is about a thousand years old. It was made from two pumpkin flasks tied with a tight string.

There is a wall in the Beijing Temple of Heaven, erected in 1530. It is interesting in that at the opposite end of the wall you can clearly hear everything said in it. The wall is about 200 m long and 6 m high.