Interesting facts from the life of Turgenev. Interesting facts from the life of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

On this day, November 9, 1818, the famous Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the author of the works "Fathers and Sons", "Noble Nest", "Asya", the cycle of stories "Notes of a Hunter" and others, was born.

Many are familiar with his biography, so I propose to find out some interesting facts from the life of the writer.

Ivan Turgenev with a hole in his head.

Turgenev could rightfully be called "the greatest head of Russian literature." In any case, as established by anatomists, his brain - 2000 g - exceeds the weight of the brain of other famous people.
Perhaps that is why, as Botkin put it, “the creator simply did not have enough material for such a large head”: the bone on the crown of the writer was so thin that through it, according to Turgenev, one could feel the brain.
Because of this feature, when hit on the head with a hand, Turgenev lost consciousness or fell into a semi-faint state.
When later accused of being soft, he said:
“And what will be expected from me, when until now even my skull could not grow together.
It would not hurt me to bequeath it to the Academy Museum ...
What is there to expect when there is a failure at the very crown of the head! "

Turgenev's frivolous youth

In his youth, Turgenev was a very frivolous person, to say the least.
He could, for example, invite a bunch of guests to his place for dinner, and then “accidentally” forget about it.
The next day, the guests, of course, expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with the negligent host.
Turgenev began to wring his hands and desperately apologize, citing various reasons.
Then he immediately invited him to dinner, promising to atone for his guilt with an unheard-of feast.
The guests softened, but when, on the appointed day and hour, they again gathered at Turgenev's, the owner ... again was not at home!
Then everything was repeated: warm apologies and new dinner invitations ...
For these and other "pranks" Belinsky called Turgenev just a "boy."

Ivan Sergeevich liked to be frank.
He liked to flaunt in a blue dress coat with gold buttons depicting lion heads, in light checkered trousers, in a white waistcoat and a colored tie.
Alexander Herzen after the first meeting with Turgenev called him Khlestakov

In Germany, where he came to replenish his education, Turgenev completely broke off the brakes: participating in almost all student feasts and dubious adventures, he began to squander parental money left and right, while forgetting to write letters to his mother.
The mother sent money and food to the prodigal son, and the son squandered everything and did not even thank.
Finally, the sending of money stopped, this forced him to settle down for a while.
Once Turgenev received an unpaid package of extraordinary weight from Russia.
For sending it, he gave his last pennies, opened it ... and gasped: mother filled the parcel with bricks!

Turgenev's great oddities

"Turgenev is a woman's soul in the rough guise of a Cyclops," the French writer Daudet described Ivan Sergeevich in this way.
Pisemsky called him "an affectionate giant with the eyes of a dying gazelle."
Despite his great height and wrestling physique, Turgenev was an amazingly gentle, non-conflict person.

Turgenev had a thin, almost female voice.
This discrepancy between the high tenor voice and his heroic chest was immediately evident.
Being completely devoid of musical ear, he, nevertheless, was very fond of singing.
And although he did not manage to strike a single right note, the audience was delighted with this comic spectacle.
“What am I to do? After all, I myself know that I do not have a voice, but just a pig! " - Turgenev lamented.

Like any outstanding person, Ivan Sergeevich had his own oddities.
Take, for example, his way of laughing.
According to Fet, he laughed in the most infectious way:
"I fell to the floor and, on all fours, continued to laugh and shake all over."
When a blues attacked him, he put on a tall cap on his head and ... put himself in a corner.
And stood there until the melancholy passed.

His extraordinary cleanliness and almost manic love for order should also be noted.
2 times a day, he changed his underwear and wiped himself with a sponge with cologne, sitting down to write, tidied up the room and the papers on the table, and even got up at night, remembering that the scissors were not in the right place where they should be.
His mood spoiled if the window shades were not neatly pulled back.
I could not write if at least 1 thing on the desk was not in its place.

In the mornings, Turgenev spent a long time attending his toilet and combing his hair especially carefully.
“Look,” he said to Polonsky, “I start on the right with this comb ... 50 times, then to the left ... 50 times; then with another, more frequent comb - 100 times.
And then - with a brush.
You're surprised, aren't you?
But, you know, combing your hair well and being perfectly smoothed has always been my passion since childhood. "

Many people think that reading Turgenev's works is a boring undertaking. "Fathers and Sons", "Noble Nest", "Rudin", "Mumu", "First Love" - ​​it seems, no action, suffering and nothing more. And you try to re-read these works over the years, realize the depth of the plot and dialogues of the main characters, you will see another Turgenev, special. Get acquainted with interesting facts about Turgenev, about his life and career.

From his youth, Turgenev was distinguished by frivolity, because of this, at the first meeting, his contemporaries had a negative opinion about the writer. Turgenev loved to invite representatives of the domestic elite and forget about the planned event. Of course, everyone was offended, expressed their dissatisfaction with the poet, but he literally begged tearfully to forgive him and immediately invited him to a new celebration, which he also forgot about. Therefore, almost no one went to Turgenev, except for close friends, and in general - they tried to stay away.

But Turgenev himself was a fan of attending various poetry evenings, meetings of writers and other people of art. He came and shocked others with his appearance - a blue tailcoat with gold buttons or a white vest with a bright tie. In general, he looked like a London dandy or Moscow Wilde.

  • Princess Shakhovskaya - Turgenev's first love, before whose charms the writer's father, Sergei Turgenev, could not resist, ultimately preferred her father to her son.
  • The bone on the crown of Turgenev was very thin, so when he was hit on the head, Turgenev often lost consciousness, which is why he was regularly bullied at school and called soft-bodied.

Turgenev studied in Germany and there he managed to stun those around him in every possible way. Spent parental money on trinkets, gambling and girls. He constantly got into various situations, from which he got out only with the help of his mother. Very often I sent letters to my parents asking for money. Having received his, the mother did not thank and again disappeared until the next debt. An interesting fact about Turgenev is the following case: once he received a huge parcel from his mother and was extremely surprised, because of the large weight it was not paid and Turgenev had to pay the last pennies for customs taxes. As a result, it turned out to be filled with bricks. This is what made the young writer finally think about his actions.

  • Turgenev had a thin, almost feminine voice, they said about him "a female soul in the guise of a Cyclops."
  • Fet in his memoirs cited an interesting fact from the life of Turgenev about his specific laugh. Turgenev laughed hysterically and could not calm down for a long time, even when everyone around him was already sitting with stone faces. The writer could fall to the floor, shake his whole body, standing on all fours.

Interesting facts from the life of Turgenev

  • Turgenev easily coped with sadness, when the blues attacked him, he stood in a corner and put on a comic cap on his head. In this position, he could stand for more than an hour, waiting for the melancholy to leave him.
  • Turgenev had an illegitimate daughter from a serf peasant woman, Pelageya (Polina), who was sent to be raised in France.
  • The writer had a crazy love for order. He claimed that he changed linen several times a day, and that he cleaned the office clean before work. Turgenev recalled an interesting fact from his life, how he woke up one night in a panic that he had forgotten to remove the scissors.

  • After the death of Turgenev, anatomists measured the weight of his brain, which was 2000 grams (much more than that of other famous personalities). Turgenev, during his lifetime, always complained of a headache.

On this day, November 9, 1818, the famous Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the author of the works "Fathers and Sons", "Noble Nest", "Asya", the cycle of stories "Notes of a Hunter" and others, was born.
Many are familiar with his biography, so I propose to find out some interesting facts from the life of the writer.

Ivan Turgenev with a hole in his head.

Turgenev could rightfully be called "the greatest head of Russian literature." In any case, as established by anatomists, his brain - 2000 grams - exceeds the weight of the brain of other famous people. Perhaps that is why, as Botkin put it, “the creator simply did not have enough material for such a large head”: the bone on the crown of the writer was so thin that through it, according to Turgenev, one could feel the brain. Because of this feature, when hit on the head with a hand, Turgenev lost consciousness or fell into a semi-faint state. When later he was accused of being soft, he said: “And what will one expect from me, when until now even my skull could not grow together. It would not hurt me to bequeath it to the museum of the Academy ... What is there to expect when there is a failure at the very crown of the head! "

Turgenev's frivolous youth

In his youth, Turgenev was a very frivolous person, to say the least. He could, for example, invite a bunch of guests to his place for dinner, and then “accidentally” forget about it. The next day, the guests, of course, expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with the negligent host. Turgenev began to wring his hands and desperately apologize, citing various reasons. Then he immediately invited him to dinner, promising to atone for his guilt with an unheard-of feast. The guests softened, but when, on the appointed day and hour, they again gathered at Turgenev's, the owner ... again was not at home! Then everything was repeated: warm apologies and new invitations to dinner ... For these and other "pranks" Belinsky called Turgenev nothing but a "boy."
Ivan Sergeevich liked to be frank. He liked to flaunt in a blue dress coat with gold buttons depicting lion heads, in light checkered trousers, in a white waistcoat and a colored tie. After the first meeting with Turgenev, Alexander Herzen called him Khlestakov.
In Germany, where he came to replenish his education, Turgenev completely broke off the brakes: participating in almost all student feasts and dubious adventures, he began to squander parental money left and right, while forgetting to write letters to his mother. The mother sent money and food to the prodigal son, and the son squandered everything and did not even thank. Finally, the sending of money stopped. This made him settle down for a while. Once Turgenev received an unpaid package of extraordinary weight from Russia. For sending it, he gave his last pennies, opened it ... and gasped: mother filled the parcel with bricks!

Turgenev's great oddities
"Turgenev is a woman's soul in the rough guise of a Cyclops," the French writer Daudet described Ivan Sergeevich in this way. Pisemsky called him "an affectionate giant with the eyes of a dying gazelle." Despite his great height and wrestling physique, Turgenev was a surprisingly gentle, non-conflicting person.
Turgenev had a thin, almost feminine voice. This discrepancy between the high tenor voice and his heroic chest was immediately evident. Being completely devoid of musical ear, he, nevertheless, was very fond of singing. And although he did not manage to strike a single right note, the audience was delighted with this comic spectacle. “What am I to do? After all, I myself know that I do not have a voice, but just a pig! " - Turgenev lamented.
Like any outstanding person, Ivan Sergeevich had his own oddities. Take his way of laughing, for example. According to Fet, he laughed in the most infectious way: "He fell on the floor and, standing on all fours, continued to laugh and shake his whole body." When a blues attacked him, he put on a tall cap on his head and ... put himself in a corner. And stood there until the melancholy passed.
His extraordinary cleanliness and almost manic love for order should also be noted. Twice a day he changed his underwear and dried himself with a sponge and cologne, sitting down to write, tidying up the room and the papers on the table, and even getting up at night, remembering that the scissors were not in the right place where they should be. His mood was spoiled if the window shades were not neatly pulled back. I couldn't write if at least one thing on the desk was out of place.
In the mornings, Turgenev spent a long time attending his toilet and combing his hair especially carefully. “Look,” he said to Polonsky, “I start on the right with this comb ... fifty times, then to the left ... fifty times; then with another, more frequent ridge - a hundred times. And then - with a brush. You're surprised, aren't you? But, you know, combing your hair well and being perfectly smoothed has always been my passion since childhood. "

To many, Turgenev's works may seem rather boring. But as we read them over the years, we begin to understand the depth of the storyline and the characters' dialogues. This great writer from a young age was considered frivolous, and a negative impression can develop about him. This man went through a rather difficult childhood, and the tyrannical mother of Turgenev, all this could become the reason for his difficult character.

1.In childhood, Turgenev seemed a frivolous person.

2. Almost no one comes to visit Turgenev, except for his relatives.

3.Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is considered an avid lover of poetry evenings.

4. Interesting facts about Turgenev also show that this writer had a shocking appearance: golden buttons on a blue tailcoat or a bright tie with a jacket.

5. The first love of Turgenev was Princess Shakhovskaya. This woman soon gave her preference to Turgenev's father.

6. Hitting his head, Turgenev could lose consciousness, because his parietal bone was thin.

7. They mocked Ivan Sergeevich at school, calling him “soft-bodied”.

8. Studying Turgenev took place in Germany.

10. Interesting facts from the life of Turgenev indicate that the writer often had hysterical laughter, which simply knocked him down.

11. With sadness Turgenev managed to easily fight. In the fight against this emotion, he was helped by such a method: to stand in a corner and put on a cap.

12.Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev had an illegitimate daughter, whose mother was a peasant serf.

13.Turgenev loved order above all else. He could change linen several times a day, clean the office to cleanliness.

14. For Pauline Viardot Turgenev had real feelings. That is why he constantly traveled throughout Europe for her and her legal husband.

15. Pauline Viardot perceived Turgenev only as a writer.

16. The brain weight of Turgenev after death, measured by anatomists, was 2000 grams.

17. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is the head of all Russian literature.

18. Turgenev had oddities.

19.Turgenev never had any financial difficulties, because his mother was a wealthy landowner.

20. As the biography of Turgenev says, this writer was an opponent of serfdom. In this regard, he rejoiced when the peasants had freedom.

21. The appearance and the inner world of the writer did not correspond to each other.

22. Turgenev had a terrible "quarrel" with the authorities, for which he was exiled to his estate, where he was under the supervision of the police.

23. The writer really liked to sing.

24. In the mornings, Turgenev combed his hair for quite a long time.

25. Ivan Sergeevich spent the best years of his own life in France.

26. Azart always accompanied Turgenev.

27. The physique of Turgenev had an athletic appearance.

28. The nature of the writer was overly gentle.

29. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was an amorous person.

30. Turgenev saw his daughter Pelageya only 7 years after she was born.

31. In his youth, Ivan Sergeevich littered with money.

32. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev loved chess and was considered a strong player.

33. Facts from the life of Turgenev indicate that Ivan Sergeevich had a strained relationship with Leo Tolstoy. They had a lot of quarrels, which sometimes ended up in a fight.

34. Turgenev did not officially recognize his daughter, but he helped her in every possible way.

35. Turgenev received his first education in the Spassky-Lutovinov estate.

36. The first poem by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev with the title "Steno" was written during his third year at the institute. This is evidenced by brief interesting facts from the life of Turgenev.

37. Turgenev was friends with Belinsky.

38. Turgenev met Ostrovsky, Goncharov and Dostoevsky while working at Sovremennik.

39. Ivan Sergeevich translated the works of Byron and Shakespeare into Russian.

40. Turgenev was the most read and popular European writer.

41.Since 1882, Turgenev developed such diseases as: neuralgia, gout and angina pectoris.

42. The body of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery, which is located in St. Petersburg.

43. Turgenev is used to spending only his parents' money on entertainment.

44. Turgenev was called "Cyclops with a female soul."

45. Turgenev was considered a resident of Baden.

46. ​​Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was at the opening of the monument to Pushkin.

47. Turgenev succeeded in popularizing Russian literature.

48. Many works of this writer were included in the course of Russian literature in schools.

49. Turgenev occasionally signed himself as "nedobob".

50. The works of Turgenev were generously paid.

51. All his own life, Ivan Sergeevich spent "on the edge of someone else's nest."

52. Turgenev had a difficult relationship with his father.

53. Turgenev was born into a noble family.

54. From childhood, Ivan Sergeevich knew English, French and German.

55. The shortest work belongs to Turgenev.

56. Interesting facts from the biography of Turgenev indicate that he never married in his entire life.

57. Turgenev was a "mama's boy" in childhood.

58. In the years of his youth, Turgenev fell in love with his own relative, whose name was Olga Turgeneva.

59. Turgenev was a large landowner.

60. Nekrasov was the best friend of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

61. Turgenev was considered an honorary doctor of the University of Oxford.

62. Living abroad, Ivan Sergeevich always thought about the Motherland.

63. At the age of 15, Turgenev has already become a student.

64. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was the second child in the family.

65. In 1883, the writer could no longer sleep well without morphine.

66. Turgenev's funeral was preceded by a memorial service in Paris, in which about 400 people took part.

67. M. N. Tolstaya left her husband for the sake of Turgenev, but for him their romance was only a platonic hobby, rather than something more.

68. The last love of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was Maria Savina, a theater actress. At the time of his acquaintance with her, Turgenev was at the age of 61, and the lady of his heart was only 25 years old.

69.38 years Turgenev closely communicated with the family of his beloved Viardot.

70. Turgenev had a painful death.

71 In his novels about love, Turgenev described his own feelings and experiences.

72. In childhood, Turgenev was subjected to the most severe torture and beatings.

73. Western European life made an indelible impression on Turgenev.

74.At the request of his mother, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was the head of the office in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

75. Ivan Sergeevich shared his mother's large fortune with his brother.

76. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev died in France, in the small town of Bougival.

77. During his childhood, Turgenev managed to travel all over Western Europe.

78. Turgenev was a cynic.

79. The roots of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's inspiration were in serf relations.

80. Turgenev was a suspicious and prone to melancholy person.

81. Turgenev almost never felt angry, because he was a good-natured person.

82. Turgenev wanted an outburst of passion and love to capture him headlong, but this never happened.

83. Turgenev was close to the "soul of the people."

84. Corporal punishment by the mother in the Turgenev family was acceptable.

85. In his youth, Turgenev was very fond of Benediktov's poems.

86. Turgenev was not the writer to whom fame came quickly and quickly.

87. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote a short but hot article that dealt with the death of Gogol.

88. Turgenev was under arrest.

89. Turgenev was like Pushkin in his own humanity.

90. Turgenev's library occupied the largest room in the house.

91. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev loved the nature of Russia.

92. The family of Turgenev was not titled, but he was noble and the oldest.

93. The first time of Turgenev's inspiration passed with notes of romanticism.

94. Turgenev had a nature devoid of energy.

95. Turgenev's last illness was spinal cord cancer, which led to his death.

96. Before his death, Turgenev wrote a letter to Tolstoy.

97. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev always read Benediktov's poems with tears in his eyes.

98. Turgenev had a difficult youth, because his mother, widowed, married an alcoholic.

99. It was his mother who poisoned Turgenev's tender childhood.

TO lassik of Russian literature Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

He was able to reveal the problems of society and the relationship of different generations of the XIX century, which are relevant to this day. The author himself was a very outstanding and controversial person.... Therefore it is possiblerememberTsome facts about his life.

The first love

In his youth, Turgenev was passionately in love with the daughter of the famous princess Shakhovskoy - Catherine. She was four years older than the classic. Beauty Katya Shakhovskaya circledheadsmany aristocrats. By the way, beforecharmsthe coquette could not resist the writer's father - Sergei Turgenev. The girl answered him in return. And Ivan Turgenev's heart was broken. Later, the writer gave some of the features of Katya Shakhovskoy to the heroine of his story "First Love".

Travel by sea

A noteworthy incident came with Turgenev in 1836 during his first trip toGermany... There was a fire on the ship. As eyewitnesses later said, the writer began to rush around the deck, exclaiming that if he died, he would be so young. When the lifeboats were lowered into the water, Turgenev rushed to them, pushing the rest of the passengers along the way, including women and children. Whether it is true or not, we will never know. But the legend spread, they learned about this case in the circle of Turgenev, and they began to consider him a coward. Later, the classic described this event in the short story "Fire at Sea".

Illegitimate daughter

In his youth, Ivan Turgenev was considered a ladies' man and did not ignore both noble girls and peasant women. One of the writer's fleeting hobbies was the seamstress Dunya, a year later she gave birth to his daughter Polina. Turgenev did not officially recognize the child, but took care of the girl and took her abroad with him. Later, the girl was brought up by the beloved writer Pauline Viardot, the famous opera singer, for whom Turgenev traveled around the world.

Duel with Tolstoy

Interestingly, because of his daughter Polina, Turgenev almost fought a duel. And not with anyone, but with a close friend and Lev NikolaevichTolstoy... Once Tolstoy chided Turgenev for the fact that Polina was forced to earn her bread abroad by sewing. Ivan Sergeevich took this to heart. Word for word, the argument almost escalated into a fight. According to the story of Tolstoy's wife Sophia, both were about to use their fists. As a result, Tolstoy challenged the enemy to a duel with pistols, which, fortunately, never took place. The disputants had time to cool down and made peace.

Largest head

A distinctive feature of Turgenev was a large head. But the most amazing thing is that after the death of the writer, anatomists weighed his brain. He "pulled" as much as 2 kilograms, which is much heavier than many other famous people.

The creator simply did not have enough material for such a big head, - he spoke of TurgenevBotkin.

Another anatomical feature of the classic - the bone at the crown of his was very thin. Because of this, when hit on the head, Turgenev lost consciousness. Because of this, at school, the writer had to endure a lot of bullying from peers. Turgenev was more than once accused of being soft, to which he answered resourcefully:

And what will one expect from me, when until now even my skull could not grow together. It would not hurt me to bequeath him to the museum of the academy ... What is there to expect when there is a failure at the very crown of the head!

Parcel with bricks

In his youth, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was rather frivolous. He could, for example, invite guests to his place, and then "accidentally" forget about it. He, of course, apologized to the guests, again invited them to dinner in order to somehow make amends for his mistake, but when people arrived at the appointed hour, the owner was not at home again. For this Belinsky called Turgenev nothing more than a "boy."

Now it is difficult to imagine, but the future classic, in his youth, wanted to be a real dandy, but it seems that he did not succeed very much. At least AlexanderHerzennamed TurgenevKhlestkov, for the fact that he liked to flaunt in a blue dress coat with gold buttons depicting lion heads, in light checkered pantaloons, in a white vest and a colored tie.

In Germany,wherehe came for the sake of education, he began to squander the money his parents sent him regularly. At the same time, the mother did not receive any news from her son, not to mention gratitude. He squandered so much that he spent the last pennies for an unpaid parcel. Imagine his surprise when there were bricks in it. This is how the parent taught the negligent son a lesson. This probably made Turgenev settle down.

From the memoirs of contemporaries

Turgenev's personality consisted entirely of contradictions. For example, despite his great height and wrestling physique, Turgenev was an amazingly gentle, non-conflict person.

Turgenev had a thin, almost feminine voice. He was very fond of singing, although he did not have an ear for music.Pisemskycalled Turgenev "an affectionate giant with the eyes of a dying gazelle."

Turgenev also had his own oddities. According toFeta, he laughed in the most infectious way: "He fell to the floor and, standing on all fours, continued to laugh and shake all over." When the blues attacked him, he put on a tall cap on his head and put himself in a corner. And stood there until the melancholy passed.

Meanwhile, the writer was very clean and loved order in everything. Twice a day he changed his underwear and wiped himself off with a sponge and cologne, sat down to write, tidied up the room and the papers on the table. According to contemporaries, he could not write if at least one thing on the desk was out of place.