Interesting ideas for a summer residence on 6 acres. We divide the site into functional zones

How many ideas you want to realize in your summer cottage. We dream of building a bathhouse, putting up a swing for the kids, planting flower beds, allocating a place for a barbecue, hanging a hammock between the trees, and, of course, planting a vegetable garden. The standard plot of a country house is six acres, and when you want to bring so many things to life, you need to carefully consider the design of our 6 acres.

It is clear that a residential building is the central (in terms of priorities) object of the site, and, most likely, it will set the style of the entire design of a 6-hectare site. But a lot also depends on secondary buildings. Therefore, let's discuss how to plan the landscape design of your suburban area so that it is not bulky, but, on the contrary, cozy and comfortable.

Create a diagram of your site

Don't worry, this area is 600 sq.m. - more than enough, if you think carefully about everything and use advice on modern zoning methods. Determine your priorities and start creating a plan. This can be done on paper, based on the parameters of the site specified in the land act.

To begin with, outline where the residential building, other garden buildings, as well as a recreation area and a vegetable garden with a garden will be located. If the house is already standing, and you just want to transform your site, then implement all your ideas around it, if the house is just about to be built, this is also not bad - everything will be planned from scratch.

Each owner decides for himself what he especially wants to see on his site, but the main zones are still worth listing:

  • dwelling house and guest house;
  • covered parking or garage;
  • utility block: bath or sauna, toilet, summer kitchen, shed, workshop, woodshed, waste area;
  • recreation areas: playground, barbecue, barbecue, etc .;
  • vegetable garden, shrubs, garden, flower beds.

Site zoning sketch

There is also a list of parameters that must be taken into account when working on the design of the site, for example: terrain, shape of the site, type of soil, surface water, groundwater, wind rose. It is important to comply with strict rules and regulations so that there are no conflicts with six acres of territory. This includes placement of buildings, fire safety, etc. Based on the norms of SNiP 2.07.01-89 and SNiP 2.01.02-85, a comfortable arrangement for you and your neighbors will be guaranteed.

Placement and design of objects on the site

We start at home

It is not worth placing a residential building in the center of the site, because it will be difficult later to tie all other buildings and zones to it. But, as already mentioned, if you are remodeling a summer cottage with a finished building, it's okay. Ideas of professionals plus your imagination will help to cope with this task.

A small but roomy house is an excellent solution for a small area

You should not place a parking or garage in the depth of the site. This is inconvenient because you have to build an access road. Make a built-in, attached and separate garage from the main building. In our time, underground garages are gaining popularity, which significantly saves precious meters.

Bath, shower, toilet

Bath or sauna can be separate buildings or located in a residential building. In any case, you need to think about water supply, sewage, electrification.

Bath is an irreplaceable rest, especially in winter

Place the toilet, if it is not provided in the house, on the site, but it is better to put it in the depths so as not to spoil the view.

A modern solution is a dry closet, especially since it does without water and electricity.

Flower lovers arrange flower beds even on the roofs of buildings.

Although 6 acres is not so hot, it should still be divided with objects that will attract attention. Use a flower garden, an arch entwined with flowers, an unusual lamp for this. Its diffused light in the evening will create the illusion of a fairy tale and allow you to safely walk in your yard. It is very important for safety that the pool or pond is illuminated. Shrubs and flower beds can also be illuminated. In general, lamps are a powerful technique that changes the look of any area.

If you don't have enough space for flowers, then plant them in flowerpots and hang them from the fence, or put flowerpots with flowers along or on the railing. They can be brought into the house when needed, or dug into the ground.

As you can see, with a great desire, hard work and patience, you can achieve the desired results by working on the landscape design of a summer cottage of 6 acres. It is clear that our goal is not the envy of our neighbors, but how nice it is when everyone around us likes the design of our six hundred square meters.

Almost every urban family has a dacha, so small dacha plots are the most popular in our country. If you are just going to purchase it or want to change its appearance, then we recommend reading this material, in which we will tell, and also show on the diagrams how the planning of a 6 acres plot can be done with your own hands.

  • Planning start

    In our material, we will consider the layout of a standard suburban area of \u200b\u200b6 acres with dimensions of 30 mx 20 m.This rectangular shape is most often found in practice.

    We will draw the schemes in the Garden Planner program, as the most convenient and simplest among the programs for plot planning, a complete list of which you can find in our previous material by the link.

    We will also be guided by the existing norms for the location of the house on the site, which we also considered in the previous article.

    Consider a variant of a site, on one side of which a forest area is adjacent, on the other side it borders on a passage, and on both sides of which adjacent sites are adjacent.

    The shape and size of our site

    Also on our site we want to arrange:

      Bath / gazebo;

      Parking space / garage;

      Well / well;

      Fruit trees;

      Recreation area;

    This is not the whole list of desirable objects, but unfortunately, on a small plot of 6 acres, you have to sacrifice something.

    Location of site objects

    There are several ways you can start planning a site yourself:

      Based on the location of objects;

      Based on the location of communications.

    In the first case, we focus on the house and outbuildings. In the second case - on communications, or rather on the best place of occurrence of waters. Since on a plot of 6 acres, the choice of a place for a well or a well is small, we will consider the layout of the summer cottage according to the first type - based on the location of the objects.

    House for a standard plot of 6 acres

    If you have not yet started designing a house, then it's time to discuss the optimal size of a house for such a land plot.

    It is believed that the area of \u200b\u200bthe house should not exceed 10% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot.

    In our case, it turns out that the area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor can be about 60 square meters, that is, the house is 6 mx 10 m, or, for example, 7 mx 8 m. These rules are conditional, so we will take as an example a small country house 8 mx 8 m.

    We decided on the size of the house. We select an object in the program and put it on the site:

    In the previous article, we considered several types of site planning, depending on the landing of the house: central, deep and front. But before moving on to the type of landing, let's remember that according to SNiP we need:

    Therefore, first we suggest that you draw a "zone of possible location of the house", which will take into account all the nuances. In our example, we will assume that all houses: the neighboring ones and ours will be made of wood, but the neighbors built them at a distance of 10 m from the fence. Therefore, we can only arrange the house as follows:

    Of course, in this case, the choice is small and involves only the front layout option. The plot, on the other hand, may not be densely adjacent to the forest, and the neighboring houses may be stone. But the principle should be like this. In any case, before starting the construction of a house, ask the chairman of SNT or the administration in which place you can build.

    Bath or gazebo

    In our case, a garden plot of 6 acres, the construction of a bath is not possible, since the distance from the house must be at least 8 m, but the presence of a forest does not allow us to build this object at a distance of less than 15 m.Therefore, we will consider the construction of a gazebo with barbecue.

    In this case, we need to retreat from the fence of 3 m (we consider the capital structure):


    The next important step is to choose a place for a well or a well and a septic tank. As we have already mentioned, the location of a well or well may depend on the location of the waters. But it is also worth considering the following rules and sanitary standards:

      The distance from the well to the foundation of the house should be at least 3-5 m.

      Maximum distance from sources of "contamination" (compost pits, toilets, garages, etc ...), including neighboring areas.

      We take into account the convenience of further installation of the water supply system.

    To determine the location of the septic tank, first of all, you should take into account its type. The basic rules for location are the following distances:

    In any case, when choosing a place for a septic tank, we try to coordinate with our neighbors and make our site as environmentally friendly as possible. But also do not forget that in order to pump out storage septic tanks, it will be necessary to ensure the accessibility of the entrance of the sewer truck.

    In our case, of course, it is difficult to comply with all the norms for the location of the septic tank and the well, so we chose the most environmentally friendly option (that is, the septic tank and the well located as far as possible from each other).

    Parking space and garage

    A place for a car in the country should first of all be planned so that there is a minimum distance from the gate of the carriageway to it. First of all, so as not to drive all over the site to the parking lot. In this example of a country layout, we will consider the placement of a garage for 1 car + additional space for parking guest cars in front of the garage. According to sanitary standards (SNiP 2.07.01-89), it is necessary that:

    In our layout, it will look something like this:


    Even the most ossified city dwellers, when acquiring a plot, sooner or later tend to decide to make a "couple of beds". In our case, consider a vegetable garden of four beds measuring 1 mx 4 m and a polycarbonate greenhouse with a size of 3 mx 4 m. According to the norms, it is recommended to maintain a distance from the greenhouse to the fence at least 1 m. also a shadow from neighboring buildings.

    Also, do not forget that it is better to plan your garden as far as possible from sources of pollution (garage, septic tank, compost, toilet, etc ...)


    After we have decided on the location of the main buildings of the summer cottage, it is necessary to plan the paths. It all depends on your imagination and the location of the garden objects.

    Rest zone

    The layout of the recreation area largely depends on your way of relaxing, as well as on the remaining free space. It is difficult to envisage a football field or even a volleyball court on a plot of 6 acres. Therefore, we limited ourselves to:

      A place for a barbecue - located near the gazebo and at a decent distance from the house for fire safety.

      Playground with sandpit, trampoline and swing.

      And a few sun loungers in the central lawn area.

    Garden and flowers

    In many ways, the planning of trees, flowers and shrubs on sites depends on the requirements of the plants themselves for a certain solar regime. Therefore, it is necessary to take these factors into account in each case individually. In addition to this, it is necessary to comply with certain norms for location to the borders of the neighboring section:

    In our case, we will fence the house from the roadway with conifers. We plant fruit trees on the south side, as well as on the west. In the northern part of the site, where the shade from the housing will be for half the day, we will plant shrubs that can grow in the shade (for example, not blueberries). We will plant flower beds along the house.

    Site planning principles

    So, a plot of 6 acres is planned out. We have shown only one of the many planning methods. But the most important thing is to master the principles of country design:

      Make a list of desired objects on the site.

      Select the priority of objects according to their importance: house, additional buildings, communications, garden objects, etc.

      Take into account the landscape, the location of the neighboring plot and objects on them, as well as the adjacent territories.

      Be guided by fire safety rules and building codes.

    You can download our scheme of a plot of 6 acres for the Garden Planner 3 program at the link.

  • Making a summer cottage is a rather responsible and laborious process, in which many factors should be taken into account. But when it comes to six hundred square meters, the task is somewhat more complicated. The owner of such a personal plot needs to decide what he wants to build and what he will have to give up. Observing certain recommendations of specialists, you can create an original design for a summer residence of 6 acres with your own hands.

    In contact with

    Secrets of competent planning

    When planning a summer residence on a plot of 6 acres, certain rules must be taken into account. First of all, this concerns the presence of obligatory buildings and objects:

    • residential building;
    • household objects;
    • rest zone;
    • vegetable garden and garden.

    Given the presence of mandatory objects, need to draw up a plan... All buildings and zones are clearly depicted on it. It is also worth considering how to properly arrange objects:

    1. The residential building is located at a distance of at least 5 m from the street. This also applies to other buildings.
    2. The distance to the border should be 3 m or more.
    3. The remoteness from neighboring residential buildings is also important. This takes into account the material of the construction of the structure and their degree of fire resistance. So, the distance between brick houses can be 6 m. As for wooden buildings, there must be at least 15 m of free space between them.
    4. According to the norms, economic facilities are located 1 m away from the border.
    5. The windows of the living quarters should not overlook the utility block. Otherwise, the distance from the object is 6 m or more.
    6. A stable and other structures used to keep livestock can be built with your own hands. They are located far from the residential building. The distance is at least 15 m.

    All these points are stipulated in building codes and regulations. Their violation will lead to penalties... In some cases, it is possible to transfer one or another structure. And this is subsequently fraught with significant material costs. Therefore, before proceeding with the planning of the cottage, it is worth studying the necessary documentation.

    When planning a summer residence on a plot of 6 acres, certain rules must be taken into account.

    The nuances of a small area

    Today, there are various options for planning small areas. With their help, you can create a cozy and beautiful summer cottage, even despite the lack of free space.

    A rectangular plot is a fairly common design option. You can do the planning very easily with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the basic rules. The main goal is selection of strict lines and clear right angles... Landscapes are arranged geometrically.

    In other words, objects in the territory are located along one or more lines, observing the established distances. This option is ideal for people who like order. It is often used on a narrow rectangular area of \u200b\u200b6 acres or more.

    Of course, there is no question of planning the territory, which has a round shape on 6 acres. In this case, the design of the dacha is carried out in a circular motive.

    The bottom line is to use smooth and rounded lines. Landscape elements are presented in the form of a circle, ellipse or oval.

    It is rather difficult to plan a plot of 6 acres of this shape. The main task is harmonious combine different elements into one composition.

    And if we take into account that we are talking about a small area, then it is better to entrust such work to professionals, especially if you have not previously encountered such a task.

    DIY design in this way involves placing the main elements of the landscape diagonally. Experts consider this option to be the best for decorating a small summer cottage. The diagonal layout allows you to visually increase its boundaries.

    Place for home

    The main objects are houses on the plot. Therefore, their construction must be approached very carefully. And first of all, it concerns the choice of a place for building a house. Since we are talking about a small area, the relief is not important here.

    When deciding this issue, it is worth considering a number of circumstances. Firstly this concerns the purpose of the cottage... It is used for various purposes.

    Someone prefers to spend the summer away from the city, while others see the dacha as a piece of land on which to grow flowers and food.

    So, if the main goal is to place the beds in a summer cottage, then it is better to place the residential building in the northern part near the fence.

    If the dacha is used for recreation, then the residential building is placed anywhere on a plot of 6 acres. Of course, here it is worth considering the availability of recreation areas. All elements of the landscape should be in harmony with each other. This will create a cozy atmosphere for relaxation.

    Important!The windows of a residential building should face east or west. This will provide normal natural light in the rooms.

    If the windows face north, the room will be somewhat cold. A southern orientation of the house will result in excessive heating of rooms by exposure to sunlight.

    When choosing a place for a summer cottage, it is worth considering the placement of plants. After construction the building will create a shadow, which will negatively affect their growth. Therefore, only shade-tolerant plants such as raspberries, currants or apple trees can be placed near the house.

    Territory zoning

    During the planning of a summer cottage of 6 acres, special attention should be paid to the zoning of the site. First of all, it is worth deciding what will be located on it. In the country, they often distinguish:

    • a zone of a residential building and outbuildings;
    • recreation area at the summer cottage;
    • vegetable garden and garden.

    When the issue with the zones is resolved, you can proceed to the direct zoning of the space.

    Space zoning is performed through... By design, such hedges are divided into several types:

    1. An open or low hedge. Presented as a fence made of thuja, juniper or other plants. They can be placed on the territory in cases where it is not possible to organize a closed fence.
    2. ... The height of such a “fence” reaches 2 m. Fast-growing, tall or compact plants are used for the construction. They are widely used to separate household and decorative areas.

    When choosing plants for a hedge, it is worth considering the characteristics of the soil.

    Zoning is carried out by deepening or raising a certain territory. The “recessed garden” is especially popular. Such a landscape element implies the organization of a decorative waterfall in an artificial deepening of the territory.

    Plots are often decorated with arches and trellises. In the future, they are formed by climbing plants, which will protect the territory from noise and wind.

    During the planning of a summer cottage of 6 acres, special attention should be paid to the zoning of the site.

    When a list of objects and landscape elements to be built has been drawn up, you can start planning a summer cottage of 6 acres. This task is carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Draw a plot and outline summer cottages for 6 acres on it.
    2. If the bathroom will be located in the house, then it is necessary to indicate the place of installation of the septic tank and the way of laying the sewer pipes.
    3. Designate a parking place for a car or garage, if necessary.
    4. Outdoor shower and place in the far corner of the plot. This will allow save useful land area... You can build them yourself.
    5. Allocate a place for a recreation area.
    6. Outline the paths for laying all engineering communications.
    7. Think over and outline the location of important decorative elements on the project.
    8. Connect all objects with a track system. Flower beds and flower borders can be arranged along them.

    When making a design for a summer residence of 6 acres with your own hands, you do not need to rush. All objects and places of their installation must be carefully thought out.

    When a list of objects and landscape elements to be built has been drawn up, you can start planning a summer cottage of 6 acres.

    A dacha is not only a residential building and a utility block. On the site you can erect various buildingsthat will perform certain functions. Of course, do not forget about the decorations, which will add beauty to the site. As for the objects, you can equip a summer cottage with the help of such structures:

    1. Bath. The construction of an object must be approached very carefully. This is especially true for thermal insulation work. Such structures can be of various sizes and design features. Therefore, they can be used in various household plots. The design of a dacha of 6 acres with your own hands will look complete with such a structure.
    2. Alcove. An ideal place to spend time outdoors. Such structures perform not only certain functions, but also act as landscape design... Beautiful designs will become a unique feature of your summer cottage.
    3. Pool. On 6 acres, you can place not only a small decorative pond, but also a full-fledged reservoir. Its presence will improve the quality of recreation in the country.

    In fact, in the country house you can place not only buildings that will perform certain functions, but also original decorative elements. They will become a real decoration of the territory. This should be taken into account when developing landscape design for 6 acres.

    On the site, you can erect various structures that will perform certain functions.

    The design of the suburban area needs to be approached from the creative side. This will allow you to create an original design with your own hands, which will exceed all expectations. Among the options available, it is worth highlighting:

    1. Original flower beds and flowerpots. Standard and classic pieces don't seem so elegant anymore. To create an original composition, they use various old things that have been gathering dust in the closet for a long time. You can use an old clay pot, barrel, or watering can as a base.
    2. Artificial reservoir. To prevent the growth of algae and microbes, it is better place in a shaded place... To decorate the reservoir, stones and various objects are used. Its layout is carried out taking into account all the norms.
    3. Floating flower bed. It will complement not only an artificial reservoir, but also the site itself. The best option would be an old boat, in which you can place a flower bed of different colors.
    4. Garden figurines and funny sculptures. Here we are talking not only about garden gnomes, but also hand-made products.

    Important! All elements of landscape design should be optimally combined with each other.

    Useful video: how to properly plan a plot of 6 acres

    In fact, you can dilute the landscape design with various decorative elements. Of course, do not forget that when making out the landscape design of 6 acres, it is worth considering the location of the main buildings, and then the auxiliary decorations. This will allow you to create a composition in which all the components will be organically combined with each other.

    You have become the owner of the desired plot of 6 acres for the arrangement of a vegetable garden, planting of garden shrubs and trees and the construction of a country house, but do not know how to plan it correctly? Then we are in a hurry to help you!
    How many square meters are there in 6 acres? This is a small piece of land measuring 20x30 or 15x40 meters (600 m2), and I want to place so many things there. The planning of a plot of 6 acres is not an easy task, therefore it requires careful preparation.

    First you need to decide what you want to see on your site. After all, we are all different, and our needs are also different. Some want to build a comfortable residential house for rest in their free time from work, and simply sow the rest of the territory with lawn grass, arrange a recreation area, a bathhouse, a barbecue; others give preference to various planting and cultivation of organic vegetables and fruits, the third is important both the first and second.

    Getting started planning

    For clarity, it is better to complete the plan-scheme on a scale, where, according to the current norms, we will locate all the necessary buildings, and plan various zones. You can make a drawing with your own hands on a scale of 1: 500 (1 cm - 5 m).

    When processing the documents, you obviously received an act on the land, which indicates the dimensions of your site. Transfer the dimensions to a piece of paper. Next, determine the size of the desired house, bathhouse, barn - everything that you would like to have in the future on the site.

    You need to know:

    According to SNiP 2.07.01-89 * “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements ", as well as SNiP 2.01.02-85 "Fire safety standards":

    A residential building and other buildings must not be located closer than 5 m from the red line of the street (unless otherwise provided by the detailed layout plan of the territory);
    - the distance from the house to the borders of neighboring areas must be at least 3 meters;
    - the distance from outbuildings to the borders of neighboring sites is at least one meter;
    - the distance from the windows of the house to the outbuildings (barn, bathhouse, garage) located on the neighboring site must be at least 6 m;
    - the distance from outbuildings with poultry and livestock to the windows of a residential building is at least 15 meters;
    - the distance between residential buildings, depending on the degree of fire resistance - from 6 to 15 meters.

    If the width of your site, while observing all the norms, allows you to move the house in one direction or another, then to save usable space it is better to do this. Having retreated the set 3 m from the neighboring plot and observing the fire gap, you will leave free space between the house and the fence of the neighboring plot on the other side for arranging various sites, a lawn, a garden or a vegetable garden.

    You should also pay attention to the orientation of the site to the cardinal points.

    Living quarters must be insolated continuously for at least 2-2.5 hours a day:
    - living room in a one-room apartment (house);
    - at least one living room in a 2- and 3-room apartment (house);
    - two living rooms in a house with more than 3 rooms.

    Based on this norm, the kitchen, bathroom, wardrobe, pantry are best located from the north, north-west and north-east sides.

    And, of course, an important point in the location of the house is the view from the windows. Determine the most interesting viewpoints, and when designing a house, take them into account when determining the location of window openings, terraces and verandas.

    Territory zoning

    Correctly positioning a house on a plot of 6 acres is half the battle. It is necessary to think over the location of the accompanying outbuildings and various zones (garden, vegetable garden, recreation area, barbecue, etc.).

    ◻ When equipping a garden plot of 6 acres, you should not have garage or carport in the depths of the site, since the passage to them will take up a significant part of the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe territory.

    The garden should not shade the vegetable garden, so as not to interfere with the normal growth of plants, which means that it cannot be located in the southern part of the site. For the same reason, the garden should not be broken up in the shade of the house and other buildings. The recreation area just may not be in the most lighted place, since rest on a hot sunny day is pleasant in a shaded area.

    Setting up a barbecue or fireplace, take an interest in the prevailing wind direction in your area, and position this area upwind so that the smoke from the fire will not spread throughout the entire area.

    If the site has a significant slope, then in the lowest place melt and rain water will accumulate, this is the worst place for setting up a vegetable garden. But you can plan a plot of 6 acres in the form of terraces and additionally provide for a drainage system.

    Each terrace will become an independent zone, and they can be combined with a system of paths and steps. You can strengthen the terraces with retaining walls made of rubble, monolithic concrete or concrete blocks.

    When starting the landscape design of a plot of 6 acres, you should know a few simple rules.

    1) A small area is visible all over, and the clear boundaries defined by the fence make the site squeezed. To soften the contours of the fence, decorate it with vegetation (lianas, flowers), or make a mesh fence so that the gaze rushes out of the territory.

    2) If this is not acceptable to you, then paint the blank fence in neutral shades or combine it from different materials in order to avoid monotony. Visually, this will expand the space.

    3) To prevent the entire area from being viewed at once, install several pergolas entwined with vines. Thus, the gaze, lingering on the oncoming object, will move more slowly through the rest of the territory.

    4) Avoid row landings. Garden trees are best distributed throughout the area.

    5) A free area planted with a lawn and framed with ornamental plants will also expand the space. This zone can occupy a small area near the house, and be a viewpoint of the site, or be located in the central part of the garden.

    6) Clear correct lines of paths for a small area are not desirable, it is better to make paths in the form of curved and smooth lines, forcing the gaze to slowly follow an arcuate path.

    7) By the way, instead of regular planting, arrange the beds in the form of a circle, semicircle or any free form.

    It is not only unusual, beautiful, but also practical, especially in a small area. Such plantings of parsley, dill, carrots and other vegetables will look like a flower bed.

    8) When planning the zones on your site, determine the priorities. It is impossible to arrange a large number of zones in a small area without creating crowding. If a residential building occupies a significant part of the site, then the remaining territory should be harmoniously combined with it.

    The general layout diagram shows the layout of the site with a house and a garage for two cars.

    In the far right corner we have a bathhouse and a recreation area with a pond and a gazebo. Below the recreation area is framed by a small round-shaped vegetable garden, which does not violate the overall composition. Here we are planning to plant decorative flowering trees.

    From the side of the main facade, we arrange a front area with a flower garden, a lawn, where thuja is supposed to be planted. In the upper left part of the plot there is a planting site for fruit trees. On the back of the house there is a paved area where garden furniture and an umbrella can be taken out in the warm season.

    In this diagram, we see a section elongated upward. On the left in the foreground is the house. In front of the house there is an open area with a lawn and decorative landscaping (shrubs, trees, flowers).

    The winding path is decorated with pergolas and leads us through a mini-garden to outbuildings and a vegetable garden. On the left behind the house, you can plant raspberries, blackberries, and between the fence and the garden - shrubs (currants, gooseberries, etc.).

    Design of a summer cottage of 6 acres with your own hands

    The size of six acres is a compact area that will be clearly visible from all sides. Therefore, you need to make each area aesthetically pleasing and functional. This is especially important for the beds, because often plantings can spoil the overall picture with their disproportionate plantings.

    So, in order for your summer cottage or house to be functional, then you must provide for the following important zones on it:
    ● parking or garage;
    ● bath;
    ● sheds, toilet and other building households;
    ● recreation area and barbecue;
    ● playground;
    ● garden and vegetable garden;
    ● flower beds or other "highlights" of the site.

    1. Parking or garage
    This place is very important, because most people come to the country using a car. It is advisable to do a little more space for the car, because guests are likely to come to you. Therefore, the site must have two parking spaces.

    As for the garage, then, of course, its presence is important, because then the car will be safe from theft and from negative weather conditions. But if there is no place for a garage or there is no extra money for construction, then you can make a shed. You can do it yourself, all you need is a metal frame, polycarbonate. One part of the canopy can be attached to the wall of the house.

    Advice! Do not make a shed in the middle of the yard, then the whole landscape will be obstructed by the parking lot, this is non-functional. It is best to do parking on the side of the house.

    2. Bath
    If you are not a fan of steam, then you will not need a bath, and this place can be used, for example, for a garage. But for most people, the bath is one of their favorite places. You should not have a bathhouse in the southern part of the site, since there you need to make beds for the garden, it should also not cast a shadow on your plantings, otherwise you will not get a harvest and beautiful flower beds. Consider the location of the sun on the site.

    An important point! Do the wiring very carefully in all household buildings, including the bathhouse. These places are very fire hazardous. Therefore, it is better to entrust all the wiring on the site to a professional.

    3. Sheds, toilet, other building households
    They can be placed next to the bathhouse. That is, in the place where they will not cast a shadow on the beds, the households of the building can also serve as a hedge of the site. But be sure to keep in mind that the toilet should be as far as possible from the house, from the neighbors, from the recreation area and the playground. If possible, then it can be arranged behind the baths, sheds. Then he will not spoil the appearance. If you rarely visit the country, then you can use dry closets. They take up minimal space, do not spoil the landscape, and do not carry unpleasant odors.

    Sheds are best set up as a small space where garden supplies will be stored. There is no need to put up a large outbuilding, where a large number of unnecessary things are often stored. You don't need a lot of space for garden tools, a pair of buckets, a hose and a lawn mower.

    4. Recreation area and barbecue
    They are best positioned so that the flower beds, a pond or an alpine slide are visible. Also, the grill and the gazebo should stand longer from the neighbors so that no one interferes with each other. Yes, and the smoke from the fire, which will go to the neighbors' site, can cause a conflict. Consider the features of the buildings of your neighbors, and then you will plan the improvement of your summer cottage.

    If there is a swimming pool in your recreation area, then do not plant trees nearby, as they will constantly pollute the water in the form of pollen and leaves. Also, you need to do your beach on the sunny side. By the way, a place next to the beds is suitable. Then the water from the pool can be used for irrigation.

    5. Playground

    If you have small children, then you must constantly supervise them. This means that their recreation area should be located where you can see them, while loud children's games will not greatly interfere with you while relaxing with your family. Do not locate the area next to a large pool so that you cannot see and control the actions of children. Since it is dangerous, and children can accidentally throw sand or toys into the water.

    6. Garden and vegetable garden

    What is a dacha without beds? After all, your vegetables and fruits are healthy and environmentally friendly. For a good harvest, you need to arrange the beds on the south or southeast side. The garden should not cast a shadow over the vegetable garden. It is very functional to use columnar varieties of fruit trees in a small area. They give a good harvest, while they do not take up much space and do not shade the site.

    A garden area does not have to have clear boundaries. If you plan to grow a large orchard on the site, then trees and bushes can be grown in all convenient ends of the site, this will give it romance and charm. The beds with berries and vegetables can be placed close to the recreation area, thanks to this you and your guests can treat themselves to the fresh gifts of the garden right where you relax.

    Also, when arranging the beds, you need to take into account the presence of groundwater and lowlands. If in spring there is water in this place, then it is better not to plant anything here.

    The beds can be made vertical to save space.

    And so that the garden is not like everyone else's, does not spoil the landscape, it can be made from wooden boards, pallets, if there is extra money from their stone. There are many ideas. The design of a summer cottage with your own hands can be made from any materials at hand: plastic bottles, brick, slate, old tires, and so on.

    Advice! Since a plot of six acres is not large, the geometric shapes of the beds in the form of rectangles, squares and any straight lines will emphasize the small area. It is best to choose oval, round and soft lines. This also applies to beds and paths, and flower beds.

    7. Flowerbeds or other "highlights" of the site

    Registration of a summer cottage without these landscape solutions simply cannot be complete. After all, flowers in a flower bed are a joy to the eyes. Therefore, it is best to do them where they can be clearly seen. Especially when receiving guests or relaxing in the gazebo. If there is little space left, then vertical gardening can always be used.

    You can also put a high rock garden in the center of the site. It will not take up much space in width, but it will create a unique look. Of the plants for the rock garden, various creeping herbs, thyme, sedum, saxifrage, rejuvenated, crocuses are perfect.

    Another common solution in recent years has been reservoirs. They can be made from improvised means or you can buy ready-made containers. And remember about right angles, which should be avoided. And also do not forget about garden lighting, which will help beautiful solar-powered lanterns.

    Photos from the article will help you to equip a summer cottage with your own hands. You can use their ideas while planning.

    Alpine slide in a garden of 6 ares

    Alpine slide scheme.

    The most popular, conservative and at the same time attractive option to decorate a 6 acres summer cottage in a landscape style is to create an alpine slide. It does not require any expensive or rare materials, as well as special skills in the implementation of the plan. The main materials for a rock garden are stones. They can be of completely different sizes and shapes, they can be stacked in different ways.

    But there are a few things to keep in mind. The laying of stones begins from the bottom up, from large to small. At the top of this rock there should be a large cone-shaped stone that can depict a real mountain peak. It should be borne in mind that some vegetation will subsequently be planted on the hill. Therefore, a certain amount of sand and gravel must be poured between the stones.

    Plants for an alpine slide must be chosen unpretentious and those that can grow even with insufficient watering. This is impossible because frequent watering can erode the soil and scatter the hill. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to correctly arrange the plants over the rock garden. At the foot of the slide, it is necessary to plant large, lush plants, which can be watered as much as necessary, without fear of damaging the shape of the slide. Small and unpretentious plants are placed closer to the top of the hill. Water the rock garden from top to bottom.

    As for the choice of a place for the construction of a slide to decorate a summer cottage, special events are not required here. After all, this structure is not massive enough to somehow damage the soil surface. An exception is too mobile soil, which undergoes a variety of chemical and geological processes occurring in the bowels of the earth.

    In such cases, it will be necessary to build a small sand and gravel pillow under the hill. To do this, first, a certain amount of sand is compacted onto the area allotted under the hill, then crushed stone or gravel is laid on it. After that, it will be possible to start laying stones and planting plants.

    How to fix the shortcomings of a small plot (up to 6 acres)?

    * * *
    As you can see, any, even the smallest, territory can be arranged so that your stay in the country will become pleasant. We wish you the same. Finally, watch a video on how to decorate a small area.

    Roses for a small garden (2, 4, 6 acres)

    Watch a lot of videos on what and how to grow on six acres

    Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

    Everyone can create a landscape design for their summer cottage by studying examples with photos. A vegetable garden and a garden for 6 acres can be equipped with your own hands, as shown in the photo. Planning and decorating the territory of a country house is not an easy process, but it is fascinating and interesting. This requires not only knowledge of land management and construction technologies, but also the manifestation of creativity and imagination.

    A small suburban area with a flower bed, a picnic and relaxation area

    How to develop a site design

    Arrangement of a suburban area is a great opportunity to try yourself in the role of a landscape designer. You should start by drawing up a plan of objects on the territory and taking into account their sizes, starting from the location of the country house:

    1. Initial site plan.
    2. Division into functional areas.
    3. Design techniques.

    The project plan may also include the arrangement of the drainage system, irrigation systems and the layout of electrical networks. You can design a summer kitchen, a small garden, a garage with tools, beautiful beds with your favorite berries, and even a mini-pool.

    Detailed cottage plan

    Basic planning rules strictly regulated by law:

    • The distance between residential buildings and the border of neighbors should be at least 3 meters, and from the house to the street line - 5 meters.
    • Household buildings should be located at least 1 meter from the garden.
    • It is permissible to build a bathhouse at a distance of at least 6 meters from the line of a residential building.
    • But the neighboring cattle corral should be built 15 meters from the country house.

    it is better to build away from street noise, in the depths of the territory. It is better that the windows of the bedroom, veranda or kitchen overlook the most beautiful areas of the garden, green spaces and flower beds.

    How best to choose a place for a house and garage:

    A well-designed landscape design of a summer cottage (as in the photo) 6 acres, made by hand from photo and video examples, makes it possible to embody any fantasies. With the help of design secrets of decoration on the territory, you can arrange several buildings and organize a blooming garden, which will not make the cottage visually smaller.

    What factors will affect the improvement of the territory:

    The geometry of a plot of 6 acres plays a significant role in the planning, design and decoration of the territory of the dacha. If it is surrounded on all sides by neighbors, you will most likely need to install a high fence. And if the site is U-or-L-shaped, elements such as a pool, playground or decorative pond should be moved to the far corner of the garden.

    Plan-project of the site taking into account the relief, plantings and buildings

    Landscaping techniques

    A dacha of 6 acres is a medium-sized plot, but it may be necessary to visually expand the space in order to accommodate everything you need without compromising free and comfortable movement. It is in this case that you should get acquainted with some design techniques in landscape design:

    There are several styles in landscape design that are suitable for decorating a plot of 6 acres with a garden:

    Options for inspiring suburban design ideas with examples in the photo are presented in the video below.

    Planning stages

    To equip a plot of 6 acres with your own hands, the whole process can be divided into several separate stages. Each of them is an important element in creating the big picture:

    Even a small area can be decorated beautifully and in an original way, so that the territory looks picturesque and stylish. It’s so nice when the country house has a cozy house, a solid gazebo, a bathhouse and even a barbecue with an open veranda for picnics. The creation of landscape design with your own hands in a dacha of 6 acres is shown in the example below in the video master class.