Interiorization. The doctrine of the gradual formation of mental activity. Always be in the mood

Interiorization Is a process of forming the structures of the human psyche through the acquisition of life experience. The concept comes from the French "intériorisation", which means transition from outside to inside, and from the Latin "interior", which means internal. The term interiorization itself and synonyms for it are very rare. This is a specific term that is often used only in the appropriate context. Therefore, there are no synonyms for the word interiorization, as such, and only in rare cases is it used together with the word "transition", which means, accordingly, the transition from the external to the internal.

Before a certain complex action is assimilated by the human mind, it is realized from the outside. Thanks to interiorization, people can talk about themselves, imagine themselves and that it is very important to think to themselves without disturbing others.

Social interiorization means borrowing the basic categories of individual consciousness from social experience and ideas. This state is expressed in the ability of the human psyche to operate with images of any objects that are absent in the field of vision at the moment. These can be objects, objects, phenomena, events with which a person has ever interacted, or he can imagine something that he has never even seen, construct events that can happen, or once happened. A person can go beyond the boundaries of a given moment, events can move in the past and future, in time and space.

The concept of interiorization characteristic only in relation to people, animals do not have this ability, their brain does not have the ability to go beyond the existing situation. The instrument of interiorization is the word, and the means of transition from situation to situation is speech action. The word singles out and fixes the most important properties of things and the ways developed by human practice, with which information is operated. Human behavior goes beyond the influence of the external situation, which previously determined the behavior of the animal. The correct use of words contributes to the assimilation of the meaningful properties of things, phenomena and methods of information management. Thanks to the process of interiorization, a person, with the help of words, is able to adopt the experience of all mankind, as well as of previous generations, or the experience of unknown people, distant hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. Vygotsky was the first to introduce this term in Russian science. He believed that all functions of the human psyche are formed as external, social forms of communication of people in the form of labor or other activities.

Vygotsky understood the concept of interiorization as the transformation of external actions into an internal conscious plan of a person. The development of the psyche begins from the outside under the influence of social factors in society. Collective forms of activity are built into human consciousness through internalization and become individual. After Vygotsky, Halperin took up the study of this phenomenon and made it the basis of a planned gradual education. Nietzsche understood this concept in his own way. He said that the instincts that do not go out, still manifest, but from the inside - this is what he called interiorization.

Interiorization is in psychology

In psychology, interiorization is the transformation of the structure of objective activity into the internal structure of the personality. Transformation of interpsychological relationships into intrapsychological ones. That is, interpersonal relationships turn into relationships between oneself and oneself.

The concept of interiorization was also used by P. Galperin in the formation of mental actions.

Interiorization in psychology is the process of understanding the inner nature of a determining action, as a derivative of practical activity.

With interiorization, activities change greatly, especially its operational part.

Social interiorization is expressed in the process of communication, when mental processes are modified under its influence, since communication in a "latent" form is contained in these processes. The structure of mental functions is similar to the process of communication. This is because the formation of mental functions occurs in early ontogenesis during the interiorization of the communication process.

In the process of interiorization, deep, stable and synchronous structures are formed in the human psyche. These are a kind of social mechanisms that determine the nature of the "overlying" mental processes (emotional, cognitive). Therefore, it turns out that interiorization is a social mechanism of the psyche.

The internalization and perception of the personality, the transition to the internal plane of humanistic values, the formation of one's own value orientation is impossible in implementation only at a conscious level. Emotions play an active role in this process. The emotional side of this process has been investigated and confirmed by numerous studies, which expresses the fact that social values \u200b\u200bcan be perceived not only by consciousness, intellectual thinking, but also by feelings and emotionality. Even if we take the understanding of social significance, it is not easy, as it were, accompanied, but colored by sensibility. The participation of feelings can determine the reality of acceptance of such a meaning by the individual himself, and not by his understanding in general. Thus, in the process of interiorization of common human values, it is necessary to take into account the dialectical unity of the social and the individual, cognitive and sensual, intellectual and emotional, rational and practical. Such integrity speaks of a sufficiently high level of development of the value orientation of the individual. This, in turn, allows one to selectively relate to phenomena, surrounding objects, events, adequately perceive and evaluate them, establish both subjective and objective value, and orient oneself in the same spiritual and material culture.

Interiorization equally without a predominant relation to some kind of mental process (memory, perception) determines the social forms of all processes.

Interiorization has results related to the perception of sociocultural information (they are especially evident), everything that is perceived by a person (in the wide and narrow sense of this concept), it is accepted in social forms. As a result, a number of persistent social psychic structures are formed that shape consciousness. Also, the result is the formation on the basis of consciously defined, detailed, internal actions.

Following the results of interiorization, a feature of the structures of mental processes is observed, which differs from the structure of the same processes in animals. The prerequisite for the process of interiorization is an unconscious inner plan, which qualitatively changes in the process, since the plan of consciousness is being formed. On the one hand, interiorization occurs in the process of communication, on the other hand, it occurs during the transfer of action from the external plane to the plane of the internal, mental.

This process is closely related to communication. During the gradual formation of mental actions within the framework of communication between those who are forming and those who are being formed, interiorization has an important place in this formation.

Internalized signs are learned exclusively in the process of communication. But ontogeny still determines the structure; this structure reflects their origin. A situation that has an internalizing structure is communication, and its structure has a curtailed communication called dialogism.

Dialogue, which is the hidden mechanism of mental functions, is of great importance. Latent dialogue or communication is viewed as components in the deep interiorized structure of the psyche. The function of meaning carries a subject-subject relationship, that is, it has a dialogical structure.

Interiorization is associated with exteriorization, the opposite concept to it. Exteriorization comes from the French "exteriorisation", which means the manifestation of the Latin "exterior", which means external, external. Exteriorization is a process in which internal mental actions are transformed into external expanded object-sensory actions.

Interiorization and exteriorization in developmental psychology play an important role. To develop a certain mental action in a child, for example, addition, it must first be shown to the child as an external action, that is, it must be exteriorized. It is already formed in such an exteriorized expanded form of external action. Only then, in the process of its gradual transformation, a generalization of the specific reduction of links is created, a change in the levels at which it is performed, its internalization is carried out, that is, its transformation into an internal action, which already fully proceeds in the child's mind.

Interiorization and exteriorization in psychology, in the activity approach, are the mechanisms by which social and historical experience is acquired. Based on the study of this experience, the idea was born of the origin of the internalization of mental processes, the activity of human consciousness from external practical activity. Any type of human activity (educational, labor, play) is associated with the use of tools, tools, means of labor, with the creation of socially important products. Social experience cannot be conveyed without expressing it in an external form, through speech, demonstration. With the help of this, a person is capable of perceiving and transferring the experience of generations to himself. This process is not an ordinary movement, copying of external activity into the internal plane of a person. This is the formation of consciousness, joint knowledge, common with the consciousness of other people, separate from them, perceived by a person and others in the same understanding.

Interiorization process arises from the fact that higher mental functions begin to develop as external forms of activity, and already in the process of interiorization, these functions are transformed into mental processes.

The fundamental provisions of the interiorization process can be described in several postulates. The structure of mental functions is revealed only in the process of genesis, when they have already taken shape, the structure becomes indistinguishable and goes deeper. The formation of mental processes reveals the true essence of a phenomenon that initially did not exist, but in the process of interiorization it was created and began to develop. The essence of the phenomenon, which began to manifest itself, cannot be explained through physiological processes or logical schemes, but is capable of manifesting itself as a continuous process, even after the cessation of the influence of some phenomenon, and this process does not stop. Through internalization, the transformation of external signs into an internal plan of activity begins. This process does not happen in isolation and on its own. Normal development of the psyche is possible in the presence of communication with loved ones. Thanks to interiorization, a person learns to build mental plans, develop options for solving situations. Thus, a person acquires the ability to think in abstract categories.

Interiorization is in pedagogy

Vygotsky most actively developed the concept of interiorization in the direction of educational psychology. He suggested that the formation of basic social structures in the consciousness of a person takes place during communication. In this process, the main point is the formed symbolic-semiotic function of the psyche, thanks to which a person is capable of receptivity of the world around him through a special "quasi-dimension" - a system of meanings and a semantic field. In the process of interiorization, a symbolic-semiotic function is created.

The aggregate of social ties in which it is expressed, in the form of the structure of communication between an adult and a child, lends itself to interiorization. Such a structure, which is expressed by signs, is internalized in the child's psyche. The result of this process is manifested in the fact that the structure of the psyche is mediated through interiorized signs and the main structures of consciousness are formed.

This process occurs during the formation of the child's psyche and has several stages. At the first stage, the adult verbally affects the child, prompting him to take a certain action.

At the second stage, the child masters the way of addressing him and makes attempts to influence with the help of words.

At the third stage, the child is able to independently influence himself with a word. The stages described are well manifested in the development of children's egocentric speech.

The formation of the personal component presupposes the acquisition of a system of humanistic norms and values \u200b\u200bthat form the basis of humanitarian culture. The process of implanting these values \u200b\u200bin the educational process is of great social importance. A possible perspective in the humanization of education depends on this, the meaning of which is to ensure a conscious choice of spiritual values \u200b\u200bby a person, on their basis to form a stable individual system of moral and value humanistic orientations that characterize the motivational-value attitude of a person. A value can become an object of human need in the event that the purposeful activity of the organization, the selection of objects is realized and the creation of conditions is noted that cause the need for its consciousness and personality assessment. So upbringing can be viewed as an organized social process of the interiorization of human values.

Through the psychological mechanism of interiorization, one can understand the characteristics of the dynamism of the spiritual needs of the individual. During the activity that a person carries out under established conditions, new objects are formed that cause new needs. If in the pedagogical system "teacher - student" were introduced certain factors that stimulate the student's initiative, he would be in the circumstances of the expanded development of spiritual needs.

An example of interiorization. The student predicts his own activities, internally comparing his own actions and future actions in accordance with social requirements and processes them in the internal state. The selected object is transformed into a need, this is how the mechanism of this process works.

The interiorization of universal values \u200b\u200bduring the assessment activities of students helps in the design of new activities, according to social standards and the tasks that arise in front of them in the process of self-education and self-education, to implement it in practice.

When new objects of activity are transferred and become a new human need, then exteriorization occurs. A characteristic feature of this process is the manifestation of the action of the law of negation, which manifests itself in a peculiar form, when one need can affect another, while connecting it to itself at a higher level.

There are two approaches to the organization of upbringing, as to a purposeful process of internalization of universal humanistic values. The first approach is expressed in spontaneously formed and specially organized conditions that selectively actualize various situational impulses and which, under the influence of systematic activation, are slowly but gradually consolidated and can move into more stable motivational structures. The described method of organizing the interiorization of universal human values \u200b\u200bis based on a natural increase in those motives that act as a starting point. A good example is a child's interest in reading.

The second approach in the organization of upbringing is the assimilation by students who are presented with formulated motives, goals, ideals. They, according to the teacher, should be formed among the pupils, and gradually turn from externally perceived into internally assimilated and acting. In this case, it is necessary to explain the meaning of the formed motives and their relationship with others. This will help the pupils in their internal semantic work and save them from indiscriminate search, which is often associated with many mistakes.

A full-fledged, properly organized upbringing, as a process of interiorization, requires the use of two approaches, since both of them have both advantages and disadvantages. If you use only the first approach, then you may encounter the insufficiency of such a method that if the upbringing is well organized, in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical conditions, it will be impossible to be sure that the desired humanistic motives will be formed.

People have always been interested in the question: how does our psyche work? This complex mechanism, produced by the brain, regulates almost all internal processes of our body, and also allows a person to be a social being. It is thanks to the psyche that a person is able to form information received from the outside inside his head. Socialization, personality identification, cognition, communication, anger, fear are all the result of the brain.

However, there are a number of questions that arise as we study this phenomenon. For example, how is the information we receive processed? What internal brain process carries out the relationship between external and internal? Any external activity, one way or another, forms special mental structures in a person's head. This process is the answer to all questions, and it is called interiorization.

Description of the term

Internalization in psychology is the process of the emergence of special mental structures that arise as a result of external human activity. In other words, all complex actions are processed and turned into experience precisely through interiorization. In addition to the functions presented, the process makes it possible to operate with subject images.

We can think to ourselves, imagine objects, things, people who are not around, change them. The process of interiorization makes it possible to go beyond what really exists. Inside his head, a person can do whatever he pleases. The problem of interiorization in psychology has been troubling the minds of scientists for many years, because it is this complex mental process that makes a microcosm out of the brain, in which everything is subordinated to one subject.

Scientists studying the issue of interiorization

For the first time the term was put forward by the French scientist Duqueim. In his opinion, interiorization in psychology is the constituent elements of a person or the relationship between the public (external) and the personal (internal). The theory is based on the fact that all categories are formed taking into account external social concepts. A similar point of view was supported by other French representatives of the psychological school, namely: Piaget, Janet, Wallon.

Of the many Soviet scientists, Vygotsky should be distinguished. He argued that all external activity, communication between people or the process of knowing something becomes part of consciousness in the form of experience after internalization. Thus, interiorization in psychology is a process of transition of the external, social with people into a component of the human psyche.

Internalization of communication

Any of our external actions, for example, communication, are internalized. Without this process, people would not be able to get the necessary life experience. The internal psychological plan of a person serves as the basis for interiorization. He undergoes significant changes in the course of life.

This whole complex process distinguishes a person from an animal that exists instinctively. The result of the action of interiorization is a revised one that has the form of a structural element of the psyche.

processed information

Communication is carried out only for the following purposes: to gain experience or to perform some action. It is clear from experience that it takes place only after interiorization. But with actions, the situation is a little more complicated. Earlier it was said that interiorization in psychology is a change in external social activity within a person's consciousness. But there is also a process that conditions the manifestation of this processed information. Exteriorization is the transformation of the internal into the external. The process allows the lessons learned to be used in everyday life. Thus, interiorization and exteriorization in psychology are directly opposite processes, although their functions are somewhat similar. Thanks to them, people can be compared to high-end computers that process information at a breakneck speed.


So, in the article the essence of the term "interiorization" was described in detail. In psychology, this is an example of internal comprehension and processing of external activities. Without this process, a person will turn into an ordinary animal, whose actions are directed only by elementary desires and instincts.

In human activity, its external (physical) and internal (mental) sides are inextricably linked. The external side - the movements with which a person affects the external world - is determined and regulated by internal (mental) activities: motivational, cognitive and regulatory. On the other hand, all this internal, mental, activity is directed and controlled by the external, which reveals the properties of things, processes, carries out their purposeful transformations, reveals the degree of adequacy of mental models, as well as the degree of coincidence of the results and actions with the expected.

The processes that ensure the relationship between the internal and external aspects of activity are called interiorization and exteriorization.

Interiorization (from Lat. Interior - internal) - transition from outside to inside; psychological concept, meaning the formation of mental actions and the internal plan of consciousness through the individual's assimilation of external actions with objects and social forms of communication. Internalization consists not in a simple transfer of external activity into the inner plane of consciousness, but in the formation of this consciousness itself.

Thanks to interiorization, the human psyche acquires the ability to operate with images of objects that are currently absent in his field of vision. A person goes beyond the framework of a given moment, freely "in the mind" moves into the past and into the future, in time and in space.

Animals do not possess this ability, they cannot arbitrarily go beyond the framework of the present situation. An important tool for interiorization is the word, and a means of voluntary transition from one situation to another is speech action. The word singles out and consolidates in itself the essential properties of things and methods of operating with information, developed by the practice of mankind. Human action ceases to be dependent on a situation given from outside, which determines all animal behavior.

Hence it is clear that mastering the correct use of words is at the same time mastering the essential properties of things and methods of operating with information. A person, through the word, assimilates the experience of all mankind, that is, tens and hundreds of previous generations, as well as people and collectives that are hundreds and thousands of kilometers away from him.

Exteriorization (from Lat. Exterior - external) is the reverse process of interiorization, it is a transition from the inside to the outside. A psychological concept that means the transition of actions from an internal and reduced form to the form of a detailed action. Examples of exteriorization: objectification of our ideas, creation of an object according to a pre-developed plan.

Activities can be performed in various ways and techniques. Mastering a set of techniques that ensure the ability to successfully perform a particular activity is called skill. It presupposes the availability of knowledge and their skillful application in activities. The skill allows you to choose certain methods of action, taking into account specific conditions. It can be formed on the basis of a model, that is, by simply imitating the actions of other people (in early childhood). The main way of developing skills is special education. In this case, the learning process is the more successful, the more fully the demonstration and explanation interact.

Activity requires, as a rule, distribution of attention, prolonged concentration, speed of execution. This can be achieved if the person has developed skills. A skill is an automated way of doing things that is entrenched through exercise. The physiological basis of a skill is a dynamic stereotype, that is, a system of conditioned reflexes or a system of neural connections, in which each previous element of action entails a subsequent one, is a signal for it. The peculiarity of the skill is not unconsciousness, but a high degree of automation of the action, which is controlled by the consciousness not in its individual components, but in general, in accordance with the actions of the tasks of the activity.

In any kind of activity, skills, firstly, reduce the time it takes to complete an action. A beginner typist types much more slowly than an experienced typist. Secondly, unnecessary movements disappear, tension decreases when performing an action. The first grader grips the pen with great force while writing. At the initial stage of the formation of this skill, he has a significant tension in the muscles of the arms and trunk. With a developed writing skill, excessive stress and additional movements disappear.

Thirdly, separate independent movements are combined into a single action. So, when forming the writing skill, the teacher works out the writing of the individual elements of the letter. With fluent writing, letters are written quickly, with one stroke of the pen. Well-developed skills increase labor productivity, improve the quality of work, and reduce fatigue. Skills save human strength, free up consciousness for solving more important tasks of activity. Various types of skills are known: motor, thinking, sensory, as well as behavioral skills. Motor skills are included in a variety of activities (impact on the subject of labor, control of technological processes, speaking and writing, movement in space, etc.).

Thinking skills are mandatory components of mental work (skills in reading drawings, memorizing, building evidence, etc.). An important place in mental activity belongs to the skills of distribution and concentration of attention, observation. The development of sensory skills is at the core of the development of sensitivity. For example, the skill of auditory perception is learning to receive telegrams transmitted by the Morse code by ear. By listening to short and long signals, the radio operator learns to read phrases without prior recording.

Behavioral skills are formed on the basis of knowledge about the norms of behavior and are reinforced by exercises. An exercise is a purposeful, repeated action carried out with the aim of improving it. During the exercise, activities are organized in a certain way. It is easier to form a new skill than to rebuild an incorrectly developed one. That is why, organizing the exercise, it is necessary to induce a positive attitude towards work in a person. A skill cannot be developed in one go. It takes more or less lengthy training, distributed over time, for the skill to reach the desired level of perfection.

When a person masters any kind of activity, he usually develops not one, but several skills. Moreover, new skills are superimposed on previously established ones. Some of them help a new skill to develop and function, others interfere, others modify it, etc. This phenomenon is named in psychology interaction skills. The positive impact of previously developed skills on mastering new ones is called transfer... The transfer is noted in all activities. For its normal implementation, it is necessary that the skill becomes generalized, universal, consistent with other skills, actions brought to automatism.

Skills alignment occurs when:

a) the system of movements included in one skill corresponds to the system of movements included in another skill;

b) the implementation of one skill creates favorable conditions for the implementation of the second (one of the skills serves as a means of better assimilation of the other);

c) the end of one skill is the actual beginning of another, and vice versa.

The negative influence of the developed skills on the mastery of new or the negative influence of the formed skills on the existing ones is called interference.

It occurs when one of the following contradictions appears in the interaction of skills:

a) the system of movements included in one skill contradicts, does not agree with the system of movements that make up the structure of another skill;

b) when switching from one skill to another, one has to actually retrain, break the structure of the old skill;

c) the beginning and ends of the successively performed skills do not coincide with each other;

d) the system of movements included in one skill is partially contained in another skill already brought to automatism (in this case, when performing a new skill, movements characteristic of a previously learned skill automatically arise, which leads to a distortion of the movements necessary for the newly acquired skill) ...

The phenomenon of interference can be weakened if a significant difference in the signs of actions, methods of action is brought to the consciousness of a person.

By the mechanism of education, skills are closely related habits... A habit is a learned action that has become a need. The role of habit is extremely important. From knowledge, beliefs and habits, a character is formed, a stable personality. Habit differs from skills and habits in that it always has a bright emotional coloring. The inability to perform habitual actions causes dissatisfaction, irritation, negative emotions. If skills and abilities are formed through conscious exercise, then the habit can arise without much effort on the part of the person. Habits can be good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant for others. Among the habits associated with work, it is necessary to note the useful habit of filling your time with fruitful work and reasonable rest.

The role of communication in human mental development

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of intelligent, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to ample opportunities for learning, a person acquires all of his highest productive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality.

If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to the end of his life, to remain a sex animal, only outwardly, anatomically and physiologically resembling a person. This is evidenced by the numerous facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with their own kind, the human individual, even if he as an organism, fully retains, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the condition of people who are found from time to time among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident found themselves alone, isolated for a long time from their own kind ( for example, after a shipwreck). Particularly important for the mental development of a child is his communication with adults in the early stages of ontogenesis. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the beginning of school, and even more definitely - until adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-education and self-education.

The mental development of a child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in ontogenesis and thanks to which the infant receives the information necessary for his individual development. As for objective activity, which also acts as a condition and means of mental development, it appears much later - in the second or third year of life. In communication, first through direct imitation (vicarious learning), and then through verbal instructions (verbal learning), the child's main life experience is acquired. The people with whom he communicates are carriers of this experience for the child, and this experience cannot be acquired in any other way, except for communication with him. The intensity of communication, diversifying its content, goals, means are the most important factors that determine the development of children. The types of communication highlighted above serve the development of various aspects of psychology and human behavior. So, business communication forms and develops his abilities, serves as a means of acquiring knowledge and skills. In it, a person improves the ability to interact with people, developing the business and organizational qualities necessary for this.

Personal communication forms a person as a person, gives him the opportunity to acquire certain character traits, interests, habits, inclinations, to master the norms and forms of moral behavior, to determine the goals of life and choose the means of their realization. Diverse in content, purpose, means of communication also performs a specific function in the mental development of an individual. For example, material communication allows a person to receive objects of material and spiritual culture necessary for a normal life, which, as we have found out, act as a condition for individual development.
Cognitive communication directly acts as a factor of intellectual development, since communicating individuals exchange and, therefore, mutually enrich their knowledge.
Conditioned communication creates a state of readiness for learning, formulates the attitudes necessary to optimize other types of communication. Thus, it indirectly contributes to the individual intellectual and personal development of a person.

Motivational communication serves as a source of additional energy for a person, a kind of "recharge" for him. Acquiring as a result of such communication new interests, motives and goals of activity, a person increases his psychoenetic potential, which develops himself. Active communication, which we define as the interpersonal exchange of actions, operations, skills and abilities, has a direct developmental effect for the individual, as it improves and enriches his own activity. Biological communication serves the very preservation of the organism as the most important condition for the maintenance and development of its vital functions. Social communication serves the social needs of people and is a factor contributing to the development of forms of social life, groups, collectives, etc.

The concept of "strategy" originated in the art of war.

The time has come, following the spirit of our time, to use it for peaceful purposes.

The biblical legend of the Tower of Babel has a meaning that is relevant to our time. As punishment for their architectural project, people were deprived of the ability to understand each other: they began to speak different languages. But over time, linguistic prerequisites for mutual understanding began to take shape. The difference in languages \u200b\u200bhas ceased to be an obstacle to understanding other people. However, military ambitions, combined with an unprecedented rate of scientific and technological progress, gave rise to new disasters. Today's world is on the verge of such events that can lead to the literal destruction of humanity. And we will miss the last chance if we do not take advantage of the ability gained as a result of centuries of development of civilization to understand each other despite the differences in languages.

What are the problems of understanding? Is it possible to formulate rules that make it possible to achieve understanding by one person of another, when both interlocutors seek to constructively solve common problems for them with the help of non-confrontational dialogue? Answering this question in the affirmative, we bring to the attention of our readers the rules we have formulated.

INTERIORIZATION - the process of forming the internal structures of the psyche, conditioned by the assimilation of the structures and symbols of external social activity. In Russian psychology, interiorization is interpreted as the transformation of the structure of objective activity into the structure of the internal plane of consciousness. Otherwise, the transformation of interpsychological (interpersonal) relationships into intrapsychological (intrapersonal, relationships with oneself). It must be distinguished from any forms of receiving "from the outside", processing and storing "inside" the psyche of sign information (perception and memory). In the ontogen, the following stages of interiorization are distinguished:

1) an adult acts on a child with words, prompting him to do something;

2) the child adopts the way of addressing and begins to influence the adult by word;

3) the child begins to influence himself with a word. These stages can be traced, in particular, when observing children's egocentric speech. Later, the concept of interiorization was extended by P. Ya. Galperin to the formation of mental actions. It formed the basis for understanding the nature of internal activity as a derivative of external, practical activity while maintaining the same structure, and expressed itself in understanding the personality as a structure formed by the internalization of social relations. In the theory of activity, internalization is the transfer of the corresponding actions related to the external activity into the mental, internal Plan. During interiorization, external activity, without changing the fundamental structure, is strongly transformed - this is especially true of its operational part. Concepts similar to interiorization are used in psychoanalysis to explain how in ontogeny and phylogeny, under the influence of the structure of interindividual relations, passing "inside" the psyche, the structure of the unconscious (individual or collective) is formed, which in turn determines the structure of consciousness.

(Golovin S.Yu. Dictionary of practical psychologist - Minsk, 1998)

INTERIORIZATION(from lat. interior -internal) - letters: transition from outside to inside; psychological concept, meaning the formation of stable structural and functional units consciousnessthrough the assimilation of external actions with objects and the mastery of external sign means (for example, the formation of internal speech from external speech). Sometimes it is interpreted in a broader sense in the sense of any assimilation of information, knowledge, roles, value preferences, etc. In theory L. FROM. Vygotskymainly we are talking about the formation of internal means of conscious activity from external means communicationwithin the framework of joint activities; In other words, Vygotsky's concept of I. referred to the formation of a "systemic" structure of consciousness (as opposed to a "semantic" structure). However, I. does not complete the process of forming higher mental functions, still needed intellectualization(or rationalization).

There is a trace in Vygotsky's works. syn. "I.": rotation, internalization. Vygotsky called the 4th stage of his initial scheme for the development of higher mental functions "the stage of rotation." In English dictionaries, the term "I." does not occur. Close in sound and meaning is the term "internalization", which is heavily loaded with psychoanalytic meaning. see also The theory of the phased formation of mental actions, The theory of the development of perception through the formation of perceptual actions, Mental actions, Assimilation, Teaching. (B. M.)

(Zinchenko V.P., Meshcheryakov B.G. Big psychological dictionary - 3rd ed., 2002)

Internalization is the formation of the internal structures of the human psyche through the assimilation of external social activity, the appropriation of life experience, the formation of mental functions and development in general. Any complex action, before becoming the property of the mind, must be realized outside. Thanks to interiorization, we can talk to ourselves, and actually think, without disturbing others.

Thanks to interiorization, the human psyche acquires the ability to operate with images of objects that are currently absent in his field of vision. A person goes beyond the framework of a given moment, freely "in the mind" moves into the past and into the future, in time and in space.

Animals do not possess this ability, they cannot arbitrarily go beyond the framework of the present situation. An important tool for interiorization is the word, and a means of voluntary transition from one situation to another is speech action. The word singles out and consolidates in itself the essential properties of things and methods of operating with information developed by the practice of mankind. Human action ceases to be dependent on a situation given from outside, which determines all animal behavior. Hence it is clear that mastering the correct use of words is at the same time mastering the essential properties of things and methods of operating with information. A person through the word assimilates the experience of all mankind, that is, tens and hundreds of previous generations, as well as people and collectives that are hundreds and thousands of kilometers distant from him.

For the first time this term was used in the works of French sociologists (Durkheim and others), where interiorization was considered as one of the elements of socialization, meaning the borrowing of the main categories of individual consciousness from the sphere of social experience and social ideas. The concept of interiorization was introduced into psychology by representatives of the French psychological school (J. Piaget, P. Janet, A. Vallon, and others) and by the Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky.

According to LS Vygotsky, any function of the human psyche initially takes shape as an external, social form of communication between people, as labor or other activity, and only then, as a result of interiorization, it becomes a component of the human psyche.

Subsequently, interiorization was studied by P. Ya. Galperin as a process and formed the basis of a systematic step-by-step formation.

The concept of interiorization is one of the key concepts in modern educational psychology in the United States.

F. Nietzsche had a peculiar understanding of interiorization. In his work A Genealogy of Morality (1887), he wrote that "All instincts that are not allowed to go outside are manifested within. This is exactly what I call interiorization."

Social development situation - completely peculiar, specific for a given age, exclusively unique and inimitable relationship between the child and the surrounding reality. (L. S. Vygotsky).

Neoplasms- mental and social changes that first arise at this age stage and which determine the course of further mental development. For example, the emergence of speech at an early age, a sense of adulthood in adolescence.

Leading activity - This is an activity that is most conducive to the mental and behavioral development of the child in a given period of his life and leading the development of himself (Elkonin D. B.).

The principle of leading activity was deeply developed in the works of A. N. Leontiev. The essence of this principle lies in the fact that, first of all, it is in the process of the child's leading activity in each period of his development that new relationships, a new type of knowledge and methods of obtaining them are formed, which significantly changes the cognitive sphere and the psychological structure of the personality. Thus, each leading activity contributes to the appearance of qualitative features characteristic only of this age, or, as they are called, age neoplasms. But within the same activity characteristic of one age, different stages can be distinguished, and the development of the child at each of them is not the same. In the process of communication activity, the child's needs, goals, motives of activity are formed first of all.