What should be the furniture in the living room. How to choose furniture for the living room: useful tips and design ideas. Decide on functionality

The living room is the face of the house, it is here that the hosts receive their guests. Such a room should be comfortable and meet all the requirements for comfort for rest. An important factor in a comfortable room is furniture for the living room, correctly selected and arranged products will bring not only a share of an attractive appearance, but also practicality.

In order to understand how to choose the right furniture in the living room, you need to learn more about the existing types of products. Today, the following options are considered popular:

  • modular systems;
  • cabinet furniture;
  • items of upholstered furniture.

When choosing, the fact that the furniture for the living room will serve for a long time is taken into account, therefore, the main criterion is quality. Before buying, it is recommended to carefully study the existing types of furniture.


Furniture consisting of several parts that can be moved within the boundaries of the set is usually called modular. Such systems are very popular among designers planning a minimalist style interior. The parts of the kit - modules, are a kind of designer, which is assembled according to the degree of functionality of the products.

Items that usually come in modular living room furniture sets:

  • corner and regular cabinets;
  • showcases;
  • mirrors;
  • dressers;
  • pedestals;
  • tables;
  • shelves for books.

When choosing modules, the customer is offered a set of items, from which he independently selects those parts that are necessary for the headset. In the interior of the living room, such products look original, while performing their intended functions.

The main feature of modular systems is their mobility. Due to the complete independence of the details, you can independently move and transform them to suit your needs. Fasteners are used for connection, and some options may be free-standing. It is not difficult to choose a modular design - it is important to know the dimensions of the space for the installed products, their height and depth. For the manufacture of systems, chipboard, wood and laminated materials are used. Glass, plastic, metal fittings act as additional raw materials in the production of living room furniture. The most expensive models are considered solid wood models.

The main advantage of such devices is the saving of space in the room. When choosing modules, the owner already knows how to use them and where they will be placed, so there will be no problems with the selected cabinet that does not fit into the space.


Such furniture products include models with a rigid base in the form of panels. As a rule, various cabinets, racks, and walls are considered to be cabinet items. Beautiful cabinet-type living room furniture is made of high-quality wood species, often from solid wood.

Modern case models are made collapsible, which is very convenient when transporting products to customers and when moving. To decide which items will be located in the living room, it is necessary to determine the individual preferences of the owner. Often the following elements are placed in the room:

  • body walls - these multifunctional devices contain several items at once - a wardrobe, a TV niche, a showcase for placing decor, shelves for books and a cabinet;
  • sliding wardrobe - a free-standing storage space can be placed in the living room, which has large dimensions. A photo of the cabinets demonstrates the fact that it is usually made to the full height of the wall, and thanks to the sliding mechanism, the element can be installed in the corner;
  • shelving - books, decor items, lamps and even an audio and video system are placed on such a functional item.

Today, factories for the production of cabinet furniture offer products of various styles for selection. In the catalogs you can find items in classic, gothic, minimalist styles. When choosing the living room furniture, the photo of which is presented in the selection, rely on color combinations of products and finishing materials, so you get an original result.


The central part of the room, which attracts the guests' eyes, is a beautiful sofa and armchairs. The key to a good interior will be a sofa matched to the style of the rest of the existing furnishings. In calm classical styles, the sofa is made monochromatic, and the armchairs are purchased for it in color or contrast.

Another option is to put a couch instead of a sofa. This move solves two problems at once:

  • no need to buy additional chairs;
  • corners are usually transformed into sleeping places that are useful for accommodating guests.

What furniture to choose for the living room depends on its size. For small rooms one sofa is enough, for more spacious rooms a set of armchairs, a sofa and poufs is suitable. Do not forget that in addition to upholstered furniture, the living room will be filled with cabinet and modular systems. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to preview the photo of the furniture in the living rooms in advance; it is selected according to the individual preferences of the owners.

When choosing a sofa, pay attention to the upholstery materials. The fabric must be strong, durable and soft. The colors should be in harmony with the room, so you should not choose inappropriate combinations.

For a small living room, soft furniture is better to select light colors, and for more spacious rooms, experiment with color. Contrasting color schemes look original.

Accommodation rules

In almost every apartment, the living room is furnished the same way. The permanent elements include a sofa, TV and coffee table. Sometimes there are additional berths for guests, a library and storage cabinets. For a small room, the built-in living room furniture will be the best solution. Such products, in contrast to their hull counterparts, have only a roof and false panels, which fit into building niches and horizontal planes.

To answer the question: how to arrange furniture correctly, follow these tips:

  • draw a plan - make sketches schematically on a piece of paper, taking into account the existing dimensions of the room, observing the scale - it will be easier to understand what space needs to be equipped;
  • set the center of the composition - before choosing furniture for the living room, decide what will be the central point of the room. This could be a sofa, home theater, shelving, or other item. After that, planning is easier;
  • use every centimeter rationally. If you place a table near the sofa, leave some space so that you can approach it from any side. What furniture is best for the room is up to the owner of the apartment: if there are children in the house, it is necessary to purchase small soft baby chairs;
  • proportionality of dimensions - avoid large living room furniture, photos of which can be found in the selection, if the room is small. It is not necessary to pile up space - this area is intended for relaxation and receiving guests.

Incorrectly placed objects can be inconvenient in daily use, so think about all the little things: if the sofa can be folded into a sleeping place, provide additional space to open it.

What to look for when choosing

The beautifully furnished living rooms reflect the good taste of the hosts. Choosing cabinets, shelves and soft items should be guided by personal preferences, while you do not need to forget about the design of the room. Choose your furnishings according to your family's needs. A few tips for choosing items:

  • a soft sofa is an indispensable component of a relaxation room. Choosing a cozy sofa for the living room is not difficult: decide on the size, functions, the presence of armrests and cushions. For a light finish, get a sofa one darker tone. If the finishing materials are made in mixed colors, then the chairs should correspond to the idea;
  • if you follow the classic interiors, the display cabinet for the living room will become a must, the photo of which can be seen in furniture catalogs. Such a product is used to place beautiful dishes, board games, family pictures or decor items;
  • a necessary element is a modular or cabinet wall, where a niche for a TV, shelves for books and shelves is located. Furniture variations can also be seen in the photo, the design of such products must necessarily fit into the overall picture of the room;
  • in the absence of a library or study in the house, the owners can always equip such a room in the living room. To do this, you just need to correctly arrange the bookshelves, which are made to the full height of the wall.

Competently selected furniture in the living room will fulfill the intended functions and delight all family members with its attractive appearance and practicality.

Each owner of an apartment or private house is pleased when guests evaluate the interior of their home with slight envy.

The living room is the main one in the whole house, since it is here that the family spends their leisure time, discusses the events of the day and celebrates holiday events.

Sooner or later, the premises need to be repaired or simply replaced, and then the owners face the question: "How to choose a living room so that it meets the requirements and tastes of all family members?"

The main criteria for choosing a living room should be:

  • The functionality of each piece of furniture.
  • Harmonious furnishings with wall, floor and ceiling decoration.
  • Acceptable price.
  • The taste requirements of the inhabitants of the house.

If you do not follow at least one of these points, it can become uncomfortable, with a painful, oppressive atmosphere, despite expensive furniture.

How to choose the right living room

Before you start purchasing room content (furniture), it is important to carefully plan the entire interior in the smallest detail.

This process takes a lot of time and effort, especially for non-professionals; therefore, in order to get rid of the hassle, it is better to contact a design company.

The first step in planning will be to determine the functionality of the premises. To do this, you need to draw a detailed plan of the room on paper, taking into account all window and door openings, niches, bay windows and similar elements.

Then determine the purpose of the living room: whether it will be just a seating area, an office or a room for celebrations.

The filling of the room directly depends on this item, for example, for an office you will need a computer desk or a multifunctional office, a comfortable chair and several shelves for books and documents.

Also quite popular in living room design is space zoning.

Most often, this technique is carried out by contrasting walls in colors that are radically different from each other, or by light separation.

It should be noted that this technique is often used in the design of small-sized premises.

How to choose the color of the living room

The color scheme of this room should be made in shades that promote relaxation, both emotionally and physically. Psychologists recommend several primary colors:

  • Mint.
  • Wheat.
  • Light blue.
  • Purple.
  • Green.

Despite the popularity of wall painting, many people prefer to wallpaper the walls in the old fashioned way.

However, among the variety of this material, it is easy to get confused and not everyone knows how to choose wallpaper for the living room. For the right choice, several criteria must be considered:

  • Properties of a particular type of wallpaper.
  • Naturalness of the material.
  • Price.
  • Colors (plain or printed).

In recent years, cork or bamboo wallpapers have gained particular popularity, since they have excellent sound and heat insulation properties, and also look great in the interior.

Furniture filling in the living room

Before purchasing furniture for the living room, you should determine for what purposes it is needed:

  • For placing and storing things.
  • For receiving guests.

The standard version of the living room interior is the presence of:

  • Cabinet.
  • Armchairs.
  • Sofa or sofas.
  • Coffee table.
  • Showcases.
  • Dining table (if space permits).

The most important attribute of the living room is a place to relax - a sofa. Many are worried about the question: "How to choose a sofa in the living room, so that it is beautiful, comfortable and functional."

First of all, you need to decide on the size of this piece of furniture, because if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is limited, a large product will not be appropriate.

When choosing a sofa, you should pay attention to several details:

  • Shape (straight, angular, U-shaped).
  • The degree of hardness (soft, medium hard, hard).
  • The quality of the frame and upholstery.
  • Manufacturing materials.
  • Execution style.

For small apartments, designers advise choosing a classic or angular shape of the sofa, since this way you can significantly save space.

The degree of rigidity must be chosen independently, as you like.

Materials of manufacture are preferable to natural ones, as they are more durable and safe for health. The style of performance is selected in accordance with the main style of the living room.

For a clear presentation of a particular style of room, you can look at photo examples of how to choose a living room and create the perfect option suitable for the whole family.

Photo of the perfect living room choice

The living room is designed for both guests and you. This means that before decorating it, you will need not to change your own tastes, but also to please future guests. Your goal is to achieve contemporary style.

In this case, modern standards require compliance with certain aspects. For example, some of them imply a measure of restraint and functionality.

Sometimes you need to change something, and combine those things that, in our opinion, are not quite suitable. But if you want to achieve modern style and comfort, you have to sweat.

Before designing an interior for a living room, you need to ask yourself: What are the goals of the living room? There can be a lot of options. For example, some seek to create a luxurious room for comfortable guest reception.

But if you set out to create a personal relaxation room, there is a definite difference compared to the first interior design option.

The taste of modernity

Free space and good sanctification are true hallmarks of modern taste. In addition, you will need to successfully select furniture for the living room.

Helpful advice! Do not overload the living room with unnecessary furniture. It is important to focus on the overall picture of the interior, and not on one of its components.

The perfection of the organization of the interior lies in how beautiful the furniture was chosen for the living room. Foreign manufacturers from Germany, Belarus and Italy are in excellent demand in terms of quality. Living room furniture in a modern style has its own characteristic.

Minimalist style

If you pay attention to the photo of living room furniture, you will surely notice all the lightness and comfort of the living room. The fact is that beautiful furniture in the living room plays an important role in shaping the interior.

For a guest room, there is no need to purchase extra bulky furniture and pile up the room with it. The most important thing is to buy a wardrobe and a soft sofa.

Then you can indulge in decor, but in moderation. In terms of colors, bright contrasts should be avoided. It is best to use classic colors - white, black, gray. A wardrobe with a sofa can be large, because it is convenient and beautiful for a large room.

But what else is needed besides them? A TV stand, shelves for books and additional upholstered furniture for the living room will come in handy.

Variety of modern choices

In addition to minimalism, there are other interior styles that emphasize living room furniture in a modern style.

High tech

This style is designed for a large room, and is somewhat similar to the minimalist style. For example, classic colors are being introduced here too. But besides white, gray or black, a metallic shade is used.

Also, special attention is paid to the wall, where a large diagonal TV can be placed. Naturally, to enjoy watching it, you need to sit on something.

Here, a functional sofa that can be connected to a table does not interfere. In general, modular living room furniture is great for high-tech style. Special attention is paid to practicality and efficiency, which underline this modern style.

Metal elements, decor made of chrome and glass details look great in the overall interior of the room.


The Art Nouveau style is not as strict as the previous one. This translates into rounded shapes and rounded corners. There is more sophistication here. But the furniture must be strong and durable.

For this, only natural materials are used - high quality wood. The furniture itself is chosen in accordance with the proportions of the size of the room.

A sofa with beautiful upholstery, patterns and unusual inserts can serve as a special decoration for the living room. A table, armchairs, a furniture wall must be present.

Art Deco

Geometric shapes and sleek shapes add even more aestheticism. There are no strict rules for choosing colors. Furniture is made from expensive materials.

The living room interior is decorated with wood and glass (sometimes metal inserts are also used).


This style is somewhat reminiscent of high-tech. However, it also has its own advantages. The classic version of furniture is completely absent here.

Attention is drawn to things made of metal. Metallic furniture along with a glass table is based in the living room. Only cool colors are chosen for the technotile.

Photo of the design of modern furniture in the living room


Supervisor HomeMe. Upholstered furniture expert.

Our article will help you answer the question of what furniture to choose for the living room so that it would be pleasant to spend time there with your family or guests.

A set of furniture depending on the purpose and functions of the living room

Standard in the living room there is:

  • upholstered furniture - sofas, armchairs, chaise longues, poufs;
  • cabinet furniture - modular and wall slides, shelves, wardrobes, TV stand, dressers;
  • coffee or transforming table.

Additionally, you may need a computer desk and a dining group.

Choosing upholstered furniture

In a room designed for watching TV with your family and occasional gatherings with friends, you should choose comfortable, roomy upholstered furniture. If the size of the room allows, then a large one with a pair of armchairs or poufs will do. If space is limited, then it is optimal to purchase a corner model, since in the case of such a structure, the usually empty space in the corner will be effectively used. The choice of a sofa also depends on whether guests or household members will sleep on it. If so, a sample with a comfortable sleeping place is selected. If not, then you can choose a modular or other original sofa.

Choosing a wall in the living room

In its modern version, it is of two types:

The first sample is a set of several elements that can be combined according to personal preferences and characteristics of the room. Combinations are collected from:

  • bookcases, wardrobes, bar, cupboards;
  • shelves and consoles;
  • tV stands and other equipment and dressers.

Furniture, consisting of individually selected modules, fully meets the needs, desires and capabilities of the buyer. Importantly, the elements of such a living room can be used separately and bought gradually.

The slide wall has a structure thought out by the manufacturer, consisting of the same elements as the modular one. Its principal difference is the invariability of the configuration and overall dimensions at the request of the buyer. Although many manufacturers provide a variety of wall modifications from one collection. After all, the client often likes the design of the model, but the presence, for example, of a bulky cabinet in the kit makes them refuse such a purchase. That is why factories produce both fully equipped options and lightweight wall slides.

Choosing other pieces of furniture

If you bought a wall, then there is no need for a separate one, since it is usually present in a ready-made set. Otherwise, you need to worry about the location for the TV, speaker system and other digital equipment. A TV stand must meet the following criteria:

  • strength and reliability;
  • compliance of the design with the style of the room;
  • suitable dimensions for the location of all available equipment.

Sometimes such furniture is additionally used for storing CDs, magazines and other small items. In this case, you need to choose a cabinet with drawers or closed shelves.

This is a small office furniture that performs a number of important functions. It is used for:

  • tea parties in the living room;
  • the location of books, newspapers, magazines, which should always be kept close at hand;
  • as a basis for placing a beautiful vase of flowers or other interior decor.

The main criterion for choosing a coffee table is its harmonious combination with other furnishings. Size, design, construction are not critical. The choice of these parameters depends solely on the taste of the owners of the house or apartment.

It is customary to place various interior figurines, vases and other beautiful things in the living room. Also, reading families usually keep books in the hall. Racks, bookcases, display cases, shelves allow you to properly organize the storage of these items. It is necessary to be careful with the choice of such furniture, since in rooms modest in area, open surfaces and an abundance of decor on them can cause a feeling of clutter. If the living room is spacious, then you can pick up a stylish composition from a sideboard, a chest of drawers, a display cabinet, etc.

Materials for the manufacture of furniture in the living room

Furniture in the living room is used quite intensively, while it must always look presentable in order to delight the owners of the house and delight guests. That is why it is necessary to choose high-quality and wear-resistant materials for cabinet and soft furnishings. Suitable for sofa upholstery:

  • genuine leather, suede;
  • chenille;
  • flock;
  • jacquard.

These coatings are characterized by high abrasion resistance, practicality, durability and aesthetics.

To create cabinet furniture, they mainly use:

  • Chipboard - the frame of cabinets, curbstones, dressers is made of it;
  • plastic, MDF - facades;
  • various PVC films, enamels for facade decoration.

These materials are moderately strong, durable, attractive in appearance, and affordable. Solid wood is also used to create cabinet furniture for the living room, but in more expensive models.

Additionally, manufacturers use various types of mirrors and glass. With the help of these materials, the doors of cabinets and showcases are decorated. Do not forget about accessories for cabinet furniture in the hall. Its quality affects the comfort during use. Handles on facades should be comfortable, safe and beautiful, since they are not only a functional element, but also a decor for cabinet furniture.

Determining the style

You can decorate your own living room in a classic, vintage, modern style. The main thing when choosing furniture is to select samples corresponding to the direction. For a strict and concise high-tech style, glossy walls and tables of a simple design with a minimum of decor are suitable. In a cozy classic interior, it is necessary to select products with curly structural elements, decorations in the form of milling, patina, and carriage ties. Rustic or country style involves the presence of restrained design furniture made of wood or materials that imitate natural texture.

If you manage to decorate the walls, ceiling and floor in the same style, choose furniture and accessories, then the result will be a harmonious finished interior of the living room, which will be admired by all your guests.

Choosing a color

Items should be combined with each other, overlap with surface finishes and decorative accessories. Also, the choice of shade depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For example, in a spacious living room, the wall color can be any, but in a small room it is desirable to install light furniture. Dark cabinets visually reduce an already modest room in terms of area. The color of upholstered furniture for the living room should be selected based on:

  • practicality - too light soiled shades will quickly lose their presentable appearance;
  • compatibility with decoration and cabinet furniture;
  • taste preferences of the owners of the premises.

As in the case of cabinet furniture, sofas should also not look like a dark spot in a small room. But too light upholstery will turn out to be impractical, therefore, owners of small living rooms should give preference to neutral shades with an unobtrusive pattern.

To create a cozy and comfortable living room interior, we recommend adhering to the following recommendations regarding the selection of furniture:

  1. The room must have a mandatory minimum of furniture items - a sofa, an armchair or a pouf, a wall or TV stand, a coffee table. The rest of the furniture, for example, wardrobes, bookcases, bar cabinets, shelves, dining groups, a computer table, are added exclusively at the request of the owner and if necessary.
  2. It is recommended to buy a sofa that is as spacious as possible. For small rooms, a corner model is suitable, for spacious rooms any sample, complemented by a pair of armchairs or poufs.
  3. A modular or wall-mounted slide should match the needs of the owner of the premises, so it is not worth buying a wardrobe kit if you have a walk-in closet. In this case, it is better to choose a more elegant weightless model. And when there is not enough space in an apartment or house to store things, then compositions with wardrobes, chests of drawers, closed shelves will make it possible to rationally use the space.
  4. When buying furniture for the living room separately, you need to adhere to the principle of its stylistic compatibility. This applies to coffee tables, dressers, TV cabinets, display cabinets, etc.
  5. There is usually moderate humidity in the living room and there is no adverse effect on furniture. Therefore, the material of manufacture can be any. The main thing is the strength and safety of the whole structure. The upholstery of a sofa should be both beautiful and practical. In general, the choice of material depends on the capabilities and taste preferences of the buyer.
  6. Furniture for the living room must be combined in style with the design of the walls, floor, ceiling. And the direction itself can be anything from classical to rustic country.
  7. The color of the facades, frame and upholstery of upholstered furniture should be chosen based on your own preferences and taking into account the characteristics of the room. In spacious living rooms, dark furniture is appropriate, and light shades are suitable for a small room.

The living room, decorated on the basis of the above principles, will delight household members and delight guests with its aesthetics, practicality and comfort.

In most cases, a set for furnishing a living room is always one: a sofa, TV, coffee table or wall. But if space permits, then a rack with a home library, a mini-bar and even a dining area are added to the standard set.

Living room in a modern style with a standard set of furniture

If in a square room of medium and large sizes the arrangement of furniture in the living room is not a problem, then for non-standard rooms a certain approach and knowledge of design tricks are required.

Options for arranging furniture in the living room

Symmetrical arrangement of upholstered furniture centered around the fireplace and coffee table, face to face

U-shaped layout of the living room with the center of the room under the recreation area and walkways along the edges

Deciding how to arrange furniture in the living room always begins with a clear plan. It is not necessary to execute it in a special computer program.

Scheme of a beautiful version of the traditional layout of the soft living area - a sofa in front of the TV and two armchairs on the sides

After all, not everyone has the skills to work with such design tools. Although one cannot fail to note the possibilities and advantages of 3D modeling - a more realistic representation of the final result.

The layout of the corner sofa, armchair and ottoman to create a beautiful composition in the room

You can sketch on plain squared paper. The process notes:

  • the height, length and width of the room at the selected scale;
  • location of window, doorways, niches, etc .;
  • location of sockets, radiators.

Diagonal living room layout - an option for studio apartments or combined rooms

Dividing the living room into zones with multiple focal points is suitable for large rectangular rooms

There are a number of universal tips on how to arrange furniture in the living room to help prevent mistakes.

  1. All items are selected according to the size of the room: for small living rooms - compact, for spacious ones - large.
  2. The larger the room, the more items you can afford. For small rooms, give preference to versatility.
  3. If, in addition to the recreation area, it is planned to place a dining or sleeping area, then all areas should be delimited as much as possible. It is better to place the dining table by the window; the less illuminated part of the room is suitable for sleeping and relaxing.
  4. Do not close and obstruct the sources of natural light - window openings. Daylight should get in unhindered.
  5. Discard the massive walls that were common in the last century. Even in a large living room, they look fat and difficult to combine with other interior items.
  6. The width of the passages is at least 60 cm.
  7. If the situation involves the presence of not only a sofa, but also armchairs, then the distance between the objects of the soft headset should be such that vacationers can hear each other while talking and maintain a comfortable distance.
  8. The most optimal location of the coffee table from the sofa is at a distance of 40-50 cm.

Where to put the sofa?

The interior of any living room will not do without a sofa. Do not place this item close to the window. It is also not recommended to place it back to the entrance. This is psychologically uncomfortable.

When choosing an option for arranging furniture, you need to focus on the model of the product, which is matched to the parameters of the room, because the shape and layout are much more difficult to change.

Where to put the TV?

The TV in the living room interior plays the role of a connecting link around which the rest of the elements are located

The TV is still one of the main elements of the living room. Its location should be as comfortable as possible, namely:

  • be at eye level, i.e. height from the floor about 1.1-1.3 meters;
  • be at a distance of at least 1.8 meters, but not more than 3 meters from the seated person.

Install the TV in accordance with the regulations for comfortable use.

An unsuccessful solution is the location of the TV by the window. Sun rays will interfere with viewing. It is better to choose a darkened part of the hall.

A curbstone, a modern wall, a special table can be used as a stand. In a small living room, the hanging option will save square meters.

Placement options

When planning an interior, one of 3 options for arranging furniture is adhered to.

Any element of the furnishings is taken as the center of the room. This can be a TV, fireplace, wall-stand for a home theater, etc. Furniture items are placed at the same distance from the chosen starting point.

This method is the most common and successful in classic interiors. It is desirable that everything be kept in the same style, and symmetrically placed elements have the same size and color.

The arrangement is acceptable for rooms of the correct shape (square or rectangular without much difference in width and length).

The method of symmetrical arrangement of furniture in the living room is the most commonly used placement option

In modern styles, this option is most common. In a non-standard living room, it helps to hide flaws, it is beneficial to highlight a certain part, and visually make the room more spacious. In this case, there are no clear rules and requirements on how to arrange furniture in the hall. The furnishings themselves can be of different sizes, eclectic. The main thing is the harmony of the final result.

Asymmetric furniture arrangement is good because it is suitable for placement in a small or spacious living room, regardless of its shape

The circular arrangement implies the choice, as in the first version, of the center (usually a coffee table or chandelier). In this case, the interior items will be located in a circle at the same distance from each other, creating the correct round shape. The previous options for arranging furniture, in contrast, are easier to execute. Circular requires both spaciousness and correct geometric shapes, because leaving free corners is in itself a violation of the rules for the rational organization of a small space.

The circular arrangement involves placing furniture around a dedicated central element in a spacious living room

The choice of one or another method of furnishing depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the features of the layout.

Narrow living room

The elongated rectangular profile of the room encourages the creation of zones that divide the total area

The main mistake is the arrangement of furnishings along a long wall. This makes the passage narrower. The most suitable way to arrange furniture in a narrow living room is asymmetrical.

Zoning in a long narrow room into a dining area and a recreation area and receiving guests

The basic principles that should be followed are as follows.

  1. Compactness. For example, you can use several small couch sofas instead of cluttering up the free space with one large one. This will make the room look more spacious visually.
  2. Less furniture and more functionality. The storage systems built into the sofa allow you to combine several functions at once and free up a significant part of the space.
  3. Round shapes. The usual square pieces of furniture "eat up" the area. Rounded tables, sofas without loss of functionality will most successfully fit into the interior.
  4. Using mirrors. If you put a narrow cabinet with mirrored doors along a long wall, you can achieve visual lengthening.
  5. Consider the location of the windows. If the window is on the long side, then a built-in wardrobe installed to an adjacent wall will somewhat align the proportions.

Design of a long rectangular living room in beige and lilac colors

Arranging furniture in a rectangular living room is an easier task compared to the previous layout. But it is still recommended that certain rules be followed to create a harmonious environment.

One of the most successful ideas in this situation is clear zoning. With the help of a certain arrangement, you can divide the room into two functional areas: for example, a dining area and a relaxation area. Visual division into two small squares compensates for the disproportion. Using this technique, you create two center points at the same time with a circular arrangement.

Unlike a too narrow living room, in a rectangular room it is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to arrange objects perpendicularly. This can be a corner sofa, for example, or an elongated desk.

As with most non-standard spaces, asymmetrical furnishings are the best solution.

Design solution for a rectangular living room

Non-standard living rooms

The idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating a living room in the shape of a trapezoid

Recently, more and more often in new buildings you can find polygonal rooms, living rooms in the form of a trapezoid. On the one hand, such a layout looks creative and unusual, and on the other, it causes difficulties when deciding how to arrange furniture in a hall of such an unusual shape.

The main difficulty with non-standard breading arises when searching for furnishing elements. You need to be prepared for the fact that some items will have to be made to order.

The design of an irregular room becomes the process of selecting details and decor elements in order to make the room cozy and comfortable

In modern styles, it is quite possible to beat such a drawback, turning the minus rather into an original feature of the living room. There may be several ideas for a successful furniture arrangement.

  1. An irregular, beveled corner can be made the central place and the main accent in the room, and furniture can be arranged around it.
  2. If the main elements of the interior are of an unusual design, then this will only emphasize the main idea. Repetition of the shape of the room in the shapes of furniture will help to establish a balance in perception.
  3. With the help of an irregular cabinet shape, for example, you can achieve not only an enhancement of the asymmetry effect, but also the opposite - smoothing out the wrong corners. For example, a custom-made built-in wardrobe will have a trapezoidal space inside, which is not so important for performing its functions. But it will be possible to cover the beveled corner and make the room as a whole more comfortable and pleasant for perception. This idea cannot be realized only in the case of a certain location of the window: the source of natural light cannot be blocked.

Video: 3 types of furniture arrangement: symmetrical, asymmetrical and circular