We get rid of the unnecessary. How to get rid of rubbish in an apartment

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Scientists have proven that parting with trash is as difficult for some people as quitting smoking. Moreover, those who are inclined to hoarding react to cleaning unnecessary things with genuine emotional pain. Therefore, psychologists have developed a strategy that will help you to stop being attached to things and force any trash collector to clean up the house in order.

We are in website decided to understand these tips and convey their essence to you. And at the end we will tell you how to live with a person who is not used to throwing out anything.

Why decluttering is so hard

To begin with, it should be noted that not all people are attached to things. There are those who easily part with the trash and maintain order in the house, and there are those who endow every thing with a "soul", for him throwing away is akin to betrayal.

The differences between these people have been proven from the point of view of psychology. Scientists have found that when a "collector" has to throw away his things, parts of the brain are activated in his head, pain related as well as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which associated with a moral assessment of ethical conflicts and a sense of "oneself".

Because of this, people not only correlate a thing with their goals and desires, subconsciously believing that it will still be useful, but at all consider some objects to be part of themselves... Therefore, to throw something away for such people, psychologists say, is like giving up a finger on a hand.

Mindfulness technique

This technique will help people who are inclined to collect, start throwing away unnecessary things... It is noteworthy that it is also recommended for people seeking to get rid of bad habits.

Its essence is to be attentive to your instincts and find the difference between real motivation and the "trick" that the brain gives us. Next, we will take a closer look at how to introduce this technique into your life.

Step 1. The rule of a few seconds

When trying to save a potentially useless item again, take your time with a decision and wait a few seconds. Think about the real value of the item.

Think about how many times lately you have thought about throwing this item away. How many times has it been beneficial during this time? Convince yourself of the uselessness of the subject.

Step 2. Exploring the temptation

Watch your feelings when you need to throw something away. Usually, temptation begins with an almost imperceptible signal and grows to the level of real anxiety and anxiety.

But psychologists reassure: any momentary temptation tends to end... Like a wave, reaching the peak of its power, it collapses and disappears.

Step 3. The concept of non-unique

Almost all children have the habit of endowing objects with "soul", seeing them as a person... According to experiments, children do not realize that their favorite toy and the exact same toy, only new, are one and the same. Because the new object is just a thing, and the object that belongs to them is a part of their consciousness.

Some carry this trait into adulthood. Freezing for a few seconds in the impulse to leave an unnecessary item, remember that he is not unique (similar ones are churned out a hundred per hour), your memories associated with him are unique... And even if the item is thrown away, the memories will not disappear from it.

Rethinking material value

This applies to a separate type of collector. These people cannot throw things away because remember how much they paid for them... In this case, in order to "get out of the box", unnecessary things can be put up for sale.

Living with a person who is not used to throwing anything out is very difficult.... But if you try to force him to "clutter up", you can aggravate the situation (he will become even more attached to his things, since he will subconsciously oppose you along with them).

The only sure way is conversation, recognition of the problem and a gradual joint assessment of the need for objects.

Some act much more radically: they throw away unnecessary things secretly from the collector, who most often does not even notice the loss. But at this point, how anyone's conscience allows.

Tell us, have you ever lived with a person who never throws out unnecessary things? How did you deal with the problem? Or maybe you yourself cannot sometimes force yourself to part with certain objects? What emotions do you experience? Write about it in the comments.

It approaches imperceptibly. It takes up all corners, wardrobes, drawers and under the bed. It is easy to let him into the house, but to get rid of it is very, very difficult. His name is Trash. How to get rid of rubbish in an apartment, how to recognize which things are superfluous?

The rubbish accumulates gradually, it remains when the hand does not rise to throw something out, it is brought into the house with regular guests who are not aware of your tastes and give completely unnecessary gifts. Today we offer a small memo for those who are thinking how to get rid of the trash in the apartment and cannot decide what to throw out and what not.

Get rid of the trash: what are the extra things we have at home?

Things (appliances, dishes, clothes) that broken / torn and cannot be repaired

Things that are messed up and which you put aside to fix and then forgot- and they have been in a spoiled state for more than 1 year. If you didn't get your hands on it in a year, it means you don't need this thing so well, you did just fine without it for the last 365 days.

Clothes that have become small, large, frayed, worn out, morally outdated, tired or simply do not like and you do not wear them, but at each time they carefully shift from place to place. You can leave a pair of pants and sweaters in case of repairs or work in the country, it's time to get rid of all the rest of the trash. A good one, but (follow the link - I'll tell you how) via the Internet.

Medicines- go over your first aid kit: all expired pills and jars are subject to urgent expulsion.

Obsolete documents, printouts, receipts and receipts- another category of obviously unnecessary things. Periodically, you should look through your own diaries, receipts for payment of various services, warranty coupons, receipts, discount coupons, synopses and photocopies - if something is out of date, feel free to throw it away.

Unnecessary gifts: souvenirs, etc. Unfortunately, this happens to everyone: we all receive gifts that are unnecessary, inappropriate or simply not to our liking. The fact that this is a gift should not restrain you from taking a decisive step: get rid of unnecessary things that will never be useful to you at all, if something is in good condition, give it away. If you wish, you can take a photo of what has been preserved in an acceptable condition and - just recently wrote an article about the nuances of selling used things.

Postcards and memory of other people's memories... Of course, you can leave a couple of greeting cards preserved from childhood to show to your grandchildren later, but carefully keeping a dried flower from a friend's wedding, a lottery ticket that your mother won $ 20 three years ago, or a drawing of a cousin's friend is not the most rational decision.

Next should go a box of chocolates presented for the new year before last by your grandmother, and a ticket from the first plane flight, and a birthday card from the bank whose card you use - you will never get rid of all this "goodness" from the trash in the apartment.

By the way, if you do leave postcards or children's drawings, then there is nothing to keep them in a box on the mezzanine - create a board of memories where you will keep the most memorable and expensive memos. If something is expensive, but not enough to keep it alive, snap it onto your camera and store it electronically.

In the article you will learn:

Hi friends! When I once again cleaned the house, I caught myself thinking that I was spending a lot of time on unnecessary things. Therefore, today the topic of the article will be about how to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment.

Well, judge for yourself: for some reason we keep old clothes that are already unfashionable or of the wrong size. Or, for some reason, we save up a bunch of chargers from old phones, some gadgets, all sorts of little things that are just junk in the house!

Many housewives do not throw away all these things simply because they might come in handy someday. Well, suddenly! But honestly, how many times has all this junk come in handy in our life? Well, maybe a maximum of two or three times, but how much effort it took to keep it all!

To build a new one, we demolish the old

Another motivation for me to get rid of unnecessary things in the house was that I often had to move from apartment to apartment, and life taught me that I need to live light. Moreover, I go to a lot of places, travel, bring some little things, interesting things that also need a place.

Therefore, I came to the conclusion that you need to live not with the old and the past, but with the new and the present! Nothing bad will happen if I throw away the old dress, which is not enough for me. And if it suddenly happens that I need clothes a couple of sizes smaller or larger, I’d better buy a new, fashionable and even more beautiful one!

Japanese purity

According to the recommendations of the Japanese woman Marie Kondo, a specialist in cleanliness, you need to get rid of those things that are not pleasing and do not bring benefit. I organized in the process of cleaning the apartment: I allocated two baskets. In one I put what went into the trash can, and in the second what I donated to organizations in need: charitable foundations, orphanages, orphanages, etc.

Thus, I parted with my old toys. True, I have left a few of the most beloved and significant for me as a memory. She also went through the rows of clothes with a critical glance and removed all the excesses from there.

True, I left those things that cost a lot of money and those for which I still had doubts about how to deal with them. I'll be back in six months and decide their fate.

But it’s amazing how much there was all that was superfluous! This is not a closet, but some kind of bottomless drawer. However, I discovered a few new blouses that I just forgot under the pile of all this rags. Another plus of my venture! Now I will do this periodically. I decided that once a quarter - for sure.

At the same time, I reorganized the space where my clothes are stored. I bought various fabric and plastic containers in the store and distributed all kinds of accessories, small items of clothing. Now even if I want to make a mess, I can hardly do it :)

Instructions: how to get rid of technology and gadgets

While I was rushing through the house in a fury in the process of getting rid of everything superfluous, I discovered that there are household items and gadgets that I do not use at all. They have become more interior items, but they do not evoke any emotions in me. In general, another extra rubbish.

This is the old mixer, which has been replaced by a more modern one. And an e-book that works, but runs out of battery quickly. I also bought myself a game console, but I soon got tired of it, lying around idle. What to do about it? It's a pity to throw it out.

In such cases, I now act as follows: give something to friends, give to parents, or sell through electronic bulletin boards. I sell, of course, for 30-50% of the cost, depending on the condition. With this approach to the price, everything is bought up quickly. Very efficient and profitable.

And with the proceeds I buy something more necessary or go to a cafe. Why wait for it to come in handy someday. The world of technology is now changing so rapidly that it is not known how it will be in a couple of years. Or maybe I’ll become rich and I can afford whatever I want! On the advice of a psychologist, you need to think positively

How to choose and buy: making life easier

In order to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment and not accumulate useless things, you should think in advance about their acquisition and distribution in your living space. When I was at a very young age, I loved to buy a lot of all kinds of cosmetics, jewelry, etc.

My bathroom shelf was filled with a bunch of unnecessary jars, tubes and bottles. Despite the fact that I did not use even half. Eh, it's time to grow up. Now I am more conscious about shopping:

  1. I strive to buy only what I really need, which I cannot do without.
  2. If I buy something that is not the most necessary, but pleasant to me, then I take the one that I really like and does not cause doubts.
  3. If I doubt the need for a particular thing for me, then I take a test drive: I ask my friends or acquaintances for the same for a while, or I rent it. This is also useful because as a result I know what exactly I need, how to choose and with what parameters.
  4. I stopped doing something and buying out of habit. For example, when I used to visit a supermarket, I threw everything that I liked in the basket into the basket. And often the refrigerator was filled with unnecessary products that disappeared and were eventually thrown away. This is also rubbish in life. Now, before going to the store, I roughly estimate what we will eat in the next few days and take an approximate set of products. Very comfortably.
  5. The best purchases are made in a good mood. So for me shopping is a special day. I definitely wake up slowly and take a promenade to the shops, when I don't need to rush anywhere, I definitely take a break for a cake and continue my search. Such a day usually goes great, and the purchased things delight for a long time!

How to plan space in an apartment

In addition to the tidiness of the closet, I reorganized the space in all the rooms. I placed the laundry basket, hangers and shelves where it is faster and more convenient to put and take out the necessary things.

On my vanity table, I divided all the makeup accessories into everyday and not so much. The essentials are always at hand. I hid everything else from my eyes. The same applies to keys, chargers, combs, calendars, all these little things littered the apartment. Now there are special boxes and boxes for them. I also redesigned the kitchen and hallway.

Live in the present, not the past! June was with you.

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In the summer, many people start repairing or general cleaning of the apartment. This is the time when you need to get rid of trash without regrets. Trash is an amazing variety of objects that fill our living space and quietly whisper to us: "You won't throw me out, what if I still come in handy?"

As a result, the dwelling, regardless of its size, is gradually filled with a thousand things, which we can perfectly do without: here you can find perfume bottles, old postcards, newspapers and magazines, blouses that we no longer wear, coffee sets, from which have never been drunk coffee, and juicers, the juice from which was extracted exactly four times two years ago.

We need to get rid of all this, we understand that. But how to do it? It's a pity!

There are many ways to talk yourself into getting rid of this or that junk. You just have to choose one or several that will help you.

Method one
Imagine that tomorrow you are moving to another apartment. Today you need to have time to get together, review all the things and decide: what goes to waste, what can be given to friends or relatives, and what you really cannot do without. The ideal option is to “move” into a smaller and cramped apartment than the one you live in today.

Method two
We continue to include fantasy. Imagine that you are suddenly left completely without money, and the only way out is to sell "something unnecessary" (according to Matroskin). And now - quite simply: select from the available things that which can be sold without much upset. And then - really sell! Does not work? Then donate!

Method three
Take a large trash bag. Now set yourself a task: right now, collect exactly 27 items that can be thrown into it. If you do this at least once a week, you can quickly remove most of the junk from the house. Agree: in the apartment there are always 27 torn socks, expired batteries, "gone" tights, broken pens and markers, old magazines and empty coffee cans.

Method four
Organize a "trash cabinet" in your home. Put in it those things that seem to be completely unnecessary in the household, but for some reason it is a pity to part with them.

Here you can store for some time cute candy boxes and bottles of your favorite perfume, expired lipstick of such a beautiful color, newspapers with recipes that you are unlikely to cook, and baby romper (completely intact!), From which your child I have grown up for 10 years already. In addition, you can put all the items here that will definitely come in handy, but it is not yet clear how and when.

But remember: there can only be one such bedside table! When it is filled to capacity, you will have to make room for new trash, willy-nilly, which means that something will inevitably go to the trash heap.

Method five
Unnecessary and unsuccessful gifts are the real scourge of limited living space. After all, it is inconvenient to throw away what was presented to you, perhaps with love: an apron from your mother-in-law, a vase from Angelina Petrovna from a neighboring department, a porcelain dog from a colleague and a book about tasty and healthy food from your grandmother.

Don't throw it away! Make a knight's move: present an apron to your grandmother, a cookbook to Angelina Petrovna, a vase to a colleague, and a dog to your mother-in-law. Or vice versa. And everyone will be happy!

Method six
Establish a strict rule in the house: every day before bed, devote 10 minutes to removing everything that is superfluous. Take a master's eye around the surrounding space. Have you read the newspapers? In the trash! Are your socks torn? Well, do not mend them - in the trash! Does the fridge smell suspicious? Conduct an instant audit, everything that has deteriorated - into the trash! Out of deodorant? There is nothing to store the bottle, everything is ruthlessly and mercilessly thrown away!

At the same time, the main thing is not to succumb to laziness, which will inevitably replace the emancipatory impulse of the first days. Tell yourself: I won't go to bed until I have cleared the trash from my house!

Method seven
Wardrobes are an amazing breeding ground for junk! We do this. We take out each thing, twist it in our hands and think: when did we put it on for the last time? The rule is very simple: if a thing has not been worn for a year, it will never be worn! This means that it must either be thrown away or given to a friend, sister, neighbor or colleague. It depends on the degree of wear, size, color and general appearance. We leave only what we really like very much and without which we cannot imagine our wardrobe.

If the hand does not rise to get rid of old things, remember the unwritten law: a new one will soon come to replace the old thing! Let that comfort you.

If it is already indecent to give IT or there is no one, but it is a pity to throw it in the trash (the whole thing) - just put everything in a large package and put it near the entrance. The owner will be found quickly!

If you strictly follow at least one of the above rules, very soon you will learn not to bring your living space to a state of clutter. For the future: before you buy something, ask yourself: will it soon become trash?

By getting rid of all that is unnecessary, you not only free up space: you cleanse your soul. Yes, yes, these are not just words: in a clean house and thoughts flow somehow differently, more orderly and calmly, and bright ideas often come to mind, and in general, the mood improves!

Let getting rid of the trash become for you not a tedious duty, but a holiday or an adventure. After all the unnecessary is thrown away, be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the apartment, admire your handiwork and praise yourself for the work done. Now is the time to have a cup of aromatic tea or coffee, and maybe even go to a cafe with your friends.

And the last
Don't overdo it! Indeed, in such an economic impulse, you can throw out something really necessary and dear to the heart, mistaken for rubbish. For example, an album with old family photos, which will be so interesting for your children and grandchildren to consider. Or the first drawings of my daughter. Or a handful of screws and bolts, which, perhaps, will soon turn into a transistor receiver in the skillful hands of his son ...

People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.
~ Carlos Castaneda

You've probably noticed that the owners of apartments, randomly stuffed with old furniture and various junk, are usually unhappy and unlucky in life. Perhaps they have many reasons to accumulate what they think are the right things.

However, this is one, perhaps the main reason for their unhappiness - they simply did not leave room for a new one. After all, if you do not teach yourself to make room for the new, you will never get rid of the old and thus, living with memories, you will only become unhappy over time.

To break this vicious circle, get rid of unnecessary things as soon as possible! Start applying these guidelines now to improve your life!

  1. If during the year the thing that you were looking for and hardly got it, remained unnecessary, say goodbye to it.
  2. Get rid of the trash absolutely ruthlessly.
  3. Do not leave dried flowers, dust on them.
  4. Do not leave clothes hung on the backs of chairs.
  5. Don't leave dust on the mirrors.
  6. Don't make transformations in all rooms at once.
  7. Buy only what is perfect, not just pretty.
  8. Before you hang a new shirt in your closet, you should throw out the oldest one.
  9. Get rid of anything that doesn't fit in style, color, and size.
  10. Get rid of everything old and worn out, with spots, holes.
  11. Collecting unnecessary things just in case, we admit that this case will come, and we will have to walk, for example, in frayed pants. We set ourselves up for failure and trouble. Thus, we program ourselves and loved ones for such a life when you will not be able to buy new things, and you will be forced to wear old, unfashionable ones, having previously repaired them.
  12. Leaving unnecessary things in the house, you thereby program yourself for poverty. Holding on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.
  13. Nothing new and valuable will come into our life until there is no free space in it. You cannot create something new without completely getting rid of everything old.
  14. The less items you leave, the sooner your wardrobe will be replenished with new ones.
  15. By clinging to things that no longer serve you, you are clinging to principles and ideas that no longer serve you.
  16. In order for a new thing to come into the house, it is necessary to free up space for it. As soon as you realize this, put things in order in the house and get rid of unnecessary things to buy, there is both money and time.
  17. Get rid of everything that pulls you back into the past.
  18. Eastern philosophers recommend constantly changing something in the house, rearranging furniture, washing dust, let things know that they have not been forgotten.
  19. The cost of a bouquet of flowers and a pair of tights is about the same, so why do we keep pantyhose in a drawer for years? We will not keep a dried bouquet in a vase for so long!
  20. It is necessary to throw away those things that are shabby, worn out and nondescript in appearance.
  21. You need to throw out your shoes and bags of obsolete models. Nothing spoils an outfit like out-of-fashion shoes and bags.
  22. To rinse your wardrobe mercilessly throw away just Anything that does not bring joy. Make room for new changes, new relationships that will replace old things.
  23. Old things do not give you the opportunity to acquire new things, accumulate negative energy, which can affect your well-being and good luck in general.
  24. Broken electrical appliances work like vampires, taking away the positive energy of the room and amplifying the negative.
  25. A burned-out light bulb will make you spend more energy earning money, can make you feel worse and create self-doubt.
  26. Old, obsolete things and especially broken and defective things create negative energy in your home, contribute to stagnation in life and even negatively affect your health.
  27. First of all, the trash can should be made happy by chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with some kind of defects.
  28. Old, forgotten things represent deferred cases, unsolved tasks.
  29. An altered item ends up in a dark wardrobe too early.
  30. Any thing carries in itself psychic energy, which a person has put into it.
  31. The space of the apartment is filled with information about the things that are in it. If a thing was shoved into a corner or pushed onto the mezzanine as unnecessary, what information was put into it? And if there are a lot of such things in the apartment, then the whole house is filled with negative, dead zones formed around unnecessary items. The space filled with such things becomes denser and begins to push the person out of their own apartment. A person loses his vitality - his energy potential, wasting it on unnecessary things.
  32. Looking at the portrait hanging on the wall, we inevitably transfer part of our consciousness there. Do we always have a surplus of energy to scatter it?
  33. In the east, they say that through the holes in the clothes, which are on the pockets, socks, tights (under jeans for the sake of economy) there is a leak of energy potential. You can't hide from yourself.
  34. Spots are the materialization of unresolved problems.
  35. Old unnecessary things draw energy to themselves.
  36. The well-worn jacket with which the loser image is associated. Take it to the trash heap.
  37. The smell of a blouse of pre-perestroika freshness, the scent of unfulfilled hopes and disappointments.
  38. Every old thing is your unfulfilled dreams and plans.
  39. We make room not for new things, but for new desires, beginnings and achievements. Agree, old detectives thrown into the trash heap is a small price to pay for a bright future.
  40. There is only one criterion in the selection of the unnecessary. If a thing hasn't come in handy within a year or two, it will never be needed again.
  41. Old things must be thrown away mercilessly.
  42. Things tend to absorb and accumulate the energy of the person who uses them. Mostly negative. When there is too much energy, the thing begins to give it away. This is especially true of upholstered furniture that is used for sleeping. The maximum lifespan of a bed or sofa is 10 years.
  43. As soon as you want to make some changes in this life, get rid of unnecessary worries, troubles in the family and stagnation at work, as well as when your health worsens, immediately begin to free your home from negative emotions. The same can be done when everything in the house is just wonderful and there is not the slightest reason for any worries. Simply to reinforce your positive aura and maintain appropriate harmony in your family and at work.
  44. Anything you feel physically uncomfortable wearing should be ruthlessly thrown away.
  45. By clearing space, we signal our willingness to change and embrace abundance and happiness in our lives. If you want positive changes in your life, then make room for them!
  46. Any thing has its own term and purpose. Eastern practitioners say that a favorite thing gives you positive charges, absorbing negative ones. Having served its life, it, like a battery, must be disposed of. However, if you do not part with it, its negative charge can ruin the entire spiritual atmosphere in your apartment.
  47. The constant contemplation of old and decrepit things, if they are not collectible antiques restored to shine, forms the psychology of poverty in our minds. We get used to offending ourselves and be content with the patched and shabby.
  48. The thing must bring renewal and the desire to move forward!
  49. The things we stop using build up negative energy.
  50. If you accidentally find something that you didn't remember an hour ago, you can safely go to the trash can, even if you really need it, you won't find it.
  51. There is tremendous healing power in freeing your home from unnecessary things. By clearing out on the external level, we make possible internal changes, we release a huge amount of energy for this.
  52. People who are depressed tend to keep their trash on a low level. Remove everything unnecessary from the floor, and this will raise your energy and give courage.
  53. The presence of blockages keeps you in the past. When all the space in your home is cluttered, you simply don't have a place for something new to appear in your life. Clearing debris will allow you to move forward. You must free yourself from the past to create a better tomorrow.
  54. Keeping old books that you have not used for a long time prevents you from creating space in your life for new ideas and original ways of thinking. When there are too many books in the house, your thinking stops. It is necessary to release books when their time comes. Begin the analysis of the book blockage with those books that you bought by accident and which have never been used, as well as with those old books that have already begun to deteriorate in time. Ultimately, you should be left with a set of books that will reflect you today as you want to be tomorrow. Learn the basic rule: "Before something new comes, something old must go."
  55. It is important to have a REAL favorite thing in your wardrobe. Favorite things give self-confidence! Favorite things - they sit on you somehow differently, and you behave somehow differently in them, you feel great and this feeling is transmitted to everyone around you!
  56. Particular attention should be paid to torn and broken things. Either they need to be repaired immediately, or thrown away immediately. And in no case should they be allowed to sit for a long time until the hands reach them. Eastern practitioners say that this is unacceptable, because their negative energy of accumulating destruction unwittingly breaks the inner harmony of the house.
  57. Love for trash is a hint that you are strongly attached to the past and it hinders the path to a brighter future. Having dealt with old shoes, you can change your hairstyle, job, apartment, etc. Or take a different look at what is. In any case, there will be more space in the corridor.
  58. If your house is not littered with rubbish, extraneous things, then you will get the opportunity: to keep your mind clean and tidy, and also allow new opportunities and things to enter your home.
  59. Home is a mirror image of ourselves. Our home is a symbolic representation of ourselves and in fact, in a deeper sense, an extension of ourselves. At home, these are our models. Change this pattern and the energy will change. The tidying up of the drawers changes this model.
  60. To get rid of the negative past, get rid of objects in your home that carry the energy of the past into the present.
  61. If there are items in the house that remind you of something bad or were given to you by someone you dislike, get rid of them.
  62. Things in your home should evoke good memories. Otherwise, negative associations will reduce the energy of your home. When you buy something for your home, remember that how you feel about the purchase will affect how you feel when it is in your home. If you buy something and the seller is rude and you feel annoyed, then chances are you will never really enjoy the item. If the mood when buying is good and joyful, then associations with this item will be pleasant.
  63. If possible, radically change the setting: rearrange furniture, change the color scheme of rooms, etc. Change everything beyond recognition.
  64. Never wear clothes with negative memories, no matter how much they cost.
  65. Make your home a real magnet for love and happiness. If an atmosphere of love has settled in your home; love will be attracted to you outside too. The energy field attracts only what is similar in character and quality to itself. Especially focus your attention on the intention with which you are transforming the energy of your home: what you would like to see in your home.

Most of us have a developed hamster instinct: to hide everything we can in a burrow. But the mink is not rubber. Gradually things clog all the pores of the house, so that you can't turn around, they lie somewhere on the mezzanine for years, get dusty and deteriorate in cramped quarters and various closets and closets, huddle lonely under sofas and shelves.

More than once, probably, you had a feeling of melancholy when you got into the room of a lonely old woman. Do you know why? This is not only the old age of the owner of the apartment, but also the smell, the specific smell of a hamster's dwelling.

Because in the closet of this old woman, mixed with new, clean things, lay the dresses that she once wore in her youth, and hats, eaten by moths, out of fashion half a century ago, in her sideboard there was a broken mug, neatly glued together in places of chips, plates with chipped edges and even pieces of half-eaten rolls. All of them carried information about decrepitude, about the readiness to crumble into dust from the very first touch. That is why you should never regret throwing anything away.

However, know when to stop, throwing out everything that you have, suggests that you are not all right with the psycho-emotional state. So put it in order first. And of course, you don't have to throw all your belongings in the trash. Some of them can be donated, some can be given to those people who need them more.

Before buying again, remember the golden truth - we buy things that we don't need with money that we don't have in order to impress people we don't like.
