Products from chipboard by their own. How to make a comfortable large cabinet made of chipboard for your home with your own hands. Prices for laminated chipboard

Why, in fact, do it yourself? Are you not satisfied with the furniture that is sold in the store? What else do they need to come up with so that at the moment when you need to fill the space with something, you just went to the store? Never mind. We don't need anything in stores, we ourselves have a mustache. Or, as they say, our hands are not for boredom - is it?

What is DIY?

Let's clarify the terms. DIY - do it yourself, or, in a more understandable language, do it yourself. This is a popular trend not only in furniture, but also in all areas of our life - more and more people are striving not to buy ready-made products, but to try to make them themselves.

DIY furniture

The question arises, is it difficult to make furniture with your own hands without leaving home? Our answer is unequivocal - no, it's pretty simple. What materials to use for this, where to get them, how to combine them correctly? These and other questions will be answered by our article, which contains many ideas, photographs and even drawings for making furniture yourself.

DIY furniture restoration

The easiest way is to simply restore old furniture that nobody needs. Surely your grandmothers or grandfathers have a lot of dust in the attic in the country house, which they put there when buying a more modern or practical one. It's time to breathe a second life into them! For self-restoration of, for example, wooden furniture, you will need to purchase special tools for processing and painting, as well as glue in order to glue the broken elements. Restoration of metal furniture is a little more complicated - welding and special tools for cleaning the old coating may be required.

DIY wood furniture

There are many ideas on how to make wood furniture yourself. The simplest ones are using simple bars from the store or even euro pallets. We have already written about them on our website many times. Wood treatment measures include polishing, painting and final varnishing. It is best to connect bars or other furniture elements using corners or bolts, after having drilled holes.

DIY garden furniture

Hand-made garden furniture is very popular. First of all, this is due to the fact that there are no special design requirements and you can approach the process by investing in it all your fantasies and notions. The materials used are: old boxes, tires, pallets and ordinary boxes, cases from old equipment and even car parts. Such furniture is often located in gazebos or on the terrace.

We make upholstered furniture at home

With upholstered furniture, everything is somewhat more complicated. To do this, you must at least be able to sew or knit. But the process can be seriously simplified by making a frame for furniture made of wood and simply sheathing it with peculiar flat, pre-sewn pillows. Thus, a real analogue of upholstered furniture from a store is obtained, but with a minimal budget and made by hand.

DIY furniture making

The great popularity of handmade furniture is due to the fact that it does not require expensive materials. They use: broken equipment, cookie jars, clock mechanisms from old ugly watches, ordinary wire, cans, old skis, ordinary cardboard boxes and much, much more. If you try, you can find application for absolutely all objects found, and the final result will surprise even the most practical person.

DIY furniture made easy!

Old skate clock

Lamps from cans

Coffee table from an old suitcase

Rack or bookshelves made of pallets

Kitchen shelves from scrap materials

Convenient pockets for small items from old jeans

I hung it with my own hands from a simple plank

Lamps from old dishes

Ottomans made of plastic boxes

Euro pallet computer table

Birch bed

Stylish shelving with your own hands

Lampshade from an old book

A wall of old doors and windows

DIY furniture from cork

Ottoman from old magazines

DIY shelves made of wire

Original Lego Key Holder

Living room with pallet sofa and wooden crate with books on brick wall - 3D Rendering

You can make it yourself, let alone the very elementary details of room furniture. This master class will show you how you can quickly assemble a corner shelf for a kitchen from chipboard scraps, and also tell you about some of the features of assembling cabinet furniture.

Working with cabinet furniture is an activity that anyone who knows how to hold a tool in their hands can do. Only desire is needed. To make a shelf for the kitchen, chipboard sheets were cut, it took 5 hours of time.

Tools required for the job

We need the following electrical tool:

  • screwdriver;
  • iron;
  • belt sander (to give the ends a perfect look).

Hand Tool List:

  • screwdriver or bit for the PH-3 screwdriver;
  • a set of drills for wood;
  • allen key 4 mm;
  • assembly knife with replaceable blades;
  • marking tools: pencil, tape measure, square.

Consumables that can be purchased at a furniture fittings store:

  • edge tape of the appropriate color - at least 10 m;
  • confirmates - 16 pcs.;
  • screws - 8 pcs.;
  • plugs - 16 pcs.;
  • hanging hinges - 4 pcs.

Let's get to work. Sketch and detailing

Making furniture always starts with drawing a sketch and then detailing it:

  • shelf with a radius of 190x900 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • shelf with a radius of 190x1100 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • rack 600x265 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • rack 440x265 mm - 2 pcs.

Radii and chords of bends in the drawing:

Manufacturing of shelf sides

Let's make the sides of our shelf. On the available segments of chipboard, you need to mark out the contours of curly parts.

This is easier to do with an impromptu compass.

Bending should not start from an arc, but from a flat area of \u200b\u200b30-100 mm, otherwise there is a risk of getting an untidy pairing when pasting the edge.

Two identical parts can be cut along one contour by fastening two sheets of chipboard with clamps.

The inner pillar does not have an upper protrusion; it is slightly shorter than the outer one.

Even when using a high-quality saw and jigsaw, such ugly chips may appear on the edge.

You can get rid of them by processing the ends with a sander with an emery belt with grit K80 or K100.

After grinding, the edge looks like this.


The details are ready for pasting. The tape is glued with a hot iron, heating and pressing strongly against the stripped edge.

When pasting, several important points must be taken into account:

  1. Choose the right temperature - between I and II stage of the thermostat.
  2. Place a cotton cloth under the iron so that the hem does not shine.
  3. On the inner bends, press the iron only with the spout and do as little movement as possible.

The tape is 3 mm wider than the butt, it is admitted on both sides, the excess is cut off with a mounting knife.

After trimming the tape, the edge should look like this:

Once trimmed, the corners can be sanded with fine sandpaper to remove the contrasting white streak from the adhesive. As a result, you get two pairs of uprights.

Assembling the finished product

For crossbars, rectangular pieces of chipboard of the same length are suitable. It is important to choose the right width: the shelf should not protrude beyond the upright.

To give the design a touch of originality, the inner rack was additionally trimmed in two places to the depth of the shelf.

The shelf board will be inserted and secured into the slot.

First, the bottom shelf and the outer rack are fastened with confirmations. A square or angle clamp is used for correct positioning.

A hole is made at a distance of 8 mm from the edge with a drill for the confirmation, the second step of the cutter should deepen no more than 2 mm.

After drilling, the parts are fastened with a confirmation. Tightening must be carried out until it stops, until the joint between the parts disappears. A slight crackling sound is normal when tightening.

The next step is to mount the inner vertical post at an arbitrary distance from the outer one.

Then you need to install the top shelf. It is first attached to the outer rack.

We drill and fix it with confirmations.

Please note: when drilling, you need to hold the drill strictly perpendicular to the surface of the part, otherwise a "bump" will appear after tightening the confirmation.

The fastening of the upper shelf to the inner rack was made in a rather original way. Even the elongated confirmations were not enough to fasten all three elements, so the groove was made by hand with drills.

For clarity, see the photo with the drills used, their diameters: 6, 7.5 and 10 mm.

First, a 6 mm drill bit made a hole to the full depth, then two countersinks were made: 7.5 mm for the head and 10 mm for the flange. The confirmation is screwed into the finished groove, which will now reach the array of the lower part of the rack.

The length of the Z-shaped key was not enough, so a longer L-shaped key was taken, for convenience, extended with a conventional bit holder.

Now all that remains is to secure the awnings. Black self-tapping screws are not suitable for this - they can burst under load. However, it is convenient to use them to make the first pass for more convenient screwing in of furniture screws.

After gluing the decorative caps, the shelves can be hung in place.

At the corner joint, no additional fasteners were used, since the chipboard board has sufficient bending strength. But purely for aesthetic reasons, the shelves can be connected together with dowels or a metal plate.

A kitchen set is considered one of the simplest types of furniture in a hand-made assembly for inexperienced craftsmen.

The furnishings for the recreation room and the hall, as a rule, need a professional approach, the use of extraordinary materials.

Today we'll talk about how to assemble furniture with your own hands.

The use of chipboard as the main building material

Today, natural massif in its pure form is almost impossible to find in a setting. After all, sets made of natural wood are considered expensive and quite elite pieces of furniture. Therefore, the array is replaced with an affordable material such as chipboard.

In most cases, these boards are up to 16 mm thick. Thicker sheets are also sold. The material is cut on machines.

You can work at home using an electric jigsaw, but irregularities and chips cannot be avoided. After all, it is almost impossible to cut off the chipboard at home with exactly a jigsaw.


One of the weak points of this material is the saw cut, since it is through it that moisture passes inside the easiest way. In this regard, due to poor-quality protection, swelling of the ends is not excluded. Therefore, it is preferable to cover the ends with edges, as in the photo of the furniture, which is made by hand below.

There are several types of edges on the modern market:

  • Melamine. This is the most affordable edge with excellent quality in the price category. It can be glued by yourself using a regular iron.
  • PVC is an excellent choice of edging. Its gluing is available exclusively on the machine.
  • ABS edge similar to PVC edge, but only made from natural material.


The front part and doors of the furnishings, including do-it-yourself garden furniture, are made of the best quality material.

The facade is considered a separate piece of furniture and, as a rule, is made to order.

In the case where the facades have unusual shapes, they can be produced over a long period of time.

Types of facades

Since the main function of the front part is decorative, it is accordingly offered in a wide variety. They differ in the facade in material, as well as in appearance.

Laminated MDF is a pressed and moisture-resistant material. Usually the surface is processed to look like natural solid wood.

However, even with the most durable film, after a certain period of time, the edges crack and also come off. The main advantage of such a material is its affordable cost and production speed.

In addition to deaf-type facades, there are options for a curly look under a stained glass window. The glass part is fixed to a special plate.

Wood facades will appeal to lovers of natural materials, but their cost is quite high. In addition, environmental friendliness is also controversial.


Painted front part under enamel. It has a significant disadvantage - chips and deformations often appear on the surface.

It was once exploited because of its attractive catchy shade, but with the advent of shiny plastic, everything changed radically.

Glass fronts made of aluminum are suitable for high-tech kitchen spaces. They look fashionable, but they are quite problematic in production and installation. For fastening, unusual fittings are used.


There are many methods of making headset boxes, as well as DIY pallet furniture. One of the simplest is the assembly along the perimeter using chipboard.

If it is necessary to create an original facade, it must be screwed overlay onto the frame main part from the inside.

In addition, the facade is often attached to eccentrics in the form of one of the drawer walls. In this case, the main task is not to assemble the necessary box, but to correctly secure it.



There is a built-in wardrobe and a free-standing one. Internal filling is at the discretion of the owner, it is possible to carry out the restoration of furniture with your own hands.

The main element of each cabinet is a sliding door leaf. It is not recommended to save on this part, it is important to purchase good quality fittings.

Basically, the cabinet is equipped with several doors, consisting of a frame into which decorative elements are inserted. Door leaves can be assembled from several materials, separated by an aluminum profile.

The movement of the canvases is carried out along special guides, which are installed with your own hands, just as furniture is created from cardboard with your own hands.


If we approach the issue of creating and installing pieces of furniture with all responsibility, then the furnishings will turn out to be not only high-quality, but also affordable, differ in exclusivity and peculiarity.

DIY furniture photo


In order to save money and time to find the right model, users with construction or carpentry skills can make furniture with their own hands.

What needs to be taken care of before making furniture?

When assembling furniture with your own hands, you need to think over the appearance of the object in advance and decide in which part of the apartment it will be located. These data will allow you to determine the most suitable materials and accessories. Drawings are another important part of the process. After creating sketches with parameters and purchasing tools and building materials, you can proceed to direct installation. It is better to strictly adhere to the original idea and be attentive to all calculations, otherwise the handmade furniture may turn out to be sloppy.

The most important thing in furniture making is the drawing

Step 1 - furniture assembly tools

For work, you do not need a special room and expensive equipment, but before assembling furniture with your own hands, you should still stock up on tools in advance that can be useful during work. Recommended minimum for beginners:

  • electric screwdriver;
  • drill for loops with a diameter of 2.6 cm;
  • a nozzle or key, as well as a special drill for confirms;
  • drills with diameters of 4.5, 7.5 and 10 mm;
  • awl, tape measure, ruler, pencil;
  • rubber or wooden mallet;
  • sandpaper (fine-grained).

For those who have extensive experience in the production of furniture with their own hands, it will be useful to purchase an electric drill, an electric jigsaw, a hair dryer and an iron, a professional router, a stationery knife, a jamb knife and a Forstner drill with a diameter of 15 mm for drilling holes for minifixes.

Step 2 - selection of materials for future furniture construction

Today the market offers the widest assortment, including various price categories. Natural wood massifs are now considered an expensive elite material; they have given way to modern slabs, consisting of wood only partly. There are several of the most requested options for.

Furniture from laminated chipboard

Laminated chipboard boards have taken a leading position as the main material for the manufacture of do-it-yourself cabinet furniture. They are a relatively cheap composite material obtained by hot pressing wood chips. The standard thickness of such plates is 16 mm, but you can find 1 and 22 mm. From thicker slabs, decorative elements and the main parts of cabinets and bookshelves are cut out, where a high bending strength is needed.

Chipboard boards are usually processed on special machines. You can resort to a jigsaw and try to saw them at home, yourself, but you will not be able to do it exactly: irregularities and chips will be visible on the details. Such defects will subsequently be very noticeable, and they will have to be masked. For this reason, it is better to entrust the manufacture of parts to professionals.

Fiberboard furniture

Fiberboard is a lower quality and aesthetically pleasing material compared to laminated chipboard. In the furniture industry, it is used for finishing back walls and as the bottom of drawers. The thickness of these sheets ranges from 3-5 mm. The slab has two surfaces: smooth and rough. One of the rules for making furniture with your own hands: the smooth side of the sheet looks inside the drawer / cabinet. The color should be as close as possible to the shade of the main furniture material (chipboard).

It is not recommended to fix the fiberboard sheets on a furniture stapler, since such a structure will turn out to be unstable and loosen over time. The bottom of the furniture drawers can be mounted in a groove prepared by a cutter, if all sizes match up to a millimeter. The most popular mounting method is self-tapping screws or nails.

MDF furniture

A board consisting of finely dispersed shavings pressed under high pressure and temperature. A pliable material, well processed by a router, often used as a furniture facade (external part). Basic characteristics:

  • high density;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • flexibility;
  • ability to withstand temperature extremes;
  • immunity to damage by microorganisms.

The thickness of MDF boards varies from 3 to 38 mm.

Assembling furniture from natural wood is not the most practical idea, since solid wood is many times more expensive than the above price categories. It is better to entrust the work with this material to specialists.

Furniture fittings

Fittings are small but important elements, without which the furniture cannot perform its functions. It is not worth saving on this part, since the service life and the general level of performance of the future self-assembled structure depend on the quality of the purchased fittings.

Furniture handles are fastened with screws. Guides (roller and telescopic or ball guides) play an important role in the assembly of drawers, as they give them the correct direction of movement.

To cushion the impact when closing and reduce the noise level, silicone dampers are installed on the inner sides of the furniture doors (or end). The legs are an optional part, but in some cases they can greatly extend the life of the furniture and adjust its optimal position on an uneven floor.

The hinges affect the degree of opening of the drawer doors. The standard is 180 ° for opening and 90 ° for closing. If the manufacturer has not made additives (hinge cutouts), then they can be added in any furniture workshop. For glass doors, you need to purchase special hinges that can hold it without drilling holes.

Furniture fasteners

Fasteners and their types require special attention. These are metal products that ultimately play a decisive role in furniture, since they provide its strength, geometric correctness and stability.

Wood dowels

They are used for preliminary and intermediate fixation and reinforcement of the shear load. The dowels are inserted into the drilled holes in both furniture pieces to be fastened. Later, the parts are attached with a more reliable method.

Iron corners

A slightly outdated fastening system that fully justifies its cheapness with an unattractive appearance, bulkiness and loosening after some time.

Confirmat, or furniture screw

A modern fastener that has supplanted conventional self-tapping screws due to the large thread: because of this, the screws are held tightly in the chipboard plate. The main disadvantages of this type are the need to use a special drill with different diameters for the thread, the head and neck of the Euro screw, as well as the head that remains visible. The master will have to select plastic plugs to match the color of the furniture body.

One of the most relevant methods of fastening today. The main advantage of eccentric couplers is that they only leave drilling marks on the inside of the product. For this attachment you will need the aforementioned Forstner drill. The method is time consuming and perfect for pull-out furniture doors. In other cases, it is worth stopping at simpler and not expensive options.

Selection of edging and furniture fronts

These elements perform an aesthetic function, so you need to choose them wisely. It is not difficult to make beautiful cabinet furniture that will look expensive if you carefully select the decorative parts.


The security of the cuts of the casing plates, and, consequently, the strength of the furniture, depends on the correct choice of this part. If you do not take care of high-quality insulation, moisture can easily penetrate into the structure of the furniture and destroy them from the inside.

There are several options, one of the best for making furniture with your own hands is a PVC edge. This finish does not require any special skills or professional equipment. Standard sizes: 0.4 and 2 mm. In order to save money, a thin edge is glued to the ends that are inaccessible to the eyes, and 2 mm - to the outer ones, which will be subjected to heavy loads and friction.

Other advantages of this type of furniture finish:

  • Melamine edging: a cheap but impractical option. It is glued with a regular iron.
  • ABS - similar to PVC, but made from an environmentally friendly material.
  • The overhead U-profile is glued to liquid nails. Impractical due to the accumulation of dirt at the junction, but helps to hide the defects of a bad cut.
  • Cut-in T-profile - rarely used, inserted into a groove made by a cutter.

Front part of furniture

Kitchen fronts and drawer doors are the "face" of furniture, so they should look much more presentable than other details that are not so striking. Making this element with your own hands means saving time, since usually such things are made to order, and the wait can take several months.

As for the technical details, the front part is usually made 2 mm less on each side of the main body. So, for furniture with a width of 600 mm, a facade with a width of 596 mm is suitable. The raw material of the decorative part is different from that of the main body.

Among the cheapest facades are laminated MDF panels with a short service life. Mostly wood-like finish is found. The gaining popularity of softforming is similar to MDF, but differs in a two-color layout and relief on both sides of the panel. Such furniture is suitable exclusively for dry rooms (bedroom, living room). You can often see non-standard facades with curly stained-glass cutouts. It is customary to attach glass to the cover on the inside of the door.

This is the implementation of high-quality, durable decor. Differs in the severity of forms, performed without aesthetic excesses. The basis is taken from MDF or chipboard boards, which are covered with thin seamless plastic. A plastic facade is another expensive but highly practical option.


  • smooth surface (glossy, matte);
  • laconic design;
  • ABS edging or aluminum profile.

At the peak of popularity are now super-gloss acrylic panels for making furniture with your own hands.

Wood and veneer

Expensive but natural materials. There is an opinion that the option loses from an environmental point of view, since it contains a lot of varnish and impregnations. The painted facade "under enamel" is less and less common. The rich color, which was so appreciated in the past, also appeared in competitors, for example, in acrylic. A significant disadvantage of such furniture is that it is unstable to deformation and scratches.

Aluminum and glass facades

The best method for making high-tech furniture with your own hands.

Preparation of drawings for the manufacture of furniture

Assembly drawings are your personal guide during your workflow. If you pay due attention to this part at the preparatory stage, then the master will not have to frantically make calculations and be afraid to attach something to the wrong place. You can make it easier for yourself to assemble by sketching everything on a simple sheet of paper by hand or using.

It should be remembered that the drawing must be intelligible and readable at least for the person who will be assembling the furniture.

Calculation and detailing

It is impossible to make cabinet furniture with your own hands without taking into account the consumption of materials. This stage requires drawing up a detailed list of what material each part will be made of, indicating its parameters. The sheet is delivered to the nearest available workshop, where all elements will be sawn and initially processed (edge).

The list should include consumables for the case, accessories, fasteners. So you can easily calculate the total cost of furniture, taking into account the services of the workshop. The price of a homemade item is 30–35% less than the retail price in stores.

Furniture assembly technology

Any furniture should begin to be designed with your own hands from the main frame, that is, from the largest parts, gradually adding small ones. Example of collecting a bookcase:

  1. After the preparatory stage, the side, top and bottom walls of the frame are connected and the diagonal is leveled.
  2. Then, using self-tapping screws, the back of the fiberboard is attached.
  3. The third stage is fixing the shelves. Confirmations guarantee a stronger connection.
  4. The places of the side walls, spoiled with hardware, from the outside can be decorated with plugs matching in color.
  5. Now it's the turn of additional internal parts, for example, the shelves can have drawers (additional partitions).
  6. The last to be mounted are the decorative parts (overlays, facade, etc.).

Beds, kitchen cabinets, sliding-door wardrobes and other home furniture are assembled according to the same scheme. Generally accepted safety precautions are followed when using hazardous electrical equipment.

In order to make furniture yourself, you need to have the desire, a little care, time and basic knowledge in the field of construction. If everything is done correctly, the result will be an exclusive and functional decor item that will last for many years and will perfectly fit into the interior of the apartment.

Today we will talk about how to make furniture from chipboard with our own hands. This material will be useful not only for beginners who do not know anything about how this process takes place, but also for amateur craftsmen who want to try their hand at making furniture.

A bit of history

The world market for building materials is filled with a huge amount of them. But special attention should be paid to chipboard, because it is the most popular material today for creating furniture products and one of the most demanded in finishing work. Abroad, this material has been used for a very long time, and it is called a particle board or a board made of small parts.

Chipboard is a chipboard, sheet composite material. It is made by hot pressing from wastes of different types of timber, for example, from sawdust, shavings and others. During production, binders are added there - most often, formaldehyde resins.

This material has been used for about a century. Such a plate is a budget option that is not inferior in characteristics to natural wood. The first industrial production of particle board was built in Germany and Switzerland. And they came up with this material due to the catastrophic shortage of raw materials and the need for a more rational use of wood, including waste processing. Already in the 1950s, the production of plates became conveyor.

Material selection

Before proceeding with the creation of furniture, it is necessary to fully determine the type and dimensions of chipboard. Most often, cabinet furniture is made of 16 mm chipboard, and 25 mm thick sheets are used for the countertop.

The surface of the chipboard sheet is of enormous importance. There are such types of chipboard for furniture:

  • Chipboard - laminated, covered with a film
  • naked - no film.

The non-film material can also be used to create pieces of furniture because it has a smooth, sanded surface. You can cover it yourself with self-adhesive tape. Preference should be given to films of German companies. They are thicker and more durable than their Chinese and Russian counterparts, and as a result, mechanical damage is not so terrible for them. However, the ideal option, of course, must be called, but the cost of veneered plates will be about 40% higher.

Chipboard panels for furniture are presentedin the market in several classifications. The most popular is the assortment division. It is on him that the scope of the material depends. There are three varieties:

  • the first - meets the standards for finishing materials, has a flat surface and a uniform structure. This is the best grade
  • the second has a rougher execution. Edges may be slightly different in size or chipped. In addition, the presence of scratches is possible
  • gradeless - it is used mainly in construction. These boards are made from shavings of tree bark, they have a rough and uneven texture.

It is recommended to create furniture from chipboard only from raw materials of the first grade. It is these raw materials that are carefully checked and comply with all environmental standards. Such plates are safe for human health. Second-grade and non-grade slabs are more suitable for finishing non-residential premises.

Hardware stores offer a huge number of different manufacturers, but the most popular are foreign brands, such as Egger, Kronospan or Cleaf.

According to the method of production, plates are:

  • flat-pressed, produced by pressing perpendicular to the plane of the entire plate
  • extrusion, which involve the direction of pressing parallel to the plate.

In addition, when choosing a material, you should pay attention to the emission class. This characteristic is responsible for the presence of formaldehyde resin in the material. There are three categories:

  • E1 is the safest raw material, contains the least amount of resin - up to 10 mg
  • E2 - not recommended for use in children's rooms
  • E3 - suitable for use only for technical purposes and non-residential premises.

This indicator is very important, so it is worth buying only certified products. The certificate always contains information about the class and characteristics of the board.

Chipboard has excellent performance and technical characteristics. The material has a lot of advantages, the main ones:

  • ease of processing. This material does not need special technological equipment.
  • moisture resistance, allowing the use of the material in damp rooms
  • high density guaranteeing high strength
  • resistance to high and low temperatures
  • affordable price
  • mechanical stability.

What is made of this material? Most of all, boxes are made of this material, because they are the basis of this type of furniture. For example, the basis of an expensive kitchen "made of wood" is very often made by craftsmen just a box made of chipboard. In addition, such raw materials form the basis of expensive sliding wardrobes with very attractive and non-standard sliding doors. Chipboard colors for furniture are distinguished by a variety of shades. Many shades imitate expensive wood species.

To create pieces of furniture, you need to purchase sheets of specific dimensions. Next, you need to cut them into parts that make up the future object. Before proceeding with cutting sheets, experts recommend carrying out the so-called "overtaking" - 5-10 mm of material is cut from the sheet around the perimeter. During transportation, the ends are very often subjected to mechanical stress, as a result of which it is possible to observe the formation of chips, which are eliminated by this "overtaking". It should be noted that, despite the high strength, chipboard sheets are characterized by fragility. For this reason, transportation must be treated very carefully.

In addition, when working with large parts (and the plates have a significant weight), you need to be careful, because the end of the finished part can cut the skin. As a result of cutting on special cutting machines, the end becomes similar to the edge of a knife.

It should be noted that special equipment is required for high-quality cutting. Unfortunately, at home, when cutting with a jigsaw, the cut line will always contain chips. The PVC furniture edge is glued to separate parts in the same place where the cut is made. You can glue it yourself using an iron.

Furniture is assembled from chipboard quite easily, using various fastening materials, for example, confirmations, corners, minifixes, nigels and others. The most popular are confirmations and minifixes. Products fastened with confirmations are highly durable, and those fastened with minifixes do not have a hole on the front side.

As mentioned earlier, the disadvantages of this material include high fragility. If a piece of furniture is going to be assembled and disassembled several times, then it is worth using minifixes, because the confirmations will simply crush the docking holes. As a result of this, the structure, after the next analysis, will be simply unrealistic to assemble. In this case, it is necessary to drill holes in other places to keep the structure.

In addition, another weak point of chipboards is the fastening of fittings, such as guides, hinges, handles. When you fix such parts once with a self-tapping screw, then you can no longer unscrew them, because a similar process of chipping of the material is observed. After the second time, this fastener material, the fastener will dangle in the hole and there can be no talk of any strength.

In conclusion, we can say that modern chipboard furniture is of high quality, durability, ease of installation and environmental safety.