Change in the state administration of Russia in the XVII century. Development of state and regional administration in the XVII century

In the XVII century In the Russian Orthodox Church, the traditional division of the territory of the state into church regions - dioceses remained. Their number could increase or decrease depending on the change in external borders, but the principles of management remained unchanged. In accordance with the practice of the Cathedral Administration, the Patriarch was the first among equal terms and had the right to be fully disposed of only in his patriarchal area.

In the Patriarch of Iosfea, a sequence of transfer of members of the consecrated cathedral (the highest body of the church management) was established in the importance of their place in the church hierarchy: Metropolitans Novgorodsky, Kazan, Rostov, Sarah; Archbishops Vologda, Suzdal, Ryazan, Tverskaya, Astrakhan, Siberian, Pskovsky; Bishop Kolomna, and then they went to archimandritis and igumens 46 monasteries, and a number of igumers, including Kirillo-Belozersky, Josepho-Volokolamsky, Solovetsky, Ferapontova Monasteries were higher than some archimandrite.

The heads of the dioceses were made by all spiritual affairs within the framework of the territory enshrined behind them, and they were subject to all the churches and monasteries located there, with the exception of those who had insistent diplomas from the sovereign. None of the hierarchs, including the Patriarch, did not have the right to "join" within the limits of someone else's diocese. All revenues from the clergy and the relevant court cases came to the complete disposal of the head of the diocese. It concerned even the churches of the bishops, scattered along different villages. Broasting and non-coordinated duties came to the execution of that diocese, in which they were. Government policy towards the Church.In the Russian church, there were traditionally centralized control, therefore, the presence of a strong dependence of church structures is not from the highest spiritual person, but from state power. The hierarchs were chosen cathedrally, but by decree of the sovereign. Through secular officials who participated in the diocese management, the state controlled the preservation of church property and church income. Economic events of the government.Tarkhan diplomas rewritten in the 20s of the XVII century. According to new deposits, part of the previous benefits were canceled. Now they have established a clear size of duty-free sale and buying for a usefulness and a list of mandatory taxes: Yaman money, Streletsky bread, is inherent and cities. The government has actively violated the rights of Lords, deriving individual monasteries and churches from their competence and subordinate to the state orders in Moscow. In addition, significant funds from the treasury of the monasteries and the Patriarch itself were seized. State participation in church management.The spread of Orthodox faith continued to remain the most important direction of public policy. Therefore, it is not surprising that the petitioner seruners - ingenians of the Kuznetsky Ostrog about baptism of them in the Orthodox faith was not submitted to the Patriarch, but in the name of the sovereign. The patriarchal area continued to be under the personal control of the sovereign and after the establishment of the monastery order.

Church-state relations during the church reform. Church reform under the formation of absolutism.The second half of the XVII century in the history of church-state relations was inextricably linked with two processes: a change in the position of the church in the conditions of the beginning of the formation of absolutism and carrying out one of the most serious reforms in its consequences. This reform led to the separation of believers on those who accepted it, and those who did not agree with her remained a commitment to the old rituality (Old Believers). The reform of church worship was due to both the internal needs of the Church itself and the objectives of the state and the royal power.

The question of the influence of absolutism on the nature of church-state relations is one of the discussion topics in domestic historiography. A number of historians consider the process of submission to the Church by the state policy with a characteristic feature (attribute) of absolutism. In Russia, this trend was embodied in the XVIII century, when the patriarchy was abolished, and the synodal period of church governance began.

In the XVII century, the state did not encroach at the Institute of Patriarchal Power. The reason for such a difference in the state rate was not in the weakness of early absolutism, but in another understanding of church-state relations. The Orthodox Church and the Patriarchhood were perceived as the inalienable foundations of the Russian identity. The church acted as a state ideologist. Because of this, the state was interested in the church subordinate, but strong. The task of submission to the church could be carried out in several ways. One of them was associated with the expansion of the sphere of secular legislation, amendments to the crimes against the Church in it. Another assumed the state's offensive on the economic power of the church. In the XVIII century, this path ended with the secularization of church lands. In the XVII century Such measures were not considered optimal, since they threatened the insufficiency of the stability of the entire socio-state-owned direction. From the point of view of the state, the church could preserve a number of privileges, but they should not have contradicted the economic interest of the state itself.

A special condition for the evolution of church-state relations of the XVII century was a factor in establishing a new Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne. Its legitimacy and power were in the process of becoming. Under these conditions, the importance of the personal qualities of the king as a statesman increased. Often the conflict between the state and the church was transformed to the level of conflict between the king and the patriarch. The interaction between the highest secular and higher spiritual face depended on the ratio of their life and political experience.

The new concept of church-state relations manifested itself in the cathedral. It became the first secular monument that broke the crime against the Church and determined the punishment on them. It is noteworthy that the first chapter of this monument was called "about blasphemers and church rebels." The royal power took the Christian trick under his defense, determining any crime against him as the laying of Hula on God. Such a formulation made it possible to bring a religious and social movement or teaching to it any hostile to Orthodoxy. Any blasphemy attacked the death penalty through the burning. The imposition took to protect the state of the basis of the Orthodox fault only in the most general form, without the definition of directions hostile to him. Thus, the secular power provided the power of spiritual to independently understand the affairs of faith.

Raising the authority of the church service, the state took the protection of the church itself as an institution and the emergency service in it. Any people who have been obeyed in a breakdown of church service as a death penalty; Beating a whip in the market area was waiting for those who in the church will "speak obscene speech" to the priest. The criminal offense committed in the walls of the Church attracted a more serious punishment than a similar crime committed abroad. For example, the murder committed without intent in the walls of the church was punishable by the death penalty, outside the church - the "trade" execution. As a reason for the breakdown of worship, the Code considered such actions as submitting during the service of petitions on the personal affairs of the king, Patriarch, church ranks.

Despite the fact that the new legislative code created a number of necessary conditions for raising the prestige of the Church as a state ideologist in society, he could not solve this problem. The next step on this path was the holding of church reform. Alexey Mikhailovich considered himself the successor of the Byzantine emperors and did not exclude the possibility that in the future he was destined to own Constantinople and all Orthodox peoples located under the Muslim IGOM. Another weighty cause of reform for the Greek sample for Alexei Mikhailovich was the task of reuniting Russia with Ukraine. Church practice in these lands was similar to Greek and varied with Russian. This fact prevented recognizing Maloros strictly Orthodox, which could generate hostility between Russia and the territories joined to it. In 1655 a new church cathedral was held. In his work, the Patriarch of Antihai Macarius took part. The latter expected to get rich gifts in Russia, and the Patriarch Nikon did not praise on them. As a result, Macarius approved reformal measures and offered a number of new ones. The main thing was that the Macarium Cathedral and several Greek bishops were cursed by adherents of two. The following year, all supporters of old rites were excited from the church. Case of Patriarch Nikon.Further reform Nikon came across his disagreement with the king, which did not concern the reform issues directly. The deep cause of disagreement was the contradiction between the excessive increase in the role of Nikon in the state and the trends towards the absolutization of the royal power. In the mid-50s, at that time, when the king with the troops participated in the war with Poland, Nikon focused not only spiritual in his hands, but secular control. Gradually, Nikon came to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe championship of spiritual power over secular. The spiritual power is higher than the kingdom, since "King Mooring Dedication, anointing and wedding from the bishop", that is, the king is wary of the kingdom, takes his power consecrated by God from Patriarch.

Patriarch's claims for the championship in the state were doomed to failure for a number of objective and subjective reasons, the main ones: the previously marked tendency to the absolutization of power, as well as the changes that occurred in the personality of the sovereign and the nature of his relationship with the Patriarch. The church cathedral of 1660 was deprived of Nikon Patriarchal Sana, but one of the scholars of theologians quite convincingly proved the unreasonableness of this decision. Alexey Mikhailovich did not want to hear in the eyes of the World Orthodoxy, the persecutor of the Higher Hierarch of the Russian Church. Universal patriarchs were invited to solve the fate of Nikon. Nikon's case was delayed until 1666. All this time, the situation remained tense. At the church cathedral of 1666, the Chief of Alexey Mikhilovich himself was the main prosecutor in the case of Nikon. Nikon paid for the loyalty to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe championship of the patriarchal power over the royal, but this idea herself was rooted in the minds of the Russian clergy. In January 1667, at the next Council, the majority of hierarchs expressed the championship of spiritual power over secular and for non-interference of the latter in the Church's affairs. Increased royal power did not want to recognize such a decision, but it was still forced to go to a number of concessions. One of them was the unfortunateness of the clergy with secular authorities. So the idea of \u200b\u200bsubordination to the Church by the state, characteristic of the absolutization of the royal power, was manifested in the middle of the XVII century, but was not finally implemented. After the church cathedral 1666-1667. Disputes between opponents and supporters of church reform were transferred to the thick of the widespread social layers. Not all of them could figure out the subtleties of worship and ritual, who defended Nikon's opponents. In the movement of the old estimation of many of them attracted an open confrontation of state power. The very aggravation of relations between society and the state was predetermined by the tendencies of strengthening the absolutic authority, the activation of the state's intervention in the life and activities of different estates. The splitter movement has become a special form of social protest.

XVII century In the domestic history, the name firmly adopted in historiography "The Boundary Century". The beginning of the century itself was marked by such a phenomenon as troubled. The consequences of the Universities Russian society and the state felt at least during the first half of the XVII century. Most of the other significant social speeches of this time fell on the second half of the century. The time of concentration of riots of different character and territorial coverage was the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. A kind of historical paradox is the fact that it was behind this sovereign that the unofficial title of "silent" was entrusted, and the official ideal of his reign was considered "silence" (peace, calm) of the board.

The dynasties of the Romanovs, which still approved on the throne, had to resume foreign policy activity in the context, when a conflict unfolded in Western Europe, almost all states and peoples were involved in the orbit. Many of the states who were drawn into a thirty-year-old war (1618-1648) were interested in expanding contacts with Russia. Some sought to protect their eastern rear, others were looking for an ally, the third considered Russia and as a promising market for sales, and as a possible cheap bread supplier. Therefore, it is not surprising that during this period significantly expands and becomes the constant practice of diplomatic exchange embassies between Russia and Western European powers.

The diversity of geographic directions, the specificity of the tasks set not only with the colossal economic costs, but also effective state regulation, coordination of all foreign policy activities, especially since many people of the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Volga and Siberia voluntarily, voluntarily switched to the citizenship of Russia, which turned it into a multinational state. Despite the excessive stress of folk care, important results were achieved in the Western and Southern direction, the main of which: the return of Smolensk and the accession of the left bank of Ukraine. It was these achievements that allowed the country to further engage in the struggle for the return of the exit to the Southern and Ninarians and designate the main line of development of relations between the fraternal Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe.

Russia On the eve of the transformation of the 70s - the beginning of the 90s of the XVII V. The rule of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich

With death on January 29, 1676, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Trone moved to his eldest son - 14-year-old Fedor, who belonged to the mother to the family of Miloslavsky. Peter - the sixth son of Tsar Alexey, born on May 30, 1672, from his second wife Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina, has not yet fulfilled four years.

The Board of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich (1676-1682) was marked by a number of changes in the political and cultural life of Russia, which foreshadow the future transformations of Tsar Peter I. I received a good education at that time (under the guidance of a scientist, writer and speaker of Simeon Polotsk, he met theology, Latin, PITICHER AND Rhetoric, Fundamentals of Political Teachings), Tsar Fedor requested the Commission Prince V.V. Golitsyn, an enlightened person of his era, to exercise long-standing changes in the military system.

An important event of the Government of Fyodor Alekseevich was held in 1679 of the military-district reform. On January 15, 1679, the king announced a registered decree on the recording of the nobles in the regimental service, threatening that they would not receive the ranks at all. Soon the decision of the Boyarskaya Duma about the withdrawal from the nobles, if they or their children shy away from the "regimental" (real) service in the discharges of Belgorod, Sevsk, Smolensk, Novgorod, Kazan, Tobolsky, Tomsk, Yenisei and Tambovsky. In 1679, by decree of the king in all cities included in the categories (district), Verovodskoye and local order was introduced. They shared on corps (divisional, general) and regimental, as well as fortresses. Military-district reform organizationally adapted the entire territory of the state to regular military service.

At the initiative of the king, it was decided to unify the system of the ranks and destroy the noble militia, which prevented in the armed forces of the principle of unity of the construction of troops. In 1681, a peculiar document was developed (a kind of "party on ranks"), which consisted of 35 degrees and who reduced the hierarchy of the chores of the courtyard, discharges, the order with the help of vicar titles of different levels. Although the project met resistance, primarily the Patriarch of Joachim, still he partly reformed the system of civil service. So, intended for location exclusively for the boyars higher 14 pricing after 1681-1682. Stained for regional, kravichi, generals, solidniki (governments in these degrees received K.A. Naryshkin, V.P. Sheremetev, I.I. Golovin, Ya.F. Dolgoruky, F.Ya. Lefort). The priest title became accessible to Deaks (for example, E.I. Ukrainians, the Dyack of the Embassy Order, a prominent diplomat, received the title of governor of Volkhovsky, and then Kargopol). The number of governor titles assigned to the voivods also increased. All this testified to serious attempts to adapt military and civilian management systems to the conditions of developed absolutist trends in the state structures of the country.

In January, 1682 followed the abolition of locality, deepeningly affected by the state of military affairs, when noble young people refused to obey the less noble governors. An important reform touched a fiscal system - in coordination with representatives of the Posted, instead of a set of taxes, a single file (shooting money) was introduced, which went to various state needs, first of all, for the maintenance of troops.

In the rule of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, almost all the most important state posts were in the hands of the Miloslavsky clan. Boyarov AS hit the link Matveyev, in the house of which he lived before Marriage Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkin, who considered Bohrin his second father. Naryshkina, although they remained in Moscow, but no influence on state affairs had no effect.

The abusive ruler, Tsar Fedor often sick. In the case of his death, expected by many people from the court environment, the authorities could go to his brother John, following him for seniority, but this Tsarevich was even more illness than his older brother, and that more significantly, did not have any ability to manage country

A number of courtiers - boyars Heathrovo, languages \u200b\u200b- believed that the throne after Fedor should inherit Tsarevich Peter. These Velmazbi recommended that the Boyar Matveyev referred from reference so that he could be able to support his mother in the transition of the throne to the young Peter to pass his mother - Queen Natalia Kirillovna. Tsar Fedor followed this advice, allowing Matveyev to settle near the capital, in his estate in a Suzdal county. Tsarevich Peter grew strong, alive and extremely inquisitive boy, and many expected that over time he would become a very capable ruler of Russia.

The opinion of the venels who made a bet on Tsarevich Peter, did not share the Tsarevna Sophia, the sister of King Fyodor. She possessed the powerful and firm character, received, like her brother, a good education, loved the literature and composed poems herself. Like her father - King Alexey Mikhailovich, Sophia was not alienated by the Western European cultural influence, knew and loved the Latin language, to which her, like all the older children, Tsar Alexei, trained Simeon Polotsk. She often attended dispatheds of Greeks and Western Russian monks to Moscow - pupils of the Kiev Mogilyan Orthodox Academy. Sophia ceased to observe the tradition not to leave the female part of the royal terche, went out into the boyars of the Duma and led a conversation about current state issues with boyars. In the depths of the soul, she cherished the dream of becoming a government government, to manage on behalf of the weak and sick brother John. It was possible, provided if she managed to remove Peter from the throne.


XVI - XVII century - This is the period of formation and strengthening a single Russian state, folding a single national economic mechanism and a special look at the law. With the advent of centralitarian aspirations, Russian state trucks are particularly beginning to consider their activities, their tasks and their own position in the state. During this period, widespread figures appear, reformers and innovators with the name of which are related to the stabilization of economic and political life in the country and the decline in the values \u200b\u200bof the cathedrals that are becoming, in fact, meetings of the government with their own agents (they are not representatives of the land, and carriers of the service) . With the help of talented camecrafts from the royal office, which all orders began to oblapse, the Russian powerfulness from all kinds of guardians. By a member of the expression of Academician M.M. Theological, Russian autocracy evolved from Zemsky to bureaucratic and has already been clearly moved to absolutism. From the second half of the 17th century there is a state vertical control, displacing elected. Personally, the bureaucratic start was much mannerene and universal; Moreover, it was effective. The task of the supreme power was the guardianship of folk vital activity and creative impact on it. The purpose of this strategic plan was to establish the All-Russian monarchy (imperial). The Introduction of 1649 introduced the concept of state interest, which all private and public interests were to be obeyed. For pure absolutism, to which Russia rushed, a new conceptual position of power is established, which provided for the refusal of the old, church concept. The church stopped being an arbiter in Russian society, and the autocratic, the king took the place not at the head of the government administration, and outside it and above it, as the anointed of God, the source of all life in Russia. Therefore, with autocracy, there is no clear relationship of law, legality and authority. The very concept of autocracy did not establish a clear separation of the authorities. The support of the autocratic monarchy is the noble bureaucracy and the institute of serfdom. In general, the Russian state was a political equilibrium system (example for all of Europe). Russian power during massive offensive, solved the task of political centralization of state vitality. At the same time, our ancestors have been reached in constructive and national economic activities to improve folk welfare. The main sources of the new concept were the successful implementation of the government course on the development of the equipment of the administrative service and theories of state and national economy, the creation of a large production (in particular, the heavy industry), based on the state order, state subsidies, favorable concessions provided by the working force. Russia's political and economic development in the 17th century was provided to the rapid expansion of the borders of the country and the population of the country: Russia included the continental part of Asia, limited in the north of the Arctic Ocean, and in the east - quiet.

Summing up a logical feature under the reflection on the state in the 17th century, it can be said that the worldview of the kings of the Romanovsky dynasty (17B) is completed by the ideology of the Russian Middle Ages, Russian Starny. In the ideas of state power, it is exempt from impurities of the accurate-primary principles, so the 17th century is the era of the rebirth of the Russian state into the All-Russian monarchy. At the same time, excess of the task was under the royal power of the entire historical territory, the entire Russian, Orthodox and traditionally-foreign population of the Eastern European Plain. We can safely say that in the 17th century, Russia consciously was preparing to enter the rank of the first-class world power, but not by any means and methods (for example, not with the help of broad combat reform). In N / x attitudes of the 17th century, he was remembered by the successful implementation of the government course on the rise of public labor and welfare, which led the country to significant success in the development of financial and military spheres, the technique of administrative service, theory of state and economic affairs. The 17th century is the beginning of the formation and development of urban and trade and industrial capital (in Russia there was still a feudal capital). The successes of state power manifested themselves in the completion of political centralization and in the fact that the Russian state functioned as an alliance of people.


Main literature:

1. History of the domestic state and law: Tutorial / B.N. Grounds. - M.: Norm: Infra-M, 2012. - 592 p.: 60x90 1/16. (Binding) ISBN 978-5-91768-225-9, Kurskova, G. Yu. History of the domestic state and rights [Electronic resource]: studies. manual for university students studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / G. Yu. Kurskova et al.; Ed. N. V. Mikhailova, G. Yu. Kurskova. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 647 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-02235-2.

2. Kuritsyn, V. M. History of the domestic state and law. 1929 - June 22, 1941 Forced modernization of the country and the formation of the military-technical and socio-political base of the future victory in the Great Patriotic War [Electronic resource]: studies. Manual for students learning in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / V. M. Kuritsyn. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 239 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-01622-1.

3. Universal history of law and state: textbook for universities / V.G. Count; Institute of State and RAS RAS. - 3-e ed., Extra. - M.: Norm: Infra-M, 2010. - 816 p.: 60x90 1/16. (Binding) ISBN 978-5-91768-078-1, History of Russia: Training and Practical Guide / E.I. Nesterenko, N.E. Petukhova, Ya.A. Beans. - M.: University Tutorial: Infra-M, 2012. - 296 p.: 60x90 1/16. (binding) ISBN 978-5-9558-0138-4,.

4. Mukhaev, R. T. History of public administration in Russia [Electronic resource]: Textbook for students of universities, students in the specialty "State and Municipal Management" (080504) / R. T. Mukhaev. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 607 p. - (Series "State and Municipal Management"). - ISBN 978-5-238-01254-4.

Additional literature:

1. Markova, A. N. History of public administration in Russia [Electronic resource]: a textbook for students of universities, students in economic specialties, in the specialty "State and Municipal Management" (080504) / A. N. Markova; Ed. A. N. Markova, Yu. K. Fedulova. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 319 p. - (Series "State and Municipal Management"). - ISBN 978-5-238-01218-6.

2. Pole, B. History of Russia [Electronic resource]: Tutorial for university students / G. B. Pole; Ed. G. B. Pole. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 687 p. : IL. - (Series "COGITO ERGO SUM"). - ISBN 978-5-238-01639-9.

3. History of Russia: educational and practical manual / E.I. Nesterenko, N.E. Petukhova, Ya.A. Beans. - M.: University Tutorial: Infra-M, 2010. - 296 p.: 60x90 1/16. (binding) ISBN 978-5-9558-0138-4

4. History of Russia: Textbook for universities / S.M. Munchaev, V.M. Ustinov. - 5-e ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Norm: Infra-M, 2009. - 752 p.: 60x90 1/16. (Binding) ISBN 978-5-16-003642-7.

5. History of the Soviet state / S.M. Munchaev, V.M. Ustinov. - 2-e ed., Add. and recreated. - M.: Norm, 2008. - 720 p.: 60x90 1/16. (binding) ISBN 978-5-468-00149-3.

6. History: Tutorial / P.S. SAMYGIN, S.I. SAMYGIN, VN Shevelev, E.V. Shevelev. - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - 528 p.: 60x90 1/16. - (secondary vocational education). (Binding) ISBN 978-5-16-004507-8.

7. Isaev I.A. The history of the state and the rights of Russia. M., 2005.

8. Isaev I.A. The history of the state and law in Russia in matters and answers M., 2003.

9. Titov Yu.P. The history of the state and the rights of Russia. M., 2003.

10. Readings on the history of the state and the rights of Russia. Compiled by Yu.P. Titov. M., 2005.

11. Bykov, A. V. Police system of the modern democratic state [Electronic resource]: Monograph / A. V. Bykov, T. V. Kikoto-Glugodedov. - M.: Uniti-Dana: Law and Law, 2012. - 303 p. - (series "Scientific publications for lawyers"). - ISBN 978-5-238-01856-0.

12. Pole, G. B. World History [Electronic resource]: Tutorial for students of universities / G. B. Pole; Ed. G. B. Pole, A. N. Markova. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 887 p. - (Series "COGITO ERGO SUM"). - ISBN 978-5-238-01493-7.

Authorities in Russia in the 17th century

The flowering of the Kremlin. All-day bridge and the Kremlin at the end of the XVII century.

Picture of the artist A.vasnetsova, 1922

17th century In the history of Russia is a difficult time. He began by S. Troubles Printed ruin, decay in all spheres of public life. But it is in this century that begins to rule romanov dynasty since 1613.. The first Romanov - Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexey Mikhailovich - the task of restore the country after the troubled, raise the authority of Russia in the world, to strengthen the economy. Ends at the time of the board Peter 1.- One of the outstanding state rulers.

Such a number of major events and shocks could not not affect the system of government, which changed, was improved.

Government system of the 17th century.

Features of public administration in the 17th century:

    The revival of statehood after the triple occurred on the basis of doubles of secular and spiritual powerwhich remained autonomous, but equally contributed to the strengthening of the state.

    The restoration of the Orthodox principle was facilitated by the fact that the Patriarch during the reign of the first Romanov was the Philaret of Tsar Mikhail Romanova, an influential person of that time.

    The king and the patriarch essentially used the title " great Sovereign "

    During the reign of the first Romanovs, it was finally strengthened in Russia autocracy- Power of "Soviet All Russia"

The highest authorities during the reign of the first Romanov

    Unlimited power owned king.

    Big powers had Patriarch.

    Boyarskaya Duma- the most important body of state power., Supreme body in the issues of legislation, management and court, for the 17th century, the composition of the Duma doubled: the number of roundabouts (the orders were headed), merchant nobles (stood at the head of orders) and Dyakov (head of the office, writing director). Hierarchy: boyar-okolnichy-dummy nobleman. It was with the Boyarskaya Duma, first of all the king was consulted. Members of the Boyar Duma headed orders, were gravifers, diplomats. The Duma argued the decisions of orders, was the highest judicial authority

    By the end of the 17th century, the Boyarskaya boom becomes advisory bodyorder judges.

    With Alexei Mikhailovic appears Middle Duma(Supreme Council consisting of aristocracy), trustees of the king) and personal office - secret order(approximately 1653).

    Role has increased Zemsky cathedrals.They were going to : in 1613 - 1615, 1616 - 1619, 1620 - 1622, 1632 - 1634, 1636 - 1637, years. So in 1642 the cathedrals solved the issue of Azov - the Azov seat of the Cossacks, in 1649- received the Cathedral of the Cathedral Code, etc. The decision of the Zemsky Councils - the Cathedral acts - signed by the king, the Patriarch, the highest ranks and ranks. From the 60s Zemsky cathedrals stopped convened: The government strengthened and no longer needed their support.

    In the 17th century acted ordering system. There were the following Ordersas executive authorities:


Embassy (foreign policy)

Discharge (case on service, troops)

Local and local and local affairs,

acted from 1680s g.)

Big arrival (tax collection)

Big treasury (fees from urban classes)

Streletsky (army cases, troops)

Ratari (created for organizing and managing the troops of a new building)

Inrogenous (cases of foreigners in Russia)

Weapon Chamber (manufacture, purchase, storage of weapons and jewels, royal use)

Pushkarsky (production, distribution and accounting of artillery and ammunition, he was subordinate to the cannon court)

Printed (duties for bonding acts to sovereign

Yamskaya (responded for postal transport)


Siberian (business of Siberia, collected Yasak - the type of tax- from the population of Siberia)

Kazan Palace (Volga Affairs, collected Yasak from the population of the Volga region)

Malorossiysky (Cases of Ukraine)

Smolensky Princess


Big Palace (Held Tsarny Land Tax)

Casual (production and storage of values \u200b\u200bof the royal treasury, led trade operations for royal needs)

Bearing (conducted a tsarist stable, palace crews)

Sokolnikii (conducted court sow falcony)

Tsarist Workshop Chamber (Production of robes for the king)

Tsaritsyn Workshop Chamber 9 Production of robes for the queen)

The vessel (from 1664) is the proceedings on civil claims.


Patriarch treasury (taxation of church and monastic lands)

Patriarch Palace

The order of spiritual affairs, or the patriarching order - issued diplomas to the spiritual persons, conducted the construction of churches, leaning the trial over heretics.

Temporary orders:

Secret (order of secret cases, existed from 1654-1675, the management of palace economy)

Accounting (1656-1678) - carried out financial control over the activities of orders.

Monastic (conducted monastic lands and lawsuits of the population of spiritual victuchin)


    Nales, besides the orders listed above, also collected Streletsky, Embassy and Yamsk orders. Therefore, the financial system was very complex and confusing.

    Were created simultaneously for fiscal activities fourth They ordered financial and judicial and administrative functions to certain territories of the country (a new quarter in 1619, the order of a large treasury, 1621.) and new permanent and temporary orders have been created.

    According to the Cathedral Cutting 1649 changed the form of the board, happened strengthening absolutism.

    From the second half of the 60s 17 appear temporary commissions for the search for runaway peasants.

    By 1698 he had 26 orders.

State posts in orders:

    At the head of the order - Head, Judge, ocolnic, Member of the Boyar Duma. Some boyars were headed by several orders at once: Boyar B. Morozov, with Alexei Mikhailovic, headed 5 orders (Streetsky, a large treasury, a new quarter, inosky, pharmacy); A. L. Ordin-Nachichokin - the Embassy and Malorossiysky Orders and three quarters - Novgorod, Vladimir and Galitsk)

    Assistants supervisors- dIAKI(From the nobility or clergy). They spoiled things, endured sentences. The service was received by the author's salary (up to 600 quarters of the Earth) and cash (up to 240 rubles per year).

    Deaks were subordinate to the stationery servants from the nobles and children of ordinary people syric, received salary .

    Output:the order system was branched, the bureaucratic apparatus was constantly increasing, it led to abuse and bribery.

Local governance


    The process of centralization and unification of local authorities

    Main administrative unit - countythey shared on Mill and parish.

    Displacing the "Zemskoy beginnings" by the order management.

    Voevod carried out military management + dIAKI and syricthat implemented financial management. The purpose of the appointment of the Voivod is the implementation of the management in the interests of the king¸ and not for the sake of feeding, although voluntary brings "in the honor" were not prohibited, so that the governors took and without a letter of king.

    Local Ordering - Cutting or order

    Lifting and land self-government.

    Voevodcontrolled lip and zemskie

The role of the church:

    The role of the church in the state affairs intensified.

    C1589- approved Patriarchate, autochefality was entrenched, that is, the independence of the church from Byzantium.

    First Moscow Patriarch - Job(1589-1605)

    Patriarch Philaretu managed to get closer to his ideal doubleschurches and states.

    At the head of the Church patriarch In unity with the Cathedral of the Higher Church Hierarchs.

    1620-1626- A church management reform was carried out by philaret, orders were created.

    Church parishes were created at certain territories. At the head- episcon, clergy ( pop, Dyakon) and church believers ( pnomari, Storam, singing) Fully planted from the world, which allocated land, other land, sometimes material reward.

    After church splitcaused nicon reform (1653-1656), the church's meaning begins to fall, the church begins to fall into a complete dependence on the king.

General conclusions:

    In the 17th century there is an amplification of autocracy

    Doubles of the spiritual and secular power- Feature of management in Russia.

    A gradual decline in the role of the Zemsky Cathedrals and the death of them with the last Zemsky Cathedral, convened in full, became the cathedral of 1653g.v 1683-1684 < Назад

  • Forward\u003e

Local office in Russia in the 17th century

1.2 Higher and Central Institutions

In the XVII century, still, the Boyar Duma was the most important body of the state, the body of the Boyar aristocracy and shared the Supreme Power with the king. It was included in its composition of the Moscow Prince, the former specific princes, representatives of the local nobility (they were called "Duma Noblemen"), the tops of the servant bureaucracy - "Duma Deci", which conducted office work. Boyarsky Duma solved the most important state affairs. She was a legislative body. In a century, the composition of the Duma doubled, the number of okolchnichih, twumboals and devils has become especially increased. Boyarskaya Duma still remained a supreme body in matters of legislation, management and court.

The myarskaya Duma did not play an independent role, she always acted along with the king, making up a single supreme power together with the state truck. This unity is particularly relief manifested itself in laws and international relations. For all cases, the decision was made in the following form: "The sovereign indicated and the boyars sentenced" or "on the state decree of the boyar sentenced."

The chairmanship in the Duma belonged to the king, but he was not always present; The boyars decided and without him, finally, or their decisions were approved by the sovereign. Members were distributed in the Duma in order of the ranks, and each rank is in the location of the breed. The Cathedral Code prescribes the Duma "all sorts of things to do together." This indirectly approves the beginning of unanimity during decisions. At the end of the XVII century. There is a special branch of the Duma for the vessels: "The Collected Chamber", which consisted of delegates of the Duma (for several members from each rank). During the departure of the boyars with the king from Moscow, there are several members of her "for keeping Moscow." In this commission, the Duma walked all reports from orders, but they were finally solved by it only cases of less importance; Others were sent to the king and the boyars who were at him.

The members of the Duma headed the orders, were voivpets, diplomats. The Duma argued the decisions of orders, was the highest judicial authority.

By the end of the XVII century. The Duma turns into a kind of advisory body of ordinary judges. It increases its irregular part, namely the number of twin devils. At the beginning of the century there were 2-3 spiritual devices, in the second half (in 1677) their number increased to 11 people.

In the first half of the XVII century. The role of Zemsky cathedrals has increased. The word "Zemsky" meant, "state". The Zemsky Cathedral is a meeting of representatives of "all lands", or the whole Russian land. In this sense, the crusts had a strong "earthly" roots. They "grew up" from the Novgorod veche, from the princely "congresses" about the most important events of Russian history and old traditions to discuss the controversial issues "the world."

Zemskiy cathedrals met almost continuously: 1613-1615, 1616-1619, 1620-1622, 1632-1634, 1636-1637. Cathedrals sought funds for wars with Poland, Turkey and others, made decisions on foreign economic issues (in 1642 - on the issue of Azov taken by the Cossacks, in 1649 - the adoption of deposits - the Code of laws, etc.). The duration of the Zemsky Cathedrals was different: from several hours (1645), days (1642), up to several months (1648-1649) and years (1613-1615, 1616-1619, 1620-1622). The decisions of the Zemsky Councils - the prefabricated acts - signed by the king, the Patriarch, the highest ranks and ranks down. Since the 60s, Zemsky Cathedrals have ceased to convete: the government strengthened and no longer needed "the moral support of the" whole land ".

The first half of the XVII century. - The time of the breakdown of the order system and the constant introduction of it in all branches of management. In the first years of the reign of the Romanov dynasty, about 20 former central institutions began to function. The new government had to solve serious socio-economic and political problems. First of all, the proposed state treasury was to be replenished, to establish the flow of state taxes. Therefore, in the first years of the reign of a new dynasty, fiscal activities of orders increase. A number of new permanent and temporary central institutions made by tax collecting (a new quarter of 1619, the order of a large treasury is in 1621-1622).

The new element in the order management was the formation of patriarchal management institutions. After the return of the Patriarch Filaret from captivity on the basis of the patriarchal court, three orders were created (palace, government, discharge), who managed to all patriarchal economy.

In the first half of the XVII century. The temporary orders created by knowingly as temporary orders were widespread, which determines the function, the chapter of the order, his entire state and budget.

In the second half of the XVII century. Due to the indigenous changes in the socio-economic life of Russia, the state apparatus is changing in the socio-economic development of Russia, its internal political development and international situation.

At this time, completeness is finally strengthened and completed, the All-Russian market develops, manifactore production arises, the social bundle of the village is deepened. The inconsistency of these processes led to the exacerbation of social relations in the city and the village.

The estate-representative monarchy was outlived by this time, but the system of orders was preserved. The main kernel remains the same. But new territorial orders were created to manage the liberated Russian lands. With the new conditions of the country, the creation of a monastic order of the population of spiritual victuchin, and the Ratar, created for the organization and management of troops of the new building, is associated with the country's lands and lawsuits. A special place occupied functioning in 1654-1675. Order of secret cases. The main part of this order was associated with the management of palace economy.

Serious restructuring to simplify and further centralization was undertaken in the 80s. The most important was the attempt to unite all financial issues in the enlarged order of a big treasury. By this time, activities are related to the concentration of all the most recorded and local affairs in the local order, and the service of service is in the discharge with the withdrawal of them from the management of territorial orders.

The head of the order was the boss - the judge, mainly from the members of the Boyarskaya Duma, some of them managed several orders at once. The assistants of the head of the judge were devil. The devils were gained mainly from the ordinary nobility or from spiritual title. They peak up, endured sentences. They were subordinate to the stationery servers from the nobles and children of ordinary people.

The structure of orders was determined by their competence and lack of activity, with which the sizes of orders were also associated with.

Large orders (the director, discharge, Kazan Palace) shared on the tables. The separation occurred mainly by the territorial principle. There have been cases when the functions of another institution were transmitted to this or another order, which resulted in a special table in its composition. The tables were divided into improvements, which created mainly on the territorial principle. Increes were not stable structural units and did not wear a specific name. Sometimes they wore the sequence number or name by the name of the chapter of their fame. In smaller orders, there were no division on the tables, but there were only improvements.

In the second half of the XVII century. Wide distribution received temporary institutions - commissions, which were formed in Moscow from Dyakov and Moscow attainers and were sent together with the detectives, intertearners, collaborators, etc. to search for runaway peasants. The Commission was created by a special decree, which determined their quantitative composition, the direction of activity, assigned managers.

The ordering system with its centralization and bureaucracy, paper office work and uncontrolcity spawned a vicker, abuse, bribery, which was particularly clearly discovered by the end of the XVII century.

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Change in the state administration of Russia in the XVII century

XVII century - One of the most turbulent centuries is not only in the history of Russia, but also many Western and eastern states. In Russia, it was transitional in nature, when the previous system of control of the estate monarchy and its institutions are experiencing flourishing, but from the second half of the century, the process of forming an absolute monarchy begins and begins.

At the beginning of the XVII century. An unfavorable combination of internal and external factors leads to the collapse of Russian statehood. The restoration of the model monarchy in the form of autocracy occurs on the basis of the principles of the theory of the "Symphony of the authorities" - two units of the spiritual and secular power. The restoration of statehood under the conditions of a mobilization type of development leads to the gradual destruction of the principles of the Council and the "Symphony of the authorities" - the death of the Zemsky Cathedrals, changes in the functions and competence of the Boyar Duma, the Church, the restriction of local self-government. The bureaucracy of public administration occurs, and on the basis of ordinary work, civil service begins to develop as a branch of the state, previously mainly military service.

The emergence of the absolute monarchy refers to the second half of the XVII century. At this time, the actual fusion of the regions, lands and principalities in one is. Concentration of small local markets in one All-Russian market occurs. At this time, bourgeois relations arise, the role of the Posted population in the political life of the country is increasing, the first manufactories appear.

In the initial period of the formation of absolutism in Russia, the monarch in the struggle against the Boyar aristocracy relies on the top of the Posad. And Posad is still satisfied with the king, since the Cathedral Code of 1649 fulfilled the requirement of pose on the elimination of the main Posad competitors - "White" Slobod, who belonged to secular and spiritual feudalities.

The king fulfilled another requirement - limited the rights of inrogenous merchants. Thus, Russian merchants were interested in the formation of absolutism in Russia.

Although during this period and the process of the birth of bourgeois relations occurs, the foundations of feudalism have not yet been undermined. The prevailing system continues to remain a feudal economy. However, it was increasingly forced to adapt to the market and inventory relations. In the XVIII century There is an increase in the role of the location in the country's economy and the rise of the political value of the nobility. During the formation of absolutism, the monarch relied on the nobles in the fight against the boyars and the church opposition speaking against the strengthening of the royal power.

Absolutism in Russia arose in the second half of the XVII century, when Zemsky cathedrals restricting the power of the king were convened. A core management system was strengthened, directly subordinate to the king. At the end of the XVII century. Permanent royal army was created. The king acquired a significant financial independence, receiving revenues from his faults, collecting the submarines of conquered peoples, from customs fees increased in connection with the development of trade. These taxes, as well as the royal monopoly on the manufacture and sale of vodka, beer, honey gave the king the opportunity to contain a huge state apparatus.

With the weakening of the economic and political role of Boyar, the value of the Boyar Duma decreased. The composition began to replenish the nobles. Of particular importance is the secret, or the near Duma from a small number of people close to the king. The decline of the Boyar Duma also shows a sharp increase in the number of registered decrees published by the king without a meeting with the Duma. Thus, Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich published 588 registered decrees, while decrees approved by the Duma, there are only 49. The intensive process of submission to the Church by the state occurs.

Finally, absolutism is drawn up in the first quarter of the 19th century. Under Peter I. In the first years of the reign of Peter I, the Boyarskaya Duma existed formally, but no power had, the number of its members decreased. In 1701, the functions of the Duma moved to the "neighboring office", which united the work of the most important state bodies. The persons held in the Duma were called the ministers, and the Council of Ministers was called Consil Ministers, and the number of Consil members ranged from 8 to 14 people.

With a facility in February 1711. Senate finally ceased to function Boyarskaya Duma - the last state. The body that limited the power of the monarch.

In the first half of the 20th century. A bureaucratic state apparatus was created, as well as a regular permanent army, subordinate to the king.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. Absolute monarchy received legislative consolidation. In particular, in the military charter 1716. It was said: "His Majesty is a self-liberal monarch, it should not give anyone in the world about his affairs, but the power and power has", etc.

In October 1721 In connection with the brilliant victory of Russia in the Northern War, the Senate and the Spiritual Synod were presented by Peter I Title "Father of the Fatherland, Emperor All-Russian". Russia becomes an empire.

For 250 years of the existence of absolutism in Russia, 5 main stages of development can be distinguished:

absolute monarchy of the second half of the XVII century. With the Boyarskaya Duma and Boyar aristocracy.

Chinovnika -Dvoryan monarchy XVIII century.

Absolute monarchy of the first half of the nineteenth century. Before reform 1861.

Absolute monarchy 1861 - 1904, when autocracy made a step towards the bourgeois monarchy.

A peculiarity of the social system of this period was a clear division of society for 4 estates: nobility, clergy, peasants, urban population. In the late XVII - early XVIII centuries. There is an expansion and consolidation of privileges of the nobility. The basis of the legal position of the nobles was the monopoly land for land ownership. The nobles could own the land, which gave them the right to exploit the peasants who lived on these lands.

By decree of the cushion of the census dated January 26, 1718, the privileged position of the nobility, as a non-ferreral estate, unlike other groups of the population, was enshrined, unlike other groups of the population.

There is a transformation of the nobility into a single estate. With the creation of a regular army and a bureaucratic apparatus, there was a further erasing of the faces between the various groups of feudal groups.

Instrumental importance in strengthening the position of the nobility had a chance of ranks, published on January 24, 1722. It was brought in it a list of the ranks of military, marine, land, artillery, guards, as well as civil and courtesies. The ranks set for different departments were divided into XIV classes. The service had to start with lower ranks. Therefore, it was created to come from other classes to become nobles, which expanded the opportunity to become a nobleman in the Russian state, as, at one time, boyar.

In the late XVII - early XVIII centuries. All leadership positions in the state appointed nobles.

In the interests of the dominant class and strengthening the state office, Peter I held a number of events. He was an absolute monarch who belonged to the highest legislative and executive power in the state. He was also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the country. With submission to the Church, the monarch is also becoming the head of state.

In February 1711, the Senate was established. Initially, he consisted of nine people appointed by the king independent of origin. The king controlled the activities of the Senate through specially created organs. The main role in the Senate was played by the general meeting of senators. Here were discussed and solved by voting basic questions. Also in the Senate included the presidents of the colleges. During the Senate, there were: the discharge table (later he was replaced by the Geroldmaster head led by Geroldmaster), which was considering the nobles, the passage by their service, the appointment of the nobles to government positions, the colorant chamber - to investigate official crimes.

During the Senate there were several special positions that had important in the field of public administration, among whom were fiscals. They had to secretly convey and expose all abuse of officials, higher and lower, follow the execution of laws, pursue treasures, bribery and embezzlement committed by officials. At the head of the fiscal was a Fiscal General, appointed by the king with his assistant Ober-Fiscal, appointed by the Senate. They were subordinated to fiscals with colleges, provincial fiscals in the provinces and city fiscals in the cities.

An independent position in the Senate held a prosecutor General with his assistant - Ober-Prosecutor.

The position of the Ober-Prosecutor was established in 1722 for a vowel supervision for the activities of all institutions, including the Senate. The prosecutor general, responsible only to the king, was subordinate to the colleges and courtiers. All the cases entering the Senate took place through the hands of a prosecutor

The Senate played a big role in strengthening absolutism. He focused on the guidance of the central and local government agencies, and its decisions were not subject to appeal.

After Peter's death, the role of Senate as a body that managed the activities of central government agencies began to decline.

In February 1726, the Supreme Secretary Council with an extremely narrow composition was created to address issues of internal and foreign policy states. The first time of Menshikov and its closest supporters played a decisive role in his activities. The Senate and the College after Peter's death actually submitted to the Supreme Secret Council. In 1730, the Supreme Secret Council was abolished.

In 1731, the Cabinet of Ministers was established, who was at first a deliberative character, but by decree of November 9, 1735, he was given legislative powers. Colleges and local public administration enterprises exercised their authority, providing reports and reports to the Cabinet. In December 1741, the Cabinet of Ministers was abolished.

The activities of the Senate again activated. In addition to the Senate, state-raising issues were solved also established in 1741 by the Cabinet of His Majesty, at the head of which the secretary of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna stood.

With Peter III, the Imperial Council was established, which consisted of eight people. In 1769, Catherine II created a council at the highest yard. Initially, engaged in military issues, and then internal politics of the country. It included heads of central government agencies, and he acted until 1801

Before creating a board, the central authorities were orders. The number of orders hesitated depending on government needs. In the middle of the XVII century. There have been more than 40 permanent orders, and in 1699, 44 orders operated. The orders had a flaw in the sense that they often duplicated each other.

Peter I sought to adapt the order system to the needs of the state (mainly military). In 1689, the Preobrazhensky order was formed, originally cited by the cases of the Preobrazhensky and Semenov soldiers' regiments. In existed by the Preobrazhensky order until 1729. During the preparation of the second Azov campaign in 1696, a ship or an admiralty order was created, engaged in the construction of ships, their weapons and equipment.

In 1700, a provisional order was formed for centralized supply of food troops and outfit. In 1700, Ratar and ingenic orders are united in one, called the order of military affairs.

Noting the serious shortcomings of the order management system, it must be said that she still fulfilled its role in the centralization of the Russian state.

The root restructuring of the order system occurred from 1718 to 1720, when the colleges were created instead of orders. The advantage of the colleges before orders was that their competence was strictly limited in law; Cases were considered and solved collegially.

Functions, internal device and procedure for office work in the colleges were determined by the General Rules of the Board. The military board was provided with the land forces, was engaged in the training of officers, recruiting sets, armament and financing of the army. In her jurisdiction there was a broad and provisional supply of the army, as well as the construction of military fortifications.

Work description

XVII century - One of the most turbulent centuries is not only in the history of Russia, but also many Western and eastern states. In Russia, it was transitional in nature, when the previous system of control of the estate monarchy and its institutions are experiencing flourishing, but from the second half of the century, the process of forming an absolute monarchy begins and begins.

Higher state bodies. Having established in 1613 the new romance dynasty of Romanov, wobbies-boyars and landlords-noblemen to the reign of the kings Mikhail Fedorovich (1613-1645) and Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676) take measures to further strengthen the entire state system. In the 17th century, the autocratic power of the "sovereign of All Russia" was finally established at the same time with the growth of the king power, the state apparatus was intensified, which took the character of the bureaucratic system. This has found an expression in existence to 50-60 central institutions - "orders" of various sizes and meanings: from national departments with a complex structure and a large number of officials (directed, large palace, discharge) to dwarf institutions with modest functions and composition (dihocide order ) - complicated and local government.

Despite the internal consolidation of the country, in the political stroke of the Russian state of the 17th century, even the remnants of feudal fragmentation were preserved by one of them, expressed in the investigative law of certain boyar surnames at one or another "place" in the hierarchy of serving ranks in civil and military service. The locality was a kind of adaptation of the feudal hierarchy of the times of political fragmentation to the conditions of the centralized state. From the middle of the 16th century, measures were taken to limit him. In the 17th century, locality began to prevent the strengthening of the autocratic monarchy. The increased value of the nobility allowed the government in 1682 to abolish the locality, as the phenomenon of the "peculiar, terranevita". Isaev I. A. Lectures on the history of Moscow law and the state. M.: Norm, 2010. P. 57.

Although the value of the nobility intensified, the boyars kept its economic and political power. The Boyarskaya Duma was still the most important body of the state, partitioned along with the king of the prerogative of the supreme power, the Boyar aristocracy body. The composition of the thought of the eyelids doubled. The number of regional duma nobles and devils has become particularly noticeable. In 1681 it was 15 of the twin devils alone. Boyarskaya Duma was a meeting of representatives of old boyar surnames and driving orders.

Boyarskaya Duma remained the supreme body on legislation, management and court. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, "Although the dealer was written, but without a Boyarovsky council could not do anything." Alexey Mikhailovich, despite the presence of a narrower in the composition of the "near Duma" and the personal office (secret order), consulted on all major issues with the Duma: smaller questions of the Boyar Duma discussed without the king.

For the 17th century, a closer connection between the personnel of the boyars of the Duma with the order system is characterized. Many members of the Duma carried out the duties of the heads (judges) of orders, the governor were in the diplomatic service.

At the meetings of the Boyar Duma, the decisions of the orders (article listings) were approved by the Duma was the highest judicial authority of the state. Some of the court cases were viewed in the Armored Chamber created by the Duma (1681-1694). The meaning of the Boyar Duma in the last decade of the century fell.

The first half of the 17th century was a period of flourishing of a representative monarchy, when the most important issues of internal and foreign policy states were solved with the help of Zemsky cathedrals.

In the first years of the reign of Tsar Mikhail Romanova, the government especially needed a support for the main groups of the dominant class. Zemsky cathedrals have been met almost continuously: from 1613 to the end of 1615, at the beginning of 1616-1619 g, in 1620-1622. These cathedrals were engaged in finding financial resources to replenish the state treasury and foreign policy affairs. From the 20s of the 17th century, the state power is somewhat strengthened, and the Zemstvo Cathedrals began to be collected less frequently. Gerasimenko G.A. Zemskoy self-government in Russia. M.: Prospect. 2009. p.48. Cathedrals of the 30s are also associated with issues of foreign policy: in 1632-1634. In connection with the war in Poland, B.1636-1637. Because of the war with Turkey. At these cathedrals, decisions were made on additional taxes necessary for warfare.

In a crowded Cathedral of 1642, members of the Boyarskaya Duma, the fare of the clergy, as well as representatives of the provincial nobles, shooting heads and trading people engaged in the means of assistance to the Cossacks, who captured the fortress of the Krymsky Khan at the mouth - Azov. After long-term accrules of cathedral class groups, a solution was made to refuse the Cossacks in help. At the same cathedral, the representatives of the local nobility and cities were published, expressing their estate claims.

One of the most important Zemsky Cathedrals was a cathedral in the conditions of a fierce class struggle in the country (urban uprisings in the summer of 1648 in Moscow and other cities) In June 1648, petitions were filed on the cathedral from the nobles with the requirement of strengthening the feudal dependence of the peasants (their check without urgent years); Posansky in their petitions expressed a desire to destroy white (i.e., not taxed by taxes and fees) Slobodas complained about disorder in management and court. The Special Commission of the Boyarskaya Duma, headed by Boyarian Prince N. I. Odoyevsky, prepared a project "Cathedral deposits" - Code of laws of the autocratic monarchy of the 17th century, in which the wishes of landowners and the landing tops were taken into account. This project was discussed by the members of the Cathedral convened in September 1648, and was finally approved on January 29, 1649.

The danger of new social shocks was rallied the predominant feudal class and the tops of the Posad with the government; Their elected willingly supported government activities to strengthen the state apparatus. The government, in turn, was taking into account the wishes of landowners and landpowering in "Cutting"

After 1653, the Zemstvo Cathedrals were essentially meetings of the king with representatives of certain estates. Zemstvo cathedrals contributed to strengthening the autocratic power of the king and the state apparatus. The convening of the Zemsky Cathedral, the government extended to receive information from its members about the state of affairs, as well as on moral support on their part of various foreign policy, financial and other events. The noble landowners and Posanny through the Zemsky Cathedrals allowed their affairs, bypassing ordinary Volokita.

The Zemsky Cathedral was collected in one of the Kremlin chambers (grain, dining room, etc.) opened the Cathedral of the Dyack or the king himself. Dyak read the "letter" (Agenda) for the Cathedral (for example, on the Cathedral in 1642), the answer to the issues of the agenda was given on "separate articles" by each estate. On the Zemsky Cathedral of 1649, the boyars and the clergy were seen separately from the rest of the deputies.

Zemstvo Cathedrals sometimes became the vehicle of the struggle of the binding of the dominant class, individual estates. On a number of Zemsky Councils, a kind of solidarity ("unity") was established between landowners and vertices) on the basis of general discontent with the imperfection of legislation and the state apparatus, and the boyar is dominated.

The duration of the Zemsky Cathedrals was different: from several hours (1645) and days (1642) to several months (1648-1649) and even years (1613-1615, 1615-1619, 1620-1622). The decisions of the Zemsky Cathedral were drawn up to the Cathedral Act - the Protocol behind the seals of the king, the Patriarch, the highest ranks and the crossing of the ranks.

The termination of the convening of Zemstvo Cathedrals is closely related to the deep socio-economic changes that occurred in the Russian state by the middle of the 17th century. Restoration of the country's economy and the further development of feudal economy made it possible to strengthen the state system of the country with the autocratic monarchy, the bureaucratic apparatus of orders and the governor. The government no longer needed moral support for the "whole land" of its internal and foreign policy undertakings. Satisfied with the final reassurance of peasants, the local nobility has lost interest in the Zemsky Cathedrals. Since the 60s, the 17th century, the Zemskiy Cathedrals were reborn in narrow the estate meetings. Kostomarov N. I. Zemsky Cathedrals. M.: Velby. 1995. P. 89.

The Cathedral Code of 1649, which consolidated the socio-economic changes in the Russian state, reflected and the increased power of the autocratic monarch. Chapter II and III "Claiming" established a cruel karu for crimes aimed against the Personality of the Tsar, his honor, health, as well as for misconducts committed in the territory of the royal court. All these provinces were identified with the concept of a state crime for the first time in the right of the Russian state. The death penalty was established for a direct intent ("evil intention") against the life and health of the king, as well as for the detection of intent directed against the king and the state (rebellion, treason, conspiracy, etc.).

The process of bureaucratization of the state apparatus turned the Boyar Duma from the body of the Boyar aristocracy to the body of the Order Bureaucracy (judges of orders, the governor, Dyakov); All this could not not weaken the independence of the Boyar Duma.

In the legislative activity of the Russian state from the second half of the 17th century, the concept of "registered decree" appeared, i.e., the legislative act, compiled only by the king, without the participation of the Boyar Duma. Of the 618 decrees, the data at the board of Alexei Mikhailovich since the publication of "Cathedral Capture", 588 decrees were nominated, and the Boyar sentences were made only 49. All registered decrees were the character of minor acts of the Supreme Department and the Court: official appointments, decrees of gravifers, penalties Or their cancellation, etc. Boyarsky sentences were the most important legislative acts associated with feudal land ownership, serfdom, the foundations of financial policies and other the most important parties to the state's activities. The main legislative acts of this time were still passing through the Boyar Duma.

The number of boyar sentences has been particularly increased after various social shocks (urban uprising in Moscow 1662 g. Peasant war under the leadership of Stepan Razin). In the reign of the wounded Fedor Alekseevich (1676-1682), the meaning of the Boyar Duma also temporarily increased: from 284 decrees of his rule 114 were given with a boyars sentence.

Despite the external sustainability of the position of the Boyar Duma in the system of the Russian State system in the second half of the 17th century, the process of increasing the personal power of the autocratic monarch is underway, especially in the field of supreme management.

From the 50s and 1960s, the practice of reports of the king by the heads of the most important orders was established. So, in 1669, on Mondays, the king reported the heads of the discharge and ambassador orders, on Tuesdays - a large treasury and a large arrival, on Wednesdays - Kazan and Location, etc., evidence of the increased power of the king to the middle of the 17th century was the creation of the order of mysteries. As early as the first years of the reign, Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich had several attainers from the order of the Grand Palace for personal correspondence. This state at the end of 1654 or at the beginning of 1655 received a certain organization of the order of secret cases - the personal office of the king, the body that allows the king in the resolution of the most important state-owned. Associated without the Boyar Duma.

Central institutions. The 17th century was the time of the heyday of the order control system, but by the last quarter of the century it begins to experience the crisis.

An important role, as before, played military-administrative orders, the number of which increased during the 17th century, the basis of the armed forces of the Russian state was the noble cavalry and the Streethesky shelves. Cossacks, Tatars and Bashkir, Tatars and Bashkir, had an auxiliary importance in the border guard, and Bashkir, from the second half of the 17th century). And the dragoons could act in equestrian and walk) the shelves. The army had a significant serf, siege and field artillery with copper, iron and cast-iron cannons of domestic production.

As before, the personnel of serving people from the nobles conducted a discharge order.

The increase in the values \u200b\u200bof the nobility landlords in the army and the civilian state apparatus (orders and the voivod), an increase in the size of the local land ownership, the gradual rapprochement of the local and military land tenure made a placed order by one of the most important orders of the state. All business, content, management and judgment of Streltsov carried out the Streletsky order. Ratar regiments (their acquisition, supply, learning and court) was registered, order (1649-1701). In recent decades, the 17th century in the Ratar and Inoze orders had one boss and common devices. Close to military organization was a pharmaceutical order, founded at the end of the 16th century. Initially, he was a court institution that served the king, the royal surname and the relatives of the Palace of persons. In the 17th century, the order turned into a public health center.

The 17th century was a century of heyday and falling an order management system. More than 90 central bureaucratic institutions - orders of different meanings, functions and magnitude existed at this time. An important feature of the order management system was the film and the uncertainty of the functions of orders. Almost every order performed not only the control functions; In his jurisdiction, there were also certain territories (volosts, cities, villages), taxes from which came to the content of the order and the implementation of its tasks. This complexity of determining the exact features of orders is also explained by the difficulties of classifying orders.

At the head of each order stood the boss - the judge; Sometimes the person who headed the order was a special name (treasurer, printer, butler, gunsome, etc.). Judges of orders were appointed from the members of the Boyar Duma; Boyar, Ocolnichi, Duma Nobles, Duma Diak. It was the process of bureaucratization of the top of the feudal class - spiritual ranks. If in 1613. Duma ranks headed only 43 orders, then by the 80s of the 17th century - almost 45 orders. Some duma people managed several orders at once.

With the creation of orders, extensive paper office work appeared. In the process of the practical activity of orders, the formulas of certain types of documents were developed, the order of their design and movement within each order and between them. The office work required the famous stationery skills and experiences that he sometimes had the head of the order. Therefore, devils were appointed in assistants to the judges in the orders. Judges of some orders (most often financial, where accounting documentation existed) were appointed from Dyakov. The devils were completed from the ordinary nobility, sometimes of the spiritual title and even a large merchant ("guests"), the devils peaked in orders. Together with the judges, they discussed affairs and endured sentences. If he was required to "report", he was developed under the leadership of Deca, who was present at the "report" of the Tsar Dyak did on the "Press" report (resolution), which constituted the basis of the royal decree.

The jackets were subordinate to the devils in orders - the stationery servants from the nobles and children of ordinary people. The novice subhychi served several years "incorrectly", that is, without a salary, on one "Privility" of seekers. Then he was "vertigal" with a small monetary salary (from 1 to 5 rubles per year). The attainings in orders were larger than the devices: from several people (pharmacy, printed, Kostroma) to several dozen (embassy, \u200b\u200brobbery) and up to several hundred (the right). Senior fits together with the devils led the preparation of documents; The average - the texts were the texts of the documents, guided in the archive of the order; Younger - carried out technical work on the correspondence ("15") documents. In the state of orders were crucial, guard and other faces.

Large orders were subdivided on the tables, and the tables are for horses. In the definition of the nature of the management in orders among historians, there was no unity: Some (V. I. Sergeevich, N. P. Likhachev, etc.) considered him collegial, others - sole. In fact, in orders, there was a special nature of the management, which concluded that the controversial affairs of the judges were viewed together with the devils, and cases that do not bear controversial in nature were considered separately. The peculiarity of ordinary office work was the extreme centralization of management: not only important, but also relatively secondary cases were allowed in orders.

The order system with its centralization and bureaucracy, paper office and uncontrolcity generated with redistribution, abuse and bribery. By the end of the century, the ordrode system fell into decline; It was replaced by a more progressive control system - collegial.

Thus, summarizing Chapter 1, it is necessary to note the following.

The period from 15 - 17 centuries. Played a huge role in the history of public administration in Russia. It is transitional from feudalism to the emergence of the noble empire. In early 15th century, Moscow Rus urgently needed global reforms of the management mechanism in the country. A fundamentally new management system was created - ordered. She was far from flawless, but still allowed not only to exist, but also to develop a significant pace, although at its last stage he led to the management crisis in the state.

This period also contributed to the development of the institute of autocracy. He prepared the ground for the transition to absolutism, which was necessary for a new cardinal transformation in the country in the era of Peter I.