Isothermal exercises. What is isometric (aka static) load and why is it needed

Very often you can find such a picture: a person with very thin legs is much stronger than an athlete, whose legs are a mountain of muscles. A logical question arises - why is this happening? And the thing is that big muscles do not mean strong muscles, only complex training of muscles, ligaments and tendons gives real strength. In terms of density, tendons are inferior to bones; without them, a person would simply turn into a jelly. It is the development of tendons that is the basis of real strength, so they need to be as hard as muscles. The picture described above is quite common when muscular athletes are not able to do what a person of modest physique can.

Bulky muscles are of no use if they are not complemented by strong tendons, because the very basis of strength is missing.

Many bodybuilders fail to use their full strength when they really need to. So there is little practical benefit from giant muscles alone.

Muscles grow in volume through movement, but tendons are strengthened in a completely different way. The best option is to try to move some immovable object, such as pushing a wall. It is from resistance that tendon strength increases.

Probably, any athlete knows such a name as Alexander Zass or know this person as Iron Samson. It was he who created the system for the development of strength, which is now used by people not only in our country, but throughout the world.

Speech by Alexander Zass:

Alexander managed to develop phenomenal strength through exercises that strengthen the tendons. He was short, weighing about 70 kg, and with such data he acted as an athlete in the circus. What he saw amazed and shocked the audience: a very weak-looking man easily defeated giant artists, tore chains and horseshoes, bent metal rods and could keep horses running in different directions. Some viewers suspected cheating, so Alexander had to do exercises with dumbbells to gain mass. But, his weight never exceeded 80 kg.

In general, tendon training has been known since ancient times. Strongmen in the old days raised animals, bent rods, even dragged trees ... And Roman gladiators climbed the platform in robes, all of which reached 400 kg.

However, it was Iron Samson who compiled all this into a system and introduced it to the world in 1924.

Muscles are based on tendons, they must be developed in the first place.

In the 60s of the last century, athletes from America made a "rediscovery" of this technique, and called these exercises isometric, or static. Since then, tendon strengthening has become a mandatory part of many training programs. But these workouts are just separate exercises, and Alexander Zass created a whole system!

Unfortunately, most sports coaches and scientists prefer to remain silent about this fact. But this system is unique in many ways: it does not require any training equipment, just a little free space and time is enough. And the effectiveness of these classes is simply excellent. Many modern circus athletes, such as Gennady Ivanov and Ivan Shutov, developed their phenomenal strength using the Zass technique.

Meanwhile, experts are trying to find white spots in the sun. What they don't come up with...

They talk about how isometry is harmful to the cardiovascular system of unprepared people (needless to say, this is a blatant lie); sometimes they present alleged evidence that dynamic training is much more effective than static training (that is, they convince everyone that complex training is better than simple); many say that maximum tension injures muscles and causes tears in muscle tissues.

And recently they came up with another way to mislead people who do not understand all these training methods. The method is quite simple - mixing concepts. According to some of these “smart” people, isometry is essentially no different from Anokhin’s gymnastics. Or they come up with “safe” training systems, they say, the maximum tension should be kept for no more than 6 seconds, and after about a year you can increase the time to 8 seconds. And holding the voltage for 12 seconds is extremely dangerous for health. If you have a headache, stop exercising immediately. And no more than 15 minutes a day!

As for spots, the modern history of the development of isometry can be considered a real spot. In the 60s, Bob Hoffman started manufacturing special frames for static exercises. As evidence of the real benefits of tendon exercises, he touted the achievements of Billy March and Louis Riquet, who achieved incredible gains in the all-around in just 6 months. Many then began to engage in isometric exercises, some achieved very good results, but no one could come close to the achievements of March and Rike. And at one point, this “static boom” came to naught when it turned out that their amazing progress had another reason - the use of steroids. A big scandal broke out, as a result of which the reputation of tendon training was damaged for many years.

And yet, these events were the first experiment of their kind. All the equipment created in those years was later used for research. The result of one such study speaks for itself: 175 athletes were engaged in isometric exercises for a certain period of time. Each week, their strength performance improved by about 5%! As they say, comments are superfluous.

Immediately after these studies, interest in this type of training increased dramatically, and static exercises became firmly established in the world of sports practice. However, new difficulties arose, now they were associated with the athletes themselves ... Many athletes were simply bored with these monotonous exercises, which, moreover, are narrowly focused. What can we say about ordinary amateurs who recognized only dynamic training and did not consider it necessary to waste their time on this nonsense, and they almost did not believe in the effectiveness of such training.

It was in such a difficult way that the development of what was once created by our hero Zass went. But everything could be much simpler, one could simply reprint 2 books of Iron Samson and show in practice how effective the Zass technique is, that is, training with iron chains.

Now it is worth giving some clarification regarding the various objections and discussions on this topic:

  • The basis of the system was chain exercises, but it also included dynamic exercises with heavy bags. Nowadays, bodybuilding is slowly but surely approaching this system. And athletes try not only to approach it, but also to improve it;
  • It is wrong to develop the strength of tendons only by isometry, they must be pumped, strain the entire volume of the joint. Thus, the tendons must develop in several directions at once, from the development of the tendon spring to the distribution of force density throughout the entire range of motion. Several types of training should be used: stops, work with “iron”, lifting and lowering with support from the body, etc. There are quite a few ways to train.
  • There is a direct link between the danger of straining for health and violation of the regimes of physiology and energy. The main danger lies in improper breathing during the exercise. Another danger is a violation of the recovery process. And finally, narrow-profile training, which can lead to energy imbalances. These factors apply not only to static activities, they can be found in any kind of activity, most often in sports.
  • It has already been said that many consider isometry to be an ordinary copy of Anokhin's gymnastics. Indeed, some of the exercises from this gymnastics can be a good addition to tendon training. But, this gymnastics refers to muscle training, not tendon.
  • There is a type of gymnastics that can be called a close relative of isometry. We are talking about the gymnastics of self-resistance by Vladimir Fokhtin. With statics, this gymnastics is related at least by what it also gets from the so-called “experts”. It is equated with Anokhin's gymnastics, attempts are being made to instill in the townsfolk that all the benefits of exercising are only toning the muscles, and it is only suitable for keeping fit during business trips or business trips, and some argue that it is no less dangerous than isometry. The next sign of kinship is the focus of training: in addition to muscles and joints, gymnastics also has a very effective effect on tendons. And again, training requires only a little free time and a minimum of equipment. The most important thing here is not to try to do as many exercises as possible, if you do 80 exercises in one course, then it will not end in anything good. It can be considered that Fohtin took the next and very important step in the development of tendon training.
  • As for the widespread opinion that each exercise should last no more than 6 seconds, and the maximum effort no more than 3 seconds, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer here. Alexander Zass himself did not say anything about the duration of training.

However, the following facts are known for certain:

1) While in prison, Iron Samson did 20-second tension exercises. It can be assumed that in the conditions of ordinary life this time reached a minute.

2) In the first 8 seconds, the ATP reserve is burned, then glycogen is burned, and after 40 seconds, fat is also burned. But, the dynamic way of spending and restoring energy is completely different, and may conflict with the isometric way. If you have no desire to change something drastically, then it is best to choose one type of training. If isometry is selected, then 4 time types of tension can be defined: 6-12 seconds, 15-20 seconds, minute, 3-6 minutes. Each of them must first be awakened, and then developed. Otherwise, the only result of training will be a state of overtraining, leading to stress.

The technique of working with iron chains is not forgotten today. And this is not surprising, because it simultaneously develops strength, strengthens ligaments and tendons, and forms a reserve for natural development. So much pleasure in one bottle!

If women decided to take up the Zass technique, then there are a few comments. Muscles practically do not increase in volume from classes, just as veins do not increase. During training, subcutaneous fat is included in the process of general energy metabolism, which leads to its resorption and improvement in skin condition.

To perform tendon exercises, in addition to iron chains, you can use the following projectiles: metal rods, thick cord, wooden sticks, etc. Walls, closets, heavy furniture, doorways are great as fixed objects that you can try to move with maximum effort. You have to try to bend metal bars, lift the door jamb, break chains, squeeze sticks ... In general, do everything you can with these things. During any such exercise, muscles, ligaments and tendons are tensed, all strength gradually passes into a state of maximum density. And then the whole body calms down again. Several exercises performed in one training set develop and condense the strength of our entire body. Do each exercise once, or can you do it 2-3 times a day? There is no consensus on this, but there were no negative effects from several repetitions of one exercise.

Basic rules for doing exercises:

1) The subject you train is your body. When working with chains, it is necessary to create a dense wave of the body, then the chain will break itself.

2) Throughout the exercise, breathing should be calm.

3) A wave of force should take over the whole body, while the whole body should be pressed into force, this will strengthen the connection between the tendons, muscles and joints.

4) It is necessary to achieve a good power wave, the input is smooth, the amplification to the maximum occurs without breaks, then the same smooth output.

5) A positive attitude before training, the attitude is much more important than the exercise itself.

6) Action on the principle of tension-relaxation, together with the force you will feel some energy, it is impossible to realize it.

7) The interval between exercises is 30-60 seconds, if a more powerful effort is required, then you can increase the break to several minutes, you can experiment with this.

8) If you feel discomfort, a frantic heart rate and are having difficulty breathing - stop and calm down, and when you return to training, do not apply maximum effort at first.

9) You don’t need to immediately try to hold the tension for 15-20 seconds, by this time you need to come gradually, for a start 5 seconds will be enough, and then there will be a smooth transition to a longer voltage.

10) Perform 5 to 8 exercises daily, in each exercise do 3 sets in sequence, first at 60% tension, then at 90, and the third at 75%.

11) A full workout should not be done more than 2 times a week and take more than an hour.

12) And once again - the main mood, without it you can train as much as you like, and this will not bring results.

After strength training, you can do a small test: try to stretch the chain or towel, hands down, we apply 95% of the effort. When finished, listen to the sensations of your hands, if everything is in order with the muscles, then you can raise your hands first to the sides, then up. You can conduct this test only once a week, it will be an indicator of the progress of your strength and its quality over the week. Lack of progress means that you are doing something wrong, think about what it might be. Perhaps you didn’t get enough sleep, overate, didn’t fully recover from a previous workout, or re-exercised on this one. And you also need to decide on the goal that you set for yourself before testing, if you cannot stretch the projectile for more than a minute, then be very careful with surges. And if you are able to do this for more than 90 seconds, then this is just fine, your strength progress is obvious.

Tendon chain exercises

The original Zass technique is a set of exercises with chains. If you attach handles with hooks to the chains, then the chain can be lengthened or shortened if desired. To fix the legs, it is tedious to attach to the ends of the chain, which, like belts, will hold the legs. Thus, to begin classes on this system, you will need 2 chains, the length of which is the distance from the floor to your outstretched arm. In addition, you will need 2 handles for hands and 2 loops for legs.

Chains are sold at any hardware store. Handles can be made as follows: thread a wire or cable, bent at the connection into a hook, into 2 pieces of pipe of approximately the same thickness. As for the leg loops, a tarpaulin, materials for trunks and even a women's handbag can work here. First you need to experiment with the fabric: take the ends of the fabric in both hands, step on it with your foot and pull it up. So you can evaluate the thickness, width and usability of the loop.

And finally, it's time to move on to the exercises themselves. Below will be described 2 sets of exercises, they were collected from articles by Alexander Zass' nephew, Yuri Shaposhnikov. The chain is always tensioned in its original position.

First complex:

1) Take the ends of the chain in your hands. Bend your right hand and stretch the chain with it, hold the other end in a straight left hand. Then change hands and repeat the exercise.

2) Hands in the starting position are held shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than shoulders. Stretch the chain, but at the same time strain not only the muscles of the hands, but also the muscles of the chest and the latissimus dorsi.

3) Stretch your bent arms in front of your chest and stretch the chain. This exercise works the muscles of the arms and chest.

4) The chain stretches behind the back. The primary effect is on the triceps.

5) As in the previous exercise, stretch the chain behind your back. But this time, in addition to triceps, tighten the muscles of the abdomen and chest.

6) Before starting the exercise, you need to exhale. After exhaling, wrap the chain around your chest and secure it. Then take a deep breath, tighten your pecs and lats, and stretch the chain.

7) Here we need two chains. You need to attach leather loops to one end of each chain, and thread the feet through these loops. The chain is stretched, while the trapezius muscles and arm muscles are strained.

8) When stretching the chain, change hands in the starting position. Triceps and deltoid muscles are tightened.

9) As in the previous exercise, change the starting position. In addition to the arms, change the position of the legs.

10) When stretching the chain, use the right thigh first, then the left thigh.

11) This time, change the position of the arms, legs, and torso as you stretch. It is necessary to make 2 inclinations, to the left and right legs.

12) The chain is stretched while lying on the floor, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and triceps are tensed. The body must be in constant tension.

13) Now you need to stretch the chain in the handstand, using the muscles of the arms, back and neck. When looking for balance in the rack, try to transfer the entire load to the fingers.

14) To complete this exercise, you will need to use two loops. When stretching the chain, the neck muscles and spinal muscles should tighten.

15) When you do an exercise that develops the muscles of the arms and quadriceps, change the position of the arms and legs.

16) As in exercise 14, two loops are needed here. The main effect is on the muscles of the back of the thigh, and they must be strained while stretching the chain. You can diversify the exercise a little, and take your leg to the side when stretching. Change the starting position of the legs and repeat the exercise.

The second set of exercises:

1) Take the chain in your hands, bend them and stretch them in front of your chest, your elbows should be approximately at shoulder level. Apply force and try to stretch the chain.

2) Bring your bent arms behind your head. While stretching the chain, change its working length.

3) In this exercise we will need two chains, handles are attached to their ends. Pass the feet of the hands into some handles, take the others in your hands, bend them and lift them to your shoulders. Stretch the chains straight up. Next, position the handles at head level, and then above the head.

4) And again I will use two handles. Pass the foot of the right foot through one, take the other in the right hand and lift it up. Slight bending of the arm at the elbow is allowed. When straightening the arms, the chain should stretch upwards. Then you need to repeat the exercises with the left hand.

5) While inhaling, wrap the chain around your chest and secure it. Then take another deep breath and try to break the chain by tensing your chest and lats.

6) In the starting position, put your feet wider than your shoulders. In a straight left hand, take one handle and hold it at the left knee, the other handle is in the bent right hand at the waist. In this position, the chain is stretched, then the hands change.

7) Take one end of the chain in your hands, and the other must be fixed. If you have a hook in the wall at waist level, then fasten the end to it. Put your feet wider than your shoulders and pull the chain. Try to pull her out of the hook.

8) Now you need to fasten one end to the hook in the floor, and attach a handle to the other end. Then you need to take hold of this handle with both hands at knee level, and try to tear the hook off the floor. At the same time, the muscles of the back, arms and legs are tensed. Then you can repeat the exercise, holding hands on the handle at waist level or behind your back.

By discovering the possibilities of isometric exercises, you will discover a whole world. Isometric gymnastics itself and its individual elements have been known since time immemorial. But the founder of the technique of isometric exercises is the famous strongman Alexander Zass. His stage name, Samson, speaks for itself. With a height of 165 cm, a weight of 80 kg, with a bicep circumference of 40 cm, a chest circumference of 119 cm, he could lift a piano with a pianist and an extra, carry a horse in his arms, break chains and do other impressive tricks for strength.

Interacting with the object during the exercise, it is necessary to develop maximum effort in a short period of time. Due to this, not so much the growth of muscle mass occurs, but the growth and strengthening of tendons, without which there is no real strength. Trained tendons make conventional dynamic strength training more effective and provide significant strength gains.

Therefore, the object is chosen "irresistible": a weight that cannot be lifted, a chain that cannot be broken. Alternatively, a weight is used that cannot be held for more than a few seconds, or an insurmountable obstacle is placed in the way of lifting. This forces the head and muscles to work in a different way and helps to significantly improve the results in strength exercises.

More precisely, an isometric exercise is an exercise in which the muscle does not change angle and length, all tension is created in static, without movement.

Let's start with the cons, because at first glance, isometric exercises may seem like an almost miraculous way to train strength:

  1. they do not train coordination of movements, do not teach muscles to move;
  2. they are not as easy to learn as they seem. Learning how to breathe and feel your body is quite difficult, so it will take some time to master the technique;
  3. the right attitude and maximum work on each exercise is the key to efficiency, so if you cannot give all your best in a static and actually ineffective exercise, this training method is not for you;
  4. there is a chance of earning problems with the cardiovascular system or getting injured if you train without precise technique, but in large volumes;
  5. isometric exercises will not replace dynamic exercises for most sports, for example, for bodybuilding. They stimulate the growth of muscle mass much less than dynamic ones.
But isometric exercises also have undeniable advantages that make them included in the training program of representatives of many sports and just amateurs:
  1. isometric exercises do not require special equipment. Instead of a chain, there may be a towel. And non-movable and heavy objects are not so difficult to find;
  2. the duration of the workout is 15-20 minutes, so you can also train during your lunch break. There are even complexes for unusual conditions: public transport (a handrail is used as a projectile) or lectures at a university;
  3. with the help of a static load, it is possible to purposefully develop the strength of an individual muscle;
  4. static training is relatively less traumatic;
  5. this is one of the few ways to intensively train the tendons, which are the basis of strength. Alexander Zass himself increased the circumference of his biceps not for efficiency, but for the public, as he himself admitted. He believed that muscles without tendons do not give strength, only its illusion - and in many ways he was right.

Isometric exercises are definitely recommended for several occasions:

  • the initial level of training in sports. In statics, you can not get more load than your body can withstand. Accordingly, the risk of injury is minimal, and the increase in performance will be significant;
  • if in normal training you are at an impasse. Isometric exercises suggest their own philosophy. By forcing your head to work differently, you can quickly get off the ground;
  • to increase strength indicators - in combination with the usual dynamic load;

But isometric exercises will be practically useless if your goal is weight loss. Calories are consumed in an extremely limited amount, so they should not be used for weight loss.

Only the last type belongs to the classic isometric exercises, but in addition to them, many exercises with elements of statics are practiced. You can change any basic exercise by adding static effort to it:

  • a weighted exercise, complicated by the fact that at a certain point of execution (where the tension on the target muscle is strongest) it is necessary to linger for a few seconds;
  • an exercise with weights that starts as a regular dynamic exercise, but at a certain stage of its implementation, an insurmountable obstacle is placed in front of the weights. And at this point there is the greatest, but short-term application of force;
  • classic isometric exercises - training with an object that cannot be deformed. With a strong chain, rope, towel or just with a wall. The main thing is that it is impossible to overcome the resistance provided by the “projectile”.

Let's make a reservation that Samson used almost the same projectile for his training: a strong net. This object can be replaced by any of sufficient length, comfortable to grip and strong enough that you could not tear it objectively.

The set of exercises by Alexander Zass included many exercises. Here are just a few:

  1. Take the chain with a wider grip or shoulder-width apart at chest level. Try to break the chain by stretching it;
  2. Move the chain behind the head, to the level of the back of the head. The essence of the exercise is the same - try to break the chain;
  3. Chain over head on outstretched arms;
  4. Stretch the chain behind your back, in this exercise the effort is made by the effort of the triceps and deltas, stretch the chain, trying to stretch your arms forward;
  5. Wrap the chain around your chest as you exhale. Then, while inhaling, try to tear it. This, by the way, was one of Samson's signature tricks - breaking the chain while inhaling with the effort of the muscles of the chest and lats;
  6. Try to break the chain, keeping one arm extended at the bottom, the other at the top bent at the elbow;
  7. Stand with your feet on the chain, feet shoulder-width apart. Try to break the chain by stretching it with your hands. The movement is directed upwards and to the sides, the trapezoid works first of all;
  8. In the position of support lying on the floor, stretch the chain behind the neck, the ends should be fixed on the palms. Movement, as in push-ups, directed upwards;
  9. Try to break the chain by stretching it across your thigh. The legs are bent;
  10. Take two chains, each should be attached to the foot with a loop. Pick up the free ends. The legs are set shoulder-width apart. Pull the chains up using the trapezium and arm muscles;
  11. One end of the chain is attached to the foot with a loop. Free pull up, trying to bend your elbow. In its original position, it is at an angle of about 90 degrees.

In the complex of Alexander Zass there were exercises for a variety of muscle groups, they are easy to design for any muscle. Samson himself was not limited to isometric exercises, in his training there were also the usual dynamic strength exercises with kettlebells and a barbell.

Without following simple rules, you can not take on the development of static exercises:

  • the exercise begins on inspiration;
  • the effort is built up gradually, without a sharp application of force;
  • the time to complete one repetition is 5-6 seconds for beginners and 10-12 for experienced ones;
  • between repetitions it is necessary to take a minute break;
  • the number of repetitions - 2-3;
  • total training time - no more than 20 minutes;
  • a prerequisite - the mood for maximum effort. The goal of the exercise should be a broken chain or a broken wall, maximalism is very important.

Isometric exercises can be very useful in certain situations. Therefore, if you have reached a dead end in your usual workouts, it makes sense to try a new technique. Fortunately, its development with a serious approach will not take much time, and there will definitely be benefits from performing statics. This is a noteworthy system of exercises with its own philosophy and undoubted advantages.

Isometric exercises were developed over a hundred years ago. Their main developer is the circus artist Alexander Zass, who performs under the pseudonym Samson. According to the famous athlete, it was isometric training that made him so strong. What isometric exercises at home will help strengthen ligaments, muscles, tendons and increase strength?

Isometric gymnastics - what is it?

Isometric exercises are a set of gymnastic exercises, the main purpose of which is to develop the strength and strength of muscles and tendons. The amount of muscle mass is not always the main cause of strength. In the absence of support for the large biceps on bone tissue, its dimensions are absolutely useless. Tendons, unlike muscles, are characterized by a slow growth rate and only when exposed to static stress.

Interesting fact:

The main meaning of isometrics is the tension of muscle tissues, and not stretching.

In the process of training, the walls of blood vessels are compressed, which provokes oxygen starvation in the cells, forcing them to work actively. The great advantage of this kind of training is the fact that they do not require a lot of free space and can be easily performed at home.

If we describe this complex in other words, then we can say that this is a power load, during which muscle tension is achieved without any movements.

Video "Isometric exercises with a rope"

Demonstrative video with a set of exercises and detailed explanations about their implementation.

The effectiveness and features of Zass isometric exercises

When performing a power complex, large amplitude movements are not performed, however, there is a significant muscle tension in the involved part of the body. In this regard, before proceeding directly to training, it is imperative to do a warm-up.

With constant, regular training, the tendons are strengthened, giving an increase in strength.

The features of this power complex include:

  • static exercises;
  • the effect depends on the correctness of the exercises and the efforts applied in the process;
  • With the help of a static load, you can have a direct effect on a specific muscle, part of the body.

Like most sports complexes, isometric training has its contraindications. So, it is categorically not recommended to perform them in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, as well as hypertension.

Before you start doing the exercises, it is recommended to consult with an experienced trainer, use his services, since if performed incorrectly, injuries are possible.

1. Pros and cons

The advantages of the complex include the development of flexibility as a result of performing exercises, the short time required for training, the absence of the need for expensive equipment (simulators), the ability to perform even in a small area.

In addition, isometric muscle tension does not cause much fatigue, unlike other sports activities. Muscle tissues do not require a certain amount of time for their recovery. Thanks to this, you can train at least daily, subject to the basic rules.

As for the disadvantages, here it is worth mentioning the need to control the entire body, which is required to achieve the desired result. Also, speaking of the cons, this kind of training must be combined with dynamic loads.

2. Basic rules for execution

To achieve the best result, as well as for your own safety, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  • before each workout, you need to stretch, warm up to prepare the tendons and muscles for the upcoming loads;
  • in the process of doing the exercises, watch your breathing: all exercises should be started with a breath;
  • control the state of the whole body;
  • in the process of regular training, it is necessary to gradually increase the load;
  • to begin with, the optimal time for a delay in a pose will be 3-5 seconds, gradually this figure increases to three minutes;
  • if you feel pain in the tendons and muscles, malaise and discomfort, stop exercising and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Any training should be done with the mind. Otherwise, you can not only not achieve the desired result, but also harm yourself and your body. If you have never encountered this kind of load before, it is better to consult a trainer, take a few lessons to learn the basics of isometric training.

Popular isometric exercises

As a warm-up, you can perform banal hand swings, tilts to the legs, body turns, and so on. It is important to stretch all muscle groups so as not to damage them during the power load.

In general, training should last no more than 15-20 minutes, with each exercise repeated two to five times.

If you want to do the exercises at home, while leaning towards the Samson technique, then you will need a metal chain, the average size of which is from floor to shoulder. At the ends of this chain, it is required to fix triangular handles so that the hands and feet fit into them.

This kind of simulators are sold in specialized stores, and their cost is quite real for everyone. If this is not possible, you can use any other object for power loading, for example, a strong belt. In the process of performing any exercise, tension, resistance should be felt.

1. Zass exercises

Below are some of the most popular Zass exercises that you can perform on your own at home:

  1. Exercise for chest muscles. Take the chain in your hands at chest level. Next, it is necessary, as it were, to break the chain, stretching it in opposite directions with different hands. You need to start with 3-5 seconds, increasing this interval to 3-5 minutes.
  2. Bring the chain behind the back of the head, perform identical movements, as in the previous example.
  3. Hold one part of the chain in the hand from below, and the second - in the hand bent at the elbow, above the head. You should get the impression that you want to break this chain.

Do not make too sudden movements, so as not to damage the ligaments and tendons.

2. Complex for all muscle groups

This complex includes exercises that are aimed at strengthening all muscle groups. When performing them, there is no need for additional equipment, which makes the load even more convenient.

  1. Plank. The most famous exercise, especially effective for the abdominal muscles. Starting position - lying down, focus on the forearms and toes. Keep the body in a straight position for as long as possible. Support should be felt in the abs and back muscles.
  2. Push ups. Lying position with the emphasis on the hands under the chest. Go down so that the distance to the floor remains no more than 10-20 cm. Stay in this position for at least 10 seconds. Get up, repeat.
  3. Corner. This is a great option for the abdominal muscles. Starting position - lying on your back, raise your legs to a height of 20 cm from the floor, then raise the body. Thus, the body forms, as it were, an angle. Hands should be kept parallel to the floor, holding in this position for as long as possible.
  4. Breeding hands. Suitable for loading the deltoid muscles. To perform you will need dumbbells. In a straight position, spread your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Hold them in this position for 15-20 seconds.
  5. Wall squats. An excellent option for strengthening the muscles of the buttocks and legs. Stand near the wall and press your back against it. Slowly begin to squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time, a right angle should form at the knees. Stay in this position for a few seconds, repeat. These isometric exercises for the legs must be performed daily, after a week the first result will be noticeable.


Like other sports complexes, isometrics has its contraindications. In the presence of chronic diseases of various kinds, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of complications.

During an exacerbation of diseases, any training is prohibited, including Zass training.

As for this particular type of load, they are contraindicated in the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. With various injuries, mechanical damage to muscles, tendons, bones, you will have to abandon this type of training.

The complex is also unacceptable for caesarean section, since in the process of loading the muscles, a muscle rupture in the suture area may occur. By the way, the same applies to other transferred operations.

It is not recommended to perform loads with existing vision problems, since straining, especially incorrectly, one can often observe visual impairment, ruptures of blood vessels and the development of complications of existing ophthalmic diseases.

After all, outwardly a person can be completely unsportsmanlike physique, while his strength will be much higher than that of a pumped-up athlete. Train correctly so as not to harm yourself and your body, follow all the rules, and after a month of regular training at home, you will notice a significant effect!

Video "Complex loads with own weight"

Demonstrative video with a selection of exercises performed with a load of its own weight.

Isometric gymnastics. A set of isometric exercises

A muscle that does not receive enough stress begins to lose its strength. However, an intense load on the muscles with a maximum contraction lasting a few seconds increases the tone of the muscle fibers and increases their blood supply. This is what isometrics is good for.

Daily isometric gymnastics allows you to keep your body in a taut state, even with a sedentary lifestyle! For city dwellers, this is a great opportunity to keep fit in the face of everyday hustle and bustle. You can perform the exercises below at any time and almost anywhere. For example, at home, in the office, in the car, during a telephone conversation, while walking.

Isometric gymnastics has a lot of positive qualities:

1. saving time - time spent on training 10-20 minutes;

2. less recovery time compared to conventional training programs);

3. The system of isometric exercises allows you to develop and strengthen exactly those muscles that need it most;

4. The improvement in tone and strength achieved through isometric exercise has a longer lasting effect than from dynamic type training.

Principles of isometric training:

1. each exercise should be performed with maximum effort;

2. Perform the effort on exhalation, and do not breathe jerkily during the exercise, breathe evenly, without pauses and delays, the inhalation should be approximately equal to the exhalation;

3. Peak voltage run 5-10 seconds;

4. between repetitions, take breaks of 30-60 seconds;

6. The object on which the force is exerted must be so strong that the possibility of any movements is obviously excluded.

Technique for performing isometric exercises.

First, start breathing rhythmically (inhale equals exhalation) to breathe - rhythmically does not mean fast. As soon as you enter the rhythm, exhale gradually make an effort and, after 5-10 seconds, gently remove it. Rest for about 30 seconds and load again. Perform 6-8 sets and rest one and a half to two minutes. Then move on to the next exercise.

Do 4-6 the first time isometric exercises gymnastics, gradually increasing to 10-12. Every 7-10 days, make a day off from classes. And the next day less to smoothly load the body.

A set of isometric exercises.

Isometric exercises to strengthen the arms and shoulder girdle

1. Raise your hands and place them with bent fingers on the table, inhale and as you exhale, gradually press your fingers on the table, as if trying to drive it into the floor. Do 5-10 seconds and then ease up. Relax and do the next repetition.

2. Bend your elbows, fingers folded into a fist and pressed with knuckles to the edge of the table. Press down on the table, trying to move it away from you.

3. slip hands under the table and the back of your hand and push up as if you were trying to lift a table.

4. Put your hands under the seat of the chair and try to lift yourself up with the chair.

5. Stand behind the chair, take it by the back from the sides and try to squeeze it first, and then stretch it like an accordion.

Isometric exercises to strengthen the legs and buttocks

1. Sit at the table, putting, put the knee, the leg lying on top, under the table and push up with this knee on the table top.

2. Stand on one leg, bend the other and wrap your fingers around the shin, and then try to push the leg down with force. Repeat with the other leg.

3. Sit on a chair, clasp its legs with your legs and squeeze it.

4. Sit on a chair, lift straightened legs, placing one on top of the other. Raise your bottom leg up and lower your top leg down at the same time. Change legs.

5. Contract your buttocks, groin muscles, and anal sphincter in an isometric manner. It is performed in any position of the body. Exercise helps to improve blood circulation in the gluteal muscles: it has a beneficial effect on menstrual pain, hemorrhoids and prostate diseases.

Isometric exercises for the press

1. Put your hands behind the back of the chair and try to lean forward, overcoming the resistance of your hands.

2. Lie on your back, put your hands on the floor, straighten and lift your legs. Tighten for 5-10 seconds, rest, then raise the upper back, and stretch your arms in front of you. Look ahead. Alternate tension and relaxation, this exercise will also significantly improve digestion!

Isometric exercises for back muscles

1. Sit on a chair, lean forward and wrap your hands around the front legs of the chair. Then pull them straight up.

2. Sit on a chair, squeeze your legs and wrap your hands around your thighs closer to your knees. Now try to raise your shoulders up, bending your arms is prohibited.

Isometric chest exercises

1. While sitting, raise your bent arms horizontally so that your palms close together. Press with one hand on the other.

2. Extend your arms in front of you, bend at the elbows. Squeeze one palm into a fist, grasp the fist with the other and press one against the other.

3. Stretch your arms out in front of you and lock your fingers. With maximum effort, try to "open" the lock.

4. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms inward. Press your palms against each other. Turn your palms outward and press again.

For the neck

1. Rest your elbows on the table and fold your palms on your forehead, try to overcome the resistance of your hands, trying to tilt your head forward. Then relax and repeat the exercise after a minute.

2. Rest your elbows on the table, tilt your head back, rest your chin on your palms and try to drop your head down.

3. Close your hands behind your neck and try to bend it forward, resist this with your neck muscles.

Isometric gymnastics will help develop vitality and increase physical strength. And do it without much time and physical costs!

Isometric exercises, that is, those in which the muscles tense up without moving the body, are usually used as additional exercises in modern fitness. However, there are such types of training that use them as the main ones.

What are isometric exercises

Exercises in which the efforts of the muscles do not lead to the movement of the body are called isometric (static).

There are three main types of such training:

  • efforts directed at an insurmountable barrier, an undeformable object or the opposite part of the body;
  • retention of weights in various positions;
  • maintaining certain body positions.

The use of isometric loads has a number of positive aspects. This:

  • accessibility - most exercises do not require specialized equipment;
  • safety - there is practically no risk of injury;
  • increased flexibility;
  • improving the ability to relax;
  • the opportunity to individualize classes;
  • energy saving;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • counteracting stress.

Static loads are used in physiotherapy, fitness, professional sports.

Benefits for weight loss

For fat burning, isometric training systems are best suited, creating a load by holding various body positions. When they are used, several mechanisms are involved that contribute to weight loss. This:

  • inclusion of deep muscle layers, activation of metabolic processes in them;
  • the work of stabilizing muscles, usually used only in “failure” training;
  • protection from stress, maintaining hormonal balance that regulates the composition of body weight;
  • cleansing the body of toxins, which make up a significant part of the excess weight of the body;
  • activation of general and local fat burning;
  • harmonization of muscle tone, which supports a high level of physical activity in everyday life;
  • improvement of health status, functioning of internal organs, normalization of appetite.

An hour of classes, some experts equate to 20 hours of aerobics.

Class rules

To get the maximum effect from classes, you need to follow the rules. The main ones are:

  • you need to start classes with a thorough warm-up;
  • perform exercises smoothly, slowly, gently;
  • monitor the uniformity of breathing;
  • the holding time of the pose should be increased gradually;
  • control the time of the exercise using the account to yourself (from 5-10 for beginners, up to 100);
  • a state of severe discomfort is unacceptable;
  • the frequency of training should be at least 3 times a week to improve the result and 1-2 times to maintain it;
  • training should last at least an hour;
  • sets of exercises should be varied, with training of the maximum number of muscles;
  • The criterion for the correctness of the exercise should be a burning sensation and slight trembling.

Most of the requirements with an increase in the length of employment will be fulfilled automatically.

A set of exercises

Exercises are taken from the "arsenal", where isometry is combined with scratching.

Warm up

Perform each exercise 5-7 times.

  1. Putting your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, inhale, opening your chest and tightening your stomach, spread your arms to the sides, palms up, raise them above your head. Stretch your palms up. Lowering your hands with your palms down and exhaling, you need to strive to pull the top of your head up. Performing, imagine that a comfortable space is created with your hands.
  2. Making a circular motion with your shoulders back, touch them with your fingers. From this position, exhaling, tilt to the side. Inhaling, take the original position. Repeat for the other side.
  3. Rotation of the shoulders back. It is necessary to try to take the shoulder blades as much as possible, opening the chest well.
  4. Perform sipping to the sides with outstretched arms. The movement of the arms should be parallel to the floor. The body follows the hands.
  5. Rock your pelvis left and right.
  6. Move the pelvis back and forth, twisting the lower part of the spine.
  7. Inhale as you raise your arms up through your sides. Exhaling, lower your hands. Make a rotating movement with your shoulders back.

Main part

When performing static exercises, you need to maintain a position to a state of burning and trembling (the minimum number of internal counts is 15, the norm is 40–50, higher is an advanced level). Dynamic should be slowly repeated 5-7 times, unless a different number of repetitions is indicated.

  1. While inhaling, rotate your shoulders back, stretch the top of your head up. Pull the pelvis towards you, tailbone pointing down. Stretch your arms to the sides, holding your thumbs down, take a short breath. From this position, exhale, taking your hands back at the level of the waist. Direct the force as if there is a spring between the shoulder blades that needs to be compressed. The knees are soft, the stomach is tightened, the pelvis is forward, the shoulders are lowered. Hold the tension, trying to increase it with each exhalation. After completing the exercise, lean down with slightly bent legs and a rounded back.
  2. After inhaling with the rotation of the shoulders back, put the right hand on the lower abdomen, and raise the left hand above the head with the palm up. As you exhale, tilt to the right, as if compressing a spring that opposes movement. The muscles of the lateral surface should be tensed. Body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. With the help of an outstretched arm, the latissimus dorsi of the opposite side of the body is stretched. You need to descend exactly to the sides, not falling forward or backward. Hold the effort. Having completed the tension phase, sit down slightly, make a sipping movement forward and to the left with the hand that was on top. Take original position. Run mirror.
  3. With your hands folded in a “prayer” position, press hard with your palms on each other in front of your chest. Hold until trembling appears. After completing, take your hands to the sides and lower them, then shake them several times, trying to relax as much as possible.
  4. Do the previous exercise, keeping your hands at face level.
  5. The same, but keep your hands at the level of the lower abdomen with your fingers down.
  6. Exhaling, perform sipping movements of the head to the right and left 5-7 times. Then, placing the palm of one hand over the head on the ear of the opposite side of the body, we help the stretching movement of the neck. With the other hand, make a pressing movement with the palm down. Change side.
  7. Putting your hands behind your head, put pressure on it. Make a pressing movement with your head back. Hold resistance. After relieving tension, perform 3-5 slow rotations of the head.
  8. With legs wide apart, bend down and stretch forward with arms bent at the elbows. Continue to stretch, resting your hands on the floor. Having straightened up, make several sipping movements to the sides.
  9. Using the same position, bend to each leg.
  10. Lying on your back, raise your legs at a right angle. Exhaling, with an effort to stretch your chest to your legs, imagining that in this way a spring sandwiched between them is compressed. At the same time, push the pelvis towards you. To increase the tension, you can slightly lower your legs, and to loosen them, slightly bend them at the knees. Inhaling, gently lower the legs and body.
  11. Lying on your back with bent legs, perform an exercise similar to the previous one, but raising only one leg. Only works. Relax into the original position. Change leg.
  12. Raising the body from the same and. p., hold it, spreading your arms to the sides and bringing them to slightly bent legs several times. Work out the press, holding the body motionless at different angles.
  13. Lying on your back with your legs bent, tilt them to the side towards the floor. Raise the upper body. The oblique muscles of the press work. Fix. Relaxing, accept and. n. Run mirror.
  14. Straighten your legs to lie down relaxed. Stretch your arms to the sides, bend your right leg, stretch your knee to the floor through your left, helping with the opposite hand. Stretch the oblique abdominal muscles. Take the starting position. Stretch the left side.
  15. Standing on all fours, exhaling, arch your back up, rounding it like a cat, and then bend down.
  16. Lying face down, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Raising only the body and bent arms. Hold position. Go down smoothly.
  17. Putting your palms under your hips, using the same position, raise your legs and body. Fix. Return to starting position.
  18. The same and. n. One arm is straightened, the second is bent, rests with the forearm on the floor. Raise the second arm and opposite leg up. Hold the right time. Run mirror.
  19. Standing on all fours, perform circular chest movements in a vertical plane, moving in the hip, shoulder and elbow joints. Try to get as close to the floor as possible.
  20. Put the bent leg in front of you, and stretch the right leg to the side. Take your right leg back, keeping it above the floor. You can help yourself by resting one hand on the floor. After fixing for the right time, lower the leg and perform the exercise with the left leg.
  21. To stretch the gluteal muscles while lying on your back, pull straightened and crossed legs to the body with your hands. Fix. Cross your legs to the other side and repeat.
  22. Leaning on the outer part of the thigh of the bent leg and forearm, take the straightened leg back. Fix so that the knee is directed to the floor. Sit "in Turkish", stretch the body forward, stretching the muscles of the hips and buttocks. Change leg.
  23. Perform a similar exercise, but moving the leg to the side.
  24. Lying on your side, lean the forearm of your left hand on the floor, keep your lower left leg straight, put your bent right leg in front of it. Raise the left leg up, straining the inner surface of the thigh. Hold. Change legs.
  25. Sitting on the floor, legs wide apart, tilt the body to the floor.
  26. Bending your legs, lying on your back, squeezing your knees together as much as possible, push the pelvis up. Hold, then accept and. P.
  27. Stretch the buttocks, clasping your knees with your hands and pulling them towards you.
  28. Kneeling and keeping your hands clasped at the top, do a squat to your heels, and then rise, squeezing your buttocks, giving your pelvis towards yourself and creating a wave-like movement.
  29. From the same starting position, do a squat without touching the feet, and perform circular movements with the pelvis. After rest, perform a mirror image. Since isometry does not create a large load on the heart, a hitch after it is not required. For better relaxation, you can do an additional stretching of the muscles.


Properly designed training will have a systemic effect on the body, improving overall health. There will be positive changes in different directions:

  • posture improvement;
  • healing of the joints;
  • cleaning from slags;
  • balancing the nervous system;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • weight normalization.

At the same time, the resources of the body are preserved, the body does not “wear out”, as during exhausting aerobic or power loads.