Learning Polish in a playful way. Working methods of learning Polish

Modern technologies offer a person ample opportunities for improvement and development in many areas of life. Education is no exception. Today, a huge number of mobile applications have been developed that allow you to learn foreign languages ​​in a convenient format and at any time. In our review, we will tell you about several programs that will help you learn and / or improve your Polish language.

Improving your Polish language skills requires not only theory, but also practice. Download apps, read, listen to correct speech and, of course, have a conversation.


A free app that lets you learn the most common Polish constructions and phrases. All words are spoken by native speakers, so you simultaneously learn to comprehend speech and put the correct pronunciation. To evaluate your progress, you can record phrases in the "Recording Studio" section. The program is designed for a beginner, so you can learn the language from scratch.

iTalk Polish

The program offers to study not just single words, but whole phrases. Agree, it is more expedient and convenient to learn phrases, this way the ligaments are remembered better, and it also helps to feel the language, its structure, construction. Your successes can be recorded and analyzed. You can also take Quiz tests every day and work on bugs.


A handy application that works without an internet connection. There are three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. In total, the dictionary contains more than 6,000 words, which come with pictures and transcriptions, as well as voiced by native speakers. All words are broken down into topics and smaller subtopics. You can learn vocabulary through games, which will especially captivate children. The program also offers various methods of memorizing the material, practicing and consolidating it.

Learn and play. Polish free

Perfect mobile Polish tutor for beginners. The application is more like a game with elements of studying phonetics and vocabulary. All words presented in the program are used in everyday life, so that the student immediately learns the correct pronunciation, spelling and listening comprehension of the new language. The application has visual and sound support. There are also tests for verification, texts.


A popular language app that is well-written and comprehensible. This is a complete Polish for beginners course with exercises for memorization and development of writing skills. The only negative is the interface in English. However, a basic level of English is sufficient to understand the material. But in fact, it will help to learn two languages ​​at once: English and Polish.

Polish in 7 lessons

The application will help you learn the basics of the Polish language from scratch in the shortest possible time. The course is very simple, logical and well structured. Includes audio and video materials with explanations, interactive exercises, tests. All lessons, with the exception of the video, are already in the program, so a permanent internet connection is not required.


L-Lingo offers 65 Polish lessons on basic topics (at home, at the airport, in a shop, etc.). These are words and phrases written by native speakers, and they are also understandable pictures for memorizing whole expressions. Some of the content is paid.

Rosetta stone

If you want to learn Polish with full immersion in the language environment, then this application is indispensable. It offers language learning through association, repetition and communication. There is not a single Russian or English word here, only Polish phrases and constructions. With each new lesson, the level of difficulty increases. There is paid content.

Learn Polish Easy

Free Polish phrasebook to help you learn basic words quickly and easily. All presented words come with original pronunciation. The vocabulary is easy to memorize using flash cards. You can test your knowledge through quizzes, earning points. The free version has 11 categories for training: basic dialogue, numbers, greeting and others.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is not a luxury, but a necessity that opens almost any door to a person. Knowing a foreign language, we can get a job in a successful company, find new friends in any corner of the world, go on vacation abroad, without worrying about how to find a common language with the natives. Today, not only English or German, but also Polish is in demand. Therefore, the most frequently asked question on the Internet today is about how to learn Polish.

Study methods

Any foreign language, including Polish, can be learned in several ways.

Sign up for courses. This is the easiest and most effective way. The training takes place in groups, and you have the opportunity to communicate not only with the teacher, but also with other students. The main disadvantages of such training are that not all cities have such courses, and if there are, classes are held on a schedule that may not suit you.

Lesson with a tutor. With such training, all the tasks for you are drawn up by the teacher, he also checks the correctness of their implementation, points out mistakes. One drawback - such pleasure is not cheap.

Online training. Quite a popular way in which you can either enroll in special courses and attend webinars, or find a remote teacher. The cost is significantly lower, but again, if you have a slow Internet or you are paid for the traffic used, the option is not very attractive.

Self-study... Today, there are many forums and websites on the Internet dedicated to how to learn Polish at home. The main advantages of the method are low training costs and the ability to independently choose the time for classes and the training strategy. Downside - lack of motivation and laziness can significantly interfere with learning.


The main thing in learning a language, no matter what way of learning, is the presence of motivation. It is not enough to say, "I want to learn Polish." You need to find at least one reason why you need it. Otherwise, as soon as the first impulse passes and the interest in classes subsides, you immediately abandon training and after a couple of years you will not remember even elementary phrases.

The incentives may be the desire to go abroad for study or permanent residence. By the way, in this case, Poles are quite willing to meet people who know Polish culture and traditions. Even if you do not have relatives among Poles, you can get a Pole's card if you know the culture and customs of the country, take an active part in activities aimed at popularizing Polish culture. The Pole's card gives a lot of advantages - the possibility of obtaining a visa, the right to legal employment and training, and other little things.

Employment in international companies can be another good motive. Knowledge of not only English, but also Polish will be a huge plus in this situation.

A tourist trip to Poland can also be a great reason. Agree, it is much more interesting to travel around the country on your own, choosing your favorite museums and exhibitions. And not all Poles speak foreign and may simply not understand your question about how to get to a museum or hotel if it is asked in English.

Perhaps you are interested in how to learn Polish yourself, in order to read an interesting book that has not been translated into Russian, or watch a TV series. Even such a motive can be a great stimulus for learning.

Before starting your studies, be sure to write down a goal for yourself and, as soon as your desire to learn begins to decline, open your notebook and remember why you started it. Better yet, write your goal on a Whatman paper in large letters and hang it over your desk. Success is guaranteed.

Well, if you really do not know how to control your laziness at all, argue with one of your friends that you will learn the language in, say, 6 months. If you are a gambling person, then for sure you will not abandon your studies and achieve success.

Where to begin?

If you decide to do self-study, you must:

  1. Decide how many times a week you will practice. It is best if you sit down to read books at least three times a week.
  2. Pick up educational literature - textbooks, dictionaries, literature for reading.
  3. Find additional teaching aids - audio, video.
  4. Install language learning applications on your mobile or tablet.
  5. Find native speakers on social media.

How to choose textbooks?

In order to learn Polish on your own from scratch, the first step is to choose the right educational literature. There are many courses and textbooks on the Web, each of which has its own pros and cons. But e-books are not what you want. If you can afford it, buy the textbook in the store, in paper version. This is a guarantee that during the lesson you will not be distracted by checking mail, making calls to Skype or Viber.

When choosing a tutorial, pay attention to a few points:

Buying a dictionary

To learn Polish on your own, you need to additionally purchase a dictionary. At least 35,000-40,000 words. For a start, this will be enough. Ideally, the dictionary should contain at least 150,000 words.

When choosing, it is also important to pay attention to the year of issue.

A prerequisite is that the dictionary is two-sided, that is, Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish. You understand that you will need to translate not only from Polish into Russian, but also in the opposite direction.

additional literature

When talking about how to learn Polish at home, it is worth remembering that textbooks and a dictionary alone will not be enough for you. Additionally, it is desirable to purchase:

  • A separate booklet with rules, tables and diagrams for the Polish language. With their help, you can quickly refresh the previously learned rules, learn new ones faster.
  • Fiction. This could be one or two books of your favorite genre. It is advisable that you have not read these works before. Be sure to pay attention to whether the literature is adapted or not, in the second case it will be much more difficult to read it.

Additional learning tools

You can learn Polish on your own not only with the help of books and textbooks, but also with the help of songs and films, TV series, games. These learning methods are not basic, they can be used to improve the level of language proficiency while on vacation.

Search the Internet for songs in Polish. You can listen to them periodically and try to translate words, individual phrases and sentences. This method is especially valuable if you travel to and from work.

Viewing films and serials. Of course, you can watch films and TV series exclusively in the target language, but it is better if they are accompanied by subtitles in Russian. In this way, you can memorize many phrases and expressions from the everyday sphere.

Games and applications. Those who don't know how to learn Polish while relaxing may be interested in learning with games and apps. Today, many applications have been developed for language learning using tablets and smartphones. By installing any of the ones you like on your mobile device, you can spend time usefully while playing exciting educational games.


Most are interested in the question of how to learn the Polish spoken language on their own. The answer is simple - communicate as much as possible. The spoken language is the spoken language that functions in oral speech. The best solution for self-study is to communicate with native speakers of the language - residents of Poland.

Find friends of similar interests living abroad on the social network. They will not only explain to you the rules for using certain words and expressions, the specifics of syntax, but also tell you a lot of interesting things about their country and culture.

Studying phonetics

After all the textbooks are purchased, you need to start learning. Those who are interested in how to learn Polish at home and where to start should remember: you always need to start with the alphabet. You must learn the alphabet - the name of each letter and the pronunciation of sounds. It is important to use special discs on which the sound of each sound is recorded. The issue of phonetics, the correct placement of stress should be given special attention. Incorrect pronunciation is one of the gross mistakes that are difficult to correct in the future.


Foreign language teachers often disagree on which one should pay attention to in the first place - grammar or vocabulary. Some believe that a large vocabulary more than compensates for the lack of grammar knowledge, others - that an unfamiliar word can always be found in the dictionary, but grammar should be dealt with first.

Be that as it may, vocabulary is important, especially when learning Polish. Those who are wondering how to learn Polish at home have probably heard that some words in Polish and Russian, Ukrainian languages ​​have a similar sound, but their meaning can be radically different.

To replenish vocabulary, you can:

  1. Read previously acquired fiction.
  2. Listen to songs and watch movies.
  3. Chat with friends online.
  • Read and translate news articles from various sites. Reading the media, you not only learn new words, but also memorize the correct structure of phrases and sentences.
  • Use a dictionary. A pretty fun way to learn vocabulary is reading vocabulary and making flashcards. For example, you leaf through a dictionary and find 5-10 words that are unfamiliar to you. Cut out small cards from thick paper. On one side, write the word in Polish, on the other - in Russian. Then you go over the cards, trying to translate the word on the card, and look at the translation for self-examination.

By the way, this method - word - translation - is often used in mobile applications.


The grammar of the Polish language deserves special attention. Those who want to quickly learn Polish at home should prepare for the fact that they will have to pay a lot of attention to the study of the case system of the language, to study the endings in words depending on the time and form.

In addition, people who study Polish quite often complain about the special logic of constructing sentences and the style of the language.

When learning grammar, a textbook and tables with diagrams will come in handy. It is advisable to have your own notebook in which you will write down the basic rules and points.


Those who want to know how to learn Polish from scratch at home should pay special attention to speaking. The main goal of any training is not only to be able to understand the interlocutor, but also to learn how to convey your thought to him. When studying a foreign language, a special role is given to this very moment. Remember how in English lessons you were taught to talk about yourself, your family and hobbies, write letters.

The same approach applies when learning Polish. You must learn to talk about yourself, your habits, hobbies, be able to write letters - personal and business, perhaps a resume.

It is important to be able not only to write, but also to tell, without looking in a notebook and dictionary.

In addition to the development of monologue speech, it is important to pay attention to the dialogue.

For the development of speaking, it is necessary to communicate as much as possible with native speakers, preferably using video calls. So you can not only learn the basic constructions, expressions, pronounce pronunciation, but also, importantly, overcome your fear. It is the fear of saying something wrong or wrong that is the main problem when learning a language.


Another important point worth paying special attention to is listening comprehension. It is no secret that most language exams consist of tests aimed at checking grammar and vocabulary, writing or speaking and listening.

Songs and films, communication with friends will help you to improve your comprehension skills.

In addition, there are listening exercises in almost every textbook that comes with the disc. It is advisable to perform them, then checking the answers and making an analysis of the mistakes made.


So how much does it take to learn Polish? The answer to the question depends entirely on you. If you practice persistently and systematically, in a couple of months you will be able to understand Polish and speak a new language for you. It may not be ideal, but still it will be more than enough for a trip to the country.

If you are lazy and constantly postpone classes until later, even a few years will not be enough for you to acquire at least minimal communication skills.

  1. Learn the language systematically. Don't skip classes unless you have a good reason. And if you have, do the exercises planned for the day as soon as you have a free minute.
  2. Do not be zealous in your studies, do not be a fanatic. Exercising five to six hours a day every day is a good idea, but useless. One lesson should not last more than one and a half hours.
  3. On your days off, watch films and listen to music in Polish.
  4. Explore the culture and traditions of Poland. So you can immerse yourself as much as possible in the language you are studying, understand the meaning of some words and idioms that are not literally translated into Russian.
  5. Learn not only individual words, but also proverbs, sayings, aphorisms. This will make your speech richer and brighter.

We hope we have given a comprehensive answer to the question of how to learn Polish from scratch. Follow our advice, study systematically, and after a few weeks you will notice that you understand certain words and phrases, and after a few months you will be able to speak Polish fluently at all without any special effort. Good luck to you!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel!

When we were going to go to Poland, we did not learn Polish specifically. At the beginning I had a small attempt to do something, "Polish for Russians", in my opinion, that's what it was called. I opened, as it should be, in the alphabet and when I saw all these letters, which are pronounced strangely, which have no analogues in Russian, I was horrified, closed it and decided that I would rather leave it, and, having arrived in Poland, I will start to learn Polish language.

There were a couple of attempts to listen to some Polish speech or some Polish lessons, and for some reason it seemed to me that it was very similar to Ukrainian, and if we come to Poland, we will be able to express ourselves in Ukrainian without any problems. But make no mistake, please, because the Poles do not understand the Ukrainian language at all. We also encountered such a moment, so it was with us, maybe someone else, but when we spoke with the Poles and literally made a mistake in one letter or made a slightly wrong stress, they absolutely could not understand what in general it is a question.

Earlier people learned Russian in schools. This, of course, helped us when we arrived, because older people could at least understand us, not talk, but understand. We were lucky that when we arrived, we met a lot of people from Ukraine, Belarus, who speak Ukrainian and Russian. For the first few months they went everywhere with us and translated everything. We are very, very grateful to them for this.

What helped me learn Polish. Of course, this is communication. We talked to the Poles several times a week. We didn’t finish special courses, we didn’t go to special schools, just live communication with friends, listened to Polish speech, tried to repeat something. This gave me, within three weeks, at least to understand what was being said. 70% -80% I have already begun to understand what is at stake. For two months we listened and tried to say something. My advice to you: don't be afraid to speak Polish! Ask your friends to correct you if you say something wrong, even if you don't know.

Although everyone has their own possibilities, it is very difficult, when learning Polish, to immediately start speaking correctly. Practice, practice, practice! Two months later, we asked our friends to study Polish grammar with us. We took several lessons, but in this course we were advised a wonderful book called "Zaczynam mówić po polsku". All grammar is superbly covered in this book. This book is in Polish only. The first two months, when we arrived, Polish was already a little heard. We saw Polish inscriptions, there was some communication in Polish in shops and with friends. I resorted to such a wonderful course as Polish for 7 lessons: http://speakasap.com/ru/polish-lesson1.html. I think you will find it useful.

Of course, when you come to Poland and come across a language, people, culture here, it was much easier for me to perceive this language and start learning it. I do not have the ability to learn foreign languages, for me this is something very difficult. For me, mathematics, exact sciences, web design are easier, but by no means languages. This is something very difficult, very difficult for me. As far as I've read different books about learning languages, each person has their own abilities. It is easier for someone to perceive by ear, for someone it is easier to some images, to someone associative thinking. You can read Polish books, watch films in Polish, talk, listen to some dialogues. Find a method that will be more optimal and convenient for you. Another very wonderful book on Polish grammar is called "Ten ta to". Another great course recently recommended to us is called “Polish in 4 weeks”. A wonderful book that can be downloaded on the Internet along with audio lessons. The book is based on dialogues on various topics. Dialogues are written that are very easy to understand. Then the grammar is signed, and at the end of the word. You listen to the pronunciation, and you have it all in writing before your eyes. You can listen to conversations on the road, repeating different words, or read on convenient devices.

If this video was useful to you, then leave likes, write comments! Until next time! Bye!

Poland is a wonderful country to live in. This is one of the EU countries where it is easiest to emigrate.

Programmers, designers, photographers and other creative professions who work for themselves have a unique opportunity to get Residence permit in Poland for 3 years and pay minimum taxes.

Perfect command of a foreign language is not available to many and requires constant study and practice. However, learning it starts small. We need a push. An upcoming trip to this country, the arrival of foreign colleagues or partners, or maybe just a desire that suddenly arose. Be that as it may, there will be no harm from this. On the contrary, one benefit. And the lesson is interesting and an additional load on the intellect.

Three smiling, positive-minded girls in the presented twenty-minute video give the first lesson in learning Polish. And it begins, of course, with the alphabet. In the form of a funny conversation and even a game, they focus the audience's attention on the correct pronunciation of some complex sounds, especially paying attention to the softness and melodiousness.

The girls will not stuff you with complex participial phrases and complex sentences. Their task is to give an idea of ​​a simple spoken language in which it will be possible to communicate with an intelligent resident of Warsaw and with a simple Polish peasant and with a representative of the Catholic clergy. The knowledge gained during this lesson will certainly come in handy, but the lesson itself is quite interesting and fun. Watch the video "Polish lessons for beginners" in good quality 720 HD. All materials of 2017 and 2018 are contained on Youtube.com and are available on our website without registration.

Materials for studying the Polish language. Part 2 is a continuation of my selection of textbooks and self-study guides of the Polish language. I have already posted the most popular of them in my collection. The second part consists of less popular resources in which you can find a lot of interesting things for yourself - from explanations to exercises.

Blanka Konopka podręcznik języka polskiego dla środowisk rosyjskojęzycznych - part 1

Textbook of the Polish language, written especially for Russian-speaking readers. Ideal for those who start learning Polish from scratch. There are all the necessary basics of both vocabulary and basic grammar and lexical rules.

Audio self-study guide of the Polish language, aimed at an English-speaking audience. Each lesson consists of explanations of the rules and vocabulary expansion. Ideal for exploring by car and public transport.

Mazhena Kowalska - Polish mova for 4 types - parts 1, 2.

A course for those who are starting to learn the Polish language. The textbook can also be used by those who want to review Polish grammar and recollect vocabulary. Advantages of the course: modern spoken language, typical situations of daily life, interesting stories, an accessible grammar course. Explanations in the textbook are given in Ukrainian.

On my own I will add - from this textbook I have learned for myself many interesting points that I have not seen in other tutorials. For example, the difference between the words znać and wiedzieć.

Ya.A. Krotovskaya, L.G. Kashkurevich, G.M. Lesnaya, N.V. Selivanov. Practical course of the Polish language.

The textbook is intended for beginners in learning the Polish language and corresponds to the primary and secondary levels of education. The textbook consists of an introductory phonetic course, a summary of the basics of Polish spelling, a basic course with 32 lessons, and a Grammar section. The publication takes into account the peculiarities of teaching a language related to Russian. The textbook will allow you to form strong articulatory and intonation skills, master the normative grammar course and lexical minimum, as well as develop verbal communication skills. Basic and additional texts for lessons provide knowledge about the country of the studied language, and also acquaint students with the most significant phenomena of classical and modern Polish literature.

Barbara Bartnicka, Marian Jurkowski, Wojciech Jekiel, Danuta Wasilewska, Krzysztof Wrocławski. Uczymy się polskiego.

The textbook "Learn Polish" is the first part of the Polish language course for foreigners and is intended for beginners primarily under the guidance of a teacher, because the textbook itself is in Polish.
The textbook consists of 50 lessons, each of which includes text, new grammatical material and a dictionary of new words. In addition, the textbook contains poems by Polish poets and lyrics with sheet music.

S. Karolyak, D. Vasilevskaya. Polish language textbook.

This book takes a comprehensive look at the rules of the Polish language, with an emphasis on correct speech and phonetics. It is suitable for those who have decided to master the Polish language on their own and will use it as a self-study guide for the Polish language. At the end of the textbook, examples of all types of conjugations and declensions are provided, as well as keys to exercises for self-testing.

Aleksandra Achtelik, Barbara Serafin. Miło mi panią poznać

The textbook is addressed to foreigners who want to learn the basics of the Polish language. The authors use a communicative method to describe each lecture in a specific everyday situation. Pupils learn basic words and phrases that are used, for example, when visiting a doctor, shopping at a store, kiosk, etc.

Anna Dąbrowska, Romana Łobodzińska. Polski dla cudzoziemców.

The book is intended for beginner students. It has a classic structure: each lecture begins with a text, and then questions to the text. The next part of the lesson is short dialogues thematically related to the text. The next part is grammar tables and exercises. Additionally, the tutorial contains a key to the exercises. The book is designed for A1 level students.

T. Mochalova. Polish from scratch.

The textbook Polish from scratch is intended for beginners and can be used both at the initial stage of language learning, and in order to master the basic skills of reading, writing and conducting a conversation as soon as possible. For the fastest "speech output" in each of the 12 lessons, along with traditional phonetic exercises, a large number of diverse tasks are introduced, including in the form of mini-texts and dialogues focused on the formation of vocabulary, mastering basic grammatical forms and speech patterns.
Self-study is facilitated due to numerous comparisons with the Russian language, minimized linguistic terminology, sound accompaniment.

Shkapenko T.M. Polish with a smile. Język polski na wesoło

The purpose of the manual is to teach Russian-speaking students to speak Polish. The manual is distinguished not only by a modern methodological base, combining communicative and problem approaches to teaching foreign languages, but also by modern attractive content. It is full of quizzes - puzzles, author's humorous stories, new funny versions of popular fairy tales, combines elements of literary and spoken language. All this makes the learning process not only effective, but also interesting and enjoyable.