Famous Kuban writers and poets. Literature about the life and work of LK Miroshnikova. Kuban poets for children

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Well-known, famous figures of culture, art of the Krasnodar Territory, Kuban - artists, painters, writers, poets

Oboishchikov Kronid Alexandrovich
Oboishchikov Kronid Alexandrovich Russian poet, born in the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov region on April 10, 1920, died on September 11, 2011 in Krasnodar at the age of 92.
Oboishchikov K.A. graduated from the Krasnodar Aviation School, military pilot. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he served in a bomber regiment, guarded the Allied convoys. Awarded for military merit with two Orders of the Patriotic War, the Order of the Red Banner.
The first poem of the eighth-grader Kronid Oboyshchikov was published in the Armavir Commune newspaper in 1936. In the post-war years, he began to be published in army and navy newspapers and magazines. In 1963, the first collection of poems, Anxious Happiness, was published. He has published more than 30 books, including: Sleepless Sky, Line of Fate, Reward, We Were. "Salute of victory", "I will carry your name in heaven." Kronid Oboyshchikov is the author and compiler of a four-volume anthology of biographies of the Kuban - Heroes of the Soviet Union and a three-volume poetic "Wreath for the Heroes of the Kuban".
He wrote a lot of wonderful poetic works for children: “Sfetoforik”, “Zoyka Pedestrian”, “How a Baby Elephant Learned to Fly”. He made translations of the poets of the North Caucasus.
Kronid Oboyshchikov is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Union of Writers of Russia, a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and the Union of Journalists of Russia.
Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Honored Artist of the Kuban, Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar, laureate of the N. Ostrovsky Prize, the Prize of E. F. Stepanova.
Hero of Labor of the Kuban.

Ponomarenko Grigory Fedorovich
Ponomarenko Grigory Fedorovich, Russian composer, songwriter, accordionist, born on 02.02. 1921 in the village of Morovsk, Ostersky district, Chernihiv region, Ukrainian SSR, in a peasant family. He died on January 7, 1996 at the age of 74 (car accident). He was buried in Krasnodar at the Slavic cemetery.
His uncle M.T. Ponomarenko began to teach Grigory Ponomarenko to play the button accordion from the age of five, at the age of 6 he already performed musical works. Independently comprehended musical notation. Uncle, noticing the extraordinary abilities of the boy, assigned him as a student to the famous musician Alexander Kinebs. At the age of 12, Grigory Ponomarenko wrote musical arrangements for the performances of the drama circle, and during his school years he was hired by the House of Pioneers, then by the House of Culture of DneproGES.
In 1941 he graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory, accordion class. Member of the Great Patriotic War from the first day, served 1941-1947 in the border troops, was a musician, was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree for military merits.
After demobilization, he worked as an accordion player in the orchestra of Russian folk instruments named after. Osipov, head of the State Volga Russian Folk Choir in Kuibyshev, artistic director of the folk choir of the Palace of Culture of the Volgograd Tractor Plant, and in 1972 moved and connected his life with the Kuban.
The whole country knows songs to the music of Grigory Ponomarenko: “Where can I get such a song”, “Somewhere the wind is knocking wires”, “Oh snow, snowball”, “Orenburg downy shawl”, “Give me a scarf”, “Poplars”, "What happened, it happened", "I'll call you a dawner." To the words of S. Yesenin, “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry,” “The golden grove dissuaded me.” To the words of the Kuban poets: “The Cossack went to the Kuban”, “Krasnodar spring”, “Oh village, dear village”, “Kubanochka”, “I planted gardens”. A number of works for button accordion, the march "Soldier's Infantry" for brass band", operettas. Total 970 works.
Since 1971 Grigory Ponomarenko has been a member of the Union of Composers of the USSR. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the USSR, Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar.
In 1997 The name of Grigory Ponomarenko was given to the Krasnodar Philharmonic. In Krasnodar, a monument was erected to him and a memorial plaque on the house where he lived. The Memorial Museum is open in this house - an apartment (Krasnaya street, 204)

Khokhlov Sergey Nikandrovich
Khokhlov Sergey Nikandrovich, a famous Russian Kuban poet, was born on July 5, 1927. in the village of Melikhovo, Smolensk region in a peasant family. In 1937 the family moved to the Kuban, then to the Urals. In 1947 Sergei Khokhlov returned to the Kuban, lives in Krasnodar.
S. Khokhlov, like all teenagers of the war years, began to work and earn a living early at the age of 14. Women and teenagers replaced the men who had gone to the front. He worked as a helmsman on a tugboat, as a machine operator, and as a builder. He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War".
The first poem was published in 1947. in the newspaper "Stalin's Way". He published his first collection of poems in 1957. In the sixties, he published in the magazines October, Young Guard, Our Contemporary, Ogonyok, Rural Youth, Literary Russia, the almanac Kuban, Family and School.
Author of 24 editions of poetry books, including: "Spring Dawn", "Blue Nights", "People are so dear", "White Planes", "Long Day", "Surprise", "Coast of Silence", "Kuban River", “And bread and salt”, “Own land”, “Face for the summer”, “Lightning in the window”. He wrote for children: “The fox is a fisherman”, “The tale of a little shepherd, a brave heron and a hen, and a gray wolf with a wolf cub.”
Sergey Khokhlov, in collaboration with the composer Viktor Zakharchenko, is the author of the anthem of the city of Krasnodar. In collaboration with the composer G. Plotnichenko, he is the author of the musical poetic masterpiece "Kuban Blue Nights".
Khokhlov Sergey Nikandrovich has been a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1963, graduated from the Higher Literary Courses (1963-1965).
Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Writers of Russia, Prize named after K. Rossinsky of the Krasnodar Regional Administration, honorary citizen of Krasnodar.

prose writer, member Union writers Russia , laureate literary prizes them . M . H . Alekseeva , cavalier golden orders « Per service art »

She was born on December 18, 1963 in the village of Novopokrovskaya. In the Krasnodar Musical College. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Svetlana Makarova entered after graduating from the Novopokrovskaya children's music school, accordion class. In the third year of the school, she wrote the first stories "On the ocean" and "In the trolley bus." They were published in the September and November issues of the magazine "Kuban" for 1986. In the same year, Makarova became a participant in the regional seminar for young writers. Her stories were approved by the leaders of the seminar, among whom were the leading writers of the Kuban - Viktor Likhonosov, Viktor Loginov, Yuri Abdashev, Yuri Salnikov. Studying at the Faculty of Philology of the Kuban State University coincided with the birth of her daughters. After graduation, she worked as a teacher at the music school of the Interschool Aesthetic Center in Krasnodar. For more than ten years, the name of the young prose writer did not appear on the pages of the press.

Makarova recalls with gratitude how, back in 1997, Vitaly Bakaldin, editor of the Literaturnaya Kuban newspaper, published her story Lenka, which was highly appreciated by St. Petersburg critic Oleg Shestinsky. Subsequently, Shoelaces for Goshka, Parachutist, Winter Evening and other stories were printed there. The first book, Birds from a Flock of Turmans, was published in 2001. It included stories and poems, many of which became songs. « Prose Svetlana Makarova colorful. A musician herself by profession, she caught the different tones of Russian speech, weaving them into a kind of national ornament. But her stories from folk life are not popular prints, but rather an accurate reproduction of reality, with conjecture, fantasy. At the same time, Svetlana Makarova is not a dictator; in her texts, she also leaves room for the readers' imagination, complicity in the plot., - this is how Nikolai Ivenshev, a well-known prose writer, laureate of All-Russian awards, responded to the work of the writer.

Her novels, stories, essays were published in the magazines "Our Contemporary", "Roman-magazine 21st century", "The Bronze Horseman", "Countrymen", "Don", "Kuban", the newspapers "Literary Russia", "Russian Writer", regional literary publications. She is a participant in the All-Russian Seminar for Young Writers, held in Peredelkino in 2004. Delegate of the 12th and 13th congresses of the Writers' Union of Russia; participant of the World Russian People's Councils, held annually in Moscow, a participant in many plenums.

Makarova in her own way, with her intonation inherent only, knows how to tell about the labyrinths of a big city, and about the life of a rural hinterland, tell in secret what young mothers talk about in the story “A Cozy Courtyard, a Quiet Window”, gently caress an old grandmother from the story "Winter evening". She makes us think why the careerist Lyudmila, the heroine of the story "Flowers of Aunt Peggy", did not become happy, and what exactly made Anna, an employee of the cult mass sector, spiritually reborn from the story "Shoelaces for Goshka" ...

The work of Svetlana Nikolaevna Makarova, with all its diversity, is united by one feature - an optimistic perception of the world. She does not close her eyes to the dark sides of life, but firmly believes in the harmonious balance of all things on Earth. Just as minor and major are equal in music, so in the human soul joy and sorrow always accompany each other. A sense of humor, unconstrained artistry are her natural features, which could not but be reflected in her work.

Svetlana Nikolaevna is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, a laureate of the Literary Prize. M. N. Alekseeva, holder of the Golden Order “For Service to Art”, Secretary of the Union of Writers of Russia. Since May 2004, he has been the head of the regional writers' organization. She is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Kuban writer", established by the regional writers' organization, the anthology "Krasnodar Literary".

The writer's books were published in Moscow and Krasnodar.

Literature about the life and work of S. N. Makarova

Biryuk L. Appian Way of Svetlana Makarova / L. Biryuk // Kuban writer. - 2013. - No. 11 (November). – P. 6.

Koloskov A. Milestones of creative destiny / A. Koloskov // Kuban today. - 2014. - January 11. - p. 5.

Koloskov A. Reports of the village and capital / A. Koloskov // Kuban today. - 2014. - October 9. – P. 11.

Sakhanova K. Returning from the writers' congress ... / K. Sakhanova // Kuban today. - 2013. - November 2. – P. 4.

Semenova I. Svetlana Makarova. Her path and her choice / I. Semenova // Free Kuban. - 2013. - December 19. - S. 22.

Miroshnikova Lyubov Kimovna

Poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia,

member of the board of the Krasnodar branch of the Writers' Union of Russia,

head of the socio-cultural center at St. Catherine's Cathedral,

laureate of the third international competition

children's and youth book named after A. N. Tolstoy

Born in 1960 in Krasnodar, in a family of workers. From early childhood, the girl loved to sing. From the first to the tenth grade, she studied at secondary school No. 1. Her first teacher was Lydia Slepokurova, who noticed in her student the makings of a poetic talent. Lyubov Kimovna wrote her first poem in the first grade.

Again and seriously, poetry came to Lyubov Kimovna unexpectedly: the first attempts at writing in the genre of poetic creativity were intended for her children. Miroshnikova's poems were noticed by the famous Kuban poet, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR Vadim Nepodoba and invited her to work on the release of the first collection of poems for children.

In 1989, Miroshnikova took part in the Forum of Young Poets of Kuban for the first time and became its diploma winner. In 1990, her poems for children were noted at the regional seminar for beginner writers, in 1991 they were first published in the almanac "Kuban". In the same year, she passed a creative competition and entered the Moscow Literary Institute. Gorky, where in the poetry seminar her mentor is the laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Russians", poet Vladimir Ivanovich Firsov. In 1992, the Krasnodar book publishing house published the first collection of poems for children, “Who should be a sparrow?”.

On April 27, 1996, within the framework of the work of the Secretariat of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia, a seminar was held for young poets and prose writers of the Kuban, which became significant for the poet Lyubov Miroshnikova. The recommendation to join the ranks of the Union of Writers of Russia was given to her by the famous writer Vladimir Krupin in Russia and abroad, the editor-in-chief of the Literaturnaya Rossiya newspaper writer Vladimir Bondarenko, as well as the Kuban poets V. Nepoba, S. Khokhlov, M. Tkachenko and the writer A. Martynovsky.

In 1998, the publishing house "Soviet Kuban" published a collection of poems for children "The Helper", which was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Second International Competition named after A. N. Tolstoy among the best books for children and youth. As a result of this competition, a three-volume book “50 Writers” was published in Moscow, where the poems of Lyubov Miroshnikova were published in the second volume.

In 2013, the Tradition publishing house published another wonderful book of her poems for children, “Like a Caterpillar Went to the Theatre,” which is in great demand among readers and occupies a well-deserved place among the best works for children.

In the poems of the Kuban poetess Lyubov Miroshnikova there are many things that are so close to a child's heart. It is energy, cheerful, clear rhythm, sonorous rhyme, funny joke and all kinds of eccentricities.

Lyubov Kimovna's poems for children are small in size: sometimes three or four lines. But they have a deep meaning and each has some secret.

In the grass found a chicken poppy -

Will not calm down in any way:

- What a clumsy cockerel

Did you lose your comb here?

Lyubov Kimovna, like a kind magician, paints the world in the brightest colors, finding in her poetic arsenal unusual images and plots that develop the children's imagination and creativity.

A star passed through the sky

Dive straight into the water

And she came to life in that river

Magic goldfish.

In a fascinating way, Miroshnikova introduces young readers to the secrets of the natural world. On the pages of a fun book, the guys will read a lot of new and interesting things. For example, about the fact that skates live in the depths of the sea, and fish can talk. In many verses of the collection, the author asks interesting questions: how many raindrops does the rain have? does it snow in summer? when does a dandelion put on a fur coat? why is the angry beetle buzzing?

The poems of the Kuban poetess will help readers become inquisitive, teach them to understand, appreciate and protect nature. The author calls to comprehend the secrets of the Earth, to love animals, to be a friend to every blade of grass.


Never lazy

From radiant yarn

Knitting from early dawn

Leaf, berry, fungus -

Twisting a ball of sunshine.

Talking about the colors in which the goose painted the animals' vests, the author poetically and figuratively introduces the colors of the rainbow to younger children. He compares blooming forget-me-nots with a peacock's tail, sees the river in lace rings, the sea looks like velvet, and the sky is in calico.

Calico sky.

Velvet sea.

Whispering yellow

Silky sand.

The river flows to the sea

In lace rings -

Summer silver

Thin belt.

Lyubov Kimovna writes about true friendship, teaches the ability to come to the rescue in difficult times, as did a small but brave sparrow who saved a sunny bunny.

He did not see: he was guarded

Cloud. With crooked claws of an eagle!

Misfortune could happen.

Then the sparrow took him under the wing -

And he hid in a pile of wood with him,

Outwitted the angry cloud.

A sense of humor creates a cheerful, iridescent mood. And it is present in many poems by Miroshnikova:

With a book about a mouse

The bear was jumping

In his left pocket he carried a warm donut.

The mouse quietly escaped from the book,

I ate a crumb from a bear.

The heroes of Miroshnikova's works are funny dogs, birds, hedgehogs and cats, with whom funny stories happen. Here is an elephant walking under an umbrella that fits only one ear, but a crow is looking for its missing "car", and here is a would-be postman snail delivering mail.

Kuban composers wrote songs to Lyubov Kimovna's poems: V. Ponomarev, V. Chernyavsky, I. Korchmarsky. Kuban composer Viktor Ponomarev wrote a cantata for Miroshnikova's children's poem "The Whale and the Salt" note.

Reading Orthodox literature and studying at the Orthodox Institute made a huge impact on the poetess. Faith opens up a new scope in understanding life, disciplines feelings, elevating them.

You don't ask. How are you,

What's wrong with me, with a laughing

It has become!

Before, I only lived on earth,

And now I have little earthly.

In 2001, with the blessing of the Ekaterinodar and Kuban Metropolitan Isidor, a collection of spiritual poems by Lyubov Miroshnikova "At the Heavenly Gates" was published. Many of the poems from this collection became songs thanks to the collaboration with the composer Deacon Mikhail (Okolot). They were included in the cycle of songs published on music discs: "Good tree", "Lended by eternity". And in 2003, the song "Prayer of a Cossack" by Deacon Mikhail (Okolot) to lyrics by Lyubov Miroshnikova received the Grand Prix of the International Festival of Orthodox Author's Song "The Ark" in the city of Voronezh.

The work of Lyubov Kimovna Miroshnikova has long and deservedly been loved by young readers of the libraries of the region and the Krasnodar Regional Children's Library named after the Ignatov brothers. Lyubov Kimovna takes part in the implementation of many of her major projects and campaigns to promote books and reading among readers of the Kuban. This is also the annual Children's Book Week, which is held by the regional children's library with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnodar Territory for children from orphanages in the Kuban. This is the joint holding of the Decade of the Orthodox Book, which was timed to coincide with the Day of the Orthodox Book. The event was organized by the library together with the Orthodox Social and Cultural Center of St. Catherine's Cathedral in Krasnodar, headed by L. K. Miroshnikova.

Lyubov Kimovna became one of the participants in the project of the Regional Children's Library of the art expedition "Spiritual strongholds of the Kuban", dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Taman.

Literature about the life and work of L. K. Miroshnikova

Drozdova N. Creative hopes of "heavenly poets" of Russia / N. Drozdova // Kuban writer. - 2010. - No. 4 (April). - P. 4 - 5.

Lyubov Kimovna Miroshnikova // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 120 - 122.

Pashkova T. Wings for the soul of Lyubov Miroshnikova / T. Pashkova // Dawn. - 2010. - September 24 - 30. – P. 3.

Sakhanova K. Returning from the writers' congress ... / K. Sakhanova // Kuban today. - 2013. - November 2. – P. 4.

Taranenko Marina Viktorovna

Poet, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, member of the Association of Children's and Youth Writers of Russia, International Creative Association of Children's Authors, gold laureate of the National Literary Prize "Golden Pen of Russia - 2014", laureate of the 1st degree of the All-Russian festival-competition "Crystal Spring", laureate of the competition " from 7 to 12”, winner of the contest “New Fairy Tales – 2014”

Marina Viktorovna was born on August 7, 1978 in the city of Krasnodar. In 2000 she graduated with honors from the Kuban State University, Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations. Works in the State Archives of the Krasnodar Territory as the chief specialist, head of the archives.

Marina Taranenko's passion for literature and love for children found their expression in poetry. Her poems for children were published in Murzilka, in the All-Russian weekly literary and entertainment newspaper Shkolnik, in the magazine Shishkin Les, in the Belarusian magazine Ryukzachok, in the Ukrainian magazine Literary Children's World, in the magazines Volga-XXI century”, “Lights of Kuzbass”, in the Krasnodar periodical press: the newspapers “Kuban Today”, “Man of Labor”, the literary and artistic almanac “Krasnodar Literary”, the magazine “Top-Kid”.

In 2007, a book of poems for kids "Clean" was published, in September 2009 the second book was published - "The Kingdom of Obedience", in 2011 the third - "Where they hang their noses."

Marina Taranenko's poems were included in the collection of poems by Russian-speaking authors "If you lock the wind" (Chelyabinsk) and the collection of poems and fairy tales by the authors of the International Creative Association of Children's Authors "Rezhimkina Book".

In 2014, Marina Viktorovna became the Laureate of the All-Russian Literary Festival-Competition "Crystal Spring", having received a diploma of the first degree in the nomination "Literary Creativity for Children". The festival was founded by the Writers' Union of Russia on the initiative of the Orel Writers' Organization. The jury of the competition, which includes famous poets and prose writers from different cities of Russia, unanimously decided to recommend the candidacy of the Krasnodar poetess Marina Taranenko for admission to the Writers' Union of Russia.

On October 31, 2014, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the National Literary Prize "Golden Pen of Russia - 2014" was held at the Central House of Writers in Moscow. Among the winners of this award in the Children's nomination was Marina Taranenko. She received a diploma of the Golden Laureate and became the owner of a special prize in the nomination "Poetry" and "Prose" works "Afternoon Tale", "I'm getting tiny", "How I got lost" and others.

In February 2014, Marina Viktorovna Taranenko became the inspirer of the presentation of the collection of fairy tales "Oh, if only ...", published at the polygraph center in Uzhgorod. This book includes fairy tales of twenty-seven Russian and Ukrainian authors, including Marina Taranenko's fairy tale "Yesterday". This presentation was held by the Krasnodar Regional Children's Library named after the Ignatov brothers together with the Crimean Central Children's Library in the social rehabilitation center "Lada" for minors (Krymsk).

It is safe to say that the rich creative potential of Marina Taranenko will allow her to delight her young readers with new cheerful and kind books.

Literature about the life and work of M. V. Taranenko

Taranenko Marina Viktorovna // Kuban Library. - Krasnodar, 2010. - Volume 7: Kuban writers for children. - S. 309.

Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko

Poet, journalist, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

member of the Union of Journalists, laureate of the Krasnodar Territory Administration Award

Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko was born on August 1, 1951 in the village of Bryukhovetskaya, Krasnodar Territory. Here in 1968 he graduated from high school. He entered the philological faculty of the Adyghe Pedagogical Institute. In 1973 he received a diploma of a teacher of Russian language and literature, worked in the Donetsk region in a boarding school.

In 1976, the first publications of his poems appeared in the newspapers and magazines of Donetsk. In the same year, Vladimir Nesterenko returned to Bryukhovetskaya and has since lived in his native village.

In 1988 he was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Books by Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko were published in Moscow and Krasnodar. His poems are published in various newspapers and magazines, including Murzilka and Pionerskaya Pravda. Funny poems, riddles and tongue twisters from Vladimir Nesterenko were included in the one-volume Journey with Murzilka, which contains the best publications of the magazine over its 70-year history.

In addition to poetry, he writes stories, essays, fables, miniatures, parodies.

Vladimir Nesterenko is a master of short, capacious verse. He is the author of 30 books, his poems are included in anthologies, collections and textbooks on children's literature. In the series “I Can Read,” a manual for younger students “Letter by Letter” was published, which includes his poems.

The main source of heat and light in the poetry of Vladimir Nesterenko is love for his native land, his father's house, for people. Poems of the poet are addressed to children.

In the artistic world of Vladimir Dmitrievich, any path far from home should always lead to the hearth (“Path”), and the best places are called “homeland” (“Quiet Places”).

The poet uses a variety of poetic forms. A favorite genre is a lyrical miniature, which can become a plot poem, a landscape sketch, a riddle poem or a joke, and a game form “tell me a word” that has long been loved by kids.

Poems about the seasons tell about the labor of the villagers. Their constant concern for bread finds an echo in the hearts of young readers, and their hard work becomes an object of reverence and respect.

Vladimir Dmitrievich continues the best poetic traditions of Russian children's literature. In 2004, he created his own poetic version of the Russian alphabet - "ABC on the contrary" and received the regional administration's award in the field of culture for the book for children "Boots on the Wrong Foot". In 2005, a coloring book with poems by the poet "Cock Calendar" and a publication dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory - "Front Award" appeared. For the book "Front Award" at the Moscow Book Festival in 2006, Nesterenko received a diploma for the patriotic education of the younger generation.

Vladimir Dmitrievich was awarded the medal "For Distinguished Labor" and a diploma from the Second Artiades of Russia festival of arts.

One of the last books of the poet "Our Motherland - Kuban" - beautifully published, wonderfully illustrated, with delicate watercolor landscapes, with a funny and poetic cover. You just don't want to put the book down. “I love my small homeland,” the author writes in a short preface, “as well as my big one, Russia.” And every poem, every line is permeated with this love.

Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko does an important job: he teaches young readers to poetry, inseparable from folk traditions and true human values.

Bessonova Y. Why are we drawn to a foreign culture? : [Vladimir Nesterenko about books, education and upbringing] / Yu. Bessonova // Arguments and Facts South. - 2013. - No. 8. - P. 3.

Vladimir Dmitrievich Nesterenko // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 129 - 131.

Rhymed notebook: [a selection of articles about the poet V. D. Nesterenko] // Kuban writer. - 2011. - No. 8. – P. 6.

Shevel A. Kind, bright book: [about the book of Vladimir Nesterenko "Our friendly family"] / A. Shevel // Kuban today. - 2013. - No. 4. - P. 4.

Vadim Petrovich Nepodoba

Poet, prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation

Vadim Petrovich Nepoba was born on February 26, 1941 in the family of a sailor in Sevastopol, which became the scene of fierce battles in the first months of World War II. Vadim's mother with two children managed to leave the city shortly before the fall of the Black Sea fortress on one of the last warships. In the difficult year of 1942, they were sheltered by the Kuban.

Much later, in one of his books, Vadim Nepodoba wrote: “Three corners of the earth are especially close to me: lilac-blue Sevastopol, where I was born just before the war and spent the first year of my life in the fourth defense sector; the city of Abinsk is the birthplace of my parents, the fatherland that saved my life during the occupation of the Kuban, Belorechensk, where we arrived shortly after the liberation of those places from the Nazis where we spent our childhood and youth ... "

The first poems of the fifteen-year-old poet were published in 1956 in the regional newspaper Belorechenskaya Pravda. In 1958, after graduating from high school, Vadim Nepoba studied at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute, taught literature and Russian in rural schools in the Kuban. In 1969, Vadim Petrovich returned to Krasnodar, worked in the regional youth newspaper "Komsomolets Kuban", a correspondent for the editorial office of the rural life of the regional radio.

In 1972, his first book, The Fiery Flower, was published, and in 1975, the poetry collection Corner of the Earth.

"A corner of the earth" - this is how the poet calls his small homeland, where he grew up, explored the world, studied and worked.

In 1975, Vadim Nepodoba became a member of the VI All-Union Conference of Young Writers. In 1977, after the publication of a new poetic book "Thunderstorm over the House" in the Moscow publishing house Sovremennik, he was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

In 1979, Nepoba entered the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in Moscow. After completing the course, he worked as a literary consultant in the Regional Writers' Organization, later, for ten years, as an editor at the Krasnodar book publishing house.

Vadim Petrovich Nepoba participated in the work on the multi-volume "Book of Memory", which includes lists of Kuban people who died, died from wounds and went missing during the Great Patriotic War.

The books "Rod", "A Handful of Earth", collections of poems for children were published in the 1980s. Funny poems about caring for nature, about birds and animals were included in the book “About the Bezymyanka River” and “The Sun Woke Up”. Two stories about the life of post-war adolescents were included in the collection "Early Frosts".

By the fiftieth anniversary of the poet, the collection "The Series" was published, where poems and poems from different years were collected. "Palm morning" - this is the name of one of the sections of the collection, which includes lyrical poems about the Kuban. The poet appears before the reader as a singer of his native land, the Kuban nature.

In 1996, the books compiled and edited by him were published: “The Feat of the Kuban-Chernobyl” and “There are prophets in their Fatherland” - about an outstanding surgeon, our contemporary and countryman V. I. Onopriev.

In 2000, a new collection by Vadim Petrovich, Splashes of Pontus Euxinus, was released.

Pontus Euxinus - this is how the ancient Greeks called the Black Sea, who founded the Bosporan kingdom in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Kuban. The novel is written in the form of memories of the past and reflections on the present.

Vadim Nepodoba devoted his whole life to the Kuban and the Kuban people. He is the author of two dozen books of poetry and prose for children and adults.

Vladimir Petrovich died in Krasnodar in September 2005.

Literature about life and work

Vadim Petrovich Nepoba // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 123 - 128.

Kuropatchenko A. Peerless Vadim Nepoba: / A. Kuropatchenko // Krasnodar news. - 2011. - No. 9. - P. 16.

Limarov L. The soul of a poet: [memories of the poet Vadim Nepodob] / L. Limarov // Krasnodar news. - 2009. - No. 9. - P. 7.

Nepoba Vadim Petrovich // Writers of Kuban: bio-bibliographic reference book / comp. L. A. Gumenyuk, K. V. Zverev. - Krasnodar, 1980. - P. 103 -105.

Nepodoba Vadim Petrovich // Writers of the Kuban - to children / otv. for issue V. Yu. Sokolova. - Krasnodar, 2009. - S. 50 - 53.

Oboyshchikov K. Poets leave everything to people: / K. Oboyshchikov // Dawn. - 2011. - No. 8. - P. 1.

Boris Minaevich

Prose writer, member of the Writers' Union of the USSR

Boris Minaevich Kasparov was born on October 23, 1918 in the city of Armavir. Here he studied at school, was fond of art, sports. After graduation, he was drafted into the Red Army. Boris Minaevich served in the Transcaucasus, in the border troops on the border with Turkey. Impressions from what he saw formed the basis of his first book, the historical novel "On the West Bank", in which he writes about the Cossacks of the Black Sea army.

The Great Patriotic War found Boris Kasparov in the army. In June 1941, Lieutenant Kasparov took part in the battles against the Nazi invaders. Boris Minaevich had to go through a lot. He was wounded, shell-shocked, captured, escaped. Fought with the Nazis in a partisan detachment. After that, he returned to the active army, commanded a mortar unit, and served in regimental intelligence.

When Boris Minaevich returned to his native Armavir, his chest was decorated with military awards: the Order of the Red Star, the medals "For Courage", "For the Capture of Warsaw" and others.

Boris Minaevich Kasparov devoted his first stories: "The End of Nairi", "Ruby Ring", "Towards the Sun" to military topics. They were published in the Soviet Warrior magazine. He submitted these publications to the competition at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, where he entered in 1949. After graduating from the institute in 1953, he worked as a literary contributor to the Sovetskaya Kuban newspaper. His works were published in the magazines "Kuban", "Around the World", "Don", in the newspapers "Soviet Kuban", "Soviet Armavir".

Since 1958, one after another, his books have been published: “On the West Bank”, “Road of Blue Stalactites”, “Dürer's Copy”, “Twelve Months”, “The Equation with Three Zeros”, “Ashes and Sand”, “ Liszt's Rhapsody", "The Stars Shine on Everyone".

In these works, B. M. Kasparov acts as a master of a sharp plot, able to interest the reader.

Kasparov's stories are permeated with ardent love for the Motherland. He wrote about brave, kind and courageous people, true patriots of their Motherland.

This direction in the writer's work was clearly manifested in his plays "Memory", "Seventh Day", "Dragon's Teeth". In the play "Seventh Day". Boris Minaevich spoke about the most difficult first days of the war. His plays were successful in the Armavir and Krasnodar drama theaters.

The circle of children's reading included the stories "On the West Bank", "Dürer's Copy", "Rhapsody of Liszt", "Ashes and Sand" and others.

"Dürer's Copy" is one of the most famous works of B. M. Kasparov. The story is written so vividly and talentedly that the events described in it are perceived as really happening. In May 1945, in the first days after the war, a young Red Army officer was appointed assistant commandant in a small German town to help the locals establish a peaceful life. But an unpleasant event occurs: the manager of the Grunberg estate shot himself. This man survived the fascist regime, was loyal to the Soviet government and suddenly shot himself when the city was liberated from the Nazis. "Murder or suicide?" the senior lieutenant asks himself and begins his own investigation. The mysterious events associated with a copy of the painting by Albrecht Dürer, the great German painter of the Renaissance, cannot but captivate the reader. The plot of the book resonates with the real story of the rescue of paintings from the Dresden Gallery and other treasures of world art by Soviet soldiers.

A street in the city of Armavir is named after the writer Boris Minaevich Kasparov.

Literature about life and work

Bakaldin V. Boris Minaevich Kasparov / V. Bakaldin // Kasparov B. Two stories / B. Kasparov. - Krasnodar, 1972. - P. 3.

Kasparov Boris Minaevich // Great Kuban Encyclopedia: Vol. 1: Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary. - Krasnodar, 2005. - P. 129.

Kasparov Boris Minaevich // Writers of the Kuban: a biographical guide / comp. N. F. Velengurin. - Krasnodar, 1970. - S. 16.

Evgeny Vasilievich Shchekoldin

Poet, composer

Evgeny Vasilievich Shchekoldin was born on April 23, 1939 in the village of Severskaya, Krasnodar Territory. He spent his childhood in the village of Krymskaya, his great-grandfather was one of the first to cut down a hut there. More than half a century lives in the city of Abinsk.

One of the first childhood memories of the poet refers to the military year of 1943: a Nazi bomb hit the house, and they were left without a roof over their heads. And the most joyful day in my life is the return of my father from the war, wounded, but alive. And soon a brass band created by him sounded in the village. His father is a conductor of brass bands, he was educated in Tsarist Russia.

Eugene followed his father's path: he graduated from a music school, worked with brass and pop orchestras over the years, taught at a music school, and composed music himself.

Seeing his passion for poetry, his father introduces Yevgeny to a wonderful writer - Alexander Pavlovich Arkhangelsky, who had a serious influence on the poetic work of E. V. Shchekoldin. In his poems, he writes about our time and love for his native land. Shchekoldin's poetic lines are musical and simple. Pictures of rural life filled with sounds and smells are reflected in the poems “Rooks”, “Prayer”, “Dog Mongrel”, “Russian Mother”, “Springs near the Abinka River”.

You are my springs, springs

From the distant singing summer

I know, there, by the Abinka River,

You are waiting for a whirlwind poet.

With special poetic images-strokes, he paints pictures of his native nature.

Only here do not lie, do not dissemble,

Here, at these holy springs,

Where someone left a melody

For my village poems.

Evgeny Vasilyevich loves children very much. He is the author of several children's books: "What the Cricket Told Us", "The Foal", "The Feathered Chorus" and others. In poems addressed to the little reader, the author rejoices in the bright, colorful world of childhood.

Hello little friend

Sit with me, listen

How the cricket sings in the night

How it caresses the soul.

In the book The Feathered Choir, the poet invites you to wake up in the morning and rejoice at the rising sun, listen to the birds singing in the grove conducted by Maestro Nightingale.

Dear friend, wake up, wake up,

Bow to the field, forest, -

There, with love so far

Morning praises the bird choir.

The book "Guess-ka", composed of riddle verses, is a window into the world of knowledge for a child. Riddles are read by children and their parents with pleasure.

E. V. Shchekoldin does not cease to engage in musical creativity, to compose music for his poems. One of Evgeny Shchekoldin's romances "A Distant Friend" was included in his repertoire by the famous Russian singer Boris Shtokolov.

In 1997, in Paris, he took part in the creation of music for the film "Emigrants". In early 1998, Shchekoldin met with Mikhail Tanich, one of the best songwriters, who gave a good assessment of his song lyrics.

One of the important events in the creative life of the poet and musician Shchekoldin is the release of the musical album “Letter from Russia”.

Shchekoldin's books and songs are known and loved by admirers of his work. And the poet, composer and performer of songs is full of creative energy, continues to write poems and songs.

You can read about the life and work of Evgeny Vasilyevich Shchekoldin:

Writers of the Kuban - for children / comp. Krasnodar Regional Children's Library. brothers Ignatov; resp. for issue V. Yu. Sokolova. - Krasnodar: Tradition, 2007. - 91 p.


Boris Evgenievich

Prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, candidate of historical sciences,
Professor of the Kuban Technological University

Born December 20, 1926 in the Kuban in the village of Umanskaya (now Leningradskaya). Youth years passed through the war. At the age of sixteen, Boris became a soldier, participated in the liberation of Warsaw and the capture of Berlin, was awarded eight military awards.

After demobilization, Boris Evgenievich entered the history department of the university in the city of Rostov-on-Don, finished it in a year and five months. He worked as a teacher in the schools of Krasnodar, defended his PhD thesis.

Tumasov's first books, Stories and Tales and Traveler Bear, were published in the late 1950s.

Boris Evgenievich is the author of many historical novels and stories "On the borders of the South", "Zalesskaya Rus", "The Unknown Land", "Fierce Dawns", "Hard Times", "May the Principality of Moscow be great", "Thy will be done" and others. It was this genre that brought him real reader recognition.

The first historical story by B. Tumasov "On the Borders of the South", published in 1962, tells about the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, freedom-loving and courageous people who came to the Kuban, to the lands of the former Tmutarakan principality, in 1794.

The pages of the story "Rus Zalesskaya", published in 1966 by the Krasnodar book publishing house, take the reader to the reign of the Moscow prince Ivan Kalita, during which the foundation of Moscow's power was laid.

In 1967, Boris Evgenievich Tumasov was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

In 1968, the Krasnodar book publishing house published B. Tumasov's story "Beyond the Threshold of Youth", dedicated to the memory of fallen comrades. There were four of them, inseparable school friends, whom the war scattered on different fronts: Zheka, Zhenya, Ivan and Tolya.

With documentary accuracy, B. Tumasov writes about the hardships of soldier's studies in the reserve infantry regiment, about military exercises, about the solemn and unforgettable taking of the oath.

In the late 1970s, the writer again turns to the history of Ancient Russia. One after another, new books of the writer are published.

The novel "Fierce Dawns" takes readers to the 16th century, when there was a struggle for the annexation of Pskov and Ryazan to Moscow.

Boris Tumasov showed the true passion of the researcher, studying chronicle monuments and archival documents, memoirs and monographs. This helped him maintain authenticity in depicting Russia's past. He managed to present readers with extensive material about the life of the reigning houses of the Russian state from the 10th to the 20th century, to give the most complete artistic panorama of ancient Russian life. Readers are presented with history in novels - a unique, systematized, incomparable work. The entire history of the Russian state from the Rurikids to the Romanovs is conveyed by the writer in the smallest detail - from the costume, weapons, utensils to deep penetration into the thoughts, feelings and actions of its historical characters, and most importantly - into the reasons that caused these actions.

In Moscow, the publishing houses "AST" and "Veche" in the series "Rurikovichi" publish the novels of the writer: "And to be the family of Rurikovichi", "Mstislav Vladimirovich", "To be the Great Principality of Moscow", "False Dmitry I", "False Dmitry II" and others . The reader becomes an invisible witness to the described events from the life of Prince Oleg, Ivan Kalita, impostor Grishka Otrepiev, folk hero, peasant commander Ivan Bolotnikov.

Tumasov is the author of more than thirty books. Six of his works are included in the Golden Library of the Historical Novel series. Boris Evgenievich lives and works in Krasnodar. His books found their reader in Russia, who appreciated the high skill of a talented prose writer.

Biryuk L. Chronicler of the Russian land / L. Biryuk // Free Kuban. - 2006. - December 20 (No. 193). - p. 5.

Biryuk L. New life of the famous novel / L. Biryuk // Kuban today. - 2007. - No. 48 (April 13). – P. 7.

Boris Evgenievich Tumasov // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 174 - 181.

Mikhailov N. Ancient Russia in modern prose / N. Mikhailov // Roots and shoots / N. Mikhailov. - Krasnodar, 1984. - S. 182 - 192.

Tumasov Boris Evgenievich // Writers of the Kuban: bio-bibliographic reference book / comp. L. A. Gumenyuk, K. V. Zverev. - Krasnodar, 1980. - S. 146-148.

Shestinsky O. Confession to the readers of the "Literary Kuban" / O. Shestinsky // Free Kuban. - 2000. - August 19 (No. 144). – P. 3.


Yuri Nikolaevich

prose writer,

member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

Laureate of the Regional Prize named after K. Rossinsky,

honorary citizen of the city of Krasnodar

“I know that the best place is mine. The best time is mine. These words of Yuri Abdashev largely characterize his work and his human nature. His fate was hard, tragic, but, as he believed, happy.

Yuri Nikolaevich Abdashev was born on November 27, 1923 in Harbin, Manchuria. Children's memory has preserved a lot: he saw the living ataman Semyonov, saw the unforgettable Vertinsky in the costume of Pierrot, who performed on the pop "patch" of the Iveria restaurant, the vaults of the Iberian Church, inscribed with the names of all the fallen in the Russian-Japanese war. The writer recalled about his childhood: “I studied at a rather privileged commercial school and wore a cap with a green edging ... I will say one thing - the world was beautiful for me, the world of spiritual fulfillment ... seemed unshakable, and, probably, its total destruction looks especially tragic ". It all ended in 1936, when the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) was sold, and the Russians began to return to Russia. And although everyone knew about the repressions, my father said firmly: “Enough to wander around foreign lands. Yurka must have a Motherland.”

A year after returning to Russia, his father was arrested and shot, his mother was exiled to the Karaganda camps for ten years. Both would be rehabilitated in 1957. Yuri Abdashev himself, a thirteen-year-old teenager, was assigned to the Verkhotursk closed labor colony in the Northern Urals. The writer will reflect this period of his life in the novel The Sun Smells Like Fire (1999). In the fate of his hero, a teenage boy Sergei Abaturov, the fate of the author is recognized. The young hero of the novel goes through all the trials of life without losing faith in goodness, in justice.

The future writer changed many professions: sawed wood, was a worker of a geological party in the desert of Kazakhstan, sailed on a tugboat as an oilman. These vital universities gave him rich material for future works.

In 1940, having passed the secondary school exams as an external student, Yuri Abdashev entered the English department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute. But the outbreak of war disrupted his plans. In early October 1941, he volunteered for the front, taking part in the winter offensive near Moscow as an ordinary ski battalion. After graduating from the artillery school in 1942, he was assigned to the Caucasus. He fights in an anti-tank regiment that liberated the Kuban from Nazi invaders.

During the war, Yuri Abdashev was wounded twice, awarded two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and military medals.

After the war, Abdashev graduated from the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute. For nine years he worked as an English teacher in the village of Bystry Istok in Altai, and then in the Krasnodar 58th railway school. From 1958 to 1961 he was the executive secretary of the almanac "Kuban".

This period, the beginning of the 60s, includes the publication of his first books: "The Golden Path" and "We are not looking for peace." Stories and stories by Yuri Abdashev are published in youth magazines "Youth", "Change", "Young Guard". The formation of a young man's personality, first love, native nature, relationships between different generations - all this is talentedly reflected in the stories and novels of Yu. N. Abdashev and always touches the soul and heart of the reader.

The action of many of the writer's works takes place on the seashore, we meet with expressive, accurate descriptions of the nature of the Black Sea coast, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the Caucasus Mountains. And against this background, the author draws different characters of people, their fates, aspirations. They are not similar to each other, but all of them are united by a thirst for beauty, a thirst for romance. These people know how to see the beautiful and they themselves have inner beauty.

Writers who went through the war, like no other, know how to appreciate peace and fight for it. Yuri Abdashev managed to bring his own, unique to this topic.

The story "Far from the War" is interesting to read because you meet living, human characters. The work is dedicated to young soldiers, cadets of a military school. Before our eyes, the boys turn into cadets, then into officers. Everyone learns to evaluate himself, his actions by the measure of war. None of these guys knows what is determined for them tomorrow by the fate of the front, although she has already ordered: life - one, death - the other.

The story "The Triple Barrier" is a work about the Great Patriotic War. Events take place in the mountains of the Caucasus. Three soldiers were left as a barrier on a mountain pass in the difficult year of 1942. The purpose of the barrier was not to let enemy scouts and saboteurs through the narrow shepherd's path. An ordinary episode of the war, but for three soldiers it was a great test of fortitude. They died one by one, honestly fulfilling their duty.

In recent years, Yuri Nikolayevich Abdashev has been working on the book Prayer for the Chalice, or 60 Letters to the Grandson. It is dedicated to Harbin, the city of his childhood. The author lifts the veil of silence over such a difficult topic as the life of emigrants in Harbin, a Russian city located on the territory of another country.

In 1998, a wonderful person, a gifted writer was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Krasnodar".

Yu. N. Abdashev died in Krasnodar in January 1999. The light of his talent - writing and human - will not go out in the souls of readers. In 2002, a memorial plaque was opened in Krasnodar on the house at 60 Kommunarov Street, where the writer lived and worked for many years.

Literature about life and work

Abdashev Yuri Nikolaevich // Great Kuban Encyclopedia. - Krasnodar, 2005. - V.1. : Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary. - p. 5.

Abdashev Yuri Nikolaevich // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic reference book. - Krasnodar, 2004. - S. 5-7.

Abdashev Y. Knight of Romance: [a conversation with the writer / recorded by I. Dominova] // Free Kuban. - 1998. - No. 180 (October 3). – P. 8.

Vasilevskaya T. The sun smells of love / T. Vasilevskaya // Krasnodar news. - 1998. - No. 168 (September 12). - p. 5.

Dombrovsky V. Bright eyes and thoughts / V. Dombrovsky // Kuban today. - 2003. - No. 242-243 (November 28). – P. 3.

Writer and a man with a capital letter // Krasnodar news. - 2002. - No. 32 (February 27). - C.2.

More Honorary Citizen of Krasnodar // Krasnodar News. - 1998. - No. 184 (October 6). – P. 3.


Nikolai Stepanovich

prose writer, poet,

member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

Laureate of the Prize of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory

The writer's childhood and early youth were spent in the village of Bogorodskaya Repyevka and in his native city of Ulyanovsk, where he was born on December 30, 1924.

His mother is a city dweller with a gymnasium education, his father is a peasant, and the childhood of the future writer was divided between the city and the countryside. The first literary publication - poems in the newspaper "Be ready!", A little later - in "Pionerskaya Pravda".

In 1943, after graduating from school, N. Krasnov worked at a defense plant as a toolmaker, in the same year he became a soldier. He fought on the Leningrad front, was seriously wounded during the assault on Vyborg. Military awards: Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, medal "For Courage" and others.

War for Nikolai Krasnov is a soldier's thorny roads. The front, offensive battles, wounds, hospitals... Before his eyes appeared a picture of the life of our people fighting against fascism. "I was a drop of that big sea", he will write later. The feat of the people during the Great Patriotic War became the main theme in his work. The author admits in his interviews that, no matter how many years have passed since then, the front-line events are as fresh in memory as if it were yesterday. Nikolai Stepovich tells about an amazing incident that influenced his fate: “After the battle, the commander of a machine-gun company saw among the dead soldiers very similar to me. And my machine gunner friends confirmed it was me. And I stood at the mass grave, where my name was on the list of the dead. I knew some of those buried here... And I cry talking about them all, about that unknown boy who was mistakenly buried under my name. Like any soldier, someone's son, brother or loved one. In my imagination, I often hear his mother, his fiancee, crying, and my heart shrinks from unbearable pain.

The impressions of the war time became the main spiritual wealth of the writer. In 1953-1956 he studied in Moscow at the M. Gorky Literary Institute, in 1965-1967 - at the Higher Literary Courses.

On account of N. Krasnov about three dozen books published in Moscow, Krasnodar, in the cities of the Volga region. Nikolay Krasnov successfully works both in poetry and prose. Collections of his novels and short stories have been published: “Two at the River Gran”, “The Road to Divnoye”, “Morning Light”, “My Faithful Stork” and many others.

In one of the poems, Nikolai Krasnov recalls his old letters scattered all over the world - “and to friends who did not come from the war, and to a loved one who left for another ...”

I won't take away a word.

I can only add

And again

I won't lie a single line...

These words can rightfully be attributed to the entire work of the poet and prose writer Krasnov. Each of his poems, each story is a kind of letter to the reader, unsophisticated and confidential. Nothing is invented here, everything comes from the heart, everything is about the experienced, about the suffering. The memory of the war, love for people, native places, for everything pure and beautiful. Reading his works, we feel a man of great soul, sincere and kind. Life, as it is, looks from each of its pages.

“The poetic perception of life, everything around us is the greatest gift left to us from childhood,” wrote K. Paustovsky. As if echoing him, Krasnov opens the story “The House by the Blooming Meadow” with the words: “ Childhood never goes away. The joy of life, the thirst for discoveries, the ecstasy of beauty, music, poetry, friendship, love, happiness - all this is a continuation of childhood.". How mysterious and wonderful the world appears before the four-year-old Vovka, who first came to the village (“Morning Light”)! Plunging into the atmosphere of childhood, the reader himself becomes a child for a while and, with surprise and joy, re-learns this world in which they live. cool rooster, pinching geese, furious a dog, and cows with calves, and a wonderful bird chernoguz. Discoveries are made here every day, and every new meeting becomes a miracle. Nikolai Krasnov's stories for children are written with love and understanding of their age characteristics.

Living in the Kuban and not writing about the Cossacks is probably impossible. "The Tale of the Cossack Horse" is a wonderful work about a horse and a rider in the Great Patriotic War, where the war is shown through the eyes of a horse. Another story "Horses are walking over the river" is about the modern resurgent Cossacks. It contains bitter memories of decossackization, and pride in fellow soldiers who fought from the Kuban to Prague, and hopes and worries for the fate of the Cossack region.

In Krasnov's prose, the name of the village "Divnoye" is the center of all the brightest. The worldly wisdom of the woman of this village, the old Cossack Lyavonovna - " Love warms a person, hate does not warm"- is characteristic of all the main characters of the books, it is also at the heart of the writer's creative and moral search.

Nikolai Stepanovich Krasnov preaches the philosophy of kindness, brings people the light of high morality, his books are always needed, and especially for those who find it so difficult to find the way to their Divnoy.

Literature about life and work:

Bogdanov V. The era, leaving, does not become the past / V. Bogdanov // Kuban today. - 2001. - January 31 (No. 21). - P. 3.

Bogdanov V. "Apple good" / V. Bogdanov // Kuban today. - 1998. - December 25 (No. 237 - 238). – P. 7.

Zolotussky I. Love warms a person / I. Zolotussky // Native Kuban. - 2004. - No. 4. - S. 76 - 78.

Likhonosov V. On the 80th anniversary of the famous Kuban writer Nikolai Stepanovich Krasnov: simplicity and clarity / V. Likhonosov // Native Kuban. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 75 - 76.

Likhonosov V. Bright house of the poet / V. Likhonosov // Magical days / V. Likhonosov. - Krasnodar, 1998. - S. 143 - 145.

Nikolai Stepanovich Krasnov // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 93 - 97.

Krasnov Nikolai Stepanovich // Writers of Kuban: bio-bibliographic reference book / comp. L. A. Gumenyuk, K. V. Zverev; artistic P. E. Anidalov. - Krasnodar, 1980. - S. 75 -77.

Solovyov G. Invitation to Divnoye / G. Solovyov // Krasnov N. Horses walk over the river: Cossack stories, stories, novel. / N. Krasnov. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 5 - 6.

Yuri Vasilievich


prose writer,

member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

regional branch chairman

Russian Children's Fund,

Cavalier of the Patriarchal Order

Saint Tsarevich Dmitry "For works of mercy",

Diploma of the All-Union competition for the best

artwork for children

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation,

honored teacher of Kuban

Born September 11, 1918 in Omsk. His father worked as an accountant, his mother worked as a proofreader in a printing house. From an early age, Yuri was taught to do everything himself - tinkering, carpentry, sewing, cutting, gluing. Everyone in the family loved to read, parents often read aloud in the evenings and children were taught to do so. Carried away by reading, the boy himself began to compose. He wrote his first story in the fourth grade, and in the fifth grade he began to publish a monthly family magazine in which he published his stories and made illustrations for them.

In 1936 he graduated with honors from a school in Novosibirsk and entered the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature at the Faculty of Philology. He received his diploma on the day the Great Patriotic War began.

From 1941 to 1943 he fought in the ranks of the army at the front.

After the end of the war, he lived in Novosibirsk, where he began his professional literary career. Yuri Salnikov worked as a correspondent for the Novosibirsk Committee of Radio Broadcasting, head of the literary part of the Novosibirsk Theater for Young Spectators (TYUZ), head of the editorial office of the Siberian Lights magazine.

In 1952, his first book of short stories, In the Circle of Friends, was published.

In 1954, Yuri Vasilievich Salnikov was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Later, more than 30 of his books were published in different parts of the country - in Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Moscow and Krasnodar, where the writer moved in 1962.

Most of the works of Yu. V. Salnikov are devoted to adolescents: “Gali Perfileva’s Exam”, “Talk about a Hero”, “Under the Hot Sun”, “Sixth Graders”, “To Always Be Fair”, “Man, Help Yourself”, “Sooner or Later ".

The story "Jumper with Blue Trees" was awarded an Honorary Diploma at the All-Union Competition for the best work of art for children. Two plays - "Your Family" and "Let the Reward Not Near" - were performed on the stage of the Novosibirsk Theater for Young Spectators, and the play "Price" was included in the repertoire of the Moscow Drama Theater.

Yuri Vasilyevich Salnikov worked in a variety of genres. He wrote stories, novels, plays, historical and documentary books, criticism, journalism.

Yuri Vasilyevich Salnikov died in July 2001. On the alley of honorable burials of the Slavic cemetery, a monument was erected to him. There is a memorial plaque on the house where he lived.

Literature about life and work

Danko A. Confession on a given topic / A. Danko // Kuban news. - 2006. - June 7 (No. 82). – P. 6.

Kovina N. Writer who did good / N. Kovina // Krasnodar news. - 2002. - August 1 (No. 121). – S. 2.

Lobanova E. The talent of a writer and mentor / E. Lobanova // Pedagogical Bulletin of the Kuban. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 26 - 27.

Mayorova O. For deeds of mercy / O. Mayorova // Free Kuban. - 2002. - September 13 (No. 163). – P. 3.

Salnikov Yuri Vasilyevich // Writers of the Kuban: bio-bibliographic reference book / comp. L. A. Gumenyuk, K. V. Zverev. - Krasnodar, 1980. - S. 128 - 132.

Sergey Nikanorovich


Poet, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

Laureate of the Regional Prize K. Rossinsky

Sergei Nikanorovich Khokhlov was born on June 5, 1927 in the Smolensk region, in the village of Melikhovo, into a peasant family. From an early age, the father taught his son to peasant labor. In 1936, the family moved to the Kuban, to the village of Vasyurinskaya. In February 1944 they moved to Krasnodar.

After the death of his father, at the age of 14, Sergei began his career. He worked on an expedition to measure the railway track, as a helmsman on a tugboat, as a combine and tractor driver on a collective farm, and as a worker at a factory. In 1947, he restored Krasnodar destroyed by the Nazis, built the Krasnodar Thermal Power Plant, and was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

The first poem by Sergei Khokhlov "Willow" was published in the regional newspaper. The poem interested the Kuban composer Grigory Plotnichenko and marked the beginning of a long fruitful collaboration.

In 1957, the first collection of poetry by Sergei Khokhlov "Spring Dawn" was published by the Krasnodar Book Publishing House. Selections of Khokhlov's poems are published in the newspapers Komsomolets Kuban and Sovetskaya Kuban. In the early 1960s, the Krasnodar book publishing house published two of his new books: poems for kids "Fox-fisher" and a collection of poems and poems "Blue Nights".

1963 was a significant milestone in the life of the young poet. This year, Sergei Khokhlov participated in the IV All-Union Conference of Young Writers and was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Poetry collections are published one after another: “People are so different”, “White planes”, “Long day”, “Surprise”, “Coast of silence” and others published in Moscow and Krasnodar.

The poet is published a lot in the magazines "October", "Sovremennik", "Young Guard", "Rural Life", "Change", "Our Contemporary", "Family and School", "Literary Russia", on the pages of regional periodicals.

In 1992, for the book of poems "Premonition" Sergei Khokhlov won the prize of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation.

For the book “Inescapable Light”, published in 1994, Sergey Nikanorovich Khokhlov was awarded the Literary Prize to them by the Krasnodar Territory Administration. K. Rossinsky.

More than 60 songs were written by Sergei Nikanorovich in collaboration with composers G. Ponomarenko, G. Plotnichenko, V. Zakharchenko. But he considers the song “Kuban Blue Nights” written in the 1950s to the music of G. Plotnichenko, which received national recognition, as his “calling card”.

Literature about life and work:

Martynovsky A. Inescapable light: about Sergei Nikanorovich Khokhlov / A. Martynovsky // Kuban writer. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 4.

Petrusenko I. Poet Sergey Khokhlov and songs are not his poems / I. Petrusenko // Kuban in song / I. Petrusenko. - Krasnodar, 1999. - S. 385 - 391.

Reshetnyak L. Race with the epoch: poet Sergey Khokhlov / L. Reshetnyak // Kuban News. - 2011. - September 23 (No. 161). – p. 21

Sergei Nikanorovich Khokhlov // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 185 - 189.

Khokhlov S. Apple trees bloomed in the garden near the Bolshoi Theater: a poet about himself / S. Khokhlov // Native Kuban. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 77 - 78.

Khokhlov S. Just about myself: about my first poem and not only about it / S. Khokhlov // Free Kuban. - 2007. - June 5 (No. 81). – P. 7.

Khokhlova M. “In the silence of the century I won’t sink”: a conversation about my father’s poems / M. Khokhlova // Kuban writer. - 2007. - No. 5. - S. 3 - 4.

Khokhlova M. Daughter about her father / M. Khokhlova // Native Kuban. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 83 - 84.

Pyotr Karpovich Ignatov


prose writer,

member of the Union of Writers of the USSR,

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

Pyotr Karpovich Ignatov was born on October 10, 1894 in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, in the family of a miner. After elementary school, he entered the school of marine minders to study as a ship mechanic. The premature death of his father, the breadwinner of the family, forced him to quit his studies and go to work in a mechanical workshop. Later, the young man moved to Petrograd and got a job as a mechanic at the Ericsson plant. Here he became close to the underground Bolsheviks and in 1913 joined the Bolshevik Party.

During the days of the revolution and the Civil War, Pyotr Karpovich took an active part in the formation of the Red Guard detachment, fought bandits in the ranks of the workers' militia, fought the White Guards, and delivered food to the starving Petrograd.

In 1923, Pyotr Karpovich moved with his family to the Kuban. Working in various areas of economic construction, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Timber Industry on the job.

In June 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. In August 1942, the Nazis approached Krasnodar, and the threat of occupation loomed over the Kuban. In our region, 86 partisan detachments were formed. Pyotr Karpovich Ignatov was given the task of creating a partisan detachment of miners to fight the Nazi invaders. The detachment was named "Dad", Pyotr Karpovich was appointed its commander.

Together with him, his sons became partisans: engineer of the Glavmargarin plant Yevgeny and a ninth-grade student Genius, as well as his wife Elena Ivanovna. P. K. Ignatov later spoke in detail about the actions of the Batya detachment in his books: The Life of a Common Man, Notes of a Partisan, Our Sons, Hero Brothers, Krasnodar Underground.

In one of the military operations, both sons of Pyotr Karpovich died heroically.

In the summer of 1944, Ignatov's first book appeared - "Brothers-Heroes", dedicated to the memory of his dead sons. And at the end of the same year, the first part of his trilogy "Notes of a Partisan" - "In the foothills of the Caucasus" - was published. This is the story of an eyewitness and a participant in the events about the creation of the Batya partisan detachment, about the harsh life of partisans in the mountains, full of dangers.

In 1948, the second and third books of the trilogy were published.

The second book of the trilogy "Underground of Krasnodar" tells about the organization of an underground group in the occupied city, about the courage, heroism and resourcefulness of the Krasnodar underground in the fight against the enemy.

The Blue Line is the third book, also based on documentary material.

After the war, Pyotr Karpovich retired for health reasons and devoted himself entirely to literary work. From his pen came the stories: “Our Sons”, “The Life of a Simple Man”, “Blue Soldiers”, “Children of a Labor Family” and others. In total, Ignatov wrote 17 books. His works have been translated into 16 foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Chinese, Polish and others. He received many letters, including from abroad, from his readers.

The books of Pyotr Karpovich Ignatov are not just a family chronicle. First of all, these are works in which the writer depicted the patriotic impulse of the Soviet people, who rose from young to old to defend their country, who saved their homeland and the peoples of Europe from fascism.

In 1949, P. K. Ignatov became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, was engaged in social activities a lot, was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Regional Council of People's Deputies, and talked a lot with young people. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Orders of the October Revolution and the Badge of Honor, and many medals.

Pyotr Karpovich Ignatov passed away in September 1984.

Literature about life and work:

Ignatov Petr Karpovich // Writers of the Kuban: a bio-bibliographic reference book / comp. L. A. Gumenyuk, K. V. Zverev. - Krasnodar, 1980. - S. 62 - 65.

Inshakov P. Petr Karpovich Ignatov / P. Inshakov. - Krasnodar: Krasnodar book publishing house, 1969. - 48 p.

Krasnoglyadova L. The extraordinary life of an ordinary person / L. Krasnoglyadova // The life of a simple person / L. Krasnoglyadova. - Moscow, 1980. - S. 5 - 9.

BelyakovIvan Vasilievich

member of the Writers' Union of the USSR

Belyakov was born on December 8, 1915 in the village of Mokry Maidan, Gorky Region, then moved with his family to the city of Gorky. Studying at a factory training school and a railway technical school, serving in the railway troops in the Far East - the beginning of the life path of the future poet. Maybe this is the native Volga region, the unique beauty of nature, where he spent his childhood, and pushed the young Belyakov to literary work.

In 1938 he entered the M. Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow. And when the Great Patriotic War began, Ivan Vasilievich, without hesitation, leaves the 3rd year of the institute for the front. These were years of trials for the whole country and for the young poet, who went from an ordinary soldier to an officer, first at the headquarters of the 49th Rifle Corps, then, after being wounded, at the restoration work in the railway troops. Wherever the war threw I. Belyakov - he was a company technician, a senior technician of a battalion, and a correspondent for the newspaper "Military Railwayman" - his love for poetry, the desire to create did not leave him.

In 1947, after demobilization, Ivan Vasilievich arrived in the Kuban. He worked in the newspapers "Soviet Kuban" and "Komsomolets Kuban".

One after another, his books, collections of songs, poems, fairy tales are published. It is published in the newspapers Pionerskaya Pravda, Literaturnaya Gazeta, magazines Znamya, Druzhnye Rebyata, Young Naturalist, Bonfire, Murzilka, Krokodil, Ogonyok, Don.

In 1957, Belyakov was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

In all the works of the poet, children's themes sound. A combat officer who went through a cruel, bloody war began to write kind, bright books for children about “blue-eyed boys”, about “little Larisa”, who has “freckles on her ruddy face”. He became a children's poet. He wanted the boys and girls to know about their dead peers, who never had time to grow up, grow up. It was this that prompted the poet to compose poems about the Kuban Cossack girl Petya Chikildin from the detachment of the famous Kochubey, about Kolya Pobirashko, a young scout from the village of Shabelsky. Belyakov managed to show in the little heroes an adult understanding of courage and courage in the name of the Motherland. The theme of patriotism has become a hallmark of the poet's work. With the help of expressive artistic means, the author emphasized the idea that a person who gave his life to the people, the Motherland, is immortal.

In 1970, the Krasnodar book publishing house published a book of poems by I. Belyakov "Eternal Youth". In it, he spoke about the pioneers and Komsomol members who died in battles for their homeland on the fronts of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.

Many poems by I. Belyakov glorify the beauty of nature. Her eternal voice is heard in them: the sound of water, wind, the hubbub of birds, the whisper of a ripening field, the whole rainbow of colors of the steppe expanse is seen. The cycles “I help my mother”, “Flying light”, “Sun splashes” reveal to the children the wonderful world of plants and animals. The author encourages young readers not to pass by the beauties of nature, to comprehend its secrets.

The tales “Once Upon a Spring” and “The Hare Built a House”, included in the collection “Merry Round Dance”, teach children to love animals.

The constant companion of the poet is humor. A sense of humor makes poems more interesting, helps to reveal the content, and creates an optimistic mood. So, the woodpecker in the poem of the same name “He is dressed like a worker – comfortable, simple, smart. He wears a crimson beret and a motley overall. He sharpened his tool with special diligence.. A playful description of the appearance of a woodpecker does not interfere with the disclosure of its main qualities - diligence aimed at benefiting others.

The poems “Do not be shy, sparrow”, “Jackdaw” and others are devoted to the education in children of kindness, cordiality, and respect for feathered friends.

Ivan Vasilyevich wrote more than 40 books. They were published in Krasnodar, Stavropol, in the central publishing houses "Young Guard", "Children's Literature", "Soviet Russia", "Kid".

Ivan Vasilyevich died in December 1989.

Literature about the work of I. V. Belyakov

Belyakov Ivan Vasilyevich // Writers of the Kuban: bio-bibliographic reference book / comp. L. A. Gumenyuk, K. V. Zverev; artistic P. E. Anidalov. - Krasnodar, 1980. - S. 20-25.

Mikhalkov S. Foreword / S. Mikhalkov // Belyakov I. Burn, bonfire! / I. Belyakov. - Krasnodar: Prince. publishing house, 1975. - S. 5.

Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym

Born on July 24, 1931 in the city of Krasnodar. In 1951 he was drafted into the army and served in the Black Sea Fleet. After demobilization, he returned to his native city, worked as a radiologist, graduating in absentia from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Medical College.

Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym is a radiologist by profession, and by vocation he is a local historian, researcher, and writer. Since 1966 he began to publish in the magazines "Literary Russia", "Literary Ukraine", in regional newspapers, in the almanac "Kuban".

In 1978, his first small book "Etudes on the past and present of Krasnodar" was published. In it, on the basis of archival documents and memoirs of old-timers, the pages of the life of the pre-revolutionary city were restored in detail. The material contained in the book was unknown to a wide range of readers, and this immediately made the "Etudes" a bibliographic rarity.

In 1986, a book by V.P. Bardadym "Guardians of the Kuban Land" - twenty essays about wonderful people who dedicated their lives to their native land. She resurrected many names, undeservedly forgotten and deleted from the history of the Kuban. These are Mikhail Babych, Yakov Kukharenko, Ivan Popka, Fedor Shcherbina, Grigory Kontsevich, Ilya Repin and many others.

The years 1992-1993 became fruitful for the writer, when the 200th anniversary of the capital of Kuban was celebrated. One after another, collections of his stories, historical and literary essays, and poems are published: “Cossack hut”, “Military prowess of the Kuban”, “Silver Spoon”, “Sonnets”.

In 1992, the book "Etudes about Ekaterinodar" was published. The book consists of short stories that merge into a single narrative and gradually introduce the reader into the history of the city where we were born, grew up, live and often ask questions: “What was here before, who built it, why is it called that?”.

In 1995, the book "Architects of Yekaterinodar" was published. It includes sixteen essays on the fate of amazing people who created the unique architectural appearance of the capital of our Cossack region. These were highly educated, first-class architects and artistic engineers: Vasily Filippov, Nikolai Malama, Alexander Kozlov, Ivan Malgerb, Mikhail Rybkin.

Local talents and visiting artists, writers, artists, composers and singers are the main characters of the books “The Literary World of Kuban”, “Idols of the Theater: Etudes of Theater Life”, “Brush and Cutter. Artists in the Kuban”, “Kubans admired them”.

Thanks to the participation of V.P. Bardadym, the house of Ataman Ya. G. Kukharenko was preserved, the house of F. Ya. Bursak was restored and preserved. The historian, writer and true patriot V. P. Bardadym was awarded the Order "For Love and Loyalty to the Fatherland", the Cross "For the Revival of the Cossacks", the medal "For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the Kuban" II degree, the medal "300th Anniversary of the Kuban Cossack Army" , Medal of Merit.

Literature about life and work

Bozhukhin V. Poet of history, goodness and honor / V. Bozhukhin // Krasnodar. - 2001. - N32 (July 27 - August 2). - P. 17.

Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 19-22.

Bardadym V. If Bardadym does not know something, then no one knows: [a conversation with V.P. Bardadym / recorded by L. Reshetnyak] // Kuban News. - 2001. - No. 126-127 (July 27). – P. 7.

Kovina N. Walk around the city with love / N. Kovina // Krasnodar News. - 2002. - No. 178 (October 31). – P. 6.

Korsakova N. "Collector of gold placers ..." / N. Korsakova // Free Kuban. - 2001. - No. 128 (July 24). – S. 2.

Ratushnyak V. Chronicler of the Kuban region / V. Ratushnyak // Kuban today. - 2006. - No. 104 (July 25). – P. 4.

Vitaly Borisovich Bakaldin

Vitaly Borisovich was born in 1927 in Krasnodar in the family of a civil engineer. Because of his father's profession, he often had to move. Vitaly Borisovich lived in North Ossetia and Krondstadt, on the Black Sea coast and the Far East.

On June 30, 1944, the young poet published the first story in his life, "Vovka", for which he received the first prize at the city competition. He was presented with a book and coupons for sugar and bread ... This is such an award in wartime. Then the 15-year-old teenager had a chance to see with his own eyes the victims of the fascist occupation and the liberation of Krasnodar. The theme of war will constantly return in his poems.

Bakaldin's first poems appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines while still studying at the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute, and in 1952 the first poetry collection "To My Friends" was published.

During the work of Vitaly Borisovich as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Krasnodar railway school No. 58, new poems and poems appeared: “The Tough-Toy Princess”, “My City”, “Grass-Ants”. The school firmly entered the heart of the poet.

In 1956, at the age of 29, Vitaly Borisovich was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR, in which he turned out to be the only poet-teacher. The place of the teacher in society, his significance as a spiritual educator is a new topic in literature, discovered by Bakaldin.

For more than 10 years he headed the writers' organization of the Kuban, for more than 4 years he was the editor-in-chief of the almanac "Kuban". Vitaly Bakaldin is the author of many poetry collections published in Moscow and Krasnodar.

He writes for the little ones (“Aleshka's Adventures”, “The Russian Port of Novorossiysk”, “In Our Yard”, “Smeshinki”), for teenagers “The Princess is Touchy”) on any topic simply and truthfully.

Kindness, cordiality are the main things in Bakaldin's poems. But over the years, sunny, major tones and colors become more restrained. Vitaly Borisovich showed not only the strength of his talent, but also real civil courage in the poems “Resuscitation”, “Bitter Confession”, “August 1991”, “That's the point” ...

Bakaldin's play "Mountain Daisy" to music by E. Alabina was staged at the Krasnodar Operetta Theater, and songs based on his poems became popular.

About V.B. Bakaldin and his work:

Bakaldin Vitaly Borisovich: Biographical information // Writers of the Kuban: Bibliographic reference book. – Krasnodar, 1980. – P.15–19.

The city honors its poet: [Celebrations on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creative and 45th anniversary of the pedagogical activity of V. B. Bakaldin] \\ Krasnodar News.–1994. - 30 June. - C.1.

Yudin V. Light behind the cosmos of nights: [On the 70th anniversary of Vitaly Bakaldin] / V. Yudin // Free Kuban. - 1997. - May 24. - C.1.8

Postol M. Poetry of truth, anger and struggle: [Poet V. Bakaldin] / M. Postol // Free Kuban. - 1998. - December 11. - C.1.8

Arkhipov V. “Love and sorrow of my era live in me ...”: [On the 75th anniversary of the poet Vitaly Bakaldin] / V. Arkhipov / / Kuban today. - 2002. - June 14. - C16.

Biryuk L. Sung Krasnodar: [The work of Vitaly Bakaldin, dedicated to our city] / L. Biryuk // Free Kuban. - 2004. - December 11. – P.14.

Konstantinova Yu. Two volumes of confession ...: [About the new two-volume collection of poems by Vitaly Bakaldin "Favorites"] / Yu. Konstantinova // Free Kuban. - 2005. - May 24. - p.8.

Biryuk L. Only forty-five minutes for a lesson ...: [Vitaly Bakaldin about teachers, the modern school and one of the facets of his work associated with this profession, as a former teacher] / L. Biryuk
// Free Kuban. - 2005. - October 5. - S.1,6-7.

Expensive reward: [Vitaly Bakaldin was awarded the title of laureate of the Mikhail Sholokhov International Prize] // Volnaya Kuban. - 2006. - May 20. – C.2

Lameikin V. About Vitaly Bakaldin - a poet and a man // Free Kuban. - 2007. - February 9. - P.28.

"What I am, time will judge ...": [New poems by Vitaly Bakaldin] // Free Kuban. - 2007. - February 9. - P.28.

Bakaldin V. Bequeathed memory: [On the father of the poet Boris Alexandrovich and the Bakaldin family tree] // Literary Kuban. - 2007. - February 1 - 15. - P. 6 - 8 .; February 16–28.– P.6–8.; March 1 - 15. - P. 6 -7.


Ivan Fedorovich

Ivan Fedorovich Varavva was born on February 5, 1925 in the city of Novobataysk, Rostov Region. During the period of general collectivization, the family was dispossessed, its head was exiled to the Solovetsky Islands, and the parents of the future poet, together with two children, returned to their native Kuban on foot.

In 1942, after graduating from high school in the village of Starominskaya, Ivan Fedorovich volunteered for the front.

In the battle for the Caucasus, Barabbas, in the rank of an ordinary infantry shooter and gunner of company mortars, in the spring of 1943 took part in the breakthrough of the enemy Blue Line in the Novorossiysk direction. In May of the same year, during the assault on the height of the Hill of Heroes, near the village of Krymskaya, he was seriously wounded and shell-shocked. Returning from the hospital, as part of the 290th Novorossiysk motorized rifle regiment, he liberated the city of Novorossiysk from the Nazi hordes.

As a twenty-year-old sergeant in May of the victorious 1945, Ivan Varavva left his autograph on the wall of the Reichstag, in defeated enemy Berlin. He was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degree, the Orders of the Red Star and the Badge of Honor, the medals For Courage, For the Defense of the Caucasus, For the Liberation of Warsaw, For the Capture Berlin".

He wrote his first poems for the divisional newspaper in the trench.

The first notable publication - four poems - took place in 1950, in the anthology of young writers of Ukraine "Happy Youth". Poetic works of student years were published in 1951 in the journal "New World", edited by A. Tvardovsky. In the same year, at the second All-Union Conference of Young Writers in Moscow, in the report of the famous poet Alexei Surkov, Ivan Varavva was named among the best young poets of the country.

For many years, Ivan Fedorovich was engaged in collecting and studying Cossack folklore. The poet was fond of oral folk art, he knew the songs of the Kuban Cossacks well, he himself could sing and play the bandura.

In 1966 he published "Songs of the Cossacks of the Kuban", several dozen works of this genre were included in the anthology "Lyrical Songs. Classical Library "Contemporary". The poet managed to preserve the color, structure, the very spirit of the Cossack song. This is the secret of the high skill of Ivan Fedorovich Barabbas.

Ivan Fedorovich Barabbas never broke the connection with his homeland. He was a faithful son of the Kuban land. The feeling of beauty in the poet's lyrics came from a close feeling of the expanses of his native land and kinship with the folk life of the Kuban. All his poems are imbued with love for the earth.

He was awarded the medal "Hero of Labor of the Kuban", Honorary Ataman of the Pashkovsky Kuren, Honorary Academician of the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts.

Ivan Fedorovich Varavva, an outstanding Russian poet, a true patriot of the Kuban, died in April 2005.

Literature about life and work

Varavva Ivan Fedorovich // Great Kuban Encyclopedia. - Krasnodar, 2005. - V.1: Bibliographic Encyclopedic Dictionary. - P.47.

Znamensky A. Diamonds do not roll on the road ...: reflections on the poetry of Ivan Barabbas / A. Znamensky // Burning bush: about literature, about books / A. Znamensky. - Krasnodar, 1980. - P. 84-100.

Ivan Fedorovich Varavva // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlikely. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 32-34.

Kiryanova I. Cossack and Argonauts / I. Kiryanova // Native Kuban.– 2005.– No. 1.– P. 110-119.

Kovina N. Poetic freemen of Ivan Varavva / N. Kovina // Krasnodar news.– 2004.– No. 17 (February 4).– P. 9.

Petrusenko I. Poet I. Barabbas and songs on his poems / I. Petrusenko // Kuban in song / I. Petrusenko. - Krasnodar, 1999. - P. 365-373.

Slepov A. Varavva Ivan Fedorovich / A. Slepov // On the song folklore of the Kuban: notes / A. Slepov. - Krasnodar, 2000. - P. 127-131.

Chumachenko V. From the Cossack root / V. Chumachenko // Native Kuban.– 1999.– No. 4.– P. 47-49.

Viktor Ivanovich Likhonosov

Born April 30, 1936, at st. Furnaces of the Kemerovo region. His early years were spent in Novosibirsk. Dispossessed by the war, half-starved childhood. In 1943, his father died at the front, the seven-year-old boy stayed with his mother.

The gravitation towards the word, towards Russian speech was instilled in him from childhood. Even at school, literature was a favorite subject for Viktor Likhonosov. In high school, another hobby appeared - school theater. This hobby became so serious that he even tried to enter the theater institute in Moscow, but to no avail. In 1956, Likhonosov moved to Krasnodar and entered the Faculty of Philology at the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute. After graduation, he worked as a rural teacher.

In 1963, V. Likhonosov sent Alexander Tvardovsky his first story "The Bryansks" - about the life of an old man and an old woman in a remote Kuban farm. In the same year, the story was published in the Novy Mir magazine. Then, in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, his stories and novels are published: “Evenings”, “Something will happen”, “Voices in silence”, “Happy moments”, “Clean eyes”, “Relatives”, “Elegy”.

In 1966, Viktor Ivanovich Likhonosov was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

One after another, his travel stories “Someday” (1965), “I Love You Lightly” (1969), “Autumn in Taman” (1970) are published.

"Autumn in Taman" is a story-reflection, a story-monologue. “I have just returned from Taman. I feel fermentation in myself, fascinated, as in my youth, by my native history, but so far all this is musical, not verbal. All worried. And in Taman experienced. She is beautiful when you think about Mstislav and Lermontov in her land...”

This story is a summary of the path the writer has traveled. No wonder it bears the subtitle "Notes after the road." The style of narration is peculiar: the past and the present merge into a single whole. For this work, V. Likhonosov received the title of laureate of the Prize. L. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana".

The novel Our Little Paris, published in 1987 by the Moscow publishing house Soviet Writer, brought real fame to Likhonosov, for which the author was awarded the most prestigious literary award - the State Prize of the RSFSR. The appearance of this book was welcomed by leading Soviet writers: Valentin Rasputin, Vasily Belov, Viktor Astafiev.

The Kuban land became native for the writer. “I ended up in such a quiet, gentle city, where my soul from my youth was not disheveled, neither by the bustle, nor by the rumble of cars, nor by the frantic rhythm, nor by vast distances. I have grown stronger and matured in the silence and tenderness of the south.

The city is the main character of the novel. The past comes alive in memories. Time has no boundaries, and Memory is continuous, linking generations. Throughout the story, the author paints a picture of the stratification of the Cossacks. This is a novel about the tragic fate of the Kuban Cossacks at the beginning of the 20th century.

V. Likhonosov's works have been translated into Romanian, Slovak, Czech, Bulgarian, German, French and other languages. Since 1998, V. Likhonosov has been the editor-in-chief of the literary and historical journal Rodnaya Kuban. Most of his articles, essays and essays are devoted to the protection and preservation of the historical heritage of the Kuban. The writer was awarded a medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences "For an outstanding contribution to the development of Russian literature", a UNESCO diploma "For an outstanding contribution to world culture".

Znamensky A. Novels and stories by V. Likhonosov A. Znamensky // Burning bush: about literature, about books / A. Znamensky. - Krasnodar, 1980. - P. 117-126.

Viktor Ivanovich Likhonosov // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V. P. Unlikely. - Krasnodar, 2000. - P. 103-106.

Cherkashina M. It is necessary to live in silence / M. Cherkashina // Kuban is my pride / ed. T. A. Vasilevskoy. - Krasnodar, 2004. - S. 204-208.

Viktor Nikolaevich

prose writer,

member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

Laureate of the Regional Prize K. Rossinsky,

laureate of the award. A. Znamensky,

five-time winner of the annual award of the Ogonyok magazine,

Honored Worker of Culture of Kuban

Born on November 7, 1925 in the village of Bolshie Veski, Aleksandrovsky District, Vladimir Region, into a peasant family.

In 1943, Viktor Nikolaevich was drafted into the army. After studying at the Irkutsk Military Aviation School of Aircraft Mechanics, from 1944 to 1950, he served in aviation units in the Kuban - in the villages of Kavkazskaya, Novotitarovskaya, in the city of Krasnodar.

After demobilization, in August 1950, Viktor Loginov was accepted into the editorial office of the Novotitarovskaya district newspaper "Under the Banner of Lenin" as an executive secretary, worked in the regional youth newspaper "Komsomolets Kuban".

Viktor Loginov began writing his first novel, The Roads of Comrades, in 1945; it was published in 1952.

In 1956, after the publication of the Pansies collection, Loginov was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. In 1957-1959 he studied at the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in Moscow. During these years, his new books were published: the novel "Difficult Days in Beregovaya", the collections "Autumn Stars", "Familiar Route", "Mallows".

In the 60s, the collections "Alkino Sea", "The Color of Baked Milk", "Across the Road", "Time for Lilies of the Valley", "Alexander's Brides" appeared.

The works of Viktor Loginov were published in well-known periodicals: in the magazines Ogonyok, Znamya, Our Contemporary, Neva, Young Guard. Loginov's books were published by publishing houses in Moscow, Voronezh, Krasnodar, dispersing throughout the country in thousands of copies.

In the late 1970s, the film Our Mutual Friend, directed by Ivan Aleksandrovich Pyriev, was staged based on Viktor Loginov's story “That's why she and love”.

Loginov has written many books for young readers. Among them are the novels “The Road of Comrades”, “The Most Important Secret”, “Oleg and Olga”, the novels “The Tale of First Love”, “Spain, Spain! ..”, “Vityushkin’s Childhood”, “The World is Good”.

According to the writer, literature for young people should be not only interesting, exciting, but also « should teach curiosity, attention to the small details of life, through which much is revealed. Must teach to love their homeland, nature, parents, and in general - people to love, respect them.

Literature about life and work

Biryuk L. Life dedicated to the book: to the 85th anniversary of Viktor Loginov / L. Biryuk // Kuban today. - 2010. - November 5. – P. 3.

Biryuk L. Quiet date: [exactly 50 years ago the Krasnodar book publishing house published a novel by the now famous writer Viktor Nikolaevich Loginov "Difficult days in Beregovoy"] / L. Biryuk // Kuban writer. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 5.

Biryuk L. Singer of Kuban: to the 85th anniversary of the Kuban writer V. Loginov / L. Biryuk // Kuban writer. - 2010. - No. 11. - S. 1, 3.

Viktor Nikolaevich Loginov // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 107-112.

Loginov V. Reflections on the painful / V. Loginov // Kuban today. - 2007. - April 19. – P. 4.

Loginov V. Unquenchable sparks of the Russian word / V. Loginov // Kuban writer. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 7.

Loginov V. Notes on the fate of a prose writer / V. Loginov // Kuban writer. - 2007. - No. 9. - P. 6.

Pokhodzey O. "The City of Happiness" by Viktor Loginov / O. Pokhodzey // Kuban writer. - 2007. - No. 4. - P. 8.

Khoruzhenko L. Viktor Loginov - laureate of the Anatoly Znamensky Prize / L. Khoruzhenko // Kuban today. - 2007. - September 26. – P. 6.

Kronid Alexandrovich Obishchikov

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR - Russia,

member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR - Russia,

Honored Worker of Culture of Kuban,

Commander of the Order of the Red Star,

Cavalier of the Order of the Patriotic War II degree,

awarded 17 medals for participation in the Great Patriotic War,

Honored Art Worker of Kuban,

honorary member of the regional association of Heroes of the Soviet Union,

Russia and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory,

Laureate of the Regional Literary Prize named after N. Ostrovsky 1985,

Laureate of the Regional Literary Prize named after E. Stepanova 2002,

awarded the medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of the Kuban" I degree,

sign of the Minister of Defense "For Patronage over the Armed Forces",

memorial signs to them. A. Pokryshkin and "For loyalty to the Cossacks."

He was born on April 10, 1920 on the Don land, in the village of Tatsinskaya. At the age of ten he moved with his parents to the Kuban. He lived in the village of Bryukhovetskaya, the cities of Kropotkin, Armavir, Novorossiysk. The first poem "The Death of a Stratostratus" was published in the newspaper "Armavirskaya Kommuna" in 1936, when Kronid Aleksandrovich was in the eighth grade. After leaving school, he worked in the port, at the elevator. But he always dreamed of becoming a pilot. His dream came true in 1940, he graduated from the Krasnodar Aviation School.

From the first day of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in the battles on the South-Western Front, then, as part of the air regiment of the Northern Fleet, he covered caravans of allied ships. “... I had to fly in winter and summer over the taiga, sometimes in very difficult weather conditions. You can believe me that even then the bright creative talent of our recognized regimental poet Kronid Oboyshchikov helped to solve all these complex tasks,” recalls Aleksey Uranov, laureate of the State Prize. During the war, Kronid Alexandrovich made forty-one sorties. He devoted two difficult decades to military aviation, fulfilling his duty as a defender of the Motherland with courage, dignity and honor.

His first collection of poems, Anxious Happiness, was published in Krasnodar in 1963. In the same year he became a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR, and in 1968 - a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. In total, the poet published 21 poetic collections of poems, seven of which are for children. Many songs have been written to Oboyshchikov's poems by composers Grigory Ponomarenko, Viktor Ponomarev, Sergey Chernobay, Vladimir Magdalits.

The poems of Kronid Alexandrovich have been translated into Adyghe, Ukrainian, Estonian, Tatar and Polish.

He is one of the authors and compilers of the collective collections "Glorious Sons of the Kuban", dedicated to the Kuban Heroes of the Soviet Union, and the albums "Golden Stars of the Kuban", for which in 2000 he was accepted as an honorary member of the Regional Association of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Russia and full holders of the Order Glory.

The main theme of his works is the courage and heroism of pilots, front-line brotherhood, the beauty of the earth and human souls.

Literature about the work of K.A. Oboyshchikov:

Grineva L. Russian Mother Award / L. Grineva // Kuban News. - 2002. - May 21. - p.7.

The roads we walked on: The famous Kuban poet Kronid Oboyshchikov turns 80 on April 10 // Kuban News. - 2000. - April 11. – C.3.

Drozdov I. Poems born in the sky / I. Drozdov // Kuban news. - 1997. - September 12. – C.3.

Zhuravskaya T. Poet and citizen / T. Zhuravskaya // Kuban news. - 2001. - January 5. – P.12.

Karpov V. A meeting that warms the soul / V. Karpov // Oboyshchikov K. We were: stories, novels, poems / K. Oboyshchikov. - Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 2001. - P.4 - 6.

Klebanov V. I was wounded by the twentieth century / V. Klebanov // Kuban news. - 2003. - December 16. – p.4

Kozlov V. Singer of courage and fidelity / V. Kozlov // Award / K. Oboishchikov. - Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 1997. - P.3 - 5.

Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection - Krasnodar: North Caucasus, 2000. - From the contents. Kronid Upholsterers. - P.132 - 136.

Ryabko A. Navigator of the Kuban poets / A. Ryabko // Kuban news. - 1998. - April 11. - p.8.

Svistunov I. We were, are and will be / I. Svistunov // Kuban news. - 2002. - May 21. - p.7.

Striving for the cherished height: On the work of the poet Kronid Oboyshchikov / Comp. T. Oboyshchikova, G. Postarnak. – [B.m.: b.g.].

Leonid Mikhailovich Paseniuk

Leonid Paseniuk is romantic, upbeat, looking for extraordinary events and situations. His characters are... people of strong character. There is something of Jack London in Paseniuk's books, and no doubt that draws the reader to him.


From a report at the forum of writers of the South of Russia. 1962

Not each of us is destined to become a space explorer or an explorer of the mysteries of Antarctica. Penetrate into the bowels of the Earth and the water column of the ocean. Just a lot of driving, flying and walking. Everyone needs to know their planet, its past, present and future. And therefore, we cannot do without not only those who discover the new and unravel the unsolved, but also without those who know how to tell about this sensibly, excitingly and with knowledge of the matter.

These were and remain the writers M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky, I. Sokolov-Mikitov. Our compatriot, writer Leonid Paseniuk, can also be counted among these high-profile and well-known names in our literature.

"My whole life is a walk along the shore ...". Remembering these words, which belonged to Henry Thoreau, Leonid Paseniuk claims that he could repeat them about himself. However, he knows the happiness of difficult roads. Both in life and in literature. Constant searches, hard physical labor, a steady pursuit of a goal, sometimes associated with severe hardships and risk - not everyone would choose such a fate for themselves.

He was born on December 10, 1926 in the village of Velikaya Tsvilya in the Zhytomyr region, not far from the now well-known Chernobyl, where he completed seven years of high school before the war. But now he is one of the most educated writers, having deeply studied history and literature, geology, biology and other areas of human knowledge.

How many talents are combined in this amazing person! According to his books, the Commanders and Kamchatka are studied, his historical articles are included in academic publications, scientists from the USA and Canada quote Paseniuk not only in lectures, but also in their writings. He is the owner of a collection of rare minerals and stones, maps, photographs, books that experts can envy.

Leonid Paseniuk got acquainted early with the hardships of life.

At fifteen, when the war began, he became the son of a regiment. Near Stalingrad, he went on the attack on the enemy along with adult fighters. Was shell-shocked. Then he went along the roads of the war from Stalingrad to Sevastopol, in the post-war years he built objects of the Kapustin Yar-Baikonur missile and range complex.

Demobilized after eight years of military service, he worked as a turner at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, fished in the Black and Azov Seas, dug diversion channels in the oil fields in Baku, and built the Krasnodar thermal power plant as a digger and concrete worker.

Leonid Pasenyuk refers to the beginning of his creative biography in 1951, when his first story was published in the Stalingrad youth newspaper. And in 1954, the first book "In Our Sea" was published in Krasnodar. Dedicated to the fishermen of the Black Sea, it was a successful pen test. Thanks to her, Leonid Paseniuk was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR. He becomes a professional writer. Starting from this small book, fishermen, geologists, hunters, volcanologists have become the writer's favorite characters.

Fate was in its own way generous to Leonid Paseniuk. She did not skimp, endowed him with the courage of a pioneer, the indefatigability of a navigator, the sharp observation of an artist and the talent of a storyteller. Otherwise, how would his amazing books have been born. Their names speak for themselves: "Mother-of-Pearl Shell", "Eye of the Typhoon", "Island on a thin leg" and others.

The inquisitive mind of the author is interested in many things, but the life of the coastal regions of the North, the Far East and Kamchatka is the main area of ​​his interests. In detail, scrupulously, he describes in his writings the nature of these places, the peculiarities of their climate, flora and fauna. Mentally worries and intensely reflects on environmental and moral problems.

Fate gave him both the excitement of a traveler and the happiness of discovery. It was he who discovered in the vicinity of the Kamchatka Tolbachik volcano a previously unknown natural phenomenon here - traces of trees incinerated by lava, but which managed to leave their imprints in it. And how many can boast of a name immortalized on geographical maps? Meanwhile, the name of Leonid Paseniuk, a meticulous researcher, is one of the capes on Bering Island!

Soft person. As the hero of his books, who knew almost from childhood that the most priceless gift is life. And that the luxury of communication can be given not only by people, but also by the harsh ocean, and a rare mineral, and a hill, and a deer. From an early age, the desire to see what was around the corner, beyond that cape, was rooted. The craving for discovery, search became the main university of Leonid Mikhailovich.

Peru travel writer owns popular science and journalistic articles, historical investigations, essays, literary and artistic works in which he is truthful and does not try to imitate anyone. It was the reality that has always been his muse inspirer. Paseniuk's works are not light entertaining reading, but most often an unvarnished eyewitness account. Possessing a keen sense of authorial responsibility to the reader, Leonid Paseniuk fears falsity and approximation above all else. Therefore, the speech of his characters is weighty and convincing.

It is impossible not to remember the desperate Zina from the story Stone from the Weddell Sea, the rude director of the crab factory, Gazora from The Island on a Thin Leg, the charming American Gloria. Descriptions of travels in the writer's books resemble a dialogue with an invisible reader-interlocutor, and in historical descriptions poetic lines are often heard. Here is how he figuratively speaks of sailors and Robinsons: “Here the sea is full of secrets and internal movement invisible to the eye, it is invisibly drawn by the courses of ships, like a confused children's picture in which you need to find a certain figure among the confusion of lines.”

The creative interests of Leonid Paseniuk have become more and more diverse over the years. Without changing his devotion to the Far East, he is fond of the history of "Russian America" ​​and succeeded in his search. Notable are his searches for the little-known Russian traveler Gerasim Izmailov, who was one of the first to explore Alaska. The search and discovery of the writer Leonid Pasenyuk interested the Academy of Sciences of Russia. At the annual conference in 1994, his report by the navigator Gerasim Izmailov attracted the attention of scientists from many countries and was published in the American Yearbook. A report about him in the same yearbook says: “The reports devoted to the biographies of the most prominent Russian Pacific sailors of the 18th century aroused particular interest. Connoisseur Commander writer L.M. Paseniuk made a vivid report on the activities of navigator Gerasim Izmailov.

Izmailov was not only the first to draw up a map of Northern Alaska and the Aleut, but also introduced it to the well-known member of the round-the-world expedition, James Cook. But the meeting between Izmailov and D. Cook took place 220 years ago. Even then, the priority of Russia in the discovery and development of Alaska was affirmed. And yet the theme of war lived in him. This topic is sacred for him, and Leonid Mikhailovich bit by bit collected materials to tell not only about the battle for Stalingrad, in which he became a participant at the age of 15, but also about those with whom his front-line fate brought him together, about unfairly forgotten heroes. "Kotluban"- these are the writer's first memories of the war, his military experience. The entire division was destroyed under the pit, but it completed its task - it pulled the fascist troops away from the city. And also "Kotluban" is the attitude of the author to the war. On the Commanders, he met with the son of Colonel Dmitry Ilyich Chugunkov. He was mentioned six times in the orders of the commander-in-chief during the war years, but he never became a Hero of the Soviet Union. Resentment for an unrecognized, unrecognized hero did not leave Leonid Paseniuk for many years. The author was very touched by the fate of Colonel Chugunkov and he began to collect materials. And a documentary story was born about one of the true heroes of that terrible war, the brigade commander of the third tank army under the command of Rybalko.

L. Pasenyuk's books are valuable for their cognition. In addition to the main plot, he will tell you, young readers, a lot of interesting information about the ocean, about fish, about sea animals. You will learn about what rocks the rocks are composed of, what plants and grasses are under your feet, what kind of bird flew over your head. And it will make it so fascinating that you will certainly want to see the harsh picturesque coasts, breathe in the salty Pacific air, feel the mighty wild charm of the reserved region, peer into the pebbles in search of shimmering agate, see with your own eyes a volcano eruption, feel the approach of a diving snowy owl.

Those of you who like to look at the globe will read his books with interest and envy, because in them L. Paseniuk wrote about how he and a team of prospectors went in search of diamonds, climbed the Caucasian peaks, descended into the crater of a volcano, watched the cutting whales on Simushir, sailed along the Kuril Islands in order to study volcanic activity on uninhabited islands. And L. Paseniuk told about many other things in his numerous books.

Literature about the work of L.M. Pasenyuk:

Notes on the work of Kuban writers / ed. CM. Tarasenkov and V.A. Michelson. - Krasnodar: Prince. publishing house, 1957. - From the contents: Leonid Pasenyuk. - S. 75-78.

Kanashkin V. Comprehension of modernity: The nature of a contemporary and his moral support / V. Kanashkin. - Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1979.– S. 59-69.

Writers of the Kuban: bibliography. collection / comp. L.A. Gumenyuk, K.V. Zverev. - Krasnodar: Prince. publishing house, 1980. - From the contents: Pasenyuk Leonid Mikhailovich. - P. 111-114.

Velengurin N. All my life on the road: Leonid Mikhailovich Pasenyuk is 60 years old / N. Velengurin // Kuban. - 1986. - N 12. - P. 83-85.

Velengurin N. A look directed towards the sunrise: L.M. Pasenyuk - 70 years old / N. Velengurin // Free Kuban. - 1996. - December 10. - P. 4.

Vasilevskaya T. Leonid Pasenyuk: "The girl from Kamchatka" was my thorn" / T. Vasilevskaya // Krasnodar news. - 2000. - January 15. - P. 4.

Vasilevskaya T. Leonid Pasenyuk: “The theme of war is sacred to me” / T. Vasilevskaya // Krasnodar News.– 2001.– September 27.– P. 5.

Lobanova E. “My whole life is a walk along the shore ...”: Leonid Mikhailovich Pasenyuk turns 75 years old / E. Lobanova // Kuban News. - 2001. - December 11. - P. 4.

Writers of the Kuban: bibliography. reference book / ed. S. Livshits. - part II. - Krasnodar: Shaban, 2004. - From the content: Leonid Mikhailovich Pasenyuk. - P. 128-136.

Calendar of memorable dates and significant events of the Krasnodar Territory for 2006; artistic S. Taranik. - Krasnodar: Range-B, 2005. - P. 137.


Vladimir Afanasyevich

Poet, prose writer, member of the Writers' Union of Russia,

corresponding member of the International Academy of Poetry,

Laureate of the All-Russian Orthodox Literary Prize named after the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky,

three times winner of the Moscow International Poetry Competition "Golden Pen of Russia",

Honored Worker of Culture of Kuban,

delegate of the Congress of the Writers' Union of Russia,

awarded with commemorative medals of M. A. Sholokhov,

Marshal G.K. Zhukov

Vladimir Afanasyevich Arkhipov was born on November 11, 1939 in the village of Berdniki, Mukhinsky Village Council, Zuevsky District, Kirov Region. His parents - Efrosinya Nikolaevna and Afanasy Dmitrievich Arkhipov - were simple Vyatka agricultural workers. During the Great Patriotic War, my father went through a combat path from Moscow to Berlin, was wounded three times, returned home with orders and medals.

Vladimir's childhood and youth passed among the pristine northern nature, among the hardworking and open-hearted Vyatka people, which was reflected in his first poetic experiments.

For the first time, poems and stories by a schoolboy from the Vyatka hinterland appeared in the Zuevskaya district newspaper, in the regional Kirovskaya Pravda, in the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper and in the Smena magazine. In 1964, the first collection "Pioneers" was published.

After graduating from the Mukhinskaya secondary school in 1957, Vladimir Arkhipov entered the Kirov College of Agricultural Mechanization.

In 1971 he graduated from the Department of Poetry of the Moscow Literary Institute. Gorky at the Writers' Union of the USSR. From the beginning of the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline, he worked in the newspaper "BAM" and traveled many kilometers of taiga with the first landings. After the completion of construction, in 1979, he moved to Krasnodar, where for many years he worked in the regional department of culture.

Vladimir Afanasyevich Arkhipov is the author of twenty poetry collections published in Krasnodar, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and Kirov. He is the editor-compiler of the anthology "Poets of Krasnodar", the collection of young writers "Inspiration", the almanac "Literary Kuban", seven issues of collections of young authors "Winged Swing".

He is the chairman of the jury of the annual children's city poetry competition, he leads the city literary studio "Inspiration". Vladimir Arkhipov is called the poet of young hearts in the Kuban.

In 1994-1999, three collections of poetry were published - “Once upon a time they loved”, “Severe tenderness”, “Love and faith will save you”.

Vladimir Afanasyevich writes about the war not as an eyewitness, but as a grateful descendant who took over the memory of the past generation, whose heroes defended their homeland.

The poem "Swan Fidelity" at the Moscow International Poetry Competition "Golden Pen", dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, took first place, and its author was named one of the best poets in Russia.

The front of Vladimir Arkhipov is life itself, for which he fights with a poetic pen, being always and everywhere in the forefront. Patriotism, ardor of the heart, love of life, the ability to empathize are the characteristic features of Arkhipov's work.

Three hundred poems about love, included in the new poetry collection "Quiet Joy", is a letter of protection of feelings, donated by the poet. Poems about love for the motherland, a woman, parents, granddaughter Varenka, people whom he met are divided into cycles in the collection.

Vladimir Afanasyevich knows child psychology well, knows how to get along with young readers, meets them with pleasure in the children's libraries of the region, involving children in live communication with the help of his poems.

Arkhipov has many poems about the Kuban land, about its outstanding people: “God bless you, Krasnodar”, “Krasnodar is my love”, “Fearless Village”, “Grigory Ponomarenko's Song”, “Spring of Liberation in Krasnodar” and others.

Vladimir Afanasyevich Arkhipov lives and works in Krasnodar.

Literature about the life and work of V. A. Arkhipov

Avanesova M. Singer of young hearts / M. Avanesova // Krasnodar news. - 2009. - November 11. – P. 4.

Vladimir Afanasyevich Arkhipov // Writers of the Kuban: a bibliographic collection / ed. V.P. Unlike. - Krasnodar, 2000. - S. 9 - 12.

Derkach V. With love for man, with faith in Russia / V. Derkach // Kuban news. - 2001. - April 12. – P. 4.

Rud A. “Happiness is just living!” / A. Rud // Kuban today. - 2015. - February 13. – P. 3.

Sedov N. Let one figure grow, and the second is in no hurry / N. Sedov // Labor Man. - 2014. - November 13 - 19. – P. 4.

Solovyov G. Journey to the country of childhood / G. Solovyov // Kuban writer. - 2007. - June 6. – P. 8.

Masters of the word, writing beautiful poems, glorifying the small Motherland. Kuban poets Viktor Podkopaev, Valentina Saakova, Kronid Oboishchikov, Sergei Khokhlov, Vitaly Bakaldin, Ivan Varavva are the pride of the region's literature. Each of them has their favorite places. But in the work of this or that author one can clearly hear one feeling that unites them - all-encompassing love.

Kuban poets about nature

The heart of the poet Viktor Podkopaev was conquered by the Krasnodar Territory once in his youth and forever. For him, the sonorous word "Kuban" is like the name of a beloved. The poet dedicated his work to her. About her, about the Kuban, his lyrical thoughts and dreams. Having opened the book of his poems, you immediately feel the thick aroma of the grain fields, the salinity of the sea waves, you clearly imagine how nature is waking up.

Kuban sweet land,
You are the pride of all Russia,
of wonderful beauty
Under blue skies.

Perhaps somewhere there
Even more beautiful places
But I have no more
Native Kuban places ...

About Motherland

The poems of the Kuban poets seem to be saturated with the warm sun. Kronid Oboyshchikov, a native of Rostov, has his whole life connected with the Kuban: here he graduated from school, an aviation school, and left here to defend his fatherland. The southern pearl of Russia, charming in its beauty, also served as the soil that nourished his bright artistic word.

The birds of the day are silent,
Shattered by dusty rays,
Sounds subside and flow down
Like wax from a melted candle.

Darkening cloudy murals
The star enamel is clear.
As in the world, there is no one to compare my mother with,
So there is nothing to compare the Motherland with.

Whatever the verses of the Kuban poets - short or sweeping - may sound, they feel, regardless of the number of phrases, a deep respect for the motherland. For many years, Korenovsk poet Malakhov Viktor Ivanovich pleases his readers with heartfelt poetry. When you read his poems about your native land, as if you are walking on the morning dew, admiring the smooth surface of the river, you can’t get enough of the clouds floating across the dawn dome of the sky.

Historical annals

Many Kuban poets came from afar and fell in love with the local land. In Krasnolesye and high meadow grasses of the Smolensk region, the lazy-flowing river Bittern Malaya was lost. Not far away, the future famous Kuban poet Sergey Khokhlov was born. His father moved the family to the fertile Krasnodar Territory.

In the Kuban, Sergei Khokhlov gained experience, human, civil maturity. And flew, overtaking each other, wonderful sounds. About a hard-working father, about a mother, about war, about nature, native fields, rivers, steppes. And, of course, about love. His cycle of romantic poems "Scythians" has a special aura, where the author managed to convey the conflict between the self-confident ruler of the Persians Darius and the freedom-loving brave people - the Scythians.


Kuban poets are masters of the lyrical style, the poems of Vitaly Bakaldin are especially beautiful. He devoted most of his work to his love for the region. His work is imbued with a sense of community with his native land, warmth for people, all living things: grasses, trees, water, birds ... The poet in his poems infuses the theme of the Kuban into the general theme of the Motherland.

I grew up in the Kuban
Our southern regions:
I'm dearer, more understandable
The steppes are immense…

The poems of the Kuban poets seem to be born for a song. Ivan Varavva is a singer of the Krasnodar land. It seems that our very generous nature has put a lyre into the hands of the poet. I would like to return to his poems repeatedly. They charge with their energy, make you think, look around and see how uniquely beautiful our land is.

The works of Barabbas inspire composers, the best compositions about the Kuban are written to his words. The poetic voice of Ivan Barabbas cannot be confused with any other. He rightfully belongs to the leading poets of the region. His work, bright and life-affirming, sings of this fertile land, the people who inhabit it, disinterested, kind and brave, in love with their grain-growing work.

Kuban poets for children

The Kuban writer-storyteller Tatyana Ivanovna Kulik gave everyone vivid impressions of her childhood - fairy tales told by her mother, hereditary Cossack Efrosiniya Tkachenko. For children, she wrote many wonderful books:

  • "Cossack tales" - amazing fairy tale events that happened to our distant ancestors during the settlement of the fertile Kuban lands, decorated with authentic folk Cossack songs.
  • "Tales of the Caucasus" - pages of fairy tales of the Caucasus: Adyghe, Chechen, Abkhaz, Abaza, Lak, Karachay, Circassian, Ingush, Kabardian, Balkar, Ossetian, Nogai, Avar, Lezgin, Don and Kuban regions. They absorbed the customs and wisdom of the mountain peoples.
  • "Land of fairy tales" - the life of the characters of the multinational country of fairy tales is filled with funny miracles, funny, sometimes dangerous adventures, the wisdom of old age and the mischief of childhood, true friendship and the happiness of meetings.

Anatoly Movshovich - famous Kuban poet, author of several books for children, member of the Union of Russian Writers. The writer is well versed in child psychology and knows how to view the world through the eyes of a child. His poems are very spontaneous, filled with humor and musicality. The poet writes in the language of children: clear, easy and fun. Perhaps that is why his poems are a success and are loved by all the children.

About war

Kuban poets wrote many truthful, sincere lines about the war, sometimes saturated with a note of bitterness about fallen comrades. Aksakal, one of the most respected poets of military subjects is Bakaldin Vitaly Borisovich. A native of Krasnodar, as a teenager he survived half a year of the German occupation and in the future he often returned to the topic that worried him.

His poems about terrible events are poignant and penetrating. He is ready to talk endlessly about the immortal exploits of his senior comrades. In the poem "Krasnodar true story" the author tells about yesterday's school graduates, who had just been called to expel the Nazis. They fought to the death with adult fighters, holding the defense for three days. Many of them forever remained lying near Krasnodar "classically and schoolwise." Other significant works:

  • "September 42nd in Krasnodar".
  • "October 42nd in Krasnodar".
  • "Our day".
  • "February 12, 1943."

About family and eternal values

Kuban poets do not stop talking about the family, eternal, enduring values. The poet Alexandrovich, a member of the Writers' Union, a laureate of literary prizes, has indisputable authority. He was born on April 10, 1960 in the Krasnodar Territory (village Korenovskaya), on Palm Sunday. The poet is published in eminent magazines: "Don", "Moscow", "Rise", "Our contemporary", "Roman-magazine 21st century", "Siberia", "Border guard", "House of the Rostovs", "Volga-21st century" , "Native Kuban". In the newspapers: Literary Day, Literary Newspaper, Russian Reader, Literary Russia. Currently lives in the city of Korenovsk. Among his masterpieces are “I walk the earth”, “Gray heart”, “Above the meaning of being”, “Circle of love and kinship” and others.

Social activity

There are two main literary organizations in the Kuban:

  • Union of Writers of Russia.
  • Union of Writers of Kuban.

The Union of Writers of Russia in the Kuban is represented by 45 masters of the word. At various times, Bakaldin V. B., Varavva I. F., Zinoviev N. A., N. (the current chairman of the branch), Oboyshchikov K. A., Khokhlov S. N. and others were members of it.

The Union of Russian Writers (30 members) is positioned as an association of people of the "new formation", supporters of democratic changes. The Kuban poets of the “middle” generation are more represented in it: Altovskaya O. N., Grechko Yu. S., Demidova (Kashchenko) E. A., Dombrovsky V. A., Egorov S. G., Zangiev V. A., Kvitko S.V., Zhilin (Sheyferrman) V.M., Poleshchuk V.V. and other talented authors.

Pride of the region

It is a thankless task to argue which writer is the best. Each master of the word has his own vision of the world, respectively, his own unique style, which may coincide with the tastes of readers and critics, or be special, understandable to units. More than 70 writers of the Krasnodar Territory are officially members of the literary unions, not counting the "amateur", but no less talented authors.

But even among many, there are individuals whose authority is indisputable, whose works have been awarded state prizes and awards. Bakaldin Vitaly Borisovich, Varavva Ivan Fedorovich, Golub Tatyana Dmitrievna, Zinoviev Nikolai Aleksandrovich, Makarova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Malakhov Viktor Ivanovich, Obishchikov Kronid Aleksandrovich, Obraztsov Konstantin Nikolaevich, Podkopaev Viktor Stefanovich, Saakova Valentina Grigorievna, Khokhlov Sergey Nikandrovich and other writers who sang the glorious Kuban land.


writers - veterans

Bio-Bibliographic Review for Adolescents

and remember all the campaigns and battles:

soldiers, lieutenants, generals -

My great comrades.

On all fronts

in their smoky overcoats

for the honor of the native desecrated land

you fought, brother soldiers,

Kuban our glorious sons.

Kronid Upholsterers.

The fate of many Kuban writers was the Great Patriotic War. This review reflects only a small circle of writers who fought at the front. War is a long test of a person at the limit of his strength, of all human capabilities. Each of the Kuban writers had his own war, his own front. Everyone knows their truth about the war and shares it with the new generation. But their books are not only about the war - they are about human life, about time, about themselves, about others.

Difficult front-line roads were passed by Kuban writers:

Oboishchikov Kronid Alexandrovich,

Yuri Abdashev was born on November 27, 1923 in Harbin in Manchuria. At that time, Harbin was the spiritual center of the Russian emigration in the East. This is a kind of Russian city located on the territory of another country. Yura's father served on the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER). Children's world of the writer according to his

his own memories was beautiful and seemed unshakable. But after the CER was sold in 1936, the Abdashev family returned to Russia. A year later, my father was arrested and shot, my mother was exiled to the Karaganda camps for 10 years. Both would be rehabilitated in 1957. Thirteen-year-old Yura was assigned to the Verkhotursk closed labor colony in the Northern Urals. After school, Yuri Abdashev entered the English department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute. But the outbreak of war disrupted his plans. From the student audience, Abdashev stepped into the trenches and trenches.

In early October 1941, he volunteered for the front, took part in the winter offensive near Moscow. The battle near Moscow inscribed its pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War. The battle of Moscow thwarted Hitler's plans for a blitzkrieg. After graduating from the artillery school in 1942, Abdashev was assigned to the Caucasus. He commanded a platoon, and then a battery in an anti-tank fighter regiment, which liberated the Kuban from Nazi invaders.

During the war, Yuri Abdashev was seriously wounded twice. He received the first wound near Smolensk, the second, commanding a forty-five battery under Art. Krymskaya in 1943. He was awarded two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and combat medals.

Writers who went through the war, like no other, know how to appreciate peace and fight for it. The military stories "Triple Barrier" and "Far from the War" were published in the magazine "Youth". In Yuri Abdashev's story "Far from War" you meet living, human characters. The work is dedicated to young soldiers, cadets of a military school. Before our eyes, the boys are turning into officers. Everyone learns to evaluate himself, his actions by the measure of war. None of these guys knows what is predetermined for them tomorrow by the fate of the front, although she has already ordered: life - one, death - the other.

The story "Triple Barrier" is also about the Great Patriotic War. Events take place in the mountains of the Caucasus. Three unfired soldiers in the difficult year of 1942 were left as a barrier on a high mountain pass. The purpose of the barrier is not to let enemy scouts and saboteurs through the narrow shepherd's path. An ordinary episode of the war, but for three soldiers it was a great test of fortitude. The pass becomes for the fighters not only a point on the map, this is the height that a person has, it can only be once in a lifetime. They died one by one, honestly fulfilling their soldier's duty.

Abdashev Yu. Far from war / Yu. Abdashev / Deep cyclone: ​​novels, stories. - Krasnodar: Krasnodar book. publishing house, 1983.-431 p. - (Kuban prose)

Triple barrier: a story. - Krasnodar: Krasnodar. news, 1994.-71s.

Ivan Belyakov was born on December 8 back in 1915 of the last century in the village of Mokry Maidan, Gorky Region. When the Great Patriotic War began, Ivan was a third-year student at the Literary Institute named after him in Moscow.

Without hesitation, Ivan Belyakov goes to the front. These were the years of trials for the whole country, these were the years of trials for the young poet, who went from an ordinary soldier to an officer, first at the headquarters of the 49th Rifle Corps, then, after being wounded, at the restoration work in the railway troops. Wherever the war threw Ivan Belyakov - company technician, senior technician of the battalion, correspondent of the newspaper "Military Railway Worker", - the love of poetry, the desire to create, did not leave him.

After the end of the bloody war, the military officer began to write kind, bright books for children about "blue-eyed boys" and cheerful girls. He wanted them to know about the dead peers who never had time to become adults. So there were poems about the Kuban Cossack Petya Chikildin from the famous detachment of Kochubey, about Kolya Pobirashko, a young scout from the village of Shabelsky. Belyakov managed to show in the little heroes an adult understanding of courage and courage in the name of the Motherland.

In 1970, the Krasnodar book publishing house published a book of poems by I. Belyakov "Eternal Youth". In it, he spoke about the pioneers and Komsomol members who died in the battles for their homeland on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

In the book "Burn, bonfire!" two poems. The poem "The Very First" is dedicated to test pilot Grigory Bakhchivandzhi from the village of Brinkovskaya. It was he who was entrusted with testing the first interceptor jet fighter, which opened a new era in the history of aviation. Grigory Bakhchivandzhi has already shown his skills as a fighter pilot in the first months of the war, more than one fascist plane was shot down on his account.

Another poem, "The Word of the Mother" is dedicated to a Russian woman, the Kuban collective farmer Epistinia Feodorovna Stepanova, who lost nine sons in the war. The poet draws a steadfast, courageous character and wants "every son and every grandson" to know about this feat.

An excerpt from the poem was published in the Peasant Woman magazine in 1971. For this work, the poet was awarded a literary prize. The oratorio by the composer N. Khlopkov was written on the text of "Words about the Mother".

Belyakov youth: poems. - Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1965.-103 p.: ill.

Belyakov, bonfire: poems.- Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1975.-87 p.: ill.

Ivan Varavva was born on February 5 in X. Novobataysk, Rostov region. Ivan Varavva is known and proud of him in the Kuban. The Krasnodar Regional Youth Library is named after him.

Ivan Varavva is a laureate of the A. Tvardovsky Literary Prize "Vasily Terkin". Barabbas was the prototype of one of the main characters in the Soviet legendary film "Officers".

interesting for its twists of fate. Ivan finishes the tenth grade of the school in Art. Starominskaya, and the battles are already underway near Rostov and Kushchevskaya, very close by. At the graduation party, young Barabbas reads his farewell lyric poems. He becomes a fighter of the regional fighter battalion, retreating from the village last, in the foothills of the Caucasus, he takes a baptism of fire near the village of Khadyzhenskaya, in the valley of the Pshish River. “I confess that more than anything in the world - in my freedom-loving character, inherited from the Cossack family - I was afraid of fascist captivity. Twice unharmed came out of the iron environment, when only a few remained alive. It burned, was covered with earth from an exploding bomb ... "

In the battle for the Caucasus, the young poet, in the rank of an ordinary infantry shooter and gunner of company mortars, in the spring of 1943, takes part in the breakthrough of the enemy Blue Line, in the assault on the height of the Hill of Heroes. Wounds, hospital and again - the front: fighting for the liberation of Novorossiysk, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland. As a twenty-year-old sergeant in May 1945, the young poet Barabbas left his first autograph on the wall of the Reichstag, in defeated enemy Berlin. Of course, the events of the war do not leave I. Barabbas indifferent, his poems are published, sink into the soul of readers, and are remembered for their lyricism.

I. Barabbas published his first poems in 1942. The eighteen-year-old machine gunner wrote about what his soul was full of, about battles, comrades, about faith in victory. Since 1943, his poems began to appear regularly in the army press. The lyrical hero of Ivan Barabbas is his peer, one of those whom the "dusty path" called to the battlefields.

Wheels rattled, wagons creaked uneasily.

Spring returned to their native Cossack lands.

The planet shook. On the roof of a green caravan

My soldier's youth rushed around the world.

With the sharp gaze of a poet and warrior, Ivan Barabbas saw the war in all its manifestations. Here, repelling a tank attack, "soldiers sank to the bottom, clutching grenades in their sleeves ... some with a yellow speck of a medal, some with a copper bullet in their heads." And here is a short story about a boy who would certainly become a wonderful artist. But it didn't have to. The guy grabbed the enemy tank ... "I cut all five grenades into him, and he fell on the plantain. He honestly loved his homeland… He was a talented artist.”

Varabbas IF. The hubbub of the wild field: poems and poems. - Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 200.-607 p.

Varabbas IF. Eagle flocks: poems.- M.: Sovremennik, 1985.-175 p.

Pyotr Karpovich Ignatov lived a great life. There was a lot in it - the Bolshevik underground, exile, participation in the formation of the Red Guard detachments, in the ranks of the workers' militia

Ignatov fights bandits. In 1940, Pyotr Karpovich was appointed deputy director of the Krasnodar Institute of Chemical Technology. And then the war began.

In August 1942, the Nazis approached Krasnodar, and the threat of occupation loomed over the Kuban. 86 partisan detachments were organized in the region. also received the task of creating a partisan detachment of miners to fight the Nazis. Under the name "Dad", he was appointed commander of this detachment. Together with him, his sons became partisans: engineer of the Glavmargarin plant Yevgeny and a ninth-grade student Genius, as well as his wife Elena Ivanovna. On one of the tasks, while mining the railway, the sons of Ignatov heroically died. In 1943, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the brothers Evgeny and Geny Ignatov were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The desire to tell about the feat of their children, their fellow partisans, all those who did not bow their heads before the hated enemy, made me take up the pen. His books - "The Life of a Simple Man", "Notes of a Partisan", "Our Sons", "Brothers - Heroes", "Underground of Krasnodar" - are original notes of a person who has lived a lot, seen, suffered. At the same time, these are not memoirs, but literary works that summarize and capture the feat of many participants in the partisan people's war.

In the Notes of a Partisan, partisan warfare with its dangers and risks is depicted in the nobility of exploits and the fascination of adventures. The atmosphere of the forests in the Kuban foothills is accurately conveyed. Boar trails, mountain rivers, ambushes, dangers at every step, the unequal struggle of one against many - all this puts the story in a series of military adventures.

The Blue Line book is also based on documentary material. The Germans called the "Blue Line" their system of powerful field defenses that separated the Kuban from Taman. It stretched across the entire Taman Peninsula, resting on the left flank against the Azov floodplains, and on the right flank against the Black Sea coast.

These books are among those books that never get old. The works have been translated into 16 languages. The works of Ignatov are not just a family chronicle. This is, first of all, a reflection of the patriotic impulse of the Soviet people, who stood up, young and old, to defend their homeland.

Ignatov - heroes: a story. - Krasnodar: Prince. publishing house, 19s.

Ignatov line: a story. - Krasnodar: Prince. publishing house, 1983.-176 p.

Ignatov partisan: stories. - M .: Moskovsky worker, 1973.-696 p.

Ignatov of Krasnodar: a story. - Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1982.-256 p.

came to literature from the Great Patriotic War and brought with him the high and harsh truth about young men who stepped into the flames of the fight against fascism right from school

benches. The Great Patriotic War found him in the army. Already in June 1941, Lieutenant Kasparov took part in the battles with the Nazis. 1941 was the most tragic period of the war. Kasparov also had to go through a lot. He was wounded, shell-shocked, captured, escaped. He fought with the Nazis in a partisan detachment, returned to the army again, commanded a mortar unit, and served in regimental intelligence.

When, after the hospital, he returned to his native Armavir, his chest was decorated with military awards: the Order of the Red Star, medals "For Courage", "For the Capture of Warsaw" and others.

Boris Kasparov devoted his first stories "The End of Nairi", "The Ruby Ring", "Towards the Sun" to military subjects. They were published in the Soviet Warrior magazine. These and other publications he submitted to the competition at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, where he entered in 1949.

Since 1958, one after another, his books have been published: “On the West Bank”, “Dürer’s Copy”, “Twelve Months”, “Ashes and Sand”, “Rhapsody of Liszt”, “Stars Shine for All”, which were included in circle of children's reading. In these stories, B. Kasparov showed himself as a master of a sharp plot, able to interest the reader. But the detective story is not the most important thing in Kasparov's work. The writer manifests himself as a person who "knows how to conduct a sincere conversation with the reader, raising sharp moral questions." His stories are permeated with ardent love for the Motherland, he wrote about brave, kind and courageous people, true patriots of their Motherland.

This direction in the writer's work was clearly manifested in his plays "Memory", "Seventh Day", "Dragon's Teeth". In the play "Seventh Day" B. Kasparov spoke about the most difficult first days of the war. His plays were successful in the Armavir and Krasnodar drama theaters. He made an authorized translation into Russian of the novel by the Adyghe writer Iskhak Mashbash “The Mourned Are Not Expected”.

"Dürer's Copy" is perhaps the most famous work of B. Kasparov. The story is written so vividly and talentedly that the events described in it are perceived as really happening. In May 1945, in the first days after the war, a young Red Army officer was appointed assistant commandant in a small German town to help the locals establish a peaceful life. But an unpleasant event occurs: the manager of the Grunberg estate shot himself. This man survived the fascist regime, was loyal to the Soviet government and suddenly shot himself when the city was liberated from the Nazis. "Murder or suicide?" - the senior lieutenant asks himself a question and begins his own investigation. The mysterious events associated with a copy of the painting by Albrecht Dürer, the great German Renaissance painter, cannot but captivate the reader. The plot of the book resonates with the real story of the rescue of paintings from the Dresden Gallery and other treasures of world art by Soviet soldiers.

Durer's Kasparov: a story.- Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1978.-191 p.: ill.

Kasparov Liszt: a story.- Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1965.-263 p.

The writer's childhood and early youth were spent in the village of Bogorodskaya Repyevka and in his native city of Ulyanovsk, where he was born on December 30, 1924. The poetic world of Nikolai Krasno

wa determined early. The rural childish freemen, and the charm of the native Volga town, ancient Simbirsk, with its brilliant literary traditions since Pushkin's time, with the Karamzin Library - the "Palace of the Book", which became a second home to the young poet from the age of 12, remained forever in the soul. The first literary publication was at this age - poems in the newspaper "Be Prepared!", A little later - in "Pionerskaya Pravda". And he had a favorite teacher in literature - Vera Petrovna Yudina. She instilled in him a great love for Pushkin, from the fifth grade she collected leaflets with the “test of the pen” of her sponsor, promising to “publish Kolya Krasnov’s poems after graduating from high school as a separate book.” But... as we say now, tomorrow there was a war.

In 1943, after graduating from school, N. Krasnov worked at a defense plant as a toolmaker, in the same year he became a soldier. He fought on the Leningrad front, was seriously wounded during the assault on Vyborg. Nikolai Krasnov has military awards: the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the medal "For Courage" and others.

War for Nikolai Krasnov is a soldier's thorny roads. The front, offensive battles, wounds, hospitals... Before his eyes appeared a picture of the life of our people fighting against fascism. “I was a drop of that big sea,” he later wrote. The feat of the people during the Great Patriotic War became the main theme in his work. The author admits in his interviews that no matter how many years have passed since then, the front-line events are as fresh in memory as if it were yesterday. Nikolai Stepanovich tells about an amazing incident that influenced his fate: “After the battle, the commander of a machine-gun company saw among the dead soldiers very similar to me. And my machine gunner friends confirmed it was me. And I stood at the mass grave, where my name was on the list of the dead. I knew some of those buried here... And I cry talking about them all, about that unknown boy who was mistakenly buried under my name. Like any soldier, someone's son, brother or loved one. In my imagination, I often hear his mother, his fiancee, crying, and my heart shrinks from unbearable pain.

The impressions of the war time became the main spiritual wealth of the writer. And, apparently, it is no coincidence that the classic of Russian literature was the first to appreciate the poetry of Nikolai Krasnov. In 1947, he presented a poetic selection of a young writer with a brief preface in the Literary Gazette, and contributed to his admission to the Writers' Union of Russia. And soon a personal meeting with Alexander Trifonovich took place. In one of N. Krasnov's books there are wonderful words about the influence of this meeting on his work. “I, like a bird before a long journey, was waiting for a fair wind. And waited. And he grabbed me."

In one of his poems, Nikolai Krasnov recalls his old letters scattered all over the world, and "to friends who did not come from the war, and to his beloved, who went to another" ...

I won't take away a word.

I can only add

And again

I won't lie a single line...

These words can rightfully be attributed to the entire work of the poet and prose writer Krasnov. Each of his poems, each story is a kind of letter to the reader, unsophisticated and confidential. Here nothing is invented, everything comes from the heart, everything is about the experienced, about the suffering. The memory of the war, love for people, native places, for everything pure and beautiful. Reading his works, we feel a man of great soul, sincere and kind. Life, as it is, looks from each of its pages.

On seven winds: poems and poems. - M .: Sovremennik, 1976.-94s.

Krasnov N. A holiday on our street: Tales, stories. - Krasnodar, Owls. Kuban, 2005.-351 p.

Kronid Aleksandrovich was born on April 10, 1920 in the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov Region. Childhood and school years were spent in the Don and Kuban. Lived in Bryukhovetskaya, Kropotkin, Armavir,

Novorossiysk. After graduating from the Krasnodar Military Aviation School at the end of 1940, he was sent to the bomber regiment of the Odessa Military District. FROM

On the first day of the war, as an aircraft navigator, he took part in hostilities on the Bessarabian, Southwestern fronts and the Northern Fleet, where the regiment in the version of two-seat fighters was transferred in the summer of 1942 to guard the Allied convoys.

Kronid upholsterers flew forty-one sorties in total. Then, from 1944 until the end of the war, as a squadron navigator, he overtakes aircraft from Siberian and Transcaucasian airfields to active combat regiments of the Baltic and Northern fleets. He was awarded three orders and fifteen medals, including one English.

In 1960, K. Oboyshchikov retired with the rank of major of the Far East, where he served as a senior navigator for guidance of an air defense fighter aircraft. There, for the interception of an American spy plane "Lockheed-U-2", by order of the commander of the air defense air defense marshal, he was awarded a valuable gift.

The first poem of the eighth-grader Kronid Oboyshchikov "The death of the stratospheric balloon" was published in the newspaper "Armavir Commune" in 1936. But the beginning of his creative biography dates back to the post-war years, when the poet began to be systematically published in army and navy newspapers, in the magazines "Znamya", "Soviet Warrior", "Far East", "Estonia"

In 1951, K. Oboyshchikov was a delegate from the Baltic Fleet at the 2nd All-Union Conference of Young Writers. In 1963, the first collection of poems "Anxious happiness" was published in Krasnodar, and there were fourteen in total, five of which were for children.

Kronid Oboyshchikov is one of the authors and compilers of books about the Heroes of the Soviet Union, two operettas, many songs written by Kuban composers Gr. Ponomarenko, V. Ponomarev. The winged warrior was Kronid the Upholsterers. Addressing his native land, he writes:

Native land, you are all on this map -

Blue lakes, roads and ridges.

I left the school desk to fly,

To see you from above.

Combat aviation, the blue expanse of heaven became both life and poetry for him. His hero knows his place in the war. He understands that without him it is impossible to fight:

There is non-flying weather,

And the Stavka, nervously, waits,

And infantry dug into the ground

They won't attack without us.

Military routes led him over Kyiv, and over the Sula River, and over Leningrad, and over the Barents Sea, and over the Baltic states. Like other front-line poets, K. Oboyshchikov more than once refers to the image of a soldier's mother. They, mothers, had the most bitter fate - to see off their sons to the war and receive funerals.

When friends are in a brotherly grave

We had to bury

We swore a soldier's oath

Don't forget their mothers.

He writes "A Word to the Mother", dedicating it to Matryona Konstantinovna Zikran, the mother of the Hero of the Soviet Union, who died a heroic death; writes a poem "Mother" - in memory of Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova.

This year is the year of the 65th anniversary of the great Victory. And today, at the commemorative obelisks and memorials, next to the veterans, the younger generation, literary heroes, flesh of the flesh of the living and the dead, stand in an invisible ranks.

Oboishchikov K. Stars are more magical radiance: A poetic wreath to the Heroes of the Kuban. - Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 2001.-192 p.

Oboishchikov K. Nominal weapons: Poems. - Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1970.-127 p.

Oboishchikov K. We were: stories, novels, poems. - Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 2001.-192 p.

Oboishchikov K. Salute of Victory: I dedicate to the Soldiers of the Great Patriotic War ...: poems .- Krasnodar: Periodicals of the Kuban, 2005.-192 p.

was born on August 3 in the village of Tamanskaya, in the family of a veterinarian. Later, together with his parents, he moved to the city of Baku, where he graduated from the secondary school. Vasily Popov worked in the oil field, from where he was

sent to study at the school of the air force. All-Russian Central Executive Committee in Tashkent, which he successfully graduated in 1930.

The young pilot served in Central Asia, in the mountains of Mary, the city of Bukhara, took part in battles with the Basmachi. At the same time, Vasily Alekseevich became interested in literary work. His essays about pilots are published in the press. For health reasons, he was sent on a year's leave, worked in the police, in the district and city newspapers of the Gorky region and the Moscow region, was a correspondent for the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union. In 1936, the young writer published his first book in Tashkent - the story "Asy".

In years, Vasily "Alekseevich was again drafted into the ranks of the air force. He participated in military operations at Khalkhin Gol, flew in the skies of Finland, Western Belarus. On the third day of the Great Patriotic War, he already fought against the Nazi invaders, defended the skies of Moscow, flew to In 1942, the command of the Red Army was sent to the fighting Yugoslavia, to the People's Liberation Army of Josip Broz Tito.

For more than a year he fought in the skies of Yugoslavia and was awarded the highest Yugoslav military Order of Freedom for military merit. During the bombing of the partisan airfield by the Germans, he was seriously shell-shocked and evacuated to his homeland.

After a long treatment, in the fall of 1943, Vasily Alekseevich was declared unfit for military service and demobilized. For military merits in battles with the Nazi invaders, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, two Orders of the Patriotic War and nine medals.

Popov went to work for the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper as deputy editor of the traveling editorial office and as his own correspondent.

Vasily Alekseevich Popov has 30 books published in our country. For a cycle of stories about the major, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Among the books written by him for children and youth are "The Castle of the Iron Knight", "Lilac Island", "Tales of the Brave", "The Republic of Nine Stars", "An Alien Track", "They brought the dawn closer."

In 1947, the adventure story "The Castle of the Iron Knight" was published, telling about the trials that fell to the lot of twelve-year-old children during the war years. With unflagging interest, with lively participation, the reader follows the fate of the heroes: girls from the Ukrainian village and boys from near Bryansk. Along with their senior comrades, they entered the fight against the carefully conspired underground fascist organization "Werwolf" - "Werewolf". Later, this story was included in the collection "Tales of the Brave" under a new name - "The Wolf's Lair".

The young Anapa underground workers who fought against the fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War were dedicated by the writer to the story “They brought the dawn closer”. “I want,” the author wrote, “that Katya Solovyanov, Aza Grigoriadi, Vladik Kashirin and their fighting friends live forever in the memory of the people and teach new generations of stamina, courage, devotion to their homeland.” For this story, Vasily Alekseevich received the title of laureate of the regional literary prize named after N. Ostrovsky.

Popov Kuzmenko and other stories.- Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1980.-155 p.: ill.

Priests were approaching dawn.- Krasnodar: Book. publishing house, 1983.-143 p.

Georgy Vladimirovich Sokolov was born on December 3, 1911 in the village of Kochkar, Chelyabinsk Region. In 1930, on a Komsomol voucher, he left for the construction of the Magnitogorsk Metal

lurgical plant. Since the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he has been in the army. He was a unit commissar, commander of a reconnaissance company, worked in the editorial offices of front-line newspapers.

Memories of heroic battles in Malaya Zemlya, of living and dead comrades-in-arms formed the basis of the book “We are from Malaya Zemlya”, which was repeatedly reprinted in our country and abroad. This is a collection of documentary

nyh novels. More than two hundred names of heroes are named in them. Everything that the paratroopers experienced, Sokolov also survived. Not by hearsay, not by archival data, the author recognized the full of dangers of a military life.

He participated in attacks and night searches, in hand-to-hand combat and raids behind enemy lines. On Malaya Zemlya he received two wounds, was shell-shocked. A separate company of scouts, commanded by Captain Sokolov, landed on Myskhako following the detachment of Major Caesar Kunikov, and in the first month of fighting alone destroyed more than a hundred Nazis, brought up to two dozen prisoners. By the way, on Sokolov's personal account there are fifty-six fascist soldiers and officers who were destroyed by him in hand-to-hand fights during two and a half years of work in intelligence - first as a commissar, then as a commander of a separate reconnaissance company. Until the very end of the heroic epic, all seven long months of combat suffering, Sokolov was on Malaya Zemlya. Before his eyes, events took place that are not forgotten, before his eyes, the paratroopers performed feats that entered the annals of the Patriotic War.

After the liberation of Novorossiysk, the landing units, hardened on Malaya Zemlya, had to create bridgeheads in the Crimea, fight for Sevastopol and in the Carpathians, on the Vistula, on the Oder and Spree, storm Berlin, and liberate Prague. And Sokolov took part in these battles.

During the war years, Sokolov did not dream of writing. He did keep some records. But during the September assault on the Novorossiysk port, the boat on which he was located was hit and sank. Sokolov swam out, and his duffel bag with notebooks went to the bottom. However, after the war, he wanted to talk about his experiences, and he took up the pen. The memory has preserved a lot, the sorrows and joys of front-line life. In 1949, the first edition of his book "Small Earth" was published. Written in the wake of recent events, it won over with its truthfulness, love for friends and comrades. The author was admitted to the Writers' Union.

Throughout his creative life, while working on "Little Land", Georgy Sokolov simultaneously created his main book - the novel "Sevastopol is waiting for us." The novel truthfully and impressively describes the last days of the defense of Sevastopol, the tragedy of those who remained in the trenches and on the banks of Chersonese after the fleet finally left its base. All seems to be lost. However, this is not the case. The epilogue of the Sevastopol tragedy became a prologue to the battles in the Novorossiysk region in 1942-1943, to the battles on Malaya Zemlya, on Taman, to the expulsion of the Nazis from the Kuban, from the entire North Caucasus. Participating in these battles, the heroes of the novel understand that there is no other way, that they need to go through all this painful path with inevitable losses and losses in order to return to Sevastopol.

Georgy Sokolov himself went this way, first from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk, then from Novorossiysk to Sevastopol and further - to the Carpathians, through the Vistula and Oder - to the Spree and Vltava.

Native land, the people do not forget their sons and daughters who died for the Fatherland. Reading and rereading the novel “Sevastopol awaits us”, we, first of all, note that it captures the historical feat of the people, the glory of which will not fade for centuries.

Sokolov is waiting for Sevastopol: Roman. - M .: Sov. writer, 1981.-656s.

Sokolov land.- M.: Sov. Russia, 1971, -384 p.

Suntseva Sofia and Khabibova Arina

This work contains biographical material about the Kuban writers. The theme of this study was determined by the desire of the authors to draw the attention of their peers to the literature of their native "Kuban", to show that it is diverse, interesting and will help to better know their origins, their Cossack people.



research project

Literary creativity of Kuban writers

for younger students

"My first teaching and research project"

(Cuban studies).

Suntseva Sofia,

Khabibova Arina,

3 "B" class MOUSOSH No. 2 im. I.I. Tarasenko,

Vyselkovsky district, the village of Vyselki.


Chebotareva Irina Pavlovna,

Primary school teacher

MOU secondary school №2 them. I.I. Tarasenko

Art. Settlements 2012

1. Introduction.

2. Literary review.

2.1 The beginning of the Slavic book culture.

3.2 "Remarkable compilations"

4. Conclusion.

5. List of used sources and literature.

1. Introduction

We love to read. Books teach us, make us think about a variety of things: about good and evil, about honesty and lies. Books immerse us in the magical world of fairy tales and lead us on journeys. We have Cuban studies at our school. Word "Cuban studies" meansknowledge about one's small homeland - from the words “to know”, “to know one's native Kuban, its nature, history, economy, way of life, culture.

Starting from grade 1, we get acquainted with Kuban writers and their work. Just a few lines - and before us is a portrait of the native Kuban land.

The distance of the steppes through

Horus expanse of eagles -

native side,

Our edge is poplar!

(Viktor Stefanovich Podkopaev)

Tall herbs,

You, herbs, grow to fame!

Green shirts off

White-yellow daisies.

Elegant poppies blush,

As in the new beshmets, the Cossacks.

And like the floods of a river

Sky blue - cornflowers...

(Vitaly Borisovich Bakaldin)

Thick fog floats low.

Peace fills the earth.

And hold the sky like a basket

Above the poplar farms.

(Kronid Alexandrovich Obishchikov)

Interesting, the Kuban land is rich in events. The history of the Krasnodar Territory is unique.

There is something to show, there is something to tell about the past and present of the Kuban. We wanted to learn as much as possible about the "masters of the word", outstanding representatives of the literature of the Kuban, about the Kuban poets, to find out the secrets of their skill. We wanted to draw the attention of other children to the literature of our native Kuban. Show that "Kuban literature for children" is very diverse, interesting and can help us to better know our origins, our Cossack people. This determined the chosen theme of our project.

Topic: Literary creativity of Kuban writers for younger students

Objective: expand knowledge about the work of Kuban poets and writers; develop

Interest in the literature of the native land and the desire to study it;


  1. Expand knowledge on the topic;
  2. Collect biographical information about some writers and poets.
  3. reveal the significance of the Kuban literature;

Research methods:

  1. reading various literature; work on the Internet;
  2. interview; interview;
  3. excursion

2. Literature review

Many names of prominent writers are associated with Kuban: A. Pushkin, Y. Lermontov,

L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, A. Fadeev, A. Tolstoy and many others. The Kuban land nurtured its sons, artists of the literary word. This is Golovaty Anton Andreevich (1732 - 1797) Military judge of the Black Sea Cossack army, the third ataman. He headed the deputation of the Cossacks to "submit" a petition to Catherine 2 for the withdrawal of land to the Black Sea Cossacks on Taman. He was actively engaged in the arrangement of the Cossacks - immigrants in the Kuban. Author of poems that became popular Cossack songs. Kukharenko Yakov Gerasimovich (1799 - 1662) - the first writer and historian of the Kuban, the chief ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army from among the native Black Sea people .. Scherbina Fedor Andreevich (1849 - 1936) An outstanding Kuban historian, author of the two-volume "History of the Kuban Cossack Host". Piven Alexander Efimovich, Belyakov Ivan Vasilievich. Obishchikov Kronid Aleksandrovich, Gatilov Vitaly Vasilievich, Podkopaev Viktor Stefanovich Ivanenko Viktor Trofimovich, Loginov Viktor Nikolaevich, Varavva Ivan Fedorovich, Bakaldin Vitaly Borisovich, Khokhlov Sergei Nikanorovich, Zubenko Ivan Afanasyevich, Abdashev Yuri Nikolaevich, Nepoba Vadim Petrovich, Palman Vyacheslav Ivanovich, Zinoviev Nikolai Aleksandrovich and etc.

2. 1 The beginning of the Slavic book culture.

Starting my research, I would like to dwell a little on its origins. The beginning of the Slavic book culture was laid by the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

In the 9th century, Greek monks created the Slavic alphabet, which later received the name "Cyrillic", after the name of one of the brothers. They translated from Greek into Slavonic the Gospel, a book that tells about the life of Jesus Christ. The alphabet that Cyril and Methodius invented was convenient for people, because it was close to colloquial speech. The first Slavic alphabet had 43 letters, and then their number decreased.

Before the beginning of the history of children's literature, it was still far away, but its most important tradition - following the high teacher's goal - was laid down during the formation of the all-Slavic written culture. In memory of the great deed of Cyril and Methodius, there is a monument on Slavyanskaya Square in Moscow, and every year on March 24 the Day of Slavic Literature is celebrated. What were the first books, who wrote and created them, what did children read in ancient Russia? We wanted to answer all these questions by looking into the history of ancient Russian children's literature.

In ancient Russia, the first books were written by hand on sheets of parchment - well-dressed calfskin. Then such sheets were sewn into a book and a beautiful cover was made for it. Handwritten books were very expensive. Not everyone could read them, because reading and writing had to be taught in special monastic schools. Ordinary people couldn't afford it. In the 16th century, Ivan Fedorov created the first printing press in Russia. First, he printed the church book "Apostle". This book was printed for almost a year, it turned out to be very beautiful, with drawings and patterns. And then he printed the first Slavic "ABC" and a few more books. After this invention, the number of literate people in Russia increased significantly.

The entire history of Old Russian children's literature can be divided into four periods:

  1. 15-16 centuries - the first cognitive works appeared
  2. Late 16th-early 17th centuries - 15 printed books for children were published
  3. The beginning of the 17th century - the beginning of poetry
  4. The end of the 17th century - the formation of different genres and types of children's literature.

A particularly great contribution to the development of children's literature was made by the work of Savvaty, Simeon Polotsky and Karion Istomin.

Savvaty, the director of the Moscow Printing House, should be considered the very first children's poet in Russia. The referee was responsible for the content and literacy of the book. Therefore, the most educated people were appointed to this position. Currently, more than ten poems by Savvaty are known, written by him especially for children. Among them is the first poem placed in the alphabet. It consists of 34 lines. In the poem, simply, warmly and clearly, he told the children about the book, praised literacy, gave various tips on how to learn to read. This is an excerpt from that poem:

“... This visible little book,

In alphabetical order.

Printed by royal order,

You, young children, to learning ... "

He believed that there is nothing in the world more valuable than literacy and that the most suitable time for learning is childhood.

2.2 From the history of Kuban literature.

How did Kuban literature begin? The literary traditions of the Kuban date back to the Middle Ages. On the Taman Peninsula, a marble slab was found with a Russian inscription carved on it (the so-called Tmutarakan stone): “In the summer of Indict 6, 6576, Prince Gleb measured the sea on ice from Tmutorokan to Korchevo 14,000 fathoms»

The Enlightener of the Slavs Cyril visited the Black Sea coast, in the Khazar Khaganate and in Chersonesos he saw a book written by the so-called. "Roushki" (Russian?) signs (there is a hypothesis that they were used to create Cyrillic). In 10-12 centuries. on the Taman Peninsula there was the Tmutarakan (Tmutorokan) principality, ruled by Russian princes. Here lived an ancient Russian church leader of the 11th century, hegumen of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery in 1078-1088, founder of the church and monastery in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos in Tmutarakan, scholar-chronicler, Orthodox saint Nikon of the Caves. It is believed that Nikon kept a chronicle, which was subsequently continued and became part of Nestor's The Tale of Bygone Years.

The stories from "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor were used by writers of the 19th-20th centuries: A.S. Pushkin, A.I. Odoevsky, A.N. Maykov, A.K. Tolstoy and others. Textbook poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Song of the Prophetic Oleg" was written by him thanks to this particular source.

In 1792, former Cossacks moved to the Kuban shores. In songs composedAnton Golovaty, that distant, legendary time was clearly imprinted ... The first literary group of Kuban writers was created in 1939.

During the Great Patriotic War, the following became participants in the battles and chroniclers in the Caucasus: K. Simonov, K. Pavlenko, L. Sobolev, B. Gorbatov, I. Selvinsky, V. Zakrutkin, E. Petrov, S. Borzenko. Continuing the traditions of the Kuban magazines "Prikuban steppes", "Petrel", "New Way", in 1945 the almanac "Kuban" was established.

In 1947, a writers' organization was established in the Kuban. In 1950, it received the status of a branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR, and in 1967, on the 20th anniversary of the organization, it was renamed the Krasnodar Regional Writers' Organization. In 1996, the popular name of the organization "Union of Writers of Kuban" was legally confirmed.

3. Studies of the life and work of Kuban writers.

Getting acquainted with the biography and works of writers, we decided to make a brief essay about them.

3.1 Brief biographical information.

Father's land! cherry blossoms,

Two seas and blue skies.

For you Kuban poets

Saved the best words.

K. Oboyshchikov

Oboishchikov Kronid Alexandrovich

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR - Russia,

Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR - Russia,

Honored Worker of Culture of the Kuban,

Cavalier of the Order of the Red Star,

Cavalier of the Order of the Patriotic War II degree,

Awarded 17 medals for participation in the Great Patriotic War,

Honored Artist of the Kuban,

Honorary Member of the Regional Association of Heroes of the Soviet Union,

Russia and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory,

Laureate of the Regional Literary Prize. N. Ostrovsky 1985,

Laureate of the Regional Literary Prize. E. Stepanova 2002,

Awarded with the medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of the Kuban" I degree,

Sign of the Minister of Defense "For Patronage over the Armed Forces",

Memorial signs to them. A. Pokryshkin and "For loyalty to the Cossacks."

He was born on April 10, 1920 on the Don land, in the village of Tatsinskaya. At the age of ten he moved with his parents to the Kuban. He lived in the village of Bryukhovetskaya, the cities of Kropotkin, Armavir, Novorossiysk. The first poem "The Death of a Stratostratus" was published in the newspaper "Armavirskaya Kommuna" in 1936, when Kronid Aleksandrovich was in the eighth grade. After leaving school, he worked in the port, at the elevator. But he always dreamed of becoming a pilot. His dream came true in 1940, he graduated from the Krasnodar Aviation School.

From the first day of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in the battles on the South-Western Front, then, as part of the air regiment of the Northern Fleet, he covered caravans of allied ships. “... I had to fly in winter and summer over the taiga, sometimes in very difficult weather conditions. You can believe me that even then the bright creative talent of our recognized regimental poet Kronid Oboyshchikov helped to solve all these complex tasks,” recalls Aleksey Uranov, laureate of the State Prize. During the war, Kronid Alexandrovich made forty-one sorties. He devoted two difficult decades to military aviation, fulfilling his duty as a defender of the Motherland with courage, dignity and honor.

His first collection of poems, Anxious Happiness, was published in Krasnodar in 1963. In the same year he became a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR, and in 1968 - a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. In total, the poet published 21 poetic collections of poems, seven of which are for children. Many songs have been written to Oboyshchikov's poems by composers Grigory Ponomarenko, Viktor Ponomarev, Sergey Chernobay, Vladimir Magdalits.

The poems of Kronid Alexandrovich have been translated into Adyghe, Ukrainian, Estonian, Tatar and Polish.

He is one of the authors and compilers of the collective collections "Glorious Sons of the Kuban", dedicated to the Kuban Heroes of the Soviet Union, and the albums "Golden Stars of the Kuban", for which in 2000 he was accepted as an honorary member of the Regional Association of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Russia and full holders of the Order Glory.

The main theme of his works is the courage and heroism of pilots, front-line brotherhood, the beauty of the earth and human souls.

Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym

Prose writer, poet, local historian, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation,

honorary member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation,

Laureate of the Regional Prize K. Rossinsky,

Order "For Love and Loyalty to the Fatherland"

cross "For the revival of the Cossacks",

medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of the Kuban" II class.

medal "300th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army",

medal "For Merit", honorary citizen of the city of Krasnodar

Vitaly Petrovich was born on July 24, 1932 in Krasnodar into a family of hereditary Cossacks. Without graduating from school, he was drafted into the Army in the Navy (1951-1955) in Sevastopol. Combining service with studies, he graduated from the 10th grade of an evening school. After demobilization, he worked as a radiologist and graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Medical College in absentia. He began to print in 1966 in regional newspapers, the almanac "Kuban", in "Literary Russia", "Literary Ukraine", "Nedelya", etc. "(Prometheus. T. 13. 1983). For many years I walked around Yekaterinodar courtyards. He traveled through the Cossack villages, through the broken Kuban monasteries, met with old-timers and collected the living history of the Kuban. He studied in the archives of Krasnodar, Moscow, St. Petersburg ... Since 1974, his essays on Yekaterinodar began to be published in periodicals, and 4 years later the first book "Etudes on the Past and Present of Krasnodar" was published. Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym is the author of well-known local history books: Guardians of the Kuban Land (1986, 1998), Sketches about Yekaterinodar (1992), Military Valor of the Kubans (1993), poetry collections Cossack Kuren (1992), “Sonnets” (1993), “Silver Spoon” (1993) - a collection of stories about the fate of Yekaterinodar residents, “Architects of Yekaterinodar” (1995), “Kuban portraits” (1999), “Kubans admired them” (2006). In addition, he is the author of books about famous singers of past years: “The same Peter Leshchenko” (1993), “Alexander Vertinsky without makeup” (1996), “Yuri Morfesi. Bayan of Russian Song" (1999). In his books, he writes about the nature of the Kuban, park culture, cinema, architectural masterpieces, but most importantly, about people who served their land with labor and deeds. He is the compiler of selected works of the classics of the Kuban literature, first published in Krasnodar: N. Kanivetsky "On top of happiness" (1992), A. Piven "A bag of laughter and a bag of laughter" (1995), N. Vishnevetsky "Historical memories" ( 1995).

Ivan Fyodorovich Varavva

The name of Ivan Varavva was given to the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library.

The prototype of the main character of the film "officers» Red Army soldier Ivan Varavva, whom he playedVasily Lanovoy, was the grandfather of the poet, about whom he told a lot to his friendBoris Vasiliev.

Slides captions:

Mini-project Literary creativity of Kuban writers for junior schoolchildren "My first educational and research project" (Kuban studies). Authors: Sofia Suntseva, Arina Khabibova, 3 "B" class MOUSOSH No. 2 im. I.I. Tarasenko, Vyselkovsky district, the village of Vyselki. Head: Chebotareva Irina Pavlovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. I.I. Tarasenko

The purpose of the work: to expand knowledge about the work of the Kuban poets and writers; to develop interest in the literature of the native land and the desire to study it; 2

Tasks: to expand knowledge on the topic; collect biographical information about some writers and poets; reveal the importance of Kuban literature. 02/27/2012 3

Research methods: reading various literature; work on the Internet; interview; interview; excursion 27.02.2012 4

Our research The beginning of the Slavic book culture. 02/27/2012 5 Brothers Cyril and Methodius The entire history of ancient Russian children's literature can be divided into four periods: 15-16 centuries - the first cognitive works appeared End of the 16th-beginning of the 17th centuries - 15 printed books for children were published Early 17th century - the beginning of poetry End of the 17th century century - the formation of different genres and types of children's literature

From the history of Kuban literature. 27.02.2012 6 Literary traditions of the Kuban date back to the Middle Ages. .(A marble slab with a Russian inscription carved on it was found on the Taman Peninsula.) In the 11th century, the ancient Russian church leader, chronicler Nikon, whose manuscripts were included in the Tale of Bygone Years, lived here. In 1792, Anton Golovaty composed songs depicting the resettlement to the Kuban Zaporozhian Cossacks. In 1939, the first group of Kuban writers was created. In 1947, a writers' organization was created in the Kuban. In 1996, the popular name of the organization "Union of Writers of Kuban" was legally confirmed.

Born in 1920 on the Don. He spent his childhood and school years in the Kuban: in the village of Bryukhovetskaya. He wrote his first poems in the fourth grade. From the first day of the war he was at the front. Awarded with orders and medals. He served in aviation for over twenty years. Author of twenty collections of poetry, six of them written for children. Kuban composers created dozens of songs and two operettas on these verses. K. Oboyshchikov is the author of books about the Heroes of the Soviet Union: “Glorious Sons of the Kuban” and “Golden Stars of the Kuban”. Father's land! Cherry dawns, Two seas and blue skies. For you, the Kuban poets Saved the best words. K. Oboyshchikov Kronid Alexandrovich Oboishchikov life and work of Kuban writers and poets

Unlikely Vadim Petrovich 02/27/2012 8 Born in 1941. The poet's childhood and youth were spent in the villages of Abinskaya and Belorechenskaya. He began writing poetry at an early age. For many years he worked as an editor, published more than a hundred books by Kuban writers. V.P. Unlikely - the author of seventeen books of poetry and prose for adults and children: "Palm Morning", "Early Frosts", "Pride of the Earth", "The Sun Woke Up", "Sequence", "Day of Salvation", "My Prophecy" and others. Everyone in the world probably has a Favorite corner of the earth, such, Where the leaves in a special way on the willow Bent over the thoughtful water. V. P. Inappropriate

Bakaldin Vitaly Borisovich 02/27/2012 9 Born in 1927 in the city of Krasnodar. He published his first story when he was in the eighth grade, and his first poems in his student years. The author of dozens of books, Vitaly Borisovich never forgot about his first profession - a teacher! He not only devoted poems and poems to the school theme, but also for many years worked with gifted children in a children's literary studio. His works for children: "Aleshka's adventures", "Russian port of Novorossiysk", "In our yard", "Smeshinki", for teenagers "Princess - touchy")

Nesterenko Vladimir Dmitrievich 02/27/2012 10 Born in 1951 in the village of Bryukhovetskaya. V. Nesterenko has been writing poetry for kids for over 30 years. The publishing houses of Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow published about 40 books of the Kuban poet. Their total circulation exceeded 2 million copies. The works of V. Nesterenko were included in anthologies and anthologies of children's literature, in textbooks on Kuban studies. More than 50 songs have been written to the poet's poems. Our countryman is the author of the magazines Murzilka, Funny Pictures, Anthill, and many newspapers. V. Nesterenko is a great friend of children's libraries. "Friends" Polkan and I do not get bored, We are great friends: We run and bark together - We cannot live without each other. V. D. Nesterenko

Belyakov Ivan Vasilyevich 02/27/2012 11 Belyakov was born on December 8, 1915 in the village of Mokry Maidan, Gorky Region. WWII participant. . In 1947, after demobilization, Ivan Vasilievich arrived in the Kuban. One after another, his books, collections of songs, poems, fairy tales are published. A combat officer who went through a cruel, bloody war began to write kind, bright books for children about "blue-eyed boys", about "little Larisa". He became a children's poet. The cycles “I help my mother”, “Flying light”, “Sun splashes” reveal to the children the wonderful world of plants and animals. The author encourages young readers not to pass by the beauties of nature, to comprehend its secrets. The tales “Once Upon a Spring” and “The Hare Built a House”, included in the collection “Merry Round Dance”, teach children to love animals.

Miroshnikova Lyubov Kimovna 02/27/2012 12 Born in 1960 in Krasnodar, in a family of simple rural workers. Childhood and youth were spent in the suburbs of Krasnodar Lyubov Kimovna wrote her first poem in the first grade. In 1991, the first collection of poems for children "Who should be a sparrow" was published, then "How a sparrow saved a sunny bunny." Lyubov Miroshnikova's children's poems brought her victory in the Children's Poetry nomination. We meet the poems of the poetess on the pages of the textbook "Kuban Studies"

Bardadym Vitaly Petrovich 02/27/2012 13 Vitaly Petrovich was born on July 24, 1932 in Krasnodar into a family of hereditary Cossacks. He began to print in 1966 in regional newspapers, the almanac "Kuban", in "Literary Russia", "Literary Ukraine", "Nedelya", etc. In the ZhZL series he published essays "Kuban Cossacks" and "First Black Sea" Traveled to the Cossack villages, on the broken Kuban monasteries, met with the old-timers and collected the living history of the Kuban. Vitaly Petrovich Bardadym is the author of well-known local history books: “Guardians of the Kuban land”, “Etudes about Ekaterinodar”, “Military prowess of the Kuban”, poetry collections “Cossack kuren”, “Sonnets”, “Silver Spoon” - a collection of stories about the fate of Yekaterinodar, "The architects of Yekaterinodar", "Kuban portraits", "Kubans admired them" (2006).

Varavva Ivan Fedorovich 02/27/2012 14 The poet was born in 1925. He spent his childhood in the villages of Kushchevskaya and Starominskaya. During the Great Patriotic War, he traveled from the Kuban to Berlin, was awarded orders and medals. He wrote his first poems while at the front. Now more than thirty collections of poetry by I.F. Barabbas have been published. For many years he collected and recorded folk Cossack songs, and then published the book "Songs of the Kuban Cossacks". Then the collections “At the old cordons”, “Kuban summer”, “Stars in poplars”, “The girl and the sun”, “Golden bandura”, “Cherry land” are released. Composers wrote more than two hundred songs to the poems of Ivan Barabbas. Honorary ataman of the village of Pashkovskaya

"Wonderful collections" 27.02.2012 15

A unique collection of oral folklore. 02/27/2012 16

Conclusion "He who does not know his past cannot understand the present and foresee the future" My land In life, we are given one Motherland. I have it - Cherry at the window. Right at the door Gold fields, Duma age-old slender poplars. Here is my path I ran through the bread, Here is my destiny - Joy and struggle, Here is the ear of the poured ear that I have grown - It can be seen, so be it, Here I will live a century, Be friends to the end, Love to the end, Here are my friends, Here is my family, There is no more say - This is my land. V.B. Bakaldin 27.02.2012 17