What did the tree dream about? Why dream of a tree with white flowers in a dream

Dream Interpretation Tree, why dream of a Tree in a dream to see

Idiomatic dream book

  • Tree - "Genealogical (family) tree", "tree of life", "tree of knowledge".
  • “barking at the wrong tree” - disorientation, being active in the wrong direction.
  • “fall (get off) from a tree” - to degrade.
  • "wooden", "oak" - stupid, stupid, stubborn, strong.
  • "look at the root" - to delve into the essence;
  • “slender as a birch tree”, “give an oak” (to die), “a stout club” (a fool);
  • "It's all fake" is a hoax.
  • A growing tree, green, dry, crooked, large, low ... - this or that activity, perspective; see Extras. Jungle, leaf, forest.

Dream interpretation of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why is the Tree dreaming:

Tree - An image denoting the individual life and individuation of the subject. The shape of the tree represents almost exactly (literally) the situation that the subject or someone else has.

Autumn dream book

What is the dream of the Tree in the dream book:

Interpretations of famous dream books

In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is important to pay attention to:

  • plant condition.
  • Its species affiliation (both pine and apple trees are trees, but the meaning of sleep in each case will be different).
  • Parts of the plant that you focused on in a dream.
  • Manipulations that were carried out in a dream with a plant.

What was the tree like?

Most fully interprets the dream about the trees of N. Grishin. In her noble dream book, the tree itself is presented as a symbol of a person, his life and health.

What do flowering trees mean in a dream? Intimate dream book

Modern dream book

Dream Flowering means

Hollow - To see a hollow in a dream - to the collapse of your possibilities.

Climb a tree - Climb a tree, a fence - to panic.

Notches - Making notches on a tree in a dream - trying to remember something.

Cypress - To see this slender tree in a dream - to get acquainted with a slender girl.

Maple - To see this tree sprawling and green - to blooming youth.

Mordant - To use a stain in a dream - to hide some fact.

Break off the branch - Break off the branch from the tree - to divorce.

If in a dream you dreamed of one tree, then in reality you are sad and lonely, you are looking for a soul mate. If you dreamed of a blossoming young tree, then in reality you need to look back at your loved ones or take care of your personal life. A dreaming old tree with sticking out bare or broken branches dreams that in old age you will face serious illness, loneliness, poverty.

Dreams in which a person saw a falling tree (regardless of whether the wind pulled it out, cut it down or broke it) portend his death. If he himself cuts a tree, then in reality he will take rash steps that can lead to the death of a friend, work colleague, or even a loved one.

A flowering tree dreams of joyful events and success in any undertaking. If fruits grow on a tree, then unexpectedly money rain will fall on you.

Climbing a flowering tree means profit in life, prosperity and good luck. If the tree is dry and the branches break under the weight of the climber, then this is a hint that the road is likely to be thorny and difficult.

I beg you, help, please, determine the meaning of my dream,
» the bride - she has her own son, leaves in a wedding dress from a handsome young man, he left her a full purse of money, a man - this handsome and young one stands and watches how they cut down a large, beautiful, green, with large foliage tree, with this the memory of vows of love under this tree is connected with a tree, there remains a huge stump after sawing off, looks and tries to find out how old the tree is, the stump is very large, strong, light and it is watered with a little water, "
PLEASE help me understand what this means, my daughter is going to travel, I'm very worried, thanks for the answer

Daria 2015-10-23 11:08:56

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Good afternoon. I dreamed about my house, next to the house there are two trees, very tall, beautiful, green. One tree seemed older to me. Not far from the house I was sitting and watching what was happening around, how at that moment the weather changed and a strong wind rose and began to scatter everything. Then I see my mother, she screams at me from the house so that I immediately run home. I drop all my things and run, the wind intensifies, and suddenly the tree, which is older along with the root, breaks out and falls on me, but I have time to move away, in the window of the house I see my mother frightened. Then together we come to the second tree, and my mother looks at the second tree with a smile and admiration, the wind does not calm down, but nothing happens to the second tree. Please tell me what this dream means. Thanks in advance.


Did you dream of dense green trees? In the coming months, luck will be incredibly favorable to you. Climb to the very crowns of the majestic giants - to great luck. It is possible to win the lottery, and win the trial, and gaining a strong patron.

Another version of the explanation of what dreams of climbing trees can be found in Vanga. Vanga's dream book says that such a plot portends an increase in the ranks, moreover, due to his own hard work.

If a person smells flowers on a tree in a dream, then this means an early resolution of problems that cause inconvenience.

In general, if we combine dreams of various events against which trees bloom, the dream book describes joy and positive events. The exception is the esoteric dream book, in which a flowering tree has a negative meaning.

Trees are such an integral part of our lives that most people do not perceive the tree as a symbol, and therefore do not pay attention to this image in their dreams and do not think about what the tree is dreaming of.

However, the trees that evoked respect among our ancestors were associated with magical properties among most peoples of the world, so this image is deeply symbolic.

Animated trees or plants with magical properties are found in myths and fairy tales. And they are perceived by a person at an unconscious level as a strong symbol.

Therefore, if in a dream you for some reason paid attention to a tree, it is important to find out the meaning of this dream.

Interpretations of famous dream books

In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is important to pay attention to:

  • plant condition.
  • Its species affiliation (both pine and apple trees are trees, but the meaning of sleep in each case will be different).
  • Parts of the plant that you focused on in a dream.
  • Manipulations that were carried out in a dream with a plant.

What was the tree like?

Most fully interprets the dream about the trees of N. Grishin. In her noble dream book, the tree itself is presented as a symbol of a person, his life and health.

The actions that are carried out by the dreamer with the tree relate to his relationship with loved ones, and the manipulations of strangers concern the dreamer himself. If in a dream the tree was:

  • Covered with green foliage - a person expects happiness and prosperity in family life.
  • Blooming - happy times await you. A tree in bloom, dreamed of by a girl, promises the appearance of a groom.
  • With fruits - you have to gain spiritual treasures. This dream also promises prosperity and well-being as a result of previous labors.
  • In the stage of wilting, or you saw how the foliage falls, a difficult period begins in your life, which will be replaced by a period of prosperity.
  • Yellow - old age will be full of bright sadness, and you will have wisdom.
  • Red - you are self-absorbed and prone to drinking alcohol, but your old age will be full of cheerfulness and happiness.
  • In the snow - your luck is changeable, because you do not follow the changes in the outside world.
  • Broken - you need to pay attention to health.

A dream in which a tree is broken by a storm or damaged by lightning advises you to be careful, attentive and moderate pride so that misfortunes pass by.

What exactly happened in the dream?

Attention is paid in the dream book to what happens to the tree:

  • Buds and flowers blooming before your eyes promise unexpected joy.
  • Foliage flying under the onslaught of a strong wind portends that your troubles are short-lived.
  • You see in a dream how easily tree roots break out of the ground - part with a friend.
  • Roots washed by water (or undermined by a beast) require tempering passions and voluptuousness in order to avoid damage to health.
  • Chop a trunk with green foliage - lose hope.
  • Chop a dry trunk - get rid of unnecessary connections.
  • Chop off dry branches on a living plant - make mistakes in assessing a person, and on a dried one - to the need to change jobs.
  • Planting a tree is for profit, and planting seedlings is for wealth.
  • Climbing a tree is to gain recognition and respect, but climbing to the top is burdened by monotony.
  • Climbing a tall plant is good news, and if the dreamer feels fear in a dream, find out the future.
  • Sitting under a spreading crown - worry about your well-being.
  • Hanging on a branch upside down - in thoughts to stay in other worlds.
  • Hide behind the trunk - seek protection.
  • Falling from the branches - trying to introduce a destructive element into your life.

What did you pay attention to?

If you dream of hollow plants, you are very kind. And if you observe swollen kidneys in a dream, long-awaited happiness and great love await you.

Green lush foliage dreams of the fulfillment of petty wishes, the bark - to the knowledge of the truth, but peeling the bark - interfere with someone else's happiness or experience erotic attraction.

And the roots symbolize the disclosure of secrets. Looking for something under the roots - to benefit from other people's secrets.

If you dream of stumps, you want to forget about the past. A large stump is a symbol of vague anxiety. And if you walk on this stump, you exaggerate the influence of your own past on your life too much.

Trees in dreams can have an unusual appearance:

  • Trees made of silver, gold or iron are a symbol of someone's sad fate.
  • Animated plants that move their branches-hands symbolize motherhood.
  • Talking trees mean family connection.
  • Unusually thick trunks symbolize the long past interfering with the dreamer's life.
  • A very branched trunk symbolizes strong friendship, and a tree going to heaven testifies to the dreamer's bewilderment before the secrets of the universe.

Interpretations of other dream books

Shuvalova's dream book interprets a tree as the personification of personal life. When interpreting, attention is paid to the state of the dreaming tree:

1. Mutilated and dried plants indicate that you have not resolved some of the issues that prevent you from building your life the way you want. You need to put in some effort to achieve your dream.

2. A flowering or green tree confirms that you have made the right decision and the situation has been resolved for your benefit (or will be decided in the near future).

In Tsvetkov's dream book, wood and trunks sawn into logs are positively interpreted. Such a dream portends an inheritance or profit, and the thicker the trunk, the more solid the amount.

Hasse in his dream book indicates that the tree:

  • Blooming - promises great happiness.
  • Dry - indicates disrespect.
  • With dense foliage - promises profit.
  • Fruitful - portends a meeting with a friend.
  • Fallen - symbolizes the loss of hope.

Cutting down a forest along this dream book is harming yourself with excessive briskness, and climbing on branches is good luck in any business.

National dream books

For Russians, the dream book explains a flowering tree as joy and a dream come true, and a large number of these plants as a harbinger of a good life. At the same time, falling from the branches - to changes in the dreamer's life, and chopping it - to separation from a loved one.

The Ukrainian dream book notes that:

  • Climb to the top - get a good position (if the trunk and branches were dry, minor failures are possible, and if not, good luck awaits along the way).
  • A flowering plant promises unexpected happiness, and employees - profit.
  • Lonely trees dream of a showdown, and green trees - to good health and general well-being.
  • The noise of foliage in a dream promises a pleasant conversation in reality.

The Eastern dream book interprets trees with young foliage as the embodiment of expectations and hopes, while dried ones are considered a symbol of sadness. Climbing on branches - to a good career and good luck with an attentive attitude to money.

Sawing or chopping trunks is wasting energy, and seeing a tree fall is worrying about loved ones. Fruit plants promise a reward for labor.

The Chinese were also interested in what the tree was dreaming of. According to Zhou-gun's dream book:

  • A green, dry trunk promises happiness to all your descendants.
  • A lot of lush green plants - for good luck and various benefits.
  • Sitting or lying in the shade of branches - get rid of diseases.
  • To see how a tree grows - to the birth of a son.
  • Climbing a tall tree - to fame, fame and good luck.
  • Planting a forest or garden - to prosperity.
  • A large tree and leaf fall - to a happy family event.
  • Chopping branches - for profit.
  • A flowering plant promises the prosperity of children and grandchildren.

You should also pay attention to the type of tree. If in a dream it grows in front of your house:

  • Pine - you expect an improvement in well-being or a high post.
  • Fruit tree - wait for the addition of the family.
  • Cypress - luck awaits you in reality.
  • Bamboo - there will be many joyful events.
  • Maple - all undertakings will be successful.

Walking through the orchard - to wealth, and an abundance of fruits on the branches promises well-being to your family. Author: Marina Nosova

Flowering trees always delight the eye with their splendor. It is not surprising that after seeing this in a dream, a person hopes that happiness awaits him. And, in part, he is right, since the flowers on the branches are a symbol of rebirth and the fulfillment of a dream. Interpreting what flowering is dreaming of, dream books recommend paying attention not only to the type of tree, but also to what time of the year it bloomed.

Dreams without details are not a reason to be upset

Do you want to know why flowering trees dream, but you cannot remember the details of the dream? There is an exit. Find out what fate has prepared for you in a short and brief description.

  • The tree bloomed in spring - to joy.
  • Flowers appeared out of season - to overcome obstacles.
  • Flowering tree in a pot - to the fulfillment of desires
  • Seeing flowering trees with fruits - to wealth and prosperity.
  • Limes blossomed - a symbol of health.

Miller's dream book

The one who dreamed of flowering trees, Miller's dream book "promises" a period of serene peace, but in order to achieve this, he will have to work hard. To see the fruits under the flowers - to achieve your goals.

A flourishing park is a sign of joy

Did you dream that you, walking in the park, admire young seedlings with white flowers on the branches? This dream promises a carefree time spent for the benefit of oneself, the Lunar Dream Book suggests. And if you dream that you broke branches with white flowers and brought them home, mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Do you want to know what the dream in which you climb flowering trees means? Miss Hasse's dream book suggests that any flowering means profit, and this particular plot prophesies cash receipts, but only if the branches under you do not break. But to transplant a flowering tree with someone - to establish or strengthen relations with this person.

Garden in bloom, or the time for change has come

Well, if you dreamed of a blooming garden - it always symbolizes a change for the better. Apricot blossom - wait for new acquaintances; cherry all in bloom - to a passionate romance; a lemon tree has blossomed - you will take a fresh look at an old friend, and a lemon tree can also symbolize your desire for new sensations.

You see that bees are circling around a flowering cherry tree - you will have several boyfriends. And if everything around is strewn with cherry petals - get ready for the wedding, the Eastern Dream Book suggests.

You can not ignore the flowering of the apple tree. If you dreamed that a lot of apple trees bloomed, bright events will soon follow that will leave good memories. Your life will be full of admiration and joy if in a dream you buy an apple tree seedling with flowers on the branches.

Season as a symbol of hope

If flowering trees delight you with their beauty in winter, then this means that a “white streak” is coming for you. Fruit trees bloomed in winter - to add to the family; snow on the petals of ornamental shrubs - you will be carried away by something that was not characteristic of you before, the Gypsy dream book prophesies.

Blooming started in the fall? The interpretation of sleep will please: what you thought was lost will be reborn. Magnolia blossomed in autumn - you will receive good news. But if you dream that new green shoots appeared on the trees in autumn, then the arrival of distant relatives awaits you.

Dream Interpretation Flowering trees

The symbolism of the tree is quite multifaceted. It personifies dynamic growth, cyclicity (seasonality) of dying, regeneration, development. Branches extending from a common trunk personify unity, the universe.

Symbols living in dreams

The symbolic meaning of this plant varies depending on how it looks: with breaking buds, growing leaves, in bloom, withered. Either way, it's a symbol of renewal.

Interpretations of different eras

If you dreamed of trees in bloom

Soothsayers of past and present times agree that inflorescences on tree branches represent rebirth and the embodiment of desires. But any professional in the field of dream interpretation gives individual forecasts, taking into account those nuances that he considers key. Let's look at different points of view in the interpretation of the image of a flowering tree.

Miller's dream book

The psychologist confidently stated that flowering trees in a dream are harbingers of, perhaps, one of the happiest moments in the dreamer's life.

However, a cut down plant, according to Miller's dream book, indicates a reason for regret. Your expectations will not be met.

Seeing in a dream, while wandering in exotic countries, unusual inflorescences on trees, means that all sad moments will give way to fun and joy.

Wet from the rain, covered with bright buds, the trees portend negative changes in marital relations.. Conduct mental monitoring of your actions. Perhaps it is not too late to fix everything by adding more attention and colors to the relationship.

I managed to climb on it in a dream, it will be possible to gain power and influence.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

I had a chance to see a huge flowering tree - prophesies an acquaintance with an influential person who will always be ready to help.

When in a dream you stood in the shade of such plants, this is a call to stop hiding the truth of your feelings. Don't be afraid to trust the people around you. Open up to them, and you will have a lot of loyal friends.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The famous miss medium of the past, considered the image of a tree in bloom an omen of great happiness.

perhaps a happy period in your life will come soon

If you happened to see only inflorescences on it, but the absence of foliage, this is a warning - something was missed in the process of developing a plan for the implementation of the project. Therefore, everything initially went wrong, and the result is not achieved. You should rewind the tape and repeat the steps. Everything will be restored.

Freud's dream book

Old Freud, as always, associates the image of this plant with the male genital organs, since its main part is the trunk.

The interpretation of dreams, where I happened to see how a man watered it, comes down to a statement about the dreamer's tendency to self-satisfaction, and experiencing real pleasure from this process.

For women, the meaning of such dreams, as the dream book indicates, is the desire to have children and experience the joys of marital sex.

Noble dream book Grishina

Why did you happen to see a tree in bloom in a dream? This portends wedding chores. Either the dreamer's family has a marriageable daughter, or the son is the groom.

The interpretation of dreams, where it is covered with flowers before our eyes, portends an event due to which the sleeper will survive the state of a second youth.

Why see bud break? The dream interpretation indicates that this promises a fateful meeting. She will bring love and happiness for years to come.

Why did it happen in a dream to weave a wreath of flowering branches? Due to your haste and lack of concentration, you will find yourself in a curious and ridiculous situation.

Dream Interpretation Shuvalova

Bud opening

Why dream of these plants that are in the pore of flowering? This is a guarantee that all problems and difficult situations have already been resolved, or are about to be resolved safely, with the least loss for the dreamer.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The esoteric believes that the image of this plant, which appeared in a dream in the flowering stage, promises a great inheritance, which was long expected.

Dream Interpretation A. Roberti

The Italian psychoanalyst believes that this image is a reflection of the sleeping person's desire for recognition in society. The sleeper clearly has great ambitions.

What tree bloomed

In interpreting the specific image of a flowering tree, we should not be satisfied with one fact of this period of its life - flowering. You need to pay attention to its variety, even age, season in a dream. And no less important is the circumstance that occurs around this image, what phenomena are captured in the fragments of the dream. Consider fragments of plots in our night visions:

  • tree type;
  • flowering period;
  • current events.


Why see blossoming buds on a plum? This is the personification of the thriftiness of your soulmate. Thanks to her, your family life is filled with coziness and comfort.

Why did you happen to see a blooming olive? Unfortunately, sleep predictions are associated with an unhappy marriage in which there will be no children and sincere feelings. .


Why do citrus plants dream? So this is good news. They can be associated with offers of lucrative contracts, with the introduction of innovative ideas into the business that will raise it to the highest level and give huge profits. In this situation, a profitable marriage is not excluded.

For married women, this dream promises the normalization of relations that have been shaken a little. Moreover, they will become even stronger than they were before this moment.

The interpretation of dreams, where you happened to see a flowering lemon tree, says that you are unnecessarily tormenting your lover with jealousy. This feeling is unfounded. You are just acting like an owner. Do not heat up the situation, otherwise your loved one will run out of patience and he will simply leave you.


Why in a dream is an apricot during flowering? He promises a blessed, peaceful life.

If the apple tree blossomed

Apple tree

Everything that a blooming apple tree dreams of predicts temptations. Women bound by marriage, such a dream is to call for being prudent. Because a momentary whim can destroy a stable marital status. The dream encourages young unmarried women to be selective in choosing a life partner. Do not be overly naive, do not buy into lush and beautiful words, but focus more on the actions and behavior of your chosen one.


The interpretation of dreams, where a pear was present during the flowering period, promises tears. However, such a reaction will come from joy. Some event will bring you joy. It will probably be something long-awaited, for which the dreamer has already ceased to hope.

For women who have adult, undefined children in the family sphere, this dream promises wedding chores.


A blooming pomegranate warns of interference on the love front, quarrels. However, they are as short-lived as flowering.


A fruitful peach warns of laborious and lengthy work before you reach your goal. But blooming, as in reality it is covered with color before many fruit plants, and in dreams it promises a quick achievement of the intended results.

Cherry and sweet cherry

If the cherry tree blossomed

The interpretation of dreams, where you had a chance to see cherry blossoms, speaks of the beginning of climbing the career ladder, or it is a statement of the fact that you have opened your own business and it promises to be profitable.

The interpretation of dreams, where the cherry blossom is torn off by the wind, indicates promises made to the dreamer by someone who will not be fulfilled. Do not rush to take the word of people who make hasty promises. Relying on them, you will miss the chance when you could negotiate with more responsible and serious people, or resolve the situation yourself.

If in the plot of your dreams you wanted to pick a cherry blossom, this is a confirmation of your chastity, virginity.

The interpretation of dreams, where cherry blossoms flew around from time to time, indicates the regrets of the mistakes of youth. You finally realized that by tying the knot with a person you don’t love, to someone’s evil, you ruined the lives of three people - yourself, your spouse, and your loved one. Now you just have to accept this situation.

If in the plot of dreams you watched as soon as the buds of cherries begin to burst, then soon you will achieve popularity and recognition, thanks to your creativity or disinterested character.

If you broke cherry branches with inflorescences and put them in a vase, this convicts you of stealing someone's very good idea. Confess what you did before it's too late. If you do this in repentance, then perhaps you will be taken as a companion. Otherwise, you will create a situation where others will turn away from you.

When you dreamed of cherry blossom in your dreams, this indicates your protest of your partner's infidelity. You will get tired of constantly turning a blind eye to it. Moreover, you will immediately meet true love.

It was dreamed that cherries had part of the branches with inflorescences, and part with fruit-setting. This promises you a fast growth rate for your newly implemented project. Perhaps this is due to the increase in the network of enterprises.

When cherry blossoms dreamed in winter, it means that the dreamer will have a second wind. It activates rationalization thinking. His seemingly unprofitable business will find a new, rapidly developing life.

If the sleeper ate cherry inflorescences, then he will receive a declaration of love, and possibly a marriage proposal.

Blooming cherry promises peace of mind and tranquility.

Other plants

A blooming walnut promises the nobility of risk in the implementation of plans.

Figs promise a long-awaited conception.

A mulberry plant portends many children.

I had to admire the lilac inflorescences, which means that frivolous intimate intrigues await you, which will exhaust themselves very quickly.

If you were hiding in the shade of a lilac, then you will experience a surge of passionate emotions, romantic meetings.

If lilac bushes bloomed

For unmarried women, a bouquet of lilacs promises an upcoming intimate conversation, from which she learns a lot about her partner that she did not even suspect. This news is extremely positive.

For a married woman, a lilac bouquet promises a revival of sensations from first dates, restoration and strengthening of sexual desires.

A lilac branch plucked by someone warns of illusions, deceptive hopes that will never come true. Beware of strangers who offer seemingly sincere friendship.

Seeing the lilac bloom from the window promises an expensive gift. For married women, this can be real estate or a car. For women who are not married, this can be a gift hinting at a wedding.

I had a chance to sniff a lilac branch, which means the dreamer has a very strong, almost mystical attraction to the object of desire . This may not be a beloved, but one of the women who will charm him for a while. The dream advises you to try to ignore these false feelings so as not to spoil the happy future.

To pick the color of lilac is a reflection of the dreamer's desire to please a certain person.

Seeing lilac bloom in winter is a harbinger of separation.

Did you happen to brew tea from lilac flowers? These dreams are the prerogative of women. This is a reflection of their extravagant desires. They are very romantic natures, loving beautiful relationships, courtship. All as a gentleman is supposed to do.

A tree in a dream is a person, his life and health / a person as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person / in men's dreams, a tree can symbolize a woman's body and desires directed towards it.

Most often, what you do with a tree concerns loved ones.

What the other does to the tree concerns you.

A green tree is your well-being, happiness in marriage / a person in the prime of life / visible in a person - as opposed to spiritual - invisible.

A flowering tree is your happy days / a person preparing for a life journey / a bride of marriageable age.

Before our eyes it became without leaves, it easily pulled out - the husband, beloved, died.

A tree with fruits is your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life / a woman in the prime of life and beauty.

A flying dry tree is a misfortune, a difficult time in your life, a broken life, despair.

Withered tree - labors and sorrows / spiritually passive person.

Yellow autumn tree - sad old age / young old woman / ancient wisdom of extinct races.

Red autumn tree - a drunkard / a man immersed in himself / cheerful happy old age.

A tree in the snow is a variable happiness / a person who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times.

Broken tree - illness, quarrels.

A tree broken by lightning - misfortunes generated by pride.

A tree torn out by a storm - misfortunes that are irrevocable for a person's fate.

What's happening with the tree:

the tree is covered with leaves and flowers before our eyes - an unexpected joy / a second youth to survive.

A storm from a tree tears off all the foliage - temporary misfortunes.

Before our eyes, an instantly withering and flying tree - sadness.

The tree easily breaks out of the ground - you will lose a friend.

The tree itself suddenly falls - misfortune, someone's unexpected death, unjustified fear for one's health.

The tree falls, washed with water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness.

A tree falls, undermined by an animal - misfortunes from unbridled passions and licentiousness.

A flaming tree is health perishing in labor.

A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes / to experience an evil feeling towards another person.

Chop a dry tree - say goodbye to those in your life with whom it is high time to part / acquire illness / it is unacceptable to touch the memory of the dead.

To shift a tree is a loss.

To tear a green tree out of the ground - to nourish vengeful feelings; your evil feeling towards a certain person is needlessly extended to others.

A cut down tree - your fate does not depend on your will / a foregone conclusion / a missing or seriously ill person.

A fallen dry tree is a kind of deceased / death of the spiritual principle in a person.

To see a rotten trunk on the ground is the oblivion of your labors.

To see a log on the road - you will have to remember a deceased or long-forgotten person.

Planting a tree is wealth.

To graft a stock is wealth.

Cut branches from a standing tree - undeservedly slander or think badly about a person / health benefits.

Cutting branches from a cut down tree is a sad duty; work contrary to your conscience and sense of duty.

To sit under a tree - to guard your happiness, to be afraid for it.

Climbing a tree is an honor.

Climb high and feel fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future.

Sitting on a tall tree is good news.

Climbing to the top of a tree is longing; weary of gray everyday life.

Climbing upside down from a tree - mentally penetrate into a certain world.

Falling from a tree is a danger to the life of the wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Colors

It has long been believed that color carries a semantic load. This was reflected in the customs, art, clothing and lifestyle of different countries.

Bright, juicy tones - foreshadowed the good, faded and faded were a symbol of destruction, old age, failures; dark tones have always been considered harbingers of evil.

White color has always meant purity, innocence of thoughts and desires, the joy of life, not overshadowed by suffering, the sincerity of words, declarations of love, the purity of the soul. Brides were dressed in white, angels and saints were always white,

It is customary to give white flowers for a wedding. It is customary for Catholics to give white flowers to funerals. And then the white color becomes a symbol of cleansing from sins, calling on angels to protect the soul of the deceased in the other world.

Brilliant - shine has never been considered by astrologers as a color that brings good luck. Brilliant attracts the eye of an envious person, the eyes of a madman sparkle in the dark, tears glisten in the eyes, a dagger gleams ominously before striking.

In a dream, this color means envy, danger, illness, mourning, the intrigues of enemies, the hypocrisy of friends, the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.

Blue color has always been considered a symbol of honors given to people for their wisdom, the justice of wisdom. Blue often became the color of kings or knights. In combination with gold, he personified the inviolability and justice of power, which required submission and worship.

Therefore, these combinations were so often used in the clothes of noble people and crowned persons, in the interior of magnificent palaces, in porcelain ornaments and jewelry. In combination with red, it became even more powerful, and those around or courtiers bowed their heads from a distance seeing the colors of kings.

Yellow is the color of the sun, flooding the sky and earth with its light, with which no one and nothing can equal, the color of glory, luxury. If it was about flowers, then yellow became a symbol of impermanence.

And the elders taught the young that yellow flowers should not be brought into the house so that there would be no discord in it.

Yellow bedding (according to legend) predicts discord between spouses. Yellow is both the color of betrayal and the color of gold, which attracts the eyes of greedy people and scammers.

Green is a sign of safety and reliability. Doctors believe that it soothes the eyes, brings peace. So, the greenery of trees and grass pleases the soul and inspires confidence that everything will be fine.

The beginning of spring, new life symbolizes the awakening of all living things, the beginning of a new year. It is not for nothing that in the East the New Year is celebrated at the end of February, on the feast of lovers, and Valentine's Day falls on February 14th.

Plants give fresh young green shoots, predicting the growth of all living things, our being, our forces. Greenery also represents the growth of children, their birth.

The golden color, like the brilliant one, attracts the eyes of envious people, foreshadowing dangers due to intrigues started by enemies.

People go to great lengths to get hold of the gold. In the course is slander, slander, force, weapons, cunning. Gold is the personification of wealth. But in a dream, everyone is rich in their own way.

If the sleeper is sick, then his illness is his wealth. And after such a dream, he has nothing to hope for a health improvement.

The poor man is rich only in his debts and groans. The glitter of gold does not promise him wealth, but only reminds him that he suffers because of his absence.

For the rich, such a dream is just a reminder that he must take care not to lose him and beware of the intrigues of enemies, betrayal and hypocrisy.

Red color has always been a sign of love, honor, reverence, passion, shame and blood.

Red roses have always been considered a symbol of love and recognition of their feelings.

The red dress of the Roman patricians, trimmed with gold, called on the lower ones to bow their heads before them.

Red velvet embroidered with gold was often a symbol of royal power and the glory of knights won with blood in a fair fight.

The color that appeared on the cheeks of a lover testifies to the ardor of his feelings.

The red corner (the main, richly decorated, with icons in shimmering bronze and gold icon cases) was in every peasant hut. It was located in the house in the most prominent place, and those who entered were baptized on it.

Brown in a dream means great experiences, grief, a joyless existence, need, lack of funds. Not a single coat of arms, not a single flag, interiors of palaces or clothes of kings will be dominated by brown. It does not please the eye, gives an earthy tint to the complexion. There is neither joy nor freshness in it. He is inconspicuous. The color of dirt, autumn with a blurry road, a joyless existence.

Lilac color is a symbol of honors, wealth, mutual love. A mixture of pink and blue means tenderness and purity of feelings. In a dream, he predicts the fidelity of a lover, the joy of meeting him, the delights of love, gifts with meaning.

Orange comes from mixing yellow and red. This is a mixture of ambition, desire for glory, contempt for other people, selfishness, indifference to other people's misfortunes.

Iridescent with all the colors of the rainbow - a harbinger of an unusual event that will surprise and delight you, like a peacock's tail suddenly opening before your eyes, like sparkling disco lights, like fancy dress shimmering with all colors.

Purple means power, power, health, enviable position in society, respect, lofty thoughts and plans. This is a rich red color, the color of royal robes, military banners, tart red wine that has absorbed the warmth of the sun's rays, the brilliance of rubies.

Pink color symbolizes tenderness, innocence, naivety, joy.

Gray means a joyless life, sadness, melancholy, boredom.

Blue is a sign of sadness, bad omen, illness, the color of a dark night, the color of witches and sorcerers.

Purple is a sign of wealth, prosperity, honors, power, wisdom.

Black color is a sign of sadness, mourning, death, burial, enmity, disasters. Black clouds bring downpours, a tornado looks like a black pillar, blowing everything in its path.

All criminals, sorcerers, thieves, swindlers, murderers, dressed in black clothes, do their dirty deeds in dark nooks, basements, attics on dark nights. See interpretation: paint, clothes, face.

Interpretation of dreams from